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MLW: Underground Revolution by Blodyxe & Kanegan

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I really liked the War Chamber! The ring imploding seems like a great visual


Very glad to hear that, Dalton!


Kane and Tankman are not on the level of Taz and Bam Bam yet, but making a hole in the ring is not something you need a lot of experience in anyway :p


The ring breaking will have consequences on the main event, so stay tuned I guess.


Great first half of the show. Even though I knew most of the results, the surprises that you delivered were fantastic. Kudos bro.


Thanks brother, I hope I'll do your long-term plans justice! :rolleyes:


I am not sure if I overdid the description of the third match, but to heck with it, we only have a few of those matches all year. :D

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MLW War Chamber 2021


Week 4, October 2021

Live from 2300 Arena in Philadelphia





MLW fans, we're back from the intermission!


Backstage workers have evacuated Calvin Tankman and removed the broken ring from the arena altogether. It was stained with blood and had a huge hole in it, so the main event of the night, a War Chamber match between CONTRA and the heroes of MLW, will be held in just one cage! The chamber will be filled with humanity - ten people are scheduled to enter the battlefield, and it will be interesting to see how this restricted space will affect the fight, and how it can influence the outcome.


But before we get there, we need to crown a new MLW National Openweight champion! The title made prestigious by Alexander Hammerstone is hanging up in the air, and tens of ladders surround the ring. It’s going to be a full metal mayhem, with eight or so people involved. Cesar Duran steps out to greet the fans and clear something up…




"My renegades, the show must go on! I would have preferred a different result in the previous match, but I enjoyed the violence and carnage… and I want more! In a matter of seconds, a pack of hungry MLW competitors will take part in something that never fails to excite me. A LAAADDEEERRR MAAAATCH!!!"


With a good half of participants still unannounced, this promises to be a dream scenario for dopamine junkies sitting in the arena and watching at home! First man in is ‘El Intocable’ Gino Medina, the former member of The Dynasty, a 26-year old guy who debuted at the tender age of 6! Next up is #Blessed KC Navarro, one of the most gifted young men in MLW. He has loads of swagger about him both in and out of the ring! Third entrant is Zenshi - a zen lucha master from the Land of the Poets. His peace of mind allows him to be the most creative man in the league, just watch him. Next up is the innovator of ‘TAIGA STYLE’, Lee Morairty! Lee is a very laid back and pleasant young man, but only until the bell rings - he's 'The Apex of Combat'!


Fifth spot belonged to Alex Kane, but he got bumped into a War Chamber match, who’ll get his spot? Marty The Moth ‘flaps his wings’ and soars to the ring, confusing the guys who have earned their place in this match. Number six is… The Amazing Red!! Another MLW original makes his return, it’s been a long time. Camera catches a look on KC Navarro’s face, it will be very interesting to see them mix up. Lucky number seven is going to be a familiar face, someone who wrestled all over the world… Alex Shelley! He walks under the ladders, clearly not a superstitious man! Last, but certainly not least, "Human Video Game Highlight", ACH! He’s looking buff, certainly gained some muscle mass while being away. What a line up this is!


This match is double stacked, and it’s starting right now! Let the bodies hit the floor!






8-Man Ladder Match for the MLW National Openweight Championship






Zenshi vs. Gino Medina vs. Lee Moriarty vs. KC Navarro vs.

Marty The Moth vs. The Amazing Red vs. ACH vs. Alex Shelley


Before the mayhem can ensue, we have a brief four on for staredown. The future of pro wrestling against those who have been in the business longer and have some gold on their resume! Alex Shelley must have the most experience in this setting...


Marty starts rambling inside the ring, and he must have said something weird, as the other veterans turn their heads on him and single him out as the ugly duckling. Nobody likes a pest! Marty might be a few fries short of a full Happy Meal, but he's a fighter, headbutting and big booting the lighter guys. He eats a double Enzuigiri by Zenshi and Red, then gets Superkicked by Gino! KC Navarro dropkicks Red from behind, while ACH and Moriarty trade some wrist locks in this high flying mayhem. Alex Shelley watches them from afar, shrugs and goes on to pick up the first ladder... someone needs to! ACH and Lee hit Alex's ladder with a Double Baseball Slide, and before you know it, the youngsters start jumping out of their pants and to the outside.


Everyone except Medina, who brings a ladder of his own and climbs up to touch the gold! He would like nothing more but to prove The Dynasty wrong. Zenshi jumps in and starts fighting Gino, and they both go down to the mats after Marty pushes the ladder down. He wears it proudly on his neck and goes for a Terry Funk roundabout, laying waste to everyone who can react fast enough. Moriarty catches Marty with a Dropkick, that will teach him! He positions it for his climb, but Alex Shelley pulls his leg down between the rungs and performs a Dragon Screw! He showcases a more vicious side in this match. Lee is stuck upside down, ACH drops the ladder down, so it sandwiches the poor guy. Amazing Red and KC Navarro fight between each other on the top rope, and fall down in a Spanish Fly right on top of the ladder!


Gino sets a ladder on the outside, putting it between the ring apron and the barricade... who will be unlucky enough to fall through it? Tradition would suggest Gino himself! Meanwhile Zenshi traps Shelley near the corner with a ladder, gives him a few simple punches, but here comes ACH, German Suplexing 'The Spiritual Dragon'! A beautiful move with ugly consequences for both men! A moment worthy of a replay, ACH lives up to his nickname, but at what cost? He got it way worse!




Marty The Moth picks the cruiserweight guys and body slams them on the ladder, showcasing how sadistic he can be when he fights for something so shiny and beautiful. He jams Moriarty's fingers inside a ladder, and stomps it, earning himself a 'You Sick ****' chant. Don't encourage him, people! Moriarty turns the switch and slaps Marty's tits around, unleash the TAIGA!


Discuss Bicycle Kick, a cheeky tribute to a certain man! Moth has the lights on, but nobody is home. Shelley tries to catch Lee off guard with a Sliced Bread, but it’s reversed into a Taiga Suplex! Man is on fire!! KC Navarro and Gino form a short term alliance, decking Lee and the rest of the people out with a big ladder. The stage is set for one of them to climb up and become famous, it’s a tight race to the top. Medina claws the eyes of KC and hits him with a Roundhouse Kick, he crashes and burns. Amazing Red jumps in out of nowhere and they start another punch exchange there, until Gino gets too cocky and teases a Superplex! Gets his face slammed on the top of the ladder… SUNSET FLIP BOMB!! Amazing Red has probably dealt enough damage to the man to rule him out of this car crash. Can the veteran relaunch his career with a huge title win here? He climbs up fast enough, but he’s stopped by Zenshi, who desperately wants to get his first major title in the United States.


Now Amazing Red is doing something risky, teasing Code Red all the way down, but… in a freakish display of athleticism Zenshi stands

(!) and swats Red away with Headscissors!!! Give the man all the titles right now, that was spectacular! Sadly, this is not how things work in pro wrestling, Zenshi needs to retrieve the title to win this crazy contest. The fans feel like this is an ideal moment for Zenshi to pull it off, but he's distracted by AR Fox, who hops over the barricade and distracts the guy long enough for Marty The Moth to pick the ladder from the bottom and tilt it over! Zenshi makes a Swanton in the air and he goes right through the ladder that Medina set earlier in the match! Fox smirks, Moth laughs hysterically, that was a bump of the year. Marty screams about getting what he deserves, and slowly climbs up to get the prize.


AR Fox rolls in and pushes him down too, Moth falls on the guys who were on the outside. Everyone is down except ACH! He turns AR Fox around and asks what the hell is he doing in this match? Fox screams that he's fixing the injustice, he is making sure that a deserving man wins this match... ALEX KANE! He grabs ACH and hits him with a Tazplex on the ladder!!




Alex Kane earned his spot in the match, but was 'screwed' out of his spot by Cesar Duran. Fox throws ACH out and Alex Kane suplexes everyone who's bold and brave enough to charge at him! Eventually all eight men are down and out, unable to get up and continue the match. AR Fox picks up a ladder, climbs it, unhooks the belt... and throws it down to Alex Kane!

Ladder match for the MLW National Openweight ended in a no contest. [47/100]


ACH had an in-ring performance of 47.

Shelley had an in-ring performance of 58.

Moriarty had an in-ring performance of 48.

Navarro had an in-ring performance of 34.

Zenshi had an in-ring performance of 30.

Moth had an in-ring performance of 33.

Medina had an in-ring performance of 31.

Amazing Red had an in-ring performance of 50.


(-) Zenshi took a crazy bump and suffered a Chronic Shoulder Pain.



This match seems to be over, as Fox and Kane leave the scene through the crowd. Can't continue a ladder match without a title, right? Announcers don't know what to say, it seems like AR Fox and Alex Kane have formed an alliance against the boss.


We get a glimpse of El Jefe backstage, and he's furious that Fox found a way to sabotage not one but two high profile matches in just an hour! Cesar's minions are sent after the thiefs, it's a diabolical atmosphere around here.


When you think that things can't get any more chaotic, you get 5150 celebrating their big win in the cage. They're loud, crass, obnoxious, and they are proud of it! Rivera drinks some tequila right out of the bottle, yelling about how easy it was back in there. In the background we can see Ross and Marshall Von Erichs, cutting a promo ahead of the main event. They can't even hear Alicia's question through LAX profanity, and approach the latin gang to make them a bit quiet.




Ross: Hey guys, we're kinda in the middle of something over here. We can't hear a thing!


Rivera: Yo, did this redneck punk just tell us to get the **ck away? Did this dude really tell 5150 to pipe up!??


Marshall: No, he didn't mean it that way, we just want to do our jobs. Let's not blow this out of proportion.




5150 jump Von Erichs near the Gorilla, and beat them down with the help of Homicide, Colon, and Apolo! Five on two is a big numbers advantage, the gangsters stomp the MLW World Tag Team champions. Actually, they go even further - Boogie wraps a chair around Marshall's ankle and Rivera pillmanizes it! Marshall screams in agony, that was a nasty shot!!




Konnan is super chill about it, he's not telling his guys to stop. He just puffs away and only speaks when Low-Ki walks past them, just a minute before his Philly Street Fight with Muertes.


Konnan: Yo, Ki! Haven't changed your mind yet? We got the whole familia here, Muertes is a non-issue, holmes.


Low-Ki: Stay out of my business, I'm going to resolve everything myself... and professionally.


Homicide shoulder bumps Ki and the gang leaves the building, leaving Von Erichs beaten and bruised, perhaps even injured.






Philly Street Fight for the IWA Caribbean Championship




Low-Ki vs. King Muertes ©


Ring announcer doesn't get to make an official championship match presentation, as Low-Ki and King Muertes get entangled in a wild brawl from the first second they see each other! This is their first one-on-one meeting.


Muertes has a weight advantage, he throws Low-Ki into the barricades and lariats him over the guardrail. He 'parts the sea of fans' with a simple hand gesture, looking to follow 'The Professional'... but he's back on his feet, makes a jump on the rail and catches Muertes with a Tidal Wave! Kick right into the face, and a stiff one. King stumbles back, one Shotgun Dropkick sends him back first into the fans! Poor guy should have known better, this is a Philly Street Fight! Low-Ki grabs a cord and wraps it around the thick neck of Muertes, not the first time he tries to choke death from behind! This is not piano wire though...


A few elbows help King break it up, he needs to catch some air. Low-Ki plays kip ups with the champion's head, stiff Kawada Kicks... Muertes had enough, he grabs Low-Ki by the throat and lays him out on the floor with a Twisting Chokeslam! That'll knock the air out of your lungs, if not more! Muertes retakes the advantage and finds a steel chair. BAM! Huge shot to the back, to the ribs, there's no holding back. Muertes lines up the edge of the chair against Ki's throat and whips him into the ring post!! Low-Ki has angered 'The Man of 1000 Deaths' so much he is about to become 'The Man of 1001 Deaths'! King Muertes takes a minute to catch his breath, even finds a second to freak our cameraman out. Muertes fancies the camera himself!




Muertes breaks it across the back of Low-Ki and bites his head! You can't help but think that Low-Ki has chosen a mission that he will not be able to accomplish. How can you kill what's already dead? Muertes throws his victim inside of the ring, perhaps looking to end it square in the middle of the squared circle. He's setting up The Flatliner, but Low-Ki blocks it and puts the champion into a Guillotine! He uses all his weight to hang on the neck, and it is a tactic that works really well for Ki. Muertes falls on his knees, and that's when Low-Ki unloads a series of kicks to his head and torso. He lets out a scream and drives an elbow into King's jaw, full speed! The champion is on his back, here's there for the taking. Low-Ki goes up top and connects with a Ghetto Stomp!! Cover. One... two... noooo! King Muertes is still in it, he's stronger than death!


Low-Ki is running out of ideas, but an IWA Caribbean title catches his attention. One good shot and Muertes might be out cold! He gets the gold, he runs up, but King meets him with a straight right to the jaw! Groggy Ki has some wobbly legs, he looks hurt. Muertes hits him with The Reaper's Trident - a massive Spear that almost breaks the challenger in half! Muertes growls, he mounts Ki and punches him repeatedly... is he looking to knock him out? Because that's what it looks like! Muertes busts the man open and smears blood over his chest. He's signaling for the end, the tragic finale, he wants to send Ki straight to hell. They stand up for a Flatliner, when all of a sudden the lights go out. Announcers are not sure what the hell is happening, this isn't CONTRA. Lights go back and a scorned woman stands between Low-Ki and King Muertes... SALINA DE LA RENTA!


SHE IS ALIVE? 'La Bruja' smiles and raises a mysterious stone... before passing it to Low-Ki! 'The Professional' strikes Muertes in the head with it! This time The Ghetto Stomp is successful! We have a new IWA Caribbean champion!

Low-Ki defeated King Muertes in 14:38 by pinfall with a Ghetto Stomp after Salina de la Renta distracted Muertes. Low-Ki wins the IWA Caribbean championship. [46/100]


Low-Ki had an in-ring performance of 44.

Muertes had an in-ring performance of 48.



Salina gets some gold on her first night back! She also mouths off to the camera that she will see 'El Jefe' on Azteca. WOW! She snaps the undefeated record of King Muertes, reunites with Low-Ki and threatens Cesar Duran? Welcome back, Salina.


So much has happened at 2300 this evening already, but the main course is still yet to come. Alex Hammerstone, Richard Holliday and EJ Nduka are talking to Von Erichs, while Davey Richards is checking Marshall's ankle. They are surprised to find out that this was the handy work of 5150 and not CONTRA. Holliday lectures Alicia Atout for not calling them over earlier, but she's not to blame here. Richard Holliday freaks out, saying their chances are shot, they're done.




Hammerstone: Holliday, I don't want to hear it! Nothing is decided yet.


Marshall: This is fine, I'll be ok to go! Just help me get up and I'll--


Richards: Calm down, cowboy. You have a fractured fibula, I wouldn't advice you going anywhere but ER.


Holliday: GREAT! Thanks Mr. WebMD, this has made me feel so much better! And where's Duran where we ever need him?


Hammerstone: We don't need him to find a replacement. I've seen Savio in the back, and he always has his gear ready!


Holliday: Savio freakin' Vega, bro? Really?


EJ: Hey dudes, what about... you know... 'The American Wolf', Davey Richards?


A few moments of awkward silence follow, and nobody seems to mind, it's Davey's decision only. He didn't get his match with Lawlor due to the Team Filthy boycott, so why the hell not? Hammerstone shakes Davey's hand, they all appreciate it. Alicia tells the guys that the match is going to start in a few minutes, they should really get ready.


A pre-taped video of CONTRA and MLW fighters preparing for the brutal War Chamber match rolls in, it's an epic hype video that puts you in the right mood for the main event. MLW might have lost a Von Erich, but Davey Richards is a skilled fighter with heaps of big match experience. The wait is almost over! CONTRA vs. MLW, War Chamber... NEXT!



Josef Samael steps out with a bunch of Sentai Death Squad members, all waving the black and yellow flags. The mastermind of the group says that tonight CONTRA will inflict a death blow on MLW and tear the entire building down! He reminds us that Jacob Fatu has been on the sidelines for a month, but he wasn't recovering after a title fight with Hammerstone, he was locked inside of the dungeon! 'The Samoan Smashing Machine' is back, and he enters as number one! The former champion yells 'HAIL CONTRA' and enters the cage... his opponent to kick off this match is, you guessed it, Alexander Hammerstone, the current MLW World Heavyweight champion! Two biggest MLW stars are staring each other down, this is it folks!




War Chamber Match






CONTRA has been terrorizing MLW for two and a half year, and this is where the league can score a settle with the international cabal of violence. Inside of a steel cage! Hammerstone and Fatu talk some trash, but now they're coming to blows!


Team captains don't give up an inch, putting all their weight in every punch. They bump into each other with shoulder blocks, and then forearms are introduced. This is looking good for Hammer until a samoan headbutts him! Fatu takes the first shortcut of the night, he's hungry for revenge and he'll get some help, as Simon Gotch makes his way to the ring. Gotch wastes no time and helps put down Alex with a Chop Block. He's targeting the injured ankle with stomps and stretches, keeping the champion down for Fatu. Jacob goes on the top rope and lands on Hammer's leg, this is not a good look for Alexander.


He's strong and tough, he has the fans behind him, and he decks Gotch with a lariat! Unfortunately he misses Fatu's kick to the back of the head... CONTRA stomps the powerhouse, but here come the reinforcements! Ross Von Erich is in! He won't have his brother to look over his back tonight, but he's doing just fine punching Gotch around and dropkicking Fatu into the cage wall! Hammer stands up and throws Gotch into the cage, people love this! Will we see The Claw? No, a stomp to the bare foot of Ross helps Gotch dodge the submission hold for now! Fatu starts working over the tag team champion, and Josef Samael tries to distract Hammerstone. The third man is about to enter any second now, and it's Daivari!


'The Mid-Eastern Nightmare' has joined CONTRA in 2021, and has been a sporadic member of the group, but he's here to deal some heavy damage. He strikes Hammerstone with a flag and rakes the eyes of Ross. He looks to be in top physical condition, maybe the best he ever had. Fatu plants Ross with a Pop Up Samoan Drop, this was beautifully executed. It's three on one against Alex Hammerstone now, but he's holding his ground, hitting a Double Clothesline on Daivari and Gotch! Fatu stops the momentum with a huge Uranagi, he's been unstoppable so far. Things get better for the heroes, as number three is...




Davey Richards! The howl of 'The American Wolf' catches most viewers by surprise, a pleasant one, of course!


The hunt begins with a Missile Dropkick that takes Fatu off the ground! Davey comes in hot, running the show like only he can. A Snap Suplex delivered to Gotch, a Roundhouse Kick to Daivari. He's the right man for this type of fight. Davey helps Ross get up and together they deliver some Von Erichs combo moves! Hammerstone picks up Daivari and presses him up... the iranian is thrown into the cage! Alex shakes the ropes, MLW is looking stronger than ever right now. Even Fatu can't stop the Hammermania! Josef Samael gets closer to the cage and slides in a railroad spike to Daivari. He stabs Ross in the head with it, instantly drawing some claret!! This is sickening. Hammerstone and Richards work together to fight off the cabal, but there's another soldier on his way - Ikuro Kwon! He grew up in fighting pits, and this atmosphere is just right down his alley.


He attacks Alex and Davey with quick precise kicks, he's really good at them. Perhaps the smallest man in the cage is doing quite a lot of harm to fan favorites, putting a sick smile on Samael's face. CONTRA sucks the energy out of the building, it will be a tough spot for entrant number four... Richard Holliday! Mr. Dynastic is so serious that he has left his AirPods behind!


He may be a bit of a prick to us consumers, but you can't argue that Richard has the size and the talent to make a difference here. Simple offense provides great results for Holliday, as he breathes some much needed rarified air into the contest. Crossbody, dropkick, some chops - classic stuff really! He and Alex work extremely well together, complimenting each other's styles. Holliday is perhaps too classy and too sanitized for this kind of match though, and he falls down to Fatu, who's telling Josef Samael to bring out Mads Krugger's ass. Still a bit of time before that, Jacob is punching the gash on Ross and takes flight to shake up the battlefield. Five seconds and 'The Black Hand of CONTRA' reaches the cage!




Mads Krugger has been lurking in the shadows along with his comrades, but now he's ready to commit war crimes. He plants Davey Richards with a Chokeslam and looks to do the same to Hammer and Holliday. They block and try a Double Suplex, but end up being tossed themselves!! Mads is immense! Fatu tells the big man to move the F away, Springboard Moonsault!


Lands it perfectly!! Gotch puts Ross in the sleeper hold, he might be singled out as the weakest fighter on MLW's side. The final man is ready to sprint to the ring... EJ Nduka, a 6''8' athlete enters the War Chamber! He's very young to the game, but his physique is something else. He catches Ikuro Kwon and drops him with the Spinebuster! Same happens to Daivari, who wanted to attack EJ from the air. Gotch eats a Big Boot, and this sets up Mads vs. EJ - two giants standing in the middle of the cage, sizing each other up! Faru is mad, he asks what are those stare downs fo', and attacks Nduka from the back. This doesn't sit well with Krugger. Samael tries to hush the conflict, but they're butting heads already. Richards with a Dropkick to the back of Krugger, he clashes heads with Jacob! He might be a Samoan, but he felt that. Fatu is seeing red and he uses all his anger to torch the entire squad, he screams he gon' do it all himself! He goes on a rampage, but his Corkscrew Senton catches Mads!!


That won't help CONTRA at all! Holliday either looks to escape the cage, or wants to try something elegant, so Fatu goes after him! Incredibly, the Superplex attempt is stalled and Richard comes up with a genius counter - 2008 from the top rope!! Daivari locks Ross in the Camel Clutch, but Richards saves Von Erich! HAMMERSTONE HITS A NIGHTMARE PENDULUM ON KRUGGER! Nduka plants Gotch with a Jackhammer! Ikuro Kwon is the only guy standing for CONTRA and he tries his best to target Hammerstone's ankle, but he's powerless against Alexander, who lays him out with ease! Hammerstone smells blood!




Davey locks Fatu in the Ankle Lock, Richard slaps a Figure 4 on Gotch. Ross wipes the blood off his face and applies The Iron Claw on Daivari! Samael freaks out, as they can all sumbit any second now... and now Alex Hammerstone puts Ikuro Kwon in the Torture Rack!! He yells for Krugger to break it up, but when Mads gets up he's blocked by EJ's Running Shoulder Block! Crucial interception!! Alex Hammerstone puts some torque on the rack and Ikuro Kwon finally gives up!



MLW defeated CONTRA in 28:39 when Alexander Hammerstone submitted Ikuro Kwon with a Torture Rack. [44/100]


Hammerstone had an in-ring performance of 45.

Holliday had an in-ring performance of 40.

EJ Nduka had an in-ring performance of 20.

Richards had an in-ring performance of 44.

Ross Von Erich had an in-ring performance of 43.

Jacob Fatu had an in-ring performance of 49.

Simon Gotch had an in-ring performance of 38.

Ikuro Kwon had an in-ring performance of 29.

Daivari had an in-ring performance of 36.

Krugger had an in-ring performance of 33.


(+) Jacob Fatu looked great in this match.

The MLW heroes are celebrating on the top of the ramp, while Fatu is fuming about the loss. It's his second pay-per-view defeat in a row, and shit's gotta change. He approaches Kwon, but Krugger confronts him first! Mads and Jacob start a shoving contest, blaming each other for their shortcomings, and Ikuro tries to play the peacemaker. People chant for 'Fatu'!



Witness the CONTRA implosion as it happened...


Krugger is infuriated, he shoves Jacob away and Fatu explodes! A brawl breaks out between the members of CONTRA!! Fatu lays out every single member of the group except Josef Samael, who orders Fatu to stop... Fatu says 'hell nah' and runs out of the cage, scaring the deputy away. Krugger attacks Fatu from the back!! A huge ringside brawl breaks out, involving a dozen of Atlas security guards and CONTRA soldiers! It's pandemonium in the 2300 Arena, and this is where our night of action ends.


Final Show Rating




Total Viewers: 55,082


Live Attendance: 787


Buy Rate: 0.01

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MLW World Heavyweight Championship




fe7LLLy.png Alexander Hammerstone


Previous Champions


Jacob Fatu (July 2019 - September 2021, 10 defenses)


Tom Lawlor (February 2019 - July 2019, 3 defences)


Low-Ki (July 2018 - February 2019, 7 defences)


Shane Strickland (April 2018 - July 2018, 1 defence)




Steve Corino (June 2003 - February 2004, 3 defences)


Mike Awesome (June 2003 - June 2003, 0 defences)


Satoshi Kojima (September 2002 - June 2003, 7 defences)




Shane Douglas (June 2002 - September 2002, 0 defences)




MLW World Tag Team Championship




fe7LLLy.png Von Erichs (2x)


Previous Champions


Los Parks (January 2021 - September 2021, 6 defenses)


Von Erichs (November 2019 - January 2021, 3 defences)


Dynasty (July 2019 - November 2019, 1 defence)


Hart Foundation (February 2019 - July 2019, 0 defences)


Lucha Brothers (July 2018 - February 2019, 3 defences)




Extreme Horsemen (May 2003 - February 2004, 3 defences)




MLW National Openweight Championship






Previous Champions


Alexander Hammerstone (June 2019 - October 2021, 14 defenses)




MLW World Middleweight Championship




fe7LLLy.png Myron Reed (2x)


Previous Champions


Lio Rush (January 2021 - May 2021, 2 defences)


Myron Reed (November 2019 - January 2021, 4 defences)


Teddy Hart (December 2018 - November 2019, 6 defences)




MJF (June 2018 - December 2018, 1 defence)




MLW Women's Championship




LOsw0JO.png Marina Shafir


Previous Champions








IWA Carribean Heavyweight Championship




fe7LLLy.png Low-Ki


Previous Champions


King Muertes (July 2021 - October 2021, 3 defences)


Richard Holliday (January 2021 - July 2021, 4 defenses)


Savio Vega (June 2019 - January 2021, 0 defences)




Azteca Underground Trios Championship




RQ8EmyO.png Los Parks


Previous Champions



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After a crazy night in Philadelphia it's time to reflect on the event as a whole.


MLW's War Chamber was a show like no other, giving us some shocking returns, unexpected debuts, competitive matches and lots of violence! The entire event felt chaotic at times, but fans were happy with the show and certainly got what they paid for. The locker room morale also increased, with many feeling that MLW is gaining momentum and growing in size.


War Chamber 2021 also set a new record for live attendance, which will make Cesar Duran a very happy 'El Jefe'!




Alicia Atout: I have so many questions, Mr. Duran, but first, please share your initial thoughts on War Chamber!


Cesar Duran: Please, Alicia, call me 'El Jefe'. This show has been a major success, we increased our popularity all over the States and brought our renegades the wildest show they could have hoped for. But of course, I'm just getting started!


Alicia Atout: Let's talk about every match on the card and discuss things that happened backstage. Starting with the 6-way match to crown the first women's champion. Your thoughts on the opener?


Cesar Duran: I have to be honest, Alicia, the women's division was not my idea. I'm more of an intergender wrestling kind of guy, if you know what I mean? To launch this division, I brought over a man who has been at the helm of the top women's wrestling company in the States... what is his name again?


Alicia Atout: Dave Prazak?


Cesar Duran: Yes, that one. He had a lot of ideas regarding how we should regulate this emerging division, and I have to say, they have exceeded my expectations. Still the worst match on the card, but those girls will get better working under me.


Alicia Atout: That's a fairly misogynistic comment, El Jefe. Quite frankly, you're being disrespectful right now.


Cesar Duran: Please, Alicia, I am very kind to them. I pay them, give them the platform to showcase their talents, and if anything, they should be thanking me for this unique opportunity! Marina Shafir is our new champion, and she made 90 dollars in about 10 minutes. A few more wins like that and she'll be set for life in Moldova!




Alicia Atout: This is appalling, and you should seriously be ashamed of yourself!


Cesar Duran: No, this is the truth. And you know what? I like her a lot more after she showed no remorse for knocking out her supposed best friend Jessamyn Duke. She has a killer instinct, always serious, a perfect first champion.


Alicia Atout: Then perhaps you could treat your champion with a little more respect?


Cesar Duran: Oh, almost forgot - you will interview her on Fusion. Shouldn't we talk about other matches? You're very beautiful, but I don't want to spend the whole night with you.


Alicia Atout: Wow... this is so--


Cesar Duran: Let me help you with these papers... Next match was between TJ Perkins and Yoshihiro Tajiri. I expected way more from Tajiri. I brought him over from Japan to kick people's heads in, and thus far he has been a shadow of his past self.




Alicia Atout: I'll disagree. Yoshihiro Tajiri has been a great addition to MLW, a lot of our fans missed seeing him.


Cesar Duran: I'll be giving him one last chance to impress me this week, on Azteca! Tune in, because this might be the last time you'll ever see him in my company.


Alicia Atout: And what are your thoughts on the winner of the match, TJ Perkins?


Cesar Duran: He's an interesting guy. Looks like a teenager, talks and thinks like one too... but he is very good in the ring. Plus people will pay ME to see HIM getting slapped! For that reason alone he's one of my top guys!


Alicia Atout: Now we're getting to one of the matches you were personally involved in, a War Chamber between 5150 and Injustice. A star making performance for Jordan Oliver, but at the end, Konnan's team wins.


Cesar Duran: Star making performance? That guy lost. I liked the crimson mask he had during the fight, but I'm not sold on him, at least not yet. Actually, Myron Reed and Calvin Tankman disappointed me too. For that reason, Reed will defend his Middleweight championship against Alex Colon, the so-called 'Best of the Best'. Let's see how good that guy really is!




Alicia Atout: That will be a tough title defense for Myron, but can you comment on the controversy surrounding the match? You have picked Alex Kane to be the substitute for AR Fox, and by the end of the night they were seemingly on the same page. What's the story here?


Cesar Duran: The story is simple - AR Fox has corrupted the mind of a young man, and they will both pay for that. I will give Alex Kane the benefit of the doubt, a chance to return the title to me. But I want him to know that you better not cross the boss, and not align yourself with AR Fox! Whatever he told you, Alex, is a lie. You have also made Calvin Tankman very angry!


Alicia Atout: There's a lot of questions regarding your relationship with AR Fox. He says that you left him for dead, lied to him, used him as a pawn... he even said that he saved us from the end of the world. What does this all mean?


Cesar Duran: I think he had too many chairshots to the head, and also I think that's enough questions for now. I have to make this call, and after I'm done, we'll wrap this up.


MLW [b][color="Red"]War Chamber[/color][/b] Results: [b]Marina Shafir[/b] def. [b]Jessamyn Duke[/b], [b]Ashley Vox[/b], [b]Delmi Exo[/b], [b]Holidead[/b] and [b]Melissa Martinez[/b] to win the MLW Women's championship; [b]TJ Perkins[/b] def. [b]Yoshihiro Tajiri[/b]; [b]5150[/b] def. [b]Injustice[/b] in a War Chamber match.

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Man that Cesar guy is the best heel but so easy to hate!, you cant please him whether you win or lose! Some of those comments were definitely out there!


I love the code at the bottomo scrolling past, between that and the skills matrix this diary keeps pushing the limits!

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Man that Cesar guy is the best heel but so easy to hate!, you cant please him whether you win or lose! Some of those comments were definitely out there!


I love the code at the bottomo scrolling past, between that and the skills matrix this diary keeps pushing the limits!

Hehe, well it is very easy to write for him, since he fully embraces his villainous persona. IMO he's by far the most entertaining 'evil authority figure' in modern wrestling history.


Thanks for spotting those things, I like to experiment with formatting. These tickers are inspired by old school TNA, back when they ran on FSN.


And also thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment, I appreciate it. Second part of this post-show will be dropping a bit later, covering the three remaining matches from the War Chamber.

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Great job as always with Embedded presentation. You always kill it in that department. Reed vs Colon?? That is an interesting match.


Thanks bro! That match could happen in your diary too, right? Figured Colon would be an ok contender given his performance at War Chamber.

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Cesar Duran has finished taking his calls and can continue the War Chamber post show.


Alicia says Cesar won't be able to dodge her questions about AR Fox forever, simply because he was involved in a ladder match for the vacant MLW National Openweight championship. He and Alex Kane attacked every match participant and stole the title, ending the bout in no contest.


Atout wants to know if Alex Kane can be considered a new champion?




Alicia Atout: He was booked for the title match, and technically he retrieved the title. That makes him the champ, right?


Cesar Duran: No. Alex Kane was moved to the War Chamber, meaning he was no longer a part of the ladder match. He and AR Fox just stole MLW's property, and to be a champion in my company, you have to win that gold in the ring.


Alicia Atout: So the title is vacant? How do you plan to get it back, El Jefe?


Cesar Duran: As I said before, Calvin Tankman is a very angry man right now. He didn't like my idea to involve Alex Kane in the match, and as it panned out - he was right. I'm man enough to admit my mistake, so... Calvin Tankman will face Alex Kane in a match on Fusion. Tankman, if you beat that man - consider yourself the new champion.


Alicia Atout: That match will happen no matter if Alex Kane returns the title or not, correct?


Cesar Duran: Yes. He will be punished either way, but it's up to him to choose how severe that punishment will be. As for AR Fox, that guy is not right in the head, he lives in his own alternative reality. Shall we move to the next match?




Alicia Atout: You're the boss! Low-Ki has snapped the undefeated streak of King Muertes, but he didn't win the title on his own - Salina de la Renta made a shocking return and turned on 'The Man of 1000 Deaths'! Many of us thought that Salina would never dare to return to MLW after she barely escaped from being kidnapped... by you.


Cesar Duran: I was just kidding, Alicia. This was a way to find out if Salina was the real deal... I never intended to kill her, just put her under pressure to see how she would behave.


Alicia Atout: Are you being serious right now? Your lackeys have have put a bag on her head and perhaps she was tortured. I'm not a fan of her by any means, but is that the treatment women can expect here in MLW?


Cesar Duran: Is she dead? No. Is she hurt? Maybe, but that's none of my business. She knew what she was getting into when she took money from me. I gave her basic orders, she failed me and my renegades.


Alicia Atout: This is heartless, you're truly a sociopath. She told us that you can expect her at the upcoming Azteca show, any response on the matter?


Cesar Duran: Ha-ha, classic Salina. She invited herself to my show, that's hysterical. Listen, she wouldn't be able to get past my security guards if I wanted that... but she's funny, I'll let her come in and share how she spent these few couple of months away. I won't touch her, but I can't vouch for King Muertes...




Alicia Atout: Any words for the new IWA Caribbean champion, Low-Ki?


Cesar Duran: Sure. He has bit off more than he can chew. Just think about it, Low-Ki... How can you kill someone who is already dead? King Muertes is the toughest man in all of MLW, and believe me, he will rise again.


Alicia Atout: Low-Ki had to use a foreign object to defeat him, can you explain the significance of that stone?


Cesar Duran: On September 19th, 1985 an 8.1 magnitude earthquake shocked Mexico City. Thousands of lives were lost that day, including Muertes' entire family. This seven year old boy was buried alive under rubble, and spent a week on his own, expecting death to come for him. He wasn't scared... he felt comfort. Being at the brink of death is where he belonged. And when he finally emerged, he brought all that death and the stone with him.


Alicia Atout: Wow, I didn't expect it to have so much significance. This is so tragic, yet... inspiring?


Cesar Duran: That rock might as well be his heart. And what makes it worse, Muertes was betrayed by a woman he trusted. Once again. But that's a story for another day...


Alicia Atout: Do you think Salina will be after Los Parks too? Since they ultimately chose your side?




Cesar Duran: I'm not worried about Los Parks, they can take care of themselves. But on Azteca they will have a celebration dedicated to Día de los Muertos... You should come, it will be fun!


Alicia Atout: Judging by how you treat women, I'll pass, thanks. Let's talk about the barabric backstage attack on Von Erichs, perpetrated by 5150. They are making their intentions known - they want the MLW world tag team titles.


Cesar Duran: See, I actually like Danny Rivera and Slice Boogie. They are hungry, violent, bold. But there's one problem... they listen to Konnan, who has been very sleazy lately. Don't get me wrong, he was always a hissing snake. But last week he actually 'bit me', something I will never forget.


Alicia Atout: Ok... And what are your plans for the MLW world tag team titles in case Marshall Von Erich needs a surgery? His ankle was all swolen from what I could see.


Cesar Duran: We'll wait. Hammerstone had an ankle injury and is fine now. Maybe he needs to share whatever he eats with those Von Erichs boys? Hahaha. But if there's a fracture, I might think about introducing the interim championship.


Alicia Atout: That's huge. We don't have much time left, let's talk about the main event. Team MLW has toppled the seemingly unstoppable CONTRA, and things got heated between Jacob Fatu and Mads Krugger after the match.




Cesar Duran: I loved it! CONTRA made a fatal mistake by thinking they can mess with me. A few weeks under my management, and they're down for the count. I'm also excited to see Jacob Fatu out of that group, he's a special talent.


Alicia Atout: To me it looks like Jacob Fatu is not 'free' yet. He will be terrorized by Josef Samael and his soldiers until only one side survives.


Cesar Duran: And here I was, thinking you were just a pretty face. Clearly you have something behind those eyes too! I am looking forward to witnessing the backlash of CONTRA's implosion. There will be blood and only one winning side, and I love it.


Alicia Atout: Speaking of winning sides... Is there any reward for those who defended the honor of MLW from CONTRA?


Cesar Duran: Something tells me that question is from Richard Holliday. and not you... I can give them a week off after that grueling match. Or maybe I can reward some of them with entries into the Opera Cup. Let that be a surprise for now!


Alicia Atout: Rumors are flowing that MLW's next big show is going to be called 'Blood and Thunder'. Can you confirm this?


Cesar Duran: I can. This will be a huge event co-promoted by CRASH! You can expect some big interpromotional matches for it, my believers. And on this note I feel like we should go off air.


Alicia Atout: Wish I could say that this was a pleasure, but thank you for the answers, El Jefe.


Cesar Duran: Careful, Alicia. Court Bauer is not here anymore, and I am signing your checks... remember that.


MLW [b][color="Red"]War Chamber[/color][/b] Results: Ladder match for the MLW National Openweight championship ended in a no contest; [b]Low-Ki[/b] def. [b]King Muertes[/b] to become the new IWA Caribbean champion; [b]Team MLW[/b] def. [b]CONTRA[/b] in a War Chamber match.


Prediction Contest


I guess it's time to reset the prediction contest! Here are the standings after the War Chamber. I'll contact Mootinie for the prize, haven't seen him around lately.




1) Mootinie - 17/27


2) BigJ - 8/14


3) tobin834 - 5/6


4) CGN91 - 5/8


5) Hollywood - 4/8

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Hometown: Brooklyn, New York, USA


Years of Experience: 24 Years


Finishing Move: The Ghetto Stomp





It is not the size of the fighter, but the size of the fight he will bring! Nevermind his speed, ferocity and endurance, Low Ki is deceptively strong.


The always polarizing man from Brooklyn started his career in 1998 under the name derived from the lyrics of the song "No Diggity". Being trained by Homicide, he emerged from the North East indies as both an incredible athletic worker and a captivating personality. From his early years in the business, Low Ki was dedicated to his no nonsense character, combining physicality, high flying and MMA elements to create a hybrid style that revolutionized modern wrestling. Looking back, Low Ki was a central figure during the golden years of indy wrestling and has been in the mix for the past twenty-four years.


Low Ki found a lot of success during his career. Perhaps his best years were spent in Ring of Honor, a company that fit his style the best. ROH's first ever champion helped build the company's reputation alongside people like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Homicide, CM Punk and Bryan Danielson. Low Ki is no stranger to being a pioneer, as he also helped NWA-TNA to launch X-Division and tag team division as part of the iconic Triple X.


Low Ki is a three time NWA tag team champion, and a five time X-Division champion. Low Ki also earned his nickname 'The World Warrior' by working extensively in Japan for companies such as Zero-One, AJPW, NOAH, and NJPW, where he captured the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title three times.




Devastating moves from 'The Professional'...


After having over a decade of experience with successful runs in American and Japanese companies of varying sizes, there was really only one mountain left for him to climb. Low Ki's quest to conquer WWE did not go to plan, to say the least. Renamed as 'Kaval' he was featured in the second season of NXT, where he was ‘mentored’ by Laycool. He emerged as the most capable and popular participant, and won the competition, which greatly angered Vince McMahon. Kaval was knocked around by almost everyone on the active roster, and not long after, the man returned to New Japan and enjoyed even greater success than his run from a few years earlier. All good things come to an end though, after wearing a suit during a match on the company’s biggest show of the year, he upset the management and was not brought back. Despite that Low Ki took a liking to his new outfit and can be seen wrestling in it to this very day.


When we talk about MLW, Low-Ki has been its main champion from July 2018 to February 2019, racking up 7 title defenses. 'The Professional' won the title from 'Swerve' Strickland under the management of Salina de la Renta, and lost it to 'Filthy' Tom Lawlor at

. While Salina and Low-Ki had a strictly business relationship, things turned ugly for the client of Promociones Dorado, who got kicked out of the group and wasn’t the same after that. Now that Salina is back with 'The Professional', we can expect a resurgence of sorts. In their first outing together de la Renta helped Low-Ki snap the undefeated streak of King Muertes, and capture the IWA Caribbean title. Who knows who’s next on their collective hit list?


To summarize, wrestling is serious business for Low Ki, and he always plays it straight. He’s set to take his profession back from 'the complacent', 'the boys' and 'the actors who thought they could be pro wrestlers', and build another trophy room to solidify his legacy in the business.


Low Ki Matchguide









Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky, USA


Years of Experience: 6 Years


Finishing Moves: No Cap Splash





Myron Reed grew up with the dream of becoming a pro wrestler, and boy, did his dream become a reality.


Fighting out of Louisville, Kentucky, the hometown of great fighters such as Muhammad Ali, Myron Reed looks to spark a new era of explosive action as only 'Hot Fire' can bring. All one has to do to understand the meaning of that nickname is to see this speedster in action to understand how lit the boy is.


Like many aspiring wrestlers, as a teenager, Myron would play with friends in the backyard, hoping that one day he would square off against the best of the best in the squared circle. Fast forward just a few years later, when Myron was just 19, Reed would get that chance. The student of WWA4 would quickly catch fire, competing on various regional circuits in Mid South, and making his name in the tag matches alongside his high flying mentor AR Fox.


After having some explosive matches in AAW, Myron Reed would sign with MLW, as part of the league’s emerging middleweight division.




Scorching hot offense of 'The Young GOAT'!


Reed didn't need a lot of time to set the record straight, by winning the World Middleweight Championship in 2018, and successfully defending the belt against the best middleweights in MLW, as well as top wrestlers from Mexico and Japan. Reed’s historic 423 day title reign would come to an end at the hands of Lio Rush on January 6, 2021, but Myron would go on to dethrone Rush and become the first-ever 2-time World Middleweight Champion on May 5, 2021.


He didn't do it on his own though! Myron is the founding member of the Injustice movement, alongside Jordan Oliver and Kotto Brazil. At one point these young men were dead certain that the league conspired to hold them back and deny them at every opportunity. They wore orange robes, they taped each other's mouths to symbolize how they were silenced and oppressed, and they were just a bunch of rascalz who were mad at the world around them. Some say that at the age of 22, the young father has grown out of the group and has found a place in the wrestling world as a solo act. This wasn't a conscious choice though, as Kotto left MLW after being assaulted by CONTRA. Things were not the same from that point on, and now problems come to the surface...


Jordan Oliver seemed to be very frustrated with how the War Chamber match finished, blaming Reed for keeping him down. Their friendship will be tested in the near future, as 'The Young GOAT' is set to defend his title against the psychopath Alex Colon, hoping to see his best friend at ringside. Will Injustice rebound after that War Chamber loss, or will the young men go their separate ways? Find out by tuning in for MLW Fusion!


Myron Reed Matchguide




MLW Azteca #9 Card


1) Mexicools vs. TJ Perkins, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Bu Ku Dao


2) Apolo vs. Low-Ki © - IWA Caribbean Championship Match


3) Ivelisse and Matt Cross vs. Arez and Mechawolf


MLW Fusion #144 Card


1) Alex Colon vs. Myron Reed © - MLW Middleweight Championship Match


2) Team Sea Stars (Delmi Exo and Ashley Vox) vs. Top Dogs (Skylar and Davienne)


3) Calvin Tankman vs. Alex Kane


Couldn't spend too much time near my laptop lately, but all is good. The prediction contest will reset, so have at it! :rolleyes:

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MLW Azteca #9 Card


1) Mexicools vs. TJ Perkins, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Bu Ku Dao


2) Apolo vs. Low-Ki © - IWA Caribbean Championship Match


3) Ivelisse and Matt Cross vs. Arez and Mechawolf


MLW Fusion #144 Card


1) Alex Colon vs. Myron Reed © - MLW Middleweight Championship Match


2) Team Sea Stars (Delmi Exo and Ashley Vox) vs. Top Dogs (Skylar and Davienne)


3) Calvin Tankman vs. Alex Kane

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MLW Azteca #9 Card


1) Mexicools vs. TJ Perkins, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Bu Ku Dao


2) Apolo vs. Low-Ki © - IWA Caribbean Championship Match


3) Ivelisse and Matt Cross vs. Arez and Mechawolf


MLW Fusion #144 Card


1) Alex Colon vs. Myron Reed © - MLW Middleweight Championship Match


2) Team Sea Stars (Delmi Exo and Ashley Vox) vs. Top Dogs (Skylar and Davienne)


3) Calvin Tankman vs. Alex Kane

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MLW Azteca




Episode #9 - "Day of the Dead"


Taped for El Rey Network in Tulancingo, Mexico

Aired on Week 1, November 2021




"In this business, you need powerful friends... I don't need friends... SALINA DE LA RENTA IS ALIVE! We have a new IWA Caribbean champion!!


Infamous Inc will win the Trios gold before L.A.X, and you can take it to the bank! The following contest is a triple threat match for a briefcase with fifty thousand dollars… Apolo pushes Texano out of the ring and falls on top of Steve Pain. One, two, three!! Apolo gets the dough! Apolo is riding with 5150 now, hasta la muerte y después... Boss, I don't understand!? You have signed Melissa, for what!? To get back on me? Wait, El Jefe, I'm not finished! EL JEFE!!


The following lucha is a three-way Trios Tables match, the winners will be crowned as the new Azteca Underground Trios champions! Mechawolf and Arez carry Angelico backstage… L.A. Park reverses Salida del Sol and throws Samuray through a table!! Los Parks are your new Azteca Underground Trios champions!"




Welcome everyone to Azteca Underground! You have chosen the right day to tune in, because tonight we are celebrating Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead in gringo speak. We will honor the dead and pay the respects to the departed in true Mexican fashion - by eating out, having fun, and witnessing some crazy lucha!


Cesar Duran, the dastardly Spaniard, is more focused on his plans for the future and matchmaking duties, so he's not building ofrendas or decorating the temple with calaveras. He pencils something in his book when King Muertes, the now former IWA Caribbean champion, barges into his makeshift office.


'The Man of 1000 Deaths' demands a rematch with Low Ki, he wants to get his revenge on him and that traitor Salina.




Muertes: GIVE... ME... LOW KI!


Duran: I'm afraid you're late, I have no time for that fight tonight. You can have a night off, and join the celebrations. All your family members got taken away from you in that earthquake, right? Honor them today, and you will get a match next week.




Duran: Your tone won't help you, Muertes. But keep that mood for next week, as you will be involved in a Death Match! And since you didn't win at War Chamber, the prize in this parcel with stay with me for the time being. Sorry!


Muertes slams his fist on the desk, almost breaking it in half. He's raging and gives Cesar a proper death stare, before kicking the door right off the hinges. Something suggests that the former champion is not in the mood for celebrations. Duran picks up a photo frame that was knocked over and whispers that he misses his dead brother so much. If only he was here... Someone's shadow falls on the photo, so Cesar looks up.




Duran: If you're gonna visit me uninvited, at least knock on the door... oh, right.


TJP: Don't you have an open door policy? Or is that term reserved for all those people you signed lately? Anyway... I'm here to get what I deserve. I'm the biggest star in all of MLW, and after my victory over Tajiri, I want a title shot.


Duran: Myron Reed is already booked, come back next week.


TJP: Oh no, Ceez, you didn't understand me. I'm not talking about the Middleweight championship... I want a shot at Alex Hammerstone!


Duran: You're pretty ambitious, TJ! But also a bit naive. But I'll give you a match, since you're so eager to compete. Tonight, you will partner up with your good friends Tajiri and Bu Ku Dao, against Super Crazy, Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis.


TJP: Wow. Wow! This is so beyond my level, I'm actually insulted.


Duran: That's not all, TJ. Whoever eats the fall in that Trios match will be sacrificed to the Gods tonight! So good luck, you're gonna need it.


TJP: Whatever, gramps. Smell ya later...




We're at ringside now and the arena is looking very spooky tonight. Lots of macabre decorations, some fans wear face paint, lots of kids are wearing costumes. The opening ceremony is complete and the cameras show our announcers Konnan and Famous B. They are not in the typical garb for this holiday...




Famous B: Partna, I don't get the spirit of this holiday and these guys give me chills, but hey, the food is good!


Konnan: Fool, this is not the food for you. This is an offering to those who passed away. See these yellow flowers? Marigold is the flower of the dead, their scent attracts souls. They will be very mad at chu, payaso, they were waiting for their meals aaaaall year.


Famous B: Maan, why didn't you tell me before? I'm like... straight up not having a good time now. I think I'm gonna puke!


Konnan: Hahaha, relax, gringo, I'm just messing with you. Eat tamales all you want, but leave some sugar skulls for me.


Famous B: No thanks. Anyway... tonight we have a special show. Los Parks will celebrate winning the Trios titles, Salina de la Renta will have a few words for the boss, and finally, in our main event of the night, Ivelisse and Matt Cross will try to beat Arez and Mechawolf to 'get back' their friend and partner Angelico, whatever that means! Melissa, baby girl, please take us away!




"The following contest is a Deadly Trios match! Introducing first, the team of Super Crazy, Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera!!"


Deadly trio match? That's something new. The team formerly known as the Mexicools is jumping all around the ring, hyping the crowd up. Juventud yells into Melissa's mic, greeting all the juicy fans in the building, 'The Juice' is loose!! The veterans get a good reaction, people love to see them here tonight.


"And their opponents... the team of Bu Ku Dao, Yoshihiro Tajiri and TJ Perkins!"


What an odd team this is, it has Duran's fingerprints all over it! They don't get long, to say the least, and Perkins looks like he can't be bothered about this match. Bu Ku Dao wants to prove his worth to the new mentor, so he will compensate TJ's lack of interest with some fire under his butt. Ring the bell!




Deadly Trios Match




Super Crazy, Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis vs. Bu Ku Dao, Yoshihiro Tajiri and TJ Perkins


The mysterious stipulation of the match makes this an extra intriguing contest for the renegades, they don't know what Cesar Duran has come up with here.


It's all kicking off with high octane flying action, as Juvi and Bu Ku Dao start the match. Dao is slightly better on the mats, but Guerrera still has some springs in his boots, and he bounces around like it's 1997! He catches Bu with a Spinning Wheel Kick and tags in Psicosis, who hits a Psycho Leg Drop and covers the smallest guy in this contest. Not so fast! Bu Ku Dao works from underneath and gets a chance to tag in Tajiri, who attacks Psicosis' arm with a Double Axe Handle.


The kicks are back on the menu, and this is a complete throwback to the old ECW days, where these two squared off multiple times. 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' almost knocks Psicosis out, but he ducks the kick and here comes Super Crazy! He makes his signature forward flip and engages in a stare down with his arch rival... This is going to make a lot of people nostalgic, but not TJP, who lets out a fake yawn.


The action is picking up, and the drama heats up, as Tajiri locks Crazy in the Tarantula! TJ kicks Crazy in the face and gets a warning from the ref. Perkins slaps Tajiri's back, hits a Hilo Splash and cockily covers his opponent - no good for three. TJP is working a slower place and incorporates a lot of holds, which is not what our fans want to see in the opener. Perkins is very aware of that, so he slaps a Head Lock and talks some trash. A few pinning maneuvers are reversed, so TJP turns serious for a second and hits a Snap Suplex! Rolls over his hips, and delivers a Belly to Back Suplex. Fans wanted to see Three Amigos, but TJP says they're not worthy! He goes on the top rope and teases a Frog Splash... Super Crazy rolls out of the harm's way and tags in Juvi, who hits a 450!! One, two, NO!


You better take this match seriously, Perkins! Tajiri chews the guy out and requests a tag. Perkins takes this personally and makes it look like he's going to hit Tajiri, but instead he slaps Bu Ku Dao and walks away. What an turdcutter!! But hey, that was a legal tag.


TJP indeed walks away, saying that he will not wrestle in front of people who don't appreciate his greatness, leaving his partners short-handed. Of course that makes things tougher for Dao and Tajiri, who have to fight three experienced luchadores who know each other so well. Guerrera sets up a Juvi Driver on Dao, missing a sneaky tag from Tajiri. The underdog is down, Super Crazy even hits a Trifecta Moonsault, but the cover is not registered due to a tag. BAM!! Tajiri knocks both Juvi and Psicosis off the apron with Handspring Back Elbows, preparing to strike the unsuspecting Super Crazy with a Buzzsaw Kick!!


Knocks his lights out! One, two, three!! We have our winners, and a loser!

TJ Perkins, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Bu Ku Dao defeated Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis and Super Crazy in 11:43 when Tajiri defeated Super Crazy by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Kick. [42/100]


Tajiri had an in-ring performance of 25.

TJP had an in-ring performance of 48.

Bu Ku Dao had an in-ring performance of 17.

Juvi had an in-ring performance of 59.

Super Crazy had an in-ring performance of 46.

Psicosis had an in-ring performance of 58.


(-) Bu Ku Dao was the weak link, stuggling to keep up with others.

Cesar Duran steps out of this office and gives Tajiri a round of applause.


That's more like it - he wants to see more of the same from 'The Japanese Buzzsaw'... and when it comes to Super Crazy... he will be... SACRIFICED TO THE GODS!!! WHAT!? The lights go out and someone runs into the ring to attack the loser.


We hear a loud thud of the ring, as Crazy is slammed into the mats. It sounded almost like thunder... When the lights return, Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis are nursing injuries on the outside and can't find their trios partner. He's gone like the wind!




Duran smirks and steps into the ring himself, last week he forgot to honor the stipulation of the match for fifty thousand dollars.


As you might remember, the loser of the match had to clean his shoes, until they were rudely interrupted by Konnan. Well, it's time to make up for the loss! Cesar calls out Steve Pain to the ring and tells him to shine it up real nice. Steve obediently comes out and let's just say, he looks pretty filthy to clean someone else's shoes. El Jefe just has an ego trip, and he gets enjoyment out of humiliating other people. Pain shrugs and does the deed, to the boos of the crowd.


He goes for the second shoe, but Duran stops him and gives him a few dollars.


"I like your enthusiasm, but this one is for our blue collar brawler, ahaha! I'm waiting for you, Texano!" - laughs Cesar.


Konnan asks if Duran is out of his mind, asking Texano to do something like that? Famous B says it's not a big deal, and Duran even gives money for a few seconds of work. Why don't you do it yourself then? At last, Texano comes out to the ring. He has a stern look and you can see that he's fed up with Duran.




Texano asks if Cesar really means it. Yes? Well then... TEXANO KNOCKS OUT CESAR DURAN! A HAYMAKER SENDS EL JEFE TO THE DREAMLAND!


Famous B freaks out, his client just made a very big mistake. Konnan is amused and high fives the cowboy, as he jumps the barricade to escape Cesar's minions swarming him in the ring. Now that will shut the boss real good, but what will the consequences be for the prideful Mexican? The boss is carried away from the scene, he might need some ice now, that punch is going to leave a mark!




The camera takes us outside. It’s a Día de la Muerte, so it comes as no surprise that Los Parks, our new Trios champions, are in a festive mood.


For them, everyday is the day of the dead L.A. Park says that they are the champions once again, and tonight they will celebrate not only their grand victory, but their national holiday too. Park is also sharing his thoughts on the Mars chocolate bars…




"They name confectionaries after our solar system, it’s a stupid gimmick! Our Mexican chocolate is so pure, so magnificent! That’s what people should give to the children, not this gringo product!"


Some stupid pendejo in a mask walks by Los Parks during their promo. Papa Park questions what the hell is he doing, asking for candy in that stupid mask? Is he cosplaying the hairless snake Konnan? Los Parks beat up the guy, take his sweets, and tell adults to give children big candy and to not be cheap idiots.


Meanwhile, Low-Ki and Salina de la Renta make their way to the ring. ‘La Bruja’ looks very happy that Cesar Duran got knocked out!




"Duran, karma's a bitch… and so am I! You think I would just back away after you have taken Promociones Dorado from me? After you turned Los Parks and Muertes against me? You’ve made a huge mistake, Cesar. Now that I’m back, I’m going to regain my control over MLW! The IWA title is just the beginning, I’m going after the Trios titles next… And what do you want!??"


Salina is distracted by Konnan, who leaves his desk with a mic and steps into the ring. He smirks and dismisses Salina’s question, addressing Low Ki.


Konnan: Ki, lemme ax you a question… Why did you choose this brat over la familia? Is this all about the cash, or do you have some feelings for little Salina?


Salina: Shut your dirty mouth, Konnan! You know nothing, and just for the record - our relationship is strictly professional. We’re not even friends, we just have common enemies. And one of them… is you!


Konnan: Quiet, Salina. Maybe he wants to answer himself? Or did you put his balls in that purse of yours?


That was a feisty job from K-Dawg, as Salina does have a designer purse on her arm. Low Ki is triggered by someone questioning his manliness and independence, and he gets close to Konnan with a mic in his hand. Ki tells K-Dawh not to play mind games with ‘The Professional’. Doesn’t he remember how it went the last time they had a confrontation? Konnan starts laughing, remembering how he was literally stabbed in the back by Low Ki.




Konnan: Oh, ese, I remember. And that’s a bad thing for you punk ass, because now the number’s advantage is on my side… There’s six of us in 5150 and you’re all alone, backed by a gold digger. Still fancy your chances… champ?


Low Ki: Oh, you want this belt? Why don’t you get one of your pups out there so I could take them to school?


Ask and you shall receive! Apolo runs out with a briefcase and almost knocks Ki from behind, a timely shout from Salina prevents the sneak attack from succeeding. The champ dropkicks the briefcase in the face of Apolo and throws away his red tie, telling the ref to start the match.






IWA Caribbean Championship Match




Apolo w/Konnan vs. Low-Ki © w/Salina de la Renta


Low-Ki is off the leash! He sprints towards Apolo and almost knocks him out with a Flying Elbow into the corner.


'The Professional' uses his quickness to make the bigger man dizzy, and light up his calves and hamstrings with low kicks. Apolo tries a double leg takedown, but gets hit in the back of the head with a Switchblade Kick! Salina enjoys Low-Ki's performance and provokes Konnan on the outside, while the champion is choking out 'The Lion of Puerto Rico' behind the ref's back. Low-Ki goes for a springboard attack, and gets caught with a massive Spinebuster!! Apolo shakes the ropes, looking to stun the new champion with a Powerbomb... Low-Ki reverses it with a Hurricanrana, blasts Apolo with a Shotgun Dropkick into the corner.


One moment later he delivers the final blow - The Ghetto Stomp! One, two, three, it has been an easy match for Low-Ki! Konnan will be disappointed with Apolo's showing here. Salina joins the champ in the ring, she's satisfied!

Low-Ki defeated Apolo in 4:42 by pinfall with a Ghetto Stomp. Low Ki makes defense number one of the IWA Caribbean Heavyweight title. [34/100]


Low-Ki had an in-ring performance of 46.

Apolo had an in-ring performance of 23.



Salina's celebration is cut short by the music of King Muertes!


'The Man of 1000 Deaths' is running to the ring, looking to get his hands on Low-Ki. 'The Professional' ducks a huge lariat and slides under the ropes to avoid the wrath of the ex-champion. De la Renta insults Muertes, but leaves fairly quickly. Muertes growls in anger and turns his attention to Apolo... SPEAR! Muertes beats the life out of Apolo right in front of Konnan and positions him for his finisher. LEAPING FLATLINER! Apolo lands right on his head!


Konnan calls over all the 5150 members, but they're not eager to fight with Muertes, just picking up Apolo's carcass and leading him backstage.


While Muertes is seething in the ring and challenging 5150 members to try him, the resident pest, Marty The Moth is snooping through El Jefe’s belongings. He walked straight to the door that Muertes kicked out hours before, and now he’s flipping through the papers, looking for something that may interest him.




"He thought that he could get away with that! Can you imagine!? Well, that’s where you’re wrong, El Jefe, hahaha! Nobody… ignores… MARTY THE MOTH!"


Marty continues his spooky monkey talk until he finds a parcel. The same parcel that was promised to Muertes after his victory over Low Ki. Moth takes interest in the box and finds the item worthy enough of a giggle. He hides it in his pants, a place where nobody would dare to check. While heading to the exit, Marty hears Salina ranting about Muertes. Resurrecting that son of a bitch was the worst mistake she made in her life… but they’ll fix it soon enough.


They’ll rule MLW like they used to in the past, eliminating everyone who stands in their way! At that exact moment Salina bumps into Ivelisse, who heads to the ring for the main event. ‘La Sicaria’ tells the bitch to watch her step, and gets a few similar remarks sent in her general direction.


The situation does not come to a catfight only because both ladies have better things to do right now.




We’re a few minutes removed from the final lucha of the night. Famous B reminds us that according to his sources, Ivelisse and Matt Cross will fight to free Angelico tonight. The man was abducted last week and nobody has seen him since!


The team of underdogs make their way out first, and they don’t get their usual reaction. The Mexican fans don’t care about Cross and Ivelisse as much, preferring to cheer for the ‘yellow rebels’ Arez and Mechawolf. They’ll have to wait for their favorites, since we have some guests here…


A group of face painted people carry some flowers and skulls to the ring, walking ominously around the squared circle.




Eventually they even roll out a coffin to the ring, putting it right near the announce desk.


This visual would give most people chills, but for the fans in the arena this is just a tradition. The dark passengers leave the scene, and out come the villains.‘The Son of the Demon’ Bestia 666, who wears a dark priest robe tonight, ‘The King of Strange Style’ Arez and ‘The Hound From The Underworld’ Mechawolf. Matt Cross and Ivelisse decide to cut straight to the chase and hit a Double Suicide Dive on their opponents! Sportsmanship, be gone!


This naturally leads to a brawl near and among the fans, and some nasty bumps on the floor. The numbers advantage plays in favor of Bestia’s followers, and eventually, the action returns to the ring.




Tag Team Grudge Match




Arez and Mechawolf vs. Ivelisse and Matt Cross


Mechawolf and Arez make the renegades happy, double teaming Matt Cross and showcasing some impressive lucha libre moves in the process.


Cross is no slouch himself, working to the best of his ability. He endures a lot of punishments, and stays in the reaching distance out of the hot tag. The best opportunity to enter Ivelisse comes after Matt flips out of the German Suplex attempt! ‘La Sicaria’ leaps off the top rope and takes Mechawolf outside of the ring! She kicks advancing Arez in the mid section and delivers a Code Red move, a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, if you will!


Surprisingly for most spectators, Arez reversed it into a pinning maneuver of his own! The tussle on the mats continued until Arez was caught with a Recoil Kick! A quickfire tag for Cross and a high risk Crossbody to the outside were almost enough to swing the match in the favor of outsiders! Cross was seconds away from dropping a Shooting Star Press, but Bestia dragged Arez out of harm's way by the ankle. Not a problem for Matt, who cartwheels over the top rope and lands an Asai Moonsault on top of La Rebellion! Renegades liked that, they don’t seem to mind Cross now!


The camera focuses on the coffin nearby, it is shaking a little bit…




"K-Dawg, dude, that thing is moving! I swear to God someone’s trapped inside!" - freaks out Famous B.


Well, if someone is indeed there, he’ll be awake now, as Mechawolf throws Ivelisse face first into the lid a few times! This is not the match for the weak hearted, but it’s just right down the alley of Los Parks, who come out to the ring. They kick out a few gringos from the front row seats and also steal their popcorn… three skeletons are a huge distraction for the official, who tries to call it down the middle, but gets floored after Matt misses with a Handspring Back Elbow!


This is the perfect opportunity for L.A. Park to grab a trusty wooden chair and slam it into Matt’s face! The force of the shot was so severe that Cross got knocked to the knees. Arez is right there to pounce on the prey, delivering a Double Foot Stomp to the back of the neck! Ivelisse is slammed on the exposed floor to ensure that she doesn’t break up the fall that follows after Mechawolf hits a perfect 450 Splash on Matt Cross.


Referee makes a slow three count, giving a tainted victory to the cheaters.

Arez and Mechawolf defeated Ivelisse and Matt Cross in 08:14 when Mechawolf defeated Cross by pinfall with a 450 Splash. [43/100]


Mechawolf had an in-ring performance of 40.

Arez had an in-ring performance of 51.

Matt Cross had an in-ring performance of 28.

Ivelisse had an in-ring performance of 28.


(+) Ivelisse and Matt Cross have great chemistry tagging together.



Matt and Ivelisse are spent, they have no energy left to fight off the rudos. Bestia takes the microphone and addresses L.A. Park, who just repaid Rebellion Amarilla for helping him and his sons win the Trios gold. Bestia is about to make an offering to ‘The Chairman’...


"Mortals don’t stand a chance against us, the creators of the realm. The war of the millenia didn’t go according to the plan, L.A. Park, but maybe that’s for the better… because right now, we can take over the world together. This is a gift to you and your family, inside that coffin lies a dead angel… Take it, so I could consider us to be allies yet again! So we could start from the clean slate! What do you say?"


L.A. Park is certainly considering this offer, taking a few seconds to think about it. He doesn’t get to give his answer, because someone who has a ‘bone to pick’ with ‘The Chairman’ is rolling to the ring right now!! Someone who’s crazy enough to ride into the death trap…






He didn’t come here alone, as right behind him a squadron of technicos jump into the ring. Aramis, Samuray del Sol, Laredo Kid and Zenshi all trade blows with the villains, eventually forcing them to retreat! The coffin on the outside is left unattended, and given that speech of Bestia, they might want to open it as soon as possible.The lid is busted wide open, and Angelico, the abducted man, falls out. He gasps for air like fish out of water.


A few more minutes in that coffin, and he would probably be gone! On this positive note we go off air… Good night everybody!


Final Show Rating



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  • 3 weeks later...


MLW Fusion



Episode #144


Taped for Vice TV in South East

Aired on Week 1, November 2021



The show starts with a brief recap of War Games, where Team MLW beat CONTRA in the battle that was building up for almost two years.


Alexander Hammerstone, Richard Holliday, Ross Von Erich, EJ Nduka and Davey Richards have defeated 'the international cabal of violence' so badly that CONTRA had an ugly confrontation between Mads Krugger and Jacob Fatu to close the pay-per-view.


The footage from the event is interrupted by CONTRA's imagery, it looks like Josef Samael does not want to admit the defeat of his army yet.




"HERESY! MLW DID NOT DEFEAT CONTRA! Do not buy into MLW's shameless propaganda! You can never, and I say NEVER, destroy our legion! Our soldiers will continue no matter what, no matter how many of them go down. But before we can continue our special operation, our man has to take the responsibility for the loss. Jacob Fatu, the War Chamber result lays squarely on your shoulders! You've not been good enough, and Mads Krugger was right to tell you about it. Your reaction was nothing short of embarrassing... NOBODY is bigger than CONTRA, Jacob. Put your ego aside and admit you've let us all down. Take this responsibility like a man and... HAAAAAIIIIL COOOOOONTRAAAAAAA!!"




MLW Fusion rolls on with the MLW Middleweight champion Myron Reed and MLW's new backstage interviewer Emilio Sparks.




Emilio is not a shy one, he practically gets in the face of 'The Young G.O.A.T.' and starts asking him some provocative questions.


Sparks: Myron Reed, I'm getting a ton of tweets about The Injustice. People want to know if the group will stay together following your brutal defeat at the War Chamber to Team 5150?? Is this the end?


Reed: I don't know where you got that, but we ain't splitting. We've been through worse, and this loss will only make us stronger.


Sparks: How about the reaction of Jordan Oliver after the match? He pushed you away and cursed you out, to me it looks like Injustice is over!


Reed: Dude, take it easy. What you would want me to do, let Homicide stick a fork in his eye? No way, man. I know Jordan much better than you or anyone else in MLW, and he tells me to go to funny places on a daily basis, it's just the way he is. We are cool, and honestly, I don't appreciate you stirring up the pot before my title defense. Now if y--


Sparks: You're heading into your title match without Calvin Tankman and Jordan Oliver at your side. Isn't that a sign that Injustice is no more!?


Reed: YO! Don't get under my skin, dude. Stop doing that, stop playing with fire, cause I'm not gonna be nice to you if you keep this sh!t up! Calvin is preparing for the main event, and Oliver is at home. Happy? Now give me some space!


Emilio Sparks rattled Myron quite a bit in this interview, he looks pleased with his job. Reed is heading to ringside to have a match with Alex Colon with the MLW Middleweight championship on the line! Challenger makes his entrance first, accompanied by 'Notorious 187' Homicide! The GCW regular would like nothing more than to win some gold in the new company. 5150 have the momentum, but Myron Reed has the fire in his belly!


The champ jumps into the ring and the fighters talk trash to each other ahead of this explosive opener. Ring the bell!






MLW Middleweight Championship Match




Alex Colon w/Homicide vs. Myron Reed ©


While Alex Colon broke into the business as a cruiserweight and earned plenty of accolades in the super junior divisions, he can't match Myron’s quickness and agility early on in this bout. Reed is flashy in his offense, showing just why he’s the league's only two-time Middleweight champ.


Colon gets frustrated after getting caught with a few aerial attacks and he takes a shortcut, putting his thumbs in Reed’s eyes. Homicide distracts the referee so his stablemate wouldn’t get caught, and you have to wonder if this would happen if Jordan Oliver was accompanying Myron to the ring? Colon scores a near fall after a Shuffle Kick-Neckbreaker combination! Reed is still in it.


Myron ducks a Pointed Elbow attack and smacks Colon in the ear with a Flying Enzughiri, a move he adopted from his mentor AR Fox! It will be interesting to know how strong their relationship will remain after Fox left Reed high and dry at the War Chamber. Meanwhile the champ prepares a Springboard Leg Drop, but Homicide grabs him by the ankle, stopping the attack! Reed shoves the vet away and meets the advancing Colon with another kick! Alex is groggy on the apron now… FLAME ON! Reed jumps over the top rope with a Cutter, also hitting Homicide with a hip attack!


Homicide gets up and loses his cool! He starts stomping on Myron, giving him a DQ victory!

Myron Reed defeated Alex Colon in 7:52 by DQ after Homicide attacked Reed. Myron Reed makes defense number two of his MLW Middleweight championship. [43/100]


Reed had an in-ring performance of 44.

Colon had an in-ring performance of 43.



This will be counted as a title defense for Reed, but he's in deep trouble now. Homicide and Alex Colon double team Myron and prepare to eliminate him with a Gringo Killa - Double Foot Stomp combination… but here comes Jordan Oliver! Jordan shoves Colon off the top rope, with Alex falling on the apron back first! Oliver then hits Homicide with a Springboard Stunner, quickly kicking him out of the ring with a Big Boot! He’s all fired up!


Colon and Homicide want to fight, but they're restrained by a dozen of Atlas security members. Clearly they did not expect to see Jordan here tonight! Oliver grabs the mic to challenge any member of 5150 to a hardcore match next week, cause he didn’t quit in the War Chamber, Myron did it for him! He wants to face every single LAX guy, one by one, and he doesn't need any help to get the job done! Oliver tells Reed to stay out of his way now, as he doesn’t need a babysitter. And if Myron needs a friend... he can go talk to AR Fox! This felt like a warning to 'The Young G.O.A.T', the tension is growing between two friends. Jordan doesn't give Reed a hand and leaves - Myron is puzzled to say the least.


Perhaps Emilio talked some issues into existence? Or is Myron in denial about the status of the group?






5150 meet Homicide and Alex Colon backstage, who have been restrained by security after Colon's match with Myron Reed. Konnan tells the gangbangers to take a chill pill, they won at the War Chamber and they put a wedge between the Injustice members. Now all they need is to divide and conquer, comprende? Homicide tells he will carve up Oliver's face with the fork if K-Dawg allows him to teach that young punk another lesson.


Clearly he's too dumb to understand who's running the streets here now! Konnan says that's cool, let's do that... but! They shouldn't keep all their tabs on the young and dumb guys, they need to get some gold. Von Erichs, Los Parks, they deserve some attention too! Everyone agrees, and now that the gang is growing in numbers and CONTRA is pretty much done, they can 'run the asylum'! Orale!


Fans watching at home get some still images from the War Chamber event. So much happened that night that it's hard to pick just one or two highlights. New champions were crowned in Philly, and one of them is standing by the beautiful Alicia Atout. 'The Interview Queen' congratulates Marina Shafir on her title victory and asks how she feels following the biggest victory of her career? She doesn't seem very happy today.




Shafir: I did my job. I beat people up and I'm not here to smile for you or anyone else.


Atout: O-okay. Marina, can I get your thoughts on the words of Cesar Duran about the women's division? He was very disrespectful in our post show, and didn't hold back in his words.


Shafir: When I was out of the job, and nobody wanted to book me, he gave me the opportunity. Nobody wanted to fight me on the indies, because I'm the real deal and I don't play along to children's games. He signed me to be a shooter I have been all my life, and did more than you or any other 'concerned' person ever could.


Atout: Thank you for the answers, Marina. We're heading back to ringside, where Sea Stars will take on Top Dogs in a tag team match!


Marina rolled her eyes and walked away. The mood quickly changes when Delmi Exo and Ashley Vox make their bubbly entrance. Ms. Vox 'hooks' the cameraman and 'reels' him in! She's in a great mood, despite being the one who was pinned in the six-way women's match.




Definitely a contrast to Marina Shafir, who got the title, but expresses no lighthearted feelings. Ashley is joined by her sister, and after a bit, Davienne and Skylar too. The Top Dogs have lost to Melissa Martinez and Holidead in the qualifying match, so they'll be looking to get back on track here. Willow Nightingale joins the announcers, bringing even more positivity to this tag team match. Ok, time to get serious!




Tag Team Match




Sea Stars vs. Top Dogs


Sea Stars are the clear fan favorites in this contest, people do not like Davienne and Skylar, probably because they are wearing cop uniforms.


Baddies jump the happy-go-lucky tag team from behind and put them through some painful moves. They target the smaller sister and cut the ring in half, so Delmi doesn't get to ruin their plans. Backdrop Driver and a Senton give Top Dogs a two count. Exo is knocked off the apron, and Davienne plants Vox with a German! Another kick out, and a comeback is on the cards. Dropkick to Skylar, rollover, hot tag to Ashley who grounds Davienne with a Missile Dropkick! Top Dogs bail out of the ring, but Sea Stars are not waiting for them! Double Suicide Dive!!




"They are so cool!" - exclaims Willow behind the desk.


Ashley brings on the fire, chopping both opponents and even delivering a Discuss Elbow! Not enough! Davienne grabs Ashley's hair and steps in the ring without a tag to deliver a DVD Powerbomb! Delmi breaks the cover, that tag team move shouldn't have happened! The action picks up with Sea Stars riding a big wave of momentum. A Spin-Out Cutter sets Skylar up for the finish, as Vox delivers a match winning Assisted Hilo!


Great victory for Sea Stars, the fans are happy for them, as is Willow Nightingale who had nothing but good things to say about all four wrestlers.

Sea Stars defeated Top Dogs in 6:11 by pinfall when Ashley Vox defeated Skylar with an Assisted Hilo. [40/100]


Ashley Vox had an in-ring performance of 48.

Delmi Exo had an in-ring performance of 46.

Davienne had an in-ring performance of 31.

Skylar had an in-ring performance of 35.



Sea Stars celebrate, but their music is interrupted by Holidead! She creeped out from under the ring and grabbed Delmi's ankle, scaring the sisters with her mere look. She probably has a tooth for the girls after they tackled her out of the match on Sunday. Nightingale doesn't like what she sees, and she confronts Holidead head to head. A brawl breaks out, with Willow and Holidead going up the ramp! They fight to the back, where they are broken up by the road agents. Willow says that she's sorry, she just stood up for Delmi and Ashley, who thank her for this stand up move.




After the match we get a short message from Alexander Hammerstone, who has been given a night off like the other participants from the MLW's side following their gargantuan effort to beat CONTRA. Hammer shares how nice it was to kick the collective asses of the black and yellow group, and how proud he is of men that fought shoulder to shoulder with him.


He shouts out his boy Holliday, EJ, Ross, and says that Davey Richards is the man. Alex hopes that Marshall's injury is not serious and will allow him to remain the tag team champion. Hammer knows all about that type of injury and how jeopardizing it is to the champion's status. Speaking of, he is now ready to go and defend his MLW World Heavyweight championship title against all comers.




"The top doesn't feel like the top once you've got there. Now it's about moving this company and the brand forward, building my dynasty.


I have to be a better champion than Jacob Fatu, I gotta have a longer reign than him, have more title defenses, have more memorable matches and I have to do all that on a bigger scale. Don't get me wrong, being a world champion feels great, but there's still a lot more to do and I'm more motivated than ever to step up my game. I will be a fighting champion and I'll defend this bad boy all over the world.


Rumors are flowing that our next pay-per-view will be in Mexico... great! Sign me up, put me on the card, do your thing, Cesar. Hammermania knows no borders, and I'm ready to defend this championship against the best athletes around the globe."


Alex is certainly feeling ambitious and looks on the brighter side. He will be making an appearance next week to find a new challenger for his title. Hammerstone tells everyone to bring it, he will take on anyone and everyone! The interview is over, but the show is most definitely not.




There's a lot of chaos in the building today, probably because Cesar Duran is missing the show. The security had their hands full of 5150, road agents are busy with the scraps in our women's division, so it comes as no surprise that we find another MLW guy attacked backstage!


Calvin Tankman, tonight's main event man was jumped from behind, and it looks like the attackers have targeted his knee. Did 5150 get another man injured here? Medics look over Calvin, who insists that he'll not pull out, this is his big night! He needs this match and the check, he has a daughter to feed! Myron comes over and makes an assumption that this was done by Konnan and his goons, and then helps his friend stand up.


Oliver asks why Myron is not suspecting AR Fox? This is not the first time that guy struck a knife in their backs! Reed yells that 5150 have done the same sh!t to Von Erichs just a few days ago, this is their M.O! AR Fox might have stood them up, but he doesn't have a history of targeting people backstage. Tankman tries to calm them both down saying that he doesn't know who attacked him, but he knows that he needs to go out there and fight. Myron agrees, he will look over Tank's back out there. Jordan doesn't want to follow Reed's lead, opting to go about his own business.


He's acting like a teenager that thinks he knows better... Well, the main event is next!




Singles Match




Alex Kane vs. Calvin Tankman w/Myron Reed


There's no National Openweight championship in sight, Kane came out alone and empty-handed.


Calvin confronts Alex about it, but 'The Suplex Assassin' just mocks the super heavyweight and asks how his knee is feeling and what happened to his face? Tankman fires back with a slap that would send most people to sleep! The brawl breaks out with Tankman having a good start, capped off with a massive Pounce that sends Alex out of the ring! Reed cheers on, but doesn't interfere into the match itself.


Kane takes a second to rethink his strategy and expectedly goes after Tank's knee. He stomps the limb and works over it with some tight holds, but Calvin is not the type of guy to tap out. Alex makes sure to keep the bigger man on the ground, not only to diminish his height and weight advantage, but also to take out some of the more high risk moves from Tank's arsenal. 'The Heavyweight Hustle' is clearly struggling, but in a moment of sheer willpower hits Kane with a massive Wheel Kick! He smells victory and teases a huge Elbow Shot to the back of the head!




Kane anticipated that move and reversed the lunge into a freakishly impressive Saito Suplex!! They almost broke the ring again, Alex Kane is a specimen! Kane lets his straps down like he's Kurt Angle and goes for the Ripcord Olympic Slam... but Calvin stuffs it and delivers a Powerbomb!


Now his Elbow Strike can get him a victory, but that's when 5150 swarmed the ring to attack Myron Reed! Clearly distracted by a five-on-one attack on his friend, Calvin misses the stealth arrival of AR Fox, who slides the title belt to Kane. BAM! Tankman hits the mats and Alex steals the win!


The title is staying with 'The Suplex Assassin' for now, even if he's not an official champion.

Alex Kane defeated Calvin Tankman in 12:14 by pinfall after a title belt strike. AR Fox distracted Tankman to assist Alex Kane. [42/100]


Kane had an in-ring performance of 38.

Tankman had an in-ring performance of 45.



Kane gets out of the ring with the title as soon as the bell rings, while AR Fox looks back on Myron, who can't deal with Boogie and Rivera on his own. He walks away to loud boos and follows Alex backstage! Jordan Oliver, where the hell are you?


5150 hit a 456 Headcrack on Myron and put an LAX sign on his and Calvin's backs! To close the show, Konnan says that in a month's time MLW will run a pay-per-view co-promoted with CRASH and Reed will defend his title there against Flamita! K-Dawg also adds that he'll use his connections to get 5150 a title shot of some sorts, because the man in charge is too scared to book 'em, and too weak to deal with them!




"Duran, you wanna oppress my people, mi gente? Then we'll be all over you, like bad teeth on a Somalian. And trust me, perro, what Texano did to you pales in comparacent to what we, 5150, can do to you... Viva La Raza, to live and die in L.A.X!!"


Final Show Rating




Next Week on MLW [b][color="Red"]Fusion[/color][/b]: Big Damo vs. Parrow; Willow Nightingale vs. Holidead; Jacob Fatu replies to CONTRA; Update on the medical condition of Marshall Von Erich; Alexander Hammerstone, Davey Richards, Richard Holliday and many more!

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MLW Control Center




First Match Set For Blood and Thunder!


MLW’s ‘War Chamber’ event in Philadelphia was a huge success, but the league is not resting on its laurels and is looking forward to the next big show on the calendar - ‘Blood and Thunder’!


According to Konnan, ‘El Jefe’ Cesar Duran plans to hold the show in Mexico to really capitalize on the growing fanbase of his Azteca Underground brand. Recent ticket sales and feedback from the ‘renegades’ seem to indicate that this is a smart move. ‘Blood and Thunder’ will be co-promoted with CRASH, one of the fastest growing lucha libre companies in all of Mexico.


To get the fans excited about this tour, Konnan leaked that there will be a match between MLW Middleweight champion 'Hot Fire' Myron Reed and the new CRASH Cruiserweight champion... Demonic Flamita!


MLW [b][color="Red"]Azteca[/color][/b] Results: [b]TJ Perkins[/b], [b]Yoshihiro Tajiri [/b]and [b]Bu Ku Dao[/b] defeated [b]Juventud Guerrera[/b], [b]Psicosis[/b] and [b]Super Crazy[/b]; [b]Low-Ki[/b] def. [b]Apolo[/b]; [b]Arez[/b] and [b]Mechawolf[/b] def. [b]Ivelisse[/b], [b]Matt Cross[/b].




Cesar Duran Set To Miss Future MLW Tapings


‘El Jefe’ remains at home for the foreseeable future after getting knocked out at the last Azteca episode.


Texano will find himself in a tough spot once the boss makes his return. The repercussions may be extremely severe, given that Duran brought back sacrifice rituals last week, with Super Crazy being the very first man to be executed to please the Aztec Gods. Texano’s long-time manager Famous B refused to comment on his plans of conflict mitigation, also distancing himself from the blue collar brawler in the past few days.


You have to wonder if the likes of Konnan, Salina de la Renta, Josef Samael or even Dan Lambert will use this altercation to put their clientele in the best position possible. Inmates-run-the-asylum type of scenario...


MLW [b][color="Red"]Fusion[/color][/b] Results: [b]Myron Reed[/b] def. [b]Alex Colon[/b] by DQ to retain the MLW Middleweight championship; [b]Sea Stars[/b] def. [b]Top Dogs[/b]; [b]Alex Kane[/b] def. [b]Calvin Tankman[/b].




Opera Cup 2021 Plans


Given that MLW will have a big event down in Mexico, Opera Cup will have a slightly different format this year.


In the next few weeks eight Opera Cup participants will be decided on MLW Fusion, and all tournament matches will happen on the same night, single elimination, King of the Ring style! The winner of the Opera Cup will go on to challenge the MLW World Heavyweight champion at Superfight 2021 - the last show of the year and a season finale.


Current Opera Cup winner Tom ‘Filthy’ Lawlor couldn’t convert his title opportunity against Alexander Hammerstone, but things can go differently for whomever claims the most prestigious trophy in wrestling’s history!




Prediction Contest




1) Hollywood - 4/6




2) CGN91 - 3/6


Thanks for your predictions! You can both suggest the next fighters to be featured to be in the spotlight series. Basically you can name any wrestler on the roster, and I'll make a dedicated post about their career. See you soon! :)

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Great last shows! Reed versus Flamita sounds like a killer match though and the fighters spotlight of Reed and Low Ki were a nice read, I like this since the diary has started.


As for the wrestler I can pick (I hope I understand it correctly) I'll choose Jordan Oliver.

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Great last shows! Reed versus Flamita sounds like a killer match though and the fighters spotlight of Reed and Low Ki were a nice read, I like this since the diary has started.


As for the wrestler I can pick (I hope I understand it correctly) I'll choose Jordan Oliver.


Thanks, CGN, I appreciate it! Flamita became a new Crash CW champ just 9 days ago in-game, so I figured it was a hot match, no pun intended :rolleyes:


Yeah, you understood correctly. I'll make a spotlight for Jordan, it would fit perfectly right now. tobin834 is a fan of his too, 'Sauce God' has a following here :p

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Thanks, CGN, I appreciate it! Flamita became a new Crash CW champ just 9 days ago in-game, so I figured it was a hot match, no pun intended :rolleyes:


Yeah, you understood correctly. I'll make a spotlight for Jordan, it would fit perfectly right now. tobin834 is a fan of his too, 'Sauce God' has a following here :p


Blood and Thunder looks to be a great show. KIU bro. Looking forward to both Blood & Thunder and Opera Cup.

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Blood and Thunder looks to be a great show. KIU bro. Looking forward to both Blood & Thunder and Opera Cup.


Thanks brother! Getting you excited with only one match announced is defo a good sign, hope you will enjoy the end product!


I've made a spotlight post for Jordan Oliver, and decided to give some shine to Aramis. Hollywood can now choose two guys for the next episode! ;)

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Hometown: Coacalco de Berriozábal, Mexico


Years of Experience: 11 Years


Finishing Move: La Desnucadora del Mosquetero




Aramis is one of the brightest stars and most exciting prospects in today's lucha libre, a true once in a generation luchador.


He made his debut in 2010 at the age of 11, building his name on the regional circuits of Mexico. Aramis’ name is of French descent and it is connected to the 'Three Musketeers' character, an ambitious swordsman driven to achieve true greatness. This connection is represented in Aramis’ three-sword crest on his mask and gear. His wrestling style consists of cutting-edge aerial moves, reversals, and strikes that help him overcome much bigger and stronger competitors.


Aramis started out as an Arena Coliseo Coacalco regular, honing his craft in the parking lots and street circuits. He started to branch out in 2014, most notably becoming a crown jewel of IWRG, where he eventually became an IWRG Intercontinental Tag Team Champion and IWRG Rey del Aire Champion. His talent was undeniable even then, and in 2018 he started making appearances for Mexico's biggest promotion - AAA. Konnan, who discovered the likes or Rey Mysterio Jr, Lucha Brothers, Psicosis and countless others, has flagged Aramis as the next breakout star in the sport, and Aramis certainly lived up to the hype.




Aramis thrills fans while dizzying adversaries...


Aramis made his US debut at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's Battle of Los Angeles 2019 event,

in an exciting first round bout. He then formed a team with Rey Horus, which helped him to beat the entire squad of Rascalz - Zachary Wentz, Dezmond Xavier, Trey Miguel and our current MLW Middleweight champion Myron Reed! Aramis toured the US indy scene some more to get some eyeballs on his God-given talent, and eventually was picked as the third overall pick in the 2021 MLW Draft. His goal in the league is pretty simple - win the MLW World Middleweight Championship or Azteca Underground Trios titles.


So far, Aramis made a very good impression, engaging in a few instant classics with longtime rival Arez. 'The King of Strange Style' has insane chemistry with 'The Musketeer', and you can bet that they will face off each other a lot more in the future. Arez is not the only man that has a tooth for Aramis though... Konnan, the Godfather of lucha libre, offered Aramis a spot in his 5150 group a few months ago, but was rejected due to the unsportsmanlike behavior and profane nature of K-Dawg's clients. This conflict got Aramis in some hot water in AAA, to the point that he decided to leave the company for the foreseeable future and build up his name in the United States and represent Mexico with honor and great fighting spirit.


Lately Aramis has joined forces with Laredo Kid and Samuray del Sol, forming a lucha libre dream team that looks set to win for the Azteca Underground Trios titles down the line. Many 'believers' think that Aramis is destined for greatness and will be one of the biggest faces on the Azteca brand in 2022...


Aramis Matchguide









Hometown: Newburgh, New York, USA


Years of Experience: 6 Years


Finishing Moves: Lost In The Sauce




Jordan Oliver is young, dumb, and f'n broke... his words, not mine.


He is a kid from New York who bet on himself to make it in the wrestling business when nobody believed in him. Just like his old friend Myron Reed, Jordan would backyard a lot before getting some traditional training. He started running the ropes and doing rolls right after high school, also moving from hometown New York to the city of the brotherly love, Philadelphia. A bold strategy that so far has panned out pretty well for him!


His NY attitude and infantile behavior may have rubbed people the wrong way at first, but Oliver's determination and drive made him a stand out in the CZW Academy, where he had battles with long-time friend and rival KC Navarro, and AEW prospects Max Caster and Wheeler Yuta, to name a few. On February 10, 2018, Oliver made his debut for CZW at Nineteen, in a 30-man rumble match, eventually won by some guy named Maxwell Jacob Friedman. A debut on the anniversary show is kind of a big deal, but this was just the beginning for the self-proclaimed 'Sauce God'.


Around this time, JO formed the group called 'Young Dumb N Broke', consisting of Charlie Tiger, Ellis Taylor, Griffin McCoy and Valentina Vazquez. CZW's boss DJ Hyde wanted them to be a bunch of Soundcloud rappers that he could beat up when he felt like it, but YDNB exceeded the expectation and became a midcard fixture of the show. Oliver took the ball and run with it as fast as he could, eventually winning the CZW Wired championship and holding it for

. The man to dethrone Oliver was none other than AR Fox... This explains Jordan's blatant hostility towards Myron Reed's mentor.


He's more of a Rich Swann kind of guy, who Oliver calls one of the most influential people in his career, apart from KC Navarro who helped him 'break in'.




Oliver always boasts that in-your-face attitude...


One of his CZW Wired title defenses came against Andrew Everett, in which he performed a forward backflip off the top rope and caught Everett in midair. This match attracted the attention of Court Bauer, founder of Major League Wrestling, and would lead to Oliver signing for the promotion.


Oliver made his debut for MLW on the April 24, 2019 episode of Fusion, defeating Kotto Brazil, one of the guys he would later form The Injustice group with. Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver and Kotto Brazil blamed the crooked referees and would feud with top luchadores like Drago, Puma King, Laredo Kid, El Hijo del Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr. and Octagon Jr. While Oliver started out as a high flier, he started bulking up to move to the heavyweight division and be a bigger threat to the tag team division consisting of CONTRA, Los Parks, and recently 5150. His biggest singles match so far was a

against the unstoppable Jacob Fatu, who squashed Oliver in a quick manner. Jordan had a rebound win over Simon Gotch, concluding his feud with Josef Samael's men.


Fast forward to War Chamber 2021, where Jordan showed that he can take insane amounts of physical punishment and has the guts to fight until the very end. Oliver wanted that night in Philly to become the highlight of his MLW career, but Myron Reed was forced to concede the match in order to save his friend from a fork to the eye. Post match 'The Sauce God' lashed out on his Injustice brother for quitting and claimed that it was time for him to make his own moves, and march to the beat of his own drum. Oliver has a real 'me against the world' problem, fueled by relentless criticism of his skills and presentation online.


Jordan Oliver continues his grind on the indy scene, making waves in GCW's scramble matches, and beating some of the biggest names on that roster. Who knows, maybe 2022 will be the breakout year for Oliver in MLW, and he will get his flowers and gold?


Jordan Oliver Matchguide


| Myron Reed

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Pulp Fusion #2







"Ach man, life is so fragile... if it wasn't for God and friends, I'd probably suffocate in that casket and be dead by now, eish. That moment, it truly awoke something in me, mates. I'll enjoy my day right now, but I'll bliksem La Rebellion very soon... it's not over!"






"I would like to make a formal apology to 'El Jefe' on behalf of my client Tey-hano. Sir, he lost his head and he's very sorry for what he has done! He's so ashamed of his actions that he can't even look me in the eyes!! I mean, he put a massive black eye on the spotless reputation of Infamous Inc, so it's to be expected, but I think the guilt is eating him out from inside... I'll call him now so he would say how sorry he is, Mr. Duran!"












"NOOO!! No-no-no! El Jefe, I'm so sorry that you've heard that... I can't believe you've done this!! I put my neck on the line to clean up your name, and you do this?? Ok, it's decided, I'm starting a lawyer search. Cause this is probably going to court as aggravated assault!"






"There's no place like casa, papi! But ever since Cesar Duran acquired IWA Puerto Rico, I feel empty inside. He took my company, that no good perro Low-Ki is holding my title, and my life went al garete since that bastardo Marty The Moth put his nose in my business. I want a rematch with that pest, and this time, it's gonna go my way... I'll be waiting for you, pendejo!!"






"It looks like no one is there to keep me in line, hahaha! I like it when grown ups are out of the house, that means I can do whatever I want!! I've been dying to get my hands dirty for a long time, friends... and I've wanted to fight Muertes before, but now he'll want to fight ME, as I've found something that belongs to the Death Tribe... The treasure is... right here, I'm keeping it warm. And it gives me life powers! Savio Vega, you don't stand a chance against me now. Haha, I'll see you soon, Mr. TNT!!"






"I flew too close to the sun at War Chamber, and crashed and burned like Icarus. I could feel the warmth of the title in my hands, but it just wasn't meant to be... My shoulder is hurt, but I'm at peace with myself, knowing that time heals all wounds. But one thing worries me, or rather, one man - AR Fox. You're blinded by rage and you make innocent people around you suffer as a result. This is not the way to live your life on this beautiful planet... Forgive Cesar Duran for his past sins and let it all go. This is the only way you'll find peace, my friend!"






"So I've just seen what Angelico posted... it would be nice of you to thank me for risking my life to get your ass out of the trouble!! I'm tired of bailing you and Cross out all the time, and honestly, I'm not planning on wasting my time anymore. I'm going solo against Mechawolf this week. And when I win... Ha, I'll be hunting for some singles gold! I'll show the world why they call me 'La Sicaria'!"






"I missed this, bro. Being stuck in the Mexican hospital was the worst... I've just ran away, got on some bike and went on a road trip. Just me and the wind. I didn't stop once to get on the Azteca show last week, and it looks like I got there just in time and spoiled L.A. Park's night off. That's a win in my book. I like to party too, Los Parks, soon we'll meet again!"






"Good evening, ladies and gentlemarks. As you see, I'm living the life all of you can only dream about. And you know why? Because I'm a status achiever, and a business woman that has goals and ambitions. I've got a lot of stupid questions from Alicia Atout, asking me about why I'm back... I'm here for revenge! I was betrayed by Los Parks and King Muertes, who didn't say a word to Duran after he ordered to kill me. I'm back because there's only one way to deal with traitors, and that is to eliminate them one by one! This week Azteca Underground arrives in Puerto Rico, and I'm preparing a surprise for the Trios champions. I may have lost Promociones Dorado, but I always diversify my portfolio!"






"Yo, I will keep it short and sweet. Our 50000 dollar man Apolo is about to eat the ‘Man of 1000 Lives’ alive this week. 5150 will be at full capacity for Azteca to support our hermano, because we’re la familia. To live and die in LAX, arriba la raza!!"




MLW Azteca #10 Prediction Key


1) Mechawolf vs. Ivelisse


2) Savio Vega vs. Marty The Moth


3) Los Parks vs. ??? w/Salina de la Renta


4) King Muertes vs. Apolo w/5150 - Death Match



Bonus Question: Who will Salina bring to fight Los Parks?

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1) Mechawolf vs. Ivelisse


2) Savio Vega vs. Marty The Moth


3) Los Parks vs. ??? w/Salina de la Renta


4) King Muertes vs. Apolo w/5150 - Death Match



Bonus Question: Who will Salina bring to fight Los Parks? Noooo idea... If it's trios, maybe I'll go American Wolves and Hammerstone??

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MLW Azteca #10 Prediction Key


1) Mechawolf vs. Ivelisse


2) Savio Vega vs. Marty The Moth


3) Los Parks vs. ??? w/Salina de la Renta


4) King Muertes vs. Apolo w/5150 - Death Match



Bonus Question: Who will Salina bring to fight Los Parks? No idea at all tbh:D The Wagners

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