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AI Generated Cornellverse Content

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Oh and to finish my boring posts.  But belts. I found AI almost impossible with this.  Took ages.  Spelling was always off, or just looked terrible.  But ended up with 3 belts for 21CW i like.


World title, so gone gold.


UK title which is secondary so silver.


Tag title.  Bronze and by some miracle AI managed to not screw up the word Tag on it, or just use a bunch of rubbish letters that mean nothing! 

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11 minutes ago, Dave Mac said:

The thing I found is by keeping the base request of male, wrestler, plain background, photo realistic kept the style similar.  

Although I did have try other things and had a pretty decent result using male, Mattel wrestling figure.

Tommy Cornell



It might not be great for immersion, but dammit, it looks awesome! :D

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On 11/15/2023 at 2:24 PM, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

After you've seen a couple threads of AI generated images, (right now at least) the images do appear a bit samey. And given that AI works as a composite image based on prompts, I don't know if a future version will address the lack of variety and options.

While I massively agree with this. And I've found the deeper you get into AI you find quite often you are just looking at the same base image of a face for example with slightly different hair.  

However my flip side of that argument and I'll firstly say I love playing TEW. But the picture renders in the game are pretty terrible at times.  I've mentioned I play as 21CW and I'll show you my issue with the roster -


Thats 26 people on the roster all with fairly the same look to the.  Its around 40% of your on screen roster looks like that. For me AI generated isn't perfect.  But least gets me away from a sea of bald heads.  And no hate as I shave my own head.  But I find it hard booking any company when there is so few different looks.

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2 minutes ago, Sisma said:

@Dave Mac, I agree. Also, the fact that they look like different render styles is off-putting. I assume that most people don't mind, or even enjoy the variety, but my OCD NEEDS them to look alike. 

Completely this.  I accept the game world is huge.  But playing as 21CW I find it jarring my road agent looks like this.


As if they've taken the generic face and forgotten to do anything.

Yet my announcer looks like this.




Marilyn Stardust, in game 61 with a sex appeal of 21


Joanna Rodriguez, 40 and sex appeal of 97. 

Not that I'm expecting the game to have a bunch of drop dead gorgeous women for example as doesn't bother me at all.  And I know sex appeal isn't just looks. But I guess I'm overly fussy.  But those 4 pictures just look like they belong in different games. 

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29 minutes ago, Dave Mac said:

While I massively agree with this. And I've found the deeper you get into AI you find quite often you are just looking at the same base image of a face for example with slightly different hair.  

However my flip side of that argument and I'll firstly say I love playing TEW. But the picture renders in the game are pretty terrible at times.  I've mentioned I play as 21CW and I'll show you my issue with the roster -


Thats 26 people on the roster all with fairly the same look to the.  Its around 40% of your on screen roster looks like that. For me AI generated isn't perfect.  But least gets me away from a sea of bald heads.  And no hate as I shave my own head.  But I find it hard booking any company when there is so few different looks.

Yeeesh, Nova sure does have a type doesn't he?

Yeah I can agree the current crop isn't perfect either. I have massively diversified my renders over the years too. However I feel most renders look at least similar enough to fit in, however most AI renders are much much different in style (I cannot stand most of the female renders). Again, each to their own of course, however I find your AI renders in particular Dave bucking this trend already, much better, even early days of its use, so I could change my view on this in the future.

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3 minutes ago, Mecha Kaji said:

Yeeesh, Nova sure does have a type doesn't he?

Yeah I can agree the current crop isn't perfect either. I have massively diversified my renders over the years too. However I feel most renders look at least similar enough to fit in, however most AI renders are much much different in style (I cannot stand most of the female renders). Again, each to their own of course, however I find your AI renders in particular Dave bucking this trend already, much better, even early days of its use, so I could change my view on this in the future.

And this is why I dont moan too much.  Jeff Nova an ex strongman is a big chap with bald head.  Hence the roster is full of people similar to that.  So it fits in with his character.  Just makes booking the company difficult.

I have been working on these renders for a long time. I've used others and dont like the results.  The problem is real life and the Cverse isn't all just big characters.  Take John Cena for example a headshot of him would be rather unremarkable.  Yet he's been the biggest wrestler for decades. And like my roster of bald headed chaps what I'm finding hard with AI is injecting life and personality into the generic looking.  John Cena might from a headshot have an unremarkable look, yet you still know the charisma is there.  What I find with AI is it doesn't do a good job of injecting life behind the eyes of the character I guess.  But I think that comes down to it being AI its almost impossible to put that "look" into words if that makes sense.  

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8 minutes ago, Mecha Kaji said:

Yeeesh, Nova sure does have a type doesn't he?

Yeah I can agree the current crop isn't perfect either. I have massively diversified my renders over the years too. However I feel most renders look at least similar enough to fit in, however most AI renders are much much different in style (I cannot stand most of the female renders). Again, each to their own of course, however I find your AI renders in particular Dave bucking this trend already, much better, even early days of its use, so I could change my view on this in the future.

ultimately as well like I said its done purely for my enjoyment.  If I was trying to create the CVerse perfectly I'd do it differently.  But for me someone like Sifu in 21CW is the only Asian.  It makes sense that to me he wouldn't be rocking the shaved head like everyone else.  Wrestlers want to suceed so in my mind they'd do things to make them stand out within their own company.  

It also makes my life easier as some of this bald muscle MAry's on the roster look identical.  Having a different look helps me remember who on earth I'm booking! 

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2 minutes ago, Dave Mac said:

And this is why I dont moan too much.  Jeff Nova an ex strongman is a big chap with bald head.  Hence the roster is full of people similar to that.  So it fits in with his character.  Just makes booking the company difficult.

I have been working on these renders for a long time. I've used others and dont like the results.  The problem is real life and the Cverse isn't all just big characters.  Take John Cena for example a headshot of him would be rather unremarkable.  Yet he's been the biggest wrestler for decades. And like my roster of bald headed chaps what I'm finding hard with AI is injecting life and personality into the generic looking.  John Cena might from a headshot have an unremarkable look, yet you still know the charisma is there.  What I find with AI is it doesn't do a good job of injecting life behind the eyes of the character I guess.  But I think that comes down to it being AI its almost impossible to put that "look" into words if that makes sense.  

You've got that right, hence why my game is reshaping the UK scene as much as possible and yes, I think I do know what you mean about the eyes. I also find a lot of look like Tekken characters so far. I like Tekken but a whole wrestling world of it, not so much. Still, it's early days and I'm very intrigued to see how it develops more, the tool is still being explored.

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6 minutes ago, Dave Mac said:

ultimately as well like I said its done purely for my enjoyment.  If I was trying to create the CVerse perfectly I'd do it differently.  But for me someone like Sifu in 21CW is the only Asian.  It makes sense that to me he wouldn't be rocking the shaved head like everyone else.  Wrestlers want to suceed so in my mind they'd do things to make them stand out within their own company.  

It also makes my life easier as some of this bald muscle MAry's on the roster look identical.  Having a different look helps me remember who on earth I'm booking! 

Haha, very true. Having a similar issue after a takeover of TCW.

No wonder lucha is easier to book for, for me.

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3 minutes ago, Mecha Kaji said:

You've got that right, hence why my game is reshaping the UK scene as much as possible and yes, I think I do know what you mean about the eyes. I also find a lot of look like Tekken characters so far. I like Tekken but a whole wrestling world of it, not so much. Still, it's early days and I'm very intrigued to see how it develops more, the tool is still being explored.

I have done is redesign the PPV logos as well. I'm not a graphic designer at all.  But I'm happier with those as they look like I want them to.  With the AI faces I'm normally 95% happy. But its impossible to fine tune.  Even when you an take an imagine and want minor alternations you'll often lose something else in there you liked.  So in that sense AI is good, but never perfect.  Although I will say you'll get the odd time it exceeds expectations, but that is rare.  More often than not you're left thinking its done an OK job overall. But still tops the default in game pics which drive me mad looking at too long.

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5 hours ago, Dave Mac said:

Bit of a long one and spoilers as I'm doing a diary and youtube series on this.  But I'm fairly pleased with what I've done. I found using AI generators needing word prompts almost impossible.  I was unable to get them looking anyhwere close. So found AI generators where I could use the CVerse pics and then could use word prompts to adjust.  At first I found one with an anime filter which I liked.  The problem was ultimately any man with long hair it made look like a girl and almost every male character had a beard of some sort.  So got quite samey.  I eventually found one where it seemed to react to word prompts and simply adding male or female was coming out better.  





Really impressive stuff. Do you mind sharing what AI generators you used?

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C-Verse 70's mod future workers

Alan Gray

8vvD6iJ.jpg IExNDlm.jpg

"Parental Abuse" Alan Parent

XfXlU9X.jpg qDuuX2Q.jpg

Albert Thorp

qZUDmZ6.jpg Bkdw5KN.jpg

Aleksander Knyazev

DSNcwjn.jpg mb3Rw4S.jpg

After applying the renders to the C-Verse background, I lowered the saturation on each a bit and I feel it helps them look a bit more uniform stylistically. It also helps get rid of some of the "painted" look.

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9 hours ago, Dave Mac said:

While I massively agree with this. And I've found the deeper you get into AI you find quite often you are just looking at the same base image of a face for example with slightly different hair.  

However my flip side of that argument and I'll firstly say I love playing TEW. But the picture renders in the game are pretty terrible at times.  I've mentioned I play as 21CW and I'll show you my issue with the roster -


Thats 26 people on the roster all with fairly the same look to the.  Its around 40% of your on screen roster looks like that. For me AI generated isn't perfect.  But least gets me away from a sea of bald heads.  And no hate as I shave my own head.  But I find it hard booking any company when there is so few different looks.

21CW is the fed I point to like "ok, the CVerse has needed a visual update for yeeeeears." The ancient default pic pack makes it hard to play- I bet hordes more people would give the CVerse a chance if the pics were sharper looking.

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1 hour ago, Ping von Erich said:

21CW is the fed I point to like "ok, the CVerse has needed a visual update for yeeeeears." The ancient default pic pack makes it hard to play- I bet hordes more people would give the CVerse a chance if the pics were sharper looking.

I've done some work on 21CW, here is what I have so far:

Edward Cornell


Tommy Cornell


Beast Bantom


Jonathan Faust


Joe Simpson


Andrew Lee


J-B Cash






Brickhouse Balder


Viktor Beskov


Yuri Iliakov


Grave Digger




BW Eddie


Edison Silva






Compton Valence


Gorilla Lee


Beau Boulder


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