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BOW: A New Home For British Wrestling (C-Verse)

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Back to guessing blindly, I would recommend this method to anyone as it's a lot of fun: (also I think that you are booking the finishes to purposely sabotage my chances of winning, that's the only reason I can think of that I'm not leading right now. All my pics have been absolute money.)


BOW Night Of Wrestling #5:

BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi-Finals:
The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Mo Adebola vs The Shooters (Billy Robinson & Don Henderson)
Comments:  The Northren Lights because even though Shooters shoot stuff, it's physcically impossible to shoot the aurora borealis. Therefore they will shoot their shot but their shot that they shot will miss becuase they tried to shoot something that can't be shot at. #logic

Smoked Out (Stevie Stoat, Louie Peyton & Stefan Raynor) vs Stuart Wilson and A Pair Of Aces (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard)
Comments: A pair of aces is a pretty good hand. Not the greatest but not the worst either. I would assume that a pair of aces is a good enough hand to beat a bunch of skeevy stoners. Drugs are bad, mmmmmmmmmmkay

Merle O'Curle w/Lenny Mochin vs Padraig O'Hearne w/Konrad Makinen
Comments: Just because I like the name Merle better. It's a good name.

Cain Carlile vs Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin
Comments: Clubber, becuase Mr T once played a character named Clubber, therefore anyone named Clubber is a bad MF'er. "I pity the fool!"

Aud Valkyrie vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: Becuase I faintly remember her being somehwhat popular, or people on the boards sign her ofter or something like that. Honestly I don't remember why she sounds familar. 

Colin Picalo vs Matthew Macks
Comments: Aliteration in pro wrestling usually means that you get a push. Unles your name is Bob Bobson. Bob Bobson would never win a match.

Jeri Behr vs Viper McKenna
Comments: Obviously a bear can easily take down a viper. #morelogic

Gram Gorman w/Rachel Dearheart vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player:
Comments: I will continue always picking the golfer. He has a golf club, I mean a golf club should be able to take down anyone.

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BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi-Finals:
The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Mo Adebola vs The Shooters (Billy Robinson & Don Henderson)

Smoked Out (Stevie Stoat, Louie Peyton & Stefan Raynor) vs Stuart Wilson and A Pair Of Aces (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard)

Merle O'Curle w/Lenny Mochin vs Padraig O'Hearne w/Konrad Makinen

Cain Carlile vs Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin

Aud Valkyrie vs Zofia Jankovic

Colin Picalo vs Matthew Macks

Jeri Behr vs Viper McKenna

Gram Gorman w/Rachel Dearheart vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player:

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British Omega Wrestling

Night Of Wrestling #5

Wednesday Week 1 March 2020

London, Southern England, British Isles


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Martin Bloydell: It’s Wednesday night, and we are live in London with the latest edition of BOW Night Of Wrestling! And folks we are just two weeks away from For Whom The Bell Tolls which is shaping up to be one hell of a card!

Jackie Goldstein: That’s right Martin, there are four titles up for grabs at that show including the BOW Tag Team Championships, and we will find out one of the teams who will compete for the belts as The Shooters and The Northern Lights face off in our main event tonight!

Melanie Florence: The Northern Lights have vowed they will fight fair in that match, so we will see if they keep their word and are men of honour tonight.

Martin Bloydell: And, speaking of honour, there is huge implications for the upcoming four-way match to determine the first BOW Honour Champion, as Merle O’Curle faces Padraig O’Hearne, with both Lenny Mochin and Konrad Makinen at ringside. 

Jackie Goldstein: The BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat is also in action tonight, as he and his Smoked Out companions Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor take on Stuart Wilson and A Pair Of Aces after Wilson extended a challenge last week. Will the champion be able to build some momentum ahead of his title defence, or will Wilson beat some respect into Stoat before his match against Landon Mallory at For Whom The Bell Tolls?

Melanie Florence: We also have action from the women’s division, with Jeri Behr versus Viper McKenna and Zofia Jankovic versus Aud Valkyrie, and those two matches could go a long way in determining whether any of those four women can capture the Women’s Championship in the upcoming ladder match.

Martin Bloydell: But ahead of all of that, Gram Gorman goes one on one with Puffy The Sand Iron Player, and folks as you can see JK Lee has apparently accepted the offer from Rachel Dearheart to watch Gorman’s match up close and personal, as he’s sat in the front row ready and waiting like the rest of us for our opening bout!



Match One:

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Gram Gorman w/Rachel Dearheart vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

With JK Lee’s stern face at ringside, Northern Ireland’s own stoic Gram Gorman took on the always-angry golf enthusiast Puffy The Sand Iron Player in the show’s opening match. While nothing was inherently wrong with the contest, neither man moved any mountains with their performances either. Gorman in particular looked like he was really off his game tonight, but it was tough to tell whether this was a genuine problem, or part of the storytelling with his recent nemesis being in the front row. Puffy, who is not only clearly on the downswing of his time as an active performer, only ever really scores well in weapon-infused rule-vacant bouts, so swinging in a normal wrestling match had him handicapped somewhat.

Going for five-seconds shy of the ten-minute mark, this match was perhaps two or three minutes too long for what is was intended to be, which was to further the story growing between Gram Gorman and JK Lee, which the commentators informed us would culminate with a match between the two at For Whom The Bell Tolls. This led to a lot of filler including several elongated shots of a dour looking Lee at ringside. While he’s an astute student of the ring, Lee lacks a bit of grit between his teeth as an entertainer and having the camera constantly shoved in his face did little to help his cause. Despite that, the finish of the bout did capture the tension between Gorman and Lee very well, with Gorman making eye contact with JK Lee in the crowd as he hit Puffy with the Gorman-Aghast for the win.

JK Lee refusing to join the audience’s claps and cheers to instead glare at Gorman in the ring, who returned his own intense gaze, was a strong image to end an otherwise mediocre match.

Winner: Gram Gorman via pinfall


Nate Manchester’s music hits and the fans are excited to see one of the company’s top babyfaces arrival. Unfortunately, the Newcastle-born wrestler seems to be in no mood for pageantry and marches straight to the ring, uncharacteristically assertive as he demands a microphone from the ringside stagehands.


Nate Manchester: Nah, not today, I’m done. Cut my music. 

Everyone in the arena is taken aback by this abrasive approach from the star.

Nate Manchester: Sorry folks, I am, but I am in no mind for games tonight. Assassins’ Guild, get your asses to this ring now!

The live crowd pop for Manchester’s desire for a fight, but unfortunately for him the two men he’s called out don’t seem to be as willing as he is, remaining absent.

Nate Manchester: Peyton, Raynor, remove your lips from Stevie Stoat’s backside and come fight me in this ring!

Still there is no sign of either member of The Assassins’ Guild. Manchester’s short fuse burns even further as he paces the ring.

Nate Manchester: First you cost me the BOW World title, then you cost me a shot at the title. Now you can’t even dare come stand in this ring man to man. You two are nothing but a pair of maggots!

Finally Nate Manchester is greeted with entrance music playing in the arena. But it’s not the entrance music of The Assassins’ Guild. 

Walker van Cleer marches out to the ring to his theme music, his shocking arrival perplexing everyone in the arena bar himself. The Dutch wrestler enters the squared circle, arming himself with a microphone, and stands face to face with one of his opponents last week.


Walker van Cleer: Alright settle down. I appreciate the fact I’m not the man you wanted to see right now, but Nate, I couldn’t go on listening to you out here in the ring talking about being cost a shot at the World title, when I too was cost my opportunity last week by The Assassins’ Guild and their interference. When The Assassins’ Guild attacked you last week, they gave Landon Mallory the opportunity to steal my victory and worm his way into what should be my World title match at For Whom The Bell Tolls.

The crowd boo van Cleer’s warped version of last week’s events.

Walker van Cleer: But the thing is Nate, I don’t blame The Assassins’ Guild. Or rather, I don’t just blame them. You are as much at fault for me being without my rightful title shot next Saturday as they are. So I thought to myself, since we are both free next Saturday, that you and I could have a match, one on one, man to man, Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer. What say you, Nate?

For once Walker is met with cheers from the crowd, the idea of these two in a singles match enticing the audience. Manchester pauses for a moment, before he steps in closer to his challenger, the usual smile still missing from his face.

Nate Manchester: Since neither Peyton nor Raynor are man enough to face me, I’ll happily take some anger out on you. You’re on.

Manchester slams his microphone to the mat and stares into the eyes of his future opponent. Walker van Cleer drops his mic and steps forward, leaning slightly to go nose to nose with the man he faces at the event next week. For a moment it looks like he’s going to strike early, but instead he surprises the entire arena for a second time when he extends his hand instead.

Nate Manchester considers the offer for a moment, before accepting the handshake. The two stare at one another for a beat longer, before Manchester strides past van Cleer and out the ring. The audience gives another vocal response, clearly eating up the prospect of these two men in combat.


Match Two:

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Viper McKenna vs Jeri Behr

Story is definitely the focal point of this episode of Night Of Wrestling so far, as the in-ring action in the first two matches was struggling to get past second gear. In this eight-minute match neither Viper nor Jeri provided a performance of note, emphasised by the fact that these two women clearly have no chemistry in the ring together. 

With both women heading into a ladder match for the BOW Women’s title in just over a week, they really should have offered more to the fans to sell themselves as serious challengers for the belt. It’s easy to excuse though, as logically neither woman wanted to risk an injury before the big match and were likely thinking ahead to the bigger show.
EDITORS NOTE: Ironically Viper McKenna did suffer an injury at the hands of Serena Ventura just two days later during a tag team match at EWA’s March Toward Victory event, after the German inadvertently fractured the veteran’s cheek bone with an errant elbow.

After a series of near-falls building towards the conclusion of the contest, McKenna went on to score the win and regain some momentum in singles competition following her loss to Thea Davis last month by forcing Behr to submit with a Single Leg Crab.

Winner: Viper McKenna by submission


Martin Bloydell: A big win for the viper, who heads towards For Whom The Bell Tolls with some momentum ahead of the BOW Women's Championship ladder match.

Melanie Florence: McKenna is veteran technician and she showed it right there in this match, and she's got to be one of the favourites heading into that huge match in just over one week!

Martin Bloydell: You're right about that Mel, and we will see more from the women's division later tonight as Aud Valkyrie takes on 'The Black Widow' Zofia Jankovic. But coming up next, we're straight back into the action, as Stuart Wilson and A Pair Of Aces' Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard collide with the BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat and his Smoked Out stablemates, Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor of The Assassins' Guild!

Melanie Florence: This match came about after Stuart Wilson challenged Smoked Out in a backstage interview last week, saying that he is sick of seeing them disrespect the sport of wrestling. And I for one agree with him!

Martin Bloydell: Don't get me started Mel, but meanwhile, I'm hearing that Nate Manchester has been sent home by Dunton Hall, as the BOW CEO did not want him interfering in this match and jeopardising the outcome following his hot pursuit of The Assassins' Guild earlier tonight.


Match Three:



Stuart Wilson and A Pair Of Aces (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Smoked Out (Louie Peyton, Stefan Raynor and Stevie Stoat)

Finally the in-ring action began picking up in this show with a trios match that really brought the crowd to life as BOW’s lead heel faction were challenged by Stuart Wilson who teamed with Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard of A Pair Of Aces. This bout came about after Wilson took exception to the antics of Stoat and his minions, challenging them to this one-fall contest tonight. The Scottish former Olympic bronze medallist started the bout, and almost goaded Stoat into contesting him, but of course the World Champion drew some cheap heat by sending his lackeys in his place, refusing to start the match. 

Much of the ten-minute competition took place before Stevie Stoat and Stuart Wilson finally locked horns, with the two tag teams working the bulk of the action, but when the two did finally come head-to-head in the ring it brought the crowd to its feet. Wilson showed much more ring awareness than his three years as an active wrestler would suggest. He’s very much an everyman who fans find easy to get behind, despite his appearances on television being sporadic thus far. In fact he’s actually undefeated in dark matches, but BOW appear to willing to play the long game with Wilson, allowing him to notch up his match count in their pre-shows before regularly featuring him on their live programming. 

Despite being the focal points of their respective teams, neither Stoat nor Wilson featured in the finish of the match. Instead, it was Louie Peyton who scored the W after hitting Grant Taypen with a Predator Bomb following a final spurt of tag team action from A Pair Of Aces and The Assassins’ Guild. This was a clever decision, giving The Assassins’ Guild some legitimacy in the eyes of the audience, while keeping Wilson looking strong, particularly as he took the BOW World Champion to the limit both inside the ring and again on the floor in the build-up to the finish of the match.

Winners: Smoked Out via pinfall


With the job done, Stevie Stoat drops down from the ring apron and goes to retrieve his championship belt from the ringside area as The Assassins’ Guild celebrate in the ring. 


As Stoat snatches his belt from the nearby stagehands, Royal Air Force slide into the ring, undetected by the Smoked Out trio. They immediately pounce on Peyton and Raynor, battering their foes with vicious intent plastered over their faces.


The crowd’s cheers for Sharp and Heath alert Stoat to the attack, and he attempts to act as the cavalry for his minions, darting back to the ring. He’s moments too late, as Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath force both men of The Assassins’ Guild to exit the ring, launching them through the ropes. They immediately follow the bodies out of the squared circle, and continue to bring the fight to the duo, leading to both teams brawling towards the backstage area, leaving Stevie Stoat stood alone in the ring.

Stoat bends down to swipe his belt from the mat, having lost possession of it during his ill-fated attempt to protect his lackeys. As he returns the championship to his shoulder, the theme music of Landon Mallory, Stoat’s new number one contender, plays in the area.


Mallory enters the ring and stands toe to toe with the man he challenges in just over one week for the top prize in BOW, clutching a microphone in his grasp. The champ has equipped himself with a microphone too, but for now they remain still, not wanting to show their hand to one another.

Eventually Mallory raises the microphone to his lips.

Landon Mallory: I so want to respect you, oke. You have held championships in every major British promotion to exist this century. You were part of a movement that lit a fire in wrestling here in the United Kingdom. You are the man, bro. The top dog, oke. I should be stood here in awe of you. But I’m not. 

Stevie Stoat almost broke into a smile at the momentary praise, but his face cracks with grit in his teeth as Mallory delivers his last line.

Landon Mallory: The man stood in front of me, he’s no champion. You are no longer ‘The Smasher’, Stevie. These days oke, you are more like ‘The Slacker’. 

The audience cheer, always ready to react to Stevie Stoat being insulted on the microphone. A small 'slacker' chant breaks out.

Landon Mallory: Where is the lie, bro? This man before me, he is not the brooding, dangerous fighter who has terrorised British wrestling for two and a half decades. The man in front of me is flabby…

The crowd lets out an audible ‘ooh’.

Landon Mallory: He is lazy…

Another ‘ooh’ from the fans.

Landon Mallory: He is a bitter old crank, fine with letting two snivelling weasels do his dirty work while he claims to sit on the throne. But the truth is, he is clinging onto that throne by his fingertips. You know it Stevie, and more importantly, so do I. I came here to conquer Britain, and if all I have to do is beat this old, washed up Stevie Stoat imposter, then it’s going to be the easiest match of my life.

Mallory drops his microphone at the feet of the BOW World Champion, refusing to break eye contact as his theme music plays, confirming his victory over Stoat in this one-sided verbal confrontation. 

Eventually Mallory departs the ring, drinking in the fans adulation as a furious Stoat throws himself around the ring, slapping turnbuckles and kicking the bottom rope, spit flying from his lips as he bellows indecipherable words of anger.


Match Four:

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Cain Carlile w/Marbella vs Clubber Kohl w/Eva Berlin

Marbella joined ‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlile during his ring entrance, earning the two a nice little pop from the crowd as they looked to confront their bullies following Carlile accepting Kohl’s open challenge to defend Marbella against Eva Berlin last week. 

That was nothing but a pipe dream.

Kohl annihilated Carlile, blasting the underdog and throwing him across the ring like a rag doll for three minutes. Of course, there was a potential upset moment where Carlile nearly stole a victory with a Schoolboy, but other than that it was all Kohl, and in fact Carlile’s attempt to snatch the win only served to further infuriate ‘The War Dog’, which has been proven to be a very bad idea thus far in BOW. Instead, the German only upped his intensity, landing even more brutal looking hits before decimating Cain with an impactful Hamburg Express to seal the academic win.

Winner: Clubber Kohl via pinfall


Kohl doesn’t stop to allow the referee to raise his hand. Instead, he immediately lurches back over the fallen Carlile, slamming his elbow into the lovable underdog’s face with the force of a ten-tonne truck. 

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Marbella’s screams drown out any other noise emanating across the arena. It looks as though she’s going to throw herself in harms way to protect Cain, but Eva Berlin grabs a hold of the bombshell, grappling Marbella in a way that forces her to witness first hand as Cain Carlile’s forehead is busted open by the cruel Clubber Kohl.

The crowd erupts as Hugh de Aske’s entrance music blasts from the sound system.


The Dread Pirate wastes no time, sprinting to the ring, sliding under the ring ropes and throwing himself at The War Dog who cost him his BOW World Championship match. Berlin tosses Marbella to the side to try and interject herself on behalf of her client, but she’s far too late, with Hugh having already landed a debilitating lariat that had such force it sent both men over the top rope to the outside.

There’s no break in the action as Hugh continues his quest for revenge, pounding away at Kohl with his fists. Kohl manages to push the pirate away, and uncharacteristically looks to distance himself by scrambling over the barrier and into the live crowd. It proves to be for naught as de Aske immediately catapults himself over the barrier and onto his enemy once again. The two men exchange wild punches all the way through the crowd towards the back as Eva Berlin chases in pursuit.

Back in the ring Marbella crawls over to Cain, clutching his hand with concern as a medical response team begins to tend to the little man with the big heart.


Match Five:

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Hardcore Match:
Matthew Macks vs Colin Picalo

Tonight’s resident hardcore bout saw Matthew Macks and Colin Picalo face off, with Macks looking to build some momentum ahead of his Street Fight with his arch-rival Night Stalker at For Whom The Bell Tolls. Picalo himself has impressed in defeats against Jason Dempsey and Landon Mallory but has yet to enjoy the character development on screen afforded to his opponent tonight.

The undersized hooligan displayed an unexpected amount of ring psychology for this contest, concentrating on grounding his daredevil opponent by targeting Macks’ legs, utilising whatever he could get his hands on to do so including driving and stomping steel chairs into Macks’ ankle as well as trapping the Irish wrestler’s leg between the ring post and steel steps. 

Macks himself displayed an extra layer of viciousness when he was on the offensive, showing how the toll of his creepy, underworld foe is affecting his psyche. He chased Picalo around the arena floor with a kendo stick, swatting at the fist fighter like a possessed madman as he sought to inflict pain. 

With the rules out the window for this contest, many fans were right to expect Night Spyder’s involvement in the match at some point. Towards the end of the eight-minute contest both he and Laurel Wreath arrived when both Macks and Picalo were laid on the canvas. As both men rose, Spyder swung a steel chair at his rival, but this time Macks was too quick for his stalker, ducking the chair shot that would instead connect with Colin Picalo. Matthew Macks went straight for Night Spyder, uninterested in his ongoing match as he looked to get his hands on the Finnish goth. Unfortunately, Laurel Wreath was quick to act, dragging Spyder out the ring to safety as they hastily retreated up the ramp.

An angry Macks caught Picalo slowly stirring in his peripheral vision and took the opportunity to send a message to his For Whom The Bell Tolls opponent, hitting the Red Lightning for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Matthew Macks by pinfall


Melanie Florence: A big win for Matthew Macks, sending a strong message to Night Spyder ahead of their Street Fight at For Whom The Bell Tolls. 

Martin Bloydell: That he has indeed Mel, and 'The Dark Stalker' had a front row seat to see that message after attempting to interfere in this match, ironically it was his failed attack that gave Macks the win! Could his desire to inflict pain on the 'Irish Daredevil' be his downfall in their match next Saturday?

Melanie Florence: It could be Martin, but either way it's going to be a deeply personal match at For Whom The Bell Tolls. Speaking of that event, later tonight in our main event we will see the first semi-final of the BOW Tag Team Championship tournament, with The Shooters facing off with The Northern Lights. The winners of that match will head to the finals next Saturday, where they will face either Future X or The X Force, with their semi-final match taking place next week. We're going to head to the back now as Nicole Phillips interviews those two teams ahead of that all-important match next week.


Nicole Phillips is stood backstage with a microphone. 


Nicole Phillips: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s main event is the first semi-final match of the BOW Tag Team Championship tournament, which will see Billy Robinson and Don Henderson of The Shooters go head-to-head with Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan of The Northern Lights. The winners of that match will face either The X Force or Future X, who will compete in the second semi-final, next week on Night Of Wrestling. Both teams are here with me now, as we look to hear their final thoughts ahead of their upcoming match.

Both teams join Nicole Phillips, each unit stood either side of the announcer.

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Nicole Phillips: Gentlemen, thank you for joining me tonight. I’m sure everyone watching will agree with me when I say I want to hear your thoughts ahead of your match next week and so with that, the floor is yours.

Petey Barnes is the first to bite, taking the microphone from Phillips’ hands.

Petey Barnes: Thanks Nicole. First of all, I just wanna put on the record, me and Eric, we respect the hell out of you guys. Seriously, I mean that. You guys have accomplished so much in this business, hell, you’re five-time champions. You have been a staple of tag team wrestling all across Europe, and are one of the best teams to grace our sport. You guys are one of the teams that me and Eric once aspired to be. But it’s been a long time since those days, and these days, there’s one team that’s out-done you. Us. We are six-time tag team champions, and we are THE best tag team. We know it, and I think you guys do too. I mean, you guys decided to go your own separate ways. Why else would you do that unless you knew that there was a younger, faster, better team casting a shadow over everything you had accomplished? Me and Eric, we’ve won titles together, and we’ve won titles individually, but we’ve always had each other’s back. We will never walk out on each other, because we know that we are at our very best when we are together. Can you guys say the same?

Petey hands the microphone over to Eric.

Eric Future: Please, don’t get us wrong, we really do respect you. We were thrilled when you guys decided to reunite here in BOW, because you are a great team who will bring out the best. But what’s going to happen to you when you bring out the best of the best tag team in professional wrestling? You get beat. So don’t take it personally guys, but after next week, The X Force will once again just be a footnote in Future X’s latest success in tag team wrestling.

Eric Future hands the microphone back to Nicole Phillips, but she barely has it in her grasp when it’s taken by Jase Cole.

Jase Cole: Some strong words for two guys who say they respect us. But hey, we get it. Future X is all about the show. And strewth, what a show it is guys. You’re right, you guys are six-time tag team champions. But do you honestly think that would be the case if Chris and I hadn’t decided to go our separate ways? We opened the door for guys like you, but the only reason you were able to walk through the door is because we stopped blocking the entrance. And sorry boys, but now that we’re back together, we’re reclaiming the room. And that starts next week when we beat you and head to For Whom The Bell Tolls to fight for the BOW Tag Team titles.

Christopher Lister is handed the microphone by Jase Cole.

Christopher Lister: This isn’t some nostalgia run for us, boys. We are as hungry as we have ever been. And while I’m flattered we have been some sort of inspiration for you, you know what they say, never meet your heroes. I’m glad you feel like you’ve managed to surpass us, but pride comes before a fall. And if you guys are going to fall, then me and Jase, we are ready, we are waiting, we are chomping at the bit to complete our rise back to the top of the food chain. We don’t care who we pass to get back there, or whether or not they respect us. All we care about is proving that we have always been THE tag team, and that we still are that team. So good luck next week, because you are gonna need it.

Nicole Phillips is given the microphone back without any acknowledgement as both teams refuse to relinquish their intense stare.

Nicole Phillips: Well, there you have it folks. Future X versus The X Force in the semi-finals of the BOW Tag Team Championship tournament, next week here on Night Of Wrestling.


Match Six:

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Merle O’Curle w/Lenny Mochin vs Padraig O’Hearne w/Konrad Makinen

Another match pitting two of the four men vying for the BOW Honour Championship at For Whom The Bell Tolls saw the inclusion of all four men in that upcoming bout as Lenny Mochin accompanied Merle O’Curle to the ring, while Padraig O’Hearne had Konrad Makinen in his corner for this match. It’s already been confirmed that both sides will face off in a tag team match next week, just days before the big four-way challenge. But for now, this contest was all about the two Irish competitors between the ropes, displaying solid chemistry with one another as they waged war for thirteen minutes.

Merle O’Curle was once again the bitter veteran in this contest, a role he has expertly played since arriving in BOW. He’s a ring technician whose experience many will benefit from for as long as he decides to prolong his in-ring career, particularly this trio he is currently involved in a program with. Padraig O’Hearne meanwhile has all the makings of a future star if he can fulfil his potential, likewise with both Mochin and Makinen, though they are a couple of years older than the Irish, no-nonsense wrestler.

Of course there was purpose to the inclusion of the two competitors at ringside, as it was a distraction from Lenny Mochin that caused Padraig O’Hearne to fall to an O’Connor roll-up from Merle O’Curle, scoring the wily vet the win. Mochin and O’Curle made a quick exit, while O’Hearne and Makinen were distant after the match, frustration showing as O’Hearne was visibly irritated at Makinen failing to prevent Mochin affecting the outcome of this contest.

Winner: Merle O’Curle by pinfall


Martin Bloydell: Merle O'Curle snatching the victory thanks to the help of Lenny Mochin.

Melanie Florence: And with this victory tonight, each competitor in the upcoming Honour Championship four-way match has now scored a victory over each other, meaning everything is in the balance ahead of not only that title match at For Whom The Bell Tolls, but also the tag team match between these four men next week on Night Of Wrestling.

Martin Bloydell: That's for sure, Mel! And while Merle O'Curle and Lenny Mochin appear to be on the same page, the same can't be said between Padraig O'Hearne and Konrad Makinen, as they exchanged a tense stare following O'Hearne's defeat there. Will the two be able to co-exist in a team next week, just days before they are opponents in that BOW Honour title match?


Match Seven:

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Aud Valkyrie vs Zofia Jankovic

A physical contest between these two women gave the fans an intense match that went on for eleven-and-a-half minutes, more than enough time for them both to show the crowd exactly what they are capable of. Jankovic was undoubtedly the star of this contest, and she is quickly becoming the standard bearer for the BOW women’s division.

Aud Valkyrie was no slouch either, yet to show any signs of declining as a competitor despite being just months away from her 40th birthday, which is a true testament to her dedicated fitness routine. However like everyone else who has shared a ring with Jankovic in BOW, she just couldn’t compare to ‘The Black Widow’, with the Belarusian bruiser scoring the win courtesy of her rocking K.O. Head Kick.

Winner: Zofia Jankovic via pinfall


Melanie Florence: Zofia Jankovic edging the victory in a wild brawl against Aud Valkyrie, who was valiant in her efforts, even in defeat.

Martin Bloydell: An important win for 'The Black Widow', and like Viper McKenna earlier tonight, she is now heading into the final stretch before For Whom The Bell Tolls on a wave of momentum! But coming up next, it's main event time as we will see which team will head to that same event to challenge for the BOW Tag Team Championship, as The Northern Lights take on The Shooters!


Match Eight:

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BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi Finals:
The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/Mo Adebola vs The Shooters

We found out the first tag team to reach the BOW Tag Team Championship tournament finals tonight as The Northern Lights took on The Shooters in the main event of the fifth episode of BOW Night Of Wrestling. Last week, in a showdown ahead of this high stakes semi-final, The Northern Lights had vowed to fight fair after being goaded by Future X, and one of the questions leading into this bout was whether or not they would stick to their word.

To much surprise, they did. In fact, they even went as far as to send their own manager Mo Adebola to the backstage area around the halfway mark of this thirteen-minute contest, after he influenced proceedings by pushing the bottom rope towards Riddick Jordan to help him break the Capital City Crucifix finishing submission of Billy Robinson. Doing so earned the pair of bad asses a rare cheer from the crowd, but they quickly silenced whatever support the crowd was giving them with a few crude gestures.

Aside from the moment with Adebola, the in-ring action was the focal point of what turned out to be a very, very good main event match, with a collision of styles that saw the big, bruising brawling duo of Jordan and Vicious trying to overpower The Shooters, with Billy and Don being two very experienced, very gifted technical wrestling connoisseurs who sought to keep the match tactical with a controlled pace. 

The crowd ate up this entire contest, and both teams obliged by putting on a great show. It looked as though The Northern Lights had the victory with a huge Lights Out to Billy Robinson, but Don Henderson was able to break the pinfall at a very-close two count. Instead it was the veteran duo, reunited in BOW after a decade apart, who scored the win when Billy Robinson and Alton Vicious took their action to the outside, leaving Riddick Jordan defenceless and forced to tap to Don Henderson’s Scottish Deathlock, ironically just inches from the bottom rope, this time without Adebola there to help him touch the rope and break the hold. 

Winners: The Shooters via submission




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Here's the prediction results from BOW Night Of Wrestling #5:

@JAK - 7/8
@John Lions - 7/8
@Charasmatic Enigma - 6/8
@KyTeran - 5/8
@willr0ck - 3/8
@smw88 - 2/8

And the overall scoreboard:

@John Lions - 29 (/35)
@Charasmatic Enigma - 28 (/35)
@KyTeran - 27 (/35)
@JAK - 25 (/29)
@DAVEFAN95 - 23 (/27)
@willr0ck - 19 (/29)
@smw88 - 18 (/29)
@HiPlus - 13 (/20)
@Scottie - 6 (/6)

Match Card for the go home edition of BOW Night Of Wrestling (episode 6) ahead of the For Whom The Bell Tolls event:

BOW Tag Team Championship semi-final:
Future X (Eric Future & Petey Barnes) vs The X Force (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole)

Landon Mallory vs Michael Gregory

Padraig O'Hearne & Konrad Makinen vs Merle O'Curle & Lenny Mochin

JK Lee vs Gordon Leve

Magnus Cage and The Fashionistas (Gianfranco Morelli & Roberto Milano) w/Holly Leves vs Three Lions (Jon Michael Sharp, Martin Heath & Nate Manchester)

Clubber Kohl vs Bali Daljit

Brilliant White, Matthew Macks & Milton Hittlespitz vs Colin Picalo, Night Spyder & Strife

PLUS - All eight participants in the BOW Women's Championship ladder match come face to face ahead of For Whom The Bell Tolls

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BOW Tag Team Championship semi-final:
Future X (Eric Future & Petey Barnes) vs The X Force (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole)
comments: I was very surprised that The Northern Lights didn't make it to the final to meet Future X. My guess now is that Future X win the tournament and The Northern Lights are their first challengers.

Landon Mallory vs Michael Gregory
comments: Build some momentum ahead of his title match

Padraig O'Hearne & Konrad Makinen vs Merle O'Curle & Lenny Mochin
comments: Faces get back a win after Merle beat Paddy this week

JK Lee vs Gordon Leve

Magnus Cage and The Fashionistas (Gianfranco Morelli & Roberto Milano) w/Holly Leves vs Three Lions (Jon Michael Sharp, Martin Heath & Nate Manchester)
comments: I can't see Nate agreeing not to win this one

Clubber Kohl vs Bali Daljit
comments: Squash

Brilliant White, Matthew Macks & Milton Hittlespitz vs Colin Picalo, Night Spyder & Strife
comments: Coinflip, but I think there's more talent on the face side.

PLUS - All eight participants in the BOW Women's Championship ladder match come face to face ahead of For Whom The Bell Tolls

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Future X (Eric Future & Petey Barnes) vs The X Force (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole)

Landon Mallory vs Michael Gregory

Padraig O'Hearne & Konrad Makinen (aka my baby goat 🥰) vs Merle O'Curle & Lenny Mochin 

JK Lee vs Gordon Leve

Magnus Cage and The Fashionistas vs Three Lions

Clubber Kohl vs Bali Daljit

Brilliant White, Matthew Macks & Milton Hittlespitz vs Colin Picalo, Night Spyder & Strife

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BOW Tag Team Championship semi-final:
Future X (Eric Future & Petey Barnes) vs The X Force (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole)

Landon Mallory vs Michael Gregory

Padraig O'Hearne & Konrad Makinen vs Merle O'Curle & Lenny Mochin

JK Lee vs Gordon Leve

Magnus Cage and The Fashionistas (Gianfranco Morelli & Roberto Milano) w/Holly Leves vs Three Lions (Jon Michael Sharp, Martin Heath & Nate Manchester)

Clubber Kohl vs Bali Daljit

Brilliant White, Matthew Macks & Milton Hittlespitz vs Colin Picalo, Night Spyder & Strife

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BOW Tag Team Championship semi-final:
Future X (Eric Future & Petey Barnes) vs The X Force (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole)

Landon Mallory vs Michael Gregory

Padraig O'Hearne & Konrad Makinen vs Merle O'Curle & Lenny Mochin

JK Lee vs Gordon Leve

Magnus Cage and The Fashionistas (Gianfranco Morelli & Roberto Milano) w/Holly Leves vs Three Lions (Jon Michael Sharp, Martin Heath & Nate Manchester)

Clubber Kohl vs Bali Daljit
comments: Clubber going to go to the club after getting this dub bossman

Brilliant White, Matthew Macks & Milton Hittlespitz vs Colin Picalo, Night Spyder & Strife

PLUS - All eight participants in the BOW Women's Championship ladder match c

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BOW Tag Team Championship semi-final:
Future X (Eric Future & Petey Barnes) vs The X Force (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole)
comments: I feel like The Northern Lights may cost Future X their shot in the finals.

Landon Mallory vs Michael Gregory
comments: Landon needs to build momentum for his eventual title shot.

Padraig O'Hearne & Konrad Makinen vs Merle O'Curle & Lenny Mochin
comments: Let's go Konrad.

JK Lee vs Gordon Leve
comments: I think Lee is in a better position than Leve at the moment.

Magnus Cage and The Fashionistas (Gianfranco Morelli & Roberto Milano) w/Holly Leves vs Three Lions (Jon Michael Sharp, Martin Heath & Nate Manchester)
comments: The Three Lions need to establish themselves.

Clubber Kohl vs Bali Daljit
comments: Bali gets squashed.

Brilliant White, Matthew Macks & Milton Hittlespitz vs Colin Picalo, Night Spyder & Strife
comments: My bet is that Colin eats the pin.

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BOW Tag Team Championship semi-final:
Future X (Eric Future & Petey Barnes) vs The X Force (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole)
comments: Tough call, could go either way

Landon Mallory vs Michael Gregory
comments: Surprised to see Michael Gregory show up unheralded since he's one of the few high ceiling British prospects not tied down to 21CW.

Padraig O'Hearne & Konrad Makinen vs Merle O'Curle & Lenny Mochin
comments: Merle and Lenny are more likely to be a cohesive unit, especially with Paddy being unhappy with Konrad last weke

JK Lee vs Gordon Leve
comments: Build momentum for PPV match

Magnus Cage and The Fashionistas (Gianfranco Morelli & Roberto Milano) w/Holly Leves vs Three Lions (Jon Michael Sharp, Martin Heath & Nate Manchester)
comments: Top babyface trio gets the win

Clubber Kohl vs Bali Daljit
comments: Hopefully Bali can walk himself to the back without assistance

Brilliant White, Matthew Macks & Milton Hittlespitz vs Colin Picalo, Night Spyder & Strife
comments: Tough match to call, another coin flip from me

PLUS - All eight participants in the BOW Women's Championship ladder match come face to face ahead of For Whom The Bell Tolls

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British Omega Wrestling
Night Of Wrestling #6
Wednesday Week 2 March 2020
London, Southern England


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Jackie Goldstein: Ladies and gents, welcome to the ‘go home show’ final edition of BOW’s Night Of Wrestling ahead of our incredible event on Saturday night, For Whom The Bell Tolls! I’m Jackie Goldstein, and I’m joined by Martin Bloydell and Melanie Florence, but we’re going to head straight to the ring where Nicole Phillips is joined by the entire BOW Women’s Division ahead of the massive BOW Women’s Championship ladder match in just three days!



Nicole Phillips is stood in the middle of the ring. Accompanying Phillips is a wooden stand, with a red velvet cloth concealing an item beneath it. Every wrestling fan will know that the hidden object is obviously the uncrowned BOW Women’s Championship title, but it’s still exciting to see what the actual belt will look like. All eight of the female talent in the women’s division are also stood in the ring, each of them around the edges.

AudValkyrie.jpg.ab638333a5b9479bfc90408f2b69d572.jpg JeriBehr.jpg.4fbb9a95e93c24e0942073fca722a623.jpg SteffiChee.jpg.e3fda6ff7fa2b16397a38d79b6d88ade.jpg TheaDavis.jpg.b1e1a307f302b908920b4952273e6deb.jpg

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Nicole Phillips: Thanks Jackie. Folks in the arena, and everyone watching at home, as you can see, I am accompanied by the women on the BOW roster who will be competing in a ladder match at For Whom The Bell Tolls to crown our first ever British Omega Wrestling Women’s champion. I have also been given the privilege of unveiling the BOW Women’s Championship in front of all the competitors, and you fans, so without further ado, I present to you all…

Nicole Phillips whips the red velvet cloth away from the pedestal as all the competitors show intrigue to the championship belt as it is unveiled.


Nicole Phillips: …The British Omega Wrestling Women’s Championship!

Viper McKenna is the first to react, slinking towards the belt to get a closer inspection.

Nicole Phillips: And now we’d like to take this opportunity to allow each competitor the chance to express-

Viper McKenna snatches the microphone from Phillips and turns to face the camera.


Viper McKenna: When Dunton Hall founded British Omega Wrestling, I spent two months of my life being bombarded by obsessive loser incels, much like this crowd here tonight, begging to know if ‘The Viper’ would be joining BOW. I don’t know why, if I’m not willing to sell feet pics to you creeps online then I’m certainly not gonna waste my time speaking to any of you for free, giving away this Miss’s information. 

Viper winks to the camera, her tongue visibly pressed against the inside of her cheek as she references her old ring persona.

Viper McKenna: But as if I was going to let Hall bring women’s wrestling to Britain without being involved. I am British women’s wrestling. I am the only woman to ever be trained by the legend that is British Samurai.

A rare cheer for the words of McKenna as fans show their eternal admiration for one of the forefathers of British wrestling.

Viper McKenna: And I took everything he taught me and did it ten times better than he ever could!

Welp, those cheers didn’t last long…

Viper McKenna: What, did you think I was gonna let that old fart take credit for my accomplishments? He didn’t win three Women’s Championships in Europe, that was me. No-one else paved the way for women’s wrestling in this continent, I did. A fact none of you ignorant bitches have thanked me for. Without me, none of you would be stood in this ring. But don’t worry, I get my thanks on Saturday when I climb that ladder and become a four time Women’s champion.

Viper McKenna thrusts the microphone back towards Nicole Phillips and sneers at the rest of the women’s roster as she returns to her original standing position.

Before Nicole Phillips can speak, Steffi Chee steps forward and requests time on the talking stick.


Steffi Chee: Oh please, spare me, Viper. First of all, nobody is paying to see those huge hooves you call feet…

Martin Bloydell is heard spitting out his drink on commentary as the fans laugh.

Steffi Chee: And you’re not the only woman to have held championship gold. But I am the only woman here to have done so on two different continents. If anyone here is a pioneer well… It’s me, it’s me, Steffi Chee!

Chee elicits a brief cheer from the crowd who clearly enjoyed that wholly original catchphrase.

Steffi Chee: And I may not be from any of the wonderful countries that make up these beautiful isles, but there is a lot of history between here and my home of Canada, so believe me when I say it is an honour… And that’s spelt correctly with the ‘u’-

The patriotic fans reach for the low hanging fruit, cheering Chee’s pandering.

Steffi Chee: It’s an honour to be part of the roster here, writing history as the first women’s division here in the United Kingdom. But have no doubt about it, I’m not just here to take part, I’m here to win. And that’s exactly what I plan on doing by winning the BOW Women’s title on Saturday at For Whom The Bell Tolls.

The fans cheer the babyface as she returns the microphone to Nicole Phillips.

Before the host of this segment can invite another speaker, Aud Valkyrie steps forward to claim her time.


Aud Valkyrie: You women talk about all these past accomplishments like they guarantee your success in the future. Let me tell you something now for free; nothing is guaranteed. Not in life, and certainly not in professional wrestling. I busted my ass wrestling on the independents for two decades in front of very little fans and for very little money, never knowing if I would ever get the opportunity I have tonight, to stand here in front of all these fans and tell my story. The opportunity I have on Saturday night to wrestle seven other women in front of thousands of fans, as well as the hundreds of thousands watching at home. The opportunity to be crowned the first ever British Omega Wrestling Women’s World Champion. This opportunity. My opportunity. And let me tell you not a single woman in this ring has worked harder than me for this opportunity. Hell, no woman in the world has worked harder than me for this opportunity!

As Valkyrie’s impassioned speech leaves her needing to catch her breath for a moment, the crowd, who up until this point had been stunned into silence by her emotional speech, erupt into cheers for the Norwegian. 

Aud Valkyrie: And so while I’m not in the game of guaranteeing things, one thing I am sure of is that not a single one of you will be more determined than me to climb that ladder at For Whom The Bell Tolls to claim that belt as it hangs over this ring, because finally, this is my opportunity!

An appreciative audience clap for Valkyrie as she returns to the perimeter of the ring.

Nicole Phillips: Wow. What a passionate speech from Aud Valkyrie there. Would any of you women like to respond to that?

Before the last word has even fully left Nicole Phillips’ lips the microphone is swatted away from her, with K.T. Devonshire taking centre stage.


K.T. Devonshire: Oh my God, give it break yeah. Talking about not getting a chance and this is your opportunity, blah, blah, freakin’ blah. Did you ever stop an’ think that maybe you just ain’t good enough?

The audience leap to the defence of Valkyrie with a chorus of boos.

K.T. Devonshire: Oh, leave it out! As if I care what you lot think. There is a reason I chose to go and wrestle in North America you know. That’s the difference between me and all these other women, promoters across the world actually want me. I’ve become something you all wish you could be - desirable. I’m in demand, and I’ve done it at the age of 21. I’m the future of this business, I’ve got seven years on the next youngest woman in this match. Hell man, there’s some women in this match I’m literally half the age of. It’d be safer for all you old hags to not bother showing up. I mean, it’s gonna be like I’ve gone into a retirement home and just started kicking ass. I’d almost feel guilty about it if it weren’t for one simple thing. I just don’t care. 

A wry smile of malevolence etches across the lips of the cocky upstart.

K.T. Devonshire: ‘Cos if you dumb geriatrics are thick enough to try come at me, then don’t get your granny panties twisted when I snap your necks. I will hurt any one of you boomers if you get in my way on Saturday, and I won’t think twice about it neither. Ice runs through my veins. My name is K.T. Devonshire and, despite the fact you’ve all got dementia, after what I do to you all on Saturday, you ain’t ever gonna forget my name.

Devonshire is drowned in boos as she goes to return the microphone to Phillips, but those boos give way to cheers as Thea Davis intercepts the mic. 


Thea Davis: Alright, alright, settle down spunky. The adults are talking. You say we won’t forget your name after Saturday, well the difference is everyone already knows mine. I’m Thea Davis, ‘The Red Queen’, and I didn’t have to run off to Canada and pretend to be Russian to earn that nickname.

The smarks in the audience ‘ooh’, appreciating the nod to Devonshire’s ‘Katya Kornishkova’ gimmick in ACPW which the more casual fans may not be privy to. 

Thea Davis: Sure, I’m not the only one here with title credentials. Viper and Chee have already mentioned their championship resumes, and I’m sure when Jankovic and Bilous pipe up they will speak about theirs too. But out of all the women here, only I can say that I am a five-time Women’s Champion. As I proved when I beat Viper McKenna on the debut episode of Night Of Wrestling, I am British Women’s Wrestling.

Davis was staring straight into the cold eyes of The Viper for that final line, further infuriating the always irate veteran.

Thea Davis: I represent these great lands around the world when I wrestler, flying the British flag all across Europe and Japan. But it’s true what they say, there’s no place like home. And this here, this is my home! BOW is my home!

The growing base of BOW fanatics pop.

Thea Davis: And for too long this home has been missing a woman’s touch. That all changes on Saturday. We all have the chance to define women’s wrestling here on these shores. We can show ‘the man’ he was wrong to overlook us, to cast us aside, so girls bring your A-Game, because I sure as hell am!

A fired-up Thea Davis throws a rock out gesture to the crowd who are matching her energy. But their reception turns to disproval as Zofia Jankovic claims ownership of the microphone next.


Zofia Jankovic: So many claims, so many promises, so many words… But please, keep talking. Loud prey is easy prey.

Jankovic takes a beat to smirk.

Zofia Jankovic: Not that I need things any easier around here. I’ve already proven that I am the premier of this division. You’re all nothing more than flies caught in my web, arguing of which of you gets bitten first by ‘The Black Widow’. And her bite is lethal, as Valkyrie found out the hard way last week.

Jankovic’s unfaltering gaze lingers on Aud Valkyrie, who clenches her jaw in response.

Zofia Jankovic: You all think you stand a chance? I think that’s cute. Every single one of you is tangled in my web, waiting to be devoured. Up until now I have been happy to wait, to humour and toy with you all, to play with my food. But on Saturday, the time for playing is over. At For Whom The Bell Tolls, The Black Widow will feast.

Not willing to hang around, Jankovic exits the ring, purposefully thrusting the microphone into the chest of the woman closest to the ropes, Jeri Behr, as she departs.


Jeri Behr: Well she’s a barrel of laughs, am I right? In fact, she’s not the only one. Listening to all of you has left me wondering, who took all the fun out of wrestling? Seriously girls, are we athletes in a wrestling ring or accountants in a tax office? You all make me want to paint my face like a clown and ask ‘why so serious?’ We are so lucky to get to compete in this ring, week in, week out, doing the thing we love, yet you are the biggest bunch of negative Nancy’s that I have ever had the displeasure of spending an extended amount of time with. Me, I prefer to focus on positivity, channelling good vibes in my mind, body, and soul. Y’all should try some spiritual healing, God knows you all need it. Come on, I’ll teach you.

Jeri Behr stands in the middle of the ring.

Jeri Behr: Right, close your eyes and take a deep breath in.

She follows her own instructions. No one else does.

Jeri Behr: Hold it… And breathe out.

Behr repeats this a couple of times while the remaining competitors in the ring look at her either bemused or exasperated, or both. Eventually she peeks out of one eye to see no-one participating.

Jeri Behr: Fine. That’s fine. You can all stay bitter and angry, while my aura is cleansed. I’m using my positivity to manifest good things, and that starts with a title win on Saturday.

Suddenly Karen Bilous, who has stood silently throughout the entire proceedings, steps forward. Standing close to Behr, she looks the spiritual wrestler up and down for a moment. To everyone’s surprise, Bilous closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in. Behr is visibly delighted at Bilous attempting to follow her previous instructions. 


Bilous opens her eyes and her mouth twists into an evil smile. In the blink of an eye she cranes her neck, cracking Behr with a violent headbutt that sends her crumpling to the floor. The agile strongwoman shows her impressive strength and speed as she quickly lands rocking shots to each of her opponents, laying out the entire field of competitors with her unprovoked attack.

Karen Bilous looks across the ring to the BOW Women’s Championship, still presenting on the pedestal – which Nicole Phillips is currently cowering behind. Bilous simply offers another view of her evil grin before departing the ring.


The Assassins’ Guild are in the Smoked Out locker room.


LouiePeyton_alt.jpg.2feefa3fef762559e4b97ca4d1fd60bb.jpg StefanRaynor_alt.jpg.ef17a1773db198dd664ae8ea42779199.jpg

Stefan Raynor: Royal Air Force, you dared to attack us after our match last week? Us?! Don’t you know who we are? We are The Assassins’ Guild, nobody attacks us!

Louie Peyton: You want to try and beat us at our own game? You’re even more stupid than you look. They say imitation is flattery, but we don’t take well to being flattered.

Stefan Raynor: So if you guys want to try us like that, let’s do this properly. Saturday night, For Whom The Bell Tolls, we’re challenging you to a match.

Stevie Stoat: No!


Stevie Stoat angrily marches up to the duo.

Stevie Stoat: What are you idiots doing?!

Stefan Raynor: You told us to handle our business boss.

Stevie Stoat: Yeah, our business with Landon Mallory, who I defend this title belt against at For Whom The Bell Tolls, not those loser lions. Forget about them.

Louie Peyton: But boss…

Stevie Stoat: That match doesn’t go ahead. You can fight them after making sure I walk out of For Whom The Bell Tolls still the BOW World Champion. And when that match does happen, you better win. I won’t accept any less. Now come on, we’ve got bigger issues to deal with. 


Match One:
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Brilliant White, Matthew Macks and Milton Hittlespitz vs Colin Picalo, Strife and Night Spyder w/Laurel Wreath

The first match of the night was a trio’s match featuring six men from the unofficial hardcore division that centred around the ongoing feud between Matthew Macks and Night Spyder. Other than Strife, all the competitors in this contest have been involved in that rivalry in one form or another, so it was a nice introduction to the show that tied several weeks of in-ring story together.

Macks and Spyder were kept separate for most of the bout, which not only teased the audience but also allowed the other four men to present more of themselves during this ten-minute contest. Brilliant White put on a particularly good showing, though all three men on the babyface’s team were by far the better workers on the night. It was fitting then that they won the match, with Night Spyder having abandoned his teammates and the trio of Macks, Hittlespitz and White got a measure of revenge on the absconding informal leader of the heels, with Macks hitting the Red Lighting on Strife for the victory, looking his nemesis dead in the eyes and sending a message ahead of their street fight at For Whom The Bell Tolls.

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Winners: Matthew Macks, Milton Hittlespitz and Brilliant White via pinfall.


Nicole Phillips is stood in her usual spot, the designated interview location backstage, surrounded by a BOW banner full of sponsor logos and a monitor beside her. 


Nicole Phillips: Ladies and gentlemen, joining me now, the self-professed ‘Ladies’ Favourite’ Michael Gregory and his manager and partner, ‘French Chic’ Jasmine Perlot.

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Michael Gregory and Jasmine Perlot walk into the shot and the handsome heavyweight immediately removes the microphone from Nicole Phillips’ grip.

Michael Gregory: Thanks toots, we’ve got it from ‘ere.

Perlot scowls at Phillips.

Michael Gregory: Landon Mallory listen up bruv. Tonight you’re making the mistake of steppin’ into the ring with the ‘Swole Soul’, the ‘Duke of the Dumbell’, the man who makes all the birds weak at the knees… And between ‘em too.

Michael Gregory winks directly into the camera.

Michael Gregory: Ain’t that right babe?

Jasmine Perlot playfully slaps Gregory’s chest in a manner that’s very ‘ooh stop it you’.

Michael Gregory: But before you do fam, let me give you some advice. Don’t. Man knows you’ve got an important title match this weekend yeah, and I’d hate for you to get cucked out by this alpha goin’ into that match. Don’t make me humiliate you yeah, ‘cos when Michael Gregory is in the ring, it’s just another day at the gym.

Gregory and Perlot ooze cockiness as they snigger before the camera cuts back to the arena.


Match Two:
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Bali Daljit vs Clubber Kohl w/Eva Berlin

Just one week after annihilating Cain Carlile, Clubber Kohl was at it again in another one-sided contest, making short work of Bali Daljit this week.

Thankfully, whoever put together this match allowed a couple of extra minutes, which let Daljit at least get some offence in. It was a stroke of good fortune as it showed that these two men have some great chemistry in the squared circle, and if BOW ever decides to get behind Daljit and give him some of the spotlight, this would be a fun match to play back. But for now, it did what it was meant to do, giving Kohl the dominant win, scoring the victory after five minutes with a Hamburg Express.

Winner: Clubber Kohl via pinfall.


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As soon as Kohl’s hand is raised by the referee, he is struck from behind by Hugh de Aske, who throws himself at Kohl for the second week running.


After only a brief flash of offence, de Aske’s attempt at revenge against the big man is thwarted when Berlin manages to pull her client to safety out of the confides of the ring.

Hugh de Aske shows no sign of wanting to stop, ducking out of the ring and looking to chase after ‘The War Dog’. Unfortunately for him, Kohl and Berlin were able to distance themselves from ‘The Dread Pirate’, already backstage as Hugh was left fuming at the ringside area.

A fired-up Hugh de Aske rolls back into the ring, his knuckles turning white as he clutches a microphone under his lips.

Hugh de Aske: Clubber Kohl. You. Me. For Whom The Bell Tolls.

The audience cheer.

Hugh de Aske: Bring that harpy wench of yours too. She can watch, not just as I make you walk the plank, but as I tie you to the anchor and drown you at the bottom of the sea, bitch!

Hugh throws the microphone down with such force it bounces back up off the canvas, as his theme music plays, failing to silence the rocking crowd.


Nicole Phillips is back in the interview area, this time with Landon Mallory stood by her side.

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Nicole Phillips: Landon, earlier on we heard from your opponent tonight, Michael Gregory, who encouraged you not to turn up to your match, promising to humiliate you if you do. What are your thoughts on his warning, and competing in this match just days before challenging Stevie Stoat for the BOW World title at For Whom The Bell Tolls?

Landon Mallory: Ag, man! Eish! It looks live I’ve got a busy week ahead Nicole, let me tell you. A busy week of beating respect into some fools! First of all, tonight I’ll be beating some respect into Michael Gregory, not just for how he speaks about women, but for suggesting I no-show our match. Don’t be doff, oke! You really think I’d miss the chance to bliksem you brah? Clearly the balls aren’t the only thing to shrink when you’re juicing…

The microphones in the arena pick up on a very audible ‘ooh’ from the live crowd.

Landon Mallory: And then, once I’m done with that frat boy wannabe, it’s time for me to deal with the coward that calls himself the World Champion. Stevie Stoat, I meant every word last week, oke, you are a shadow of your former self, a coward. You didn’t walk out on 21CW because you were too good for that place, you did it because you were afraid of being exposed as the washed up, over the hill, bitter old man that you are. So you found yourself some cronies, hitched your wagon to the hottest new place in town so that you could leach off of us for one last moment in the spotlight. Well, oke, time’s almost up. And when, not if, but when that time is up, you’ll tuck your tail between your legs and run away again.


Match Three:
BOW Tag Team Championship Semi-Final:

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Future X vs The X Force

The third match of the night was arguably the most important on the card, certainly the one with the highest stakes going into For Whom The Bell Tolls. For both Future X and The X Force, it was the opportunity to progress to the final of the BOW Tag Team Championship tournament and be in with a shot of being crowned the first ever BOW Tag Team Champions. With The Shooters awaiting whoever won this match, these two teams were given twelve minutes to put on a dramatic, stakes-driven match, which they duly delivered.

The crowd was completely behind the action here and were split pretty evenly in their support for the two teams. The noise the audience generated really helped to sell the jeopardy for this contest, and each near fall had the fans watching with bated breath. Future X delivered on all fronts, hitting Future Shocks on both their opponents during the match, but were still unable to put The X Force away. They set up for a second on Jase Cole, their third of the night, but as they landed it Mo Adebola snuck to the ring, drawing the attention of the referee.



This distraction allowed The Northern Lights to slip into the ring, and level Eric Future with a Lights Out, and throw Barnes to the ringside area. Mission complete, The Northern Lights and Adebola retreated, allowing Jase Cole, completely unaware of what had happened himself, to crawl over and pin Future for the victory.

Winners: The X Force via pinfall.


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The X Force, showing serious signs of fatigue from that gruelling bout, slowly have their hands raised in victory as Future X console themselves, furious with their semi-final match being stolen from them. They shake their heads in the direction of The X Force, clearly unimpressed with the veteran duo capitalising on the illegal attack to win the match.

As Future X depart the ringside area, The X Force resume their celebrations and embrace the fans on the turnbuckles.

Suddenly The Shooters’ theme music hits.


The two finalist teams stand inches apart in the ring. They exchange a tense stare down, neither duo looking to give up any ground, nor show their hand by striking first. Eventually arms do extend, but not in the exchange of fists, but rather palms out, with The Shooters requesting The X Force shake their hands.

The X Force comply and accept the sign of respect from The Shooters, but the two teams continue to stare down each other.




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We cut to the backstage area, where Fink Finkleton, Pavel Vanzycha and Nigel Svensson are watching the face-off between The Shooters and The X Force on a backstage monitor. Fink shakes his head and the two European wrestlers scowl before the trio walk away.


Match Four:
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JK Lee vs Gordon Leve

Despite only being a seven-minute match, this bout was really well contested and had a lot to like about it. Both men are strong technicians, so this contest centred around which man would be able to best his opponent on the mat.

Gordon Leve hit a nice Fisherman’s Suplex, and looked to lock in his Israli Crab submission finisher. JK Lee was quick to react though, hugging Leve’s ankle to prevent him from turning Lee onto his stomach. From there Lee was able to land a couple of punches from the canvas and wrestle his way out of danger. Instead, Lee managed to hit a dazing German Suplex, which he then followed up in an unconventional manner; he lifted Leve onto his shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry and hit him with the Gorman-Aghast, using Gram Gorman’s finishing move to win the match.

Winner: JK Lee by pinfall.



In a repeat of the first episode of Night Of Wrestling, JK Lee’s victory celebration is cut short when his theme music abruptly halts, with Gram Gorman’s playing in place through the sound system. 

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The Northern Irish no-nonsense grappler walks out with the stern expression fans have come to expect of him, accompanied by his friend and spokesperson, Rachel Dearheart, who wields a microphone. 

As they enter the ring to stand toe to toe with Lee, the always irate lad from Ipswich also takes possession of a microphone.

JK Lee: The disrespect, yet again. And you ain’t even got the balls to confront me yourself. You’ve gotta have your woman speak for you.

Rachel Dearheart goes to speak, but before she gets a word out Gram Gorman takes the mic from her. When he turns back to JK Lee they are nose to nose, so close you’d struggle to slide a sheet of paper between them.

Gram Gorman: Right you are J, I don’t respect you.

JK Lee grits his teeth.

Gram Gorman: I’ve got no respect for you because despite the fact you are one of the best technicians to have ever graced the ring – and I’m not just referring to British wrestling – despite that, I don’t respect you because you clearly don’t respect yourself. You can lock in submissions like the very best, you’ve got all this potential yet you spend your time snivelling round, happy to collect a cheque once a month and go home to Mummy and Daddy. You could make a name for yourself in North America, they would love you in Japan. You could be a huge star here, if only you’d quit acting like the world owes you something.

JK Lee: Seriously? This coming from a man who doesn’t just have a chip on his shoulder, but the whole God-damn chippy. What, you think because you’ve got some part time gig in a third-rate promotion in Quebec that you’re better than me? Ain’t no-one better than me between these ropes, least of all you. Newsflash Gram, I don’t respect you either. But come Saturday, when I force you to tap out to the Crossface, you’ll have no choice but to respect me.

A smile rarer than a solar eclipse shows the faintest signs of emerging on Gorman’s face.

Gram Gorman: And when I beat you on Saturday, you’ll shake my hand, and maybe we can both start to respect you a little bit.



Cain Carlile is sat on a medical table in the treatment room backstage. The poor fella is still wearing welts and bruises that show just how violent the assault he endured at the hands of Clubber Kohl last week really was.


In the background Marbella walks by in the corridor visible through the room’s open door. She catches sight of Carlile and stops in her tracks. For a moment her expression is pained by sorrow and sympathy, but she paints on a brave face, offering a cheery, sweet grin as she enters.

Marbella: There he is, my hero!

Cain Carlile: I don’t know about that…

Marbella: I do! You stood up for me when no-one else would. Maybe you didn’t win the match, but you won the heart of the fans when you showed courage to stand across the ring from Clubber Kohl. And babe it was a privilege to accompany you to the ring.

Cain Carlile: Really?

Marbella: Of course!

Cain Carlile: What if you and I became a regular thing then? Er, you managing me I mean.

Cain Carlile winces as he looks up at Marbella standing over him. She has a hesitant look on her face but covers it quickly with a smile.

Marbella: How could I say no to my hero?




Royal Air Force are stood in the Three Lions locker room, with Nate Manchester pacing close behind them.

Martin Heath: Stefan Raynor, Louie Peyton, you know we heard your challenge. Usually, they’d say ‘great minds think alike’, but in this case, you guys must have got lucky.

Jon Michael Sharp: Speaking of luck, it sure was hard luck to hear your puppet master revoke your challenge.

Martin Heath: But it wasn’t our bad luck…

Jon Michael Sharp: Because unfortunately for you Stevie Stoat, your word isn’t law around here. No, that privilege belongs to Dunton Hall.

Martin Heath: And lucky for us, he also heard the challenge you guys laid out earlier tonight, and like us, he also liked the sound of it. So, he’s made it official. Saturday night, we finally come face to face in a tag team match.

Jon Michael Sharp: And Martin and I, we are ready to take you guys to war! We will finally get some redemption for our boy Nate here! We will stop at nothing until we have got our revenge, because when you mess with one lion, you mess with the pack!

Martin Heath: You tried to assassinate the lions, and you failed. Now you’ve made these lions angry, and your about to step into their den…

Jon Michael Sharp: On Saturday night, the bell tolls for the reign of Smoked Out.

Nate Manchester walks up to the camera, joining his brothers in arms.

Nate Manchester: Hard luck.


Match Five:
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Magnus Cage and The Fashionistas w/Holly Leves vs Three Lions

After the elongated schtick of The Fashionistas’ catwalk during their entrance, which Magnus Cage complimented by ‘commentating’ on their runway show, the Three Lions made their entrance, looking more intense than their usual happy-go-lucky demeanour, to get this contest underway.

While the outcome was never really in doubt, this match lasted longer than many expected at ten-minutes, giving Cage and The Fashionistas the opportunity to show they have skill between the ropes beyond their comedic and goofy gimmicks. Martin Heath was undoubtedly the best performer for either side though, and he’s been a real consistent performer in his opening few matches for BOW. It was Nate Manchester who scored the victory though, pinning Magnus Cage after landing a Manc-Sault to build some momentum just days before he faces Walker van Cleer at For Whom The Bell Tolls.

Winners: Three Lions by pinfall.




As Three Lions celebrate their victory in the ring, they are interrupted by the arrival of Walker van Cleer. He brings a microphone with him to the ring, standing opposite the man he will face at For Whom The Bell Tolls.


Walker van Cleer: I have spent my career in the shadows of others. Despite being the best wrestler in Europe, I was never the first choice, never the number one pick. I have had to stand by and watch as other men, lesser men, got gifted opportunities that should’ve belonged to me. Men like Randy Haute. Men like Landon Mallory. Men like Sebastian Koller. Men like you.

Royal Air Force seem incensed by these comments, but Nate Manchester calmly keeps them from getting in the Dutch wrestler’s face. 

Walker van Cleer: You had the rub way back in 21CW, and you blew it. You became the biggest name on the indies, by virtue of anyone else with even a modicum of talent achieving what you couldn’t and holding down a steady job. And what did you do with that status? Absolutely nothing. And yet despite that, you’re gifted the main event, a shot at the World title in the first show of a new promotion that’s looking to change the landscape of this industry, and you blew it. You’re going to stand there with your fellow ‘lions’ and blame the interference of The Assassins’ Guild but the truth is, you’ve got no-one to blame but yourself. You knew you were going up against Stevie Stoat, you knew what he was about.

The crowd boos.

Walker van Cleer: What, have you never seen a Stevie Stoat match before? A real competitor would’ve been prepared for the dirty tricks he had up his sleeve. He’s only been doing it his entire career. Hell, you even had your two cronies here with you backstage at the show, why didn’t they look to even the odds that night, rather than being forced to seek redemption on Saturday?

The livid pair of Royal Air Force are restrained by Nate Manchester who has to stop them retaliating on his behalf. Instead, the Newcastle native manages to convince the duo to head backstage, leaving him alone with his next opponent. He turns back to face the Dutch wrestler.

Walker van Cleer: If you had handled your business with Smoked Out sooner, they wouldn’t have interfered in the number one contender match and cost me the victory as I became a casualty of your war. So Nate, I’m done standing in the back, waiting for my opportunity which never seems to come. I’m finished with playing second fiddle to men like you, being the inadvertent victim of whatever mess men like you and Landon Mallory find themselves in. I am going to make a name for myself, and it starts Saturday night at For Whom The Bell Tolls.

With one final staredown, Walker van Cleer storms out of the ring.


Match Six:
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Lenny Mochin and Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne and Konrad Makinen

In just three nights, Konrad Makinen, Lenny Mochin, Merle O’Curle and Padraig O’Hearne compete in a four-way match to determine which man is crowned the first ever BOW Honour Champion. Tonight they fought each other in tag team action in their final encounter before the title bout at For Whom The Bell Tolls. On one side technical wrestling was championed by the heel duo of Lenny Mochin and Merle O’Curle, while both Padraig O’Hearne and Konrad Makinen offer a more rounded approach. Given the build up to this match, much of the in-ring storytelling was based on whether Padraig and Konrad could co-exist. Almost ironically, the duo showed excellent chemistry as a unit, their tags and tandem offence being so slick it was like watching a duo with decades of experience teaming together.

Given that the focus of the Honour Championship is rumoured to be unofficially on pure wrestling, it made sense for this contest to go the distance and show each man as a serious competitor. They kept the story aspects of the combat to a minimum to focus on the wrestling side of things, with the arc of O’Hearne and Makinen learning to co-exist being present but not overshadowing what happened between the ropes. The finish came with Konrad Makinen breaking up O’Curle and Mochin’s stronghold on Padraig O’Hearne, which had started from O’Curle illegally entering the ring during Mochin’s distraction of the referee to allow the heels to hit some double team moves. Makinen threw O’Curle from the ring, and joined him on the outside to prevent his involvement in the finale of the match, where O’Hearne was able to better Mochin now they were on a level playing field, hitting his Crowning Glory finisher to score the win.

Winners: Padraig O’Hearne and Konrad Makinen via pinfall.


The heels sulked on their way to the back, as Makinen and O’Hearne shook hands in the ring, showing a new found respect for one another ahead of the Honour title match at For Whom The Bell Tolls. 


Match Seven:
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Michael Gregory w/Jasmine Perlot vs Landon Mallory

Michael Gregory made his BOW Night Of Wrestling debut in the main event tonight after a string of solid performances on the pre-show card in the lead up to this show. By his side was his real-life girlfriend Jasmine Perlot, who he met in Victory Wrestling Association. He took on Landon Mallory who has been on a roll since the inception of BOW, earning the right to call himself the number one contender to the BOW World Championship, a title he faces industry veteran Stevie Stoat for in three nights. Both men are big brawlers, so it made sense for them to close this episode out with a slobber knocker heading into For Whom The Bell Tolls.

Though everyone in the arena knew that, save for some underhanded antics, this match was Mallory’s, Michael Gregory still put on a very strong showing, staying toe to toe with Mallory throughout the contest. For nine minutes he earned his time in the main event, and proved to management that he deserves to be featured heavily on BOW programming moving forward. Despite that, the outcome of the contest went as expected, with Mallory overcoming the handsome heavyweight with a Springbok Ram.

Winner: Landon Mallory via pinfall.




After the bell, as Mallory was celebrating in the ring, The Assassins’ Guild charged to the ring, only to be hit immediately with a Springbok Ram each. Having downed the puppets, Mallory dared the puppet master Stevie Stoat, who watched from the entrance stage, to come to the ring.

The champion originally looked like he thought better of it, but did indeed charge to the squared circle. Mallory slid out under the bottom rope and met him on the ringside floor, the two instantly going at it with wild punches. They ended up brawling all the way up the ramp and into the backstage area to close the show.


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Prediction results for the go home edition of Night Of Wrestling:

@DAVEFAN95 - 7/7
@KyTeran - 7/7
@Charasmatic Enigma - 6/7
@JAK - 6/7
@smw88 - 6/7
@John Lions - 5/7
@Wrestling Machine - 5/7

Without bothering to do the math, I think this was the highest scoring predictions round of the series. To me that's a great thing, as I feel like results from pre-PPV/PLE typically should be predictable, with angles carrying the bulk of the intrigue as part of the final build for the upcoming event.

With that said, here's the scoreboard going into the final set of predictions for this series:

@Charasmatic Enigma - 34 (/42)
@John Lions - 34 (/42)
@KyTeran - 34 (/42)
@JAK - 31 (/36)
@DAVEFAN95 - 30 (/34)
@smw88 - 24 (/36)
@willr0ck - 19 (/29)
@HiPlus - 13 (/20)
@Scottie - 6 (/6)
@Wrestling Machine - 5 (/7)

A three-way tie heading into the final show, with another two just behind and still realistically able to take the spoils. Thanks to all of you for participating, whether it was for one show or the entire series. The match card for the upcoming event For Whom The Bell Tolls will be provided shortly, as well as some additional questions.

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For Whom The Bell Tolls:

BOW World Championship:
Landon Mallory vs Stevie Stoat ©

BOW Women's Championship:
Ladder Match:
Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr vs K.T. Devonshire vs Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee vs Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna vs Zofia Jankovic

BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Final:
The Shooters vs The X Force

BOW Honour Championship:
Konrad Makinen vs Lenny Mochin vs Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne

Street Fight:
Matthew Macks vs Night Spyder w/ Laurel Wreath

Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer

Royal Air Force vs The Assassins' Guild

Gram Gorman w/ Rachel Dearheart vs JK Lee

Future X vs The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Hugh de Aske


Additional Questions:
So one thing I would love to do is get an understanding of people's reaction to this diary so far, what people are enjoying, what they're not happy with, any and every opinion that's out there to help make this the best version it can be. This is a safe space for people to offer constructive criticism, I'm not going to take offence to anything that is said as feedback on my writing. That said, if anyone would prefer to submit this privately, my inbox is open and I'm equally as happy to receive responses there. This is open to everyone, even if you just clicked here to get rid of the yellow dot on the Dynasty home page - you're obviously not interested for a reason, and I'd like to know what that reason is! Lurkers, casual visitors, dedicated readers, everyone's opinion counts! With that said, here's some customer survey questions for you to answer. Or not, whatever. Finally, please try to add some discussion behind your answers, it'll be much more useful to me than just a one word answer that doesn't elaborate on your highly valued opinions. Just imagine every question ends with 'and why?'

1. What has been your favourite part of this diary to date?

2. What has been your least favourite part of this diary to date?

3. What do you think is the biggest strength in the BOW roster?

4. What do you think is lacking in the BOW roster?

5. Who is your favourite character in this diary so far?

6. Which character(s) are you currently least interested in?

7. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you would like to see 'more of the same' of?

8. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you'd rather not see happen again?

9. On a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in this diary right now?

10. What is one thing you would change about this diary?

Remember this doesn't have to be in kayfabe or anything like that, you can mention things like writing style, graphics, renders, presentation, format, anything that you want to. Many thanks to any and every response to those questions, and best of luck to everyone who predicts the For Whom The Bell Tolls event.

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For Whom The Bell Tolls:

BOW World Championship:
Landon Mallory vs Stevie Stoat ©
Comments: I think once Stoat drops this title, it signals the end of his main event push and he's going to be bottled down as a gatekeeper, given his limited in-ring skills and time doing him no favors. I think a final confrontation with the Lions and Nate Manchester is likely where he drops the belt, and Landon might be hot now but he's still a newcomer to the British wrestling scene and I'd be worried at hotshotting him straight to the top.

BOW Women's Championship:
Ladder Match:
Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr vs K.T. Devonshire vs Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee vs Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: McKenna is the elder stateswoman of British women's wrestling. Just like Stoat, she's on the wrong side of her career, so if she's going to be a champion it kind of has to be now. This is all my booking bias bleeding in, though - you could easily just give this title to Thea, Zofia, or Karena and let those 3 run with the ball. I think there's more juice to squeeze if you give the vet her flowers so when she puts over one of the above, it means a lot more.

BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Final:
The Shooters vs The X Force
Comments: Like the other tag matches, I could see this going either way. Personally I'm a ROF fan so if it's a tough call I'll root for the former ROF guys.

BOW Honour Championship:
Konrad Makinen vs Lenny Mochin vs Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: No clue who wins this and I'm probably wrong, but I'm rooting for the rock solid ROF vet who has exemplified pure wrestling for 20 years at this point.

Street Fight:
Matthew Macks vs Night Spyder w/ Laurel Wreath
Comments: Unlikely this is the end of their fighting. Giving the nod to Spyder since on paper he has the numbers advantage in a street fight with Laurel Wreath at his side, which can set up a rematch in the future with her neutralized in a cage or with Macks having someone in his corner to even the odds.

Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer
Comments: Going a bit meta with this pick, but Nate is way more popular than Walker at this point and I can't see him ever agreeing to lose to him. Nate's also got a date with Stoat at some point down the road so I don't see him losing to anyone else until their rematch.

Royal Air Force vs The Assassins' Guild
Comments: The Assassins' Guild have been made out to be a bit rash and are more lackeys in their trio with Stoat, while Sharp & Heath feel like equals (or close to equals) with Nate.

Gram Gorman w/ Rachel Dearheart vs JK Lee
Comments: Another match I could see going either way, but (another meta reason) Gram could use the win to establish himself against a wrestler who already is pretty decorated in England while Gram's accolades are hidden away on an obscure wikipedia page or bootleg SportsTube video.

Future X vs The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola
Comments: The Northern Lights will be tag champions, and I can see either man holding the World title at some point in their careers. Future X are the past at this point.

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Hugh de Aske
Comments: I guess the question is, where does Clubber Kohl actually sit on the card? Is he the #1 monster heel at the top of the card, or is he the midcard bully? He's mostly interacted with the midcard and dominated them, so this is his first real challenge. I lean towards Clubber getting the win here, because I think you need credible opponents for Nate to keep him away from Stoat until you are ready to pull that trigger.


Additional Questions:
So one thing I would love to do is get an understanding of people's reaction to this diary so far, what people are enjoying, what they're not happy with, any and every opinion that's out there to help make this the best version it can be. This is a safe space for people to offer constructive criticism, I'm not going to take offence to anything that is said as feedback on my writing. That said, if anyone would prefer to submit this privately, my inbox is open and I'm equally as happy to receive responses there. This is open to everyone, even if you just clicked here to get rid of the yellow dot on the Dynasty home page - you're obviously not interested for a reason, and I'd like to know what that reason is! Lurkers, casual visitors, dedicated readers, everyone's opinion counts! With that said, here's some customer survey questions for you to answer. Or not, whatever. Finally, please try to add some discussion behind your answers, it'll be much more useful to me than just a one word answer that doesn't elaborate on your highly valued opinions. Just imagine every question ends with 'and why?'

1. What has been your favourite part of this diary to date?

I'll go with two answers. First choice is the women's division - in my personal game, I decided to crack open a women's division day 1 in my similarly sized Aussie promotion (also an AEW-esque product). There's no history, there's no talent with pedigrees, so it's up to you to make that division feel important and give people a reason to care. With a thin roster you've done a great job of making the women feel important.

Second choice is Clubber Kohl. There's nothing unique about a big monster with a handler beating up jobbers, but he seamlessly slid into the show interacting with workers all across the card where I find myself looking forward to who he's going to bully each week.

2. What has been your least favourite part of this diary to date?

The tag team division and tournament. 3 of the teams in the tournament all feel so similar to me with very little differentiating them - Future X, The Shooters, and The X Force all feel like the same brand of "veteran tag team, serious tag wrestlers who have won titles elsewhere, babyfaces" mold that I have a hard time remembering which team interacted with who over the course of the tournament. Two of the more interesting tag teams who have more fleshed out characters are facing each other in a tag match that feels more important as a viewer/reader than the title match itself. Even Nigel and Pavel to me have had more time to stand out differently from the trio of veterans. It's why I'm partial to The Shooters, because of the three veteran teams they are the one I feel are the "best" and are the ones I have the most connection with.

3. What do you think is the biggest strength in the BOW roster?

Contradictory to my above point, but the tag division. You had an 8 team tournament that left out your top 2 tag teams. You have a laundry list of future matches to run through that could all main event a TV show.

4. What do you think is lacking in the BOW roster?

The obvious answer would be a lack of experienced depth in the men and women's singles division, but you know that already. At the end of the day no matter how you position it, Stevie Stoat and Nate Manchester were midcarders in 21CW, and there hasn't been women's wrestling in the British Isles ever to my knowledge. As much as you build up Landon or Walker of Hugh's successes in other countries or continents, it's an uphill battle building the credibility of BOW and it's going to have to be done internally.

5. Who is your favourite character in this diary so far?

I've really liked Walker van Cleer. His motivations all make sense and he's threading the line between babyface in heel perfectly.

6. Which character(s) are you currently least interested in?

I think other then the aforementioned trio of veteran tag teams, I think I've been the least interested in the Macks/Night Spyder feud. I feel like for a blood feud they have been wrestling in normal matches way too often? For two high fliers with good hardcore skills and spot monkey tendencies, I would have expected at least 1 big spot to really sell that these two guys hate each other. I might be missing something but the biggest "moment" between the two that happened in this build was Spyder costing Macks a match against Colin Picalo, which feels like it was brushed through quickly. 

7. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you would like to see 'more of the same' of?

The more humanizing segments that really drill home the personalities of the wrestlers. Reading from the beginning, obviously I have a good grasp of the "main characters" like Smoked Out and The Three Lions, Clubber Kohl, Landon Mallory, etc. When it comes to the midcarders I feel like it's a mixed bag of who I feel more strongly about. The best example and my favorite angle of the diary so far would be the one that started with Cain and Bali talking with Marbella and ended with Clubber Kohl destroying the Fashionistas. You were able to establish 7 characters pretty solidly to me and every time I see one of those 7 I think back to that original angle. JK Lee, Fink/Nigel/Pavel, and more recently Michael Gregory are a few examples recently of guys who have made impressions on me with relatively few words.

8. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you'd rather not see happen again?

Obviously this is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt, but I feel like wrestlers you have feuding in the midcard wrestle each other or wrestle in general a bit too much? I mentioned Macks and Spyder before, but I felt this way with the four men in the Honour title match as well. 

9. On a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in this diary right now?

I'd put it at a 7, and the biggest detractor would be that I don't have much connection to the British indies. The most enjoyable part has been learning the British indies, since most of my knowledge was from reading some of the old ROF diaries from back in the TEW2010 days, and reading this concurrently with @Charasmatic Enigma's NWF diary. Both of you guys are approaching a British indy airing on TV in completely different ways despite sharing a lot of the same roster, and it's been cool to watch in real time.

10. What is one thing you would change about this diary?

I have a pretty piss poor attention span and struggle at visualizing match write ups, especially when they are longer. I don't want you to make them shorter for me, but one trick I remember from some of the older diaries I read back in the day was they would highlight out important parts of the big write ups, for both promos and match write ups, which made it a lot easier to read for me personally.

I know you are looking for criticism with this so I apologize if anything I said came off the wrong way - one other comment I'd have not under the above is that I really appreciate the care and effort that went in to the visual presentation of this diary. The consistent renders are excellent and I'm sure they took a ton of work to put together.

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For Whom The Bell Tolls:

BOW World Championship:
Landon Mallory vs Stevie Stoat ©
Comments: I think that Stoat will find a way to slink away with his belt.

BOW Women's Championship:
Ladder Match:
Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr vs K.T. Devonshire vs Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee vs Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: Hard to choose, but I am going with the woman who let her actions do the talking on the last show.

BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Final:
The Shooters vs The X Force
Comments: I am hoping that the force will be strong here.

BOW Honour Championship:
Konrad Makinen vs Lenny Mochin vs Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: I feel like Konrad has been ready since winning the battle royal on the first show to hold a title.

Street Fight:
Matthew Macks vs Night Spyder w/ Laurel Wreath
Comments: I think that Macks finally gets revenge on Night Spyder for his attack on Reckless Abadon.

Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer
Comments: I think the issues between Manchester and Stoat are not finished and Walker may be a steppingstone for Nate.

Royal Air Force vs The Assassins' Guild
Comments: Should help prevent The Assassins' Guild from interfering in the main event.

Gram Gorman w/ Rachel Dearheart vs JK Lee
Comments: I think that Gram takes this one.

Future X vs The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola
Comments: I think The Northern Lights may be the better team and a future contender against The X Force.

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Hugh de Aske
Comments: The pirate topples the giant.


Additional Questions:

1. What has been your favourite part of this diary to date?

So far my favorite part of the diary is the developing on-screen relationship between Captain Crash and Marbella and I look forward to what comes next in their story.  Another great moment was Hugh de Aske's debut and road to challenge Stoat.

2. What has been your least favourite part of this diary to date?

Hard to think of one.

3. What do you think is the biggest strength in the BOW roster?

The roster definitely has a diverse feeling and offers plenty of range in their match types.

4. What do you think is lacking in the BOW roster?

I don't think their are many major gaps.

5. Who is your favourite character in this diary so far?

Hard to pick one, but currently the top of my list includes Hugh de Aske, Night Spyder, Laurel Wreath, The Fashionistas, Cain Carlile, and Marbella.  I like the personality you have given so many members of your roster.

6. Which character(s) are you currently least interested in?

Viper McKenna and I don't know why.

7. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you would like to see 'more of the same' of?

I definitely like how you set up World title challengers between shows and it makes me look forward to see the eventual clash on a future show.  I hope that this plays out for both the tag and women's titles.

8. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you'd rather not see happen again?

I can't think of anything.

9. On a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in this diary right now?

I will say a 9, but that is only because their is currently multiple good diaries running right now and they are all great reads.

10. What is one thing you would change about this diary?

Again repeating from 8, I can't think of anything.


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@willr0ck - 19 (/29) - #bullsh%t, #thefixisin, #conspiracy (I demand a recount!)



For Whom The Bell Tolls:

(I wonder how much the music rights for a particularly well known band that wrote this song is gonna set you back. I bet a pretty penny!)


BOW World Championship:
Landon Mallory vs Stevie Stoat ©
Comments: Stoat rhymes with boat and moat, which is pretty cool, as stated previously. But Stoat also kind of sounds like stout, and I like a nice, cold Guinness every now and then. Last time I checked there is not a type of drink named Mallory so he loses. 

P.S.: Stoat also apparently has his last name copywrited, so that makes him way more important than that Mallory guy

BOW Women's Championship:
Ladder Match:
Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr vs K.T. Devonshire vs Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee vs Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: I asked Tony Khan who he thought would win this match, he said "Who cares, it's a bunch of ladies trying wrestle." - Don't kill the messenger. So with no help from him, let's go with Jerri Behr, because bears are ferocious, and scary, and so on.

BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Final:
The Shooters vs The X Force
Comments: Dudes with guns verses a team of mutant superheros. Hmmmm, this one is tough but the team of mutant superhero's gets the win.

BOW Honour Championship:
Konrad Makinen vs Lenny Mochin vs Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: Oh God, pure wrestling... cue the vomit emoji. Who cares, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, I guess I'll just randomly pick someone.

Street Fight:
Matthew Macks vs Night Spyder w/ Laurel Wreath
Comments: Now we're talking! Non of that pure rules nonsense! Some people are scared of spiders, I bet Macks is one of those people. Plus the spider has a wreath of decorative greenery with him, he's already got a weapon!

Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer
Comments: Dude named after an entire city trumps dude with three names!

Royal Air Force vs The Assassins' Guild
Comments: Jets verses ninja type folk. I mean ninjas rule but jets have missiles. Kind of hard to be stealthy win your gettting blown up.

Gram Gorman w/ Rachel Dearheart vs JK Lee
Comments: I like Gram Gorman, I've actually hired him before, for something, I don't remember what.  I guess he can win here.

Future X vs The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola
Comments: Twitter owners trump cool natural phenomenon

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Hugh de Aske
Comments: As always, I go with the guy whose parents thought Clubber was a fitting first name.


Additional Questions:
So one thing I would love to do is get an understanding of people's reaction to this diary so far, what people are enjoying, what they're not happy with, any and every opinion that's out there to help make this the best version it can be. This is a safe space for people to offer constructive criticism, I'm not going to take offence to anything that is said as feedback on my writing. That said, if anyone would prefer to submit this privately, my inbox is open and I'm equally as happy to receive responses there. This is open to everyone, even if you just clicked here to get rid of the yellow dot on the Dynasty home page - you're obviously not interested for a reason, and I'd like to know what that reason is! Lurkers, casual visitors, dedicated readers, everyone's opinion counts! With that said, here's some customer survey questions for you to answer. Or not, whatever. Finally, please try to add some discussion behind your answers, it'll be much more useful to me than just a one word answer that doesn't elaborate on your highly valued opinions. Just imagine every question ends with 'and why?'

1. What has been your favourite part of this diary to date? It's easy to read, well written and I am actually learning about the UK scene in the CV, which I no zero about. Yes, I am learning a little, despite my predictions.

2. What has been your least favourite part of this diary to date? I cannot say that there is something in particular I dislike. If I had to nitpick, the graphics are pretty awful,. Whoever made them is pretty terrible.

3. What do you think is the biggest strength in the BOW roster? Since I no very little about the UK CV I am not really sure who you could add or what is missing that could make your roster better. I can say that I enjoy the characters you've signed or at least how you write these characters. Well, I guess that answered itself. I like the charactes you've built. I see so many diarys that just have "Mr_X, and his gimmick is he's good at wrestling". I can't stand that, here, you've got a great cast of diverse characters. I mean I don't even hate the Pirate that much anymore. That's an accomplishment.

4. What do you think is lacking in the BOW roster? Again, I'm not familiar enough with the scene to know who's out there. You've got plenty of tag teams, a decent women's division. Maybe some more midcard guys that aren't tag guys. I think I suffer from the same issue in my diary as well.

5. Who is your favourite character in this diary so far? Clubber Kohl, his name is Clubber for God's sake, and he kicks the absolute sh%t out of people. What's not to love.

6. Which character(s) are you currently least interested in? Hugh de Aske, I still hate him, just not as much.

7. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you would like to see 'more of the same' of? Clubber repeatedly kicking the sh%t out of people. Maybe find him a psycho partner too help out.

8. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you'd rather not see happen again? Anything involving Hugh de Aske

9. On a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in this diary right now? 8 - I enjoy reading it, and making a mockery of your prediction contest!

10. What is one thing you would change about this diary? I would write up a nice, long narrative where Hugh de Aske gets eaten by a shark! I would be extremely sports entertained if that happened.


Edited by willr0ck
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For Whom The Bell Tolls:

BOW World Championship: Landon Mallory vs Stevie Stoat © by DQ, so Stoat will still retain

BOW Women's Championship Ladder Match: Thea Davis that's so hard, I would've picked Bilous but the ladder match doesn't suit her much

BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Final: The Shooters vs The X Force

BOW Honour Championship: Konrad Makinen vs Lenny Mochin vs Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne, GOAT Makinen deserves a big push 

Street Fight: Matthew Macks vs Night Spyder w/ Laurel Wreath

Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer, I don't see Nate losing this one

Royal Air Force vs The Assassins' Guild

Gram Gorman w/ Rachel Dearheart vs JK Lee

Future X vs The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebolathis should be one of the best bouts on the card

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Hugh de Aske, to keep pushing CK


1. What has been your favourite part of this diary to date? I always love to know something more about CVerse, this is helping me to get in touch with the UK scene a bit more

2. What has been your least favourite part of this diary to date? It's a pretty long read everytime, I generaly prefer shorter forms

3. What do you think is the biggest strength in the BOW roster? The tag team division

4. What do you think is lacking in the BOW roster? A major draw

5. Who is your favourite character in this diary so far? Following last answer, Landon Mallory has the X-Factor so I'm really into it atm

6. Which character(s) are you currently least interested in? Gordon Leve for sure lol

7. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you would like to see 'more of the same' of?

8. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you'd rather not see happen again?

9. On a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in this diary right now? 7

10. What is one thing you would change about this diary? Again, I prefer it a little shorter 

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For Whom The Bell Tolls:

BOW World Championship:
Landon Mallory vs Stevie Stoat ©
Comments: Landon is great, but starts with zero pop in the UK. I'm not sure if you've edited anyones pop, but I'm going to assume not and say Landon isn't popular enough yet for Stevie to agree to put him over

BOW Women's Championship:
Ladder Match:
Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr vs K.T. Devonshire vs Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee vs Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: Bit of a punt, I'm not particularly familiar with the British (European really) womens scene. I think Thea's a big deal, so going with her.

BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Final:
The Shooters vs The X Force
Comments: Not the final I was expecting, but The Shooters are great and Robinson could become a break out singles star after an initial tag team run.

BOW Honour Championship:
Konrad Makinen vs Lenny Mochin vs Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: You mentioned you wer big on O'Hearne, and making him the initial Honour champion would be a good way to mark him as a future star.

Street Fight:
Matthew Macks vs Night Spyder w/ Laurel Wreath
Comments: Macks feels like he needs the win here as he's not really done much so far.

Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer
Comments: Similar to the Main Event I'm not sure Van Cleer has been built up enough for Manchester to agree to put him over

Royal Air Force vs The Assassins' Guild
Comments: I think the story is that The Assassin's Guild keep failing Stoat and he gets more and more angry until he pushed them away, leaving him alone with noone to protect him from whoever is lined up to take his title off him.

Gram Gorman w/ Rachel Dearheart vs JK Lee

Future X vs The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola
Comments: An outside bet for match of the night. Both of these teams are great. Going for Northern Lights due to their association with Mo Adebola.

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Hugh de Aske
Comments: Hugh will probably win, but I've enjoyed Clubber and Eva so far.


Additional Questions:
So one thing I would love to do is get an understanding of people's reaction to this diary so far, what people are enjoying, what they're not happy with, any and every opinion that's out there to help make this the best version it can be. This is a safe space for people to offer constructive criticism, I'm not going to take offence to anything that is said as feedback on my writing. That said, if anyone would prefer to submit this privately, my inbox is open and I'm equally as happy to receive responses there. This is open to everyone, even if you just clicked here to get rid of the yellow dot on the Dynasty home page - you're obviously not interested for a reason, and I'd like to know what that reason is! Lurkers, casual visitors, dedicated readers, everyone's opinion counts! With that said, here's some customer survey questions for you to answer. Or not, whatever. Finally, please try to add some discussion behind your answers, it'll be much more useful to me than just a one word answer that doesn't elaborate on your highly valued opinions. Just imagine every question ends with 'and why?'

1. What has been your favourite part of this diary to date?

Clubber Kohl and Eva have probably been my favourite duo to date.

2. What has been your least favourite part of this diary to date?

The Honour division just hasn't clicked for me. The characters all feel a bit bland, and they've all faced each other too much for the match itself to feel like a big deal.

3. What do you think is the biggest strength in the BOW roster?

The Tag Division is your strongest division on paper. I also like that neither of the teams contesting for your belt have been involved in my diary, as there is a lot of overlap otherwise.

4. What do you think is lacking in the BOW roster?

I can't help but compare this diary to mine, as it's a very similar concept. We both face into the issue of a lack of depth at the top of the card. It's a race to get your new guys (Landon, Walker, Hugh) over before Stevie Stoat's in ring performances drop off to a terminal level.

5. Who is your favourite character in this diary so far?

As I said above I've really enjoyed Clubber Kohl/Eva Berlin, and I've also enjoyed the Cain/Marbella stuff.

6. Which character(s) are you currently least interested in?

Again, as above, the Honour division just hasn't done it for me.

7. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you would like to see 'more of the same' of?

8. What, if anything, has been included in this diary that you'd rather not see happen again?

9. On a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in this diary right now?


10. What is one thing you would change about this diary?

Remember this doesn't have to be in kayfabe or anything like that, you can mention things like writing style, graphics, renders, presentation, format, anything that you want to. Many thanks to any and every response to those questions, and best of luck to everyone who predicts the For Whom The Bell Tolls event.

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BOW World Championship:
Landon Mallory vs Stevie Stoat ©
Comments: Stevie the goat

BOW Women's Championship:
Ladder Match:
Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr vs K.T. Devonshire vs Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee vs Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: that's a toss up

BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Final:
The Shooters vs The X Force
Comments: Shooters gonna shoot

BOW Honour Championship:
Konrad Makinen vs Lenny Mochin vs Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: Padraig will make a great champ

Street Fight:
Matthew Macks vs Night Spyder w/ Laurel Wreath

Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer

Royal Air Force vs The Assassins' Guild

Gram Gorman w/ Rachel Dearheart vs JK Lee

Future X vs The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Hugh de Aske

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British Omega Wrestling
Saturday, Week 2, March 2020
London, Southern England

For Whom The Bell Tolls



MartinBloydell.jpg.2d9868735be8e1c775a3bd42a6d2fba4.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.bbd405487e22c0a0d517b5dce8253bf7.jpg JackieGoldstein.jpg.fdf213ea7b89ba37424bcc6a2dc938fd.jpg

Martin Bloydell: Ladies and gentlemen, this is British Omega Wrestling, and welcome to For Whom The Bell Tolls! I'm Martin Bloydell and as ever I'm joined by the incredible Melanie Florence and Jackie Goldstein, and oh man tonight has a special aura about it, doesn't it guys?

Melanie Florence: You've got that right Martin, we have a hell of a show coming up tonight, and you can feel the excitement in the air from the 2,000 fans in attendance here in our capital city!

Martin Bloydell: There is so much to be decided tonight, with not one, not two, but three new championships being contested for tonight. On top of that, Stevie Stoat is defending his BOW World title against 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory in our main event, who have you got listed on your betting slip for that one Jackie?

Jackie Goldstein: Oh mate where do I start? Stevie Stoat has kept a tight grip on his title belt, not least due to the antics of his associates The Assassins' Guild, but they are in action themselves tonight, so they may not even be able to make it ringside for their leader.

Martin Bloydell: That's right, and that's the match that we will be opening this incredible night with, so Jackie here's a microphone, stand up and do your thing, and let's get this show underway!


Match One:

LouiePeyton.jpg.077fd90fde2008037ad69e5f9f39686f.jpgStefanRaynor.jpg.f92159826d3c140851570e969cb29f72.jpg vs.jpg.3dbf6278c0e6868231bbc775ecd6afa4.jpg JonMichaelSharp.jpg.11cd1a7108c06935101b11f55b99b2ad.jpgMartinHeath.jpg.abcd9ac5f2084319262acbfd0975ba28.jpg

The Assassins' Guild vs Royal Air Force

The opening contest of the night was a deeply personal tag team match between Royal Air Force and The Assassins’ Guild, with these four men being a big part of what has probably been BOW’s defining feud during these formative months.

Royal Air Force fully embraced their recently adopted moniker, wearing camouflage themed gear and decorating their faces with war paint. The Assassins’ Guild incorporated a personal edge to their attire, ditching the usual leather jackets for the exact same hoodies they stole from their opponents back in January at Reckless Abandon, this time however they had sprayed a cross over the Royal Air Force logo and sewn on biker style patches of their own emblems. The extra effort in both teams’ presentation was a great visual to highlight how tonight is not only a special event in the careers of both duos, but also for the fledgling promotion as a whole.

The pair of Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath took it straight to their rivals from the opening bell, amping up the crowd by landing double suicide dives within the first minute of the match. They sought to continue punishing their enemies at break-neck speed, but a thumb to the eye of Martin Heath by Stefan Raynor was enough to slow the pace and allow The Assassins’ Guild to take control of proceedings. The bulk of the bout was then meticulously dictated by Stevie Stoat’s henchmen, displaying excellent tandem offence and restricting Heath to their half of the ring and preventing the hot tag to Jon Michael Sharp. Of course, said tag was inevitable, and Heath landed a huge dropkick to separate himself from the dastardly duo long enough to slap the palm of his partner.

Sharp burst into the ring, taking down both men before being joined by the slightly recovered Heath to land a huge suplex/diving crossbody combo on Louie Peyton. This left them alone with Stefan Raynor, and the babyfaces looked to execute a ‘super’ version of their Disarmer double-arm codebreaker finishing move on him from the second rope, but Peyton recovered to assist his partner by dragging Martin Heath out the ring. Raynor rolled over the shoulders of Jon Michael Sharp into a Sunset Flip, trapping him in a high stack pinfall and hooking both his feet on the middle rope for the extra leverage that allowed him and Louie Peyton to steal the victory.


Winners: The Assassins’ Guild via pinfall.


Match Two:


BOW Women's Championship Match

8 Woman Ladder Match

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Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr vs K.T. Devonshire vs Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee vs Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna vs Zofia Jankovic

The second match of the night saw the crowning of the second champion in British Omega Wrestling history, as the eight competitors of the BOW women’s division fought in a hellacious ladder match to crown the first ever Women’s Champion in British wrestling history. The magnitude of this moment was not lost on any of the talent either, each showing facial expressions that captured the mixed emotions of trepidation, awe, excitement, and determination as they all stared up at the championship hanging above the ring as the bell rang to open the contest.

The brawl that followed lit a fire in the audience, who were really into the opening two contests of this show. The fact that every woman was allowed time to display facets of their character on Wednesday night probably helped the fans invest heavily into this match. Much like that promo on Night Of Wrestling, all eight wrestlers were given their moment to shine in this match:

Aud Valkyrie sat the middle ladder rungs over her shoulder and span round, the metal structure looking like helicopter propellors as she struck several opponents with the object.

Jeri Behr hit a Standing Moonsault from the top of a ladder set up on the ramp to all eight women stood in the ringside area.

K.T. Devonshire hit Thea Davis with a Northern Lights Suplex from the top rope onto a ladder, to then climb to the top of another ladder and hit Davis with a Flying Elbow Drop.

Karen Bilous hoisted a ladder over one shoulder and charged around the ring, spearing down all her opponents one by one, using the weapon like a lance.

Steffi Chee surprised Zofia Jankovic with a Mafia Kick through the rungs of a ladder that ‘The Black Widow’ had just retrieved on the outside, then hitting a German Suplex on the Belarusian that sent her into the steel steps.

Thea Davis landed her own Flying Elbow Drop from the top of the ladder onto Karen Bilous, sending the powerhouse crashing through the announce table.

Viper McKenna, wearing a protective face covering due to her fractured cheek bone, ascended the inside of a ladder to perform a Single Leg Crab on Jeri Behr, with Behr’s leg trapped against one of the ladder rungs, and the Swedish competitor sold the submission magnificently as she flailed, hanging off the side of the equipment.

Zofia Jankovic trapped Steffi Chee in a ladder, which was wedged between the middle and top rope, and landed three of her K.O. Head Kicks.

The finish came with Aud Valkyrie, fingertips on the title belt and moments away from the biggest win of her career, being hit with Jankovic’s K.O. Head Kick at the top of the ladder – an impressive display of flexibility and balance from The Black Widow to perform the Roundhouse Kick in that position. Unfortunately for Jankovic, Valkyrie’s fall to the ring sent the title belt into a wild swing, which stopped the Belarusian from being able to claim the title immediately.

As the title began slowing and Jankovic was close to grasping it, Thea Davis returned to the ring and climbed the opposite side of the ladder. She used the momentum of the swinging belt to smash it into the face of Jankovic, knocking her from the top of the ladder and leading ‘The Red Queen’ alone at the top of the ladder to claim the title belt and crown herself as the champion.



Winner and new British Omega Wrestling Women’s Champion: Thea Davis.


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Dunton Hall arrived in the ring, which was being hastily cleared of the debris, to officially declare Davis as the first ever BOW Women’s Champion. He and Davis embraced, but the moment was somewhat spoiled by the awkwardness of Thea Davis having to hand the belt to Dunton Hall, just so that he could present it back to her.


Match Three:

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Nate Manchester vs Walker van Cleer

Next up, Nate Manchester took on Walker van Cleer in a match which came to fruition after neither man was able to win the three-way match to determine the number one contender to the BOW World Championship. Manchester was robbed of that match, being attacked by The Assassins’ Guild, which Walker van Cleer believes directly led to his loss, and blamed Manchester as a result. In the weeks following, van Cleer has spoken out about his perceived lack of opportunities over the years, in favour of men like Landon Mallory, 21CW’s Sebastian Koller, and Nate Manchester himself. Meanwhile the Manchester-named, Newcastle-born alumni of 21st Century Wrestling was looking to score a big win that should see him climb back towards the top of the card.

Both men put on a performance that was worthy of the grand stage and were given a solid 13 minutes to entertain the almost 3,000 strong crowd, in addition to the estimated over 100,000 who streamed the event either live or on-demand via GBTV Sport. Walker van Cleer is undoubtedly the better worker of the two men, but Nate Manchester’s eight-year stint with 21CW affords him much more notoriety among fans. The back-and-forth contest was won by Nate Manchester with his signature Manc-Sault, after he had managed to duck van Cleer’s own Diving Crossbody to climb the top rope and hit his own finishing move.


Winner: Nate Manchester by pinfall.


Match Four:

Street Fight

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Night Spyder w/ Laurel Wreath vs Matthew Macks

In the most personal match of the show thus far, the ‘Irish Daredevil’ Matthew Macks faced a man he is very familiar with, ‘The Dark Stalker’ Night Spyder, the man who has been tormenting him not just since the formation of British Omega Wrestling, but on and off over the last decade in the Switzerland based independent promotion Victory Wrestling Association. Having fought both with and against each other in a variety of hardcore-variant bouts over the years, they were being given the opportunity to rekindle their rivalry for a much bigger audience than ever before, in a Street Fight that allowed them both to showcase their reckless antics which have made them popular in Europe over the years.

This manic contest was never going to be a match of the year candidate, but it was a lot of chaotic fun that capitalised on a hot crowd, getting them out their seats and buzzing with every crazy spot. The match began in the ring, but it only took a second after the ring bell sounding for Matthew Macks to hit a running clothesline that sent both men over the top rope, spilling to the outside. From there the anticipated anarchy ensued, both men using whatever they could get their hands on to brutalise their opponent. With both men enduring something of a ‘spot monkey’ label earlier on in their careers, it came as no surprise to see them dive from ladders, guard rails and balconies as they brawled to the backstage area.

The two men fought through the arena, utilising every piece of equipment they stumbled upon as a weapon. Night Spyder had the edge of the fight, his devilish damsel Laurel Wreath providing support to neutralise the Macks whenever Irishman was getting the upper hand. Together they lured Macks to the depleted stairwell that has hosted a few of the promos in this rivalry so far. There they enshrined Macks with his ‘blood crown’, a handmade band of barbed wire and thumbtacks that they placed on the head of their rival. Spyder looked to drive the spikes of the crown into Macks head by smashing his head against the wall, but Macks was able to prevent the contact. Instead, he pushed Spyder away, sending him tumbling down the concrete steps. Laurel Wreath gave one final attempt at preventing Macks’ taking control, but he eliminated her involvement with a vicious, barbed wire assisted headbutt, to the audible gasps of the commentary team. From there Macks dove down the steps onto Spyder, before cracking the back of the Finnish goth’s head on the concrete with his Inverted-DDT Red Lightning finisher for the win.

Winner: Matthew Macks by pinfall.


Match Five:


BOW Honour Championship

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Konrad Makinen vs Lenny Mochin vs Merle O'Curle vs Padraig O'Hearne

From hardcore violence to wrestling with respect, the next match of the night saw the quartet of Konrad Makinen, Lenny Mochin, Merle O’Curle and Padraig O’Hearne compete to win the BOW Honour Championship. The antithesis of the previous contest, this bout was all about mat wrestling, chain grappling and stiff strikes to determine which of the four men would win the new title.

Despite being the polar opposite of the Street Fight before it, this contest was equally as appreciated by the fans, the numerous close call finishes causing fans to jump and gasp as each man looked to cement his combative prowess. It was a much better match too, in fact it was the best of the night so far. Each man had plenty of stand out moments in this showing, and none of them faltered during their moment in the spotlight. 

As the contest drew to a close, the battle lines had been clearly drawn with Padraig O’Hearne and Konrad Makinen united against the duo of Merle O’Curle and Lenny Mochin, much like the build up to this match over the last few weeks. The babyface duo managed to dispatch of the heels and looked to finish the contest against each other. With both men being strong strikers, this was a slugfest of a back and forth, and the audience ate up every cheer, split down the middle in their support for the two men. Makinen got the better of the exchange and attempted to apply his Swedish Grapevine submission, only for O’Hearne to reverse it and land his Crowning Glory finisher. However, before he could pin Makinen he was thrown from the ring, the wily veteran Merle O’Curle looking to exploit the situation and steal the victory himself. He locked in his Celtic Wreath hold on Makinen, and with the Swedish wrestler stranded in the middle of the ring, he had no other option but to tap out.

Before he could though, Lenny Mochin snuck into the ring himself, and hooked O’Curle from behind, betraying his ally by pinning him with a School Boy roll up to steal the victory and the BOW Honour Championship.



Winner and new British Omega Wrestling Honour Champion: Lenny Mochin by pinfall.



Lenny Mochin celebrated in the ring as his three defeated foes slowly made their way out of the arena. 

The theme music of the UK wrestling legend British Samurai hit, and the highly respected veteran walked to the ring with the newly minted BOW Honour Championship in his grasp. He climbed through the ropes, as an exhausted yet excited Lenny Mochin eagerly awaited his prize.


‘The Brewin’ Storm’ decided against waiting on the formalities and snatched the belt from Samurai, holding it aloft to a chorus of boos. His wry smile showed how little he cared about the audience’s disapproval. Outside of kayfabe, the moment was undoubtedly poignant for Mochin, being awarded the championship belt by the man who trained him to become a wrestler in the first place. Mochin has spoken in past interviews about his respect for both British Samurai and the technical wrestling style that Samurai has trained him in, so you know inside he was thrilled with this moment. He stayed true to his character though, smugly waving away the weathered ring warrior so as not to share his moment.


Match Six:

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Future X vs The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola

The second of three important matches in the tag team division was the next offering, as two teams who many expected to be competing for the BOW Tag Team Championship tonight were instead involved in a bitter grudge match as Future X looked to gain retribution against The Northern Lights, with the two bad asses having targeted the most successful team in European wrestling history since the beginning of British Omega Wrestling.

Neither team pulled any punches for this contest, and they outperformed every other match that had preceded them tonight in doing so. The usually chipper men of Future X showed a much more tenacious mentality, their positive attitudes having clearly been worn down by weeks of attacks from their rivals, favouring hard shots over crowd-pleasing as they looked to match the intensity of their hulking opponents. The physical encounter left Eric Future with a bloody lip in a show of colour that seemed much less planned than the spot that had busted open Alton Vicious’ forehead minutes earlier.

Having removed Alton Vicious from the ring, both Future and Barnes looked to finish the contest and this rivalry with the Future Shock on Riddick Jordan, but Petey Barnes had his legs swept at by Mo Adebola from under the ring rope, right in sight of the referee. Both Barnes and the match official Roy Worrall scorned Mo Adebola, with the latter attempting to banish the corrupt lawyer from the ringside area. However, with the referee’s back turned, Eric Future had his grapple on Riddick Jordan broken with the smack of a closed fist to his bloodied lip. It was not from the hand of Alton Vicious though, but that of Dangermouth, and his fist had been wrapped by the thick gold chain he usually drapes over his neck.


Barnes reacted to the shenanigans and charged at Dangermouth, only to be struck with a pounce from Alton Vicious as the largest competitor in the match returned to the ring. Dangermouth slid out of the ring and ducked out of view, and Mo Adebola conceded to the referee to stop withholding his attention long enough for the official to count to three after Riddick Jordan landed his Flying Headbutt on the prone Eric Future.


Winners: The Northern Lights via pinfall.


Match Seven:

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Hugh de Aske vs Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin

In another hugely personal match, Hugh de Aske sought revenge against the man who cost him his BOW World Championship match, ‘The War Dog’ Clubber Kohl, who has been on a path of destruction since his arrival in BOW. Already piling up the body count of his victims, Kohl posed a huge test for the much loved ‘Dread Pirate’ Hugh de Aske. 

This was the shortest match on the card, lasting just eight minutes, but it was also the hardest hitting, with Kohl and Hugh de Aske exchanging such vicious chops at one point that it lacerated the latter’s chest. These two held nothing back in this intense brawl, putting it all on the line to land vicious strikes to punish their rival.

Hugh de Aske looked to have the bout won when he landed a huge Skull and Cross Bones on Kohl, followed up by not one, but two Cut-Throat Drivers. He covered Kohl and the referee began to count the fall, but Eva Berlin placed her client’s foot on the bottom rope to save the match for him. Hugh suspected foul play and dragged Kohl to the middle of the ring. He looked to hoist the larger competitor up for an astonishing third Cut-Throat Driver, but the German had enough time to recover, reversing into his own Hamburg Express finisher. Rather than pin the Hugh, Kohl was incensed at how close he came to losing the bout, and instead mounted the Belgian and repeatedly drove his elbow into his face. Blood poured from the head of the pirate, which he defiantly spat up at the beast pummelling him, but nothing halted Kohl until the referee had no choice to end the contest.


Winner: Clubber Kohl by referee stoppage.


Match Eight:


BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Final


BOW Tag Team Championship

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The Shooters vs The X Force

This was it, after several weeks, and the elimination of six other teams, the tournament final to crown the first ever BOW Tag Team Champions. On one side was Billy Robinson and Don Henderson of The Shooters, a duo that enjoyed a lot of success as three-time ROF Tag Team Champions before that company closed down a decade ago. Since then, they went their separate ways, Henderson to Europe and Robinson moving to Japan. Despite being half a world apart, there were always rumours of a reunion, the occasional murmurs of seeing Don arrive in SAISHO or Billy turn up in UEW. It took the formation of a new company to see the duo finally team together again. The X Force are the longest serving unit of all the teams in the company, debuting as a team last century in the fall of 1999. They took their tandem across Europe, first with UCR, then EWA, winning five sets of tag team titles in the process. They only split in 2017, with Lister moving from EWA to VWA, while Cole would depart the European All-Star Wrestling for UEW a year later. Rumours swirled that it was Lister who had wanted to go solo for some time, but after three years working as separate entities the temptation of nostalgia appeared to be too strong and the duo reformed here in BOW. Now, one of those two teams will write another chapter in their storied careers as they look to etch their name in history as the inaugural BOW Tag Team Champions.

The gravitas of the occasion was not lost on either team, nor the audience, with the match lasting fifteen minutes in a tense atmosphere that complimented the momentous contest. Each man showed up and showed out, not even one of these experienced veterans baulking under the weight of the pressure. The ring psychology on display for this match was incredible, teasing the audience with near falls, last-ditch rope grabs, and not one but two instances where the match was a second away from ending in a count-out. The finish finally came when all four men went at it in the ring, only for The X Force to gain the upper hand when Christopher Lister rocked Billy Robinson with his finisher, the A-Lister. Unfortunately for him, it was Don Henderson who was the legal man, and he pushed Jase Cole into Lister, the Australian sending his partner crashing to the outside. Now the only two men in the ring, Henderson trapped Jase Cole in the Scottish Deathlock. This was the second time Cole found himself trapped in the technician’s grasp, and in the first instance Lister had been there to grab Cole’s hand as he was about to submit, and physically drag him to the rope to break the hold. But this time there was no Lister, and Jase Cole had no choice but to submit.



Winners and new British Omega Wrestling Tag Team Champions: The Shooters by submission.



The atmosphere was electric for The Shooters as they capped their decade-in-the-making reunion with a championship victory. The two typically stoic, battle weathered men let their emotion show as they embraced with a hug in the middle of the ring. Amidst the euphoric celebration, BOW road agent Leo Price had made his way to the ring, holding the newest possession of the duo, the BOW Tag Team Championship belts.


Price awarded the duo with their new gold, and the pair raised them high in the sky to the adulation of the crowd.


Match Nine:

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Gram Gorman w/Rachel Dearheart vs JK Lee

Between the emotion of the last bout and the anticipation of the main event, this personal contest between Gram Gorman and JK Lee was nestled, with the matter of respect in the balance. It was a solid little palette cleanser that was neither meaningless nor too weighty to tire out the crowd. 

These two men are at their best when simply allowed to wrestle, and it showed here with a solid contest between two men that could prove to be the foundation of the mid-card for BOW moving forward. Rachel Dearheart, who has been a somewhat left-field addition to Gram Gorman’s presentation, kept her involvement at ringside to a minimum, offering encouragement to the Northern Irish wrestler whenever he found himself against the ropes either figuratively or literally. 

JK Lee grew in frustration at his inability to put away Gorman throughout this thirteen-minute bout. These two exchanged several compact, impactful moves during this match that could have won them any number of matches, but both men were failing to put the other away. Where the inability to finish the contest drew ire from Lee, Gorman remained composed, and it was his level-headedness that allowed him to avoid Lee’s Crossface as the Ipswich-born technician attempted to drag Gorman by his arm, with Gorman instead lifting Lee onto his shoulders and hit his Ushigoroshi finisher, the Gorman-Aghast to win.


Winner: Gram Gorman by pinfall.

After the match ended, Gorman extended his hand to JK Lee, but the bitter youngster walked out, clutching his sore neck and refusing to show any mutual respect.


Match Ten:


BOW World Championship

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Landon Mallory vs Stevie Stoat (C)

The main event of the night saw the premier heel of the promotion Stevie Stoat defend his ill-gotten British Omega Wrestling Championship against one of the hottest new competitors to wrestling in the United Kingdom, ‘The South-African Springbok’ Landon Mallory. Despite Stoat being a far cry from his prime, he was able to keep up with his younger challenger in what was a physical encounter lasting fifteen minutes. 


What started as a one-on-one contest quickly shifted when Stoat’s Smoked Out minions Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor arrived at ringside, roughly half-way through the match. Up until that point it has been Mallory in the driver’s seat, using his superior speed and strength to overwhelm the champion. The arrival of The Assassins’ Guild swung the pendulum in favour of ‘The Smasher’, their presence proving enough of a distraction to Mallory.

From there the duo would look to control things from the outside, one distracting the referee while the other would look to advantage their leader, either by attacking Mallory, handing a weapon to Stoat, or attempting to remove the turnbuckle. Despite all of the shenanigans, none of the dastardly duo’s plans yielded the desired result, with Mallory kicking out of every pinfall attempt, despite having been double-teamed, hit with a lead pipe and having his head rocked by the exposed metal in the corner.

Mallory thwarted the final attempt by The Assassins’ Guild to influence proceedings, catching Stefan Raynor during another attempt at an interference, and launching him over the referee and the top rope, into Louie Peyton on the outside. When both men recovered the match official kicked them out of the ringside area, but the two remained to protest. Stevie Stoat attempted to capitalise on the distraction, once again swinging a lead pipe in the direction of Landon Mallory.

Mallory managed to duck, and instead hit Stoat with his signature charging headbutt finisher, the Springbok Ram. But as soon as he clattered Stoat with his headbutt he too was taken down.


Walker van Cleer had snuck up onto the top turnbuckle and dove at his nemesis, slamming Mallory to the mat with his High Elevation Cross Body. The Dutch wrestler snuck out of the ring as quickly as he had entered it, leaving referee Roy Worrall none the wiser as he finished banishing Peyton and Raynor from the arena to find both men lying on the canvas.

Both Stoat and Mallory slowly got to their feet, with the champion just a hair’s breadth sooner, allowing him to shatter the jaw of his challenger with his Super Kick, before collapsing on top of Mallory for the pin.



Winner and still British Omega Wrestling World Champion: Stevie Stoat


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3 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Wow! I expected some shenanigans in the main event, but this was even better! The rivalry between Mallory and van Cleer is revived

Was The Shooters vs The X Force the match of the night?

No, it was actually Stevie Stoat and Landon Mallory that put on the best match with a 59, which surprised me if only because Stoat was the better performer of the two on the night. I can't remember the others (and not at my PC to check) but it was a very consistent show, I think The Shooters vs The X Force was one of several matches to hit mid/high-50s. 

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