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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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Angle/Show build reminds me of Y2J/Kane coffee debacle, and that's good. IMO not enough feuds today start like that, which is strange, since most real life conflicts start from some insignificant BS. Thumbs up!

Hahaaa! Thank you brother! Funnily enough, a storyline I'm currently writing involves a scene veeeeery similar to the Jericho/Kane thing :D So I'm glad you brought that up! :D


I love the idea of feuds starting over something that might seem small or insignificant. Especially in that era, it seemed to happen a lot.


Angle once did a promo where he said he was the first Euro/Continental Champion every and then said "Well, besides D'Lo Brown, but he doesn't count!"... as a big D'Lo fan, I was so excited to think he'd come out, or fight Angle over it... and he never did... So I made that an feud here to help raise Brown up the card a little.


Welcome back, this will be great!

Thank you dude. Good to be back after a long break (from wrestling in general). Looking forward to getting rolling.





The RAW I posted was already on the previous thread with me and Togg... Smackdown wasn't, it was a show newly written and a continuation of the diary... Now, here's the Prediction Contest for the next episode of RAW:







Kane and Rikishi [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardyz and Lita


The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit


Marty Jannetty and Spike Dudley [vs] X-Pac and Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Viscera w/ Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


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So... Did you miss me?


Yeah Nah I'm still trying to figure out why you left in the first place who needs to watch wrestling to play video games


Kane and Rikishi [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardyz and Lita

The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit


Marty Jannetty and Spike Dudley [vs] X-Pac and Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Viscera w/ Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

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Kane and Rikishi [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardyz and Lita


The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit


Marty Jannetty and Spike Dudley [vs] X-Pac and Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Viscera w/ Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

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Kane and Rikishi [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardyz and Lita


The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit


Marty Jannetty and Spike Dudley [vs] X-Pac and Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Viscera w/ Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon (what a match)

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Kane and Rikishi [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardyz and Lita


The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit


Marty Jannetty and Spike Dudley [vs] X-Pac and Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Viscera w/ Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

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So is WCW going to end up being bought out by WWF eventually anyway? :(


That's the Million Dollar Question isn't it. I can tell you this...


I've fully written, and fully formatted up until Week 2 of February, and there's been no Invasion as of yet. I've signed a handful of WCW guys, and they've taken a handful of my guys. I think it's 2 have jumped to us, and 3 have jumped to them, but I won't be naming names at this point ;)


I also have my WrestleMania 18 (Week 3 of March) plans pretty much set in stone, having written the Royal Rumble and chosen my Main Events. The whole card is subject to change, but on paper there's only going to be the 2 that I mentioned, plus 1 other WCW jump in action. 2 will be heels, and 1 a babyface, so they're more integrated into the roster than an 'Invasion'.


Togg stops controlling WCW in late January in this side-story, although he may pick up his original stuff with me gone in his own side-story. If he was still in charge, I don't see me getting anyone else in for a while because I know he thinks extremely highly of the talents due for contract renewal soon. In the past, the guys we've wanted to keep, we've paid a LOT of money to do so.


I'm undecided at this point about the Invasion. I may just run it in a very similar way to how it went down in real life - Vince buys them out etc. but have a bit more freedom on who I bring across to invade. I may just sign a handful of guys, up to ten or something, and invade while leaving WCW open. 'The Invasion' is a story I've always wanted to re-write, but with the world that Togg created, it makes it so much more fun than what that would have been I think.

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Kane and Rikishi [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardyz and Lita


The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit


Marty Jannetty and Spike Dudley [vs] X-Pac and Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Viscera w/ Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay

'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

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Maybe have WCW be controlled by the AI and doing it’s own thing while you do your own thing.


Yeah that's a real possibility. I think I can honestly say I'd like to steal ten guys now, or post-Mania... some in-ring, some not... and then there's maybe ten others? There's almost 120 names on their roster, so they can easily survive and run as their own company still. And I don't think I'll be taking many from the top, top either.


There's some feuds/matches we NEVER saw in any era, that I'd personally love to have seen. Sting/Taker... Goldberg/Austin... Austin/Hogan... Rock/Shawn Michaels... Macho Man/Shawn Michaels... I think I can even find a way to do Bret Hart/Angle in some form. Maybe a before it's time Cinematic match. I plan to do a few of those as they would have really worked in this era.

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



Power Trip Strategy


We kicked off the first edition of RAW in December with Vince McMahon, Steve Austin and The Undertaker – The Three Man Power Trip – in Vince's office... Vince was at his desk, while Austin sat on a sofa to the side, with his Championship Belt across his lap... 'Taker was sat across from McMahon... Sat leaning back in his chair with his feet on his boss's desk...




Vince McMahon:
“Okay guys... Armageddon is right around the corner... You're in the same match, with Austin's Title on the line... and we need to make sure tha...”


There was a knock at the door, and then it opened before anyone could say “Come In”...




Vince's daughter Stephanie burst into the room, and handed her Father a telephone... saying “It's Him”...


Vince McMahon:
“Yep... Yeah... I know... Look... What do you want...?!”






Kane and Rikishi [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Four great workers here, and a lot of size between the four men. The four big men hit each other very hard, including a brutal double clothesline from Rikishi to the Dudleyz and a big boot from Kane that looked like it took D-Von's head off his shoulders! For the finish, Kishi hit a Bonzai Drop on D-Von, before Bubba fell victim to Kane's Chokeslam!



Kane and Rikishi





Heart Breaker, Kid




Razor Ramon was sat in a smokey bar, on the stool closest to the toilets... He kept stopping to address a strange noise coming from the Men's room...


Razor Ramon:
“Eddie... Guerrero... EY YO!!... Listen, Chico... You may have a BIG heart... But the bigger they are, the easier... they... BREAK... and at Armageddon... I am gonna break... your... heart...”


With that, a large, drunk, hairy looking beardy man walked out of the Men's room behind Ramon... The 'Bad Guy' slammed his drink on the bar, stood up in front of the beardy man, and patted him on his shoulders... Ramon then delivered a brutal gut-punch that doubled the man over in agony... He then puked on the floor...


Razor Ramon:
“Hard work pays off... Dreams can come true... Bad times don't last... but Bad... Guys... DO!!”






Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardyz and Lita


Shelton Benjamin is just two years younger than Scotty, but he's a rookie compared to the veteran Too Cool member. The Hardyz were a big distraction, and Lita hit a Hurricanrana, which lead to the devastating 'T-Bone Suplex'.



Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardyz and Lita

'T-Bone Suplex'


Not Cool




Scotty Too Hotty copped a beatdown after Shelton's hand was raised... 4 on 1 from the Hardy Family...!! But he soon got some help...




His best friend Rikishi stomped out to the ring, removing his 'dress', and sliding in... He super kicked Jeff, and then Matt... But Lita kicked him low!! 4 on 2 now, but it still wasn't enough... Lita, The Hardyz and Shelton swarmed Rikishi... and kept the big Samoan down... Soon, the fan favourites got more help though...




Dean Malenko and William Regal hit the ring, and chased off the Hardy Family...!! At Armageddon, we'll be seeing Malenko and Regal take on Jeff and Matt Hardy in tag team action...





Patches Lead To Matches


Backstage, The Big Show was talking on the phone, when Kurt Angle walked up with a duffel bag...




Kurt Angle:
“Show... Listen... I am sorry for causing that bald patch... I... I wasn't thinking yu know...?? But... Look... I've got you some gifts... some peace offerings... to say sorry...!!”


Angle reached into the bag, and pulled out a baseball cap with Angle's logo on it...!! Straight off the merchandise stand...!! It was clearly a child-sized hat, and Angle placed it on his rival's head... Show took it off, and threw it over his shoulder...!! Angle then grabbed a Sombrero... Colourful, and loud, and suggested Show wear something a little larger... The Giant grabbed that, and tore it in half in a fit of rage!! Finally, Angle popped a wig on Show's head... A bright, blonde, curly wig, which angered Show and he chased Angle down the hall!!


At Armageddon, Show and Angle will battle 1 on 1... Big Show will be out for revenge on the man who threw chewing gum into his hair, and forced him to cut a patch out of it... The loser of this match will be forced to shave their heads BALD!!






The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit


A hard-hitting contest here, with four men who left the match in a lot worse shape than when they started. In the end, Crash tapped to the 'Walls of Jericho', while Bob Holly was being ripped apart with the 'Crippler Crossface' on the outside of the ring!



Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

'Walls Of Jericho'


All Hail The Caeser


After a dominant performance from the two Canadian Chris's, WWF Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian arrived, and strolled to the ring...




“Hey Jericho and Benoit... We ACCEPT your challenge for Armageddon... And not only that... we have a gift for you...”


Christian went under the ring, and pulled out four cocktail glasses and a large bottle... He began pouring the drink into the four glasses...


“Here we have a 'Caesar'... A Canadian cocktail, comprising Vodka... Caesar Mix (Tomato Juice and Clam Broth)... Hot Sauce... Worcester Sauce... Oh... and don't forget the ice... is that glass celery salt rimmed??”


Christian added a wedge of lime and a stalk of celery to each glass, and the fan favourites held a glass in each hand... They held out a glass each to Jericho and Benoit... and Jericho's reaction was to kick the glass out of Edge's hand, while Benoit shoved Christian backwards!! Jericho and Benoit slid out of the ring, and didn't look back at their rivals... At Armageddon, the two all-Canadian teams will fight it out for the WWF Tag Team Titles...





If I Want Your Help, I'll Ask For It


Fan favourites Triple H and The Rock were backstage next... Some serious tension between the two men...




Triple H:
“Listen good Rock... I don't need your help... So stay out of my business...”


The Rock:
“Three Hs... If that's what you think... Then The Rock says THIS... The Rock'll stay out of your business... If you stay out of The Rock's business... The Rock'll agree to that... Ohh yeah... You have The Rock's word on that... But at Armageddon... The Rock needs YOUR word... That we make sure that 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin... and 'The American Naughty Bottom' The Undertaker... DON'T win...!! What do you think of that...??”


Triple H:
“I think...”


The Rock threw his right hand up... His palm in Triple H's face... and then whispered:


The Rock:
“It doesn't matter what you think...”


Rock then strolled away as a wry smile crept across Triple H's face...






Marty Jannetty and Spike Dudley [vs] X-Pac and Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik


Great work from these four talented men. Billy Gunn was the clear big man of the match, and he dominated Spike. Jannetty had a nice run after the hot tag, but in the end, he couldn't stop Spike being pinned following an 'X-Factor' from X-Pac.



X-Pac and Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik





Terri's Boys Testing The Protection




This week on Smackdown, we're going to see a big Six-Man Tag Team Match... As Test will team up with Terri's Boys (Albert and Perry Saturn) will take on the three members of the APA (Bradshaw, Faarooq and The Godfather)... These six men fight hard, so this one promises to be a barn-burner!!






'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Viscera w/ Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay


Big Viscera is Mr. Perfect's muscle, and while Mr. Sexay does a lot of his dirty work too, he relies on Viscera to do a lot of the heavy lifting. So he'd have been disappointed to see D'Lo Brown make light work of the big man in the end. He flew off the top rope to hit a 'Lo-Down' Frog Splash!



D'Lo Brown



Giving You The Low Down


Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay were in utter disbelief after the match... and their shock continued when D'Lo grabbed a microphone, having barely broken a sweat...




D'Lo Brown:
“BOYS!! You're not looking at just another guy you can put your foot on... You're not looking at a stepping stone towards the top... You're looking at 'The REAL Deal'... I'm takin' you ALL out... on MY way to the top... Sexay... at Armageddon... You're next...!!”


Sexay put Perfect between him and D'Lo and faked being held back by his mentor... shouting at D'Lo that he was lucky Perfect was there stopping him getting in the ring...






'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


A fascinating Main Event here, with two men at the top of their respective companies when the Monday Night Wars were red hot. Ramon decided he didn't want to fight Rocky man to man, and what we saw for the first few minutes was 'The Bad Guy' leaving the ring at every opportunity to avoid a fight. For the middle portion of the match though, the veteran Puerto Rican got on top, and controlled the pace of the match brilliantly. The fans got behind Rock in a big way, as they hate Ramon with a passion. And in the end, 'The Great One' used that passion and support to get back into the match and eventually hit the 'Rock Bottom' to pick up a win!



'The Great One' The Rock

'Rock Bottom'


More Questions Than Answers


A packed show ended with another stellar Main Event tonight... But the picture of the Main Event of Armageddon is starting to take shape... Triple H and The Rock get along okay, but they're far from best friends... Steve Austin and The Undertaker are seemingly on the same page, and their goal at Armageddon is to make sure Austin retains the World Heavyweight Title... But if 'Taker gets the chance... If the chips fall and he has the opportunity to pin either Triple H or The Rock to become the Champion... Would he not take it...?? 'The American Badass' isn't exactly known as being a good person... and someone to be trusted...


With less than two weeks to go to Armageddon, the relationship between the four men will continue to be tested... But as this show went off the air, the announce team asked who called and spoke to Vince McMahon on the phone earlier in the show...?! It could have been literally anyone... The only people who know for sure, are Vince himself, and his daughter Stephanie McMahon!!







Quick Results:


Kane & Rikishi [def.] The Dudley Boyz


Shelton Benjamin [def.] Scotty Too Hotty


Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit [def.] The Holly Cousins


X-Pac & Billy Gunn [def.] Marty Jannetty & Spike Dudley


D'Lo Brown [def.] Viscera


The Rock [def.] Razor Ramon


Show Rating:








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Marty Jannetty [vs] Billy Gunn w/ X-Pac & K-Kwik

'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman

Scotty Too Hotty & Rikishi [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Shelton Benjamin & Lita

The New Headshrinkers Haku & Umaga [vs] Local Enhancement Talent

The APA (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Godfather) [vs] Test, Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

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Marty Jannetty [vs] Billy Gunn w/ X-Pac & K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman


Scotty Too Hotty & Rikishi [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Shelton Benjamin & Lita


The New Headshrinkers Haku & Umaga [vs] Local Enhancement Talent


The APA (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Godfather) [vs] Test, Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

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Marty Jannetty [vs] Billy Gunn w/ X-Pac & K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman


Scotty Too Hotty & Rikishi [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Shelton Benjamin & Lita


The New Headshrinkers Haku & Umaga [vs] Local Enhancement Talent


The APA (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Godfather) [vs] Test, Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

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Marty Jannetty [vs] Billy Gunn w/ X-Pac & K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman


Scotty Too Hotty & Rikishi [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Shelton Benjamin & Lita


The New Headshrinkers Haku & Umaga [vs] Local Enhancement Talent


The APA (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Godfather) [vs] Test, Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

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Marty Jannetty [vs] Billy Gunn w/ X-Pac & K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman


Scotty Too Hotty & Rikishi [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Shelton Benjamin & Lita


The New Headshrinkers Haku & Umaga [vs] Local Enhancement Talent


The APA (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Godfather) [vs] Test, Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

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This looks like a ton of fun. Will definitely be following! :)



Marty Jannetty [vs] Billy Gunn w/ X-Pac & K-Kwik


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman


Scotty Too Hotty & Rikishi [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Shelton Benjamin & Lita


The New Headshrinkers Haku & Umaga [vs] Local Enhancement Talent


The APA (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Godfather) [vs] Test, Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

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December 2001, Week 1…



In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



A True Canadian Apology


We kicked off the show with the charismatic Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho and his friend, the intense Chris Benoit in the ring...




Chris Jericho:
“Listen... Last week... Benoit and I weren't exactly nice to the Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian Eh??... We rejected their offer of a cocktail, a true Canadian cocktail... and we did it in a nasty... vindictive way... Sooo... Since we're proud Canadians like they are... We'd like them to come oot... so we can give them a True Canadian Apology!!”


Edge and Christian's music hit, and Jericho sent Benoit out and under the ring to grab a crate of beers...!!




Edge and Christian were understandably sceptical, but Jericho and Benoit seemed genuine in their applause of the Champions...


Chris Jericho:
“We're doing this out of respect for you both... and everything you've achieved... Please... Have a beer with us...!!”


Benoit offered them both beers, and then handed one to his partner Jericho too...!! As Edge and Christian began to sip their beers, Benoit and Jericho delivered big kicks right below the belts of the Champions!! Edge and Christian doubled over in pain, with Edge dropping to both knees and Christian falling backwards!! Jericho and Benoit then began to pour beers over their rivals!! Drowning them in beer, and ruining the ring!!






Marty Jannetty [vs] Billy Gunn w/ X-Pac & K-Kwik


Jannetty and Gunn fought hard here, but the real story was X-Pac and K-Kwik at ringside. Kwik would almost cost Gunn the match, but his argument with X-Pac was all the distraction Gunn needed. With the referee and Jannetty's backs turned, he grabbed a chair and hit the Light Heavyweight Champion in the lower back! When the referee turned around, the New Generation X then hit the 'Fame Asser' and scored a big win!



Billy Gunn w/ X-Pac & K-Kwik

'Fame Asser'




The Mystery Phone Call


Walking through the corridor was WWF Chairman Vince McMahon... Backstage Interviewer Coach had tracked him down...




Jonathan Coachman:
“Mr. McMahon... Mr. McMahon... You HAVE to tell us... Who was on the phone on RAW...?!”


Vince McMahon:
“Ahh... Mr. Coach... In fact... I don't HAVE to tell you, or anyone, anything... That phone call was private... and the identity of the man on the other end of the line, will also remain private...”


Jonathan Coachman:
“So you're saying it was a man...??”


Vince McMahon:
“Smart... Very smart, Coach... I've said too much it seems... Good day...”


Mr. McMahon walked away, leaving Coach to ponder what he'd discovered...






'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman


D'Lo and Blackman are both one or two wins away from taking that next step on the ladder in WWF, and it was D'Lo who got the victory tonight, with a well-timed comeback after a beat down from the 'Lethal Weapon', followed up with a 'Sky High'.



'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown

'Sky High'




Crash The Party




Hardcore Champion Hardcore Holly was walking with his Cousin Molly, when they were set upon by the Dudley Boyz!! Bubba shoved Molly backwards, while D-Von and Hardcore fought... Bubba then blasted Holly from behind, and a 2 on 1 attack broke out... A referee was nearby and Bubba demanded he count Holly's shoulders down, but the Hardcore Champion somehow kicked out!! Bubba and D-Von continued to put the boots to Holly, until he got some help...




His other Cousin Crash arrived with a steel chair and started swinging... The Dudleyz fled in opposite directions, but despite their retreat looked menacing in defeat... Crash tended to Molly as Hardcore got up and was ready to fight again... Bubba and D-Von ran off!!





The Japanese Buzzsaw


Once again, make sure you get Tajiri's WWF Theme in your head... It'll help you picture this segment... If you can't remember it... click


We saw a promo video package next, for one of WWF's newest signings: 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Yoshihiro Tajiri...!! Better known as just Tajiri, and hailing from Tokyo, Japan... the 190lber will fit in well with the WWF's Light Heavyweight Division... He can kick as hard as anyone in the business, and has a wealth of experience to his name, despite being only 31 years of age...


The video ended by saying that NEXT WEEK on Smackdown, Tajiri will make his WWF Debut...!!






Scotty Too Hotty & Rikishi [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Shelton Benjamin & Lita


It was clear that Scotty and Rikishi wanted to hurt the Hardyz in this match, but with Shelton Benjamin and Lita a constant menace at ringside, they stood little chance of achieving that, or of picking up the win. Scotty fell victim to the 'Twist Of Fate' from Matt Hardy, while Jeff held Rikishi back. After the bell it was revealed that Shelton Benjamin had hold of big 'Kihi's ankle too!



The Hardy Boyz w/ Shelton Benjamin & Lita

'Twist Of Fate'


The Family


The Hardy Family retreated to the stage while the remaining members of Too Cool licked their wounds in the ring... Rikishi was ready to continue the fight though...




Matt Hardy:
“Scotty and Rikishi... I knew you'd loooooose... You are no match, for the dominaaaattttion... of The Hardy Family... Brother Jeff... Senior Benjamin... Queen Lita... and I... BROKEEEEEENNNN... Matt Hardy... My Broken Brilliance will shine a light, where there is darkness... It will open doors that have remained closed FOREVER... Because The Family will KICK them... DOWN!!”


Matt, with his new, strange accent, continued by talking about William Regal and Dean Malenko... The two technicians that he and his brother Jeff will be fighting at Armageddon are a dangerous pairing, who could do some damage to the Hardyz... But Matt wanted to make any talk of Regal and Malenko being able to outwrestle the Brothers, OBSOLETE!!


Matt Hardy:
“At Armageddon... It will BE Armageddon for The Regal Bill, and the Radical Dean... Brother Jeff and I will DELETE you!!”





Rock and Game Connection




The Rock was shown watching a TV Monitor backstage, reacting to Matt Hardy's weirdness... He muttered that Matt is by far, the strangest man he's ever seen... Apart from...




Rock's former tag team partner Mick Foley walked up... smiling... The Commissioner of the WWF reminded Rocky of the Rock and Sock Connection... The greatest tag team in the history of the WWF... The three time, WWF, Tag Team Champions...


Mick Foley:
“See Rock... I want that again... Not for us... But for YOU... and for Triple H...!! I know he can be, kind of an asshole... And I know he's kinda hard to trust... But... I said the same about you when we started teaming up... I know... Hard to believe right... But here's the thing 'Great One'... I need you and 'The Game' on the same page... I need one of you, to make sure Steve Austin or The Undertaker DON'T walk out of Armageddon as the WWF Champion... If ya... SMELL... What I'm cookin'...?!”


The Rock:
“Don't ever say that again...”


Mick Foley:
“Sorry, man... but listen... on RAW, I'm going to begin to make sure that you and Hunter are going to HUNT together... Because the Three Man Power Trip can NOT continue to reign over the WWF!!”


The Rock:
“Whilst The Rock admires your optimism Mick... The People's Champion always has... Do you actually THINK Triple H and The Rock will EVER see eye to eyebrow?? Is that what you THINK Mick...?!”


Mick Foley:
“IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT I THINK!!... Wait... Wait... Ahh Rock... It
matter what I think... and I think, if anyone can get you two working together... it's The Most Electrifying COMMISSIONER In ALL of Entertainment!!...”


The Rock:
“LAST warning...”






The New Headshrinkers Haku & Umaga [vs] Local Enhancement Talent


Haku struggled to control the wild man Umaga in this one. He ripped the two local talents apart in under 5 minutes.



The New Headshrinkers Haku & Umaga

'Samoan Spike'




Sexay But Not Perfect


The group of misfits Mr. Sexay, Mr. Perfect, and Viscera, were all backstage next... Sexay and Perfect were stood up, and unhappy with the seated Viscera for his loss to D'Lo Brown on RAW this week... and they started to question if Viscera should be in the group much longer after letting them down...




But Big Vis then stood up, and reminded Sexay and Perfect just how big he is... He told them they need to realise who they're dealing with... and that Sexay had better not let HIM down at Armageddon...!!






The APA (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Godfather) [vs] Test, Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Hard-hitting action from all six big men in this one. In the end, Bradshaw almost took Perry Saturn's head off with the 'Clothesline From Hell', while a frustrated Test, who could have stopped the resulting pin, left his partner to be defeated.



The APA (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Godfather)

'Clothesline From Hell'




Val Taking The Flower


Val Venis was backstage next, for a promo... Sat on his own, he had a flower with him... He began removing petals...




Val Venis:
“Ssssshhhheeee LOVES me... She loves me not... She loves me... hoooooo... She loves me not...”


This repeated for a few seconds, with Val looking intense and angry... His mood changed every time he pulled a petal, as if each one represented the truth about the feelings of a woman he was in love with... It is not yet known which woman he is referring to, and why... but Val looked like a different man here...





It'll Be Armageddon




Next we learned that on RAW next week, we're going to see all four men in the Armageddon Fatal Four Way Match in singles action... So far, we know that The Rock will battle Chris Jericho and Triple H will take on his partner Chris Benoit... Meanwhile The Undertaker will fight D'Lo Brown, and WWF World Heavyweight Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin will be in a Champion versus Champion Match against Hardcore Champion, Hardcore Holly!!


Before we get to RAW though, there was just the small matter of tonight's Main Event... Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle... Two men on the cusp of the World Title scene in WWF...






'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle


Eddie and Angle showed great chemistry in this one, with both men playing all their hits to entertain a demanding crowd for this Main Event. They didn't disappoint, with Angle growing increasingly frustrated by Guerrero's cheating ways. At one point, Guerrero had Angle's legs wrapped around the bottom rope, and while the referee counted, he began to untie the 'Olympic Gold Medallists's' bootlaces! The referee pulled Eddie away when he got to five, but he went back for more, completely removing Angle's left boot!! He threatened to hit Angle with it, but Razor Ramon's music hit, and it put Eddie's plan in doubt. He looked around, but saw no sign of Ramon. The distraction allowed Angle to sneak up behind 'Latino Heat' and on one leg, hit the 'Angle Slam'!!



'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

'Angle Slam'


Putting The Boots To Eddie


A chaotic ending to the Main Event, and an even more chaotic ending to the show... Razor Ramon did finally make an appearance, but only after Eddie was down and hurt...




'The Bad Guy' slid into the ring, and took his time as he walked around Eddie's limp body... He then picked up Kurt Angle's boot... He checked the boot for weight... and nodded that that was the weapon he was looking for... As Eddie rose to his feet, Ramon clocked him over the head with the boot... sending him back down to the mat... Ramon then began wailing on top of Eddie's back and mid-section with the boot, before delivering one last shot to the side of his head... knocking the fan favourite out...


A fired up 'Bad Guy' looked intense and a little crazed as the show went off the air...







Quick Results:


Billy Gunn [def.] Marty Jannetty


D'Lo Brown [def.] Steve Blackman


The Hardy Boyz [def.] Scotty Too Hotty & Rikishi


Haku & Umaga [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


The APA [def.] Test, Albert & Perry Saturn


Kurt Angle [def.] Eddie Guerrero


Show Rating:







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All caught up. Looking more forward to Armageddon ‘01 than WM38! :D


Haha, ahh thanks man. It's such a poor card isn't it. Not even Cody could save it, and I'm not even convinced he'll be on the show. For me, a show like that should have a MAXIMUM of one 'celebrity appearance', and they have four! (Knoxville, Macafee, Ronda and Logan Paul). Pat and Ronda are both great performers, so I'd make an exception for both. But ughh... I feel sorry for Lashley more than anyone though.


Anyway, I could talk about how mad WWE makes me all day. Let's get some more predictions up shall we ;)












'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The American Badass'The Undertaker w/ Vince McMahon


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Family


'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] Perry Saturn w/ Albert & Terri


Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince McMahon


Al Snow [vs] Test


'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'Crippler' Chris Benoit


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Ego-Maniac' Chris Jericho


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'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The American Badass'The Undertaker w/ Vince McMahon


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Family


'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] Perry Saturn w/ Albert & Terri


Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince McMahon

Al Snow [vs] Test


'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'Crippler' Chris Benoit


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Ego-Maniac' Chris Jericho

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'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The American Badass'The Undertaker w/ Vince McMahon


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Family


'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] Perry Saturn w/ Albert & Terri


Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince McMahon


Al Snow [vs] Test


'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'Crippler' Chris Benoit


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Ego-Maniac' Chris Jericho

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'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] 'The American Badass'The Undertaker w/ Vince McMahon


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Family


'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] Perry Saturn w/ Albert & Terri


Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince McMahon


Al Snow [vs] Test


'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'Crippler' Chris Benoit


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Ego-Maniac' Chris Jericho

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