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AEW: Changing The Culture

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It's been almost two years since All Elite Wrestling was founded to give wrestling fans an alternative to "sports entertainment." In those two years, it's been through enough craziness to probably last two decades. But now, that era is behind us and it's time to get back to doing what we set out to do in the first place, changing the culture of pro wrestling!












And we might know just the guy to do it...




(OOC: I'm back! It's been a year or so since I last posted really anything here, but I'm back with a dynasty featuring a company that's sort of re-lit the writing spark for me, AEW!)


(We're going to be starting in August in-game and I already have everything written up to All Out, so no abandoning this dynasty after two shows :p)

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Adam Page, Bryan Danielson, Chris Jericho, Christian Cage, Jon Moxley, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, Malakai Black, Miro, MJF, Nick Jackson



Well Known:


Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, Jungle Boy, Lance Archer, Orange Cassidy, PAC, Penta El Zero M, Rey Fenix, Sammy Guevara, Andrade El Idolo, Britt Baker, Cash Wheeler, Dax Harwood, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, Matt Hardy





Alex Reynolds, Billy Gunn, Brian Cage, Christopher Daniels, Chuck Taylor, Dustin Rhodes, Evil Uno, Frankie Kazarian, Hikaru Shida, Jake Hager, Joey Janela, John Silver, Kris Statlander, Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt, Matt Sydal, Ortiz, Riho, Santana, Stu Grayson, Tay Conti, Thunder Rosa, Trent,Anthony Ogogo, Ethan Page, Jade Cargill, Nyla Rosa, Powerhouse Hobbs, Ricky Starks, Scorpio Sky, Shawn Spears, The Blade, The Butcher, Wardlow





10, Alan "5" Angels, Anna Jay, Austin Gunn, Bear Boulder, Bear Bronson, Big Swole, Brian Pillman Jr., Brock Anderson, Colt Cabana, Colten Gunn, Dante Martin, Darius Martin, Emi Sakura, Fuego del Sol, Griff Garrison, Julia Hart, KiLynn King, Lee Johnson, Mike Sydal, Red Velvet, Sonny Kiss, Wheeler YUTA, Yuka Sakazaki, Aaron Solow, Abadon, Angelico, Anthony Bowens, Brandon Cutler, Cezar Bononi, Isiah Kassidy, Jack Evans, JD Drake, Kip Sabian, Leyla Hirsch, Luther, Marq Quen, Michael Nakazawa, Nick Comoroto, Penelope Ford, Peter Avalon, QT Marshall, Ryan Nemeth, Serna Deeb, Serpentico, The Bunny




Alex Abrahantes- Manages Penta El Zero M

Arn Anderson- Manages Cody Rhodes & Brock Anderson

Chavo Guerrero- Manages Andrade El Idolo

Don Callis- Manages The Elite

Jake Roberts- Manages Lance Archer

Julia Hart- Manages The Varsity Blondes

Mark Sterling- Manages Jade Cargill

Rebel- Manages Britt Baker

Taz- Manages Team Taz

The Bunny- Manages The Butcher & The Blade

Tully Blanchard- Manages FTR & Shawn Spears

Vickie Guerrero- Manages Nyla Rose



Excalibur, Jim Ross, Mark Henry, Taz, Tony Schiavone



Best Friends- Chuck Taylor, Kris Statlander, Orange Cassidy, Trent, & Wheeler Yuta

Death Triangle- PAC, Penta El Zero M, & Rey Fenix

Gunn Club- Billy Gunn, Austin Gunn, & Colten Gunn

Hardy Family Office- Matt Hardy, Angelico, Isiah Kassidy, Jack Evans, Marq Quen, The Blade, The Butcher, & The Bunny

Jurassic Express- Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, & Marko Stunt

Nightmare Family- Cody Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, Austin Gunn, Billy Gunn, Red Velvet, Brock Anderson, Colten Gunn, & Lee Johnson

Team Taz- Taz, Powerhouse Hobbs, Ricky Starks, & Hook

The Dark Order- Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, 10, Alex Reynolds, Anna Jay, John Silver, Alan "5" Angels, & Colt Cabana

The Elite- Kenny Omega, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, & Don Callis

The Factory- QT Marshall, Aaron Solow, Anthony Ogogo, & Nick Comoroto

The Inner Circle- Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Ortiz, Santana, & Jake Hager

The Pinnacle- MJF, Cash Wheeler, Dax Harwood, Shawn Spears, Wardlow, & Tully Blanchard

The Wingmen- JD Drake, Cezar Bononi, Peter Avalon, & Ryan Nemeth



Alex Reynolds & John Silver

Bad Romance- Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss

Bear Country- Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson

Best Friends- Chuck Taylor & Trent

Chaos Project- Luther & Serpentico

FTR- Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood

Gunn Clubb- Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn

Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston

Jurrasic Express- Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus

Lucha Brothers- Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix

Private Party- Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen

Proud-N-Powerful- Ortiz & Santana

The Acclaimed- Anthony Bowens & Max Caster

The Butcher & The Blade

The Dark Order- Evil Uno & Stu Grayson

The Good Brothers- Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson

The Hybrid2- Angelico & Jack Evans

The Men of the Year- Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky

The Sydal Brothers- Matt Sydal & Mike Sydal

The Varsity Blondes- Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison

The Young Bucks- Matt & Nick Jackson

Top Flight- Darius & Dante Martin

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AEW World Championship:

Current Champion:


Hangman Page

Title History:

1) Chris Jericho- August 2019-February 2020

2) Jon Moxely- February 2020-December 2020

3) Kenny Omega- December 2020-September 2021

4) Hangman Page- September 2021-PRESENT



AEW World Tag Team Championship:

Current Champions:



Title History:

1) SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)- October 2019-January 2020

2) The Elite (Adam Page & Kenny Omega- January 2020-September 2020

3) FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)- September 2020-November 2020

4) The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)- November 2020-September 2021

5) Proud-N-Powerful (Ortiz & Santana)- September 2021-PRESENT



AEW World Women's Championship:

Current Champion:


Britt Baker

Title History:

1) Riho- October 2019-February 2020

2) Nyla Rose- February 2020-May 2020

3) Hikaru Shida- May 2020-May 2021

4) Britt Baker- May 2021-PRESENT



AEW TNT Championship:

Current Champion:


Sammy Guevara

Title History:

1) Cody- May 2020-August 2020

2) Mr. Brodie Lee- August 2020-October 2020

3) Cody (2)- October 2020-November 2020

4) Darby Allin- November 2020-May 2021

5) Miro- May 2021-September 2021

6) Sammy Guevara- September 2021-PRESENT

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Show History:




<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2510086&postcount=18" target="_blank">AEW Dynamite: Homecoming Edition- August 4th, 2021</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2510408&postcount=34" target="_blank">AEW Dynamite- August 11th, 2021</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2510834&postcount=47" target="_blank">AEW Dynamite- August 18th, 2021</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2511218&postcount=59" target="_blank">AEW Dynamite- August 25th, 2021</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2511537&postcount=73" target="_blank">AEW Dynamite- September 1st, 2021</a>




<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2510500&postcount=35" target="_blank">AEW Rampage- August 13th, 2021</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2510916&postcount=49" target="_blank">AEW Rampage: The First Dance- August 20th, 2021</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2511308&postcount=62" target="_blank">AEW Rampage- August 27th, 2021</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2511660&postcount=77" target="_blank">AEW Rampage- September 3rd, 2021</a>




<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2512076&postcount=94" target="_blank">AEW All Out- September 5th, 2021</a>

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Thanks everyone for the support!


Welcome back dude. Wow, that roster is really big when you present it like this :p


Yeah the roster is huge, tbf most of it is the lower midcard/jobbers, but that's why we have four shows I guess.


Speaking of shows...



AEW Dynamite: Homecoming, August 4th, 2021:

Prediction Key


The Third Labor of Jericho

Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera



Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, & Jon Moxley vs The Wingmen



Christian Cage vs The Blade



AEW TNT Championship Match

Miro © vs Matt Sydal



Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch



Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black


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<p>The Third Labor of Jericho</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs Juventud Guerrera</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, & Jon Moxley</strong> vs The Wingmen</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Cage</strong> vs The Blade</p><p> </p><p>

AEW TNT Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Miro ©</strong> vs Matt Sydal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tay Conti</strong> vs Leyla Hirsch</p><p> </p><p>

Cody Rhodes vs <strong>Malakai Black</strong></p>

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<p>The Third Labor of Jericho</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs Juventud Guerrera</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, & Jon Moxley</strong> vs The Wingmen</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Cage</strong> vs The Blade</p><p> </p><p>

AEW TNT Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Miro ©</strong> vs Matt Sydal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tay Conti</strong> vs Leyla Hirsch</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Cody Rhodes vs <strong>Malakai Black</strong></p>

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The Third Labor of Jericho

Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Comments: I don't ever doubt THE JUICE baby!


Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, & Jon Moxley vs The Wingmen

Comments: The Age of Avalon starts here. :cool:


Christian Cage vs The Blade

Comments: Cage beats The Blade before interference by Brian Cage and the save by Hangman Page.


AEW TNT Championship Match

Miro © vs Matt Sydal

Comments: GAME OVER for that pencil necked geek Sydal.


Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch

Comments: Put her in Team Taz!


Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black

Comments: AEW's Triple H ain't losing here, that doesn't work for him brother.

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The Third Labor of Jericho

Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Comments: Match wasn't hot in real life, but they had a creative finish


Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, & Jon Moxley vs The Wingmen



Christian Cage vs The Blade



AEW TNT Championship Match

Miro © vs Matt Sydal

Comments: Clean as a whistle


Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch

Comments: I like Conti, but Hirsch winning wouldn't surprise me


Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black

Comments: Will Rhodes be a host of some talent show in the game Doubt it :p

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AEW Dynamite: Homecoming- August 4th, 2021



AEW Dynamite: Homecoming Edition- August 4th, 2021:

Attendance: 4,765 at Daily's Place (Jacksonville, Florida)

Commentary Team: Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone


It's Wednesday Night and you know what that means! It's time for AEW Dynamite: Homecoming live from Daily's Place in beautiful Jacksonville, Florida! Jim Ross, Exalibur, and Tony Schiavone quickly run down the card for tonight before we go straight into our opening action...


The Third Labor of Jericho:

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

It's the Third Labor of Jericho set by MJF. Jericho must beat his old WCW rival Juventud Guerrera with a top rope move in order to get one step closer to MJF. This match is a good match and the crowd is (as always) behind Jericho. Jericho and Juventud start the match with a quick handshake before the two veterans lock up. Jericho eventually gets the upper hand and hits Juventud with an arm drag. Jericho throws Juventud off the ropes and attempts a lariat, but Juventud jumps over him and hits him with a dropkick. Juventud goes to the top rope and attempts a splash, but Jericho gets his knees up just in time. Jericho goes to the top rope and hits Juventud with a diving dropkick. He goes for the cover, but Juventud kicks out at two. The match comes to an end when Jericho goes for a diving elbow drop, but Juventud rolls out of the way. Juventud then attempts the Juvi Driver, but Jericho reverses it into a Codebreaker! Jericho then goes to the top rope and hits Juventud with a top rope Judas Effect (Spinning Back Elbow Strike)! Jericho then covers Juventud and gets the three!

WINNER: Chris Jericho







After the match is over, Chris Jericho celebrates his victory until...

























MJF & Wardlow attack!


MJF and Wardlow beat the living hell out of Jericho before MJF grabs a microphone. MJF says that Jericho may have gotten through three labors, but the fourth will be his last. That's because for the fourth labor of Jericho, he will face Wardlow with MJF as the special guest referee! MJF sarcastically wishes Jericho good luck to close this segment.







We then cut to the backstage area, where Dasha Gonzalez is interviewing the Lucha Brothers and Alex Abrahantes. She asks them where the third member of the Death Triangle, PAC, is, to which Abrahantes says that his transportation was cancelled by someone. Suddenly, they're interrupted by...













Andrade El Idolo & Chavo Guerrero!


Andrade says it's a real shame about what happened to PAC, but he's not worried about that, he's here to talk business. Chavo says that the offer is still on the table for the Lucha Bros and Andrade to work together, but he's interrupted by Penta, who says something really intense in Spanish. Abrahantes translates and says Penta says that The Lucha Bros work for no one! The Lucha Bros and Abrahantes walk off as Andrade says that he knows a way to get them on his side.






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Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, & Jon Moxley w/Sting vs The Wingmen

This match came about on last night's episode of Dark, where The Wingmen decided to challenge three of AEW's top starts in Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, & Jon Moxley for some ungodly reason. This match isn't really competitive and the crowd is really behind Allin, Kingston, & Moxley. All three men dominate The Wingmen until eventually Darby Allin finishes off Ryan Nemeth with the Coffin Drop (Reverse Facing Diving Senton).

WINNERS: Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, & Jon Moxley







We cut to The Elite's locker room, where Kenny Omega is standing with Don Callis. Omega says he's heard that Hangman Page is coming out for an interview later, which is laughable because Hangman is nothing more than a loser! Omega says that he's looking forward to hearing whatever Page says because it's sure to be laughable! Omega finishes by saying that he's so interested in what Hangman has to say, he might just come out to watch it unfold.






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Christian Cage vs The Blade w/The Bunny

Cage has been feuding with The Hardy Family Office the past few weeks, so The Blade is next in line to face him. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Christian. The Blade starts the match off with an attempted sucker punch, but Christian dodges it and hits Blade with a neckbreaker. Christian attempts a back body drop, but The Blade lands on his feet and clobbers Christian with a lariat. The Blade then hits Christian with a big back suplex. The match comes to an end when The Blade attempts a powerslam, but Christian wiggles out of it and hits Blade with the Killswitch (Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster)! Christian covers Blade and gets the three!

WINNER: Christian Cage







After a commercial break, Tony Schiavone is in the ring with Hangman Page. Schiavone asks Page about the last few weeks, which Page responds by saying that it's been very tough. From losing the number one contendership to tensions with The Dark Order, Page says it's been tough, but he's tough enough to handle it. Page says that he's focused on winning back his number one contendership and taking the AEW World Championship from Kenny Omega and almost on cue...



















Kenny Omega and Don Callis make their way to the entrance ramp!


Omega scoffs at Page's idea and says that there's no way Page will ever come close to touching the AEW World Title. Omega says that as long as Hangman hangs out with a bunch of nerds called The Dark Order, there's no way Page can be successful. Page interrupts Kenny and calls him a coward for ducking him and says that he knows that if Kenny Omega goes one on one with Hangman Page, Page will walk out with all the gold! Don Callis interrupts both men and says that he has a proposition. Callis says that if Hangman Page can defeat every member of The Elite in a gauntlet match next week on the first episode of AEW Rampage, he'll face Kenny Omega at All Out! However, there's a twist. If anybody helps Hangman Page, Page can never challenge for the AEW World Championship as long as Omega is champion! Hangman agrees to the challenge and says that he doesn't need any help to defeat The Elite. Callis says that's good because he might need it sooner rather than later...
































Almost on cue again, The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers jump the ring and beat the living daylights out of Hangman Page! The Good Brothers hit Page with the Magic Killer, but before anything else can happen...




































The Dark Order make their way to the ramp!


However, before they can do anything, Evil Uno stops them and says that Hangman said he doesn't need their help, so they won't help. The Dark Order stubbornly watch from the ramp as Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks hit Page with the BTE Trigger and hold their titles over him as we go to commercials.







AEW TNT Championship Match:

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Miro © vs Matt Sydal

Miro's been on a path of destruction ever since he won the TNT Championship a few months back and now he's set to face Matt Sydal, who's been racking up momentum on Dark the past few weeks. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Sydal. Miro starts the match off by attempting a lariat, but Sydal ducks it and hits Miro with an enzuigiri. Sydal goes to the top rope and attempts a moonsault, but Miro dodges it and hits Sydal with a big splash. Miro whips Sydal into the turnbuckle and hits him with a big boot. The match comes to an end when Miro attempts a military press slam, but Sydal reverses it into a hurricanrana. Sydal goes to the top rope and attempts the Shooting Sydal Press, but Miro rolls out of the way and locks Sydal in the Game Over (Camel Clutch)! Sydal eventually passes out and referee Aubrey Edwards calls for the bell.








After the match is over, we cut to Tony Schiavone backstage with Britt Baker & Rebel. Baker says she's ready to get out of Jacksonville and into her hometown of Pittsburgh next week. Baker says she knows she has to face Red Velvet next week on the debut episode of Rampage, but that's no big deal, because there's no doubt in her mind that Red Velvet will lose to Dr. Britt Baker D. M. D. Suddenly...























Red Velvet makes her way onscreen!


Velvet says that Britt Baker is making a dumb decision by underestimating her, because she is better than Baker and she'll prove that next week on Rampage. Out of nowhere, Rebel hits Velvet with her crutch! Red Velvet crumbles to the floor in pain and Baker sarcastically asks Velvet if she saw that coming before we go to commercials.






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Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch

The winner of this match will go on to NWA's first ever all-women's PPV (NWA EmPowerrr) to face NWA World Women's Champion Kamille. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Conti. Conti and Hirsch start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up before Hirsch hits Conti with a German suplex. Hirsch puts Conti in a headlock, but Conti slips out and hits Hirsch with a high knee. Conti throws Hirsch into the corner and hits her with a running big boot before attempting a back suplex. That gets reversed into a bulldog from Hirsch. The match comes to an end when Hirsch tries locking Conti in an armbar, but Conti powers out of it and hits Hirsch with a powerbomb! Conti then hits Hirsch with her finisher, the DD-Tay (Hammerlock DDT) ! Conti then covers Hirsch and gets the three, making Conti the number one contender to the NWA Women's Championship!

WINNER: Tay Conti






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Cody Rhodes w/Arn Anderson vs Malakai Black

These two have been feuding since last month, when Black made his AEW debut by attacking Cody and Arn Anderson with two vicious roundhouse kicks. This is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Cody. Cody starts the match off by attempting to kick Black, but Black catches him with a kick of his own and applies a kneebar. Cody wiggles out of that, but Black almost immediately catches him with a leg sweep! Black attempts to lock in a Boston Crab, but Cody reaches the ropes. Black attempts a roundhouse kick, but Cody ducks it and attempts the Cross Rhodes, but Black counters that with a jumping knee! The match ends when a dazed Cody stumbles to the turnbuckle, but Black follows him and nails him with a running knee, sending Cody through the timekeeper's table!!! Cody eventually gets back up and into the ring, but he is immediately met by Black's finisher, the Ogentroost (Spinning Roundhouse Kick)! Black puts his foot and Cody and that's all she wrote.

WINNER: Malakai Black







After the match is over, Cody is left alone in the ring. Cody eventually grabs a microphone and begins to talk about his career. He talks about his journey to AEW, about how it was formed, and how they're now no longer the alternative, but now they're competition. Cody says he's set the table and led the charge for AEW for years now, but it might be time for someone new to take the reins. Cody thanks the fans for everything before taking off his boots and leaving them in the middle of the ring. Before anything else can happen though...

























































Malakai Black gets back down to the ring and hits him with a crutch!


Black, evidently not satisfied with the beating he just gave to Cody, beats the living daylights out of him with the crutch. He then picks up Cody and hits him with another Ogentroost! Malakai Black stands tall over a lifeless Cody as Dynamite comes to a close...






TV RATING: 1,431,855 Viewers on TNT

Popularity: Increased in 13 Regions.




AEW Dark- August 10th, 2021:

Commentary Team: Excalibur & Taz


Thunder Rosa defeats Zeda Zhang after hitting her with the Fire Thunder Driver (Belly to Belly Piledriver) in 3:02. (57)

Bear Country defeat Chaos Project when they hit Serpentico with the Elevator Drop (Bear Bronson splash from Bear Boulder's shoulders) in 6:27. (30)

The Wingmen say they want to be on the first episode of Rampage on Friday, so they're challenging The Jurassic Express! (29)

A recap video of The Elite beating up Hangman Page plays (71)

The Men of the Year defeat Bad Romance when Ethan Page hits Sonny Kiss with the Ego's Edge (Running Crucifix Powerbomb) in 12:46. (50)

After the match, Joey Janela helps Sonny Kiss to his feet before superkicking him and hitting him with a piledriver! Looks like Bad Romance is over. (42)

Private Party defeat Chuck Taylor & Wheeler Yuta after Matt Hardy interferes and hits Yuta with a steel pipe in 12:47. (58)



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Excited to see where you go from here my friend! I'm looking forward to see what different routes we take with our diaries.


Thanks Dalton! Looking forward to what you have in store for your diary as well!


Prediction Contest:


This Show/Overall:

1) Blodyxe- 6 Pts.

1) LK_Lance- 6 Pts.

1) Original_Broski- 6 Pts.

4) DHK1989- 5 Pts.

5) Mootinie- 2 Pts. (I like the chaos outcome you predicted though :p)


Thanks everyone for the predictions/comments! I'll have a special edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter up tomorrow along with the prediction card for Dynamite and the first episode of Rampage!

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter, August 5th, 2021

By: Dave Meltzer



Probably the biggest news coming out of this week was the announcement that AEW had bought Pro Wrestling Guerilla. Tony Khan was looking for a company where the younger and more inexperienced wrestlers in AEW could wrestle in and he found it in PWG. In the agreement between Tony Khan and PWG owner Super Dragon, it states that AEW essentially uses PWG as a developmental company, but PWG still gets to use their already established roster. PWG will also get a few AEW mainstays to participate in their monthly events, as seen at their most recent event Mystery Vortex 7. At the event, three AEW stars appeared: The Dark Order's Player Uno and Stu Grayson (defeating Aramis & Rey Horus), Orange Cassidy (who defeated Brody King), and Malakai Black, who debuted at the end of the show, attacking PWG World Champion Bandido. No word yet on who AEW has sent down to PWG already.



In what is becoming a weekly trend at this point, WWE released more workers, this time mostly from NXT. Chief among them being Bronson Reed, Bobby Fish, and Mercedes Martinez. This was mostly seen as a cost-cutting move initiated by Nick Khan and Vince McMahon. The Reed firing is probably the most surprising to me, because he was lined up for a main roster run not even a month ago, but apparently those plans fell through.



On the topic of NXT, there is a lot of speculation that Adam Cole's contract is coming up and he could be the subject of a bidding war. I can confirm this is true and both WWE and AEW are making big bids for him. If he resigns with WWE, he is expected to go to the main roster, but if he goes to AEW, a ready-made feud with The Elite is almost certainly in order.



Any relationship between WWE & NJPW seems to be dead in the water. NJPW President Takami Ohbari sat down with local media this week and said that he doesn't like the WWE system of hoarding talent and not letting them compete around the world for multiple companies. NJPW is expected to double down on their team up with AEW, as Lance Archer is set to defend the IWGP United States Championship at an upcoming NJPW USA show against Hiroshi Tanahashi.



Speaking of AEW, they posted their biggest viewership ever this week when nearly one and a half million people tuned in to see Dynamite this week. That is slightly bigger viewership than their debut episode nearly two years ago. Dynamite viewership is starting to rival WWE Raw viewership, which only saw 1.95 million viewers tune in this week.


That's all for this week's edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, we'll be back next week for more news from around the wrestling world.

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AEW Dynamite- August 11th, 2021

Prediction Key:


The Fourth Labor of Jericho (Special Guest Referee: MJF):

Chris Jericho vs Wardlow



Britt Baker vs Julia Hart



Jurassic Express vs Private Party



Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb



Powerhouse Hobbs vs Brian Cage



The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley






AEW Rampage- August 13th, 2021

Prediction Key:


AEW World Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Red Velvet



The Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen



Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite


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