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The Third Game: A Cautious Road to Glory

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1 hour ago, Eidenhoek said:

btw Extreme Hardcore doesn't want "lengthy" matches, yet requires 15 minutes for world-class scores.  If only the game explained what lengthy meant.  Or what "important matches" means.  Or what "quite lengthy" is.  Also, "Risque Adult" and "Risque Comedy" are the same product.

This post actually inspired me to check it for myself. You can check out the various thresholds here.

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Also how did I not get that note earlier in the night?




EAT A BAG OF wait family friendly uh SCREW YOU DITTERICH

Got a 69, which I think is the best show I've booked in any company.  I think.


rolling the dice...

51. "Step Into The Light" You get your 15 minutes of fame. +5 Pop across entire base country

Normally, I'd jump on that.  But I'm at the popularity cap, so this doesn't do anything.  And I'd lose it if/when I lose due to the cap.


27. “RTGlaw” Everyone is in the industry is talking about your recent performances, add “Flavour of the Month” to your attributes

Don't care boooooo


39. “Run Forest Run”. You outshine everyone athletically. Add ‘Stud Athlete’ to your character. Add +10 across Power, Athleticism and Stamina

Stamina's fine; in the prior run, though, I'd KILL for this.  Sadly, no Athlete cosmetic buff for me.

7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them)

So I could ruin Michele Deeley (most attractive) and Super Rhino.  Or...


So brother is managed by the boss now, and I with her.


I'm giving us perfect managerial chemistry if we don't have it.

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11 minutes ago, Eidenhoek said:




Now, why did THIS not get the announcer chemistry bonus?

I recently lucked into good chemistry with the first announcers I hired in a game I'm playing, and I've played a few shows with them. As far as I can tell, unlike other types of chemistry, announcers don't get the bonus every time. There doesn't seem to be any particular pattern, it's just a random chance. I'm not sure if "good" vs "great" chemistry makes it trigger more often or just boosts the bonus you get when it does trigger.

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Oh I get another roll, right >______________________>


(I got Master and Disciple.  I...guess Sean McFly might teach me psychology?  If it was real.)




...I'd go back to fix it, but it did well BUT REALLY, YOU WERE MAD AT THE BEST PARTS OF THE SHOW OKAY.

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btw Joffy Laine is Loyal to me.  /sigh  And he's Hugh Ancrie's friend, so I'm going to job him out the "not getting me murdered outside the arena" way.


Valiant won, I believe dominantly, over me.  I then had another match with Double J Jeff Jarnderson and like 8 angles.  No pop loss for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Bit of an annoyance with the Organic Growth thingy.  I can't hit Small earlier than like...5, maybe 6 months.  Can't happen.  And MEDIUM?  24 more points, probably a year and...most of one.  At least.  It's...then BIG is 83 pop?  Another 2 years!  It's just...more shows doesn't help.





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1. Wolf Hawkins vs. PETR NOVAK got a 100.  In a Cage.  wut

2. Wrestleworld India exists.  TOO BAD IT SUCKS.



Double developmental lul


Shooter Sean Deeley wanted a raise.  From $30 to LIKE $2,000.  So I'm injuring him (ha ha NYCW) on the way to him quitting.

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She's not any good as a wrestler she's burying you tonight, idiot aw he doesn't want to be buried

Anyway Anyway, Anyway there we go.


Anyway, you can do something that I don't know what happens if you make a 1v1 matchup a Once in a Lifetime match before choosing the participants.  It let's you save it.





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Multiple broken records here.  Best show, best match...I might need to add 30 minutes to my shows.


29. “Golden boy” You can’t put a foot wrong in the ring at the moment, add “Midas Touch” to your attributes

30. “Casting Call" You have been cast in a small TV show, next stop Hollywood! +10 points to spend across Charisma and Acting. Also add TV Actor to Misc for your character. If previously your character had "TV Actor" add "Movie Star"

I'll pass due to Acting not mattering, but it's tempting.

47. "It's not the size of the dog, it's the size of the fight" You now like fighting from underneath, add "Plays Weasely/Underdog Well" and “Giving Performer” to your attributes

Giving performer isn't bad, and this moves me closer to "Amazing Babyface".

That said, nu.

26. “If you smeeeeeeeeeeelll!!” That new catchphrase of yours has really caught on, you heard someone in the street say it! Add “Hot New Catchphrase” to your attributes

I literally have this right now, baka ("baka" is my catchphrase)

34. “Pain is weakness leaving the body” Your match performance is not affected as much by injury because you are a tough SOB. Add ‘High Pain Threshold to you character. Add +10 points across Resilience and Toughness

I don't want to work while injured.

16. “Hit The Bricks” You live in the gym. +20 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power)

Not only is Stamina the only thing I would care about, I can't have a penalty-less match more than 15 minutes anyway.

23. “Quick Learner” You suddenly have an eureka moment in the ring +10 to Experience Skill

Irrelevant (aside from me getting Prodigy from when I got this last time.

11. “Nose To The Grindstone” You have devoted yourself to training in the ring +10 any Primary skill of your choice



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Given that you get a bonus for having a strong start, matches like this (Dragon's still a bit inexperienced!) are why Main Event Focus is trash.  I'm switching mid-show to three-ring, as I tend to have two great matches and at least one okay one.  Ensemble might do better with the 40/40 split (instead of 33/33/33), but that last 20 % includes the Comedy match.  I could run the numbers, but given that I don't know what the Ensemble bonus is, and that I don't care that much, idc.

Main Event was 75.

And I can do 20 minute entertainments yay

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So, Tight Focus is broken.  Only two angles contribute to the angle rating.  2.  Which is, for me, 30-40 minutes.








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