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NWA: Reclaiming the Glory

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament (WINNER FACES MATT CARDONA FOR THE NWA WORLD TITLE AT NWA REVOLUTION:

Matt Riddle vs Bryan Keith
Jacob Fatu vs Timothy Thatcher
Mustafa Ali vs Shawn Spears
Nic Nemeth vs Chris Hero

NWA World Women's Championship Tournament:

Mercedes Mone vs Megan Bayne
Kenzie Paige vs Tenille Dashwood

NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament:

The Von Erichs vs Violence is Forever

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament (WINNER FACES MATT CARDONA FOR THE NWA WORLD TITLE AT NWA REVOLUTION:

Matt Riddle vs Bryan Keith
Jacob Fatu vs Timothy Thatcher
Mustafa Ali vs Shawn Spears
Nic Nemeth vs Chris Hero

NWA World Women's Championship Tournament:

Mercedes Mone vs Megan Bayne
Kenzie Paige vs Tenille Dashwood

NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament:

The Von Erichs vs Violence is Forever

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament (WINNER FACES MATT CARDONA FOR THE NWA WORLD TITLE AT NWA REVOLUTION:

Matt Riddle vs Bryan Keith
Jacob Fatu vs Timothy Thatcher
Mustafa Ali vs Shawn Spears
Nic Nemeth vs Chris Hero

NWA World Women's Championship Tournament:

Mercedes Mone vs Megan Bayne
Kenzie Paige vs Tenille Dashwood

NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament:

The Von Erichs vs Violence is Forever

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Matt Riddle vs Bryan Keith
Jacob Fatu vs Timothy Thatcher
Mustafa Ali vs Shawn Spears
Nic Nemeth vs Chris Hero

Mercedes Mone vs Megan Bayne
Kenzie Paige vs Tenille Dashwood

The Von Erichs vs Violence is Forever

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4 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Pretty ballsy to use the name Revolution for a ppv around the same time as AEW's ppv with the same name. Paul is lucky he's not getting sued 😂

Well he's dad was a lawyer, so he's gotta know a bunch of legal loopholes.

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NWA Main Event- February 1st, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: ???

We kick off our inaugural episode of NWA Main Event with a video showcasing the legendary history of the National Wrestling Alliance. From the legends of Lou Thesz, Harley Race, & Ric Flair to some of the hottest stars in professional wrestling today like AJ Styles & Cody Rhodes, the National Wrestling Alliance has been home to the best of the best and the new NWA is no different!

After a brief intro video, we cut to the newly-built Dusty Studios in northern Philadelphia. The crowd chants "NWA! NWA! NWA!" for a bit before they're interrupted by...




























The crowd pops as Paul Heyman begins to speak...

Paul Heyman: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! MY NAME IS PAUL HEYMAN! AND WELCOME TO NWA MAIN EVENT! We're here live from the beautiful Dusty Studios here in the heart of Philadelphia in front of all you loyal fans. Y'know, when they asked me who we should name the newest home of the National Wrestling Alliance after, I could only think of one man, the "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes! Without Dusty I don't think I would be here today and sure as hell a lot of those folks in the back wouldn't be either! So what better way to honor Dusty than to bring the National Wrestling Alliance back to the forefront of professional wrestling!"

The crowd chants "DUSTY! DUSTY! DUSTY!" before Heyman continues...

Heyman: "And that brings me to tonight. I said before that tonight would feature a very special announcement and I'm here to deliver it right now! Did you notice that this commentary table behind me doesn't have anyone sitting there? Because I'm here to introduce you to the voices of the National Wrestling Alliance! First off..






































Barnett comes out to a decent pop before taking his seat.

Heyman: "But we can't have a wrestling show without a play-by-play commentator right? So let me introduce, in his first professional wrestling appearance in three years...

















































































The crowd chants "HOLY SH*T! HOLY SH*T!" as Ranallo grabs his headset and takes a bow to the crowd. Heyman tells the crowd to enjoy the show before leaving as Ranallo & Barnett introduce themselves and run down the card for tonight. We then get straight into our opening contest.



NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament Semifinals:

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The Von Erichs (Ross Von Erich & Marshall Von Erich) vs Violence is Forever (Kevin Ku & Dominic Garrini) w/Dan Lambert
The first contest in the new National Wrestling Alliance features something that the old NWA loved to showcase, tag team action. We've got the brothers Marshall & Ross Von Erich of the legendary Von Erich wrestling family taking on a dangerous duo of Kevin Ku & Dominic Garrini, Violence is Forever! This match is a decent match and the crowd is solidly behind The Von Erichs. Ross & Marshall were definitely the fan favorites tonight, playing to the crowd and getting tons of "VON ER-ICH! VON ER-ICH!" chants. That almost led to their downfall at a few points though, as Ku & Garrini's laser-sharp focus on fighting gave them the edge. It also helped that Dan Lambert was at ringside distracting Ross & Marshall whenever he saw fit. After about eight minutes, the match came to an end when Ku & Garrini set Marshall up for their finisher, Chasing the Dragon (Vertical Suplex lift for Garrini into a roundhouse kick from Ku to a Brainbuster from Garrini), but Ross Von Erich was able to stop it after going to the top rope and hitting Ku with a diving crossbody! Garrini dropped Marshall to deal with Ross, but was stopped and rolled into a small package from Marshall that got the three! An enraged Violence is Forever tried to go after Ross & Marshall, but the brothers quickly escaped the ring and celebrated with the crowd.
WINNERS: The Von Erichs




After that match, we cut to a video package hyping up "Main Event" Matt Cardona. We first see a news article reporting on his release from the WWE as a voiceover from him plays. Cardona says that April 15th, 2020 was the death of his old self and the birth of his new self. He says that he went from loitering around in catering to winning titles all around the world in just three years. Cardona then pops up on screen...

Matt Cardona: "But do you want to know the one title that's eluded me this whole time? The NWA World Heavyweight Championship! Sure I had it for a cup of coffee a few years ago, but that wasn't peak Matt Cardona. Now I'm bigger, better, and badder than I've ever been. And I'm especially hungrier than ever to win that NWA World Heavyweight Championship! So to all the jabronis in this number one contender's tournament, I'll leave you with one message. When you step in the ring with the "Main Event," the only thing that's going to happen is me leaving with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship!"



We were scheduled to go to our next contest after that promo from Matt Cardona, but instead Mauro Ranallo received word from the back that there's an altercation going on in the parking lot!


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The cameras cut to the back where Jacob Fatu & Timothy Thatcher are brawling! These two men are scheduled to compete in the number one contender's tournament next week, but they didn't want to wait for that I guess! The two men beat the living hell out of each other, throwing each other into cars and using traffic cones as weapons. The crowd outside chants "N-W-A! N-W-A!" as security rushes the parking lot and are able to separate the two men.



NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Quarterfinals Match:

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"The Falcon" Mustafa Ali vs "The Chairman" Shawn Spears
This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Mustafa Ali. Mustafa Ali made his entrance to a huge pop from the Philadelphia crowd and he was definitely a bit overwhelmed by it. The crowd chanted "A-LI! A-LI!" as Ali became overwhelmed with emotions in the ring. Things quickly turned sour though as while Ali soaked in the cheers from the crowd, Shawn Spears snuck in through the crowd and cracked him with the chair! Spears stood in his corner triumphantly after that as referee Brian Gorie asked Ali if he was ready to start the match. Ali shouted "HELL YES!" before hitting Spears with a running single-leg dropkick to kick things off. Ali took control early with his rapid-fire barrage of offense, but the pre-match chairshot reared its ugly head a few times as Ali's back gave out on more than one occasion. That allowed Spears to take control for long portions of this contest, including the finishing stretch. The match came to an end when Spears scooped up Ali and attempted his finisher, the C4 (Running Death Valley Driver), but Ali managed to wiggle out of it and hit Spears with a poison rana!!! The crowd began to chant "HOLY SH!T! HOLY SH!T!" as Ali went to top rope and hit Spears with his finisher, the Falcon Flash (Imploding 450 Splash)! Ali then made the cover and got the three!
WINNER: Mustafa Ali




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After that match ended, we cut to what appeared to be a lavish villa, where Nic Nemeth was located. Nemeth, decked out in a suit and stylish sunglasses with Salina de la Renta standing beside him, begins to talk about the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament. Nemeth says that his first opponent in the tournament is a man that's no stranger to the wrestling business, Chris Hero. Nemeth says that Hero's racked up a lot of wins in his long career, but none of them stack up to Nic Nemeth!

Nic Nemeth: "So Chris, you go around and pretend like you're some hot stuff just because you won the local bingo hall championship in the middle of nowhere. In reality? You're nothing more than a guy continually failing to chase glory. But when you look at me Chris, you see someone who's captured glory! You see someone who's done it all! You've seen something you'll never be...

*Nemeth removes his sunglasses*

A star!"



NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Quarterfinals Match:

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"The Natural'"Nic Nemeth w/Salina de la Renta vs "The Knockout Artist" Chris Hero
This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Hero. It seems as if Chris Hero heard Nic Nemeth's comments before the match because as soon as he entered the ring, he blasted Nemeth with a lariat! Referee Mike Chioda rang the bell to get things going as Hero continued to beat down Nemeth in the corner. Hero scooped up Nemeth and hit him with a powerslam before running off the ropes and hitting him with a running senton! Hero then tried to end things early by attempting the Rolling Elbow, but Nemeth managed to roll out of the way and out of the ring. As Nemeth tried catching his breath on the outside, Hero ran at him with an attempted baseball slide, but Nemeth dodged it and hit Hero with a superkick! The match came to an end when Nemeth rolled Hero back in the ring, waited for him to get up, and hit him with another superkick! Nemeth then scooped up Hero and hit him with his finisher, the Danger Zone (Jumping Reverse Bulldog)! Nemeth then made the cover and got the three! The first episode of NWA Main Event came to a close as Nemeth stood tall and the camera cut to Mustafa Ali backstage, who told the camera that he was eagerly awaiting his meeting with Nic Nemeth in the semifinals.
WINNER: Nic Nemeth



TV RATING: 0.11 (89,627 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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2 hours ago, Uncrewed said:


NWA Main Event- February 1st, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

The old ECW Arena, by chance?  🤔

In any case, glad to see how things turned out with this new-era NWA so far - I was worried (from a kayfabe perspective) that under Heyman, the NWA would've been turned into an ECW clone.

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48 minutes ago, Old School Fan said:

The old ECW Arena, by chance?  🤔

In any case, glad to see how things turned out with this new-era NWA so far - I was worried (from a kayfabe perspective) that under Heyman, the NWA would've been turned into an ECW clone.

To his credit, even Heyman has said that ECW would've needed to change its style if it continued to exist. 

Solid first show! Good to see Mauro Ranallo at the desk! 

Edited by Vandal
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20 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

The old ECW Arena, by chance?  🤔

In any case, glad to see how things turned out with this new-era NWA so far - I was worried (from a kayfabe perspective) that under Heyman, the NWA would've been turned into an ECW clone.

Nah, Dusty Studios is in north Philadelphia, 2300 was in south Philadelphia. Thought about making it the same arena, but didn't want to tie myself to ECW too much.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. Happy with how this has been received so far. Got another piece of backstage stuff coming out tomorrow, next episode of NWA Main Event should be up Monday!

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(A look into the mind of NWA President Paul Heyman)





-The first episode of NWA Main Event was a major success in my book. The boys over at Fox were only expecting 60-70,000 viewers, so nearly 90,000 was really good. Got a nice voicemail left for me for that.


-I'm glad the reception to Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett was so well-received. I imagine that was more for Mauro, but I'll never tell Josh that. I'm also happy to say that Mauro's in a lot better place than the last time most of the wrestling world saw him, which was amazing to hear from him.


-Those Von Erichs, I'll tell you something man, they remind me so much of their father and uncles whenever I see them. And no, they didn't win because of that, I'm not that big of a Von Erich mark. I was seriously torn between them and Violence is Forever winning and in all honesty, it came down to a coin toss.


-Ali's got a special connection the crowd. There's just something about him that makes the fans want to see him win. He's over with the crowd, the online fans, and most importantly, the rest of the roster.


-Speaking of over, Nic Nemeth. That guy's a million bucks. Him & Salina de la Renta are money, they just ooze enough smugness that you want to see someone like Ali smack the taste out of their mouth. I would compare him to Shane Douglas, but Nic hasn't annoyed me as much as he ever did, so it's a good start.





-As for everything else in the wrestling word? Mostly business as usual (at least on the surface). Hunter and his boys seem to be walking into a buzzsaw for Wrestlemania with how they're handling Cody Rhodes. I know he'll never see this, but hey Cody if you ever want to finish your story and win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, you know who to call. Tony and his boys seem more set on popping Meltzer than popping the ratings, so I'll extend the same offer to anybody on the AEW roster that I extended to Cody Rhodes, you know who to call.


-Outside of America, we've been having some very productive conversations with other companies. This is just phase one in restoring the National Wrestling Alliance to its past glory, considering it used to be a haven of some of the brightest international stars around the world.


-Speaking of stars, we've been in conversation with a few big ones. While I won't name names, let's just say some didn't go well (his name rhymes with Binn Dalor), but some have gone better than I ever thought they would. Just watch this space.


-I hope to update this little journal every month or so, so yeah I guess I'll be back here next month after Revolution (good thing Tony's more focused on dropping boatloads of cash on Kazuchika Okada than spending it on a legal department), so until then be sure to tune in to NWA Main Event on Fox Sports 2 (I don't know why I'd tell myself that) and stay good.

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6 hours ago, Uncrewed said:



(A look into the mind of NWA President Paul Heyman)





-The first episode of NWA Main Event was a major success in my book. The boys over at Fox were only expecting 60-70,000 viewers, so nearly 90,000 was really good. Got a nice voicemail left for me for that.


-I'm glad the reception to Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett was so well-received. I imagine that was more for Mauro, but I'll never tell Josh that. I'm also happy to say that Mauro's in a lot better place than the last time most of the wrestling world saw him, which was amazing to hear from him.


-Those Von Erichs, I'll tell you something man, they remind me so much of their father and uncles whenever I see them. And no, they didn't win because of that, I'm not that big of a Von Erich mark. I was seriously torn between them and Violence is Forever winning and in all honesty, it came down to a coin toss.


-Ali's got a special connection the crowd. There's just something about him that makes the fans want to see him win. He's over with the crowd, the online fans, and most importantly, the rest of the roster.


-Speaking of over, Nic Nemeth. That guy's a million bucks. Him & Salina de la Renta are money, they just ooze enough smugness that you want to see someone like Ali smack the taste out of their mouth. I would compare him to Shane Douglas, but Nic hasn't annoyed me as much as he ever did, so it's a good start.





-As for everything else in the wrestling word? Mostly business as usual (at least on the surface). Hunter and his boys seem to be walking into a buzzsaw for Wrestlemania with how they're handling Cody Rhodes. I know he'll never see this, but hey Cody if you ever want to finish your story and win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, you know who to call. Tony and his boys seem more set on popping Meltzer than popping the ratings, so I'll extend the same offer to anybody on the AEW roster that I extended to Cody Rhodes, you know who to call.


-Outside of America, we've been having some very productive conversations with other companies. This is just phase one in restoring the National Wrestling Alliance to its past glory, considering it used to be a haven of some of the brightest international stars around the world.


-Speaking of stars, we've been in conversation with a few big ones. While I won't name names, let's just say some didn't go well (his name rhymes with Binn Dalor), but some have gone better than I ever thought they would. Just watch this space.


-I hope to update this little journal every month or so, so yeah I guess I'll be back here next month after Revolution (good thing Tony's more focused on dropping boatloads of cash on Kazuchika Okada than spending it on a legal department), so until then be sure to tune in to NWA Main Event on Fox Sports 2 (I don't know why I'd tell myself that) and stay good.

I Don't think Paul ever knew the von Erich's personally. But if your looking for new stars what do you think of guys like big damo, ruby soho and Alexander hammerstone? 

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13 hours ago, sonny912 said:

I Don't think Paul ever knew the von Erich's personally. But if your looking for new stars what do you think of guys like big damo, ruby soho and Alexander hammerstone? 


Kayfabe Paul Heyman is just a Von Erich mark, despite what he says otherwise. Hammerstone's already on the roster too, we'll see him in a few weeks!

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32 minutes ago, Uncrewed said:


Kayfabe Paul Heyman is just a Von Erich mark, despite what he says otherwise. Hammerstone's already on the roster too, we'll see him in a few weeks!

Oh, right I didn't see him. What about guys sharknado suggested? Colby corino, kamille and max the impaler? You thinking of signing them back?

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23 minutes ago, angeldelayette said:

Really looking forward to seeing Hammerstone on the roster here.  I saw a young Hammerstone wrestling in the PNW years back when they tried to reopen it.  I could see Heyman hiring Shelton Benjamin.

I got introduced to hammerstone via mlw. And I'd love to see Benjamin here.

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NWA Main Event- February 8th, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Quarterfinals Match:

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"The King of Bros" Matt Riddle vs "The Bounty Hunter" Bryan Keith
We're kicking the second ever episode of NWA Main Event off hot with first round action in the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament! This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Riddle. Riddle started things off by offering a handshake, but Keith slapped his hand away and blasted Riddle with a forearm smash! Riddle responded by charging at Keith and hitting him with a high knee that sent Keith crashing to the mat. Riddle then began his ground-and-pound offense, raining down haymakers onto Keith, who was only able to escape and regain control after referee Brian Gorie stopped to see if Keith was still able to continue. That allowed Keith to jump up and hit Riddle with a big boot. This match came to an end when Keith tried setting up Riddle for his finisher, The Thrill of the Hunt (Emerald Tiger Driver), but Riddle managed to wiggle out of it and lock Keith in a rear naked choke! Riddle quickly went to the ground with Keith, locking in the body scissors in the process. From there, Keith quickly passed out, giving Riddle the win!
WINNER: Matt Riddle



After that brutal match, we cut to outside the Dusty Studios where MxM are located. After complaining about the state of Paul Heyman because he can't even build a proper backstage interview area, the two men begin to talk about the NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament. Mansoor first runs down The Von Erichs, saying that the two are nothing more than "nepo babies" who wouldn't have gotten anywhere in the business if it wasn't for their daddy. Mason Madden then talks about their opponents next week, BOOGZ & WARHORSE, HEAVY METAL MAYHEM. Madden calls both men "metal maggots" and says that both men are too busy getting their brains fried by heavy metal music to beat him & Mansoor. Mansoor then leaves us with some words of wisdom...

Mansoor: "We're going to win the NWA World Tag Team Championships because we're always on top, never at the bottom! MxM ARE NOT BOTTOMS!"




NWA World Women's Championship Tournament Semifinals Match:

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Tenille Dashwood vs Kenzie Paige
Kenzie Paige, one of the few holdovers from the last regime, has until the end of the year to win the NWA World Women's Championship if she wants to keep her job, so a win tonight over the arrogant Tenille Dashwood would go a long way in doing that. This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind Kenzie. Kenzie & Tenille started things off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Kenzie was able to hit Tenille with a scoop slam. Kenzie then threw Tenille into the corner and hit her with a handspring back elbow smash. Kenzie then went to the top rope and attempted a frog splash, but Tenille got her knees up at the last second. Tenille then began working over Kenzie's legs, but an attempted butterfly suplex was reversed it into an exploder suplex from Kenzie. The match came to an end when Kenzie tried setting Tenille up for some sort of airplane spin. Before Kenzie could execute it, Tenille began raking at her eyes! Kenzie dropped Tenille, which allowed her to run at and clip Kenzie's right knee! Kenzie collapsed to the mat in pain as Tenille locked her in her finisher, the Taste of Tenille (Muta Lock)! Kenzie eventually had no choice but to tap out.
WINNER: Tenille Dashwood




As Tenille Dashwood celebrated her win in the ring, the lights in the arena went out! As Tenille stood in confusion, a video began to play in the arena hyping up the debut of Mercedes Mone! Tenille stood disgusted in the ring as the video showcased Mone's past accomplishments. From her time in WWE to winning the IWGP Women's Championship to even starring in Hollywood, Mercedes Mone has done it all. Now she's setting her sights on the NWA World Women's Championship! The video ends with a short message from Mone...

Mercedes Mone: "Next week, I'll be on NWA Main Event where I'll beat Megan Bayne and advance to the NWA World Women's Championship Tournament Finals and you can BANK! ON! THAT!"




We then cut to a dark room, where Jacob Fatu is standing. Fatu, with a towel over his head a la Taz in ECW, says that last week's beating of Timothy Thatcher in the parking lot wasn't anything personal. It was about sending a message! Fatu says it's time everyone in the National Wrestling Alliance knows that Jacob Fatu is the most dangerous man in the whole damn company and he's going to prove that tonight when he rips Timothy Thatcher limb from limb. Fatu then leaves us with one final piece of wisdom...

Jacob Fatu: "So Thatcher, you go around here and talk about being a tormentor. Well, you're about to enter the ring with a damn savage!"

As Fatu leaves, we see two other silhouetted figures follow behind him...



NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Quarterfinals Match:

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"The Samoan Wrecking Ball" Jacob Fatu vs "The Tormentor" Timothy Thatcher
This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Thatcher. Thatcher didn't even wait for the bell to ring as he attacked Fatu as he was making his entrance! The two men brawled around the ringside area for a bit before Fatu gained control with a thumb to the eye and a headfirst push into the ring steps. Fatu then rolled Thatcher into the ring to officially start the match. Fatu continued his pre-match assault to start things off, stomping a mudhole into Thatcher before referee Mike Chioda broke things up under the threat of a disqualification. Fatu then threw Thatcher off the ropes and hit him with a big Samoan drop, but was only able to get a two count on the ensuing pinfall. Fatu then tried finishing off Thatcher with the Samoan Spike, but Thatcher was able to dodge it and hit Fatu with three consecutive German suplexes! Thatcher picked up Fatu after that and hit him with a gutwrench powerbomb, but only got a two count on the subsequent pinfall attempt. The match came to an end when Thatcher tried locking Fatu in the Fujiwara Armbar, but before he could do it...

























































































Two men ran down to the ring!

Mauro Ranallo on commentary quickly identified the two as Lance Anoa'i and Zilla Fatu, two of Jacob Fatu's cousins! The two men quickly distracted Thatcher, which allowed Jacob Fatu to recover, grab Thatcher, and hit him with the Samoan Spike! Fatu then threw Thatcher off the ropes and hit him with his finisher, the Wrecking Ball (Pop-up Samoan Drop)! Fatu then made the cover and got the three.
WINNER: Jacob Fatu




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After the match was over, Jacob Fatu & his cousins continued their assault on Timothy Thatcher. The three Samoans beat the living hell out of Thatcher, with Jacob Fatu hitting Thatcher with another Samoan Spike, Lance Anoa'i hitting Thatcher with a spin kick, and Zilla Fatu hitting Thatcher with a chokebomb. Before any more damage can be done...








































































A "BRO! BRO! BRO!" chant breaks out in the arena as Riddle starts going after all three Samoans with a bevy of strikes. It looks like he's outmatched though, but Riddle is able to bust Lance Anoa'i open with a high knee strike, which sends the Samoans running out of the ring. Riddle and Jacob Fatu, who will meet next week in the semifinals of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament, share a staredown as NWA Main Event comes to a close.



TV RATING: 0.11 (84,455 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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11 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Oooh, I like that but it sounds like something very sueable via wwe's legal department.

Unlike our run-in with AEW & Revolution, we will not be risking the wrath of WWE's legal department on this one lol.


Episode 3 of Main Event will be up tomorrow, featuring the debut of Mercedes Mone and the two semifinal matches in the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament!

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NWA Main Event- February 15th, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semifinals Match:

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Nic Nemeth w/Salina de la Renta vs Mustafa Ali
We're kicking things off tonight with the first of two semifinals matches in the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament! Nemeth got here by defeating Chris Hero, while Ali got here by defeating Shawn Spears. This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Ali. Ali started things off by offering a handshake to Nemeth, who responded by slapping Ali across the face and hitting him with a dropkick. Nemeth then got in Ali's face and told him "WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAGUES KID!" before hitting him with a running knee drop. Nemeth then tried ending things early with the Danger Zone, but Ali was able to hold on to the ropes and shake Nemeth off. Nemeth quickly got back up, but walked right into an enzuigiri from Ali. The match came to an end when Ali went to the top rope to attempt the Falcon Flash, but was crotched by Salina de la Renta's rope shake! That allowed Nic Nemeth to run up to the top rope and hit Ali with a big super back suplex! Ali staggered to his feet, which allowed Nemeth to sneak up from behind and hit him with the Danger Zone! One pinfall later and Nic Nemeth was on his way to the finals of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament.
WINNER: Nic Nemeth






After that hellacious start to the night, we cut to the NWA parking lot, where a limo is arriving. Out of the limo emerges Mercedes Mone! Mone, already in her ring gear, walks up to the doors of Dusty Studios before beginning her promo. Mercedes says that she meant every single word she said in her video package last week, saying that she's the best woman in the National Wrestling Alliance and is ready to back that up tonight against Megan Bayne. Mercedes then finishes by turning her attention to her potential opponent in the finals of the NWA World Women's Championship Tournament, Tenille Dashwood...

Mercedes Mone: "And Tenille, I know you're probably busy modelling so you can get money from a bunch of incels living in their mom's basement right now, but I want you to hear this. When I win tonight, I want you to be on your A-game for NWA Revolution. Because you're need that and a whole lot more if you stand any chance at beating me for the gold! And you can BANK! ON! THAT!"




NWA World Women's Championship Tournament Semifinals Match:

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Mercedes Mone vs Megan Bayne w/Steph de Lander & Brady
This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Mone. The presence of the rest of Pretty Powerful was pretty beneficial for Bayne here, as Steph and especially that kissass Brady did everything they could to cost Mercedes in her debut match. Their initial distraction allowed Bayne to gain control early following a big boot to Mercedes. Bayne then scooped up Mercedes and launched her across the ring with a fallaway slam. Bayne flexed her muscles for a bit, which caused Brady to hoot and holler on the outside. That inadvertantly distracted Bayne, who fell victim with a backstabber from Mercedes! The match came to an end when Mercedes tried locking Bayne in her finisher, the Mone Maker (Crossface), but Brady jumped up on the apron to distract her! Mercedes responded by blasting Brady with an enzuigiri! However, that allowed Bayne to recover and launch Mercedes across the ring with a big German suplex. Bayne then lifted up Mercedes and attempted her finisher, the Mega Slam (Swinging Side Slam), but Mercedes was able to reverse it into the Mone Maker! Bayne eventually had no choice but to tap out! We've got our finals set to determine the new NWA World Women's Champion at NWA Revolution in two weeks, it's going to be Tenille Dashwood vs Mercedes Mone!
WINNER: Mercedes Mone





After Mercedes Mone finishes celebrating, we cut to a video package hyping up the debut of 'The Judge' EJ Nduka. The video shows EJ Nduka's history of powerlifting and football, from sacking quarterbacks to lifting weights with ease. We then see Nduka absolutely destroying a bunch of jabronis in the ring. Mostly thanks to his deadly Chokeslam. We then see a familiar face emerge from behind Nduka to end things...

























































Paul Heyman?!?

Heyman: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! MY NAME IS PAUL HEYMAN! And I am proud to announce that I have decided to continue my career of advocacy in addition to my duties as the President of the National Wrestling Alliance. And there is no man that I would rather serve as Advocate to than THE JUDGE EJ NDUKA!"




NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament Semifinals Match:

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MxM (Mansoor & Mason Madden) vs HEAVY METAL MAYHEM (BOOGZ & WARHORSE)
This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind HEAVY METAL MAYHEM. BOOGZ & WARHORSE started things off with a bit of an air guitar session, which got the crowd fired up, but allowed Mason Madden to clothesline both men. Madden scooped up WARHORSE and hit him with a powerslam before throwing him into the corner and choking him with his boot. While that was going on, Mansoor tagged himself in and hit WARHORSE with a gut punch. The two MxM teammates then threw WARHORSE off the ropes and hit him with a big double back body drop. Mansoor then got a little too arrogant and went to the apron. Mansoor then yelled out "IT'S TIME FOR THE BACKSHOT!" before flipping into the ring and attempting a Buckshot Lariat. That failed though as WARHORSE ducked it and hit Mansoor with a big spinebuster! The match came to an end when WARHORSE tagged out to BOOGZ and Mansoor tagged out to Madden. BOOGZ ducked a big boot from Madden and ran off the ropes to hit him with a flying shoulder block. BOOGZ then went to the middle rope to attempt a diving bulldog, but Madden caught him with a spinebuster. Mansoor then took out WARHORSE before staying in the ring for him & Madden to hit BOOGZ with their finisher, The Centerfold (Wheelbarrow from Mansoor flipped into a Brainbuster from Madden)! Madden then made the cover and got the three. Now MxM will face The Von Erichs at NWA Revolution for the NWA World Tag Team Championship!





After that match is over, we cut to the locker room area, which has been decked out in all sorts of Samoan regalia. There we find Jacob Fatu, flanked by Lance Anoa'i & Zilla Fatu. Jacob says that last week he & his family sent a message to the National Wrestling Alliance. Jacob says that the message is quite simple, get out of his way or face the wrath of The Samoan Dynasty! Fatu then turns his attention to his opponent tonight, Matt Riddle...

Jacob Fatu: "Matt Riddle, you exemplify everything wrong with professional wrestling. The business that my family protected and nurtured for so long shouldn't have someone like you in it Riddle. It doesn't need some stoner running around saying "bro" all the time. It needs someone like ME! someone like these two men behind me. It needs a WARRIOR!"



NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semifinals Match:

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Matt Riddle vs Jacob Fatu w/Lance Anoa'i & Zilla Fatu
Riddle got here by defeating Bryan Keith last week, while Fatu (with a bit of help from Lance Anoa'i & Zilla Fatu) got here by defeating Timothy Thatcher that same night. This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Riddle. No pleasantries were exchanged before things kicked off here, as Riddle instead started off with a running high knee that landed square on Jacob's nose. Unlike last week with Anoa'i, this one didn't bust Jacob's nose open. Riddle continued his assault with some ground-and-pound offense, culminating with a jumping forearm smash to Fatu's head. Riddle then tried locking Fatu in the Rear Naked Choke, but Fatu managed to wiggle out of it and hit Riddle with a back elbow smash. Fatu then threw Riddle off the ropes and hit him with a high-angle spinebuster. Fatu then ran off the ropes and hit Riddle with a big senton that may have cracked a few ribs. Fatu then attempted a Samoan Drop, but Riddle managed to wiggle out of it and hit Fatu with a spinning backfist! Any further offense from Riddle was stopped when Anoa'i and Zilla tripped both of his legs up, which allowed Fatu to charge at him and deliver a big penalty kick to Riddle's chest. The match came to an end when Fatu went to the top rope and attempted a big moonsault. However, Riddle was able to roll out of the way at the last second and quickly lock Jacob in the Rear Naked Choke! Fatu tried his best to escape, but eventually passed out from the pain, giving the win to Riddle!
WINNER: Matt Riddle





After the match was over, Matt Riddle high-tailed it out of the ring before Jacob Fatu's goons could attack him. As Riddle walked backstage he found...












































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Nic Nemeth and Salina de la Renta standing in his way!

The two finalists in the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament simply stared each other down, with Nemeth finally breaking the ice after about 10 seconds of the tense staredown...

Nic Nemeth: "I would say "may the best man win," but why would I? I know it's going to be me!"

*Riddle laughs*

Matt Riddle: "I'm looking forward to wiping that smug smile off of your face next week bro."

The two men continued their staredown as NWA Main Event came to a close.




TV RATING: 0.13 (98,827 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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