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MLW Azteca #17


We kick off 2022 with a trip to Puerto Rico! 


Given that Cesar Duran is taking a short sabbatical, MLW committee decided to appoint Salina de la Renta as an executive producer of this episode. ‘La Bruja’ announced a few intriguing matches, some of which were promised to us last year.


First off, Amazing Red will try to win the IWA Caribbean title to make Savio Vega’s last wish come true. ‘Mr. TNT’ wanted to get that title back home, but ended up in a casket. Now Red will try to make his mentor proud, throwing everything that he has at ‘The Professional’. A match between two MLW originals promises to be a hot opener for a jam-packed show!


Next up we have Colons, the allies of Salina de la Renta, taking on the dogs of Konnan - 5150. Slice Boogie and Danny Rivera have managed to get under the skin of MLW tag team champions Von Erichs, and will soon challenge for those straps at MLW Supefight. Eddie and Orlando Colon won’t be easy to beat, as they have revitalized their careers in World Wrestling Council.


Finally, we have a blockbuster main event that helped MLW sell out the tickets for the show in no time. ‘Caribbean Cool’ Carlito is taking on ‘The Man of 1000 Deaths’ King Muertes! A wild brawl is almost guaranteed to happen, with Muertes being considered a heavy favorite. In a short YouTube promo Carlito called himself the real king, and promised to spit in the face of death! Carlito is a huge draw in Puerto Rico, and will be a tough challenge for the former champion.


This looks to be a very solid Azteca card, and more surprises might be coming our way when the show kicks off!


Azteca Prediction Key


IWA Caribbean Championship Match

Amazing Red vs. Low Ki (c)


5150 vs. Colons


King Muertes vs. Carlito

Edited by Blodyxe
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MLW Azteca




Episode #17


"A Few Bad Apples"


Taped for El Rey Network in Puerto Rico

Aired on Week 1, January 2022


Announce Team: Famous B and Matt Striker




‘La Bruja’ Salina de la Renta and IWA Caribbean champion Low Ki open the show. 


Salina hypes ‘The Professional’ while laughing off Red’s quest of winning the title to honor Savio Vega. They consider this a warm up before their third and final match against Salina's 'traitor' King Muertes.


Carlito interrupts them and says that a a bad mamacita like Salina should be managing him, and not the bald dude with a a little man complex! De la Renta lashes back, calling Carlito a disappointment, a total loser, and a joke, but ‘Caribbean Cool’ is not phased at all and invites Salina on a date after he beats King Muertes in tonight’s main event!

Salina says that will happen only if Carlito wins tonight, making Low Ki a bit angrier for his match against Amazing Red.



IWA Carribean Championship Match

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Low Ki © vs. Amazing Red


‘The Professional’ does not hold back in this match, and he stiffs the heck out of the former ‘Fuego Guerrero’. 


Red holds his own and shows that he still has a bunch of flashy moves in his arsenal. He fights well and scores a few near falls, almost pinning Ki with a signature Code Red! ‘The Professional’ kicks out and smashes the challenger with a Shining Wizard. The champion picks up an unconscious opponent and finishes the match with a Dragon Sleeper submission hold.


Low Ki looks in the camera and says that he will be watching Muertes and Carlito very closely! A confident title defence.



Low Ki def. Amazing Red to retain his IWA Caribbean championship. (48/100)


Somewhere backstage Bestia 666 is hissing on Arez and Mechawolf, who have allowed Aerostar to put his nose in the plans of Gods once again. Bestia is not happy and expects them to fix their mistakes sooner rather than later. Mechawolf admits his fault and promises to make up for it tonight… by making a sacrifice to the Gods!




Konnan and 5150 crash the show and enter the ring, cutting a promo on Von Erichs.


While the champs are licking their wounds down in Hawaii, LAX are making rounds and taking names. Rivera and Boogie reveal that they will challenge for the IWA Puerto Rico tag team gold soon, and will become double champs at Superfight. K-Dawg adds that he’ll be looking to win the control over Azteca brand!


Finally 5150 call out Colons, who they want to beat in their own house… Challenge accepted.



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Colons vs. 5150


Colons enjoyed a couple of good years in their home promotion, but this is MLW - a whole different ballgame! 


While Colons have way more tag team experience than Boogie and Rivera, they can not keep up with the hungry street dogs, who also have Konnan in their corner. Slice Boogie showcases his power, and Rivera displays some slick high flying moves, screaming all the way through. They are loud, they are brash, they are confident...


...And they win with a 456 Headcrack to send a strong, expletive-filled message to the tag team champions.



5150 def. Colons by pinfall with a 456 Headcrack. (54/100)


L.A. Park cuts a pre-taped promo from home, addressing Laredo Kid and his teammates Samuray del Sol and Aramis.


‘The Chairman’ rejected Laredo’s challenge after his sons lost, but after thinking about it, he realized that he has to lead ‘La Familia Real’ by example. For that reason he will face Laredo Kid next week, and he WILL kick his trasero all over the ring, jajaja! Park yells that ‘Kid’ is not on his level, and he will never be a champion as long as ‘The Skeleton’ is in MLW.


A match graphic confirms that the bout is officialy booked for next week!


A recap of last week’s MLW Fusion highlights Richard Holliday’s attack on Alexander Hammerstone.


‘The Most Marketable Man In Pro Wrestling’ has turned on his friend, and also corrupted a ‘good girl’ Alicia Atout, who has informed the league about her decision to quit her interviewing duties. Richard Holliday will explain his actions this week!


Up next is an announced match involving Mechawolf, who makes an elaborate entrance.



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Mechawolf vs. Chicano


The rabid wolf of Rebellion Amarilla goes berserk in this match, and quickly destroys a local wrestler called Chicano. Mechawolf busts the guy open, gives his victim a move called ‘Blood Eagle’ and finishes the job with a signature 450 Splash



Mechawolf def. Chicano by pinfall with a 450 Splash. (32/100)


After the match Mechawolf draws blood from Chicano and puts it on his face…


Matt Striker says that Aztecs were not the only culture that practiced human sacrifices, and wonders if this was a gift to Odin. Famous B can’t say for sure, but he has chills on his back when he sees Mechawolf and his spooky 'friends'!


The lights go out, the thunder strikes, and when it's clear again, Chicano is gone.


  Catrina approaches King Muertes before the main event, telling him that Low Ki will be trying to interfere in his match.


‘The Man of 1000 Deaths’ is not worried in the slightest, promising to brutalize Carlito in a matter of minutes, crack his skull open, and put him out with a Flatliner. After he is done, will crush Low Ki once and for all to win the title back...


Main event is up next!


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Carlito w/Salina vs. King Muertes w/Catrina


The match starts with Carlito chewing his apple in the corner, preparing to spit of the man that is ‘not so cool’.


Before he can make that bold move, Muertes hits him with The Reaper’s Trident, forcing Carlito to spit out his apple and roll out of the ring! Carlito is in pain.


Now he takes his time with Muertes, antagonizing him and ducking a fist fight for as long as possible. He flirts with Catrina, cat calls Salina, and acts like he had no care in the world, even though his ribs are shot.


Muertes gets angry and unleashes his fury on ‘The Caribbean Cool’, planting Carlito with an emphatic Powerslam. In a rare move, Muertes tries to win the match following a Big Splash, but Carlito kicks out.


The man with a wild set of hair uses some dirty tricks to halt the momentum of his opponent. He has the crowd in the palm of their hand and manages to catch Muertes with a Cool Shot - his own variation of a Reverse STO!


Carlito braces himself for a Backstabber, but Catrina hops on the apron to distract a known lady lover. Carlito loses his head and turns right into a Chokeslam! 


Finally, Muertes makes the former Intercontinental champion eat the mat with a thunderous Flatliner!


One, two, three… This one is over!



King Muertes def. Carlito by pinfall with a Flatliner. (62/100)


Safe to say, Carlito won’t be going on a date with Salina tonight after that beating.


But he gets the ‘Lick of Death’ from Catrina, who then raises the arm of her man up high! Low Ki steps out on the ramp and proposes a special wager for their Superfight rubber match… Title vs. Mask!!! Woah!


Muertes stares daggers into Low Ki, but doesn’t give him an answer just yet. Good night everybody!

Final Rating


Edited by Blodyxe
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MLW Fusion #152 Preview


Holliday to explain his actions!

‘The Sole Proprietor of The Dynasty’ and ‘The Interview Queen’ have shockingly turned on the reigning MLW world heavyweight champion Alex Hammerstone last week. They will be featured in an interview segment that will hopefully explain the motivation behind the betrayal of their friend. By the looks of it, Alicia and Richard do not regret their decision at all.




A New Challenger Emerging in the Women’s Division?

So far ‘The Supernova from Moldova’ Marina Shafir has been unstoppable inside of the MLW ring. She has dominated her opponents and snapped their arms without hesitation! Marina didn’t flinch once to throw her friendship with Jessamyn Duke away to retain the gold… Now she has set her sights on greener pastures, telling the league to find her a new victim, or else she will sign with a bigger company and bring the title with her! Dave Prazak, the founder of SHIMMER and the man that was hired to launch the women’s division in MLW has made his move - this week we’ll see Nicole Savoy go one on one with Zeda Zhang, with the winner likely being the next challenger for Shafir’s women’s title.


‘Young G.O.A.T’ In Triple Threat Action!

Myron Reed had a good 2021, but didn’t get any end of the year award for it. He’s still your MLW Middleweight champion though, and he’s set to remind everyone why he has been the face of the division for the past few years. He takes on promising up-and-comers KC Navarro and Gino Medina in a non-title triple threat match to prepare for his upcoming three-way dance title defense involving Demonic Flamita and his mentor and trainer AR Fox! 




‘Heavyweight Hustle’ Will Find His Match for Superfight

Calvin Tankman, MLW National Openweight champion, is going to watch a battle between the league’s top prospects in Alex Kane and Jordan Olver this week. These two young men were tied in the ‘best prospect of the year’ voting and were put against each other by Cesar Duran. The winner will get a title shot and a piece of Tank at Superfight, the loser… will face an uncertain future. Both Alex and Jordan give ‘El Jefe’ a lot of headache with their antics, so they better find a way to squeeze through here! ‘The Suplex Assassin’ against ‘Big Breakfast’... you don’t want to miss this intriguing semi main event!  



CONTRA Expects To Hear From Jacob Fatu, Challenges Hammerstone Again!

Just when we thought that the black and yellow cabal of violence is no more, they resurface to strike again! Cesar Duran had a few heated conflicts with the heavyweight champion, and now he has decided to grant Mads Krugger a world title shot to get back at his figurehead. Further proof that ‘El Jefe’ is a vindictive man that has no care for the well-being of MLW! The patriarch of CONTRA also expects to hear from ‘the prodigal son’ Jacob Fatu, after offering him to return to his rightful place. The only catch is, Jacob has to perform a yubitsume ritual to show his remorse and get in the good graces of his former brethren. Will he swallow his pride, or will he stick to his guns? Find out for yourself, this week, on MLW Fusion!



MLW Fusion 152 Prediction Key

Non-Title Three-Way Match

KC Navarro vs. Gino Medina vs. Myron Reed 


Nicole Savoy vs. Zeda Zhang


#1 Contendership Match for MLW National Openweight championship

Jordan Oliver vs. Alex Kane


MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Mads Krugger vs. Alexander Hammerstone ©




MLW Azteca 17 Results


HOLfsq9jkAhg6kLdmWQMzUBi-HdvvYFYe6D67uUm IWA Caribbean Championship Match: Low Ki w/Salina def. Amazing Red (SUB)


HOLfsq9jkAhg6kLdmWQMzUBi-HdvvYFYe6D67uUm 5150 w/Konnan def. Colons (PIN)


HOLfsq9jkAhg6kLdmWQMzUBi-HdvvYFYe6D67uUm Mechawolf def. Chicano (PIN)


HOLfsq9jkAhg6kLdmWQMzUBi-HdvvYFYe6D67uUm King Muertes w/Catrina def. Carlito (PIN)

Prediction Contest

1. Hollywood 16/25


2. Kanegan 12/17


3. MidKnightDreary 12/21


4. Dawn 6/9


5. Wrestling Machine 2/3


6. Vandal 5/8 


7. CGN91 2/6


8. Old School Fan 1/3

Edited by Blodyxe
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MLW Fusion




Episode #152

Taped for Vice TV in Tri State

Aired on Week 1, January 2022


Announce Team: Dave Prazak, Rich Bocchini and Matt Striker


The announce team welcomes us to MLW Fusion, running down the card of tonight’s show. Everyone is surprised to learn about tonight’s main event - ‘The Black Hand of Contra’ Mads Krugger is getting a shot against Alex Hammerstone! 


Dave Prazak guesses that with the new year everyone gets a clean win/loss record, and wonders if Cesar Duran’s personal grudge with the MLW world heavyweight champion is the main reason for this match.


Commentators are interrupted by the black and yellow cabal of violence. They once again hacked the feed to deliver a cryptic message. Josef Samael ridicules the talking heads behind the announce desk, saying that nobody deserves a world title shot more than Mads Krugger. The patriarch of Contra hypes up the monster, proclaiming him to be one of his most trusted soliders.


He also addresses the former ‘kingpin’, Jacob Fatu.




Jacob, I’ve made you an offer you would be foolish to ignore. All you have to do to return to our family is to show remorse over your actions in the past few months… admit that you were wrong, act like a man, and do the right thing!! HAAAAIIIIL COOOONTRAAAA!!

Josef Samael disappears, and the announcers say there’s no chance that ‘The Samoan Werewolf’ will return to this criminal organization, especially at the cost of his finger. We’ll hear from the former champ later, but for now, we’re set to open the show with an interesting match in the women’s division!



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Nicole Savoy vs. Zeda Zhang


Zeda had two matches in MLW before this, and won them both.


Nicole suffered a ribcage injury when fighting Marina Shafir a few months ago, so she was well motivated to pick up the victory on her return to the company. This was an even bout, and by the end of it Savoy started employing some questionable tactics to scrape through. Zhang persevered and made a come back, hitting Nicole with a Northern Lights Bomb!! 


She’s 3-0 in MLW now, and Marina Shafir might have a real challenger now.



Zeda Zhang def. Nicole Savoy by pinfall with a Northern Lights Bomb. (41/100)


After the match Zeda bows to Savoy and takes a mic. She calls out Marina Shafir for a match at Superfight, adding that unlike Shafir, she’s undefeated as a mixed martial artist! She has a point, and this verbal jab will sting the ego of the champion.


After that match we go to the back, where Alicia Atout is waiting for the arrival of her boyfriend, Richard Holliday. These two have turned on Hammerstone last week, throwing their friendship with Alex in the trash can.


They look to be in high spirits, feeling no shame at all…



Atout: Ladies and gentlemarks, please welcome, ‘The Sole Proprietor of The Dynasty’ and your future MLW world heavyweight champion… Richard Holliday!


Holliday: Thank you Alicia, you look wonderful as always. I believe you have some questions for me? I’m all ears.  


Atout: Baby, I don’t have any questions, it’s obvious to me why you did what you did. But the losers who support Hammerstone still want to hear why you beat that ungrateful musclehead last week.


Holliday: Ah, consumers… never the bright bunch. I don’t have to explain myself to those losers, but just because I’m fed up with all the idiotic tweets coming my way, I’ll give them a few reasons. Reason number one… Alex Hammerstone is a giant piece of garbage that only cares about himself. I was the best friend you could ever wish for, and what did I get for it? Nothing, nada, zero, zilch! He used me time and time again to prop up his career, and when he reaped the fruits of MY labor, he had the audacity to treat me as his little buddy. The nerve!


Atout: I know, this is sooo obvious to everyone with a functional brain. Without you Hammerstone is just a gym freak who cosplays as Hulk Hogan. 


Holliday: Now the only thing about Hammerstone that interest me is his world championship. You see Alex, you were never supposed to be 'the man'. Back when The Dynasty was at its strongest, you were carrying around a secondary title, and of course, that was by design. The world championship was meant for someone like Maxwell, someone like me - the upper class, people who breathe rarified air 24/7. We were the tag team champions, we were the best friends. He told me a billion times that you are an empty headed steroid freak that was picked up from obscurity to play a role of our bodyguard. I called Maxey on Hanukkah, to congratulate him, and compliment him on his success. But I also asked him for an advice on how to deal with someone like you, Hammer. And MJF, being his usual brilliant self, told me to do what’s best for me - drop off the dead weight and take the destiny in my hands.


Atout: It’s only a matter of time before you are on the very top. I’m so proud of your decision, baby!


Holliday: It was time for me to make a move. No more Mr. Nice Guy, Alicia. New year, new me.  


Atout: And by the way… I’m done with this. ‘The Interview Queen’ is dead.


Alicia drops the mic, quitting her interviewing duties. She leaves the backstage area with her man, beginning a new chapter in her MLW career too. Stay with us, because up next we have a triple threat match between ‘El Intocable’ Gino Medina, ‘Blessed’ KC Navarro, and ‘The Young GOAT’ and our current Middleweight champion Myron Reed!




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Gino Medina vs. Myron Reed vs. KC Navarro


This is an exciting match from bell to bell, and Myron Reed is firing on all cylinders to fight off two very talented guys.


At the beginning KC and Gino tagged along to take out the champion, but eventually their short-term alliance ended. It only takes one broken up near fall to do so… Medina and Navarro went at it between themselves, trading some hot and flashy moves, and being very close to getting their 2022 the right way.


KC hits Gino with a Jesus Piece, but gets caught with a Springboard Cutter from Myron. He picks up Navarro and nails a Captain Crunch landing right on Medina! Reed pins KC for the three, what a performance!



Myron Reed def. KC Navarro and Gino Medina by pinfall with a Captain Crunch. (43/100)


After his impressive showcase Myron demanded a mic. Reed said he would be glad to defend his title more often, but he's not making matches.




I am not saying that the league is sleeping on me... but the league is sleeping on me.


I’m the young G.O.A.T, the face of the division, and I want Cesar Duran to put more respect on my name. When we first met, he had no idea who I is, but now… now he can't dismiss me. Hammer, Tank, with all due respect, I’m the real MVP of this league.


El Jefe, all you have to do is give me the ball. It’s that simple!


Interesting choice of words from Myron, who just called himself an MVP. What would Calvin Tankman or Alex Hammerstone, our other singles champions, think about it? ‘The Heavyweight Hustle’ is standing backstage, holding his MLW National Openweight title. He was scheduled for an interview with Alicia, but she just ‘quit’. A fresh face steps up…




Sam: Hi, my name is Sam Leterna, I’m on interviews now, nice to meet you! Sorry if I sound all over the place, this is so exciting.


Tankman: Hey Sam, nice to meet you too. It’s all good, I know that feeling.


Sam: We just heard from Myron Reed, who called himself the MVP of MLW. How are you feeling about that?


Tankman: Ha, Myron is my boy, we’re tight. He is not a shy one, and I like the fire inside of him… but I’ll disagree with him. After all, I’m ’The Heavyweight Hustle’ and weight limits are there for a reason.


Sam: That’s fair. The match between Alex Kane and Jordan Oliver is up next, who do you want to win?


Tankman: See, this is tough, Sam. On one hand, Alex Kane has been a pain in the a** for me for a very loooong time now, and it would be sweet to get him one on one one last time. But Jordan... He deserves a smack too. He acts like a lil brat and he talked about my family in bad vein, and I can’t have that. So yeah, both of them are in for a beating. I’ll put my money on Kane though.


Jordan Oliver hijacks the interview when he overhears the doubt Tankman has in him.


Ayo, Tankman, you think Alex Kane is winning tonight? He must have dropped you on your stupid head one time too many. Watch me run circles around him next, I’ll make you eat your words, fatty. And who are you lady??


Sam points out that Jordan’s music is playing, and he better get to the ring. His match with Alex Kane is up next!




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Alex Kane vs. Jordan Oliver


Two young, hungry men with two starkly different wrestling styles give it their all in the semi-main event. 


Jordan is quicker and has better stamina, but Alex is more powerful and technically sound. Kane dominates the first part of the match, hitting ‘Big Breakfast’ with all the suplexes known to man. Jordan plays dirty to avoid the trip to Suplex City, and scores a near fall after a Superkick-Springboard Stunner combination! He’s heading on the top rope to do something nasty, but out pops AR Fox, distracting the loudmouth… Kane quickly climbs the ropes and hits Jordan with an Avalanche Belly to Belly!! 


This will do it for the ‘Suplex Assassin’! He will challenge Tankman to a match at Superfight.



Alex Kane def. Jordan Oliver by pinfall with an Avalanche Belly to Belly Suplex. (45/100)


Kane also requests a mic and says that this dude is not on his level, s#!t, he ain’t even the best Jordan Oliver in combat sports. Alex knew he would win and go on to challenge for the Openweight title, but now he wants to throw a monkey wrench into the works.


Tankman! It’s gonna be our third match, and I want there to be no questions about who the better man is.


I want to prove I’m tougher, stronger, and better than you… so my challenge is… a Last Man Standing match! I’ve suplexed you through the ring, off the stage, and now it’s time to make sure you don’t stand up, period. You call yourself ‘Indestructible’, so prove it, big man! As far as I'm concerened, the match will end with a Mark of Kane, the referee will count 10 with you staring at the lights...


...and people will be chanting BOMAYE, BOMAYE, BOMAYE!!”


Alex Kane issues a challenge to Calvin Tankman, a stipulation that will give us the answer about who’s the better man between the two. One of Cesar’s minions comes out to present Alex with a ‘Prospect of the Year’ award, and ‘The Suplex Assassin’ walks off.




We get to see a pre-taped promo from Team Filthy. After losing the Opera Cup, Tom Lawlor has been on a downward spiral.


He skipped the training camp with his partners, and now he’s sitting at home, bathing in his misery. Lawlor looks rough, and by the looks of it, he didn’t take a shower since that loss to Davey Richards. His face is all swollen, and we can see a crate of empty beer bottles near his sofa. Someone has to intervene, someone has to pull Tom out of this.


Lambert: Tom! You don’t answer my calls, you don’t go to the gym anymore… the heck is wrong with you!?


Lawlor: Leave me alone, Dan. I know what I’m doing… Ugh… I want a rematch with Davey Richards. Make that match happen!!


Lambert: No. You’re unfit and unprepared to face him right now, and I won’t allow you to stain the reputation of my gym.


Lawlor: Dammit, Dan! I’m the leader of the team, you have to listen to me!


Lambert: And I’m the head coach! I will be brutally honest with you, all I see before my eyes is a soft piece of crap!


Lawlor: SOFT!!??


Tom bumrushes his coach, but stumbles over the coffee table and falls down. Lambert just shakes his head and calls Tom a joke. He advices that Lawlor chooses his coach over his couch, and gets it together. Lambert leaves Tom’s house and slams the door, with Lawlor whispering ’It’s all Davey’s fault, that son of a bi--h’ while trying to stand up…




Back in the arena, Jordan Oliver is throwing a hissy fit backstage about his loss. He argues that Alex Kane cheated to get the victory, and this is an injustice against him. Oliver spots Myron Reed heading to the exits and confronts him about AR Fox. 




Oliver: Yo, what the ****, Reed? Why is your dude messing with my career?? Tell me where he’s at so I can kick his ***!!


Reed: Dude, take a step back. I don’t roll with Fox, we’re not friends. So I have no idea where he’s at… Besides, you don’t talk to me anymore, so why should I care about your problems?


Oliver: Oh, I see… you’re protecting your teacher. I was right about you, you’re his lapdog.


Reed turns around and tackles Oliver off his feet!! That’s the first time things got physical between them after the not-so-amicable split. Tankman is here to break the scuffle, he’s trying to talk some sense into the young minds. While the former friends are separated, Oliver screams that Myron’s music SUCKS. Welp, that won’t help fix their friendship.


The main event of the evening is a few short moments away, and Alexander Hammerstone is standing with Sam Laterna. Alex is not in the best mood, and he says that wrestling business can really ruin a friendship. He’s deeply hurt by Holliday’s betrayal, and that attack still makes him feel like crap. It’s not physical pain, no, it hurts his soul and heart.




Richard. I’ve heard what you had to say for yourself, and you’re right in one thing. You DID help me break out and your family treated me really well. But everything else is a shameful lie, bro, and you know it. Your jealousy made your blind and hateful, and that’s just not healthy. All you had to do was talk to me, but no, you chose to stab me in the back when I didn’t expect it! You did that because you’re a coward, Holliday. A coward with a big mouth and little cojones! You want this title? Come an take it after I hit that big goof Mads Krugger with a Nightmare Pendulum for the one-two-three… See you soon, buddy!


Hammerstone walks off with the title, he didn’t sugarcoat any words in this interview. The main event is up next, and before we get to see the competitors, Richard Holliday and Alicia Atout come out to take two front row seats. Security kicks out some poor folks, they better be compensated by someone.


Mads Krugger is making his entrance first, followed by Josef Samael, who has a freaking machete in his hands. The mastermind of Contra reminds Jacob Fatu about his proposition, and hypes up his monster ahead of the biggest match in his career. But here comes the champ! Alex Hammerstone claps hands with fans and poses with the title on the corner right before Richard Holliday. 


The tension is real, and the challenger uses it to his advantage, pushing Alex off to start the bout!





MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Alexander Hammerstone (c) vs. Mads Krugger


Alex and Mads had a lot of physical matches in MLW, and this one is no different. 


Krugger launches Hammer in the barricades, ring posts and chokes him against the apron, with Holliday enjoying every second of it. Alex uses his power to block some shots from the big man and hits him with a snug lariat over the guardrail! Mads falls right on Richard Holliday, almost catching Alicia Atout too. 


She’s beside herself, talking trash to Hammer and slapping him HARD! Alex can only smirk, he will not retaliate. Instead he picks up Krugger and throws him back in the ring, showing his strength and composure. Missile Dropkick sends Krugger stumbling to the corner… Ten punches on the top rope, fans counting together.


Alex looks like a brave viking who takes a fight to a Jotunn!” - comments Matt Striker.


Hammerstone has a lot of enemies, and Josef Samael is just one of them. Josef jumps on the apron to buy his right hand man some time. Hammerstone won’t stand for that - he puts his hands on Samael, throwing him in the ring by the collar. This was a bad move, since black and yellow soldiers swarm the ring and put their boots to work! 


Ref has to call for a DQ, he can’t let this go on.



Alexander Hammerstone def. Mads Krugger by the DQ. Alex Hammerstone retains his MLW World Heavyweight championship. (49/100)


The numbers advantage is too much, and needless to say, Holliday won’t be helping Alex.


Contra bloodies up the world heavyweight champion, he’s helpless. Jacob Fatu steps out from the curtain! Contra slows down to find out what he’s going to do, and ‘The Samoan Werewolf’ is not attacking his former partners in crime. He tells Samael to hand him over the machete, he wants to do the right thing. He wants to get some revenge on Hammerstone…


Josef is hesitant, but he decides to risk it all. BAD MOVE! 


Fatu goes berserk and scares off the rest of the faction with his reckless wielding! Jacob is a scary man without any weapons, let alone with a machete in his right hand. ‘The Samoan Werewolf’ is standing over Alex, drops the machete and offers him a hand. Safe to say, he is not planning to return in the ranks of Contra!




YOU WANT ME TO CUT MY FINGER OFF??? SHIEET!! Samael, you must be trippin’ if you thought for a minute I’ll be back, riding with Contra!! I ain’t about that life no more! I am a changed man, and I don’t need nobody to help me get on the top! You were never my family, uce… My family is right here!

Josef Samael and his soldiers backtrack right into Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa'i! Another brawl breaks out to end this chaotic episode of MLW Fusion, and only Richard Holliday doesn’t get his hands dirty. Good night everybody! 

Final Rating


Edited by Blodyxe
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MLW Azteca #18 Preview


Laredo Kid and L.A. Park are scheduled to headline this week’s edition of MLW Azteca!


The match idea was bounced around for a few weeks, following Laredo’s challenge to ‘The Chairman’. Initially the lucha libre legend rejected the match proposal, but after a few weeks of negotiations with Cesar Duran, the match is set. This bout can make good business for ‘El Jefe’ down in Mexico, and it’s going to be a thrilling watch if L.A. Park decides to work hard.


In the lead up to the match, the team of Samuray del Sol and Aramis have bested Park’s sons, so the patriarch will feel obliged to bounce back and get La Familia Real on the right track before their title defence at MLW Superfight.


In other matches, the divine risk-taker Aerostar takes on the high flying maniac Psicosis in the opening contest, with an Aztec Medallion being on the line. This match will kickstart the qualifying phase for the Gift of the Gods match!


Black Taurus and Steve Pain will get their hands on the returning commentator/manager/wrestler Famous B. The trick is, he will not be allowed to tag with his clients Texano and Dr. Wagner Jr, which makes things a lot more difficult for Mr. 4-2-3!


Finally, Demonic Flamita will take on Gringo Loco in a semi-main event match. Flamita is focused on his MLW Middleweight championship three-way dance, and will be giving his all to beat a very tough and surprisingly agile ‘Base God’.


Psycho Clown, Konnan, Drago, Juventud Guerrera and Cesar Duran will also be present!




MLW Azteca Prediction Key


Aerostar vs. Psicosis


Famous B and ??? vs. Black Taurus and Steve Pain 


Gringo Loco vs. Demonic Flamita


Laredo Kid vs. L.A. Park




MLW Fusion 152 Results


Zeda Zhang def. Nicole Savoy (PIN) 


Myron Reed def. Gino Medina and KC Navarro (PIN)  


Alex Kane def. Jordan Oliver (PIN) 


Alexander Hammerstone def. Mads Krugger (DQ) 

Prediction Contest

1. Hollywood 20/29


2. MidKnightDreary 14/25 


3. Kanegan 12/17


4. Vandal 8/12


5. Dawn 6/9


6. Wrestling Machine 2/3


7. CGN91 2/6


8. Old School Fan 1/3


Edited by Blodyxe
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/12/2023 at 4:58 PM, kanegan said:

Still going great man. Sorry for missing so much action but I am back for good now.

I don't think you missed much, bro :)
Gotta round this off at least, but don't have the means at the moment. Hopefully soon

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  • 3 weeks later...



MLW Azteca Underground #18

The show starts with Los Parks attacking Laredo Kid three on one. The head of the skeleton family blasts Laredo with a chair to the dome and flees the scene together with his sons before Samuray del Sol and Aramis can catch them.




Aztec Medallion Match


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Psicosis vs. Aerostar


Aerostar and Psicosis put on a close fought match full of crazy high flying spots. Psicosis is accompanied by Juventud Guerrera, who tries to give his amigo an advantage through the use of dirty tactics. Aerostar is too smart for them though, and he hits Juvi with a Torpedo Suicida! A few moments later he takes the Aztec Medallion after nailing a Spaceman Splash on Psicosis.



💀 Aerostar def. Psicosis in 07:38 by pinfall with a Spaceman Splash. (53/100)


‘The Juice’ gets loose after the match! He and Psicosis try to steal the medallion from the time traveler, but fortunately for Aerostar, his good old friend Drago slides into the ring and scares both fighters with his nunchucks. 


Coincidentally, Drago will have a qualifying match against Juventud Guerrera next week!



Cesar Duran checks on Laredo Kid backstage and says that if he decides to ‘pull out’, he will not get any main events in the future. Laredo scowls and says that he’ll kick Park’s lard trasero, making Duran grin. The boss then heads to the ring... 


Famous B leaves the announce desk and tells Cesar Duran that they can settle their conflict out of court! Famous B is a smart man and a savvy businessman, he doesn’t want to hold grudges against anyone. The boss is here and he’s followed by Black Taurus and Steve Pain. Duran says ‘no’! He likes his grudges and the only beef that will be squashed here is Famous B. 


Cesar then tells ‘Mr. 4-2-3’ that his tag team partner for tonight is a blast from the past, a man he has fought before… He’s a luchador who ‘always keeps looking up’, wink-wink. Enter MASCARITA SAGRADA!




Tag Team Match


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Famous B and Mascarita Sagrada vs. Black Taurus and Steve Pain


The arrival of the pint-sized fan favorite does not sit well with Famous B. He tries to escape the ring once his mini partner gets wrecked, but can’t get away too far, as Konnan launches his broadcast buddy back into the action. B gets totaled by the raging bull once again for the 1-2-3!



💀 Black Taurus and Steve Pain def. Famous B and Mascarita Sagrada in 04:29 by pinfall with an Inferno Suplex. (49/100)


As Famous B is not able to call the action after getting ran over by the bull, Konnan joins Matt Striker behind the desk. K-Dawg clarifies that he did that not to help Duran, but to get his seat back. Taurus charges at B and signals for the Sacrifice to the Gods, but Dr. Wagner Jr and Texano rush to the ring! A wild brawl breaks out between four beefy fighters, spilling into the bleachers.


It all ends after Taurus tries to Spear Texano through an office door! Two badass Mexicans help Famous B leave the arena. 




Bandido is seen lurking backstage! He got an invitation letter to return to The Temple, but he’s smart enough to realize that this is a trap. Demonic Flamita steps out of the shadows to warn Bandido about crossing the boss once again.


Bandido parries it by saying that he’s his own boss. He advises Flamita to keep himself focused on his own business, pointing at the match card hanging on the wall. Funny enough, Bandido left a message to the boss on the board… 


If you want your money back - give me a rematch against Hammerstone!




Singles Match


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Demonic Flamita vs. Gringo Loco


Demonic Flamita and Gringo Loco put on a very solid match in the semi-main event spot.


Flamita is ‘fired up’ for this one, and Gringo isn’t shy to hit some crazy moves himself. ‘The Base God’ keeps Flamita on his toes and eats his offense with joy, but eventually falls victim to a Phoenix Splash! Great result for Flamita, who’s heading into a triple threat match against AR Fox and Myron Reed with all the needed momentum.


Flamita poses on the turnbuckles and motions a title around his waist. Foreshadowing?



💀 Demonic Flamita def. Gringo Loco in 08:14 by pinfall with a Phoenix Splash. (51/100)


The card for Fightland slowly takes shape. Apart from a Triple Threat match for the MLW Middleweight championship, we’ll almost certainly get a Last Man Standing Match between Alex Kane and Calvin Tankman for the MLW National Openweight championship.


Another big match in the works involves Low Ki and King Muertes, who could meet each other in a Mask vs. Title match!


Still to come - L.A. Park and Laredo Kid meet in the main event of Azteca Underground, next...



Minutes before the main event, Psycho Clown makes an appearance! ‘The Ace’ has some fun with the crowd and gifts balloons to younger fans. Psycho is not here to do commentary, but to watch the main event as a fan. 


L.A. Park comes out and jokes that he hit Laredo so hard that the kid got lost on his way to the ring, jajaja. ‘The Chairman’ points at Psycho and tells ‘the clown’ to stay out of his business. According to Park, in MLW Psycho is a nobody! This is not AAA, pendejo!


Park gets too distracted with Psycho and misses a lunge from Laredo Kid!! He might not be 100% ready, but he has fire in his belly…




Singles Match


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L.A. Park vs. Laredo Kid


Laredo Kid and L.A. Park have a match of the night, and the underdog certainly shows the veteran that he’s not a guy to mess with.


Laredo runs circles around the burly brawler and scores a few very close near falls to start the match. Each time, papa is saved by one of his sons. They either pull Laredo out, distract the ref, or throw chairs into the ring. The numbers advantage soon evaporates, as Samuray del Sol and Aramis take flight to give their partner a fair chance and an even playing field.


Unfortunately, L.A Park thrives in chaos and hits Laredo low to steal the victory with a Sunset Flip Bomb! 



💀 L.A. Park def. Laredo Kid in 12:49 by pinfall with a Sunset Flip Bomb. (64/100)


Current Azteca Underground Trios champions celebrate and stumble to the back, with technicos and Psycho Clown helping Laredo get back to his feet.




Before the show goes off air we see Low Ki and Salina de la Renta sitting in Duran’s office.


They demand a contract signing for a ‘Mask vs. Title’ match at Fightland, and they want to get it booked as soon as possible. Cesar scoffs at the idea, saying that contract signings are pointless, and something that is done up north, not in his Temple. In his signature deep voice, Low Ki says this won’t be an ordinary contract signing... 


Final Rating



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MLW Fusion #153 Preview


Brace yourself for a crazy mix of wrestling styles showcased in 60 minutes of action-packed MLW Fusion!

In the opening match, the Samoan SWAT Team takes on CONTRA! Newly debuted Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i have the fighting spirit to oppose the notorious CONTRA unit, and with Jacob Fatu and Josef Samael supporting their teams from the sidelines, we can expect a chaotic brawl to take place before, after, or during the actual match.

In the second match of the night, the living legend of independent wrestling Homicide takes on the wet-behind-the-ears Kerry Morton, the young son of Ricky. The scrappy veteran never goes easy on anyone, so the fact Kerry agreed to this match already tells us a lot about his character! White meat babyface will face a tough, rugged, and raw ganster from New York!

In the semi-main event spot we have the colossal Big Damo. He steps into the squared circle to face the swarm of Cesar Duran's minions. Known for his intimidating size and devastating power, Damo looks to decimate anyone that stands in his way, but will the numbers advantage be too much for ‘The Belfast Beast’ to handle?

Finally, prepare to witness a technical masterpiece as the veteran Alex Shelley goes head-to-head with the rising star, Lee Moriarty. Both renowned for their mastery of the mat, they'll engage in a breathtaking display of technical wrestling, showcasing their innovation and precision. Tune in to find out who will emerge victorious in this main event clash!

Cesar Duran, Richard Holliday, Tom Lawlor, and NZO will also be featured on the show.




MLW Fusion Prediction Key  


1. CONTRA Unit (w/Josef Samael) vs. The Samoan SWAT Team (w/Jacob Fatu)


2. Homicide vs. Kerry Morton


3. Big Damo vs. Cesar Duran’s Lucha Lackeys


4. Lee Moriarty vs. Alex Shelley

Prediction Contest

1. Hollywood 20/29

2. MidKnightDreary 17/29 

3. Vandal 12/16  

4. Kanegan 12/17

5. Dawn 6/9

6. Wrestling Machine 2/3

7. CGN91 2/6

8. Old School Fan 1/3

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1. CONTRA Unit (w/Josef Samael) vs. The Samoan SWAT Team (w/Jacob Fatu) (Like always, CONTRA will triumph using its combo of illegal tactics, brutality and interference by Samael [AKA The Sheik II])


2. Homicide vs. Kerry Morton


3. Big Damo vs. Cesar Duran’s Lucha Lackeys


4. Lee Moriarty vs. Alex Shelley

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  • 2 weeks later...

MLW Fusion




Episode #153

Taped for Vice TV in Tri State

Aired on Week 2, January 2022


Announce Team: Dave Prazak, Rich Bocchini and Matt Striker


Cesar Duran opens Fusion! He wants to address Bandido, who had the audacity to mess with his booking blackboard at Azteca. 


‘El Jefe’ says there will be no rematch between him and Hammerstone for the title, simply because Alex may not be a champion heading into MLW Superfight! Boss announces that next week Hammerstone will face Mads Krugger aaaaand Jacob Fatu in a three-way dance, with the title being on the line! And as for Bandido… ‘The Most Wanted Man’ will face an undefeated beast Black Taurus in the main event of next weeks’ Azteca!! 


Mic drop, two huge matches made by the boss!


A recap of last week’s main event graces our screens. Hammerstone and Krugger went to another no contest, thanks to the interference from CONTRA. Jacob Fatu made a run in and fooled Josef Samael to pass him a machete, scaring away all his soldiers.




Now Fatu is power walking backstage, repping his family - Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i! The former world champion mocks CONTRA for assuming he would rejoin them, completely laughing off Samael’s proposition. His days with ‘organized crime’ are over, and he’s only interested in getting his MLW title back. He’ll get his chance next week, but today he’s supporting his squad.


CONTRA has been a bone in my throat for a long time now, uce. Ever since that brawl in War Chamber, them [*****] tried to get one over me. Ain’t happening! Me, Lance, Juicy, we’re gonna run your little faction out of MLW for good, dawg! Samoan Swat Team ain’t nuttin’ to [****] with!


You simply can’t take ‘the hood’ out of Jacob Fatu.. Lance and Juicy will make their official debut… next! 



Tag Team Match

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Lance Anoa’i and Juicy Finau vs. Simon Gotch and Daivari


CONTRA is represented by Simon Gotch and Shawn Daivari today, and it’s been a while since the international cabal of violence got any wins under their belt. 


Getting fancy match records is not their main objective, but they would still want to beat up their opponents to prove they’re still a threat. Gotch and Daivari use a lot of dirty tricks to lead the match, but a hot tag to Juicy Finau spells disaster for Samael’s man. Finau runs through them like a freight train and delivers a Big Splash to score a near fall! Gotch breaks it up, now trying to choke out the super heavyweight. 


The hold around his neck is tight, and Juicy falls back, squashing Simon under his massive weight. Lance tags himself in, superkicks Daivari, and delivers a Flying Samoan Splash on dazed Gotch to get the W!



Samoan SWAT Team def. CONTRA in 07:28 by pinfall with a Flying Samoan Splash. (41/100)


A quasi-comical finish makes Josef Samael seethe. He berates his soldiers and promises that next week Mads Krugger will turn their fortunes around and bring CONTRA back where it belongs! Fatu yells back at the gang, telling them to just bring it, but they decide to backpedal.


NZO was watching the match on the monitor backstage until Emilio Sparks asked ‘The Real 1’ for his thoughts on the match…




NZO: ‘The Real 1’ doesn’t have time for thots when it comes to business, I’m here to make money moves, capiche? That sorry singlet-wearing jabroni just got sat on by a coconut fruit cup layered jellyman, and nobody is paying to see that, bro! These bums are simply not on my level. Scratch that, they don’t belong in major leagues period, they are simply stealin’ a livin’. I came to MLW for some competition, and Imma keep watching, cause so far nobody looks ready to box with ‘The Realest Guy In The Room’!


Gotch: You want to box, little man?? Let’s have a hybrid rules match! Let’s make sure there’s no ropes so you won’t knock yourself out before I get to you!


Cesar Duran passes by and overhears the argument. He grins and says he likes the animosity between the two, they seem to really HATE each other! He will gladly give them the stage sometime soon. NZO rolls his eyes and says ‘hate’ is a big word to describe his feelings for a such an insignificant bozo. Gotch laughs and tells NZO to keep talking - that’s the only thing he can do.


If this match goes through, we’ll be seeing a nasty fight for sure!



We get a replay from the Opera Cup, where two father-son combos went in a traditional tag team match for the MLW world tag team titles. Kevin and Ross Von Erichs got a victory over Kerry and Ricky Mortons, before both teams got laid out by Homicide and Alex Colon. 


The masters of ultra violence are making their way out to the ring, and Colon has Marshall’s crutch at his hands. Two gangsters are bragging about their sneak attack on the champs, and predict a bad night for little rookie Kerry Morton. The young buck asked for this match in hopes to avenge the attack on his elderly father…




Singles Match


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Homicide vs. Kerry Morton


An NWA flavored match right here, with Homicide mauling Kerry with relative ease.


The veteran did not hold back against the young man, stiffing him with Lariats and Yakuza Kicks. Homicide played with his victim, who could only muster a Dropkick and a flashy cover for 2 and a half! Colon wrecks Kerry in the back with a crutch, setting a Gringo Killer finisher from the indy legend. BAM!


It is all over, Kerry’s seeing seeing pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars and green clovers.



Homicide def. Kerry Morton in 05:21 by pinfall with a Gringo Killa. (32/100)


Homicide demands a mic and says the latino nation is taking over, and at Superfight, 5150 will violate the good ol’ boys Marshall and Ross. As a little preview, Homicide will ‘Pillmanize’ Kerry and put him out of action too. Just as the thugs prepare the crime scene, MLW champions storm the ring!! 




Marshall is running without hesitation, and he surely doesn’t need those crutches anymore! Von Erichs yell that they can’t wait for Superfight, and would like to meet them in Texas, next week! Rivera, Boogie, Konnan, and even Julius Smokes are invited to try them in their hometown too!


We take a short commercial break and get to see a few announced matches for next week. In the semi-main event, Richard Holliday will take on ACH. Speaking of Holliday, he interrupts the program to promote his merch. He does not try to sell us any dynastic coffee mugs though, instead he showcases a new t-shirt that says ‘No More Mr. Nice Guy!’ He tells consumers and consumerninos to get it early, because its resale value will skyrocket after he wins the world title in 2022! 




My marketing research shows that wrestling fans don’t spend a lot of money on clothing, or put any effort to look better, but hey, you do need to start from somewhere, consumers! That’s why I’m giving you a nice little discount, plus if you buy two shirts, you will get the third for free! Only an imbecile would miss out on such a great opportunity! Speaking of imbeciles, we’re going to Texas next week and I’m scheduled to face ACH one on one. Well, buddy, I hope you like this t-shirt design better than the shirt fine people from Stanford designed for you. Bring your A game, because I don’t want to spend my precious time on mediocrity. And remember, I don’t need the world heavyweight title. The world heavyweight title needs ME!


After the commercial block we go back to the ring, where Big Damo is pacing back and forth.


He was denied a match against Hammerstone and thus he wrecked a few Duran minions to fix his mood. He squashed a few, and now more troopers are on the way - they’re look no different from ants to ‘The Belfast Beast’.


A pile of masked henchmen are ready to take on the undefeated brawler… Ring the bell!




Handicap Match


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Big Damo vs. Cesar’s Minions


Damo is always in a fighting mood! A brief smirk braces his grumpy face when he ragdolls a bunch of lucha guys out of the ring.


He runs through them without any trouble, showcasing his mean streak and impressive arsenal of moves. A Double Missile Dropkick leaves only one poor soul left standing! The sacrificial lamb tries to escape, but Damo wraps this festival of violence...


...with an emphatic Ulster Plantation! 



Big Damo def. Cesar’s Minions in 03:21 by pinfall with an Ulster Plantation. (36/100)


Damo stacks up the bodies on top of each other and asks if the boss is entertained? No matter how many roadblocks are on his way, he will run past them like a bullet train… Jacob Fatu, Mads Krugger, or Alex Hammerstone - whoever is standing with the title by the end of last week will feel the wrath of BIG DAMO.


The main event of the evening is a few minutes away, but before we witness a wrestling clinic put on by Alex Shelley and Lee Moriarty, we’re gonna enjoy a short vignette from ‘Filthy’ Tom Lawlor. 




The ex-champion is severely depressed, he’s rotting on the sofa and chugging another beer bottle to drink away his sorrow. We can see dozens of empty crates in the background, and Tom’s wife is packing her bags to leave the house with kids. She pleads Tom to clean up his act and embrace responsibility… until then, she will be taking care of the family herself. Lawlor barks something inaudible in response.


...Don’t forget to close the door, hun!! HEY!! CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR, WOMAN!.. Ughh… Davey Richards ruined my family too…


Lawlor is still blaming all his misfortunes on the Opera Cup winner Davey Richards. He flips through the channels and keeps mumbling under his nose until his phone goes off. 


‘WHAT? No I’m not going to the gym today… no, I’m also not going tomorrow… I am not drinking, I’m recovering!! DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, DAN!! Fine… I don’t care about Team Filthy, you guys do your own thing… What do you mean I’m scheduled to fight Mo!? I don’t want to! Don’t you dare… NO!!’


Tom throws his phone in the wall and crashes back on the sofa. He’s not interested in training, fighting, or doing anything productive really, but he will fight King Mo soon enough The main event of Fusion is up next!




Singles Match


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Lee Moriarty vs. Alex Shelley


The commentary team is buzzing with anticipation as two of the most talented and technically gifted wrestlers in MLW step foot inside the squared circle. The stage is set for an absolute mat classic!


As the bell rings, both competitors shake hands and cautiously circle each other. Moriarty, known for his lightning-fast agility and innovative offense, wastes no time in showcasing his unique skill set. He darts around the ring with graceful precision, seamlessly transitioning from holds to acrobatic maneuvers, leaving the fans in awe. Shelley, a seasoned veteran with years of experience, remains calm and collected. He strategically counters Moriarty's high-flying attacks with a display of technical prowess. The mat becomes their canvas as they engage in a mesmerizing exchange of grappling holds, reversals, and seamless chain wrestling. 


Despite Moriarty's valiant efforts, Shelley takes control of the match and begins targeting Moriarty's limbs, methodically wearing him down with precise strikes and submissions. The technical masterclass reaches its peak as Shelley expertly traps Moriarty in a series of intricate submission holds, putting immense pressure on his joints and muscles. Moriarty fights with every ounce of strength, refusing to submit in the Border City Stretch. 


He displays incredible resilience, finding moments to counter Shelley's offense and unleash his own devastating strikes. But today Alex gets the better of the younger fighter, trapping him in a unique pinning maneuver for three!



Alex Shelley def. Lee Moriarty in 14:19 by pinfall with a surprise cradle. (58/100)


After the match, Alex Shelley and Lee Moriarty shake hands once again and Alex even goes on to raise the hand of his opponent.


On the other night, Lee could have been the better man! This was a great way to end the show.


Next week we’re going to Texas, so see you there!


Final Rating


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey i tried looking up you underground revolution diary to get all caught up but instead it sent me back to the front page of the forum. Which is a recurring problem with this site not sense anything not tew2020 is unreadable and trying to bookmark anything is useless. Anyone know why everything's f'd up?

Edited by Big Roguey
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1 hour ago, sonny912 said:

Hey i tried looking up you underground revolution diary to get all caught up but instead it sent me back to the front page of the forum. Which is a recurring problem with this site not sense anything not tew2020 is unreadable and trying to bookmark anything is useless. Anyone know why everything's fucked up?

When the forum migrated to a new host a lot of old links broke

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