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SZW - Sydney Zone Wrestling (CVerse 2020)

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@John Lions Firstly a big thank you to John who has done a ton, ton of work in sorting out posters and show logos for the company. I was going to hold off until Final Chapter, but wanted to show them off early as they look amazing and I appreciate the work he has done. Now onto the show. 


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The Kipper ~ Adgee Cross

The start of the show had The Kipper come out to the crowd. Kipper called out the champion Adgee Cross to the ring wanting to apologies for the miscommunication in the event last month. It cost them a win in the main event.

Adgee Cross accepted the apology but questioned whether the former SZW Australian Champion had seemingly lost a step. The moment Adgee mentioned The Kipper being past it, it apparently lit a fire under the belly of The Kipper who said he’d prove tonight he still has what it takes in the ring, and if Adgee was champion at the end of the night. He would love the chance to show him just that at Final Chapter. A challenge Adgee Cross accepted, on the condition he walks out champion tonight.


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Michel Bernard vs Jake D’Angelo

This was one of the biggest challenges for Jake D’Angelo to face on his road to Final Chapter where he would face down Vortex for the SZW Sydney Championship. With Michel not involved at this stage in the Tag-Team Championship he was the perfect guy to get a strong match from Jake D’Angelo before eventually losing to Jake after he outsmarted the younger wrestler by playing possum for a quick roll up victory. This was a great performance by Michel Bernard.

Winner: Jake D’Angelo

Rating: 49



Jake D’Angelo

Jake grabbed a microphone after the match looking focused and serious after his victory tonight, knowing where the road would lead.

“I begged, grovelled almost for that cosmic energy to give me a match against Vortex.”

“Truth is, I don’t give a damn about whatever mystical, magical powers that idiot thinks he has. I don’t care about destiny or chosen ones. I care about JAKE D’ANGELO! I am the only thing that matters. I signed my contract earlier tonight, the match is now booked. I will not only take on that idiot “The Vortex”

He says in a mocking tone of voice as he says Vortex’s name at the end.

“What a joke, he is. I will walk out of Final Chapter defeating that idiot and proclaim myself your new SZW Sydney Champion!”


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The Kipper vs Christian Blithe

After costing his team last week The Kipper was out to even the ledger against Christian Blithe. This would be his returning solo match and showing he hadn’t lost a step was a key part of the match. The Kipper was really off his game and certainly struggled, but on the other side of things Christian Blithe pulled out the best performance he has had for me and it was a great match. Despite the poor performance The Kipper picked up a win with his Lariat.

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 53


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Armando Guerrero ~ Jesse Tasman

A much more conventional promo tonight with Armando Guerrero backstage looking to get ready for his upcoming match tonight. Armando had just finished lacing his boots as the young surfer from last month made entrance. Tasman talked about being here to encourage Armando to face his fears of the ocean, and for his payment. He also forgot to pay him last month.

Armando was not having a bar of it and suggested for Tasman to join him in the ring, which coincidentally was the fear of Tasman. Armando would not drop that and wanted to force Tasman into a match, to face his fears and overcome them. Tasman agreed on the condition that Armando would face one of his own fears at Final Chapter. The Australian Luchador reluctantly agreed to the condition and said he would be in Tasman’s corner next month, and encouraged Jesse to come watch him in action tonight.


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Saul Rubennick vs Armando Guerrero

Saul came out to the ring first to give Armando enough time to make his entrance, with Jesse Tasman following dutifully behind. This was a short match between the two men who are veterans. Armando continued to show he can get a decent performance out of anyone in the ring. Even Saul Rubennick which was good to see.

Winner: Armando Guerrero

Rating: 42


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Bruce the Giant ~ The Devoted Souls

Bruce the Giant came out to the ring and called out both Adrian McGhee and I to the ring. The pair of us answered the call with belts on our shoulders. We had proven to be the strongest tag-team and both credible singles contenders in our own right. We had these titles for almost two years now and there was no end in sight. Not even the giant, Bruce would trouble us.

We climbed into the ring and Bruce made it clear that we weren’t here to talk gesturing to ringside staff to stop when they went to hand us microphones of our own.

“Last month, you two ruined a hell of a match and caused another draw between two teams wanting a shot at your title. You don’t want to fight either team? Fine you won’t be, but you will still be a triple threat match for your titles at Final Chapter. I have already booked a team to join Lifeline and yourselves in the match. I won’t ruin the surprise for either of you. I will leave you with this however, they are big challengers. Both in name and in size. I wish you the best of luck.”

The segment concluded with both Adrian and I having a smile on our faces. As far as we were concerned, this wasn’t a punishment. Just another chance for us to prove that we are the best team to grace the shores of Australia.


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Lerone Slim vs Lone Rider

Lerone Slim had another difficult task ahead of him. This time it was in the shape of Lone Rider who came out to the ring with his patented Branding Iron in hand as he walked to the ring. Ceri Dordevich made herself known from the outset of the match. From the outset it was clear Lerone wasn’t going to get much going tonight as Lone Rider dominated the match, but because of that it didn’t make a truly exciting match between the two.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 35


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Lone Rider & Ceri Dordevich

Ceri climbed into the ring with a microphone after the match.

“Stephanie sweetie, did I pull your hair a bit to tight? Did you lose some brain cells when you fell on top of your battered husband? What sort of idiot would willingly let her man get in the ring with this.”

Ceri took a moment to step away from Lone Rider and allow the crowd and herself to appreciate Lone Rider after his match.

“Not only get in the ring with him, but inside a steel cage. A match with this man, the man who left good ole’ Rusty in a heap after tenderising his ribs with a branding iron?”

With that Lone Rider reached down for his weapon and laughed before taking the microphone.

“If you haven’t got the picture by now Rusty. I am accepting your steel cage match at Final Chapter.”


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Lee Bawes vs Adgee Cross ©

Lee Bawes came out looking like money and this was the biggest match of his career. He came out here looking for a win and to put on a performance in the Main Event. Adgee Cross meanwhile was here for his third title defence and Adgee Cross was on the offensive from the outset with a fiery burst of energy against the veteran.  Both men put on a great performance tonight, with Lee Bawes continuing to impress me greatly with another great performance. Adgee Cross made up for his last title match with a great performance as well.

Winner: Adgee Cross

Rating: 57


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Adgee Cross ~ The Kipper

After the match Adgee Cross wasn’t going to celebrate, he was on the look out for another attack from the other member of Golden Grapplers Christian Blithe. Instead, another former opponent, and current ally of his came out to the ring The Kipper.

Both men stared each other down, with The Kipper staying out on the entrance ramp. While Adgee Cross lifted the title up high, symbolising what both men would be fighting for in the future. With both men having a victory tonight, it was clear they would be facing off against one another for the SZW Australian Championship.


Edited by HiPlus
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Excited to see the new graphics in action, they look great.


Lee Bawes has always been a "solid" guy but I've never seen him step up before, him having that kind of a match with Adgee is incredible. Great to see him getting a bit of a career renaissance at his age. Him and Blithe have been a great couple of bridge challengers between Adgee's big stories (Kipper + Lone Rider), and both came out looking better.


Lone Rider/Slim was disappointing - I've found that the Dominate note isn't even worth using, it gives you a horrible match and can even hurt the popularity of the guy dominating it. It feels overnerfed from 2016 IMO.

Excited to see Jake D'Angelo's title match, it'll be a real chance for him to sink or swim, He's at least proven that he can put on a great match with a great partner even if he's not doing the work (Bernard, Blackwell, etc), and Vortex is a great dance partner himself.

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I like the improbable duo that Armando and Tasman make. Someone pointed out that it was good that you didn't use Armando in every show so you wouldn't run out of segments for him, but with a partner like Tasman there are much more stories to write for them.

I didn't like Christian Blithe losing but I understand it was needed to build The Kipper for a future title match. The Kipper vs Adgee Cross was teased again and it seems like it's going to be a great match. I don't know much about The Kipper's character, but it feels like he's evolving in this return to SZW. Lee Bawes vs Adgee Cross was the match of the night by a small margin over The Kipper vs Christian Blithe, so I guess The Kipper's performance was very good. Bawes has been a good challenger and this loss doesn't hurt him in my opinion.

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A surprise for the third team in the tag title match, nice. Probably the biggest test Peril and McGhee have had. Two challengers anyone can pin anyone, big match up. 


Lone Rider dominating Lerone Slim, not a bad idea but execution wasn't great. Is Lerone Slim good at selling? Could have been a factor, I've had some good results with the dominate note, but I only have like a 2-5 min match, never longer. Could also have been a gimmick thing, or the fact that Rider isn't menacing enough. I always thought that "Squash" should be a match type instead of the dominate note. 


Was questioning Kipper over Blithe but I guess with Kipper up next for SZW shot I guess it makes sense. Seeing you aren't pulling the trigger on the fatal four way, shame. Would have been interested in how you'd write it. Bawes needs a big program now after what he has done in his pursuits of the SZW title. It's kinda like AJ Styles when he came into the WWE and feuded with Reigns, he was never going to win, but showed he's a big player to Vince that he deserves to be featured. Bawes has done the same thing here for you. 

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It's really cool how you've found a way to convert Armando Guerrero's outdoor adventure segments into the ring through Jesse Tasman. That's not easy to pull off but the transition felt really natural.

A big show of faith in The Kipper to get the Final Chapter title match and, based on how good his match was here, it looks like he's got enough left in the tank to live up to the spot. It amused me that you got the "really off his game" note here but still pulled in a good rating as I find often the matches I get hit by that in are ones I wouldn't have been able to tell without the note as the rating was still what I expected.

I too thought you were leaning fatal four way for the tag teams, but this seems like a really smart direction in potentially giving you two high-stakes tag matches: the one for the title plus breaking the deadlock in the non-title rivalry, which might also determine the champions' first post-Final Chapter opponents. Intrigued to see who the new team will be, and if it alters Lifeline's fortunes.

Digging the new artwork too.

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Well, I didn’t plan it as I thought we had capped ourselves to remaining Tiny, but we have officially moved to “Small” size. It does mean we can get some broadcasting going. Originally, I wanted to wait until we were in a surplus of cash to try and get on WrestleWorld Australia. Our requirement to upgrade our Music levels is too costly right now.


Another helping hand by Original Lone Rider (Paul) this time CCW had been struggling, not insane amount but enough to be causing them troubles. Not sure why Paul took an interest, but I think the fact he had a chance to help out other people he wanted to continue that. First thing he did was cut some expensive talent, and let them continue to manage themselves.


Jimmy Stratosphere

Well this was a shock as I knew it would be sooner or later that my guys might get poached. Something a part of me definitely understands and would be happy about. The guy that got poached first wasn’t one I expected nor was it by the company I expected being RAW. Jimmy hadn’t done much with us but when Exodus came knocking it was clear he was going to sign with them. It made sense though a $10k a month contract, Jimmy could finally make wrestling his career. It wasn’t a weekend hobby any more for him. The company was local to him which also helped as he had just bought a place in Japan. I tried to pry out whether he was going to bring Motty along. He said their were tentative talks about him, but with Motty suffering a chronic shoulder injury that Exodus weren’t looking to be someone’s insurance plan. It may happen down the line, but not just yet.

Jimmy also let me know he would be at a SAISHO event this weekend so wouldn’t be available for us yet again, and unable to put someone over on the way out. Sadly, that means his incredibly short run with us was over.

His final match for SAISHO was in a losing effort as he and his partner Motty Kuroda lost to the team of Jayson Van Pelt and Sozen Ishinomori in the Main Event of the Dream Clash Tour.




@John Lions Lee Bawes has been a gem for me since giving him some momentum. I feel bad as I don't think he will ever be given a chance with the Main Strap but he has done everything I have wanted from him which I love. He has changed my mind about him a lot from this diary. I agree everytime I have used Wild Brawl or the Dominate match note it hasn't helped at all. I use tainted finish this month and it worked out really well. 

@newbiezness Blithe gets his win back in a big way. The Kipper will get a chance to talk more about his character coming up in the next show. Bawes has been big lately.

@DAVEFAN95 I think the length is a big reason why it probably didn't do as well Lerone definitely has solid selling. Looking back building to a Fatal-Fourway would have been a lot better I think than my current plan as I have sort of pushed Golden Grapplers to the side. I agree Bawes has definitely done that for sure. 

@619 I think the rating was a lot more because of Christian Blithe. I am still reserved for the Final Chapter main event. I had thought about making it a Fatal-Fourway, but I think one team beating three challengers would leave me with the rest of the tag division feeling a lot weaker than it is. The new Artwork is all from @John Lions he does wonders with the AI art, it all looks great.

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Adgee Cross ~ Delbert DeGeorge

Delbert kicked off the show introducing the Australian Champion Adgee Cross down to the ring. Delbert DeGeorge hit out the gate and does not sugar coat the questions for the champion tonight asking how he plans to counter the experience of The Kipper, considering everyone he has faced for the title had been less experienced than Adgee had been.

“Delbert, that is a good question. Everyone sees Kipper as this long tenured, experienced work horse. The Kipper is 10 years older than I am, but the truth is he only has four years more experience than me. I have been doing this for 15 years. The day I turned 18 I had my first match against was against someone who had only been wrestling for a year at that point, my first match was against a very young Swoop McCarthy the be all, end all of Australian wrestling.  Everyone talked about Kipper being a veteran. There is less than 10 guys backstage that have been doing this longer than me. Experience is something I do not lack, and I have beaten The Kipper before and will be happy to do so again.”

Delbert noted that he had beaten the Kipper before, but then bought up their record against each other. Adgee had beaten The Kipper to earn his shot for the Australian Championship, while The Kipper had beaten Adgee in the first ever match for the Australian Championship.

“It is true, when the title was on the line last time between The Kipper and I, he had beaten me. I won’t deny that, but that was over three years ago. I have grown a lot in three years, and in that time I have beaten The Kipper, I have beaten Lone Rider. I beat both Christian Blithe and Lee Bawes. I have done so damn much in those short three years. I said it just before, but I beat The Kipper in our last match. That should be in the back of his mind.”

Delbert bought the focus to tonight with Adgee Cross slated to take on Trehawke Phillips in one-on-one action as the two will square off later.

“I don’t mean any offence to Trehawke, he is one of those guys in the back that actually have a lot more experience in the ring than I do. When you’re champion every match is basically a championship match for your opponent. Beating the guy on top is the most important thing you can do, they always give it their best. I am going to make it clear, I am not looking past my opponent tonight with a sole focus on Final Chapter. I will watch The Kipper’s upcoming match, and then head to the back to focus on my own match.”

Delbert DeGeorge thanked Adgee for his time once again and made a small announcement that at Final Chapter we will hear from The Kipper and about his decision to not hang up the boots at the end of last year and why he had returned, but before that did the champion have any final words.

“I have Main Evented Final Chapter the previous two years, the first time against The Kipper and Lone Rider, then against Lone Rider solo. Now The Kipper got his chance solo. The only common denominator in every single Main Event at Final Chapter was “The Boss” Adgee Cross. The last two years I rightfully stole the show with my performances, having match of the night on both occasions. While there is hype for a lot of the matches. At Final Chapter I will deliver a match of the night performance, I just hope ol’ Kipper can keep up.”


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The Kipper vs Michael Rheur

Two of the veterans in the ring Michael Rheur showed he was losing a step while The Kipper showed he wasn’t going to slow down anytime soon when compared to his fellow veterans with The Kipper. The whole match Adgee Cross sat at the ringside area, he didn’t look to get involved but paid close attention to his future opponent. The Kipper hit the Lariat that had previously won him the Australian Championship and The Kipper took a moment to look at Adgee at the ringside area before making the cover for the win.

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 37


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Jake D’Angelo ~ Vortex

Jake D’Angelo came out to the ring with a microphone in hand to hype up his championship match for next month.

“Listen, I get it everyone loves the creep in the shadows, the mystery masked moron. I want to make it clear to everyone, that it doesn’t matter what a cosmic force says, what a creepy dude who follows COVID restrictions a little to much thinks. I am the master of manipulation. People say I cheat, I say I have strategy. People say I am underhanded, I say I am prepared.”

Jake is about to deliver another line before his microphone cuts out and the arena is plunged into darkness before Vortex makes another surprise appearance before the crowd, this time at the entrance ramp with his own microphone.

“Jake D’Angelo, I want to make sure you understand. You aren’t facing me, your facing the cosmic forces, the plan has already been set and put in motion. I am the one who will walk from that ring as champion. You are games, tricks and tactics Jake D’Angelo. In the Vortex there are no rules, there is no unknown. You perceive this as a match, I see it as destiny.”

Vortex ends his promo prematurely almost, as he was about to deliver another line before dropping the microphone to his feet. The stage was set, the master of manipulation, the cheater Jake D’Angelo would take on the unknown enigma that is Vortex.



Buckminster Snark

We cut to the TitanTron where Buckminster Snark appeared to be boarding a small private plane, it was a stark contrast to the Australian evening as it looked to be the middle of the day as Buckminster Snark was walking up the steps, he could be heard muttering to himself. “She could have had this.”

Snark stopped at the top step to look back at the camera. A quick insult to the Australian beaches as he pointed out he was in Hawaii on a quick vacation to enjoy his life, while everyone in the arena had back breaking jobs. Buckminster promised he would be back next month at Final Chapter and wanted to create an open challenge for anyone Australia to give him a fight.


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Lifeline vs Groovy Tokers

Back to the in-ring action Lifeline came out to some cheers as they faced another team who had some fans on their side Groovy Tokers. Unfortunately for the Tokers it was a very one-sided match with the number one contenders getting the upper hand in the ring.

Winners: Lifeline

Rating: 45


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The Devoted Souls ~ Lifeline

The champions stormed the ring after the match and this was a beat down. Both members of Lifeline were decimated at the ringside area, with Lance Maddigan being driven through the steps at the ringside area. Peril (that’s me!) dragged a downed Banky Bremner to the announce table and I powerbombed him through it shattering the table to the floor. I didn’t stop there as I delivered another powerbomb onto the remains of the table and hard floor.

Lance had been dragged into the ring and placed over one set of the stairs by Adrian McGhee before slamming the second half of the ringside steps into the ribs of the Lance Maddigan who was almost on display. After finally being pleased with our work the backstage crew had started to come out and Adrian McGhee grabbed the microphone.

"We were done, and so are Lifeline. If we wanted to fight you like you shouted at us back at Recipe for Disaster we would have just come and fought you. We aren't afraid of you and we sure as hell don't want a one on one match with you two at Final Chapter. Hell, we don't want to see you at Final Chapter at all."

Adrian handed off the microphone to myself.

"Lance... Banky... All the promotional material is made up. You guys are going to be on the match card for next month. You should feel so lucky to have your names listed beside ours. Sadly, you won't be making the match. No fan attending next months show should expect to see either member of Lifeline, as they wont be making to the ring. As for the unknown team who signed a contract to face us. We don't care how big you are. You are not beating us. Make whatever calls you need to make to back out of the match. Do it for your health, do it so your families don't have to see you beaten and destroyed like Lifeline have been."


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Jesse Tasman ~ Armando Guerrero

After the beatdown in the ring and the destruction that was caused by The Devoted Souls we pivoted to a backstage segment as everything got fixed up and Lifeline where stretchered out to the backstage area.

Jesse Tasman and Armando Guerrero were talking about the upcoming match and Jesse Tasman was excited and nervous about making his in ring debut. He would do so against a former champion in Dizzy G. Jesse voiced concern about Maelstrom being at ringside, but Armando assured him he would be by his side as well.

Jesse responded in a more relaxed manner and said just like Armando, he would be at Armando’s side when he takes on his biggest fear next month at Final Chapter. They would ride that wave together. Leaving Armando now looking nervous as Jesse hyped himself up more for the next match.


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Jesse Tasman vs Dizzy G

Debut match for Jesse Tasman was against a big opponent who hadn’t had much to do lately. Maelstrom made his presence known in the match when Dizzy G distracted the referee. Armando tried to tell the referee, but it only led to a further distraction.   Allowing Maelstrom to take out Jesse in the middle of the ring giving Dizzy G a comfortable win.

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 46


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Dizzy G & Maelstrom ~ Blackwell Bush

The uncharismatic Blackwell Bush came out as Dizzy G celebrated and asked for a match against Maelstrom at Final Chapter. Dizzy G insulted Blackwell saying he was clearly as dumb as all the fans in the arena not remembering that Maelstrom wasn’t signed for in-ring competition. Blackwell Bush replied that he would then face Dizzy G at Final Chapter, and he will settle for fighting Maelstrom right now.

Blackwell Bush ran down the entrance ramp and came to blow with Maelstrom both men beating on each other, neither getting the upper hand until Dizzy G got involved and hit delivering a fireman carry to Blackwell Bush on the outside of the ring, a move he has been calling the G-Strain.


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Adgee Cross vs Trehawke Phillips

The Kipper came out to watch his Adgee, copying the fac that the champion had done that earlier in the night. The match against Trehawke showed that, Trehawke had clearly slowed down this past year. This was a bad match for the champion, but clearly not his fault at all. It however made me nervous for him Main Eventing next month.

Winner: Adgee Cross

Rating: 35


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Golden Grapplers

As the ceremony music played the two members of Golden Grapplers Christian Blithe and Lee Bawes made their entrances tonight. Lee Bawes clearly not dressed to fight while Christian Blithe was ready for his upcoming match against Rusty Mills.

Christian Blithe announced the peasants at ringside would get to watch him in solo action, and reminded the fans that he was thankful for his tag-team partner coming out to watch him in solo action against one of the biggest names in the company.

Lee Bawes took a moment to talk about how neither man had a match next month, and they would change that. They wanted to try out the tag-team division and would do so against two teams who failed to become Number One Contenders for the tag-team titles. They would take on The Runway and Smokers & Suplexes with the winner becoming the new Number One Contenders.


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Rusty Mills vs Christian Blithe

This was an insanely good match, and that includes Christian Blithe being off his game tonight. This was the first match with over a 60 rating, and the newest best match for the company. Setting a really solid stage for next month. Rusty Mills came out looking focused, he was direct in his attacks and didn’t waiver his focus at Lee Bawes who was at the ringside area. Unfortunately for him, that focus disappeared when Stephanie his wife screamed at ringside. She had been tackled by Ceri who had come through the crowd with Lone Rider. The distraction was enough for Christian Blithe to hit “Fame-maker” his Super Kick and pick up a win against Rusty Mills.

Winner: Christian Blithe

Rating: 62


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Lone Rider & Ceri Dordevich ~ Rusty Mills & Stephanie Drucker

Golden Grapplers didn’t stick around to celebrate the win as Lone Rider quickly hit the ring. With no one else around Lone Rider helped Rusty Mills to his feet before hitting the Dusty Trail Takedown on his opponent next month at Final Chapter. The vicious attack leaving Rusty Mills laid out for the third time this year, this time Stephanie couldn’t tend to her husband as she was recovering at ringside. Lone Rider and Ceri made their way backstage pleased with their work for the night



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Final Chapter 2022 Match Card


SZW First Steel Cage Match

Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills


Winner becomes Tag-Team Championship Number One Contender

The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway


Armando faces his Greatest Fear

???? vs Armando Guerrero


Winner will face Sydney Champion at New Year Riot

Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush


Snarks Open Challenge

Buckminster Snark vs ????


Sydney Championship Match

Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©


Tag-Team Championship Match

Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©


Australian Championship Match

The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©





SZW First Steel Cage Match - Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

Tag-Team Number One Contender Match - The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

Greatest Fear - ???? vs Armando Guerrero

Sydney Championship Number One Contender Match - Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

Buckminster Snark Invitational - Buckminster Snark vs ???

Sydney Championship Match - Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

Tag-Team Championship Match - Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©

Australian Championship Match - The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©


Tie-Breakers One - Top 3 Matches of the Night




Tie-Breaker Two - 

Promo of the Night (List 3 workers): 

Edited by HiPlus
Fixing up prompt
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Jesse pulling off a great match in his debut - he should still be a rookie, but given you're almost 3 years in he must have had some solid development. Blithe and Mills was a great match as expected, Blithe getting the win is huge. I was worried he'd fall down the card as a singles guy after an underwhelming first couple of matches solo. Sad to see Jimmy go before he really made an impact, but at least he got to tag with Adgee, who is a guy I think compares to him. Two brutal beatdowns by the heels sandwiching a pretty tame World title match.

I've used pretty much every single low level/unemployed wrestler in Australia, and never in my life would I have imagined a season finale with The Kipper and Jake D'Angelo both challenging for titles (at least in 2020, Kipper was a beast in his better days). Big props to you for giving both guys a chance to sink or swim on the big stage. I appreciate how you are booking, as it's one thing I did as well - with no history and all workers with no championship reigns in their careers, if you treat your veterans with respect then it just builds up the credibility of the rest of your roster. The Kipper, skill-wise, should be no where near his place on the card, but he's been consistently one of the "founding fathers" of SZW and he's treated like a big deal.

Glad the graphics turned out well, they look great with your posts.


SZW First Steel Cage Match - Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

At the end of the day, this is Rider's match to lose. He's the boss's son, another "founding father" and central figure for the last 3 years, and he's looking for that first big win after his heel turn. With the skill + credibility + experience that Rusty has, he can lose 100 matches in a row in the current SZW and still be on the same place on the card. Rider needs the win more than Rusty does.

Tag-Team Number One Contender Match - The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

Perfect opportunity to reward Blithe + Bawes for their main events - the singles wrestlers step into the tag division for the first time and immediately snatch a title opportunity.

Greatest Fear - ???? vs Armando Guerrero

With so many heels winning, you can't have the good guy lose in a vignette! I'm wondering if we see any other Surfers make an appearance to help Armando conquer his fears... Or the Shark itself? A lot of options

Sydney Championship Number One Contender Match - Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

Dizzy G still feels like "the" Sydney champion, and now with a massive enforcer he's the first big test for Vortex.

Buckminster Snark Invitational - Buckminster Snark vs ???

Man, I'm picking against the ??? on 3 shows. Since Bucky hasn't really been much of an in-ring character, I think this segment is more about building him up than a potential debut.

Sydney Championship Match - Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

Good job getting here Jake, but this is as high as you go...

Tag-Team Championship Match - Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©

Ultimate babyface underdog victory. The ??? team proves to be a bigger problem for the Devoted Souls, leading to those two teams feuding while the Lifeline give the tag division their first babyface team on top in 3 years of SZW. And they have a perfect first defense lined up with the Golden Grapplers... I'm also going to guess the ??? team is Samoan Destruction - I was waffling between them and the Apocalypse, but I know you are a big fan of those two.

Australian Championship Match - The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©

There is a sick twisted part of me that wants to pick The Kipper. I'm not buying his good guy act, and I can totally see a swerve at the end with Kipper laying him out and being joined by Lone Rider or something. I think that's more likely than Kipper cheating to win or anything.

Tie-Breakers One - Top 3 Matches of the Night

Wow, this is tough. You've cut a lot of the chaff and a lot of these guys are pretty similar in performance.

1. Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls

I believe in your top tag teams. This is all banking on the ??? team being a top team rather than an average team from the get go.

2. Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

I also believe in Rusty Mills. He was my Adgee Cross in my TEW2010 dynasty from 13 years ago!

3. The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

I honestly should put this first, it'll get to open to a hot crowd most likely and there are so many good individual workers in this match, with 2 tag chemistries. Sticking with my gut though.

Tie-Breaker Two - 

Promo of the Night (List 3 workers): 

Armando Guerrero


Lone Rider

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Fully Loaded was a great show. Adgee Cross expressed some concerns about The Kippers' form and then both of them didn't have good ratings, so we'll see if they can deliver at Final Chapter or not. Jake D'Angelo comparing Vortex's mask with covid masks was a good line and the entire segment heated up this rivalry. It seems that Jesse Tasman won't get a big push and he'll have to earn his spot little by little, and he has a perfect ally during the process in Armando. His match against Rusty Mills confirmed Christian Blithe as a rising star in SWF, Golden Grapplers are going to be unstoppable in the tag team division in my opinion. Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills match was perfectly introduced during the Main Event and the last segment.


@John Lions 's graphic for Final Chapter is absolutely epic. Congratulations.


SZW First Steel Cage Match - Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

I didn't know there hadn't been a steel cage match in SZW before. After being in the best match in the history of SZW I'm going to pick Rusty, but Lone Rider's importance to SZW and his father may outweigh a single match.

Tag-Team Number One Contender Match - The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

No discussion.

Greatest Fear - ???? vs Armando Guerrero

Armando Guerrero overcoming his greatest fear on the biggest stage. I think he deserves it.

Sydney Championship Number One Contender Match - Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

Not 100% sure about this one.

Buckminster Snark Invitational - Buckminster Snark vs ???

At least one ??? has to win.

Sydney Championship Match - Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

Vortex is too good to lose so soon.

Tag-Team Championship Match - Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©

I think The Devoted Souls retain here to lose the titles against The Golden Grapplers.

Australian Championship Match - The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©

I think The Kipper's role in this match should be to elevate Adgee a little bit more. I'm not too confident about the rating, so I'm not including this match in the top 3, but I think it will be fine.


Tie-Breakers One - Top 3 Matches of the Night

1. Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

2. The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

3. Jake D'Angelo vs Vortex ©️

Tie-Breaker Two - 

Promo of the Night (List 3 workers): 


Armando Guerrero

The Kipper

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SZW First Steel Cage Match - Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

Tag-Team Number One Contender Match - The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

Greatest Fear - ???? vs Armando Guerrero

Sydney Championship Number One Contender Match - Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

Buckminster Snark Invitational - Buckminster Snark vs ???

Sydney Championship Match - Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

Tag-Team Championship Match - Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©

Australian Championship Match - The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©


Tie-Breakers One - Top 3 Matches of the Night

1. The Kipper vs Adgee Cross

2.  Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

3.  Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls

Tie-Breaker Two - 

Promo of the Night (List 3 workers):


Buckminster Snark

Dizzy G

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SZW First Steel Cage Match - Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

Big fan of The Duo and although I know Lone Rider is the owners son, yada, yada, yada, I will go for Mills

Tag-Team Number One Contender Match - The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

S&S had their chance, Runway are meh for me. Golden Grapplers could be excellent opponents

Greatest Fear - ???? vs Armando Guerrero

Tough to go against Mr. Squiggles

Sydney Championship Number One Contender Match - Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

My own preference.

Buckminster Snark Invitational - Buckminster Snark vs ???

Open invitationals mean big star unless this is a running theme

Sydney Championship Match - Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

D'Angelo is good, but I think Vortex should keep the belt a little longer.

Tag-Team Championship Match - Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©

It's hard to vote against the mystery team, but I do think TDS are probably worthy of continuing their crazy run at the top of the tag division

Australian Championship Match - The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©

I would be sooooooo shocked if Kipper won.



Tie-Breakers One - Top 3 Matches of the Night

1.  Dizzy G v Blakewell Bush

2. Cross v Kipper

3. Mills v Rider

Tie-Breaker Two - 

Promo of the Night (List 3 workers): 

Dizzy G



Edited by DAVEFAN95
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SZW First Steel Cage Match - Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

Tough pick here, but I'll take Lone Rider. Like John Lions said, he's the bosses son and a SZW original, and with a babyface champion you need to keep building top level singles heels to challenge them.

Tag-Team Number One Contender MatchThe Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

I hate to just look like I'm copying Jonh Lions picks, but I do think it's time for Lifeline to win the belts and the Golden Grapplers are a much fresher title challenger then the other two options.

Greatest Fear???? vs Armando Guerrero

I'm guessing the mystery man/animal is Lone Shark of ZEN/APW fame. He's someone who'd be a big get in terms of ability and definitely add something new to your product even if he's a bit weird compared to (most of) the rest of your roster. I love Armando, but I think he can afford a loss and I could see this being a long running storyline where Armando isn't yet ready to face his fears and loses here, but eventually (with some help from his surfing coach) builds himself up and comes back to get the big win down the road.

Sydney Championship Number One Contender Match Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

Tough to call, especially since Vortex feels like a tweener to me. I'll go with Bush here since a singles match between him and Vortex could easily land in your list of top matches.

Buckminster Snark Invitational Buckminster Snark vs ???

Snark could be big for you if he can be built up right, and a winning streak goes a long way towards that.

Sydney Championship Match Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

I really like how you've taken Jake D'Angelo, who's frankly a pretty unremarkable indy journeyman, and turned him into a interesting character and credible title contender. That being said I can't imagine him winning here.

Tag-Team Championship Match Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©

It's amazing how much the redebut and rebranding has helped turn Lifeline from thrown together afterthought into homegrown babyface heroes. The mystery team involvement here certainly shakes things up, but I think a three way could be an opportunity to make the Devoted Souls look strong in defeat since they still would be undefeated in straight up two versus two matches. I'll go with Lifeline getting the big win here.

Australian Championship Match - The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©

I like Kipper and hope he can turn back the clock here and deliver a main event worthy performance.

Tie-Breakers One - Top 3 Matches of the Night

1.  Golden Grapplers vs Snakes & Suplexes vs The Runway

A lot of guys in this match that pretty much always deliver ratings.

2. Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

Rusty Mills always delivers, and Lone Rider should be an able partner.

3.  The Kipper vs Adgee Cross

This is the one I'm least certain on, but I'm optimistic this'll be good.

Tie-Breaker Two - 

Promo of the Night (List 3 workers): Delbert DeGeorge interviewing The Devoted Souls.

Edited by Tiberious
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I'm not fully caught up yet, but thought I'd jump into the predictions anyway



SZW First Steel Cage Match - Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

Tag-Team Number One Contender Match - The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

Greatest Fear - ???? vs Armando Guerrero

Sydney Championship Number One Contender Match - Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

Buckminster Snark Invitational - Buckminster Snark vs ???

Sydney Championship Match - Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

Tag-Team Championship Match - Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©

Australian Championship Match - The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©


Tie-Breakers One - Top 3 Matches of the Night

1. The Kipper vs Adgee Cross

2. Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

3. Lone RIder vs Rusty Mills

Tie-Breaker Two - 

Promo of the Night (List 3 workers): 


Dizzy G


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Buckminster Snark

After last month Paul and I dissected the show like we did every single time, and we get talking about how everyone had done. A highlight for Paul this month was Buckminster Snark who praised the New Zealander for his charisma pointing out the guy had the “kid” had a lot of potential. I mean that kid is 6 years older than me, but sure. Still a lot of praise for Buckminster was warranted, and I was glad to hear Paul was taking an interest in the younger guys.



WrestleWorld Australia

With the company officially moving up to small, we were seeing a loss in cash. Not a major one but our recent buy outs and going hard in previous months. We bit the bullet and hired in-house music for the company. Which was expensive, but because of that we were able to negotiate a deal with WrestleWorld Australia.

Final Chapter would be the first show on for the company so we were planning to make it a big one and got a few recognisable stars from other companies on the show to help highlight our own product. To be truthful I was nervous it wouldn’t happen as the deal had only been finalised 11 days before Final Chapter. Secondly, they wanted a promo package for Final Chapter, an ad essentially that would get run on Wrestleworld Australia to draw more attention to our show.

To be honest we didn’t have it, so we spent the afternoon scrambling together a little advert instead of celebrating. The video package hyped up the Steel Cage match between Rusty Mills and Lone Rider, Vincent Victory from RAW would be in attendance, Bruce the Giant from USPW fame making an appearance, finally The Kipper from RAW fighting for the Australian Championship. Sadly, we didn’t touch our Sydney Championship match, our actual Australian Champion Adgee. It was what WrestleWorld wanted.

Credible names from actual companies is what they requested for the highlight package. Left a sour taste in my mouth, on top of that Vincent Victory someone who would be a surprise for the crowd ended up being flagged as well. Whatever the deal is done, next month we can have some of our stars on display.

Edited by HiPlus
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SZW First Steel Cage Match - Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

(I know that Lone Rider is the boss' son, and he just started his big heel run, but he's been such a huge villain through this feud that I think Rusty needs to get the win for a satisfying ending here.)

Tag-Team Number One Contender Match - The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

(Three really good teams here, but I think that the Golden Grapplers are on the rise.)

Greatest Fear - ???? vs Armando Guerrero

(I feel like Armando takes it in a more lighthearted, entertainment-based affair than the rest of the card.)

Sydney Championship Number One Contender Match - Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

(Bush is awesome, but my pick here is tied to my pick for the Sydney Championship match later in the show, and I think that Dizzy will be more fit for that role.)

Buckminster Snark Invitational - Buckminster Snark vs ???

(I'm expecting a big debut to wow the crowd. As good of a performer as Snark is, I feel like this isn't his chance to rise just yet.)

Sydney Championship Match - Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

(Sorry Jake, but after so much buildup for Vortex, I'm pretty certain that he's winning this.)

Tag-Team Championship Match - Lifeline vs ??? vs The Devoted Souls ©

(The Devoted Souls have had a fantastic run, but I think that it's time for Lifeline to ride their groundswell of support and become our second SZW Tag Team Champions.)

Australian Championship Match - The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©

(Kipper can still go, and that's a fact. However, I feel like it's too early for Adgee to drop the title just yet.)


Tie-Breakers One - Top 3 Matches of the Night

1. Lone Rider vs. Rusty Mills

2. Lifeline vs. ??? vs. The Devoted Souls

3. Dizzy G vs. Blackwell Bush

Tie-Breaker Two - 

Promo of the Night (List 3 workers): Vortex, Armando Guerrero, and Delbert DeGeorge

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Congratulations on another wonderfully built Final Chapter, made even better this time by possibly my favourite @John Lions poster yet. In particular, you must be proud at being able to put on two multi-team tag matches after the work you've put into building up the division. The four people in the Sydney Championship picture show how well you've stacked that too. I also love the realism of taking the WrestleWorld Australia plunge at the perfect point in the SZW calendar to capitalise, and how you've weaved their demands into the story of building the card and promotional material.

I fancy the two singles champions to retain on account of your doubts over The Kipper's performance levels and the fact there still seems to be so much left for Vortex to do in his division. The tag titles are really hard to call as it feels like any team could win: it's looked like Lifeline's time for so long, but that attack gives them an out (selling them showing up as a win in itself), or creates the scenario that they get their "win" by making sure the Devoted Souls don't retain, even if they're not the beneficiaries. I like what you've done in teasing Vincent Victory as it makes the reader think "if the A-Listers were the mystery team, they'd be advertised together", but equally it could be a double bluff.

Lone Shark was the name I had in mind for Armando Guerrero's sea-based fear too, which initially had me thinking Guerrero was losing, but the WrestleWorld Australia extract makes it sound like the guests could be one offs, so hopefully he has a chance of conquering his fear. Again, I love that you found a way to transition these fun off-site skits into the ring. I've got a feeling it could be Rusty Mills' night, getting his win back and avenging all the beatdowns he's suffered to make Lone Rider even more unhinged after losing on the biggest stage two years in a row. Excited to find out either way.

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(Hope you guys like the AI Artwork I spent some time on to update everyone. Some guys are definitely more generic than others, so any feedback would be appreciated. The styles aren't perfectly one to one with a few looking more realistic than I necessarily wanted when compared to others.)


XzV9K0h.png ~ 6irY50p.png

Ceri Dordevich ~ Stephanie Drucker

The kick off for the biggest show of the year was started by Ceri Dordevich. Surprisingly she got the first honours of gracing Wrestleworld Australia screens for the company. She had been on a baking contest and was a somewhat recognisable face, and a pretty one at that. Inside the ring the steel cage had been assembled already to ensure the team had enough time to check everything was in place, and it was secure.

Ceri walked down the ring taking her time to observe the structure before her, her small frame made it look more imposing. She then climbed up one side of it before perching herself on the edge of the cage with a microphone in hand.

“Tonight is a showdown. It is going to be more electrifying than a lightning storm on the open range. It is going to be noisier than a tractor tryna’ turn over in a cold winter’s morning. It is going to be hotter than a bush fire. Rougher than the underside of a boot.”

Her terms focused on the fact that her man was Lone Rider. 

“Tonight, the hometown hero Rusty is going to find out the true meaning of pain. Inside this cage, there is no where to run, no where to hide. Inside this cage, the guy’s backstage aren’t going to be able to come and save you. Inside this cage Stephanie can’t come to check on you. Rusty you will be all alone with Lone Rider. A man who knows what it takes to get the job done, and has beaten you before.”

Stephanie made her entrance, getting a great reception as she came out to the crowd who were excited for the match, and to see after last month that Stephanie Drucker was okay.

“Last month I was attacked, I was attacked by you Ceri.”

Stephanie motioned to Ceri who had remained perched up on the side of the cage.

“That attack cost my husband in his match. Rusty would come out here and tell you all that I am not the reason he lost. That, I shouldn’t worry myself with that, because all that matters is I am safe. Because that is the sort of man he is, even if I cost him a match, he would never make it my fault. He would take the burden on his shoulders and elevate me like he always does.”

“My husband is a good man, a just man. Tonight, inside that steel cage he wont be my husband, he wont be that good man I know he is. He will deliver a beating to Lone Rider, one that he has deserved for a damn long time. One his father should have given him.”

“I won’t be ringside with that psycho running around. Instead, I will be watching from the back, but to make up for it I need all of you fans to cheer. To support Rusty through this fight and show him he isn’t alone, he has each and every one of you.”

With that Stephanie drops her hand and heads to the back. The fans let out a loud set of cheers as Rusty came out to the entrance ramp to give his wife a quick kiss. Stephanie hit the back and the Hometown Hero’s entrance music kicked in.  


SZW First Steel Cage Match

l4UyByW.png vs h8OjlMM.png

Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills

Lone Rider made his entrance and after he did the referee padlocked the cage door to keep anyone from entering the ring. Both men watched the lock be shut closed by our newest referee Wayne Shimmelbusch, while Keith Goggin was inside the cage to adjudicate the match. The moment it was locked shut the fists started flying. Lone Rider got to work displaying that new ruthless style in the ring since beginning to work in DIW. He threw Rusty against the steel frame and ring ropes beating down the Hometown Hero in front of the fans. Ceri made her way around to that side of the ring yelling at Rusty with venom in her words through the steel structure. Taunting him as he struggled to pull himself up on the cage. Eventually to his feet Lone Rider launched himself through the ropes into the back of Rusty slamming him face first into the steel frame again.

The fighting continued as for the first time in SZW the colour red was spilt, and it was from the face of Rusty Mills. The crowd were into the match, more so once blood had been spilled and as Rusty began to have a rally against Lone Rider, the crowd continued to cheer him on.

Ceri wouldn’t have it, determined to leave her mark on the match. The crowd boo’ed as she produced the Branding Iron that was at the ringside area near the announce team. Ceri took out the referee on the outside who had hold of the key. with the Branding Iron before grabbing the key to the padlock. Ceri was going to try and get herself inside the cage as she ran to the door and attempted to unlock the door.

The crowd burst into cheers as Stephanie Drucker ran from the backstage area and took out Ceri before she had the chance to interfere in the match. Rusty took a moment to observe the action at ringside, but this time he remained in control of the match. Rusty hit his new move the Heartland Hammer inside the ring before covering Lone Rider for the three count.

Stephanie ran to unlock the cage and as her husband, covered in blood stumbled out into her arms the two of them celebrated with the fans as they made their way up the entrance ramp. Spending a little longer to savour the moment and allow the ring crew to take down the cage.

Rating: 55


qtOSgIW.png  jihoGRW.png  oUuhTFA.png ~ Gs1YP8F.png Q4K6KHp.png ~ BuukZu9.png  hi4tHVu.png

Smokers & Suplexes (Brown Snake & Fuzzy Freeman) with Taniko Jo ~ The Runway (Michel Bernard & XS) ~ The Golden Grapplers (Lee Bawes & Christian Blithe)

Smokers & Suplexes were the first team to come out to the ring. Taniko Jo was accompanying the two men opting to stand closer to Fuzzy Freeman. It was clear the ring crew were still taking down the steel cage when they got into the ring it allowed Fuzzy Freeman to get on the microphone and ask a question to the Taniko & Brown Snake.

“Are we having a steel cage match?”

The oblivious Fuzzy got a great reaction from the crowd, hinting at the idea of such a match.

Taniko quickly shut down that idea by telling Fuzzy it was too dangerous of a match, didn’t he just see what happened. The response was met with a few boo’s but allowed Brown Snake to get a quick remark in that if they get a match for the Tag-Team Champions that they will ask to have it in a steel cage, which resulted in cheers once more from the fans.

Their little moment gave enough time for a red carpet to be laid out and The Runway made their way out. Both men strutting their stuff down the entrance ramp to the fans, pausing to tell fans to turn on their flash photography. Making sure to give them ample time to get their good sides before they climbed into the ring.

The pair of Christian Blithe and Lee Bawes came out with microphones. Christian Blithe starting off the promo.

“These peasants at least know how to put on a good show. Rolling out the red carpet for the GOLDEN GRAPPLERS! Just shows that even idiots can make the right choice sometimes. Now before I get started, I have a little victory speech. Is that okay with you Lee?”

Lee simply gave his tag-team partner a nod.

“I would like to thank, myself for last months brilliant victory against Rusty Mills. I would like to thank, myself for the up coming victory against these guys. I never actually learned your names, but what star does learn the name of extra’s who help on the set? Now hurry up and help get the ring down. Lastly, I want to thank the big man, the man who makes this all happen. My tag-team partner Lee Bawes for our continued success when we capture the Tag-Team Championship.

Lee looked chuffed at the thanks in the speech from Christian and took the microphone.

“I see two teams in the ring. You guys are both good, I will give you that. Both of you are talented in the ring, not as talented as us. I have a bone to pick with one of you though. Smokers & Suplexes! You name yourself after me? I am the King of the Suplex, I know more suplex variations than either of you have had victories in the ring. Like I said, I am the King of the Suplex, the Sultan of Snapmare, I am the Governor of the German, Headman of the Hammerlock, The Feudal Lord of the Fisherman!”

Lee Bawes threw the microphone down as he practically yelled the last line before the team made their way to the ring.


BuukZu9.png  hi4tHVu.png vs qtOSgIW.png  jihoGRW.png vs Gs1YP8F.png Q4K6KHp.png 

The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes vs The Runway

The segment before allowed the steel cage to be taken down completely and removed away as all three teams stood in the ring. The brawling happened quickly with Fuzzy and XS going after the Golden Grapplers while Brown Snake and Michel showed there would be no allies tonight as the pair exchanged blows in the early going of the match. Taniko Jo does a good job at cheering Fuzzy and Brown Snake on and even helps Fuzzy up to his feet so he can break an early pin attempt from Lee Bawes on XS in the ring.

During the match each team member gets a chance to show off some impressive in ring skill, Michel shows some lengthy chain wrestling with both Lee Bawes and Brown Snake, while Golden Grapplers deliver a beautiful double team suplex. Each team hit their finishers, but someone else is always there to break up the count. A flurry of near falls and quick submission attempts it feels almost like no one will get the time to actually win the match.


Christian Blithe allows his charisma to speak volumes when he clears out the ring of opponents sending Michel to the outside after a clothesline against the ropes. Realising the ring is empty he takes a bow for his effort, receiving boo’s from the crowd. Making sure to bow each side of the crowd, allowing them all to boo him. Fuzzy Freeman climbs into the ring as Blithe is distracted.

Fuzzy Freeman proceeds to blow smoke into the face of Christian from his e-cig to the cheers of the crowd, disorientating the “award winner”. XS climbed to the top turnbuckle after getting on the aprox and proceeded to take out Christian with a flying cross body.

XS is then taken out when Brown Snake slides in the ring and lifts him up in a suplex holding him there, Fuzzy Freeman then proceeds to blow smoke in the face of XS to allow the Hotbox Suplex to be hit against his opponent.  

An irate Lee Bawes climbs in the ring yelling about suplexes before tackling Brown Snake through the middle rope and the two men begin to brawl on the outside of the ring, leaving a confused Fuzzy Freeman to look on. Taniko does her best to get Fuzzy to focus but he turns into Michel Bernard who had got in the ring and delivered a double underhook DDT for the win. The Runway were able to have a quick celebration in the ring and on the outside as they were set for what would be their second ever title match in SZW.

Rating: 59


TmaPpRY.png ~ mBZkpK8.png

Jesse Tasman ~ Armando Guerrero

Jesse Tasman made his way out after the match and had the help of some ring crew members bringing a small inflatable pool to the ring. They placed it in the middle and he then asked for a hose only to be disappointed by the fact that no one would bring him a hose.

Armando Guerrero then proceeded to come out.

“Hola! Amigos! Hola! Jesse! It is clear this is a bad idea my friend. There is no water, and this is no ocean. I cannot confront my fears here in the arena tonight.”

“Hold on dude, we just need a bucket of water and then you can get on here and face your fears man. Someone has got to have some water.”

Without hesitation fans threw water bottles into the ring luckily all avoiding Jesse, who very quickly picked them up and started dumping them out into the inflatable pool before tossing the bottles out of the ring. Armando finally made his way inside and attempted to stop Jesse.

“Jesse, my friend please. I will face my fears, but I can’t face my fears like this. I can’t face my fears tonight. You have to understand. I am not ready. My therapist he is a very tiny man, but he says I need to be ready, not forced into it.”

“Dude, I get it, but you are ready. I mean you aren’t but you will be. Once this pool is filled you can take on your biggest fear.”

Armando tried to protest yet again but Jesse cut him off.

“Dude, I get it. I thought I was ready, and I lost my debut match against Dizzy G. You know what losing showed me, it showed I will be ready someday. You just have to pick yourself up if it doesn’t work out man. Here, dude I got you something. This will help you be ready.”

Jesse produced a copy of the dvd “Hammerhead” to the crowd, taking a chance to show the fans at ringside exactly what was in his hands. The 1975 classic film with a clear photo on a Hammerhead shark rising up from the depths was a clear symbol in pop culture.

“Here dude, take it. Show it who is boss, show it, it can take on a fiery Mexican like yourself. Do it for your country, do it for me. Mostly do it for yourself man, I believe in you.”

Armando stood quietly looking at the outstretched dvd before yelling in his microphone.

“Viva México! Viva Jesse Tasman! Viva ARMANDO!”

He threw his microphone down and snatched up the dvd before tearing it in two in front of the crowd. He threw half the copy of the dvd into the inflatable pool and climbed up into the top rope and delivered a flying elbow onto it.

Jesse got on the microphone cheering him on, celebrating overcoming his fears until...













Lone Shark entrance music hit, and anyone familiar with APW or local wrestling instantly knew who he was. He came out to a thunderous applause and pointed down the ring at Armando Guerrero who was back up on his feet and backed into the corner.

Tasman was still on the microphone.

“To overcome your fears my dude, you gotta beat your fears. You can do it Armando!”


ABtwACB.png vs mBZkpK8.png

Lone Shark vs Armando Guerrero

Lone Shark eventually made his way to the ring, the inflatable pool remained, with barely any water as Jesse only emptied a handful of bottles into it. As the bell rung Shark respectfully held out his hand for Armando to take it, but the Mexican Patriot and leader of the Armando Amigo’s, host of Armando’s Aussie Adventures was still to perturbed to come in contact with Lone Shark.

Jesse Tasman got up on the ring apron and gave a quick pep talk to Armando to encourage him. Armando turned around and still looked unsure about the match, as if trying to negotiate. Behind his back Jesse waved at Lone Shark to just start the match and Shark obliged.

Shark delivered the first blow of the match with a hard right, and that seemingly was all it would take to remind Armando that he was a wrestler. The exchange of blows that followed was a flurry of colour. The blues from Lone Sharks attire and mask, were met by the Green, White and Red of Armando’s leotard. Both men fought wildly against one another, and it allowed Lone Shark to display his high-flying ability in the ring.

Jesse Tasman to his credit was cheering on Armando the entire time. Even gesturing to Lone Shark to back up midway through the match so he could get Armando in the corner and give him another pep talk. Tasman who wasn’t as experienced as Armando was at least able to fire him up and encourage another burst of energy in the middle of the match. Armando eventually was in complete control of the match and laid out Lone Shark in the middle of the ring, inside the inflatable pool. Armando climbed to the top rope before hitting the Golden Circle Splash named after a juice brand in Australia.

Winner: 60


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The Kipper ~ Delbert DeGeorge

A small promo played backstage of The Kipper in regular clothes in a sit-down interview with Delbert DeGeorge. Delbert introduced the segment initially by saying that his upcoming match would be a few days, making it clear that this was filmed before tonight’s show. The first question asked by Delbert was if the build up to this match was any different than the previous matches with Adgee Cross.

“Look, it is different Delbert. The first time, Adgee and I faced one on one my title was on the line. I got the best of him that night and I retained the Australian Championship. I was focused, I was coming off the biggest moment in my career winning that title. The second time we faced each other one on one was at Christmas Clash and it ended in a draw. Then our last match with each other, we had seven months to prepare for it. That is a long time to dedicate to a match. I thought I was completely ready for it. This time, he is the champion. My back is against the wall with everything to prove, hell people thought I retired at the end of last year. I have a lot to prove to everyone else, I have a lot to prove to myself.”

Delbert DeGeorge satisfied with the answer then wanted to ask a question he had asked a few months ago.  Why was The Kipper gone for so long. The Kipper could only laugh after having hoped that question wouldn’t get asked.

“Look I get it, everyone wanted to know where I was gone. The fact was in 2021 I had 8 full on matches in SZW, a couple independent matches and my body was sore and tired. I just needed a break, and it did me a world of good. I feel like a new man. It was as simple as needing to give the old joints and creaky bones a rest.”

Delbert acknowledged knowing how that felt himself these days and moved on to his final question. Adgee Cross, he had been just an opponent, then a challenger, then a rival, even a teammate on several occasions, now he is “the guy” so to speak. How did he feel about Adgee Cross.

“I love him, Adgee has always been the guy in my mind. When I first won the SZW Australian Championship, and I am going to call it that. I know we recently dropped the SZW part, but when I captured it, it was the SZW Australian Championship.”

“I made a list of guys in the company I wanted to face. Guys I thought deserved to hold that title, guys I respected the hell out of and I thought would make worthy champions. If I lost my title, a bit of me would be happy to see them succeed. At the top of that list was Adgee Cross.”

“Adgee is right, he is experienced. He has been around for years producing quality matches and stealing the show every single night. Hell, he was right the last two years he has had Match of the Night at Final Chapter and this year will be no different. Adgee is the guy, and I plan to take him to his limit at Final Chapter. Either I am walking out as champion, or I am proud to say I was beaten by the best.”


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Dizzy G & Maelstrom ~ Bruce the Giant

Like in previous years Dizzy G came out to cut a promo before his match, this time he wasn’t in a match for the Sydney Championship, but he was in a match to eventually compete for his previous title. Flanked by the monster Maelstrom Dizzy G climbed into the ring.

“I told you all Maelstrom isn’t here to fight in the ring. I told you all he is here as my security, and can I just say what a fine job this big man is doing for me. Between taking out my opponents and beating on the Blackwell scrub. I have enjoyed having Maelstrom by my side. You guys had to sit through that lengthy boring ass interview, so I wont waste any more of your time or mine. Because I am here to get on the road to get my title back. Blackwell, get the hell out here.”

Instead of his opponent Bruce the Giant came out to the entrance ramp, and his impressive size even made the hired muscle of Maelstrom look small. The general manager got on the microphone.

“Now hold on, Blackwell is coming out here to fight you. That man however.”

He pointed directly at Maelstrom.

“That man is not here in his official capacity as your “security” tonight, I have elected to give him the night off considering we have more than enough ringside personnel for tonight’s show. Maelstrom, if you would kindly vacate the ringside area. Now.”

Dizzy G is irate he threw his microphone up the entrance ramp and was yelling that Bruce can’t do this to him, he didn’t have the power. Screaming at Maelstrom to stay in the ring. Maelstrom hesitated but as some of the ring crew from earlier in the night came down to the ring Maelstrom allowed them to escort him to the back.


Winner will face SZW Sydney Champion at New Year Riot

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Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush

Blackwell Bush eventually made his way out to the ring. Blackwell didn’t look phased by the fact Maelstrom was gone from ringside, in fact he probably wanted to try and get a few hits in on the big man to make up for the attack. Dizzy G continued to argue with the referee Keith Goggin as the bell rang. Blackwell made sure to capatilise on the distracted Dizzy G by grappling his opponent and showing off some his amateur wrestling ability by getting Dizzy G to the mat with an ankle pick.  

With Dizzy taken down Blackwell quickly changed positions and performed a quick roll up pin on him, getting an early two count at the very start of the match. The frustration boiled over with Dizzy who started to actually fight back and wrestle against Blackwell.

Even without Maelstrom at ringside it was clear that Dizzy G wasn’t going to be a pushover in this match. When he took control of it he certainly showed a lot more flashier moves and set up a lot of spots during the match. It worked out well with Blackwell Bush, as Blackwell would bring the match to a more grinding halt with his chain wrestling allowing the fans to catch there breaths between Dizzy G’s high flying or flashy spots.

The two men kept the fight primarily in the ropes, with neither man really getting cheers from the crowd Dizzy G had to talk smack when he could to get more heat on himself so the fans could root for Blackwell Bush who had been beaten down previously.

Dizzy G got Blackwell Bush up on his shoulders in the firemen’s carry position, and looked ready to deliver that rolling fireman’s carry slam he had called the G-Strain, that he had delivered last month to Blackwell Bush yet again. Unfortunately for Dizzy the move was scouted and there wasn’t a monster of a man to take the focus away from him as Blackwell Bush, hit his finisher the Bushmaster on his much smaller opponent to get the win.

Rating: 50



Buckminster Snark 

A limousine pulled into the arena, unfortunately there wasn’t enough room by the entrance ramp, so it had to pull in from the other side of the arena. Out jumped the valet opening the door for one Buckminster Snark who was already dressed in his ring attire with only his Armani jacket hanging from his shoulders.

Snark pulled off his jacket that hung from his shoulders and handed it back to the valet who proceeded to back the limo out of the arena while Snark made his way through the crowd something he did well at conveying he wasn’t enjoying.

“The first ever SNARK OPEN CHALLENGE will be held tonight, in front of you all. I want to face the best that Australia and New Zealand have to offer. I want to show her...”

Snark paused as he mentioned her before pivoting.

“I want to show you all what I am capable of. If any of my opponents in the future can beat me, in my open challenge they will earn themselves an SZW Contract. One I will pay for myself, out of my own damn pocket if I must. That isn’t going to happen, I hate to lose money.”

“My first opponent comes from RAW fame. He is one half of the very first RAW Tag-Team champions. This man had been a part of their roster since the beginning of the company until 2018. Now his greatest accomplishment in his 16-year career will be stepping inside the ring with me. Come on out!!"












Buckminster Snark delivered the entire promo and took control as the ring announcer as Vincent Victory came out to his entrance music to some cheers from the crowd hyping them up on his way to the ring.


Snarks Open Challenge

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Buckminster Snark vs Vincent Victory

Vincent Victory looked good when he came out, in actual fact he was bigger than Buckminster by some size and looked leaner. It is why after the match I decided to talk to Snark about getting in a bit better shape. That is probably too much information. On to the actual match.

Vincent didn’t want a long match and when the match started you could tell why, he kept it simple with striking blows and heavy strikes. Avoiding any excessive lengths of chain wrestling. Buckminster done a lot of the work, taking bumps or high impact moves to protect that fact that Victory was getting gassed during the match. Including a nasty bump from a power bomb that resulted in Buckminster looking really rough when he got back to his feet. 

As Vincent got visibly tired early on the signal was put out and when Vincent caught Snark across the face with a strong right to send him reeling it was as if a trigger had flipped. Snark returned fire with an open hand slap across the bigger mans face only to eat another right from Vincent.

Snark started to yell asking Vincent if he was trying to make him look like a joke, look weak in front of everyone before Snark slapped Vincent across the face once more. The pair then erupted into a flurry of blows teeing off on one another. Vincent looked in control until Snark ducked out of the way of a punch and proceeded to kick the back of the knee of Vincent, putting him down to one knee. Snark continued to assault beating on the back of the head of Vincent who succumb to the successive blows collapsing forward onto his hands. With the bigger man wavering on the ground Buckminster was able to lock in a double underhook and deliver a DDT to pick up the victory.

Rating: 39


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Jake D’Angelo ~ Vortex

Jake D’Angelo comes out to the ring sporting a new attire. His wrestling tights having the word “The Cheat” down the side of them Jake definitely had found himself in the conniving role as of late. His strut to the ring he looked as if he had already won the Sydney Championship. He was serious, focused and full of confidence heading into this match.

Climbing into the ring he took a moment to go to each turnbuckle. Wayne Schimmelbusch the new referee tried to check on what Jake was doing, but Jake pushed him away and said he was making sure the turnbuckle pads were secured and demonstrated it by pulling on the pad. Showing he had not tampered with that one seemingly, before he continued to go and “look” at the last turnbuckle in preparation for the match.

The arena plunged into darkness, a mixture or screams and cheers from the audience piqued up as the stage became dimly lit. Out stepped your Sydney Champion VORTEX! The crowd erupted in cheers and were excited knowing they would be getting to see him in his third ever match for the company, in what would be his second match at Final Chapter after capturing the title from Peril last year. Vortex didn’t seem to pay any mind to what his opponent was doing prior to his own entrance. Jake stood in the middle of the ring sizing up the enigma that is Vortex.

“Jake D’Angelo… You say you conned the cosmic forces into granting you this match. You say you conned me into gifting you my title. You will experience true destiny. You will experience the meaning of reality, and the disconnect between it and your dreams. I am truly sorry Jake, but your time is not now, your time is never. In the cosmic arena you must come to terms with that fact, and I will be the shepherd destined to show you that reality.”


Sydney Championship Match

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Jake D’Angelo vs Vortex ©

This match started off fiery and fast paced. Jake started the match off by delivering a hard knee to chest of Vortex when he climbed through the ropes. Tossing him into the middle of the ring. Jake followed up with a hard kick to the ribs taking advantage of the surprised Vortex. Jake kept control of the early going of the match trying several pin attempts but only ever getting several one counts.

Vortex was able to get control of the match when he reversed an attempt at a spinebuster from Jake, turning it into a DDT. With Vortex in control the pace of the match picked up. Vortex employing some hit and run tactics against Jake D’Angelo which were successful until Jake exposed a corner turnbuckle sending the champion crashing into it.

Back in control of the match Jake wasted no time employing his next tactic, he pointed out the exposed turnbuckle to the referee distracting him in the process. With the referee distracted he went over to the turnbuckle he had tugged on earlier in the match and pulled out a small steel chain and wrapped it around his fist. Jake was ready, he watched Vortex stumbling to his feet and swung. Knocking out the current Sydney Champion in one punch.

The Sydney Champion appeared out of it and as Jake went for the cover the lights went out. The lights stayed out for almost twenty seconds, when they finally turned back on Vortex was still laid out in the middle of the ring. A confused look between both Jake and Wayne is expressed as they are unsure what just happened. Jake goes for the pin again and just as Wayne is about to count to three  Vortex kicks out to the delight of the fans in attendance.

Jake gets to his feet and proceeds to argue with Wayne telling him he has won because it was clear Vortex was down and out for over 10 seconds and therefor unable to fight. Wayne was in the middle of trying to explain to Jake that he didn’t count while it was dark. Vortex struck Jake from behind to take control of the match once more. With Vortex in control the pace once again picked up, but this time Vortex wasn’t going to succumb to any hidden tricks from Jake as he put away his challenger cementing his destiny to remain the Sydney Champion.

Rating: 62


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???? ~ The Devoted Souls (Peril [Thats me!] & Adrian McGhee)

The first team slated to come out were the duo of Banky Bremner and Lance Maddigan. The new entrance music for the team known as Lifeline played to the fans, but no one got to the stage. The backstage crew seemed as confused as the fans were as they restarted the music for the team of Lifeline hoping that would spur the duo to come out. Yet again the team did not appear. The ring announcer then was hailed down by ring crew and instead of introducing Lifeline the music changed and he would be tasked with introducing the newest tag-team to grace SZW. 










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The thunderous sound of drums and tribal war cry came out of the speakers as two menacing men from APW fame made their entrance. Brisbane Devil and King Malietoa both made their entrance to the ring. The two men climbed into the ring and acted like caged animals pacing around it, pulling on their ring ropes. The two men looked primed and ready for a fight.

The music hit for the champions. The Devoted Souls hit the stage. We both took our leather jackets off on the entrance ramp and raised our belts high as we stared down at our opponents in the ring. Adrian and I wasted no time we dropped our titles by our jackets and sprinted to the action.


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Lifeline vs Samoan Demolition vs The Devoted Souls ©

The moment myself and Adrian slid into the ring the fight was on. Both The Devoted Souls and Samoan Demolition were ready for a fight and that’s what this match was going to be. It was not going to be a technical display between the two of us as both groups battered each other around the ring. I found myself against King Malietoa for the start of the match, the big man and myself beating each other around the ring stage area. Meanwhile our more “talented” tag-team partners were in the ring exchanging blows and progressed to a more generic style of wrestling throwing in some actual moves in there aside from clubbing strikes.






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Lifeline (Lance Maddigan & Banky Bremner)

After almost ten minutes of action between the two teams the entrance music of Lifeline hit once more. This time running out on the stage, sporting some new merchandised shirts were both Lance Maddigan and Banky Bremner. The two men pulled their shirts off to show their battered bodies. Lance had bandaging wrapped across his entire midsection, until just below his chest holding his ribs in place. Reflecting the steel stairs that Adrian McGhee had driving against them repeatedly last month. While Banky Bremner sported a shoulder that had been heavily taped up, after crashing onto it from repeated powerbombs from myself. Repeated powerbombs through the announce table I might add.

The two men ran to the ring where they were met by all four of their opponents, but they initially made quick work eliminating them all from the ring. Leaving them both standing tall inside, as the fans cheered them on.

With their opponents on the outside, both Lance and Banky took dives to the outside, showing the contrast of their in-ring style when compared to their opponents. Bodies strewn across the ringside area, the dives had detrimental effects on both members of Lifeline as they also struggled to pick up themselves up. The grinding pace returned with short flurries or bursts of energy courtesy of Lifeline as all three teams brawled against one another.

The finish for the match came as Lifeline looked to have the match won hitting Vital Hope in the middle of the ring to Brisbane Devil. Banky went to make the pin. I grabbed Banky by his feet from the outside and dragged him out of the ring to break up the count. Lance looked in disbelief and went to help his friend before being cracked in the back of the head by Adrian McGhee who hit him with The Loaded Glove. I threw Banky through the ringside steps as Adrian threw Lance over the ropes. Adrian made the cover on the still downed Brisbane Devil to pick up the win.

Rating: 55


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Lifeline ~ The Devoted Souls

The Devoted Souls weren’t done, we both got out of the ring and continued to beat down both members of Lifeline targeting the obvious injuries both men were sporting on their bodies. Samoan Demolition rolled out of the ring and didn’t want any part in continuing to fight tonight. Instead, they allowed the brutalising of Lifeline to continue. We drove Banky through the ring post on his bad shoulder together before turning attention to Lance and his taped-up ribs. I held him up, and Adrian McGhee delivered strikes to the ribs with his loaded glove repeatedly. Finally, the ring crew came out and separated us allowing Adrian and I to head to the back and grab our titles on the way.



Adgee Cross

As both members of Lifeline were being helped to the back Adgee Cross made his way out, checking on both men briefly. Once they had made it to the back safely, he went back up the entrance ramp and queued for his entrance music to hit. After hearing from his opponent earlier in the night Adgee Cross wanted to deliver a statement heading into his match.

“I get it, the challenger should make his entrance first. It just makes sense, but after hearing from The Kipper tonight in his sit-down interview. I wanted you all to hear from me before our match.”

“Ladies, gentlemen, friends, family and every single person in between. I want to thank each and every one of you for the support you have shown me throughout this incredible journey. I want to just take a moment to talk about the Australian Championship and what that means to me.”

“This represents more than just a title. It represents the spirit of the country. The spirit of Australia. Australia has always been a sporting nation, always been the gritty underdogs from the outback. Hell, we sing songs for a sheep thief, idolise a bank robber with a pot on his head. Australia has always been about hard work, hard yakka if you will. That is what this title is, it is the culmination of hard work, heart, desire, passion for a sport, and personal sacrifice.”

“I face The Kipper tonight. A man who I greatly admire, one who I want nothing but success for. A man who I truly believe deserves to hold this title as much as I do. That doesn’t mean I am just going to roll over and give it to him. No, I didn’t come by this title by chance. I didn’t happen to luck into winning it. I fought tooth and nail for this title. I earned this title. The first two times I fought for this title I didn’t actually win it. It has been a journey you all have been able to see.”

“Speaking of not winning it, every time I have been in a championship match with The Kipper. I have come out on the losing side. Tonight, that may happen again. I just want you all to know that if I don’t leave this ring as champion. I gave it my absolute all in this ring. The Kipper, I know you are back there about to come out here. If you don’t give me your all tonight, you have no hope in beating me and reclaiming your Australian Championship.”

Adgee Cross held the title high as The Kipper made his entrance.


Australian Championship

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The Kipper vs Adgee Cross ©

It was finally time for the biggest match of the night, or at least what I was hoping could be the biggest match of the night. Both men reached across the ring and shook one another’s hands briefly before the first lock up off the match. This match started off slow, mainly to give fans to continue to invest more in the champion and challenger and also to allow Kipper to ease himself into the match.

Kipper was clearly more of a brawler as Adgee Cross tried to parry the blows and make it a more technical affair between the two with several take downs against his larger opponent. Neither man gave an inch. The match spilled to the outside briefly and as the lead referee Keith Goggin tried his best to get both men back into the ring.

Adgee had a good spot of running along the apron and diving onto Kipper to take him out against the barricade, leaving both men’s bodies strewn across the ringside area. After a few long outside counts the two men were able to get the action back into the ring.

The damage and brawling on the outside looked to have an effect on both men, but the larger Kipper looked more in control as he continued to beat down the smaller Adgee. Kipper set up for his signature Lariat coming springing of the ropes almost folding Adgee in half with such a strong swing putting him down for the pin.

Adgee showed the resilience he has had the entire time during his run as champion and managed to kick out in the last moment, leaving a lot of fans initially believing it had been a three count until the referee made it clear it was a 2 and 9/10ths. Kipper was first to his feet and could only smile, and nod. He was acknowledging the heart of the champion. The Kipper although admiring that fact about his opponent looked again to lift him up and deliver his finisher a second time. This time as Adgee laid in a crumpled heap on the mat Kipper paused looking out to the fans at ringside taking almost a minute to decide whether he was going to go for the cover or not.

The Kipper took a deep breath in visibly and went down for the cover, this time to put Adgee Cross away for good.

Cross kicked out! The Kipper had taken too long to actually make the cover wrestling with his morales about pinning a man he respected. The time was long enough for a dazed Adgee to recover, or at least instincts to kick in and him to kick out. The shock of the kick out clearly spurred The Kipper on who went for his finisher a third time, this time lifting Adgee to his feet. Adgee was able to duck under the Lariat proving The Kipper went to the well, one too many times. Rebounding of the ropes and hitting back with a flying elbow. The champion was able to rally  the crowd behind him despite facing off against another fan favourite, showing he had the fans support. Adgee Cross hit a scintillating Cross Fire on The Kipper to end the match. 

Rating: 51


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 Adgee Cross ~ The Kipper

Both men laid on the mat as the fans cheered, eventually they were able to pull themselves from the mat. The Kipper was up first and retrieved the Australian Championship walking over to Adgee Cross. There was a moment where both men just stared at one another, as if the match would continue. Finally The Kipper pushed the title into Adgee's chest before embracing the Australian Champion in a hug. 

The Kipper showed respect to the champion thanking him for the opportunity as the two men embraced. Kipper then held up his friends hand high, pointing at the champion telling the crowd that Adgee Cross is "the guy". The Kipper eventually climbed out heading to the back and allowed Adgee Cross to celebrate the fact he had won the match. 















As Adgee Cross was celebrating in the ring a little longer he was attacked from behind by a DIW and APW stalwart in Warmonger. The menacing figure and imposing man levelled the champion from behind. He picked up the battered Adgee Cross and threw him over his shoulders. A variation of a firearm carry, he has a hold of Adgee's hand and leg. He threw Adgee over his head in an impressive display of power almost throwing him down in front of himself. It was a devestating looking Fireman Carry Front Slam. The commentary team stated that was his signature more "The Overwhelming Power". Warmonger rubbed one hand across his head, smearing the paint over his hand before he reached down and rubbed it against the chest of Adgee Cross. Leaving him with a smear of white and red paint across his chest, with the show closing as Warmonger looked down at the broken Australian Champion.


Edited by HiPlus
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@John Lions Looking back, I think you're right it was a strong call not to have the son's owner win on the very first broadcasted show for the company. You are also right Rusty Mills could lose the match and still look amazing in it. I chose instead to give the fans the ending they would want by letting Mills go over, but it does feel like a missed opportunity. 

When I initially wrote the show, I hadn't done the new renders and now I wish I did let The Golden Grapplers go over here. I have plans for them to keep them relevant and building up as others are in the Tag-Team Scene at the moment. 

I hoped Lone Shark was a layup with how much I hinted at his appearance. I did think about making it an angle and shooting something down the beach, but opted on giving the APW guy a spot on the show. Especially with the chance to have the show actually be broadcasted. Now that I have done a AI image for Lone Shark a part of me wants to really keep the guy. 

You were 100% right with my booking that Snark is the focus of this match and segment. 

It is sad about Jake, because it is true...

I have to say both teams were in the running for the spot, but for reasons revealed on the backstage segment next month I went with Samoan Destruction a team that I truly do love. 

After seeing everyones comments, I did think how crazy would a swerve be. But Adgee Cross is the guy, at least for now. 


@newbiezness They didn't deliver the best match on the card, but I appreciated the fact they still delivered in the final match thank god. I hope you like the new AI art work I put some time in. Lone Riders importance is definitely going to be highlighted in the next couple of months. Don't worry about that, good call on Rusty for this match. 

Sadly you were wrong expecting ??? to be the ones to win it tonight. It was all about my guys. Good call on the Tag-Team match up, you got half the bracket right. You were also 100% correct for Adgee Cross and The Kipper match with it being used to elevate the champion.


@DAVEFAN95 Good job backing your guy, over the owners son. Everyone predicted Golden Grapplers, but I have another small storyline planned for them at the moment. YOU DOUBTED MR. SQUIGGLES AND HIS NOSE! The plan was for a running theme for Snark.. but that blew up like Snarks spine. TDS are the team, that is definitely the case. Imagine The Kipper swerve if I had the balls.


 @Tiberious I am glad the Lone Rider & Rusty Mills decision was so split. I thought a lot of people would choose Rusty purely because of how great he can be, so the fact Lone Rider seemed like a threat. Even if it's only because of his father. I wasn't planning on keeping Lone Shark around in the company to be honest. Just wanted him for the storyline when i started fleshing it out, but now I think Lone Shark can have some value. SNARK WAS MEANT TO BE A BIG DEAL. :( Jake has been the most impressive part lately. He does not put in good performances at all, but does not hamper the match. A part of me regrets not putting Lifeline over. They are over here, now have groundswell support (with my doing), but the story I wanted to tell on the next show doesn't allow it. 


@Aura I agree, I thought I may have flagged the finish with how much beatings Rusty Mills was taking throughout the build up to the match, that it was clear. I am glad it was muddied just enough. Armando definitely was in a more lighthearted match, but boy was it a good one. God all the love for Lifeline make me regret not putting them over. 


@619 I am really glad you enjoyed the build to the card. I felt this was the one that had the best and most built matches. With the undercard ones not just being throw aways. @John Lions poster was really amazing for this, he has done some amazing work on the others and I can't wait to show the rest of them. You were 100% correct that the attack at the end of Fully Loaded was designed to give Lifeline an out, and I hope it does so. Again you were so right, Lone Shark was the guy and the fact Wrestleworld Australia wanted big names he was going to be a one of piece. Now I kind of want to sign him, but not sure how I would use him long term. You definitely need to make your predictions. As just your four picks here were all correct. 


Prediction results. 

@Charasmatic Enigma 6/8 (Glad to have you along for the ride, and picking up the prediction contest win right away to boot.)

@newbiezness 5/8 

@DAVEFAN95 5/8

@Tiberious 5/8

@Aura 4/8

@KyTeran 4/8

@John Lions 4/8 


@Charasmatic Enigma Your prize is you get to either suggest a storyline, or sign a talent from anywhere in the world. (As long as it wont bankrupt me) If you want you can message me and discuss the potential signing, and/or storyline. 



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3 hours ago, HiPlus said:

@newbiezness They didn't deliver the best match on the card, but I appreciated the fact they still delivered in the final match thank god. I hope you like the new AI art work I put some time in. Lone Riders importance is definitely going to be highlighted in the next couple of months. Don't worry about that, good call on Rusty for this match. 

Sadly you were wrong expecting ??? to be the ones to win it tonight. It was all about my guys. Good call on the Tag-Team match up, you got half the bracket right. You were also 100% correct for Adgee Cross and The Kipper match with it being used to elevate the champion.

Fantastic season finale event. I'm a big fan of the default workers pics (although someday I might change them to AI as I'm using it for other pictures in my diary) but these are really good. I have to say that I'll have to get used to new Armando and Jesse pics, as their default ones are among my favorites, but Vortex, Lone Rider or Dizzy-G to say some look wonderful at first sight.

I was wrong about 3 matches: Tag-Team Number One Contender Match, Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush and Buckminster Snark vs ???. I said that I wasn't 100% sure about Dizzy G vs Backwell Bush, nothing to say on that one. About at least one ??? winning, I was just guessing some mystery opponent would be successful. The only one that really caught me completely off guard in this event was the tag-team match. I only was more confident on my prediction about Adgee's and Vortex's matches. But I still think The Golden Grapplers should be the ones to dethrone The Devoted Souls.

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Warmonger's debut was unlike any other debut you've ever done - he's probably one of your most popular guys from the jump, and coming in and destroying the champion at the end of the biggest show in company history, and not just the champ but THE champ, the guy who has been your focal point for the past three years, is absolutely massive.

I'm pretty shocked by Lone Rider's loss. I was convinced that when Rider turned heel, his end goal was getting his title back from Adgee, but I can't see him climbing back there after that loss to Rusty. Especially with Warmonger jumping him in the queue and doing everything that he does, but better.

The Kipper playing the good guy was honestly a twist in itself, but I think you did a great job reigniting him for that one last ride at the top. I thought he was going to fall into a spot like Trehawke after he stopped showing up as much, but you managed to finish his story and make him a guy who now, ANYONE in SZW benefits from beating (even after he's long over the hill). It makes sense, since he was your first champion, so cementing him as a SZW "legend" helps build the prestige of your title as well.

I was so sold on Lifeline overcoming the odds to win the tag titles - I thought them getting beat up was a red herring, I figured they were going to show that while they still have a "lifeline", they have a chance, and overcome the odds (and Samoan Destruction would be the X factor that costs the champs the titles). I was even more convinced seeing the #1 contender's match, as I was fully bought in on the Grapplers getting a chance in the "new" tag division. Bruce showing up to force Maelstrom out made Maelstrom (and through him, Dizzy G) feel like a real threat, and protects the former Sydney champ because it questions whether he would have lost with the big man at ringside.

Jake D'Angelo is the GOAT gatekeeper. If you want to get someone over, put them in a match with him. If you want to find out if someone's worth signing, put them in a match with Jake. He will never carry a match, so if they don't have a good match with Jake, they aren't ready for the main roster. I've never seen a wrestler like him, this guy's an absolute legend. I should have known his match was going to be the best, but I thought at the PPV he wouldn't be able to keep up with your top matches.

Looking forward to the end of season write up and getting a look at the roster again. It'll be interesting to see how much things have changed in a year.

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A stacked card with plenty of established names to really capture the big-show feel for SZW's WrestleWorld debut. I liked the contrast of having all the outside stars put over SZW guys until the show-closing moment with Warmonger standing tall over the triumphant champion.

The tag situation is interesting as I see a parallel to the situation WWE are in whenever they build someone up to face Roman Reigns: there may never be a better moment to crown Lifeline in terms of the angle that launched them into contention, but you've got so much built up in The Devoted Souls' reign that it makes sense that you want to pick the perfect team and moment to "finish the story". It sounds like you've already got a lot more planned for this division, so it will be fun to watch it unfold.

There's plenty to look forward to coming out of Final Chapter. I'm particularly intrigued by Rusty Mills and Lone Rider's next steps.

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Vincent Victory

Can I just say Vincent Victory was awful to work with. The guy moaned about his entire match. He was bought in on a one match contract. He is pushing 45 years old, and can go for all of 5 minutes. Yet he doesn’t want to put over a younger guy cause it might hurt his rep? What is hurting his rep is trotting out there expecting to be a world beater.  Then I try and protect him and he still wants to complain about it. I almost pulled his match of the card entirely, but we had advertised it on Wrestleworld Australia so that wasn’t an option. Either way I see why RAW cut ties with him.



Buckminster Snark

Snark suffered a herniated disc coming out of his match with Vincent Victory. Not from a botch but an unfortunate accident. He opted to have surgery on it hoping to get back sooner, but it wasn’t successful. It only increased Snark’s absence by a an extra month, but medical staff said it could create long-term issues later down the line.  


@newbiezness I agree I am a fan of a lot of them, but in Australia there is just too big of a variation and I wanted some consistency. Even if the art style I go for changes sometimes. I do love the hype for a team not in the chase at the moment. Although the hype is definitely warranted with those two. I kind of wish a part of me pulled Bawes getting the Australian title and Adgee winning it back again at Final Chapter. 

@John Lions I was worried it would be overdone as Devoted Souls keep performing post match beat downs and Lone Rider himself has been fighting people backstage. Again, I know it is easy heat and common but is something I like to shy away from. My plan is for Warmonger to end up playing a more Tweener role. Don't worry Lone Rider is still a firm part of the company. Especially considering the last six months in DIW he has won every match except his challenge for the DIW Australian Title. 

I definitely agree The Kipper feels like "That legend" even if he doesn't win a match, he still has enough good will that his next opponent gets over by beating him still. Jake has earned a lot of respect for me, as I think it may have been you. He is a great "dance" partner to have, not to lead but he wont let down someone who can.

@619 Yeah, the main contrast being that Warmonger signed with us long term after leaving APW. I don't really want to sign guys who are under another company unless it is for a few shows. Though I do make an exception to this rule later on.  Honestly the tag division was still undecided. I knew I wanted The Runway winning to give whoever is the champion after Final Chapter someone they can "expect" to win, but I changed my mind multiple times about who would win. Both with different write ups, at the end of the day though The Devoted Souls have now held the titles for 3 years straight. Which is just huge, and that was the deciding factor. 



General musings - From the Ashes is normally what I would say my weakest of the year. Obviously year one it benefited with guys being a lot over so it did rank higher than last, but From the Ashes (2021) was the worst show that year, and worse than the previous years show. So this year I wasn't expecting great things, as it is sort of a reset. Catch your breath type of deal. This year it did good, despite what I would consider alright match results with it coming in tied for 5th with Fully Loaded from this year. 


Edited by HiPlus
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PLhcHFj.png ~ fxzN6li.png

Blackwell Bush ~ Vortex

The first person out tonight on our second ever broadcasted event was Blackwell Bush. He was on the mic and ready to cut a promo until it became clear that his microphone wasn’t working. He went to retrieve another microphone before the arena plunged into darkness.

“Burning bush, the sign of a higher power, a greater power, a guiding power.”

The voice was clearly that of Vortex who spoke as the lights slowly began to turn back on. Vortex was nowhere to be seen, only heard.

“In two months at a riot the cosmic arena will have us both. A spectacle for you and I. A journey that has not had its finish written. Instead, there shall be a turn, a twist, an addition.”

The voice cuts out leaving a confused Blackwell Bush before his upcoming opponent comes down to the ring.


PLhcHFj.png vs TmaPpRY.png

Blackwell Bush vs Jesse Tasman

This was going to be a decent match considering that Blackwell Bush was in it. The two men performed well in the time they were given. A really good start to the show, and an impressive performance from Blackwell Bush tonight. He has looked great in all his matches. 

Winner: Blackwell Bush

Rating: 55



Armando Guerrero

Armando is back this time with another Armando’s Aussie Adventures. The Mexican man finds himself roaming the streets when a curious smell picks up and the Mexican looks excited.

“Hola amigos! I have found something, something every Australian knows, and loves. A bar-be-que! A good ole’ fashion, shrimp of the barbie. Now why would they serve shrimp on a children’s toy? I have no idea, but we will find out.”

Armando eventually tracks down the source of the delectable smell, coming to the outside of a large home improvement store. Off to one side was a small group set up selling sausages on bread, with onion and a range of sauces. Armando approached the group asking why they were here. After a brief conversation Armando discovers they don’t even work for the store they are just raising funds for a local sports team. Something anyone can do outside of the store. This seemingly gives Armando a great idea and he heads off down the street.

The scene cuts to Armando now with a comedy apron that displays a man in boardshorts with a sixpack. He is setting up a small barbeque on the other side of the building. He has a hastily painted together sign “Support Armando Amigos!” as people walk past Armando is calling out to people passing by to try his genuine Australia-Mexican barbeque.

“That is right guys, we have all of your favourite meals kangaroo tacos, crocodile chimichangas, and emu quesadillas!” The crowd around him look utterly confused at the idea of Mexican Australian Fusion and a lot of people initially ignore the man until one Aussie gives it a crack. Opting to try the kangaroo taco.

After eating it and giving Armando an enthusiastic thumbs up a few more people jump into the queue. The energetic Mexican quickly goes into a flurry serving the costumers as more come to line up wanting to try the unique dishes.


L3Y4Xzf.png vs cPwhl6d.png

Peril vs Jake D’Angelo

A battle between someone who had just been contending for the Sydney Championship and against myself. I wasn’t expecting fireworks of a performance from us, but it was clear I was expecting Jake D’Angelo to try and cheat as I used by brute power to dominate. As expected the match definitely isn’t up to par with where I would want it from guys I see as mid-card level. Even if one of them is myself.

Winner: Peril

Rating: 39


l4UyByW.png ~ oHyZC1P.png

Paul ~ Lone Rider

Backstage Paul was in an office and slinking into the room came Lone Rider. He didn’t speak as before he could say anything Paul cut off his son.

“Shut up, you disgraced this family. You want to show how “hardcore” you are now. How much of a “brawler” you are. I gave you SZW’s first ever broadcast match, and how do you repay the family? You lose, you lose to someone you had beaten before.”

Lone Rider looks more angry than upset now and almost looks to be standing up to his father for a moment.

“Christmas Clash will be on WrestleWorld Australia. You will not disappoint your family again. You will not disappoint me again. Next month, you will face Rusty Mills in the Main Event. You want to get hardcore, it is a hardcore match! Oh, and those little things you both have following you to the ring are banned from ringside.”

“Get the job done!”

Paul was stern and direct at his son, the first time we had seen him interact this way.


Gs1YP8F.png Q4K6KHp.png  vs AnCKpGl.png z7mZrFO.png

The Runway vs Two-Face Bombers

The Runway were coming off one of their biggest wins in their career within SZW. Both men came out tonight wanting to put on an impressive display as they faced down a team that was definitely down on their luck. Michel Bernard like always carried the match.

Winners: The Runway

Rating: 43


Gs1YP8F.png Q4K6KHp.png  ~ L3Y4Xzf.png  lyULtmx.png

The Runway ~ The Devoted Souls

The Devoted Souls who had recently been destroying teams after their matches. Particularly the Lifeline lately made their way out. Their future opponents knew what was coming and didn’t waste time beckoning The Devoted Souls into the ring. The two larger men came in swinging and started to beat down the new number one contenders until…







4BPrKAh.png jeY9EHU.png 


Lifeline ran out from the backstage area, Lance and Banky looked just as battered as they did at Final Chapter. Ribs were still wrapped up, and Banky still had his shoulder taped up. Both men holding chairs and swinging for the fences. Neither man connected, but they forced The Devoted Souls into a retreat. Lifeline helped both members of The Runway to their feet. The four men looked ready for a fight, but weren’t going to get it as The Devoted Souls went to the back.


jhUJ7Rc.png vs CAjL4aW.png

The Kipper vs Trehawke Phillips

The two old dogs got a match together tonight. Both men were definitely getting past their prime, particularly the almost 50 year old Trehawke. Still a short match with a purpose for The Kipper to get some momentum back following his defeat. Another weaker match, but to be honest it was expected with Trehawke looking like a shell of himself lately.

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 38


ffPRq8c.png ~ RFHAyg8.png

Adgee Cross ~ Bruce the Giant

Adgee Cross was backstage and tracked down Bruce the Giant. Adgee wanted to fight Warmonger, asking why he didn’t get a match with him tonight. Bruce the Giant commented that even though he was the manager, some things were out of his hands. Some decisions he didn’t get to make, referencing earlier in the night. Warmonger being signed was something he didn’t have a say about. He did let Adgee know he would be getting a match against Warmonger. Warmonger had it written into his contract that his first match would be for the Australian Championship.

Bruce reiterated he didn’t like giving people shots at the championship if they force themselves into the picture, but his hands were tied. At New Year Riot Adgee would be defending the Australian Championship against Warmonger.


jihoGRW.png vs l4UyByW.png

Fuzzy Freeman vs Lone Rider

Lone Rider came out flanked by Ceri, she wasn’t banned from attending tonight and he came out with a point to prove. This was a slugging affair from Lone Rider who displayed that aggressive in ring style and amped it up even more after his loss, and talking to by his father. The last match of the night certainly wasn’t the most impressive but both Taniko Jo and Ceri did well interacting with one another at ringside.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 46


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Am I the only one who thinks that Trehawke looks EXTREMELY similar to Ted Dibiase in that portrait?

Also, does anyone think that Vincent Victory might be our new champion of bad backstage behavior? Shows up for one night, can barely work in the ring anymore, complains about having to lose despite the booker trying to protect him anyway, then injures his opponent? I think that we've finally found someone to dethrone Kelly Tahere!

I think that one thing I've been liking a lot about this series is how well you can build characters even without having them in matches every week. I already mentioned how Vortex has been phenomenal with promos, but Warmonger has only shown up once and been referenced a second time, and I have no issues with him being next in line for a championship match, although I am highly interested in seeing how Adgee will handle such an intimidating foe.

And now I need to go find some Mexican-Australian fusion cuisine...

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