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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


National Wrestling

Episode 56

Wednesday W1 December 2021

Rating: 60


JackieGoldstein.jpg.20e95a5e785aeca78ca9295e64c828ef.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.9ea7463939f3856bd0060bc75734b6ca.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie. This entire building is pumped for what promises to be a very special episode of National Wrestling!”

Jackie Goldstein: “You can say that again! I can’t believe I am saying this, but tonight Main Event will see the in-ring return of British wrestling legend Leo Price – as ‘The Lion’ faces Mo Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee in what promises to be a blockbuster Main Event!”

Melanie Florence: “There’s no doubt ‘The Lion’ has the pedigree… but you have to ask – after three years away from the ring, is two high profile matches in the space of four days going to prove too much for the 47 year old?”



Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) VS State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

No Disqualification Match

State of Mind issued an open challenge last week on National Wresting to any team willing to “step into their playground”. The team that stepped up to answer the challenge was none other than the inaugural NWF British Tag Team champions – Future X.

Despite the match being No Disqualification, Future X looked to win in their more traditional style. Barnes & Future had good success throughout, and looked to set up their Future Shock DDT on Brilliant White (Aided Double Arm DDT). However before they could deliver the move, Ultra Violence slid into the ring behind them and delivered hard cane shots to the back of the heads of both men. With both opponents down, Brilliant White headed to the top rope and, with Ultra Violence holding his trusty cane high in the air, delivered his White Out (Swanton Bomb) to secure State of Mind’s biggest scalp to date.

Winners: State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rating: 57


As State of Mind celebrated their victory in the ring, their music was cut off and replaced by the music of the British Tag Team champions The Foundation.


The British Tag Team champions appeared from the back, alongside their agent Mark Moore who had a microphone in hand.

Mark Moore: “My lads heard what you boys had to say last week… and they didn’t like what they heard! You want to rock the foundations of the NWF tag division? You’ll get you chance this Sunday, as you face my lads for the British Tag Team Titles! You’ll learn just why I call these lads The Foundation of this division!”

Rating: 49



The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) VS The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

The Northern Lights were back in tag team action for the first time since losing their rematch for the Tag Team Titles nearly two months ago. Rave & Trance barely had a chance to get the party started, before Alton Vicious nearly took Trance’s head off with a vicious looking lariat. Vicious & Jordan threw their opponents around the ring with high impact Suplexes, before Riddick Jordan headed to the top rope and wowed the crowd with his spectacular Diving Headbutt. With the match already won, The Northern Lights set Trance up for their Lights Out (Doomsday Device) to put the exclamation point on an impressive victory.

Winners: The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Rating: 50


We cut to another pre-recorded segment at another community centre…


Chuck Frisby: “Thank you for joining us at Glasgow Community Centre… that’s right, this week we’re in bonny Scotland – home of irn bru and the deep fried mars bar! And that’s something that becomes apparent as I look around the room tonight…”

A portly gentleman from the crowd yelled out at the personal trainer in a thick Glaswegian accent – “Ah shu’ it ya wee English bah’turd”.

Chuck Frisby: “And they haven’t even learned to talk properly on this side of the border… if nothing else, it explains a lot about Stuart Wilson, and why he couldn’t cut it in Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness.”

The same gentleman from the crowd piped up again – “Stuar’ Wilson… now thers a real man. Not like yous ya pipsqueak…”

Having insulted Chuck, the man found himself with Iggy Riot and Dwayne Dark towering over either side of him menacingly. The man looked worried for a moment, until a voice came from off screen.


Stuart Wilson: “That’s enough Lachlan, ah can fight my own battles from here…”

Chuck Frisby looked like he had seen a ghost, and immediately bolted for the exit. Stuart Wilson looked to pursue the personal trainer, but Iggy Riot and Dwayne Dark stepped between the Olympic bronze medalist and the door.

Stuart Wilson (smirking): “I know Chuck is a coward, but I’ll bet one of you is stupid enough to face me this Sunday at ‘Last Orders’…”

Iggy Riot and Dwayne Dark both grinned, and the menacing pair stepped forward… clearly confident they could take Stuart Wilson two-on-one.

Dwayne Dark: “In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve got you outnumbered! I’ve been waiting a long time to wipe that smirk off your face Wilson…”

However instead of looking intimidated, Wilson was actually chuckling to himself.

Stuart Wilson: “Ah take it you boys have ne’er been to Glasgow before?”

Dwayne Dark: “I don’t see why that’s relevant…”

Stuart Wilson: “’Cos if yer had, you’d know everyone is always up for a scrap!”

Before Dark could turn around, one of the locals clocked him in the back of the head. Suddenly finding that they were the one’s outnumbered, Riot and Dark followed Frisby in bolting for the door – chased all the way by some overzealous locals! Wilson continued chuckling as he thanked everyone for their help, before accepting a can of Irn Bru and downing it as the segment ended.

Rating: 54



Jaunt VS Byron w/ Holly Leves

Despite facing someone much closer to his age this week, Byron didn’t show Jaunt any more respect than he had the kids he had beaten over the past couple of months. The veteran took shortcut after shortcut to gain control of the match, before delivering his Upper Class (European Uppercut) to secure the victory.

Winner: Byron

Rating: 47


Byron smugly celebrated his victory, with a particularly sloppy smooch with Holly Leves, before the crowd erupted as Bret Heartbreak’s music blared over the speakers.


Bret came sprinting out from the back, making a beeline for the ring. However, on sight of his son, Byron quickly dived out of the ring and escaped through the crowd... leaving Holly Leves desperately trying to catch up a few paces behind.

Bret Heartbreak: “Not so keen on fighting when it’s face to face are you dad? You’re nothing but a coward! But it’s okay, I can wait another couple of days for my revenge…”

The crowd were fully behind Bret Heartbreak, but their excitement quickly turned to boos as the music for the network executive Frank Finkleton played over the speakers.


Frank Finkleton: “Tensions seem to be running high… but I can’t have this family squabble taking over my show! It’s become increasingly that the NWF isn’t big enough for two Heartbreak’s… so this Sunday at ‘Last Orders’, the loser of your match will be FIRED!”

Rating: 51


We cut to a pre-recorded video, shot in what looked like a University lecture theatre. The Professor was stood at the front of the theatre talking over footage from star student Aurelian Bradley’s Main Event match last week on National Wrestling.


Unlike in previous weeks, Toxic & Ron Gibson looked fully engaged in The Professor’s lecture… could this be a turning point for the School of Wrestling?

Rating: 21



Bali Daljit VS Local Talent

After a tough month for Bali Daljit - with his former tag partner Welsh Dragon leaving the NWF, arguing with Damian Dastardly, and losing to Dylan Drama – the British-Indian looked happy to be back in the ring. Bali faced a local talent tonight, putting in a strong performance before hitting his spectacular Shooting Star Press – a move he delivers with rare grace.

Winner: Bali Daljit

Rating: 30


Daljit looked delighted with his win, but surprised the crowd by calling for a microphone for a rare promo.

Bali Daljit: “My parents have a saying that “Karma will hit you back”, and there is nobody that saying applies to more that Damian Dastardly…”


This drew the Cruiserweight Champion out from the back, who wore his usual sinister smirk.

Damian Dastardly: “Bali… you can’t be happy leaving it to Karma to get your revenge…”

Bali Daljit: “My religion does not believe in revenge…”

Damain Dastardly: “Come on… I ran you tag partner out of the company, I cost you your match with Dylan Drama… you’ve got to want to kick my arse!”

Bali Daljit: “Revenge is not mine to take…”

Damian Dastardly: “Then how about I make it worth your while. I’ll put my Cruiserweight Title on the line… against your NWF career!”

Bali Daljit: “I accept. Krishna shall guide my path…”

Rating: 46


There was a huge roar, as the camera cut backstage to show Leo Price walking down the corridor alongside his protégé Dangermouth ahead of his in-ring return in tonights Main Event.


The pair continued walking down the corridor, until the crowd roared once more as they bumped into Landon Mallory.


The Springbok shook The Lion’s hand, as the South African wished the 47 year old luck ahead of the Main Event.

Landon Mallory: “In my country there is an old saying – ‘A roaring lion kills no game’. It means that nothing is gained talking about a problem. You must get up and work for it. It’s good to see you back on your feet ‘Lion’.”

Leo Price: “When I retired in 2018, I never thought I’d be getting back in the ring. But The Network are a problem worth getting up and working for…”

Landon Mallory: “It will be good to see The Lion roar again. Yebo!”

Rating: 66



Leo ‘The Lion’ Price w/ Dangermouth VS ‘The Insurance Policy’ JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Leo Price got a huge ovation on his return to the ring after three years away. This match went shorter than a normal National Wrestling Main Event at only seven minutes in length, due to concerns over Leo Price’s Stamina due to a combination of age and time away from the ring.

Despite the short match length, Price and Lee put on a god show – with ‘The Lion’ able to run through his classic spots to the delight of the crowd. JK Lee was given a good amount of offence in this open contest, but ultimately it was Leo Price who hit his Price Drop (Double Arm DDT) to pick up the win ahead of his title match this Sunday at ‘Last Orders’.

Winner: Leo Price

Rating: 60


Jackie Goldstein: “Leo Price is back, and he looks like he’s never been away! That performance will send shivers down the spines of ‘Big Mac’ and Edison Silva ahead of their title match at ‘Last Orders’!”

Melanie Florence: “Price made quick work of Mo Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’, and the lawyer looks furious!”

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On 7/7/2024 at 7:30 AM, scapegoat said:

I would keep reading this diary after the release of the new game.

On 7/6/2024 at 8:20 AM, lieon02 said:

I will keep following, until you stop, or read the next diary you do.

On 7/5/2024 at 7:47 PM, SomeLazyMagic said:

1. Continue this diary going until I run out of ideas that sound fun.

2. Run the diary until TEW IX is released in August and move onto something new using the new game as a base.

3. If it's possible, try and convert this save onto the new game.

4. Something else (please elaborate)

On 7/5/2024 at 7:13 PM, alliegolem said:

You do whatever you find best. I'll keep reading/predicting as long as it goes, whererever it goes.

On 7/5/2024 at 3:24 PM, CGN91 said:

I tend to option 1 or 3 to be honest. 

On 7/5/2024 at 6:14 AM, KyTeran said:

I feel that I will follow any of three options, but I tend to drift to option 1 or option 3 depending on your preference.  I will say even if you do start a new game, I will follow that as well.  Whether you choose to continue NWF in TEW 2020 or TEW IX I will follow due to my enjoyment of your writing and if you choose to start a new game, I know that the writing will be great so I will follow that as well.

On 7/4/2024 at 8:05 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

I'll definitely keep following this diary even if it stays on TEW2020, but even moving to TEW IX, it looks like converting DB should be an easy task. That being said, I suggest you to option 3 if you still have gas in the tank.

On 7/4/2024 at 7:10 PM, newbiezness said:

I have the same  concerns regarding my SWF diary. I know this is not the proper forum to talk about TEW IX but even if there have been only a few updates about TEW IX there are many things that make me feel unsure about how TEW IX will result. From the Creative Energy thing that probably will reduce the flexibility and freedom to write a diary, to the AI pictures, I'm not sure that I'll like TEW IX. So I won't probably be one of those who will buy the game when it comes out and I'll wait to see how it's working. However, I understand that some people may reduce their interest in the TEW 2020 forums. I hope that drop won't be overnight. For the moment, my idea is to continue with the diary the same way I've been doing. That's my sincere point of view.

On 7/4/2024 at 5:35 PM, smw88 said:

Any of these are fine, you do you. If you stay on with this diary I'll keep following it as the game underneath isn't visible either way as a viewer, if you want to jump into the new game with a new diary that's cool too

Thank you for everyone's feedback. It sounds like the general consensus is to keep going with the NWF, which is great news! Once the new game is out I will have a play around with the new features to see if I like them, and how easy it is to convert to a new database.

I think my plan is to get used to the new game mechanics in a non-diary game, and continue this diary on the old game. However if the new game is great right off the bat, this may change :)

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Jack Giedroyc Returns To The SWF

It was confirmed last week that Jack Giedroyc had been released from his USPW contract after 18 months at the company. After a whirlwind week, where rumours of a spectacular homecoming to the British Isles took the IWC by storm, it was confirmed last night that Jack Giedroyc would be returning to the SWF. It is expected that Giedroyc will reprise his popular Rogue character, but at 45 years old it is unknown how the former 3-time World Champion will be pushed.



USPW Sign Wade Orson

In news that shook the British wrestling scene, last night it was confirmed that current 21CW World Champion Wade Orson had agreed a deal with American juggernaut USPW. Many observers see this as the start of USPW’s move towards targeting global expansion, while others view Orson as a natural replacement for outgoing fellow Brit Jack Giedroyc. Orson will arrive in America as a former two-time 21CW World Champion, but it remains to be seen if Orson can match the likes of Tommy Cornell and Jack Giedroyc as Brit’s who have made it across the Atlantic.

It remains to be seen how 21CW react to the news. With Wade Orson having beaten all of the companies major stars over the past few months, who will the British company trust as their new World Champion?



Roy Worrall Signs for 21CW

Roy Worrall made his 21CW debut this past Monday night, refereeing the opening contest on Best Of British Wrestling between Jonathan Faust and Edward Head. The former NWF head referee put in a solid performance, as he replaced long serving referee Scotty Gregory on the 21CW roster.

The NWF last night announced they had signed 19 year old referee Aaron Ryan as Worrall’s replacement. The Welshman only debuted in June, but has impressed in his short time on the Independent scene.


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7 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Nice to see "The Lion" back! Did he had ring rust problem?? And what's his POP in UK? 

Oddly he didn't have ring rust, which I was thankful for. He did however get injured in the first dark match I put him in (which was why there was the abrupt change of plans last months with Leighton Buzzard). Price has 60 pop across the UK, making him by far my most popular worker (second is Edison Silva with 52 in Southern England, Midlands and Northern England and 45 elsewhere. Then Darin Flynn & Landon Mallory both have 51 in Southern England, but as low as 42 elsewhere).

The one thing Leo Price definitely has is time decline. His physical stats have dropped 5 points across the board since February. Part of the reason I pulled the pin now was because it really was my last chance to give him a 'farewell run'. I'm hoping his pop will mean he can still do what I have planned for him, but we will wait and see. He is definitely limited in terms of match length though, I got warnings at anything beyond 7 minutes from the road agent!


Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show. It really is appreciated! Also thank you for the feedback on the future of the diary, it's great to know that you all want to keep reading!

It is incredibly close in the prediction contest heading into Last Orders, with @SomeLazyMagic one point clear of a chasing pack of four. I hope to see everyone back for the PLE!


Prediction Results for Episode 56

@smw88 5/5

@newbiezness 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@alliegolem 5/5

@SomeLazyMagic 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@CGN91 4/5

@lieon02 4/5

@scapegoat 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@SomeLazyMagic 19/20

@lieon02 18/20

@scapegoat 18/20

@KyTeran 18/20

@alliegolem 18/20

@newbiezness 17/20

@smw88 15/20

@Wrestling Machine 14/15

@CGN91 12/15

@StanMiguel 5/10 + 1 Bonus

@Rhaums 3/5


Poster created by
@John Lions
NWF presents Last Orders

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C)

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Stuart Wilson vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3)

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating?


Any comments or questions on the diary:

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

State Of Mind are the classic tag team that gets over with the audience and even if they're not the biggest stars they are hot enough to become the new champions

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Not a problem for Damian

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

I think the younger should remain

Stuart Wilson vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Does Wilson ever get rid of the Frisby boys?

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

I think Leo Prince is there to eat the pin as Big Mac becomes the new champion


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 2

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 76

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main Event


Any comments or questions on the diary: Great news that this NWF diary will continue!

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C)

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Stuart Wilson vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) The big one changes!

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side)  71!

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? The main event has my vote.

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State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Damian Dastardly (C)

Byron w/ Holly Leves

Stuart Wilson 

 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 2

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 70

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? main event

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State of Mind

Damian Dastardly

Bret Heartbreak 

Stuart Wilson

Edison Silva




Main Event


Any comments or questions on the diary: Was the british interest you said about in signing Jack Giedroyc a 21CW offer or did you try to sign him?

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

The Foundation is a great team, but I can see this being State of Mind's moment.  State of Mind have become one of my favorite acts in NWF and I believe they have the momentum to end the year with the title around their waists.

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C)

I like Damian, but considering you have one a career vs title match I usually choose the winner to be the guy with the career on the line unless I see the writing on the wall for his career, so I imagine Bali is going to win here and get payback for Damian's antics.  That or Damian gets disqualified or counted out since this is still a standard match.

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Unless he has signed for another company, I imagine that Bret has more potential for NWF considering that Byron has EWA to go back to.

Stuart Wilson vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Stuart is going to make his way through Frisby's boys before getting his hands on Chuck.

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

While Leo may be the most popular member of your roster, I think his declining stats will prevent him from winning the title.  I imagine that the Leo's grudge against the Network will cost both him and Nathan from taking the title off of Silva.


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 2

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 73

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Leo Price vs Nathan McKenzie vs Edison Silva

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C)

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Stuart Wilson vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) Zero

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 66 

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main Event

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C) time to send Bali's ass home

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves huge career defining moment for Bret

Stuart Wilson vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) None

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? 71 (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main Event

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C)

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Stuart Wilson vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side)  72

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main Event

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On 7/11/2024 at 6:44 PM, scapegoat said:

Any comments or questions on the diary: Was the british interest you said about in signing Jack Giedroyc a 21CW offer or did you try to sign him?

I'm glad someone picked up on that! Yes, I was the one who offered the contract to Jack Giedroyc. He was willing to negotiate, and for one in-game day I had the glorious visions of the 2nd biggest British wrestler in the C-Verse signing for the NWF! However, after I clicked advance and saw the SWF offer I knew it wasn't going to happen.

Unfortunately before I clicked advance I had planned his debut and even made a quick teaser graphic to use in the build up. The eagle eyed amongst you may have seen it on a show post briefly, before I saw the SWF offer and edited to remove it. For those interested, it was just an edited NWF banner with with 'Wrath of god' persona symbol edited onto it. I would have added links to images related to Giedroyc's career (i.e a pair of Brass Knuckles for his DaVe Brass Knuckles Championship etc.). I would have added one banner a week and seen if anyone noticed. But alas, it wasn't to be!


In news that is happening - the next show will be posted in a couple of hours!

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


Last Orders

Sunday W1 December 2021

Attendance: 2,178

Show Rating: 63



Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to Last Orders! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence!”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! Last Orders is our final PLE of the year, and we’re going out with a bang! Tonights Main Event sees Edison Silva defending his NWF British Heavyweight Championship against British wrestling legend Leo “The Lion” Price and the Australian powerhouse ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie!”

Jackie Goldstein: “I wouldn’t want to be Edison Silva tonight Melanie… 320lb of Australian muscle on one side of the ring, and nearly three decades of experience wrestling at the very peak of our sport on the other… how does the British Heavyweight Champion walk out with his belt still around his waist tonight?”

Melanie Florence: “Elsewhere some wrestlers have even more on the line tonight! Bali Daljit has put his career on the line against the Cruiserweight Title of Damian Dastardly. Can Daljit get revenge for his former tag partner, or will Dastardly end another NWF career tonight?”

Jackie Goldstein: “And of course we have a ‘loser leaves town’ match between father and son. Bret Heartbreak looks for revenge against his father, after Byron betrayed his own son and stole Holly Leves…”

Melanie Florence: “Did you not listen to Byron on National Wrestling? Bret Heartbreak betrayed him! Walking out on EWA was like walking out on his family!”

Jackie Goldstein: “I’m not sure about that… but it’s time for our first match of the evening, as State of Mind look to shake the foundations of the NWF Tag division - as they face the NWF British Tag Team Champions!”




(C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore VS State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

NWF British Tag Team Titles

This match provided a hot start to the PLE, as both teams Worked The Crowd… a crowd that was much more split than expected, with a vocal portion of the crowd solidly behind the ‘Heel’ team of State of Mind. This was no doubt partially down to the pairs spectacular entrance in a flash of (brilliant) white light that reflected against Brilliant White’s Phantom of the Opera inspired mask, while Ultra Violence strolled out behind his partner with his cane slung lazily over his shoulder.

State of Mind invited Future X into their ‘playground’ on Wednesday night, but this match was contested under traditional rules – something that should favour the champions. However, State of Mind more than held their own – and when the match broke down around the eight minute mark after new ref Aaron Ryan took a bump the pair took control. Ultra Violence immediately got his trusty cane involved with a hard shot to an unsuspecting Martin Heath. Ultra Violence lifted his trusty cane high into the air, signaling for his partners White Out (Swanton Bomb)… but before Brilliant White could deliver the move, a recovered Jon Michael Sharp hopped onto the apron to join Brilliant White on the top rope and deliver a spectacular Avalanche Spanish Fly – sending Brilliant White crashing to the mat. The crowd erupted at the spectacular new move, and Sharp was able to dump Ultra Violence to the outside and new referee Aaron Ryan came round from his ref bump to make the count.

Winners & STILL Champions: The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) – Title Defence #3

Rating: 63

Notes: Jon Michael Sharp debuted a hot new move in this match


We cut backstage to the locker room of NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva. Alongside the champion were his legal advisor Mo Adebola, and the lawyers ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee.


Silva did not look a happy man, and was mid-argument with Mo Adebola when we joined.

Edison Silva: “I don’t understand how you could let this happen. This is exactly the kind of thing I pay you to deal with…”

Mo Adebola: “Price went over my head. How could I anticipate he would come out of retirement once we had dealt with Dangermouth?”

Edison Silva: “It’s your job to anticipate…”

Mo Adebola: “Once we knew of the problem, I put my Insurance Policy onto it…”

Edison Silva (dismissively): “What good is an insurance policy if it never pays out? He lost to Mallory, lost to Flynn, lost to Buzzard… and couldn’t even last six minutes in the ring with a 47 year old!”

JK Lee was furious at Edison Silva, and stormed out of the locker room. Mo Adebola made half a move to go after his ‘Insurance Policy’, but was stopped in his tracks by the British Heavyweight Champion.

Edison Silva: “Forget about him. We have to fix this!”

Rating: 76




Bali Daljit VS ‘The Diabolic’ Damian Dastardly (C)

NWF Cruiserweight Title

The Cruiserweight Title match was next, with Bali Daljit putting his career on the line for a shot at Damian Dastardly’s Cruiserweight Title. The pair put on a fast paced, High Spots contest which entertained the crowd. The momentum swung back and forth, with both men landing their shots until Bali Daljit went for a high risk Flying Cross Body from the top rope. Unable to get out of the way, Dastardly pulled new referee Aaron Ryan in front of him to take some of the impact.

The referee was down once again, but it looked like Damian Dastardly had also taken the brunt of the impact as the Kiwi was out on the mat. Bali Daljit looked to pull Dastardly into position for his Shooting Star Press… before Dastardly suddenly hopped back to his feet and dropped Daljit with a right hand. The challenger wasn’t moving, and it wasn’t clear why until the Cruiserweight champion removed a pair of Brass Knuckles and held them up to show the crowd, arrogantly tapping his forehead. Tucking the Brass Knuckles back into his trunks, Dastardly roused the referee and Bali Daljit was out cold – so had no chance of kicking out.

On commentary, Jackie Goldstein fumed that Damian Dastardly had cheated Bali Daljit out of his NWF career. The British-Indian slowly came around as he was treated by medical personnel, and received warm applause from the NWF crowd as he realised his NWF career was over.

Winner & STILL Champion: Damian Dastardly – Title Defence #2

Rating: 53



We cut backstage, this time to the locker room of Leo “The Lion” Price, who is preparing for his NWF British Heavyweight Championship match later tonight alongside his protégé Dangermouth. Leo Price was preparing in silence, as Dangermouth listened to music on his headphones, until there was a knock at the door.


The crowd erupted as ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory stepped into the locker room and shook hands with Leo Price.

Landon Mallory: “I just wanted to wish you luck for later… and to warn you to look out for yourself out there. Speaking from experience, Edison Silva and The Network very rarely fight their battles alone, y’know?”

Leo Price: “I appreciate the concern, but I’ve been in this business long enough to know what to expect out there…”

Dangermouth: “And if The Network want to get involved… he’ll have back up!”

Rating: 68



Bret Heartbreak VS Byron w/ Holly Leves

Loser Leaves NWF

A real grudge match here, as father faced son. Byron kicked off this family feud three months ago, when he shockingly stole Bret’s then girlfriend Holly Leves from his son. Perhaps bottling that anger, it was Bret Heartbreak who started hot – taking his father to the mat with a series of hard right hands. However, the youngster couldn’t resist arguing with his ex when Holly Leves hopped onto the apron – providing the distraction that allowed Byron to jump his son from behind and take control of the contest.

Byron showed his 27 years of in-ring experience, as he dissected his son – leaving Bret a bloody mess in the middle of the ring. Byron berated his son for leaving the EWA, calling it the place that Byron had built with his bare hands – and the place that had made him a wrestling legend! Holly Leves cheered on from ringside, but Byron’s cockiness came back to cost him as Bret Heartbreak reversed an attempted Powerbomb into a Back Body Drop.

This signaled the start of Bret’s comeback, and the youngster showed he had learned a thing or two during his time in Europe. He took Byron down with a snap German Suplex, before ringing his father’s bell with a European Uppercut that sent Byron crashing to the mat. With the momentum fully in his favour, Bret Heartbreak headed to the top rope looking for his Heart Attack (Top Rope Diving Clothesline). Holly Leves couldn’t believe what she was seeing, Melanie Florence couldn’t believe it on commentary, but the crowd roared as Bret Heartbreak nailed his finisher and covered his father for the three count that marked the end of Byron’s NWF career!

Winner: Bret Heartbreak

Rating: 47


On commentary, Melanie Florence couldn’t believe what she had just seen! Holly Leves also looked in shock at ringside, before recovering her composure and stepping seductively into the ring to congratulate Bret Heartbreak on his victory. Holly Leves congratulated Bret on surpassing his father, and said that he had now proved himself worthy of he… and that she would take him back! Holly Leves leant in for the kiss… but Bret put up a finger to her lips to stop her.


Bret told Holly that he had loved her, but that she had chosen her side when she betrayed him for his father. Bret told Holly that he had outgrown her, and she could go back to Europe with Byron! The crowd were fully behind Bret Heartbreak, and gave Byron and Holly a rousing rendition of “nah nah nah hey hey hey goodbye!” As the pair were dragged up the ramp by security, Byron looked shell-shocked and Holly Leves screamed like a banshee as she tantrumed all the way to the back.

Rating: 43



‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson VS Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Despite being a former member of Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness, Stuart Wilson and Dwayne Dark have never seen eye to eye… and the only surprise is that it has taken this long for them to clash in the squared circle. Chuck Frisby was in Dark’s corner for this one, and gave his client a manic pep talk before the bell.

On the opening bell, Wilson offered Dark a test of strength. Despite Wilson being the bigger man, Dark’s ego would not let him turn it down… and predictably Wilson won the test of strength to take control of the opening portion of the match. Dark continued to struggle to get any foothold in the match, forcing Chuck Frisby to get involved. The personal trainer hopped onto the apron to distract Wilson long enough for Dark to recover and jump the Olympic Bronze Medalist from behind.

With his client now on top, Frisby remained on the apron – yelling demented instructions for Dark to inflict as much pain as possible on his former client. Dark hammered away at Wilson, as Chuck’s yelling became more and more demented… until Wilson showed his incredible strength to catch one of Dark’s right hands. Chuck Frisby couldn’t believe what he was seeing as Wilson hoisted Dark onto his shoulder to deliver his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) to pick up a big victory over his former employer!

Winner: ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson

Rating: 53


After the match, Frisby remained frozen on the apron in shock… before being hauled into the ring by Stuart Wilson. The crowd roared in anticipation, as Wilson lifted Chuck onto his shoulder…


But before Wilson could deliver his Bronze Bomber, Iggy Riot hit the ring and hit Wilson with a cheap shot from behind – allowing Chuck to scramble out of the ring to safety. However, Wilson was quickly able to turn the tide and hit a Bronze Bomber on Riot!

With both of his clients down, Frisby locked eyes with Wilson for a moment… before giving a dramatic gulp and turning to run away up the ramp. Stuart Wilson was hot in pursuit, and the crowd cheered on the Scotsman as he chased Frisby through the curtain backstage.

The camera followed Stuart Wilson, as he desperately tried to catch up to Chuck Frisby… before the Scotsman rounded a corner and ran straight into…


The NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva, and his legal advisor Mo Adebola, had been making their way to the ring for the Main Event… but were now face to face with ‘The Celtic Hammer’. Chuck Frisby could be seen grinning in the background as he skulked around a corner behind Silva and Adebola.

Wilson went to forcibly push past Edison Silva, but the British Heavyweight Champion didn’t move. Wilson told Silva to get out of his way or he’d regret it… but the Champion just went nose to nose with Wilson, before being pulled away by Mo Adebola – leaving a frustrated Wilson alone. The Scotsman punched a hole in the wall in frustration, having failed to catch Chuck Frisby.

Rating: 67




Leo ‘The Lion’ Price w/ Dangermouth VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton VS Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

The Main Event had a big match feel – the long awaited first title clash between Edison Silva and ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie, and also Leo Price’s first title match since losing his final NWF Tag Team belts in 2015.

As expected, Mo Adebola and Frank Finkleton were actively involved at ringside from the bell – trying to swing the match in their clients favour. However, Dangermouth did a great job of counteracting the pair – even sweeping Mo Adebola’s legs from under him on the apron at one point. The lawyer was furious and squared up to the grime star for a moment…. Before realizing Dangermouth towered over him and backing off.

The match remained even until our third ref bump of the night, which pre-empted the arrival of The Northern Lights – who attacked Leo Price and Edison Silva. Dangermouth was quickly in the ring to protect his mentor, and was soon joined by the Black Country Boys from the locker room. With the number advantage, the Young Lions were able to run off The Northern Lights – with Frank Finkleton in hot pursuit.

Back in the ring, an exhausted Leo Price hauled himself up into the corner – using the ropes for support. As the only man not attacked by The Northern Lights, Big Mac was the freshest – and the big Australian looked for a Spear on Price… but the 47 year old showed his experience and was able to slip out of the way and send Big Mac shoulder first into the turnbuckle. The Australian staggered back into the ring, right into a Price Drop (Double Arm DDT) from Leo Price! The crowd roared, but the 47 year looked exhausted and struggled to regain his feet after hitting the move. Finally, using the ropes for support, Price hauled himself back to his feet… but Mo Adebola (as the last manager left at ringside) desperately grabbed onto the veterans boot. Leo Price desperately tried to shake the lawyer off him, but Adebola grimly hung on… just long enough to allow his client to recover and run across the ring to deliver his Knee Strike KO to the prone Price. The veteran crumpled, and young referee Aaron Ryan chose this moment to come around to make the count.

Winner & STILL Champion – Edison Silva – Title Defence #3

Rating: 60


Melanie Florence: “And with that the NWF ends the year in the worst way possible!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Wow, I didn’t think you cared so much about fair play Mel…”

Melanie Florence: “Fair play? What are you talking about? Tonight we witnessed the end of a legendary career. A true great of the game, the likes of which we may never see again, taking his final bow. Is the gravity of the moment lost on you?”

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On 7/12/2024 at 1:23 AM, KyTeran said:

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

The Foundation is a great team, but I can see this being State of Mind's moment.  State of Mind have become one of my favorite acts in NWF and I believe they have the momentum to end the year with the title around their waists.

On 7/11/2024 at 5:30 PM, newbiezness said:

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation (Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp) w/ Mark Moore vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

State Of Mind are the classic tag team that gets over with the audience and even if they're not the biggest stars they are hot enough to become the new champions

I know people will be upset I didn't put State of Mind over here, but I do have a longer term plan for the tag division - which unfortunately needed them to lose here. This isn't the end of State of Mind's push, and expect to keep seeing them in and around the title picture throughout 2022.

On 7/12/2024 at 1:23 AM, KyTeran said:

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C)

I like Damian, but considering you have one a career vs title match I usually choose the winner to be the guy with the career on the line unless I see the writing on the wall for his career, so I imagine Bali is going to win here and get payback for Damian's antics.  That or Damian gets disqualified or counted out since this is still a standard match.

On 7/12/2024 at 1:43 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

NWF Cruiserweight Title - Title vs Career match: Bali Daljit vs Damian Dastardly (C) time to send Bali's ass home

Bali Daljit leaving was @Wrestling Machine's decision as part of a Prediction Prize. The timing was slightly unfortunate, as it overlapped with the Byron/Bret match, but it probably added a bit of unpredictability to an otherwise straightforward match up.

On 7/12/2024 at 1:23 AM, KyTeran said:

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Unless he has signed for another company, I imagine that Bret has more potential for NWF considering that Byron has EWA to go back to.

On 7/12/2024 at 1:43 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

No Rules Match - Loser leaves the NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves huge career defining moment for Bret

I'm certainly hoping so @Wrestling Machine! Bret retiring his father was always my plan for him, so I'm hoping he can kick on now and move up the card.

On 7/11/2024 at 5:30 PM, newbiezness said:

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

I think Leo Prince is there to eat the pin as Big Mac becomes the new champion

On 7/12/2024 at 1:23 AM, KyTeran said:

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leo Price w/ Dangermouth vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

While Leo may be the most popular member of your roster, I think his declining stats will prevent him from winning the title.  I imagine that the Leo's grudge against the Network will cost both him and Nathan from taking the title off of Silva.

Leo Price's stamina prevented any chance of him taking the big belt. He can't go past 6 minutes without getting dinged. Silva holds onto his belt, but with an unhappy JK Lee and Landon Mallory only having 30 days left on his suspension... things are starting to look a bit worrying for the British Heavyweight Champion.

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Entertaining event, congrats Enigma! 3 ref bumps in one show are a bit too much for me, but they all ended up in a different finisher so it wasn't that repetitive after all! Price eating the pin for Silva was the right call imo, no results were really surprising.

Rating-wise, what were your expectations like?

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57 minutes ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Entertaining event, congrats Enigma! 3 ref bumps in one show are a bit too much for me, but they all ended up in a different finisher so it wasn't that repetitive after all! Price eating the pin for Silva was the right call imo, no results were really surprising.

Rating-wise, what were your expectations like?

Agree on the ref bumps. I tried to work another way to get the weapons/interference without the ref bump, but couldn't make it work.

I had no idea what to expect from Price if I'm honest. I asked him to go 16 minutes - which is way too long at this stage of his career, but protected him. I think getting a 60 out of that match was the best I could hope for. While it's not up there with some of our recent events, I'm happy with it. Leo Price needed to debut in the Main Event with his popularity, and now he's eaten a pin and can move on to what I actually want him to do. :)

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20 hours ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Agree on the ref bumps. I tried to work another way to get the weapons/interference without the ref bump, but couldn't make it work.

I had no idea what to expect from Price if I'm honest. I asked him to go 16 minutes - which is way too long at this stage of his career, but protected him. I think getting a 60 out of that match was the best I could hope for. While it's not up there with some of our recent events, I'm happy with it. Leo Price needed to debut in the Main Event with his popularity, and now he's eaten a pin and can move on to what I actually want him to do. :)

The positive side was that The Foundation vs State Of Mind was the Match Of The Night. I don't think State Of Mind were supposed to be in the MOTN in a PPV so it's great how far they've come. Also my man Damian Dastardly is still kicking asses and shaking things in NWF, now kicking out the jobber himself, Bali Daljit, out of NWF. Fantastic.

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15 hours ago, newbiezness said:

The positive side was that The Foundation vs State Of Mind was the Match Of The Night. I don't think State Of Mind were supposed to be in the MOTN in a PPV so it's great how far they've come. Also my man Damian Dastardly is still kicking asses and shaking things in NWF, now kicking out the jobber himself, Bali Daljit, out of NWF. Fantastic.

Thanks @newbiezness! Yes I was very happy with the tag match rating, State of Mind are developing nicely. Damian Dastardly is certainly getting more... dastardly. I'm sure he has a lot more to pull from his box of tricks over the next few months!

Poor Bali! Everyone seems happy to see him go haha

12 hours ago, lieon02 said:

Loved the PPV. Tag Team match did surprise me as match of the night.


On top of everything else. Go Bret

Thanks @lieon02! I'm hoping this is the start of Bret's charge up the card!


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show! That closes out the final PLE of 2021. We still have a couple of episodes of National Wrestling to close out the year, but the next PLE will be the first of 2022.

Congratulations to @alliegolem and @lieon02 for achieving perfect scores on the final show to tie at the top of the prediction contest. Please check your inboxes for your prizes.

The next episode of National Wrestling will be the start of the next round of predictions, where the Top 5 predictors will all receive a prize! Hope to see everyone there!


Prediction Results for Last Orders

@alliegolem 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@lieon02 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5

@scapegoat 4/5

@KyTeran 3/5

@newbiezness 2/5

@smw88 2/5


Combined Prediction Results

@alliegolem 23/25 + 1 Bonus

@lieon02 23/25 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 23/25

@scapegoat 22/25

@KyTeran 21/25

@Wrestling Machine 19/20 + 1 Bonus

@newbiezness 19/25

@smw88 17/25

@CGN91 12/15

@StanMiguel 5/10 + 1 Bonus

@Rhaums 3/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 57

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owens)

Number One Contenders match for Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Akihiro Hisato

Bret Heartbreak vs ???

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall?


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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) 

Eric Future 

Bret Heartbreak 

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) 

'Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall? No

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owens)

Let's give 'em a victory

Number One Contenders match for Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Akihiro Hisato

I see Future as a tag team guy but he's more popular so...

Bret Heartbreak vs ??? 

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross

Unless the other team is getting a name in this episode I can't see them winning this one

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama



Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall? Yes, I won't bet against Landon anytime soon in this diary

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owens)

This may be the first time that I am predicting a win for Ward and Owen.

Number One Contenders match for Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Akihiro Hisato

While Eric is a tag guy, I think that he is higher up on the pecking order at the moment that Akihiro.

Bret Heartbreak vs ???

Bret continues his momentum after driving his dad and ex-girlfriend out of NWF.

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross

Named tag team beats thrown together team take 227.

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama

No Drama here, just Landon winning.


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall? Yes

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owens)

Number One Contenders match for Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Akihiro Hisato

Bret Heartbreak vs ???

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall? I don't think so this time.

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