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AltCVerse 2022 Future Worker Add-On (Version 1.04 Released 22 August 23, Submissions Still Open)

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Let's give BOH someone new to work with, shall we?

Consider him a Homage/Tribute to a Mr. Jeep Swenson

Worker Picture: 



Worker Name: The Warning

Short Name: The Warning


Worker Bio: The Warning is a massive man covered in a full body suit, face covered in a gas mask. No one knows who or what he is, but the smoke that slowly pours out of his suit implies he's not of human nature. What is he warning of exactly? No one truly knows...he however is a truly scary sight to behold. In actuality though, Klaus Demchenko is an actor known for playing toughs that was brought to BOH by way of Alfred Huntley, him thinking that Klaus had a decent shot as a wrestler. Klaus isn't entirely committed, but figured it'd be something fun to do between shoots.


Birth Month/Year: 01/1999

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): April 2022

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Heterosexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: White Ukrainian

Based In: South West

Worker Style: Impactful

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Obese

Worker Size: Super Heavyweight

Min Size: Super Heavyweight

Max Size: Super Heavyweight

Move Set: Impending Doom (Finisher), Warning Shot (Finisher)

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible):

Face/Heel: YOU'VE BEEN WARNED (Dominant)

Available Areas: USA, Europe

Alter-Ego's?: Klaus Demchenko (use the second pic for him  unmasked )

Dojo Graduate?: BOH Hades

Other Languages?: Eastern European (Fluent) English (Passable)


Worker Personality/Attributes: Intense, No Comedy Matches, Explosive Ring Style, Squash Master, Selfish Performer, Movie Star, Outside Interests


(Stats are On You)


Worker Relationships?: Protege of Alfred Huntley

Worker Tag Team?:

Edited by Chikbot
Updated with the new renders to show that the renders previously used are now free
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Okay, here are some characters I created. A bit nervous since I haven't done this kind of thing before (except Mason X), hopefully these are ok and feel free to tweak everything and ask questions, you can find me on discord too.


Worker Picture:
CVFP_WhiteMale (736).jpg

Worker Name: Dr DIY

Short Name: Dr DIY


Worker Bio:
Dr DIY (real name Diederik Ibsen) is mad doctor who does all operations himself - to himself. That way he tries to enhance his skills since he seriously tries to be better wrestler. Not much of success is promised his way but a good laugh or two every now and then. The man behind the characters actually tried to get to medical school but failed many times so decided to give it a shot as doctor character in wrestling. 

Birth Month/Year: 2002

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): July 2024

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: homosexual
Relationship (leave blank will be no):
Nationality: Danish
Based In: Scandinavia
Worker Style: Comedy

Body Type (leave blank will be average):

Worker Size: Lightweight
Min Size: Lightweight
Max Size: Middleweight
Move Set: Scalpelface

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible):
Face: Good Doc (comedy)
Heel: Bad Doc (comedy)

Available Areas: EU, UK

Dojo Graduate?:
Other Languages?: Scandinavian, Central European, English


Worker Personality/Attributes:
Plays Comedy Well
Plays Gimmicky / Cartoonish Well
Noted Comedy Match Performer
High Pain Treshold
Can't Play Bad Ass
Can't Play Dominate

In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 35
Puroresu: 3
Hardcore: 2
Technical: 22
Aerial: 9
Flashiness: 9
Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 40

Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)
Charisma: 65
Microphone:  40
Acting: 43

Star Quality: 30
Sex Appeal: 25
Menace: 20
Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)
Basics: 45
Selling: 60
Consistency: 55
Safety: 55


Physical Abilities
Stamina: 58
Athleticism: 53
Power: 45
Toughness: 40
Resilience: 60



Submission Template:


Worker Picture:
CVFP_WhiteMale (731).jpg

Worker Name: Frans Fusker

Short Name: Frans Fusker


Worker Bio:
Frans Fusker is cousin of Frederik Fusker and the two of them actually studied together in The Danish National School of Performing Arts. Frans did go through the school and graduated as Master of Arts and he could work as an actor anywhere in Denmark. However his cousin managed to persuade Frans to try wrestling too. He did and he got hooked right away. He managed to get a place in ZEN Temple Dojo in Andorra which was pretty well suiting his strengths being very good performer. There's been huge discussion at the dojo if they should give a mask to Frans or not. Man can do a lot but is he willing to commit to anything?

Birth Month/Year:  December 2000

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): July 2024

Relationship (leave blank will be no): Blood relative to Frederik Fusker
Nationality: Danish
Based In: Scandinavia
Worker Style: Entertainer

Body Type: Toned

Worker Size: Middleweight
Min Size: Middleweight
Max Size: Heavyweight
Move Set: Peripeteia

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible):
Face: Actor Turned Wrestler (Weasely/Underdog)
Heel: Rogue (Weasely/Underdog)

Available Areas: EU, UK

Dojo Graduate?: ZEN Temple Dojo Europe
Other Languages?: Scandinavian, English


Worker Personality/Attributes:
Plays Comedy Well
Can't play Gimmicky / Cartoonish
People Person

Plays Realistic Well

Noted Comedy Match Performer

Improv Training

Can't Play Bad Ass
Can't Play Dominate

Slow and Steady
Shoots from the lip

Soft Drug User

TV Actor

Itchy Feet

In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 41
Puroresu: 13
Hardcore: 1
Technical: 31
Aerial: 25
Flashiness: 45
Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 60

Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)
Charisma: 75
Microphone:  70
Acting: 85

Star Quality: 65
Sex Appeal: 25
Menace: 20
Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)
Basics: 50
Selling: 55
Consistency: 45
Safety: 60

Physical Abilities
Stamina: 70
Athleticism: 63
Power: 51
Toughness: 48
Resilience: 65



Worker Picture:
CVFP_WhiteMale (811).jpg

Worker Name: Theo Mitchell

Short Name: Theo Mitchell


Worker Bio:
Theo Mitchell is English wrestler who is super talented though hunted by his own demons. He was classmates with Tommy Cornell Jr back in the day but those days are gone, Theo however thinks he also is Tommy Cornell's son. Nothing supports that claim except his great in-ring abilities. He used to train with the big boys already early on and that way drugs came into play. It's not just the drugs, Theo is also super hard guy to work with since he demands to be on the top of the card always. If he managed to sober up and clean his attitude he could be big star down the road. However nothing indicates that will happen.

Birth Month/Year:  January 2007

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): February 2025

Relationship (leave blank will be no): 
Nationality: English
Based In: Northern England
Worker Style: Regular

Body Type: Muscular

Worker Size: Middleweight
Min Size: Lightweight
Max Size: Heavyweight
Move Set: Rough Justice

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible):
Face: Lonely Man of Faith (Offbeat/Unstable)
Heel: Lost Son of Tommy Cornell (Swagger)


Available Areas: UK

Alter-Ego's?: Theo Cornell
Dojo Graduate?: 
Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes:


Plays Swagger Well

Plays Offbeat/Unstable Well

Can't Play Bad Ass

Can't Play Dominant


Heavy Steroid Used

Heavy Hard Drug User

Personal Issues


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 61

Puroresu: 40
Hardcore: 35
Technical: 60
Aerial: 65
Flashiness: 75
Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 60

Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)
Charisma: 81
Microphone:  73
Acting: 71

Star Quality: 80
Sex Appeal: 85
Menace: 10
Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)
Basics: 70
Selling: 63
Consistency: 58
Safety: 66

Physical Abilities
Stamina: 75
Athleticism: 73
Power: 41
Toughness: 44
Resilience: 70





Edited by Evilman
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Worker Picture: CVFP_WhiteMale (198)


Worker Name: 'Flyboy' Bud Holzbog

Short Name: Flyboy Bud


Worker Bio: Flyboy Bud Holzbog is built like a man whose only hope of flying is coach on Delta Airlines, nevertheless when Giant Redwood slaps a pilot's hat on you and tells you to make airplane noises, you do it or face the brain chop. One of the few hopefuls who made it through the con job -er- training school that was The Forestry and made it to the starting roster of Redwood Superstar Rasslin' ("It's Arr-Ess-Arr, not Arr-Ess-Dubya, suck it, Bruce!") before Redwood took the gate and ran for it, Bud has stuck around the industry like a bad penny.


Birth Month/Year: April 2002

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2024

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: American

Based In: South East

Worker Style: Regular

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Obese

Worker Size: Heavyweight

Min Size: Heavyweight

Max Size: Super Heavyweight

Move Set: Airplane Shuffle

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Flyboy (Gimmicky/Cartoonish, Face/Heel)

Available Areas: USA


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Gloomy, Money Motivated, Can't Play Realistic, Can't Play Dominant, Can't Play Swagger, No Stunts, 


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 29

Puroresu: 12

Hardcore: 27

Technical: 12

Aerial: 6

Flashiness: 7


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 22


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 24

Microphone: 22

Acting: 21

Star Quality: 4

Sex Appeal: 5

Menace: 19


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 22

Selling: 12

Consistency: 55

Safety: 42


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 34

Athleticism: 22

Power: 41

Toughness: 45

Resilience: 44


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Hatred of Giant Redwood, Hatred of Giant Redwood Jr.

Worker Tag Team?:


Worker Picture: CVFP_WhiteMale (502)


Worker Name: Uggo the Clown

Short Name: Uggo the Clown


Worker Bio: Glen Howerton has a face that only a mother could love...had she not given him up for adoption shortly after the umbilical cord was cut. 'Discovered' by Giant Redwood when the big man was dragging his son away from his latest attempt at gainful employment at a Walmart, Glen too was dragged to Redwood's 'school' The Forestry where he was given some shoddy facepaint and a red nose and told he was Uggo the Clown now on pain of brain chop. Forced to fork over an absurd sum for subpar at best lessons, poor Glen was left hanging like the rest of the roster of Redwood Superstar Rasslin' when Redwood ran for the border with the gate on the night of the first show. 


Birth Month/Year: January 1995

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2024

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: American

Based In: South East

Worker Style: 'Entertainer'

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Flabby

Worker Size: Light Heavyweight

Min Size: Middleweight

Max Size: Super Heavyweight

Move Set: Sleeperhold

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Clown (Face/Heel Offbeat, Unstable)

Available Areas: USA, Canada


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Needy, 100% Heel, Highly Strung, Can't Play Comedy, Can't Play Badass, Poor Comedy Matches, Unmarketable


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 33

Puroresu: 2

Hardcore: 30

Technical: 4

Aerial: 1

Flashiness: 2


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 21


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 39

Microphone: 30

Acting: 27

Star Quality: 4

Sex Appeal: 1

Menace: 55


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 11

Selling: 13

Consistency: 42

Safety: 50


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 45

Athleticism: 23

Power: 31

Toughness: 44

Resilience: 46


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Hatred of Giant Redwood, Simmering Tension w/Giant Redwood Jr.

Worker Tag Team?:


Worker Picture: CVFP_MaskedMale (175)


Worker Name: Skurj

Short Name: Skurj


Worker Bio: One of several wouldbe wrestlers conned out of his money by Giant Redwood, Skurj and his brother Durj (Jethro's spellings, not theirs) are a rather bumbling tag team of 'intimidating' big men who flounder around the ring in an almost 1-1 copy of their trainer. Seemingly the only two who didn't realize they'd been had when Redwood ran for the border, they've remained loyal to Giant Redwood Jr. and are the primary reasons he hasn't been hung from a tree yet.


Birth Month/Year: August 2006

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2024

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: American

Based In: South East

Worker Style: Powerhouse

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Obese

Worker Size: Big Heavyweight

Min Size: Heavyweight

Max Size: Super Heavyweight

Move Set: Skurj of Gawd

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Masked Manhandler (Face/Heel, Dominant)

Available Areas: USA


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Bully, Badass Reputation, Plays Dominant Well, Can't Play Comedy, Can't Play Swagger, Fat Genes, Not a Natural


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 31

Puroresu: 21

Hardcore: 32

Technical: 12

Aerial: 10

Flashiness: 15


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 27


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 30

Microphone: 12

Acting: 17

Star Quality: 22

Sex Appeal: 3

Menace: 67


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 18

Selling: 2

Consistency: 33

Safety: 31


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 29

Athleticism: 12

Power: 55

Toughness: 60

Resilience: 60


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Blood Relative Of Durj, Loyal to Giant Redwood, Loyal to Giant Redwood Jr.

Worker Tag Team?: Durj & Skurj (w/Durj) - EXP 33


Worker Picture: CVFP_MaskedMale (256)


Worker Name: Durj

Short Name: Durj


Worker Bio: The brother of Skurj and yet another of the wrestlers Giant Redwood conned out of their money at his 'Training School', Durj hasn't realized he's been had and he and his brother have essentially made themselves the unofficial bodyguards of the extremely Maligned Giant Redwood Jr.. A stumbling mess in the ring, his intimidating presence is makes even approaching Jr. a non-factor for anyone that isn't offering him a check.


Birth Month/Year: Feburary 2003

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2024

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: American

Based In: South East

Worker Style: Powerhouse

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Muscular

Worker Size: Super heavyweight

Min Size: Big Heavyweight

Max Size: Super Heavyweight

Move Set: Durj of Cerburris

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Bullying Jerk (Face/Heel, Dominant)

Available Areas: USA


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Bully, Born Fighter, Heavy Steroid User, Plays Dominant Well, Fitness Fanatic, Tales from the Script, Plays Dominant Well, Plays Gimmicky/Cartoonish Well, Can't Play Comedy, Can't Play Swagger, No Comedy Matches.


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 32

Puroresu: 15

Hardcore: 30

Technical: 12

Aerial: 10

Flashiness: 05


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 24


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 40

Microphone: 32

Acting: 33

Star Quality: 50

Sex Appeal: 34

Menace: 76


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 12

Selling: 3

Consistency: 23

Safety: 31


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 30

Athleticism: 14

Power: 89

Toughness: 64

Resilience: 65


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Blood Relative of Skurj, Loyalty to Giant Redwood, Loyal to Giant Redwood Jr.

Worker Tag Team?: Durj & Skurj (w/Skurj) - EXP 33

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Worker Picture: CVFP_WhiteMale (91)


Worker Name: Charles Gasnier

Short Name: Charles


Worker Bio: Born into a successful french freestyle wrestling family, Charles was always treated like the next big thing and a sure thing for the Olympics one day or even MMA. Such thing would end up never happening, because fame and money was all he wanted and so decided to take his pedigree and his talents to pro-wrestling. In this world, he acts like royalty and feels the need to teach what's really stretching someone, while boasting such disdain for technical wrestlers created inside the business. His technical prowess, potential and rich background made TCW snatch his talents in 2020.


Birth Month/Year: 3/2001

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): June, 2022

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Bisexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: French

Based In: Western Europe (? where France is)

Worker Style: Technicion

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Muscular Lightweight

Worker Size:

Min Size: Lightweight

Max Size: Middleweight

Move Set: 

Henry IV Executioner (submission)

Louis XIV Inquisition (submission)

Francis I Trigger (Finisher)


Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): 

Face: Prince (Legitimate)

Heel: Prince (Legitimate)


Available Areas: Europe, US and UK

Alter-Ego's?: Prince Charles

Dojo Graduate?: TCW School of Pro Wrestling

Other Languages?: English


Worker Personality/Attributes: Intense

- Plays Legitimate well

- Plays swagger well

- Better as a heel

- Can't play dominant

- High pain treshhold

- Canny Operator


Stats: great technicals, can talk, act, is charming and has charisma. Needs to improve a lot his fundamentals. Great stamina, decent athleticism, tough as nails, but doesn't have much power.


Worker Relationships?:

Worker Tag Team?:


PS: Added gymnast background to Daniel Lobo, while searching TEW saw that trait and I think it makes sense.

Edited by hollywoodshinebox
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@lavelleuk Looking through the beta I realized that I forgot some details for the Ruby Toxin and Raven Never, mainly that they both speak passable Scandinavian and basic Japanese.  I also didn't think of classifying the status of the tag teams I made, with The Death Maidens being a Unit instead of a Permanent Unit.  Everything else though looks great.

I must say that I love the finisher you added to The Psycho Hippie Killers.  If you have any finishers that you think will fit any of my other teams I say, go ahead and add them, because I could not think of any.

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51 minutes ago, KyTeran said:

@lavelleuk Looking through the beta I realized that I forgot some details for the Ruby Toxin and Raven Never, mainly that they both speak passable Scandinavian and basic Japanese.  I also didn't think of classifying the status of the tag teams I made, with The Death Maidens being a Unit instead of a Permanent Unit.  Everything else though looks great.

I must say that I love the finisher you added to The Psycho Hippie Killers.  If you have any finishers that you think will fit any of my other teams I say, go ahead and add them, because I could not think of any.

Cool, that's all changed they're now a permanent unit and speak the extra languages 

If any finishers come to mind I'll add, but I often struggle on them too lol

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5 hours ago, Chikbot said:

Let's give BOH someone new to work with, shall we?


Worker Picture: CVFP_MaskedMale (170)/CVFP_WhiteMale(773)


No problem if not, but what do you think of these renders? It's just because I'd like to use more of the pictures from the extra folder as they can't be used as free pics, and your character seemed to fit these one's pretty well!


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5 minutes ago, lavelleuk said:

No problem if not, but what do you think of these renders? It's just because I'd like to use more of the pictures from the extra folder as they can't be used as free pics, and your character seemed to fit these one's pretty well!


Honestly, that's probably better, the renders are even closer to what I imagined Klaus looking like, shame cause I really like that mask I chose haha. Either way though, I prefer your choice to mine. I'll also take the extra pics folder into more account now when trying to come up with ideas :)

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1 minute ago, Chikbot said:

Honestly, that's probably better, the renders are even closer to what I imagined Klaus looking like, shame cause I really like that mask I chose haha. Either way though, I prefer your choice to mine. I'll also take the extra pics folder into more account now when trying to come up with ideas :)

I mean, while I appreciate the fact you're taking that folder into account more, you also now have an excuse to come up with a masked gimmick for the other render haha

But cheers for that

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5 minutes ago, lavelleuk said:

I mean, while I appreciate the fact you're taking that folder into account more, you also now have an excuse to come up with a masked gimmick for the other render haha

But cheers for that

Speaking of the Extra folder, I found this less-realistic alt pic that would work perfectly for Nori Canus if you want to add it as an Alt pic for him


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8 minutes ago, Chikbot said:

Speaking of the Extra folder, I found this less-realistic alt pic that would work perfectly for Nori Canus if you want to add it as an Alt pic for him


I had considered putting them all together in the past, but I assumed he was a famous film or game character so I felt there would be multiple versions of him in wrestling, like how everyone did the joker after Heath ledger did.

I can change it to that one if you'd prefer? There is also this one that goes with it


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16 minutes ago, lavelleuk said:

I had considered putting them all together in the past, but I assumed he was a famous film or game character so I felt there would be multiple versions of him in wrestling, like how everyone did the joker after Heath ledger did.

I can change it to that one if you'd prefer? There is also this one that goes with it


You’re close, Lobo is a comic book character

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15 minutes ago, lavelleuk said:

Ok, now I know I'm not really up on the latest comic book stuff, but even I know if he's in a comic he MUST have been in one of the films by now?? Right??

His only live action appearance was on that show Krypton and his portrayals in the cartoons (specifically the DCAU, where he's voiced by Brad Garrett of all people) was always great, He almost got a movie recently alongside his daughter but it was cancelled, but I digress. 

34 minutes ago, lavelleuk said:

I had considered putting them all together in the past, but I assumed he was a famous film or game character so I felt there would be multiple versions of him in wrestling, like how everyone did the joker after Heath ledger did.

I can change it to that one if you'd prefer? There is also this one that goes with it


I'd rather keep the one I have now as his main pic. I was just suggesting the more cartoony one as an alt pic for people to use if he ended up in a more entertainment-based promotion like a BOH.

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17 minutes ago, Chikbot said:

His only live action appearance was on that show Krypton and his portrayals in the cartoons (specifically the DCAU, where he's voiced by Brad Garrett of all people) was always great, He almost got a movie recently alongside his daughter but it was cancelled, but I digress. 

I'd rather keep the one I have now as his main pic. I was just suggesting the more cartoony one as an alt pic for people to use if he ended up in a more entertainment-based promotion like a BOH.

Ah you're right, I'll add the two as alts!

I haven't heard of the show, but I do know Brad Garrett, he has a pretty distinct voice!

Edited by lavelleuk
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Worker Picture: CVFP_BlackFemale (54)


Worker Name: Levy Marcel

Short Name: Levy Marcel


Worker Bio: Levy Marcel is one half of the tag team The Rock City Angels, alongside her girlfriend Natalie Punk.  Known for their dyed hair and piercings, The Rock City Angels are used to brawling and have no hesitation for dangerous stunts.  Both Levy and Natalie are over 6’ with Levy being slightly shorter at 6’ 6”.


Birth Month/Year: September 2002

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): November 2023

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Homosexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: American

Based In: Great Lakes

Worker Style: Hardcore

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Toned

Worker Size: Light Heavyweight

Min Size: Light Heavyweight

Max Size: Heavyweight

Move Set: Faith Breaker

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Face/Heel: Punk Rocker (Swagger basis)

Available Areas: USA, Canada


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Party Animal, Plays Swagger Well, Plays Bad Ass Well, Can’t Play Weasly/Underdog, Daredevil, Deathmatch Wrestler, Faithful, Fitness Fanatic, Loyal


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 55

Puroresu: 40

Hardcore: 60

Technical: 28

Aerial: 25

Flashiness: 59


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 57


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 60

Microphone: 60

Acting: 63

Star Quality: 65

Sex Appeal: 81

Menace: 67


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 64

Selling: 59

Consistency: 64

Safety: 59


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 80

Athleticism: 68

Power: 74

Toughness: 78

Resilience: 94


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Dating Natalie Punk

Worker Tag Team?: The Rock City Angels with Natalie Punk (Unit)


Worker Picture: CVFP_WhiteFemale (619)


Worker Name: Natalie Punk

Short Name: Natalie Punk


Worker Bio:  Natalie Punk is one half of the tag team The Rock City Angels, alongside her girlfriend Levy Marcel.  Known for their dyed hair and piercings, The Rock City Angels are used to brawling and have no hesitation for dangerous stunts.  Both Natalie and Levy are over 6’ with Natalie being slightly taller at 6’ 7”.


Birth Month/Year: October 2002

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): November 2023

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Homosexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: American

Based In: Great Lakes

Worker Style: Hardcore

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Toned

Worker Size: Light Heavyweight

Min Size: Light Heavyweight

Max Size: Heavyweight

Move Set: Punk Hammer

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Face/Heel: Punk Rocker (Bad Ass basis)

Available Areas: USA, Canada


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Party Animal, Plays Dominant Well, Plays Bad Ass Well, Can’t Play Comedy, Can’t Play Weasly/Underdog, Daredevil, Deathmatch Wrestler, Squash Master, Fitness Fanatic, Faithful, Loyal


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 60

Puroresu: 38

Hardcore: 63

Technical: 18

Aerial: 13

Flashiness: 40


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 41


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 61

Microphone: 63

Acting: 64

Star Quality: 65

Sex Appeal: 82

Menace: 68


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 58

Selling: 49

Consistency: 60

Safety: 55


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 74

Athleticism: 59

Power: 82

Toughness: 86

Resilience: 98


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?:  Dating Levy Marcel

Worker Tag Team?:  The Rock City Angels with Levy Marcel (Unit)

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Worker Picture: CVFP_PacificMale (49)


Worker Name: Saulo Latu

Short Name: Saulo Latu


Worker Bio: A native of American Samoa, Saulo Latu became a big fan of wrestling growing up, watching the likes of Tribal Warrior, Tana the Mighty, and Rhino Umaga.  With the opening of RTTI and The Java Hut in Hawaii, Saolo saw an opportunity to join the sport he loves and moved to Hawaii in 2019 to begin training to join the wrestling industry.  Saulo looks to use his size and impressive physique to make a huge impact on the wrestling scene.


Birth Month/Year: May 1999

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): April 2023

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: American Samoan

Based In: Hawaii

Worker Style: Powerhouse

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Ripped

Worker Size: Big Heavyweight

Min Size: Heavyweight

Max Size: Super Heavyweight

Move Set: Samoan Slaughter Driver

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Face/Heel: Samoan Warrior (Bad Ass basis)

Available Areas: USA, Japan


Dojo Graduate?: The Java Hut

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Intense, Plays Dominant Well, Plays Bad Ass Well, Can’t Play Comedy, Poor Comedy Matches, Squash Master, Born Fighter, Bodybuilder


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 48

Puroresu: 20

Hardcore: 39

Technical: 25

Aerial: 7

Flashiness: 40


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 39


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 62

Microphone: 52

Acting: 54

Star Quality: 62

Sex Appeal: 62

Menace: 80


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 46

Selling: 40

Consistency: 56

Safety: 58


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 68

Athleticism: 28

Power: 90

Toughness: 92

Resilience: 94


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?:

Worker Tag Team?:

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Worker Picture:


Worker Name: Jerry Boulder

Short Name: J. Boulder


Worker Bio: Jerry Boldenstein is the older brother of Melvin Boldenstein, both of whom have amateur wrestling backgrounds. Jerry, born in Nebraska, is one of the few Jewish wrestlers in the industry along with his brother. Don't let their more mundane names fool you, the two brothers will toss you around the ring like you're lighter than air. Jerry is the more technical wrestler though.


Birth Month/Year: 08/2002

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): August 2023

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Heterosexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: White American

Based In: Mid-South

Worker Style: Technician

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Bulky

Worker Size: Middleweight

Min Size: Lightweight

Max Size: Light-Heavyweight

Move Set: Boulder Holder(Finisher)

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible):

Face/Heel: Amateur Wrestler (Legitimate)

Available Areas: USA


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Relaxed, Tag Team Specialist, Notorious Ribber, Prudish


(Stats are on you)


Worker Relationships?: Blood Relative of Melvin Boulder

Worker Tag Team?: The Boulder Brothers /w Melvin Boulder

Worker Picture:


Worker Name: Melvin Boulder

Short Name: M. Boulder


Worker Bio: Melvin Boldenstein is the younger brother of Jerry Boldenstein, both of whom have amateur wrestling backgrounds. Melvin, born in Nebraska, is one of the few Jewish wrestlers in the industry along with his brother. Don't let their more mundane names fool you, the two brothers will toss you around the ring like you're lighter than air. Melvin is more of the powerhouse and the more charismatic of the two


Birth Month/Year: 10/ 2004

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): August 2023

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Heterosexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no): No

Nationality: White American

Based In: Mid South

Worker Style: Entertainer

Body Type (leave blank will be average):Muscular

Worker Size: Middleweight

Min Size: Lightweight

Max Size: Light Heavyweight

Move Set: Boulder Breaker (Finisher)

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible):

Face/Heel: Amateur Wrestler (Legitimate)

Available Areas:USA


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Relaxed, Tag Team Specialist, Notorious Ribber, Prudish


(Stats are on you)


Worker Relationships?: Blood Relative of Jerry Boulder

Worker Tag Team?: The Boulder Brothers w/ Jerry Boulder


Edited by Chikbot
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Worker Picture: CVFP_WhiteFemale (523)


Worker Name: Svea Torvalds

Short Name: Svea Torvalds


Worker Bio: The first female graduate of The Griffin’s Den, Svea Torvalds stands at an impressive 7’1”, making her one of the tallest female wrestlers to enter the industry.  Svea use an intense style that is impressive to watch but takes a toll on Svea’s stamina.


Birth Month/Year: June 2003

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): December 2022

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: Swedish

Based In: Scandinavia

Worker Style: Powerhouse

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Ripped

Worker Size: Light Heavyweight

Min Size: Light Heavyweight

Max Size: Heavyweight

Move Set: Berserker Bomb, Berserker Lock

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Face/Heel: Berserker (Offbeat/Unstable basis)

Available Areas: Europe, British Isles


Dojo Graduate?: The Griffin’s Den

Other Languages?: Fluent Scandinavian, Passable English, Basic Central European


Worker Personality/Attributes: Driven, Plays Dominant Well, Plays Offbeat/Unstable Well, Plays Bad Ass Well, Can’t Play Weasly/Underdog, Can’t Play Comedy, No Comedy Matches, Explosive Ring Style, Squash Master, High Pain Threshold, Has a Temper, Born Fighter, Fitness Fanatic, Easily Marketable, World Traveler


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 62

Puroresu: 40

Hardcore: 50

Technical: 18

Aerial: 7

Flashiness: 40


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 38


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 64

Microphone: 58

Acting: 62

Star Quality: 73

Sex Appeal: 70

Menace: 78


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 54

Selling: 46

Consistency: 58

Safety: 50


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 60

Athleticism: 28

Power: 95

Toughness: 90

Resilience: 92


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Blood Relative with Vera Torvalds

Worker Tag Team?: Sisters of the North with Vera Torvalds (Unit)


Worker Picture: CVFP_WhiteFemale (521)


Worker Name: Vera Torvalds

Short Name: Vera Torvalds


Worker Bio: The younger sister of Svea Torvalds, Vera decided to start training for a wrestling career after her sister’s graduation from The Griffin’s Den.  While dwarfed by sister in size, Vera makes up for it with her athleticism and gymnastic training.  Vera looks forward to working alongside her sister after she makes her wrestling debut.


Birth Month/Year: September 2006

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): December 2024

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: Swedish

Based In: Scandinavia

Worker Style: High Flyer

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Toned

Worker Size: Lightweight

Min Size: Small

Max Size: Middleweight

Move Set: Flight of a Valkyrie

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Face/Heel: Shieldmaiden (Bad Ass basis)

Available Areas: Europe, British Isles


Dojo Graduate?: The Griffin’s Den

Other Languages?: Fluent Scandinavian, Passable Central European, Passable Eastern European, Passable English


Worker Personality/Attributes: Lively, Risk Taker, High Pain Threshold, Positive Outlook, Creative, Gymnastic Background, Heavy Social Media User, Fitness Fanatic


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 42

Puroresu: 22

Hardcore: 38

Technical: 37

Aerial: 62

Flashiness: 75


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 55


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 58

Microphone: 62

Acting: 63

Star Quality: 67

Sex Appeal: 80

Menace: 60


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 60

Selling: 68

Consistency: 48

Safety: 58


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 76

Athleticism: 88

Power: 22

Toughness: 34

Resilience: 98


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Blood Relative of Svea Torvalds

Worker Tag Team?: Sisters of the North with Svea Torvalds (Unit)

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Worker Picture: Sandman WInks King Bison 2 from Extra Future Workers with multiple renders -> Extra Male


Worker Name: Slips McEvans

Short Name: Slips


Worker Bio: Slips McEvans is not just a ring name, it's an assumed one for Craig Rollins, a serial insurance fraudster who's been taking out massive injury policies on himself and getting away with elaborate ways to collect on them for years. Signing up with the short-lived Forestry dojo ran by Giant Redwood, Slips caught on to the scam almost right away and decided to put one over on the man himself by sweet-talking his daughter Waynetta 'Lil Redwood' Jonas into a relationship that got him preferential treatment. He didn't expect to find a partner in crime in Waynetta and the two would semi-thwart her daddy's plans by stealing a sizeable portion of the money he stole from the rest of the roster out from under his nose. Now the two are making ends meet on indy shows as they wait for the heat to die down.


Birth Month/Year: June 2001

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2024

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no): Dating Lil Redwood

Nationality: American

Based In: Mid West

Worker Style: Regular Wrestler

Body Type (leave blank will be average):

Worker Size: Lightweight

Min Size: Small

Max Size: Light Heavyweight

Move Set: IBH (Intentional Bodily Harm) Driver

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Charming Rogue (Face, Swagger), Con Artist (Heel, Weasely/Underdog)

Available Areas: USA, Canada

Alter-Ego's?: Craig Rollins, Herbert Walters, Dingo Egress, Hank Knah, Billips Trevorson

Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?: Spanish, French


Worker Personality/Attributes: Grifter, Most Wanted, Money Motivated, Better as a heel, Amazing Heel, Plays Swagger Well, Plays Weasely Well, Plays Realistic Well, Plays Comedy Well, Rubber Bones, Healing Factor, Daredevil, Political Player


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)

Brawling: 44

Puroresu: 22

Hardcore: 42

Technical: 12

Aerial: 11

Flashiness: 39


Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60): 39


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 50

Microphone: 55 

Acting: 80

Star Quality: 51

Sex Appeal: 53

Menace: 23


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 32

Selling: 70

Consistency: 47

Safety: 24


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 55

Athleticism: 53

Power: 16

Toughness: 69

Resilience: 67


Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Simmering Tension w/Giant Redwood Jr., Hatred of Giant Redwood

Worker Tag Team?:


Worker Picture: Anita Bang (1) from Extra Future Workers With Multiple Renders -> Extra Female


Worker Name: Lil Redwood

Short Name: Lil Redwood


Worker Bio: In terms of looks Waynetta Jonas couldn't be less like her father, Jethro J. Jonas AKA Giant Redwood, with her full head of flowing hair and southern belle charms...unfortunately in terms of character she's a chip off the old block. Despising her old man for never getting farther in the wrestling business, she concocted a plan with Slips McEvans to steal half the money from Jethro's latest con and skip town at the same time he did. Now unleashed on the world of wrestling, Waynetta might actually bring prestige to the family name as a valet provided she doesn't burn the whole business down herself.


Birth Month/Year: December 2007

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2024

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no): Dating Slips McEvans

Nationality: American

Based In: Mid West

Worker Style: Never Wrestles

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Skinny

Worker Size: Small

Min Size: Very Small

Max Size: Lightweight

Move Set: 

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): All-American Girl (Face, Standard), Conniving Belle (Swagger, Heel)

Available Areas: USA, Canada

Alter-Ego's?: Waynetta Jonas

Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Scumbag, Political Player, Money Motivated, Plays Swagger Well, Plays Weasely/Underdog Well, A Marketing Dream, 


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80)








Mental Skills

Psychology (Capped at 60):


Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away lol)

Charisma: 62

Microphone: 61

Acting: 52

Star Quality: 66

Sex Appeal: 81

Menace: 4


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)






Physical Abilities







Other Skills:





Worker Relationships?: Family Feud w/Giant Redwood, Blood Relative of Giant Redwood Jr.

Worker Tag Team?:


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Worker Picture: black1 and black 2 in the extra female renders folder in the extra future workers with multiple renders folder(First Render is her main pic)


Worker Name: Doe Eyes

Short Name: Doe Eyes


Worker Bio: Nicole Watkins does not look like your average women's wrestler, standing at 4'11 on an extremely petite frame. Her main assets are her expressiveness and her willingness to sell. Despite her disadvantages, she wanted to try to get into wrestling anyway. She was given the name Doe Eyes in training. Though it's not expected she'll amount to much, she definitely cares enough.


Birth Month/Year: 07/2004

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): September 2025

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual:

Relationship (leave blank will be no):

Nationality: White Canadian

Based In: Manitoba

Worker Style: Regular Wrestler

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Lithe

Worker Size: Very Small

Min Size: Very Small

Max Size: Small

Move Set: Manitoba Roll (Pinfall Finisher)

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible):

Face: Deer In The Headlights (Offbeat/Unstable)

Heel: A Cute Distraction (Standard)

Available Areas: Canada


Dojo Graduate?: ZEN Temple Dojo Canada

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Insecure, Highly Moral, 100% Babyface, Giving Performer, Scatterbrained, Loves The Buisiness, Apolitical

(Stats are On You)


Worker Relationships?: None

Worker Tag Team?: None

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I went down a weird musical rabbit hole and it inspired me

Worker Picture: CVFP_AsianFemale (022) in the Extra Free Workers Folder


Worker Name: Huntress Azyan

Short Name: Azyan


Worker Bio: Azyan is a member of the Chulyms tribes of Central Siberia, growing up in the open wilderness and frozen tundras of Central/Eastern Russia, where she learned what she was expected to do as a member of her tribe, though she always leaned towards masculine interests, even at a young age. A Russian sociologist managed to seek out her tribe and the two ended up becoming friendly. Said sociologist ended up introducing Azyan to pro wrestling and while not one to have a way to watch much of it, Azyan was hooked. She decided that her best path in life was to pursue this new passion and thus, saying goodbye to her parents, she moved out west. She's still in contact with her tribe, sending money back from her shows and being an open representative for her people within the sport.


Birth Month/Year: April 2000

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2022

Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Heterosexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no): No

Nationality: Other Russian

Based In: Russia

Worker Style: High Flyer

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Toned

Worker Size: Lightweight

Min Size: Small

Max Size: Lightweight

Move Set: Falling Glacier (Finisher)

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible):

Face/Heel: Tribal Huntress (Gimmicky/Cartoony)

Available Areas: Europe, Japan

Alter-Ego's?: Azyan

Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?:


Worker Personality/Attributes: Unpredictable, Unapproachable, Plays Bad Ass Well, Plays Dominant Well, Plays Gimmicky/Cartoony Well, Money Motivated, Fearless, Shuns Social Media, Career Woman, Desperado

(Stats Are On You)


Worker Relationships?: none

Worker Tag Team?: none


Note: I set her to Other racially as it's not entirely clear as to whether the real Chulyms are descended from the Japanese Ainu tribes or are Turkic. 

Edited by Chikbot
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  • lavelleuk changed the title to AltCVerse 2022 Future Worker Add-On (Version 1.00 Released 22 Oct 22, Submissions Sill Open)

Title of the thread and the opening post have been edited to reflect this, but...


Version 1.00 has been released and features 114 new workers and two new dojos (æsir & valkyrja and l'arte de la lutte) remember to rename the data file “TEW2020”


Data File: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pu57dbty3ogm14p/RENAME_-_TEW2020.mdb/file

Picture File: https://www.mediafire.com/file/afzveqyi66r9wj8/FUTURE-WORKER-ADD-ON.rar/file


Submissions are still open though, so I hope things keep coming, and hopefully a few more people will be inspired to join in. Remember, women and characters from Canadian and Oceania are our friends...lol

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  • lavelleuk changed the title to AltCVerse 2022 Future Worker Add-On (Version 1.00 Released 22 Oct 22, Submissions Still Open)

I have made A LOT over the years but I'll happily post a some of the more recurring faces. I seem to be unable to open the media file for pictures, still checking, my apologies. If memory serves me, both worker pictures here are just MMA convert extras Blackman posted as part of willr0ck's Women's Revolution mod thread.


Worker Name: Alicia Dunne

Short Name: Dunne

Worker Bio: Alicia Dunne is a mixed martial artist and wrestler from Manchester, England that while known to some for her decent run in amateur MMA, she is even more known for her incredibility bombastic personality, charisma and outspokenness making her a cult figure on social media. Dunne would make news again in 2019 where she revealed she was dating French athlete Eva Cloutier, coming out as gay in the process. Since 2020 the pair have been teaming on the indies as “Lethality”.

Birth Month/Year: May 2000

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2022

Sexuality: Homosexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no): No (see worker relationship)

Nationality: White English

Based In: North England

Worker Style: MMA Crossover

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Toned

Worker Size: Small

Min Size: Small

Max Size: Lightweight

Move Set: Kimura (Finisher)

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): MMA Chick (Legit)

Available Areas: Europe, Japan, British Isles


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?: Fluent English, Basic French


Worker Personality/Attributes: Better as a Babyface, Heavy Social Media User, Former MMA Fighter, Lively, Players Swagger Well, Plays Bad Ass Well, Plays Legitimate Well, Tag Team Specialist

(Stats Are On You)


Worker Relationships?: Dating Eva Cloutier (see below)

Worker Tag Team?: Lethality with Eva Cloutier (see below)



Worker Name: Eva Cloutier

Short Name: Cloutier

Worker Bio: Eva Cloutier is a French athlete, better known as a former Olympic Judo athlete, winning a gold medal for France in 2020. Since then she became a household name in her native France through sponsorships and working as a fitness spokesperson. She began dating fellow athlete and sparring partner Alicia Dunne since 2019, inevitably following her girlfriend into wrestling where they form the tag team "Lethality”, a deadly combo of MMA and judo. Out of the two she is much more quiet and reserved yet clearly devoted to Dunne.

Birth Month/Year: February 2001

Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): May 2022

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship (leave blank will be no): No (see worker relationship)

Nationality: White French

Based In: Western Europe

Worker Style: Striker

Body Type (leave blank will be average): Ripped

Worker Size: Small

Min Size: Small

Max Size: Lightweight

Move Set: Judo Kick (Finisher)

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Legit Judo (Legit)

Available Areas: Europe, British Isles, Canada


Dojo Graduate?:

Other Languages?: Fluent English, Fluent French


Worker Personality/Attributes: Better as a Babyface, Fitness Fantastic, Former Pro Martial Artist, Quiet, Cannot Play Comedy, Plays Legitimate Well, Tag Team Specialist, Faithful

(Stats Are On You)


Worker Relationships?: Dating Alicia Dunne (see above)

Worker Tag Team?: Lethality with Alicia Dunne (see above)

Edited by Mecha Kaji
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