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A Love Letter To Professional Wrestling [MWCW, C'Verse]

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Taped: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Broadcast Date: January 13, 2022
Held At: The Ryan Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri
79 Fans in Attendance
Broadcast on: Griffin Sports Mid West
Broadcast Rating: .01 [262 Viewers]


The first episode of Wrestling at the Ryan starts with a sweeping crowd shot before settling on the announce table. Patrick Santini and Sue Danes are sitting at the announce table. 

Santini, “Hello and welcome to the very first edition of Wrestling at the Ryan. I’m Patrick Santini and I’m joined as always by my broadcast colleague, Sue Danes. We are here in the historic Ryan Hotel ballroom in St. Louis, Missouri for one hour of pro wrestling as it was meant to be.”

Danes, “What an hour it will be. We’ve got two matches in our different National title tournaments – the main event pits the number one seeded Shady K and Lead Belly against Ace Youngblood and Wild Red Stallion to see who will advance in the National Tag Team Tournament, plus Luis Montero Jr. and Sayeed Ali will battle it out in the National Heavyweight Title tournament.”

Santini, “Plus a six-woman tag team match to start the show off, but first, let’s go backstage where our broadcast colleague Mya Catalan is standing by with Professor Jim King of The Academy.”


The cameras switch to backstage where Mya Catalan is standing in what is a re-purposed hotel room set up to look like a locker room. Professor Jim King, dressed in tweed is standing there flanked by two large face-painted men – the Brute Squad.

Catalan, “Thank you Patrick and Sue. As you said, I’m joined now by the leader of the Academy, Professor Jim King. He’s joined by the number four seed in the National Tag Team Title Tournament, the Brute Squad.”

Professor King steps up to cut Catalan off, “I’m not sure who did the seeding, Ms. Catalan, but they are out of their minds putting a team like the Brute Squad at a four seed. Look at them. They are monsters. Machines. Two men built to dominate in a sport where size matters. Let’s not kid ourselves. This is a sport dominating by the biggest, by the strongest. That’s what the Brute Squad are. That’s what the Academy is. We are the biggest. We are the strongest. We are the smartest. And we will dominate Midwest Championship Wrestling and the COTT.”

Catalan, “Well that covers about four of the questions I had planned for you.”

King smiles a broad smile, “Well, I am always three steps ahead. It is what has taken me to the pinnacle of this sport and it’s what is going to take the people who sign up for the Academy to the next level, to the top. Just wait. Come to MWCW Live and see the action yourself, like tomorrow night at The Arch, when The Brute Squad takes on the team from India, the Mumbai Express. We are going to make an example out of them and let the world know exactly what is going to happen if you stand against the Academy.”

Catalan turns to look at the camera, “Well, strong words from the Academy. After this commercial break, we will be ringside for the first match of the night.”

We go to commercial break from the interview.

Angle Rating


Opening Match
Six-Woman Tag Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit

Coco Malloy, Felicia Luck, & Skye Hermosa vs. Thea Davis, Honey Badger, and Joy Ryder

The first match in MWCW’s history pit six women, four of whom are still in the National Women’s Title Tournament and two of whom lost their first round match and are looking for a rebound from those aforementioned losses. All six women got an opportunity to shine in the match and show what they could do. Thea Davis in particular really got to shine. Thea, the woman in the locker room with the second most international experience as she is a regular with EWA and 5SSW, hit a big Flying Elbow Drop on Skye Hermosa for the win.

In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Thea Davis, Joy Ryder and Honey Badger defeated Felicia Luck, Skye Hermosa and Coco Malloy in 10:02 when Thea Davis pinned Skye Hermosa with a Flying Elbow Drop. 

Match Rating



We come out of the match and go to a video package of “The Omega Man” Harvey Robbinfield. The video focuses on Robbinfield training, a lot of him doing impressive athletic things like box jumps and 40 yard dashes. The video ends with “See him Live”.

Angle Rating



Coming back from a commercial break after the video package, we are backstage once more with Mya Catalan. This time she is joined by “The American Eagle” Roger Monteiro.

Catalan, “I’m here with the number one seed in the National Heavyweight Title tournament, Roger Monteiro. Roger, you’ve got a big match coming up on Saturday Night at the Thesz Plaza Park Hotel when you wrestle Jack Pryde in the first round of the tournament. We know Jack Pryde is part of The Academy and that you’ll have your hands full with him and with Professor Jim King. What’s your strategy going into this match?”

Monteiro, “Thanks for the question, Mya. My strategy is the same as it is going into any match – prepare the best I can, call on the spirits of my ancestors, and wrestle my ass off. That’s all I can do. Everywhere I go, I carry my people with me. I carry the pride of what it means to be the American Eagle. What it means to wear the eagle feathers. Jack Pryde is a great young wrestler. You can see it when he moves in the ring – he’s going to be a star. I have all the respect for what he is capable of and Jim King is a great tactician, but I will not be felled by them. I will not see my dream of raising the National Heavyweight Championship high above my head crushed by them. Saturday Night in Kansas City, I’m going to beat Jack Pryde.”

Angle Rating


Singles Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
National Heavyweight Title Tournament
Opening Round

Luis Montero Jr. vs. "The East Side Assassin" Sayeed Ali

The second match of the night was the first match of the National Heavyweight Title Tournament. Sayeed Ali, the brawler from New York who has made his name in wild, bloody brawls and spent thirteen years in Canada making his name for himself came in to this match as the odds-on-favorite. He had the height and weight advantage over his opponent, second-generation luchador Luis Montero Jr. Montero Jr, the eldest child of his namesake, has had a difficult 21-year career. Despite being a very skilled competitor, he has always been overshadowed by either his father or his younger brother. This was, perhaps, a chance for him to break out of his younger brother’s shadow by becoming a successful wrestler north of the Mexican border. Ali and Montero had pretty good chemistry despite this being a clash of styles. Montero Jr. surprised most pundits by getting the win here after a solid match.

In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Luis Montero Jr defeated Sayeed Ali in 10:15 by pinfall. This match was part of the 'National Heavyweight Title' tournament. 

Match Rating



After the match, instead of going to commercial break, we go backstage to where Lead Belly and Shady K are standing by. The two men have a combined forty years in the wrestling business but have never teamed together.

Lead Belly, “I know y’all are out here thinkin’ you must be goin’ crazy. You must be seein’ things. You can’t be seein’ the dirtiest white boy Lead Belly standing next to the Ultimate Thug Shady K, but don’t adjust those dials, ‘cause you ain’t seein’ things, you’re seein’ the truth.”

Shady K, “Me and Lead Belly have a lot of differences. We haven’t always been on the same page but we know what needs to be done. We know what we want and what we want is the respect we deserve. All you punks out there have forgotten what real wrestlers look like. Me and Lead Belly? We’re as real as they come. Youngblood. Stallion. You’re about to learn a tough lesson.”

Angle Rating


Main Event
Tag Team Match
TV Time Remaining
National Tag Team Title Tournament
Opening Round

Ace Youngblood & Wild Red Stallion vs. Shady K & Lead Belly

The main event pit two new teams, Ace Youngblood and Wild Red Stallion against Shady K and Lead Belly. The experience advantage was clearly on the advantage of Shady K and Lead Belly, but the match was structured to allow Wild Red Stallion to really shine. It’s clear, at least through watching the first two presentations of MWCW that they have a lot of hope for what Stallion can do or become for them. The 6’5”, 284 pound muscular Lakota isn’t the most polished wrestler, but he’s physical and he stood toe to toe with Shady K and Lead Belly. Youngblood did the selling for the heat but as a tag team expert his presence is incredibly valuable to helping Stallion develop. Stallion hit Lead Belly with the Lakota Cutter and got the pin to advance his team in the tournament.

In a decent match, Ace Youngblood and Wild Red Stallion defeated Shady K and Lead Belly in 12:48 when Wild Red Stallion pinned Lead Belly with a Lakota Cutter. This match was part of the 'National Tag Team Titles' tournament. 

Match Rating



After the match, Stallion and Youngblood took the microphone from Mya Catalan, who is the ring announcer in addition to the interviewer. They reminded the crowd both in the building and at home to come see MWCW when it comes to town.

Angle Rating


Show Rating


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January 14 & 15, 2022

MWCW Live At The Arch
Held At: The Arch, St. Louis, Missouri
63 Fans in Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, El Bandido Jr defeated Too Hot in 11:41 by pinfall with a Hijack Suplex. 34
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Felicia Luck defeated Honey Badger in 17:54 by pinfall with a Lucky Strike. This match was part of the 'National Women's Title' tournament. 40
  • In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, The Brute Squad defeated The Mumbai Express in 9:36 when Brute Squad Blitzer pinned Jagan Sahu with The Brutalizer. This match was part of the 'National Tag Team Titles' tournament. 27
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Thea Davis defeated Coco Malloy in 23:04 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. This match was part of the 'National Women's Title' tournament. 37


MWCW Live At The Thesz Plaza Park Hotel
Held At: The Thesa Plaza Park Hotel, Kansas City, Kansas
69 Fans in Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Thea Davis, Joy Ryder and Honey Badger defeated Allie Perks, Danielle Sweetheart and Coco Malloy in 14:46 when Thea Davis pinned Allie Perks with a Flying Elbow Drop. Allie Perks was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. 42
  • In a decent match, Steffi Chee defeated Felicia Luck in 17:23 by pinfall with a German Suplex. This match was part of the 'National Women's Title' tournament. 39
  • In a decent match, Roger Monteiro defeated Jack Pryde in 29:02 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop. This match was part of the 'National Heavyweight Title' tournament. 35


From the Historian: So with this diary, I'm trying something a little different. I want to try to book a 'modern territory' and what I mean by that is the fact that we have local, weekly TV (we tape bi weekly) and then we run regular live events. In order to simulate regular live events, I'm not running these shows as events. They are being run as Touring shows because I think that is the option that best simulates the old-style territories. They aren't 'lesser' events. You could maybe argue that they should be full blown events, but I think that would put too much importance on each one of them (plus burn out the Mid West for me). The MWCW Live shows will feature championship matches -- sometimes they title will change hands! They will also, sometimes, feature the same matches as a way to try to simulate when the same basic card would be presented in different towns. So you might see times where people will come in just to work a series of matches with somebody else.

Going along with that, a Roster Note. While I have some guys on my permanent, full time roster (and those will become apparent, I hope, through the booking), I will be bringing in a fair amount of people for short stints. I'm running a two week loop, two tv tapings and five live events per loop, so some may come in for six shots, some may come in for a full month, some may come in just for one week of live events. Hopefully this will be engaging. The live event shows will be posted like this, so you can see what's going on but they won't get proper write ups. TV shows will as well "major" events/blow off events where I blow off feuds/storylines. Those won't be kept to a set schedule, they'll happen as I feel a story has peaked and needs to conclude.

Feel free to leave any feedback you have. I appreciate everyone tuning in so far!

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Broadcast on: January 20, 2022
Held At: The Ryan Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri

Card for Prediction

Main Event
Six Man Tag Team Match
TV Time Remaining
First Nation [Monteiro & Thunderbirds] vs. Shady K, Lead Belly, and Sayeed Ali
Preview: The First Nation are trying to cement themselves as the five best wrestlers in MWCW. Last week, Ace Youngblood and Wild Red Stallion upset Shady K and Lead Belly to advance in the National Tag Team Title Tournament. Shady K also found himself on the losing end of his match with second generation luchadore Luis Montero Jr. Shady, Belly, and Ali all need a win -- their pride is on the line. The First Nation wants to continue all of the momentum they've been building so that they can end up with both the National Heavyweight and National Tag Team Championships.

Singles Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
National Heavyweight Title Tournament
Opening Round
"The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield vs. El Bandido Jr.
Preview: Two years ago, it looked like Harvey Robbinfield was the brightest young prospect in wrestling. Unfortunately for him, all of that hype didn't pan out and he has found himself without the big six figure contract he once had. Still a young man, Harvey's an incredible athlete and he knows that a stepping stone to six figures is a big win here against a man making his American debut. El Bandido Jr. is the son of one of the most famous men in all of wrestling -- El Bandido. Junior has carved a name for himself in Mexico and now is looking to expand that name to the United States.

Opening Match
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit
Too Hot vs. "Prime Time" Jack Pryde w/ Professor Jim King
Preview: Recently at a MWCW Live event, Jack Pryde saw his tournament desires blow up when he was defeated by Roger Monteiro. The Minnesotan grappler expressed his frustration with his loss and demanded a match on Wrestling at the Ryan and he has been matched up with the experienced veteran Too Hot.

Plus: Hear from Danielle Sweetheart and more!

Quick Predictions
First Nation [Monteiro & Thunderbirds] vs. Shady K, Lead Belly, and Sayeed Ali
"The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield vs. El Bandido Jr.
Too Hot vs. "Prime Time" Jack Pryde

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First Nation [Monteiro & Thunderbirds] vs. Shady K, Lead Belly, and Sayeed Ali
The First Nation will always have my support.  Go Native Americans!

"The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield vs. El Bandido Jr.
The final man becomes the victor.  Though, this is a very close match.

Too Hot vs. "Prime Time" Jack Pryde
As Freddy Krueger once said, "Welcome to prime time, bitch!"

Edited by angeldelayette
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First Nation [Monteiro & Thunderbirds] vs. Shady K, Lead Belly, and Sayeed Ali

-- Honestly, my gut says this is probably a First Nation win in the name of establishing them and boosting their popularity at the veterans expense, but I actually really love the heel trio here and hope we're in the early stages of a Thugs From The Streets vs Native Americans feud. 

"The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield vs. El Bandido Jr.

--Robbinfield is solid.

Too Hot vs. "Prime Time" Jack Pryde

--Hot is the kind of veteran you bring in to put people over. 

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Taped: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Broadcast Date: January 20, 2022
Held At: The Ryan Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri
79 Fans in Attendance
Broadcast on: Griffin Sports Mid West
Broadcast Rating: .01 [258 Viewers]

The broadcast opens the same way Wrestling at the Ryan episode one opened - with a wide crowd shot. The 79 paying fans (plus a dozen or so hangers on) are stuffed up towards the ring to make it look fuller than it actually is. We go from the crowd to the ringside table where Patrick Santini and Sue Danes are ready for tonight’s broadcast.


Santini, “Hello and welcome back to the historic Ryan Hotel in St. Louis for the second episode of Wrestling at the Ryan. Last week, we saw Ace Youngblood and Wild Red Stallion score a major upset when they defeated Shady K and Lead Belly to advance in the National Tag Team Title Tournament and we saw Luis Montero Jr. win a hard-fought battle against Sayeed Ali to advance in the National Heavyweight Title tournament. Tonight, we will see another first round match in the National Heavyweight Title Tournament when “The Omega Man” Harvey Robbinfield takes on the second-generation luchador El Bandido Jr – who is making his United States debut tonight. Joining me in calling all of the action tonight is my broadcast colleague, Sue Danes. Sue, what are you most looking forward to tonight?”

Danes, “It’s great to be ringside for another night of great professional wrestling action. I think we have three great matches on tonight’s show, but I’d have to say I’m most looking forward to our main event. Roger Monteiro and The Thunderbirds representing the First Nation taking on Shady K, Lead Belly, and Sayeed Ali. It’s going to be an incredibly physical match up and an opportunity for the First Nation to score a big six man win which could get them a rematch against The Academy for the World Six-Man Championships.”

Santini, “That’s a great point, Sue. If the First Nation want to be World Six-Man Champions, they’re going to have to win tonight to prove that they’re one of the top units in wrestling and I agree, it should be an excellent contest. Before we go to our opening contest with veteran Too Hot taking on “Prime Time” Jack Pryde, let’s go to a video package feaurting one of the teams in the National Tag Team Title Tournament – the Brute Squad.”


We cut from the commentary position to a video package. The footage isn’t great, it’s mostly collected from small independent shows that were willing to let their footage be used and some footage from last year’s Sam Keith Classic when the Brute Squad made their lone MAW appearance. The footage has been cut to show the two big men just bruising opponents. The two face painted men are still inexperienced but the video package attempts to present them as a force to be reckoned with.

Angle Rating


Opening Match
Singles Match
Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Too Hot vs. "Prime Time" Jack Pryde w/ Professor Jim King

Coming out of the video package, veteran Too Hot is already in the ring. His entrance was not shown as part of the broadcast. Jack Pryde; however, had his entrance. He came out with his sunglasses and shiny ring jacket with “Prime Time” across the back and Professor Jim King and his possibly-loaded briefcase. It’s clear from the presentation that Too Hot is here specifically to make Pryde look good, and Hot lived up to his end of the bargain. The former 4C Champion sold his rear-end off for Pryde and got just enough offense that it wasn’t a squash, but when Pryde hit his PrydeFall (Spinning Back Elbow) and Hot dropped like he took a punch from Raul Hughes. Pryde got the pin and the clean victory.

In a decent match, Jack Pryde defeated Too Hot in 8:01 by pinfall with a PrydeFall. 

Match Rating



We come back from commericial break and we are backstage with MWCW Interviewer and Ring Announcer extraordinaire Mya Catalan. She’s standing with Danielle Sweetheart. Sweetheart isn’t dressed in wrestling clothes (because if you’re not scheduled to wrestle, why would you be in ring gear?), she is wearing a shirt that says “Queen of the Ring”.

Catalan,  “I’m joined at this time by The Queen of the Ring, Danielle Sweetheart. Danielle, what brought you to Midwest Championship Wrestling?”

Sweetheart, “Competition, Mya. MWCW management contacted me and they told me they wanted to build one of the most competitive women’s roster in the world. They told me they wanted marquee matches and they wanted women who wanted to prove that they were a cut above the rest and I leapt at that chance. For thirteen years I’ve been in this sport, Mya. Thirteen years and I’ve carved out a name for myself. You hear my name and you associate it with championships. You associate it with big matches and tournament wins and I take pride in that. I take pride in the history I’ve built but I’m not satisfied.”

Catalan, “And why aren’t you satisfied?”

Sweetheart, “Because there’s always another mountain to climb. There’s always a way to prove that you aren’t an ordinary wrestler. I’m not ordinary and I’m not afraid to summit a mountain, no matter how rocky. I’m here because I have to be here. There are excellent fans here in the Mid West. This is a place that has long been the heartbeat of professional wrestling and now the real Queen of the Ring is here and I’m coming for the National Women’s Championship.”

Danielle Sweetheart walks out of camera frame and Mya turns to look at the camera.

Catalan, “That was Danielle Sweetheart. Back to you Patrick and Sue.”

Angle Rating


Singles Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
National Heavyweight Title Tournament
Opening Round

"The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield vs. El Bandido Jr.

We come out of the interview to the entrances for Robbinfield and El Bandido Jr. The crowd wasn’t sure what to make of either man during their entrances. It was clear that El Bandido Jr. was supposed to be the bad guy (he even came out first like a proper bad guy!) and Robbinfield slapped hands with the people in the front row. Robbinfield started off with a lot of energy and El Bandido Jr. bumped all over the ring to make Robbinfield look dangerous. Robbinfield got El Bandido Jr. in the corner and Robbinfield took off across the ring and went for a big corner splash but Bandido got out of the way and Robbinfield hit the actual ring post – he got that much air time. Bandido went on the attack. The second-generation luchador is a polished all-around performer for a guy who has only been wrestling for four years (though brawling isn’t really his specialty). Bandido Jr. did hit a beautiful flying head scissors. Robbinfield looked particularly motivated with his in ring work and his comeback was high energy, but he was cut off when El Bandido Jr looked like he hit him with a black jack that he extracted from his tights and then slipped into his boot.

In a bout that had decent wrestling but non-existent crowd heat, El Bandido Jr defeated Harvey Robbinfield in 10:08 by pinfall after using a foreign object. This match was part of the 'National Heavyweight Title' tournament. 

Match Rating



Right after the match, Mya Catalan was in the ring to interview El Bandido Jr (who is fluent in English!).

Catalan, “What was that? What did you hit Harvey Robbinfield with?”

Bandido, “My fist.”

Catalan, “It looked like there was something in your hand!”

Bandido, “There wasn’t! I’m just that strong. Don’t go trying to ruin my American debut by accusing me of anything.”

Catalan, “I’m just trying to get to the bottom –”

Bandido, “I said I only used my fist and that’s that. Tonight you all saw how good I am. I am the best luchador in Mexico. I’m going to show the United States what being the best luchador is all about and it started tonight with Harvey Robbinfield. You’re all witnessing something special. I hope you appreciate it.”

El Bandido Jr. left the ring and left Mya Catalan looking frustrated that she couldn’t get him to admit to cheating. Then we go to commercial break.

Angle Rating



Coming back from commercial break, Mya Catalan is again backstage but this time she is with three of the members of First Nation: Roger Monteiro and The Thunderbirds.

Catalan, “I’m joined at this time by the American Eagle, Roger Monteiro and the Thunderbirds, three of the five members of the First Nation. In just a few minutes, you three have a big six-man tag team match against Shady K, Lead Belly, and Sayeed Ali. How are you feeling going into the match.”

Monteiro, “We’re feeling great. I’ve advanced in the National Heavyweight Title tournament by beating Jack Pryde at the Thesz Plaza Park. The Thunderbirds beat The Attack Dogs on the first-ever MWCW show. We’ve got momentum on our side. Ace and Stallion got a big win last week on Wrestling at the Ryan and we’re about to keep that momentum going.”

Catalan, “Well, I will let you finish getting ready for your match. Best of luck gentlemen. Back to you Patrick and Sue.”

We go back to the ringside area for the entrances to our main event. 

Angle Rating


Main Event
Six Man Tag Team Match
TV Time Remaining

First Nation [Monteiro & Thunderbirds] vs. Shady K, Lead Belly, and Sayeed Ali

The main event was a physical match. K, Belly, and Ali are all brawlers and the Thunderbirds looked right at home in the brawls. There was some definite physicality that looked like it could have been 1976 in Texas with how hard the Thunderbirds were chopping K and Belly. Ali looked right at home. Monteiro took the heat in the match (he is the smallest in it, after all).  The Thunderbirds cleaned house and Monteiro did use his Eagle Chop on Ali to get the victory.

In a decent match, First Nation (Roger Monteiro, Malachi Thunderbird and Micah Thunderbird) defeated Shady K, Lead Belly and Sayeed Ali in 14:22 when Roger Monteiro pinned Sayeed Ali with an Eagle Chop. 

Match Rating


Show Rating

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Patrick Santini rubbed his eyes and pushed himself back from the editing suite. Through his career in sports, he had produced and edited a wide variety of sports programming and highlight packages. He understood what it took -- but in sports he had graphics people and research assistants and a whole cadre of people with roles that made his job as producer easier. The first TV taping of Wrestling at the Ryan was anything but easy. First, he went into it knowing he had to tape both episodes, film the pretapes, and edit at least the first hour quickly so that it could air later that evening on Griffin Sports Mid West. He had a little bit more time with the second episode, but he also had live shows on Friday and Saturday evening that he had to be there for. Sue wouldn't be at those -- she had other commitments for GSMW that she had to attend to so it was left to Patrick and his crew of agents to produce those shows. Thankfully, Ace, Luis, and Steffi were good agents. Luis in particular had years of experience behind the scenes that most people didn't know about.

In addition to the incredibly fast turn around on the first edit and the jam packed schedule for the second edit, Patrick also had to deal with the world. Mostly that Juggernaut Jones was left stranded on the tarmac when his airplane had mechanical failure and he couldn't make the taping. That meant there were two shows that Patrick had produced that didn't have his lead heel. He also had to talk down Shady K and Lead Belly when they were furious that they were going to lose to Ace and Stallion -- despite the fact that Patrick had expressly brought them in just for the one set of tapings. Sayeed understood and had no problems doing the favors for Luis, but that's wrestling.

Patrick stood up and stretched. He felt all the muscles in his back release the pressure of spending hours stooped over the screen. Grabbing his Griffin Sports branded water bottle, Patrick left the editing suite at Griffin Sports Mid West studios and walked down the hall. It was early Friday morning and he knew he needed to get some sleep before the show at The Arch. Sue had told him he was crazy when he said he wanted to run a territorial schedule. She thought it was going to be too much work, especially as he didn't plan on stopping his sports writing career, but Patrick was adamant. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it right. He had thought about his own company since he was ten years old. He had been waiting for this moment.

He stepped out of the building and into the predawn. Inhaling, he let the fresh air into his lungs and he felt just how tired he really was. People understand how difficult wrestling is for the wrestlers. They understand the pain that comes with being slammed into wood and steel with only some carpet squares to cushion the impact. They understand that the bruises and sprains and broken noses and busted lips were unpleasant. Most wrestling fans respected the dedication that it took to be a wrestler, but Patrick had only recently learned that most wrestling fans really have no idea what goes into producing a show. They didn't realize that for the 7:00 PM bell time for the first show, Patrick had to get to The Ryan Hotel right around noon. He had to be there to supervise everything. He had to make sure the load in for the ring went off without a hitch and nothing was damaged. He had to make sure the set was set up and dressed appropriately. He had to do camera and audio tests. He had to make sure the lights were rigged right and that everything was plugged in to the right place and that there was both backup power and a backup recording. He had to go over the format for the taping with his agents and referee crew -- plus his production crew, then he had to let the agents go over their matches with the wrestlers and report back the finishes and any major spots that were going to happen so that he could relay that information to his director so the director would know and could convey that information during the show. His agents would be with the director for their matches, but the director needed a heads up. They were live-to-tape for the first show especially, the second show was more of a straight taping. He had to go over the show with Mya so she knew her spots, go over the format with Sue so they could make sure they had all of the information they needed for the broadcast and then, he had to call two hours of action. He also produced the pretaped backstage interviews.

Once the matches were done -- which was just before 8:30, he had to supervise teardown and the edit of the first show simultaneously. Since the first show was shot live-to-tape, it was mostly making sure the backstage pretapes got dropped in where they needed to get dropped in at the right spot and that the show was uploaded to Griffin Sport Mid West's servers so that it could be broadcast in its graveyard slot that night. After the show was edited and uploaded and the ring and set struck and the ballroom cleaned up, he drove from The Ryan to the GSMW studio so he could do the edit for the second show. It was exhausting but he loved every moment of it. It was what he longed for.  Producing the shows was not easy, especially with the small crew they had. It took every bit of his energy and his brainpower to make sure the show came off. He had to assuage egos, reassure talent that were nervous. He had to answer phone calls and texts from talent who were disappointed they weren't on the taping and now he had to drive home, maybe get something to eat at Denny's or Waffle House, shower and sleep for a few hours before waking up to go set up the show at The Arch and make sure everything was ready since they were taping all of their live events for All Midwest Wrestling on Sundays. In the brief time he'd have between set up and go time, he had to work on his weekly column and then he would produce the show. He'd do the same thing Saturday when they were at the Thesz Plaza Park Hotel. Sunday morning he would finish the edit for All Midwest Wrestling with highlights from the two live events and some voice-over copy from himself and Sue -- then he had to book the cards for the next set of live events.

He opened the door to his Hyundai Tucson and slid into it. He was exhausted, but he had never felt more alive.




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MWCW Live At Presidential Parlor
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Held At: The Presidential Parlor, Keystone, South Dakota, USA
119 Fans in Attendance

  • In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Danielle Sweetheart defeated Thea Davis in 23:18 by pinfall with a Super Kick. This match was part of the 'National Women's Title' tournament. 48
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Juggernaut Jones defeated Americana Jr in 10:14 by pinfall with The Pounce. This match was part of the 'National Heavyweight Title' tournament. 46
  • In a decent match, Frankie Perez defeated Riley McManus in 41:20 by pinfall. Frankie Perez makes defence number five of the COTT World Heavyweight title. 44



MWCW Live At Deadwood Memorial Arena
Friday, January 21, 2022
Held At: Deadwood Memorial Arena, Deadwood, South Dakota, USA
69 Fans in Attendance

  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, El Bandido Jr defeated Too Hot in 12:32 by pinfall with a Hijack Suplex. 36
  • In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Joy Ryder defeated Mellow Flashhart in 14:20 by pinfall with a Ryder Rocker. 30
  • In a decent match, Luis Montero Jr defeated Mercutio Sleep in 14:43 by pinfall. 36
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, First Nation (Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro and Wild Red Stallion) defeated The Cleansing (MWCW) (Crusader, Redeemer and Angel Flyer) in 22:46 when Wild Red Stallion pinned Redeemer with a Lakota Cutter. 35



MWCW Live At Hunter’s Town Hall
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Held At: Hunter’s Town Hall, Des Moines, Iowa
68 Fans in Attendance

  • In a decent match, Joy Ryder defeated Ellie May Walton in 14:08 by pinfall. 33
  • In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, The Thunderbirds defeated Too Hot and Mercutio Sleep in 14:11 when Malachi Thunderbird pinned Mercutio Sleep with a Running Powerbomb. 32
  • In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Coco Malloy defeated Connie Morris in 12:12 by pinfall with a Flying Bulldog. 31
  • In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, The Academy (Juggernaut Jones, Brute Squad Blitzer and Brute Squad Bomber) defeated The Cleansing (MWCW) (Angel Flyer, Redeemer and Crusader) in 15:28 when Juggernaut Jones pinned Redeemer with The Pounce. 33
  • In a poor match, The Prime Studs defeated International Express in 14:29 when Jack Pryde pinned Optimus Jr with a PrydeFall. Americana Jr carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. Phil Anders was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  This match was part of the 'National Tag Team Titles' tournament. 36


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Thursday, January 27, 2022
The Ryan Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri
Card for Predictions

Main Event
Singles Match
TV Time Remaining
National Women's Championship
Tournament Finals
"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart vs. Steffi Chee
Preview: The main event will determine the very first champion, not only of the women's division, but in all of MWCW. Eight women started this tournament and we are down to the final two -- Danielle Sweetheart, the former five-time winner of QAW's Queen of the Ring tournament and a four-time (and current) QAW Champion, looks to add to the legacy she has been building over the past 13 years with another championship while Steffi Chee looks for her first major championship since 2017 when she was one half of the AAA Tag Team Champions with Ellie May Walton. This is a major opportunity for both women and neither seems willing or likely to let it slip through their fingers.

Singles Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
National Heavyweight Title Tournament
Semi Finals
"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. El Bandido Jr.
Preview: With the finals of the National Heavyweight Title tournament next week on Wrestling at the Ryan, Roger Monteiro and El Bandido will compete to see who comes out of their side of the bracket. Roger Monteiro has found a new lease on his career and a new confidence in himself in the past two years since he started touring with EXO2010 in Japan. A win over the second-generation luchador El Bandido Jr. sets Monteiro up for a chance to be the first ever National Heavyweight Champion. For El Bandido. Jr, this could begin his assent to international stardom. He has done well for himself in Mexico in EMLL but a win over Roger Monteiro and the possibility of being the first National Heavyweight Champion makes him a serious threat to the COTT World Championship (in his case, Junior Heavyweight), something that El Bandido Jr has made clear he aspires to hold. 

Opening Match
Singles Match
Twenty Minute Time Limit
National Heavyweight Title Tournament
Semi Finals
Luis Montero Jr. vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King
Preview: Luis Montero Jr has been a revelation in Midwest Championship Wrestling so far. The second generation luchador looks like he's finally stepping into his own name and not just the son of or brother of a star. He has a tough task ahead of him as Juggernaut Jones, one third of the World Six-Man Champions looks to punch his ticket to the finals. Can Montero's speed and experience allow him to find a way to beat an athlete that is bigger, stronger, and younger than him? And one who has the mind of Professor Jim King with him? We will find out at the third episode of Wrestling at the Ryan!

Quick Predictions
National Women's Title: "The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart vs. Steffi Chee
"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. El Bandido Jr.
Luis Montero Jr. vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King

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Quick Predictions
National Women's Title: "The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart vs. Steffi Chee (maybe overthinking but feeling an upset)
"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. El Bandido Jr.
Luis Montero Jr. vs. Juggernaut Jones w/ Professor Jim King

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