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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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Stardust Phil Cox vs Padraig O'Hearne

Phil continues to look at the stars.

Welsh Dragon vs Jermaine Granger

Welsh Dragon is a former Cruiserweight champion and I don't see Jermanine beating him at this point of his career.

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs High Society (Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp)

High Society continues to win after kicking Byron to the curb.

Dangermouth vs Toxic w/ The Professor

Time will tell how The Professor and his clients do in the future, but for now Toxic is losing to Dangermouth.

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Lenny Mochin

Landon regains some momentum after dropping his title.

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


National Wrestling

Episode 42

Wednesday W3 August 2021

Show Rating: 73


JackieGoldstein.jpg.6d0ee7ce31ebd0cbbfc4ee9331e118ad.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.4958b5a141951edddc626e9ccabacf4d.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, we continue towards ‘The Battle Of Britain’ – we learned some of the competitors for the 20-man Battle Royal last week, and I can’t wait to find out who else will be competing!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And in tonights Main Event, Landon Mallory returns to the ring for his first match since losing the British Heavyweight Championship at Victory as he faces Lenny Mochin!”



Stardust Phil Cox VS Padraig O’Hearne

The commentary team discussed the success JK Lee had seen since ditching Padraig O’Hearne as a tag team partner, focusing on Lee’s new role as the British Heavyweight Champion’s ‘Insurance Policy’. This match was O’Hearne’s chance to show that he too had moved on from the break up, and the Irishman put in a strong showing against Stardust Phil Cox as the pair Worked The Crowd. The match went just over ten minutes, before O’Hearne was able to hit his Crowning Glory (Swinging Fishermans Neckbreaker) to secure the victory.

Winner: Padraig O’Hearne

Rating: 52


We cut to the office of a frustrated looking network executive. Frank Finkleton was deep in conversation with Mo Adebola, with both mens clients lined up on opposite sides of the network executives desk.



Frank Finkleton: “Mo, need I remind you that I am in charge around here… not you?”

Mo Adebola: “Of course you are Frank, but need I remind you that I have a contract here signed by NWF lawyers guaranteeing my ‘insurance policy’ JK Lee a spot in the ‘Battle of Britain’ Battle Royal.”

Frank Finkleton: “Give me that…”

The network executive snatched the document that Mo Adebola was waving in his face, his eyes wildly scanning the text. After a moment a wicked grin formed on Finkleton’s face.

Frank Finkleton: “Okay Mo, it seems I don’t have an option but to let your client enter the battle royal… but this document doesn’t state where your client will enter the battle royal – that right still belongs to me! So Mo, I am delighted to announce that your ‘insurance policy’ will enter the ‘Battle of Britain’ Battle Royal at number one!”

Adebola and JK Lee looked furious, with the lawyer yelling at Finkleton that he couldn’t do this! The network executive told him to bring it up with the NWF lawyers and get out of his office! Adebola sulkily led JK Lee and Edison Silva from the office, as Frank Finkleton turned to his clients.

Frank Finkleton: “If Moore and Adebola are going to start over my head, it’s time we started playing dirty too…”

Rating: 68



Welsh Dragon VS ‘Black Thunder’ Jermaine Granger

A fun, fast-paced, highflying contest here. Granger got some blows in early, but Welsh Dragon soon took over with Arm Drags, Hurricanranas, Drop Toe Holds, and more Arm Drags! Granger had no response for the former Cruiserwieght champions lucha-inspired moveset, and the Welshman was able to put his opponent away with his Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the top rope).

Winner: Welsh Dragon

Rating: 46



Next we cut to a pre-recorded video from the land of Schnitzel and Lederhosen, as we found Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves in Germany. Bret appeared to know where he was going as he led Holly through the Bavarian streets towards an old German bar, and into the ‘Biergarten’ where Byron could be seen sat at the table with a stein of beer and a large crowd gathered to listen to the story he was telling.


Bret made his way over to Byron’s table, and sat down opposite his father – who immediately dismissed the crowd and motioned to the waitress for three more beers.

Bret Heartbreak: “I thought we’d find you here…”

Byron: “What do you expect? Here they treat me like the wrestling god I am. Free food, free drinks… they idolise me! Whereas in the UK they seem to value a mans supposed musical talents, over his ability in the ring…”

Bret Heartbreak: “We just wanted to make sure you were okay after Victory…”

Byron: “Okay? I’m back in my element! Going back to that forsaken country only reminded me why I left in the first place…”

Byron stood up to leave and the crowd gathered back around him.

Holly Leves: “He does look happy Bret…”

Bret Hearbreak (ignoring Holly): “How can you be happy leaving it like that? You hide away here while Dangermouth enters the ‘Battle for Britain’ Battle Royal and wins a title shot?”

Byron seemed to consider Bret for a moment, before turning back.

Byron: “The Battle Royal… the winner gets a British Heavyweight title shot… well I guess I could make one last trip back.”

Bret grinned, as his father turned away once more and began regaling the crowd with the story of the last time he had entered a battle royal – winning it from the #1 position for the first time in EWA history! Holly Leves couldn’t help but look impressed at the size of the crowd gathered around Byron… he really was a local celebrity…

Rating: 48



Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) VS High Society (Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp)

We cut back to the ring to find the men who had abandoned Byron a couple of months ago, Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp, in action against the Black Country Boys. Dylan Drama started the match for his team, and was happy brawling with Gazz Vedmore, but immediately tagged out once Mickey Robson entered the match – Drama’s parents hadn’t spent £15,000 per term on boarding school fees for him to wrestle a man with the nickname ‘Mighty Meaty’. However, Joey Beauchamp had no such qualms and laid into Robson with heavy right hands before dropping his opponent with a Breeze Block (Forward Russian Leg Sweep).

With Robson knocked out, Drama was more than happy to tag back into the match. Beauchamp dealt with Vedmore, as Drama hit his Dramatic Conclusion (A wicked looking Headlock Driver) to rub salt into the wounds.

Winners: High Society (Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp)

Rating: 35


MarkMoore.jpg.68460ecc61deecdc4ac6d32d8e87d9a4.jpg DarinFlynn.jpg.64d18251b3fd495eb30e2f12034bc6e9.jpg

We cut away to the offices of Moore’s Sports Agency, where we found Mark Moore talking to his top client – Darin Flynn. Flynn seemed hugely excited about the upcoming Battle Royal that Moore had secured him a spot in, but was concerned by his recent lack of in-ring action. ‘The Prodigy’ tasked his agent with securing him a match next week on National Wrestling to help him ‘sharpen up’ ahead of ‘Battle of Britain’.

Rating: 55



Dangermouth VS ‘The Mad Man from Northampton’ Toxic w/ The Professor

Last week Dangermouth announced his intention to win the upcoming Battle Royal at Victory, and earn a shot at the British Heavyweight Championship! This match served as a warm up for the grime star ahead of ‘Battle of Britain’, as he faced one of the NWF’s newest signings – School Of Wrestling member Toxic.

The Professor was very vocal from ringside, coaching his client through the early stages of the contest - and for as long as he listened to his manager Toxic saw a lot of success, as he forced Dangermouth to roll to the outside to regroup. Toxic immediately followed his opponent out to the apron and, despite the desperate pleading of The Professor at ringside, ‘The Mad Man from Northampton’ attempted a Flying Headbutt from the apron to the floor. Dangermouth was able to easily step out of the way of the move, sending Toxic crashing and burning to the floor. From here Dangermouth was simply able to roll Toxic back into the ring to deliver his Flatliner (Reverse STO), while The Professor stood with his head in his hands at ringside.

Winner: Dangermouth

Rating: 30



We cut to another pre-recorded video from the Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym. This week Iggy Riot was working on his Bench Press, and once again a crowd had formed around ‘The Human Tank’ as the Irishman worked his way up the weights towards the gym record…


However, before Iggy could reach the 190kg gym record weight – a hush fell across the crowd as Olympia gym owner and Olympic Bronze Medalist Stuart Wilson walked into shot. Iggy Riot stood up from the bench, and the two powerhouses measured each other up. Wilson stood slightly taller than Iggy Riot, with the Irishman arguably more muscular.

Stuart Wilson (turning to Chuck Frisby): “So this is your new poster boy Chuck? Well… he’s certainly a big boy…”

Chuck Frisby: “And he’ll be taking your Deadlift record from you next week!”

Stuart Wilson (grinning): “Oh aye? Well I can’t ignore a challenge like that. I’ll see you next week big man… we’ll see if those muscles of yours are just for show!”

Chuckling to himself, Stuart Wilson headed back to his office – leaving a seething Chuck Frisby telling Iggy Riot that he HAD to beat Wilson’s record next week!

Rating: 51


The crowd erupted as ‘The Springbok’ made his way down to the ring ahead of the Main Event. Landon Mallory high fived as many members of the crowd as he could, before grabbing a microphone from ringside.


Landon Mallory: “So after checking with the NWF legal team, it would appear that Mo Adebola was correct. Edison Silva will not be defending the British Heavyweight Championship at ‘Battle of Britain’, AND in order to be next in line for a shot at the title I will have to go through 19 other men and win the Battle Royal…”

The crowd booed the announcement, clearly feeling it was unfair that Mo Adebola had managed to sidestep Landon Mallory’s rematch clause with some legal trickery.

Landon Mallory: “But I’m not going to let that get me down. I’d happily run through 100 men in order to get my hands on Edison Silva and reclaim MY British Heavyweight Championship! And that starts tonight with Lenny Mochin! Yebo!”

Rating: 85



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS ‘The Brewin’ Storm’ Lenny Mochin

While Lenny Mochin is a new name to NWF fans, he is a credentialed singles wrestler – as a former CWW Champion and CWW King of the North. Mochin showed off his impressive technical skills to subdue Landon Mallory in the early stages of this contest, but it always felt only a matter of time until ‘The Springbok’ broke free – and this proved to be the case, as the South African connected with a huge Clothesline to instantly turn the momentum of the match. Scooping Mochin onto his shoulder, Mallory delivered an impressive Running Powerslam. The South African beat his chest as he stalked his prey, before delivering a huge Springbok Ram (Gore) – and nobody kicks out of that!

Winner: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory

Rating: 73


Jackie Goldstein: “Landon Mallory said he would run through 100 men to get his hands on Edison Silva, and after that performance who would bet against him?”

Melanie Florence: “It’s one thing saying it Jackie, but it’s another thing completely to outlast nineteen other NWF wrestlers! The only man I’ve seen do something remotely like that before was Byron when he won that Battle Royal from the #1 position in the EWA…”

Jackie Goldstein (cutting across his announcing colleague): “It won’t be easy for anyone Melanie, but we know for sure it will be most difficult for JK Lee as tonight he was confirmed to enter at number one! He must be re-thinking his alliance with Mo Adebola already!”

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Remo Richardson signs with USPW!

Last night live on Reverie’s streaming platform, USPW announced the latest blow in their war against the SWF – as it was confirmed that former 3-time SWF World Champion Remo Richardson had signed with United States Pro Wrestling! Remo is just the latest in a long line of former SWF stars jumping ship – with Rogue, Atom Smasher, Randy Unleashed, Valiant and Mainstream Hernandez all making the move in the past 18 months, but this one feels different.

Remo Richardson has long been considered a ‘lifer’ at the SWF, after 21 years at the company. At only 32 years old, Remo should be entering the prime of his career. The announcement is said to have caught the SWF completely off guard, evidenced by the fact Remo is currently on an 18 match winning streak – most recently beating former World Champion ZWB at ‘Welcome To The Jungle’. Remo will be working his remaining dates, and you have to assume this winning streak will come to an end – but the question remains how will the SWF replace their number one Heel? The most likely option will be to turn to younger talent such as Jay Chord or Hollywood Brett Starr, but the question will remain – can they step up and fill the hole left by the man simply known as ‘Remo’?



Jonathan Faust wins UK National Title to complete the Triple Crown

There was a shock in Thursday nights episode of Best Of British Wrestling, as Jonathan Faust defeated Phillip Cooper in the Main Event to claim his first UK National Title, and in doing so become only the second person in the promotions history to claim the prestigious Triple Crown (after Adam Matravers first completed the feat back in 2008).

Many viewers were shocked such a big moment happened on free TV, only a week ahead of the ‘We Will Rock You’ PLE. It represents a huge achievement for Jonathan Faust as he enters his 17th year with the company.



JK Lee quits CWW!

In huge news coming out of the North of England, JK Lee has spectacularly quit Championship Wrestling from Wigan (CWW). This represents a huge blow to the company, after Lee main evented nights 1 through 4 of the Summer Sizzler tour - putting on the best match in company history in a losing effort to new signing Ivan Ivanoff on night 4.

Unsubstantiated rumours suggest that Lee was furious at being left off of the card for night 5 to make room for the new ‘big name’ signings announced last week. More on this story as we get it.


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On 4/10/2024 at 1:24 AM, newbiezness said:

Stardust Phil Cox vs Padraig O'Hearne

Does Cox ever win at all?

On 4/10/2024 at 6:11 AM, KyTeran said:

Stardust Phil Cox vs Padraig O'Hearne

Phil continues to look at the stars.

Stardust Phil Cox suffers because he has no Star Quality and no Entertainment skills of any kind (all in the 20s), and I already have JK Lee as my 'silent assassin' type. So while Cox is decent in the ring, I don't really have anything to do except look up at the lights currently. He's one of the ones I'm throwing into random teams in the pre-show to see if anything sticks chemistry wise, as the tag division is probably his best shot at being anything more than a jobber.


Thank you to everyone who predicted and reacted on the latest episode! I really do appreciate it. Congratulations to @SomeLazyMagic, @newbiezness, @kanegan and @KyTeran on perfect scores in the last round! Hope to see everyone back for the next show! :)


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 42

@SomeLazyMagic 5/5

@newbiezness 5/5

@kanegan 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@smw88 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 10/10

@KyTeran 10/10

@kanegan 10/10

@SomeLazyMagic 9/10

@smw88 7/10

@Wrestling Machine 4/5


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 43

Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Gazz Vedmore vs Byron w/ Bret Hearbreak & Holly Leves

??? vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Hisato & Goto vs School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark


And results from the Olympia monthly lifting meet!


Bonus: Will Iggy Riot beat Stuart Wilson's current Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym Deadlift record of 300kg during the lifting meet?

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(C) Leighton Buzzard 

Byron w/ Bret Hearbreak & Holly Leves

 JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Hisato & Goto 

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn 


And results from the Olympia monthly lifting meet!


Bonus: no!

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Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Gazz Vedmore vs Byron w/ Bret Hearbreak & Holly Leves

??? vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Hisato & Goto vs School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark

Will Iggy Riot beat Stuart Wilson's current Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym Deadlift record of 300kg during the lifting meet? NOPE

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Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Gazz Vedmore vs Byron w/ Bret Hearbreak & Holly Leves

??? vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Hisato & Goto vs School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark

Bonus: Will Iggy Riot beat Stuart Wilson's current Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym Deadlift record of 300kg during the lifting meet? No, but that's because someone will cheat.

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Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 43

Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard

Gazz Vedmore

JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn


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Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

I like State of Mind, but I don't see Ultra Violence winning the title off of Buzzard at this point.

Gazz Vedmore vs Byron w/ Bret Hearbreak & Holly Leves

Byron gets a win to build momentum for the battle royal.

??? vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

It's squash time.

Hisato & Goto vs School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

School of Wrestling gets the opportunity to learn some Japanese wrestling, by getting beaten senseless.

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark

I like Dwayne and while I don't know what his stats are like I feel like he could turn into a great prospect in the future, but that still doesn't mean that he is beating The Prodigy.

Bonus: Will Iggy Riot beat Stuart Wilson's current Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym Deadlift record of 300kg during the lifting meet? No but I call shenanigans.

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Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

This match has potential

Gazz Vedmore vs Byron w/ Bret Hearbreak & Holly Leves

??? vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

I think JK Lee will benefit of his new association

Hisato & Goto vs School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

The bosses are high on The Japos

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark

I like this Main Event very much


And results from the Olympia monthly lifting meet!


Bonus: Will Iggy Riot beat Stuart Wilson's current Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym Deadlift record of 300kg during the lifting meet? Yes! I agree someone is going to cheat but I think that guy could be Chuck Frisby!

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Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Gazz Vedmore vs Byron w/ Bret Hearbreak & Holly Leves

??? vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Hisato & Goto vs School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark


And results from the Olympia monthly lifting meet!


Bonus: Will Iggy Riot beat Stuart Wilson's current Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym Deadlift record of 300kg during the lifting meet?

I think he'll come close, but I'm betting on Wilson's interference during the attempt

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Hey finally caught with the diary, I'm loving your version of the British scene, even if I'm unfamiliar with it myself.  love Chuck's antics, I'm actually a big fan of the network, Landon is a top guy and I love it.

I have a place in my heart for  Bret Heartbreak, so hoping he mange's to finally push on and hit the heights he can reach


Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Gazz Vedmore vs Byron w/ Bret Hearbreak & Holly Leves

??? vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Hisato & Goto vs School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark


And results from the Olympia monthly lifting meet!


Bonus: Will Iggy Riot beat Stuart Wilson's current Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym Deadlift record of 300kg during the lifting meet? I don't think so, it will be something stopping it

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


National Wrestling

Episode 43

Wednesday W4 August 2021

Show Rating: 64


JackieGoldstein.jpg.937629ad0a6cebd6ff3a06d7e7172092.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.6746d12981ca583151c010501c5d6399.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, we have a huge show tonight with the long anticipated return of former 10-time World Champion Byron!”

Jackie Goldstein: “He was only gone for two weeks…”

Melanie Florence: “And it was the longest two weeks of my life!”

Jackie Goldstein (sighing): “But before that, we open the show with an actual return! The return of Leighton Buzzard’s Weekly Bangers Open Challenge!”




(C) Leighton Buzzard VS Ultra Violence

NWF Cruiserweight Title

The champion was raring to go after a two week break to recover from his bad back, and it was Ultra Violence who answered the champions call. Ultra Violence represented a different challenge to the usual array of high flyers in the Cruiserweight division. Unfortunately for the hardcore brawler he couldn’t find a way to introduce his trusty cane into the match, and after an open contest Leighton Buzzard was able to hit his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT from the second rope) to secure his sixth successful title defence!

Winner & Still Champion: Leighton Buzzard – Title Defence #6

Rating: 50


Leighton Buzzard looked happy with his nights work, but before he could even accept his title back from referee Roy Worrall, he was back on the canvas having received a chair shot from behind.


Ultra Violence’s tag team partner Brilliant White had appeared from nowhere to drop the champion, and looked to inflict further punishment as he headed to the top rope to deliver his White Out (Swanton Bomb) finisher to the downed champion.

With Ultra Violence back on his feet, things weren’t looking good for Buzzard – until The British Bangers music hit and Grant Taypen came sprinting out from the back.


With the damage already done, Brilliant White and Ultra Violence decided to bail from the ring and save themselves for another night, as back in the ring Grant Taypen checked on his partner and called for a doctor.

Rating: 34



Gazz Vedmore w/ Mickey Robson VS Byron w/ Bret Heartbreak & Holly Leves

Melanie Florence was delighted as the next match saw the (“long anticipated”) return of Byron to the NWF for the first time since losing to Dangermouth at Victory. The former 10-time World Champion was accompanied to ringside by his son Bret Heartbreak, who looked delighted to be there, and Holly Leves, who did not. Before the match began Byron made a big point of telling referee Roy Worrall he had his eye on him, after his contentious call at Victory.

Gazz Vedmore did his best to turn this one into a Wild Brawl, but Byron used every trick he had picked up over his 27 year career to stop his young opponent building any momentum. While the match wasn’t completely one sided (going for nearly ten minutes), the veteran wiles of Byron proved the difference maker and the 45 year old was able to hit his Upper Class (European Uppercut) to secure the win.

Winner: Byron

Rating: 38


Next we cut to a pre-recorded segment filmed at the Olympia Strength and Condition Gym’s weekly lifting meet. We joined at the business end of the meet, with just Iggy Riot and Stuart Wilson remaining in the Deadlift competition, with the weight fast approaching the gym record of 300kg. A large crowd had gathered around the lifting station, with seemingly everyone in the gym watching the contest.


Iggy Riot was up first at 300kg, and hit the lift without a wobble! The Irish powerhouse roared in celebration, as Chuck Frisby quickly passed his client a water bottle and began spraying him with a spray bottle to cool him down after the max effort lift. Stuart Wilson was up next, and the former Olympian pulled the weight from the ground – there was a slight wobble half way up, but the weight went up and the lift counted.

The crowd applauded the lifts, knowing that they could see a new gym record in the next round! Iggy Riot was up first for 310kg. Chuck Frisby was less than an inch from his clients face, hyping him up by yelling words of encouragement. The Irishman slapped himself across the face multiple times before squaring up to the bar. The bar was off the floor… there was a big wobble… but it counted! Iggy Riot had set a new gym record! Chuck Frisby was jubilant, sprinting around the gym celebrating before catching himself and hurrying to pass Iggy Riot his water and spraying him down with the spray bottle.

There were far less theatrics before Stuart Wilson’s attempt at 310kg. There was an even bigger wobble on the way up, but the Olympic Bronze medalist just about made it stick! Both men had hit a new gym record! Wilson was breathing heavily as the weight was increased to 320kg. Iggy Riot was once again up first, and once again Chuck Frisby was yelling in his face, then the slaps… but this time the bar got stuck around his knees and fell back to the floor! If Stuart Wilson could hit the next lift he would win the contest! Chuck Frisby hid behind his hands as the Scotsman squared up to the bar, but an exhausted Wilson could barely get the bar off the ground before calling it and dropping the bar.

A relieved Chuck Frisby emerged from behind his hands, as Iggy Riot and Stuart Wilson were declared joint winners of the contest! Neither man looked particularly happy as they stared each other down during the presentations and photos…

Rating: 53



Local Talent VS ‘The Insurance Policy’ JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

JK Lee continued his impressive showing since aligning with Mo Adebola and the British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva. Mo Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’ made short work of the local talent, before locking in his Crossface submission – which almost immediately caused a tap out.

Winner: JK Lee

Rating: 45


We cut backstage to the interview zone, where Rachel Dearheart was joined by Damian Dastardly.


Rachel Dearheart: “I’m joined by ‘The Diabolic’ Damian Dastardly, who has just been announced as the latest competitor confirmed for the 20-man Battle Royal in two weeks at ‘Battle of Britain’. Damian, this is the first Battle Royal in NWF history… how do you plan for a match like this?”

Damian Dastardly: “Rachel, the way I see it – the more people you throw into the ring, the greater the chance for chaos. While some fear chaos, I see it as an opportunity – and at ‘Battle of Britain’ I have a plan that all but guarantees my victory!”

Rachel Dearheart: “Another one of your devious plans no doubt…”

Damian Dastardly: “Some might call it that, others might call it diabolical, but I… I would call it Dastardly!”

Rating: 52



Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto VS School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

The Professor gave his young charges a long lecture before the bell here, presumably passing on some tips on how to approach the challenge of facing the 380lb Naozane Goto. Both Toxic and Gibson charged the former Sumo Wrestler at the opening bell but, if this had been The Professor’s advice, it backfired as Goto took down both men at once with a stiff Double Clothesline. Goto once again showed off his surprising agility as he immediately followed up with High Velocity Reverse Avalanches to squash both of his young opponents in opposite corners. Akihiro Hisato threw Toxic from the ring to leave the path clear for Goto to deliver his Goto Slam (Big Front Slam) to Ron Gibson to secure the quick fire victory for his team.

Winners: Hisato & Goto

Rating: 37


We cut to the office of the network executive Frank Finkleton, who was stood alongside the NWF Tag Team Champions having just watched the number one contenders (Hisato & Goto) make quick work of the School of Wrestling.


Alton Vicious: “You’re losing your touch boss… how have you let this match happen?”

Frank Finkleton: “Moore went above my head… I underestimated him, I didn’t think he’d play dirty like that… but we can play dirty too.”

Alton Vicious: “You need to fix this…”

With that The Northern Lights stomped out of the office, leaving Frank Finkleton alone with a concerned look on his face.

Rating: 47



Next up was a montage of Mo Adebola working his way around the locker room, trying to convince anyone that would listen that Landon Mallory was the biggest threat to their chances in the 20-Man Battle Royal… and that their priority in that match should be to focus on eliminating ‘The Springbok’ as early as possible.


Adebola first tried to convince Dangermouth, but with Leo Price stood at his protégés shoulder staring a hole through the lawyer… Adebola quickly moved on.


Next Adebola tried his luck with Byron and Bret Heartbreak. Adebola suggested an alliance between his ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee and Byron, but the former 10-time World Champion told Adebola that the only ally he needed in there with him was his son Bret. Byron put his arm around a delighted Bret Heartbreak, while Holly Leves could be seen rolling her eyes in the background.


Finally Adebola approached Lenny Mochin with the offer of forming an alliance in the match. The new signing seemed interested in the offer, and the camera faded to black as Adebola began talking Mochin through his plan.

Rating: 79



‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS Dwayne Dark

Last week Darin Flynn tasked Mark Moore with finding him a tune up match ahead of the 20-Man Battle Royal in two weeks at ‘Battle of Britain’, and Dwayne Dark was the man who had stepped up to the plate. Dark was sans Chuck Frisby tonight – we had seen the personal trainer earlier in a pre-recorded segment at Olympia gym.

With no Frisby at ringside to distract him, Dark looked focused on the task at hand. A former boxer, Dark hid behind his jab to keep Darin Flynn at bay – before launching into heavy right hands to damage his opponent. Darin Flynn isn’t called ‘The Prodigy’ for nothing though, and the youngster soon made the necessary adjustments to slip past Dark’s jab and get close enough to make his technical skills tell. Dark did his best to fight Flynn off, but once ‘The Prodigy’ locked in his Prodigal Pressure just past the twelve minute mark – Dark had no choice but to tap.

Rating: 63


Jackie Goldstein: “Darin Flynn picks up an impressive victory as we move towards ‘Battle of Britain’… but with so many people staking their own claims for victory in that match, can ‘The Prodigy’ outlast 19 other wrestlers?”

Melanie Florence: “Byron’s got to be the favourite Jackie! He’s the only man in the match who’s won a Battle Royal in the past, and that experience will be vital!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Landon Mallory, Darin Flynn, Dangermouth, Damian Dastardly, JK Lee… so many potential winners, and half the field is still left to be announced! We have 11 days until ‘Battle of Britain’, be sure to join us next Wednesday for the go-home episode of National Wrestling!”

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On 4/13/2024 at 10:00 PM, lieon02 said:

Hey finally caught with the diary, I'm loving your version of the British scene, even if I'm unfamiliar with it myself.  love Chuck's antics, I'm actually a big fan of the network, Landon is a top guy and I love it.

I have a place in my heart for  Bret Heartbreak, so hoping he mange's to finally push on and hit the heights he can reach

Welcome @lieon02, great to have you following along! Bret Heartbreak is an interesting one - my initial plan for him was to team with his dad and be the first tag team champions (by cheating), but they had awful chemistry which scuppered that plan. My next plan for him was to pair him with Chuck - which I did for the short lived 'can Bret make weight and win the Cruiserweight title' storyline. My hope was to convince Bret in game to agree to drop to Lightweight and continue his alliance with Chuck until they finally hit the weight and won the title - but Bret just wouldn't drop down a weight class. So he's had plans to win two of my belts, which game mechanics prevented and have left him in a kind of limbo. I still know where I eventually want to go with him, but he's just been treading water the past few months unfortunately.

On 4/12/2024 at 4:26 PM, KyTeran said:

Hisato & Goto vs School of Wrestling (Ron Gibson & Toxic) w/ The Professor

School of Wrestling gets the opportunity to learn some Japanese wrestling, by getting beaten senseless.

I really like this, and I'm annoyed I didn't think of it. 😂

On 4/12/2024 at 4:26 PM, KyTeran said:

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark

I like Dwayne and while I don't know what his stats are like I feel like he could turn into a great prospect in the future, but that still doesn't mean that he is beating The Prodigy.

Dwayne is actually one of my better in ring guys - he usually rates in the low 50's. His Fundamental & Physical stats are pretty good, but he has no charisma at all - although that is somewhat offset by being paired with Chuck. He's also 31 years old in game now, so older than a lot of the other guys in a similar spot on the card. I like Dark as well, but I think unless he develops quite quickly his spot is likely in the Midcard.

On 4/12/2024 at 6:03 PM, newbiezness said:

Weekly Banger Open Challenge - NWF Cruiserweight Championship: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

This match has potential

I had high hopes for this one as well, but it didn't quite deliver. Ultra Violence isn't great in the ring, and I think his current spot in the tag division is where he's best served right now.

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Thank you to everybody who reacted and predicted on the latest episode of National Wrestling - I really do appreciate it! Congratulations to @newbiezness for being the only predictor to correctly guess that Iggy Riot would beat the existing 300kg Deadlift record! He may not have been able to defeat Stuart Wilson outright at the meet, but he now shares a new lift record of 310kg alongside the former Olympian - the only blemish on the Olympia Strength & Conditions Gym lift records board.

I hope everyone enjoyed the episode, and to see you all back for the go-home show ahead of 'Battle of Britain'!


Prediction Results for National Wresting Episode 43

@newbiezness 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@alliegolem 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@SomeLazyMagic 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@StanMiguel 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 15/15 + 1 Bonus

@KyTeran 15/15

@kanegan 10/10

@SomeLazyMagic 14/15

@smw88 12/15

@Wrestling Machine 9/10

@alliegolem 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@StanMiguel 3/5


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 44

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rave vs Damian Dastardly

??? vs 'The Human Tank' Iggy Riot w/ Chuck Frisby

Hisato & Goto vs ???

Landon Mallory & Darin Flynn vs Lenny Mochin & JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola


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The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Dream match! I think Grant Taypen could eat the pin to put Brilliant White over

Rave vs Damian Dastardly

??? vs 'The Human Tank' Iggy Riot w/ Chuck Frisby

After setting a new record Iggy Riot has to win

Hisato & Goto vs ???

Landon Mallory & Darin Flynn vs Lenny Mochin & JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Babyfaces are too good

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The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rave vs Damian Dastardly

??? vs 'The Human Tank' Iggy Riot w/ Chuck Frisby

Hisato & Goto vs ???

Landon Mallory & Darin Flynn vs Lenny Mochin & JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

I can understand that with Bret, He is unlucky, but I have been enjoying his journey so far.

Edited by lieon02
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The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

I feel that State of Mind gets the win to help set up Brilliant White's future challenge for Buzzard's Cruiserweight title.

Rave vs Damian Dastardly

It's Damian cheating time.

??? vs 'The Human Tank' Iggy Riot w/ Chuck Frisby

Let the Riot commence.

Hisato & Goto vs ???

Squash match, away!

Landon Mallory & Darin Flynn vs Lenny Mochin & JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Mo may be in their corner, but I doubt the Lenny and JK are at the level of Landon and Darin.

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The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence) let's guess White goes over pinning Taypen

Rave vs Damian Dastardly

??? vs 'The Human Tank' Iggy Riot w/ Chuck Frisby

Hisato & Goto vs ??? seems like the Japs could use another couple of W to go on a streak

Landon Mallory & Darin Flynn vs Lenny Mochin & JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

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The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rave vs Damian Dastardly

??? vs 'The Human Tank' Iggy Riot w/ Chuck Frisby

Hisato & Goto vs ???

Landon Mallory & Darin Flynn vs Lenny Mochin & JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

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