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GCW: The Road To National

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After an action packed night 1 of Homecoming which saw a match being changed as LA Park got himself injured and thus Los Parks were replaced by American Top Team though it did not matter as Subculture became the new #1 Contender for the WOW Triangle title. 

We also saw a new man at the top of JCW as Myron Reed finally finished his 5 month long story to dethrone his former best friend turned bitter rival and sit atop the JCW mountain.

With Night 1 done and dusted, it is now time to turn our attention to the final night.






GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Charles Mason

Courtesy of his scramble win in Night 1, Charles Mason gets an opportunity of a lifetime as he fights Janela for his Extreme Championship.


GCW World Tag Team Championship: Mega Bastards (c) vs Legion of Pain

Mega Bastards survived the SGC onslaught on Night 1 to retain their titles but this time around, they have to face the force known as Legion of Pain. The undefeated tag team has turned heads around with their domination in the tag division for the last few months and it's time that we truly get to know whether they have enough to sit atop of tag mountain.


JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Rascalz

Jordan Oliver lost his JCW Championship yesterday. But he has no time to recoup as due to the loss at Series of Survivals, he must now put his tag team titles against Rascalz. Will he lose for the second straight night or can he stop this losing streak


WOW Universal Triangle Championship : Time Machine (c) vs Subculture

Subculture fought hard and well to earn a victory over the replacement team, the American Top Team on Night 1. But when it comes to the champs, the Time Machine they are a different breed. Can Subculture cause the upset.



GCW Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership: TMDK vs BUSSY vs Los Parks vs Los Mazisos

Los Parks gets a chance to feature in this match which was earlier supposed to have Alex Kane and EJ Nduka. With a truly international flavor to this match, who will grab his destiny to become the #1 contender.



GCW Ultraviolent Championship 34th Street Deathmatch: Rina Yamashita (c) vs AJ Gray

Courtesy of their big win over the Rejects in the Series of Survivals, SGC members had been handed big opportunities at Homecoming. While Warner and Justice fail to bring home the tag titles, AJ Gray will have a chance when he faces the Deathmatch princess Rina Yamashita for the Ultraviolent title. Rina had just crossed a year of her reign so AJ will have a tough time.


GCW World Championship: Johnny Gamechanger (c) vs Eddie Kingston

And the big one. Eddie Kingston returned to GCW after 4 long years and helped his SGC brethren to a win over the Rejects. His reward, a shot at the GCW World Championship currently being held by Johnny Gamechanger. In this first time ever match, who would emerge as the victor in this titanic clash




1. GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Charles Mason

2. GCW World Tag Team Championship: Mega Bastards (c) vs Legion of Pain

3. JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Rascalz

4. WOW Universal Triangle Championship : Time Machine (c) vs Subculture

5. GCW Ultraviolent Championship 34th Street Deathmatch: Rina Yamashita (c) vs AJ Gray

6. GCW Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership: TMDK vs BUSSY vs Los Parks vs Los Mazisos

7. GCW World Championship: Johnny Gamechanger (c) vs Eddie Kingston


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1. GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Charles Mason

2. GCW World Tag Team Championship: Mega Bastards (c) vs Legion of Pain

3. JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Rascalz

4. WOW Universal Triangle Championship : Time Machine (c) vs Subculture

5. GCW Ultraviolent Championship 34th Street Deathmatch: Rina Yamashita (c) vs AJ Gray

6. GCW Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership: TMDK vs BUSSY vs Los Parks vs Los Mazisos

7. GCW World Championship: Johnny Gamechanger (c) vs Eddie Kingston

Stacked card!

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1. GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Charles Mason

2. GCW World Tag Team Championship: Mega Bastards (c) vs Legion of Pain

3. JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Rascalz

4. WOW Universal Triangle Championship : Time Machine (c) vs Subculture

5. GCW Ultraviolent Championship 34th Street Deathmatch: Rina Yamashita (c) vs AJ Gray

6. GCW Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership: TMDK vs BUSSY vs Los Parks vs Los Mazisos

7. GCW World Championship: Johnny Gamechanger (c) vs Eddie Kingston

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1. GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Charles Mason

2. GCW World Tag Team Championship: Mega Bastards (c) vs Legion of Pain

3. JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Rascalz

4. WOW Universal Triangle Championship : Time Machine (c) vs Subculture

5. GCW Ultraviolent Championship 34th Street Deathmatch: Rina Yamashita (c) vs AJ Gray

6. GCW Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership: TMDK vs BUSSY vs Los Parks vs Los Mazisos

7. GCW World Championship: Johnny Gamechanger (c) vs Eddie Kingston

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Live from Hammerstein Ballroom, New York

Attendance: 1000 (SOLD OUT!!!) 

GCW Extreme Championship

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Joey Janela (c) vs Charles Mason


Mason received this opportunity courtesy of his win in the scramble match on Day 1 and Mason showed why this was a life changing opportunity for him as he took the battle to Janela, busting him up early in the match with a nasty headbutt and then continued plugging away at the champion with heavy hands but Janela was the champion for a reason and he absorbed the early offense before a trashcan lid smash on Mason as he was attempting a suicide dive turned things around. From there on, it was one way traffic as Janela hit most of his signature moves before finishing with the Moonsault Foot Stomp.


Winner: Joey Janela (defence #14)

Grade: 55


GCW World Tag Team Championship

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Mega Bastards (c) vs Legion of Pain


A huge task for the tag champions as they face the fearsome and undefeated duo of Legion of Pain. Colon and JWM tried introducing weaponry behind referee's back and at times they were successful like when JWM delivered a DDT to Dhinsa on a barbed wire chair outside cutting his nose deep. In the ring, Colon did the unthinkable as a couple of kick to the legs brought Selmani down and then he hit the Cactus Driver'97.













NO!!! Selmani kicked out.


Colon was shocked. There wasn't many in this promotion who had kicked out of Cactus Driver'97 but also there wasn't anyone at Selmani and Dhinsa's level. Colon tries to go for another one but this time he was chokeslammed for his troubles. JWM and Dhinsa came back to the ring but JWM had a hell of a task defending against both and he failed as they hit the Last Chapter. 
















Winner: Legion of Pain (new champion)

Grade: 58


"Blackheart" Lio Rush walks out into the ring with a big smile on his face. He raises the hand of LOP as they get the titles up on their shoulders. He mentions how the dawn of Black Legion has started and this will continue as long as GCW is in business.


Homicide comes up into the entrance and mentions how the leader himself got embarrassed by Homicide when he pinned his scrawny ass in the middle of the ring in the Series of Survivals and how he couldn't take his humiliation and prevented him from winning the Ultraviolent Championship last night. Homicide hasn't forgotten it and he is just biding his time because when he strikes, it will be the end of Black Legion.


JCW Tag Team Championship

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East West Express (c) vs Rascalz


Oliver lost his JCW Championship last night so he was desperate here to hold on to his tag team championship and it showed when he tried going for early pins but Rascalz were too smart for that and they keep countering or kicking out of the attempts. 

With more and more frustration building, the champs make a big mistake as Wayne goes for a step up enzuigiri but Wentz move as he hit Oliver in the face. This botch allows Rascalz to take control as they isolated Wayne and hit him with rapid continuous assaults which is the trademark of Rascalz. A Hot Fire Flame was hit and we almost got new champions but Oliver dragged the ref out of the ring.

Amidst the confusions and Rascalz kicking Wayne once again, Oliver had got hold of his title belt which he blasted both Wentz and then Miguel. He rolled in Wentz in the ring and then hit the Orange Crush to retain. 


Winner: East West Express (defence #3)

Grade: 49


WOW Universal Triangle Championship 

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Time Machine (c) vs Subculture


It’s Andrews and Shelley starting off. Shelley focuses on the left arm and nails an arm drag. Andrews takes in Webster and Shelley tags in Sabin, who grabs a quick headlock. Webster hits a flipping hip toss and another from the top rope. Webster with an awesome inverted senton for a quick nearfall. Shelley makes the blind tag and KUSHIDA takes Andrews out off the apron. The Time Splitters hit a high/low kick on Webster. Luna leaps onto KUSHIDA before dragging him down with a sleeper hold. 

Andrews traps Shelley in the corner and hits a 619 then a Dragon Screw on the ring apron to the left leg of Shelley. Webster targets the left leg with a drop kick. Subculture hit stereo suicide dives to the Guns on the outside. KUSHIDA puts Luna in the hoverboard lock while the other four were fighting outside and got the submission win as they were the legal two inside.


Winner: Time Machine (defence #1)

Grade: 48


Tag Team Title #1 Contender's Match

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TMDK vs Los Parks vs BUSSY vs Los Mazisos


This was a clusterfuck as different styles meshed together in this match. While BUSSY and Mazisos tried going hardcore with a full on weapon assault with chairs, doors and tables involved, Parks tried to go for razor fast offense and TMDK went for methodical brawl. While we got most of the signature moves from all involved, it was TMDK who came away with the victory as Mikey Nicholls pinned LA Park Jr. after hitting the Thunder Valley.


Winner: TMDK

Grade: 41



"The King" Nick Gage is in the house!!!!!

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Crowd goes nuts as Gage grabs a mic. He mentions that ever since he lost the World Title and fail to reclaim it in the rematch, he has been feeling a little lost. He doesn't know what else to do. He feels he has accomplished all across deathmatch arenas in the world and there is nothing else much to do and that's why he is getting the thoughts of retirement. 

Crowd shouts "No Fucking Way" on top of their lungs which makes Gage emotional. For the first time in his career, he is unable to speak. After stabilising himself, he tries to tell something before





A theme which we haven't heard in GCW for quite some time blasts through the speakers.






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"The Silver Teeth Satan" Atticus Cogar is back in GCW!!!



Crowd is annoyed but some of them do love Cogar so not all are booing. Cogar mentions now that the company has been taken over by professional and business oriented people and not the previous slim shady types, the comment hitting a chord with the crowd as they cheer Cogar. 

He keeps his rant going against the previous owners but then turns his attention to Gage. He said one of the reasons that Cogar had to leave GCW was because of Gage. Cogar had always looked up to Gage as his idol but the way he was treated at the hands of GCW and with Gage not standing up for him, he lost respect for the King and now that he is back, he will make sure that Gage regrets every fucking day of his life that he didn't stand up for Cogar, he did not support him. With that, he decked Gage with the mic and continued till Gage was busted open. He then rubbed the blood all over his face before hitting the Headlock Driver on the mic.

The crowd boos him again as he makes his way out of the arena having done his work.



GCW Ultraviolent Championship

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Rina Yamashita (c) vs AJ Gray


Two tube towers loomed as we prepared for an Amazonian Deathmatch between Black Death AJ Gray and the Deathmatch Princess Rina Yamashita. These two were about to beat the shit out of each other. Both are huge, creative, and masters of taking and dealing out punishment. This rocked. They started out with hard strikes and gave us a buffet of power games, tube shots, and even some groin claws as Yamashita tried to take the fan’s advice of “grab his dick and twist it.” This was pure power and death with some creative tricks and traps from Yamashita as she tried to navigate the brutality of AJ Gray. Things got bloody fast as the glass started doing its work and both the wrestler's back became another maze of cuts as they met a tower.

A cutter from Gray onto the leaping Yamashita which brought her crashing through the broken tower pieces spelled doom for the champ as a brutal Burning Lariat was enough to end the iconic reign of Yamashita.

After 385 days, Rina had lost the Ultraviolent Championship and AJ Gray marks his return to the company in a big way, picking up his 1st Ultraviolent Championship in addition to his former World and Extreme title reigns. He is now only one title i.e the tag title away from becoming the 1st ever Grand Slam Champion.


Winner: AJ Gray (new champion)

Grade: 46


GCW World Championship


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Johnny Gamechanger (c) vs Eddie Kingston


This was supposed to be a marquee match, the first time these two had crossed paths but it turned out to be a total dud.

Maybe the styles did not mesh well but it was a match full of boring counters and slow moves and at one point of time the crowd started a boring chant.

Kingston hit some big power moves and almost locked in the Plum Stretch but Johnny powered out and locked a Rear Naked Choke of his own which took a lot out of Eddie. He then hit a fallaway slam, sending Kingston into the thumbtacks. A Razor’s Edge was hit as Eddie got deposited on the turnbuckles. A Starship Pain followed and it brought an end to this disappointing match.


Winner: Johnny Gamechanger (defence #2)

Grade: 40


   Show Rating: 47

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~ GCW World Championship ~

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Johnny Gamechanger (Since August 2023)


Previous Champion

Nick Gage (4X) (April 2023 - August 2023)

Masha Slamovich (March 2023 - April 2023)

Nick Gage (3X) (October 2022 - March 2023)

Jon Moxley (September 2021 - October 2022)

Matt Cardona (July 2021 - September 2021)

Nick Gage (2X) (April 2021 - July 2021)




~ GCW Ultraviolent Championship ~

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AJ Gray (Since September 2023) 


Previous Champion

Rina Yamashita (August 2022 - September 2023)

Alex Colon (3X) (June 2022 - August 2022)

John Wayne Murdoch (March 2022 - June 2022)

Alex Colon (2X) (November 2021 - March 2022)

Masashi Takeda (October 2021 - November 2021)

Drew Parker (July 2021 - October 2021)



~ GCW Tag Team Championship ~

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Legion of Pain (Sunny Dhinsa/Gzim Selmani) (Since September 2023) 


Previous Champion

Mega Bastards (Alex Colon/John Wayne Murdoch) (2X) (July 2023 - September 2023)

BUSSY (EFFY/Allie Katch) (2X) (April 2023 - July 2023)

East West Express (Jordan Oliver/Nick Wayne) (March 2023 - April 2023)

Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin) (March 2023 - March 2023)

Los Mazisos (Miedo Extremo/Ciclope) (3X) (October 2022 - March 2023)

Mega Bastards (Alex Colon/John Wayne Murdoch) (September 2022 - October 2022)

The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe/Mark Briscoe) (3X) (August 2022 - September 2022)






JCW Championship ~

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Myron Reed (Since September 2023) 



Previous Champion

Jordan Oliver (February 2023 - September 2023)




~ GCW Extreme Championship ~


Joey Janela (Since October 2022) 


Previous Champion

Cole Radrick (July 2022 - October 2022)

AJ Gray (January 2022 - July 2022)



~ JCW Tag Team Championship ~


East West Express (Jordan Oliver/Nick Wayne) (Since June 2023) 




2023: East-West Express (Jordan Oliver/Nick Wayne)



2023: Lio Rush










Alliance Champions



WOW Universal Triangle Championship ~

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Time Machine (Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin/KUSHIDA) (Since August 2023) 


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Live from Sycuan Casino, San Diego

Attendance: 650

1. Jonathan Gresham managed to submit King Mo with an Octopus Stretch in a four-way battle. Bad Dude Tito and Brian Myers were the other two. 

2. Zayne & Christian returned to winning ways after their defeat to Legion of Pain at Homecoming Night 1 as they defeated BUSSY. Alex Zayne hit 630 Senton on Allie Katch.

3. Time Machine followed up on their successful first defense with another solid defense against Second Gear Crew. Manders, Warner, and Justice showed up but after a hard-fought match, Sabin pinned Justice with the Cradle Shock.  (defense #2 of WOW Universal Triangle Championship)

4. Legion of Pain notched up their first defense as they defeated the #1 contenders, TMDK. It was a wild brawl but at the end, a Last Chapter on Shane Haste was enough. (defense #1 of GCW Tag Team Championship)

Zayne & Christian sneak in during the post-match celebration as they attack the champs looking for another opportunity.

5. In the first clash between Cogar and Gage since their face-off at Homecoming, it was Cogar who drew first blood as he teamed up with Rejects, Bentley & JWM against Gage who had Los Parks as his partner.

6. AJ Gray picked up his first defense in a bloody barbed wire deathmatch against the former 3x champ, Alex Colon when he hit the Burning Lariat and a Diving Splash to overcome Colon. (defense #2 of GCW Ultraviolent Championship)


   Show Rating: 44

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Live from Sycuan Casino, San Diego

Attendance: 650

1. Amazing Red won his second match in the organization when he pinned Alice Crowley with a Code Red. Alec Price and JanaI Kai were the other participants.

Red then challenges Reed for the JCW title, saying that this will be his last chance as his body is slowly giving up.

2. After failing to win the Universal Triangle titles, Subculture returned to winning ways when they defeated Wasted Youth.

3. Joey Janela faced off against LA Park Jr. and even though Park came close on quite a few occasions, Janela continued to extend his iconic Extreme Championship reign with his signature Moonsault Foot Stomp.  (defense #15 of GCW Extreme Championship)

4. Bang Bros won the tag scramble as they pinned Kasey Kirk of The Kirks. Hughes Brothers (sons of Devon Dudley) and Unguided were the other teams in fray.

5. East-West Express huffed and puffed as they found it difficult to put out MK Ultra but in the end, a little bit of cheating defended their title.  (defense #4 of JCW Tag Team Championship)

Rascalz rush in and attacks the champs indicating that business is still unfinished between them.

6. Myron Reed faced a surprise opponent in Paul London who returned to the ring after a long long time. We got a good match but London's advancing years caught up with him as Myron got his first defense with the Sky Walker. (defense #1 of JCW Championship)


   Show Rating: 40

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We are on officially on road to Nick Gage Invitational and J Cup, the last two big events and the major shows of the year. This year both the tournaments will be a round robin format with two blocks of 5 wrestlers each fighting for the coveted trophies and the winners get to challenge for the GCW World Championship and JCW Championship respectively on our season finale and biggest show of the season, The World on GCW in January next year.


The qualifiers for the two tournaments will be held in the coming weeks on GCW War Ready and JCW Blood on the Hills after which there will be Road To shows where the blocks will play out. Stay tuned for the upcoming events.




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A GCW event, live from Sycuan Casino, San Diego

Attendance: 690

1. Mance Warner became the 1st person to qualify for the Nick Gage Invitational as he won the battle of the SGC, defeating Manders and Matthew Justice, submitting Manders with the Dragon Sleeper.

2. Vikingo followed that up with a 630 Senton pin over LA Parka Jr. while Effy could only look in despair.

3. Calvin Tankman was the next person to qualify taking on AKIRA and Mike Bailey when he pinned AKIRA with the Tankman Driver. Bailey slides further down in his quest for a main event spot.

4. Jonathan Gresham made good on his promise as he qualifies for the NGI tournament, capping off a string of victories. He made the former Ultraviolent Champion Rina Yamashita tap to his Octopus Stretch. JWM was the third competitor.

5. The fifth qualifier saw arch-rivals Homicide and Lio Rush go at it with EJ Nduka in the midst. While the match was centred on Homicide and Rush, Nduka got some major offenses out of the way but the tag champions, LOP's timely interference led to Lio Rush hitting the Final Hour on Homicide for the victory.

The Black Legion then proceeded to beat Homicide 3-on-1 before Eddie Kingston came rushing in, saving his best friend from the beatdown and making the Legion retreat.

6. Eddie Kingston stayed back for his eventual qualifier in what was virtually a handicap match as he faced off against The Major Players, Myers and Cardona. While for a big portion of the match, Eddie had to suffer the brunt, he did made a comeback and when it looked like he would almost pull off the win, the Black Legion appeared at the ramp again, distracting Kingston and allowing Matt Cardona to hit the Rough Ryder for the win. 

7. In the second face-off between Gage and Cogar, it cost them both as Alex Colon took advantage of their rivalry and pushed Cogar into the guardrails before hitting the Cactus Driver'97 to become the 7th and the final man to qualify.


A graphic came on screen to show the NGI Participants qualified till now:

1.  Mance Warner

2. Vikingo

3. Calvin Tankman

4.  Jonathan Gresham

5. Lio Rush

6. Matt Cardona

7. Alex Colon


   Show Rating: 51

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A JCW event, live from Sycuan Casino, San Diego

Attendance: 698

1. After his impressive performances in recent months, Alex Kane was given a chance at the J Cup and he took it with full hands, pinning Allie Katch with the Mark of Kane. Titus Alexander was the third competitor who could not do much and instead got taken out early in the match by Alex Kane.

2. Out of the Rascalz, it was Trey Miguel who got the first chance at the qualifiers and he grabbed it with both hands, pinning 2 Cold Scorpio with the Meteora with Alec Price the third person in fray.

3. Alex Zayne continued his comeback after being injured for the last few months as he grabbed the third spot overcoming the 2-on-1 handicap over The Kirks.

4. Amazing Red showed age is just a number as he hit the 630 Senton on Jack Cartwheel and then hit a super kick on Jimmy Lloyd before hitting the Code Red on him, getting the win.

5. Joey Janela took his first step towards becoming a double champion as he got better of Gringo Loco and Latigo with his patented Moonsault Foot Stomp over Latigo.

6. In the main event, it was the former champion Jordan Oliver who had his chance to gear up for a shot at reclaiming the title and he didn't make any mistake, hitting the Clout Cutter on Masha Slamovich for the pin with Zachary Wentz failing to break the pin on time.


A graphic came on screen to show the J Cup qualified till now:

1.  Alex Kane

2. Trey Miguel

3. Alex Zayne

4.  Amazing Red

5. Joey Janela

6. Jordan Oliver


   Show Rating: 42

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Block A

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Matt Cardona

Affiliation: Major Players

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



John Gresham

Affiliation: None

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Alex Colon

Affiliation: Mega Bastards

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Calvin Tankman

Affiliation: InJustice

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Daisuke Sekimoto

Affiliation: Big Japan Wrestling

Mode of Entry: Direct Invitation ( @Vandal pick for winning prediction contest)




Block B


Lio Rush

Affiliation: Black Legion

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers




Affiliation: None

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Mance Warner

Affiliation: Second Gear Crew

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Big Damo

Affiliation: TNT Extreme Wrestling

Mode of Entry: Direct Invitation 



Jeff Hardy

Affiliation: Free Agent

Mode of Entry: Direct Invitation 



Who will be the top 2 in Block A?

Who will be the top 2 in Block B?

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On 10/8/2023 at 1:35 PM, Booker2021 said:

Just coming across this diary for the first time.  Love the detail and the development.  
I will start my first post with a prediction for block a and block b

Thanks man and congrats on your first predictions in what will hopefully be the first of many.

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Block A


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Alex Kane

Affiliation: American Top Team

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Jordan Oliver

Affiliation: InJustice

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers


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Amazing Red

Affiliation: None

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Joey Janela

Affiliation: None

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers


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Alex Shelley

Affiliation: Time Machine

Mode of Entry: Direct Invitation ( for being Alliance champion)




Block B



Affiliation: Time Machine

Mode of Entry: Direct Invitation ( for being Alliance champion)



Chris Sabin

Affiliation: Time Machine

Mode of Entry: Direct Invitation ( for being Alliance champion)



Alex Zayne

Affiliation: Zayne & Christian

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Trey Miguel

Affiliation: RascalZ

Mode of Entry: Qualifiers



Robbie Eagles

Affiliation: Melbourne City Wrestling

Mode of Entry: Direct Invitation 



Who will be the top 2 in Block A?

Who will be the top 2 in Block B?

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 The Road to Finals

Block A started with a bang as Calvin Tankman and Alex Colon couldn't find a win and shared the points. But thereafter they struggled and could not win a single match.

Jonathan Gresham was the one who broke the back of Colon and Tankman as he submitted both of them back to back with Octopus Stretch. But then people studied his game and the result was him being unable to use his submission and losing.

Things changed when Sekimoto entered the competition and he basically obliterated it, winning each of his match in dominant fashion and topped the group.

The real surprise package was Matt Cardona who started with a loss against Sekimoto  but then stopped Gresham's momentum in their match and never looked back.




Daisuke Sekimoto - 8 points

Matt Cardona - 6 points

Jonathan Gresham - 4 points

Calvin Tankman - 1 point

Alex Colon - 1 point



Block B saw a huge shock as Vikingo failed to win a single match and became the only wrestler to finish with 0 points. The sole representative of SGC, Mance Warner only won his match against Vikingo but these two were a big disappointment.

Just like Sekimoto in Block A, it was another guest star, Big Damo who killed it as he topped the group with 100% win record

Jeff Hardy and Lio Rush both rounded up the group with equal points as both drew against each other after winning 2 matches each.



Big Damo - 8 points

Lio Rush - 5 points

Jeff Hardy - 5 points

Mance Warner - 2 point

Vikingo - 0 point



So, the NGI finals were set. It would be Cardona vs Sekimoto round 2 and a triple threat between Rush, Damo and Hardy.


Block A Finals: Matt Cardona vs Daisuke Sekimoto

Block B Finals: Lio Rush vs Big Damo vs Jeff Hardy



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