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WCW 2001: 'Bout Time I Elevated To Claim My Own Throne!

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Scott Hall (c)

Rob Van Dam

Team Canada (c)

Akira Hokuto (c)

The Extreme Alliance (Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) in an Anarchy in the Arena match

Steve Corino (c)

Juventud Guerrera (c)

Buff Bagwell 

'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes

fReEk-sHoW (Vampiro, mOrE-bId! & rAgE? yEs!)

The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) (with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria)


Saemon Daemon. What a name :D

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WCW Fall Brawl 2001

23 September 2001

37,000 crowd in Detroit, Michigan 

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Joey Styles


Show opens up with Fuel's "Haemorrhage (In My Hands)"

Fuel - Hemorrhage (In My Hands) (youtube.com)

We see Scott Hall's Bentley pull up, with The Sandman get out of the driver's seat looking annoyed to let his employer out. Scott Hall gets out with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship wearing shades.

The camera cuts to backstage where we see 'Dr Death' Steve Williams alongside Jimmy Hart warming up in a training room with Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda, his friends who appear to be helping him stretch and prep for the match later on in the show.

Tony, Jerry and Joey welcome fans to Fall Brawl LIVE FROM MICHIGAN!

We've got a huge show for you tonight, folks, says Tony Schiavone, in our main event tonight we see 'The Bad Guy' Scott Hall put his WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line against 'Dr Death' Steve Williams! Team Canada aim to defend their WCW World Tag Team Championship against Fit Fight Club, plus we will have an Anarchy In The Arena match with WCW's own Booker T, DDP and Kanyon taking on The Extreme Alliance, and I have to say I hope our WCW guys kick their butts! 

Joey Styles says "impartial commentary as always, Tony!" as Jerry 'The King' Lawler says he hopes Joey isn't rooting for those Extremely Crappy Wrestlers tonight. King says the WCW United States Championship is also up for grabs for Rob Van Dam, Joey Styles jumps in and says if Sabu retains the title then The Extreme Alliance are all given WCW contracts, "oh god, can you imagine!" groans Tony Schiavone. 

Tony goes on and says we've also got 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes in action in with Shawn Stasiak who recently bloodied his father 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes, Akira Hokuto aims to defend her WCW World Women's Championship against former British Women's champion, Sweet Saraya, whilst Juventud Guerrera and Jerry's son, "Sexy" Brian Lawler, face off for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship. Any comment on that one King? to which Lawler says "no comment"

Joey Styles then adds that Steve Corino will face off in a rematch from Friday Night Panic! for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship against the returning Norman Smiley, whilst Buff Bagwell will face off with Curt Hennig. 

But first off tonight we've got the legendary Terry Funk in tag-team action with his protégé Christopher Daniels as they take on The Hounds of Hades.


Match 1: 


Christopher Daniels & Terry Funk vs The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) (with 'The Queen of The Underworld' Dawn-Macaria) 

Terry Funk's Titantron Entrance Video feat. ''Road To Texas'' Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Well folks, Terry Funk and the young Christopher Daniels making their way to the ring as we speak. This feud kicked off a few weeks ago when the WCW Hall of Famer, Terry Funk, got a singles victory against Saemon Daemon. The Hounds of Hades would have their revenge though as mid-way through a Christopher Daniels match with Disco Inferno on Nitro, where the rookie Daniels looked set to score a big win, there was a distraction from The Hounds of Hades which helped Disco Inferno pick up the win. 

Terry Funk confronted Dawn-Macaria and the Hounds of Hades this past week on Nitro after Dawn-Macaria scored her debut win in a WCW ring against the well fancied Meiko Satomura, after she summoned a Tarantula to terrify the young Japanese star. 

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

As we see Dawn-Macaria come out with Djinni Parisi and Saemon Daemon, King mentions how Dawn-Macaria keeps going on about a Fugitive of Heaven. I don't think anyone really knows what on God's earth she is going on about with that stuff, but I'm sure Terry Funk is hoping that he and his young protege Daniels can shut this spooky trio up for good tonight. 

This match gets just under 10 minutes as all 4 men get a chance to shine. Terry Funk spends much of the match getting beat up, but Christopher Daniels gets the hot tag and the energetic young rookie comes flying in and makes a real difference looking in great shape.

Daniels tags back in Funk who has recovered and looks determined to get the big win. Just as Funk looks like he might do just that, Dawn-Macaria picks up a mic and the lights go off.

Dawn-Macaria on the mic says that for weeks The Underworld has been searching for it's Fugitive of Heaven. She says that The Fugitive of Heaven was right under their nose the entire time. Dawn-Macaria says many moons ago an Angel fell from Heaven and was sent to The Underworld under Dawn-Macaria's care. 

But that Angel escaped and regained his soul when he left The Underworld.

Dawn-Macaria says they have located the Angel and she has come to take back his soul to The Underworld where it belongs. 

The lights come back on. 

Terry Funk is standing in the ring looking completely bemused as to what is happening.

Dawn-Macaria is in the ring. She walks over to Christopher Daniels on the side of the ring apron who looks a bit concerned. Suddenly, Dawn-Macaria grabs him and kisses him on the lips in a "kiss of death" type motion. 

Terry Funk comes over to try and intervene. 

Once the momentary kiss is over Christopher Daniels looks like a completely different person. His mannerisms change. He looks really angry, demonic even. 

Christopher Daniels gets in the ring and walks over to Funk. Terry Funk is asking him what's going on? what's gotten into him? 

Christopher Daniels hits an Angels Wings on Funk, then the legal man for The Hounds of Hades, Djinni Parisi, smiles before covering Terry Funk to get the 1-2-3

The Hounds of Hades win via pinfall - (9.48) - (46 rated) 


Well, my God, I'm not quite sure what just happened there, says Tony Schiavone. Christopher Daniels, the rookie, appears to have turned on his protégé Terry Funk. And it looked like Dawn-Macaria did it by casting a spell on him or sucking out his soul or something...

I'd let her suck my soul out, Tony! says Jerry Lawler. 

Joey Styles tries not to laugh as we see Dawn-Macaria grab a microphone

"The Angel has Fallen once more!" she says, as The Hounds of Hades lift Christopher Daniels arms in the air as he appears to have joined their ranks

Freestyle segment with The Underworld - ('The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria, 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels and The Hounds of Hades - Djinni Parisi and Saemon Daemon) - (48 rated) 


JJ Dillon backstage with Booker T, DDP and Kanyon

JJ Dillon says well Booker, DDP, Kanyon, a big match for you later tonight, they're calling it Anarchy in the Arena with Shane McMahon keen for you to get your fight with The Extreme Alliance wherever it may take... after they jumped you this Friday Night on Panic!, we have to ask, what kind of condition are you guys in tonight?

Booker T says look JJ it don't matter what kind of condition we're in! The fact of the matter is me, DDP, Kanyon, we're all fighting men, I haven't always gotten along perfectly with them I won't deny that, but tonight the 3 of us are one! We got one goal and that's to put The Extreme Alliance down! Bill Alfonso WE COMING FOR YOU SUCKA!!!

DDP jumps in and says he'd be lying if he said he felt good, he had to stretch extra hard this morning just to get out of bed due to the pain in his neck from being jumped by them on Panic!, but tonight we want to not only beat the hell out of Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney because they we don't like them personally, but also so they can't get involved in Rob Van Dam's match with Sabu later tonight. DDP says it don't matter whether it takes place in the parking lot, the ring, the backstage area, the street, somewhere in or around this arena you will catch us beating their asses tonight! 

Kanyon says Shane McMahon and the people of WCW want The Extreme Alliance to suffer. Well who better than KANYON... and DDP and Booker T to do just that?! Kanyon says he's seen more of The Extreme Alliance in the last few months than he cares to have and tonight he says we're going to put the Extreme Alliance through an EXTREME amount of pain! 

Freestyle segment with Booker T, DDP and Kanyon - (90 rated) 


Match 2: 


Buff Bagwell (with Buff Daddy V) vs Curt Hennig

Tony says this feud has been brewing for several months. Curt Hennig and Buff Bagwell have butted heads more or less ever since Shane McMahon took over the company and Curt Hennig made his return to WCW. It all came to a head a few weeks ago on Nitro when Curt Hennig, devastated at missing out on the chance to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Mayhem, charged to the ring after Buff Bagwell put hands on his young son, Joe. Joe had been in the ring bigging up his father who had been frustrated and disappointed at the manner of his defeat to Scott Hall for the Big Gold Belt.

Joey Styles says didn't these two guys have a retirement match a few years ago? 

We don't talk about that one, says Schiavone. 

WCW Buff Bagwell 4th Theme Song - "Buff Daddy" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Buff Bagwell tonight coming out with his tag-team partner and defacto body-guard, Buff Daddy V, says Tony, how big an impact do you think he will have to play tonight guys?

Joey Styles says look at the size of the guy. What do you think Tony?! King says well Curt Hennig does have a victory to his name against Buff Daddy V, but if you're in the ring with a guy of Buff Bagwell's calibre the absolute last thing you want is a big distraction at ringside like this guy.

Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com)

Curt Hennig comes out to a decent pop and looks determined to get the win tonight. 

The match begins and Curt Hennig comes into the match hot and aggressive. Schiavone mentions how Hennig, usually operating with a technical and mat type style is looking for more of a brawl tonight. King says this is a slugging match! 

Buff Bagwell takes a few punches early on but eventually manages to hold his own with Hennig and the two take the brawl to the outside. They get near Buff Daddy V who professes to the ref that he's not getting involved, but at one point Buff hides behind Buff Daddy V, before quickly pouncing on Hennig in a split second he's not watching. 

Bagwell then sends Hennig flying into the steel steps which lays him out on the outside. 

Oh my, says Tony, looks like Curt Hennig is busted open. We see Hennig bleeding slightly from his face. 

Hennig starts to get counted out but eventually gets into the ring at the count of 6 and starts fighting Bagwell again, but he seems a bit punch-drunk at this point. Hennig goes for a Perfect Plex but he doesn't seem to have the strength to do it with the blood loss and Buff Bagwell counters it and hits a DDT on Curt Hennig. Buff then stomps on Hennig's face several times causing his cut to burst open and he bleeds a lot more. 

Curt Hennig staggers to his feet very slowly, bleeding as Buff gets onto the turnbuckle setting up for a Blockbuster. Buff goes for a Blockbuster but Curt Hennig manages to counter as he ducks out of the way, hits the ropes and then hits a drop-kick on Bagwell when he stumbles back to his feet.

The crowd are behind Hennig and despite the blood-loss he seems back in the match and to have got some momentum back. Hennig goes for a Perfect Plex again but Bagwell counters it into a roll-up and grabbing onto Hennig's tights the ref counts the 1-2-3! 

Buff Bagwell wins via pinfall - (9.51) - (55 rated) 

After the match Buff Bagwell celebrates wildly with Buff Daddy V outside of the ring, whilst a bloodied and defeated Curt Hennig looks very disappointed in the ring.


April Hunter interview with Rob Van Dam

April asks Rob Van Dam about his preparation for tonight. Is he 100 percent fit? I can see you still have a bit of tape on your ankle, is it healed?

Van Dam says that's very observant of you April. My ankle is still taped up but I'm more than 100 percent fit for tonight's match with Sabu. A wrestler never goes into any match without any kind of pain but my ankle is totally fine. 

Hunter asks if he's looking forward to trying to regain his WCW United States Championship tonight?

Van Dam says that's what it's all about. He's totally focused on doing just that tonight. He lost that title when Alfonso turned on him and so he hopes he gets the chance to get his hands on him tonight if Booker T hasn't already put him in the hospital before our match.

Van Dam says tonight is a special night for him. He grew up down the road from here in Battle Creek, here in Michigan this is a home-town show for me. I've got a lot of friends and a lot of family in the arena tonight... that just gives me positive energy and makes me even more determined to get the win tonight, April.

Hunter asks RVD if he feels under pressure tonight to deliver for WCW and Shane McMahon who have put a lot of faith in him.

Van Dam says he doesn't feel nervous tonight. He's feeling a lot of positive energy in the universe tonight especially here in Michigan, this is Rob Van Dam country and karma is on his side after what Alfonso and Sabu did at Mayhem. Van Dam says tonight WCW fans can rest assured that walking away with the WCW United States Championship will be... Michigan's own...



The screen cuts into a pre-recorded promo of Sabu and Bill Alfonso

Bill Alfonso says tonight I prove why switching sides from Rob Van Dam to Sabu was the best business decision of my career. 

Sabu says tonight he settles the debate of who's better out of Sabu and Rob Van Dam. And not just that but he gets a WCW contract for himself and his buddies who have supported him in the last few months. 

Alfonso says and Booker T, DDP and Kanyon! If you think you're gonna take out The Extreme Alliance tonight then you got another thing coming!

Alfonso then starts blowing his whistle excitedly.

Freestyle segment with April Hunter, Rob Van Dam, Sabu and Bill Alfonso - (73 rated) 


Match 3: 


Billy Kidman (with Torrie Wilson), Shane Helms & The Hurricane vs fReEk-sHoW (Vampiro, rAgE? yEs! & mOrE-bId!) (with lYnCh) 

WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com)

Well this next match has some scores to be settled, says Tony. Over the last few weeks we've seen Vampiro and his freak-show causing havoc in WCW, most notably towards Billy Kidman, Shane Helms and Torrie Wilson.

But Kidman and Helms have fought back against Vampiro, the two men formerly in 3 Count, Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias - and presumably they've got the very brave Torrie Wilson out here in case Cynthia Lynch, or at least formerly Cynthia Lynch, decides to get involved. 

WCW: "Sugar" Shane Helms [Theme Song] - "Vertebreaker" (youtube.com)

Shane Helms coming out now, says Tony, a man who has been targeted by Vampiro and co, but he's always maintained in the last few months that he had Billy Kidman's back and wanted to form a tag-team with him. Well he's certainly got the chance to team with him tonight, although the 3rd man in their alliance against Vampiro is the mysterious super-hero, The Hurricane, who should be coming out just now.

Billy Kidman and Shane Helms are in the ring. Torrie Wilson waits at ringside excitedly for The Hurricane who promised her he would team with them in their fight against the evil fReEk-sHoW!

The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Kidman and Helms await their team-mate's arrival but his theme goes on for a while without anyone arriving. Torrie Wilson looks confused. 

Kidman is not happy in the ring and starts asking questions of Shane Helms.

Jerry Lawler on commentary says has anyone actually seen Shane Helms and The Hurricane in the same room... or ring? 

Tony Schiavone says well some have speculated that Shane Helms might have been The Hurricane but surely that got put to bed weeks ago when The Hurricane turned up whilst Shane Helms was injured!

Twiztid - We Don't Die - Freek Show (youtube.com)

Vampiro comes out with rAgE? yEs!, mOrE-bId! and lYnCh! following him.

Kidman and Helms look towards the entrance ramp a bit apprehensive.

Tony says well folks I think this may well be a handicap match by default now. Who knows what happened to The Hurricane, maybe Vampiro took him out backstage! 

The match gets underway with Shane Helms and Billy Kidman set to take on the 3 juggalos.

We see Torrie Wilson and lYnCh! staring off but they don't come to blows on the outside.

As the match goes on Kidman and Helms clearly suffer from the numerical advantage that Vampiro has on his side.

However, the turning of the tide really comes when half-way through the match Vampiro hits a Powerbomb from the outside onto the apron on Shane Helms and Helms seems legitimately injured by this move. Helms is in real pain on the outside. Kidman, who is the legal man in the tag team match at that point looks on helplessly as medical team intervene and Shane Helms is actually stretchered out of the match. 

Kidman then really starts to suffer as it's 3 on 1. He does his best but not long after Helms is wheeled out of the arena, Vampiro manages to get Kidman primed for a Nail in the Coffin, when...

The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

What?! shouts Jerry Lawler

Better late than never! adds Tony Schiavone, as we see The Hurricane run towards the ring, jump on the apron and after a drop-kick, Kidman manages to make the save and The Hurricane gets the hot tag! 

The Hurricane clotheslines Vampiro then smashes rAgE? yEs! off the apron onto the floor. He picks Vampiro up and he hits a Chokeslam on him!

Hurricane taking the match by storm here, says Lawler, he could get the win!

The referee makes the count 1...2...3! NO! mOrE-bID! broke up the count just in time this match is still going on! 

After the initial hot tag momentum dies down The Hurricane ends up tiring out, with Kidman still in a bad way Vampiro tags mOrE-bID! and then rAgE? yEs! in who wear down The Hurricane.

The Hurricane eventually manages to tag back in Kidman who has recovered a bit but still doesn't seem exactly energetic. Kidman manages to take down Vampiro who is the legal man again and Kidman has him prone for a Shooting Star Press!

Kidman goes up for it but mOrE-bId! knocks him off the apron! The Hurricane rushes over and they end up fighting, both going over the apron.

Vampiro seizes the moment, hits a Powerbomb on Kidman and then gets the 1-2-3! 

fReEk-sHoW wins via pinfall - (9.59) - (60 rated) 

In the aftermath we see fReEk-sHoW smiling in the ring as Kidman and Hurricane retreat to the back with Torrie Wilson in tow. 


We see Shane McMahon's office from the outside and the announcers are surprised to see The Sandman, with Kendo stick in hand, walk into the office. 

Shane looks annoyed at seeing The Sandman. He says he doesn't have time for this. 

The Sandman says he has an offer that he thinks Shane will want to hear. Shane says he has 30 seconds.

The Sandman says tonight if Sabu wins his match you have to sign Sabu, Alfonso, Dreamer and The Freaks to WCW contracts. 

Shane says that won't happen, but yes.

The Sandman says he's had enough of being Scott Hall's bitch. The Sandman says he is willing to "make sure" that Rob Van Dam gets the win, if Shane McMahon will give him a WCW contract of his own.

Shane laughs and says why the hell would I want to give you a contract?! 

The Sandman says either way you end up hiring someone you don't want to hire. At least this way it's just 1 guy instead of 5 guys, you're the businessman, no? I'll save you a lot of money.

Shane says Rob Van Dam will get the job done anyway, plus he already has several WCW guys helping out tonight to make sure there's no funny business in that match. 

The Sandman says there's a reason why your Daddy didn't want you running his company. You gotta be pretty stupid if you don't think Sabu and Alfonso will have something funny planned in that match regardless of how much your boys beat up Dreamer, Axl and Balls. 

The Sandman says if you change your mind at any point tonight, give me a call... I ain't the best wrestler in the world, I ain't the toughest guy in the world... but if you want someone to get the job done, make sure Sabu ain't winning that match, I'll get it done any means necessary and that's what you need tonight, Shane.

The Sandman then walks off with Shane McMahon pondering what's just been discussed.

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon & The Sandman - (75 rated) 


Match 4: 


Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Norman Smiley for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship

WCW Norman Smiley 2nd Theme Song - "Yadda Yadda" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Well this match set-up after a time-limit draw this past Friday on Panic! says Joey Styles. Corino couldn't quite get the job done against Norman Smiley and Shane McMahon was impressed enough to book this rematch for tonight live on PPV says Styles.

Tony Schiavone says this is a huge opportunity for Norman Smiley. He's got nothing to lose tonight.

Well sure he hasn't, says Jerry Lawler, he lost his dignity years ago on Nitro, ehh Tony!

Schiavone says you can laugh all you want King but Norman Smiley is one of the most under-rated technical wrestlers of our time! Hailing from England he's not someone you want to write off lightly tonight! 

ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

Corino comes out with his WCW FXtreme Television Championship and Don Callis by his side giving him instructions ahead of the match. 

The match gets a decent amount of time, just under 15 minutes, it's a straight up wrestling match with a lot of technical mat wrestling and strikes and submissions as the match goes on. 

Corino struggles to get the best of Norman Smiley, who every now and then gets the crowd going and riles up Corino and Callis with his trademark dancing and biggle wiggles. 

Towards the end of the match Smiley hits a Smiley Spank on Corino which sees Callis stand up on the apron in outrage shouting at Smiley and the referee. Smiley just laughs and hits a body-slam on Corino. 

Smiley then tries to get Corino into his trademark Norman Conquest, the Crossface Chickenwing but Corino manages to counter out of it and gets Smiley in a Sleeper. 

Smiley tries to get out of it but it's not too long before the referee calls for the bell as Smiley is out for the count! 

Steve Corino retains via submission - (14.32) - (63 rated) 

After the match Corino looks down at Smiley almost like he respected the effort. The announcers mention that's probably the hardest Corino has had to work to defend his title so far, but defended it he has as Don Callis celebrates with him.


In Sable's office we see Sable sitting in her office. Ricky Steamboat wheels in Eric Bischoff who is not alone. He comes in with Akira Hokuto, the WCW World Women's champion, alongside several members of security and one of the lawyers we've seen in previous weeks.

Eric Bischoff asks where is Chyna?

Sable says she does not know

Akira Hokuto says Chyna! She put Mister Mitchell in the hospital! Now he is sick! He can't manage me for my match tonight! Mister Mitchell is not happy! 

Eric Bischoff explains that James Mitchell has filed a lawsuit against Chyna and that she could be in a lot of trouble given she hospitalised him after punching him on Nitro. 

Sable says she has no idea where Chyna is.

Bischoff says come on Ricky, we gotta find her, I've got a big announcement to make for Halloween Havoc and I'm not having it ruined by that unhinged woman!

Sable looks concerned as Steamboat wheels Bischoff out and the group seemingly go in search of Chyna elsewhere

Freestyle segment with Sable, Eric Bischoff, Ricky Steamboat and Akira Hokuto - (49 rated) 


Match 5: 


Juventud Guerrera (c) vs 'Sexy' Brian Lawler for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship 

Right Said Fred - I`m Too Sexy (1991) (youtube.com)

Well it looks like Chyna is back in hot-water with the WCW legal team, says Joey Styles, but next up we have WCW World Cruiserweight Championship action and Jerry look it's your son! 

Lawler doesn't seem overly pleased as 'Sexy' Brian Lawler comes out and gives him a wave when he makes his entrance. 

Tony Schiavone explains a bit awkwardly that this match has been brewing for several weeks. An open challenge battle royale for anyone who had never been WCW World Cruiserweight champion before took place on Nitro earlier in the month and 'Sexy' Brian Lawler turned up as a surprise debut. It looked like one of Juventud Guerrera's close friends in the MexiCruisers, Psychosis or Super Crazy may well win that match, when The Sons of the South, Erik Watts and David Flair rocked up in league with Brian Lawler. To say they gave him the assist would be an understatement.

WCW Juventud Guerrera 2nd Theme Song - "Summer Nights In Spain" (With 2nd Tron) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone explains after Friday Night Panic, both The MexiCruisers and The Sons of the South have been banned from ringside for this match. 

This match is a high-flying match with just over 10 minutes of action to get the crowd back going again.

The match starts off a bit like a brawl though as Juvi and Lawler have waged an aggressive war with each other in recent weeks. The match eventually settles a bit with Juvi throwing in high-flying spots and Lawler trying to use a more ground and pound type style.

The end of the match comes when Brian Lawler goes for a Full Nelson Facebuster, but Juvi manages to counter his way out of it and then nails Lawler with a Juvi Driver. 

Juventud Guerrera retains via pinfall - (12.21) - (57 rated) 

After the match Juvi rolls out of the ring and grabs the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, holding it in the air, but he's immediately jumped by Erik Watts and David Flair.

The MexiCruisers soon come flying out the entrance ramp and even it up, eventually fighting off The Sons of the South and getting Juvi to the back.

Tony Schiavone says it seems like Juvi won the battle tonight, but have The MexiCruisers won the war against The Sons of the South just yet? 


We see Shawn Stasiak with Mark Jindrak and Stacy Keibler

Stasiak says tonight is the night he puts the Stasiak name in the history books of WCW. Tonight is the night that the Rhodes family legacy begins to be erased! We're at a cross-roads you could call it - and tonight Dustin, I run you down! 


Dustin Rhodes cuts a promo where he says if Shawn Stasiak is trying to get in his head then he's doing a real good job of it. But the fact of the matter is Shawn you couldn't last a minute in my head! You think you can get under my skin and stress me out before tonight's match that much, huh? 

Mark Jindrak, jumping me after my match last week, you think that's clever, huh? Tonight, Jindrak, if you try to get involved you can do it man to man to my face and I'll mess up that pretty face of yours - without your look what have you got? What can you bring to this company? It certainly isn't in-ring ability! 

Stasiak... I'll see you in the ring later tonight, where you're going to learn that you're just another page in the chapter of the legacy of 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes!

Freestyle segment with Shawn Stasiak, Mark Jindrak, Stacy Keibler and Dustin Rhodes - 


We see the entrance to the Arena and Schiavone on commentary says well folks it's now time for what they're calling the Anarchy in the Arena match, of course featuring "Team WCW" of sorts of Booker T, DDP and Kanyon, who are taking on those bastards The Extreme Alliance, the 3 man team tonight of Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten and wait a minute-

The camera shows a commotion but it's not The Extreme Alliance it's a group of security guards escorting Chyna out of the building! 

Chyna is furious and says that the incident with James Mitchell on Nitro was a complete accident - just watch the footage! 

The security guards say as part of Mitchell's lawsuit against her she cannot legally be on the premises tonight. Chyna argues saying Mitchell isn't even here himself but with an armed police official they kick Chyna out of the building.

Well what a signing Chyna is turning out to be for WCW so far, says Joey Styles. She got suspended for choke-slamming Eric Bischoff, certainly something none of us could blame her for, but now she's punched James Mitchell and got a lawsuit with him. Is this the worst signing WCW have ever made in terms of value for money? 

Tony Schavione asks sardonically when Joey started watching WCW...

Freestyle segment with Chyna - (55 rated) 


Match 6: 


Booker T, DDP and Kanyon vs The Extreme Alliance (Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten) in an Anarchy in the Arena match 

Kanyon (youtube.com)

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

We see the 3 WCW guys come out to the entrance ramp and take in the pop from the crowd. 

The commentators speculate on where The Extreme Alliance are.

Suddenly we see the screen come alive with Alfonso, Dreamer, Balls and Rotten on it.

Dreamer says we're in the Parking Lot, boys! We see Dreamer with a Baseball Bat and Balls and Axl both holding chairs. 

Booker, DDP and Kanyon head off for the Parking Lot. We see them go through the curtain past Shane McMahon and other production colleagues. They eventually make it to the Parking Lot and start looking for The Extreme Alliance.

It seems like The Extreme Alliance are trying to jump them from behind again, says Tony Schiavone, before Jerry Lawler adds that they're a bunch of cowards! Joey Styles says it's just smart.

Dreamer, Balls and Rotten suddenly appear with their weapons, but Booker, DDP and Kanyon have picked up weapons of their own on the way. Booker T has a chain, DDP has a steel pipe and Kanyon's got a chair of his own. 

The 6 men clash with Bill Alfonso nowhere in sight.

They fight in the Parking Lot before the brawl takes them through the backstage area. Kanyon spears Axl Rotten through a corridor wall sending both men crashing to the floor as random arena workers and backstage officials look shocked. 

DDP, Booker and Dreamer and Mahoney continue the fight which now makes it's way into the arena where the crowd are. They come through the side of the stage and trade blows right on the edge of the stage towards a sheer drop below.

Tommy Dreamer at one point looks like he's going to try to hit a DDT on DDP off the stage, but DDP counters out of it and his fight with Dreamer makes it's way to the stage itself with DDP ramming him off the side of the production screens.

Meanwhile, Booker T and Balls Mahoney trade blows down the ramp and eventually get just outside the ring. Mahoney looks under the ring and finds a bag of something. He gets into the ring and opens it up to find thumb tacks.

Booker T immediately enters the ring and hits a Superkick on Balls Mahoney who falls down onto the tacks. 

The camera cuts to Kanyon and Axl Rotten fighting their way back through into the entrance ramp too. We see DDP in the process of trying to throw Tommy Dreamer off the side of the stage onto a stack of tables below, but Axl Rotten manages to stop him and pulls DDP off. However, we then see Kanyon come flying running across the stage and this time Kanyon hits a Spear onto Axl Rotten which sends them both clattering off the stage and down into the tables below

OY MY GOD!!! shouts Joey Styles as Schiavone and King reflect on the damage Kanyon has done to his own body and Axl Rotten, seemingly taking them both out of the match. 

Dreamer and DDP continue to fight, now taking their brawl down towards the ring where Booker T now has Balls Mahoney's face pressed into the thumb tacks. 

The camera shows and picks up Booker T now with a mic in hand. He says he wants to know where that whistle-blowing cat Bill Alfonso is hiding! Balls says he won't tell him! Booker then presses Balls' face intot the tacks causing a crimson mask to develop on Balls' face who smiles before crying out in pain. "He's waiting with Sabu in our rental truck! It's in the parking lot!" 

Booker T stops pressing Balls into the thumb-tacks and then looks like he's heading on out to the parking lot.

Before he can go, DDP starts shouting at him. DDP says we gotta get this match won first! Let's take these guys out then you can worry about Alfonso. Booker looks annoyed and says he doesn't think DDP understands, when suddenly Dreamer attacks both from behind with a chair he's found. 

Dreamer nails DDP and then Booker T with the chair. Dreamer clotheslines Booker T out of the way and then hits a DDT on DDP on the outside of the ring. 

Wait a minute! says Sciavone. This is falls count anywhere, Dreamer could steal a win here!

Dreamer covers DDP and the ref counts!

1...2....but Booker T just manages to break up the pin! 

Just as Booker T breaks up the pin Balls Mahoney grabs him and rolls him into the ring. 

Dreamer and Balls are now in the ring and it's 2 on 1 on Booker T. 

Booker starts fighting with both of them. He manages to come out on top at first, but eventually the numbers game catches up with him and they look set to hit a double Powerbomb on Booker, but DDP has managed to crawl into the ring and stops it.

DDP then hits a Diamond Cutter from out of nowhere on Tommy Dreamer! The momentum sends both men into the tacks and they both roll out of the ring in a lot of pain. 

We see the cameras showing Kanyon and Axl Rotten who are both getting medical attention at the bottom of the stage. The announcers mention how it seems neither of these men will be able to continue in this match tonight such was the impact of Kanyon's spear onto Rotten off the stage.

Booker T and Balls Mahoney are now brawling on the outside as Booker T seems to be directing Mahoney towards the top of the ramp. 

DDP and Dreamer are both just about back on their feet and having a fight near the ring by the crowd barricade. Dreamer clotheslines DDP and sends them into the crowd. We see DDP and Dreamer fighting among fans as Booker T and Balls Mahoney head through the entrance ramp and out the back. Booker T throws Balls Mahoney into a production camera just through the gorilla position as he storms off heading for the Parking Lot shouting about how Bill Alfonso is gonna get what's coming to him. 

Just as Booker gets to the Parking Lot we see Mahoney catch him up and he nails Booker with a steel pipe in the back of the head. Booker hits the deck but then Balls Mahoney gets punched and... it's Stevie Ray! 

Schiavone says Joey it's your pal Stevie Ray from Friday Night Panic! Stevie Ray and Balls Mahoney fight in the Parking Lot as Booker T manages to get to his feet and then help his brother in a now 2-on-1 fight with Mahoney as the referees catch up in case Booker or Balls go for a pin or submission.

Booker T is shouting at Balls Mahoney "where's the car?! where's Alfonso and Sabu??!" Balls refuses to them so Booker says to Stevie Ray let's do him! Powerbomb through the car windshield! 

Booker points to a car and Stevie Ray says who's car is that? Booker T says I don't care who's care it is we're putting this fat asshole through the windshield! 

Stevie Ray relents and Booker and Stevie Ray lift up Balls Mahoney before smashing him through the windshield of a car causing glass to smash all over the place. 

Meanwhile, in the ring, DDP seems to be on top of Dreamer, but Dreamer grabs a handfall of thumbtacks and presses them into DDP's face. DDP screams in agony. 

We see a split screen in the parking lot and Balls Mahoney looks completely out of it. 

Stevie Ray says to Booker T "I don't think you're getting much information out of this cat, Book, just end this thing and we can find Alfonso without these cameras and refs getting in the way!" 

Booker says yeah, yeah, as if he forgot this was a match and not just a fight and he carefully gets onto the windshield to pin Balls Mahoney without getting glass all over himself.

Just as this happens we see Tommy Dreamer hit a DDT on DDP onto the thumbtacks in the ring!

The announcers say Tommy Dreamer could get a win here!

Just as Tommy Dreamer gets to a count of 1 we see the bell-ring as in the split screen we can see the ref in the parking lot as reached 3 for Booker T's pin on Balls Mahoney.

We see DDP still out of it for a few more seconds as Dreamer looks on in disbelief as he very nearly pulled off an upset win here. 

Booker T, DDP and Kanyon win via pinfall - (14.32) - (80 rated) 

In the parking lot we see Booker T and Stevie Ray continuing the search for Bill Alfonso and Sabu's car.

Dreamer looks down and considers beating down on DDP some more, but he leaves the ring and escapes through the crowd instead.

Schiavone on commentary says we'll be sure to keep you posted if our cameras out in that parking lot pick up on Harlem Heat having found Alfonso or Sabu!


JJ Dillon interview with Team Canada

We see Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet. Storm and Awesome hold the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts whilst Ouellet waves a big Canadian flag

JJ Dillon says so Team Canada, a big match tonight where you defend your belts against Fit's Fight Club here in Michigan. What's your mentality going into this match tonight, Lance?

Lance Storm says well JJ if I can be serious for one moment. I don't like Michigan, never have, never will. A typical American state. Detroit as well, is a horrible city. (fans boo). My mentality is we get the win tonight as quickly as we can then we can get out of this hell-hole and home to Canada to celebrate still being champions!

JJ says you can't under-estimate Fit Finlay and Tajiri though?

Mike Awesome says Tajiri and Finlay might like their jokes about me eating poutine but the fact of the matter is they're not going to be able to eat any poutine for a good couple weeks after tonight! You wanna know why, JJ? Cause I'm the CAREER KILLER! THE FAT CHICK THRILLA! And I'm going to beat Finlay and Tajiri so bad tonight they'll be eating through a straw 'till Starrcade! 

Storm pipes in that it doesn't matter if the dirty people of Detroit want to support an Irishman and a Japanese man over their Canadian cousins tonight. Team Canada will retain their belts tonight and that's just a fact.


Fit Finlay cuts a promo with Tajiri looking intense in the background

Finlay says Team Canada can talk off all they want. Everyone is real brave in this life until they get punched in the face!

Finlay says tonight Storm and Awesome will get punched in the face many times. And Tajiri here will give you plenty of kicks for good measure too!

Tajiri then starts shouting in Japanese

Finlay translates and says Tajiri says he has no problem with Canadians, but Storm you're a maple leaf short of a stack of pancakes! And Awesome... you wanna talk about being a Career Killer? A Fat Chick Thrilla? Well Tajiri came to Detroit to make love with Fat Chicks and win the Tag Team titles... and he's all out of fat chicks so he's coming for those belts!!

Tajiri says yeah excitedly! then asks Fit what is fat chick? 

Freestyle segment with Team Canada and Fit's Fight Club - (57 rated)


Match 7: 


'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes vs Shawn Stasiak (with Stacy Keibler and Mark Jindrak) 

WCW Shawn Stasiak 4th Theme Song - "Stasiak Theme" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Shawn Stasiak about to make his way out to the ring getting quite rightfully booed to the ring some might say, King, says Tony. Stasiak has been determined in recent weeks to put his own family's legacy above the Rhodes family, some task many might say, but Stasiak did defeat Dusty Rhodes and bust him open. 

Stasiak coming out now with Stacy Keibler his manager and of course his good friend and tag-team partner, Mark Jindrak and OH MY! 

Chaos ensues as we see Dustin Rhodes not waiting for his entrance as he bursts onto the scene, grabs Mark Jindrak who had been trailing behind Shawn Stasiak and hits a Final Cut onto Jindrak on the steel entrance way. Jindrak looks in a real bad way, as Stacy ducks out of the way as Stasiak turns around and is furious to see what Rhodes has done to Jindrak.

Before Stasiak can get much of an offence in Rhodes punches him and the two drag each other to the ring. Dustin gets a right hook in on Stasiak just outside the ring before rolling him into the ring. Dustin slides into the ring and the match officially begins! 

It is quickly established that Mark Jindrak will be a non-entity in this match as he's in a bad way and helped by officials out of the match. 

This match goes just over 10 minutes. It's a fairly even affair with both guys seeming to be wrestling a bit more aggressive than usual. Shawn Stasiak is really determined to prove himself in this match and get thew in against Rhodes, but Stasiak has riled Rhodes up enough that his extra aggression is helping him over the line.

The end of the match comes when Stasiak hits Dustin with a Meat Grinder and Rhodes is down. Stasiak goes for the pin but he's not quite moved Rhodes to the centre of the ring so Dustin can get his foot on the rope. Stasiak is furious at the referee and protests. 

He picks up Dustin and looks set to hit some kind of suplex or something on him, when Dustin counters and nails Stasiak with a Final Cut! 

Dustin covers Stasiak and he gets the 1-2-3!

Dustin Rhodes win via pinfall - (12.45) - (65 rated) 

After the match as Dustin Rhodes is celebrating, his father, seemingly healthy again after his encounter with Stasiak a few weeks ago, comes out to celebrate with his son. The crowd pops for this moment. Dustin looks a bit surprised to see Dusty out there with him but Dusty relishes in seeing his son doing well and the crowd cheering for both of them. 

Stacy leads Stasiak away who looks very annoyed at what's gone down.


'Real Talk with Roddy' interview with 'Dr Death' Steve Williams

We see Roddy Piper in a pre-recorded sit down interview with tonight's main event challenger for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Piper starts the interview by saying Steve, a hell of a career in the U.S and Japan that you've put together in your 2 decades in this industry. Would the win tonight be the cherry on top? 

Williams says he's always dreamed of taking home the Big Gold Belt and tonight he will take the opportunity to do just that.

Piper says in a similar way to Curt Hennig last month at Mayhem, is this the biggest match of your career? Maybe your last chance at winning the big one? How do you prepare mentally for that? 

'Dr Death' says he's prepared for it like any other match. He trains hard. He eats well. He will be at peak performance when that bell rings and the focus is on taking that belt off Scott Hall.

You mention peak performance, how is your quad going into tonight's match? asks Piper

Williams says his quad is about as good as it's going to be at this stage of his life when you've wrestled this much and played this much football. He's not stupid and he knows Scott Hall will probably try and target it, but that gives Williams the benefit of knowing what Hall's likely game plan will be tonight so he's had plenty of time to think about how he will counter it.

Piper says okay, okay, what do you have to say to Scott Hall ahead of tonight's big match? 

'Dr Death' finishes the promo by addressing the camera by saying Scott, you've been running from me for weeks, but nobody can run from the Doctor forever, Scott. Tonight, my dream becomes your nightmare! I will run through you like a knife through hot butter! So spend some time backstage tonight looking at that Big Gold Belt. Drink in what it feels like to be a World Champion... because after tonight I guarantee you will never get to live in the moment of that feeling ever again! 

Freestyle segment with Roddy Piper and 'Dr Death' Steve Williams - (58 rated) 


Match 8: 


Akira Hokuto (c) vs Sweet Saraya for the WCW World Women's Championship 

Sweet Saraya BCW Theme Song “Faint” (Arena Effect) (youtube.com)

Tony says this match came about when the former British champion, Sweet Saraya, brought into WCW on the recommendation of Dave Taylor, won a qualifying match to determine who would be the number 1 contender for Akira Hokuto's title after Chyna was suspended from in-ring action. 

Chyna of course has also recently inadvertently, or not depending on who you speak to, taken out James Mitchell, so this will be the first big match of Akira Hokuto's reign without her manager Mitchell with her.

Joey Styles says that could have a big impact on Hokuto tonight. She's not lost a singles match in WCW since Shane McMahon's relaunch of the company, but all of thoes matches were with Mitchell by her side. This is new territory for her and that has to play into the challenger's hands.

Akira Hokuto 4th - Pacific Zone (WCW Official Theme) - YouTube

This match gets just under 10 minutes.

Sweet Saraya's style is more in like with Hokuto's than other opponents that she's had in WCW. Hard hitting, with technical based wrestling, this match is an intense one where Sweet Saraya seems determined to try and fight for the title and put her name in the headlines.

At one point it looks like Saraya might just get the win, she hits a Neckbreaker on Hokuto and goes for the win, but Hokuto just kicks out. 

The match goes on and Hokuto goes to the top rope, but Sweet Saraya manages to stop her from executing any kind of move, however Hokuto comes down from the rope with Sweet Saraya in a chokehold. Saraya eventually falls to the ground with Hokuto still holding the choke in and eventually Saraya taps out before she chokes out.

Akira Hokuto retains the title via submission - (9.32) - (34 rated) 

Hokuto celebrates with her title as the announcers mention how this was a big win for her out there without her manager for the first time as champion. 


We see a Eric Bischoff in his wheelchair facing a camera in the back.

Bischoff says he has a big announcement for Halloween Havoc next month

Bischoff says WCW has a rich history of all styles of wrestling. He's proud to have been someone who helped bring Cruiserweight, Lightweight, Junior Heavyweight, whatever you want to call it, wrestling to prominence in the US and across the world right here on WCW. 

Bischoff says to honour Cruiserweight wrestling in association with Shane McMahon and WCW they have decided to create a prestigious annual tournament to be held at Halloween Havoc and the proceeding weeks of Nitro and Panic!

Eric Bischoff says this Halloween Havoc, in Houston, Texas, will see the first ever WCW Cruiserweight Classic winner crowned.

Bischoff explains how the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship won't be defended at Halloween Havoc, instead the focus will be on winning this prestigious tournament open to the best of the Cruiserweights not just in WCW but the entire world.

Eric Bischoff says over the course of the next month, 16 Cruiserweights will battle it out to determine who will be crowned the WCW Cruiserweight Classic winner of 2001.

Bischoff says the qualification for the 16 slots each year of the WCW Cruiserweight Classic will be as follows: 

1 spot for the current WCW World Cruiserweight Champion

1 spot for any WCW World Cruiserweight Champion since the last Halloween Havoc

3 Wildcard slots available for international talent not currently signed with WCW. To represent their historic contribution to Cruiserweight wrestling both Japan and Mexico will have 1 spot each, with 1 spot also going to the Rest of the World.

Any remaining spots will be determined by rankings based on TV and PPV performance in the calendar year. 

Bischoff says more information including the tournament brackets will be announced this Wednesday on Nitro!

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff - (60 rated) 


Match 9: 


Sabu (c) (with Bill Alfonso) vs Rob Van Dam for the WCW United States Championship in a No-Disqualification Match - If Sabu retains the title, then The Extreme Alliance (Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) will all get WCW contracts
WWE Rob Van Dam 1st Theme "Van Daminator" (HQ) (youtube.com)Schiavone says well folks that's a very exciting announcement from Eric Bischoff about the WCW Cruiserweight Division and the upcoming first of it's kind WCW Cruiserweight Classic to take place in the next few weeks and finishing off in style at Halloween Havoc in Houston, Texas, next month, but right here, right now we've got a very important match for the WCW United States Championship!


That's right, Tony, says Joey Styles, Rob Van Dam, he lost his title fair and square at Mayhem to Sabu, he made a reckless decision and karma caught up with him. Well he has a chance tonight to prove everyone wrong and get that title back from Sabu, but it won't be easy. 

He didn't lose that title fair and square! replies Tony. Bill Alfonso screwed him over! 

Van Dam makes his way to the ring and looks up for the match tonight and the chance to redeem himself.

Well, this should be interesting, says Jerry Lawler. Bill Alfonso and Sabu, they've been hiding from Booker T, DDP and Kanyon all night! I think both Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney got taken out of the arena in an ambulance... so I don't think The Extreme Alliance have the numbers game at all here. 

We see Booker T, a battered DDP and Shane McMahon, alongside Stevie Ray and several road agents watching on from gorilla. 

Booker T says Alfonso is his as soon as he shows up! He ran me down, dammit! 

Van Dam in the ring looks on waiting for the match to start 

ECW Classic/Original Theme Song (youtube.com)

We see a car pull up on the side of the stage and Sabu, with the WCW United States Championship, jumps out and heads towards the ring. Bill Alonso appears to be driving. 

Booker T and Stevie Ray come running out of gorilla, with DDP trailing behind, but they go for the car, not for Sabu, as it’s Bill Alfonso they want. 

Sabu makes his way to Van Dam in the ring

We see Tommy Dreamer jump out of the car with a Baseball Bat and he protects the car/Alfonso from Booker T and Stevie Ray initially, but once DDP gets there he loses the numbers game. Alfonso looks to try and reverse the car and get out of dodge, but the car stalls and he's stuck.

Booker T and Stevie Ray manage to get the door open and they drag Alfonso out of the car whistling like crazy.

In the ring, we see Sabu stare down Rob Van Dam as the referee lifts up the WCW United States Championship. Sabu looks back and seeing Alfonso and Dreamer in trouble he looks to head back, but Van Dam grabs him and hits a German Suplex on him as he's looking the other way briefly.

DDP and Tommy Dreamer re-start their fight from earlier, as Harlem Heat lift up a mortified looking Bill Alfonso for a Powerbomb. 

Tommy Dreamer just about manages to prevent Harlem Heat from doing that by slamming into them, knocking them down for a bit and in the distraction Alfonso manages to get up, sneak back into the car and reverse the hell out of there!

Harlem Heat chase after the car as it leaves the Arena front and Tommy Dreamer manages to escape from DDP through the crowd, although DDP gives chase.

Schiavone says, well folks the Anarchy in the Arena Match finished a while ago but we still seem to have Anarchy in this Arena! 

This match goes for just shy of 20 minutes. 

For the most part the actual match from when the bell goes doesn't see too much interference with Harlem Heat and DDP driven off Alfonso and Dreamer, plus Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney being taken out earlier, it leaves it to Rob Van Dam and Sabu to fight amongst themselves.

They don't actually use weapons in the match too much despite it being No-DQ. 

There are a few bumps in the match with table though, as at one point Sabu hits a Springboard Leg Drop on RVD who's on a table on the outside. It's not Falls Count Anywhere so the ref begins to count them both out. When Sabu eventually gets up and back into the ring he seems content for Van Dam to be counted out, but Van Dam just makes it back into the ring at the count of 8. 

Jerry Lawler on commentary says if Shane McMahon wants the WCW United States Championship back so bad, why don't the whole roster just jump Sabu and let Van Dam pin him? 

Schiavone says that would be Shane McMahon sinking to The Extreme Alliance's level. Rob Van Dam is good enough to win this match out-right providing there's no outside interference from anyone else. Shane McMahon doesn't want to look like a dodgy businessman. Lawler and Styles at the same time reply BUT HE'S A MCMAHON!!

As the match goes on Van Dam seems to tire a bit and he starts to look a bit unsure on his feet. His ankle seems to be bothering him a bit but he fights on. 

Sabu seems to have the upper hand in the match and starts to ground and pound Van Dam a bit more, limiting his high-flying offence.

Sabu then manages to nail Van Dam with a chair a few times and Van Dam looks a bit out of it on the floor.

Sabu then puts Van Dam in a Camel Clutch! Van Dam looks in all kinds of trouble as he desperately holds out. 

I think Van Dam might tap here! says a worried Tony Schiavone. 

He doesn't have to tap! says Styles. He could pass out and then he's lost anyway! 

Van Dam looks in a really bad way. 

Suddenly we hear the screech of a car. 

Is that Alfonso and Dreamer?! asks Schiavone. But it's not. The camera shows Scott Hall's Bentley.

Out of the driver's seat we see The Sandman, with his Singapore Cane, who starts walking very quickly to the ring.

Wait a minute! says King. The Sandman gave Shane McMahon an offer earlier tonight. If Shane gave him a WCW contract, he'd made sure Van Dam got the title and Sabu and the Extreme Alliance didn't get contracts! 

I don't know if Shane McMahon would do business with The Sandman, Jerry, says Tony.

Lawler again says but he's a McMahon! He's got someone else to do the dirty work! He didn't agree anything on camera, that's basically clean in the eyes of the law!

The Sandman gets into the ring and Sabu stops the Camel Clutch with Van Dam more or less out on the ground now.

Sabu starts squaring up to The Sandman despite him holding the Singapore Cane.

It's not clear what's Sabu is saying here, says Tony.

I think maybe he's trying to cut a deal with The Sandman! says Lawler.

I doubt he'll get better than a WCW contract! replies Tony.

Styles says it's The Sandman! Promise him a keg of beer and a big pack of cigarettes next time you come back from Mexico and he'll probably change to your side, Sabu!

Sabu points at Van Dam and tries to reason with The Sandman. The Sandman seems to be thinking about it. Maybe he is going to take whatever offer Sabu has given him.

But then out of nowhere he absolutely clatters Sabu with the Singapore Cane!


Oh brother, says Tony Schiavone. 

Oh my god, sighs Joey Styles.

The Sandman clatters Sabu a few more times, before then placing the Kendo Stick across Sabu's throat and hitting him with a White Russian Legsweep. Sabu lays down and out on the floor. 

The referee watches on waiting to see what's going to happen.

By this point Rob Van Dam staggers to his feet. He looks like he's punch-drunk and trying to fight The Sandman who he doesn't realise is on his side.

The Sandman over-powers him given he's not just been wrestling for 15-16 minutes and starts shouting at him that he's there to give him the win. Van Dam looks confused, but then seems to understand.

The Sandman tells Van Dam to cover Sabu. 

Van Dam covers Sabu to go for the win.

The referee counts 1...2...3-NO!!! Sabu kicked out at 2.9!!

Oh god, sighs Tony. The time Van Dam wasted not realising The Sandman was on our side has given Sabu just enough time recover to kick out.

The Sandman is livid. He seems to swear at the referee as if to say why didn't you count quicker?! Van Dam himself still looks pretty hurt, so The Sandman smacks Sabu a few more times with the Singapore Cane. He looks at Van Dam who is back on his feet. He asks Van Dam if he's got enough left to "Terminate" Sabu. Van Dam looks at the home ground. The home crowd chant for their home town Michigan boy. Van Dam says yes! 

The Sandman lays out Sabu so his head his on the bottom corner of a turnbuckle. He then places the steel chair Sabu had been using and places it towards Sabu's face. The crowd are going nuts for Van Dam. He tells The Sandman he can go now, he's got this!

The Sandman shrugs and takes his leave. We see him walk down the entrance ramp and back to the Bentley parked at the side of the ring as Van Dam slowly climbs to the top turnbuckle of the adjacent side of the ring so he can hit a Van Terminator on Sabu.

He calls this the VAN TERMINATOR! says Joey Styles.

Is he going Coast to Coast? asks Lawler. 

Forget about Coast to Coast I think he'll blow the roof off this Arena here in Michigan if he hits this one, says Tony Schiavone.

The crowd cheer and hold their breath as Van Dam absolutely launches himself and completely and utterly nails Sabu with the Van Terminator! 

OH MY GODDDD!!!! shouts Joey Styles, as Lawler and Schiavone also go nuts at what just happened. 

Van Dam hits the deck hard and seemingly as soon as he lands he's injured his ankle again as he cries out in pain and is desperately holding his ankle. 

It doesn't matter if his ankle doesn't work anymore, says Lawler, he's just got to cover Sabu and end this!

Sabu, despite being in a really bad way, actually now bleeding quite a lot from his face, musters the energy to roll out the ring and is just in a big heap on the arena floor. 

Van Dam holds his ankle in a bad way as the referee looks at Van Dam, then Sabu, then realises he's not got much choice but to start counting Sabu out. 


Van Dam sort of rolls over and tries to pull himself up so he's sitting up a little bit


Van Dam feels his ankle again and his face tells the story that he's really hurt himself again

The camera shows Sabu who has rolled onto his front, face covered in blood as he looks absolutely awful.


Van Dam struggles over to the rope so he can try and leverage himself up


Van Dam pulls himself up with the ropes and holds on like a child who can't ice skate holds onto the rails at an ice skating rink


Van Dam tries to walk but his ankle gives way immediately and the momentum means he feels back down. 


Van Dam starts slamming the mat in frustration. 


Sabu meanwhile has just about managed to pull himself up using the ring steps and is putting some weight on the outside of the ring now.


I think Sabu will just beat the count! says Tony Schiavone

Sabu goes to slide in the ring just before the 10 count, but then just as it looks like he's going to roll into the ring he dramatically falls to the floor and fails to make it


Rob Van Dam wins via Count-Out - (19.46) - (82)


That's it! Van Dam wins! says Lawler. Those Extremely Crappy Wrestlers aren't getting a contract with WCW!!

The camera shows Sabu on the outside, who has kind of got to his feet again and has a smile on his face.

Wait a minute, now! says Tony. Rob Van Dam's won this match via count-out, but what does that mean? I'm not sure the referee is too-

Joey Styles laughs and says you can't win a Championship belt via count-out you idiots! Sabu is still champion!

Hang on. Hang on now pip-squeak, says Lawler. Maybe Sabu is still champion, but he had to win the match to get The Extreme Alliance contracts, no? 

Tony Schiavone mumbles that he's not actually sure if the stipulation mentioned anything about winning the match... just keeping the title.

What?! shouts Lawler. 

We see the referee somewhat reluctantly give the belt to Sabu who holds it up.

Van Dam still in a lot of pain seems to come to terms with what's happened now in the ring as he asks another referee now helping him up what's happened.

We see Shane McMahon walk onto the entrance ramp looking absolutely furious at what's happened. 

Sabu's quick thinking there might just have cost Shane McMahon and WCW a whole lot of money! says Joey Styles triumphantly. 

The scene is cut with a close up on Shane McMahon's face as he now looks like he wants the whole world to swallow him up

Oh, brother, sighs Tony Schiavone. 


JJ Dillon interview with Scott Hall

We're standing by with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, this interview was pre-booked ahead of your main event title defence against 'Dr Death' later tonight, but do you have anything to say about what we just saw? 

Hall says yeah, I got a big main event title defence tonight and my driver is messing around in other matches. What the hell was that about? If Jimmy ain't ready to drive me out in the main event there will be hell to pay. And I don't think he's insured to drive that Bentley without me in it! 

JJ Dillon says you've got no comments on The Extreme Alliance seemingly getting WCW contracts? 

Scott Hall shrugs and says, are they trying to steal my Championship belt? Are there contracts coming out of my pay-checks? I don't care what happens in the mid-card, JJ! I'm in the main-event, you see what I'm saying? The way I see it, there's been a lot of talk about the WCW United States Championship in recent weeks... and look it's a great belt, I won it twice, great lineage, no question... would be a shame if it had been put in the trash or got lost in Japan or something... but the fact is JJ, The Bad Guy has been the WCW World Heavyweight Champion for 63 days now. Why don't you ask me some questions about that?

Well, says JJ, well yes, 63 days as Champion, of course that's great. 

It is great, JJ, glad you agree, replies Scott. Hall then says that I suppose you want to ask me how I feel going into the match with 'Dr Death' tonight, yeah? 

Of course, says JJ.

Scott Hall says the fact of the matter is Steve Williams is a hell of a worker. Got a tonne of experience. Could out fight most men in the history of the business in a fist fight, no question. Top football player, great athlete. But do you know what seperates a guy like 'Dr Death' and a guy like The Bad Guy, JJ?

No? says JJ

Hall says when I retire, JJ, I'll be inducted into every Hall of Fame of every company that I've ever worked for. When I die, JJ, the bells will toll and the tributes will fly in from all corners of the globe... they'll say, man, Scott Hall, The Bad Guy, what a legend of this business. But 'Dr Death'? He'll still just be a hell of a worker. Great athlete. Good talent. The difference is JJ, 'Dr Death' is an iconic figure of wrestling in... I AM A LEGEND! And 'Dr Death' you can't kill a LEGEND!! 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Scott Hall - (94 rated) 


Match 10: 


Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) (c) (with Carl Ouellet) vs Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay & Tajiri) (with Dave Taylor) for the WCW World Tag Team Championship

Finlay's 2006 v2 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Lambeg v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Well, shocking scenes and I think WCW fans in the arena and around the world are still taking in what they just saw with Sabu and Rob Van Dam, says Tony. But the show must go on and we've got a big Tag Team Championship clash for you up next.

That's right, says Jerry Lawler. Fit Finlay seems to have been around forever, but this young Japanese kid, Tajiri, he's a hot prospect alright and Finlay and Dave Taylor seem to have taken him under their wing so to speak.

Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com)

Joey Styles says ECW made Tajiri a name! And Lance Storm and Mike Awesome for that matter! 

Schiavone says well that may be the case, but you can't argue that Team Canada since winning those WCW World Tag Team Championship belts have looked a dominant force in WCW. Incidentally, listen to this stat, since Shane McMahon took over WCW, no man or woman on the entire roster has picked up more wins in matches than Lance Storm!

That's a hell of a record, says Lawler, and one I'm sure he'll be looking to continue tonight. But Finlay and this young Tajiri have shown in recent weeks, stepping in as a team due to Taylor's shoulder injury, they're not messing around and they could take those belts home with them tonight! 

This match gets about 15 minutes and is a good display of technical wresting, strike based fighting and submissions. All 4 men get a decent amount of time in the ring.

There are a few times when Carl Ouellet and Dave Taylor seem to get involved on the outside, but the referee prevents either of them from making that much of a difference to the match.

Finlay and Tajiri work hard during the match, determined to bring home gold to Fit's Fight Club, but in the end they suffer from having only teamed together a handful of times and a miss-communication prevents Fit Finlay from getting a hot tag late on. Tajiri ends up stuck as the legal man and despite his bravery Mike Awesome manages to over-power him and hit an Awesome Bomb.

Finlay tries to get across to break up the pin, but Lance Storm manages to prevent him from doing so. The referee manages to count the 1-2-3.

Team Canada retain via pinfall - (15.03) - (72 rated) 

As the match ends Lance Storm and Mike Awesome hold up the titles with Ouellet waving the Canadian flag. 

A good match and a good effort from Fit's Fight Club, but it just seems like nobody can stop Team Canada at the moment!


Before the main event we see The Sandman shouting and swearing as he leaves Shane McMahon's office red-faced and looking absolutely furious. A few backstage staff members are trying to calm him down but he starts smashing stuff in the corridor and storms off. 

JJ Dillon races onto the scene, it's clear that The Sandman won't offer him any words so he knocks on Shane's office.

Shane answers the door looking flustered and angry.

JJ Dillon says what's the current situation with The Extreme Alliance? What about The Sandman? 

Shane McMahon says as far as The Sandman is concerned let me just say he better hope that Scott Hall continues to employ his services as a driver. As for everything else... I will address all of that this Wednesday on Nitro.

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Shane McMahon - (88 rated) 


Match 11 / Main Event: 


Scott Hall (c) vs 'Dr Death' Steve Williams (with Jimmy Hart) for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Prior to the match we see a video package hyping up the match and showing what's happened in recent weeks. 

Schiavone mentions how Steve Williams won the Beat The Clock challenge, which seems like months ago now, before starting a rivalry with Scott Hall which many say has seen The Bad Guy running scared of 'Dr Death'. His driver, The Sandman, was employed to "damage" Steve Williams and he certainly did hurt his quad, but Williams earlier today to our broadcast colleague Roddy Piper seemed to indicate that he was fighting fit to compete tonight. 

AJPW Steve Williams 1st Theme Song - "I Love It Loud" (With 1st Tron) (RIP) (youtube.com)

We see 'Dr Death' Steve Williams come out with his manager Jimmy Hart by his side. He seems up for the match tonight and the fans give him a decent pop as he's established as the fan favourite against The Bad Guy

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall's theme rings out for a while but we don't see his trademark Bentley driven by The Sandman turn up at all.

Eventually, after about 1 minute of his theme song blaring out, an annoyed looking Scott Hall walks out from the entrance ramp with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship instead.

Well, says Tony, it looks like The Sandman may no longer be Scott Hall's driver. We're not sure exactly what has gone on there, but the events of tonight seem to have gotten into The Sandman's head and he's left his employer, the World Champion, to fend for himself!

Tony asks Jerry what kind of impact that has on you as the World Champion.

Oh it's huge, Tony! says Jerry. You go into a big match like this, live in Detroit, all these screaming fans, you want to be prepared how you always prepare, Tony. Hall would've wanted to come in driven with the Bentley mentally preparing in his head for the match. Instead he's walking through backstage, wondering where his driver is, eventually having to change up his entrance instead, that's going to annoy him and pre-occupy his thoughts and preparation - as a champion, that's not what you want!

The match ends up lasting about 16 minutes. Obviously both guys are in their early 40s and not necessarily in the prime of their careers, but this match focuses more on story-telling and psychology than some of the more fast-paced or technical based clashes we've seen earlier in the card.

'Dr Death's quad seems to hold up and the early minutes of the match he uses his aggression and speed and strength to his advantage, Hall can't live with him in the first 2-3 minutes and despite trying to avoid Williams, he ends up on the back foot. 

Half-way through the match it seems like Hall has taken inspiration from Sabu's earlier title defence, as after a massive lariat from 'Dr Death' around the 10 minute mark, Hall hits the deck, rolls out the ring and the referee begins to count him out. When 'Dr Death' clocks what's going on Jimmy Hart starts shaming Scott Hall, Williams goes to get out of the ring to grab Hall but Hall just laughs and starts walking up the entrance ramp.

He's going to get himself counted out deliberately! says Schiavone.

But just as Hall gets half-way up the entrance ramp, who do we see? None other than Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda, 'Dr Death's buddies, who start walking down and telling Hall he better get back in the ring. 

Hall, especially without The Sandman for back-up, sees little other option and has to get back in the ring as Expressly American go back behind the curtain. 

Williams appears to begin to tire a bit around this point of the match and whilst Hall doesn't particularly have great stamina given how poorly he's looked after his body over the years, he hasn't exerted himself as much as Williams so he can still maintain a regular rhythm. 

Hall doesn't target Williams' quad as much as 'Dr Death' had expected, instead Hall uses his taller frame to his advantage, countering a lot of Williams attempted punches and strikes and slowly grinding him down with strikes of his own and holds. 

The conclusion of the match comes when 'Dr Death' goes for a running lariat on Hall, but Hall manages to move out of the way, hit the ropes and then hits a Lariat of his own on Williams who seems to land awkwardly on the back of his head.

This seems to knock the wind out of him and the announcers speculate that Williams could be concussed. It's not clear if this is what has happened or not but when Williams gets to his feet he's swinging for Hall much more wildly and Hall has little trouble dodging his blows, before he kicks Williams in the quad, which seems to really hurt him, then he manages to get Williams up for the Razor's Edge and he nails him with it.

The referee counts...1...2.....3!!!

Scott Hall retains via pinfall - (16.35) - (78 rated) 


The show ends with Scott Hall smiling smugly into the camera saying "I'm the Bad Guy to beat in this Company!" as he celebrates retaining his WCW World Heavyweight Championship once again.


Show Rating: 81
1.02 buy rate (515K buys)


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On 5/23/2024 at 8:52 AM, 1PWfan said:

Scott Hall (c) vs 'Dr Death' Steve Williams (with Jimmy Hart) for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship 

Hall's been doing a good job as Champ but with his issues behind the scenes it's surely safer to look at somebody more reliable.


Sabu (c) (with Bill Alfonso) vs Rob Van Dam for the WCW United States Championship in a No-Disqualification match - If Sabu retains the title, then The Extreme Alliance (Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) will all get WCW contracts

Leaving aside what I think of Sabu (who's a decent wrestler but not that interesting), neither Balls nor Axl deserve WCW contracts.


Team Canada (c) (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) (with Carl Ouellet) vs Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay & Tajiri) (with Dave Taylor) for the WCW World Tag Team Championship 

No particular reason, I just like them more


Akira Hokuto (c) vs 'Sweet' Saraya for the WCW World Women's Championship

Sweet Saraya's a Brit so that's a definite plus but Hokuto should run with the belt for a good long while


Booker T, DDP & Kanyon vs The Extreme Alliance (Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) in an Anarchy in the Arena match

Booker and DDP are former world champions, Axl and Balls are mediocre at best hardcore brawlers. This should only barely be a contest.


Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Norman Smiley for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship 

Corino's great but Smiley's hilarious and also British.


Juventud Guerrera (c) vs 'Sexy' Brian Lawler for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship 

Unless Scotty 2 Hotty is around Lawler's not a money-maker for me.


Curt Hennig vs Buff Bagwell 

Buff may be the stuff but Curt is Perfect.


'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes vs Shawn Stasiak (with Stacy Keibler & Mark Jindrak) 

Where's Dustin at, personal problems wise? In any case, Stacy Keibler was and is ridiculously attractive so her side wins.


Billy Kidman, Shane Helms & The Hurricane vs fReEk-sHoW (Vampiro, mOrE-bId! & rAgE? yEs!)

Two things- firstly, I feel like I missed something vis-a-vis Shane and Hurricane being in the same match. Secondly, who are Vampiro's lackeys out of gimmick? If we're not meant to know fair enough but I thought I'd ask.


Terry Funk & Christopher Daniels vs The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) (with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria)



Held back on answering before posting the PPV as Hurricane answer was a little spoiler-y maybe, but: 

Dustin Rhodes doesn't seem to be have any personal issues at the moment. I think he was getting divorced around this sort of time in real life, but certainly no issues with him so far which has been good.

With Shane Helms and The Hurricane I thought it would be cool to have some fun with the superhero trope of nobody seeing Clark Kent/Superman in the same room etc. I think when The Hurricane debuted they kind of just stopped having Shane Helms/Gregory Helms whatever he was at the time show up anywhere, but for now I think I can have a bit more fun with the other members of the roster not being 100 percent sure they're not the same guy even if the fans know they are.

mOrE-bID! is Shannon Moore and rAgE? yEs! is Evan Karagias.


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Due to the incredibly screwy nature of the RVD/Sabu finish/stipulation I have awarded anyone who went for a Sabu victory with 0.5 points.

@Nobby_McDonald is the Fall Brawl predictions winner, getting himself 3 bonus points for his trouble. @StanMiguel claims second points and picked up his first bonus points of 2001 with 2 bonus points, whilst just behind him was @DGenerationMC whose 1 bonus point will help him plug what was a shortening gap in the last few PPVs with 2nd place @DHK1989

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WCW current champions as of end of September PPV 2001



WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Scott Hall

The reign began on 22 July, 2001, Bash at the Beach PPV



WCW United States Champion: Sabu

The reign began on 26 August 2001, Mayhem PPV



WCW FXtreme Television Champion: Steve Corino

The reign began on 22 July, 2001, Bash at the Beach PPV



WCW World Cruiserweight Champion: Juventud Guerrera

The reign began on 24 June, 2001, The Great American Bash PPV



WCW World Women's Champion: Akira Hokuto

The reign began on 24 June, 2001, The Great American Bash PPV



WCW World Tag Team Champions: Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)

The reign began on 26 August, 2001, Mayhem PPV

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WCW roster as of end of September 2001 PPV




WCW Male Roster:

Air Paris, AJ Styles, Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, Barry Windham, Billy Kidman, Blueberg, Blue Meanie, Booker T, 'Sexy' Brian Lawler, Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Carl Ouellet Chavo Guerrero Jr, 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels, Chuck Palumbo, Curt Hennig, Dave Taylor, David Flair, DDP, Disco Inferno, Djinni Parisi, Don Harris, 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, Elix Skipper, Erik Watts, Fit Finlay, Hugh Morrus, Jamie Knoble, Jason Jett, Jimmy Yang, Johnny Stamboli, Juventud Guerrera, Kanyon, Kaz Hayashi, Kid Kash, Kid Romeo, Kwee Wee, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lash LeRoux, Little Guido, Mark Jindrak, Mike Awesome, Mike Rotunda, Mikey Whipwreck, Mike Sanders, mOrE-bId!, Norman Smiley, Nova, Psychosis, rAgE? yEs!, Reno, Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Dog, Rob Van Dam, Ron Harris, Scott Hall, Sean O'Haire, Shane Helms, Shawn Stasiak, 'Dr Death' Steve Williams, Stevie Ray, Super Crazy, Tajiri, Terry Funk, The Hurricane, Tommy Dreamer, Tony Mamaluke & Vampiro

WCW Female Roster:

Akira Hokuto, April Hunter, Chyna, Dawn-Macaria, Francine, La Diabolica, lYnCh! Malia Hosaka, Meiko Satomura, Sweet Saraya, Sharmell, Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson, Tylene Buck

WCW Tag Teams: 

  • Air Raid (Air Paris & AJ Styles)
  • b.w.o - (Blue Meanie & Nova)
  • Buff Enuff (Buff Bagwell & Buff Daddy V)
  • DDP & Kanyon
  • Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo
  • Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda)
  • fReEk-sHoW (rAgE? yEs! & mOrE-bId)
  • Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor
  • Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray)
  • Mark Jindrak & Shawn Stasiak
  • Sean 0'Haire & Chuck Palumbo
  • Super Crazy & Psychosis
  • The Chair Swingin' Freaks (Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney)
  • The F.B.I (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke)
  • The Harris Twins (Don Harris & Ron Harris)
  • The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon)
  • The Jung Dragons (Jimmy Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
  • The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog)
  • The Sons of the South (Erik Watts & David Flair)
  • Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)


  • b.w.o (Blue Meanie, Nova & Blueberg)
  • Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay, Dave Taylor & Tajiri)
  • fReEk-sHow (Vampiro, rAgE? yEs!, mOrE-bId! & lYnCh)
  • Team Canada (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome & Carl Oullet)
  • The F.B.I (Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke & Johnny Stamboli)
  • The MexiCruisers (Juventud Guerrera, Super Crazy & Psychosis)
  • The Extreme Alliance (Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney)
  • The Sons of the South ('Sexy' Brian Lawler, Erik Watts & David Flair)
  • The Underworld ('The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria, 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels and 'The Hounds of Hades' Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon)


  • Bill Alfonso managing Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and The Chair Swingin' Freaks (Axl Rotten & Tommy Dreamer)
  • Dawn-Macaria managing The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) and 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels
  • Don Callis managing Steve Corino
  • Dusty Rhodes managing 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes
  • 'Sinister' James Mitchell managing Akira Hokuto and Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo
  • Jimmmy Hart managing 'Dr Death' Steve Williams
  • Sharmell managing Booker T
  • Stacy Keibler managing Shawn Stasiak
  • Terry Taylor managing Malia Hosaka
  • Torrie Wilson managing Billy Kidman


The Sandman is contracted to Scott Hall as his personal driver


Handshake Agreements

WCW currently has handshake agreements with a number of workers to appear on WCW TV as enhancement talents on an ad-hoc basis. These workers are currently: 

  • Barry Horowicz
  • Bobby Eaton
  • Lane & Lodi (Lenny Lane & Lodi)
  • PG-13 (Jamie Dundee & Slash)



Shane McMahon

Head of Talent Relations: 

Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat

WCW Men's General Manager:

Eric Bischoff

WCW Women's General Manager: 


FX Consultant Producer for Panic!: 

Joey Styles


Arn Anderson
Jerry 'The King' Lawler
Tony Schiavone

Joey Styles
Scott Hudson
Stevie Ray

Jerry 'The King' Lawler
Joey Styles
Tony Schiavone


Billy Silverman
Charles Robinson
Mickie Jay
Nick Patrick
Scott Armstrong

Backroom/Road Agents/Interviewers: 

April Hunter
Dave Taylor
Dusty Rhodes
Fit Finlay
JJ Dillon
Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat
Roddy Piper
Terry Funk
Terry Taylor


Talent Trading Arrangements:

WCW currently has talent trading agreements with several other companies. These include: 


  • NWA Florida - Based in South East
  • NWA Wildside - Based in South East
  • TCW (Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling) - Based in South East


  • Stampede Wrestling - Based in Alberta


  • AJW (All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling) - Based in Kanto


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Norman Smiley: Profile & Match Listing - Internet Wrestling Database (IWD)


Norman Smiley handed 2 year WCW contract

We understand that Norman Smiley, who returned to WCW in the last week challenging the WCW FXtreme Television champion, Steve Corino, on Panic! and at Fall Brawl, has been handed a 2 year contract with WCW.

It is thought that originally the plan had been for Norman Smiley to simply return for these two shows as a one-off, but Shane McMahon and his team were impressed enough by Smiley's in-ring performances, backstage attitude and reaction from the crowd that they offered him a 2 year deal to become part of the WCW roster full-time again. 

Smiley is one of a number of wrestlers who seems to have benefitted from WCW being kept alive by Shane McMahon, as there was not reported to be any WWF interest in signing him so if WCW had died then Smiley would've been unlikely to return to national television 

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WCW announce new annual Cruiserweight Classic Tournament


At WCW's recent Fall Brawl PPV there was an announcement by Eric Bischoff detailing a new annual Cruiserweight tournament. 

Bischoff confirmed the inaugural Cruiserweight Classic winner will be crowned at Halloween Havoc next month in Houston, Texas. It is thought the idea for the WCW World Cruiserweight championship to not be defended at Halloween Havoc was to add prestige to the tournament, rather than make the tournament a tournament whereby the winner gets a shot at the WCW Cruiserweight champion, WCW are keen for the tournament itself to be the prize, a bit like how in European footballer/soccer teams will compete annually for a league title, but also a Cup tournament too. 

We know that there will be 16 Cruiserweights in the tournament and it will operate on a straight-knockout bracket format.

Bischoff confirmed how competitors will qualify for the tournament:

  • 1 spot for the current WCW World Cruiserweight Champion
  • 1 spot for any WCW World Cruiserweight Champion since the last Halloween Havoc
  • 3 Wildcard slots available for international talent not currently signed with WCW. To represent their historic contribution to Cruiserweight wrestling both Japan and Mexico will have 1 spot each, with 1 spot also going to the Rest of the World.
  • Any remaining spots will be determined by rankings based on TV and PPV performance in the calendar year.

The tournament brackets are set to be announced this Wednesday on Nitro, but just by the process of elimination we can assume that Juventud Guerrera, the current WCW World Cruiserweight champion will take 1 spot - and there should be spots for Shane Helms, Chavo Guerrero Jr and Mike Sanders, who have all been WCW World Cruiserweight champion since Halloween Havoc 2000. 

That still leaves 12 other spots, with the 3 wildcard slots and 9 other spots for members of the active WCW roster. 

Sources have tried to ascertain who the Wildcard slots might be, but WCW seem to be keeping tight lipped over who might appear. Although it is rumoured that WCW are in talks with a former WCW World Cruiserweight champion to fill 1 of the 3 wildcard slots.

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Maven wins WWF Tough Enough


Big news today in the WWF as it was confirmed that Maven Huffman had won the first ever season of Tough Enough. WWF have sent Maven to gain some experience in the IWA (International Wrestling Association), the Puerto Rican company they currently have an agreement with to send developmental talent to. It is thought, ironically, that sending him to Puerto Rico might help "toughen him up". 

Edited by PH71
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Jeff Jarrett - The Official Wrestling Museum


What does the future hold for Jeff Jarrett?


Jeff Jarrett's AOL Time-Warner contract has now expired, but it is not clear if wrestling fans will be seeing him on their TV screens anytime soon.

Some rumoured that if WCW went bust Jeff Jarrett and his father Jerry Jarrett were looking to either buy the company or start their own company to fill the gap in the market left behind. With Shane McMahon taking over, that gap won't be there, so it seems unlikely they will set up their own company now.

It is not clear if Shane McMahon will hold a grudge against Jarrett due to his falling out with Vince McMahon over the way he left the WWF. It is certainly clear that Vince McMahon and the WWF won't sign Jarrett, but this poses a problem for him, as unlike any other high-profile name that will become a free agent, Shane McMahon knows he can more or less sign Jarrett whenever he likes - there is no rush to sign him immediately, as unless one of the Japanese companies comes in for him, which seems unlikely, he won't get a better off than WCW any time soon.

A return to WCW seems an obvious move for both parties and Shane McMahon is thought to hold Jarrett in high regard, however if insiders are anything to go by, it is quite likely if Jarrett does sign for WCW it won't happen this side of 2001's edition of Starrcade.

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Nitro Episode 22:

Wednesday 26 September 2001

Live late-night on FX

8,024 crowd from Charlotte, North Carolina

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Arn Anderson


Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway' 

Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA

Jerry Lawler excitedly says we're here in The Queen City and what a show we've got for you tonight, but first already in the ring we have the CEO and owner of the company, Shane McMahon, set to sign WCW contracts with...The Extreme Alliance

Oh brother, sighs Tony Schiavone 


In the ring we see a somewhat subdued looking Shane McMahon, along with some security, with a table and several contracts on it.

Sabu - Huka Blues | Custom ECW Titantron (youtube.com)

For the first time since arriving in WCW, we see Sabu come out to his theme music holding the WCW United States Championship which he retained at Fall Brawl and Sabu is accompanied by a smiling Tommy Dreamer and a very damaged looking Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney.

Axl Rotten, looks, well, rotten! jokes Jerry Lawler.

Tony reminds fans that Rotten and Mahoney were taken out at Fall Brawl. Axl Rotten was speared off the stage by Kanyon, whilst Balls Mahoney was slammed through a car bonnet by Booker T and our broadcast colleague, Stevie Ray! 

Arn Anderson says The Chair Swingin' Freaks left Fall Brawl in the back of Ambulances and I'm not sure they should be out of the hospital today! They're not even holding chairs, they can barely walk let alone swing a steel chair!

Sabu and the other 3 men eventually get to the ring, it is noted by the announcers that Bill Alfonso is not with them. 

Lawler says that goofy little Bill Alfonso is scared that if he shows up Booker T's gonna send him back to the high school gyms that he came from! 

Shane McMahon says "let's get this over with" and to some boos he then instructs The Chair Swingin' Freaks, Tommy Dreamer and finally Sabu to sign their WCW contracts, each man lifts up his contract and holds it up like a trophy, as fans boo, some fans cheer and Shane McMahon looks on looking displeased.

Bill Alfonso appears on the big screen and says this is a monumental day for The Extreme Alliance... they took on WCW and Shane McMahon... and they won! 

Shane McMahon has a mic and says Bill, you might be on the WCW roster, but you've made so many enemies already you can't even show up to the building! The way I see it Bill, if you can't show up next week to Nitro, you'll be in breach of your contract so you can either show up next week or you can be suspended without pay!! Now, cut the feed to him, cut him off I don't want to see this guy for 1 further second!! 

Shane then addresses The Freaks, Dreamer and Sabu.

Shane says you might be WCW wrestlers now, but that also means you wrestle when and where I tell you to! 

First of all, Rotten, Mahoney, well you boys don't look too good, I'm not even sure if you're medically cleared to compete tonight. Would you boys like if it I gave you the rest of the night off? 

Rotten and Mahoney seem to look pleased with this, fans boo.

Shane McMahon says "well that's too damn bad!! If you boys are so EXTREME, then let's see how you fare later tonight in a tag team match with The Nu Road Warriors!!! 

Rotten and Mahoney look stunned at being put in a match despite clearly not being physically ready to compete again. 

Oh boy! shouts Lawler. Mahoney got smashed through a car window and now he's going to get mowed down by The Nu Road Warriors, I can't wait to see that!

And Tommy? Tommy... Tommy... 

They call you the Innovator of Violence, well this Friday Night on Panic! you're gonna have to innovate your way out of trouble, as you're going 1-on-1 with a man who wants some revenge on you... last time you fought he wasn't 100 percent fighting fit, but he is now as you're taking on Fit Finlay... and it will be a No-Disqualification match!!! 

Dreamer does an evil smile and looks genuinely excited for this. 

I think Fit Finlay might wipe some of that smile off his face! says Arn Anderson.

And last of all... you... Sabu, says Shane McMahon.

Now Sabu, since you "won" that United States Championship, seems you've been pitching yourself as a fighting champion. You've been defending that title all over the globe, week in, week out... well I don't like that you've still got that championship, Sabu. I don't like it one bit. 

So I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that, fairly, you lose that title as soon as possible! 

Now, Rob Van Dam, I'm afraid to say, will not be medically cleared to compete until at least after Halloween Havoc after the ankle injury he suffered at Fall Brawl, many fans boo or act disappointed, whilst The Extreme Alliance all laugh. 

But for the next 4 weeks before Halloween Havoc, Sabu, well quite fittingly your life is going to be Havoc! 

As starting tonight every single week you will be defending that WCW United States Championship starting later tonight against BUFF BAGWELL!!

Now, all 4 of you... GET OUT OF MY RING!!! 

Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney smile and then sulk off with their contracts. We see them get out of the ring and make their way down the entrance ramp to the right hand side where wrestlers leave the stage.

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

Just as they're leaving, out of the other ramp, we see Booker T, DDP and Kanyon. It has to be said that Kanyon does not look in good shape and is limping quite bad after the bump he took spearing Axl Rotten off of the stage at Fall Brawl.

Before they go off the stage The Extreme Alliance stare down the other 4 men, but they think better of it and walk off.

Booker T has a mic and says look, Shane, I'm sure you don't like it anymore than we do that those guys got contracts, but on behalf of the locker-room we gotta say that we bust our ass week in, week out, guys getting hurt, like Van Dam, Kanyon, putting their body on the line for WCW... and to see these guys get contracts after everything they've done... it don't sit right with me, dog! 

Shane McMahon looks slightly uncomfortable, but then he says to Booker "I agree with you, Book". Shane says that it is only fair and only right that the guys who work their ass off week in, week out get rewarded for it and get opportunities as a result.

Shane says that's why for all of your efforts in helping defend WCW in recent weeks I will be rewarding all 3 of you with title opportunities, this seems to pique their interest.

Shane McMahon first addresses Kanyon. He says Chris, you put your body on the line spearing Rotten off the stage, and from what I hear from the doctors you're not cleared to compete tonight or for at least a few weeks. Kanyon grabs the mic and says if there's a title opportunity you can't stop me competing I will-

Shane interrupts him and says Chris, relax, you will get your title opportunity. This is how I see it Chris. I don't want Sabu to be the WCW United States Champion going into Halloween Havoc, and hell I hope he's not, he's got 4 opponents from now until the PPV... and I don't think he will make it there. But regardless of who is the WCW United States Champion at Halloween Havoc, they will put that title on the line, live in Houston, Texas... against, well, WHO BETTER THAN KANYON?!

The fans cheer! Kanyon looks genuinely happy and excited.

That might be the first time I've seen Chris Kanyon smile since Shane bought WCW! says Tony Schiavone.

And you Booker... Page... I could just hand you two a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, at Halloween Havoc, perhaps in a rematch of your Triangle match where he won the title in the first place (fans cheer)... but I'm giving 4 men a chance to wrestle for the United States Championship at Halloween Havoc... and it would only be fair to do the same for the World Heavyweight Championship!

So Booker.. DDP... you will get the chance to earn a shot against Scott Hall at Halloween Havoc in tonight's main event... but you will be taking on two of the other most in-form men in WCW... it will be... Booker T... vs DDP... vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes... and the fourth man, fresh off a big win for his team at Fall Brawl... it will be Mike Awesome!!! 

Oh boy! shouts Lawler.

You heard him right, folks, says Tony, in tonight's main event of Nitro, it will be a Fatal 4 Way match with Booker T, DDP, Dustin Rhodes and Mike Awesome... the winner is going to Halloween Havoc to the main event to challenge for Scott Hall's WCW World Heavyweight Championship! 

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, The Extreme Alliance, Booker T, DDP and Kanyon - (93) 


In the back we Eric Bischoff, still in his wheelchair, looking pleased with himself. 

Bischoff says Shane McMahon just made an announcement and folks, I know you want to see some action to start this show, and you will have the first of many WCW Cruiserweight Classic matches coming right up after I'm done... but first of course you must be presented with the brackets for the inaugural edition of the greatest cruiserweight, light-heavyweight and junior heavyweight tournament in the world today...


Live tonight on Nitro in the opening match of the tournament we will see the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud Guerrera, take on our Mexico wildcard, former NWA World Light Heavyweight Champion, he's won titles in CMLL and is a former WCW star... El Dandy! 

Then to decide who faces the winner of that match in a block-buster Quarter Final match, this Friday Night on Panic! former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Mike Sanders, takes on former Tag Team Champion, 'Sexy' Brian Lawler!

Then later in tonight's show we've got another former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Shane Helms, taking on mOrE-bId! Can Helms get revenge on fReEk-sHoW after their win at Fall Brawl?! 

Well whoever wins that match will face the winner of another match on Friday Night Panic! this week as we'll also see former 3 time WCW World Cruiserweight Champion and former 2 time WCW World Tag Team Champion, Billy Kidman, as he gets a chance for some revenge of his own on fReEk-sHoW! as he's got rAgE? yEs! in that match live on Friday!

There's much more quality Cruiserweight action coming in the next few weeks though, as in the other side of the bracket The F.B.I's Little Guido takes on Super Crazy, Psychosis faces 'Prime Time' Elix Skipper, we've got former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion taking on our Rest of the World Wildcard, a former WCW World Cruierweight Champion himself, The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea, as well as our Japanese Wildcard, he's come over from Michinoku Pro Wrestling, former WCW star himself, Gedo will take on the best Japanese cruiserweight that WCW has to offer, Fit Fight Club's, Tajiri! 

As I've said before folks the winner will be crowned at this month's Halloween Havoc and I'm sure you're just as excited for this tournament to kick off as I am so-

We see WCW Head of Talent Relations, Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat come rushing into set. 

"Sorry to interrupt Eric, but I just got off the phone with the Doctor, I'm afraid after the neck injury he suffered in the match at Fall Brawl, Shane Helms won't be medically cleared before Halloween Havoc." 

"What?!" shouts Eric furiously. "But he's one of my top seeds!"

Steamboat suggests maybe giving his opponent a BYE to the next round.

Bischoff looks even angrier at that suggestion. "This is MY TOURNAMENT! IT'S MY BABY!! I am NOT letting there be a bye in the first round, Ricky! This is about high-flying, technical, luchador, cruiserweight, junior heavyweight, lightweight action! I want this tournament to be seen around the world! The premier tournament of it's kind!" 

Steamboat says well we've got a hell of a lot of talent on the roster here tonight that didn't make the tournament.

Bischoff excitedly says you're right Ricky! Okay, okay, so tonight, I've got it, tonight we will have a 6 Man Sudden Death Match, the first man to get a pinfall or submission will take the now vacant 16th spot with Shane Helms dropping out! Go find me some talent for my tournament, Steamboat!

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff & Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat - (57 rated) 


Match 1: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match - Juventud Guerrera vs El Dandy

WCW Juventud Guerrera 2nd Theme Song - "Summer Nights In Spain" (With 2nd Tron) (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony, you've seen the Round of 16 Bracket, it sounds like there may be a little of change with Shane Helms sadly having to drop out through injury, we all send our best wishes to him of course, but first up it's, well he'd have to be the favourite wouldn't he? It's the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, he's a 4 time World Cruiserweight Champion, it's Juventud Guerrera! 

WCW El Dandy Theme (youtube.com)

Here he is folks, the Wildcard from Mexico from this tournament, he's won many titles in Mexico and of course as Eric Bischoff mentioned, former NWA World Light Heavyweight Champion, also a 2 time NWA World Welterweight Champion and 2 time NWA World Middleweight Champion, this guy is not to be under-estimated, he never won the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship in his past run in WCW, but who knows, if he wins this match and goes on to win the first ever WCW Cruiserweight Classic he'd certainly have made his mark in WCW!

Tony clarifies that this match is a non-title match and Juventud does not have the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship on the line tonight. 

This match gets just over 5 minutes and focuses on high-flying action as Juvi uses his agility and high-flying moves to get the crowd going and not really let El Dandy get in the match too much. It's not a complete domination, but it's a real good showing in the first round for Juvi, who eventually manages to get El Dandy into the Juvi Driver to pick up the win.

Juventud Guerrera wins via pinfall - (5.05) - (50 rated) 

After the match Juvi holds his arm up and he looks hyped as he celebrates.


We see JJ Dillon knocking on Scott Hall's private locker-room. It sounds like we can hear Scott Hall and his driver, The Sandman, arguing. 

Scott Hall answers the door looking annoyed.

JJ says Scott, WCW fans will be eagerly wondering as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion if you have any thoughts on tonight's main event? Booker T, DDP, Dustin Rhodes and Mike Awesome take on each other, with the winner challenging for your belt at Halloween Havoc. Do you have any preference on who you face? 

Scott Hall smirks and says, JJ, the only thing that matters is that I have this Big Gold Belt... it don't matter who Shane McMahon or Eric Bischoff decides is worthy to face me. I've already proven in my reign that I'm not just the guy who put WCW on the map as part of The Outsiders, The NWO... but I'm the guy who's taking WCW into the 21st Century and back to the top once again. 

JJ Dillon says okay, well Scott, it sounded like you were having an argument with your driver, The Sandman, just now, can you confirm or deny what-

Scott Hall says Jimmy was just leaving. I've been reminding him about the terms and conditions of his employment under The Bad Guy.

The Sandman is then seen standing face to face with Scott Hall, he smokes his cigarette, looks like he might blow smoke in Hall's face, Hall's daring him to do it, but Sandman blows it the side. 

I'll see you later, Champ! The Sandman says in a forced happy type voice, as he leaves and Scott Hall closes the door.

JJ Dillon looks to finish off his segment when we see Tommy Dreamer strolling over past The Sandman.

The camera pans to The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer.

The two men stare each other down. 

"Looks like you backed the wrong horse, man!" says Dreamer. "We all got WCW contracts... you got to be Scott Hall's bitch!" 

The Sandman, holding his Kendo stick and still smoking, this time blows some smoke into Tommy Dreamer's face. 

"I never liked you Tommy... if you want, you can get re-acquainted with this Cane like your buddy Sabu did last Sunday!" 

Dreamer stares The Sandman down. He doesn't have a weapon so sees better than to antagonise The Sandman further.

Dreamer says "You win this round, man. But Sabu's got unfinished business with you... you better watch yourself around here!" and then he walks off. The Sandman watches him go looking furious.

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Scott Hall, The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer - (89 rated) 


Dustin Rhodes promo (with Dusty Rhodes) 

Dustin Rhodes cuts a promo backstage where he says I've been waiting for an opportunity like tonight my whole career. I'm hearing a lot of chatter about Booker T getting a chance to win back the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in Texas, he's the home-town hero... but Texas is my home too... I'm 1 match away from having the chance to win my first ever world championship in my home state of Texas... and that's not something I'm going to let slip between my fingers! NOT THIS TIME! 

"That's right Dustin, baby, you tell them!" says Dusty. "You see my son here Dustin he's put a lotta work in to get where he is in this industry... there's a lot of people in this industry they have wrote him off, told him he ain't ever gonna be able to win the big one... but not me, I always believed in my boy and tonight he's going to prove all the doubters wrong too, baby!" 

Freestyle segment with Dustin and Dusty Rhodes - (76 rated) 


Match 2: 

The Chair Swingin' Freaks (Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten) vs The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) 

Balls Mahoney theme (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony, this is The Chair Swingin' Freaks first official tag-team match in WCW... and let me tell you, if it's not obvious to you watching at home, these guys are beat up. Neither of these men should be anywhere near a wrestling ring tonight in my opinion. 

Lawler says you're just being soft, Tony, this is their punishment for their involvement in The Extreme Alliance the last few months! They deserve to suffer! 

Road Warriors Theme Song (youtube.com)

During this match Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten build up some credit with the announcers and the live crowd as despite clearly being in a bad way both men refuse to give up and take a lot of punishment in the match.

The match goes just about 5 minutes. The finish comes when Road Warrior Dog gets a hot tag and he runs and knocks Balls Mahoney off the apron, who crashes to the floor in a big heap. The Nu Road Warriors then hit Rotten with a Nu Doomsday Device to get the win.

The Nu Road Warriors win via pinfall (5.01) - (46 rated)

After the match Road Warrior Animal and Dog celebrate together.


DDP Promo

DDP cuts a promo where he says over the last few months he's gone through a lot, suffered some set-backs, had some good times, some bad times, some ugly times, but all through these times I've always done what's right and what's best for WCW! 

I got screwed in that last title match with my old friend Scott Hall, not sure I can call him a friend anymore, but in tonight's main event DDP takes the first step on his journey to winning the big one again and at Halloween Havoc I'm taking that Big Gold Belt home with me!!

Suddenly, we see Tommy Dreamer walk into set.

DDP looks around and is very annoyed to be interrupted by him.

"Page, I think you're lucky to be in your bosses good books," says Dreamer. "If you don't remember... at Fall Brawl, I had you beat. That's right, Page, little old Tommy Dreamer from Extremely Crappy Wrestling... had you... a 3 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 2 time WCW United States Champion, TV champion, Tag Team champion, you name it you won it all, you're a WCW Grand Slam Champion... BUT I HAD YOU BEAT!!" 

Page and Dreamer face off angrily with their faces almost touching.

Page says "You can't hang with me, Dreamer! You don't belong in WCW... I hope Fit Finlay sends you back to Philly this Friday!" before walking off in a mood

Freestyle segment with DDP and Tommy Dreamer - (79 rated) 


Well folks, says Tony. This next match, it wasn't planned to happen but has come about at the last minute with top seed and former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Shane Helms, rendered not fit to compete until at least after Halloween Havoc due to a neck injury suffered at the hands of Vampiro at Fall Brawl this past Sunday. We're about to find out with you who will be in this 6 Man Sudden Death match, where the first pinfall or submission will get the winner a spot in the 16 Man tournament bracket.

WCW Erik Watts Theme "Grid-Iron Train " (youtube.com)

We see David Flair walk out with Erik Watts by his side. 

Well I think it must be David Flair in the match, not Erik Watts, says Jerry Lawler laughing. Arn Anderson says David Flair, son of course of my good friend, The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, a former United States and Tag Team champion, people shouldn't under-estimate this kid in my opinion! 

WWE - bWo Theme (youtube.com)

We see Nova of the BWO come out by himself. 

Arn Anderson says well Nova, of the B.W.O, he's had a few impressive performances since signing for WCW, he's put in decent performances against Scott Hall, Juventud Guerrera and Dustin Rhodes most recently a few weeks back, he's still been looking for that big win to cement himself in this Cruiserweight division, but perhaps a win tonight in this match can do just that for him. 

Full Blooded ltalians (FBI) 2nd Titantron (with 2nd Theme) (youtube.com)

We see Tony Mamaluke come out with Johnny Stamboli accompanying him. 

That's Tony Mamaluke, tag-team partner of Little Guido, joined by their fellow FBI stable-mate, Johnny Stamboli, says Tony Schiavone. Little Guido of course already in the bracket, with a win tonight his tag-team partner Tony Mamaluke can join his partner right in the mix!

AJ Styles Theme (Old Theme) (youtube.com)

We see AJ Styles come out to the ring by himself.

The rookie, AJ styles, says Arn Anderson, he's put in some decent performances in his rookie year in WCW, perhaps most notably he scored the pinfall when he and his partner Air Paris got a shock upset win against former WCW World Tag Team Champions, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo. AJ Styles if he can get another win tonight will have the chance to prove himself at the top level in this company!

2011-2012 : Christopher Daniels 14th TNA Theme Song - Wings Of A Fallen Angel [High Quality] (youtube.com)

We see 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels come to the ring with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria

Oh god, says Tony. I don't know what happened to this Christopher Daniels, he was training under the legendary Terry Funk, he seemed to have the hallmarks of a great young man and a top competitor here in WCW... but something happened with this Dawn-Macaria, this Underword, the Hounds of Hades, something sinister has gotten into Daniels, he turned on Funk! 

Jerry Lawler says you wouldn't turn on Terry Funk to get under Dawn-Macaria's spell, Tony? 

Good God, my wife watches this show, King. 

Well you're wife is probably thinking what I'm thinking Tony, says Lawler, that wasn't a denial!

Well getting back on topic, guys, says Tony, as Arn laughs, there's 5 men in the ring, but this a 6 man match, so who's the 6th man? 

The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Stand Back, Tony! shouts Lawler excitedly. There's a Hurricane coming through! 

The Hurricane comes out and races his way to the ring.

Well, Hurricane clearly keen to put that 6 man loss at Fall Brawl behind him, says Arn Anderson. He wasn't in a rush to get to the ring on Sunday, says Lawler, he turned up half-way through, but he's here tonight, can he claim Shane Helm's spot in the Cruiserweight Classic?! 

Match 3: 

6 Man Sudden Death Match for the Vacant Spot in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - David Flair (with Erik Watts) vs Nova vs Tony Mamaluke (with Johnny Stamboli) vs AJ Styles vs 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria) vs The Hurricane

This is a frantic, high-pace, high-flying match with a lot going on with each man trying desperately to get the win.

It goes for just under 5 minutes. 

The end of the match comes when The Hurricane, after spending much of the match fighting with David Flair, manages to hit a big dive to the outside which floors both David Flair and his tag-team partner at ringside Erik Watts. 

Nova hits a huge cross-body on Tony Mamaluke from the top rope and tries to get the pin, but it's broken up by AJ Styles who then single-underhook DDT's Nova, who ends up rolling out of the ring in a pile not far from Tony Mamaluke who has ended up doing the same after the cross-body took him out.

That then leaves AJ Styles and 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels, with the two rookies frantically going after each other. AJ Styles seems to have the better of Daniels, but then 'The Queen of The Underworld' gets on the apron and distracts Styles. Styles can see through this, but Daniels still gets enough of a distraction that he can hit an Angel's Wings and Daniels seems to have the match won!

But suddenly the lights go out! 

Wait a minute! says Tony. What's that weird with Dawn-Macaria got planned now.

But on the screen at the top of the stage, the screen goes from black to a darkened room with a light. We see a face.

What's going on?! asks Lawler.

Then we see him... it's Terry Funk!

Funk says "What, you think I can't pay off some guy on minimum wage in the production truck to interfere in your match? Daniels! You'll soon learn that in this industry... never cross the Funker!!!" 

The lights come back on. Daniels is distracted by what's just happened. AJ Styles is still in a heap on the ring floor.

But wait! 

The Hurricane comes flying into the ring. He hits a springboard cross body on an unexpecting Daniels. The Hurricane rolls out of the landing rather than taking a pin and he's back on his feet almost instantly. 

AJ Styles gets drop-kicked as he gets back to his feet and he falls through the ropes out of the ring, taking out Nova and Mamaluke in the process.

Daniels struggles to his feet and The Hurricane hits him with a Chokeslam! 

The referee makes the count...1..2....3!! We see David Flair get to the ring but he just couldn't get there to break the pin up in time!

IT'S THE HURRICANE THAT'S WON IT! shouts Lawler excited. A super moment from the super hero! 

The Hurricane wins via pinfall - (4.39) - (47 rated) 




We see Sable in Shane McMahon's office with Eric Bischoff in his wheelchair, Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, 'Sinister' James Mitchell who is wearing a neck brace and the WCW World Women's Champion, Akira Hokuto

Shane McMahon says he's disappointed that they can't come to an amicable solution given Chyna was a high-profile big money signing.

Eric Bischoff says Chyna is a loose-cannon who has put me in a wheelchair!

James Mitchell says she almost killed him. Mitchell says she is a liability to the WCW Women's division, not an asset. 

Sable says that Akira Hokuto vs Chyna is the big money match that everyone wants to see. It's the WCW's best versus the WWF's best.

Bischoff says Well this ain't the WWF, I don't know how you did things there, but this is WCW, dammit!

Shane McMahon tells Bischoff to calm down. Shane says they will continue this discussion next week. Chyna will serve a suspension this week as a result of the inadvertent injury that Mitchell suffered. 

No parties seem particularly happy about this but they let it go for now. 

Shane asks Steamboat where Buff Bagwell is. Steamboat says Buff's been having issues with his rental car so he was running late for the show... he spoke to him 15 minutes ago and Buff assured him that he'd be here.

Shane says well he better, his match for the WCW United States Championship is after this break!

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Ricky Steamboat, Akira Hokuto, James Mitchell and Sable - (60 rated) 


We see Chyna at the front of the Arena trying to get into the venue but security turning her away. She seems really angry and she throws a dustbin at a pop-up merch tent that has Akira Hokuto merch on it

Freestyle segment with Chyna - (54 rated) 


WCW Buff Bagwell 4th Theme Song - "Buff Daddy" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony. We're back from commercial break and tonight will see the first of 4 TV defences of the WCW United States Championship that Sabu must make in the build-up to Halloween Havoc, where, if he gets there, he will have to defend against the up and coming, but currently not fit to compete, Kanyon. 

But tonight it's a man that Sabu shouldn't under-estimate, as we will see Buff Bagwell looking to take that title for his own. Buff Daddy, fresh off the heels of a big PPV win against long-time rival, Curt Hennig, he could top off a big week for Buff with a win tonight.

Lawler says well Tony you say we're going to see Buff looking to take that title for his own, it don't look like he wants it, where is it? He's not here? 

You are right King, says Tony, where's Bagwell?! 

Suddenly we hear Bagwell's music stop. 

Sabu - Huka Blues | Custom ECW Titantron (youtube.com)

Sabu comes out with the WCW United States Championship and hoists it up proudly. The announcers note that Bill Alfonso is not here, presumably too scared of Booker T to show up.

Sabu waits in the ring and now Buff Bagwell's theme goes again.

Were the production team stalling to see if Bagwell would show up? asks King.

I don't think he's coming out here, says Schiavone. How can you be late for a WCW United States Championship match?! 

Bagwell's music stops and out walks Shane McMahon. 

Shane says that due to unforeseen circumstances, Buff Bagwell does not look like he is going to make it to Nitro tonight so you will not get Buff Bagwell vs Sabu for the WCW United States Championship

Fans boo

Does this mean Sabu gets the night off after all that? asks Lawler. 

I hope not, says Tony.

Shane then says but the good people of Charlotte, North Carolina deserve themselves a WCW United States Championship match tonight, so please give it up for Bagwell's last minute replacement... BARRY WINDHAM!! 

Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' (youtube.com)


Match 4: 

Sabu (c) vs Barry Windham for the WCW United States Championship

Barry Windham comes out looking pumped for the match. Sabu looks a bit less pleased as the prospect of no title defence is swiftly taken away from him.

Oh boy! says Lawler. A big opportunity for Barry Windham, can he win the WCW United States Championship tonight, here in North Carolina?! 

This match gets about 8 minutes and Sabu and Windham seem to surprisingly have pretty good chemistry. It's a very even match with Sabu clearly still feeling the side-effects of his big match at Fall Brawl. At one point a firm punch from Windham breaks open a wound on Sabu's forehead and he ends up bleeding quite a bit for the last half of the match, losing blood and energy as it goes on which plays into Windham's hands and the crowd get up thinking that a title change could happen! 

Windham tries to get Sabu into a Clawhold but Sabu bites him! Windham recoils and then Sabu hits a DDT on Windham out of nowhere. Sabu then puts Windham into the Camel Clutch. Some of Sabu's blood drips down onto Windham as he does this which makes for a particularly gory visual.

Windham does his best to hold on, but after about 10 seconds the referee rings the bell as Windham is out cold!! 

Sabu retains via submission - (8.41) - (67 rated) 

After the match Sabu points to the sky and holds up his WCW United States Championship belt.


We see Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson backstage who appear to have cornered The Hurricane.

Kidman congrats Hurricane on the win tonight, but he demands to know where The Hurricane was at the start of the match at Fall Brawl! Kidman says Helms got seriously hurt and it didn't help that you weren't there at all! I don't appreciate you just showing up when you feel like it!

The Hurricane apologises to Kidman and explains that Vampiro and his goons locked him in a training room back-stage. The Hurricane says he was calling for help for ages until someone walked by. He came as soon as he could. The Hurricane says he's disappointed at the loss and it sucks that Helms got hurt, but we've both got the opportunity to get our own back on fReEk-sHoW! in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic... he wishes Kidman good luck on Friday Night Panic!

Kidman says thanks and wishes him luck too. Hurricane tells Torrie to look after herself, Torrie says we all need to be careful whilst those weirdos are still about. She says I didn't like Cynthia Lynch much before, but now she's just a psycho! 

Freestyle segment with Billy Kidman, Torrie Wilson and The Hurricane - (52 rated) 


We see Eric Bischoff and Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat in Shane's office as The Nu Road Warriors come bursting in

Where's Shane?! asks Road Warrior Dog who seems to be a little tipsy.

He's busy, says Bischoff from his wheelchair, looking annoyed at seeing Animal and Dog, who seem especially merry having won tonight.

Animal explains that since they got a big win for WCW tonight against The Extreme Alliance, they want to ask for a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts!

Bischoff says it's a bit late taking out The Extreme Alliance now they've got contracts, huh?

Shane McMahon comes back in looking a bit flustered. 

He looks pleased to see The Nu Road Warriors. 

Animal repeats what they asked for.

Shane says, look, I'm pleased you guys got the win, but I can't just hand you a shot, that wouldn't be fair to all of the other Tag Teams on the roster.

The Nu Road Warriors say they never lost a tag team match to Team Canada. They never got a direct rematch for the titles, they're just asking for a shot.

Shane thinks, then says, alright, here's what we'll do... On Friday Night Panic! this week, there will be an Open Tag Team Battle Royale... any team who has previously held the WCW World Tag Team Championship can enter! 

Animal and Dog think about it. Well, damn, Shane, that's good enough for us! Dog finally says as him and Animal head out the office still pleased with themselves.

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff, Ricky Steamboat, The Nu Road Warriors and Shane McMahon - (65 rated) 


Match 5: 

'The Queen of The Underworld' Dawn-Macaria (with The Hounds of Hades - Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) vs La Diabolica 

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

Well next up, we've got action from the women's division as 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria takes on La Diabolica after her impressive recent victory against Meiko Satomura on Nitro.

La Bamba (youtube.com)

We understand La Diabolica in recent weeks has been back wrestling in both Mexico and Japan, she's got a lot more experience than Dawn-Macaria and you have to fancy her to take this match, says Arn Anderson.

This match doesn't get a massive amount of time with La Diabolica largely carrying the inexperienced Dawn-Macaria through it getting in most of the offence.

Towards the end of the match La Diabolica seems to have it won and after a big missile-drop kick she has Dawn-Macaria prone and she's ready to hit her finisher, but much like against Meiko Satomura, the lights go out as it seems Dawn-Macaria is about to lose the match.

Well a few weeks ago, says Tony, Dawn-Macaria says if you wrestle with her she will summon your worst fears... she says if you get in the ring with her you are wrestling a "God" 

I wish my God looked liked her! says Jerry.

Well be that as it may, last time against Meiko Satomura, Dawn-Macaria summoned what appeared to be a Tarantula... I hope to God that La Diabolica isn't scared of bears! 

Do they have bears in Mexico? asks Arn Anderson

The lights come back on. The camera only shows Dawn-Macaria smiling.

What's she summoned then? asks Lawler? I don't see anything in the ring!

Suddenly the camera pans to La Diabolica who screamed in shock and has her hands completely covering face.

Wait a minute, says Tony. 

Her mask is gone! gaps Arn Anderson.

La Diabolica covers her face with her hands, as Dawn-Macaria grabs her tights and rolls her up. La Diabolica seems more focused on protecting her face from being seen than kicking out and Dawn-Macaria gets the upset win! 

'The Queen of The Underworld' Dawn-Macaria wins via pinfall - (3.82) - (25 rated) 

After the match we see the referee call for another ref who brings out a towel to protect La Diabolica's face as they take her to the back, whilst The Hounds of Hades lift up Dawn-Macaria in the ring.


We see Booker T backstage with Sharmell and Stevie Ray

Stevie Ray tells Booker he knows he's going to win tonight and take the title back in Texas. Stevie says Booker deserves this and he can't wait to see him back on top, maybe they'll even let me commentate on that match at the PPV!

Booker says he doesn't want to get ahead of himself. Booker says if he wins tonight he's got a chance to go to Halloween Havoc, in his adopted state of Texas and become a FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME WCW World Heavyweight Champion! 

I can dig that, sucka, says Stevie Ray. And Hell, if you don't win it, you can always enter that Open Challenge Battle Royale on Friday, Harlem Heat, one last dance, eh Book?

Booker T smiles and says hell if I don't win in this form maybe I'll even take you up on that, Stevie!

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat and Sharmell - (85 rated) 


JJ Dillon interview with Team Canada (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet)

JJ says we're standing by with Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet who have the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts. Lance, how proud are you to be seeing your partner, Mike Awesome, competing in tonight's main event to get a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! 

Lance Storm says "JJ, If I can be serious for one moment. Of course, I am very pleased for my tag team partner, Mike Awesome to get a chance at the World Heavyweight Championship" 

Tony Schiavone says he doesn't think Lance Storm sounds pleased at all! 


JJ asks Lance what this means for the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts. You would then defend those with Carl Ouellet instead if Mike is going for the World Heavyweight Title

Lance looks at Ouellet and doesn't look impressed. "We will work that out after tonight if Mike wins"

"IF I WIN?! HA-HA! AND WHO SAYS CANADIANS DON'T HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR?!" laughs Awesome as Team Canada walks off set.

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Team Canada - (55 rated)


In the ring we see The Blue Meanie with a mic. 

Blue Meanie says it is his pleasure to introduce to North Carolina the most dominant wrestler in all of professional wrestling history!

WCW Goldberg 1st Theme Song - "Invasion" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Blueberg comes out with several men blowing a fire extinguisher and sparklers. He makes his way to the ring after taunting the crowd.

The Blue Meanie says Duane 'Blueberg' Gill is out here tonight looking for a proper fight. A real match. He's fought many challengers over the years... what he wants to do know tonight... is who's FIRST?! 

Hugh Morrus WCW Theme "Xtra Large" (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony, The Blue Meanie has talked a good game for Blueberg tonight, but I'm not sure he's going to get his first win in WCW against Hugh Morrus here.

I think Blueberg is going to end up black and blue-berg after Morrus is finished with him! laughs Lawler.


Match 6: 

Blueberg (with The Blue Meanie) vs Hugh Morrus

This match is barely a contest and is basically just a squash match for Hugh Morrus to look dominant and take out some aggression.

After the match Hugh Morrus continues to beat down Blueberg, The Blue Meanie gets into the ring and Hugh Morrus hits a big lariat on him before leaving the ring looking pumped up.

Hugh Morrus wins via pinfall - (2.41) - (34 rated) 


We see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler on screen

Lawler says Juvi! You might have beaten me this Sunday at Fall Brawl, sure, that WCW World Cruiserweight Championship isn't mine, for now, but this Friday Night on Panic! I take my first step to claiming the WCW Cruiserweight Classic trophy! 

When I beat Mike Sanders, guess who I'll have next in the bracket? It's you Juvi! And next time you won't get so lucky against me!

Freestyle segment with 'Sexy' Brian Lawler - (52) 


Well, big implications this Friday for the future of the Cruiserweight division with some big matches, but we now move our attention towards the World Heavy division as we're joined live on commentary tonight by the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, as sits with us to find out who he will face at Halloween Havoc!

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

We see Scott Hall's trademark Bentley driven up to the side of the stage by The Sandman. The Sandman gets out, angrier than ever, and Scott Hall gets out with his Big Gold Belt in a smart casual suit and he makes his way to the announce desk.

Oh, hey yo, Tony, King, Arn! says Scott as he joins them at the desk


Match 7 / Main Event

Fatal 4-Way Match to determine the #1 Contender for Scott Hall's WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc - Booker T (with Sharmell) vs DDP vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes (with Dusty Rhodes) vs Mike Awesome (with Carl Ouellet) 

WCW Mike Awesome Theme (Career Killer) (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony Schiavone, Mike Awesome, not someone we've really seen much of in singles competition since Shane McMahon took over the company, but he's been pretty dominant in tag team action whether teaming with Lance Storm or Carl Ouellet. It should be remembered he did win a Battle Royale match earlier in the year, he's not someone easily beaten that's for sure.

It's interesting that his buddy Lance Storm isn't out here, says Arn. Ouellet out there to support his team-mate, but not Storm? I don't care what Lance says, I think he's jealous of Awesome getting the shot tonight!


Dustin Rhodes comes out with Dusty Rhodes to a big pop.

Well Dusty's boy has been in hot form since returning to WCW a few months ago, says Arn Anderson. He's got PPV wins over Shawn Stasiak and and Buff Bagwell, now he's looking to book his ticket to have the chance to face Scott Hall in his home state at Halloween Havoc. What do you reckon Bad Guy? You think you could beat Dustin Rhodes with a home advantage?

Scott Hall laughs and says look Arn, it really doesn't matter, the truth is, as all the people at home know, I can beat any of these. There's nobody on our roster that scares me. They're not on my level. 

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

DDP comes out next to a big pop also 

Tony Schiavone says earlier in the show Scott, DDP questioned if you were still his friend, how do you respond to that? Scott Hall says that sums up DDP's character precisely... Hall says DDP should stick to yoga, not wrestling in his old age.

Arn Anderson says earlier tonight Tommy Dreamer boasted to DDP that he had him beat at Fall Brawl... you have to say, it's hard to argue with Dreamer as much as I don't like him or what he stands for with The Extreme Alliance.

Arn, the record books show DDP didn't lose that much, in my eyes that's all that matters, says Schiavone in defence of DDP.

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

And here he is, perhaps the favourite for this match, says Tony Schiavone. Booker T, 4 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, he's been looking to try and get a shot at Scott Hall ever since he lost that title... is tonight the night, and will he get that shot at Halloween Havoc in his home state of Texas?!

The 4 men lock eyes in the middle of the ring. Dustin Rhodes and Mike Awesome perhaps looking a bit more nervous than Booker T or DDP, it's not very often either of these guys gets such a big opportunity.

The match lasts just under 9 minutes and all 4 men get a chance to shine. There is no doubt however that the most in-form and star of the show is Booker T. 

Booker T is the most over with the crowd and despite some cheering for DDP and the odd cheer for Dustin, with a few "FAT CHICK THRILLER" chants for Mike Awesome, it is when Booker T is hitting kicks and punching the other guys when the fans are cheering the loudest. 

The match comes to a conclusion after Mike Awesome hits an Awesome Bomb on Dustin Rhodes who ends up rolled out of the ring in a heap on the floor. 

Mike Awesome then eats a Diamond Cutter from out of nowhere as he gets back up and DDP has the pin on a down and out Awesome. It looks like DDP has the win, but Booker T just breaks it up at 2! 

DDP tries to hit a Diamond Cutter on Booker, but Booker manages to counter it, letting DDP slam himself on the ground, then immediately as he gets up Booker hits him with a Book-End! 

Just as Booker T goes for the pin however we see Buff Bagwell appear on the big screen in the parking lot. 

"BOOKER!!!!" Buff shouts at the screen.

Booker T looks up at the screen completely confused. What does Buff Bagwell want with him? 


Scott Hall on commentary says "man, not even Russo couldn't write this shit"

We then see Big Daddy V laughing evilly and he's got a battered looking Stevie Ray ready and prone for him and Buff Bagwell to slam into a car.

Booker T can't believe it. He looks shocked and angry at the same time, but either way, he immediately dashes out of the ring and starts sprinting to the back. 

DDP has managed to get to his feet. DDP looks at the screen and shouts asking Booker where he's going. Sharmell seems to shout at him "IT'S STEVIE!! COME HELP HIM!!" and DDP seems torn, he should help his friend, but he wants to win the match? 

That decision is taken out of DDP's hands though as whilst he's distracted working out what's going on, Mike Awesome is back on his feet and as DDP turns round he gets a Big Boot to the face. DDP gets back up and Mike Awesome hits him with the Awesome Bomb!

Is the fat chick thriller going to the main event of Halloween Havoc?! gasps Jerry Lawler.

Awesome looks ready to go for the pin on DDP and pick up a shock win, but wait! Dustin Rhodes is there, he runs straight at Awesome and drops down with the undercut, catching Awesome off guard, and Rhodes hits him with the Curtain Call!

My God, Dustin Rhodes could have this one! gasps Tony Schiavone, as the referee counts the 1-2-3!! as a jubilant Dusty Rhodes celebrates at ringside.

Dustin Rhodes wins via pinfall - (8.07) - (70 rated) 


Dustin Rhodes, looking fairly shocked himself has his hand raised by the referee as his Father, Dusty Rhodes, joins him in the ring and gives him a big hug. Dustin Rhodes looks overcome with emotion.

'THE NATURAL' DUSTIN RHODES WILL GET A SHOT AT SCOTT HALL'S WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP AT HALLOWEEN HAVOC shouts an excited Tony Schiavone. Scott Hall, what's your immediate reaction to this? 

Scott Hall says "this don't work for me, brother!" and slams off his headset.

We see Scott Hall then stand at the top of the entrance ramp and angrily gesture at Dustin and Dusty who barely even notice him. 


Meanwhile, before we go off air, we see Booker T running through to the parking lot. Curt Hennig can be seen milling around and asks Booker what's going on. Booker says Stevie's in trouble, Curt! And Curt drops what he's doing and joins Booker.

They get to the parking lot just as Buff Daddy V and Buff Bagwell can be heard smashing Stevie Ray through his rental car windshield. 

"NO!!!" shouts Booker, as we hear shouting from Bagwell and Buff Daddy V as they then get in their car and drive off just as Booker and Curt get to their car. 

The segment ends and the show goes off air with Booker T looking livid as he and Curt assess the damage on Stevie Ray.

Freestyle segment with Booker T, Curt Hennig, Stevie Ray and Buff Enuff - (78 rated) 


Show Rating: 82
0.92 TV rating (691K viewers)

Edited by PH71
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Evan Karagias handed 2 year contract extension with WCW

WCW confirmed today that Evan Karagias, currently working as rAgE? yEs! in Vampiro's fReEk-sHoW Juggalo themed stable has been handed a 24 month contract extension. Shane McMahon is reportedly to be happy enough with Karagias' performances so far and with the fReEk-sHoW gimmick still being relatively new this seems a ringing endorsement from the new owner and CEO of WCW.

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Test given 2 year contract renewal by the WWF

WWF confirmed today that Andrew Martin (Test) has been signed on at better terms for 2 years. It was speculated that he may be someone that Shane McMahon's WCW would target when his contract ran down, but Test is thought to be happy at WWF, having recently been WWF Hardcore Champion and it was thought only a "really crazy" offer from WCW would have tempted him to jump ship.

Whilst Shane McMahon is thought to think highly of Test he was not somebody who at this time Shane McMahon was prepared to get into a bidding war or "overpay" for, so it is thought that whilst WCW did assess the situation they never made an offer when it became apparent how much extra Test would want to sign for them.

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Friday Night Panic! Episode 9: 

Friday 28 September 2001

Live late-night on FX

8,995 crowd from Greensboro, North Carolina

Announcers: Joey Styles & Scott Hudson


Show opens up with Sum 41's 'Fat Lip'

Fat Lip (youtube.com)

Joey Styles kicks the show off by welcoming fans to WCW Friday Night Panic! live from GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA! 

Scott Hudson, somewhat less enthusiastically says before we get into tonight's show from both Joey and I we'd like to send our well wishes to our broadcast colleague, Stevie Ray, who can't be here tonight after suffering an injury at the hands of Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V this past Wednesday on Nitro. We'll be speaking to Booker T later tonight for an update on his condition.

But the show must go on! exclaims Joey excitedly again. 

We've got a hell of a show for you tonight folks, we have two Round of 16 WCW Cruiserweight Classic tournament matches for you with former 3 time WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Billy Kidman taking on rAgE? yEs! later on in tonight's show and 'Sexy' Brian Lawler' and former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Mike Sanders, coming up very shortly, plus new WCW signing and former ECW World Heavyweight Champion, 'The Innovator of Violence' Tommy Dreamer takes on Fit Finlay in a No-Disqualification match, plus in our MAIN EVENT tonight we have an Open Challenge Tag Team Battle Royale which is open to any former WCW World Tag Team Champions, with the winner going onto Halloween Havoc to challenge for Team Canada's WCW World Tag Team Championship...

But as I said just now we open things up with Cruiserweight Classic action!


Match 1: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match - Mike Sanders vs 'Sexy' Brian Lawler (with The Sons of the South - Erik Watts & David Flair)

Mike Sanders WCW Custom Entrance Video (youtube.com)

Mike Sanders comes into this tournament by virtue of having been a previous WCW World Cruiserweight Champion since last year's Halloween Havoc, says Scott Hudson, he's not had the best run since Shane McMahon brought back WCW but he did get a draw against Booker T a few weeks ago.

Then he got his ass whooped by him! says Styles. I hope Sanders has a point to prove tonight!

Right Said Fred - I`m Too Sexy (1991) (youtube.com)

We see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler make his way to the ring looking happy with himself.

This match is booked as a fairly open match that runs just under 5 minutes. Mike Sanders has been involved in a few squash type matches as of late, but this is far from that as Sanders gets a decent amount of offence in.
The Sons of the South are an asset at ringside for him as when Sanders does get in a decent position they distract the ref or get involved to cause Sanders problems.

The match ultimately comes to an end when after a distraction from David Flair, 'Sexy' Brian Lawler manages to hit a Full Nelson Facebuster on Sanders to get the win.

'Sexy' Brian Lawler wins via pinfall - (4.45) - (42 rated) 



Just as the match finishes and Lawler celebrates with The Sons of the South in the ring, we see Juventud Guerrera appear on the big screen with Super Crazy and Psychosis behind him.

Juvi says he's looked at the bracket and it looks like his Quarter Final match will be another match with you Brian. Juvi says he's glad he gets to show the world once again that you're not on my level! And if your boys try anything funny in our match, just know my boys have got my back!

Freestyle segment with Juventud Guerrera and The MexiCruisers - (59 rated) 


We see a pre-recorded segment of Rob Van Dam being filmed in a hospital.

Van Dam addresses the WCW fans and says the prognosis on his ankle injury isn't great, he can't wrestle until at least after Halloween Havoc. But Van Dam promises the fans he will be back and better than ever sooner than you know it!

Freestyle segment with Rob Van Dam - (84 rated) 


We see Chavo Guerrero Jr in the back in the training room

Hugh Morrus walks in and joins him.

"Hey Chavo!" he says. "I know we ain't spoken much lately... not since I beat your ass on Nitro a few months ago anyway, but hey, this Open Challenge World Tag Team Championship Battle Royale tonight... I feel like I'm in good shape, good form, I think a run with the World Tag Team titles could be just what I need to turn my fortunes around here" 

Chavo looks at him and considers this, then laughs and says "Man, what is it with everyone wanting to tag with me, man? I know I'm good, but I'm not thaat good, surely?" 

Hugh isn't sure what to say.

Chavo says "look Hugh, it's nothing personal, just business, but I'm entered into this Cruiserweight Classic tournament and I just wanna focus on that. Say I enter this Battle Royale tonight and get injured? Then what? I forfeit my spot like Shane Helms? Nah, I don't think so, so sorry Hugh, but not today, man." 

Hugh Morrus doesn't look too happy at being turned down. But Chavo walks off before he can say anything further.

Freestyle segment with Hugh Morrus and Chavo Gurrero Jr - (38 rated) 


We see Curt Hennig chatting with Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda.

Mike Rotunda says look boys I don't have an issue with it. It's a good chance. Why not go for it? You're both my pals. I'd be happy for you both if you did it.

Freestyle segment with Curt Hennig and Expressly American - (53 rated) 


Match 2: 

Fit Finlay vs Tommy Dreamer in a No-Disqualification Match

Finlay's 2006 v2 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Lambeg v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Well this is an exciting match for me tonight, Scott, says Joey. Two proper men about to beat the hell out of each other without any rules! 

Scott Hudson says the last time these two met a few months ago Finlay wasn't Fit, but Fit is fit to go tonight and he'll be looking to leave a mark or two on Dreamer, that's for sure. Finlay comes into the ring with a Shillelagh, his wooden Irish club.

Tommy Dreamer Classic Theme - "Man In The Box" (youtube.com)

Dreamer comes out to his own theme for the first time in WCW. He gets a decent reaction. He comes out carrying a baseball bat. 

This match is pure mayhem. Just over 6 minutes of these two guys beating the hell out of each other. It starts out with the two of them ducking it out with baseball bat and Shillelagh, both land heavy blows but neither seems to have the the upper hand so they end up just fighting my punching and kicking each other as they brawl on the floor and then on the arena.

The referee begins counting them out but Finlay drags Dreamer back into the ring not wanting to lose via countout.

The end of the match comes when Finlay has Dreamer lifted up for a Celtic Cross, but Finlay doesn't realise Dreamer has Finlay's Shillelagh in hand, as Finlay lifts Dreamer up for it, Dreamer smashes Finlay's head with the Shillelagh.

I think Fit could be out here says Scott Hudson. 

Finlay's down and Tommy Dreamer puts him in a chokehold on the floor, the referee checks on Finlay and immediately rings the bell. He's out!

Tommy Dreamer wins via submission - (6.05) - (59 rated) 

Well the Innovator of Violence gets his first win as a WCW wrestler says Joey Styles excitedly, pure innovation to counter that Celtic Cross by smashing Finlay with his own weapon. 


In the Gym we see Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo stretching and talking about their preparation for tonight's main event which it seems they're going to enter.

Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak walk in.

"Hello boys, long time no see" says Shawn with a smile.

O'Haire and Palumbo eye him up suspiciously.

"What do you want?" asks O'Haire 

Stasiak explains that he has an offer for them. 

"What kind of offer?" asks O'Haire

Stasiak says they used to all be The Thrillseekers. The Next Generation of talent to graduate the Power Plant and take over WCW. But then we all fell out and that hasn't really happend.

"What's your point?" asks Palumbo

Jindrak says the Main Event tonight. As things stand O'Haire and Palumbo can enter as former champions together, but whilst Jindrak and Stasiak have both been champions, as they haven't been champions together, Bischoff says we can't enter.

"That sounds like a you problem" says O'Haire

Stasiak says they can trick the system. If Palumbo enters with him, and O'Haire enters with Jindrak, then all 4 of them can enter. Stasiak says he and Jindrak are willing to work together with O'Haire and Palumbo to eliminate any one else who has entered and then they can fight it out at the end. Whoever wins can go for the titles with their own partner, once we've won the Battle Royale they can't take the shot away from us. 

O'Haire seems to think about their offer. "So what's in it for us, other than you guys claiming you'll help us out until the end where you'll try to win it for yourselves anyway. We need something more than that. Seems like at the moment we're just adding 2 other guys to the Battle Royale that we have to eliminate one way or the other"

Stasiak seems stumped, like he thought O'Haire and Palumbo would take what he offered before.

"We don't have anything else to offer of value, Shawn" says Jindrak. "If they want money, hell we ain't got it!"

O'Haire says "you do have something of value. I've got an idea. We'll go with your plan... and here's the deal... take it or leave it... if me or Palumbo wins the Battle Royale... we get Stacy" 

"What?!" says Stasiak. "You GET Stacy? What does that even mean? She's her own person, I don't own her. I just got a contract with her to be my Valet!" 

O'Haire smiles. "Well then. If we do win, then you can pass that contract over to us. Call it a Pink Slip if you will. But if you don't think you can win the match, by all means, don't take us up on that deal and you can watch us win our shot at the Tag Titles from the back." 

Jindrak says they better ask Stacy first. Stasiak though is hot at O'Haire's dig and he says "Fine! It's a deal!" 

They shake hands and Jindrak and Stasiak leave the Gym.

"What about Mitchell?" asks Palumbo. "I thought he was our manager?" 

O'Haire sighs. "He's more interested in his pet project Hokuto than us. What's he done for us since he offered to help us out? If we have Stacy by our side I reckon Bischoff will book us on TV more often."

Freestyle segment with Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo and Shawn Stasiak & Mark Jindrak - (41 rated) 


Billy Kidman / rAge? yEs! pre-recorded promos

Before their match we see pre-recorded promos from both the competitors in the next match

Billy Kidman stands with Torrie Wilson and he says tonight is about revenge. Evan, or rAgE? whatever your name is now, you think Vampiro can take you and Moore or mOre-bId to the top of WCW with this Juggalo crap. Well if that's what you think that's your perogative, but tonight I get my revenge on you guys for the last few weeks and that match at Fall Brawl.

But once I beat you... trust me... that's it. My focus will go onto the Quarter Finals and the rest of the Cruiserweight Classic tournament. This is a real chance for me to prove that regardless of luck not going my way in winning back the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship, I'm still the best this company has to offer and I can compete at the top level! 


rAgE? yEs! with Vampiro, lYnCh! and mOrE-bId behind him says that since Vampiro converted him to the life of the Juggalos a lot of his family, friends, co workers, they've all been asking why? 

Tonight, when I put you in the hospital Kidman, like we did to Shane, you'll stop asking why and start seeing why WHOOP WHOOP!!! 

Freestyle segment with Billy Kidman and rAgE? yEs! - (57 rated) 


Match 3: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match - Billy Kidman (with Torrie Wilson) vs rAgE? yEs! (with mOrE-bId!) 

WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com)

Well Kidman, says Hudson, coming into this match you'd have to say he's the favourite given the title accolades he has in his career at both Cruiserweight and Tag Team level, but what sort of trouble can fReEk-sHoW! cause at ringside tonight? 

Twiztid - We Don't Die (Official Music video) (youtube.com)

rAgE? yEs! comes out with Vampiro, lYnCH! AND mOrE-bId! but Vampiro and lYnCH! go to the announce table, with Vampiro joining Hudson and Styles on commentary.

Torrie Wilson looks a bit tense at ringside with mOrE-bId! on the outside who she seems a bit concerned about.

This match lasts just over 5 minutes and Kidman has a good match with his opponent. rAge? yEs! in his noticeably more aggressive style looks quite good, but his over-eagerness and anger means he makes mistakes which Kidman capitalises on. 

The match ends with Kidman hitting a big drop kick on his opponent and he has him set up for the Shooting Star Press, but moRe-bId! gets up on the apron to try and stop him.

But from out of nowhere we see The Hurricane jump the barricade at ringside and he pulls mOrE-bId! down from the apron and throws him into the steel steps.

Vampiro gets up from the desk in a huff, as Kidman hits the Shooting Star Press on the still fallen rAGe? yEs! to get the victory and progress. 

Billy Kidman wins via pinfall - (5.21) - (51 rated) 

After the match Vampiro with lYnCH! looks on from the entrance ramp furious as rAgE? yEs! and mOrE-bId! eventually make their way back to him with Kidman, Hurricane and Torrie watching on.



April Hunter interview with Booker T (with Sharmell)

April asks Booker about the condition of Stevie Ray.

Booker says Stevie's beat up bad, ain't no point in me lying about it. That bastard Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V they put his ass through that car windshield. 

Buff, you think cause you didn't sort out a new rental car or didn't get the premium insurance on your car that means you get to take out Stevie, cost me a shot at getting back the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in TEXAS my home - well you gotta another thing coming sucka! 

Here's my challenge to you Buff. I DARE YOU to come to Nitro next week or Panic! don't matter which show, but trust me you ain't walking out of that show you'll have to be wheeled out!

April says well we've actually got some breaking news I think Shane McMahon advised them earlier but he's actually given Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V a 1 week suspension without pay for their actions on Nitro.

Good! says Booker T. I hope when they come back they're ready for the beat-down of a life time! 

And I got more news for the fans watching at home. Stevie joked with me on Nitro that if I didn't win in the main event we could take part in the Battle Royale tonight. Harlem Heat back again for 1 last run! Well I know he was joking, but I told Shane to enter us if I didn't win, well Stevie ain't here tonight, but Shane's said I got the all clear to go it alone in the Battle Royale tonight and if I win Harlem Heat are going to Halloween Havoc, now CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKA?!??!?!?

Oh my! says Scott Hudson. Booker T in the Open Challenge Tag Team Battle Royale in tonight's main event?! Even by himself he might just be the man to beat tonight! 

Freestyle segment with Booker T and April Hunter - (99 rated) 


We see Steve Corino and Don Callis chilling in the back.

A beat up looking Fit Finlay walks past them holding an ice-pack to his head.

Don Callis laughs.

Finlay squares up to him and says "you see something funny, Callis?" Finlay growls at him. 

Don Callis says I just think it's funny that some guys like me know when it's time to call an end to their in ring career. But some guys like you keep going until your embarrass yourself in front of millions on national television. 

Finlay says oh, is that so? He then looks at Steve Corino with the WCW FXtreme Television Championship looking smug.

"What you so smug about Corino? You didn't fancy defending that belt tonight, huh, champ?" 

Steve Corino explains as part of his contract he is only obligated to defend his championship belt 4 times in a monthly period. He had a big match this Sunday, so he's taking the night off.

"Oh is that so?" says Finlay. "Sounds like real coward shit to me" he adds angrily, before walking off and letting Corino think about what he just said.

Freestyle segment with Steve Corino, Don Callis and Fit Finlay - (46 rated) 


Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com)

Lance Storm comes out with his WCW World Tag Team Championship belt to join the announcers for commentary.

Hello Joey he says in greeting to his former ECW colleague. Scott, he says less enthusiastically.

Hudson asks Storm is Team Canada are still a united front. Lance didn't come out in support of Mike Awesome during his big match to go for the World title this past Wednesday on Nitro, but you're out here now, why?

Storm says if he can be serious for a minute, Nitro was Mike's moment and we agreed it would be best for him to be out there just with Carl, as I wouldn't want people to focus on me if I was there. He lost, it happens, he's earned the night off, I'm here because I was asked to be here on commentary, Scott. 

Do you have any preference who you face for the titles? asks Hudson

Storm says well I'm afraid Scott I don't even really know who is in this match. That's kinda how an Open Challenge Battle Royale goes, aren't you the play-by-play guy, isn't it your job to know that?

TNA: 2005 Harris Brothers Theme (Big Twins) (youtube.com)

The Harris Brothers come out as the first entrants. 

Don and Ron Harris, actually 3 time WCW World Tag Team Champions, both big hard men, says Hudson, they won't be easy to throw over the ropes tonight.

Do you like big hard men? asks Joey Styles.

It's a shame Mike isn't here adds Lance Storm as Joey laughs at his joke.

Road Warriors Theme Song (youtube.com)

Well it's The Nu Road Warriors up next. Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Dog beat up Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney this past Wednesday, they asked for this shot and here they are ready to go tonight in this match. They had their problems but they seem to have ironed it out now, says Hudson.

WWE: Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire Theme "Freestyle Hombre" Download (youtube.com)

Well here's Chuck Palumbo, but he's not out here with Sean O'Haire, rather he's come out with the man he was formerly a tag team champion with, Shawn Stasiak.

It seems O'Haire and Palumbo have taken up Stasiak and Jindrak on their offer. Are you aware of this Lance?

Storm asks huh?

Hudson explains that O'Haire and Palumbo have a deal whereby if they win the match they get Stacy Keibler's contract as a valet. They got that on the basis that Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak could enter in this match, they say, on the false pretenses that Stasiak is teaming with Palumbo and O'Haire with Jindrak, but really they plan to make it so whichever man wins can just take the shot at you with their "real" tag team partner. 

We then see Sean O'Haire come out with Mark Jindrak. 

Lance Storm says "Do you ever feel like you're the only sane, intelligent normal person in this company - and everyone else is a complete moron? Because what on earth have you just said to me, Scott?" 

WCW 1999-2000: The Mamalukes Theme - "Mamalukes" (youtube.com)

Well wait a minute, says Scott Hudson. That's Johnny Stamboli's theme, but he hasn't been WCW World Tag Team Champion with Little Guido or Tony Mamaluke, so who's he OH MY!! It's Big Vito! Big Vito is with Stamboli! The Mamalukes are back  in WCW, former 2 time WCW World Tag Team Champions, that's the beauty of WCW TV, you never know who's going to show up!! 

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

Booker T comes out and Scott Hudson mentions how Stevie Ray isn't in the match due to injury, but Booker T got the opportunity from Shane McMahon to still compete in this match on their behalf

Curt Hennig & The Rednecks - Good Ol' Boys [Music Video] (youtube.com)

We see Barry Windham come out with Curt Hennig

Well that's a surprise! says Scott Hudson. Barry Windham of course currently part of Expressly American with Mike Rotunda, they've been Tag Champs elsewhere but never in WCW, but Windham has been champion with Curt Hennig before and it looks like after his United States Championship loss on Nitro he's looking to go again and him and Hennig, maybe for one night only are back as a team in this Open Challenge Battle Royale! 

WCW Stars And Stripes Theme (youtube.com)

Wait a minute, says Scott Hudson.

We see Buff Bagwell at the entrance ramp in his old school Stars and Stripes ring gear. 

Buff Bagwell, when he was going as Marcus Bagwell, of course tag team champion with The Patriot... but that doesn't look like... oh no... surely they can't do that.

The camera pans and we see a masked man dressed as The Patriot in a Patriot style mask next to Buff Bagwell, but it's very clearly Buff Daddy V. 

Well says Scott. The Patriot, of course some may know as Del Wilkes, I think it's safe to say folks that's not Del Wilkes or The Patriot with Buff Bagwell.

They're wearing horrid costumes that's for sure says Lance Storm, not approving of the American flag outfits. 

Bagwell and "The Patriot" get to the ring and Booker T is absolutely livid. He's damn ready to gun for them both straight away, but we see Curt Hennig holding him back and trying to talk some sense into him. 


Match 4 / Main Event

Open Challenge Tag Team Battle Royale - The winner/s become #1 Contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Championship at Halloween Havoc


The Harris Brothers (Don & Ron Harris), The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog), The Thrillseekers (Shawn Stasiak & Chuck Palumbo), The Thrillseekers (Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire), The Mamalukes (Big Vito & Johnny Stamboli), Harlem Heat (Booker T is on his own due to Stevie Ray's injury), West Texas Rednecks (Curt Hennig & Barry Windham) & Stars and Stripes (Buff Bagwell and "The Patriot") 

Well folks there's I think 15 men in this Battle Royale and we are go! 

Booker T immediately rushes Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V in the Patriot costume and mask. As he dukes it out with them he has so much built up frustration and energy he seems to be coming out on top.

It looks like Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak are working together as they first target Curt Hennig and Barry Windham, Windham and Rotunda have of course had their issues with O'Haire and Palumbo in recent weeks, but Windham has Curt Hennig at his back and Hennig and Windham start slugging it out with the 4 men.

Meanwhile, we see The Harris Twins and The Nu Road Warriors brawling in another corner of the ring, when from out of nowhere, Big Vito and Johnny Stamboli catch Road Warrior Animal off guard and they manage to work together to throw him out as the first man eliminated!

Oh my god! says Joey. Road Warrior Animal the first man out! 

The returning Big Vito showing his worth here, says Hudson, he is a big guy, it will take some effort to eliminate him!

Road Warrior Animal looks shocked and Road Warrior Dog notices this elimination and seems concerned as he will now have to outlast the rest of the Battle Royale competitors by himself if they are to take home a title shot at Halloween Havoc.

Don Harris notices the distraction and with Road Warrior Dog standing by the ring ropes he goes for a running clothesline to try and eliminate Dog, but Dog just about notices in time and manages to counter it, get out of the way and using the ropes against Harris he eliminates Don Harris!

Ron Harris then comes over and starts duking it out with Road Warrior Dog, as we see Big Vito and Johnny Stamboli now targeting Mark Jindrak. Curt Hennig is battling Sean O'Haire, as Chuck Palumbo fights off Barry Windham. Shawn Stasiak comes to the aid of his tag team partner Jindrak and after managing a stiff punch to Vito which momentarily prevents him from fighting, Jindrak and Stasiak manage to work together to elimate Johnny Stamboli who goes flying over the ropes.

This infuriates Big Vito who gets back to work and starts fighting Stasiak and Jindrak.

Meanwhile, there's a big commotion as we see Buff Bagwell thrown over the top rope by Booker T, but he's not quite eliminated. We see "The Patriot" come running over to try and tackle Booker T, but the announcers point out his mask seems to not quite fit him, as he completely misses Booker T and ends up charging into his own tag-team partner Buff Bagwell and he tackles him, causing him to go flying into a heap on the outside and eliminating him in the process.


A disaster for Buff Bagwell, says Scott Hudson, but his team-mate Buff Daddy Patriot is still in there.

Buff Daddy Patriot, that's a good one, says Lance Storm.

Buff Bagwell waves away the referees protests for him to stay at ringside as he now seems to be shouting at Buff Daddy V his team-mate to get him to win the match.

Scott Hudson says well even if he can't see that well in the mask it will still take some doing to eliminate him, look at the size of this guy!

The camera cuts back just in time to see Mark Jindrak eliminated by Barry Windham.

Just as this happens Shawn Stasiak manages to hit a Meat Grinder on Curt Hennig, who he used to emulate as part of his old gimmick, before getting pumped up and then clotheslining Barry Windham over the top ropes. 

Shawn Stasiak is hyped up by this development, but as he turns round he gets Big Booted by Chuck Palumbo! He hits the deck, gets up and then Sean O'Haire throws him out! 

The Thrillseekers have turned on each other! exclaims Scott Hudson, noting that both O'Haire and Palumbo are still in the match.

The camera cuts to Buff Daddy V, still struggling in his Patriot mask, duking it out with Booker T who is trying to throw the big man out but he's struggling, Buff Bagwell is shouting instructions to his partner from the outside, we then see Road Warrior Dog cornered by Ron Harris who is trying to get revenge on him for throwing out his brother Don earlier in the match. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire are battling Curt Hennig and the returning Big Vito respectively as just 8 men are left in the match.

Booker T manages to hit a Book-End on Buff Daddy V in the middle of the ring, not able to eliminate him yet he seems to have settled for doing some damage. Ron Harris, after punching Road Warrior Dog down to the mat, sees this opportunity as a chance to eliminate Booker, but Booker counters him and manages to chuck Ron Harris out instead.

Just as this happens we see Big Vito eliminated by Sean O'Haire after a massive Spin Kick sees Vito sent flying over the ropes. Sean O'Haire goes over to help out Palumbo who is danger of being eliminated by Hennig, but Booker T comes over to even it out and help out his old ally Curt Hennig.

Just as Booker starts duking it out with Sean O'Haire, Curt Hennig manages to use his strength to throw Palumbo over the top rope. Palumbo stays on the apron but a drop-kick from Hennig sees him sent to the floor. O'Haire is furious seeing his tag team partner eliminated, he starts throwing strikes and kicks at Booker, then Curt, but we then see Curt hit a Perfect Plex on him, Hennig doesn't pin him where he's in a Battle Royale, so not long after O'Haire just about stumbles to his feet and Booker charges at him and eliminates him with a clothesline.

O'Haire and Palumbo are both gone! exclaims Hudson. 

Lance Storm says I for one am thrilled that all of the Thrillseekers are eliminated. I sure as hell wasn't seeking no thrill.

We see Road Warrior Dog and Buff Daddy V stumbling to their feet in respective corners of the ring, as Booker T and Curt Hennig then take up a corner for themselves, as the Final 4 left in the match eye each other up cautiously.

Well folks, we've got Road Warrior Dog representing the Nu Road Warriors, Curt Hennig who if he wins will get a shot with his old West Texas Rednecks partner Barry Windham, Booker T who of course was the sole representative of Harlem Heat after Stevie Ray's injury and finally one of the men who caused that injury, Buff Daddy V, or "The Patriot" as he's claimed to be tonight who would team with Buff Bagwell at Halloween Havoc, although whether he'll wear this costume again I'm not sure.

Lance Storm says it would certainly be fitting for Halloween as Joey Styles laughs in the background.

Booker T and Curt Hennig sort of nod to each other as if they're on the same page. They then give a look to Road Warrior Dog as if to say, fancy giving us a hand?

They then all start looking at Buff Daddy V dressed as "The Patriot" 

Buff Daddy V seems to protest this decision and Buff Bagwell is shouting from the outside as all 3 of the other remaining entrants converge on Buff Daddy V and try to over-poewr him together to eliminate him.

Scott Hudson says this is really smart, they work together to get the big man out as how else do you eliminate a guy of that size?! 

Buff Daddy V manages to push the 3 of them back off him, but then Curt Hennig drop-kicks him, he comes back, Road Warrior Dog hits a running strike, he goes against the ropes, but then comes back, then finally Booker T runs at him and manages to clothesline him out of the ring! 

Booker then turns around and the 3 men converge once again. 

Curt Hennig immediately hits a big drop-kick on Road Warrior Dog who hits the mat from the force of it.

Curt then eyes up Booker T as if to say "it's every man for himself" but then from out of nowhere wee Buff Bagwell storm the ring and in the blink of an eye he's eliminated Booker T!

The fans gasp in shock and start booing immediately. 

Once he's on the outside Buff Bagwell throws Booker T into the steel steps and starts beating down on him.

In the ring Curt Hennig notices this and is torn. He needs to win the match, but his friend Booker T is in trouble. Curt rushes over to the side of the ring where Buff is beating him down and he starts shouting at Bagwell to stop. Bagwell does stop for a moment and starts shouting insults at Curt Hennig, when WAIT A MINUTE!! shouts Scott Hudson

Road Warrior Dog dumps Curt Hennig out whilst he's distracted!! 

Road Warrior Dog (on behalf of The Nu Road Warriors) wins by last eliminating Curt Hennig - (9.45) - (60 rated) 


Road Warrior Dog celebrates what is a shock victory given his tag-team partner Animal was eliminated so early in the match. Lance Storm gets up from commentary and stares down Road Warrior Dog from the top of the apron after he says on commentary that they took the titles from those guys, they ain't losing them to them.

Meanwhile, on the outside the just eliminated Curt Hennig is now fighting Buff Bagwell. 

As the show goes off air we see lots of referees and road agents and other wrestlers come rushing out from the back, including Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda, to separate Buff and Curt, with Booker and Buff Daddy V, still in his Patriot mask just getting to his feet too.


Show Rating: 77
0.90 TV rating (678K viewers)

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Scott Hudson handed 2 year contract extension with WCW

WCW today confirmed that Scott Hudson had been handed a 24 month deal with the company. There was some speculation that Shane McMahon was not a huge fan of Hudson and may be let go when his contract expired, but it seems that certainly for the time being Shane is happy for Scott Hudson to stay in his role on WCW Friday Night Panic!, the new 1 hour weekly show that effectively replaces Thunder in this new era of WCW.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Nitro Episode 23:

Wednesday 03 October 2001

Live late-night on FX

8,995 crowd from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Arn Anderson


Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway' 

Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA

Jerry Lawler excitedly says we're here in The City of Lakes and we've got a big show for you tonight folks... we'll hear from WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, on his thoughts on facing 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes in the main event of Halloween Havoc and The Bad Guy will also be in action tonight himself, plus Sabu will be forced to defend the WCW United States Championship once again tonight in a huge match with WCW Hall of Famer... Terry Funk!!!... and we'll have the fall-out from Friday Night Panic! which saw The Nu Road Warriors become number 1 contenders for Team Canada's WCW World Tag Team Championship... and we'll also hear from our returning broadcast colleague, Stevie Ray, as he and his brother, Booker T address the ongoing situation with Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V!

Tony says that's right King, but we've also got 2 massive Round of 16 WCW Cruiserweight Classic Tournament matches tonight and we start tonight's show off with what should be a great high-flying match! 


Match 1: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match - 'Prime Time' Elix Skipper vs Psychosis 

Before the match we get a quick pre-recorded promo from each competitor 

Elix Skipper says this tournament is his chance to get back to Prime Time positions in WCW and he's not going to waste it! 

Psychosis says he has wrestled all around the world, he has won gold in different countries but at Halloween Havoc he will put his name on the map once again as he wins the trophy! 

WCW THEMES: Elix Skipper "Primetime Elix Skipper" (youtube.com)

WCW Psychosis 1st Theme Song - "Get Beck" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

This is a high-flying match to start the show and get the crowd up. It's a very even match with both guys getting in a good amount of offence on each other with several near falls.

The end of the match comes when Psychosis nails a Springboard DDT on Skipper, then goes to the top rope and hits a Diving Leg Drop to get the win.

Psychosis wins via pinfall - (4.58) - (51 rated) 




Shane's Office

In the back we see Shane McMahon seemingly in the middle of an argument with Executive Consultant for FX for Friday Night Panic!, Joey Styles.

"LISTEN TO ME JOEY, I SUSPENDED BUFF BAGWELL AND BUFF DADDY V FROM COMPETING ON WCW TELEVISION FOR 1 WEEK LAST WEEK ON NITRO! So you can imagine my surprise when they rock up on Friday Night Panic! 2 days later competing for a chance for a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championship titles! Why the hell did you sign that off, let alone even let them in the building?! 

Joey looks annoyed and shouts back giving all he's got. 

"OH I'M SORRY SHANE! Was I supposed to know that Stars and Stripes, Marcus Bagwell and The Patriot was Buff Bagwell earlier in his career?! Do you think I spent my free time in 1994 watching WCW's television product?! I was spear-heading the most exciting company in wrestling at the time E-C-W... I thought Marcus Bagwell was Buff's dufus brother or something... I couldn't stop The Patriot entering when he turned out to be a fat guy that looked like Buff Daddy V, you know political correctness these days Shane, what am I meant to say, oh hey man you don't look like a patriot to me? This isn't my fault!" 

As this argument is ongoing we see Booker T and Stevie Ray enter Shane's office.

Stevie Ray still doesn't look great but he comes in and says tonight... Harlem Heat vs Buff Enuff… who says no?!

Shane McMahon says I'm sorry Stevie, but I say no. (fans boo)

Shane explains to Stevie Ray and Booker T he's willing to give them the chance to get some revenge on Buff Enuff, but he has suspended them for 1 week without pay for their actions and damn it they won't be here on Nitro or Panic! this week! 

Joey Styles points out that Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V only did to Stevie Ray, what Booker and Stevie Ray did to poor Balls Mahoney who's still injured after getting smashed into that car bonnet.. which was owned by Buff Bagwell, I don't see you showing any remorse for Balls or Buff, Shane? 

Shane McMahon tells Joey Styles that Balls Mahoney had it coming to him! 

Shane then says Stevie, if you're up for it, I will be happy for Harlem Heat to return to tag-team action tonight.

Stevie and Booker say they're up for it and Shane announces Harlem Heat vs Stasiak & Jindrak later tonight!

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Joey Styles and Harlem Heat - (61 rated) 


JJ Dillon in the ring

Dillon says it's now time for an exclusive interview with the WCW World Heavyweight champion, Scott Hall

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

We see Scott Hall's trademark Bentley driven to the ring by his driver, The Sandman. 

The Sandman lets Hall out the car who swaggers his way to the ring with The Big Gold Bel, whilst The Sandman waits with the car.

JJ says firstly I'd like to congratulate you for your title defence at WCW Fall Brawl this past Sunday.

Scott Hall says Hey yo, thank you JJ, I just want to say to you and all the people here in this dump, Minnesota (fan boo), that me defending this title at Fall Brawl against 'Dr Death'... well.. it was... never... in... doubt! 

JJ Dillon then points out how 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes won the number 1 contender status in the main event of Nitro last week to face Hall at Halloween Havoc. JJ says that after the match Scott Hall was heard saying "that doesn't work for me brother" and he asks him what he meant by that.

Scott Hall says let me tell you JJ... you see some of the other guys in that match... Booker T... DDP... even that big bastard Mike Awesome... I don't like those guys JJ, I think you know that, but Booker T, DDP, despite my dislike of them, they're main event players here in WCW... I don't think they should be and in past eras they wouldn't be, but in the year 2001, Booker T and DDP, whether I or FX Network executives like it or not they're main event guys. Mike Awesome, look at the size of him, the way he moves, the guy was hot property when he came to WCW from ECW, he seems to have lost his way a bit since being here, a bad injury, few bad gimmicks, but you see Mike Awesome in the main event JJ, sure maybe he's not World Title material yet, but I could respect a guy like that going toe to toe with a guy like me. 

But Dustin... let me tell you something... whether you're 'The Natural', that Unnatural freak Goldust… Se7en... whatever you wanna call yourself Dustin, however you want to dress or act... the bottom line is this... you're not a main event guy, pal. Not now, not a few years ago when you got some cheap heat in gold body paint, not EVER... it doesn't matter what stupid fancy dress costume you wear, how much you try and live off your Daddy's legacy in this business and this company... you ain't main event level, Dustin. You're never going to win a World Championship in this company, the other company, even Japan or Mexico, you ain't a top guy! 


We see 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes come out looking hot at Hall with a microphone in his hand. Dustin says it's a bit rich for Scott Hall to come out here and start telling people who is and isn't a top guy. Dustin says even with the most powerful friends in WCW, even with his best buddy having all the political power, Scott Hall never won a World Title in WCW until just a few months ago! And you only won that belt by cheating and with the help of The Sandman... what this is Scott, I think it's nothing more than projection!

Projection?! replies Hall, laughing. I ain't projectin' nothin'! 

Dustin goes onto say the fact of the matter is I won that title shot against you at Halloween Havoc fair and square and in my home state if you think I'm not on your level and you're getting an easy ride... well you got another thing comin'! (fans cheer) 

Dustin says at Halloween Havoc he has the opportunity of a life-time and it's not something he's taking lightly! He says Scott, if you get even a little bit complacent on top with that belt, just know, I will take that belt from you because I WANT IT MORE!!!!
JJ Dillon says well I'd love for this segment to go on forever but we've got a commercial break coming right up and a match next, but I'm sure this won't be the last we hear from these two about their big match at Halloween Havoc later this month in Texas!

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Scott Hall, The Sandman and Dustin Rhodes - (82 rated) 


Match 2: 

Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) vs Lash LeRoux and Kwee Wee

Well folks, says Tony, we're back from commercial break and we've got tag-team action for you with Expressly American taking on Lash LeRoux and Kwee Wee.

We see Lash LeRoux and Kwee Wee already in the ring

WWF US Express "Born In the USA" Theme (youtube.com)

We see Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda come out to a decent pop with American flags 

This match gets just about 5 minutes and it's a fairly comfortable win for Expressly American. LeRoux and Kwee Wee act the heels in the match trying to take advantages where they can, but they can't live with the more experienced unit of Expressly American who get the win with Barry Windham smashing Kwee Wee with a Lariat before Rotunda hits him with a Stock Market Crash to get the win. 

Expressly American win via pinfall - (4.49) - (38 rated) 


We see Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo in the gym. 

'Sinister' James Mitchell walks in with a neck-brace on. He says he thought he'd find you boys here. He says he's heard a rumour they're looking to replace him as their manager, he says they've only been working together a little while, it seems hasty.

O'Haire says Mitchell is more concerned with Akira Hokuto and getting knocked out like a bitch by a woman. 

Mitchell gets angry and says Chyna isn't a woman, she's a beast!

Palumbo says he never liked Mitchell and if he knows what's good for him he should clear off.

Mitchell leaves looking annoyed.

April Hunter is quick on the scene and she asks O'Haire and Palumbo if we've just seen the end of their working relationship with James Mitchell. 

O'Haire says we want to get back to the top of the Tag Team division here in WCW and Mitchell has shown he can't help us get there. But we're looking for help, if that's Stacy Keibler, then we'll take her, if we have to do it alone, we will do that April, but let me tell you, we're the future of this Tag Team division.

You know what makes us sick though? Seeing guys like Harlem Heat come back for a nostalgia run, Stevie Ray thinking he might get off the announce desk and Booker T going back to the tag-team division cause he ain't good enough to get a shot at Scott Hall... well let me tell you something... if we ever wrestled Harlem Heat in a Tag Team match, we'd show you why Stevie Ray's at the commentary booth these days!

Freestyle segment with O'Haire & Palumbo and 'Sinister' James Mitchell - (47 rated) 


Match 3: 

Malia Hosaka (with Terry Taylor) vs 'Sweet' Saraya

Malia Hosaka 4th - Mega Panic (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com)

Saraya Knight SHIMMER Theme 'Faint' (youtube.com)

Well next up folks, says Tony, we've got Women's division action as Malia Hosaka takes on 'Sweet' Saraya hot off her recent debut in WCW where she went toe to toe with Akira Hokuto for the WCW World Women's Championship at Fall Brawl and just came up short.

Arn Anderson says this is a chance for both women to put a marker down and show they're a centre piece of this Women's division in WCW.

This match gets just under 5 minutes. Malia Hosaka carries the match in terms of in-ring work, with Sweet Saraya sticking to strikes and holds. Saraya goes for a big elbow strike on Malia Hosaka at one point, but Hosaka counters and hits Saraya with a Hurracanrana to get the win. 

Malia Hosaka wins via pinfall - (4.49) - (30 rated) 


Shane McMahon's office

We see Shane McMahon sitting down with Ricky Steamboat, Sable, Eric Bischoff, James Mitchell and Akira Hokuto

Shane McMahon says I spent big money on bringing Chyna into this company. We can figure something out here. 

Bischoff and Mitchell immediately jump in saying she's dangerous. Mitchell says he has a lawsuit that says she isn't allowed in the same building as he is. Bischoff agrees and says the idea Chyna could wrestle on Nitro is out of the question.

Sable offers a compromise option. For now Chyna could wrestle exclusively on Friday Night Panic!

Bischoff and Mitchell begin to disagree, but Shane says that seems fair given you guys don't have to be on that show. Shane says for the time being, Chyna will get rid of any ring-rust. As punishment she won't be permitted to challenge for the WCW World Women's Championship until at least November. 

Mitchell and Hokuto seem pleased with this outcome.

Sable says next week Chyna will debut on Friday Night Panic!

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Sable, Ricky Steamboat, Eric Bischoff, Akira Hokuto and James Mitchell - (57 rated) 


We see Shawn Stasiak, with Mark Jindrak, stuck in an argument with Stacy Keibler

Keibler says Stasiak had no right to put her contract with him as a valet on the line in the Battle Royale with Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo last week. Stasiak tells Stacy to calm down, he knew O'Haire and Palumbo would never win, besides, we've got a big match with Harlem Heat later tonight... Stasiak says if they beat them they can show they've beaten one of the all-time great WCW tag teams and they're sure to get a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championship sooner rather than later.

Stacy Keibler says you will do it without me. 

Stasiak is furious. He says what, you're quitting?! Stacy says she's not quitting as his valet, but she wants him to prove to her tonight that he's the rising star she thought he was when he signed on. If not she might have to reconsider her own options.

Freestyle segment with Shawn Stasiak, Stacy Keibler and Mark Jindrak - (44 rated) 


Match 4: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match - mOrE-bID (with Vampiro) vs The Hurricane

Well folks another Round of 16 match, this match came about after Shane Helms had to pull out with injury, meaning a vacant spot was available which was eventually won by The Hurricane in a 6 man Sudden Death match last week on Nitro. 

Twiztid - We Don't Die (Official Music video) (youtube.com)

Vampiro coming out with mOrE-bID! perhaps taking a more hands on role after the match lost by rAgE? yEs! where Vampiro sat on commentary at the announce desk.

The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

The Hurricane comes down to the ring and the match begins. This is another high-flying match with both guys working well together and putting on an entertaining match for the fans.

mOrE-bId! puts in a good performance but he can't live with The Hurricane who seems superior to him in basically every level. The Hurricane hits a big Cross Body and nearly gets the 3 count on the ex 3-Count member, it is only Vampiro placing his minion's foot on the rope from the outside that saves him. 

The Hurricane runs the ropes and then hits a spear through the ropes onto the outside to take out Vampiro who hits the barricades at the side. But the ref can't see rAgE? yEs! who appears from under the ring and throws Faygo into The Hurricane's eyes. He can't seem to see from under his mask.

Vampiro gets back to his feet and forces The Hurricane back into the ring. He still seems a bit blinded.

moRe-bId! hits a running neck-breaker on The Hurricane from out of nowhere! 

The ref counts... 1..2..3!! There was outside interference that gave him the assist but it's a big upset win here!

mOrE-bId! wins via pinfall - (4.40) - (50 rated) 




After the match we see Vampiro and rAgE? yEs! get in the ring and start beating down The Hurricane further. It looks like Vampiro is trying to remove his mask when

WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com)

We see Billy Kidman storm the ring with a steel chair. He manages to nail rAgE? yEs! who he pinned last week and Vampiro and mOrE-bId! manage to get out of there before getting hit.

It's Kidman who makes the save here, says Schiavone, and it's Kidman vs mOrE-bId! in the Quarter Finals!

Freestyle segment with The Hurricane, fReEk-sHow! and Billy Kidman - (51 rated) 


We see Harlem Heat backstage with Sharmell

Stevie Ray says Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V, you ain't here this week cause you boys got yourself suspended, but let me tell you something... if you show your asses next week on Nitro or Panic! I ain't looking for a wrestling match with you... I'm looking for a FIGHT!!! You better bring your A game cause I'm back and in the main event of Nitro tonight we will show you Harlem Heat ain't missed a step since we been gone! 

Booker T says Buff Bagwell cost him a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and the WCW World Tag Team Championship with his brother, well now  I'm just looking for some revenge and my revenge on you will be sweet, you better believe that, dog! 

And Sean O'Haire, don't think I didn't see you talking trash about us earlier tonight. You just mad that I cost you a shot at the Tag Team titles... well if you and your boy Palumbo wanna step up next week or whenever... let me tell you something we will put your asses down any time you want... now can you dig that sucka?!?!

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat - (95 rated) 


Match 5: 

Lance Storm (with Mike Awesome) vs Road Warrior Dog (with Road Warrior Animal)

Well folks says Tony, this match made tonight to give us all a sneak peak of what's to come at Halloween Havoc. Of course this match a singles match rather than a tag team match, but we will see 1 half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions, Team Canada, in Lance Storm, take on one half of the The Nu Road Warriors, Road Warrior Dog.

Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com)

Road Warrior Dog out lasted the rest of the Battle Royale this past week on Panic! to ensure they get a shot at Team Canada, but winning a Battle Royale is a different ball game to beating Lance Storm in a singles match. Nobody in WCW since Shane McMahon took over the company has more wins than Lance Storm!

Road Warriors Theme Song (youtube.com)

This is a good match with both guys looking good and putting in a big performance to try and get the win. 

The end of the match comes when Lance Storm has Road Warrior Dog in a Maple Leaf Submission. He's piling on the pressure to make BG James tap out, but he just won't give up and eventually gets to the rope! Lance Storm argues with the referee who makes him give up the hold. Just as Storm is arguing with the referee he gets rolled up by Road Warrior Dog who has his tights... the ref counts...1..2..3!!!

Road Warrior Dog has stole it! gasps Jerry Lawler on commentary

Road Warrior Dog wins via pinfall - (6.51) - (69 rated)


Lance Storm looks shell-shocked after the loss as Road Warrior Animal slides into the ring to congratulate his tag-team partner Road Warrior Dog on yet another big win! 

Just as he does this Mike Awesome gets in the ring and the 4 men square up. 

They look like they will come to blows but The Nu Road Warriors leave the ring with a smile on their face saying that they're coming to get those titles back!

Freestyle segment with Team Canada & The Nu Road Warriors - (54 rated) 


JJ Dillon interview with DDP

JJ starts the interview by offering commiserations to DDP after he came up just short in his bid to get a WCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Halloween Havoc.

DDP thanks JJ and he says the worst case scenario is at Halloween Havoc I'm in the corner of my buddy Chris Kanyon as he goes for that WCW United States Championship. We've had ups and down over the years, we've been friends, enemies, but I see him as like my little brother, you have good and bad times with your families, JJ, but to see him win the title at Halloween Havoc would bring joy to this old guy's face.

Tommy Dreamer comes into set, laughing. 

What you laughing at Dreamer, huh? asks DDP

Tommy Dreamer says he's laughing at the dwindling legacy of one of WCW's "top stars". Dreamer says he always knew in ECW that half of the top guys in WCW were over-rated and since he's got here to WCW nothing that DDP has done has proved him wrong. Dreamer says he had DDP beat at Fall Brawl and if their paths ever cross again he will beat him again.

DDP says Dreamer could never beat him 1-on-1! He says Dreamer is lucky he even weasled his way into a job, but one of these days someone is going to give you the beating of a life-time and you'll be wishing you were back in Philly! 

Dreamer laughs and says, "sure thing Page, one of these days...." 

Freestyle segment with DDP, JJ Dillon and Tommy Dreamer - (81 rated) 


Sabu / Terry Funk promo

We see a quick-pre recorded promo from Sabu and Funk.

Sabu with his WCW United States Championship says Terry! I respect you man, but let's face it, you're past your prime and you're like a sick, old dog waiting for someone to put you out of your misery. That might just be me tonight, Funker.


Terry Funk says it's true that he doesn't have much left in the tank but however long he's still wrestling for he's gonna give everything he's got to go out with a bang! That WCW United States Championship has a lot of history. I've won it before and it would be a highlight of my career if I win it again tonight... Sabu... I got nothing to lose tonight, but everything to gain, if you think I'm going down without a fight or I'll be an easy win for you then you got another thing coming!

Freestyle segment with Sabu and Terry Funk - (43 rated)


Match 6: 

Mikey Whipwreck vs Scott Hall (with The Sandman) - Non-Title match

ECW Mikey Whipwreck Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

Well folks next up we've got The Champ in action in 1-on-1 action. That's right, this is a non-title match, but Scott Hall wrestling tonight the former ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Mikey Whipwreck.

Whipwreck comes to the ring and looks nervous but relishing the prospect of being the underdog. 

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall's Bentley pulls up and The Sandman comes out with his Singapore Cane, this time guiding Scott Hall down to the ring before the match.

Mikey Whipwreck starts the match off red hot and gets some offence in, but Scott Hall soon manages to batter him a bit and takes control of the match. Scott Hall could probably have had the match won after 3 minutes when he hits a Razor's Edge. But The Bad Guy decides to toy with Whipwreck for a few more minutes as some of the fans boo. 

Scott Hall decides to have some fun by getting the win with a Bionic Elbow, ripping off Dusty Rhodes' finisher. 

Scott Hall wins via pinfall - (6.25) - (78 rated) 


After the match Scott Hall starts stomping on Whipwreck for no real reason. He calls for The Sandman to come into the ring to give him a hand


Dustin Rhodes come flying down the ring to make the save. 

Dustin gets in the ring and manages to get a few punches on Hall who struggles to parry them. 

Dustin then stands eye to eye with The Sandman. Dustin seems to be saying to The Sandman he doesn't have a problem with him, it's Scott Hall they both have a problem with! Scott Hall tells The Sandman to nail Dustin Rhodes. Sandman looks slightly torn but then he nails Dustin Rhodes in the head with a Singapore Cane and then keeps going to the point even Scott Hall is suggesting he might want to stop.

For the Love of Money (youtube.com)

Shane McMahon comes out and demands The Sandman stop are Scott Hall tells him to stop. Shane McMahon says he's had enough of The Sandman's attitude around here. 

The Sandman shouts at someone to get him a mic and he gets one

The Sandman says Shane McMahon promised him if he took out Sabu at Fall Brawl then he'd get a WCW contract and wouldn't have to work for Scott Hall anymore. 

Shane says that The Sandman failed to ensure Rob Van Dam won the match.

The Sandman says that wasn't his fault and Shane McMahon knows it! Just like every other McMahon he's a slippery business who likes to screw the boys over! Well SCREW YOU SHANE!!! 

The Sandman then starts battering Dustin Rhodes again and on Shane's orders a whole host of security, road agents and other wrestlers come out to restrain The Sandman.

The Sandman is ejected from the building as he shouts and screams angrily at Shane McMahon's direction. 

Shane McMahon then says next week live on Nitro it will be Dustin Rhodes and his father Dusty Rhodes and they will be in tag team action in the main event against Scott Hall... and The Sandman... the winning team will get to decide the stipulation for Hall and Rhodes' match at Halloween Havoc!

Freestyle segment with Scott Hall, The Sandman, Dustin Rhodes and Shane McMahon - (82 rated) 


Real Talk with Roddy

As we come back from a break we see Kanyon sat down for an interview with Roddy Piper

Piper asks Kanyon about his injury and how he's holding up.

Kanyon explains in spearing Axl Rotten off of the side of the stage he damaged his foot quite badly, but that he's walking on it again fine and he'll be able to compete against whoever is WCW United States Champion at Halloween Havoc.

Piper asks if that match is the biggest one of Kanyon's career so far.

Kanyon says yes you're probably right, Roddy, it is.

Piper says Chris, you've always been something of an emotional guy. Do you have the emotional ability to deal with the pressure? This is your big chance to finally win a WCW Championship belt... to prove all the doubters and your critics wrong, can you do that?

Kanyon says he's had his mental problems over the years, but who doesn't. Kanyon says mentally he knows how good he is and he knows in a match where everything is on the line he might over-thinking, could make a mistake, but he has to put those doubts to the back of his mind in Texas and just focus on the job at hand.

Piper asks Kanyon about his outburst back-stage recently when he lost a match.

Kanyon says he's a bad loser. He hates to lose. Always have, always will. I regret how I handled it, but I won't apologise for being an emotional guy.

Finally, Piper asks Kanyon if he will finally smile if he wins the WCW United States Championship at Halloween Havoc. He says he doesn't think he's ever seen Kanyon smile once since WCW came back in business. 

Kanyon says he's not had much to smile about, but if he wins the title, sure he will smile from to ear to ear.

Freestyle segment with Roddy Piper and Kanyon - (60 rated) 


Match 7: 

Sabu (c) vs Terry Funk for the WCW United States Championship 

Terry Funk's Titantron Entrance Video feat. ''Road To Texas'' Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony, a big title match on the cards next. Shane McMahon told Sabu he would work him like a dog and make him defend this belt every week on Nitro until Halloween Havoc and he's doing just that. Tonight, it's a match against Terry Funk, we should clarify this is a singles match tonight, no weapons etc are allowed despite these being two of hardcore wrestling's most famous sons in recent times.

Sabu - Huka Blues | Custom ECW Titantron (youtube.com)

Sabu puts in a very solid performance in this one. Despite his manager Bill Alfonso still being AWOL he does very well in the match showing that he doesn't need weapons or tables to still put on a good match to get the crowd engaged. The crowd does seem largely behind Funk, which wills Funk on and at one point towards the end of the match he hits a big DDT on Sabu and it looks like he might get the win, but Sabu manages to just about kick out and then the match ends when Sabu puts Funk in the Camel Clutch and Funk passes out rather than taps out.

Sabu retains via submission - (6.47) - (61 rated) 


After the match Sabu holds up his WCW United States Championship and then leaves the ring with Funk in a pile on the floor being helped by the referee. 

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

From the top of the apron we see 'The Queen of The Underworld' Dawn-Macaria, with 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels, who last week was cost a spot in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic Tournament by Terry Funk who he turned on at Fall Brawl. Just behind him are the Hounds of Hades (Saemon Daemon and Djinni Parisi) who are wearing their Hound masks.

Dawn-Macaria sends the 3 of them down, led by Daniels, they go past Sabu who looks back to Funk, obviously aware of what is about to happen to Funk. Sabu seems to think about helping Funk, but then shakes his head, laughs and continues to head to the back.

Funk stumbles to his feet and puts his fists up ready to fight the 3 men, but like a pack of dogs, Daniels and the Hounds of Hades quickly start taking him apart and beating him down. 

Daniels hits an Angel's Wings on Funk who is out of it on the mat. Dawn-Macaria then signals for The Hounds of Hades to continue to beat him down, when suddenly...

AJ Styles Theme (Old Theme) (youtube.com)

It's Air Raid! exclaims Tony Schiavone excitedly, as we see AJ Styles and Air Paris sprint down the ring and clear the ring of Daemon and Parisi, as Daniels quickly gets out of the ring before they can take him out. 

'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria orders her men to retreat as Styles & Paris check on Funk

Freestyle segment with Sabu, Terry Funk, The Underworld and Air Raid - (43 rated)


We see a shot of what looks like a random bar but then we can see it is Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V sitting in a dark corner.

Buff Bagwell says "it is good to meet up with you. I always believed that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I think in the next few weeks we could certainly become friends..." 

It is then revealed they are meeting with Bill Alfonso!

Good God man! says Tony Schiavone. What is Buff Bagwell planning here?!

Freestyle segment with Buff Enuff and Bill Alfonso - (50 rated)


Match 8 / Main Event:

Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) (with Sharmell) vs Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak

WCW Shawn Stasiak 4th Theme Song - "Stasiak Theme" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

We see Stasiak and Jindrak come out. Arn Anderson points out Stacy Keibler isn't with them tonight, she refused to valet for Stasiak after he put her contract on the line in a wager with O'Haire and Palumbo, he didn't lose it, but she's not happy about it. Jerry Lawler says Stasiak must have been crazy to have considered losing Stacy! 

Harlem Heat WCW Theme (youtube.com)

We then see Harlem Heat come out to a decent pop. 

The main event gets a decent amount of time going just over 8 minutes. Stasiak and Jindrak spend much of the match working Stevie Ray, who does a decent job but just can't get the tag to his brother which causes him to tire and tire as the match goes on.

Booker T eventually gets the hot tag though and for the last few minutes of the match it's a dominant display from Booker T, as neither Stasiak or Jindrak can live with Booker T.

After disposing of Jindrak on the outside, Harlem Heat hit a Heat Seeker and Booker T gets the pin after the Missile Dropkick.

Harlem Heat wins via pinfall - (8.18) - (66 rated) 


After the match Harlem Heat celebrate as a defeated Stasiak and Jindrak hobble back to the curtain. 

After the match Booker T and Stevie Ray celebrate, but just as the show looks like it's going off air they get jumped from behind, as Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo come from the crowd to surprise Harlem Heat who couldn't see them coming where they were facing the entrance ramp.

Sean O'Haire hits a Widow Maker on Booker T and then he and Palumbo start beating down Stevie Ray. 

This can't be allowed to go on! says Schiavone. Someone has to do something!

I don't see you running down there, says Jerry Lawler.

Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com)

Suddenly, we see Curt Hennig, along with Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) who come running from the back, slide into the ring and see off Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo before they can do any more damage to Harlem Heat.

Well it's Booker T's ally and friend Curt Hennig, along with his buddies in Expressly American who have had their differences with O'Haire and Palumbo in recent times who save the day tonight.

The show goes off air with the 3 men staring down O'Haire and Palumbo, as the referee checks on Booker T and Stevie Ray in the ring.

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat, O'Haire & Palumbo, Curt Hennig and Expressly American - (64 rated) 


Show Rating: 78
0.90 TV rating (679K viewers)

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Kid Romeo


Kid Romeo handed 1 year contract extension with WCW

WCW announced today that Kid Romeo had signed a 12 month contract extension with the company. Whilst not exactly a ringing endorsement of how they view the long-term future of Romeo, it is thought this at least shows that Shane is willing to give him a chance to show his worth before making a further decision on his future.

Romeo is currently in a tag-team with Elix Skipper, it has to be said that it is not a tag-team that Shane has particularly pushed with them often serving as enhancement talent. Shane McMahon is said to rate Elix Skipper a decent amount, but it is not clear if he's that big on Romeo. There are currently no plans to disband their tag-team though so certainly for the mean-time Kid Romeo has a chance to impress McMahon and convince him that he has a future with the company in the next 12 months of his new deal.

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Friday Night Panic! Episode 10: 

Friday 05 October 2001

Live late-night on FX

7,550 crowd from St Louis, Missouri

Announcers: Joey Styles & Scott Hudson


Show opens up with Sum 41's 'Fat Lip'

Fat Lip (youtube.com)

Joey Styles kicks the show off by welcoming fans to WCW Friday Night Panic! live from ST LOUIS, MISSOURI!

Scott Hudson says fans are in for a treat tonight as we see the conclusion of the Round of 16 of the WCW Cruiserweight Classic, with Super Crazy vs Little Guido, Tajiri vs Gedo and in our main event tonight we have two former WCW Cruiserweight Champions clashing, as Chavo Guerrero Jr takes on The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea

Joey Styles jumps in and says we will also hear tonight from Chyna ahead of her much anticipated WCW debut next week live here on Panic!, plus we hear from Booker T and our broadcast colleague Stevie Ray, who will be off commentary again tonight, after they were jumped at the end of Nitro this past Wednesday, but right now to open the show... you know what time it is! 


ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

We see Steve Corino with the WCW FXtreme Television Championship, with his manager Don Callis walking out just behind him. 

"Excuse me, St Louis, excuse me, my client has something he'd like to say" says Don Callis as the fans boo. 

Steve Corino comes to the ring with Don Callis and his WCW FXtreme Television Championship

Steve Corino says of course due to the mandatory requirements of his contract he's here for tonight's edition of the Steve Corino Open Challenge

Joey Styles reminds viewers of the Steve Corino Open Challenge rules:

If the competitor was a former WCW World Television Champion the match will take place under standard rules. 

If they were the WCW World Hardcore Champion or ECW Television Champion it will be under NO-DQ rules. 

If the competitor has been WCW World TV and the Hardcore or ECW TV champion as well, then it is dealer's choice and they can choose.

Steve Corino says at Fall Brawl he put down Big Wiggle and with it any doubt that he's the best technical wrestler and the best hardcore wrestling in both WCW and the world today.

Don Callis says that nobody else in the back is on Corino's level. He says that despite Shane McMahon contractually obliging Corino to defend his belt 4 times a month, even on an Open Challenge they're going to struggle to keep finding opponents as there simply isn't enough men with balls big enough to come out and face him. Callis says to get in the ring with Corino you need balls the size of a bull's and there just ain't anybody left in the back with balls big enough to-

WCW Johnny Stamboli 2nd Theme Song - "Mamalukes Theme" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Oh wait just a minute! says Scott Hudson. Don Callis said you need balls the size of a bull's to want to go toe to toe with Corino, where here's Johnny 'The Bull' Stamboli! 

Joey Styles says he can't speak for how big Stamboli's balls are, but he is a former WCW World Hardcore Champion, so this match will be a No-Disqualification match!


Match 1: 

The Steve Corino Open Challenge: Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Johnny Stamboli for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship - No-Disqualification Match

There is an intense start to the match as Johnny Stamboli starts smashing Steve Corino with punches. Scott Hudson says he doesn't think Steve Corino wants to go blow for blow with Stamboli like this, Stamboli has quite the size advantage on him.

Callis goes under the ring and rolls a big chain to Steve Corino to try and help him out (fans boo)

But to Callis' surprise, before Corino can grab the chain, Stamboli gets it and immediately punches Corino with it. Corino hits the deck and then Stamboli puts the chain around a grounded Corino's neck and begins to try and choke him out with it

STAMBOLI COULD GET A SHOCK WIN HERE! shouts Hudson excitedly, just as Don Callis gets on the apron and starts protesting at the referee.

Stamboli stops and he comes over to the apron and punches Callis with the chain, the fans cheer as Callis goes flying off the apron and onto the floor below in a heap holding his face. 

Stamboli laughs at him, he then turns around to get back to work on Corino, but Corino has managed to get to his feet in the mean time and Corino kicks Stamboli right in the nuts. 

Stamboli drops the chain and then falls to his knees in pain.

Corino kicks Stamboli viciously in the face, then grabs the chain and starts to choke out Stamboli with the chain. 

Stamboli puts up a good fight but after 20 seconds he has passed out and the referee rings the bell

Steve Corino retains via submission - (5.04) - (49 rated) 


After the bell a furious Callis stumbles into the ring and barks orders at Corino not to release the hold and to keep choking Stamboli.

WCW Johnny Stamboli 2nd Theme Song - "Mamalukes Theme" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Big Vito comes running out from the back to make the save. As he gets into the ring Corino and Callis run off.

It's Big Vito! says Hudson, he returned last week as part of an Open Challenge Tag Team Battle Royale and he's come back again tonight to save his partner, Stamboli!


We see a pre-recorded promo from Booker T and Stevie Ray

Stevie Ray says it seems like he's been making a lot of enemies lately. Booker says he knows that Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V have been colluding with that punk-ass Bill Alfonso, he don't know what they got planned but he hopes it involves coming to Nitro next week cause we would sure like to see all 3 of those boys!

Booker T then says he doesn't know why Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo have decided to get involved in all this... he says if you're trying to get Harlem Heat to make you famous, then you might well have done it, but it ain't the kinda fame that you want, trust me, cause by the time we're done with you clowns you ain't never getting another shot at those WCW World Tag Team Titles you want back so much! 

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat - (97 rated) 


Match 2: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match - Super Crazy vs Little Guido

Before this match starts we see Little Guido in the back-stage area checking on his friend and ally from The F.B.I, Johnny Stamboli, who got choked out by Steve Corino in the opening match. Big Vito and Tony Mamaluke tell Guido to forget about Stamboli for now and go out and win the match!

Full Blooded ltalians (FBI) 2nd Titantron (with 2nd Theme) (youtube.com)

Little Guido comes out and looks up for the fight

Super Crazy 4th Titantron (2007-2008 Last Classic Entrance Video) (youtube.com)

Super Crazy comes out to a decent pop.

These two guys put on a pretty good match with a decent amount of technical wrestling and high spots. It's an even match with both guys getting in good amounts of offence on each other.

The end of the match comes when a mistake in footing from Guido allows Super Crazy the chance to hit a Spinning Wheel Kick, when Guido stumbles back to his feet Super Crazy hits him with a Crazy Bomb and gets the 1-2-3

Super Crazy wins via pinfall - (4.52) - (54 rated)

After the match Joey Styles mentions how incredibly this actually means in the Quarter Final it will be The MexiCruisers against each other, as Super Crazy will face Psychosis



In a pre-recorded promo we see Chyna

Chyna says since she first arrived here in WCW all she has wanted is the chance to prove herself. 

Men like Eric Bischoff and James Mitchell have colluded to try and keep me off your television screens and out of your arenas. But Shane McMahon has given the green light. FX have given the all clear. Next Friday night on Panic! I will show the world just what the future of women's wrestling in WCW looks like! 

Freestyle segment with Chyna - (51 rated) 


In the back we see Tajiri with Fit Finlay warming up for his Round of 16 Cruiserweight Classic match with Gedo

Steve Corino comes into set and says he just wants to wish Tajiri the best of luck tonight

Tajiri looks suspicious but then shakes his hand

Fit Finlay says Corino got lucky tonight and that he only retained his WCW FXtreme Television Championship because of Don Callis. You better hope Don Callis is always around, otherwise you might not have the same luck.

Steve Corino scoffs at him and walks off. 


We then see a pre-recorded hype package showing clips of Gedo in Japan and from his previous WCW run

Freestyle segment with Fit Finlay, Tajiri, Steve Corino and Gedo - (52 rated) 


Match 3: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match - Tajiri vs Gedo

Gedo WCW Theme 'Temple Of The Dragon' (youtube.com)

Gedo comes out and Scott Hudson hypes him up as a future star of Japanese wrestling

Tajiri's 2001 v1 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Imperial City" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Tajiri then comes out and Joey Styles says forget about the future Scott, this is the present. Tajiri made his name in ECW and here in WCW he's now looking to cement himself at the top of the mountain even more by winning this tournament

This match involves a lot of strikes and strong-style wrestling with Tajiri using his athleticism and agility to ultimately out-wrestle and out-perform Gedo.

Gedo still puts in a good performance but the crowd rally around the WCW rising star and Tajiri eventually gets the win with a brutal Buzzsaw Kick and the pin.

Tajiri wins via pinfall - (4.21) - (48 rated) 

After the match Fit Finlay comes out and celebrates with Tajiri



Juventud Guerrera and 'Sexy' Brian Lawler promo

We see a pre-recorded promo where Juvi and Brian Lawler talk smack about each other ahead of their WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001, Quarter Final match, which is confirmed to take place next week on Nitro.

Juvi says he beat Brian at Fall Brawl and next week he's going to beat him again to put him out of the Cruiserweight picture in WCW once and for all!

'Sexy' Brian Lawler says Juvi got lucky last time but his luck will run out next week!

Freestyle segment with Juventud Guerrera and 'Sexy' Brian Lawler - (55 rated) 


Scott Hall/Dustin Rhodes promo

We see another pre-recorded promo where Scott Hall says next week he's got the chance to win a tag team match in the main event of Nitro and with it the chance to choose the stipulation against Dustin Rhodes at Halloween Havoc

Scott Hall says if he wins that match then he's going to make it a First Blood match because he knows those Rhodes boys bust open almost as easy as Ric Flair! Hall says he's going to give the people of Texas a preview of what's to come at Halloween Havoc, as next week on Nitro, not only will he win that tag-team match but he's going to make both Father and Son bleed!

Dustin Rhodes says it doesn't matter what Scott Hall thinks or wants to do because he ain't winning that match next week. Dustin says when he and his father beat Scott Hall and The Sandman's sorry asses only then will he reveal to the people and to Scott Hall what his match stipulation will be!

Freestyle segment with Scott Hall and Dustin Rhodes - (82 rated) 


Match 4 / Main Event: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match: The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea vs Chavo Guerrero Jr

WCW The Artist 1st Theme Song - "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince Iaukea" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Joey Styles, a big main-event here, the final Round of 16 Match of the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001. The Artist, not just Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea, but he was also Formerly Known as WCW World Cruiserweight Champion on 2 occasions, he will take on Chavo Guerrero Jr, himself also a 2 time WCW World Cruiserweight Classic.

WCW Chavo Guerrero Last Theme (youtube.com)

We hear Chavo's theme but he doesn't come out.

Well where is he?! asks Joey Styles

We see Prince Iaukea in the ring looking confused

Perhaps mind games from Guerrero here, Joey? suggests Scott.

Suddenly we cut to backstage where we get on the camera just in time to see Hugh Morrus slam Chavo Guerrero Jr against a wall in the gorilla position in the back. Morrus fights off some road agents and security before power-slamming Chavo Guerrero Jr on the top of a table! 

OH MY GODDD!! shouts Joey Styles

Scott Hudson says well last week Hugh Morrus asked Chavo if he wanted to team with him in the Open Challenge Tag Team Battle Royale for past champions. Chavo perhaps understandably said no to focus on this tournament, but it seems that Hugh Morrus I can only assume didn't take that well.

We see Disco Inferno rush over as Hugh Morrus makes an exist. Disco Inferno checks on Chavo who looks in a real bad way. 

The medical team are checking him over as Prince Iaukea in the ring is waiting to see what happens.  

Disco Inferno helps Chavo Guerrero Jr to his feet and Chavo tells him to help him to the ring!

Disco and the doctor on duty seem to be advising Chavo he can't possibly compete in tonight's main event but he won't hear it. We then see Chavo's music still playing and Disco Inferno helping a wounded looking Chavo to the ring. 

Well folks, I bet The Artist can't quite believe his luck here. Hugh Morrus has caused significant damage to his opponent before this Round of 16 Match, it looks like Chavo Guerrero Jr will be able to compete, but in what condition I really don't know.

Chavo manages to walk into the ring by his own devices and the referee rings the bell.

Prince Iaukea, sensing the obvious opportunity immediately rushes over to Chavo Guerrero Jr and looks to try and score a quick punch and win, but Chavo manages to counter it, grabs Iaukea's tights and rolls him up!

1-2...3---NO! Iaukea just kicks out at 2.5 and Chavo almost stole one there! 

Even just the effort in putting a school boy roll-up seems to have reinforced Chavo's injuries and he takes much longer to get to his feet than Iaukea.

Iaukea spends the next few minutes putting Chavo in holds and every now and then hitting him with a stiff kick or take-down. Chavo is in increasingly more and more pain and can't do much about it.

The match comes to an end when Chavo manages to counter his way out of a take-down and tries to hit a Gory Bomb on Iaukea, but he struggles to execute it and Iaukea counters out of it before hitting Chavo with a Jumping DDT.

The referee counts and thanks to a big assist from Hugh Morrus it is The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea who gets the win!

Prince Iaukea wins via pinfall - (4.44) - (59 rated)



The show ends with the announcers showing the updated bracket of the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 and confirming that next week on Wednesday night Nitro we will see Juventud Guerrera vs 'Sexy' Brian Lawler and Super Crazy vs Psychosis, then on Friday Night Panic! we will see moRe-bId! vs Billy Kidman and Tajiri vs The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea!


Show Rating: 78
0.91 TV rating (686K viewers)


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Mark Henry - FamousFix.com post


World's Strongest Man weighing up his options

"The World's Strongest Man" former Olympic Weightlifter and 3 time U.S National Weightlifting champion, Mark Henry, is reportedly said to be considering leaving the WWF.

Vince McMahon signed Mark Henry to a 10 year deal on a $250,000 a year contract back in 1996, but it is thought that 5 years into that deal, Mark Henry is considering leaving the company, as the contract includes an opt-out clause for Henry for the half-way point of the contract. 

Mark Henry is said to be happy at the WWF but given Shane McMahon and WCW's interest in him, he would like WWF to increase the terms of his deal to stay on. It is said at the moment that the WWF do not particularly want to pay him any more than he is already receiving given he is not exactly a main-event talent for them. WWF recently sent him to Ohio Valley Wrestling for further training, which is not exactly a ringing endorsement and it is understandable why they would not be keen to improve his wages.

Shane McMahon is keen to sign Henry though, seeing big potential in him in the short and long-term. WWF may well still decide to offer him a new deal, but as things stand we could see Mark Henry leave WWF for WCW by the end of October.

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Nitro Episode 24:

Wednesday 10 October 2001

Live late-night on FX

7,466 crowd from Boston, Massachusetts 

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Arn Anderson


Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway' 

Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from BOSTON!!!

Jerry Lawler excitedly says we're here in Bean Town and we've got our General Manager, Eric Bischoff, standing by to let you know what we've got in store you tonight!


Eric Bischoff says he hopes fans are excited as tonight will see the Quarter Final of his baby, his idea, the WCW Cruiserweight Classic, with 3 of those 4 matches happening tonight live on Nitro! The 4th match, Tajiri vs The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea will take place this Friday Night on Panic!, but tonight we've got former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Billy Kidman, taking on mOrE-bId!, plus we see The MexiCruisers, Psychosis and Super Crazy, normally tag-team partners but for 1 night only they face off in a Quarter Final Cruiserweight Classic match... and opening tonight's show and NEXT!! will be a rematch of the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship from Fall Brawl... it's 'Sexy' Brian Lawler vs Juventud Guerrera!

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff - (67 rated) 


Match 1:

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Quarter Final Match - 'Sexy' Brian Lawler vs Juventud Guerrera - Non-Title match

I`m Too Sexy (The Original) - Right Said Fred (youtube.com)

We see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler come out initially with The Sons of the South (Erik Watts & David Flair) but Lawler tells them to stay in the back as he seemingly wants to win this himself. 

WCW Juventud Guerrera 2nd Theme Song - "Summer Nights In Spain" (With 2nd Tron) (youtube.com)

Juvi comes out next and given they have a match to prepare for later on in the show we don't see either of The MexiCruisers considering coming out with Juvi.

Tony asks Jerry Lawler if he fancies his son to come out on top in this match. Jerry Lawler says he doesn't even have an opinion. Arn says the pressure is on Juvi as the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, people will expect him to either win or at least reach the business end of this tournament, Lawler's already lost to Juvi at Fall Brawl, the kid has nothing to lose here tonight!

This is a high-flying, high-energy match to kick-start the show. Juvi has a great showing, much like he did against Lawler at Fall Brawl. But Lawler seems to have scouted Juvi and has more answers for some of Juvi's moves. 

The end of the match comes when Juvi goes for a Juvi Driver but Lawler counters out of it and hits a stiff elbow to the back of Juvi's head, as Juvi recovers from this blow Lawler spits in Juvi's face. Juvi is disgusted by this and tries to clean his face of Lawler's spit, but then Lawler hits a Full Nelson Face Buster!

The referee counts and 'Sexy' Brian Lawler gets the win!

'Sexy' Brian Lawler wins via pinfall - (5.52) - (60 rated) 



Well folks I have to say Lawler gets the win but in absolutely disgusting scenes here, says Tony. He spat in his face! Tony adds in disgust.

We see Erik Watts and David Flair come out and they celebrate the win with 'Sexy' Brian Lawler, as Juvi looks out of it in the ring.


We see Shane McMahon standing by who says tonight after the events of last week where they attacked Booker T and Stevie Ray, he has booked Harlem Heat against Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo for later tonight.

Shane also confirms that whilst Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V aren't suspended for tonight's show, they have not turned up to work so far tonight. Shane is exploring options to determine whether they are in breach of their contracts if they don't show up by the end of Nitro tonight.

Shane also confirms that this week Sabu will make his mandatory WCW United States Championship defence in the Main Event of Friday Night Panic! as he will face former WCW United States Champion, Hugh Morrus.

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon - (89 rated)


Match 2: 

The Blue Meanie (with Nova) vs DDP

WWE - bWo Theme (youtube.com)

The Blue Meanie in action tonight, says Tony and he seems in a buoyant mood, as we see Blue Meanie and Nova all smiles and dancing as they make their way to the ring. 

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

Diamond Dallas Page makes his way to the ring and he looks focused for the match tonight. Arn Anderson says he wonders if Tommy Dreamer has gotten into DDP's head in recent weeks. DDP lost in a Number 1 Contenders match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and since then Dreamer has been goading him, especially about Dreamer almost pinning him at Fall Brawl. 

This match is more or less a squash match for DDP who gets in a lot of offence in a match that goes just under 5 minutes in length. It seems like a match that could've been shorted but DDP didn't really put any big moves in early, instead choosing to chop and punch Blue Meanie perhaps more than he needed to in order to get the job done.

The end of the match comes when DDP hits a Diamond Cutter on Blue Meanie, leaving him utterly taken apart before DDP pins him for the win.

DDP wins via pinfall - (4.34) - (67 rated) 


After the match DDP looks pretty intense and fired up. He demands a mic and gets given one.

DDP says there are people in the back who might think he's not got it anymore. There are people in the back who think I've gone soft in old age. There are people in the back who think they've got what it takes to step in the ring with me because they've been a World Champion whilst wrestling in a Philadelphia Bingo hall!!

Well Dreamer, I don't know if you're here tonight, I don't know if you're at Panic! this Friday, I don't know if you'll be here next week... but the point is if you ever want to step in the ring with D-D-P then you'll find out who's the better man!

Freestyle segment with DDP - (83 rated)


JJ Dillon interview with Dustin and Dusty Rhodes

JJ asks Dustin Rhodes what kind of condition ahead of the main event tonight given The Sandman's brutal attack on him last week on behalf of WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall.

Dustin says he's banged up but you know what? That don't matter! Because I've never had a chance like this before to go for the biggest prize in wrestling and I'll be damned if I let The Sandman stop me! Dustin says Scott Hall doesn't realise that if Dustin wins tonight he's got a match type for Halloween Havoc that it's impossible for him to lose in!

Dusty Rhodes says tonight me and my boy will team on WCW television again baby and trust me these fine people in Boston, it's Bean Town baby and you know about Dusty Rhodes and the Pork and Beans JJ baby, Scott Hall, The Bad Guy, and The Sandman he's a Bad Guy too but let me tell you fine people of Boston tonight... you paid your hard earned money to be here and trust me when I tell ya that The Rhodes Father and Son Dream Team tonight are sending you all home happy here in Massachusetts!

Freestyle segment with Dustin Rhodes and Dusty Rhodes - (86 rated) 


Sable promo

Sable cuts a promo where she confirms that the long and hotly anticipated debut of Chyna will come this Friday Night on Panic! when Chyna takes on Stacy Keibler! 

Sable then confirms that later tonight given that Chyna has been prevented from competing for the WCW World Women's Championship at Halloween Havoc by forces outside of her control... it will be the two in-form ladies in the women's division, 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria taking on Malia Hosaka and the winner will go to Halloween Havoc to challenge for Akira Hokuto's WCW World Women's Championship!

Freestyle segment with Sable - (54 rated) 

Match 3: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Quarter Final Match - Super Crazy vs Psychosis

In the Gorilla position we see Juventud Guerrera wishing luck to both Super Crazy and Psychosis, before Juvi makes his way to the camera.

He cuts a quick promo where he says LAWLER!!! You think you spit in my face and you can live to tell the tale, ehh, homi? You won the battle tonight bro, but trust me you just started a war, baby!!!

Super Crazy 4th Titantron (2007-2008 Last Classic Entrance Video) (youtube.com)

Well it looks like Juventud Guerrera has started a war with your boy King, says Arn, but at least for the time being this match is all about the MexiCruisers! Both Super Crazy and Psychosis earned their spot in this tournament and now they got a chance to face each other for a coveted spot in the Semi Final stage!

WCW Psychosis 1st Theme Song - "Get Beck" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

The two tag-team partners have both come out now to decent reactions and make their way into the ring where they stare off against each other. 

The two shake hands before the match begins!

This is a high-paced, high-flying match with both guys going all out to try and get the win. 

It's a really even contest with both men giving as good as they got, but the match comes to an end when Super Crazy goes for a Moonsault on Psychosis but Psychosis manages to dodge it and Crazy smashes onto the apron. Psychosis then hits the Psycho Stunner and he gets the win over his tag-team partner.

Psychosis wins via pinfall - (5.22) - (56 rated) 

After the match the two men shake hands.



Harlem Heat segment 

We see Booker T and Stevie Ray backstage with Sharmell

Curt Hennig, Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda come in and wish them luck ahead of their match with O'Haire and Palumbo. Windham and Rotunda say those guys are real ass-holes, if you need us to watch your back tonight, it would be our pleasure! Hennig says Booker knows he's always got his back too.

Booker T and Stevie Ray thank them and say they appreciate it.

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat, Curt Hennig and Expressly American - (76 rated) 


Match 4: 

'The Queen of The Underworld' Dawn-Macaria (with 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels and The Hounds of Hades - Saemon Daemon and Djinni Parisi) vs Malia Hosaka (with Terry Taylor) - The winner will become the Number 1 Contender for the WCW World Women's Championship and face Akira Hokuto at Halloween Havoc

Akira Hokuto 4th - Pacific Zone (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com)

The WCW World Women's Champion, Akira Hokuto, comes out with the belt and her manager 'Sinister' James Mitchell to join the commentary position. 

Arn Anderson asks Mitchell and Hokuto if they have any preference on her opponent for Halloween Havoc. Hokuto speaks in Japanese and then Mitchell translates that Hokuto is confident in her own ability to beat either of these women.

Malia Hosaka 4th - Mega Panic (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com)

Malia Hosaka comes out to the ring with her manager Terry Taylor.

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

We see 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria come out with 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels and The Hounds of Hades in their Hound masks.

Arn Anderson says to Mitchell/Hokuto that Hokuto may be confident in her own ability to beat any woman on the roster, but this Dawn-Macaria is not a woman, she's a deity. 

I thought she was a demon? asks Tony Schiavone. 

A deity? A demon? I still worship her! adds Jerry Lawler. 

This match gets just under 5 minutes. Malia Hosaka carries the brunt of the in-ring work in what is a pretty good display from her. Towards the end of the match though Dawn-Macaria manages to get a DDT in out of nowhere which gives her a brief period where she begins her usual routine of satanic incantations. 

The lights go out and whilst they're out we hear a lot of demon barking which causes Malia Hosaka to scream audibly. 

When the lights come back on we see Dawn-Macaria wearing one of the Hound of Hades masks and in that brief split second Malia is caught off guard to the point that Dawn-Macaria hits a Sitout Facebuster and then gets the win. 

'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria wins via pinfall - (4.46) - (31 rated) 


After the match we see Dawn-Macaria take off the Hound mask and discard it to one site. Akira Hokuto at the top of the entrance ramp stares down Dawn-Macaria and raises her title. 

Dawn-Macaria points to her waist and simply smiles, as 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels and The Hounds of Hades (Saemon Daemon & Djinni Parisi) join her in the ring.

We see Akira Hokuto leave the entrance ramp and Dawn-Macaria basks in the celebration of getting a shot for the WCW World Women's Championship at Halloween Havoc.

Terry Funk's Titantron Entrance Video feat. ''Road To Texas'' Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Oh wait just a minute here! says Tony Schiavone. It's WCW Hall of Famer and a man who has had many issues with The Underworld in the last few weeks!

Terry Funk comes out with Air Raid (AJ Styles and Air Paris) 

Terry Funk says last week Daniels you and your boys, or dogs, whatever they are, you jumped me when I was down and out. You seemed to like it when the numbers were in your favour, well the way I see it, these 2 kids Styles and Paris are willing to back me up... so those numbers aren't in your favour anymore. 

Funk issues out a challenge. Next week, live on Nitro, if you got the guts for it let's have ourselves a 6-man Tag Team match and be done with this crap!

Well that's a big challenge issued out by the Hall of Famer! says Tony Schiavone, will The Underworld accept?! They don't seem willing to give an answer right away so we'll have to find out next week!

Freestyle segment with The Underworld, Terry Funk & Air Boom - (35 rated) 


Shawn Stasiak with Mark Jindrak chatting to Stacy Keibler

Stasiak says to Stacy that it is in her best interest to stay as his valet.

Stacy Keibler says my best interests? I don't need you to tell me what's in my best interests, Shawn. I've got a big match and a chance to prove myself against Chyna on Friday Night Panic!, the last thing I need is you stressing me out over whether I'm your valet or not. 

The fact is Shawn, I think you and Jindrak are on a downward spiral and I'm at risk of being dragged down with you!

Stacy storms off, as Shawn Stasiak says "what the hell is her problem" to Jindrak

Freestyle segment with Shawn Stasiak, Mark Jindrak and Stacy Keibler - (47 rated) 


Match 5: 

Mike Awesome (with Lance Storm & Carl Ouellet) vs Road Warrior Animal (with Road Warrior Dog)

WCW Mike Awesome Theme (Career Killer) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone says at Halloween Havoc it will be Team Canada, the reigning WCW World Tag Team Champions versus The Nu Road Warriors, but last week we saw singles action from them with Road Warrior Dog getting a big win against Lance Storm. Storm wasn't happy about that one bit, but tonight it's a chance for Team Canada to get some momentum back as Storm's partner, Mike Awesome, takes on Road Warrior Animal. 

We see Awesome come to the ring. Lance Storm joins the announce team on commentary whilst Carl Ouellet goes to the side of the ring to support Awesome.

Road Warriors Theme Song (youtube.com)

Road Warrior Animal comes out with Road Warrior Dog beside him. Dog stands on the outside of the ring as Animal gets into it.

Tony Schiavone asks Lance Storm if he's concerned going into the match at Halloween Havoc for the WCW World Tag Team Championship given Road Warrior Dog got a pinfall victory over him last week on Nitro.

Lance Storm says if I can be serious for a moment Tony, that was a fluke victory. An anomaly. I've got the best record in WCW out of anyone since Shane McMahon took over. You're asking if I'm concerned? Tony, please, it's The Nu Road Warriors who should be concerned.

Well he certainly told you, Tony! says King

The match between Awesome and Animal goes just over 5 minutes and is more of a brawl than a traditional wrestling match. Both are bigger guys and try to use their power and strength to get the upper hand in this match.

Towards the end of the match Animal looks a bit nervous and tired and this is where Mike Awesome really comes into his own. 

The end of the match comes when Animal goes for a Suplex on Awesome, but Awesome manages to counter it and put Animal up for an Awesome Bomb! Awesome nails Animal and then gets the win.

Mike Awesome wins via pinfall - (5.12) - (56 rated) 


After the match we see Ouellet join in the ring and attempt a double beat down on the fallen Road Warrior Animal. Road Warrior Dog soon joins them in the ring and starts fighting the other two guys.

Lance Storm comes down from commentary and soon it's 3 on 1 and they easily overpower Road Warrior Dog. 

Storm instructs Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet to then hit a double power bomb on Road Warrior Dog and they do that leaving both the Road Warriors in a pile on the apron, as Lance Storm waves the Canadian flag triumphantly to a chorus of boos.

Freestyle segment with Team Canada and The Nu Road Warriors - (56 rated) 


We see JJ Dillon knocking on Scott Hall's locker-room door. Scott opens the door and JJ says Champ we're just after a quick word ahead of tonight's match?

Scott Hall rolls his eyes and tells JJ to make it quick.

JJ Dillon says it's a huge main event tonight, you and your driver, The Sandman, taking on Dustin Rhodes and Dusty Rhodes, the winner gets to decide the stipulation at Halloween Havoc. Going into this match, whilst Dustin is a little beat up, is the fact he and his father are much closer and have more chemistry together enough to tilt the match in their favour?

Scott Hall laughs and says, JJ, you talk like Father and Son have a perfect relationship. As I recall at one point they didn't even talk to each other for over a year because of their fall-outs. Let's face the facts, he can't say it publicly but Dusty isn't proud of his son... look at what Dustin's done in this industry compared to his Father... you can't compare them, but you know what I think JJ? I think Dusty likes it that way... I don't think he wants his son to over-shadow his legacy... Dusty wants Dustin in this big match with me in Texas, Dustin's home-state, to show once and for all that the Rhodes family legacy will always live on through one man - and that's Dusty Rhodes, not Dustin.

JJ says but the question as to you and The Sandman and how you're getting on? 

The Sandman comes to the door and says WHY DON'T YOU PISS THE HELL OFF?!?! and slams the door shut.

JJ looks a bit surprised by this.

Freestyle segment with Scott Hall and The Sandman - (79 rated)


Match 6: 

Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) (with Sharmell) vs Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo

Harlem Heat WCW Theme (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony, this next match could be fit to main event any Nitro but such is the quality of tonight's show it's up next! 

Booker T and Stevie Ray come out to a good pop and get in the ring awaiting their opponents. 

WWE: Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire Theme "Freestyle Hombre" Download (youtube.com)

Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo come out next

Arn Anderson says these two boys got a point to prove against Booker T and Stevie Ray. They took exception to Booker T getting involved in the Tag Team division only after he couldn't get a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship - they've got a big chance to show why they should be considered heavyweights in this Tag Team division, as Harlem Heat are 10 time champions so a victory against them today would be some upset!

The match kicks off with Booker T and Stevie Ray pumped up looking to get some revenge on O'Haire and Palumbo for beating them down last week on Nitro. 

Booker T seems in great form and like he's dominating both guys, but eventually he tires and Stevie Ray comes in, who looks strong early on but soon blows up and O'Haire and Palumbo wear him down tactically.

Booker T eventually gets the hot tag and looks he's going to overwhelm their opponents when suddenly we see The Chair Swingin' Freaks, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney at the top of the entrance way.

They both have chairs and make their way towards the ring. Stevie Ray jumps down from the apron and goes to stop them but they manage to get a chair shot in on him. 

The referee immediately blows for a DQ

Harlem Heat wins via disqualification - (6.23) - (73 rated) 


Booker T is angry at the ref and The Chair Swingin' Freaks on the outside. He's about to make his way to the outside when Curt Hennig's music hits

Curt Hennig theme

Curt Hennig comes running out with Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) 

Booker T sees this but then Sean O'Haire hit him with a stiff kick and then Palumbo clotheslines him.

Hennig, Windham and Rotunda run towards Rotten and Mahoney. Mahoney gets a nasty looking chair shot onto Rotunda, who hits the deck, but Rotunda managed to get in the way enough that Hennig and Windham can get some punches in and Rotten and Mahoney drop the chairs and start duking it out with them fist to fist.

We see O'Haire hit a Widow Maker on Booker T in the ring. 

Windham and Hennig are still fighting with Axl Rotten when suddenly we see Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V and Bill Alfonso come in from the crowd.

They get over the barrier and then join Axl and Rotten and they quickly overwhelm Windham and Hennig, with both men getting punched out and fall to the floor on the outside.

The camera shoots to the back where we see Tommy Dreamer and Sabu in a fight in Gorilla with DDP and Kanyon! 

I think DDP and Kanyon were coming out to even the odds, but those bastards Sabu and Dreamer have stopped them! 

Shane McMahon and some road agents get in the middle of them and tell them to stop fighting immediately! 

DDP and Kanyon are separated from Dreamer and Sabu who laugh at them.

Meanwhile, out in the arena Bill Alfonso grabs a mic. 

Alfonso says when he run Booker T down all those months ago, it wasn't personal, it was just business. But when Booker T declared war on me... then it became personal! 

I won a WCW contract fair and square, but I can't even manage my client Sabu in his matches due to threat to my life from Booker T and his over the hill brother. 

Alfonso says Booker T's mistake was making too many enemies. Buff Bagwell here lost on an opportunity at the WCW United States Championship because Booker T and Stevie Ray destroyed his rental car! Balls Mahoney has massive medical bills resulting from that very incident! Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo here, they've worked their balls off to try and get back to the top of the WCW World Tag Team division, but Booker T robbed them of the chance to compete for those titles at Halloween Havoc! 

For the Love of Money (youtube.com)

Shane McMahon comes out and says Alfonso! Good of you to show up for work! 

I have to say I expect this crap from The Extreme Alliance by now, but Buff, Sean, Chuck and erm, Buff Daddy V, or V, whatever, you boys I expected better from.

Well nevertheless it seems pretty apparent to me that you've all got issues with each other. 

Well here's what's going to happen

Obviously if Sabu is still WCW United States Champion come Halloween Havoc he'll be taking on Kanyon. 

But for the rest of you I have an idea...

It will be a 5 vs 5 TEXAS TORNADO MATCH! Team Booker T vs Team Alfonso, Booker T can pick whoever he wants to be on his team, Alfonso you can put in whoever you can convince to join forces with you against him... and at Halloween Havoc you guys will squash this beef once and for all!

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo, The Chair Swingin' Freaks, DDP, Kanyon, Curt Hennig, Expressly American, Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Buff Enuff and Shane McMahon - (73 rated)


Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson backstage

Torrie says she wants to come out with Kidman for the match. She doesn't care if Vampiro or lYnCh! want to get at her, she wants to be out there to support him.

Kidman is uneasy about it but agrees to it. He asks if she's seen The Hurricane anywhere today but she says no.

Torrie says fReEk-sHoW! will surely be planning to screw him like they screwed The Hurricane, but Kidman says he has a plan for that.  

Freestyle segment with Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson - (49 rated)


Match 7: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Quarter Final Match - Billy Kidman (with Torrie Wilson) vs mOrE-bId!(with Vampiro and lYncH!)

Twiztid - We Don't Die (Official Music video) (youtube.com)

We see Vampiro come out with mORe-bId! and lYncH! who wait at ringside ominously. 

WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com)

Well a big Quarter Final match coming up next! Billy Kidman coming out here with Torrie Wilson, you'd have to have him down as the favourite over mOrE-bId! but Vampiro helped screw The Hurricane in the Round of 16, you'd have to think he's got a plan to screw Kidman here too!

This match starts off high pace with Kidman wrestling more aggressive than normal to try and get a win in quick before Vampiro can try any funny business. Kidman makes lots of high-impact, high-flying moves and tries various roll ups and pin combinations to try and get the quick win.

To his credit moRe-bId! manages to kick out of them. 

As the match draws to a close we see Vampiro taunting Torrie Wilson at ringside. Torrie seems to have had enough of this and she slaps Vampiro! lYnCh! then goes bezerk and they start fighting and hair pulling at ringside, Vampiro laughs as Torrie starts screaming which distracts Kidman.

Kidman looks to try and help out Torrie, but lYncH! smashes Torrie into the ring post, which causes her to start bleeding! Vampiro laughs at this just as Kidman is prevented from getting out of the ring to help her by mOrE-bId! who hits a big drop-kick from the top-rope whilst Kidman is distracted!

The referee counts 1-2-3! NO! Kidman kicked out at 2.5! 

Kidman has kicked out but now Vampiro and lYnCh! are dragging Torrie Wilson up the entrance ramp away from the match. 

Kidman struggles to his feet. He runs the ropes and goes for a clothesline on mOrE-bId! but they both went for the same move at the same time and end up just taking each other out! He can't help Torrie! But wait....

The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

We see The Hurricane appear at the top of the entrance ramp! 

The Hurricane comes running over to help, but Vampiro hides behind lYnCh! 

Vampiro appears to be saying "you wouldn't hit a woman would you?!" 

lYnCh! slaps The Hurricane and Vampiro laughs, mocking The Hurricane as whilst still using lYnCh! as a shield he begins to walk past The Hurricane. When The Hurricane holds up his hand to stop Vampiro and then The Hurricane points towards the entrance ramp. 

TNA Themes - Gail Kim 1st (youtube.com)

Suddenly, from the entrance ramp we see a woman wearing a super-hero outfit and a blue mask. 

The screen reads "THE GALE" 

Wait a minute! says Tony Schiavone. It looks like The Hurricane has back-up!

The Gale comes running down and fights off lYnCh! whilst The Hurricane starts trading blows with Vampiro!

In the ring we see Billy Kidman hit a big drop-kick onto mOrE-bId! Kidman then goes up for a Shooting Star Press... he lands it... the referee counts... 1-2-3!! 

Kidman wins it!

Billy Kidman wins via pinfall - (4.57) - (50 rated) 



As soon as the match ends Kidman gets out the ring and assists The Hurricane in beating up Vampiro. Vampiro and lYnCh! make a hasty exit, leaving a horrified and bloodied Torrie Wilson with Billy Kidman, The Hurricane and The Gale.


We cut to the back where we see Scott Hall and The Sandman having an argument! The Sandman is saying he's done with working for Scott Hall... he said he'd rather take a "real job" in the real world than do Scott Hall's dirty work any more.

Scott Hall says if he wants to get paid for tonight he better drive him to the ring and then help win him this match! The Sandman demands to say what if I don't?!

Scott Hall says remember your kids Jimmy... 

The Sandman gets real pissed and says "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY KIDS AGAIN!!!" 


Match 8 / Main Event:

Dustin Rhodes & Dusty Rhodes vs Scott Hall & The Sandman - The winner will get to decide the stipulation for Scott Hall (c) vs Dustin Rhodes for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc


Dustin Rhodes comes out first looking hyped for the match. 

WCW Dusty Rhodes Theme - "American Dream" (youtube.com)

His father Dusty Rhodes, the Hall of Famer, then comes out to what some would say an even bigger pop. It seems like Dusty revels in this but Dustin doesn't look super pleased but puts on a smile anyway.

Father and Son make their way down to the ring as Tony, King and Arn speculate as to what stipulation Dustin has in mind. They remind viewers that Scott Hall wants a First Blood match. 

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall's Bentley eventually comes out but the announcers note it is much more delayed than normal.

It pulls up and we see an irate looking Sandman open the door for Scott Hall and then The Sandman storms towards the ring without even waiting for his employer to get out of the car with his WCW World Heavyweight Championship. 

Scott Hall looks a bit annoyed himself but then laughs and makes his way to the ring.

The match goes just over 7 minutes. 

The Sandman starts the match with Dustin Rhodes with The Sandman getting a lot of aggression out, but Dustin equally getting some anger out from where The Sandman beat him down last week. Dusty Rhodes eventually gets the hot tag to a pop from the crowd and he manages to put The Sandman down for a bit until Scott Hall gets tagged in.

Scott Hall fights Dusty off and manages to bust him open, he laughs and says to Dustin Rhodes that's why I want a First Blood match, you Rhodes boys bleed so easy!

Dustin Rhodes eventually manages to get the tag back in the match, but as soon as he does this Scott Hall demands that The Sandman tag back in. 

The Sandman refuses. 

Scott Hall gets real mad at him shouting that he can't say no to him I AM YOUR BOSS!!! 

The Sandman finally snaps and he punches Scott Hall. Scott Hall comes back at him looking really angry and The Sandman just laughs, says I QUIT! and then jumps off the apron, lights up a cigarette and walks off.

Scott Hall looks angry and helpless as fights on against an empowered Dustin Rhodes who uses this distraction to hit a Final Cut! 

Dustin then ushers his Father into the ring and Dusty Rhodes hits a Bionic Elbow on Hall after he stole Dusty's finisher last week. Dustin then covers Scott Hall and after The Final Cut and The Bionic Elbow the Champion is pinned!!! 

Dustin Rhodes & Dusty Rhodes win via pinfall - (7.32) - (72 rated) 


After the match Dustin Rhodes gets a mic as Scott Hall rolls out the ring and starts walking off in a huff looking like a wounded dog.

Dustin says "You know Scott... it's funny you just had The Sandman say I QUIT to you... cause that's my stipulation! At Halloween Havoc... it will be an I QUIT MATCH!!!! AND I CAN'T LOSE BECAUSE IN MY HOME STATE OF TEXAS, IN THE BIGGEST MATCH OF MY CAREER... WITH THE WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP ON THE LINE... I WILL NEVER SAY I QUIT!!!"

Scott Hall looks concerned and taken aback as the show goes off air.


Show Rating: 79
0.91 TV rating (684K viewers)


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Gail Kim/La Felina signs for WCW

This past week on WCW Nitro saw the debut of the newest member of the WCW Women's division, as highly rated 24 year old Canadian, Gail Kim, also known as La Felina on the Indies, appeared in a segment with The Hurricane. 

It seems that Gail Kim's initial gimmick in her WCW run will be as The Hurricane's female sidekick, "The Gale", she did not speak in the segment but she did help The Hurricane by attacking lYnCh! and it seems likely based on insider rumours that 'The Gale' will become a regular feature of The Hurricane's act moving forward, with an in-ring debut possibly on the cards sooner rather than later. 

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