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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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I like how people are asking questions about features that might be in the new version, as if they're not going to be announced or talked about in future journal entries. 😛

I'm very happy about these changes; I worry that in the future things will get too complicated for their own good, and backstage interactions will become more important than the shows themselves, which kinda defeats the purpose of a wrestling sim, but otherwise it's looking quite good. Particularly excited for the independent show change, as in my save game it felt like Canada was getting the short end of the stick, despite having plenty of available workers, whereas the US, Mexico and Japan were getting one every few days. Now I can balance them all out! 

Also, I'm neurodivergent and like booking Rumbles in their entirety, so the elimination order thing is really nice. :)

The narrative changes are exciting, I'm hoping for more of those as well! 

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Posted (edited)

Two lead off features amount to "shrugs" for me, not off to a great start. It's been mostly outside the ring stuff so far. Usually the first few journal entries are the big stuff. I hope more is coming that actually makes BOOKING fun and not tedious. 


Elimination Order

Road agent notes can now be used to give precise instructions for the order of elimination in matches. This includes battle royal style matches like the Royal Rumble. You can either fill in every single elimination (e.g. getting compete control over exactly who the eliminations unfold) or just fill in a few and let the game fill in the rest. This has been heavily requested in the suggestions forum and gives those who are detailed-oriented the extra control that they want.




What's the actual risk reward of this feature though? Or is it "purely cosmetic"? 

Edited by D16NJD16
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7 minutes ago, D16NJD16 said:

What's the actual risk reward of this feature though? Or is it "purely cosmetic"? 

I'm actually curious about that myself. Would a major star complain about being shockingly eliminated early ? Or by a "lesser" worker ? 

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, MattRouq said:

I'm actually curious about that myself. Would a major star complain about being shockingly eliminated early ? Or by a "lesser" worker ? 

So many interesting ways to go with it, I pray it doesn't fall into the category of another "purely cosmetic" feature. There's TOO MUCH of that in the game over the years, where you seek out the mechanics, and find out, "oh it doesn't actually do anything, I'm overthinking it". 

Pro Wrestling Sim is a good example of how to implement this feature.

Edited by D16NJD16
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15 hours ago, Cold Cobra said:

It's funny seeing so many people fill this thread with requests... the game's coming out in a month, I think the time to suggest a big new thing has long passed. If you never got round to posting your idea in the suggestions forum in the past then you're out of luck, unless it's a really small fix or someone else requested it back when it was still viable.

That's not necessarily true if we're considering historical launches. the TEW 2020, 2016, 2013 versions that launched were not the final versions. Adam is good at incorporating reasonable feedback in games.

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1 hour ago, d12345 said:

That's not necessarily true if we're considering historical launches. the TEW 2020, 2016, 2013 versions that launched were not the final versions. Adam is good at incorporating reasonable feedback in games.

Yes, but that feedback was implemented after the release of the game. You guys are requesting features that might already be in, it just hasn't been announced yet. On top of that, the game releases in a month, whatever you are suggesting to be added, won't have time to be added as they keep finishing/polishing what's currently in the game for release.

I think we should see more than two dev journal updates before we start giving "feedback" and expect it to be added to the game.

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16 hours ago, Untouchable said:

In regards to the Worker Ideas, is it possible for a worker to approach you with an absolutely terrible idea and insist on it being used? Like it's an idea on its face that is not good but they really believe in it?

I like this, yes! If you turn them down, it might impact their morale and relationship with you. Depending on their psychology rating and any additional creativity attributes, their ideas can be good or bad. I want to get stupid ideas that make me laugh out loud in my games. 

Just wanted to say that after hearing for so long that TEW 2020 was the last one, this was amazing news! Thanks for giving me another thing to look forward to this summer. 

1. Small thing: I would love to see a picture option for venues. I know it might be slog to track down pictures of every church basement and small arena on all continents, but I think it just adds more immersion to see the place where your event is hosted--from the largest stadiums in the world to the local bingo hall or high school gymnasium.

2. Bigger thing: I am really hoping the UI gets addressed at some point. With all due respect, as someone who loves TEW and has been buying all of them and coming back to the game time and time again since the 2013 version, we need and want a game that does not feel like a Windows 95 program. Booking shows with the current UI is not always pleasant and is something that needs to be improved (I purposely always play smaller companies because I cannot even imagine having to handle a WWF-WWE sized promotion with 100+ workers with brand splits, and 3 weekly shows, etc). You have Pro Wrestling Simulator on Steam, and while not as in-depth and immersive as TEW at this point (who knows if the developer keeps making changes to the game over the next few years), still makes booking shows a breeze. A type of UI where you can just grab and slide workers into the angles - matches you want would be very much appreciated by lots of people here. 

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On 7/1/2024 at 8:07 AM, Zero said:

Welp, looks like my 85 save will not make it to present day.

Very excited 

It can though. Turn it into a database then convert that over to TEW IX. 

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7 minutes ago, Gabagool said:


2. Bigger thing: I am really hoping the UI gets addressed at some point. With all due respect, as someone who loves TEW and has been buying all of them and coming back to the game time and time again since the 2013 version, we need and want a game that does not feel like a Windows 95 program. Booking shows with the current UI is not always pleasant and is something that needs to be improved (I purposely always play smaller companies because I cannot even imagine having to handle a WWF-WWE sized promotion with 100+ workers with brand splits, and 3 weekly shows, etc). You have Pro Wrestling Simulator on Steam, and while not as in-depth and immersive as TEW at this point (who knows if the developer keeps making changes to the game over the next few years), still makes booking shows a breeze. A type of UI where you can just grab and slide workers into the angles - matches you want would be very much appreciated by lots of people here. 

This is everything. Embarrassed to say I'd pay the full price for the new game for this alone.

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Posted (edited)

3. Creative team: I like the idea as well, but like others have voiced here, I wish it would be entirely optional or just add a bonus to the chances of success for your storylines, new gimmicks, match finishes, high spots, angles and other creative aspects. As the booker - owner, you should be able to have the final word on anything your booking committee brings to you all the same without it costing you an entire show or storyline. I like the general idea because it makes the world feel more alive, which is always a plus in my book--I am all for even 'useless' features that really pull you into the universe as you are playing through the years. 

Realistically, if you have a very adept head booker - owner (a young Vince or Heyman let's say or a character with high ratings - positive attributes that would be associated with being good at running a promotion), do they need an entire team that makes or breaks a show? I can see a very large promotion needing extra creative focus as one person trying to come up with all the good ideas on their own in a WWE-WWF is probably impossible due to a huge roster, but a small regional company with a 30-40 person roster or so can be managed by one booker. In fact, historically, this was almost always the case for a large portion of wrestling's existence: you had a head booker with maybe a close inner circle who would sell the booker an idea or two. 

Edited by Gabagool
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9 minutes ago, MrVillain said:

It can though. Turn it into a database then convert that over to TEW IX. 

This. The ability to continue a game using this method should stay the same. Convert your save game to a TEW 2020 Database and then when IX comes out, convert the database to the new game and start with the same company. You just won't be able to paste your 2020 SaveGame file into the new game and continue on. We have never been able to do that.

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5 minutes ago, D16NJD16 said:

This is everything. Embarrassed to say I'd pay the full price for the new game for this alone.

I would buy another TEW 2020 just with that added feature. lol 

Again, I am not a huge graphics guy personally (I love text based games as a rule), but just for quality of life reasons, anything you can do to reduce pressure on the game player is going to be appreciated. 

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On 7/1/2024 at 3:38 PM, PandaWan71 said:

The only thing I'm afraid of is how the game will look when it comes to the graphics, I saw that the game will be the same resolution as TEW 2020, I assume you won't be able to get the game in fullscreen, (I know that was said a lot of times and sorry to dig out that discussion) and I really hope that the game will look more modern, compared to the other upcoming fantasy booking games.

But that doesn't change the fact that I'm pretty excited for the game too, I know that the gameplay will be great and can't wait to try the beta!!

My game has always been In full screen

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2 hours ago, D16NJD16 said:

Two lead off features amount to "shrugs" for me, not off to a great start. It's been mostly outside the ring stuff so far. Usually the first few journal entries are the big stuff. I hope more is coming that actually makes BOOKING fun and not tedious. 


Elimination Order

Road agent notes can now be used to give precise instructions for the order of elimination in matches. This includes battle royal style matches like the Royal Rumble. You can either fill in every single elimination (e.g. getting compete control over exactly who the eliminations unfold) or just fill in a few and let the game fill in the rest. This has been heavily requested in the suggestions forum and gives those who are detailed-oriented the extra control that they want.




What's the actual risk reward of this feature though? Or is it "purely cosmetic"? 

Probably keeps the workers who get eliminated later looking strong and taking less of a penalty if they survived most of the match. 

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1 minute ago, Gabagool said:

Probably keeps the workers who get eliminated later looking strong and taking less of a penalty if they survived most of the match. 

Fingers crossed.

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2 hours ago, D16NJD16 said:

Two lead off features amount to "shrugs" for me, not off to a great start. It's been mostly outside the ring stuff so far. Usually the first few journal entries are the big stuff. I hope more is coming that actually makes BOOKING fun and not tedious. 

Where I'm at, I played 2020 so little the past 4 years I can count on one hand the number of saves I did. These clearly aren't the big features though, he must be saving them for closer to the Beta. 

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Posted (edited)

This is super exciting!! 

I have two quick questions (and if they're coming in future Developer's Journals, please disregard):

Will the new TEW game use a traditional calendar or will it stick with the Week 1, 2, 3, 4 system?

And if a company (WCW for example) is purchased by another, can that other company re-open the purchased company as an owned subsidiary, rather than making them a brand? In a related question (so I guess it's 3 questions lol), will child companies have more independent freedom to run their business? I'm thinking along the lines as how WCW was owned by Time Warner, but was still pretty much its own entity. They could do investments and have their own farm systems and IPs and the like. 

Really glad that there is a new game to play with soon!!!!

Edited by Kimberly
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Question: Can you control a rumble's entrance order too, or just elimination order? Like, could you specify someone goes all the way like Michaels in '95 or Benoit in '04?

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Get_Ready_To_Fly said:

I know it’s just purely cosmetic but adding a “rookie of the year” award would be cool

Is that not "Young Wrestler Of The Year," which is already in the game? Or do you mean an award that could be for older wrestlers who started late into their careers, like DDP, so long as their in-ring years are like two or less?

Edited by TheDeep5ix
added the stuff after DDP
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2 hours ago, ConcutioCaelum said:

Yes, but that feedback was implemented after the release of the game. You guys are requesting features that might already be in, it just hasn't been announced yet. On top of that, the game releases in a month, whatever you are suggesting to be added, won't have time to be added as they keep finishing/polishing what's currently in the game for release.

I think we should see more than two dev journal updates before we start giving "feedback" and expect it to be added to the game.

And so many other people are behaving like TEW developers fans, IDK what's better/worse. Why many people here feel the necessity to tell others how they should behave? There are moderators, the developers can take care of themselves I guess, etc. And on top of that when someone ask something or suggest something probably they hope the developers read it, and they're not exactly hoping that a random user make unnecessary negative comments that don't even relate to what's been asked or suggested.

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