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The Fall of the One Ring Circus

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You guys must just be messing with me or something about Dana Dameson. I've asked plenty of people about her in real-life and on the internet, showing them pics of her, and [i]only the people on this forum[/i] find her to be less than "OMG HOT". So you guys really are a very very very small minority here. She definitely deserves higher Looks. Seriously, how can you find this to be ugly: [url]http://www.burning-spirit.com/dana/pics/posed/sscw/5755-SSCW-Boonton-9-10-04.jpg[/url] The people on this specific web site, so far, are the only people I've found that gang up and call her ugly. Plenty have said she smells, or that she's a bitch, or that she's a slut, or any number of other derogatory terms, but definitely [i]not[/i] ugly. Since you guys are in the minority, I'd say that justifies a boost.
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did you show them that pic? 'cos if you did im suprised they told you she was hot. She atleast a seven pint'er. Im not trying to start an argument with ya though anubis 'cos i know you do have a bit of a thing for miss dameson. But i just can't see the attraction and its not 'cos she's big either. My missus is pretty curvy and i fancied her enough to marry her! I just dont think she has a very pretty face. Cheerleader Melissa or Mickie James on the other hand would definatly get it!
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[QUOTE=panix04]now i actually think she looks pretty nice in this pic! But then my forum nickname is Queen Panix so maybe you hetrosexual (and slightly homophobic) people should judge. [/QUOTE] Aaaaaawwwww Panix - we all love ya really.......................in a totally heterosexual, non-sexual way of course. ;)
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Well no, her face isn't perfect, but the rest of her more than makes up for it! Just curious, though, why do you think she's "big"? I don't see it. She's a normal-sized young woman, neither overweight nor anorexic, a standard size. Somewhat big breasts, yes, but at least they're real! She has a better body than pretty much any diva to ever go through WWE (who mostly have terrible bodies due entirely to breast implants). Heck, Melina has a beyond-ugly chest, but her legs and rear make up for it. Same thing here, except her entire body makes up for her face easily. Sure, she ain't as hot as Sarah Stock, but I'd say she's one of the top ten hottest women in wrestling easily due entirely to her body. That's pretty much the consensus I got when I asked people, too. [b]Great[/b] body, can't stop looking at it. Heck, her body is [i]almost perfect[/i], with curves and meat in all the right places, neither overweight nor anorexic. Sure, not the nicest face in the world (she looks perpetually stoned), but with that rack and rear, who cares about her face?
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[QUOTE=Anubis] Sure, not the nicest face in the world (she looks perpetually stoned), but with that rack and rear, who cares about her face?[/QUOTE] As someone once said to me - some of us do like looking at the mantlepiece while we poke the fire :D And lets face facts here - her mantlepiece is pretty ordinary. And just being serious for a second here, a lot of the women in wrestling are there becuse of their looks (ie facial), and not just their fake boobs! Unfortunately for Miss Dameson - she's not one of them
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i kinda value a pretty face ahead of a good figure. However i did google search her and the pictures i found her breasts were way smaller and she looked a lot prettier in the face as well - she was wearing pink lingerie - are those more recent pics or older ones? [QUOTE=Rob4590]As someone once said to me - some of us do like looking at the mantlepiece while we poke the fire :D[/QUOTE] That was me! :D
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[QUOTE=TCP1]Time for a game of spot the difference: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/TCPinho/dana3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/TCPinho/Pig.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] My Eyes! IT BURNS! IT BURRRRNNNNNNNNSSSSSSS!!!!!!! :eek: In all fairness to Anubis however, I did manage to find this [IMG]http://www.glorywrestling.com/gg/DanaDameson/3.jpg[/IMG] As a result of these pictures, I've come to the conclusion that Anubis could [B]NOT[/B] honestly tell anyone whether or not Dana Dameson has two eyes, a nose, or a set of teeth; because, quite frankly he's never even so much as glanced at her little piggy face. However, I will not hold the fact that he's mesmerized by her body against him.
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Everytime Dana is mentioned Anubis shows that pic, that picturew is over 2 or 3 years old, when she recently returned she was about twice as fat and ten times as ugly as in that shoot. People have to be judged on now and not what they looked like a few years ago.
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[QUOTE=forlan]Everytime Dana is mentioned Anubis shows that pic, that picturew is over 2 or 3 years old, when she recently returned she was about twice as fat and ten times as ugly as in that shoot. People have to be judged on now and not what they looked like a few years ago.[/QUOTE] The pics I get are all from her web site. I have never been able to find pics of her from 2006. So you do have a point; if she is ugly now, she's ugly now, but I've been rating her on the pics I have of her. How recent is that one pic (in which I do admit her Looks have dropped drastically to around 40 or so, whgich is pretty bad)?
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[QUOTE=TCP1] I'm thinking about replacing all Kyky background picks with a new background and I'm trying to encourage you all to do the same. I'll post them later on. [/QUOTE] Have you posted this yet, and I just missed it?
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So are there any pics of her from 2006? Looks like all of these are old pics and not too useful. Anyway, I do have another question . . . Why was the mod named "Fall of the One Ring Circus"? I mean, it still is really, and the wrestling industry isn't doing too well at the moment . . . Maybe "Wrestling Purgatory" would have been more fitting?
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[QUOTE=Anubis] Anyway, I do have another question . . . Why was the mod named "Fall of the One Ring Circus"? I mean, it still is really, and the wrestling industry isn't doing too well at the moment . . . Maybe "Wrestling Purgatory" would have been more fitting?[/QUOTE] Or "The Rise of Vince's Ego"?
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Just something random and funny I've noticed.... Everytime I start a game with this mod, Eric Young gets fired from TNA...and seeing as just recently he was running around with a "Don't Fire Eric Young!!" sign, this just makes me laugh :) Anyone else notice this? Also, TCP and others, thanks for the hard work, I'm really enjoying working with WSX...Just signed the Briscoe's and have started a great tag-team division.... Thanks again!!
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