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The Wrestling Revolution [CWA, C'Verse 2020]

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TV Title“Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©

Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame

“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young

“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone

Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MVP” Cameron Vessey

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price

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TV Title “Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©


Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame


“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young


“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone


Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MPV” Cameron Vessey


“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price

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TV Title“Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©

Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame

“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young

“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone

Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MVP” Cameron Vessey

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price

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TV Title“Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©

Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame

“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young

“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone

Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MPV” Cameron Vessey

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price

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with a new save booking CWA going on, it's interesting to see what you're doing. Last show was definitely great with Dunn vs Deley, McFly vs Blockbuster and the TV title match.



Quick Predictions:

TV Title “Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©

Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame

“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young

“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone

Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MPV” Cameron Vessey

“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price

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CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday, Week 1, February

Saskatoon Bowl, Saskatchewan, Canada. 5,000 Fans in Attendance for a SELL OUT



Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



“Double J” Jared Johnson versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©


Last week, Sonny Wildside shocked a lot of people when he defeated Mr. Impact to become the World Television Champion. This week, in his first attempt at a title defense, he took on Jared Johnson. Johnson was the original World Television Champion in CWA and Double J came out of the gate wrestling to win. This was a good wrestling match – with Jared Johnson controlling the majority of the match after he went low. He was focused on Sonny’s knee – trying to prevent Sonny from taking to the sky – something Sonny Wildside loves to do. Wildside’s comeback consisted of a beautiful springboard back elbow that knocked Jared Johnson loopy. Sonny hit his Fear Factor to get the victory and his first defense of the World Television Title.


In a good match, Sonny Wildside defeated Jared Johnson in 10:36 by pinfall with a Fear Factor. Sonny Wildside makes defence number one of the CWA Television title.


Match Rating







Referee Alan Gray hands Sonny Wildside the World Television Title and Sonny raises it high above his head. He’s still champion! Suddenly there is a chorus of boos as former champion, Mr. Impact, hops the ringside barricade. He hit the ring and blindsided Sonny Wildside. The attack was quick and vicious and Mr. Impact even hit Sonny Wildside with Sonny’s own Fear Factor, right on the World Television Title before security and the referee core pulled him off on Sonny.


Angle Rating





We come back from a commercial break backstage where Jack and Ricky DeColt are standing. They are standing in front of a CWA backdrop and Tom Townsend – who has been less heelish lately because he’s been responsible for the standup interviews in the backstage area.


Tom, “I’m joined here today by The DeColt Boys, Jack and Ricky. You guys have a big match at the Clash Classic when you take on The Montreal Mafia in tag team action. A win over them could do a long way in getting you another shot at being World Tag Team Champions.”


Jack, “Tommy that’s right. It’s a real big match for my brother and I. We want those World Tag Team Titles. We held them once – we were the original champions – and baby, we want another shot at being champions. I’ve been wrestling a long time, Tom. You know that. Twenty-four years. That’s a long time – I’ve won a lot of championships. Twelve to be exact. Twelve times I’ve held titles. I’ve held singles gold. I’ve held championships with a friend. I’ve held them with my brother Steve and my brother Alex – but nothing has made me as happy in my career as teaming up with my little brother Ricky here in CWA. He’s the best partner I’ve ever had and at Clash Classic me and my brother Ricky are going to take the next step in being World Tag Team Champions again. Tell ‘em, Rick.”


Ricky, “That’s right baby. Ten days. That’s how long until we step in the ring with the Montreal Mafia. They’re a great team, Tom. Real good. They are a real unit, but they’re not me and Jack and at Clash Classic – live on Pay Per View, Jack and I are going to get the big win. We want championship gold this year and we’re going after it. We’re DeColts, after all, this is what we do.”


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Sally Anne Christianson versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame


We come out of the promo for the first of two women’s division matches tonight. Laura Flame and Sally Anne Christianson are both trying to separate themselves from the middle of the pack in the division. Both want to be able to challenge Amber Allen, the reigning champion, for the World Women’s Title and they know that to do that they have to get victories. They both wrestled this like they wanted to win and it made for a pretty engaging match that ultimately was won by Laura Flame hitting her Flame Fire Kick/


In a decent match, Laura Flame defeated Sally Anne Christianson in 7:20 by pinfall with a Flame Fire Kick.


Match Rating







Aaron Knight is backstage in catering. There are lots of people around. Other wrestlers. Jeremy Stone and Duane Stone. Knight is dressed in his gear but still has a shirt on – this shirt is red and gold and says ‘Golden’ on it. He is drinking from a bottle of water. He looks up at the camera.


Aaron, “Johnny Bloodstone.. You’re a tough guy. Real tough but –”


Cameron Vessey smacks the water bottle out of Aaron’s hand.


Cameron, “But nothing. Johnny Bloodstone is going to tear your shoulder out of socket. He’s going to make you worth the same as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.”


Aaron, “Not a chance. I’m going to walk through Johnny Bloodstone and then I’m coming for you Cameron.”


Cameron, “You’re not going to make it to me. You’re not going to make it out of tonight.”


As the two men talk, Jeremy and Duane Stone start moving over to make sure the two men don’t get physical.


Aaron, “Let’s make it interesting then. Since you’re so confident I won’t get past Johnny and I know you’re going to have a real tough time beating Skip.”


Cameron regards Aaron closely.


Cameron, “Interesting how?”


Aaron, “Ten thousand dollars. You beat Skip faster than I beat Johnny, you get ten grand. If I beat Johnny faster than you beat Skip, you give me ten grand. If one of us loses, the other gets the money automatically. If we both lose, whoever lasted longer gets the money.”


Cameron, “You sure you can afford to lose ten grand to me tonight?”


Aaron, “I’m not going to. I’m going to take your money. I’m going to take your dreams of being champion and I’m going to take this little story you think is about you. ‘Cause it’s not about you Cameron.”


Cameron, “It’s always been about me. It’s going to be a shame to see you beaten and broke – but if that’s what you want I’m going to give it to you. You’re on.”


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Non Title Match


“The Amazing” Amber Allen versus “Dangerous” Deborah Young


The World Women’s Champion was in action next against Nadia Snow’s enforcer, the head of the Queensguard, Deborah Young. The big Deborah Young came out with a powerful offense that was clearly just designed to soften Allen up. Young didn’t seem to be trying to win the match as much as she seemed to be trying to hurt Amber Allen. Amber took a beating, really selling for Deborah. Really making Deborah look dangerous before suddenly, out of no where, Amber hit the Northern Lights Suplex with the bridge to get the three count.


In a decent match, Amber Allen defeated Deborah Young in 7:52 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex.


Match Rating







Amber Allen rolls out of the ring, selling her back. She leans against the timekeeper’s table – the smaller table with the ring bell on it that also holds championship titles. Deborah Young rolls out after her and hits Amber from behind. She lifts Amber up and chokeslams her through the timekeeper’s table. The ringside doctor and security are there quickly and Deborah walks off laughing. She’s done her job.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Submission Demon” Johnny Bloodstone


The crowd was really into Aaron Knight and Johnny Bloodstone. Bloodstone came out trying to tear Aaron’s shoulder out of socket – just like Cameron said he was going to. Bloodstone, the aging veteran, the former big star for NOTBPW, recently announced that he planned to retire from active competition so this had to be a last hurrah for him. Bloodstone really tried to deliver his best work and Aaron Knight sold for the veteran well before he made his comeback and hit the Knight Fall just past the ten minute mark to get the win.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Aaron Knight defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 10:02 by pinfall with a Knight Fall.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Skip “The Flow” Beau versus “The MPV” Cameron Vessey


Cameron Vessey and Skip Beau was up next. Beau came out like a house of fire and this was the reverse of the previous match in that the babyface controlled most of the match. Vessey was really trying to make Beau look good. He sold big for all of Beau’s offense before he took over. He worked over the neck and osftened him up for the Vessey Driver II to beat Skip Beau – but not faster than Aaron Knight beat Johnny Bloodstone.



In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Cameron Vessey defeated Skip Beau in 10:51 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver II.


Match Rating







We go backstage to The Elite’s locker room. Christian Price is dressed to wrestle but everyone else is in their street clothes.


Drake,” Look at all of these men behind me. This collection of talent. Look at them, CWA. This is the greatest collection of athletes and wrestlers on the planet. This is the Elite. These men make the wrestling world go round and they control Canadian pro wrestlng. The World’s Champion, Christian Price. Have you ever seen a bigger stud? I haven’t. The World Tag Team Champions Syd Collier and Cam Jones – the Dynamite Express. The best tag team in the world. They are unbeatable. Then you have the perfect athlete, Blockbuster. Look at his arms. His chest. His thighs. There is no better athlete on the planet and he’s Elite and these men… They’re going to Clash Classic and they’re going to prove once again why they’re the best collection of wrestlers on the planet.”


Angle Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Limit

Non Title Match


“The Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “The Stud” Christian Price


Christian Price and Erik Strong had the main event. This was a really good opportunity for Erik Strong to prove that he can hang in the main event scene and Erik Strong came out of the gate really nicely. He wrestled fast. Quick strikes, trying to keep the pace faster to wear out the bigger Christian Price and Price had to resort to a chop right to the throat to seize control. Strong sold for the World Champion and they built the story of the underdog trying to shock everyone and defeat the World Champion. The comeback let Christian Price sell for Strong again and Erik Strong got several near falls on Price and looked like he was almost beaten several times and then Christian Price hit the Price Check and got the victory


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Christian Price defeated Erik Strong in 12:48 by pinfall with a Price Check.


Match Rating










Quick Results

TV Title: Sonny Wildside © def. Jared Johnson to retain

Laura Flame def. Sally Anne Christianson

Amber Allen def. Deborah Young

Aaron Knight def. Johnny Bloodstone

Cameron Vessey def. Skip Beau

Christian Price def. Erik Strong

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Preview for CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2, February 2020

Caribou Arena, The Maritimes, Canada



We are only days away from Clash Classic 2020 and Championship Wrestling this week will set the table for what should be a massive pay per view event. This week, the World Television Title is on the line, the Tag Champions take on their challengers in singles action and so much more.


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



“Big Bad” George Wolfe versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©


Last week, Sonny Wildside made his first defence of the World Television Champion. This week, he takes on the very dangerous George Wolfe. Last week, Mr. Impact made it clear that he's still got Sonny Wildside and the World Television Title in his sights. Will Mr. Impact make his presence known here? Will George Wolfe end Sonny Wildside's reign or will Sonny manage to pull out another win?




Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Lauren Easter & Sally Anne Christianson versus Brooke Tyler & Laura Flame


Lauren Easter and Brooke Tyler are set to meet in singles action at Clash Classic. They have each picked their partners for a tag team match tonight. Who will have the momentum going into the Pay Per View?




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Lightning Lomas versus Cam Jones w/ Drake Young


The first of two matches between challengers and champions. The World Titles will be on the line on Saturday, but who will have the momentum with singles wins?




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Jason Thunder versus Syd Collier w/ Drake Young


The second of two matches between challengers and champions. The World Titles will be on the line on Saturday, but who will have the momentum with singles wins?





Main Event

Tag Team Match

TV Time Remaining




The DeColt Boys versus Johnny Bloodstone & Jared Johnson


The DeColt Boys wanted to wrestle before the Pay Per View and they get the chance tonight against a first time duo of Bloodstone and Johnson.



Quick Predictions

TV Title George Wolfe vs. Sonny Wildside ©

Lauren Easter & Sally Anne Christianson vs. Brooke Tyler and Laura Flame

Lightning Lomas vs. Cam Jones

Jason Thunder vs. Syd Collier

The DeColt Boys vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Jared Johnson

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Preview for CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2, February 2020

Caribou Arena, The Maritimes, Canada





Championship Wrestling comes out of its opening video package and we are in the ring with Amber Allen. She has the World Women’s Championship around her waist and a microphone in her hand.


Amber, “Nadia Snow… For the past several months, you have made my life hell. You and your set of goons who refer to you as a queen. All those women who bend the knee to you and crowned you the Queen of CWA. But I don’t bend the knee, Nadia. There is only one Queen of the North and she’s the one with the World Championship wrapped around her waist. And that’s me. This belt, this title, they make me the real Queen of the North. I didn’t get here by luck. I didn’t get here because I had people watching my back and cheating to make sure I won. I don’t have enforcers to put people through tables and try and injure them before a match. I have none of those things. What I have is heart. Guts. Determination and a whole lot of skill. So this Saturday night, Nadia. You can bring Deborah Young. You can bring Jessica Conroy. Just make sure you’re there and you’re ready because I’m walking in as the World Women’s Champion and I’m walking out STILL World Women’s Champion and it will be… Amazing.”


Angle Rating





Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



“Big Bad” George Wolfe versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©


Our first match of the night, much like last week, was Sonny Wildside putting the World Television Championship on the line, this time against “Big Bad” George Wolfe. George Wolfe is a very capable wrestler with a great foundation of skills and any night could be his night. Wolfe came out of the gate using his power advantage to push the smaller Sonny Wildside around. Wolfe hit Wildside with a barrage of hard forearms and uppercuts and really brought a physicality we haven’t seen out of Wolfe in quite some time. The big Wolfe hit a massive Press Slam where he held Sonny Wildside above his head for almost a minute. That was the story of this match – the overpowering strength of Wolfe and Wildside’s inability to get anything started. Wolfe tossed Wildside into the corner and went for a corner avalanche, but Wildside rolled out of the way. When Wolfe bounced out, Wildside hit a springboard dropkick that began the comeback. Wildside’s comeback was built on speed and high risk moves – including a second rope moonsault on a standing George Wolfe for a nearfall. Wildside hit his Fear Factor and got the three count and his second successful defense of the championship.


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Sonny Wildside defeated George Wolfe in 10:23 by pinfall with a Fear Factor. Sonny Wildside makes defence number two of the CWA Television title.


Match Rating







Sonny Wildside takes the World Television Championship from referee Jonathan Taylor and hoists it above his head. He has survived another title defense! Once again, though, he is attacked from behind by Mr. Impact. Impact drives Wildside head first into the World Television Title and then raises the championship above his head. He motions that the belt is his.


Angle Rating







Suddenly the cameras cut to the backstage area. The camera man is running as the announcers talk about how they have heard there was a backstage disturbance. We get to the disturbance – and Brooke Tyler has Lauren Easter on the ground and has her in the Brooke Breaker. She is screaming at Lauren.


Brooke, “You’ll never be better than me. Ever. I’m the Franchise. This is my company. Mine.”


Backstage personel – the referee core and the agents are there quickly to pull Brooke off of Lauren. Brooke laughs maniacally as the referees check on Lauren Easter.


Angle Rating





Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Lauren Easter & Sally Anne Christianson versus Brooke Tyler & Laura Flame


Sally Anne Christianson started the match with no partner – Brooke and Laura had their way with her. They had the numbers advantage and took a lot of pride in the way they took her apart. The crowd roared as Lauren Easter – clearly injured – came out and made the save. It was a big comeback and Lauren showed so much fighting spirit and heart before she was hit in her back and she dropped. Brooke put the Brooke Breaker on Sally and forced her to submit while yelling at Lauren that this was her fate. In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Brooke Tyler and Laura Flame defeated Lauren Easter and Sally Anne Christianson in 11:27 when Brooke Tyler submitted Sally Anne Christianson with a Brooke Breaker.


In terms of in-ring work, Brooke Tyler was head and shoulders above everyone else. Sally Anne Christianson was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Match Rating







After the commercial break and a reset, CWA CEO and on-air authority figure, Steve DeColt, is in the ring. He’s joined by Cameron Vessey, Aaron Knight, Sean McFly and Christian Price.


Steve, “I called all four of you out here in front of these CWA faithful fans, because the four of you have two of the most important matches at Clash Classic. For the World’s Champion – the living legend Sean McFly takes on Christian Price. And in the Number One Contender’s Match, Cameron Vessey takes on Aaron Knight. The four of you are in a prime position to elevate CWA to the next level. To show the world the Wrestling Revolution that CWA is proud to champion. Aaron, I’ll start with you. How do you feel going into your match with Cameron this Saturday night at Clash Classic?”


Aaron, “I’m ready for the fight of my life. I’m ready to write another chapter in our story. That’s right Cameron. Our story. This isn’t just your story. This isn’t just about you. This is about all of us. It’s about CWA. It’s about the Revolution and that’s a story we are writing together with our blood and sweat. With our victories and defeats – and this Saturday, in front of the whole wrestling world, I’m going to write the story of your defeat. Of you being put down and then I’m going on to challenge either Sean or Christian – and I hope it is Sean because I want a chance to dance with who I think is the best wrestler in the history of this great sport.”


Cameron, “Of course you think that. Of course ou think this is our story, but it’s not. You are just a supporting character in the Book of Cameron Vessey. That’s all you are. That’s all you’re going to be. A supporting character. I am the Revolution. I’m not just the MVP, I’m the Revolution. I’m why this sport is changing. I’m what people are talking about. I am Pro Wrestling and Saturday night, Aaron. I’m writing the next chapter in my book. I’m going to write it in your blood and with your bones and with what is left of you. I’m going to write that chapter and then… and then I’m going to become CWA World Championship because it is what the story dictates.”


Steve, “I would be lying if I didn’t say that I’m really looking forward to the two of you going at it again. No matter the result, I know it’s going to be a great one. Now the World Title match –”


Christian, “Let me stop you right there, Steve. You know me. You know what a Stud I am. You know what I’ve done to your family. How dangerous of a man I am. So how can you as the CEO of this great company be willing to put Sean McFly in the ring with me? Do you know what I’m going to do to him? Do you know how I’m going to break his body? Vickie is going to be wheeling him around that mansion they call a house and his little bratty kids are going to blame you for why their daddy can’t play with them no more. That’s going to be on your head, Steve. That’s right Sean. I’m going to break you. Because you can’t hang with me. You wouldn’t have been able to in your prime and you damn sure can’t now. You’re the horse that needs to be taken out behind the barn. I’m glad I’m the one who gets to pull the trigger.”


Sean, “And you’re shooting blanks, Stud. Do you tell all your ladies that? Christian, if you’re half the man you think you are – you’re a hell of a wrestler. We’ve never went toe to toe in singles action and I look forward to the challenge. But it’s a challenge I’m ready for. I didn’t get to where I’m at in life and in this sport without being ready. This is four decades earned. This is my life’s legacy here. When my time comes and I go to meet my maker, this is what I’m leaving behind. What I did in this sport and on Saturday night, Christian Price, I’m going to do it one last time. ‘Cause how does that song go? I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was? Saturday Night, I’m going to show you that even Father Time can’t beat Sean McFly.”


Angle Rating







We immediately go backstage to where Drake Young and the World Tag Team Champions, the Dynamite Express, are standing by.


Young, “Saturday… Saturday… Saturday night’s alright… For the World Tag Team Champions to do it again. For a year these two men have been the best tag team on the planet. They can’t be beat. They just can’t. Team after team after team have tried and failed and Saturday night, Thunder and Lightning, you’re going to fail too. They just can’t be beat, especially not by two guys like you. You just ain’t up to the challenge. You don’t have it in you. Cam and Syd are the perfect wrestling duo. And at Clash Classic on Saturday Night they’re going to do it again and leave how they walked in… World Tag Team Champions.”


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Lightning Lomas versus Cam Jones w/ Drake Young


In the first of two showcase matches for the tag title match, Cam Jones and Lighting Lomas went out and told a really good story. Lomas was a step faster each time. Staying ahead of Cam Jones until Cam Jones resorted to hitting Lomas with Drake Young’s briefcase while Young had referee Alan Gray distracted. Jones made the pinfall and got the win.


In a decent match, Cam Jones defeated Lightning Lomas in 6:43 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Jason Thunder versus Syd Collier w/ Drake Young


We got the second match of the showcase and it was much the same as the first match. Thunder was a step faster, a step more aggressive and controlled the match until Drake Young once again interfered and this time Syd Collier got Thunder in the Texas Cloverleaf and forced the submission.


In a decent match, Syd Collier defeated Jason Thunder in 8:54 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf after interference from Drake Young.


Match Rating







We go into a hype package for the main event of Clash Classic. We see Sean McFly throughout his career in NOTBPW and CWA. We see each of Sean McFly’s six NOTBPW Canadian Title wins. We see McFly hitting all of his trademark moves on a whose-who of Canadian pro wrestling. All of the Stones. Steve DeColt. Johnny Bloodstone. Sean Deeley. All of the big names that have graced Canada in the past twenty years. Then we cut to Christian Price. We cut to him winning the CGC Canadian Title twice. We see the development of Christian Price into the Stud – including his win for the CGC World Championship and then his win over Aaron Knight for the CWA World Title. We end with side by side pictures of each of them and the words This Saturday, Clash Classic


Angle Rating







We cut backstage where Jack and Ricky DeColt are clearly about to walk to the ring for their main event match. They’re dressed in their ring gear and wear a shirt very similar to the one we’ve seen Aaron Knight wearing recently – maybe there is an alliance forming between the DeColt Boys and Aaron Knight.


Jack, “Tonight I’m fired up. It’s Wednesday Night. It’s Championship Wrestling night, baby. And I love it. Me and Ricky got the main event. We’ve got Johnny Bloodstone and Jared Johnson. Two great wrestlers. A great tune up for our big match Saturday Night. Dermott and Marc. Saturday night, Clash Classic, we’re going to do this thing. And it’s going to be great. DeColts and the Montreal Mafia. I can’t wait.”


Ricky, “Me either, baby. I’m ready. I’m ready for 2020 to be the Year of the Decolts. It’s our year. We’re going to win back those World Tag Team Titles and Saturday night, we’re going to start our quest and once again be World Tag Team Champs, baby.”


Angle Rating





Main Event

Tag Team Match

TV Time Remaining




The DeColt Boys versus Johnny Bloodstone & Jared Johnson


The main event of the evening was a hotly contested tag match. Bloodstone and Johnson aren’t normally teammates. They’re not normally partners – but Jared Johnson is the protege of Johnny Bloodstone so they do have a natural chemistry as partners and were able to work very well together. They told a great story of targetting Ricky’s shoulder, trying both to soften it up for Jared Johnson’s Carolina Crossface or Johnny Bloodstone’s Camel Clutch variation – the Bloodstone Mutilation. Ricky did what Ricky does best – sold. Ricky is great at garnering sympathy and even at thirty-five, he connects with particular segments of the audience that realy likes the way he looks. Ricky made the hot tag to Jack and Jack cleaned house. Big punches and elbows and bodyslams. Over and over again. Jack locked Jared in that End of Days that he has used throughout his career. He forced the submission victory and The DeColts continue to build momentum.


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, The DeColt Boys defeated Johnny Bloodstone and Jared Johnson in 13:52 when Jack DeColt submitted Jared Johnson with an End Of Days.


Match Rating





Overall Show Rating




Quick Results

TV Title: Sonny Wildside © def. George Wolfe to retain

Brooke Tyler & Laura Flame def. Lauren Easter & Sally Anne Christianson

Cam Jones def. Lighting Lomas

Syd Collier def. Jason Thunder

The DeColt Boys def. Bloodstone & Johnson

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PREVIEW for CWA Clash Classic 2020

Saturday Week 2, February 2020

Calgary Spheredome, Calagary, Alberta, Canada



CWA returns to Pay Per View all over the great country of Canada with what should be an excellent follow up to last month's Total Elimination III. This is the first Pay Per View of 2020 that will feature championship matches and it does feature three -- the World, World Tag Team, and World Women's will all be defended. There are several matches where major championship contenders will be set.


Just like last month, the Call to Arms Pre Show continues to air for free for the CWA faithful and it features three big matches.


Call to Arms Pre Show


Opening Match

Eight Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute time Limit

Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III versus Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann


Eight of CWA's rising stars all climb into the ring together. Mr. Lucha III continues his appearances on loan from OLLIE and the luchadore looks to gain a win here on Pay Per View while veterans Veccio and Mountie Mann look to gain some momentum and use their experience to lead their team to victory.




Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks versus The Queen’s Guard


Nadia Snow is challenging for the World Women's Championship on the Pay Per View, but on the Call to Arms, her Queen's Guard, Jessica Conroy and Deborah Young take on Claire Winters and Ariel Breaks in what should be a very competitive tag team match up.




Six Pack Challenge

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis


Six of the women's division's best will be competing to finish off the Call to Arms Pre Show. All six women need a win to push their stock higher, especially if any of them want to get in the hunt for the World Women's Championship.






Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


“Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “Shooter” Sean Deeley


Clash Classic's Pay Per View feed officially starts with two experienced wrestlers -- the high flyer Erik Strong and the veteran grappler Sean Deeley looking to gain big wins. Sean Deeley has tasted major championship success -- as he is one of two men who held both the NOTBPW Canadian and CGC World Championships before the merger -- the other being CWA CEO Steve DeColt. Erik Strong has been successful but has never managed to break through to the upper echelon of talent in Canadian wrestling. Could Clash Classic be the start of his climb? Or will Deeley recement why he is one of the best wrestlers in the history of Canadian pro wrestling.




Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


“The Boss” Lauren Easter versus “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler


Lauren Easter and Brooke Tyler have been the defining feud of both the NOTBPW and CWA women's division. The two women can't stand each other and at Clash Classic, their rivalry writes another chapter as they compete for supremacy and once again to prove who, at least on this night, is the better wrestler.




Four Way Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contenders for Tag Team Title








The Griffin Family versus The Brothers Cain versus The German Machine versus Generation Z w/ Hailey Brooke


Four tag teams. Elimination Rules. Winners get a tag title shot. It does'nt get any more basic than that. All four teams want a chance to challenge for the World Tag Team Titles and they have to win at Clash Classic to get the shot.




Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


“The Natural” David Stone versus Donte Dunn


Rookie sensation David Stone challenges potential break out star Donte Dunn in a battle for respect.




Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




The DeColt Boys versus The Montreal Mafia


Both the DeColt Boys and the Montreal Mafia would like to be in the tag title hunt and while this match isn't a direct number one contender's match you can believe that a win here would directly advance one team's desire to be tag team champions.




Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contender for World Championship


“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey


Aaron Knight and Cameron Vessey both want to once again be World Champion and at Clash Classic, the two top stars in CWA so far will clash again this time with the winner getting a shot at the World Championship. Will Cameron Vessey, newly minted as The Revolution, be the one who advances? Or will it be the A Game, Aaron Knight?




Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



“The Queen of the North” Nadia Snow versus “The Amazing” Amber Allen ©


The first of three World Championship matches kick off here when Amber Allen defends against the Queen of the North, Nadia Snow. Will Nadia Snow add a championship to her crown? Or will The Amazing Amber Allen continue to be one step ahead of her challengers and avoid the Queen?




Semi Main Event

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit





Thunder & Lightning versus The Dynamite Express © w/ Drake Young


In December of 2019, Thunder & Lightning won the Tag Team Grand Prix and earned their shot at Clash Classic at the World Tag Team Titles. The Dynamite Express have held the titles for over a year. Will their reign end? Or will they continue their historic run?




Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



Sean McFly versus “The Stud” Christian Price ©


The main event. The match it is all about. The World Title. The Living Legend, Sean McFly, looks to dial back the hands of time and upset the Stud. Will Christian Price continue his run as World Champion? Or can one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of the sport claim the richest prize in the world? Find out exclusively, live, on Pay Per View.



Quick Predictions

Call to Arms Pre Show

  1. Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III vs. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann
  2. “Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks vs. The Queen’s Guard
  3. Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis

Main Show

  1. “Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Shooter” Sean Deeley
  2. “The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler
  3. Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family vs. The Brothers Cain vs. The German Machine vs. Generation Z
  4. “The Natural” David Stone vs. Donte Dunn
  5. The DeColt Boys vs.The Montreal Mafia
  6. Number One Contender's Match: “A Game” Aaron Knight vs. “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey
  7. Women's Championship: Nadia Snow vs. Amber Allen©
  8. Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express ©
  9. World Championship: Sean McFly vs. Christian Price©

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Call to Arms Pre Show

Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III vs. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks vs. The Queen’s Guard

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis

Main Show

“Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Shooter” Sean Deeley

“The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler

Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family vs. The Brothers Cain vs. The German Machine vs. Generation Z

“The Natural” David Stone vs. Donte Dunn

The DeColt Boys vs.The Montreal Mafia

Number One Contender's Match: “A Game” Aaron Knight vs. “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey

Women's Championship: Nadia Snow vs. Amber Allen©

Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express ©

World Championship: Sean McFly vs. Christian Price©

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Call to Arms Pre Show

Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III vs. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks vs. The Queen’s Guard

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis


Main Show

“Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Shooter” Sean Deeley

“The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler

Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family vs. The Brothers Cain vs. The German Machine vs. Generation Z

“The Natural” David Stone vs. Donte Dunn

The DeColt Boys vs.The Montreal Mafia

Number One Contender's Match: “A Game” Aaron Knight vs. “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey

Women's Championship: Nadia Snow vs. Amber Allen ©

Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express ©

World Championship: Sean McFly vs. Christian Price ©

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Call to Arms Pre Show

Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III vs. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks vs. The Queen’s Guard

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis


Main Show

“Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Shooter” Sean Deeley

“The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler

Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family vs. The Brothers Cain vs. The German Machine vs. Generation Z

“The Natural” David Stone vs. Donte Dunn

The DeColt Boys vs.The Montreal Mafia

Number One Contender's Match: “A Game” Aaron Knight vs. “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey

Women's Championship: Nadia Snow vs. Amber Allen©

Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express ©

World Championship: Sean McFly vs. Christian Price©

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Quick Predictions

Call to Arms Pre Show

Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III vs. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks vs. The Queen’s Guard

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis

Main Show

“Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Shooter” Sean Deeley

“The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler

Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family vs. The Brothers Cain vs. The German Machine vs. Generation Z

“The Natural” David Stone vs. Donte Dunn

The DeColt Boys vs.The Montreal Mafia

Number One Contender's Match: “A Game” Aaron Knight vs. “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey

Women's Championship: Nadia Snow vs. Amber Allen©

Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express ©

World Championship: Sean McFly vs. Christian Price©

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Call to Arms Pre Show


Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III vs. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks vs. The Queen’s Guard

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis


Main Show


“Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Shooter” Sean Deeley

“The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler

Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family vs. The Brothers Cain vs. The German Machine vs. Generation Z

“The Natural” David Stone vs. Donte Dunn

The DeColt Boys vs.The Montreal Mafia

Number One Contender's Match: “A Game” Aaron Knight vs. “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey

Women's Championship: Nadia Snow vs. Amber Allen©

Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express ©

World Championship: Sean McFly vs. Christian Price©

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Call to Arms Pre Show

Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III vs. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks vs. The Queen’s Guard

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis


Main Show

“Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Shooter” Sean Deeley

“The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler

Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family vs. The Brothers Cain vs. The German Machine vs. Generation Z

“The Natural” David Stone vs. Donte Dunn

The DeColt Boys vs.The Montreal Mafia

Number One Contender's Match: “A Game” Aaron Knight vs. “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey

Women's Championship: Nadia Snow vs. Amber Allen©

Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express ©

World Championship: Sean McFly vs. Christian Price©

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Call to Arms Pre Show:

Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III vs. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks vs. The Queen’s Guard

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis


Main Show

“Shooting Star” Erik Strong vs. “Shooter” Sean Deeley

“The Boss” Lauren Easter vs. “The Franchise" Brooke Tyler

Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family vs. The Brothers Cain vs. The German Machine vs. Generation Z

“The Natural” David Stone vs. Donte Dunn

The DeColt Boys vs.The Montreal Mafia

Number One Contender's Match: “A Game” Aaron Knight vs. “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey

Women's Championship: Nadia Snow vs. Amber Allen©

Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning vs. The Dynamite Express ©

World Championship: Sean McFly vs. Christian Price©

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CWA Clash Classic 2020

Saturday Week 2, February 2020

Calgary Spheredome, Calagary, Alberta, Canada. 34,764 in attendance

.31 Buy Rate for 156,153 buys.



Call to Arms Pre Show


Opening Match

Eight Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute time Limit

Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III versus Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann


In a decent pre-show match, Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III defeated Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann in 9:44 when Skip Beau pinned Chucky Dorrance with a Flow Down. (60)




We got a solid promo from Claire Winters hyping up the tag contest but also hyping up herself. Claire Winters could be a big star if she’s handled right. (36)




Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

“Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks versus The Queen’s Court


In a pre-show bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Claire Winters and Ariel Breaks defeated Jessica Conroy and Deborah Young in 7:32 when Claire Winters pinned Deborah Young with a Flying Knee Strike. (48)




Six Pack Challenge

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Sally Anne Christianson vs. Natalie DiMarco vs. Nina Cacace vs. Demelza Wade vs. Sandra Shine vs. Zoe Ammis


In a poor pre-show match, Sally Anne Christianson defeated Natalie DiMarco, Nina Cacace, Demelza Wade, Sandra Shine and Zoe Ammis in 15:10 when Sally Anne Christianson pinned Sandra Shine with a Niagra Fall. (52)






Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


“Shooting Star” Erik Strong versus “Shooter” Sean Deeley


The Pay Per View officially started with Erik Strong taking on Sean Deeley. Deely, the former NCAA champion wrestler who probably could have been an Olympic alternate or even a full time Olympic wrestler had he wanted to be. Strong has been trying to break out of the pack for years – to be more than just a good hand. When he was in Mid Atlantic Wrestling, he was their MVP. He was their standout performer and wowed audiences with his ability. Since coming to Canada, he’s been a good hand but he hasn’t broken out like he wants to break out. Strong came out of the gate working faster than Deeley – he hit quickly and used his speed to keep Deeley off balance. The crowd was really into this whole thing. Strong was wrestling with something to prove and he got several nearfalls on sean Deeley before Deeley took a powder to the outside. He took the full nine seconds before the countout to catch his breath and make sure he was ready for the rest of the match. Sean took control of the match and his technical expertise and his big match experience helped him wrestle Strong down until Deeley could lock in his Seated Stretch Armbar to force the submission victory.


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Erik Strong in 12:21 by submission with a Seated Stretch Armbar.


Match Rating







We cut backstage to where Steve DeColt is standing next to Brooke Tyler. Brooke is seated in a wheelchair with her left leg extended in front of her. Her leg is wrapped up heavily.


DeColt, “It is with a heavy heart that we must announce Brooke Tyler will be unable to compete tonight. Ms. Tyler has suffered a Torn Meniscus. As a result of this injury, Ms. Tyler will miss roughly nine months of action and will not be able to compete tonight. However, we didn’t want to leave Lauren Easter without an opponent and Ms. Easter has graciously accepted the challenge of…




DeColt, “Red Hot Laura Flame. This should be an excellent contest and I appreciate both women being willing to take this match on such short notice.”


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


“The Boss” Lauren Easter versus “Red Hot” Laura Flame


Lauren Easter and Lauren Flame beat the hell out of each other. With Brooke Tyler not able to compete, Laura Flame was clearly wrestling to prove that she belonged in this match in the first place. Flame kicked at Easter and really pummeled Easter’s legs and sides with the kicks. Easter took a beating but then mounted a really big comeback full of DDTs. Easter even hit a superkick on Flame for a near fall. Easter looked like she had it in control when Flame pushed Lauren into the referee. Jonathan Taylor stumbled from the impact and Flame punched Easter right in the mouth with brass knuckles. She tossed the knuckles as she made the cover and got the three count.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Laura Flame defeated Lauren Easter in 9:35 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


Match Rating





Four Way Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contenders for Tag Team Title








The Griffin Family versus The Brothers Cain versus The German Machine versus Generation Z w/ Hailey Brooke


The four tag teams in this match are all talented. The Brothers Cain and Generation Z have had an ongoing issue that was elevated here and German Machine looked to continue to try and be impressive in Canada. The Griffin Family was probably the odds on favorite by the odds-makers just because of how impressive Mark Griffin has been. In fact, Mark Griffin was so impressive that he scored every elimination as he eliminated the German Machine by pinning Ralph Grimm, then Luke Cain, and then Alyx Winters. This really was structured to let Mark Griffin and the Griffin Family shine.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Griffin Family defeated The Brothers Cain, The German Machine and Generation Z in 10:36; the order of elimination was The German Machine first, then The Brothers Cain, and finally Generation Z. In terms of in-ring work, Mark Griffin was head and shoulders above everyone else.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


“The Natural” David Stone versus Donte Dunn


According to CWA.com, Donte Dunn actually requested this match. He wanted to be on Clash Classic and wanted an opportunity against the rising star of David Stone. Donte Dunn has been rocking the same red-and-gold-themed attire that Aaron Knight and the DeColt Boys have been wearing. Dunn was impressive in the beginning and the crowd was really into this match. Dunn hit a middle rope European Uppercut that was particularly nasty looking, but then David Stone took over and the Natural was really able to shine. He works a lot like his father but with some of the junior heavyweight abilities of his uncle Duane. In the end, David Stone surprised everyone by getting a win with the Stone Cutter.


In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, David Stone defeated Donte Dunn in 12:23 by pinfall with a Stone Cutter.


Match Rating







Donte Dunn and David Stone stare at each other after the match. Donte looks very disappointed in himself but he sticks his hand out to David Stone as a sign of respect. The two men shake hands. The crowd applauds the show of sportsmanship.


Angle Rating





Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




The DeColt Boys versus The Montreal Mafia


Following up David and Donte was the DeColt Boys and the Montreal Mafia. This was a much more back and forth affair than one might have expected. With the experience of both teams, this made for a good affair. The crowd was interested but the Montreal Mafia isn’t as established as CWA would hope so they weren’t as invested and they weren’t really believed to be threats to the DeColt Boys – who did win when Jack DeColt forced Dermott Ayres to submit with the End of Days


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The DeColt Boys defeated The Montreal Mafia in 11:14 when Jack DeColt submitted Dermott Ayres with an End Of Days.


Match Rating







We go backstage to where Aaron Knight, dressed in his new red-and-gold wrestling gear is standing.


Aaron, “I take a lot of pride in my abilities as a professional.I take a lot of pride in my skills as a wrestler. I’ve worked hard to be the A-Game. I never come into a match unprepared. I never come into a match in any positon not to do my best, not to give my best. Night in, night out, town in, town out, that’s what I do. I’m the A-Game. I represent the Golden and all that that means to me and to everyone else who rocks the red and gold. I take pride in what it means and tonight, Cameron Vessey, I’m going to take another step when I beat you and earn a shot at the World Title. This isn’t just your story, Cameron. CWA belongs to all of us and tonight is my night.”


Angle Rating







We go backstage where Cameron Vessey, dressed to wrestle, is pacing in his private locker room.


Cameron, “Tonight, another chapter in The Book of Cameron Vessey is written. It will be written in the blood of Aaron Knight. Tonight, the Revolution continues. I am the resurrection of pro wrestling. I am the Revolution of this Sport. This is my era. My legacy. This company is me and tonight I prove that once again. Aaron Knight. You’re a great wrestler. A great competitor, but you are not the Revolution. You are not Pro Wrestling. You are not Cameron Vessey and this is not your story.”


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contender for World Championship


“A Game” Aaron Knight versus “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey


Aaron Knight and Cameron Vessey put on a big match clinic. This was how to deliver a Pay Per View level, show-stealing match. It had drama. It was a proper morality play where the villain Cameron Vessey was obsessed with trying to hurt Aaron Knight and Aaron Knight kept finding a way to fight back. Vessey ended up busting Aaron Knight open – and since there has not been blood anywhere else on the show, it made the match more dramatic. There was a great shot of Aaron Knight in a Boston Crab with blood running down his face and refusing to submit. Knight made a big, bloody comeback. He slammed Vessey all over the ring. Vessey took big bumps for Aaron and the people were with everything Aaron did. Aaron went for the Knightfall, but instead, Vessey rolled him up and grabbed a deep handful of tights for the three count and the stolen victory – and got all the right kind of heat for cheating in the right moment.


In an exceptional match, Cameron Vessey defeated Aaron Knight in 17:12 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



“The Queen of the North” Nadia Snow versus “The Amazing” Amber Allen ©


The first of three World Championship matches. Amber Allen, who has been a very good World Women’s Champion, was defending against the Queen of the North. Nadia was surprisingly accompanied by her former tag team partner, Demelza Wade. Wade came out wearing a pin on her lapel and a jacket that says “Hand of the Queen.” Snow was excellent in her showmanship role here as the Queen and the whole match was structured around Amber Allen trying to overcome the odds to retain. She had Demelza on the outside trying to get involved and referee Alan Gray being hesistant to throw her out. Jessica Conroy made an appearance and while Alan Gray was throwing Wade and Conroy out, Young came from the other side and blindsided Amber Allen and hit her with a hard chokeslam. This allowed Nadia – as Alan Gray turned around – to be hitting Amber with the Snow Ball and make the cover and the Queen of the North is the new World Women’s Champion.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Nadia Snow defeated Amber Allen in 13:31 by pinfall with a Snow Ball following interference from Deborah Young. Nadia Snow wins the CWA Women's title.


Match Rating





Semi Main Event

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit





Thunder & Lightning versus The Dynamite Express © w/ Drake Young


After the four-team battle and the back and forth battle of the DeColts and the Montreal Mafia, the World Tag Team Title match was a classic tag match. Thunder & Lightning controlled the first five or six minutes of the match with their teamwork and by just being a step ahead of The Dynamite Express at all times. The Dynamite Express got more and more frustrated and eventually, with a well timed distraction by Drake Young, took control of the match. They isolated Lightning Lomas and Lomas sold very well as the Express put the beating to him. Lots of quick tags back and forth and double team moves. Everything the Express does is fluid and really works well together. Lomas helped get the crowd into the match and then made the big hot tag to Jason Thunder who cleaned house. Collier and Jones sold really big on the comeback and ultimately, Thunder tagged back in Lightning Lomas and they hit their Thunder Struck, Total Elimination, on Cam Jones and Lightning Lomas got the pinfall victory and we have new World Tag Team Champions!


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Thunder & Lightning defeated The Dynamite Express in 17:22 when Lightning Lomas pinned Cam Jones with a Thunder Struck. Thunder & Lightning win the CWA World Tag Team titles.


Match Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



Sean McFly versus “The Stud” Christian Price ©


The main event was next. The World Champion, Christian Price, defending against Sean McFly. They had plenty of time to construct a slow story. McFly, the experienced veteran was a step ahead of Price for several minutes, but ultimately Price was able to take over with his power and explosiveness. McFly takes a world-class beating and he did so here in this match. He sold everything. He made sure Price looked like, well, a stud. He flew around for Price and really got the crowd into it. Each time Price went for the cover and Sean just barely kicked out each time, the crowd roared with approval. They were fully behind Sean and then Sean started his comeback. It wasn’t an explosive comeback. It was slow and deliberate. It fit the style of the match and then Sean did it – he hit the Delorean Driver and the entire audience held their collective breath as senior official Eugene Williams counted the three and Sean McFly has become World Champion.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Sean McFly defeated Christian Price in 26:36 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly wins the CWA World title.


Match Rating







Sean McFly is presented the World Championship as streamers fall and the crowd roars with approval. The announcers make a huge deal out of the fact that after twenty-eight years of wrestling, Sean McFly is still a World Championship caliber wrestler and the Pay Per View goes off the air with Sean McFly holding the World Title high above his head.


Angle Rating










Quick Results

Call to Arms Pre Show

  1. Diablo Duvak, Skip Beau, Mabuchi Furusawa and Mr. Lucha III def. Princeton Pryce, Chucky Dorrance, Antonio Del Veccio and Mountie Mann
  2. “Ice Cold” Claire Winters & Ariel Breaks def. The Queen’s Guard
  3. Sally Anne Christianson def. Natalie DiMarco, Nina Cacace, Demelza Wade, Sandra Shine, Zoe Ammis


Main Show

  1. “Shooter” Sean Deeley def. “Shooting Star” Erik Strong
  2. Laura Flame def. Lauren Easter
  3. Number One Contender to Tag Title: The Griffin Family def The Brothers Cain, The German Machine, Generation Z
  4. “The Natural” David Stone def. Donte Dunn
  5. The DeColt Boys def. The Montreal Mafia
  6. Number One Contender's Match: “The Revolution” Cameron Vessey def “A Game” Aaron Knight
  7. Women's Championship: Nadia Snow def. Amber Allen©
  8. Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Lightning def. The Dynamite Express ©
  9. World Championship: Sean McFly def. Christian Price©

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PREVIEW for CWA Championship Wrestling

Wednesday, Week 3, February 2020

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada



Clash Classic 2020 was a historic night. Three championships changed hands on the same show! With such a dynamic shift, what is next for CWA? The power balance has changed and you can guarantee there will be a reckoning soon.


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Sally Anne Christianson versus Zoe Ammis


Sally Anne Christianson picked up a win on the Call to Arms preshow. Veteran Zoe Ammis is looking to get a win. SAC knows that another win would help her build even more momentum and maybe get her higher in the contender's list for newly minted Women's Champion Nadia Snow's championship.




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Mr. Lucha III versus Derek Frost


The OLLIE based luchadore Mr. Lucha III continues with his visit to Canada as he takes on experienced wrestler Derek Frost. Frost is looking to get a win over a quality name opponent and get his 2020 going in the right direction while Mr. Lucha III wants to prove that he can hang with the best outside of Canada as well.




Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Mabuchi Furusawa versus Marc DuBois


Mabuchi Furusawa has been building some momentum since coming to Canada. Can the ultra physical Furusawa continue that momentum against Marc DuBois? Or will the French-Canadian score what could be considered a major upset.




Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Generation Z w/ Hailey Brooke versus The German Machine


Neither Generation Z or The German Machine were successful in the number one contender's match at Clash Classic. Both teams need a win. This is also a rematch from The German Machine's first match in Canada. How will this one play out?




Semi Main Event

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



Mr. Impact versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©


After three straight attacks by Mr. Impact, he is getting his rematch for the Television Title against Sonny Wildside. Wildside has made two defences of the championship and with Mr. Impact looking to regain the title -- can Sonny get his third defence and put Mr. Impact behind him? Or will Mr. Impact regain the title he covets?




Main Event

Tag Team Match

TV Time Remaining




The DeColt Boys versus Johnny Bloodstone & Sean Deeley


The DeColt Boys are fresh off their win Saturday against the Montreal Mafia. Sean Deeley is coming off a win against Erik Strong and Johnny Bloodstone, the veteran, is looking to continue his retirement tour and get a win. Which side will leave the victors?





Quick Predictions

Sally Anne Christianson versus Zoe Ammis

Mr. Lucha III versus Derek Frost

Mabuchi Furusawa versus Marc DuBois

Generation Z w/ Hailey Brooke versus The German Machine

TV Championship: Mr. Impact versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©

The DeColt Boys versus Johnny Bloodstone & Sean Deeley

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Sally Anne Christianson versus Zoe Ammis

Mr. Lucha III versus Derek Frost

Mabuchi Furusawa versus Marc DuBois

Generation Z w/ Hailey Brooke versus The German Machine

TV Championship: Mr. Impact versus “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside ©

The DeColt Boys versus Johnny Bloodstone & Sean Deeley

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