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All-American Florida Wrestling [C-Verse 2020]

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Love your writing style and your whole presentation, it gives off some really great old school wrestling vibes

The Masked Mauler VII vs. Jay Silver
Charlie Corner vs. Henry Bennett
Young & Wasted vs. The Hot Taggs
James Diaz vs. Jason Patterson


By the way, Michael Wendler Jr High School? Inspired by the great german singer? 😂

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58 minutes ago, naizen45 said:



By the way, Michael Wendler Jr High School? Inspired by the great german singer? 😂

Lol I never thought someone would actually know him here 😂 I'm not a big fan, but since he's with a much younger woman nowadays I thought it's a funny way to portray him.

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12 hours ago, CGN91 said:

Lol I never thought someone would actually know him here 😂 I'm not a big fan, but since he's with a much younger woman nowadays I thought it's a funny way to portray him.

It was indeed a funny easter egg to see him here 😂

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AAFW Wrestling Night #6
May 20th, 2020 @ The Palm Beach (Miami Beach, Florida)

All-American Florida Wrestling headed to Miami Beach, Florida and the best announcer duo in wrestling is welcoming us with sunglasses on. Wakefield is happy to be at the beachside while Earnest did a recap of the latest show and also hyping up today's episode. We get to see Jason Patterson versus James Diaz as well as Henry Bennett in action! And to the love of god, „Prime Time“ Jack Pryde is tonight’s guest in the commentary booth, of course he brought his new bodyguard with him.

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Masked Mauler VII vs. Jay Silver
The Mauler made his debut in AAFW tonight against Jay Silver, who is not amused to see Pryde at the booth. The match between Silver and Mauler was very interesting, Silver tried to strike Mauler out with vicious punches, while Mauler put his raw power into the fight. With Pryde sitting close to the squared circle it was obvious that something would happen. He and Buzz Reid approached the apron to distract the referee Andy Gordy, who Mauler used to knock Silver down with a foreign object. Although Silver was pinned, the decision was overturned when Hammer Hadley came to the ring to tell referee Andy Gordy about the happenings.

A pre-recorded-video segment showed Herb Stately and his client Konoe walking at the beach here in Miami Beach! Several people were frightened by the look and behaviour of Konoe as these two walked past them. Stately shouted to the camera that his japanese maniac is going to crush people like he is crushing those tiny sandcastles right here at the beach. Stately is aware that individuals such as Threepwood and Rayne Man are scared of Konoe, which is why they attacked them together. Stately concluded the video with a question: „Who is man enough to step into the ring with Konoe?“

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Henry Bennett vs. Charlie Corner
Bennett’s opponent tonight was Charlie Corner, a young wrestler from the SoCal scene, one oft he brightest talents in the american independent wrestling circus. Although he fought with great heart and passion, „The Trouble From Tennesse“ was definitely the better man, but they had a fun brawl all over the ring. Bennett finished Corner off with his Figure Four Leglock and was impressed by Corner’s performance.

Just righter after the bell Henry Bennett got attacked by Gareth Wayne and Cockroach Carter accompanied by Duke Hazard. „The Trouble From Tennessee“ was on his own, tried to fought against these two, but he didn’t have a chance. Bennett’s opponent Charlie Corner tried his best to help, but was also beaten down.

Our beloved Clare South welcomed „Playboy“ Jack Sawyer and his two monsters, Original Sinner and Dreadnought, to the interview area. She asked Sawyer about losing to Flash Savage, which made „Playboy“ very upset. He rudely cut off South and said that he had enough of South praising The Canadian Blondes and disrespecting his team. Clare didn’t know what to say when suddenly Sinner took her and kidnapped her. Sawyer looked deeply into the camera and told the Canadian Blondes to come to rescue the „beautiful princess“ by stepping into the ring with them.

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Young & Wasted vs. The Hot Taggs
Taylor Norton and Brett Kyle showed that they are indeed a good tag team, a team which could be a force in AAFW’s tag team division. Their opponents came all the way from the North West: The Hot Taggs wants to show they can hang with Florida’s best teams. Young & Wasted realized early into the fight that they are way smaller than their opponents. The pure power by The Hot Taggs were rough, they threw Norton from the one side of the ringpost to the other without hesitation. You could see that The Taggs wants to be a part of the AAFW roster, they gave literally everything. So they were a bit turbulent, missing a double team move and were flash pinned by Norton for the three.

We see yet another pre-made video tape by the unknown tag team. One half of the unknown team said that they will arrive in Florida next week and everyone should be prepared for their power, pride and intelligence.

AAFW Comissioner Frank Rogers was standing by Marvin Earnest in the interview area. Rogers was furious about the recent incidents and just when he was trying to announce a fine for Duke Hazard’s boys, Henry Bennett came into the scene. „The Trouble From Tennessee“ stopped Rogers and told him that he shouldn’t give them a fine, but he should give him a match with them. Rogers politely asked with who Bennett wants to team up for a tag match. Bennett replied that he wants to bring in someone who would perfectly fit into AAFW which his mindset of pro-wrestling. Rogers was curious and told Bennett to follow him into his office.

„The Voice Of Florida“ Marin Earnest immediately welcomed the next guest in the interview area. Zippy Deverell knows how to get under people’s skin. The young man from Kentucky stated that, despite his young age, he is still undefeated in All-American Florida Wrestling. He’s stronger than Mike Tyson, quicker than Usain Bolt, more intelligent than Stephen Hawkins and is more handsome than Brad Pitt. Every inbred fan of All-American Florida Wrestling should finally acknowledge that „Zip The Lip“ is the greatest wrestler here.

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James Diaz vs. James Patterson
„The Oklahoma Thunderbolt“ came to AAFW, lost to Barry Kingman, but still had his eyes on James Diaz for unknown reasons. Diaz glady accepted the challenge and the match was nothing but a slaugfest. Diaz and Patterson brawled all over the place, ignoring the warning of the ten-count as they rolled right back to the outside to fight. They hit each other with hard strikes and yet both men didn’t want to step back. Diaz‘ training with his dad Raymond was definitely something which helped him a lot in his early days of being a pro-wrestler. The hard hits to Patterson's body made the man from Oklahoma wobble, a big right hand and a Powerbomb earned Diaz the path to victory.
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A new era begins when famous wrestling simulator creator Adam Ryland will drop his newest game TEW IX on August 3rd, All-American Florida Wrestling will host a meet & greet with Ryland before the seventh episode of AAFW Wrestling Night in Tallahassee, Florida.

The hate is real between Conner Threepwood and Rayne Man and the dou of Konoe and Ricky Turner. The latter oppressed Threepwood and his allies since the rebirth of AAFW, he even got support from the debuting japanese maniac Konoe and his manager Herb Stately. The four will finally collide this week in a tag team bout!

After weeks of telling the great people of Florida that they'll come to AAFW, it's finally time! The unknown tag team will be in the ring against two Mexico's most promising talents out there called Rapid and Amazing Fire Fly. Let's see who the strangers are on WrestleWorld!

AAFW Wrestling Night #7
June 3rd, 2020 @ Tony Polster Civic Center (Tallahassee, Florida)

The Unknown Tag Team vs. Amazing Fire Fly & Rapid
Zippy Deverell vs. Hammer Hadley
Chip Martin vs. Jack Pryde
Ricky Turner & Konoe vs. Rayne Man & Conner Threepwood
BONUS: Who is the unknown tag team?

This will be the last show of AAFW. "Unfortunately" the announcement of TEW IX is one of the catalysator why the diary will be end. I hope to get the show up before the demo comes out, but I can't promise it. It was a fun ride to do something out of my comfort zone, it would have been even cooler to do it for longer, but the excitement I have for the new game (and with a new database, starting year) is just too big.

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AAFW Wrestling Night #7 - Finale

The Unknown Tag Team def. Amazing Fire Fly & Rapid

Zippy Deverell def. Hammer Hadley

Jack Pryde def. Chip Martin

Rayne Man & Connor Threepwood def. Ricky Turner & Konoe

Bonus: American Cobras

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Sad to see the diary go so soon after discovering it, but I was about to start another diary too just before the game was announced, so I can very much understand your reasoning.


The Unknown Tag Team vs. Amazing Fire Fly & Rapid
Zippy Deverell vs. Hammer Hadley
Chip Martin vs. Jack Pryde
Ricky Turner & Konoe vs. Rayne Man & Conner Threepwood
BONUS: Who is the unknown tag team?

The Ring Generals? (honestly no idea)

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The Unknown Tag Team vs. Amazing Fire Fly & Rapid
Zippy Deverell vs. Hammer Hadley
Chip Martin vs. Jack Pryde
Ricky Turner & Konoe vs. Rayne Man & Conner Threepwood
BONUS: Who is the unknown tag team? American Cobras

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Finally one of your diaries was easier to read for me because it was set in America. I've enjoyed it this time.

The Unknown Tag Team vs. Amazing Fire Fly & Rapid
Zippy Deverell vs. Hammer Hadley
Chip Martin vs. Jack Pryde
Ricky Turner & Konoe vs. Rayne Man & Conner Threepwood
BONUS: Who is the unknown tag team?  Samoan Destruction Inc.

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On 7/22/2024 at 8:27 AM, CGN91 said:

It was a fun ride to do something out of my comfort zone, it would have been even cooler to do it for longer, but the excitement I have for the new game (and with a new database, starting year) is just too big.

Reasonable man, see you on IX!!


The Unknown Tag Team vs. Amazing Fire Fly & Rapid
Zippy Deverell vs. Hammer Hadley
Chip Martin vs. Jack Pryde
Ricky Turner & Konoe vs. Rayne Man & Conner Threepwood
BONUS: Who is the unknown tag team? The Casey Nros

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AAFW Wrestling Night #7
June 3rd, 2020 @ Tony Polster Civic Center (Tallahassee, Florida)

All-American Florida Wrestling Night #7 and we’re at Tony Polster Civic Center in Fabulous Frank Rogers hometown of Tallahassee, Florida. „The Voice Of Florida“ Marvin Earnest and Miles Wakefield welcomed us to yet another episode of the best wrestling product in the United States. While the commentary dou did a recap of last show’s happenings and a run down of tonight’s card with a huge tag team match in the main event, we saw Comissioner Frank Rogers in the ring.

The hometown hero was smiling and said that he was right there where the fans were sitting when he was a little child, watching the great AAFW with his dad in the sixties and seventies. Nonetheless, Rogers stated that he is not here to tell bedtime tales, rather, he has a significant announcement for all fans of All-American Florida Wrestling. He continued and said that in four weeks, at episode nine of the AAFW Wrestling Night, there will be the start of a tournament with the best eight wrestlers who will fight for the biggest prize AAFW has to offer, the AAFW World Heavyweight Championship! The crowd was on their feet following Rogers‘ announcement, however, he was not finished. Rogers proudly announced the first candidate for the tournament and the newest member of the roster: Remmy Honeyman.

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Amazing Fire Fly & Rapid vs. Savage Fury
It was finally the time for some wrestling, folks! Two masked luchadors were already waiting in the ring, those two were Amazing Fire Fly and Rapid who came all the way from Mexico to Florida. After a few more moments their opponents came with a rush through the curtain: The unknown tag team who were in those videos finally arrived and boy oh boy those men were freakin‘ Savage Fury! And like their name is, they went in for pure destruction. Just minutes into the match, it was all over.

Marvin Earnest was in the interview area to welcome „No Gimmick Needed“ Barry Kingman. The veteran from Florida said that he is very happy to see so many great talent, who give their best to achieve their goals here in AAFW. While Earnest said that Kingman had beat three younger competitors, James Diaz approached them. The latter said that he has enormous respect for Kingman, but that he wants a rematch with him as soon as possible. Kingman nodded and answered that a rematch would be a great idea. The scene isn’t finished yet. Kingman then told Earnest that he was looking for a protegé to train with. One oft he young competitors he has an eye on is Jason Patterson, and the other one will be fighting tonight.

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Zippy Deverell vs. Hammer Hadley
„Zip The Lip“ sneaked his way to a win yet again, this time Hammer Hadley was too tempestuous when he started to push Deverell to the corner. Zippy ducked underneath a clothesline, kicked Hadley to the back of his knees and rolled him up for a close two count. Hadley tried to attack again, grabbed for Deverell's leg, but Zippy's Wrestling IQ lead him on the path to victory when he finally rolled Hadley up for a three count.

Zippy Deverell immediately left the ring and went to the commentary booth to yell into Earnest microfon that he wants to be a part of the AAFW World Heavyweight Championship tournament. With yet another win in front of the Tallahassee inbreds, Zippy stated that he's eligible to be awarded the title without having a match.
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Jack Pryde w/Buzz Reid vs. Chip Martin
Accompanied by his new bodyguard Buzz Reid, Jack Pryde had to face prodigy Chip Martin. The son of Johnny Martin showed great heart yet again and showed a fiery offense against „Prime Time“, who left the ring after getting attacked with dangerous moves. Typical for Pryde was that his bodyguard attacked Martin from behind while he talked to the referee. This led him to kick Martin into the crown jewels, but Jay Silver came to the ring and stopped Pryde from doing more sneaky attacks. When Buzz Reid came to the scene to attack Silver, pure chaos ensued. Referee Bret Graveson was unable to see through the whole situation and stopped the match via no contest.

The Canadian Blondes, Ozzie Goldstein and Flash Savage, are standing next to Marvin Earnest in the interview zone. Earnest asked them what they're going to do against Jack Sawyer and his two behemoths. Ozzie stated that they're sick and tired off the trio and they plan to punish the two big babies and get Clare South back. Savage yelled into Earnest's microfon and demanded a tag team match between them for next week in Panama City!
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Ricky Turner & Konoe w/Herb Stately vs. Rayne Man & Conner Threepwood
The match wasn't even officially started when Rayne Man and Threepwood attacked the heel dou before the bell even rang. It has less in common with a real wrestling match than expected. All four combattants fought all over the place, hitting each other into guardrails and ringposts annd constantly ignoring the counts of the referee. Sure, there was just too much what happened before the match, the hate between these four gentleman controlled their emotions. With a shrewdy guy like Stately in their corner, the heel team had something up their sleeves when the loudmouth gave Konoe his metal spike and the japanese was able to hit Rayne Man with that weapon without getting caught. Konoe immediately hit his Cradle DDT to get another tainted win.
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@naizen45 3/5 (6)
@Wrestling Machine 2/5 (20)
@DinoKea 2/5 (5)
@KyTeran 2/5 (22)
@newbiezness 1/5 (15)

Congratulations to KyTeran for winning the prediction contest!

And that's a wrap.. Thank you to everyone who read the diary. I had a blast writing and booking something like this and it's a shame that it ended before it even started properly to be honest. The first championship would have been introduced over the next weeks, the first (more) important matches would have happened and even more. 

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