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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode 44

Wednesday W1 September 2021

Show Rating: 69


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! Last week Brilliant White attacked Leighton Buzzard after the Cruiserweight Champion had successfully defended his title against White’s partner Ultra Violence. Tonight Leighton Buzzard has a chance to get his own back, as The British Bangers open the show against State of Mind!”



The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) VS State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

The show opened in spectacular fashion, with State of Mind appearing in a flash of (brilliant) white light – Brilliant White wearing his Phantom of the Opera inspired mask and Ultra Violence with his trusty cane slung lazily over his shoulder. By contrast, The British Bangers didn’t have time for spectacle, as they sprinted down to the ring looking for revenge for State of Mind’s attack on Leighton Buzzard last week.

This match was out of control from the opening bell, as all four men brawled and the action spilled out of the ring. Referee Roy Worrall struggled to keep his eyes on all four competitors, which allowed State of Mind to take advantage. At one stage Brilliant White used his boot to drive Leighton Buzzard’s neck into the bottom rope – Roy Worrall counted to five and the masked Daredevil still refused to break the hold. With the referee distracted trying to pull Brilliant White off of Leighton Buzzard, Ultra Violence took full advantage with a hard shot from his trusty cane taking Grant Taypen out of the match. With the match now effectively two-on-one, Ultra Violence delivered a second cane shot to Leighton Buzzard (thanks to another distraction) – before Brilliant White was able to hit his White Out (Swanton Bomb) onto the Cruiserweight champion to secure the win.

Winners: State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rating: 58



We cut backstage to find Mo Adebola heading back to the locker room alongside JK Lee and Lenny Mochin, presumably to try and round up more wrestlers to join their newly formed alliance…


Unfortunately for Mo, at the door he bumped into none other than Landon Mallory!

Landon Mallory: “Just the two men I wanted to see… and you’re here too Mo! I hear you’ve been forming a little alliance to try and stop me on Sunday night? Well, I’ve spoken to Mr. Finkleton, and he’s agreed that I can find a partner and face the pair of you in a tag team match tonight… where I’ll give you a little preview of what will happen on Sunday if you get in my way… Yebo!”

Rating: 68



Rave VS ‘The Diabolic’ Damian Dastardly

It’s not often you see Rave in singles action, and Damian Dastardly made quick work of the tag team specialist. On commentary, Jackie Goldstein and Melanie Florence debated what Dastardly had in mind for his ‘dastardly plan’ at ‘Battle of Britain’ this Sunday. Both agreed that whatever it is, it couldn’t be good – before Dastardly hit his Dastardly Cunning (Cross Rhodes) to secure the victory.

Rating: 49


The camera cut to the office of network executive Frank Finkleton, who was deep in conversation with the other members of The Network.


Frank Finkleton: “While some things are out of my control, there are certain things I can do to tip the scales slightly in our favour! Alton, Riddick you’re issue is how to stop Naozane Goto if he tags in… so I’m making your title match a Tornado Tag match! That should allow you to… get creative.”

The Northern Lights nodded their head in appreciation, before Finkleton turned to ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie.

Frank Finkleton: “And you Nathan… your entry number is my gift to give, so to give you the best chance this Sunday you will be entering at number 20!”

‘Big Mac’ grinned, clearly happy with the announcement.

Frank Finkleton: “I will do everything in my power to help you this Sunday. All I ask is that at ‘Battle of Britain’, you remind everyone of the power of The Network!”

Rating: 68



Local Worker VS 'The Human Tank' Iggy Riot w/ Chuck Frisby

After weeks of videos portraying his impressive weight lifting feats, the NWF audience finally got to see Iggy Riot’s in-ring debut against a local opponent. For those fans in attendance, The Human Tank’s heavily muscled physique was even more impressive in the flesh.

At ringside Chuck Frisby barked at the crowd that if they wanted to get as big as Iggy Riot they should join Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness for the low, low fee of only £9.99 a month! Back in the ring, Iggy Riot threw his opponent around like a rag doll for a few minutes – before hitting his Riot Control (F5) to round off an utterly dominant performance.

Winner: ‘The Human Tank’ Iggy Riot

Rating: 24


After the bell, Chuck Frisby celebrated in the ring with his client – continuing to laud the benefits of joining Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness… until he was interrupted by the music of Stuart Wilson!


The former Olympian made his way out from the back, microphone in hand. ‘The Celtic Hammer’ had tied with Iggy Riot last week in the Olympia Gym deadlift competition, a result neither man had looked particularly happy with.

Stuart Wilson: “Last week yah proved those muscles were nae just for show… but yah couldn’t beat me! And I’ve heard that this Sunday your trainer there could nae get you a spot in the Battle Royal… so why don’t yah just watch while I prove once and for all that I am the most powerful man in the NWF as I win that title shot!”

Rating: 62



Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto w/ Mark Moore VS The Assassins’ Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

Hisato & Goto’s opponents were announced as The Assassins’ Guild – a pair of mercenaries that Frank Finkleton had hired to face the number one contenders ahead of their title match on Sunday. Louie Peyton was a large man in his own right (a Muscular Middleweight), but even he paled in comparison to the 380lb Naozane Goto. Whether through bravado, or being driven by the pay packet, Peyton didn’t let the size difference deter him, and attempted to lift the former Sumo Wrestler for a Body Slam… but put his back out before he could so much as get Goto’s feet off the ground. The 380 pounder leapt into action and followed up with a surprisingly nimble High Velocity Reverse Avalanche to squash Peyton in the corner, before scooping him up for a Goto Slam (Big Front Slam) to secure a momentum boosting victory ahead of their title shot.

Winners: Hisato & Goto

Rating: 44


The camera cut backstage to find Byron walking down a corridor alongside his son Bret Heartbreak and Bret’s girlfriend Holly Leves.


Bret asked whether they had made a mistake not taking Mo Adebola up on his offer last week, but Byron just laughed.

Byron: “Alliances like that always have a shelf life… they may work for a while, but at some point in the match you’re going to get stabbed in the back. No - I prefer to keep my enemies in front of me, where I can see them! Mark my words Bret, the only alliance that will stay together is yours and mine – because we’re family… and that’s why, come Sunday, nobody will be able to stop us!”

Stepping behind his son, Byron slapped Bret on the back before putting his arm around his shoulder. The pair beamed as they walked out of shot, while Holly Leves watched on grumpily a few paces behind.

Rating: 49


'The Springbok' Landon Mallory & 'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore


'The Brewin' Storm' Lenny Mochin & 'The Insurance Policy' JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola & Edison Silva

Darin Flynn is one of the most technically sound wrestlers in the NWF, but unfortunately for ‘The Prodigy’ he found himself up against two equally technically proficient opponents – who succeeded in isolating Flynn in their corner for the majority of the match, while Landon Mallory stewed on the apron. After some shorter matches earlier in the card, this match was given some extra time to allow Lee & Mochin to really show what they could do in a Main Event – and the pair didn’t disappoint. Having Mo Adebola at ringside riled up the crowd, particularly when he got involved to prevent a potential rope break by knocking Flynn’s hand away from the bottom rope.

However, Flynn isn’t called ‘The Prodigy’ for nothing. After nearly 14 minutes of punishment, he was able to roll through an attempted submission hold from Lenny Mochin and the crowd erupted as he dived for the tag! Landon Mallory hit the ring like a house on fire, taking Lenny Mochin down with a Clothesline – before delivering a Springbok Ram (Gore) from nowhere to JK Lee, who had been trying to interfere. JK Lee rolled out of the ring, leaving The Springbok free to stalk his prey. Malloy beat on his chest to rile up the crowd as he waited for Mochin to get into position, before launching into a second thunderous Springbok Ram (Gore) to secure a momentum boosting victory ahead of Sunday’s Battle Royal.

Winners: ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory & ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn

Rating: 72


 ‘The Springbok’ and ‘The Prodigy’ celebrated their victory, with Landon Mallory standing tall on a turnbuckle and pointing down at Edison Silva at ringside – motioning that he was coming for the British Heavyweight Title! Crack!


Damian Dastardly had appeared from nowhere with a chair in hand, and delivered a chair shot to the back of Landon Mallory! Darin Flynn turned to see what had happened, and ate a chair shot of his own! This brought out a whole host of competitors in this Sunday’s Battle Royal from the back, leading to a wild brawl in the ring


The brawl quickly devolved into a finisher fest – as wrestlers dropped one by one until Nathan McKenzie was the last man standing!

Jackie Goldstein: “Will Nathan McKenzie be the last man standing this Sunday night…”


Springbok Ram! Landon Mallory had recovered, and dropped the big Australian! If he can do that in the Main Event this Sunday he could become number one contender…


But before ‘The Springbok’ could even celebrate hitting his finisher, Edison Silva had snuck into the ring behind him and dropped the South African with his Knee Strike KO! The British Heavyweight champion raised his title high as he stood tall over all of the men looking to earn a shot at his title in the Battle Royal this Sunday!

Rating: 67


Melanie Florence: “Even when he’s not competing, the British Heavyweight champion still finds a way to end the episode standing tall!”

Jackie Goldstein: “He may have had the last laugh tonight, but he won’t be in the match on Sunday… can Landon Mallory overcome the odds and earn his rematch for this title he never should have lost?”

Melanie Florence: “There’s only two men who could win for me Jackie… ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie was handed that coveted number 20 spot earlier tonight, and of course my favourite to win the whole thing is Byron!”

Jackie Goldstein: “We’ll find out this Sunday in the NWF’s first ever Battle Royal! ‘Battle of Britain’ kicks off at 8 o’clock, you won’t want to miss it!”

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Posted (edited)
On 4/15/2024 at 7:06 PM, newbiezness said:

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Dream match! I think Grant Taypen could eat the pin to put Brilliant White over

On 4/16/2024 at 4:20 AM, KyTeran said:

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

I feel that State of Mind gets the win to help set up Brilliant White's future challenge for Buzzard's Cruiserweight title.

On 4/16/2024 at 8:05 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence) let's guess White goes over pinning Taypen

I understand the thoughts of Taypen eating the pin, but with Brilliant White challenging for the Cruiserweight Title at 'Battle of Britain' I thought him pinning the champion (even in tainted circumstances) would work better. These two seem to be the readers two favourite tag teams, so I may have them do a proper feud down the line.

On 4/15/2024 at 10:30 PM, lieon02 said:

I can understand that with Bret, He is unlucky, but I have been enjoying his journey so far.

I think having to rework Bret's plans have seen him end up in a more interesting spot - the original plan was just a tag team with his dad. Although I couldn'y get him to actually drop the weight, the 'can he make weight' storyline with Chuck Frisby was my favourite storyline of the diary so far. I also wasn't originally planning to have Holly Leves as his girlfriend/manager, which I think has worked. As long as the next part of the plans work out okay, I think he'll end up in a good spot!


Thank you to everyone who predicted and reacted to the latest episode, I really do appreciate it! A bumper prediction round with eight predictors, I hope to see you all back for Battle of Britain! Welcome to @scapegoat as a new predictor - good to have you along, and congratulations to @newbiezness, @lieon02 and @KyTeran for getting perfect scores on the episode! Things remain very tight at the top with just a bonus point splitting the top two!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 44

@newbiezness 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@smw88 4/5

@scapegoat 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5

@StanMiguel 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 20/20 + 1 Bonus

@KyTeran 20/20

@SomeLazyMagic 18/20

@smw88 16/20

@Wrestling Machine 13/15

@lieon02 10/10

@kanegan 10/10

@StanMiguel 6/10

@alliegolem 5/5

@scapegoat 4/5



Predictions for NWF Battle of Britain

#1 Contenders Match for NWF British Tag Team Titles: The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Future X

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: Hisato & Goto vs The Northern Lights (C)

'Battle of Britain' 20 Man Battle Royal - Winner Earns a British Heavyweight Championship Title Shot

Confirmed Competitors: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie, Bret Heartbreak, Byron, Damian Dastardly, Dangermouth, Darin Flynn, JK Lee, Landon Mallory, Lenny Mochin, Stuart Wilson, Welsh Dragon 
plus many more


Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal:

Who will be the Runner-Up:

Who will have the most eliminations:

Who will be the 'Iron-Man'


Any other comments on the event/diary overall:

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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 The Foundation w/ Mark Moore

(C) Leighton Buzzard 

 Hisato & Goto 

Stuart Wilson,


Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Stuart Wilson

Who will be the Runner-Up: Landon Mallory

Who will have the most eliminations: Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie,

Who will be the 'Iron-Man' Bret Heartbreak

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Predictions for NWF Battle of Britain

#1 Contenders Match for NWF British Tag Team Titles: The Foundation w/ Mark Moore

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: The Northern Lights (C)

'Battle of Britain' 20 Man Battle Royal - Winner Earns a British Heavyweight Championship Title Shot

Confirmed Competitors: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie, Bret Heartbreak, Byron, Damian Dastardly, Dangermouth, Darin Flynn, JK Lee, Landon Mallory, Lenny Mochin, Stuart Wilson, Welsh Dragon 
plus many more


Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Welsh Dragon 

Who will be the Runner-Up: Nathan McKenzie

Who will have the most eliminations: Nathan McKenzie

Who will be the 'Iron-Man' Landon Mallory


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The Foundation w/ Mark Moore 

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: The Northern Lights (C)

'Battle of Britain' 20 Man Battle Royal - Winner Earns a British Heavyweight Championship Title Shot


Confirmed Competitors: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie, Bret Heartbreak, Byron, Damian Dastardly, Dangermouth, Darin Flynn, JK Lee, Landon Mallory, Lenny Mochin, Stuart Wilson, Welsh Dragon 

plus many more


Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Landon Mallory

Who will be the Runner-Up: Nathan McKenzie

Who will have the most eliminations: Nathan McKenzie

Who will be the 'Iron-Man': JK Lee


Any other comments on the event/diary overall:

I'm not too familiar with the British Cornellverse, but ive enjoyed your take on it so far! Im almost fully caught up, and my favourite characters have been Chuck Frisby and Landon Mallory. I also like commentators having favourites, so ive enjoyed your commentator irrationally backing Byron all the time. Keep up the good work.

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#1 Contenders Match for NWF British Tag Team Titles: The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Future X

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: Hisato & Goto vs The Northern Lights (C)

'Battle of Britain' 20 Man Battle Royal - Winner Earns a British Heavyweight Championship Title Shot

Confirmed Competitors: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie, Bret Heartbreak, Byron, Damian Dastardly, Dangermouth, Darin Flynn, JK Lee, Landon Mallory, Lenny Mochin, Stuart Wilson, Welsh Dragon 
plus many more


Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Landon Mallory

Who will be the Runner-Up: Nathan McKenzie

Who will have the most eliminations: Nathan McKenzie

Who will be the 'Iron-Man' Darin Flynn


Any other comments on the event/diary overall:

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#1 Contenders Match for NWF British Tag Team Titles: The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Future X

The Foundation will finally get there shot at The Northern Lights and the tag titles.

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

I like Brilliant White, but Leighton still has some bangers to put on before dropping the belt.

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: Hisato & Goto vs The Northern Lights (C)

I like Hisato and Goto, but The Northern Lights are not losing their titles here when both teams in the #1 Contenders match will have a better story against The Northern Lights than Hisato and Goto.

'Battle of Britain' 20 Man Battle Royal - Winner Earns a British Heavyweight Championship Title Shot

Confirmed Competitors: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie, Bret Heartbreak, Byron, Damian Dastardly, Dangermouth, Darin Flynn, JK Lee, Landon Mallory, Lenny Mochin, Stuart Wilson, Welsh Dragon 
plus many more


Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Stuart Wilson

I know that Landon would be the popular choice, but I feel that he is going to get cheated out of the win and a clash between Stuart Wilson and Edison Silva could be interesting.

Who will be the Runner-Up: Landon Mallory

Landon is going to get close, but I feel that someone is going to cost him the match even though they were eliminated, or Edison Silva will cost Landon the match himself.

Who will have the most eliminations: Nathan McKenzie

Just feels right.

Who will be the 'Iron-Man' JK Lee

He is entering at number 1, and I feel that he will be eliminated by Landon.


Any other comments on the event/diary overall: Another great build to the event and I feel like that there are multiple viable winners for the battle royal.  The interactions between wrestlers have been great with the rivalries between Chuck and Stuart being a great delight as well as the reconciliation between Byron and Bret Heartbreak.  I am excited to see what occurs on this show and what you have next in store for NWF.

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#1 Contenders Match for NWF British Tag Team Titles: The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Future X

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

White id not good enough in ring to be the champion

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: Hisato & Goto vs The Northern Lights (C)

Japs not popular enough to hold the belts 

'Battle of Britain' 20 Man Battle Royal - Winner Earns a British Heavyweight Championship Title Shot

Confirmed Competitors: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie, Bret Heartbreak, Byron, Damian Dastardly, Dangermouth, Darin Flynn, JK Lee, Landon Mallory, Lenny Mochin, Stuart Wilson, Welsh Dragon 
plus many more


Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Darin Flynn

Who will be the Runner-Up: Nathan McKenzie

Who will have the most eliminations: Landon Mallory

Who will be the 'Iron-Man': Darin Flynn

Edited by newbiezness
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The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Future X
I think they're ahead atm

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White
Think Dastardly would eventually be the one to dethrone Buzzard. He's a cruiserweight, right? lol

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: Hisato & Goto vs The Northern Lights (C)
地獄の沙汰も金次第 which means no chances in hell these two will turn off the Northern Lights

Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Landon Mallory 'cause it seems the best choice to me

Who will be the Runner-Up: Stuart Wilson

Who will have the most eliminations: Big Mac

Who will be the 'Iron-Man': Stuart Wilson

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#1 Contenders Match for NWF British Tag Team Titles: The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Future X

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: Hisato & Goto vs The Northern Lights (C)

'Battle of Britain' 20 Man Battle Royal - Winner Earns a British Heavyweight Championship Title Shot

Confirmed Competitors: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie, Bret Heartbreak, Byron, Damian Dastardly, Dangermouth, Darin Flynn, JK Lee, Landon Mallory, Lenny Mochin, Stuart Wilson, Welsh Dragon 
plus many more


Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Nathan McKenzie

Who will be the Runner-Up: Landon Mallory

Who will have the most eliminations: Nathan Mckenzie

Who will be the 'Iron-Man: Landon Mallory


Any other comments on the event/diary overall: I've enjoyed it allot. 

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Posted (edited)

WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


Battle Of Britain

Sunday W1 September 2021

Attendance: 1,439

Show Rating: 65


JackieGoldstein.jpg.a0b375fff79cd8516c14624cf268de72.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.e298b201599acd1f95b8e4253fe87d6d.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to Battle of Britain! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a huge night of wrestling ahead of us, with tonight’s Main Event an NWF first – a 20 Man Battle Royal to crown the number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship!”

Jackie Goldstein: “The Tag Team and Cruiserweight titles are also on the line, but before all of that we have a number one contenders match between two of the best tag teams in British. The Foundation face Future X!”



The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore VS Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future)

Number One Contenders Match - British Tag Team Titles

Both of these teams could make arguments to being the most successful tag team on the British independent scene over the past decade, and they put on a fantastic match here to open the show. The match followed the traditional Sharp/Heath blueprint, with Heath getting sympathy heat for The Foundation – before debuting a new spot to lead to the hot tag. Petey Barnes looked to whip Heath into the corner, but Heath continued with the momentum to climb the turnbuckle and deliver a move he called Rocking The Foundations (Whisper In The Wind). This Hot New Move riled up the crowd even further, and they erupted as (with both men down) Heath crawled across the ring and made the hot tag!

Barnes made the tag at the same time, but Sharp hit the ring like a house on fire! Clothesline to Future… Dropkick to Barnes… another Dropkick to Future… before grabbing Barnes and throwing him over the top rope, before delivering the Disarmer to Eric Future to secure The Foundation’s spot as the new number one contenders.

Winners: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath)

Rating: 63


EdisonSilva.jpg.3a94bb51e58d9f832a78e0c8a880d27c.jpg MoAdebola.jpg.d9571749df492f35289f227ba9df4397.jpg

Between matches, the camera panned to a private box – showing British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva and his legal advisor, Mo Adebola, schmoozing with the network higher ups. Silva looked to be making good use of his night off, enjoying the finer things in life as he ate caviar and sipped champagne , as his legal advisor looked hard at work in negotiations with important looking board members.

Rating: 69




(C) Leighton Buzzard VS Brilliant White

NWF Cruiserweight Championship

Our first title match of the night started in spectacular fashion, as the challenger appeared in a flash of (brilliant) white light – his Phantom of the Opera inspired mask illuminated by the glow. Brilliant White was no less spectacular in the ring, as he put his body on the line in his attempt to end Leighton Buzzard’s reign as Cruiserweight champion. To his credit, Buzzard didn’t back down from the challenge and went toe to toe with his Daredevil opponent in his quest to put on yet another banger.

Brilliant White would ultimately end up being the cause of his own downfall. Having set up a table on the outside earlier in the match, Brilliant White found himself perched precariously on the ring apron with Leighton Buzzard on the top rope. Buzzard dived and delivered a spectacular top rope Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT), forcing his opponent from the apron through the table at ringside in a spectacular Stunt Bump! The crowd started a “This Is Awesome!” chant, as Buzzard slowly rolled Brilliant White back into the ring and made the cover for the three count.

Winner & Still Champion: Leighton Buzzard – Title Defence #7

Rating: 60



We cut backstage to find a hooded Jase Cole walking purposefully through a corridor before, in a scene reminiscent of his NWF debut, he bumped into a familiar face.


Jase Cole: “Call you here too, the force did?”

Christopher Lister: “It would appear so… but it feels different… more distant.”

Jase Cole: “Trust in the force, we must… bring us here for a reason, it did.”

Christopher Lister nodded slowly, but didn’t look entirely comfortable as the pair walked out of shot.

Rating: 42




Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto VS The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) (C)

NWF British Tag Team Titles

It was announced that the ‘Tornado Tag’ rules for this contest would mean no count outs and no disqualifications. Despite this advantage, it only served to even the odds against the incredible size and power of Naozane Goto. Both Vicious and Jordan attempted to lift the 380 pounder with no luck, so they made full use of the rules and introduced a variety of weapons into the contest. While Goto was kept at bay with the weaponry, Vicious focused his attack on Akihiro Hisato – with the powerhouse overwhelming his smaller opponent with his intense, savage attacks, hitting his Vicious Snap (Brainbuster) to retain the titles.

Winners & Still Champions: The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) – Title Defence #4

Rating: 51



Next we have a montage of a number of the participants of the upcoming battle royal making their final preparations for the match. Mo Adebola was shown giving a pep talk to the number one entrant – JK Lee. Leo Price was shown doing the same for his protégé Dangermouth, while Stuart Wilson was shown taping his fists. We cut to the offices of Moore's Sports Agency and network executive Frank Finkleton, where Darin Flynn and 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie were receiving their final instructions. Finally, Bret Heartbreak and Byron were shown talking tactics – while behind them a disinterested Holly Leves shot them dirty looks while fixing her make up.

That match is up next…

Rating: 65


But just before the match began, he had just enough time for a final word from ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory – who was in the interview zone.


Rachel Dearheart asked The Springbok if he knew what number he would be entering the Battle Royal, but Landon told her that nobody would know where they were entering until a minute before their turn. Landon said that it didn’t matter where he entered the Battle Royal, he would go through as many people as he needed to get his hands on Edison Silva and get his hands back on HIS British Heavyweight Championship. Yebo!

Rating: 82


20-Man Battle Royal – Winner earns a shot at the NWF British Heavyweight Championship

(Scroll down slowly to avoid spoilers)

As announced on National Wrestling, the first entrant in this 20-Man Battle Royal was JK Lee – who was accompanied to ringside by Mo Adebola. Lee’s mood was not improved when the #2 competitor was announced to be Jase Cole, who we had seen entering the building earlier tonight!

JKLee.jpg.33196b29c7864cd2d438469919663a7a.jpg JaseCole_alt1.jpg.1aa5f16baed23c93573bd1628b3e550d.jpg

Entrant #1 – JK Lee / Entrant #2 – Jase Cole

JK Lee had no time for Jase Cole’s sci-fi gimmick, and went right to work as the bell sounded. The last time these two men had shared a ring, Cole had frustrated Lee as he ducked, dodged and weaved away from all of his shots. However, tonight Cole’s timing seemed off – he ducked when he should have weaved, weaved when he should have dodged. By the end of the first minute Lee was convincingly on top.


Entrant #3 – Padraig O’Hearne

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Jase Cole (2)

The third entrant was Padraig O’Hearne! There was a moment of tension, as the crowd waited with bated breath to see if O’Hearne would join forces with his former team mate JK Lee… but despite encouragement from Mo Adebola at ringside, O’Hearne dropped Lee with a right hand. O’Hearne and Cole joined forces and were on top of Lee as the buzzer sounded for the next entrant and the lights cut out…


Entrant #4 – Lone Wolf

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Jase Cole (2), Padraig O’Hearne (3)

The lights came back up and Lone Wolf was stood in the middle of the ring! Jase Cole tried to take it to the new entrant, but once again his timing seemed off and Wolf was able to easily evade the blows and immediately dumped Jase Cole over the top rope for our first elimination! Padraig O’Hearne looked to avenge Cole, and looked to be having some success against Lone Wolf – until a recovered JK Lee jumped him from behind and the pair started a two-on-one beatdown…


Entrant #5 – Christopher Lister

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Padraig O’Hearne (3), Lone Wolf (4)

Saved by the bell! Christopher Lister was the next man in, and Lone Wolf immediately lost interest in eliminating O’Hearne. Lister slid into the ring and immediately engaged with Lone Wolf - but just like his partner earlier, Lister’s timing was all off and he was easy pickings for Lone Wolf who quickly dumped Lister over the top rope for his second elimination just as the buzzer sounded.


Entrant #6 – ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Padraig O’Hearne (3), Lone Wolf (4)

The crowd erupted as the The Springbok’s music blared over the speakers! The South African hit the ring and made a beeline straight for JK Lee – who had cost him the British Heavyweight title last month at ‘Victory’.


Entrant #7 – Lenny Mochin

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Padraig O’Hearne (3), Lone Wolf (4), Landon Mallory (6)

While Mallory had some early success, JK Lee soon found some help as the next entrant was Lenny Mochin – the man Lee had formed an alliance with on National Wrestling. The two men worked together to help nullify ‘The Springbok’. Meanwhile, Lone Wolf went back after Padraig O’Hearne - but where Wolf’s striking had looked so accurate and deadly against Cole & Lister, against the Irishman it suddenly looked wild. O’Hearne was able to duck and weave to dodge the blows, and after a particularly wild right hand was able to drop the top rope and send Lone Wolf sprawling over the top to become the third elimination of the night!

However, before O’Hearne could celebrate his elimination he was immediately eliminated himself as JK Lee took advantage and jumped his former tag partner from behind. This left O’Hearne face to face with Lone Wolf on the floor, and the Irishman looked nervous until Jase Cole & Christopher Lister came running out from the back to join the Irishman. Not liking the numbers, Lone Wolf dropped the lights for a moment and disappeared into the darkness.


Entrant #8 – ‘The Diabolical’ Damian Dastardly

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Lenny Mochin (7)

The lights came back up just in time for Damian Dastardly to be announced as the next entrant! Dastardly hit the ring and the commentary team immediately began discussing what his plan for the evening could be… but initially his plan seemed to be to get Lee & Mochin on side against Landon Mallory! Lee & Mochin agreed, and Mallory looked in real trouble… until Dastardly betrayed Lenny Mochin and grabbed him from behind, dumping him over the top rope! Mo Adebola was furious at ringside, but Dastardly just tapped his temple in a knowing way – before Landon Mallory brawled with JK Lee, leaving Dastardly to admire from the turnbuckle.


Entrant #9 – Dangermouth

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Damian Dastardly (8)

The next entrant was Dangermouth, who came flying down to the ring. Damian Dastardly made a cheeky suggestion that they formed an alliance, which Dangermouth quickly shot down. A quiet minute here, as Lee & Mallory continued to brawl, and Dangermouth & Dastardly eyed each other cautiously.


Entrant #10 – Byron

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Damian Dastardly (8), Dangermouth (9)

But that all changed as the next entrant was announced as Byron! Melanie Florence was ecstatic, as Byron hit the ring and immediately went after Dangermouth. However Florence’s joy quickly turned to concern, as Dangermouth was quickly able to turn the tables of Byron! Damian Dastardly continued to watch on from his turnbuckle, as at the end of the minute Dangermouth had Byron over the top rope with Byron holding on for dear life on the apron.


Entrant #11 – Bret Heartbreak

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Damian Dastardly (8), Dangermouth (9), Byron (10)

Byron looked in real trouble, but help was on the way in the form of his son Bret Heartbreak! Bret sprinted out, leaving Holly Leves trailing behind, and immediately pulled Dangermouth off his dad – allowing Byron to roll back under the bottom rope.


Entrant #12 – ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Damian Dastardly (8), Dangermouth (9), Byron (10), Bret Heartbreak (11)

The next man into the ring was ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson! A Muscular Heavyweight, Wilson was comfortably the largest man in the ring, which made him a threat… which may explain why Damian Dastardly did what he did next. Sliding under the bottom rope, Dastardly had grabbed a chair, before sneaking behind Wilson to deliver a chair shot to his back. Unfortunately for Dastardly, Wilson was still fresh and the chair shot didn’t drop the Scotsman. Anger flashed across the Olympian’s face, and despite Dastardly’s pleading… a big Clothesline sent the Kiwi over the top rope to be eliminated.

Meanwhile on the far side of the ring, now that it was two-on-one Byron and Bret Heartbreak were having success against Dangermouth. Bret had Dangermouth most of the way over the top rope, and looked like he was moments away from eliminating him… but seeing an opportunity, Byron shocked the crowd by lifting Bret over the top rope as well – eliminating both men! Bret couldn’t believe what had just happened, as Holly Leves had her hands over her mouth at ringside.


Entrant #13 – Dwayne Dark

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Byron (10), Stuart Wilson (12)

As the crowd registered that Byron had just eliminated his own son, the 13th entrant was announced as Dwayne Dark! Dark hit the ring, and immediately there was a face off between Dark & Wilson. Months of frustration had led to the moment, and Dark landed the first blow with a hard jab! The smaller man, Dark relied on his boxing skills to keep Wilson at a distance and chip away at the Olympian.


Entrant #14 – Bali Daljit

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Byron (10), Stuart Wilson (12), Dwayne Dark (13)

However, the distraction of a new entrant saw Wilson work his way through Dark’s guard, and floor the ex-boxer with an explosive Clothesline. Bali Daljit looked to start things spectacularly with a Flying Cross Body from the top rope to Stuart Wilson… but ‘The Celtic Hammer’ once again showed his immense power as he caught Daljit clean out of the sky and immediately lifted him up high and dumped him straight over the top rope!

Dwayne Dark was back to his feet and attempted to re-assert his jab, but a fired up Stuart Wilson powered straight through his rivals guard, and in a display of immense strength drove the Ripped Middleweight across the ring before lifting him up and over the top rope! Dwayne Dark couldn’t believe what had just happened, and the ex-boxers mood wasn’t improved as he looked up from the floor to see Stuart Wilson grinning down at him from the ring.

Never one to miss an opportunity, Byron looked to steal another sneaky elimination and tip Wilson over the top rope from behind. Unfortunately for Byron, Wilson was too powerful for him and was able to hold on. Byron tried to reason with the Olympic Bronze Medalist, but Wilson was having none of it and threw Byron over the top rope to secure his fourth elimination of the match – much to the dismay of Melanie Florence on commentary.


Entrant #15 – Grant Taypen

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Stuart Wilson (12)

Grant Taypen was the next man into the ring, and the British Banger was full of energy as he sprinted down to the ring… straight into a Big Boot from Stuart Wilson! Wilson took the opportunity to catch his breath after his quick-fire eliminations, as JK Lee and Landon Mallory continued to brawl – seemingly unaware of what was going on around them.


Entrant #16 – Riddick Jordan

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Stuart Wilson (12), Grant Taypen (15)

To the surprise of everyone, the next entrant was Riddick Jordan! Jordan took his time heading down to the ring, even stopping to wait outside as the countdown ticked down to the next entrant. Jordan finally stepped into the ring as the countdown reached one, and the next entrant was revealed to be…


Entrant #17 – Alton Vicious

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Stuart Wilson (12), Grant Taypen (15), Riddick Jordan (16)

Riddick Jordan’s tag team partner Alton Vicious joined his partner in the ring, and the pair immediately went after Stuart Wilson. Jackie Goldstein theorised that the pair had been sent out by network executive Frank Finkleton to ‘clear the decks’ before ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie entered the match at number 20. The Northern Lights boys did their job, as they double teamed the dangerous Stuart Wilson and (after a brief scare) were able to remove the Olympian from the contest. They quickly followed this up by throwing Grant Taypen over the top rope.

Things were looking bad for Landon Mallory, as he was swamped by JK Lee and The Northern Lights. The Springbok did everything in his power to hold on, but things were looking bad as the buzzer sounded for the next competitor…


Entrant #18 – Welsh Dragon

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Riddick Jordan (16), Alton Vicious (17)

Welsh Dragon came flying out from the back, as the crowd roared the Welshman to the ring. The former Cruiserweight champion cleared house with his lucha-libre inspired moveset – an Arm Drag to JK Lee, a Hurricanrana to Alton Vicious, a Drop Toe Hold to Riddick Jordan, and another Arm Drag to JK Lee! Unfortunately after his initial momentum stalled, the Heels made the numbers game pay and regained control of the ring until…


Entrant #19 – ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Riddick Jordan (16), Alton Vicious (17), Welsh Dragon (18)

‘The Prodigy’ came out from the back to even the odds for the babyfaces! With the match now three-on-three, the faces and heels paired off – with Mallory/Lee, Vicious/Welsh Dragon and Jordan/Flynn trading blows. Riddick Jordan looked to eliminate Darin Flynn, but ‘The Prodigy’ showed great technique and was able to adjust his body position to get under Riddick Jordan and eliminate him from the match!


Entrant #20 – ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

In The Ring: JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Alton Vicious (17), Welsh Dragon (18), Darin Flynn (19)

Before the babyfaces could push home their numbers advantage however, ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie appeared from the back. The Muscular Heavyweight had been handed the number 20 spot as leader of The Network, and wasted no time as he hit a huge Big Boot on Welsh Dragon as he hit the ring and threw the Cruiserweight dismissively over the top rope.

On the other side of the ring, Darin Flynn and Alton Vicious were brawling. Vicious managed to get the advantage and was looking to eliminate Flynn (who was doing a great job of holding on), when Landon Mallory came flying across the ring to help. Mallory took Vicious down with a big right hand, allowing Flynn to get back into the ring and help Mallory lift Vicious over the top rope to eliminate him...



The Final Four – JK Lee (1), Landon Mallory (6), Darin Flynn (19), Nathan McKenzie (20)

We were down to our final four, and just like he had all match JK Lee launched himself at Landon Mallory. Lee launched himself with his usual ferocity, but having been in the match for over 20 minutes he was starting to tire… and a small mistake was all Mallory needed. Scooping Lee onto one shoulder Mallory looked like he was setting up for his Running Powerslam, but instead placed Lee over the top rope. Lee fought like a mad man on the apron, desperately trying to avoid elimination, but a firm right hand from Landon Mallory pushed Lee off balance and saw him fall to the floor eliminated.

This left us with three, and Flynn and Big Mac stopped brawling for a moment as the three competitors stood in different corners of the ring for a stare down. The crowd could feel the tension as it looked like the three men were going to launch into action… when JK Lee appeared behind Landon Mallory and caught the South African completely off guard to throw him over the top rope and eliminate him! The crowd were in shock at what they had just seen – JK Lee had already been eliminated… could he eliminate someone still in the match? There was a moment of confusion as everyone awaited a decision, but it was confirmed that Landon Mallory was eliminated! Boos rained down from the crowd as a smug JK Lee quickly retreated to the back with a big grin on his face. Landon Mallory stayed down at ringside looking hugely disappointed.

Darin Flynn had been watching what was happening at ringside, seemingly forgetting he was still in a match – something Big Mac took full advantage of as the big Australian looked to eliminate The Prodigy. Once again Flynn showed great technique in establishing a solid base, making it hard for McKenzie to get underneath him. The pair struggled for nearly a minute, until Big Mac grew frustrated and tried to push all of his weight into Flynn to move him… which was all the opening ‘The Prodgy’ needed! Shifting his weight, Flynn was able to get his shoulder underneath the unbalanced Australians chest – lifting Big Mac up and over the top rope!

The big Australian’s feet hit the floor, and he looked like he couldn’t believe it as ‘The Prodigy’ was named the winner and would be the man to challenge Edison Silva for the British Heavyweight Championship next month!


Winner: ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn

Runner Up: ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

Most Eliminations: ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson

‘Iron Man’: JK Lee

Rating: 60


Jackie Goldstein: “Darin Flynn wins it! He is your number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship!”

Melanie Florence: “The Network thought they had the match set up perfectly, but Big Mac fell at the final hurdle. Frank Finkleton will be furious!”

Jackie Goldstein: “But not as furious as Landon Mallory! That’s twice in two months that JK Lee had screwed him… The Springbok won’t take this lying down!”

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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12 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Yesssss! Moore's Sports Agency all the way, baby!

It was certainly a good night for Moore's Sports Agency, with all of his clients now number one contenders! Now he's just got to find a way to overcome the influence of The Network and Edison Silva/Mo Adebola!

On 4/18/2024 at 6:00 PM, scapegoat said:

Any other comments on the event/diary overall:

I'm not too familiar with the British Cornellverse, but ive enjoyed your take on it so far! Im almost fully caught up, and my favourite characters have been Chuck Frisby and Landon Mallory. I also like commentators having favourites, so ive enjoyed your commentator irrationally backing Byron all the time. Keep up the good work.

Welcome to the diary, great to have you following along! Chuck and Landon are probably my two favourites in the diary, so I'm glad that's translating across! Glad you're enjoying Byron, what were your thoughts on him eliminating Bret in order to get to Danermouth in the Battle Royal?

On 4/19/2024 at 12:02 AM, KyTeran said:

Any other comments on the event/diary overall: Another great build to the event and I feel like that there are multiple viable winners for the battle royal.  The interactions between wrestlers have been great with the rivalries between Chuck and Stuart being a great delight as well as the reconciliation between Byron and Bret Heartbreak.  I am excited to see what occurs on this show and what you have next in store for NWF.

Thanks @KyTeran! Hope you enjoyed the show. I'm happy that there were so many different predictions for winner of the Battle Royal, with I think only @newbiezness correctly picking Darin Flynn as the overall winner. Interesting you mentioned Byron and Bret given what happened in the Battle Royal, Byron has some explaining to do...

On 4/19/2024 at 8:08 PM, lieon02 said:

Any other comments on the event/diary overall: I've enjoyed it allot. 

Thanks @lieon02! Hope you enjoyed the show!


I'd love some feedback on the Battle Royal match itself. There were a lot of story beats I wanted to include in the match, but my initial draft was over 5000 words. The final version was a lot shorter, but was still longer than a normal full PLE write up. Did you enjoy the longer Battle Royal write up, or would you have preferred a shorter, bullet-point summary of the key plot points?

For anyone who hasn't read the full show, I've included a summary of the eliminations below:


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Very nice show.

I chose Big Mac thinking it would be the cause of a bigger rift between the network and Mo Adebola clients.

I thought Landon would be 2nd and getting screwed out the win.


Looking forward to see where the Heartbreak story will head.

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United States Pro Wrestling


1st in the World

Size - Titanic

Pop – 82 across the World


After an incredibly successful last few years, USPW are now undisputedly the number one wrestling promotion in the world. With over $200 million in the bank the promotions spending power is unmatched – as shown by the mega money signings of El Leon, Tommy Cornell, Rock God Alvarez, Jack Giedroyc, Sammy Bach and most recently Remo. With their nearest rivals SWF struggling, USPW’s time on top looks set to continue for many years to come.


Major Stars

Nicky Champion (94 pop)

Steve Frehley (90 pop)

Rich Money (89 pop)

Joss Thompson (85 pop)

Alicia Strong (81 pop)



April 2020 – El Leon, Rogue

May 2020 – Atom Smasher

July 2020 – Tommy Cornell, Randy Bumfhole

October 2020 – Sammy Bach

November 2020 – Rock God Alvarez

December 2020 – Sterling Whitlock, Eddie Chandler, Texas Pete, Francis Ward, Kate Lily, Debbie Rose, Valiant

January 2021 – Mainstream Hernandez, Tana The Mighty

April 2021 – Boom Boom Jamaica, Eric Tyler, Cameron Vessey

August 2021 – Remo Richardson, Foxxy LaRue, Katherine Goodlooks



April 2020 – Sterling Whitlock

July 2020 – Rick Law

August 2020 – T-Rex, Atlas

October 2020 – Rajah

February 2021 – Bash Street

March 2021 – D.C. Rayne

April 2021 – Tiffany Jayne, Krusher Karloff

June 2021 – Maleik Chamberlain


Best Show

USPW Born In The USA                  Oct 2020              90           Joss Thompson def Captain Atomic to retain USPW World (91)

Worst Show

USPW Red, White & Blue!            Feb 2020             78           Rich Money def Enygma to retain USPW World (78)




USPW World (88 Prestige)

Rich Money (3)                                Jul 19 – Sep 20                                 18 Defences

Joss Thompson (2)                          Sep 20 – Feb 21                               6 Defences

Rich Money (4)                                Feb 21 – Current                             8 Defences


USPW Womens (78 Prestige)

Jaime Quine                                      Jul 19 – May 20                               16 Defences

Tiffany Jade (3)                                May 20 – Aug 20                             6 Defences

Jaime Quine (2)                               Aug 20 – Dec 20                               6 Defences

Pariah                                                 Dec 20 – Mar 21                            7 Defences

Jaime Quine (3)                               Mar 21 – Sep 21                              7 Defences

Pariah (2)                                          Sep 21 – Current                             0 Defences


USPW National (75 Prestige)

Roger Cage                                       Oct 19 – Jun 20                                7 Defences

Casey Valentine                               Jun 20 – Aug 20                               2 Defences

Julius Moor (2)                                 Aug 20 – Oct 20                               3 Defences

Bulldozer Brandon Smith (2)        Oct 20 – Feb 21                               4 Defences

Trent Shaffer (3)                              Feb 21 – Apr 21                               2 Defenecs

Bulldozer Brandon Smith (3)        Apr 21 – Jun 21                                2 Defences

Enygma                                              Jun 21 – Current                              3 Defences


USPW World Tag Team (70)

Jacob Jett & Julius Moor                              Oct 19 – Apr 20                7 Defences


Grandmaster Phunk & Greg Black             Apr 20 – Jun 20                 4 Defences

D.C Rayne & Eddie Howard (7)                   Jun 20 – Sep 20                4 Defences

Trent Schaffer & Bulldozer Brandon Smith   Sep 20 – Nov 20            0 Defences

Jumbo Jackson & Casey Valentine             Nov 20 – Mar 21              4 Defences

Sterling Whitlock & Eddie Chandler          Mar 21 – May 21              1 Defence

Jacob Jett & Julius Moor (2)                        May 21 – Aug 21              2 Defences

Dusty Ducont & Charlie Thatcher              Aug 21 – Current              1 Defence


Supreme Wrestling Federation


2nd in the World

Size - Large

Pop – 79 across US/Canada/Mexico & 15 across other regions

2020 was a tough year for the SWF, which saw the company fall to Medium twice and lose a number of key stars to rivals USPW. The SWF turned to new faces in an attempt to turn their fortunes around, and while Scythe’s title reign was considered a bit of a dud – ZWB and Mikey Lau were bonafide successes, putting on some of the best matches the SWF has seen in recent years during their title reigns. The reigns of ZWB & Mikey Lau have helped stabilise the company and for the first time in years the SWF is back in growth, however it remains to be seen how fans will react to the news that top Heel Remo will be leaving the SWF for rivals USPW next month. Can the SWF’s new stars steady the ship, or will Remo be one loss too many for the former juggernaut?


Major Stars

Rocky Golden (90 Pop)

Mikey Lau (88 Pop)

Remo (86 Pop)

Jay Chord (83 Pop)

ZWB (83 Pop)


Main Roster Signings

Sep 2020 – Jay Chord

Dec 2020 – Edd Stone

Jun 2021 – Raphael, Ash Campbell, Cowboy Buck Winchester, Nelson Callum


RIPW Call Ups

Feb 2021 – Deever Arnold



Mar 2020 – Brett Biggins

May 2020 – Rogue, Atom Smasher

Aug 2020 – Randy Unleashed

Nov 2020 – Big Smack Scott

Jan 2021 – Valiant

Feb 2021 – Mainstream Hernandez, Brandon James

Mar 2021 – Angry Gilmore

May 2021 – Monty Trescarde


Best Show

SWF The World Is Watching         Apr 2021             89           ZWB def Ekuma retain SWF World Heavyweight (91)

Worst Show

SWF When Hell Freezes Over      Jan 2020              79           Rocky Golden def Scythe to retain SWF World Heavyweight (77)




SWF World Heavyweight (89 Prestige)

Rocky Golden                                   Apr 19 – May 20                              11 Defences

Scythe                                                May 20 – Jan 21                             6 Defences

ZWB                                                    Jan 21 – Jun 21                              4 Defences

Mikey Lau                                         Jun 21 – Current                               2 Defences


SWF North American (75 Prestige)

Des Davids                                        Nov 19 – May 20                             11 Defences

Jungle Lord (2)                                 May 20 – Aug 20                              5 Defences

Monty Trescarde                             Aug 20 – Dec 20                                4 Defences

Marshall Dillon                                Dec 20 – May 21                               8 Defences

Joey Morgan (2)                              May 21 – Current                              6 Defences


SWF World Tag Team (73)

Paul Huntingdon & Monty Trescarde (2) Jul 19 – Feb 20                  10 Defences

Atom Smasher & Jungle Lord (2)                Feb 20 – May 20              4 Defences

Paul Huntingdon & Monty Trescarde (3) May 20 – Sep 20               6 Defences

Ekuma & High Flyin Hawaiian                     Sep 20 – Feb 21              10 Defences

Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust (3)Feb 21 – Apr 21               4 Defences

Paul Huntingdon & Monty Trescarde (4) Apr 21 – May 21               0 Defences

Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust (4) May 21 – Jul 21               6 Defences

James Prudence & Robbie Wright             Jul 21 – Current                1 Defence


Total Championship Wrestling


3rd in the World

Size - Medium

Pop – 79/80 across US, 55-76 across Canada, 15 across other regions

2020 was a mixed year for TCW. The first part of the year was an unmitigated disaster, with the companies fortunes encapsulated in the Battleground III event in March – the worst PPV put out by a major US wrestling promotion in decades. This, combined with the companies fall to Medium in June, saw multiple ‘obituaries’ for the company posted online through the middle part of the year. This proved to be premature though, as the second half of the year saw TCW put out some of the best PPV’s in US wrestling history! This change in fortunes was sparked by moving the World title back to Wolf Hawkins – who proceeded to put on the single best run of matches in living memory. Instant classics against Greg Gauge, Mighty Mo and Freddy Huggins dragged the promotion back into the fight with SWF for the #2 promotion in the US. His reign came to an end in a 99 rated classic against Freddy Huggins at ‘Excessive Force’ – a match that TCW management hoped would crown Huggins as their new babyface megastar. Unfortunately beyond a spectacular rematch with Hawkins, Huggins’ reign has not lived up to expectations and has hurt the World titles prestige.

A rise to Big in January 2021 was quickly followed by a second fall to Medium in April. With their ‘cool off’ period ending next month, TCW find themselves in an interesting spot – Wolf Hawkins’ incredible title run has positioned the company as a credible challenger for the SWF, but their current champion hasn’t delivered. Will they cut the Freddy Huggins experiment short – perhaps moving the title back to Wolf Hawkins or the up and coming Greg Gauge – or will the company stick to their guns that Huggins is their man?


Major Stars

Wolf Hawkins (87 Pop)

Aaron Andrews (83 Pop)

Greg Gauge (77 Pop)

Mighty Mo (77 Pop)

Freddy Huggins (72 pop)


Main Roster Signings

Nov 2020 – Atlas

Dec 2020 – Akima Brave

Jan 2021 – John Vechio

Feb 2021 – Rick Law, Doug Peak, Knuckles, Bash Street, Ernest Youngman, Shady K,


MAW Recalls

In April 2021 all 19 workers under a development deal training in MAW returned to work on the main roster, after TCW/MAW ended their working relationship.



Aug 2020 – Eddie Chandler, Human Arsenal, Bart Biggins,

Oct 2020 – Nobuyo Hikichi, Jay Chord

Nov 2020 – Sammy Bach

Dec 2020 – Joshua Taylor

Jan 2021 – Edd Stone

Feb 2021 – Tana The Mighty

June 2021 – Troy Tornado

Aug 2021 – Chance Fortune


Best Show

TCW King Of Kings           Nov 2020             97           Wolf Hawkins def Greg Gauge to retain TCW World Heavyweight (99)

Worst Show

TCW Battleground III      Mar 2020            70           Sammy Bach, Edd Stone & Mighty Meaty def Jay Chord, Troy Tornado & The New Wave (75)




TCW World Heavyweight (86 Prestige)

Aaron Andrews  (3)                         Jul 19 – Jul 20                                   9 Defences

Wolf Hawkins (4)                             Jul 20 – May 21                               7 Defences

Freddy Huggins                                May 21 – Current                            3 Defences


TCW World Tag Team (73)

Killer Shark & Titan (3)                                  Jul 19 – Jul 20                        13 Defences

Freddy Huggins & Edd Stone (4)                Jul 20 – Jan 21                           3 Defences

One Man Army & Doc Hammond (6)        Jan 21 – May 21                         3 Defences

Matt Hockling & T-Bone Bright                  May 21 – Current                      4 Defences


TCW Television (64 Prestige)

Greg Gauge                                      Aug 19 – Jun 20                               12 Defences

Matt Hockling                                  Jun 20 – Dec 20                               5 Defences

Killer Shark                                        Dec 20 – Jun 21                               7 Defences

Akima Brave                                     Jun 21 – Current                              1 Defence


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On 4/21/2024 at 10:34 AM, lieon02 said:

Very nice show.

I chose Big Mac thinking it would be the cause of a bigger rift between the network and Mo Adebola clients.

I thought Landon would be 2nd and getting screwed out the win.


Looking forward to see where the Heartbreak story will head.

Thanks @lieon02! Your logic was very sensible, however while I do have out of the ring Heel feuds (Adebola vs The Network and Frisby vs Wilson two current examples) - I don't tend to put them together in the ring, especially in the Main Event. My experience is that TEW penalises Heel vs Heel heavily, so I tend to steer clear. However, a small quibble like Heel vs Heel main events won't stop Frank Finkleton from finding ways to get his client a title shot!

I'm glad you're looking forward to Bret's reaction to being eliminated by his dad! Could this be the straw that breaks the camels back between these two?

On 4/19/2024 at 12:02 AM, KyTeran said:

Who will win the 'Battle of Britain' Battle Royal: Stuart Wilson

I know that Landon would be the popular choice, but I feel that he is going to get cheated out of the win and a clash between Stuart Wilson and Edison Silva could be interesting.

Who will be the Runner-Up: Landon Mallory

Landon is going to get close, but I feel that someone is going to cost him the match even though they were eliminated, or Edison Silva will cost Landon the match himself.

Stuart Wilson is an interesting pick! He's currently tied up with Chuck Frisby though, so may be out of the title picture - at least for a short while! You were spot on with your Landon Mallory prediction though!

On 4/19/2024 at 9:04 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

NWF Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White
Think Dastardly would eventually be the one to dethrone Buzzard. He's a cruiserweight, right? lol

NWF Tag Team Titles - Tornado Tag Match: Hisato & Goto vs The Northern Lights (C)
地獄の沙汰も金次第 which means no chances in hell these two will turn off the Northern Lights

Damian Dastardly is indeed a Cruiserweight! He's done great since joining after the Cruiserweight World Cup, so could be a great pick as next champ!


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to Battle For Britain! I really enjoyed writing the Battle Royal, and hopefully it will set up a number of fun stories going forwards! Hope everyone enjoyed the show and to see you back next episode!

@newbiezness was the only predictor to correctly predict Darin Flynn as the winner of the Battle Royal match, earning him a perfect score for the event and the overall win for this round of the prediction contest! Keep an eye on your inbox over the next few days for your prize!

The next round of predictions will be another bumper contest as we celebrate reaching the one year milestone for the NWF! The top 3 predictors will all receive prizes!


Prediction Results for Battle of Britain

@newbiezness 4/4 + 1 Bonus

@scapegoat 3/4 + 2 Bonus

@StanMiguel 3/4 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 3/4 + 1 Bonus

@KyTeran 3/4 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 3/4

@lieon02 3/4

@kanegan 3/4

@smw88 2/4


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 24/24 + 2 Bonus

@KyTeran 23/24 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 21/24 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 18/24

@Wrestling Machine 16/19

@lieon02 13/14

@kanegan 13/14

@StanMiguel 9/14 + 1 Bonus

@scapegoat 7/10 + 2 Bonus

@alliegolem 5/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 45

Non-Title Contest: Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Grant Taypen vs Lone Wolf

Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

??? vs Padraig O'Hearne

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Diabolic' Damian Dastardly

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The Northern Lights

Lone Wolf

Grace of Fire

Padraig O'Hearne

Landon Mallory


Loved the Battle Royal! Was good to see Stuart Wilson get the most eliminations, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens between the Heartbreaks.

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Non-Title Contest: Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Grant Taypen vs Lone Wolf

The monster journey continues

Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

School still have to learn a few things before starting to win

??? vs Padraig O'Hearne

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Diabolic' Damian Dastardly

Damian probably has a pair of tricks that Landon doesn't expect. And I expect a high rating!

Edited by newbiezness
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Non-Title Contest: Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Grant Taypen vs Lone Wolf

Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

??? vs Padraig O'Hearne

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Diabolic' Damian Dastardly

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Non-Title Contest: Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Black Country Boys are not beating the champs.

Grant Taypen vs Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf is going to show why he is the alpha wolf.

Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

School of Wrestling is going to learn that if you play with Fire you are going to get burned.

??? vs Padraig O'Hearne

Padraig beats local jobber, more at 11.

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Diabolic' Damian Dastardly

Like Damian's new nickname, but even though he is without a doubt cheating he still won't beat Landon.

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Non-Title Contest: Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Grant Taypen vs Lone Wolf

Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

??? vs Padraig O'Hearne

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Diabolic' Damian Dastardly

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Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Grant Taypen vs Lone Wolf

Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

??? vs Padraig O'Hearne

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Diabolic' Damian Dastardly

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