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World Wrestling Association @ Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum
September 20, 1969 - Indianapolis, Indiana
Attendance - 11,250



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Luis Martinez defeated Prince Pullins by pinfall following an airplane spin.

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Moose Cholak battled Jim Dillinger* to a time-limit draw.

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Baron Von Raschke (with "Pretty Boy" Bobby Heenan) defeated Paul Christy by submission with the Iron Claw.

NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship

Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (with Bobby Heenan) defeated Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) to win the title when Hase took advantage of Martel being distracted by Heenan at ringside and rolled Martel up from behind to get the title-winning pinfall.

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Bobo Brazil defeated Jack Dillinger** by pinfall following a headbutt.

$2,500 10-man Battle Royal

Baron Von Raschke won the match and the cash prize by last eliminating Bobo Brazil (other participants in the match included Jack Dillinger, Jim Dillinger, Luis Martinez, Moose Cholak, Mr. Kleen, Pancho Garcia, Paul Christy and Prince Pullins)

WWA World Heavyweight Championship

Dick the Bruiser (C) defeated Blackjack Lanza (with Bobby Heenan) by pinfall following a diving kneedrop after fending off attempted interference by Heenan.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* AKA Chris Colt.

** AKA Don Fargo/Jack Dalton (of Dirty Daltons fame).

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The poster for an AWA event in Winnipeg on October 10 is now up:

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Time once again to step on up and make your predictions:  😁


Bruce Kirk vs. Stan the Moose


Billy Red Lyons vs. Larry Hennig


Red Bastien & Bill Watts vs. The Chain Gang (Jack & Jim DIllinger)


Édouard Carpentier vs. Butcher Vachon


NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship

Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (C) vs. Renée Martel & Claire Lepage


$2,500 12-man Battle Royal

Édouard Carpentier * Larry Hennig * Man Mountain Mike * Butcher Vachon * Bill Watts * Jack Dillinger * Jim Dillinger * Red Bastien * Billy Red Lyons * Bruce Kirk * Stan the Moose * Al Tomko


AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Verne Gagne (C) vs. Mad Dog Vachon


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While awaiting predictions for the upcoming card, here's a recent interview that aired on AWA All-Star Wrestling as seen on KCND-TV for the Winnipeg market:

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MARTY O'NEIL:  On Friday night, October 10, the AWA will be returning to Winnipeg with an exciting seven-match card at the Winnipeg Arena featuring two main events.  The first main event that night will see Verne Gagne defend his World Heavyweight Championship against the former champion, the notorious Mad Dog Vachon.  The other main event will be a 12-man, $2,500 battle royal featuring literally one of the biggest stars in the sport today, the 600-pound Man Mountain Mike, who'll be looking to repeat his success in the last battle royal he took part in last July.  In other matches on the card, Édouard Carpentier will take on Butcher Vachon, Red Bastien and Bill Watts will team up to battle the Chain Gang of Jack and Jim Dillinger, and the United States Girls' Tag Team Champions Georgia Hase and Judy Sowinski will be challenged by my guests at this time, Renée Martel and Claire Lepage.  Welcome to the show, ladies.

RENÉE MARTEL:  Thank you, Mr. O'Neil, glad to be here.

O'NEIL:  So, Renée, I understand you and Claire are looking to get back that United States tag title you once held.

MARTEL:  That's right, Claire and I held those belts right up until last month in Indianapolis, when we faced Hase and Sowinski.  We'd still be the champions today if not for Hase and Sowisnki getting a manager in their corner, someone named Bobby Heenan.  We had our match against Hase and Sowinski won when Heenan stuck his nose where it didn't belong and he caused me and Claire to lose the belts, and we've been chasing after those two since then to get the belts back.

O'NEIL:  Claire?  (Switching the microphone over to Claire Lepage)

CLAIRE LEPAGE:  Here it is, straight and simple, Hase and Sowinski - if you need a manager to help you fight your battles and help you cheat to win matches, that doesn't say very much for you, does it?  But here's how it is - we got you in Winnipeg on October 10, and that night, you're not gonna have Heenan in your corner because we heard he'll be busy elsewhere, and if you don't have Heenan - or any other manager - in your corner to interfere or distract for you, that's the end of your reign and Renée and I get the United States belts back!

MARTEL:  And here's something else for you to think about, Hase and Sowinski - Winnipeg is my home away from home and the fans there have always been supportive of me when I wrestle there, so you two are going in against someone who has the home court advantage!  On October 10, Claire and I will be going in as challengers, but with the fans' support and our skills, we'll be walking out as champions again!  I'd also like to add something for the French-speaking fans in Winnipeg, if I could.

O'NEIL:  Sure, go ahead.

MARTEL:  (Switching to FrenchJ’aimerais inviter tous les fans francophones qui nous regardent à Winnipeg à venir le 10 octobre à l’aréna de Winnipeg et à nous soutenir, Claire et moi, alors que nous allons chercher le titre par équipe féminin des États-Unis et à remporter ces ceintures.

O'NEIL:  Alright, thank you, Renée.  So mark your calendars, all you Winnipeg fans - October 10 at the Winnipeg Arena as Renée Martel and Claire Lepage attempt to regain the United States Girls' Tag Team title from Georgia Hase and Judy Sowinski.  Tickets for that event are available at the Arena box office and at the Marlborough Hotel's wrestling office, so make sure to get them fast!

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Bruce Kirk vs. Stan the Moose


Billy Red Lyons vs. Larry Hennig


Red Bastien & Bill Watts vs. The Chain Gang (Jack & Jim DIllinger)


Édouard Carpentier vs. Butcher Vachon


NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship

Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (C) vs. Renée Martel & Claire Lepage


$2,500 12-man Battle Royal

Édouard Carpentier * Larry Hennig * Man Mountain Mike * Butcher Vachon * Bill Watts * Jack Dillinger * Jim Dillinger * Red Bastien * Billy Red Lyons * Bruce Kirk * Stan the Moose * Al Tomko


AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Verne Gagne (C) vs. Mad Dog Vachon

(This match could see Vachon winning via DQ or countout to set up a re-match in the 'Peg.)

Edited by piperrulz
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American Wrestling Association @ Winnipeg Arena
October 10, 1969 - Winnipeg, Manitoba
Attendance - 10,920



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Stan the Moose defeated Bruce Kirk* by pinfall following a fist drop.

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Larry Hennig defeated Billy Red Lyons by pinfall following a powerslam.

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Red Bastien & Bill Watts defeated The Chain Gang (Jack & Jim Dillinger) when Bastien pinned Jim Dillinger following a dropkick.

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Édouard Carpentier defeated Butcher Vachon by pinfall following a flying bodypress.

NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship

Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (C) by disqualification when Hase threw Martel over the top rope (Hase and Sowinski retain their title due to the DQ).

$2,500 12-man Battle Royal

 Édouard Carpentier won the match and the $2,500 prize by last eliminating Larry Hennig (other participants in the match included Bill Watts, Billy Red Lyons, Bruce Kirk, Butcher Vachon, Jack Dillinger, Jim Dillinger, Red Bastien, Al Tomko, Stan the Moose and Man Mountain Mike; during the match, Vachon, Hennig and Stan the Moose, three of the biggest participants in the match other than Mike, joined forces to eliminate Mike by tossing him over the top rope, albeit with some effort, to give them more of a chance in the battle royal)

AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Verne Gagne (C) defeated Mad Dog Vachon by disqualification when Butcher Vachon ran in and attacked Gagne as he had a sleeperhold locked on Mad Dog; the Vachons went on a double-team attack against Gagne post-match until Red Bastien, Bill Watts and Édouard Carpentier made the save for Gagne.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card)

@Lord Byron - 4/7

@piperrulz - 3/7

All-time prediction results:

Herrbear - 78/107

The Blonde Bomber - 71/88

Lord Byron - 61/93

Hitman74 - 10/12

piperrulz - 10/18

Theheel - 7/10

Dalton - 6/6

auto45 - 5/6

Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* AKA Frank Monte, who later teamed with Mike York in the Alaskans tag team.

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Skipping ahead a month...

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All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
November 10, 1969 - Montreal, Quebec



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André Carpentier defeated Don Serrano by pinfall following a dropkick.

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Dick Taylor & Geeto Mongol defeated Tony Baillargeon & Luigi Macera when Geeto pinned Macera following a top-rope kneedrop.

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Carlos Colon battled Ron Garvin to a time-limit draw.

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Barbara LaMarche* & Renée Martel defeated Margot Bouchard & Black Widow when LaMarche pinned Black Widow following a cross-bodyblock.

ASW World Tag Team Championship

 Dominic DeNucci & Gino Brito (C) defeated The Skull Brothers when DeNucci pinned Skull Brother II following an airplane spin.

Two Out of Three Falls

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Jacques & Johnny Rougeau defeated Abdullah the Butcher & Fidel Castillo, two falls to one, when Abdullah was disqualified in the third fall for attacking the referee (which earned Abdullah a $200 fine post-match).

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* As previously noted, the heel turn done by Barbara LaMarche in the Eastern Sports Association was only done out of necessity in that promotion due to Fabulous Moolah sabotaging a planned tag team match in Halifax pitting Barbara and Renée against Moolah's girls Toni Rose and Patti Neilson when Moolah pulled her girls from that match because of Renée's involvement; in all other promotions where she appears, Barbara continues to wrestle as a babyface.

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Renée Martel Career Record - 1969 (116 documented matches)

NWA Hollywood Wrestling - Promoter Mike LeBell:
01/08    Los Angeles, CA - w/. France Gall, beat Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard by DQ

American Girls' Wrestling Association:
01/14    Anaheim, CA - w/. France Gall, beat Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara
01/17    Reno, NV - w/. Joyce Fowler & France Gall, beat Judy Sowinski, Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara
01/18    Las Vegas, NV - w/. France Gall, beat Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara by DQ
01/24    San Bernardino, CA - drew Betty Niccoli (California Champion)
01/25    Bakersfield, CA - w/. France Gall, beat Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard by DQ
01/28    Anaheim, CA - beat Betty Niccoli (California Champion) by DQ
02/04    Los Angeles, CA - w/. Joyce Fowler, beat Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara by DQ
02/08    San Diego, CA - w/. Joyce Fowler, drew Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara
02/11    Phoenix, AZ - w/. Joyce Fowler, beat Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara
02/13    Albuquerque, NM - w/. Ann Casey & France Gall, beat Jane O'Brien, Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara (six-woman elimination match)
02/15    Denver, CO - w/. Joyce Fowler, beat Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara by DQ
02/18    Anaheim, CA - beat Ashley Sinclair (TV taping)

NWA All-Star Wrestling:
02/24    Vancouver, BC - w/. France Gall, drew Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson
02/25    Victoria, BC - w/. France Gall, drew Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson

American Wrestling Association:
02/28    Winnipeg, MB - drew Kathy O'Brien

All-Star Wrestling/Les As de la Lutte:
03/04    Chicoutimi, QC - drew Kathy O'Brien (TV taping)
03/10    Montreal, QC - beat Kathy O'Brien
03/14    Quebec City, QC - beat Kathy O'Brien
03/18    Chicoutimi, QC - drew Fabulous Moolah (TV taping)
03/21    Quebec City, QC - beat Fabulous Moolah by countout
03/24    Montreal, QC - beat Fabulous Moolah (NWA World Champion) by DQ
04/07    Montreal, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Margot Bouchard & Miss X by DQ
04/14    Montreal, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, vs. Jane O'Brien & Margot Bouchard

NWA All-Star Wrestling:
04/16    Burnaby, BC - drew Jane O'Brien (TV taping)
04/19    Victoria, BC - vs. Jane O'Brien
04/28    Vancouver, BC - drew Jane O'Brien
04/29    Chilliwack, BC - drew Jane O'Brien
05/03    Mission, BC - vs. Jane O'Brien
05/05    Vancouver, BC - beat Jane O'Brien
05/06    Seattle, WA - beat Jane O'Brien
05/07    Tacoma, WA - drew Jane O'Brien
05/10    New Westminster, BC - beat Jane O'Brien

Stampede Wrestling:
05/12    Lethbridge, AB - beat Jane O'Brien by DQ
05/13    Edmonton, AB - lost to Jane O'Brien

  • Lost the Canadian Women's title

05/14    Saskatoon, SK - lost to Jane O'Brien
05/15    Regina, SK - lost to Jane O'Brien
05/16    Calgary, AB - beat Jane O'Brien by DQ
05/19    Lethbridge, AB - double count-out vs. Jane O'Brien
05/20    Edmonton, AB - beat Jane O'Brien by DQ
05/21    Saskatoon, SK - beat Jane O'Brien by DQ

All-Star Wrestling/Les As de la Lutte:
05/23    Quebec City, QC - lost to Jane O'Brien

  • Lost the Canadian Women's title; repeat of the title change in Edmonton

05/25    Donnacona, QC - beat Jane O'Brien by DQ
05/26    Montreal, QC - w/. France Gall, vs. Jane O'Brien & Margot Bouchard
05/27    Chicoutimi, QC - lost to Jane O'Brien (TV taping)
05/28    Ste. Foy, QC - w/. France Gall, beat Jane O'Brien & Margot Bouchard by DQ
05/30    Quebec City, QC - w/. France Gall, lost to Jane O'Brien & Margot Bouchard
06/02    Montreal, QC - lost to Jane O'Brien by countout

American Girls' Wrestling Association:
06/06    Las Vegas, NV - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara
06/07    Reno, NV - w/. Ann Casey & Claire Lepage, beat Shirley Hardman, Diane Syverson & Margot Bouchard
06/10    Anaheim, CA - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara

  • Won the NWA United States Women's Tag Team title

06/12    San Bernardino, CA - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson by DQ
06/13    Bakersfield, CA - w/. Claire Lepage & Valerie Blackard, beat Margot Bouchard, Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson
06/14    San Diego, CA - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson
06/17    Phoenix, AZ - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard by DQ
06/18    Tucson, AZ - w/. Claire Lepage & France Gall, beat Mae Young, Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard by DQ (six-woman elimination match)
06/20    Salt Lake City, UT - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson by DQ
06/21    Provo, UT - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara
06/24    Anaheim, CA - w/. Claire Lepage, no contest vs. Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara (TV taping)
06/26    Albuquerque, NM - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson by DQ
06/28    Denver, CO - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard by DQ
07/04    Inglewood, CA - w/. Claire Lepage, beat the Sisters of Love by DQ
07/08    Anaheim, CA - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Casey Andrews & Yolanda Ruiz (TV taping)

Big Time Wrestling (Detroit) - Promoters Ed Farhat & Francis Flesher:
07/12    Cincinnati, OH - w/. Claire Lepage, beat the Sisters of Love
07/15    Dayton, OH - w/. Claire Lepage, beat the Sisters of Love
07/17    Toledo, OH - w/. Claire Lepage, beat the Sisters of Love
07/19    Detroit, MI - w/. Claire Lepage, beat the Sisters of Love

American Girls' Wrestling Association:
07/22    Anaheim, CA - w/. Claire Lepage, beat the Sisters of Love by DQ (TV taping)

All-Star Wrestling/Les As de la Lutte:
07/25    Quebec City, QC - beat Jane O'Brien by DQ
07/27    Donnacona, QC - beat Jane O'Brien by DQ
07/28    Montreal, QC - beat Jane O'Brien by DQ
07/29    Chicoutimi, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Jane O'Brien & Margot Bouchard (TV taping)
08/01    Quebec City, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Jane O'Brien & Margot Bouchard
08/03    Donnacona, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Jane O'Brien & Margot Bouchard
08/04    Montreal, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Jane O'Brien & Margot Bouchard

NWA All-Star Wrestling:
08/06    Burnaby, BC - drew Jane O'Brien (TV taping)
08/07    Tacoma, WA - beat Jane O'Brien
08/09    Victoria, BC - beat Jane O'Brien
08/11    Vancouver, BC - beat Jane O'Brien

  • Won the Canadian Women's title (3)

08/12    Seattle, WA - beat Jane O'Brien
08/13    Tacoma, WA - beat Jane O'Brien (TV taping - matinee)
08/13    Burnaby, BC - beat Jane O'Brien (TV taping)

All-Star Wrestling/Les As de la Lutte:
08/18    Montreal, QC - w/. Julie Painchaud, beat Margot Bouchard & Miss X
08/20    Chicoutimi, QC - beat Black Widow (TV taping)
08/21    Hull, QC - beat Black Widow
08/22    Quebec City, QC - beat Black Widow
08/23    Sherbrooke, QC - beat Black Widow
08/24    St. Jerome, QC - beat Black Widow
08/25    Montreal, QC - beat Black Widow
08/27    Donnaconna, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Miss X & Black Widow
08/28    Rivière-du-Loup, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Miss X & Black Widow
08/29    Drummondville, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Miss X & Black Widow
08/31    Montreal, QC - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Miss X I & II (Expo '67 event)

Eastern Sports Association - Promoters Al Zinck & Jean-Louis Cormier:
09/02    Halifax, NS - drew Barbara LaMarche
09/03    Halifax, NS - lost to Barbara LaMarche (TV taping)
09/08    Dieppe, NB - lost to Barbara LaMarche
09/09    Halifax, NS - lost to Barbara LaMarche

  • Lost the Canadian Women's title

09/10    Halifax, NS - drew Barbara LaMarche (TV taping)
09/15    Dieppe, NB - drew Barbara LaMarche
09/16    Halifax, NS - beat Barbara LaMarche

  • Won the Canadian Women's title (4)

09/17    Halifax, NS - beat Barbara LaMarche (TV taping)

World Wrestling Association - Promoter William Afflis:
09/20    Indianapolis, IN - w/. Claire Lepage, lost to Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski

  • Lost the NWA United States Women's Tag Team title

American Wrestling Association:
09/23    Bismarck, ND - w/. Claire Lepage, lost to Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski
09/26    Winnipeg, MB - w/. Claire Lepage, no contest vs. Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski
09/27    Omaha, NE - w/. Claire Lepage, lost to Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski
10/03    Milwaukee, WI - w/. Claire Lepage, lost to Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski
10/09    Duluth, MN - w/. Claire Lepage, lost to Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski
10/10    Winnipeg, MB - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski by DQ
10/11    Chicago, IL - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski by DQ
10/17    Denver, CO - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski by DQ

World Wrestling Association:
10/18    Indianapolis, IN - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski by DQ

American Wrestling Association:
10/24    Milwaukee, WI - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski by DQ
10/25    Minneapolis, MN - w/. Claire Lepage, beat Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski by DQ

All-Star Wrestling/Les As de la Lutte:
11/03    Montreal, QC - drew Margot Bouchard
11/10    Montreal, QC - w/. Barbara LaMarche, vs. Margot Bouchard & Black Widow
11/11    Chicoutimi, QC - w/. Barbara LaMarche, beat Margot Bouchard & Black Widow (TV taping)
11/24    Montreal, QC - beat Margot Bouchard by DQ


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Lol, as a quebecois, billing the vachons from algeria made me laugh. My grandpa knew Mad Dog from his friendship with his step-father, who was an influent man in Longueuil.


One day, in the 60s, he was partying with family and friends at a club when a bunch of thugs came in to cause trouble for the party-goers. My grandpa, being the...reckless man that he was, brought his pals with him to kick them out of the club, but his step-brother had the brilliant idea of calling for his dad. On the phone, he told his dad what was going on, and his dad said "well, you called at the right time, mad dog's with me right now! Hold on, son, we're coming to help ya!"


And lo and behold, the step father, who was an imposing man himself, doing bodybuilding and an avid boxer (he taught my grandpa how to box), came into the club with Mad Dog and they cleaned house. My grandpa always tells me in disbelief how he witnessed mad dog ragdolling people around like they weighted nothing, even though he was smaller than most of the thugs!

Edited by kinnikuniverse
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While I'm working on a new chapter which starts off 1970 in the diary (as well as recently finishing work on a poster and an arena program), here's some Stampede Wrestling action in the meantime (with apologies for the video quality)...


(Note: While the video title says 1980, this match actually took place in 1983, during Archie Gouldie's last run in Stampede in 1983-84)


Edited by Old School Fan
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January 1970

In one of the main stories of the year as the new decade began, four students were shot dead and nine more wounded by Ohio National Guardsmen during anti-Vietnam War rioting on the campus of Kent State University in Kent, Ohio; in response to the events of the Kent State riots, rioting broke out in other cities in the United States, particularly on the campus of Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi, where two students taking part in the rioting there were shot dead while twelve more were wounded by city and state police.  An earthquake in the Tonghai region of China, measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale, killed between 10,000 and over 14,000 people and injured 26,783.  The Nigerian Civil War, which began in 1967 with the invasion of the secessionist state of Biafra by the Nigerian military, ended with the surrender of Biafra to Nigeria.  Tonga (the home country of wrestler Haku), Fiji and Guyana (the former British Guiana) declared their independence from the United Kingdom while obtaining membership in the Commonwealth of Nations.  The Expo '70 world's fair opened in Osaka, Japan and drew over 64 million visitors during its run.  The Apollo 13 Moon mission was launched, but its crew was forced to abort the mission and return to Earth following the explosion of an oxygen tank aboard the spacecraft.  An earthquake off the coast of Peru, measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale, lead to the deaths of between 66,000 and 70,000 while an estimated 50,000 were injured.  The Jordanian Civil War broke out following an assassination attempt against King Hussein of Jordan.  In Canada, the October Crisis was precipitated when members of the Front de libération du Québec kidnapped British diplomat James Cross and Quebec deputy premier Pierre Laporte (who was later murdered by the FLQ) and demanded the release of imprisoned FLQ members in exchanged for the kidnapped statesmen's release; in response, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act and outlawed the pro-separatist Marxist terrorist group, many of whose members were subsequently arrested during raids by the Canadian Army, while Cross was eventually freed in exchange for his kidnappers receiving safe passage to Cuba (but who were later convicted and imprisoned upon returning to Canada several years later) and Laporte's killers were found and arrested.  The Miss World 1970 pageant, held in London, was disrupted by radical feminist protesters and a bomb threat by leftist terrorist group the Angry Brigade.

In entertainment, TV shows The Flying Nun, Here Come the Brides, Petticoat Junction, Daniel Boone, Get Smart, I Dream of Jeannie, Dragnet (the 1967 version) and kids' shows Spider-Man, Scooby-Doo and H.R. Pufnstuf all ended production, while McCloud, The Flip Wilson Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Barefoot in the Park, The Odd Couple and The Partridge Family made their debuts.  Educational TV network National Educational Television ceased its operations and was replaced by PBS.  NBC news anchor Chet Huntley retired after anchoring his final newscast with co-anchor David Brinkley.  Love Story, Airport, M*A*S*H, Patton, Woodstock (the documentary filmed at the 1969 music festival), Little Big Man, Tora! Tora! Tora!, Ryan's Daughter, Catch-22 and The Owl and the Pussycat debuted in theatres and became box office hits.  Beneath the Planet of the Apes, the first sequel to the 1968 Planet of the Apes film (and which served to launch a successful sci-fi media franchise), also debuted in theatres.  Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, originally intended as a direct sequel to the 1967 film Valley of the Dolls but later turned into a satirical dramedy and parody of the original after Jacqueline Susann, author of the original Valley of the Dolls novel, sued 20th Century Fox for producing the film, also saw theatrical release and was also successful.  Following a final live performance with her group the Supremes in Las Vegas, Diana Ross left the group to start a solo singing career.  Black Sabbath, then fronted by Ozzy Osbourne, released its self-titled debut album, one of the pioneering albums in the heavy metal genre.  Paul McCartney announced his official departure from the Beatles and subsequently released his debut solo album McCartney, while the Beatles released their final studio album, Let It Be, prior to the band's breakup at year's end.  The American Top 40 music countdown show, originally hosted by Casey Kasem, made its radio debut.  Jimi Hendrix, singer Janis Joplin and Canned Heat lead singer Alan Wilson all died at age 27 at various points of the year due to drug-related causes.  In response to the events of the Kent State riots, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young wrote and recorded the protest song "Ohio".

In sports, AFL Champions the Kansas City Chiefs defeated NFL Champions the Minnesota Vikings, 23-7, to win Super Bowl IV, the final Super Bowl to take place prior to the AFL-NFL merger (under the NFL name) officially taking effect later in the year.  The Texas Longhorns defeated the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, 21-17, to win the Cotton Bowl and the college football national championship.  The former Seattle Pilots relocated to Milwaukee to become the present-day Milwaukee Brewers, while the Baltimore Orioles defeated the Cincinnati Reds, four games to one, to win the World Series.  The New York Knicks won, four games to three, over the Los Angeles Lakers to win the NBA Championship, while the Indiana Pacers defeated the Los Angeles Stars, four games to two, for the ABA Championship.  The Boston Bruins won their first Stanley Cup in 29 years by sweeping the St. Louis Blues in four games, while the USSR won the World Hockey Championship by defeating Sweden.  The Montreal Alouettes won the Grey Cup by defeating the Calgary Stampeders 23-10.  Joe Frazier won the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship with a fifth-round knockout of Jimmy Ellis, while former World Champion Sonny Liston, who had lost his title to Cassius Clay (the future Muhammad Ali) in 1964, reportedly died on December 30 under mysterious circumstances (though the death was not discovered and reported until January 5, 1971).  A plane carrying most members of Marshall University's Thundering Herd football team crashed short of landing in Huntington, West Virginia on November 14, killing everyone on board (the accident was later dramatized in the 2006 biographical film We Are Marshall).

In wrestling, the three major World champions celebrated milestones as Dory Funk Jr. celebrated his first full year as NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Bruno Sammartino his seventh year as WWWF World Heavyweight Champion and Verne Gagne his second year as AWA World Heavyweight Champion.  The Erie Athletic Club, the NWA's Buffalo-based affiliate, withdrew from the NWA and renamed itself as the National Wrestling Federation.  Lou Albano, formerly of the Sicilians tag team with Tony Altimore, made the transition from wrestling to managing as he led his first client, Crusher Verdu, to a feud with Sammartino.  Canadian wrestler Skull Murphy, notorious for his heel tag team with Brute Bernard, committed suicide in Charlotte, North Carolina on March 23 at age 39, and Hungarian-born superheavyweight wrestler King Kong Czaya, who gained his greatest fame in the sport in India and Japan and was the first co-holder (with Tiger Joginder Singh) of the JWA's All-Asia Tag Team Championship (now part of All Japan Pro Wrestling), was killed in a car accident in Singapore on May 16 at age 60.  Mildred Burke announced that, beginning with the forthcoming fourth edition, the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament would be moved from January/February to May, with the final night of the tournament set to take place on the Tuesday after Memorial Day.

Although unknown to her at the time, more big things would be ahead for Renée Martel going into the first year of the 1970s, but the early part of the new year started out for her as like any ordinary day...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At her apartment on a Saturday off from work at Morgan's Department Store, Michèle Richard was joined by Renée and Claire Lepage as they were watching a late-afternoon matinee movie on TV, an airing of the 1949 film Mighty Joe Young, while waiting for Sur le Matelas (which had moved to a new start time of 6 PM the previous September) to come on.  The girls were watching the climactic orphanage fire rescue scene late into the movie as the titular giant gorilla and his human friends were rescuing trapped orphan children from the fire.

As the girls continued watching the movie, Renée was riveted on the scene where Joe began climbing back up to rescue one frightened little girl, the last orphan left to save from the fire, when she heard what sounded like a slight gasping sob beside her later into that scene.  Glancing over at Claire, who was sitting beside her on the living room sofa, Renée noticed a tear sliding down her friend's left cheek as she was watching the rescue scene.  "Claire, are you crying?" she asked as she looked over to her.

Realizing what was happening, Claire reached to wipe the tear off her cheek.  "Oh, sorry," she said with an embarrassed laugh while sounding slightly choked up.  "It's just the movie."

"You're not putting yourself in the action, are you?" Renée asked, figuring that Claire was getting emotionally invested in the scene in the movie.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it, it happens sometimes," Claire admitted with a sniffle as another tear slid down her cheek.

"It's okay, honey, you're not the first person it's happened to and you won't be the last," Renée said reassuringly to Claire while putting her right arm around her friend's shoulders.  "But just keep in mind, it's only a movie."

"I know," Claire said with a nod before she leaned her head on Renée's right shoulder while Renée comforted her.

Just then, the buzzer on Michèle's apartment intercom began sounding.  "Oh, excuse me a minute," Michèle then said as she got up from her chair beside the sofa and went to answer the intercom, "Talk to me."

"It's your Chinese takeout delivery," a male voice replied over the intercom, announcing the arrival of the dinners the girls had ordered earlier during the movie.

"I'll be right down," Michèle said before going to slip her shoes on and grab the dinner money, her own and what Renée and Claire contributed.  "Be back in a minute," she said before going out the front door.

After the movie ended and Renée went to change the channel on Michèle's TV set to channel 10 for the wrestling show, Michèle returned moments later with a paper bag containing the takeout dinners.  "Alright girls, soup's on!" she said with a grin as she shut the door and kicked off her shoes.

Claire took a whiff of the smells of the chow mein, sweet-n-sour chicken and other food items as Michèle opened the bag.  "Mmmm, smells good!" she said as she got up from the sofa.  "I'll get your TV trays set up."

"Okay, we'll be back with the dishes and forks," Renée said as she went to join Michèle in the kitchen.

As she took some plates from her cupboard, Michèle turned to Renée and said while keeping her voice down, "Remember during the movie, just before the delivery guy got here with dinner?"

"Uh, sure - why?" Renée said while taking some forks from a cutlery drawer.

"I'm glad the call came when it did, it gave me the excuse I needed to step out for a moment," Michèle admitted.  "I needed to get out of there anyway because with Claire crying over that scene in the movie, I was afraid I was gonna start crying too and I didn't want that happening."

"Ah, okay," Renée said with a nod, understanding Michèle's explanation.  "But I'm sure if you told Claire why you had to step out besides getting our food, I think she'd understand."

"Understand what?" Claire, who had heard the last part of what Renée said, wondered as she stepped through the swinging door separating the kitchen from the living room.

"Uhh...never mind," Michèle said in a quick cover as she took up the plates.  "Nothing important.  Did the wrestling start yet?"

"Yeah, it just started a moment ago," Claire confirmed.

"Alright, let's get watching," Renée said as she and the girls returned to the living room with their plates to get ready to eat - but as they were about to get their containers, Michèle's phone began ringing.

"Now who'd be calling right when we're about to sit down and eat?" Michèle said, not sounding impressed as she went to answer the phone.  "Hello?" she answered upon picking up the handset.  "Oh, hi Johnny," she added, which caught Renée and Claire's attention as they figured Johnny Rougeau was calling.  "Doing good, and yourself?  Ah, good.  Yeah, I've got it on 10 for Sur le Matelas right now and I was about to sit down for dinner and watch the show.  Yeah, Renée's here too and so is Claire, they both joined me for dinner, Chinese takeout tonight.  Did you want to talk to Renée?  Okay, I'll get her.

"Oh, Renée..." Michèle then said in a sing-song voice as she looked Renée's way and extended the handset to her.

"Ah, something must be cooking," Renée said as she got up to get the phone, with Claire going to join her and Michèle.  "Hi Johnny, what's up?  Uh-huh.  In a couple of weeks, huh?"  After listening to Johnny's reply at the other end, Renée then said as her voice perked up, "Really?  I am?"  After hearing another reply, she then squealed with delight at what she heard.

"What?  What is it?" a curious Claire asked.

"Just a sec, Johnny," Renée said before covering the transmitter part of the handset with her hand, then turning to Michèle and Claire.  "I just found out I'm being booked for the Forum show on the 26th!" she told her friends, stirring up excitement among all three girls.  "Ashley Sinclair's coming up from Los Angeles and I'll be defending my Canadian belt against her."  She then said as she resumed talking to Johnny, "Okay, I'm back.  You do?  Okay, I'll put her on,"  she added before handing the handset over to Claire.

"Hi Johnny, any other news about that Forum show?" Claire asked before listening to the reply.  "So I'm in too?  Great!" she replied as her face lit up, but as she continued listening, she looked disappointed.  "Oh brother, that doesn't sound too good.  Yeah, I'll tell them for sure, but I'll bet they won't be happy to hear it.  Okay, Johnny, have a good night," she finished before hanging up the phone.

"Wait a second, 'we won't be happy to hear about it' - what do you mean?" Renée asked.

"It's a good news-bad news thing," Claire explained.  "I got booked with Barbara to defend our Canadian Tag Team title at the Forum show."

"Well, that's good, but what's the bad news?" Michèle said.

Claire put on an uneasy smirk as she prepared to deliver the bad news.  "Wait'll you hear who we're booked against in our match...*"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Who that is will be revealed in an upcoming arena program post.

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In the latest issue of the All-Star Wrestling arena program, two bits of news are released, including an announcement as part of the second news item:

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And on Page Two, the news which Claire Lepage expressed concern about in the previous chapter:



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The new poster for All-Star Wrestling's January 26 Montreal Forum supercard is now up:

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Alright, let's see who you think will win as the full card lineup is presented:  😁


Carlos Colon vs. Don Serrano


Gino Brito vs. Waldo Von Erich


Marcel Martel & Tony Baillargeon vs. Fidel Castillo & Eddie Creatchman


Édouard & André Carpentier vs. The Assassins*


The Mighty Igor vs. Geeto Mongol


Canadian Women's Tag Team Championship**

Barbara LaMarche & Claire Lepage (C) vs. The Fabulous Moolah & Toni Rose


Canadian Women's Championship

Renée Martel (C) vs. Ashley Sinclair


Handicap match - Ti-Blanc Richard's Retirement Match

Ti-Blanc Richard vs. Jos & Paul LeDuc


ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Buddy Colt (C) vs. Johnny Rougeau


ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Abdullah the Butcher (C) vs. Jacques Rougeau

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* The original Assassins, Jody Hamilton & Tom Renesto under the masks.

** Barbara LaMarche & Claire LePage defeated Margot Bouchard & Miss X to regain the Canadian Women's Tag Team Championship on December 18, 1969 in Hull, Quebec.

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Carlos Colon vs. Don Serrano


Gino Brito vs. Waldo Von Erich


Marcel Martel & Tony Baillargeon vs. Fidel Castillo & Eddie Creatchman


Édouard & André Carpentier vs. The Assassins*


The Mighty Igor vs. Geeto Mongol


Canadian Women's Tag Team Championship**

Barbara LaMarche & Claire Lepage (C) vs. The Fabulous Moolah & Toni Rose


Canadian Women's Championship

Renée Martel (C) vs. Ashley Sinclair


Handicap match - Ti-Blanc Richard's Retirement Match

Ti-Blanc Richard vs. Jos & Paul LeDuc


ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Buddy Colt (C) vs. Johnny Rougeau


ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Abdullah the Butcher (C) vs. Jacques Rougeau

(3rd fall is a DQ win for JR, so no title change.)


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Carlos Colon vs. Don Serrano


Gino Brito vs. Waldo Von Erich


Marcel Martel & Tony Baillargeon vs. Fidel Castillo & Eddie Creatchman


Édouard & André Carpentier vs. The Assassins*


The Mighty Igor vs. Geeto Mongol


Canadian Women's Tag Team Championship**

Barbara LaMarche & Claire Lepage (C) vs. The Fabulous Moolah & Toni Rose


Canadian Women's Championship

Renée Martel (C) vs. Ashley Sinclair


Handicap match - Ti-Blanc Richard's Retirement Match

Ti-Blanc Richard vs. Jos & Paul LeDuc


ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Buddy Colt (C) vs. Johnny Rougeau


ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Abdullah the Butcher (C) vs. Jacques Rougeau

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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On 4/27/2023 at 1:53 AM, Just here to look said:

The shows are interesting as well, I loved the Ascott story from beginning to end. You really do know how to write unlikeable characters! I definitely want to keep a closer eye on this diary from now on, because this read has been a great experience. Keep it up!

Speaking of unlikable characters, I've got a TV interview post coming up with Fabulous Moolah that will tie into the upcoming Montreal Forum supercard, so stay tuned...  😉

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Before the results for the Montreal Forum supercard are posted, here's a TV interview that was recorded in the United States for airing in Montreal on Superstars of the Mat prior to that card, as WWWF play-by-play announcer Ray Morgan (at the time the host of the WWWF's original syndicated TV show, Heavyweight Wrestling from Washington) interviews Fabulous Moolah (who goes out of her way to antagonize Quebec wrestling fans once again with verbal jabs at Renée Martel and some slurs thrown at the fans in general)...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


RAY MORGAN:  Hello, Ray Morgan here in Washington, D.C. to interview someone who needs no introduction, other than that she'll be returning to the Montreal area later this month to wrestle in a few matches - I'm talking, of course, about the World Women's Wrestling Champion, the Fabulous Moolah.

FABULOUS MOOLAH:  Hey, it's strictly your pleasure, Morgan, and the only reason I'm even doin' this interview is to give a little boost to the ratings for their show up in that snowbound wasteland they call Quebec.

MORGAN:  Well, I don't think the fans there would be happy to hear that, just like they weren't happy about what you did in your matches up there against one of Canada's top girl wrestling stars, Renée Martel.

MOOLAH:  (Incredulously)  "One of Canada's top g——"  What does that all mean, anyway?  Everyone's been talkin' about that Martel girl like she's the second coming of me ever since she first came on the scene and they've been claimin' that she's gonna be the future champion, but I put those rumors to rest when I went up against her up in Quebec last year and I exposed her for the overrated poser that she is!  She also calls herself the Canadian Women's Champion up there, but that piece of tin and leather she holds that she calls a championship is worth about as much as her wrestling skills are - nothing!

MORGAN:  From what I've heard about Renée Martel, though, she's a rising and talented star in girls' wrestling and she came close to winning the title from you up in Montreal when you faced off there and you only held on to the title by stalling, fighting dirty and getting yourself disqualified when she had you on the run.

MOOLAH:  Likely story, Morgan - you don't even know what you're talkin' about!  I made an example of her in the ring like I do to anyone else who challenges for my title - the only title that really matters in women's wrestling, by the way - and that's all there is to it.

MORGAN:  The fans up there aren't likely to agree with your claims, Moolah - in fact, they've been calling for a rematch between you two with your belt on the line again and they've been calling you out for dodging her and refusing to face her again after those first matches.

MOOLAH:  Shows what them poutine-eatin', hockey-playin' snowfrogs know, Morgan!  And frankly, I couldn't care less about the wrestling fans up in Montreal or anywhere else in Quebec or what they think of me - all I care about from them is gettin' their money and takin' it back home to my beautiful home state of South Carolina to spend!  Martel had her chance and she blew it, so she ain't gettin' another chance at my belt and that's all there is to it.

MORGAN:  Well, moving on, let's talk about the match you'll be wrestling at the Montreal Forum on January 26, when you and Toni Rose take on two local stars in tag team competition, Canadian Girls' Tag Team Champions Barbara LaMarche and Claire Lepage - what's your opinion on those two?

MOOLAH:  If you're askin' what I think of those two, Morgan, I'll tell you - I don't!  They're just another couple of overrated wannabes that Toni and I could take apart easily.  In fact, I got no use for that title they hold that Toni and I are challengin' for and it's just as worthless as Martel's belt is, but just to show that we can, we're gonna beat Claire Lepage and Barbara What's-'er-name for those belts, then Toni and I are gonna give those belts exactly the respect they deserve - by throwin' 'em into that cesspool they call the St. Lawrence River!

MORGAN:  Well, you heard it here first, wrestling fans - Fabulous Moolah plans on taking Montreal by storm again as she and Toni Rose challenge the Canadian Girls' Tag Champions Barbara LaMarche and Claire Lepage for that title on January 26 at the Montreal Forum.


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5 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Before the results for the Montreal Forum supercard are posted, here's a TV interview that was recorded in the United States for airing in Montreal on Superstars of the Mat prior to that card, as WWWF play-by-play announcer Ray Morgan (at the time the host of the WWWF's original syndicated TV show, Heavyweight Wrestling from Washington) interviews Fabulous Moolah (who goes out of her way to antagonize Quebec wrestling fans once again with verbal jabs at Renée Martel and some slurs thrown at the fans in general)...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


RAY MORGAN:  Hello, Ray Morgan here in Washington, D.C. to interview someone who needs no introduction, other than that she'll be returning to the Montreal area later this month to wrestle in a few matches - I'm talking, of course, about the World Women's Wrestling Champion, the Fabulous Moolah.

FABULOUS MOOLAH:  Hey, it's strictly your pleasure, Morgan, and the only reason I'm even doin' this interview is to give a little boost to the ratings for their show up in that snowbound wasteland they call Quebec.

MORGAN:  Well, I don't think the fans there would be happy to hear that, just like they weren't happy about what you did in your matches up there against one of Canada's top girl wrestling stars, Renée Martel.

MOOLAH:  (Incredulously)  "One of Canada's top g——"  What does that all mean, anyway?  Everyone's been talkin' about that Martel girl like she's the second coming of me ever since she first came on the scene and they've been claimin' that she's gonna be the future champion, but I put those rumors to rest when I went up against her up in Quebec last year and I exposed her for the overrated poser that she is!  She also calls herself the Canadian Women's Champion up there, but that piece of tin and leather she holds that she calls a championship is worth about as much as her wrestling skills are - nothing!

MORGAN:  From what I've heard about Renée Martel, though, she's a rising and talented star in girls' wrestling and she came close to winning the title from you up in Montreal when you faced off there and you only held on to the title by stalling, fighting dirty and getting yourself disqualified when she had you on the run.

MOOLAH:  Likely story, Morgan - you don't even know what you're talkin' about!  I made an example of her in the ring like I do to anyone else who challenges for my title - the only title that really matters in women's wrestling, by the way - and that's all there is to it.

MORGAN:  The fans up there aren't likely to agree with your claims, Moolah - in fact, they've been calling for a rematch between you two with your belt on the line again and they've been calling you out for dodging her and refusing to face her again after those first matches.

MOOLAH:  Shows what them poutine-eatin', hockey-playin' snowfrogs know, Morgan!  And frankly, I couldn't care less about the wrestling fans up in Montreal or anywhere else in Quebec or what they think of me - all I care about from them is gettin' their money and takin' it back home to my beautiful home state of South Carolina to spend!  Martel had her chance and she blew it, so she ain't gettin' another chance at my belt and that's all there is to it.

MORGAN:  Well, moving on, let's talk about the match you'll be wrestling at the Montreal Forum on January 26, when you and Toni Rose take on two local stars in tag team competition, Canadian Girls' Tag Team Champions Barbara LaMarche and Claire Lepage - what's your opinion on those two?

MOOLAH:  If you're askin' what I think of those two, Morgan, I'll tell you - I don't!  They're just another couple of overrated wannabes that Toni and I could take apart easily.  In fact, I got no use for that title they hold that Toni and I are challengin' for and it's just as worthless as Martel's belt is, but just to show that we can, we're gonna beat Claire Lepage and Barbara What's-'er-name for those belts, then Toni and I are gonna give those belts exactly the respect they deserve - by throwin' 'em into that cesspool they call the St. Lawrence River!

MORGAN:  Well, you heard it here first, wrestling fans - Fabulous Moolah plans on taking Montreal by storm again as she and Toni Rose challenge the Canadian Girls' Tag Champions Barbara LaMarche and Claire Lepage for that title on January 26 at the Montreal Forum.


Before I read this diary, I didn’t know anything about Moolah other than they were really good at holding championships for stupidly long time. Now, I hate her with every fibre of my being. Well done with that characterisation that’s probably accurate. Who am I kidding, definitely accurate. This is so well researched that if it wasn’t accurate it’d at least be based on some rumour or event or something like that!

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21 hours ago, Just here to look said:

Before I read this diary, I didn’t know anything about Moolah other than they were really good at holding championships for stupidly long time. Now, I hate her with every fibre of my being. Well done with that characterisation that’s probably accurate. Who am I kidding, definitely accurate. This is so well researched that if it wasn’t accurate it’d at least be based on some rumour or event or something like that!

Go watch her Dark Side of Wrestling episode, should be on YouTube, and you'll hate her for a whole lot more reasons. She was truly despicable.


These matches and the locker room before and after the event should be a real hoot for you to write up, OSF. I'm wondering if Moolah is going to slip up and mention the arson in LA. "Shame that everything Mildred touches goes up in smoke."

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On 5/28/2023 at 2:49 PM, piperrulz said:


Yep, exactly what happened, though at this point (as with real life), Junior's only involvement with the then-WWWF was as a ring announcer for non-televised house shows.  🙂  I suspect if his dad had known what would happen as soon as he took over the company, Vince Sr. would not have sold the WWF to him, but that's another story for another time.

On 5/28/2023 at 1:31 AM, Just here to look said:

Before I read this diary, I didn’t know anything about Moolah other than they were really good at holding championships for stupidly long time. Now, I hate her with every fibre of my being. Well done with that characterisation that’s probably accurate. Who am I kidding, definitely accurate. This is so well researched that if it wasn’t accurate it’d at least be based on some rumour or event or something like that!


On 5/28/2023 at 10:59 PM, smartman said:

These matches and the locker room before and after the event should be a real hoot for you to write up, OSF. I'm wondering if Moolah is going to slip up and mention the arson in LA. "Shame that everything Mildred touches goes up in smoke."


On 5/29/2023 at 3:12 AM, piperrulz said:

IRL, to behave the way Moolah did, you have to be devoid of a conscience.

Without giving anything away, wait'll you see what Moolah gets up to in upcoming posts... 

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All-Star Wrestling @ Montreal Forum
January 26, 1970 - Montreal, Quebec
Attendance - 18,274



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Carlos Colon fought Don Serrano to a time-limit draw.

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Gino Brito defeated Waldo Von Erich by submission with a figure-four leglock.

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Marcel Martel & Tony Baillargeon defeated Fidel Castillo & Eddie Creatchman by disqualification when Abdullah the Butcher ran in and attacked Martel as he had Creatchman caught in a sleeperhold, then assaulted the referee as he tried to stop Abdullah, who joined Castillo in continuing to attack Martel and Baillargeon until Jacques Rougeau ran in to help the babyfaces run Abdullah and his cohorts off.

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Édouard & André Carpentier defeated The Assassins when Édouard Carpentier pinned Assassin II following a flying bodybress.

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Geeto Mongol defeated The Mighty Igor by countout when Igor did not make it back into the ring before Geeto to beat the referee's count after the two brawled around ringside.

Canadian Women's Tag Team Championship

In a shocking upset, Barbara LaMarche & Claire Lepage (C) surged back from being dominated by The Fabulous Moolah (who, not surprisingly, needed a police escort to and from the ring as she drew a ton of heat from the fans in attendance for her recent TV interview in which she once again slagged Quebec's Francophones) & Toni Rose for much of the match as the champions defeated their heel challengers when LaMarche pinned Moolah following a cross-bodyblock, much to the fans' delight; as a result of her pinfall win over Moolah, LaMarche has earned an NWA World Women's title match against Moolah, to take place on February 16 in Montreal.*

Canadian Women's Championship

Renée Martel (C) was challenged for her title by up-and-coming Ashley Sinclair, whom Renée had previously faced in the AGWA.  After stalling early in the match to frustrate Renée, Sinclair took control of the action with rulebreaking tactics.  It looked at one point like Renée would lose her title that night, but when it seemed darkest for the champion, she dug deep within herself and reversed the momentum as, with the fans urging her on, she took control back from Sinclair.  Several suplexes and a flying forearm smash off the ropes wore Sinclair down and enabled Renée to trap the flamboyant rulebreaker from Hollywood in the Alligator Clutch for the submission, ending Sinclair's title hopes as Renée retained her championship.  Following the match, Fabulous Moolah made her presence felt again as she showed up at ringside, again accompanied by a police security escort while getting loudly booed and jeered by the heavily pro-Martel Forum crowd, to mock and taunt Renée, who got the arena microphone, reminded Moolah about what happened in Montreal last year and fired back at the despised World Women's Champion with her own verbal slams and threats in English and in French as the crowd cheered.

During the argument between Renée and Moolah, Margot Bouchard, who was not scheduled to wrestle that night, appeared unexpectedly as she cut through the Forum crowd out of nowhere to get into the ring and confronted Renée, leading to words being exchanged between the two archrivals while Moolah used the ensuing uproar to slink away back to the locker rooms; before Martel and Bouchard could come to blows, the referees and several security personnel ran in to intervene and separate the two, with the crowd showing their vocal disapproval as they wanted to see a fight between the two girls.  Bouchard left the ring first, telling Renée to be less concerned with Moolah* and more concerned with her as the tough-girl heel backed her way up the aisle while continuing to trade barbs with Martel.

Handicap match

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In his retirement match, Ti-Blanc Richard defeated Jos & Paul LeDuc when Richard, after knocking Jos LeDuc out of the ring, powerslammed and pinned Paul LeDuc.  Post-match, Richard took the arena microphone and thanked the fans for their support over the years, then made his retirement official as he removed his wrestling boots and left them in the ring as he returned to the locker room area to a standing ovation from the fans.

ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

 Johnny Rougeau defeated Buddy Colt (C) (with Eddie Creatchman) by disqualification due to excessive violence by Colt (who retained his title due to the DQ).

ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Abdullah the Butcher (C) (with Eddie Creatchman) defeated Jacques Rougeau, two falls to one.

  • First fall - Abdullah pinned Rougeau following a karate thrust to the throat.
  • Second fall - Rougeau even the match by pinning Abdullah following a knockout punch.
  • Third fall - Abdullah won when Rougeau was disqualified after accidentally elbowing the referee as the latter tried to stop Rougeau from hammering Abdullah; Creatchman and Fidel Castillo ran in soon after the bell rang to end the match and helped Abdullah triple-team Rougeau until Marcel Martel and Tony Baillargeon ran in to even the sides as Creatchman and his men were eventually driven from the ring.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card)

@Lord Byron - 8/10

@piperrulz - 7/10

@The Blonde Bomber - 4/10

All-time prediction results:

Herrbear - 78/107

The Blonde Bomber - 75/98

Lord Byron - 69/103

piperrulz - 17/28

Hitman74 - 10/12

Theheel - 7/10

Dalton - 6/6

auto45 - 5/6

Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* What happens immediately down the road involving Moolah (directly or indirectly) will be covered in upcoming posts.

Edited by Old School Fan
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21 hours ago, Old School Fan said:


All-Star Wrestling @ Montreal Forum
January 26, 1970 - Montreal, Quebec
Attendance - 18,274



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Carlos Colon fought Don Serrano to a time-limit draw.

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Gino Brito defeated Waldo Von Erich by submission with a figure-four leglock.

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Marcel Martel & Tony Baillargeon defeated Fidel Castillo & Eddie Creatchman by disqualification when Abdullah the Butcher ran in and attacked Martel as he had Creatchman caught in a sleeperhold, then assaulted the referee as he tried to stop Abdullah, who joined Castillo in continuing to attack Martel and Baillargeon until Jacques Rougeau ran in to help the babyfaces run Abdullah and his cohorts off.

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Édouard & André Carpentier defeated The Assassins when Édouard Carpentier pinned Assassin II following a flying bodybress.

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Geeto Mongol defeated The Mighty Igor by countout when Igor did not make it back into the ring before Geeto to beat the referee's count after the two brawled around ringside.

Canadian Women's Tag Team Championship

In a shocking upset, Barbara LaMarche & Claire Lepage (C) surged back from being dominated by The Fabulous Moolah (who, not surprisingly, needed a police escort to and from the ring as she drew a ton of heat from the fans in attendance for her recent TV interview in which she once again slagged Quebec's Francophones) & Toni Rose for much of the match as the champions defeated their heel challengers when LaMarche pinned Moolah following a cross-bodyblock, much to the fans' delight; as a result of her pinfall win over Moolah, LaMarche has earned an NWA World Women's title match against Moolah, to take place on February 16 in Montreal.*

Canadian Women's Championship

Renée Martel (C) was challenged for her title by up-and-coming Ashley Sinclair, whom Renée had previously faced in the AGWA.  After stalling early in the match to frustrate Renée, Sinclair took control of the action with rulebreaking tactics.  It looked at one point like Renée would lose her title that night, but when it seemed darkest for the champion, she dug deep within herself and reversed the momentum as, with the fans urging her on, she took control back from Sinclair.  Several suplexes and a flying forearm smash off the ropes wore Sinclair down and enabled Renée to trap the flamboyant rulebreaker from Hollywood in the Alligator Clutch for the submission, ending Sinclair's title hopes as Renée retained her championship.  Following the match, Fabulous Moolah made her presence felt again as she showed up at ringside, again accompanied by a police security escort while getting loudly booed and jeered by the heavily pro-Martel Forum crowd, to mock and taunt Renée, who got the arena microphone, reminded Moolah about what happened in Montreal last year and fired back at the despised World Women's Champion with her own verbal slams and threats in English and in French as the crowd cheered.

During the argument between Renée and Moolah, Margot Bouchard, who was not scheduled to wrestle that night, appeared unexpectedly as she cut through the Forum crowd out of nowhere to get into the ring and confronted Renée, leading to words being exchanged between the two archrivals while Moolah used the ensuing uproar to slink away back to the locker rooms; before Martel and Bouchard could come to blows, the referees and several security personnel ran in to intervene and separate the two, with the crowd showing their vocal disapproval as they wanted to see a fight between the two girls.  Bouchard left the ring first, telling Renée to be less concerned with Moolah* and more concerned with her as the tough-girl heel backed her way up the aisle while continuing to trade barbs with Martel.

Handicap match

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In his retirement match, Ti-Blanc Richard defeated Jos & Paul LeDuc when Richard, after knocking Jos LeDuc out of the ring, powerslammed and pinned Paul LeDuc.  Post-match, Richard took the arena microphone and thanked the fans for their support over the years, then made his retirement official as he removed his wrestling boots and left them in the ring as he returned to the locker room area to a standing ovation from the fans.

ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

 Johnny Rougeau defeated Buddy Colt (C) (with Eddie Creatchman) by disqualification due to excessive violence by Colt (who retained his title due to the DQ).

ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Abdullah the Butcher (C) (with Eddie Creatchman) defeated Jacques Rougeau, two falls to one.

  • First fall - Abdullah pinned Rougeau following a karate thrust to the throat.
  • Second fall - Rougeau even the match by pinning Abdullah following a knockout punch.
  • Third fall - Abdullah won when Rougeau was disqualified after accidentally elbowing the referee as the latter tried to stop Rougeau from hammering Abdullah; Creatchman and Fidel Castillo ran in soon after the bell rang to end the match and helped Abdullah triple-team Rougeau until Marcel Martel and Tony Baillargeon ran in to even the sides as Creatchman and his men were eventually driven from the ring.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card)

@Lord Byron - 8/10

@piperrulz - 7/10

@The Blonde Bomber - 4/10

All-time prediction results:

Herrbear - 78/107

The Blonde Bomber - 75/98

Lord Byron - 69/103

piperrulz - 17/28

Hitman74 - 10/12

Theheel - 7/10

Dalton - 6/6

auto45 - 5/6

Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* What happens immediately down the road involving Moolah (directly or indirectly) will be covered in upcoming posts.

Hey! I did pretty good with my predictions! I even got the 3rd Fall DQ finish right but the winner wrong. Nice screw job! 😀

  • Haha 1
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