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Lucha Underground: Reenter The Temple [CVERSE]

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... bring me the eyes of the blind...

... bring me the hearts of the faithless...

... let Hell have them...

... ravens sing the final song...

... toll the bells before the dawn...

... martyrs by morning...

... our banners: death or glory...








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Thanks for reading, guys! I'm thrilled to have this up and running again, even if I had to do a full save reboot to get there. Hope some of my original audience comes along in the new thread; the concept is just so much fun to play around with and write stores. I'm hoping to have the new episode #3 up tonight or tomorrow (depends on how much I get done before Dynamite tonight).



LU 2: Electric Boogaloo~!

I'm liking what I'm seeing so far...

I’m loving having this back up and running. Give Aztec the moon.

"This is awesome!" *clap, clap, clap clap clap "This is awesome!" *clap, clap, clap clap clap.
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S01E03 - The Anguish of The Father


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Announce Team: Lee Bambino and CJ Weston

Location: Boyle Heights Temple

Show Rating: 51





The show begins inside Honest Frank’s office at the Boyle Heights Temple, the shady pawnster stacking and restacking the Ancient Aztec Medallions the make up the Gift of the Gods. He seems to be without the Aztec Guardian looming over his shoulder this time, a greedy smile on his face as he looks over his seven gold medallions. His quiet coveting is interrupted by a knock at the door.


“Yeah?” Frank calls, the door opening and Jayson “The Sensation” Van Pelt steps inside.




“Nice to meet you, bossman, but, uh, we got a problem, eh?” JVP greets El Jefe.


“Oh, we do?” Franks asks, sitting up in his chair and sliding the gold medallions back into a desk drawer. “And, uh, what might that be?”


“First, allow me to introduce myself,” the frustrated luchador insists. “Jayson ‘The Sensation’ Van Pelt, but you can call me J.. V… P…” He says, complete with thumbs pointing to himself like he’s playing to a full crowd in Honest Frank’s office.


“JVP?” Frank asks, and Van Pelt nods eagerly. “Well, uh… what can I do for you, Mr. Sensation?”



“Hey, Mr. Sensation, I like that,” JVP smiles. “But, our problem is what happened out there last week when…”


“... you lost?” Frank asks with a little grin.


“When that masked freak cheated me!” JVP insists.


“Cheated you? I didn’t see any cheat last week,” Frank retorts. “Maybe you’re just a little upset you didn’t get the chance for some underhanded tactics of your own?”


“Are you questioning my integrity, Jefe?” Van Pelt asks angrily.


“No, no, of course not,” Frank waves him off. “Just tell me what you want, huh?”


“I want another shot at that silver-and-purple peon!” JVP insists.


Frank ponders the idea for a moment, strokes his chin, then wags his finger at Jayson Van Pelt.


“You know, kid, I’m nothin’ if not a businessman,” he says. “And I got a mind for promotion… you get that sorta thing runnin’ a Temple like this, ya know?” JVP nods. “So, we’ve got you… international superstar of wrestling, and we’ve got Extraordinario Jr, Mexican lucha libre sensation. You know, that sounds like a main event anywhere in the world, but there’s just one problem with it.”


“What’s that?” JVP asks, already growing vexed with not getting what he wants.


“We already done it,” Frank says. “Last week, and you lost. But, like I said, I got a mind for promotion. You say you don’t like guys in masks? That right?”


“Can’t stand ‘em,” Van Pelt answers. “Masked freaks… I’m gonna start a collection of masks here in Lucha Underground; lucha de apuestas, my specialty.”


“I dunno anything about that, friend,” Frank says. “But what I’m gonna give you a chance to do.. Is humiliate two of ‘em at once.”


“Two of ‘em?” JVP asks, Frank reaching into his desk drawer and pulling out one of the seven Aztec medallions.


“”Well, again, I’m a businessman,” Frank says, putting up his hands. “If I’m gonna put together a main event, then I’m gonna put together a main event. You know what this is?” he asks, holding up one of the gold medallions.


“Just looks like gold to me,” The Sensation answers; Frank scoffs.


“Just gold? No,” he answers. “This is your chance… at the Gift of the Gods!”


“I like the sound of that,” JVP smiles.


“Our main event tonight will be for one of the seven ancient Aztec medallions,” Frank tells him. “International superstar Jayson Van Pelt… versus Mexican sensation Extraordinario Jr… versus the world renowned… Acid!”


“I like it,” JVP nods, holding out his hand for a fistbump but Frank waves him off.




Following a commercial break, we return to the Temple where Mr. Lucha III is in the ring for a promo.


“We haven’t seen this man since Aztec Warfare,” Bambino says as the masked legacy soaks in the cheers of the Believers.


“He had a good showing, but he was ultimately taken out by Sayeed Ali, who we will be seeing in trios action later,” Weston says before Mr. Lucha III begins to speak.


“I may not descend from an Aztec tribe like my opponent tonight, but my mask comes from a great lineage,” he explains as he did in the first episode. “Mr. Lucha I, my uncle, mi tío, is one of the most legendary luchadores in all of Mexico and now I wear the mask in Lucha Underground! I fight for the same honor and the same glory as the Aztec tribes to bring pride to my legacy.”


Mr. Lucha III is interrupted by the sound of a tiger’s roar, and Silver Tiger appears atop the entrance steps into the Temple.


“Your lineage pales in comparison to mine, the favored of the god Tezcatlipoca,” the silver-masked luchador claims. “The great Silver Tiger comes for your legacy!”




Nicole Kiss enters the ring as Silver Tiger makes his entrance, ready to do her job.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall! In this corner, from The Obsidian Pyramid, Silver… Tiger! And his opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico… Mister… Lucha… Tres!”





“Both of these men are very popular in Mexico, about to show Lucha Underground what they can do!” says Bambino as the match begins. The two seem to be just a little off as the match goes on, not really clicking all that well despite commentary giving their accomplishments in Mexico the hard sell.


The ending sees the luchadores going toe-to-toe, Mr. Lucha III attempting his Third Strike finisher but Silver Tiger avoiding it.


“Silver Tiger ducking under the Third Strike, kick to the midsection now by Silver Tiger,” Bambino calls as the finish continues to unfold. “Tiger has the hooks and… SILVER TIGER DRIVER!”





After the match, the rest of the Cult of the Silver Tiger make their way to the ring and lift up Mr. Lucha III just as they had JOJI last week and attempt to carry him out for sacrifice.


“Wait just a minute!” Weston cries as JOJI appears atop El Jefe’s office.




“The hunter is here!” Bambino adds as JOJI stalks across the top of the office with a spear in his hand. Amo Del Gato is the first to notice him, screaming at his companions to move. Mr. Lucha III is dropped in the commotion of the Cult scurrying away, JOJI screaming incoherently and threatening to launch the spear as Silver Tiger and his followers all hightail it out of the Temple without a sacrifice for the second week in a row.




Nicole Kiss enters the ring, a bit wary of the obvious gang members eyeing her up-and-down in the ring.


“The following lucha is a trios match, and is the first of three Trios Tourney matches,” she announces. “Already in the ring, from Boyle Heights, the B… H… C!”


“And their opponents, coming to the ring from The Land of the Free… The Eagle Tribe!”







“The Believers and luchadores alike are all anxiously awaiting an announcement from El Jefe about the Lucha Underground Trios Championship, but for now, a preview of the division,” Bambino announces.


“We saw some of these men in Aztec Warfare, but we’re about to see what these trios can do!” Weston adds.


The Eagle Tribe shines in the beginning, American Flash in particular getting in some dazzling high flying offense including a dive to the outside onto all three gang members. The BHC doesn’t take long to turn the tides, however, Sayeed Ali brutalizing his opponents and Mobstar executing an even more impressive dive to the outside than American Flash at one point. Dragon Americano falls to Sayeed Ali’s GBH Driver in the end.







When we come back from commercials, Extraordinario Jr. is making his way into The Temple.


“Welcome back, Believers, our main event is up next!” Weston exclaims.


“But, first, we’re going to hear from one of the competitors! An exciting luchador from Mexico, Extraordinario Jr!” Bambino adds as the luchador pulls his cape out of the way to enter the ring. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle and poses for the hard camera, then does a dazzling flip off the ropes to pose in the ring as the Believers cheer.


“They love him here in Temple, Bambino!” Weston chuckles.


“No one can put on a show like Extraordinario Jr.!” the luchador exclaims. “And no one will stop me from claiming gold here tonight… Aztec gold! I will claim one of the seven medallions that buy my way into the Gift of the Gods match, and then I, The Extraordinary One, will claim the Gift of the Gods! Jayson Van Pelt wants to come for my mask, but he can’t even come for the win against me. Siempre Peleando! Terminado!




Nicole Kiss is back in the ring now to make the introductions as the Believers cheer.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is… a three-way dance! Already in the ring, from Mexico City, Mexico… Extraordinario Junior!! And now, making his way to the ring, from parts unknown… he is… Acid!”




The mysterious masked man stands atop the entrance platform for a moment before making his way down to the stairs, Extraordinario Jr. taking off his cape and watching Acid roll into the ring.




Jayson Van Pelt’s music plays as he makes his way out onto the platform.


“And, finally, coming to the ring from Montreal, Quebec, Canada… Jayson… “The Sensation”... Van Pelt!”


Van Pelt does his signature pose at the top, shouting, “J.. .V… P!” at the crowd as he does. He points down at Extraordinario Jr. and motions like he is removing a mask before making his way down the stairs and into the ring.





“This is our first medallion match, Believers!” Weston crows.


“Seven luchadors will eventually step into the ring to compete for the Gift of the Gods,” Bambino explains. “We’re going to find out who one of them is right here tonight!”


The three luchadores square off in the ring, circling one another and backing off of a few tentative opening moves. The early story sees Acid and Extraordinario Jr. doubling up on Jayson Van Pelt until the mysterious warrior known as Acid turns the tables on Extraordinario.


“Every man for himself, Bambino,” Weston notes when the betrayal happens.


“Indeed,” Bambino retorts. “It’s not like Acid has ever shown much affinity for anyone other than his trainee, Acid II, throughout his career.”


The three men put on a car crash match full of dives, technical exchanges, and high risk moves– and each gets their chance to shine. Acid gets a near fall on Extraordinario after an Acidity Test, Extraordinario Jr. almost takes it after hitting his finisher on Acid but JVP breaks up the pin, and JVP performs a somersault dive to the outside onto both of the other men at one point. The back-and-forth ends, however, when The Great Avatar appears in The Temple and goes after Acid!




“The Grand Avatar is here!” Weston cries.


“He’s gonna cost Acid his chance at a medallion!” Bambino adds as the two brawl outside the ring, Avatar eventually throws Acid into the ring steps and puts the boots to him.




Acid II comes running out to chase off The Great Avatar, but the damage has been done and the action in the ring has moved on without Acid.


“Extraordinario in control here,” Bambino notes as he sets JVP up for his Siempre Peleando finisher, and nails it to pick up an Aztec Medallion as well as his second pinfall over The Sensation.





“The Purple-and-Silver Sensation grabs the first Aztec Medallion, but something tells me there’s going to be plenty of fallout surrounding this match in the weeks to come!” Bambino predicts.


“We’ll see you next week for more, Believers!” Weston signs off.




The show fades from The Temple to a cinematic promo in a graveyard somewhere at dusk; the headstones are all very old and were fairly ornate before falling into disrepair. We finally come upon a large headstone of a kneeling angel, and pan to the side to see Pablo Rodrgiuez kneeling before it and finishing a prayer with a rosary in his hand.


“Amén,” he says before standing, the camera moving up with him and revealing Máscara Muerte standing behind him! But El Padre doesn’t see him! “My beloved, I will avenge you soon,” he promises the headstone before turning around right into Muerte!




“Is your obsession with vengeance not a sin, father?” Muerte asks.


“Dios mío!” Rodriguez exclaims, taking a step back. “The Mask of Death himself… what vessel have you taken under that visage this time, Muerte?”


“It matters not, father,” Muerte responds. “There will always be followers of mine willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for Mictlāntēcutli, men and women willing to submit their lives to bring me treasures. Treasures like this…”


From seemingly nowhere, Muerte produces the Lucha Underground Temple Championship and lifts it high in one hand.


“And you could do nothing to stop me!” Muerte laughs.


Maldita sea!” Pablo Rodriguez exclaims, stomping his foot on the sacred ground.


“Such language, El Padre,” Muerte chides him.


“I will not suffer belittling by the likes of you!” Rodriguez shouts, lunging forward but Muerte disappears. “MUERTE!!” he shouts, clutching his rosary in his fist and looking around frantically. “Show yourself!”


The camera shows us an overhead view of Pablo Rodriguez alone in the cemetery, slowly panning up and further away from him as he screams in anguish; it is clear his past with Máscara Muerte still torments him as the screen fades to black.







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The Hitman


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The scene fades in on El Jefe’s office where Honest Frank sits behind his desk smoking a cigar, feet kicked up near the pile of golden Aztec Medallions as is often the case. He is playing with one of the Medallions in his hands, taking a big puff from his cigar before sitting it down on the lip of an ashtray.


“Our first Medallion match,” he says dreamily. “The Believers are growing… the Temple numbers are gonna be big this week, I can feel it!”


Just then, there’s a knock at the door and Frank sits up in his chair hopefully.


“Come in?” he asks as the camera slowly zooms in on his face and we see the wide smile that crosses his lips as we hear the office door close. “Ah, come in, my friend… come, have a seat,” he says cheerfully, greeting the unseen visitor. We briefly see a form come into view before they sit in a chair on the opposite side of Frank’s desk, the only discernible thing about them is that they are wearing a leather jacket.


“Thanks for comin’ all a’ this way,” Frank says. “I really appreciate it. I got a few things need dealt with, and I don’t know anybody betta’ to do the job… ‘member that thing back in Jersey? Nobody does it betta’ than you, huh?” We can barely make out that the person is nodding by some hair shaking in-and-out of frame. “Well, where to begin? First, I got a snake problem… three of ‘em in the Temple, Guardian says I gotta let ‘em in but you know I feel about snakes, and spiders, and rats.”


The figure nods again.


“Ha, yeah, I got a, how you say? An Aztec prince guarding the place,” Frank beams.


“Then what do you need me for?” a gruff voice asks.


“Ah, he’s too by-the-book for my liking,” Frank scoffs. “Says I gotta open the Temple to everyone who comes to fight. Don’t get me wrong, shit hits the fan I’ll be glad to have some spirit a’ some Aztec prince on my side, but I need someone I know I can trust to see and do things my way… that’s where you come in,” he explains. “Me an’ you, we go way back, how many jobs you done for me?? Countless, right?”


Another nod from the man in the chair.


“That’s why I need you out here on the coast with me,” Frank explains. “You do some work for me, I send some cash an’ some gold your way for the trouble. But the snakes, that’s not even the biggest problem right now… there’s this, uh, guy… Máscara Muerte… he’s got my Temple Championship right now. This other guy, real goody-goody type despite all his bellyachin’... name a’ Pablo Rodriguez, a padre, actually… you know what he’ll do with the gold if he gets his hands on it,” Frank says followed by an overzealous laugh; his friend joins him in the laugh briefly.


“Well, basically, I need you around to be my insurance policy,” Frank says. “You take my directions, ask no questions, just give me a price… we got a deal, Ernie?” Frank extends his hand, and soon the men are shaking on the deal.


“Sounds good as usual, boss,” the man says as we see him for the first time while he stands up, still shaking hands with Frank. “Thanks.”




“No, Ernie, thank you,” Frank grins as they shake hands for an uncomfortable amount of time as the scene fades out.



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S01E04 - Death Whistle


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Announce Team: Lee Bambino and CJ Weston

Location: Boyle Heights Temple

Show Rating: 48



“Welcome to the Temple, Believers!” Lee Bambino exclaims as the show begins. “Welcome to Lucha Underground!”




“The following lucha is a tag team match, and is scheduled for one fall!” Nicole Kiss excitedly announces. “First, accompanied by Becca… from Rock City USA… Rockin’ Ryan… Stan The Man… The Rock… City… Stars!!”


Rockin’ Ryan and Stan the Man air guitar their way into the Temple and down the stairs as per usual, really playing to the crowd during their entrance and showing off some close-ups of the duo air guaring with some Believers.


“And their opponents, from the Darkest Reaches of Your Mind… Babau… Moroi… The Waking… Nightmares!”


Smoke and the sounds of cackling laughter can be heard as Babau and Moroi crawl out of the entrance.






Another hotly paced opener from The Rock City Stars as they go toe-to-toe with the masked duo of The Death Tribe. The Tribe come in looking to dominate after the mind games of the death whistle entrance, but the Rock City Stars duck under some charging clotheslines and counter with boots to the midsection.


“The Rock City Stars are looking good to start!” Bambino says as they hit stereo dropkicks, and celebrate in the ring as Babau and Moroi roll to the outside. “Can they keep it up? We’ll find out when we get back!” he pitches to commercial.


That proves to be short-lived, however, as when we return and the match gets going, it isn’t long before The Night Terrors are working quick tags and ring isolation to have their way with Rockin’ Ryan while Stan The Man yells for the tag on the outside.


“You may have spoken too soon, Bambino, they’re not looking too good right now!” Weston exclaims as Babau and Moroi work over the blonde rock star wannabe in their corner. It isn’t long after that, however, that Rockin’ Ryan starts to make his comeback and manages the hot tag to Stan The Man, who comes in and clears house. It isn’t long after that before The Rock City Stars hit Moroi with the Cover Version to pick up their first victory in Lucha Underground.





“The Rock City Stars have beaten The Night Terrors!” Bambino cries out as they celebrate in the ring. “They have bested The Death Tribe!”


The celebration is short-lived, however, the pumped up Rock City Stars, along with their rock chic cheerleader Becca, gather in the center of the ring to look around while The Night Terrors creep around on the outside.



Máscara Muerte appears at the top of the entrance stairs, arms raised as he stands there for a moment for the Believers to take in. The Night Terrors slither back into the ring and take out The Rock City Stars, knocking them out of the ring before Becca falls to her knees and tries to beg off.


“Oh my God, what are these sick freaks doing?!” Bambino questions, but it is soon answered as The Night Terrors hit Becca with their Sleep Paralysis finisher!


“Oh my God!” Weston cries out! “Did you see that, Bambino?!”


Muerte begins down the stairs, arms still raised triumphantly as Babau and Moroi rid the ring of a crumpled Becca. Muerte enters the ring, The Night Terrors immediately taking knees in his presence as he produces a microphone from his robes.


“Pablo Rodriguez,” he begins as the death whistles finally cease. “El Padre, we meet in the Temple just as we have met in the past. Does the sound remind you, El Padre? ¿Lo hace? Does it remind you of Paradise Lost? Of your family? Your village? BURNED! All in the name of Death! All for Máscara Muerte, the tribute of all tributes: a whole village prender fuego,” he says with an unholy chuckle. “Not just the people… not just the men, the women… the children… but the structures! The riches! All ablaze in MY name!”


“Believers, this stretches far beyond lucha,” Bambino says somberly.


“This is just plain sick,” Weston adds.


“All in my unholy name, El Padre... and now?? What is left of you? What is left of your soul, tu alma? You are a man of God, but what is left of the man? ¿Qué queda de ti, Pablo Rodríguez? It doesn’t matter… because what it is, no matter how little is left inside of you,” Muerte threatens. “I will find it. I will chew it up, and I will leave the husk of Pablo Rodriguez for my minions to consume!”




“We’ve got to take a break, Believers, but this is… this is just sick,” Bambino calls.




“It’s El Jefe himself, appearing before the Believers for the first time!” Weston says as we return from break, the suited New Yorker soaking in his mixed adulation from the crowd.


“I understand he’s out here to talk about the Lucha Underground Trios Championship,” Bambino adds.


“Thank you, Believers, and, more importantly, thanks for payin’ at the door!” he chuckles.”The show has already started, and we’ve got so much more to come! Now, I know why some of you are here, and I know everyone is listening in the back, so, I am out here to announce the Lucha Underground Trios tourney!”


“That’s what they like to hear!” Weston exclaims, the Believers cheering.


“Three matches between six trios, each winning trio goes on to the finals,” Frank says. “Bit of a, uh… trios triangle, you could say. But, you know, they say that in order to kill some of their prey, eagles will clutch an animal in its talons and fly up to great heights before dropping their prey so that the fall will kill them,” Frank informs the crowd. “Sometimes that prey even includes snakes… I don’t like snakes. So, with that said, tonight’s trios match… The Eagle Tribe versus The Reptile Tribe!”


“Oh my!” CJ Weston exclaims on commentary. “El Jefe making his feelings known here tonight!”


“Next week you’ll see some friends a’ mine, the Boyle Heights Connection, taking on the, uh, feline presence in Lucha Underground,” Frank chuckles. “Cult of the Silver Tiger.




Nicole Kiss is smiling in the center of the ring and ready to start announcing.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and is a trios match! The winning team will advance to the finals of the Lucha Underground Trios Tourney! First, coming to the ring, from The Snake Pit… Rey Serpiente, Serpiente Uno, Serpiente Doa… The Reptile Tribe!”


The trio make their way into the Temple, Uno and Dos heading down the steps first while Rey Serpiente stands tall behind them. They slither their way into the ring and huddle in the corner, Rey Serpiente sitting on the middle turnbuckle and putting his foot on Serpiente Uno’s shoulder as his minions bow before him awaiting their opponents’ arrival.


“And their opponents, from The Land of the Free… Americana Jr, American Flash, and Dragón Americano… The Eagle Tribe!”


Three masked luchadores decked out in red, white, and blue make their way into the Temple, hyping up the crowd and getting them to chant “USA! USA! USA!”







“As you can see, Believer, there with Rey Serpiente, your eyes are not fooling you,” Bambino assures everyone. “That is Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane, The American Cobras, indie wrestling stalwarts.”


“Yes, but, as you can see, their eyes,” Weston notes. “They’re slitted like reptile eyes, they’ve gone cold blooded… you can see they want nothing but what Rey Serpiente orders!”


The Reptile Tribe spend the match letting Rey Serpiente avoid doing much work while Malloy and Spillane go 100mph against all three members of The Eagle Tribe.


“This match is going at an insane pace!” Bambino exclaims during a crazy exchange between Spillane and Flash that ends in an impressive spinning headscissors takedown that sends Storm rolling out of the ring.


“Trios rules in effect here,” Weston reminds us. “No tag necessary as Marvel Malloy heads into the ring here.”


Malloy charges at Flash, and another quick exchange sees Marvel sent to the outside as well, leaving Rey Serpiente no choice but to get involved this time. But he’s no slouch in the ring, either, quickly shifting the momentum to his team’s favor where it stays for much the remainder of the match. The finish sees the Cobras hitting the Cobra Strike on Americana Jr, and tagging in Rey Serpiente to make the cover.







“Bah!” Honest Frank scoffs as we come into his office following the last match. “Freakin’ snakes!”




“Sorry you are displeased, Jefe,” the Aztec Guardian tells him from the corner of the office.


“Yeah, yeah, you’re sorry, but you ain’t gonna do anything about it. That’s why I got--”


Frank is interrupted by a knock at the door, but the person on the other side doesn’t wait for an answer as Pablo Rodriguez enters the office.




“Frank, we need to talk,” El Padre says as he enters the office, a dull sweat on his brow and a confused look in his eyes. “I must face Máscara Muerte, this destruction and desecration cannot stand! I will--”


“Now, now, don’t go getting your panties in a bunch, father,” Frank says dismissively. “I know what you want, but you see, we got a problem.”


¿Problema?” Rodriguez questions anxiously.


Si,” Frank says mockingly. “Muerte is the Temple Champion, you can’t just demand a title shot around here.”


“I don’t care about the title, I just wa--” Rodriguez insists, but Frank cuts him off again.


“We have a way that we do things here in the Temple,” Frank says insistently. “You want a match with Muerte? Earn it!”


“You want me to compete? I will compete!” Rodriguez answers. “You tell me when and where! Whatever I must do to get at Máscara Muerte!”


Franks smiles, taking his smoking cigar from the ashtray and sticking it in the corner of his mouth as he leans back in his chair.


“Well, I think you know what you have to do, padre,” Frank grins. “So, let’s say next week… you against the great Silver Tiger… in an Aztec Medallion match! You win that, you’re one step closer to getting Muerte.”


Pablo’s lip curls as he stands there staring down Honest Frank. After a moment, he twitches, then wipes his brow.


Si... next week,” Pablo nods before turning to leave. Honest Frank smiles and takes a pull from his cigar, letting the smoke linger in the air around him before blowing it away with a lungful of smoke.


“Yeah… we’ll see,’ Frank grins as we fade to commercial.






We return from commercial to a dark screen, faint sing-song chanting heard as it eventually becomes clear the camera is traveling downward. As dirt and roots are shown on-screen, we start to come to a large opening underground, candles all along the dirt walls lighting the hole of a room. Seated in high-backed wooden chairs around a long, ornate wooden table are three men among a host of other empty chairs. It soon becomes clear, as they bounce and rock in their chairs around the table filled with silver platters of food and steaming tea kettles, that they are having a tea party.


“We’re going to the Temple! Going to the Temple! Going to the Temple!” the three of them excitedly chant in sing-song all in unison before coming to an abrupt stop.


“Well, boys!!” the lone masked member of the group says, pausing to take a long sip of an obviously hot cup of tea before smacking his lips and saying, “AH!” with a puff of smoke exiting his mouth. “It’s… almost… time!!” He’s wearing a harlequin mask and a long jacket, tights matching his mask.


“YEEESSSS!!!!” a main with purple-and-green streaked hair beneath a large, velvet top hat exclaims, steppling his fingers and wiggling them together excitedly. “It’s almost time for The Rabbit Tribe toooooooo….” he says as he starts wiggling in his chair, “GO TO THE TEMPLE! THE TEMPLE! THE TEMPLE!”


A third man with a weird frock of dark hair lets out an oddball laugh and claps happily, knocking over a hot tea kettle and paying no attention as the boiled liquid spills over the table on down to the dirt floor beneath it. “Yes, yes, yesss!! NO!!!” he shouts as he finally notices the spilled tea.


“The Great White Rabbit has shown us the way, all that’s left is to travel the road, my friends! Logic and proportion are sloppy dead, we must go before The Red Queen says ‘off with our heads!’” the masked man with dark skin says, the other two stopping what they are doing and cooing at what he says.


“We must go!” the man in the top hat says anxiously.


“Go we must!” says the other unmasked man, on his hands and knees mourning the spilled tea with dirt now smeared on his face and chest.


“We mustn’t be late!” the masked man says as he stands up, revealing his full outfit and actually posing with jazz hands for a moment.


“Late we mustn’t be!” the oddball on the ground says as he stands up, sitting up the knocked over kettle and grabbing a grape from one of the platters to pop in his mouth, chewing it obnoxiously.


“Well, well, well,” the man in the top hat says as he stands to join his comrades. “You know what that means? Weeeeeeeee’re…” he leads the men in again as they start they sing-song chant, camera travelling back up from the rabbit hole as their sound echoes up.


“... going to the Temple! Going to the Temple! Going to the Temple!”




The scene fades to commercial.




We return to see Nicole Kiss smiling in the ring, ready to announce our main event!


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall!” she says. “Coming to the ring, from El Monasterio... El Padre Pablo… Rodríguez!!”


“The Believers love El Padre!” Bambino exclaims as Rodriguez makes his way down the stairs and into the ring.


“And his opponent, from Beyond the Grave… Zombi!”


Zombi shambles out from the far side of El Jefe’s office and makes his way to the ring.





The match starts off almost comedic with Zombi shambling around the ring like doesn’t realize he’s in a fight; but then, when Rodriguez goes to throw the first strike, Zombi comes to life to block and fight back. Zombi wows the crowd with some high flying, even drawing an Animo! chant when he climbs to the top rope, sticks his arms out like he does when he’s shambling, and then hits Pablo with a moonsault.


“Oh my God!” Weston cries when he sees the move, and it even gets a picture-in-picture instant replay.


Unfortunately, just like in the earlier singles bout, these two just don’t click in the ring together and despite getting Zombi over with the Believers, it doesn’t accomplish much else of note for either competitor. The finish sees The Waking Nightmare try to get involved, Máscara Muerte standing atop the entrance stairs and directing traffic. Just like Aztec Warfare, however, Rodriguez overcomes the numbers game to rid the ring of Babau and Moroi and hits Zombi with Sinner’s Salvation for the victory.





“What is that sound??” Bambino questions before Máscara Muerte is revealed to be blowing on an Aztec death whistle, the sound he referenced in his earlier promo.


“I don’t like this one bit, Bambino,” Weston says.


“This is… this is unnerving!” Bambino says as Rodriguez starts to cower a bit in the ring just from the sound. The Death Tribe converge on the ring, Zombi sitting up and The Night Terrors in opposite corners as Mascara Muerte makes his way down the stairs. Rodriguez looks out at Muerte, their eyes meeting for a moment as El Padre looks terrified while he shakes. Muerte blows on the death whistle again, and the trio of minions in the ring swarm on him, putting the boots to Pablo Rodriguez while Mascara Muerte takes his time getting into the ring.


“This is sickening,” Bambino spits. “The Death Tribe has ruled the night here in The Temple.”


“First Becca and The Rock City Express, and now.. “ Weston starts, Bambino cuts him off.


“They’ve got him up!” he yells.


Babau and Moroi hold Rodriguez on his knees where Muerte levels him with a vicious Buzzsaw Kick, and they let him slump to the mat.


“Believers, we are out of time, but this… my God,” Bambino tries to sign off.


“Like you said, Bambino, this is just unnerving,” Weston adds. “The Death Tribe reigns supreme here in Lucha Underground!”








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Thanks for the kind words, glad to count you among the Believers!


I dig those renders for The Cobras, may just switch over to them here soon. They actually give me an idea for an angle...


Not sure if I've said it before, but the characters, gimmicks, booking and matches do grasp that LU feeling. Kudos to you.


Also, if I may offer an extra snakey version of Rey Serpiente's minions...


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S01E05 - Death Or Glory


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 6px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:80%; ";">


Announce Team: Lee Bambino and CJ Weston

Location: Boyle Heights Temple

Show Rating: 51





The show begins in the office of El Jefe himself, Honest Frank, who is sitting at his desk and counting stacks of money as a big cigar billows smoke into the air from his ashtray.


“Ah, man, a month!” he says excitedly as he sits down a fourth stack of cash. “We only been open a month, and look at this! I don’t gotta pay nobody nothin’, either! It’s all mine!”



From the shadows of the office, The Aztec Guardian nods and stands by silently.


Si, Jefe,” the Guardian says stoically. “En verdad eres un hombre rico.”


“These suckers fight for nothin’ more than the Temple prizes,” Frank marvels. “They’re like suckers on a game show around here! Win your tickers, cash ‘em in for prizes, and give me all your cash!”


Frank picks up his cigar and takes a drag before opening one of his desk drawers, already lined with cash, and adding his four new stacks to the stash. He sits there for a brief moment, smiling and puffing on his cigar before there’s a knock at the door.


“Come in,” Frank says, letting out an exasperated sigh when he sees the man who has entered his office.




“Ah, padre!” Frank exclaims. “To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you in office today? More mumbo jumbo about Máscara Muerte, no doubt?”


“Frank, you do not understand,” Pablo Rodriguez tells the boss. “This is not about the Temple Championship, this is not about gold!”


“So it’s about your immoral quest for vengeance then, is it?” Frank chides.


“Frank!” Rodriguez shouts, slamming his hands down on the boss’ desk. “¡Quiero Máscara Muerte, ya!


“Lower your voice, Father!” Frank snaps, the Aztec Guardian stepping ever so slightly forward from his dark corner. “Now look, I told you how it is around here! Máscara Muerte is our Champion around here, you don’t just waltz in my door and demand your shot.”


“And I told you, I don’t want the gold, Frank,” Rodriguez reminds him through clenched teeth.


“All the same,” Frank tells him. “You want your match with Muerte? Then your quest starts tonight, just like I told you last week. Nothing’s changed, padre. Claim your Aztec Medallion tonight against Silver Tiger and assure your place in the Gift of the Gods match.”


Pablo Rodriguez throws his hands up in frustration, muttering in Spanish under his breath as Frank continues speaking.


“Win the Gift of the Gods, and then you can have your match with Máscara Muerte,” Frank tells him. “No sooner than that.”


“The Gift of the Gods can be exchanged at any time, yes?” Pablo questions.


“Well, now, I’m a promoter,” Frank tells him. “You gotta give me a week to pack the Temple with Believers. So, I take it, you win and you want your match the next week?”


Si,” El Padre answers; Frank nods in agreement.


“Fine,” the boss says. “You win the Gift of the Gods, I’ll give you Muerte the following week… but you gotta win it first.” Rodriguez clenches his jaw and looks down at Frank, then up at the Guardian before nodding confidently and leaving the office. Frank kicks his feet up and takes another pull from his cigar, smiling to himself as he watches Pablo leave before we’re taken into the Temple and the cheering Believers.






“Listen to the sound of the Believers!” Lee Bambino exclaims as the latest episode of the show begins. “We have such a great show on deck for you tonight, our second Medallion match will be in the main event.”


“Yeah, but, Bambino?” CJ Weston questions. “Who is this guy?”


In the ring, a man in a cheap suit and tie and fedora hat is chomping on a cigar and smiling it up for the Believers.




“Did someone off the street get in here?” Bambino asks as the man asks for a microphone. After a moment of confusion, he gets one and starts of with a sly life.


“Hello, Believers, my name is Carl Batch, and I am here… with a warning,” he says.


“I don’t know how many more warnings I can take, Bambino,” Weston snarks.


“You see, I represent one Logan Wolfsbaine, and The Glorious One is putting Lucha Underground on a global warning!” Batch threatens. “He is here, and there are only two options when you find yourself across the ring from Logan Wolfsbaine!”


Some heavy metal begins to play in The Temple, and an imposing figure makes his way out onto the entrance platform.




“Death…. Or Glory!” Batch caws as his charge marches down the entrance staircase, holding his chin up and sneering at the Believers like a king looking down on his subjects. “Now, get someone out here, so you Believers can witness The Glorious One in action, okay?” he cackles.


“Believers, do not go anywhere, we will be right back!” Bambino calls.


“Gods, look at the size of this one!” Weston remarks before the commercials begin.




When we return from commercial, Nicole Kiss is in the ring, ready to do her job.




“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall,” she announces, motioning to Batch and Wolfsbaine in one corner. “In this corner, accompanied by his promoter, Carl Batch, from The Glorious State of Florida… “The Glorious One”... Logan… Wolfsbaine!”


The muscular newcomer just continues sneering with his chin up, looking across the ring with disdain.




“And his opponent,” Nicole looks nervously to the other corner. “From Heroica Veracruz, Mexico… the Masked Marvel… El Corredor!”




El Corredor looks across the ring in fear for a moment, Wolfsbaine just standing there as if to dare his opponent into action.


“So, El Corredor?” Weston laughs.


“A 10 year-plus veteran, I’m told,” Bambino answers in monotone flatness.


Corredor finally charges across the ring, but he runs right into Wolfsbaine, who catches him and tosses him with a vicious overhead release suplex. The muscular beast puts the boots to the masked luchador for a moment before picking him up and destroying him with a vicious Belly-to-Belly Suplex for the pinfall in just over thirty seconds.





“Well, you know what they say, Bambino,” Weston says. “They don’t get paid by the hour.”


“They do not,” Bambino responds. “The Glorious One has arrived, and we’ll be right back, Believers!”


Lee Bambino pitches the show to commercial, but instead the screen fades to black and we’re greeted by the Aztec Rabbit on screen once again.




It pulses and shakes for a moment before a rabbithole appears behind it, and the rabbit shrinks in size to appear to scamper down the hole. The screen is dark for a moment before we see dirt and roots as the camera travels down the rabbithole to reveal the three oddballs from before still having a tea party.




“Well, boys!!” the lone masked member of the group says, pausing to take a long sip of an obviously hot cup of tea before smacking his lips and saying, “AH!” with a puff of smoke exiting his mouth. “It’s… almost… time!!” He’s wearing a harlequin mask and a long jacket, tights matching his mask.


“Wait a minute, Bromista, I’m having deja vu!!” Remmy Skye, the purple-and-green-haired man in the top hat says in a spazzy tone.


“Deja what??” the masked man, Bromista apparently, asks his comrade.


“You know,” Matt Sparrow, the third man, interjects. “Deja vu: when the same thing happens again.”


“But, what did I do??” Bromista asks, as if he’s frightened of the concept.


“Hmmmm…” Remmy ponders for a minute. “I, wait… yes, no… no!! I know!! Weeeeeee’re…”


“GOING TO THE TEMPLE!! THE TEMPLE!! THE TEMPLE!! WE’RE GOING TO THE TEMPLE!!” the three weird luchadores chant.


“W-wait! Wait! No!” Remmy relents, throwing his cup of tea over his shoulder with an overdramatic shattering noise playing once the cup is off-screen. “Deja vu!! DEJA VU!!”


The three men cower in their high-backed chairs, looking around in fear.


“Where?!? WHERE?!” Sparrow crows, grabbing a bunch of grapes and holding them over his face as if to hide behind them.


“The Temple!!” Bromista answers.


“Oh, right!” Sparrow says as he relaxes, plucking a grape and making to toss it in his mouth, but he misses.


“But when?!” Remmy Skye asks, he and Sparrow turning to the masked man; by his position at the head of the table, he might be the defacto leader. The masked man picks up a pocket watch from the table, looks at the time, screams, and puts it down.


“Next week,” he says calmly.


“Next week?” Skye asks.


“Next week!” Sparrow crows loudly.


“NEXT WEEK! NEXT WEEK! THE TEMPLE! THE TEMPLE!” they chant in sing-song as the camera goes back up the rabbithole and the show fades to a commercial break.






As we come back from break, the Believers turn their attention to the entrance stairs where Jayson “The Sensation” Van Pelt is making his way into the Temple.


“Aw, now what does this guy want?” CJ Weston asks.


“JVP scheduled for lucha tonight, let’s just hope he doesn’t wanna talk first,” Bambino says.


“You can smell it when opens his mouth, too, Bambino?” Weston questions his announce partner.


“I can almost smell how full of shit he is from here,” Bambino says, dropping the innuendo as JVP enters the ring and does his familiar pose for the Believers, some of them chanting “J! V! P!” along with him as he bobs his thumbs.


“I’ve been all around the world, but now I’ve come to the Temple to showcase my talents,” he says with a smile. “Hi, Jayson the Sensation, but you can call me J… V.. P…” he does the thing with his thumbs. “Now, three weeks ago I was robbed of my chance at an Aztec Medallion when I was put in the ring with a bunch of masked freaks! And who interfered in my triple threat match with a bunch of masked freaks? MORE MASKED FREAKS!” he seethes.


“Now, this week, I’ve got another one, but I’m going to teach this one a lesson! Mr. Lucha Tres,” he says in a mocking accent. “Comes from a long lineage of masked freaks. I’m going to put to rest the legend of Mr. Lucha Tres… and if these masked freaks want to keep stepping to The Sensation, I might just have to start collecting masks and teach all of the Believers about lucha de apuestas. So, masked freaks… consider this me putting you on notice!”




“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall! In the ring, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada… Jayson “The Sensation” Van Pelt,” Nicole announces with a hint of disdain in her voice.


“His opponent, coming to the ring from Mexico City, Mexico… Mister… Lucha… Tres!”




The masked luchador comes to the ring, clapping hands with Believers on his way before getting into the ring. He looks across the ring at Jayson Van Pelt and shakes his head, wagging his finger in disdain.




“You know, Mr. Lucha Tres is part of a prestigious lineage that has found success not just in Mexico, but in America as well,” Bambino says as the match starts to get underway.


“He hasn’t found much success in Lucha Underground thus far, Bambino,” Weston snarks.


“Well, can’t argue with that, but he looks to be in control right now,” Bambino retorts as Mr. Lucha III takes down JVP with a waistlock and rolls into a pinning predicament for barely a two count. From there, the two work a fast-paced and traditional style lucha match until JVP tries to cheat just like he did against Extraordinario Jr. in week two.




This actually brings out the purple-and-silver luchador, who points out the underhanded tactics to the referee. JVP starts to argue with Extraordinario and the referee, allowing Mr. Lucha III some time to recover. While the argument is still going on, Mr. Lucha III pulls JVP backs towards the center of the ring and nails him with his Third Strike finisher. Extraordinario drops off the apron, pointing out the pinfall going on in the ring and allowing Mr. Lucha III to pick up his first victory in Lucha Underground.


“I think the quote-unquote masked freaks of Lucha Underground have returned fire on Jayson the Sensation!” Bambino exclaims. “Believers, don’t go anywhere, we’ll be right back!”





When we return, Nicole Kiss is signing autographs at ringside but she realizes she’s on, and quickly hightails it into the ring as the Believers chuckle at her. She smiles, then lifts the microphone and puts on her serious face.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is a Lucha Underground Trios Tourney match!” she announces. “In the ring, from The Obsidian Pyramid… Amo Del Gato, El Jaguar, and Tigre Salvaje Jr…. The Cult of the Silver Tiger!!”


Gunshots ring out in The Temple, and some gangsta rap beat plays over the speakers as the BHC make their way to the ring.


“Making their way to the ring, from Boyle Heights… Sayeed Ali, Gravedigga, and Mobstar… The B… H… C!!”


The three gangbangers make their way down the staircases and enter the ring, Gravedigga barking at Nicole and chasing her out of the ring.







Another brutal encounter for the BHC;s opponents as Sayeed Ali and Gravedigga beat down Silver Tiger’s followers while Mobstar dazzled with dives and high flying. El Jaguar and Tigre Salvaje Jr. get in some double team offense at one point, much to the delight of the Believers, but in the end it is Sayeed Ali picking up the win for his team with a GBH Driver on Amo Del Gato.






“We’ve got our second trio for the Lucha Underground Trios Championship match,” Bambino announces as the camera centers on the announce desk. “The Reptile Tribe, and now the Boyle Heights Connection, the BHC, have entered into the finals. Only one spot left!”


“And, I have an exclusive scoop on that one, Bambino,” Weston announces. “Next week, The Rabbit Tribe arrives and they will be taking on… get this, The Death Tribe for the final spot in that trios title match.”


“I’m not sure the ring can handle all the weird about to be unleashed upon it next week,” Bambino chuckles.


“May the gods be with us all, eh?” Weston laughs.


“Believers, don’t go away, we’ll be right back with our main event!” Bambino says.


When we return, Pablo Rodriguez is in the ring with a microphone.




“Believers, I am out here tonight fighting, not on my path of vengeance, but on my path to redemption,” El Padre states. “I have questioned whether or not I may be lying to myself about that… I have prayed, I have lit candles, I have looked to my Father, and I am sure. I am on the righteous path, because it has led me to here tonight. The chance for an Aztec Medallion, and the chance to take down a false idol, falso ídolo! The supposed Great Silver Tiger will feel Sinner’s Salvation tonight, and repent when looks up and sees me holding that medallion!”




Nicole Kiss enters the ring and Pablo kindly hands her the microphone.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it for one of the seven Ancient Aztec Medallions! Already in the ring, from El Monestario… El Padre Pablo Rodriguez!”




Silver Tiger makes his way out onto the entrance ramp and stands atop it, looking down on Pablo Rodriguez in the ring for a moment. He flexes, then points to the heavens, and, finally, looks down at Aztec Medallion on display in the ring.


“And, making his way to the ring, from The Obsidian Pyramid…. The Great Silver Tiger!” Nicole announces before leaving the ring. He makes his way down the staircase and gets into the ring for the main event.





Silver Tiger controls the early part of the match, and looks close to getting a quick upset at one point. But Pablo Rodriguez isn’t going to go down so easily, fighting back and gaining control of the match.


“Both of these men want to claim this Aztec Medallion and get one step closer to the Gift of the Gods,” Bambino says.


“Which is one step closer to the Temple Championship,” Weston adds. “Wait a minute, what’s going on here?!”


From the crowd of Believers, JOJI has made his way to ringside.




“The Wildman is here!” Bambino cries.”And he does not want Silver Tiger to claim that Medallion!”


JOJI distracts the referee, which turns into Pablo Rodriguez distracting the referee as he tries to get JOJI to leave the ringside area. JOJI enters the ring unseen and prepares to unleash an assault on Silver Tiger, but his followers come charging out to chase the Wildman away while the referee, Ryan Holland, tries to regain control.




“What a scene out here,” Bambino notes. “The referee looking to regain some semblance of control as JOJI tries to fight off The Cult of the Silver Tiger but the numbers game starts to get to him.


“Wait just a minute, here’s Mr. Lucha Tres!” Weston shouts. “JOJI saved him from the Cult a few weeks ago!”




JOJI and Mr. Lucha III join forces and a 2-on-4 brawl commences on the outside of the ring as Ryan Holland tries to have them all removed from ringside.


“There’s chaos in The Temple!” Weston shouts.


“But we’ve still got a match going in the ring!” Bambino cries.


Back in the ring, Pablo Rodriguez has fought back from danger once again and hits Silver Tiger with Sinner’s Salvation for the win.





Pablo barely has time to celebrate as the fight works its way back into the ring, El Padre leaving the ring as the brawl continues.


“Last week it was The Death Tribe, but this week, chaos reigns supreme in The Temple!” Weston yells.


“And we are out of time, Believers! We’ll see you next week!” Bambino signs off.





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S01E06 - Lucha de Apuestas


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 6px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:80%; ";">


Announce Team: Lee Bambino and CJ Weston

Location: Boyle Heights Temple

Show Rating: 46





Our show this week starts in a dark cemetery at night, Máscara Muerte coming into view as he strolls quietly through the graveyard in his robes and mask.


La muerte... nos rodea,” he begins as he comes upon a large headstone with an ornate, stone angel sitting atop it. Muerte stops and looks up, then puts his hand on old, cracked stone. “Pablo Rodriguez… El Padre... your obsession will be your undoing, this much I can promise you. I want you to think back, padre... back all those years… back to your Paradise Lost.”


Muerte turns to the camera and crouches down in front of the headstone, adjusting his robes and placing his hands on the ground.


“Do you think your wife… your children… would approve of this quest for vengeance? Do you think your God approves?” he asks, letting the question hang in the air for a long moment. “Did you not put their souls to rest long ago, padre? Should your time of mourning really last a lifetime? Would she have approved?” Muerte turns his head ever so slightly back at the headstone, then stands up with evil intentions clearly in his eyes.


“You tell me, Pablo,” Muerte says. “What would Camila say if she knew that you didn’t dedicate your life to a God who spared you from my sacrifice… but to a never ending quest for vengeance? Because, make no mistake, padre... your quest is never ending, for I am never ending. ¡La muerte es eterna! Strike me down, padre, and Máscara Muerte will rise again for I am one of many. ¡Un avatar de la muerte!


He raises his arms in a crucifix position in front of the headstone, the sculptures of two small children at either side of it in full view for the first time. “If you want them to continue to rest in peace, padre... you will relinquish your Medallion and leave the Temple for good! You will stop your pursuit of The Death Tribe, y detente para siempre,” he shouts. “Or there will be Hell to pay… for them…”


Máscara Muerte lowers his arms and walks away as the camera zooms in on the headstone, and the three brass plaques in place on the base of it: Camila Rodriguez, 1973-1994; Josue Rodriguez, 1989-1994; and Mariana Rodriguez, 1987-1994.








Nicole Kiss is in the ring, smiling and posing for some pictures before she lifts the microphone to her lips.


“The following lucha is a tag team match, and it is scheduled for one fall,” Kiss announces. “Already in the ring, from Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico… the Amazing Fire Fly!!”


Fire Fly climbs to the second turnbuckle and raises a fist to showboat for the crowd, who seem to love the small, masked luchador.


“His partner, escaped from The Snake Pit…. Dragon… Neon!!”


The second luchador in a colorful mask climbs to the second turnbuckle in a different corner, and the two vibrant competitors pose for the Believers.


“Welcome to Lucha Underground, Believers!” Lee Bambino signs on as a bit of commotion stirs up in the crowd.


Somewhere, a woman screams out, “OH MY GOD, IT’S RICH AND FAMOUS!!” Some new music plays in the Temple, and two very brash young men in stylish sunglasses enter from the stairs.


“And their opponents… from The Big City… Rich.. and… Famous!!” Nicole Kiss announces as the newcomers make their way into ring, one of them taking the microphone away from Nicole and shooing her out of the ring.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah, go on, sweetheart, and get out of here… let someone talented enough to introduce us do the talking,” says the bigger of the two. “And, of course, I mean us when I say that. Ladies and gentlemen, Believers, whatever you’d like to be called, my name is Jake Idol and alongside me is Jackpot Jordan,” he motions to the slightly smaller man beside him, who nods and then they say in unison, “and we’re Rich and Famous!”


“These two over here claim to be stars,” Jackpot Jordan scoffs, holding the mic now. “Well, me and Idol? We’re gonna run you out of town! Because this Temple is only big enough for ONE tag team, and it just so happens that that tag team is… RICH AND FAMOUS!”








“I’m not sure the Temple is big enough for the egos on these two, Bambino,” Weston remarks as the match gets underway. The masked luchadores attempt to use their speed to their advantage, but they’re no match for the strength of Jake Idol or the cunning of Jackpot Jordan. The heels add insult to injury whenever possible, paintbrushing their opponents with slaps and grinding their masked faces into the mat constantly in the opening minutes.


“Don’t go anywhere, Believers!” Bambino exclaims before the match is bisected by a commercial break.


When we return, Fire Fly has momentarily taken the upperhand and we come back just in time to see a big double team spot from the Fire Fly & Neon on Jackpot Jordan for a two-count. We go a few more minutes of back-and-forth before Jake Idol takes out Amazing Fire Fly on the outside of the ring, then slides in for a double-team finisher on Dragon Neon.


“The House Always Wins!” Weston exclaims, christening their finisher as the Believers see it for the first time while the referee makes the three count.





“Something tells me we didn’t need any more big egos in The Temple,” Bambino says.


“Yeah, but we got it in spades with these two,” Weston notes as Rich & Famous showboat the whole way out of The Temple. “And, speaking of ego, here’s a look at Jayson Van Pelt.”




We’re treated to a hype video for Jayson “The Sensation” Van Pelt that shows off his training regime as well as some footage of him competing all over the world. We finally settle on him in a locker room, toweling sweat off his forehead after some heavy training and looking at the camera.


“I’ve been all around the world, but now I’ve come to the Temple to showcase my talents,” he says with a smile. “Hi, Jayson the Sensation, but you can call me J… V.. P…” he does the thing with his thumbs even though he’s sitting there by himself in a pair of training shorts.


“Two weeks ago, Extraordinario Jr. found out that no one stops The Sensation, and next week, I’ll be back in front of all you Believers, so breathe easy and take heed… because next week, I’m going to put to rest the legend of Mr. Lucha Tres just like I did his masked compadre… and if these masked freaks want to keep stepping to The Sensation, I’m going to embarrass them. Tonight, I start my mask collection and teach all of the Believers about lucha de apuestas. So, masked freaks… consider this me putting you on notice!”


The scene fades and the show heads to commercial.




“Welcome back, Believers,” Bambino calls as the show returns.


“We have got a bit of a history lesson for you, Believers,” Weston says. “Lucha de apuestas, or a betting match, is a huge tradition in lucha libre. Many luchadores have bet their masks in the tradition of lucha, and some… have lost.”


“That’s right, CJ, and we have a luchador out here tonight willing to bet his mask for a shot at redemption,” Bambino says as we see El Corredor warming up in the ring.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is a lucha de apuestas!” Nicole Kiss announces, Corredor shaking his head as if he’s not sure what he’s gotten himself into tonight.




“In this corner, from Heroica Veracruz, Mexico… El Corredor!!” Kiss introduces the luchador..


“Corredor was humiliated last week by The Glorious One, Logan Wolfsbaine,” Weston says. “He’s looking for redemption tonight in shutting up JVP.”


Some generic rock music plays, and out walks Jayson “The Sensation” Van Pelt, thumbs pointing to his shoulders and bouncing as he gets the crowd to chant his initials along with him, “J… V… P!”


“And his opponent, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada…. Jayson… The Sensation… Van Pelt!” Nicole calls out.





JVP starts out cocky, but El Corredor has a burst of offense at the beginning that seems to shock everyone.


“El Corredor not gonna lose that mask without a fight!” Weston cackles in surprise as Corredor sends JVP to the outside with a headscissors.


“Perhaps we all underestimated the Masked Marvel?” Bambino ponders.


But, no, the rest of the match is all JVP; rather than making quick work of El Corredor like Logan Wolfsbaine had last week, JVP takes his time in dominating and humiliating the masked luchador. He finally finishes him off with an Axe Kick for the win, and to collect his first mask in Lucha Underground.


After the pinfall, JVP puts the boots to El Corredor, then grinds his masked face into the mat before unlacing his mask and pulling it off. Corredor is revealed to be a blonde competitor, but he quickly covers his face and rolls out of the ring, rushing out of The Temple as JVP celebrates with his newly won mask.





“What an arrogant… Believers, don’t go anywhere, we’ll be right back!” Bambino pitches to another commercial break.




The camera travels down the rabbit hole once again to the cavernous lair of The Rabbit Tribe, all seated in their high back wooden chairs, wiggling around and cheering as they anticipate heading to The Temple.




“We’re gonna give it to those death freaks, right boys?!” Bromista asks, Matt Sparrow nodding ‘yes’ so quickly that he’s almost headbanging while Remmy Skye claps happily. “This week is, uh… different for us,” he says followed by an over exaggerated, dramatic gulp.


“Different this week is!” Matt Sparrow crows, covering his eyes and cowering in his chair. “DEATH!!” he cries, pointing to two bananas and an apple on the table that seem to morph into a skull & crossbones in his eyes. “DEEEEAAAATTHH!!!” he screeches once again, hiding under the table.


“No fun!” Skye laments loudly.


“We mustn’t be afraid, boys!!” Bromista reassures them. “The Great White Rabbit will protect us, for he leads the way! The way to… VICTORY!!” The masked man stands and poses, arms up victoriously before he realizes he’s knocked over a pot of tea. “Noooo!!!” he howls, falling to his knees and trying in vain to scoop up the hot liquid. “Speak to me!! Speak to me, friend!!” he cries at the tea, Matt Sparrow still shivering and hiding beneath the table.


Remmy Skye grabs the camera and turns it his way, sitting back in his chair and kicking his feet up on the table, popping a grape in his mouth before adjusting his top hat.


“The Great White Rabbit leads the way, and this week, he leads us through the valley in the shadow of death,” Skye says in as serious a tone as we’ve seen from any of the members of The Rabbit Tribe thus far. “We’ll be,” he tries to contain his laughter but can’t help but let out a chuckle, “quick like bunnies! We’ll hop right through you, because you don’t scare any of us!”


Matt Sparrow lets out a frightened howl from beneath the table, shaking his head in disagreement.


“That’s right… none of us!” Skye says confidently, nodding his head decisively and grabbing another grape. Bromista suddenly hops up from his knees, shaking his head and pointing to a section of the dirt wall where they have carved a clock into the dirt, the time constantly displaying as 6:45 on the crudely imprinted carving.


“We’re late!!” Bromista howls as the three of them all stand and start racing around the table. “We’re late! We’re late!!” they all crow, the camera moving back up through the earth and out of The Rabbit Hole as we go to commercial.




“Welcome back, Believers, it’s almost time for The Rabbit Tribe to arrive,” Bambino says.


“Whoever wins this match will join the Boyle Heights Connection and The Reptile Tribe in a match to determine the first Lucha Underground Trios Champions,” CJ Weston says before The Rabbit Tribe begin to make their way into the Temple. “Oh, no,” he groans. “These nutjobs are never gonna make it tonight.”


“I guess we’re going to find out,” Bambino says. “Take it away, Nicole!”


“The following lucha is a trios match, and is scheduled for one fall! The winning team will advance to the finals of the Lucha Underground Trios Tourney! Making their way to the ring, from Down The Rabbit Hole… Bromista, Remmy Skye, Matt Sparrow… The Rabbit Tribe!”


The oddball trio hop and roll around ringside, Bromista acting as the ringleader. Matt Sparrow walks around clapping and laughing like a lunatic while Remmy Skye hops around in his top hat. It’s all fun and games for the rabbits for a moment until the sounds of the Aztec death whistle can be heard in the arena again, smoke pouring from the door at the top of the entrance stairs.


“That unnerving sound can only mean one thing!” Bambino says.


“And their opponents, coming to the ring from the Darkest Reaches of Your Mind… Babau, Moroi… The Night Terrors! Their partner, from Beyond the Grave… Zombi! Together they are, The Death Tribe!”






Bromista starts off in the ring, our first glimpse of him in action. The Death Tribe look good early on, Babau and Moroi using their double team offense to get the best of Bromista and Remmy Skye for the better part of the match. The main story is that Matt Sparrow is too scared to get in the ring with The Death Tribe until he is the only one available to take a hot tag from Remmy Skye. He comes in and clears house quickly, running wild and silly before he takes down Zombi with a Bird Brain Buster.


“Uh-oh!” Weston cries, Zombi sitting up as if the move did no damage. Sparrow starts to freak out, but before he can run away, all six men find themselves in the ring as carnage breaks out in a three-on-three brawl.


“Wait a minute, all hell’s breaking loose here!” Bambino shouts as The Rock City Express hit the ring.




The referee, Pee-Wee Germaine, desperately tries to regain control but gets knocked out by a wayward elbow from Charlie California. The ten competitors brawl, Becca going after one of The Night Terrors like a house of fire.


Eventually, Rockin’ Ryan Turner and Stan “The Man” Manna hit Moroi with their finisher, The Cover Version, while Becca rouses Pee-Wee to groggily make the three count.





“The Rabbit Tribe is going to the finals?” Weston questions.


“The Rabbit Tribe are going to the finals!” Bambino answers.”Thanks to The Rock City Express!”


Becca has a microphone, and she steps in the ring as The Rabbit Tribe scurry away to lick their wounds and celebrate their victory.


“MASCARA MUERTE!” the self-proclaimed ‘Bad Ass Bitch’ calls out. “The Rock City Express will not stand for what happened two weeks ago, and I sure as Hell ain’t gonna stand for what you did to me! Y’know, somewhere else, I might need to have Charlie or one of the boys do my dirty work for me… but this is Lucha Underground!” she screams as the Believers cheer.


“Is she saying what I think she’s saying??” Weston asks.


“So, Mask of Death, or whoever you are… get your undead ass out to this ring… right… NOW!!” Becca screams.


“Oh my God!” Bambino cries in disbelief, The Death Tribe converging near the bottom of the entrance staircase as their leader, Mascara Muerte makes his way out onto the platform.




He stops for a moment to remove his Lucha Underground Temple Championship from around his waist and raises it high, then begins to descend the staircase.


“Don’t go anywhere, Believers!” Bambino cries. “We’ve got to take a commercial break, but we’ll be right back with… Mascara Muerte versus Becca??”


After a quick commercial, Nicole Kiss is in the ring to announce our main event.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall… first, in this corner, from Rock City USA… she is one Bad Ass Bitch! This is… Becca!” The purple haired rocker flings her hair and steps out to the center of the ring, flipping off Mascara Muerte and waving him forward.


“And in this corner, from Beyond the Grave… he is the Lucha Underground Temple Champion… Mascara Muerte!!”




Almost before Nicole Kiss can get out of the ring, Becca charges forward and begins pummeling Mascara Muerte.


“OH MY GOD!” Bambino squeals.


“She’s taking the fight straight to Muerte!” Weston cries.


Becca spends the opening moments looking to take control, but Muerte won’t go down. She finally hits him with a huricanrana to take him down and gain control of the match, nailing him with kicks and chops and getting several near falls.


“Chaos ensuing on the outside now!” Bambino says as The Death Tribe and The Rock City Express brawl all around the ring while Becca throws everything she can at Mascara Muerte. Eventually, she rebounds off the ropes and comes in for a move, but Muerte takes her head off with a Buzzsaw Kick!


“I’ve seen a kick like that before, Bambino, I know it!” Weston asserts.


“You mean like when Muerte took of Charlie California’s head? Or like he did to Pablo Rodriguez?” Bambino asks.


“No, I mean from someone else… I just can’t place it!” Weston laments.


From there, a Kill Switch finishes it in the ring and Mascara Muerte picks up the win.





While the fighting continues on the outside, Muerte lifts Becca up by her hair.


“Muerte isn’t done!” Weston shouts as Muerte balances Becca on her knees and then steps back to prepare another Buzzsaw Kick… but before he can hit her, the operatic theme music of Pablo Rodriguez begins to play.


El Padre is here!” Bambino cries as Rodriguez rushes the ring and chases off Muerte. The Mask of Death moves over to the stairs and signals for his minions to follow him out of The Temple, the Rock City Express lying around the ring like bodies on a battlefield.




Following the match, we’re taken inside El Jefe’s office, just on the other side of the door where a shadow steps up and knocks. After several moments, there is no answer so the figure knocks again.



“Frank?” the unmistakable voice of Pablo Rodriguez calls from the other side of the door.


A man in a leather trench coat steps up to the door, and opens it.



“You are not--” Pablo begins, but he is cut off by the attack of “The Hitman” Ernest Youngman! The Hitman assaults him with forearms, driving him back away from the office and into the Temple in front of the Believers!


“Who is this??” Bambino exclaims.


“I thought the show was over??” Weston puzzles.


Pablo tries to fire back, knocking off the man’s sunglasses but his murderous eyes just stare back before he goes on the assault again. Closed fists this time, knocking him back towards the ring before smashing his head into the ring steps. The Hitman is brutal in his assault, utilizing the ring steps and ringpost before shoving El Padre into the ring. El Jefe himself, Honest Frank finally appears before the Believers.



“I’m sorry, El Padre, but…”


The Hitman has Pablo up, and irish whips him into the ropes before running into the criss-cross ropes himself and nailing him with a huge shoulder block dubbed The Hit.


“... your never ending quest for vengeance bores me already. From now on, I want you to stay outta my office!”


The Hitman grabs Rodriguez by the hair and forces him to look at Honest Frank.


“You hear him?” The Hitman screams. “Do you hear him??”


“Stay outta my office, or I’ll have you thrown outta my Temple!” Frank yells. “And then… you’ll never get your shot. Do you hear me, Padre?”




“This is disgusting, but we are outta time!” Bambino says as the show goes off the air.





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El Jefe is sitting behind his desk, cigar tucked in his lip, and a whiskey in a rocks glass in one hand as he holds it up in toast.


“I can’t thank you enough, Ernie,” Honest Frank smiles. “Every week, this guy’s in my office, ‘oh, Frank, my wife’ or ‘Frank, Máscara Muerte cannot be allowed to hold the title.’ My God, man, it was getting old.”


“The Hitman” Ernest Youngman smiles back, a whiskey of his own in hand as the pair toast and each takes a sip.


“Don’t mention it, Frank,” Youngman sighs. “Your money’s always good with me, and you said something about gold?”


“Yes, yes,” Frank waves, taking one last puff of his cigar before putting it in an ashtray. He opens one of his desk drawers, and pulls out a few of the remaining Aztec Medallions, sitting them on the desk for Youngman to see. “Ancient Aztec Medallions, or, uh, some shit like that… put ‘em all together, you get a title shot. But, you just need one…”


“I just need one?” Youngman asks, brow quirking up and revealing an eyebrow from behind his mirrored sunglasses.


“All you need is one to get your way into the Gift of the Gods match,” Frank confirms. “Once you win the match, the shot is yours.”


“Didn’t you already promise the shot to that local thug that helped you out?” Youngman asks.


“Ali? No, no,” Frank waves off the idea. “I only offered him a shot, plus a shot at the trios gold… our debt is more than settled.”


Youngman nods and takes another sip of his drink.


“But, uh… there is one more thing I need you to take care of for me on your way to winning the Gift of the Gods,” Frank admits, and Youngman smiles. “I need you to get rid a’ this Aztec Guardian fella what’s been hangin’ around the Temple. He’s supposed to work for me, but he’s all in my business when he doesn’t need to be… he’s the reason I had to bring you out here, wouldn’t take care of the padre for me.”


“Hell, if that’s the case, I’ll do this one for free,” the Hitman says after another sip.


“Excellent, Ernie, excellent,” Frank says as he sips his own whiskey. “I’ll set it up this week… Ernest Youngman versus the Aztec Guardian for one of the Ancient Aztec Medallions. Cheers!”



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Alright, so, things have been different in some subtle and not-so-subtle ways, but, we are officially at the same point where the old save had to be put to bed. From here on out, it's all original and we're going ALL OUT as the season builds to Ultima Lucha! I'm going to spend most of the evening booking ahead so I can write this week... I'm not fully decided on the number of episodes I'm going to do in the season, it'll depend on how long it takes to tell the stories-- it'll likely be 20 episodes + Ultima Lucha.


I don't plan on doing prediction posts, except for at the Ultima Lucha season finale but, like any writer, I love to hear my readers/Believers thoughts along the way. Thanks for all the views so far, nearly 600 in just a week is kind of insane... so I know there are some quiet Believers out there right now!

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S01E07 - The Cursed Prince


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Announce Team: Lee Bambino and CJ Weston

Location: Boyle Heights Temple

Show Rating: 51



“Welcome to The Temple, Believers!” Lee Bambino exclaims as the door to El Jefe’s office opens, and The Boss himself, Honest Frank, steps out onto the Temple floor.




Jefe receives a mixture of cheers and jeers from the Believers; not all of them like Frank, but they all seem to respect the purveyor of violence who keeps them entertained.


“Thanks for comin’ and, as always, thanks for payin’ at the door,” Frank laughs, the greeting becoming something of a catchphrase for the shady businessman. “Believers, I got something special to tell ya’s about tonight and next week… we’ve got Medallions on the line!!”


The Believers cheer as Frank reaches into his suit pocket and pulls out two of the Ancient Aztec Medallions and holds them high for all in the crowd to see.


“The first match concerns a lil somethin’ that happened last week,” he says. “You see, Honest Frank doesn’t incur many debts, but when he does… he pays ‘em. You all mighta’ seen my good friend Ernie out here last week, kickin’ some goody-goody outta my office.”


The Believers begin to boo.


“The crowd is not happy with how Frank treated El Padre last week,” CJ Weston notes.


“He had the man assaulted!” Bambino insists.


“I know, I know, but if he was bustin’ into your office all the damn time, you’d feel the way I feel,” Frank tells the Believers. “But, uh, there’s someone else who kinda feels the same way as youse guys.”


A large shadow can be seen looming on the other side of Frank’s office door; the Aztec Guardian is listening.


“See, Princey Boy in my office… he don’t like the way I’m doin’ things around here, but I keep tellin’ him… it’s MY Temple now and we do things the way I see fit,” Frank explains. “But, still, he’s all sideways about it… so, you’ll get to see him tonight, because I’m makin’ him step into the ring for lucha! Aztec Guardian versus Ernest Youngman for one a’ these!” he declares, holding the Medallions up again before putting them back in his pocket.


“Princey Boy, you want tradition? You can have it when you’re Temple Champion!” Frank seethes as the shadow moves away from the door.


“Ah, but next week!!” Frank says, wagging his finger. “Next week, we’re gonna have another match for a different Medallion, and it’s a main event I’ve been excited to bring to my Temple for some time! A main event anywhere in the world, right here in Boyle Heights! Acid versus The Great Avatar for a chance at the Gift of the Gods!!” Frank stands there with a smug smile for a moment as the Believers cheer.


“But that’s next week!” he says. “Tonight… it’s time to start the show!”




The camera focuses on Lee Bambino and CJ Weston at the announce desk, both men buzzing from Frank’s opening announcements.


“Can you believe it?” Bambino asks. “Not only are we going to see Acid versus The Great Avatar one-on-one for the first time in The Temple, but we’re getting a Medallion match right here tonight!”


“That’s right, Bambino, Tradition versus Violence, The Hitman versus The Guardian… Ernest Youngman, Frank’s personal hitman, takes on the Aztec Guardian. But, first, we have a very special look at The Temple’s latest newcomer.”


A hype video begins to play in black-and-white, a female voiceover in Spanish while English subtitles appear on the screen.


“They say we come from Aztecs… in the south, they say, from Mayans… but my ancestors come from the sky.”


The video is moving through an empty Temple, from the ring and up the stairs and eventually backstage.


“The blood of my people runs deep in my veins… the blood of lucha libre runs deep in my veins… and the call to The Temple has been strong within me.”


The camera moves past a few indiscernible luchadores and around a set of lockers where we see someone in full color lacing up their boots.

“My name is Electric Dreamer… and I come to The Temple to fight, not just for myself… but for women and luchadoras all over the world.”


The figure stands and is revealed as female, wearing colorful attire and a vibrant mask.


“I have arrived… and it’s time… to fight.”






The show heads to commercials, and when we come back, Nicole Kiss is in the ring ready to announce.




“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall!” she begins. “Already in the ring, from Hollywood, California… they call him “Prime Time”... Jack… Pryde!!”


The brash newcomer showboats for the crowd, eventually cocking his hand back as if he’d like to smack someone when his antics are met with boos.


Some upbeat new music begins to play, heralded by an electric guitar ringing out.


“And his opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico… Electric… Dreamer!!”


The beautiful newcomer steps out onto the entrance ramp and raises her arms to pose, soaking in the cheers while Jack Pryde starts laughing in the ring.


“A match between newcomers here, and one is… well, clearly unimpressed,” Bambino notes as Pryde literally falls over laughing when Electric Dreamer gets to the ring.





Referee Ryan Holland has to practically force Jack Pryde up in the corner to get him to stop laughing, and he finally steps to the center of the ring where Electric Dreamer is waiting for him.


“You want me to fight a girl?” Pryde laughs while Dreamer nods her head and fires up. “Okay,” he says, firing off a shot that puts Dreamer down on her knees. Pryde controls the opening moments in arrogant fashion until Dreamer catches him off-guard with a dropkick on rebound from an Irish whip.


“Looks like Prime Time might’ve underestimated the competition,” Weston laughs.


“I think that might be something Electric Dreamer is used to, but, make no mistake, she just might be the most talented luchador or luchadora in all of Lucha Underground!”


Jack Pryde finds out firsthand just how true that may be, as Dreamer sends him through the ringer in their short match and eventually finishes him off with an Electric Blue Bomb.





“Don’t go anywhere, Believers, we’ll be right back with tag team action!” Bambino pitches to a commercial break.


When we return, there is a cinematic promo at The Obsidian Pyramid where The Cult of the Silver Tiger has been seen before. Silver Tiger stands before his kneeling followers.




“We are the favored of Tezcatlipoca, the Great Jaguar… he offers us his blessings, and he smiles upon us,” Silver Tiger preaches to his disciples. “Why, then, does the Great Silver Tiger not hold an Aztec Medallion in his hands? Why does The Wildman continue to stalk us, rather than fester in the sun at the base of The Obsidian Pyramid? The Great Silver Tiger is displeased, but he realizes this anger is a gift… a gift from Tezcatlipoca to fuel him to the summit of Lucha Underground.”


There is a close-up of each follower drinking water from Silver Tiger’s cupped hands.


“Drink deep, and we will ascend, my brothers and sister,” he tells them. “We return to the Temple for nothing short of glory… glory for Tezcatlipoca... and glory for the Great Silver Tiger.”


The camera lifts up to look down on them, and then rapidly zooms out and upwards until they can no longer be seen atop the massive Obsidian Pyramid standing tall in the hot sun.




“Welcome back, Believers,” Bambino hails as we return from the video.


“Up next, we’ve got a match weeks in the making, perhaps longer for one man involved… the wildman, the hunter, JOJI,” Weston states.


“We’ve seen the differences between these two teams on full display here in Lucha Underground, JOJI hunting the Great Sliver Tiger from the very beginning. Of course, we saw JOJI save Mr. Lucha Tres from the Cult of the Silver Tiger after he suffered a loss, and, CJ… they were carrying him away for sacrifice,” Bambino says grimly.


“That’s right, Bambino, but here tonight he just might get a measure of revenge… take is away, Nicole!” Weston pitches to the ring.


“The following lucha is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall!” Kiss orates. “Already in the ring,” she says as we see the first team in the corner, “from El Desierto... JOJI!! His partner, from Mexico City, Mexico… Mister… Lucha… Tres!!”


JOJI and Mr. Lucha III pose for a moment before a loud roar signals the arrival of their opponents.


“Their opponents, being accompanied to the ring by Darkness Cat, from The Obsidian Pyramid… El Jaguar… Tigre Salvaje Jr… The Wild Cats!!” The three feline luchadores make their way down the stairs and to the ring but JOJI and Mr. Lucha III charge out of the ring with stereo dives onto the trio of cultists.






The dives to the outside takes place before the bell can ring.


“This match hasn’t even started yet, and the action is spilling all over the ringside area!” Weson cries as JOJI brawls with Darkness Cat and El Jaguar while Mr. Lucha III and Tigre Salvaje Jr square off. It takes a few minutes of fighting before the competitors get in the ring, but, eventually, the heels roll into the ring to get away from the prevailing faces.


“The bell finally rings!” Bambino notes as the real match begins, but that doesn’t stop Darkness Cat from getting involved on the outside liberally throughout the match. She even interjects herself into the finish, holding down JOJI’s foot out of sight so he can’t kick out of a routine pinfall attempt.





“They’ve been cheated!” Bambino shouts.


“You know what they say, Bambino,” Weston starts.


“I know, I know,” Bambino scoffs.


“By hook or by crook,” Weston responds.


“Well, it was certainly by crook here tonight, CJ!” Bambino says. “We’ll be back, Believers.”


When we return to the Temple, Mascara Muerte is in the ring alone, without the rest of The Death Tribe.




“Pablo Rodriguez! El Padre! I know you’re hurting… hurting from an attack last week… hurting from a lifetime without her… without them,” Muerte says.


“What a bastard!” Bambino remarks at Muerte’s statements.


“But, as I said last week, you have but one choice,” Muerte says ominously. “Relinquish your Medallion… leave the Temple… never again stand in the way of The Death Tribe… and I’ll let them rest in peace.But you must do it… now!”


“What??” Bambino questions.


“Is Pablo Rodriguez even here this evening?” Weston adds a question of his own.


“He was attacked by El Jefe’s hitman, Ernest Youngman, last week,” Bambino clarifies. “Youngman nearly sent him into the front row with a devastating Hit!”


“Show yourself!! Relinquish your claim! Leave this place, go in service to your God, and let them rest in peace, Padre,” Muerte orders.


“Oh my!” Bambino chirps, the Believers beginning to cheer as Pablo Rodriguez slinks out into the Temple with a clear limp, his arm in a sling, the Aztec Medallion on a ribbon around his neck.




“Muerte, what kind of coward makes demands of a broken man?” Pablo asks, standing outside the ring with his own microphone. “What kind of coward threatens a man’s dead family? What kind of– “


“Will you surrender or not?” Muerte demands.


“I will not! El Jefe wants me to quit! You want me to give up!! I will not!” Pablo screams as the Believers cheer.


“Then suffer!!” Muerte screams as Babau and Moroi crawl out from under the ring and take down the injured Priest of Pain.




Pablo screams in agony as they stomp on his injured arm, putting the boots to him as Zombi shambles out climbs to the top rope. When The Night Terrors are satisfied with their pummeling of Pablo Rodriguez, they roll him into the ring where he is immediately flattened by a senton from Zombi!


“Take it!! Take his Medallion!!” Muerte orders as someone new slinks out from under the ring.




“Who is that?!” Bambino questions as she crawls across the floor outside the ring to pick up Pablo’s Aztec Medallion. She takes the Medallion into the ring and presents it to Mascara Muerte.


La Hija del Diablo!” Muerte crows. “The newest member of The Death Tribe! Welcome, my subject, and thank you for your offering.” He lifts the Medallion high for a moment, then puts it around his neck.


“Now there’s a sight,” Weston remarks. “Mascara Muerte not only has the Temple Championship, he’s now holding onto an Aztec Medallion.”


“A sickening sight, indeed!” Bambino says. “Don’t go anywhere, Believers, we will be right back!”






Carl Batch is in the ring with ”The Glorious One” Logan Wolfsbaine when we return.


“We saw these two just a couple of weeks ago,” Bambino notes.


“It didn’t turn out so well for The Glorious One’s opponent,” Weston adds.


“Ladies and gentlemen, Believers, if you will,” Batch chuckles as he chomps on his cigar. “I am here on behalf of The Glorious One himself, Logan Wolfsbaine,” Batch continues as The Glorious One poses and flexes for the Believers. “Now, we realize you’ve only seen the man one time, but, we’re here tonight to send a message to El Jefe himself… not a warning like we issued a few weeks ago, no, just a friendly message that The Glorious One craves gold!”


“I don’t think many people are gonna be able to stop him,” Bambino observes as Logan Wolfsbaine flexes and laughs before grabbing the microphone from Carl Batch.


“Send out the next victim!” Wolfsbaine insists. “Send out the next man who craves death, or glory!”




Nicole Kiss enters the ring and cautiously takes the microphone from Wolfsbaine.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall,” she begins. “Already in the ring, from the Glorious State of Florida… The Glorious One… Logan… Wolfsbaine!!!”


Some generic, vaguely patriotic music sounds out in the arena as his opponent makes his way out into the Temple.


“And his opponent, from the Land of the Free… Americana Jr!!”





Another short squash match for The Glorious One, who ends the match with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.





“Something tells me Jefe heard that message loud and clear,” Bambino says.


“I think so, Bambino,” Weston notes. “Can gold be far off for The Glorious One?”


“We’ll find out soon enough, I’m sure,” Bambino agrees. “Don’t go anywhere, Believers, we will be right back with our main event!”


When we return, ”The Hitman” Ernest Youngman is in the ring, wearing his sunglasses and leather jacket, smiling and preparing to address the Believers for the first time.


“You know, when Frank invited me out here, I hesitated for just a second until he told me about all the money to be made out here,” Youngman says. “He told me about all the money he was gonna pay me to get rid of all of his problems. The first of those problems was Pablo Rodriguez, and, after what I did to him last week and those Death Tribe freaks did to him tonight? I think that problem is gone!”


The Believers boo and chant briefly for the Priest of Pain.


“Something tells me nothing is going to stop El Padre!” Bambino notes.


“The second problem? Well, I'll take care of that one tonight,” Youngman says. “The Aztec Guardian… the little voice that won’t shut up about how things are supposed to be around here. Let’s get it straight, things are the way Frank says they are, and that’s the end of it! So, Aztec Guardian, get your ass out here in front of the Believers so I can rid the Temple of you!”




Nicole Kiss stays outside the ring for the first time, as Aztec Guardian makes his way out of El Jefe’s office.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it for one of the Ancient Aztec Medallions!” Kiss announces. “In the ring, from Chicago, Illinois, he is The Hitman… Ernest… Youngman!”


Youngman smirks, then starts to take off his jacket as Nicole introduces his opponent.


“And, coming to the ring, from Teotihuacán... the Aztec Guardian!” she calls out, the Guardian beating his chest and letting out a warcry before charging the ring.






Aztec Guardian rolls into the ring, and Youngman charges in to put the boots to him. But the Guardian no sells, getting to his feet and unleashing a flurry of fists and headbutts to take the fight to the Hitman.


“These two are going at it!” Weston cries.


“The Guardian says he was never supposed to step into combat at the Temple, but El Jefe has forced his hand… and he is no slouch!”


The two brawl in the ring, outside the ring, in the crowd… a wild clash that takes them everywhere the Believers can see in the Temple as referee Pee-Wee Germaine tries to get them back to the ring.


“The ref has no control here, but he can’t throw the match out!” Weston tells us. “It’s for a Medallion!”


When they finally get back into the ring, the Aztec Guardian is in control and he hits Youngman with a powerbomb, and holds on to lift him back up for another!


“Two powerbombs??” Weston asks.


“And he’s going for a third!” Bambino cries as he lifts Youngman up again, but the Hitman starts to fight back and slips out.


“How are these two still fighting?” Weston asks as the brawl continues. Eventually, Youngman whips the Guardian into the ropes before bounding off himself and nailing The Hit for the win!





“The Hitman wins a Medallion!” Weston tells us.


“But what does this mean for the Aztec Guardian? He’s still down!” Bambino ponders.


“We’ll have to find out another day because we are outta time!” Weston signs off. “Until next time, Believers!”





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S01E08 - Down The Rabbit Hole


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Announce Team: Lee Bambino and CJ Weston

Location: Boyle Heights Temple

Show Rating: 51





The show begins in Honest Frank’s office where he sits behind his desk, looking much more frustrated than we are used to seeing him. He takes the last drink from a rocks glass and sits it down on a coaster, waving his hand as if to motion someone closer.


“C’mon, you gotta see it my way,” he says. “You’ve been gummin’ up the works since the beginning, but now that ya heard me loud and clear, we can move forward, can’t we?”




The Aztec Guardian comes into view, looking even more frustrated than Frank.


“Your way? After what you’ve had done to me, Jefe? You brought a hitman to the Temple to shut me up! El sicario! Para mí? “ the Guardian seethes.


“Yeah, yeah, listen here,” Frank says, deadly serious as he sits forward in his chair. “I’ll have him finish the job if you don’t straighten up and fly right by me, understand?”


The Guardian shakes his head.


“I might be bound to this Temple, Frank,” he says. “But I am not bound to this office, and I am not bound to you!”


“I’ll have you thrown out of here!” Frank raves.


“You cannot!” the Guardian retorts. “I am bound to this place, and I will live in the shadows if that is what needs to be done! I am done with you, Frank! El Jefe, renuncio!


“You wouldn’t da– “ Frank begins, but the Guardian has already opened the door to his office.


¡Te arrepentirás de lo que has hecho, El Jefe!,” the Guardian says before leaving and slamming the door behind him.




“Welcome, Believers!” Lee Bambino greets us as the show heads into the Temple.


“Welcome to Lucha Underground!” CJ Weston adds before being interrupted by a woman screaming in the crowd.




“Oh, here we go again,” CJ Weston laments as their theme music begins to play and Nicole Kiss steps into the ring to do her announcing duties.




“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is a tag team match!” she announces; there are two new, masked competitors in the ring already. “Coming to the ring from The Big City… Jake Idol… Jackpot Jordan… Rich.. And… Famous!!”


The arrogant duo showboat on their way to the ring, the Believers already loathe the duo.


“And their opponents,” Kiss announces. “Already in the ring, from Hollywood, California… The L.. A.. Stars!”


The masked duo are wearing sunglasses, posing for the crowd who isn’t sure how to take them.






“I’m not sure the Temple is big enough for the egos on these two, Bambino,” Weston remarks as the match gets underway. The LA Stars attempt to use their speed to their advantage, but they’re no match for the strength of Jake Idol or the cunning of Jackpot Jordan. The heels add insult to injury whenever possible, paint brushing their opponents with slaps and grinding their masked faces into the mat constantly in the opening minutes.


“Don’t go anywhere, Believers!” Bambino exclaims before the match is bisected by a commercial break.


When we return, The LA Stars have momentarily taken the upper hand and we come back just in time to see a big double team spot from the Stars on Jackpot Jordan for a two-count. We go a few more minutes of back-and-forth before Jake Idol takes out one of the Stars outside the ring, then slides in for a double-team finisher on the other.


“The House Always Wins!” Weston exclaims as Rich and Famous hit their finisher and pick up their second win in Lucha Underground.





“Don’t go anywhere, Believers, we’ve got a Medallion Match still to come tonight, and so much more!” Bambino pitches to a commercial break.


When we return, Jayson “The Sensation” Van Pelt is making his way into the Temple.


“Welcome back, Believers, JVP on his way to the ring,” Weston says.


“Not this guy again,” Bambino groans. Van Pelt has the mask of El Corredor hanging from waist, smirking arrogantly as he taunts the crowd and does his signature pose in the center of the ring.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he starts out as the crowd boos. “My name is Jayson Van Pelt, but that’s Mr. Sensation to all of you.”Now, as I have proven just a few short weeks ago, I know all about lucha de apuestas, and I taught that masked jobber El Corredor all about it as well!” He lifts up the blue mask of the unmasked luchador for all to see after taking it from his waist sash. “And, I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do… I’m gonna teach all these other masked freaks in Lucha Underground a thing or two about it as well, especially that purple prick Extraordinario Jr!”




“So, JVP claims he’s gonna unmask all the great luchadors here in Lucha Underground,” Weston observes.


“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Bambino retorts.


“He’s already got one, Bambino,” Weston fires back.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall!” Nicole Kiss announces after entering the ring. “Already in the ring, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada… Jayson… “The Sensation”... Van Pelt!”


Some electronic music begins playing.


“And his opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico… Electric… Dreamer!!”


The masked woman who recently made her debut enters the Temple, the Believers firmly on her side against Van Pelt. She slaps hands with the Believers, especially the children, as she makes her way to the ring.





Jayson Van Pelt takes Electric Dreamer more seriously than her previous opponent, but still shows her a ton of disrespect every time he has the advantage. Electric Dreamer continues to impress and win over the Believers, especially with her step up in competition this time out. She looks splendid, getting over some signature spots when in control and doing a fantastic job of selling for JVP when he has the advantage.


“Electric Dreamer is a natural born fighter, and she’s putting it all out there in the ring tonight!” Bambino notes as she kicks out of near-fall.


JVP throws everything he has at Electric Dreamer, but she won’t stay down. He finally looks to finish her off with an Axe Kick, and he doesn’t give her a chance to kick out as her pulls her tights to give him the leverage to keep her from kicking out.


“He’s got the tights!” Bambino screams.


“Hook or crook, Bambino, hook or crook,” Weston reminds him.


“Oh, shut up, CJ!” Bambino snaps back as the referee, Pee-Wee Germaine, counts the three without ever seeing JVP pulling the tights.





Immediately after the pinfall, JVP gets up and starts putting the boots to Electric Dreamer.


“Insult to injury now,” Bambino seethes, JVP grabbing Electric Dreamer by the hair and slamming her head into the mat. He rubs her face back-and-forth for a moment, then starts trying to unlace her mask!


“Okay, now, this is just disrespect,” CJ Weston admits. “There was no bet in this match, there’s no honor in unmasking an opponent when you didn’t win their mask.”




“Wait a minute!” Bambino calls out, Extraordinario Jr. rushing out into the Temple to save Electric Dreamer from being unmasked. JVP bails and hightails to the staircase, pointing and laughing as Extraordinario Jr. jaws at him from the ring before helping Electric Dreamer to her feet.




“I cannot believe the disrespect on display here tonight, Believers,” Bambino says as the camera settles on the announce desk.


“I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I agree with you, Bambino,” Weston says. “Arrogance and cockiness, that’s one thing, but to try and take a defenseless luchadoras mask when you haven’t won it from her? Disrespectful. Dishonorable.”


“It is, indeed,” Bambino nods. “When we come back, Believers, we will crown the first-ever Lucha Underground Trios Champions! Our Trios Tourney comes to an end, next!”


When we return from the commercial break, Nicole Kiss is already in the ring and the Trios Titles are set up on a pedestal outside El Jefe’s office.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Lucha Underground Trios Championship!” Nicole announces to the approval of the Believers. “First, headed to the ring for Boyle Heights,” some gangsta rap begins to play as the BHC make their way into the Temple. “Sayeed Ali, Gravedigga, and Mobstar… the Boyle Heights Connection!”


“The BHC making their way to the ring, in this match by virtue of Sayeed Ali helping Honest Frank, El Jefe himself, find the Temple out here in Boyle Heights,” Bambino asserts.


“Not entirely true, Bambino,” Weston corrects him. “They had to overcome the Cult of the Silver Tiger to get here. They got THAT match by virtue of Sayeed Ali helping out Honest Frank.”


“I sit here corrected,” Bambino says as the BHC get into the ring, throwing up different hand signs, and taunting the crowd.


“Their opponents,” Kiss announces as the rap music stops and the Believers begin to hiss. “Coming to the ring from The Snake Pit! Rey Serpiente and The American Cobras…. The Reptile Tribe!”


Rey Serpiente leads his charges out onto the entrance platform, the slit-eyed Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane following obediently to the ring as the BHC chill on the outside.


“And, finally, from Down the Rabbit Hole… Bromista, Remmy Skye, and Matt Sparrow… The Rabbit Tribe!” Kiss announces. The oddball trio make their way into the Temple, hopping and bouncing around like madmen, cooing at the Trios Championship belts on display and even cooing at Nicole Kiss as she exits the ring.








“What a clash of styles we have on display here,” Bambino notes.


“You’ve got the hardcore streetfight dudes from Boyle Heights,” Weston adds. “Along with the snake from Mexico and his indie standout minions standing across from them.”


“And then we’ve got, well…” Bambino says, the three members of The Rabbit Tribe playing rock, paper, scissors to see who will start the match for their team. Bromista lets out a sad wail when he loses the game, waving off Remmy Skye and Matt Sparrow and starting to warm up like Bugs Bunny in the corner.


The early part of the match is comedy, with Bromista being chased all around the ring by Gravedigga and The Rabbit Tribe playing off rapid tags to confuse everyone else as to who was the legal luchador in the ring.


“These weirdos have proven they can wrestle, and yet,” Weston groans. “They continue to do… this.”


“Strategy, I guess,” Bambino notes as the match goes on. We see some brawling from Sayeed Ali and Rey Serpiente, some fast-paced tag action from Storm Spillane & Marvel Malloy for their team, and some dazzling high flying exchanges between Mobstar and Remmy Skye. We also see a rare sight in this match as the teams brawl uncontrollably on the outside; Remmy Skye, unseen by the others, climbs up to the top of the entrance platform and finds himself on top of Honest Frank’s office!!


“What’s he doing up there?!” Weston cries.


“OH MY GOD!” screams Bambino. “ANIMO!!”


Skye takes a few hops like a bunny, then rushes forward and plunges off the top of Frank’s office with a gorgeous senton bomb onto the eight other men below! The crowd begins chanting…




That is only the halfway point of the match, however, as it takes a while to get things back inside the ring. When they do, Sayeed Ali and his crew look to take the advantage, Mobstar taking out several other luchadores with a big plancha to the outside while Ali and Gravedigga run roughshod over the competitors in the ring.


Rey Serpiente rolls to the outside of the ring and begins shouting orders to The American Cobras.


“What is going on with The Snake Tribe?” Bambino questions.


“The leader barking orders, but I don’t know if it’s doing much good,” Weston answers.


Malloy and Spillane seem imbued with new strength as Serpiente orders them around, eventually clearing house and taking out Gravedigga with a Cobra Strike that looks to end it.


“LOOK OUT!” Bambino shouts before, out of nowhere, Bromista and Matt Sparrow charge the ring! The Rabbit Tribe take out the Cobras, leaving a fallen Gravedigga in the center of the ring for Remmy Skye to climb to the top, look around for approval, and then comes flying off with a Skye Diver for the win and the gold!






“Oh, my God, what have– what have we just seen here?” Weston questions.


“The Rabbit Tribe climbs to the top of the heap in Lucha Underground!” Bambino says as the trio pose with their belts to the approving roar of the Believers.




Before we can go to the commercials, we’re taken inside Frank’s office where he sits, seething that the Aztec Guardian walked out on him at the top of the show.


“Stupid, overgrown, princely little…” he grumbles before there’s a knock at the door.




Carl Batch enters the office with a box of cigars, sitting it on the desk in front of El Jefe.


“For you, my good sir,” Batch smiles, chomping on a cigar of his own.


“What do you want?” Frank asks flatly.


“Only a minute of your time,” Batch replies. “You see, I can’t help but notice that you’re missing a golden opportunity tonight in your main event.”


“My main event?” Frank questions. “Acid versus The Great Avatar? One of the greatest feuds the world has ever seen? Right here in my Temple?”


“No, no, the matchup is great,” Batch smiles. “It’s the match that could use some improvement.”


“How so?” Frank asks.


“Well, let’s just say, I got to know Acid back on the east coast,” Batch says. “If there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s wowing a crowd. If there’s one thing he’s great at? It’s wowing the crowd when there’s ladders involved.”


Frank face lights up like a kid at Christmas.


“A ladder match? That’s a fine idea, friend,” Frank says, reaching into the box for a cigar. “But, I’ve been in Boyle Heights long enough to know that no one wants anything for free around here. What’s your game?”


“Let’s talk…” Batch smiles as we finally head to the commercial break.




When we return to the Temple, we see a shot of one of the Aztec Medallions hanging high over the ring, a member of the ring crew whispering something to Nicole Kiss before she can begin announcing. She looks surprised, but nods and walks to the center of the ring.


“The following lucha is for one of the ancient Aztec Medallions, AND, I have just been informed that this is a ladder match! In order to win, one luchador must climb to the top of the ladder and retrieve the Medallion hanging above.”


Some electronic but clearly Asian-inspired music begins to play as The Great Avatar makes his way into the Temple.


“First, from The Land of the Rising Sun, this is… The Great Avatar!!”


The mysterious masked competitor makes his way in to the Temple, not saying or doing much more than eyeing the Medallion above the ring.


The music changes, and the lights in the Temple darken as the Believers are treated to a meager laser show during the next entrance.


“And his opponent, from parts unknown…. Acid!!”






This match was exactly the highspeed, fast paced affair the Believers had been led to believe they’d be seeing from these two. They go 100mph right out of the gate, having various technical exchanges and lucha-inspired sequences in the first five minutes before anyone ever goes for a ladder.


“These men have been rivals ever since Acid first travelled to Japan over twenty years ago!” Lee Bambino informs us, he and CJ Weston going over the cloudy history of their rivalry. It involves Super Junior tournaments, championship belts, underground fight clubs, and matches all over the world before ending up here in the Temple.


Acid II unsurprisingly gets involved at one point, charging the ring and pushing over the ladder when it looks like The Great Avatar has won.


“No rules in a ladder match!” Weston reminds us.


“Yeah, but this is supposed to be one-on-one!” Bambino raves.


A short handicap match breaks out, Acid and Acid II beating on The Great Avatar. No one is coming to save Avatar, and his only hope is to fight off both men; he starts by whipping Acid II into the ladder and taking him out with an enzugiri, but he’s too weakened to fend off Acid now. The climax of the match sees Acid hitting and Acid Rain Bomb on Avatar, and Acid II tying the masked Asian up in the ropes so his trainer can ascend the ladder and claim an Aztec Medallion





“Once again, Bambino, by hook or–” Weston starts, but Bambino cuts him off.


“I know, I know, don’t say it!” Bambino shouts. “Believers, we now have FOUR luchadores who have earned their way into the Gift of the Gods match! We also crowned Trios Champions this week! What does next week hold? Tune in, Los Deporte Hoy, next week to find out!”





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S01E09 - Son of a Legend


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 6px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:80%; ";">


Announce Team: Lee Bambino and CJ Weston

Location: Boyle Heights Temple

Show Rating: 50





The show starts this week inside Honest Frank’s office, where El Jefe himself is sitting behind his desk. He usually has a lit cigar and a well-filled rocks glass of whisky near him, but this time he is sitting there by himself looking tired. Three of the seven ancient Aztec Medallions are still stacked on his desk, as are mounds of papers with hand-written notes and headshots of some of the luchadores competing at the Temple.


After a brief moment, there’s a knock at the door.


“Come in,” Frank says wearily.




“Frank, my man, it’s good to see you,” an unfamiliar voice says as a thirtysomething man in a leather jacket walks into the office and extends his hand, “Ash Campbell, son of the legendary Nemesis,” he tries to greet Frank, but the shady pawnster just gives him a tired look and waves him off.


“Why do I care?” Frank asks unceremoniously.


“Why do you care?” Ash asks, taken back by the perceived hostility. “Franky baby, I’m a bigger name than you could’ve ever expected would show up here! You know my dad, you shared a ring with him back east.”


“So I did,” Frank grumbles. “And you are, what? The continuation? You don’t look much like your dad.”


“The continuation?” Ash asks with feigned offense. “No, sir-ee, I’m the improvement. The next generation; the current generation. I’m the star you’ve been praying for, Jefe.”


“... yes, I see,” Frank groans with a roll of his eyes. “So, I take it you want a match here tonight?”


“A match?” Ash asks, putting up his hands. “Not just a match, I’m here for respect! I want the biggest dog in the fight, my man. Picture it: Ash Campbell, holding the Lucha Underground Temple Championship for you! Imagine the press, the accolades!”


“Mr. Campbell, tell me,” Frank begins. “Do you know who the current Temple Champion is here in Lucha Underground?”


“Doesn’t matter,” Campbell brushes him off. “There’s no bigger star or better wrestler in Boyle Heights than the guy standing in your office right now: Ash Campbell.”


Frank juts his chin out for a moment and purses his lips, as if thinking about the proposal. “So, you’ve just shown up here, demanding a title shot on your name alone?”


“Demanding?” Ash asks with feigned offense once again. “No, Jefe, I’m just here telling you what’s best for business… and what’s best for business… is Ash Campbell holding gold!”


“... yes,” Frank groans again. “Well, I’ll tell you what, Mr. Campbell… you’ve caught me at an opportune moment. You see, it just so happens that I need allies in my own Temple. You say you’re one of the best in the world, so… prove it to me.” Ash smiles. “Wrest the Temple Championship from the grip of Mascara Muerte, and I’ll give you the world.”


“Mascara Muerte?” Ash asks dumbfoundedly as we leave the office and begin the show.






Nicole Kiss is standing in the center of the ring, smiling and posing for the crowd before she begins her announcing duties.


“The following lucha is a tag team match, and is scheduled for one fall!” Kiss begins as Lee Bambino and CJ Weston welcome us to Lucha Underground on commentary. “Already in the ring, escaped from The Snake Pit… Dragon Neon! His partner, from Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico… The Amazing Fire Fly!”


Some of the Believers begin to hiss, and The American Cobras make their way into the Temple.


“Their opponents, from The Snake Pit… Marvel Malloy… Storm Spillane… The American Cobras!”






“You may have noticed Nicole mention that Dragon Neon escaped from The Snake Pit,” Bambino notes.


“That’s right, Bambino,” Weston agrees, “Dragon Neon used to be under Rey Serpiente’s spell but has since broke free, and now Serpiente’s minions are looking to bring him back to their king.”


Neon and Fire Fly are the Believers’ favorites in the match, and they support them vocally throughout the bout. The American Cobras are without their leader, but they perform as advertised for one of the hottest tag teams in America. Despite a strong rally near the end, the non-regular partners are no match for the Cobras; a Cobra Strike takes the fall in short order.





“I’d be worried if Rey Serpiente were here,” Weston says as Dragon Neon and Amazing Fire Fly recover in the ring.


“Fortunately for the escaped reptile, their king is missing in action after failing in the Trios Tourney finals last week,” Bambino notes. “Nevertheless, the damage is done, Dragon Neon left licking his wounds. We’ll be right back, Believers!”


When we return, it isn’t Nicole Kiss who is in the ring, but Carl Batch.




“Believers!” he booms. “I have come today bearing good news! The Glorious One himself, Logan Wolfsbaine, will be competing very soon for one of the ancient Aztec Medallions! That’s right, there is no greater glory than the Gift of the Gods, and very soon we will see The Glorious One ascend to the top of Lucha Underground! Because when you stand across from Logan Wolfsbaine, there are only two choices… death… or glory!”




Batch takes a moment to wave off the boos and jeers of the Believers, smiling and chomping on his cigar all the while.


“Now, without further adieu, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna do the pretty girl’s job for her just this once!” Batch smiles as Nicole Kiss looks disgusted on the outside.


“Coming to the ring… from the Glorious State of Florida… The Glorious One… Logan Wolfsbaine!” Batch announces as his client comes to the ring.


“And, on the other side of the ring, some chump,” Batch laughs as he exits the ring.





“The eagle-eyed Believer might notice the man standing across the ring as Ben Williams,” Bambino acknowledges.


“The independent scene’s favorite underdog,” Weston adds. “And I think ‘underdog’ is an apt description of him standing across the ring from The Glorious One.”


Weston’s words prove correct as Wolfsbaine, in record time, squashes Ben Williams and ends him with a brutal Belly-to-Belly Suplex.





Before we head to a commercial break, a vignette begins to play in sepia tone of a flyover shot of the desert. Someone whistles a slow, bluesy tune as we see tumbleweeds and cacti littering the desert plains. Soon, riders come into view below, screaming across the plains on horseback.


Only one thing people understand where I come from, a gruff voiceover begins.


It ain’t violence, though they get plenty of that ‘round where I come from, and we got plenty of it to throw around.


It ain’t glory, no one cares about children’s stories of heroes and villains.


Words? They don’t do much ‘cept complicate things.


No, where I come from? People understand money.


We see the four riders heading into an old west town, then flashes of bar fights and shootouts and wanted posters. The four riders are seen after a few beats of violence, exiting town with moneybags hanging from their saddles.


Bounties… wanted posters… hearsay at the saloon… all leads to that coveted coin.


The riders continue across the desert in the night, eventually coming to a high cliff overlooking a modern city.


And right now? All roads lead… to Boyle Heights.


We see the riders overlooking the Temple from their cliff, high above Boyle Heights, gathered together and watching for a moment before the screen fades to black and words appear on the screen…







“Welcome back, Believers, to Lucha Underground!” Lee Bambino greets as we return from commercials “Up next, the battle rages on!”


“That’s right, Bambino, the Rock City Express continues to do battle with Mascara Muerte and The Death Tribe!” Weston exclaims.


“Tonight, the factions clash in trios action! Take it away, Nicole!” Bambino says as we head into the ring.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is a trios match!” Nicole Kiss announces. “First, coming to the ring accompanied by Charlie California, they hail from Rock City USA… Becca… Rockin’ Ryan Turner… Stan “The Man” Manna… The Rock City Express!!”


The quarter air guitar and headbang their way into the Temple, the crowd firmly on their side as everyone has a good time during their entrance. The good times aren’t to last, however, as the sound of an Aztec death whistle sounds out in the Temple and smoke begins to pour from under the ring.


“Their opponents… first, from The Depths of Hell… La Hija del Diablo!! And, her partners, from the Darkest Reaches of Your Mind… Babau, Moroi… The Night Terrors! Together, they are… The Death Tribe!”






Before the match can even begin, brawling spills outside the ring as The Death Tribe appear to be overcoming 4-on-3 odds on the outside to take the advantage. While still on the outside, Charlie California is taken out by a devastating Sleep Paralysis by The Night Terrors.


“Oh my God!” Bambino cries.


“This match isn’t even official yet, and they may have just killed someone!” Weston adds, California motionless on the outside. Referee Ryan Holland eventually gains control and gets things in the ring, but the mayhem doesn’t stop there as the competitors threaten to go out of control several times during the bout.


The ending comes when La Hija del Diablo, the newest member of The Death Tribe, hits Becca with a devastating Tombstone Piledriver for the win.





“A very definitive win for The Death Tribe there,” Bambino notes. “Perhaps we’ve seen the end of this brutal war?”


“I don’t know about all of that, Bambino, but I guess only time will tell,” Weston suggests. “We’ll be right back, Believers!”


Following the break, Extraordinario Jr. is out to a cheering crowd.


“They love the purple and silver sensation here in the Temple, don’t they, Bambino?” Weston asks.


“Indeed!” Bambino notes.


Once in the ring, Extraordinario cuts a promo on how successful he’s been in Lucha Underground; a Medallion holder and undefeated in singles competition. He accuses Jayson Van Pelt of being jealous of his success, and reminds him that in lucha de apuestas both competitors put something on the line.


“You can call yourself a mask collector, but you will collect nothing of mine if we step into the ring, Mr. Sensation,” Extraordinario Jr. says with a hint of sarcasm in his accented voice.







“What a match we’ve got taking place right here, and it’s not even our main event!” Bambino notes as the bout gets underway.


The two luchadors put on an exciting match, Extraordinario using his speed and cunning against Silver Tiger’s brawling brawn. The match keeps an almost frenetic pace, so it comes as little surprise when referee Pee-Wee Germaine gets caught in the crossfire and taken down with a ref bump.


“Oh, wait a minute, what’s he doing out here?” Bambino decries as Jayson Van Pelt makes his presence felt in the Temple. Extraordinario Jr hits his finisher on Silver Tiger for what should be the end, but the ref is still out.


JVP charges the ring, and takes down Extraordinario Jr. with a big Axe Kick before rolling Silver Tiger on top of him and rousing the ref to count the tainted pinfall.





“Mr. Sensation hightailing it of the Temple right now,” Bambino notes as JVP takes off.


“And it doesn’t look like Silver Tiger is going to have long to celebrate his victory! Weston screams. “Look out!!”




JOJI, the wildman, appears from out of nowhere and he’s perched on the top turnbuckle waiting for Silver Tiger to turn around. When he does, JOJI takes flight with a beautiful crossbody, rolling through and getting into a crouched position in the corner. Silver Tiger gets to his feet, and JOJI charges forward to tackle him, but he rolls out of the ring!



“JOJI is on the hunt!” Bambino notes the rest of The Cult of the Silver Tiger making their way out to help their leader escape while JOJI cries out at them to come back fighting.


“We’ll be right back!” Weston says.






Before we can go to commercial, we’re taken backstage where Ernest “The Hitman” Youngman is taping up his fists before an underground fight. He hears something, and looks over his shoulder but there is nothing there; he hears it again, and turns around to find himself face-to-face with the Aztec Guardian!




¡No usurparás mi posición en este Templo!” the Guardian sneers, bowling Youngman over with a huge tackle. The Hitman gets to his feet, but the Guardian is nowhere to be seen.


¡Estoy obligado a protegerlo de gente como tú!” comes the ghostly voice of the Guardian again. Youngman turns around, and there he is again! A huge overhand chop sits the Hitman down on the bench again, and once again the Guardian disappears.


“You coward!” Youngman screams after a moment. “You fight me like a man, not a ghost, you miserable piece of shit!” The Guardian appears behind him again, this time toppling over a set of lockers onto the Hitman!


Ultima… Lucha!” the Guardian says, hulking over the Hitman as he writhes under the weight of the lockers.




After the commercials have played, Mascara Muerte is in the ring with the Lucha Underground Temple Championship around his waist and an Aztec Medallion he did not win hanging on a ribbon around his neck. He’s flanked by The Night Terrors, with Zombi behind him and La Hija del Diablo crouched at his right side.


“I have rid this Temple of the infection known as Pablo Rodriguez,” Muerte claims. “The Priest of Pain stands against the forces of death no more! Just as I have claimed the souls of his wife and child, so have I claimed the soul of the righteous one!”


“This is sick,” Bambino insists.


“La Hija del Diablo now sits at my right hand, ready to destroy any man, woman, or child I so choose! And, tonight, it seems I have–”


“Woah, woah, woah– woah!” an unfamiliar voice to the Believers begins, as Ash Campbell makes his way out into the Temple. “Now, I don’t know who you think you are out here in your Halloween mask and bath robe,” the second generation upstart snaps. “But you ain’t gonna intimidate me! Do you know who I am? I’m Ash Campbell, the son of a legend, and you will respect my name!”


“Ash Campbell?” Muerte ponders for a moment. “Ah, yes… your father, the legendary Nemesis.” His head turns coldly to the newcomer. “I want you to know his suffering Beyond the Grave is also legendary, little one.”


Ash looks incensed, but smart enough not to get in the ring just yet.


“Alright, alright, you wanna cross lines, Mr. Deadman?” Campbell says, but Muerte waves him off.


“I don’t have time for the likes of you,” Muerte seethes. “Get him!”


The Death Tribe charge, but Ash forces them to give chase around the ring, around it once, twice, and then he rolls into the ring and the bell rings.








“This match was ordered at the top of the show by El Jefe himself,” Bambino notes as the match gets under way. Campbell proves to be no slouch in the ring, going at the Temple Champion with all he has to throw at him. The Death Tribe remain ringside throughout the match, but play no part in the proceedings or the outcome.


Ash Campbell is here to prove himself in the ring after realizing he might be in over his head, but he still chooses to showboat and shout at the Believers about respecting him at all the wrong times. Even though he spends a good deal of the match on the defensive, a Buzzsaw Kick turns everything around and the rest of the match is all Mascara Muerte until he hits a Kill Switch for the pin.






“Muerte retains the title against the Son of a Legend!” Bambino notes before Weston signs off.


“We’ll see you next week, Believers!”





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  • 3 months later...


Announce Team: Lee Bambino and CJ Weston

Location: Boyle Heights Temple

Show Rating: 49




We begin the show as we often do, in the office of El Jefe himself, Honest Frank. Frank is toying with one of the Ancient Aztec Medallions and considering his options for the evening when someone knocks angrily and lets themself in, revealing an annoyed Ash Campbell.




"Frank, my man, I'm a little pissed," Campbell huffs. "I came to you with a simple demand: some respect on my family name. You disguised your respect as a title shot and--"


"Listen here you little pissant!" Frank interrupts. "I never told you I sent you on a walk in the park; what did you expect against a man named Mascara Muerte? Did you expect I was just handing you a championship?"


"No, but, I--"


"You what? You want another chance?" Frank asks.


"I deserve an--"


"Fine," Frank waves him off, and Campbell gives a dumb smile. "I'm gonna give you a chance to win one of these..." Frank holds up the medallion he's been twirling in his fingers. "Do you know what this is, Mr. Campbell?"


Ash shakes his head, but seems enamored with the shiny medallion.


"This is one of seven Ancient Aztec Medallions belonging to the tribes from which many of our luchadores descend," Frank explains. "Every luchador in Lucha Underground wants to claim a medallion and earn their way into the Gift of the Gods match for a chance to combine them into the Gift of the Gods!"


"What's the Gift of the Gods?" Ash asks, finally snapping out of his entrancement over the medallion. "Gold?"


"In a sense," Frank answers. "The holder of the Gift of the Gods may it in for a title match... at any time they choose."


"So I could have another shot at Muerte?" Campbell asks.


"I don't know why you would want one, but, yes," Frank answers.


"Count me in!" Campbell exclaims.


"Very well," Frank says. "Head out to the ring... your opponent will join you shortly."




"The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is for one of the seven Ancient Aztec Medallions," Nicole Kiss announces as we enter the Boyle Heights Temple; Lee Bambino and CJ Weston welcome us on commentary, and explain that Ash Campbell is in the ring awaiting his opponent after meeting with Honest Frank in his office.


"Already in the ring, from The Steel City, Ash Campbell!" Kiss calls out as someone hustles into the ring to a chorus of boos.




“Now, now, now, pretty lady, you know that’s not how we do things around here,” he says with a smile while chomping on his cigar. “My name is Carl Batch, and I represent The Glorious One himself, Logan Wolfsbaine! Mr. Campbell, as you are about to find yourself across the ring from The Glorious One, I feel I should warn you there are only two options…” Batch smiles, and the crowd joins him in announcing, “death or glory!”


Heavy metal music begins to play as Batch hands the microphone back to Nicole Kiss.


“Making his way to the ring, from The Glorious State of Florida… The Glorious One… Logan Wolfsbaine!” she announces as the imposing figure makes his way out to the ring.






"Ash Campbell is no slouch, but this makes two weeks in a row that he's been thrown to the wolves by Honest Frank," Lee Bambino notes on commentary as the match begins.


"I agree, Bambino," Weston says. "The son of the legendary Nemesis is a decorated champion all over the country, but last week he was given death itself, and this week he's facing The Glorious One!"


Campbell looks good this week, but falls short again as Logan Wolfsbaine has looked nigh unstoppable in Lucha Underground. The Glorious One claims Aztec Medallion #5, and earns his way into the Gift of the Gods match.





"We'll be right back, Believers!" Bambino says as we head to commercial.



When we return, Becca is in the ring without the rest of The Rock City Express.


"Welcome back, Believers, and, man, does she look pissed!" Weston crows before Becca begins to speak.


"I'm not afraid of death," Becca seethes. "I'm not afraid of the dark, and I'm not afraid of hell. You know what that adds up to? Me, not being afraid of The Death Tribe! You can cut me down a thousand times, I'll come back for blood one thousand and one times! What was started the first time the Temple opened it's doors isn't finished yet, not while I'm standing... I don't care which one of you spooky weirdos wants it, but tonight? One of you can come get it!"




Becca stands at the ready in the ring, waving to the back for anyone from The Death Tribe to come out for a match. The lights in the arena flicker, smoke slowly billowing out from under the ring.


"Did it just get hotter in here?" Bambino asks, and Weston agrees.




La Hija del Diablo comes into the Temple via the entrance steps, pointing at Becca and slowly pulling a finger across her throat to signal death for the tenacious rocker chick before entering the ring.




Becca goes on the offensive immediately, taking the fight to La Hija del Diablo and looking good in the process.


"It looks like Becca might be the only one left standing in The Rock City Express!" Bambino cries as she puts the boots to her opponent.


"The Night Terrors took out Charlie California a few weeks ago, and The Rock City Express is essentially winless against The Death Tribe in any capacity."


"That just might change here tonight!" Bambino cries as Becca gets a near fall on La Hija del Diablo.


Unfortunately for The Rock City Express, it does not change here tonight as La Hija del Diablo proves too much for Becca. Just like the six-person tag a few weeks ago, Becca eats a Tombstone Piledriver for the defeat.






We are taken down The Rabbit Hole once again, this time our three weirdos are celebrating around their ornate dinner table with the Lucha Underground Trios Championships each sitting on its own silver serving platter.




"Weeeeee.... are the Champions.... oh, yesssss weeee.... are the Champions..."


Bromista, Remmy Skye, and Matt Sparrow are singing to celebrate their victory a few weeks ago over The Reptile Tribe and The BHC to claim the titles. Cups of overflowing tea are being rocked around and spilling all over the place, Skye grabbing a handful of grapes from a vine and shoveling them in his mouth as Sparrow sits perched on his chair like a bird.


"We did it, boys!" Bromista cackles. "We did it!"


"The Great White Rabbit will be very pleased indeed, very pleased!" Sparrow coos.


"WE OVERCAME THE SNAKES!" Skye blurts out, and all three laugh & clap happily.


"But, wait!" Bromista interrupts, abruptly stopping his clapping and holding up a finger very seriously. "We're not done with the Snakes yet! The Great White Rabbit demands it!"


"Wh-- what?!" Skye questions, looking scared.


"I've had... a vision, boys!" Bromista exclaims, falling back into his seat. "The Great White Rabbit wants us little rabbits to chase the Snakes out of Lucha Underground, like St. Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland!"


"But... we're not saints!!" Sparrow squeals. "W-we're... we're just wee rabbits!" he says in some strange, poorly done Irish accent.


"I'll do it!" Skye says, slowly standing up and puffing out his chest; he pauses to throw a grape into his mouth, and misses. "I will be the one... I will do it for The Great White Rabbit!" Skye says proudly.


"... good, because you gotta fight Rey Serpiente," Bromista adds flatly.


Skye looks deflated.


"Well, shit," Skye responds.



“Well, Believers, that was, uh… that was The Rabbit Tribe, the Lucha Underground Trios Champions,” Bambino says as we come back into the Temple.


“What a buncha weirdos,” Weston adds.


“That’s one way to put it,” Bambino says. “But, speaking of trios, we’ve got trios action up for you next, take it away, Nicole!”

Back in the ring, Nicole Kiss is standing at the ready with a smile on her face and the microphone drawn to her lips.


“The following lucha is scheduled for one fall, and it is a trios match!” she announces. “Coming to the ring, led by Duke Hazzard… from The Saloon... Bradley Blaze, Buck Winchester, and Houston Handley… The Hazzard Gang!”




Duke Hazzard emerges first, coming halfway down the entrance steps and giving a loud "YEE-HAW!" before his trio emerges. Blaze, Winchester, and Handley all very much look the part as they enter the Temple, and the Believers aren't sure how to take them.


"Their opponents, from The Snake Pit!" Kiss continues. "Rey Serpiente, Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane... The Reptile Tribe!"


A hissing noise rises up from the crowd as Rey Serpiente and The American Cobras make their way into the Temple. The Hazzard Gang look unafraid, even as Nicole Kiss hightails it out of the ring to safety. Duke says a couple of things to his charges before leaving the ring himself, staying on the outside as the match begins.






"Well, Believers, as you heard last week, The Hazzard Gang are here for one thing and one thing only," Bambino says.


"That's right, Lee... they want the money!" Weston says.


"The money, the gold... could that mean titles? Medallions? Only time will tell," Bambino says as the match has it's beginning moments in the ring.


The Hazzard Gang look good in their debut, Blaze and Winchester brawling while Handley handles a high spot or two against the Cobras. But, looking good and winning are two different things, and the cowboys drop their debut to The Reptile Tribe when Handley eats a Cobra Strike for the pinfall.



After a commercial break, we are brought back to a cinematic segment where Pablo Rodriguez is kneeling at the altar of a church and can be heard praying.




His prayer is quiet for a moment, before he looks over his shoulder and speaks up.


"How dare you defile this sacred place," Rodriguez says before standing and turning to face Mascara Muerte in the entrance of the church!




"I told you, father... if you won't quit, then you will suffer! I care not where you go, what you do... you will never escape me! I am death incarnate, I am eternal!"


Pablo lets out a primal scream and charges, diving in for a tackle but Muerte disappears and reappears outside the church. He is now holding Pablo's Aztec Medallion up high, and chanting something; Pablo charges again, but Muerte vanishes once again.


"Show yourself you coward!" Rodriguez screams. "Face me! Must you play mind games with a broken man to show your supremacy? Must you play parlor tricks on me when you could face me, and stand to vanquish me, de hombre a hombre?"


"You and your family are nothing but toys to me, father," Muerte asserts as he reappears in front of Rodriguez. "But if it's a fight you want..."


Muerte rears back for a Buzzsaw Kick, but Rodriguez dodges and finally manages to tackle the masked embodiment of death. The two throw punches and roll around for a moment before Muerte throws Rodriguez off of him. Rodriguez sees his Medallion lying in the dirt, and quickly begins to scramble towards it but Muerte meets him with a kick to the face. The pair brawl around the outside of the church, finally ending when Muerte nails Rodriguez with a Kill Switch right on the Medallion! Muerte rolls Rodriguez over and reclaims the Medallion, leaving him there to writhe as the masked man vanishes once again.


"Your trials are just beginning, father," Muerte can be heard saying even though he has disappeared. "Next week... return to the Temple, and meet Hell!"


Returning to the Temple, Extraordinario Jr. is out with a microphone to cut a promo on the events of last week, when Jayson Van Pelt cost him his match against Silver Tiger, which ruined his undefeated streak.


He says that he's tired of JVP's jealousy, and he won't stand for such a tainted loss on his record. He wants Van Pelt and Silver Tiger both right here tonight, and he promises his fans that he'll come out on top.


After a moment, Jayson Van Pelt enters the Temple to a chorus of boos. He says that, like it or not, the masked freak is no longer undefeated. Maybe the silver-and-purple sensation was just no match for the great Silver Tiger. Just as Extraordinario begins to reply, Silver Tiger pounces from seemingly out of nowhere! JVP hits the ring as well.




"We've got a referee, we've got a match!" Bambino cries out as Silver Tiger and Jayson Van Pelt double-team Extraordinario Jr.




JVP and Silver Tiger co-exist to double-team Extraordinario Jr. for the better part of the match.


"This is just a sickening display," Bambino seethes.


"This is just business, Bambino," Weston replies.


JVP eventually turns on Silver Tiger, screaming about masked freaks as he beats him down. From there, a normal triple threat match ensues with several triple spots and an impressive Tower of Doom. Silver Tiger takes out JVP with a Silver Tiger Driver, but he's unable to make the pin as Extraordinario pulls him away and nails him with Siempre Peleando to make the pin and pick up the win.




"That's it for us this week, Believers!" Bambino signs off as Extraordinario Jr. celebrates in the ring.



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