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On 6/24/2024 at 7:28 AM, Dawn said:

What's the overness diff between Jordynne Grace and Mariah May?

If Jordynne is more over...then Toni and Jordynne ride again! If they're the same or Mariah is more over, team Timeless is the way to go.

I don't know without going on the game, and I probably won't be doing that until I start doing the shows. So I'll partner whoever has biggest overall US overness between Grace and May with Storm.

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The Peak of Perfection (Drew Galloway & MJF) v Team Swerve (Samoa Joe & Santana, random selection)
The Spooky Club (Malakai Black, random selection) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Eddie Kingston)
Timeless Ensemble (Toni Storm & Jordynne Grace) v Black Lotus (Jamie Hayter & Kris Statlander)
The Golden Lion Club (Rey Fénix) v TV Network (Matt Cardona)
TNT CHAMPIONSHIP - COPE OPEN - Adam Copeland (c) v ???
Sami Zayn v Wheeler Yuta

Naturally Limitless v Men of the Year
Rosemary v Marina Shafir

TV Network (Jay Lethal) v Black Lotus (Adam Copeland)
The Golden Lion Club (Lucha Brothers) v The Peak of Perfection (Drew Galloway & MJF)
The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Hikaru Shida & Serena Deeb) v Team Swerve (Mercedes Moné & Rosemary, default selection)
Team WooItsNathan (Anna Jay, random selection) v The Spooky Club (Julia Hart, random selection)
Toni Storm & Mariah May v Jamie Hayter & Dr Britt Baker D.M.D.
Dark Order v Top Flight & Action Andretti

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House of Black (King & Matthews) beat Angelo Parker & Matt Menard in 7:46 when King pinned Menard with a Gonzo Bomb. 58

Wednesday, week 1, May 2024
VSU Multi-Purpose Center, Petersburg, Virginia (5,100 capacity)
Announcers: Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone

The Elite come to the ring. First of all Adam Page tells the Petersburg natives to shut the hell up... before The EVPs get the mic... Matthew says they have been too kind so far, they've not made the tough decisions that EVPs have to do... Nicholas continues by saying that stops now... they now will make the decisions that have to be made... that are right for business... that are right for All Elite... so next week on Dynamite we will have an 8 man tag team match... Matthew takes over saying that The Elite will find a partner...and he calls out Steve Austin and "his boys"... Austin, Kenny Omega, Eddie Kingston and Drew Galloway come to the ring... Matthew tells Austin and "his boys" to find themselves a partner for next week... Austin does a visual count and says we have four guys now, it's tough shit you have three... and they attack The Elite, Austin included getting some shots in... The Elite were obviously prepared those as within mere seconds what seems like an army of security is in the ring to get Austin and his men off The Elite... Page says just wait until next week. 71

ActionAndretti.jpg.93a8cad75acb217526a146b71c2042d1.jpg v Rush7.jpg.6f83de6d9b001b3cbd2b8650a55b8205.jpg
Action Andretti v Rush (with Konnan)

A decent match though it looked early on there was only likely to be one winner and sure enough Rush had his arms raised. His win came in 9:28 by pinfall with a Rush Driver. 63
Rush far out performed Andretti 69-46

Alex Marvez is backstage with Alex Abrahantes, the new World Tag Team champions Lucha Brothers and the former champions Darby Allin and Sting. Marvez says the two teams are facing off at Double or Nothing in a rematch for the World Tad Team Championship and that Alex Abrahantes requested this time, so the floor is his... Abrahantes says the wants the rematch to be a straight up wrestling match... no gimmicks, no stunts, no nonsense... Sting offers his hand out, saying it's how it should be... Penta accepts Sting's handshake and all four men shake and look ahead to the anticipated rematch. 57

AdamCopeland.jpg.3ed606932bfb873f00137bd714842464.jpg v BrandonCutler.jpg.6351a95a7015163736e42f0582136260.jpg
'Rated R Superstar' Adam Copeland (champion) v Brandon Cutler

The fans don't look impressed when it is revealed that Brandon Cutler is the first man to take on the Cope Open for the TNT Championship though their disappointment doesn't last long as Copeland makes very short work of his opponent, winning in just 52 seconds by pinfall with a Spear. 59
Copeland far out performed Cutler 69-42, if they can be rated on such a short match!

It's Adam Cole bay bay! He doesn't look completely comfortable though as he surveys around ringside, and even looks under the ring a couple of times and around the announce desk... we can only assume he is checking there are no snakes hiding around ringside... he gets a mic and says it's been a long road back from injury but his journey has nearly ended... and in just a couple more weeks he will be cleared to finally return to the ring and get back to what he does best... wrestle... and lead the Undisputed. 67
Cole benefitted from a hot catchphrase.

MalakaiBlack12.jpg.544df9e71a97bbae1a3992c5c9b048d3.jpg v EddieKingston3.jpg.6ba247ad7e20c7a0f52446c7956b7384.jpg
The Spooky Club (Malakai Black (with Julia Hart) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Eddie Kingston)

A really hard hitting match between kicks and fists and the crowd lapped it up. The two went back and forth with strikes and tossed in some decent mat wrestling to boot. It was hard to tell who was going to win, and it was Kingston who prevailed in 14:23 by pinfall with a BLKOUT Lariat. 65

Lexy Nair is backstage with her twice weekly AEW League Report. On tonight's show we have Team WooItsNathan... Kip Sabian says he is fed up... fed up of being losers, fed up of being last in the league... Anna Jay says she has Julia Hart on Friday night... and it's time to get a few more points on the board so it's slightly less embarrassing for their team.

ToniStormTimeless.jpg.abad670afd9740afa7d7468c76d7fefb.jpgJordynneGrace.jpg.2a9603a87966cad603e5d08ce6e6c836.jpg v JamieHayter.jpg.baeaddada830adc9faf3224f97655bf7.jpgKrisStatlander20.jpg.237bfb1e49b4ad3e4633f08a41a27cc9.jpg
Timeless Ensemble ('Timeless' Toni Storm (with Luther) & Jordynne Grace) v Black Lotus (Jamie Hayter (Women's World champion) & Kris Statlander)

Three power women in the match and the crafty Toni Storm, it made for an intriguing battle between four of AEW's best women. It was close, and perhaps the Women's World champion Hayter just about had more of the match than anyone else, though their wasn't much in it. Black Lotus won in the end in 13:18, though Statlander picked up the win in 13:18 by pin over Grace with a Big Bang Theory. 55
The young female demographic really liked Statlander winning.
Hayter and Statlander benefitted from public support.

Renee Paquette is backstage with the TNT champion Adam Copeland, Drew Galloway, Swerve Strickland and Jay White. Renee says she is here with these men to announce that they have been selected by AEW to enter the Casino Battle Royal at Double or Nothing... all four are happy to be in the match, though it quickly descends into bickering about who will be the winner. 71

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Wheeler Yuta (World Trios champion, with Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley) v Sami Zayn (with Orange Cassidy & Kenny Omega)
Lots of combustable elements in and around the ring but when push came to shove, Zayn simply out wrestled Yuta. The win became a virtual formality and duly came in 11:04 by pinfall with a BrainBustaaaaahhhhh!!!!! 69
Zayn far out performed Yuta 78-50
Yuta was really off his game.
Zayn benefitted from public support.

Having fought in the league earlier, Women's World champion Jamie Hayter is now confronting the former champion Toni Storm backstage in a segment half in colour and half in black and white. Hayter reminds Storm who she is... she's the new champion and the top woman in AEW... she then asks Storm if she knows who she is... continuing by saying once Storm was one of the toughest and best women wrestlers in AEW... but now she's a sideshow, a wannabe Hollywood star of years gone by... Storm doesn't look happy at all, but Hayter glares at her, asking "Who are you?" 62

Fenix8.jpg.514b7473ae61eff917d43e92387b9fe5.jpg v MattCardona(3).jpg.96c24e8cdc0401b757578430760614da.jpg
The Golden Lion Club (Rey Fénix (World Tag Team champion, with Alex Abrahantes) v TV Network (Matt Cardona)

Fénix comfortably bested Cardona, with the former WWE star not able to keep up with Fénix's fast paced offence for much of the match. That said, the match turned out a little disappointing as Fénix grabbed the win in 11:50 by pinfall with a Meteora. 62
Fénix far out performed Cardona 68-39
Fénix and Cardona don't click at all.

We are in the parking lot and Steve Austin is loading his bags into his black pickup truck. Austin sees the camera man and tells him to come to him. Austin stares right down the camera and says that people have been asking what his role is in AEW and what agreement he has with EVP Kenny Omega... Austin says that The Elite are jackasses and he and Omega both hate them... so Omega has granted him the power to make decisions and deal with problems in AEW "however I see fit"... and that includes you Elite. 74

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The Peak of Perfection (Drew Galloway & MJF) v Team Swerve (Samoa Joe & Santana (with Konnan)

A good match and one that went on for a while, mainly because Joe kept Team Swerve in the match for much of it. They didn't stay in it forever though and Peak of Perfection picked up another three points in 18:17 when Galloway pinned Santana with a Claymore Kick. 73 - match of the night

Show rating: 71
AEW gained popularity in 15 regions.
Attendance: 5,100 (sell out)
TV rating: 1.36 (1,026,785 viewers and 1,794,864 overall)

Dynamite was AEW's 14th best show in 2024.
The shows attracted AEW's 9th highest crowd in 2024.
Dynamite attracted the 3rd highest AEW TV rating in 2024.


Drew Galloway & MJF beat Samoa Joe & Santana (league match)
Rey Fénix beat Matt Cardona (league match)
Sami Zayn beat Wheeler Yuta
Jamie Hayter & Kris Statlander beat Jordynne Grace & Toni Storm (league match)

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