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Combat is turn-based with a strategic edge, as you select which powers or abilities to activate, who to target, where to position yourself, etc.


Sounds similar to Comic Book Hero.


Sometimes I play WMMA5 and pretend I'm a manager. I pick a fighter and develop a gameplan by using the editor to adjust their attributes based on their next opponent - add "Loves to Strike" if I think a striking strategy will be effective, or vice versa. If they win, I distribute some extra points in their character sheet. If they lose, they get nothing. I build my fighters up over time and see how far they can go.


There are so many creative ways to manage a team of fighters... or in this case superheroes. I just don't want to do the battles myself.

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Saw this and after reading everything i can say that at the moment i want to give this game a chance. I had my fun with CBH, i even played a little bit recently, so a different take on the concept is interesting to me.


First thing: not being limited to only one character is good news, being limited to being the good guys... i'am ok with it but i am pretty sure other people would like the option to be the villains.


Having a clear win condition is probably the best for this kinda of game, however how much the game world can change and how quickly it does it's what will really define the fun it can offer to me. Going back to the Balance of Power endgame stuff... i really hope that movement on the scale is not "slow", by that i mean that it shouldn't feel like it isn't moving at all.


About the combat system... until i will be able to play it i cannot say much, but i would like an auto mode. Putting togheter a team is what i will like to focus on.

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I also love the premise that you'd have to carefully pick a team based on the danger present. An active gameworld is also one of the main attraction for a Ryland game imo. Half of the time I'm just watching. :p


Expecting quite a lot from the combat. CBH seemed pretty basic in that regard. Somewhere I'm hoping for the WMMA engine on steroids, but realistically I guess we can expect something like Sentinels of the Multiverse, which is perfectly fine.


A bit sceptic about the 'comic'-based approach with chapters, and the fact that you can get a game over screen is a bit scary, but we'll see how it turns out. Getting that "domination victory" should be easy to avoid if you've picked up the mechanics of the game (I hope. :p)


CBH is one of those games I'm still to play. I never really gave it a chance. Just like WreSpi3, which is a damn shame. I was dreaming of a MMASpi but in a way you can probably mod that game to that effect. Something to put on the to-do list.

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I wonder how death, injuries and 'turns' work in this game? I remember from CBH that's deaths typically only happened on 'world ending' schemes if you lost a battle. Will villains set out to take down heroes for example?


Also what kind of storylines there are. Will storylines carry across 'issues' as this was something CBH lacked IMO. There wasn't a sense of a villain with a plan.

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I recently just bought CBH on Steam. My opinion is that game with Wrestling Spirit 3 storylines to keep it engaging wouldve been a really nice game even for the time period it was made.


Heck I still occasionally like to boot up a run even though the game has no real objectives other than sandbox gameplay just because I like the climb of developing my heroes skills

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This second entry sounds amazing!

Love the Monster of the week content, it makes me want to do a super sentai/kamen rider mod like i tried before in CBH and the fact that these tables are fully editable is a big plus in making something like that.


Really curious about how storylines are gonna work.

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A CBH to CBU database transfer you say? May have to crack out CBH and see what my old database is up to!


Really liking the sound of this so far, having a pick of the good guys changes things up plus random events and big potential game-ending scenarios all sound very exciting, and should add plenty of replay value if your database is weird and varied enough, like mine was/is. Though I assume it will take some tweaking before it works with the new game, but at least I won't have to spend ages picking powers again anyway, though I assume they'll be some new ones!

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This sounds great so far, but one thing I don't understand: will fights and puzzles always be taken on in teams? So there will be no 1 vs 1 fight situations possible or solving a puzzle with only one hero?


That would be kind of a letdown in terms of usual Comics, where almost every hero has his own series and the teams are build of those heroes, when they have to fight a bigger thread they can't handle on their own.

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This sounds great so far, but one thing I don't understand: will fights and puzzles always be taken on in teams? So there will be no 1 vs 1 fight situations possible or solving a puzzle with only one hero?


You can do one on one combat (the Titanic Tussle content from the last entry is explicitly that format), and how you choose to build your heroic team in terms of size is up to you, but you'd be using teams more often that not; one on one turn based combat, by its nature, isn't that interesting as each person would only have so many things they can possibly do, whereas if you've got two or more then you've got a lot more variety and richness due to the much greater amount of interactions.


Puzzles can be one on one without any problem.

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You can do one on one combat (the Titanic Tussle content from the last entry is explicitly that format), and how you choose to build your heroic team in terms of size is up to you, but you'd be using teams more often that not; one on one turn based combat, by its nature, isn't that interesting as each person would only have so many things they can possibly do, whereas if you've got two or more then you've got a lot more variety and richness due to the much greater amount of interactions.


Puzzles can be one on one without any problem.


Ah, okay, thank you for the reply. I agree, that team fights are more fun, but I like to mix it up a little bit. Seems to be no problem then. Looking forward to the realease.

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I've been having a lot of fun looking at my old CBH database, though even without the added bits from CBU it needs a lot of updating...


Before I commit to anything too much, can I ask if the bio section will be increased to at least the size of TEW? I forgot how little room there was to write things in CBH! That way I know I can use the bios I wrote for the TEW version of my database and save me a lot of time in making the eventual CBU version. I mean I assume given the larger aspect ratio there probably will be, but just want to check.


I mean, I have other questions but they're the sort of things that are clearly going to be addressed in the journal and aren't a big deal, so I may as well wait for the entries. That's always a big part of the fun during the build up!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I love the breakdown allowing for some story progress. Playing CBH recently, I find myself frequently editing the issue summaries and seeking out the same enemies to try and get a sense of story. Building that into this new game will allow stories to feel more natural.
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The game sounds great, I really loved CBH back in the day so I’d love to give CBU a try when it’s out. Unfortunately though I’ll have to give it a skip if it’s PC exclusive. I hope you reconsider adding Mac support for this one.


Either way - best of luck with the game and I’m excited to keep up with the news!

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I woder how much control the mod makers will have on the progression of a game. From today and last entry of the jornal it sounds like there will be a lot of fine tuning possible and i can't help to fantasize about CBU to be used like a very interactive choose your own adventure visual novel. Surely, i am using too much imagination, but i can't help it :D.
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Characterbuilding sounds more or less like CBH so far, but this seems to be new:


"Rating: This rates the character in terms of their power in combat, ranging from half a star to thirty stars. This is used in relation to team selection and restrictions to balance the game."


So power has a special rating in CBU and won't be part of the character abilities?


Or does that mean, that the game goes down from the 1000-Point-System to 30 (or 60 if we count half stars) in general? Wouldn't be the baddest decision, but a pretty huge gap between 1000 and 60.

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Sounds like transferring characters will be pretty straight forward, beyond the Rating and power questions LostInWeb has just asked about above me. That's a relief at least!


I was interested in how locations would work now you're not a single person choosing to travel to one place or another, sounds like it will just impact who can team up with who and where certain things can take place? I know in CBH I wanted to add a lot more locations but found having loads of places with only a couple of people limited the game world too much as it would've meant characters just sitting by themselves until they happened to wander away. Sounds like at least with all the teaming up there would be a greater chance of some of the characters just sitting about in a low priority area might be more likely to join in on the action, especially if you pick them in your team.


Also I'm happy to hear the dialogue stuff is back, I forgot about that side of CBH. That was always fun!

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A few questions.


1.) Does the "willingness to kill" setting allow for selection by type? This could be helpful for allowing characters like Superman (would never kill a human, but is willing to take the gloves off for aliens like Darkseid, Doomsday, or Zod). It would also allow for situations like a character being willing to kill an animal but not a human or mutant.


2.) Is a Monster of the Week taken off the table following its one appearance, or is it able to return for a later adventure?


3.) Will there be anything like the "Era" system in TEW that will allow for global- or area-specific settings to change with the times? I'm thinking this could be useful for handling trades, since it could let you move a setting from episodic to serial storytelling over time.

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1.) Does the "willingness to kill" setting allow for selection by type?




2.) Is a Monster of the Week taken off the table following its one appearance, or is it able to return for a later adventure?


They can return (unless there's an obvious reason why not, like that they've been permanently killed off).


3.) Will there be anything like the "Era" system in TEW that will allow for global- or area-specific settings to change with the times? I'm thinking this could be useful for handling trades, since it could let you move a setting from episodic to serial storytelling over time.


Not directly in the sense that you mean, but you can create similar sort of effects through other game features, such as using storylines to modify the available content types or having specific issues where you mass switch characters to darker / lighter / different alternative versions to give the game universe a different feel.

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