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SZW - Sydney Zone Wrestling (CVerse 2020)

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Max Langstrom

Max Langstrom came late to a meeting with Paul in anticipation of his match. It wasn't going to be a long match and didn't have much to cover, but I guess it shows he is done with business that little bit more. I didn't address the issue, I feel like maybe I should have come down harder on him, good way to set an example for the rest of the locker room but he is almost out the door.



Johnathan Wesker

Jonathan Wesker was also forced to buy everyone a round of drinks by Paul after being too absorbed in his phone. He seemed happy enough to do it and understood why Paul wanted him to make up for being on his phone. A good result for everyone else in the locker room getting a free drink as well, which considering how much he makes meant Wesker lost money this month.



@619 I can assure you that it was all Adgee's doing from Max last month, this month shows it. :( I also guess I didn't make it clear, with Original Lone Rider being the "owner" he is wanting a second Road Agent to help out with those duties. Which is just a storyline idea behind me having a second road agent one to help build the scene and two just so I can have an extra older guy on my roster. Definitely still have Original Lone Rider around backstage.

@John Lions I haven't even finished the first half of the year and it feels that way quite a bit and the issue compounds later on with the older guys not being good enough to learn from, and also not being good enough for them to carry matches by themselves against younger guys. Definitely want to keep them as focal points but it is hard to justify having them high up the card.

@Voeltzwagon ❤️❤️ I can't wait to catch up on your FCW diary and I think I remind you every time I see you, that you're the reason I started writing diaries. 


Trying out a new thing where I combine the entire month of backstage content into a backstage post and then have the show after that. It means some post show fallout happens, and backstage shenanigans for the shows happen. Not sure if I will just post it up after the shows, right before the shows or as its own separate post in between now and then. 



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Glory & Gold


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New Zealand Pit Bull & Dizzy G

Dizzy G came out to the ring, this time with a script to see how he goes talking trash before his match. Before Dizzy can announce his opponent New Zealand Pit Bull comes out and plugs his own wrestling school stating that Dizzy G is an old student of his and he is here to show him how it is done in the ring and that Dizzy G can "have the night off". (Fun fact, Dizzy G wasn't his student, and this whole storyline was pitched by Pit Bull.) A lot better of a segment by Dizzy G this week, showing the script is necessary.


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New Zealand Pit Bull vs Toasty Bonnar


Toasty is still down the card and looking for his first win for sure. That wasn’t the focus of this match though, it was about New Zealand Pit Bull with his student looking on picking up the win. Toasty surprisingly pulled out a good performance to carry New Zealand Pit Bull and the pair both had great chemistry together.

Winner: New Zealand Pit Bull

Rating: 32


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Johnathan Wesker & Two-Face Tucker vs Wild Youth 

Building up Wild Youth as a team was the name of the game. Last week Banky got the pin, this time Lance Maddigan was going to win the match. Wesker proved to be the weak link during the match which wasn't a surprise to me. Something that was coming out of it, I really liked how Wesker and Tucker looked together as a team, sure they need to work on it but I plan to keep them as a duo if only to feed them to the rest of the roster. 

Winner: Wild Youth

Rating: 30


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The Devoted Souls ~Wild Youth 

The Devoted Souls came out primarily with Adrian doing a lot of the talking as we always do to hide the fact I am not the greatest on the microphone. We can out to point out that The Devoted Souls have Wild Youth's number, it doesn't matter how many random pairings they defeat The Devoted Souls will always be there to knock them down. 


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Brown Snake vs Max Langstrom

Coming off his win against The New Zealand Pit Bull, Brown Snake looked to continue his hot streak. This was always going to be a short match and I planned to just let Brown Snake dominate, his wrestling machine gimmick is really over with the crowd so it was a good chance to hit the high notes for him. Brown Snake performed well even though the match was a poor one overall. It showed he adept at carrying a match as Adgee Cross was last month.  

Winner: Brown Snake

Rating: 17


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Lone Rider & Taniko Jo 

A quick build up before the match between Lone Rider and Saul Rubennick allowing Taniko to tell Lone Rider that she doesn't need to be protected tonight. She would be fine and his focus should be winning the match. Lone Rider says tonight he puts down Saul and if he gets out of the ring and goes after Taniko he wont be able to ever step back inside the ring causing the crowd to go wild.. or at least cheer a little.


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Lone Rider (with Taniko Jo vs Saul Rubennick) 

This was to be Lone Riders breakout moment of sorts, getting rid of Saul who had been badgering him for the last few months and with the performance he gave last month Lone was going over even though Saul disliked the idea of it. Lone Rider again with a hell of a performance in the ring was heavily hampered by Saul Rubennick who phoned in the match in response to being upset by the result. Lone Rider made it watchable giving me a little more hope in the owners son at this stage.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 31



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Trehawke Phillips ~ The Kipper 

The pair in the main event both get elaborate entrances prior to the match up first with Trehawke getting a little time to run his mouth about the upcoming match and how he earned this right to the title, and then The Kipper coming out to cheers in the audience and taking it in a little as the build up for the match continues.


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SZW Championship Match

Trehawke Phillips vs The Kipper (C) 

The plan for this was simple, establish The Kipper as champion against the biggest star at the moment in the company Trehawke. I didn't want to flip flop the title right away between the two men, but it was set to steal the show hopefully showing both guys deserve to be up the card. Both men got tired by trying to go all out, but luckily the effort they put in was worth it with The Kipper performing amazingly well.

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 37


Edited by HiPlus
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The Taniko Jo angle did trick me into thinking Rubennick might get the win by nefarious means, but I should've known Lone Rider's dad wouldn't let him lose three in a row. In addition to another title main event delivering and The Kipper and Lone Rider being further established, it felt like you set quite a lot in motion on the undercard on this show, with Wild Youth continuing to be built up (and uncovering another team in the process) and the intriguing New Zealand Pit Bull student angle feeling like it can go in a few directions. Ouch, I see what you mean about Max Langstrom's previous score being misleading though.

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Well with Max Langstrom one month from retiring it means I get to bring in another older dog to fill his spot which is exactly what I have done by signing Michael Rheur who I am already looking at jumping into Saul Rubennick's spot as I am a bit sour on working with him.


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A couple more signings I never expected to make but I was approached by Michel Bernard who I knew from his time in Western Australia and XS who I think was from Victoria. Either way both guys had moved to New South Wales and quickly got in touch with me, whether they moved to try and get involved at the new company who knows. After some light negotiating I convinced Paul we needed another Face tag-team. Now are these guys natural faces, nope. Will they do? I hope so.



Toasty Bonnar after finally impressing me was caught backstage smoking. It isn't hard guys, we can't smoke legally in the building. Go outside take a walk. Given a stern warning. Nothing came out of it.



XS the new signing showed up very late to his first show this month, I talked to him about it and told him he will be eating the pin this show. He accepted it well and knew he messed up.


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Saul Rubennick got in a fight with the other new guy Michel Bernard. Saul really getting on my nerves was forced to pay a small fine for getting physical backstage with Michel appreciated.


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On positive notes New Zealand Pit Bull helped arrange some backstage bonding and Paul made Adrian McGhee buy a round of drinks for everyone which helped improve the mood as well.


@619 Yeah I am trying to keep as many active storylines as I can but I definitely normally focus on one or two storylines for the company and rotate other guys around when I run events. 

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Eye of the Storm


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Trehawke Phillips ~ The Kipper 


The champion was out and announced tonight would see three of the young most talented guys in the company compete against each other for a chance at his title. Trehawke quickly interrupted the announcement and said his time is not over and challenged the champion to a match. Before the champion could accept or refuse, Trehawke stated it would be a tag-team match as he had a partner who could help him backstage and out came Michael Rheur. If any loser wanted to help The Kipper they could come out and prove themselves knowing that his most likely allies were already involved in the main event tonight before Toasty Bonnar came out to help the champion.


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The Kipper & Toasty Bonnar vs Michael Rheur & Trehawke Phillips

A tag-team match to keep The Kipper on the card, and unfortunately the only person I could find to team him up with was Toasty. Meanwhile Trehawke got to team up with the new Michael Rheur. Toasty ate the pin to keep Trehawke involved in the title picture, and establish Michael Rheur. This was a really good match by SZW standards with The Kipper obviously carrying the match but Toasty doing a fine job as well. Eventually the debuting wrestler Michael Rheur applied the Munich Stretch to Toasty and the match was done.

Winner: Michael Rheur and Trehawke Phillips

Rating: 36


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Dizzy G & New Zealand Pit Bull

 Dizzy G was hyping himself up and talking trash about the audience in attendance before New Zealand Pit Bull announced he got his student a big match. Dizzy G looked excited thinking it would be an oppurtunity before New Zealand Pit Bull announced who his opponent would be. After all he wants to show that his students can topple mountains, or at least a mountain of a man, and what a better way to do that then to take on one of the meanest people in all of SZW.


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Dizzy G vs Mercenary

The match set up by New Zealand Pit Bull was simply about getting some more ring time for his protege against a large and menacing opponent. Dizzy G showed good speed and adopted a hit an run strategy to wear Mercenary down, and put in an okay performance himself but not yet showing to carry the entire match. 

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 29


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Lance Maddigan vs Max Langstrom

The last match of Max's career and I appreciate the fact he has done the job for the last three weeks for me. Still made sure it was a short affair and had planned a Post-Show send off for Max with all the guys in the ring.  Lance got to be in his final match purely as the other main two guys I wanted to get over had done so. Sadly for Max Langstrom this was going to be a match that goes down in the history books for SZW as the worst match we have ever produced. 

Winner: Lance Maddigan

Rating: 10


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The Runway ~ The Devoted Souls

A small fun segment to establish The Runway allowing them to roll out a red carpe. Getting members of the crowd to come out onto the entrance ramp and strut their stuff as they take photos. With both guys gimmicks getting a great reception from the crowd. That is until it ended up interrupted by The Devoted Souls. 


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The Runway vs The Devoted Souls


This debut match for The Runway and the writing was on the wall early as Adrian McGhee and myself were set to look strong against the much smaller team. XS struggled immensely in this match, leading me to realise I probably should have evaluated him before throwing him out there. Still it was salvaged by Adrian McGhee being such a performer outshining everyone else in the ring as he has been known to do.

Winners: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 31


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SZW Championship Number One Contender Match

Adgee Cross vs Brown Snake vs Lone Rider

This was planned to be the best match in SZW history as I rate two of them highly and Lone Rider has greatly changed my perception of him as he continues to establish himself as one of my more safer hands in the ring. Set to steal the show and other than the battle royal in the first ever show it was the first match to be scheduled for more than 15 minutes. Everyone in the ring came through as it is the best match so far for SZW with Adgee Cross looking amazing, especially when he hit the Cross Fire on Brown Snake for the win.

Winner: Adgee Cross

Rating: 44


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I can't believe how much backstage drama you had crammed around a single show, especially for both halves of the new tag team to get caught up in it.

Considering it's a small and evolving roster, you've already managed to build up quite a few threats to The Kipper, with Michael Rheur and Trehawke Phillips now holding a win over him, Adgee Cross earning his shot and Lone Rider previously established as a contender. It's great that the main event you had such high hopes for delivered and maybe even exceeded them.

I love it at this level when you have guys like Adrian McGhee who make bad matches watchable. And funny that Max Langstrom had the opposite experience, bowing out with the all-time low rating.

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Michel Bernard is a great signing - I see him slotting into a similar place on your roster as McGhee, Cross, and Lone Rider. Lone Rider, for as much flack as he gets in his bio, he has really good performance skills and I'd wager his psychology is probably one of the best of any unemployed wrestler around his age. Hope to see him find success in spite of the nepotism and not only because of it.

Edited by John Lions
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A relatively quiet month. Max Langstrom formally retired from in ring work after finishing out the month doing some training with some of the guys. There was a decent send off with the boys partying the night away towards the end of the month to honour his career. Officially we are keeping him around as a backstage personality, road agent. He isn't a terrific voice piece, but it seems like Paul wants to keep this friend around. Not sure if he will get many booking oppurtunities. He did come to me with this grand concept for how a rumble match should go, so he at least is taking the new role seriously.




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The Kipper ~ Delbert DeGeorge

For the first time Delbert is leaving the commentary desk to run an interview in the ring for the fans. The SZW Champion while not in action is still making himself known and talks up his opponent for next month Adgee Cross. Delbert tries to push or get the champion to say something negative about his upcoming opponent, but The Kipper keeps it positive. This was a really good segment, the best in company history so far and Delbert DeGeorge worked out really well.  


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Brown Snake vs Toasty Bonnar 

Brown Snake continues to roll after what was an incredibly impressive match last month in the main event. My roommate is enjoying the freedom of becoming a solo act and is certainly thriving. It was also the only match of the card I let Max Langstrom have a hand in, but it was a really solid match both Toasty and Brown Snake performing well. So an impressive showing by everyone involved.

Winner: Brown Snake

Rating: 36


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The Runway ~ Taniko Jo

Backstage the tag-team of XS and Michel Bernard were spraying copious amount of hair product around Taniko Jo as they showered her with compliments. A fun little break before for the upcoming match as the new tag-team on the block allowed Taniko Jo to hype up a potential make over for Lone Rider, before she reminded Michel he had a match tonight, stating the makeover could happen after the show.


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Wild Youth vs The Drifters

Last time we saw The Drifters in tag-team action, and Sinner for that matter was three months ago against the very same team. Unfortunately it was going to be the same result, although I would like to mention The Drifters had been performing on the independent scene every month putting in decent performances. While back in SZW Sinner certainly hampered the match.

Winners: Wild Youth

Rating: 31


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Dizzy G & New Zealand Pit Bull 

We get our plug of the wrestling school that is run by Pit Bull, even if it is in another state, keeping the mandatory requirement for us to promote New Zealand Pit Bull. Dizzy G meanwhile started to talk about himself hyping himself up against whatever joker has come along trying to make a name for himself this week by challenging the hottest talent the Australian wrestling scene has seen.



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Michel Bernard vs Dizzy G

I only had this match going one way in my mind, and although thats the case it did get the most time of the night as I wanted to see what the guys could do. I made sure New Zealand Pit Bull got involved in the finish to keep him relevant to Dizzy G's ascent. Michel when he hit the back apologiesed for being off his game, but he looked great out there and it was another good match.

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 38


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The Devoted Souls

Adrian McGhee could almost write his own script at this point talking about how Devoted Souls own the company and neither of us had been defeated even though we boast the most tag-team matches in the company. Which technically is true but we have only had 3 matches and we have tied with Wild Youth for amount of matches.


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Two-Faced Bomber vs The Devoted Souls

We hadn't faced these guys before, although I had bested Wesker in singles competition it was very clear where the victory was going to end up to anyone who had been to our shows before. Adrian McGhee really showed how great he is once again. Looking like an absolute star while everyone else in the ring seemed to really be off their game.

Winners: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 34


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Trehawke Phillips ~ Lone Rider & Taniko Jo

Backstage Taniko Jo was trying to convince Lone Rider that a makeover could cheer him up after coming up so short last month. Lone Rider makes some grumblings about Adgee Cross and The Kipper before agreeing to do whatever Taniko Jo wants. The two are interrupted by Trehawke Phillips who basically laughs in the face of Lone Rider despite his own short comings points out Lone Rider can't win the big one despite his Daddy being around to help him. The two almost come to blows before Lone Rider throws down the challenge for next month.


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Saul Rubennick vs Adgee Cross

Last month proved that Adgee Cross was the right guy to win that match and to push. This was about him showing just how talented he is in the ring, facing off against Saul Rubennick would be a challenge but it would be a good test to compare him to Lone Rider as he had his fair share of matches against Saul Rubennick. Saul and Adgee really didn't seem to work well together but still put on a strong match between the two of them. 

Winner: Adgee Cross

Rating: 37


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I wrote after the last show about how you'd managed to establish multiple threats in a short space of time, and that seems to be reflected in the ratings now with everything scoring 30+. In particular, it feels like the younger roster members are getting themselves over faster than expected. I bet it was nice to have a bit more peace backstage too.

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Saul Rubennick, once my idol, now my pain in my backside. I get living the gimmick, I certainly walk around like a bad ass when I am out and about. He genuinely is a resentful veteran thinking that he deserves a lot more respect than everyone else. He was goading Michel Bernard into a fight and the two ended up coming to blows and needed to be separated. Now Saul says he is the one that’s irritated. He hated the fact it came from me that he was coping a fine, but considering we pay for him to fly out he can suck it up or hit the road.


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Positively Toasty Bonnar helped the backstage environment after that, and Paul had a chat to Sinner about his behaviour resulting in him being a bit more positive around the place. At least a few things are improving.



@619 I actually forgot to do my replies for last months show, so going to wrap them together here. You are 100% correct, the  younger guys are just looking better in the ring. The moment they become recognisable they seem to outshine the older guys. There aren't too many super veterans that are decent enough in the ring. All the "veterans" that are worth anything are pretty much locked up by the other companies within Australia which makes it hard to justify bringing them in. Trying my best to only look at guys based in New South Wales until the company grows a little more. Especially as later on I took someone who left ZEN for one match and the cost of travel was insane I promptly let him go after only being on the preshow card.


@John Lions I agree I love Michel, I always liked having him end up in the tag-team scene normally with Tobias Bastio as I like the look of them together and have had him tag with Michael Rheur as well. It is different to have him as a face, but I have to say he impresses me a lot as I have done the rest of the years shows so far. You aren't wrong about Lone Rider his psychology is certainly the best on the roster. Other than his own fathers. I actually do like the guy, as just having to live in his fathers shadow always makes him seem worse than he actually is. I'd love to see him end up in APW or even RAW just finding his place in Australia and continuing his fathers legacy. 




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Recipe for Disaster



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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Brown Snake 

After such a successful interview to kick off the show last week, I wanted to test the theory whether lightning strikes twice. Delbert was given the chance to interview Brown Snake and talk about what is next for him. Snake did well at hinting he would love to see a second title within SZW as there are plenty of guys at the top chasing the SZW Championship and a second goal would just make sense. Lightning does indeed strike twice with Delbert DeGeorge helping really well during the angle.


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Michael Rheur vs Lance Maddigan 

This is the second time I have let Max Langstrom run a match and I am excited about giving him the chance this time. That and I will get an inside look at how he does it from Lance. While Michael Rheur will end up winning to establish another heel at the top of the card. This was an okay performance from these guys. Feedback from Lance was there wasn't any major issues with Max's booking, not the most polished but not horrible by any stretch, definitely worth keeping around which genuinely makes me happy for Max.

Winner: Michael Rheur

Rating: 28


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Banky Bremner ~ Dizzy G & New Zealand Pit Bull

Banky was backstage just finished watching his tag-team partners  unsuccessful outing when Dizzy G can be heard laughing in the background. New Zealand Pit Bull and Dizzy G try and convince Banky to join up with the "Worldwide" brand as they refer to themselves as such. Banky refused leaving the two men speechless.


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Trehawke Phillips vs Lone Rider

Lone Rider came out sporting a new look this month, which was hinted at last month with The Runway. Sporting a new tattoo work covering up his old tattoo. A match promised from last month, and I gave them an okay amount of time on the card but that was all I was able to do. While Paul said he was going to run that match and go through it with the guys. The winner is as much a surprise to me, as it is the fans. Which it was as Trehawke Phillips ended up locking in the Sleeper Hold to put down Lone Rider who passed out.

Winner: Trehawke Phillips

Rating: 32


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Trehawke Phillips ~ Lone Rider & Taniko Jo 

I didn't have this segment on my run sheet. Apparently something that Paul had worked on with the pair of wrestlers. Taniko Jo went to slide into the ring to check on Lone Rider before being confronted by Trehawke Phillips ordering her to get him a microphone. Trehawke began yelling as the referee tried to get in the ring and even Paul (Lone Riders father) came down to the ring to check on his son who was out cold in the middle of the ring. Trehawke continued to taunt everyone at ringside before leaving, allowing ringside staff to check on Lone Rider.


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Adrian McGhee vs Saul Rubennick

Originally, I was planning on making myself go over Peril as a punishment for the altercation earlier in the night. There was instantly push back from Saul and Paul suggested that Saul still takes a loss tonight but from my tag-team partner. I know Paul wants his friend to be looked after but the whole thing annoys me, so I had some words to Adrian to look dominant out there. Another decent match although Saul really phoned in the whole effort Adrian still looked strong.  

Winner: Adrian McGhee

Rating: 28


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The Devoted Souls

With my teammate in the ring celebrating, I climbed in alongside him and handed the microphone over for Adrian to take the lead. We both talked about the fact we were undefeated, listing our opponents and the teams we had beaten. Both of us held our heads high as we planned to set our sights on a bigger target as we look towards Final Chapter which is three months away.


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The Runway vs Two-Faced Bomber

A match to help The Runway get some hype, mainly because I enjoy their segments and Michel was amazing in his performance last month. This was an insanely good match. Michel Bernard put on the best performance the company has ever seen. The other three men being off their game did hurt the match, even though XS was off his game stepped up in a major way from his previous showing which was good to see. It was enough for the second best match in SZW history. 

Winners: The Runway

Rating: 41


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SZW Championship Match

Adgee Cross vs The Kipper (C)

The championship match, booked for a decent length of time and to steal the show as it should be. Booking wise I really wanted to pull the trigger on Adgee Cross but wanted to establish the champion a little further. Adgee Cross looked great again, while The Kipper seemed tired by the end of it. It was a great match, and was able to compete with the last match in terms of performance overall. 

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 41


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Adgee Cross ~ The Kipper (C)

The Kipper ends the match helping Adgee Cross to his feet, both men acknowledging each other. Adgee Cross laying his hand on the title as it rests on The Kippers shoulder. The champion smiled and nodded before telling Adgee Cross he is sure "it will happen some day, but that wasn't today." Adgee leaves the ring allowing the champion to finish his celebrations.


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Another show where it's clear you're hitting on a formula that's working and things are coming together more and more each month. It's interesting that Langstrom is proving a much bigger asset for you in his new role than he was in the ring. I'm always invested in the Dizzy G and NZ Pit Bull stuff.

As you say, the Lone Rider loss was surprising, but it's always done in a way where it feels like his dad is pulling the strings as he gets a big spotlight in defeat so there's more focus on him than the person he's putting over. It's a fun dynamic.

It must be frustrating to book around, but Rubennick's constant never-meet-your-heroes vibe is an interesting recurring theme. It sounds like The Runway (mainly Michel) have made a huge early impact, while it was intriguing that your comments and the post-match angle have laid the foundations for a future Adgee Cross title win.

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CM Saul seems to be speed running his way to an early retirement... Picking a fight with Bernard, who is basically him but younger and better, makes it clear he definitely feels his position being threatened.


Great show, I think all Adgee is missing is some character for him to be one of your top guys. I don't think I've ever even had Bernard as a face, so hopefully working with XS rubs off some entertainment skills while he helps the rookie get better in the ring.

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Honestly, going into this I was fully expecting Lone Rider to be a constant problem that you would have to deal with thanks to his dad. However, he seems to have turned things around astonishingly quickly and become a solid member of the roster. Instead, it seems like Saul is the problem being foisted upon you by Paul, which I didn't expect at all. I don't envy Peril for having to put up with that situation one bit. Although with most of the roster seeming to be progressing quite well, hopefully he won't end up bring a long-term problem.

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The first big news backstage was four new signings kind of, New Zealand Pitbull had his last graduate of the year come through and asked if we could get them in front of a live crowd. I suggested a pre-show appearance next month for them so they will be around for a couple shows but likely not going to get much else at this stage with the plan to put all four of his guys into tag-teams and give them a few hit outs together.



Adrian McGhee living up to the gimmick was about to get into a fight with a fan on his way into the show as the fan began to yell obscenities. Having a chat with him lead to no real outcome which I am glad about. I don't actually want to have a fight with my tag-team partner. 



@619 You make a good point about Max Langstrom and I completely agree. He isn't too good, so I was fully expecting the need to fire him but as it progresses he turns into a handy little road agent for us. Not that I usually assign road agents, and just let the auto pick choose them. Other than making sure Original Lone Rider (Paul) is always managing the main event and any match with his son it, which is something I don't do this month and it hurts a bit. Thank you for the nomination as well mate. 

@AuraYeah, I agree Lone Rider really can go either way I feel with his story. Either he leans hard into the nepotism and phones it in, in terms of match quality or having his father around he has to prove himself so does decently. 

@John Lions That is right, Adgee lacks personality which ironically is what the TEW description about him says being a fantastic in ring worker but just lacking "it" so to speak. Still a major fan of his and he is one of my better performers. Hope you liked the new look Lone Rider, I specifically made sure not to reply to the message as I wanted it to be a surprise lol.

@Voeltzwagon Thanks again man, I appreciate it. Also should have just taking credit in the diary of the month voting 😛

Edited by HiPlus
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Sydney's Finest


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Dizzy G & New Zealand Pitbull

Delbert was proving to be worth his weight in gold as continued to get a spotlight in the middle of the ring. This time he got the chance to announce there would be a new singles title in SZW. Talking about the great talent we haven't been able to truly highlight, like Brown Snake. Before announcing qualifying matches for the title taking place tonight and next month at Fully Loaded before the Semi-Finals and Finals occurring on the same night at Final Chapter.


An interruption occurs as New Zealand Pit Bull announces his student Dizzy G deserves to be in contention for this title and will prove that by being in the first qualifying match of the night calling out anyone from the locker room who wants a chance at the new title. 


SZW Qualifying Title Match

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Dizzy G vs Michel Bernard

This was a match to test Dizzy G in a ring with a person that really impressed me last month with an incredible performance. The plan was simple to see if Dizzy G could go well in the ring, and he certainly did that. Dizzy G looked to continue his winning ways as he set his sights on the yet to be revealed new SZW title. This was another amazing performance by Michel Bernard in the ring

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 41


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The Devoted Souls

Adrian McGhee was eager to come out following the events of earlier in the night. Declaring that The Devoted Souls are the best tag-team in the company having beaten everyone before us, he wanted to prove a point and show the fans that even they are beneath them and beat a couple of them up calling out fans (plants) from the crowd. We are certainly getting better at working the crowd as they got hyped by us creating the match, but it could be Adrian McGhee was just in a mood to stick it to the fans.


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The Devoted Souls vs Roadhouse Radford & Sexxxy SJB

Another match with Adrian McGhee and myself this time up against a random pairing of talent, one of which being Roadhouse being on the radar for a potential signing in the future. What a great way for me to evaluate his skills in the ring. He performed okay in the ring to his credit, clearly more experienced than myself but still not comparable to Adrian McGhee. Although at this point its clear Adrian is one of the better in-ring guys available to us.  

Winners: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 30



SZW Qualifying Title Match

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XS vs New Zealand Pit Bull

The second of our qualifying matches for the night saw XS the other half of The Runway taking on New Zealand Pit Bull whose student and partner in Worldwide had won earlier in the night. This also allowed me to appraise XS in the ring without being covered up by his tag-team partner. XS did okay during the match while New Zealand Pit Bull was clearly tired early on resulting in a poor match between the pair. New Zealand Pit Bull still went over due to being a more established name in the company.  

Winner: New Zealand Pit Bull

Rating: 23


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Johnathan Wesker vs Adgee Cross 

A match with a clear winner from the outset as Adgee Cross looked to regain momentum after an unsuccessful outing last month. Adgee Cross did really well to help pull a decent match out of Johnathan Wesker who really struggled towards the end due to the pace of the match. Still Wesker a guy I struggle in the ring with looked somewhat alright out there when against Adgee Cross, so big credit to Adgee Cross. 

Winner: Adgee Cross

Rating: 33


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The Kipper ~ Adgee Cross ~ Lone Rider

As Adgee Cross celebrated a win, The Kipper came out to the crowd and announced on his build up towards SZW Final Chapter in two months time that he would gladly put his title on the line again, against Adgee Cross who looked ready to accept the challenge before Lone Rider came out to make his intentions known. He wants to be in that match and get his fair title shot that The Kipper had previously promised him. The Kipper accepted adding Lone Rider to the match on one condition. That tonight he faces Saul Rubennick and then next month takes on Trehawke Phillips to put to rest the thorns at his side. This wasn't a great angle and in fact lost a little bit of the crowd which hurts considering that three of the four biggest stars were sharing the ring.


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Lone Rider vs Saul Rubennick

The first of two potential matches for Lone Rider, he got to face off against an old adversary. Saul Rubennick someone who he thought he was done with. This was all about Lone Rider dominating his opponent and putting to rest any doubt that he is on Sauls level. Third match for Max Langstrom to book giving him something higher up the card and more responsibility, normally I hold that for Paul but wanted to see how Max went. While the match was okay, it definitely should not have gone on last of the night.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 27


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Lone Rider ~ Trehawke Phillips

Trehawke Phillips came out with a microphone to remind Lone Rider he put him to sleep last month in front of his father. He showed his father and everyone in the back he doesn't belong. He doesn't care about Lone Rider getting a potential title shot, next month he will put the dream of becoming a champion to sleep and Lone Rider asleep again. This was a strong segment to finish off the show.  


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That's an interesting set up for Lone Rider with the three matches as you can play it either way, having him sweep the field to launch him to superstardom or as a justification for him falling short.

I was slightly surprised Michel Bernard lost after such an attention-grabbing start to his SZW career, but I guess Dizzy G is more established and in the middle of a bigger story. It will be interesting to see if his and New Zealand Pit Bull's paths cross in the tournament.

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Lone Rider was backstage moaning and complaining the whole night leading up to the show from what I heard through a couple of the other guys. I wasn't sure if it was because of booking or what the issue was with him, but a few people bought it up to me. His dad also caught wind of the complaints and forced Lone Rider to buy a round of drinks for everyone as a way to apologies for being negative backstage.



@619 Yeah while I really rate Michel, especially after his performances. I don't want to exactly hot shot him up the card because of it. As he can do a lot of work with the guys lower on the card.



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Fully Loaded


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The Devoted Souls

The pair of Adrian McGhee and myself opened the show, and for the first time it seemed like the fans were taking a bit more notice of us both. Rightfully so in my book. Adrian McGhee announced the travesty that neither of us were getting a chance in the SZW Qualifying matches despite being undefeated. To prove a point to SZW higher ups (Does he mean me?) we were having an open challenge towards every tag-team in the back as next month we will be introducing the SZW Tag-Team Championship for anyone who wants to compete for it.



SZW Qualifying Title Match

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Brown Snake vs Two-Face Tucker

This match had Brown Snake who previously had comments about wanting to be involved in a title chase, and had hinted at the idea of a second title. It seemed he didn't have to wait long for those wishes to be answered. Picking up an impressive win against Two-Face Tucker after having the last two months off the show. Brown Snake was able to book his ticket to SZW Final Chapter next month, where he would be two matches away from getting his first taste of gold in SZW. 

Winner: Brown Snake

Rating: 34


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Banky Bremner vs Mercenary vs Johnathan Wesker

A thrown together match to let a few of the different tag-team guys get some time as a solo act and to appraise where they are at heading into SZW Final Chapter next month. Banky Bremner outshone the other two quite a bit in this match with Wesker continuing to not look like anything special in the ring.

Winner: Bankey Bremner

Rating: 28


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Dizzy G & New Zealand Pit Bull

Dizzy G and New Zealand Pit Bull came to talk about the upcoming tournament next month for the yet to be revealed SZW Title. The pair acknowledged Brown Snake booking his ticket into next months semi-final. Dizzy G took a moment to drag Snake's name through the mud, before saying it wouldn't matter if it was Brown Snake or whoever else in the tournament that both himself and New Zealand Pit Bull are on opposite sides of the bracket. They would be facing off in the finals, and Pit Bull looked forward to the challenge in the finals. 



SZW Qualifying Title Match

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Toasty Bonnar vs Michael Rheur

A solid outing of a match allowed Toasty Bonnar to get a decent showing of offense at the start of the match. The match wore on it became clear that Michael Rheur was slowing things down to his pace to control the match more, with the veteran applying numerous submissions to tire out Toasty. Surprisingly Toasty did well out performing the much more experience veteran, but it wasn't enough to come away with the win.  

Winner: Michael Rheur

Rating: 33


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Trehawke Phillips ~ Delbert DeGeorge 

In the ring before his upcoming match Trehawke got to talk about how Lone Rider is still just a kid riding his father’s coattails and that he planned to leave him unconscious in the ring just like he did at Recipe for Disaster. He didn't care who his father was, or ruining this fairytale run to the SZW Championship. Delbert DeGeorge talked about the title match next month to Trehawke who ignored it and continued to run down Lone Rider, his focus was purely on one thing and that was the match coming up. This was the best segment in the company’s history.


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Trehawke Phillips vs Lone Rider

This was about Lone Rider getting his shot at the SZW Championship all he had to do was overcome the most popular guy in the company who since back in February had been slandering his name. This was to be a big match for both men with Trehawke wanting to solidify his own place at the top of the card. It resulted in a great match between both them putting on an impressive match.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 40


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Adgee Cross & The Kipper vs The Runway

A chance to see two of the men involved in next month’s main event for the SZW Championship against an up-and-coming tag-team who continue to impress me. It was all the main eventers so to speak in this match as they got to play a game of one up man ship taking turns to both hit their finishers at the end of the match. With the challenger Adgee Cross getting the pair the win by pinning XS. Once again, I am impressed by Michel Bernard in ring performance.  

Winners: Adgee Cross & The Kipper

Rating: 43


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Adgee Cross ~ The Kipper ~ Lone Rider

Adgee Cross and The Kipper stood center stage with a level of respect for one another as if discussing which one of them would be walking out champion next month. The crowd were getting into it beckoning the pair to fight as Lone Riders' theme music hit with the distinct whistling playing, the third man involved in next month’s main event made sure his presence wasn't being overlooked by the other two men getting a stare down between the three of them.


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So a very quick turn around, as I said I have a few shows ahead but for me to progress I wanted to be prepping the next show as I wanted to do prediction contest for the biggest show of the year, what is the end of year finale in October for my company. With the winner getting to choose a free agent to sign to my company at the end of the year. (While I will sign a few guys at the same time) They will have to be from the Oceanic region and be unemployed.




Final Chapter Match Card



SZW Sydney Championship Semi-Final A

Dizzy G vs Michael Rheur


SZW Sydney Championship Semi-Final B

Brown Snake vs New Zealand Pit Bull


SZW Tag-Team Championship Match

Wild Youth vs Two-Faced Bombers vs The Devoted Souls vs The Runway


SZW Showcase Match

The Drifters vs Saul Rubennick & Trehawke Phillips



SZW Sydney Championship Match Final

Semi-Finalist A Winner vs Semi-Finalist B Winner



SZW Australian Champion

Adgee Cross vs Lone Rider vs The Kipper



Quick Picks:

Dizzy G vs Michael Rheur

Brown Snake vs New Zealand Pit Bull

Wild Youth vs Two-Faced Bombers vs The Devoted Souls vs The Runway

The Drifters vs Saul Rubennick & Trehawke Phillips

Semi-Finalist A Winner vs Semi-Finalist B Winner

Adgee Cross vs Lone Rider vs The Kipper


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Wow, you're getting through the first year at a hell of a speed, and the company's really growing now to have enough depth to support three titles. Delbert DeGeorge feels like a considerable asset too: his segments always seem to perform well.

The Sydney Championship field feels pretty open. Brown Snake being opposite New Zealand Pit Bull makes me think we might not get the student v teacher final. I also suspect it might be Lone Rider's time, but all three main eventers have shown enough to feel like worthy winners. Looking forward to Final Chapter (and hoping it isn't the final chapter 😅).

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Dizzy G vs Michael Rheur
From a storyline perspecttive Dizzy G going against either his mentor or the person who defeated his mentor in the finals seems like the most compelling outcome here.

Brown Snake vs New Zealand Pit Bull

Brown Snake won their prior matchup, and I don't see this one going any differently.

Wild Youth vs Two-Faced Bombers vs The Devoted Souls vs The Runway
I'm probably way overthinking things, but I think the Devoted Souls have almost been booked too dominantly for them to win here. They've already beaten every team here one on one, and seem to have gotten pretty cocky by suggesting the match to begin with, so I think they get some comeupance. Of the other three teams the Runway seem the most likely picks for champions just based on how good Michel Bernard has been looking. The Devoted Souls could then chase for the titles since they already beat them one on one and can claim the title match as a fluke loss.

The Drifters vs Saul Rubennick & Trehawke Phillips
Having veterans on the roster to help coach your younger talent certainly makes sense in theory, but I'm not sure the Drifters have much to teach other than perhaps some cautionary tales.

Dizzy G vs Brown Snake
Dizzy G does what his mentor couldn't and wins a championship.

Adgee Cross vs Lone Rider vs The Kipper
I think it's time for the Nepotism to finally win out.

Edited by Tiberious
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To commemorate your big show, here's some alts for Michel Bernard (since I have a hard time imaging him as a model), and one of The Kipper with the classic Big Gold (since I don't know if you have an image for the title)




Dizzy G vs Michael Rheur

The Sydney championship has revolved around Dizzy G and New Zealand Pit Bull, and of those two I think Dizzy G is much more likely to make the finals. With your older vets getting outpaced by your green rookies in the ring and your top title scene being mostly comprised of said veterans, I think you lean towards youth for your secondary singles title.

Brown Snake vs New Zealand Pit Bull

Similarly to Dizzy G, Brown Snake was literally name dropped by Delbert DeGeorge as one of the reasons for the title's introduction, and NZ Pit Bull is one of your worse remaining vets in the ring despite being a bit better on the stick.

Wild Youth vs Two-Faced Bombers vs The Devoted Souls vs The Runway

I think that Bernard is ready, but XS isn't, at least when it comes to being the first champions. If you are betting on yourself, knowing you will be with SZW for a long time, why not give yourself an accolade? While McGhee is doing a lot of the heavy lifting, it's not like Peril is a complete slouch, and I'd expect the head booker to put in the work to prove he deserves the strap. You have been building one team for the past 9 months, it would feel wrong for them not to be the first champs.

The Drifters vs Saul Rubennick & Trehawke Phillips

This feels very much like a "last chance" for Saul, taking on the even worse veteran pairing of the Drifters, giving you a wild card team of two "main eventers" to throw into your initial tag title tournament to lend credibility to the belts. If it were Saul and anyone else I might have leaned towards The Drifters winning, as the experienced tag team, but Trehawke was pretty impressive in his singles outings and I have a hard time fathoming Mercenary and Sinner beating him.

Dizzy G vs Brown Snake

My best guess will be that Dizzy G gets some help from his mentor who is none too pleased about the result earlier in the night, and Brown Snake ends up having to chase Dizzy. Dizzy has been such a major part of your show from very early on - you've given him and Pit Bull mic time and they've succeeded, he's overperformed in the ring, and everyone involved in your main event scene feels like a babyface.

Adgee Cross vs Lone Rider vs The Kipper

Kip retains by pinning Adgee - I think end game is a 1-1 rematch between Kip and Lone Rider. Adgee gets handed a match while Lone Rider had to work for it, and he's going to lose the hard earned title shot he fought for by the other guy in the match getting pinned. Lone Rider is the next champ, but I think we see a turn now or soon. Saul didn't work out as a main event heel and of the three men in the match, he seems most likely to turn.

Edited by John Lions
misread the 4 way tag match
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