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Random Teams That Worked Well?

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Have you ever had two wrestlers team up on a whim, and they ended up becoming a major part of your company?

I experienced this in my current NYCW save. I was running some tag matches on the pre-show, and I discovered that the directionless Richie Riggins and recently hired Dominic DeGraff has excellent chemistry together. I had Dom take some time to beef up his frame, then debuted the two on the main show as the Muscle Crushers. With Dom as the workhorse and Richie as the charismatic powerhouse, the two took the tag division by storm and have quickly become one of my best acts. Right now they're in the middle of a long tag title reign, and I honestly feel like whoever gets the belt next will be a step down from how great their reign has turned out to be.

Does anyone else have any unexpected tag team success stories?

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I've had this happen so many times that my c-verse save's B-show is designed to discover teams like that. 

Motodozer - Motoyuki Miyake & "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith - Odd big guy/little guy pairing that was pure dynamite. For 7 years they would almost win the belts, but believe it or not there was always a better team in their way. They would win Tag Team of the Year 6 times. Bulldozer would end up physically declining and pushed into an occasional wrestler/manager role for Motoyuki.  

East-West Connection - Tanyu Toshusai & DC Rayne - I brought Natural Storm to my Japanese based fed to boost a tag team tournament and Eddie Howard goes down in a 6-man tag. DC & Tanyu get paired up and just go nuclear. I gave them a quick spot as transitional tag champs since they were pitched between two white hot heel teams. Tanyu & DC would end up getting into a classic blowup to allow Tanyu's heel turn.

Sons of Abandon - JOJI & Koshiro Ino - Discovered in the early days of my fed. They were the first 2 time tag champions. Propped up the whole tag division until I could afford similar talents. Ino went back to Burning Hammer to become their booker and JOJI has been a top contender ever since.

Lion Genji & Greg Gauge - Possibly the most successful team in this bunch. They've won titles, tournaments, and nearly anything else under the sun. The first and only 3-time tag champs. Still in the same stable, but taking a backseat to a newer team in their stable that isn't so random, The Red Devils.   

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My memory is horrible. I know I have had some REALLY interesting ones in real life mods that turned out to be a great pairing. I'm working on a newer AEW save for my dynasty now so I will share if I come across some. I do remember an older save. Ruby Soho (Ruby Riott then) seemed to have chemistry teaming with anyone I threw her with so I went on a misfit hiring spree. Abadon, Christina Von Eerie, some others with a wild side or a punk/goth gimmick. Put together a 8 women stable called Riott Squadd. They ended up with all the gold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a 94 Mod I put together Bam Bam Bigelow and Yokozuna as TITANS in WWF after one main event together showed they had Excellent Chemistry, plus there was Steve Blackman and Rick Steiner in 1998 in WWF as part of a Stable that included Scott Steiner and Ken Shamrock with Bealuh McGillicutty called Violent Conduct

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2 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

1983 Mod, had the rock n roll express but Robert Gibson got stolen. So Ricky Morton’s new teammate, Tommy Rich and they became The Classic Blondes. One of my fave tag team names!

I love this name 

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Edd Stone and Dan DaLay had great chemistry in my recent CGC game with the Alternative CVerse mod by lavelleukEdd Stone, now in his late 30's, was trying to build an army of high-flying youths, but who does he end up getting along with the best? The biggest, baddest, surliest veteran who ever veteran'd. I loved it. So frustrating for Edd. 


Not quite the same thing, but I get a kick out of embracing AI teams. In a different CGC game, I took the TEW'16 default database, sim'd it forward to 2019, and picked things up from there. The AI had put together two teams I ended up falling in love with. Hugh Ancrie and Phillipe LaGrenier had been working as Express Delivery, so naturally, I saw that as Postman gimmicks, and gave them a specialty 'put your opponent in a box and tape it shut' match. They also teamed up Grease Hogg of the Dirty White Boys with Canadian indy darling Mimic. It felt like such an odd-ball pairing at first, but then it became this natural evolution of their careers. 'Greaser' was a return to tag teams after a failed singles run, and this was a foot-in-the-door for 'Torque', who was mimicking his new friend's Biker/Mechanic style. It reminded me of when Road Dogg teamed up with K-Kwik after the New Age Outlaws split up. A wrestler's career can and should contain all of these little detours. 

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On 10/7/2022 at 8:35 AM, Self said:

Not quite the same thing, but I get a kick out of embracing AI teams. In a different CGC game, I took the TEW'16 default database, sim'd it forward to 2019, and picked things up from there. The AI had put together two teams I ended up falling in love with. Hugh Ancrie and Phillipe LaGrenier had been working as Express Delivery, so naturally, I saw that as Postman gimmicks, and gave them a specialty 'put your opponent in a box and tape it shut' match.


This reminds me of something that happened in my SWF save. I teamed Mercy Michaels and Remmy Honeyman together as local jobbers on a pre-show and they have excellent chemistry together. Perfect job duo, but how do you justify scrubs like them making national tv? I put them together formally as 'The Mail Room', using the gimmick that they were disgruntled mail room workers from SWF hq that were wrestling as part of a labour dispute (to show the office staff are 'just as valuable' as the wrestling staff). They get whipped every time but I love them to death.

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Wrath and Crash as Dominion 
CW Anderson and Bobby Duncan Jr as North Texas Rangers/Outlaws
Chris Benoit and Owen Hart - The Canadian Stampede 
Glen Jacobs and John Bradshaw Layfield - The Layfields 
Brian Blair and Stan Lane - The Golden Compass

Christopher Daniels and Steve Corino - Death Inc.


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My favorite random team has to be from my current C-Verse 97 game with The Classic Connection, a masked duo with the always overeager to fight Captain Classic (Masked Avatar) & his chosen but reluctant successor/lackey Kid Classic (Braden Streets under a mask). This one started because the Captain Classic character is always one I put in my C-Verse games, and it just made sense for him to look for the second generation once he hit time decline a few years in.

For a while I had him paired up with random rookies during dark matches to see what worked, but even after finding some pairs with good chemistry I kept going back to the idea of him & Streets paired together. Sure, it'd be fun for any rookie to be forced into the legacy of a weird grumpy veteran & be his unwilling backup in fights he started, but what if that rookie already had a legacy of their own to look up to? Especially a rookie with plenty of potential, but god awful starting stats that needed the tutelage of a workhorse like the Captain...and thus, Kid Classic the stolen successor was born and thrown into a matching blue mask to begin his journey of learning and training while being the best fall guy a battle junkie could ask for.

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When I was Owner/Booker of CZCW I paired Alyx Winters and Bullseye together after they briefly feuded. Their partnership was built on mutual respect, and despite having much different backgrounds (and privlidges) the two just 'clicked' and basically had each others backs. They made for a fun team, and got a nice push because I was just digging their 'odd couple' kind of bond...and had big plans for Winters. Eventually they kind of drifted apart, but didn't feud. I'm now running CWA in the same save, it's a few years later and I have Winters paired up with his regular Gen Z partner Flip Simkins...but I'm keeping an eye on when Bullseye's contract is up cause he'd be a great catalyst in my eventual Winters/Simkins break up feud.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looking for tag team chemistry in pre-show matches in my 2016 CZCW dynasty, I teamed up Princeton Pryce and Robbie Wright and they had excellent chemistry. I named them The Pryce is Wright and they went on to be multiple time tag champs.

Edit: I forgot to mention their finisher, which was a tilt-a-whirl DDT from the Doomsday Device position called the "Come on Down" as in "Come on down, you're the next contestant on the Price is Right!" 

Edited by ink625
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I forgot to mention in a WWWF save, Abe Jacobs and The Crusher were so successful I gave them a 9 month run with the WWWF World Tag titles in 1973. They would end up getting tag team of the year in '74 and stuck around as perennial contenders until Abe Jacobs aged out at 37yrs old. The Crusher, at age 48, is still going strong as a major star and tagging with George Steele and Billy Robinson. Most Crusher related tag teams have great to excellent chemistry.  

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Playing 1992 WWF Save, the majority of my major stars are in rehab leading up to Wrestlemania, had to bring in Kevin Sullivan and do Dungeon of Doom in WWF to get some heel monsters.

Money Inc were tag team champs but I needed someone with enough popularity to have a good main event for Summerslam, so Ted DiBiase vacated his half of the tag titles to chase Macho Man at Summerslam.

New Tag champs, IRS & Repo Man....named Property Taxes! And they have excellent team chemistry! 

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This was in a short lived 98 save I had with WCW ages ago, but I wanted to god push Scott Steiner as his arrogant character. I had the Road Warriors and Hawk got popped for drugs. So I randomly paired Rick Steiner and Animal together as a super group tag team of sorts. They ended up getting over enough to get a decent run with the US tag titles that I had for the mid card. 

I have scrabbed more 98 saves than I care to admit, but that one was fun

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Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Rhino have a good thing going right now in my NJPW save. Dan Severn and Kazuo Yamazaki are one of my most decorate tag teams. Lastly, Masakatsu Funaki and Osamu Nishimura have great chemistry and just became a tag team. Pretty fun stuff overall. 

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