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SZW - Sydney Zone Wrestling (CVerse 2020)

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Dizzy G vs Michael Rheur

Dizzy has a clear storyline going into the match, and that should bring him through to the finals.

Brown Snake vs New Zealand Pit Bull

I think that having Pit Bull lose here will give Dizzy more motivation in the upcoming final match, In addition, since Brown Snake was vocal about wanting a new title, it's fitting that he would be one of the first to challenge for it.

Wild Youth vs Two-Faced Bombers vs The Devoted Souls vs The Runway

I know that you said you didn't want to pull the trigger on Bernard too early, but I think that being one of the inaugural Tag Team Champions will give him a good amount of legitimacy, and continuing to mix it up in that division can give him more seasoning before a potential singles push later on. The only other team I'd consider is The Devoted Souls, but I feel like The Runway has more upside right now.

The Drifters vs Saul Rubennick & Trehawke Phillips

Trehawke is still in a pretty prominent position, and a win here can keep him looking strong. The Drifters are an established team, but I don't think that them getting a win here would serve any real benefit.

Dizzy G vs Brown Snake

I went back and forth on this one for a while, but I feel like Dizzy G avenging his mentor's loss by winning the title would be the strongest way to close out the tournament.

Adgee Cross vs Lone Rider vs The Kipper

This is SZW's biggest show to date. If there was any time for Paul to give his son the championship, this is it.

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Adrian McGhee continued his tirade towards the fans as he continued to get into arguments with the fans outside of the arena. This time it was a different fan as well, Adrian McGhee just letting them get under his skin.



Johnathan Wesker was back to being selfish backstage again taking up a lot of room in the backstage area and not being considerate a quick chat and he fixed it up but it didn't really seem to have much of an effect on him, as he felt he was entitled to that area.


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Final Chapter


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The Kipper ~ Adgee Cross ~ Lone Rider

A simple opening to the show with The Kipper heading out first to hype up the main event of the night. He got some time to talk about how excited he was for the two new championships that were debuting in the company. Mentioning both the SZW Sydney Championship and the SZW Tag-Team Championship. Announcing that his own title will be called the SZW Australian Championship. Stating he will be keeping his eye on those matches but won’t be taking his eyes of the prize tonight as he faces off against a man that has taken him to the limit in Adgee Cross, and another that fought and earnt his way to a rematch in Lone Rider.


This then bought out both the challengers, first Adgee Cross coming out saying he wished it would have been another one-on-one match as he feels like he would have the champions number this time with a subtle jab stating that Lone Rider saying he shouldn’t have been in the match at all in the first place. Still he was made for this lifestyle, he was made for this match and he could wrestle all night long if that's what it took for him to claim the title. Tonight would be his night because The Boss is here. 


Lone Rider made his appearance and acknowledged both men and talked briefly about the fact he had to fight in back-to-back months. While he hated reigning on the parade stating that maybe the pair could continue to team up as a tag-team as they did so well last month and with a grin on his face said he will take the SZW Australian Championship away from them both tonight.



SZW Sydney Championship Semi-Final A

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Dizzy G vs Michael Rheur

This was a good opening contest of the night and was the first of two semi-final matches. It was between The Baron Michael Rheur who had been building a steady stream of wins lately after being involved in the Main Event picture, and the young up and comer who had been teaming up with New Zealand Pit Bull to form the tag-team "Worldwide". While Michael Rheur was the senior wrestler, and certainly the more well known wrestler due to his years of experience, the younger more flashy Dizzy G ended up coming away with the win, in what wasn't a shock but before the company opened would have been looked at as an upset.  The match was kept simple between the two so Dizzy G isn't too exhausted later in the night. 

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 31


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Dizzy G

Delbert DeGeorge a part time colour commentator, a part time interviewer was showing his value as of late and got a chance to be center stage once more with Dizzy G interviewing the winner. During the interview Delbert revealed the title showing off the new SZW Sydney Champion to one of the contenders for the title later tonight. Dizzy G made it clear the title would be his by the end of the night stating he has all the confidence in the world in New Zealand Pit Bull putting down Brown Snake, and then when he and his trainer meet later tonight, that he knows New Zealand Pit Bull will do the right thing. 



SZW Sydney Championship Semi-Final B

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Brown Snake vs New Zealand Pit Bull

The second semi-final saw my roommate and someone who had been building considerable momentum since the start of his career with SZW Brown Snake take on the other half of "Worldwide" New Zealand Pit Bull who was looking to join his protégé in the finals for the SZW Sydney Championship. Sadly for him, it wasn't going to be his night as Brown Snake who had already been so close to championship gold once before was clearly ready for another chance at a championship earned that by beating the older and much more experienced New Zealand Pit Bull. Like the earlier match this was designed to push the story and conserve the energy of Brown Snake who will compete for a second time tonight against Dizzy G for the SZW Sydney Championship. 


Winner: Brown Snake

Rating: 33


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Brown Snake

Just like his opponent later tonight, Brown Snake got the opportunity to see the SZW Sydney Championship title up close and personal as Delbert DeGeorge presented it once more to the fans and allowed Brown Snake to have a close inspection of the gold. Brown Snake got a moment on the microphone himself and was able to talk about what it would mean for him to secure his first title win in the company. He bought up the fact that tonight wouldn't be the first time he has pulled double duty, reminding fans that on the very first show in SZW history that he competed in a tag-team match and a battle royale match on the same night. He has more than proven he can mix it up with some of the best in the ring in SZW will continue to do the same as champion. 


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Wild Youth ~ The Runway

Backstage Wild Youth were preparing for the fatal four-way match that would crown the very first SZW Tag-Team Champions in the company. The two young stars looked to be talking game plan as they were ready and excited for the upcoming match and were about to head out of the backstage area before The Runway interjected in their plans. The pair of Michel Bernard and XS were asking them about an emergency hairspray issue the tag-team were having saying they wouldn't be able to do their signature runway strut to the ring without it. 

Some lighthearted back and forth between the two teams with XS knowing that Banky Bremner would have hairspray on hand. Banky pointed out he opted for more of a buzz cut hair look, only furthered XS notion that he would have spare hairspray because he clearly wouldn't be using it. While Michel was curious if Lance ever kept things under his hat.. like hairspray. The fun and games came to an end when Lance said they are heading to the ring and he hopes to see them out there, as beating three teams tonight would be more satisfying than beating two teams if The Runway can't make it. 


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Wild Youth vs Two-Faced Bombers vs The Devoted Souls vs The Runway

The entrances for the match took a few more minutes as when the music for The Runway initially hit the team didn't hit the entrance way to the ring. After almost a minute XS came out with a microphone to quickly ask for the music to be restarted and The Runway seemingly having found hairspray made their entrance to join the other three teams.

This championship match lacked a lot of the build up when compared to the other championship matches that were on the card tonight. This was primarily due to time constraints between announcing the creation of the SZW Tag-Team Championship and the depth of the tag-team division within SZW. The participants were four of the five tag-teams that were currently within the company, it highlighted a distinct lack of credible teams as The Devoted Souls had run roughshod over the division as of late. 

The match did make it clear that The Runway had somewhat taken the shine away from Wild Youth who I always pictured were the primary face tag-team for the company, which was fair considering the performances of both Michel and XS had in recent months both as a team and as a pair of singles competitors. I still felt like I had done a good job establishing that three of the four teams were clear contenders for the title and Two-Faced Bombers were there I guess.

The winner of the match wasn't a surprise to me at least as at the end I was able to hit my finisher on Two-Face Tucker after the rest of the ring had been cleared out after a flurry of finishers from Adrian, Michel, Lance, Banky, and Johnathan Wesker left everyone else on the outside of the ring allowing me to get the three count. Michel Bernard, Adrian McGhee and Banky Bremner performed really well and I also had the performance of my career tonight which was icing on the cake so to speak. 

Winners: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 38


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The Devoted Souls 

The other teams made their way to the back as Adrian McGhee and I got on the microphones, both congratulating one another on our first tag-team championship win together. Adrian McGhee then turned his attention to the rest of the locker room, announcing that  people always talk about how many championships you have won. Not how long you have held them, and he didn't care if we only ever had one tag-team championship reign because it was going to be the only reign this company ever sees. I accentuated that by adding that these are our titles, and will forever be our titles. Adrian McGhee wanted to put the future winner of tonight's Main Event on notice, again not caring who it might be but stating The Devoted Souls are coming for the gold. 


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The Drifters vs Saul Rubennick & Trehawke Phillips

This was a chance to get a few guys not currently involved in storylines on the card of the biggest show of the year and have them show their value to the company. Both teams were looking for wins for different reasons but ultimately for the same goal. A win here could show their value to the company, and keep them in their respective title pictures with The Drifters being snubbed for a tag-team opportunity while Saul Rubennick and Trehawke Phillips had both been mixing it up in the main event scene. 

Somehow this match failed to help either side achieve their goals with it being what can only be described as a disaster of the match between the groups. Sinner firstly went down within the opening minutes in what I believe was a torn quad as he struggled to get to his feet, and with him gone the other three men struggled to make improvise in the ring and make it not just a beat down for one of the teams. In the end Trehawke picked up the win, but to say this left a sour mouth in the taste of the fans was an understatement. 

Winners: Saul Rubennick & Trehawke Phillips

Rating: 17




Toasty Bonnar

The resident stoner and somewhat highflier of a man Toasty Bonnar came out with a microphone. A lot earlier than anticipated as the previous match was cut short, originally the plan was for him to come out after the next match. He announced he wanted to be the first in line for a shot at the SZW Sydney Championship and he was doing just that by coming out to the ring and watching the Finals ready to challenge whoever may win the title. Before announcing to the crowd he needed "munchies" and the fans obliged by showering him in packets of chips, popcorn and a few chocolate bars as well. 

As much as I appreciate Toasty for following up that travesty of a match and instead jumping in sooner than he expected in the night, it was clear he really struggles on the microphone especially for long periods of time. Still, it wasn't his fault, he was initially only going to come out for a few minutes at the end of the next match to challenge the winner, but I needed something to try and wash the taste out of the fans mouths before a championship match. Sadly, this wasn't it. 


SZW Sydney Championship Match

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Dizzy G vs Brown Snake

This match was going to be the lead in for the main event of the night, and I certainly expected better from the pair of guys who performed quite well early on. Off the back of two really bad performances that left the crowd flat it was clear the hype for a championship match had lost a little of its luster. At least they couldn't do worse than the previous match thank god. Still to say I was disappointed by what they delivered is an understatement. The end of the match came when New Zealand Pit Bull came out to the ring to either aid his protégé Dizzy G or get a measure of revenge against Brown Snake. Fans expected Toasty Bonnar to get involved but the Toasted One was far to distracted by the food to see the finish that led to Dizzy G hitting his finisher on a distracted Brown Snake. 

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 26



SZW Australian Champion

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Adgee Cross vs Lone Rider vs The Kipper

 Finally we made it to the Main Event of the night. Following what was two horrendous moments in our biggest show of the year and a match that failed to deliver. We had a match between 3 of our 4 biggest guys in the company, and they were set to steal the show. Of course I wasn't going to take any risks with Paul running as the Road Agent. 

Each and every one of the Adgee, Rider and Kipper all performed amazingly well, each of them putting on the best performance I had ever seen from any of them in the ring. Be it within SZW or elsewhere, which was amazing to see. Taniko Jo was at ringside cheering on Lone Rider and even going over and speaking words of advice or encouragement when he landed on the outside. It was clear this had a positive effect on him as each time after a pep talk Lone Rider hit the ring harder and looked more impressive in side the squared circle. 

This was an amazing performance by all three men, and after two previous title defences The Kipper was unable to make it a third as he was thrown from the ring and Lone Rider hit his finisher on Adgee Cross to close out what has become the best match in SZW history by a decent margin. Considering the horrendous build up prior to the match was amazing to see and alleviated a lot of the fears I had. 

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 50


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Lone Rider & Taniko Jo

The moment in the son for the golden child of our company so to speak. Paul had wanted his son to become the champion after the very first show, which is in part why he had earned his place in the match to compete for the SZW Australian Championship. It took a lot of convincing on my part to get Paul to relent and let me pick someone else to become our first champion to add some genuine credibility to our fledgling company. It also came with the very clear directive that before the end of the year Lone Rider was to become champion. As we began building to Final Chapter a few months ago and started to get the new titles made I tried to see if I could convince Paul that Lone Rider was the right choice to be the first SZW Sydney Champion, but that wasn't enough. It wasn't "the" title in the company so to speak and I had given my word it would happen by the end of the year, and with two shows after Final Chapter it didn't leave a lot of wiggle room, so I had to pull the trigger in the biggest match in company history. 


To his credit, Lone Rider wasn't undeserving of the right. I mean, even if Paul wasn't my boss I could definitely have seen him getting a title reign at some point. Was it going to be this soon, or over The Kipper or Adgee Cross? Probably not, at least not yet but still he wasn't unworthy of the title. Which at the start he certainly was. Now as I peer out from the large black backdrop curtains we have to hide away the backstage area I was excited and nervous about what the new champion would hold for the company. 


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I agree I held off for awhile with Delbert DeGeorge thinking I wanted him to just commentate, but he has shown to be such a valuable asset for the company and just interviewing guys helping with their angles. It has been such a big help, he will certainly be prominent in the company and may eventually be a mouth piece for someone if the storyline seems right. Certainly isn't the Final Chapter, however I did go a bit larger with the show writing matches a little bit more and the angles to flesh some guys out more. Didn't see exact predictions, so I didn't know where you landed but as always I love your insight.

@Tiberious 5/6 predictions.

I think you're right, storyline wise Dizzy G was always going to be one half of the finals. I also agree The Devoted Souls have been booked too strongly to a degree and I highlight it a little during the show, when I talk about how they have just ran over the entire company so to speak. It does make booking the tag-team division a little harder as currently it feels like anyone beating the champions would be an upset. Which, in a way it would, but leaves no credible contenders as well. God you were right about the cautionary tales The Drifters would be teaching. Nepotism won out. 


@John Lions 5/6 predictions.

Firstly I love the work, I definitely used them both this show and wish I had the chance to highlight The Kipper more. Perhaps he needs to win the title back. Big Gold is always my favourite title. You bring up the fact the younger guys are outpacing the older guys and it is certainly the case, definitely will see a shift in company culture because of this. The initial plan was for those guys to play the backup characters to the older sort, but they just haven't kicked on the way I like. 

I agree with your thoughts re. that tag-team division only one team has been getting built and it would be a disservice to them to not get the win, and head booker got to get himself over right. I agree the scene in the Main Event does feel incredibly baby face at the moment with a few plans to get other guys involved and rotate a chance through eventually, but I am certainly high on Dizzy G who as you said has had a decent amount of mic time and you hit the storyline prompt on the head.  Good prediction on the main event, but had to give Lone Rider the shot and I am sure someone out of those three will eventually turn but it will be later down the line as I run with the loose face/heel dynamic so anyone can fight anyone as I am big on heels hating other heels and not teaming up always for the sake of being bad guys.... don't look at Trehawke and Saul. 

When is your diary? Please I need it in my soul. 

@KyTeran 2/6 predictions.

Looking at your predictions, it does make me curious if I decided to pull the trigger on New Zealand Pit Bull over his protégé which was in the back of my mind. However backstage for the next show makes me very glad that I didn't make that decision. Thank you again for the support.


@Aura 5/6

 You were on the money on most of the predictions. Dizzy G just has more storyline going into the finals, and Brown Snake being vocal it also made sense for him to make it to the finals. You are 100% correct about Trehawke being the reason that he and Saul ended up winning the match because I wanted to keep his momentum going while being towards the top of the card. Shame it was such a bad match up. 100% right if there was a better time to give Lone Rider the title, it was now or never. 


A big thank you to everyone who chucked in predictions. If the three of you @Aura @John Lions @Tiberious if you guys wanted to message me or chuck in the thread anyone who starts unemployed in Oceanic (Ideally not in New Zealand for my finances please.) feel free to and I will pick them up in the next year. No promises they eventuate into anything. Also I wanted to shout out guys like @DinoKea who is always following the shows and @KyTeran who I swear is the first to like the posts as they go up consistently and @Voeltzwagon for the continued support. I really appreciate it guys. 




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Fortunately for you, I already had a render of Lone Rider with the big gold. Here's some renders for The Devoted Souls and Dizzy G as well, using the belts I use for Tag/Midcard - if you have another belt in mind feel free to send it to me:



Shocked to see Lone Rider win, though the backstage reasoning makes sense. I got hung up on Rider having an abnormally difficult path to the match, where him losing without being pinned could be the catalyst for a heel or at least a change in personality.

Surprised Dizzy G/Brown Snake did so poorly, but both men still lack in experience and wrestled a match already. Sucks, because the build for the Sydney title made it seem almost more important than your Australian title was on it's debut.

I just hit my 3rd year in my game and finished my busy season with work. I have been going back and forth on turning my save into a diary here, but I think I'm going to pull the trigger.

As for signing, I'll go with one of my personal favorites, a guy who I know is affordable and a guy I know will fit like a glove. A perfect replacement for your worthless vets, grizzled young vet Blackwell Bush. There are some other unemployed cheap guys who have bigger ceilings but I can't not recommend him here.

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It's kind of crazy how it worked out with the three segments before the main event all either bombing or falling below your expectations, but I reckon that dip would've made the main event have an even bigger impact and louder reaction, especially as it delivered so much.

The Sinner injury was a shame, but at least it happened in the match with the least storyline/title significance, so hopefully doesn't affect the big picture so much.

It's hard to fault the calls you made with the three titles. The Lone Rider reign was coming and you made him earn it both in and out of kayfabe. Dizzy G has made an impression in and out of the ring and him winning adds a new dynamic to his relationship with New Zealand Pit Bull.  As you said, there was a clear top team in the tag division, so it's logical to formalise that until a team earn the right to outrank them.

Congratulations too on managing to fit in a lot of character development, which isn't always easy on a stacked card.

Apologies for the lack of predictions. It was no reflection on how much I'm enjoying the dynasty. I don't know how to explain it beyond being a weirdo, but I prefer seeing how the booker's vision plays out rather than thinking too deeply about what I would do, so I tend not to do predictions, but I'm loving the dynasty and really enjoyed Final Chapter.

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Great show! Shame a couple of the matches underwhelmed, but the main event certainly made up for that. As for a signing I think you have plenty of talented rookies, but could maybe use a veteran with a bit more left in the tank, so why not pick up Armando Guerrero? His bio mentions him as the head trainer of the WWA: Australia Dojo, so there's definitely some storyling opportunities with him and New Zealand Pitbull.

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Overall, a pretty good show! A lot of big moments happened, and then... Sinner. Ouch. Honestly, with how old and banged-up he already is, that's got me worried about retirement for the poor guy.  That aside, it'll be interesting to see how Lone Rider handles himself now that he's got the championship, since there's going to be more pressure on him than ever to deliver in his matches.


As for my pick, I was bouncing between a few options, but I'm going to go with a worker that I find interesting, but can't remember seeing anyone use, at least not off the top of my head. Vortex has a unique look, and with solid high-flying skills he could probably mix it up with guys like Dizzy G and Adgee Cross quite well. I think he would make a solid roster addition.

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Just wanted to pop in to say I have read this the last couple days and am really enjoying it. It's nice seeing some wrestlers used that I'm not used to seeing, and also seeing what twist you put on them! I'm routing for Adgee Cross a lot currently, he's been one of your MVP's so far and hopefully he's in for a big year.

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Mercenary & Sinner

The biggest news was Sinner being injured in a throw away match, he tore his quad which was going to leave him out for a year. He underwent surgery on the quad and complications arose with him being out for even longer. To make matters worse for The Drifters as a team Paul was pissed after the match between The Drifters, Saul and Trehawke and wanted to make an example out of them. He didn't want to do it to his long-term friend Saul, and didn't want to make an example of Trehawke who kept the match together. Now with Sinner injured, that just left one man in the firing line. He very publicly fired Mercenary backstage to set an example of him and clearly lay down expectations for the company. While Paul let me know that Sinner will be released in a month or so once he is back at home on the road to recovery.



New Zealand Pit Bull

New Zealand Pit Bull announced his retirement and that he will be leaving in three months. It definitely doesn’t come as a surprise with him being 50 years old this year. It is disappointing however as I officially signed two of his rookies this month signing Austin and Kelly Tahere (Not their actual names) with Austin being a protégé of New Zealand Pit Bull. Definitely not a coincidence that a week after he was pushing me to sign them to become official roster members that he decided to hang up the boots.

It is also not great timing for the SZW Sydney Championship picture as his kayfabe protégé had just captured the title and there was a considerable build up between their partnership. Throwing a spanner in the works for my future storyline, but with three months hopefully he can tie things up in a nice little bow before retiring. 



@John Lions Once again thank you so much for the images they just help bring a touch more to the diary, but definitely make me not want to hot potato the title between people. I look forward to the upcoming diary from you. In terms of your signing I 100% knew it would be Blackwell Bush signing which I am glad about. 

@Tiberious I am a big fan of Armando and up until the news of New Zealand Pit Bull retiring I loved the idea of seeing the school vs school potential dynamic happening which would have been amazing.

@Aura I am a big fan of Vortex, or have been in TEW 2016 despite his injury, I haven't used him once in any of my TEW2020 games so I am excited to see what he brings to the table in the new year. 

@CobheadJake Excited to see you follow the journey. 

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From the Ashes


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Lone Rider w/ Taniko Jo ~ The Original Lone Rider

In the ring the newly crowned champion took in the crowd and had a moment to celebrate as both Taniko Jo and his father the owner of the company The Original Lone Rider were able to sing the praises of the champion and congratulate him on winning the title.

The champion then took a moment to talk about his first title defence. Announcing that he would welcome the challenge of The Kipper and Adgee Cross, but after beating them both last month, they must decide between themselves who was going to face him first. That wasn't going to stop him from defending his title tonight however. He wants to show everyone the exact type of champion that he is, which is a fighting champion. Tonight, he would help the future of this company prove themselves and give an opportunity to someone who hasn’t competed for a title in singles competition, laying out an opening challenge for the end of the night. 

This was a really good segment with John adding so much to the angle in terms of star power and charisma making me think I need to use him more.


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Brown Snake vs Michael Rheur 

Brown Snake was coming off his loss last month to Dizzy G, and was being kept static on the card despite his decent effort inside the ring. While Michael Rheur picked up another win to build some more momentum. This was another decent match, but Michael Rheur being off in the ring really makes me regret my decision on who to build up after this match.

Winner: Michael Rheur

Rating: 31


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ The Devoted Souls

Delbert got the chance to interview the new Tag-Team champions The Devoted Souls in the ring. Asking what were our plans and where we were setting out sights. Adrian McGhee pointed out our undefeated streak and we wanted to end the year on a high next month as tag-team champions. Announcing we would take of the team of The Muscle Bombers for our titles next month to continue the streak and then in the new year we will set our sights on a loftier goal.


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Banky Bremner vs Trehawke Phillips

This was chance for Trehawke to continue his way to get back on track with him coming up against one half of Wild Youth in singles competition. This was a shocking result between two guys I definitely expected better from with Banky and Trehawke not looking too great but I think it is primarily because it was set to be a wild brawl between the men, something Banky in particular wasn't suited to.

Winner: Trehawke Phillips

Rating: 21


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Toasty Bonnar ~ Dizzy G & New Zealand Pit Bull 

Toasty Bonnar got to come out to the ring again getting showered by the fans throwing snacks his way and talk up how he would be the next SZW Sydney Champion when he beats Dizzy G. Dizzy G came out with his title over his shoulder pointed out Toasty hadn’t even won a match in SZW and he isn’t deserving of a title shot. New Zealand Pit Bull reminded the fans that Toasty has lost matches to both members of Worldwide.

Toasty still challenged either man, willing to take on either member of Worldwide tonight stating if he wins he will have earnt his right to challenge for the SZW Sydney Championship. Dizzy G stands there shaking his head, stating Toasty is not getting a shot at his title. As Toasty goes to leave New Zealand Pit Bull interjects and takes up the challenge on behalf of Dizzy G and says he will put Toasty in his place tonight. 


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Toasty Bonnar vs New Zealand Pit Bull

With New Zealand Pit Bull announcing his retirement in three months it was time for him to start doing the job, and he was going to give Toasty Bonnar his first career win in SZW. This was meant to be a major moment for Toasty but it all became derailed as Toasty landed really badly after a bump and was clearly injured in the ring requiring New Zealand Pit Bull to call an audible and pick up the win, ending the match sooner than expected with a different winner.

Winner: New Zealand Pit Bull

Rating: 27


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Two-Faced Bomber vs The Runway

This was a rematch from four months ago where The Runway got their first tag-team win together. This was just going to help The Runway build a little momentum after all the good work the two of Michel and XS had put in since signing with the company. They showed once again that it isn’t a fluke as they carried even Johnathan Wesker to what is match of the night.

Winners: The Runway

Rating: 42


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The Kipper ~ Adgee Cross

Backstage we see The Kipper and Adgee talking about which one of them would eventually go on to face the champion, even if Lone Rider lost the title tonight they wanted to decide who would be the next in line. Both men agreed the only way it could be decided would be in a one on one match between the two next month. 



SZW Australian Championship Match

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Lone Rider vs Lance Maddigan

This was all about the champion proving his worth and showing he is a fighting champion. Involving my roommate with a title shot was a thanks to him allowing me to pick up a win against him at the start of the year. Despite losing Lance was told to go all out and prove he has what it takes to go against the champion and mix it up with the guys at the top of the card. Although outshined by a match earlier on in the night. It was still a good match between the two with Lone Rider performing incredible well other than looking quite tired before the end of it showing he still needs to work on his stamina.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 40


Edited by HiPlus
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Rider getting a good singles match with Lance Maddigan is impressive, I've tried to use Lance a few times but I've never been able to get a great rating from him.

Absolutely dreadful (not intentional) about Bonnar's injury. That gives you a few options now - do you give New Zealand Pit Bull a shot at Lone Rider, and have him put over the champ? Do you have him have a mentor vs student match with Dizzy G? A ton of interesting options at least. Bonnar was in line for a push and with the injury happening, and when it did, kicks any momentum he had going for him down the drain. Hopefully his injury isn't too long.

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I didn't expect The Drifters to be long for the company after Sinner's injury, but I didn't expect Paul to be so brutal about it. And then right after that, Toasty gets injured to amplify the issue. I really liked the idea of a Toasty push too, so it's disappointing to see him go down like that. Hopefully he didn't get anything nearly as bad as Sinner's torn quad. It would be a shame to see him get shown the door too right when he was potentially on the verge of a new chapter in his career.

I wonder how NZ Pit Bull's trainees are going to factor into the future. Hopefully he's taught them well.

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That's a rough double pivot on your Sydney Championship plans to first have New Zealand Pit Bull retire and then have the wrestler you wanted him to put over get injured. As @John Lions said, at least you've still got time to wrap things up with New Zealand Pit Bull, while the positive spin on losing him, Bonnar and The Drifters in quick succession is that it creates some some openings for your planned new recruits.

It's a shame you won't get to tell that Guerrero-Pit Bull story. I guess there might still be ways to use it as a bridge like Dizzy abandoning Pit Bull for Guerrero, Pit Bull disowning Dizzy and bringing his new students in to continue his legacy instead or Guerrero bringing in "properly trained" wrestlers to try to dethrone Dizzy, but I know it's not the same as being able to tell a full story with them both.

This was a productive show with some interesting stuff set up for the year's final show (Kipper-Cross is a tough one to call) and perhaps a hint that The Runway might be the ones built up to eventually dethrone the new tag champs.

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Second show in a row where a long term injury occurred this time it happened to Toasty Bonnar who initially out for a year had the herniated spinal disc operated on and results were positive but it looks like the man who was set to celebrate his first win within the company will now be out for 8 months still.


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XS and Kelly Tahere got into an argument backstage after causing some damage to Kelly Tahere’s car. I took responsibility and made XS pay for the damages something that XS wasn’t happy about developing some simmering tension between us.


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While Paul did a good job at issuing out some punishment for Adrian McGhee and Banky Bremner which seemed to land positively for those guys, which is why I love having him around to help with the locker room shenanigans, especially when I have a few guys stirring others up so regularly. 



@Aura You get to see one already contributing. I will definitely keep an eye on the others but the first isn't setting a great example.

@John Lions I wouldn't say a push but at least something of substance since being on the roster he had only been in thrown together matches. 

@619 The Guerrero vs Pit storyline would have been fun particularly if I could have kept Pit Bull in even an onscreen personality capacity. 

Edited by HiPlus
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Christmas Clash


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Lone Rider & Taniko Jo ~ Michael Rheur

The opening of the show consisted of the champion Lone Rider coming out and announcing that he wants to close out the year on a high for the company, and the best way to do that is to close out the year for SZW in the form of a championship match. Not against The Kipper or Adgee Cross who both look to compete against one another, but against someone from the back who has yet to compete for the SZW AUstralian Championship. The segment is interrupted by Michael Rheur who declares he will compete for the title setting up the main event for the night.


SZW Tag-Team Championship Match

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The Devoted Souls vs Two-Face Bomber 

The opening contest of the last show of the year saw Adrian McGhee and I put not only our titles on the line but also our undefeated streak that has lasted the entire year. The match wasn’t against the most credible opponents in Two-Face Bomber, who had lost last month and there were calls for The Runway in the crowd. A win is a win, and that's what matters in our book. Adrian McGhee pulled out a hell of a performance for this match.

Winner: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 38


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The Devoted Souls

Adrian McGhee and I once again talk about being undefeated and being the best tag-team in this company. Announcing that whoever wins later tonight between The Runway and Wild Youth will be the new Number One Contender for our titles not that it matters who wins as we have beat both teams before. 


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Trehawke Phillips vs Kelly Tahere 

Trehawke was up against a rookie who came directly from New Zealand Pit Bull’s school of wrestling. This wasn’t the intended debut plan for him, but after being involved in the backstage drama and becoming known he was the best selection out of the yet to debut options. This wasn’t a good match with Kelly getting tired in the ten minutes and Trehawke suffered a shoulder injury caused by a botch from Kelly Tahere early on which helped this become a horrible match between the two.

Winner: Trehawke Phillips

Rating: 18


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Trehawke Phillips ~ The Original Lone Rider

Trehawke Phillips got on the mic after the show calling out the owner of the company Original Lone Rider, demanding a shot at the SZW Championship and his son Lone Rider. Paul comes out and reminds Trehawke that he already has lost to Lone Rider. Trehawke ignores the comment and says he can beat Lone Rider and day of the week and if he really is a fighting Champion, he will accept the an Outback Strap match next month for his title.


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The Runway vs Wild Youth

A tag-team match between the two popular face teams to potentially look at who can challenge The Devoted Souls. This match was set to steal the show to see these young guys go all out.  Like always a match with Michel Bernard was going to do well and this was no different, however unluckily for him Lance Maddigan was able to pick up the win against XS.

Winner: Wild Youth

Rating: 43


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Dizzy G ~ New Zealand Pit Bull

Dizzy G came out to the ring solo on this occasion before calling out his “mentor” beckoning him to the ring. When New Zealand Pitbull came out to the entrance way Dizzy G had him stop before he came down to the ring. Dizzy G wanted to remind him of his place, and that isn't in the ring with this title. It is at ringside watching Dizzy G hold the title high. He doesn’t get to put the SZW Sydney Championship on the line, he doesn’t get to decide his matches. Pit Bull points out how he won the match but is quickly shut off by Dizzy G who says he couldn't care less if the "old man" injuries his future opponents. He needs to learn his place.

New Zealand Pit Bull shoots back saying he will teach the young kid a lesson and take that title from him. Dizzy G is agitated once more and reminds Pit Bull he isn't the champion, he doesn't get to decide when the champion fights or who he fights. He will agree to the match with one stipulation added his title on the line, for New Zealand Pit Bulls career.


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Adgee Cross vs The Kipper

A match between two of the biggest talents on the roster with both men giving it their all during the contest. I hoped for something that would blow the ratings out of the water to end the year, and even though it didn't it was a solid encounter. The finish was planned with both men ending up on the outside brawling with one another. Neither man being able to get the upper hand, nor make it back to the ring before being counted out by the ref ending in a draw.

Winner: Draw

Rating: 44


SZW Australian Championship Match

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Michael Rheur vs Lone Rider ©

The Champion Lone Rider came out to the fan fare still putting his title on the line against Michael Rheur who was coming off a win from last month against Brown Snake. This was always going to have a hard time following the previous match. Michael Rheur didn't help things with the champion Lone Rider being required to carry the match. Which, while not ideal was a good sight to see him continue to carry the Main Event picture regardless of who he was up against. The Australian Champion came out victorious to close out the first year of SZW, but leaving more questions as would he answer the call of Trehawke Phillips next month.  

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 42


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After talking backstage to Paul about our current roster, it was clear that after a year a lot of matches that could happen between people had happened. Instead of bringing in guys for one of shows to give people breaks we spoke about wanting to bring in a few guys that are local to New South Wales, which limited the pool significantly.


It made sense though, we paid for a guy from New Zealand on the last show to come in, work a pre-show and see how it fit and it really hurt our budget. Paul made it clear he didn’t want me making that mistake again so everyone we hired had to be from New South Wales. He threw around a few names of guys I never even heard of, and I reminded him that they likely would have retired. We went to a couple independent shows together and looked at a list of guys I would love but only a few were from New South Wales.


Although I did try and convince Dingo Devine who left APW to consider moving down, he kindly rejected me saying he would have stayed in APW if he was going to live in Sydney. Paul allowed some signings, the only guy I feel we really missed not grabbing was Anguish, he looked so good and had name value due to two years in RAW.


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Roster Year Two



Adgee Cross

Adgee has had quite the year for the company having a match on the main card for 10 of the 12 shows we had in the year. Including being involved in the Top 4 matches of the year against several different opponents just showing how valuable he is to the company. Being one of the most over acts he is placed well heading into year two.



Adrian McGhee

Being one half of The Devoted Souls, he has spent the year undefeated with 9 wins which includes only one singles match. He has been solid in the ring but hasn’t had a match that was Top 10 worthy of the year is a surprise, but that probably says more about me than it necessarily does about my tag-team partner who has looked great this past year.



Armando Guerrero

Armando is a new face, being in New South Wales and a decent in-ring talent he will serve as a decent mid card act while hopefully helping develop some of the younger guys in the back. Being the head booker at WWA: Australia I am sure we will see some of their guys on the roster.





Austin Tahere

One half of Tahere Brothers he is a graduate from Headlock Wrestling which is owned by New Zealand Pit Bull and is the protégé of New Zealand Pit Bull. Originally the plan was for him and his kayfabe brother to join up with Dizzy G, Pit Bull and form Worldwide on a bigger level. Pit Bull retired and put that on ice so they are being used as enhancement talent at this stage, but both backstage and in the ring he seems like the better option between the two.




Banky Bremner

A guy I love, strong in the ring and decent enough to be entertaining. Teaming up with my roommate Lance Maddigan does give him some extra value personally. Being involved in the fifth best match of the year and being a part of the biggest babyface tag-team leaves him placed nicely on the roster at this stage and heading into the new year will challenge for the SZW Tag-Team titles at some stage.



Blackwell Bush

He is a strong in ring talent and should have a decent future ahead of himself inside the company. He was one of the guys that Paul wanted to sign, which initially surprised me as he was a younger guy but Paul kept raving about how he was working the match we watched and building to the finish not rushing it like guys do these days. In fact Paul even said I could learn from the guy. 



Brown Snake

I love him, he is one of my roommates and he just keeps going. He had a big start to last year he was moving well and almost challenged for the Main Title and challenged for SZW Sydney Championship. His momentum has seemingly cooled a little due to a few loses to close out the year. Retrospectively I should have done a bit more with him, and will try and make amends for .




Dizzy G

A guy I didn’t expect to highlight during the initial roster building. He has looked well, talks well on the microphone. I had a lot bigger plans for a stable around him until New Zealand Pit Bull called time on his career next month, and his first challenger was set to be Toasty Bonnar who also ended up injured. Certainly, a cursed start to his title reign where others are concerned, but hopeful that the first and current SZW Sydney Champion has a big year ahead.  




Fuzzy Freeman

Fuzzy Freeman was a perfect looking guy to quite funny backstage and just genuinely liked the whole vibe of his character. He seemed over enough with the crowd to during his match which made it a lot easier to convince Paul we should sign him. Although Paul wasn't sold about how a Stoner gimmick can go considering we already had Toasty struggle to get a similar gimmick over.



Jake D’Angelo

Not sure what to think about this guy, I mean he is… there. Not the in-ring talent but he does live and breathe the business when he saw Paul and I were at the show he kept talking about storylines he could see the company use, and they didn’t even involve him, hell I think some of them didn't even involve guys on our roster. Loved the enthusiasm.



Johnathan Wesker

He looks good, and surprisingly was involved in 10 matches throughout the year, all losing efforts. Crazy thought that the average match rating from matches he has been involved in edges out people like Brown Snake, Trehawke Phillips, and Adrian McGhee. All of whom perform head and shoulders above him, but being against quality opponents more often had its benefits for him.




Kelly Tahere

The second half of Tahere Brothers he is the larger bigger of the two “brothers” although less talented in the ring. He got a showing on the last show of the year mainly to fill a spot but didn’t do much with that chance. Like his kayfabe brother he will be used as an enhancement talent until he develops.




Lance Maddigan

My second roommate and the second half of Wild Things. He hasn’t done much throughout last year was more serviceable than anything else. Closed out the year on a high of sorts competing for the SZW Championship and then winning a number one contender match for the SZW Tag-Team Championship more as an early Christmas Gift from me.



Lee Bawes

He was an older guy that Paul seemed to know, and they got along pretty well when they were backstage watching the matches. He looked okay in his match and was up against Anguish someone I really wanted to sign. At least that shows he can be somewhat decent in the ring, and can be trusted in the marquee matches for events.



Lone Rider


Lone Rider has the most to say about him. He is the guy, there can be no doubt about that and his father has made that clear, he has been prominently shown all year even at times having his own storylines out shadow the SZW Australian Championship. Which in a way makes it a good thing that he finally captured the title like his father wanted all along. As I have said Paul wanted it to happen early on in the company’s history, but it happening at the biggest show of the year ended up being a good pay off.

He has gone on to prove that he is worthy of holding the title putting on 4 of the Top 10 matches in the company history, which considering he feuded with Saul Rubennick early on says a lot that he was able to get that many solid showings.

Who knows what the new year will hold, particularly because when I sat down the other day with Paul and Lone Rider they bought up the need to protect the title and protect the company as such Paul stated Lone Rider would have Creative Control as a part of his contract going forward through the new year.



Michael Rheur

Being 45 years old he is certainly on the way out, but he has done solid for me so far building him up as a threat in the midcard/main event scene although without major success. He performs as a gatekeeper for that level with a clear place on the card. God do I like how suave he looks though. Would have loved to work with him back in his heyday. 




Michel Bernard

Man have I done this man dirty. He has been on the roster for 8 months and in that time has had 8 matches, and only able to come away with 2 wins against Two-Faced Bomber in tag-team competition. He is tied for the highest overall match ratings in the company and 5 of the Top 10 matches for the year. He can certainly go in the ring and will look to build upon last year, but I also love the ability of him being able to slot in against anyone not expecting to win but putting on a great performance for the company.



New Zealand Pit Bull

He hasn’t had the career resurgence I wanted, but also hasn’t been horrible either. Calling time out on his career this month means he has one final match, and he is up against his kayfabe protégé in Dizzy G. I tried to get him to stick it out longer, I even tried to get him to become a manager, but he didn’t want to be in front of the fans anymore. Moving to a backstage role as a Road Agent this year will mean he stays around and sees over his current students. It still bothers me a week after signing those two he decides to retire though knowing I signed them with a storyline plan.




That’s me. Undefeated for the year, and the first tag-team champion, which tongue I get ribbed for a bit by my friends. Which they are right, why would I book myself to lose? Feel as though I am serviceable in the ring at least when the other side of it are some of the better in-ring guys to pull a better performance out of me. Plus I just look like a star.



Saul Rubennick

He is still here even if he hasn’t been seen since that awful match at Final Chapter. He had seven matches this year and would have been more if he could just work with me on some things. The guy is a hard ass and makes it difficult. I did envision him being more in that Michael Rheur role of gatekeeper/main event occasional guy, it just didn’t turn out like that. ENHANCEMENT TALENT.




The Kipper

Our first SZW Champion had a lot of 50/50 booking with 4 wins, 4 losses and a draw to close out the year. Still involved in the match of the year and tied Michel Bernard for highest average match rating. Showing this old dog certainly still goes hard in the ring. He did everything I needed last year in establishing the main title and has gone on to help build up Adgee Cross and Lone Rider. Credit where it is due.



Toasty Bonnar

Out for 8 more months, it is a real shame that an injury derailed the momentum that he was building. Now was he going to win the title? No, he wasn’t going to, but he was meant to get his first win against New Zealand Pit Bull before the injury in the middle of the match resulting in it getting called. He was also starting to impress me.



Trehawke Phillips

Came in as one of the more well-known guys on the roster and got a feud for the title early on before helping build up Lone Rider predominantly doing exactly what I wanted from him, in helping establish a younger star. At 47 he is likely to continue that routine throughout this year, staying strong enough to be a credible opponent but used to elevate the younger guys on the rise.



Two-Face Tucker

Another guy with what a great average match rating is and is certainly not due to him, in fact he has the fifth best average match rating in the company. Something I am certainly surprised to see, and like his tag-team partner is not due to his own talents but more by being there. Still has served well as an enhancement talent for the company.




You got me! He is a new signing, and isn’t from New South Wales, but he sent us a few videos and compilation of his exploits online. Young, flashy and quick he will be a good talent to put on flashy and fast matches in the ring to hopefully captivate the audiences.  It took convincing to get Paul to sign off on bringing him in especially because we hadn’t seen him wrestle at any of the local shows we went to.





This was all Paul, this guy did nothing for me when I saw him in the ring. Just an out and out brawler and not even a good one at that. Hey if the boss wants to pay him, go right ahead, he can sit in the back beside Saul and tell me stories of the good ole days where I wouldn’t have the book as my ideas are outlandish. No idea what I will do with the guy to be honest. He exists though and is on our roster.





He has done well, in fact better than I thought he would have really. Even without his tag-team partner he has gone on to impress me, but certainly looks better when his tag-team partner is around. Still I feel like he has only just started to show what his talents can do, and like his partner the fact that he moved to potentially sign for the company speaks volumes about his desire to be here. 



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The Tahere Brothers (Austin Tahere & Kelly Tahere)



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The Devoted Souls (Adrian McGhee & Peril)


The Runway (Michel Bernard & XS)

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Two-Faced Bomber (Johnathan Wesker & Two-Face Tucker)


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Wild Youth (Lance Maddigan & Banky Bremner)


The Backstage


Craig Sturt

He is the guy at the announce desk hehe continued to do his work on local sports events as well as being a DJ/Host on a small radio show. The perfect guy for the job from New South Wales. Still remains quite popular as a local celebrity at the shows outshining a lot of the talent which irks some of them but he is a good bloke.



Delbert DeGeorge

Delbert performed well this year and getting him in away from the commentary desk and directing segments showed how he could still make it as a manager. He was perfect in his interviewer type role for the company. 




Greg Michael

Paul bought him in after Kevin Cole didn't pan out and I can't say I have any complaints I don't necessarily think we need him as a Road Agent with Max Langstrom coming in the back as well but we have him here which is nice.




Keith Goggin

Served us well all last year without issue or complaint and glad he did. Look forward to another year with him. 




The Original Lone Rider the boss, he works so well backstage dealing with all the drama I don't get to which is just a burden off my shoulders. Sure he makes some off calls sometimes. Like giving his son creative control, or signing Warlock, not firing Saul Rubennick but he is my boss and I am all here for it. 



Taniko Jo

Taniko Jo has been great at the side of Lone Rider doing exactly what I need in storylines and doing exactly what Paul has wanted, and not outshining Lone Rider when they appear on screen together. Even though she is the only manager in SZW she has had some success with Lone Rider capturing the SZW Australian Championship. 



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Good show! Trehawke Nelson seem to have a bit of a curse going on with his last two matches in a row derailed by injuries. Perhaps a bad sign if he's set to challenge your champion, but at least Lone Rider has stepped up and shown he can carry a match.

New Zealand Pitbull retiring so quickly is unfortunate and poor timing for his genuine proteges, but on the other hand it might be a blessing in disguise for Dizzy G to go spread his wings as a solo act. You seem to have really dialed up the cockiness and disrespect of his character on the last show, and I think that could go some fun places. There's certainly plenty of veterans for him to want to prove himself superior to, and even if the dojo vs dojo storyline with Armando is out the window you could always portray Armando as a sort of former ally/surrogate for New Zealand Pit Bull since they'd presumably have crossed paths plenty on the indy scene and both being veterans/trainers it would certainly make sense for them to have respect for one another. Since Armando is 16 years younger than Pit Bull you could even claim that Pit Bull was Armando's original trainer and have him arriving in SZW in kayfabe because of that relationship.

Fuzzy is actually a guy I considered for my pick just based on him having a very fun character, so I'm glad to see him on your roster; at least for the moment until he forgets who he signed with and starts appearing in DIW or something. Vortex and Blackwell Bush were both great picks as well, and are probably going to end up in the Michael Bernard camp of outshinning most of your roster on any given show.

The Warlock signing made me laugh, I'm glad (OG) Lone Rider is doing his part to ensure you never run out of spry 40+ year old veterans looking to make their mark in a name promotion. Sorry Big Harv, maybe in a few more years on the indy scene you'll have the seasoning SZW is looking for. I feel like Warlock as Vortex's muscle might not be a bad use for him since at least on paper their gimmicks line up and Warlock's menacing prescence is probably the most useful thing he brings to the table. Who knows, maybe Vortex could even drag an okay performance out of him in tag team action and you could certainly use some fresh tag team matchups.

Edited by Tiberious
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It's quite a fun dynamic Adgee Cross and The Kipper being the dutiful/gullible (depending on your perspective) babyfaces going to war to earn a match for the title while Michael Rheur and Trehawke Phillips just call their shots. It makes sense though that you want to further establish Lone Rider as champion to build up to his most high-profile defences.

2021 is starting hot with a possible title strap match, New Zealand Pit Bull v Dizzy G (shame you had to rush it but you got to where you needed to be) and the tag title match. Similar to what you're doing with the Australian Championship, it makes sense to give The Runway more adversity to get through before their next opportunity arrives.

Congratulations on getting a year in the books. Looking forward to seeing how the new additions get on in 2021, and the difficulties presented by Lone Rider's creative control. It's interesting that Michel Bernard seems to be caught in a bit of a Dolph Ziggler role currently.

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The new year brings a lot of backstage drama it seems. Kelly Tahere in his second month caused drama, this time antagonising Johnathan Wesker until a brawl almost occurred between the two requiring me to talk to Kelly about it. Positive experience.


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Saul Rubennick almost got in a fight with my roommate Lance Maddigan, something about car parking and taking off a side mirror. He was pissed when I told him he had to pay to fix it and stormed off after that.


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Banky Bremner missed a meeting with one of the Road Agents, something I forgave with no drama and Lee Bawes and Paul had a moment where Lee was asked to buy drinks for the guys afterwards which was helpful for the backstage area.


@Tiberious I love the write up and story premises. Definitely very true he has a curse going on and it is disappointing he carries an injury heading into one of the big matches to open the new year. Doesn't set things up nicely for the future. Dizzy G and Armando may have a feud in the future but they certainly end up with a match together. Always have to make sure I have a few old heads like Warlock going on. Big Harv and @Voeltzwagon Sulphur also both close on the list, although I couldn't do Sulphur the justice that you did. 


@619 Definitely a way you can see it as gullible from the faces needing to earn their shot at the title while others just walk up and get opportunities or demand them.  Definitely a shame I run the Dizzy G solo act so quickly but down the line I feel like it works out nicely. I love the comparison of Michel to Dolph as that is definitely the wheelhouse at the moment. He is so good where he is in the card, I am sure he would kill it moving up. But him losing doesn't hurt anyone, not even him. 

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