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The Third Game: A Cautious Road to Glory

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Merchandising Math:

For level 4 to be worth it:

3*totalpop < 5*totalpop - 750


750 < 2*totalpop


375 < totalpop

Which means that you don't usually want level 4 merch for a "typical" small company.  You'd need about 40-ish popularity in each game region of your home area for it to be worth it.

However, with the power of global broadcasting, I have ~50 regions

totalpop/50 = minpop for a region.

Which means that if we care about the minimum popularity for a region in the gameworld for level 4 merchandising to be good, we take that 375 and divide it by 50

375/50 ~= 8 popularity.

My smallest is 5 popularity, so upgrading is bad.


We'll ignore that level 5 merchandising is unambiguously better than level 4.


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We're in the white, btw.  If we didn't have WINNOW, we're negative by a few thousand.


We're positive by over $20,000.  So yeah, this is nice.  I ought to get my network to Very Small in Japan, I guess, which is...probably a year away.  A Performance Center at $2.5 million is...were I MWGP, that's a couple years, so maybe 5-ish for me?  I need to cannibalize more companies tbqh.  I know that WINNOW is obviously an outlier, majorly, but still tho...it's a million to have them start with 25 pop in the home region which should give them an okay head start.

Note: $122,000 to comp test everyone.  kewl

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If only I had stayed the figurehead, we'd only be a few months from a bonus.


So let's see...who can I leach the popularity to...

  • Masked Stranger is solid in the ring and can fight.
  • Japanese rangen would be fine if he had experience.
  • Shooter Sean Deeley is not yet in time decline (and is a bit of a jerk).
  • buncha cwa guys


  1. Hire Maxwll Bleak
  2. Fail to make him even try to stop hard drugs.
  3. Get him on roids.
  4. Don't find him in the drug testing area for some reason.
  5. Fire him.



News: Aaron Knight accepted the offer WELL SWF EAT MY BUTT


wait what day did i set it to

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He rolled "Extremely Marketable" ._.


Come to think of it, since I am going to be the figurehead, I'll just feed him to all of them.  I think Jared Johnson is the best of the 6 (3 are shown above).


Gonna increase to 90 minutes.

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I forgot I can just post the picture...anyway, that's...

So Sheik was with MWGP.  Bollywood's Written with MWGP (well, CMW).  Masked has been with TCW awhile (he's hitting 60s and has a former PSW tag reign, and was with L-Ring.  The most successful of the group by far).  Hardcore was with SNP.  Kate's in WINNOW now.

No one else has been touched.  Weird.

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Yes, our best shows are TV.

We are TNA-circa uh...was it RUsso that would book the PPV to lead to TV?  Probs yeah.  Y'know, the bad idea.

I don't think Devilfish is rusty anymore, but I'm not sure (no cap fr fr idk yo)


Nevermind.  Just got a 61 (and botched the crowd heat).

Now to bury Aaron Knight for two shows woooo!!

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Similar elsewhere; Canada was 6x-7x



BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA (also, I think the min-pop thing might not be working.  Or that elsewhere, his min pop is...well...)


I can't stop laughing at the fact that I basically ended his career.  btw: no one had more than a 10-point boost btw.



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13 hours ago, awesomenessofme1 said:

I don't know how hard it is (and I imagine it will vary a lot depending on how many points you put in Silver Tongue, but you can ask someone to change styles using Talk To Worker.

I can, but that feels like cheating, and I'm playing this game straight.  (I have 8 points, I believe.)





So that's him and Skip Beau I'm not pushing.

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okay it's not but i did it anyway

15. “Innovator of Violence” You’ve invented a new move and it’s the talk of the industry, add “Hot New Move” to your attributes Meh

35. “Whose line is it anyway?” You have taken some improv training to get better on the mic. Add ‘Improv Training’ to your character. +10 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone.

chyeah!  All Charisma bayBEE


btw that's me in 2024 pre-boosts.

Would love more tech.  I...don't think that's moved by itself.


Anyway, off to 90 charisma!


36. “Master of wit and repartee”. Your improve training went really well. Add ‘Shoots from the Lip’ to your character. +15 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone.




That's 100 charisma and 88 microphone.

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Why is it always on tv i do great things?!


Anyway...Anyway, plan:

-Get two fantastic announcers.

-Get a good commentator.

-Get another TV show?

-Send my newby announcers to developmental where I have to cheat to make them the announcers?



-Got maybe 4 annnouncers and like 7 commentators.

-Muh announcing experience tho.

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21 minutes ago, Eidenhoek said:





Why is it always on tv i do great things?!


Anyway...Anyway, plan:

-Get two fantastic announcers.

-Get a good commentator.

-Get another TV show?

-Send my newby announcers to developmental where I have to cheat to make them the announcers?



-Got maybe 4 annnouncers and like 7 commentators.

-Muh announcing experience tho.

Since your angles are a lot better than your matches, it might make sense to switch to a more angle-heavy product. If you still use DSPW's default Campy Fun product, then Lighthearted Entertainment is one that's easy to switch to and gives a ridiculous amount of room for angles. It might even give better matches assuming you don't have too many popular guys so far.

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8 hours ago, awesomenessofme1 said:

Since your angles are a lot better than your matches, it might make sense to switch to a more angle-heavy product. If you still use DSPW's default Campy Fun product, then Lighthearted Entertainment is one that's easy to switch to and gives a ridiculous amount of room for angles. It might even give better matches assuming you don't have too many popular guys so far.

Angles, you say?  Absurdist Entertainment is nigh


We're actually family friendly pro wrestling at the moment.  85% matches for events, 70% for tv.  30% in-ring.

btw Extreme Hardcore doesn't want "lengthy" matches, yet requires 15 minutes for world-class scores.  If only the game explained what lengthy meant.  Or what "important matches" means.  Or what "quite lengthy" is.  Also, "Risque Adult" and "Risque Comedy" are the same product.

Things I can change to easily:

  1. Campy Fun: I make less money, I have to have Comedy, Tech Masterclass won't do well, and it's 80/70 for event/tv with the same calculation for rating.  I view this as worse than what I have.
  2. Cartoon Wrestling: 80/65, same calc.  I probably can't slow build a match.  I also run into the "need storyline for major match" thing so bleh.  BLEH.  Although running a 3-hour show is hilarious so
  3. Classic Lucha Libre: An interesting one.  I do lose some sponsortship, I'll have to do Tech and High Spots/Steal, and 15 minutes is necessary for a world-class score (boo).  On the other side, 85/75 and 40-55 on in-ring skill.  This probably would have been a good starting style, maybe, but...probably not a good switch now.
  4. Classic Sports Entertainment: 80/65 with 40-60 in-ring.  It sounds nice, but there are booking negatives that annoy me, so no.
  5. Comic Book Light: Con: I need storylines for "major matches".  Pro: 80/70 with 40-55.  Also, I literally have a stable of animals.
  6. Comic Book Lucha Libre: Same as above on the match ratios and such, but I don't need storylines for matches.
  7. Episodic Entertainment: Not great, as it's more strenuous (but not strenuous-penalized), less sponsors (but still attractive), and requires storylines for major matches.  Otherwise, it's hedging more toward angles and a better match ratio.
  8. Episodic Lucha Libre: Only downside appears to be 15-minute match requirement.  And that I'm not getting a better number of angles/show.
  9. Hokey Southern Rasslin: Worse in every way.
  10. Lighthearted Entertainment: YOOOOOOO 50% MATCHES ON EVENTS.  35% ON TV.  IN-RING SCORES HIGHER.  VERY EASY WORKRATE.  10 MINUTES FOR GREATNESS.  CAN'T DO LONG MATCHES AWWWW.  I WILL REQUIRE COMEDY (meh).  IT'S ONLY "ATTRACTIVE" AND NOT "VERY ATTRACTIVE" (much less "extremely attractive) TO SPONSORS AWWWW.  With as much emphasis as "The West" has on-I mean irl-Christianity for idioms, calling this the mecca of products is kinda funny to me (as that's the holiest city in Islam).  Anyway, why didn't you mention this?  This is probably awesome.  But yes, this is going to hurt some people e.g. Valiant and Hemant, but idk.  I wonder if this easily pivots to "Skit Based"...which needs a hyphen, I think.
  11. Lucha Libre Burlesque: Where "shaving someone bald" is ambiguous XD bbqsauce #wicked #prankd #I'mNotDrunkISwear
  12. Lucha LIbre Entertainment: Generally worse than this based on parameters that annoy me.
  13. Morality Wrestling: The good: charitable donations!  The bad: Actually, there isn't really.  Can't do a tech masterclass, I guess?  But there are more angles so-oh!  And I can call it Mortality Wrestling if I'm not careful and then it's MORTAL KOMBAT DA DA DA dun dun DA DOO DOO DAH DAH wait wrong song
  14. No-Style Style: Aside from neutral sponsorship and long matches, this is probably my favorite product (or the three ring circus.  Or Tres Ring Circus.)  Beautiful range for how matches are rated.  Also, you can cheat and pivot from this, to the other two styles in, I believe, 3 months, saving you 3 months and keeping your popularity gains intact.
  15. Performance Art: How does unmasking a performer NOT add heat?  That's...in ANY play, when ANYONE is unmasked?  HUGE deal.  Phantom of the Opera?  GOES BERSERK.  Jekyll and Hyde are the same person spoilers?  HUGE DEAL INTEGRAL TO THE PLOT.  Guy in a Sting mask unmasks?  IT'S STIIIIIIING \Schiavone
  16. PG Rated Sports Entertainment: Without checking, I believe grammatically it should be "PG-Rated".  Anyway, not terrible, were it not for the "storylines for matches" shtick.
  17. Psycho Circus: The style that TCW ought to have for its eponymous show, which ought to be branded with this as its emphasis product style thing.  Or...doesn't MWGP have this too?
  18. Puerto Rican Hardcore: Fans will accept any match type.  Except Cinematic, Eye Candy, or Comedy.  Thanks, game.
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obvs we're going Lighthearted; thanks for the callout I need no help you peasant I was only proving that I could succeed without switching products, and I made the decision to do so without any outside influence.  Yo, I had my brightness too low.  Now I can read.

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