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New Angle booking system is a deal breaker

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Long time player of the TEW series I bought my first edition of TEW with the 2008 version and I have bought each edition ever since.  I wasn't going to buy TEW 2020 because I wasn't a fan of the demo because I thought it was more tedious than previous versions and not streamlined enough.  However I did end up buying TEW 2020 and I played a long term save with CWA. 

I didn't even know that TEW 9 came out until someone told me about it so I gave it a quick download and I then went back and skimmed through the developers journal so I could get a sense of the new features in the game.  At first I was excited because it was the first TEW in over four years since 2020 was released.  So I started the Demo with CWA because if you know me I love Canadian companies in the C-Verse.  I was disappointed to see that both CGC and NOTBPW both folded after 2016 but when 2020 Came out I was excited at the prospect of the CWA so I started my first and only save game in TEW 2020 with them and I had a lot of fun with it.

When I found out that TEW 9 was released I downloaded it and started a new save with CWA to see if I could replicate the success that I had with them in 2020 given that they are an older company.  

However as I was booking my first show I ran into a lot of trouble when I got to booking the angles, can someone explain to me how exactly Angles work now and how you're supposed to even book them in the new game with this new system?  I booked my first show in my new CWA save in 2024 but I ended up autobooking the angles and inserting who I wanted so that they would work for what I was trying to do.

but if I actually sit through and try and book an angle it's tedious as heck and it seems to be very broken.  I might be doing something way wrong and If I am If soemone can explain to me how the new angle booking in the game works now.  Otherwise I might not buy this version because this new system of booking angles would be a total deal breaker for me because it's an absolute nightmare to even do now.

Sorry for the semi long post but I hope that someone can at least help me out so that come release day I do end up buying the game because I want to but I don't like this new angle booking system at all.

Thank You

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I really don't think anybody could explain it better than Adam does in the Development Journal:


Angle Overhaul

The old angle system was fine but it was really starting to show its age and so the entire angle system has been overhauled for the new game.

Firstly, pre-written angles have been removed entirely as they were too fiddly, un-intuitive and limiting. In their place, each angle is created at the time of booking, with the process being streamlined to be as user-friendly as possible. The first big change is that each angle can now consist of anywhere from one to five parts. Each part has the following settings: a name, a length (in minutes, with the sum of all the lengths giving the angle its overall running time), a location (in the ring, backstage or outside broadcast), a type (angle, interview or video), a status (live or pre-taped) and a content type (from a range of options that includes things like Hype, Serious, Comedy, Storyline Development and Surprise). Obviously some of these have inherent limitations, so a video is always pre-taped, for example.

Within each part, you can assign workers and give them specific roles (from a large range of options that include things like Cutting A Promo, Fighting, Attacker, Victim, Segment Host, and Selling An Injury) - the role you assign them allows the game to understand what they're meant to be doing and work out how they should be rated. Unlike the old system where you could only use a small number of workers, there is now no limit at all on how many workers can be assigned to each part, and you can have people appear, disappear and change roles between the various parts.

Next, there are road agent notes that you can apply; this is what you're familiar with from TEW2020, albeit with some new ones debuting.

You also have the option whether to let the game create output text based on what you've booked or write your own, with the latter being useful for immersion purposes and for those who make diaries / YouTube videos and who want custom text. If you write custom text, this replaces any generated content and is what you'll see when the angle runs.

The booking system is super flexible, so you can move parts around, copy them, delete them, copy workers from one part to another, etc, with single clicks. Additionally, there's a "quick add" mode that allows you very quickly make the basic angles that almost all companies tend to use (like brawls and hype videos), thus saving you a lot of time.

With this new system in place, it gives the user a ton of flexibility and scope for being creative and avoids the rigidity that the old system had. By separating them out into parts, it also means that you can "flow" angles much better and don't need to resort to booking multiple different segments to achieve real world effects. For example, you could quite easily have an angle start with one wrestler cutting a promo in part 1, have him become the victim of an attack by a rival in part 2, have their respective partners hit the ring to kick off a brawl for part 3, then have an authority figure appear on the big screen and make an impromptu tag match in part 4, all of which can be done very quickly. As the game can "understand" what you're trying to achieve from the part's details and the roles you've assigned, it can then figure out appropriate ratings, giving you a very intuitive system that can be used to simulate just about anything you can think of.

If you're more specific though as to what exactly you're struggling with, I'll try my best to help. 🙂

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I agree the full system its a bit much to get used to but "quick add" is as easy as the old system and can do most of what the old system could do but better. 

I hope Adam streamlines the new system a bit and adds a target role for those being discussed in the promo (non-participant might do it but target makes it clearer). Also maybe have different promo types for immersion (challenge, verbal assault, Olive Branch, proposal etc.). 

Edited by ExRufas2000
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What the new method offers is a choice of quick basic angles and more complex ones.  It takes Gerringong used too but once you do it offers a lot more variety and control.

Once again I suggest people use RAW as a fed to learn the mechanics with.  It just set up in a way that you can learn without the frustration that comes with making mistakes in a more cut-throat market.


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Firstly, you have the Quick Angle Feature which is pretty easy to use.

Now, if you want to do angles the old way. I would first suggest to click on " Click here to start adding workers " as it will make the process of adding characters much easier ( and you can easily see their skills ). For what it means, most of it is pretty much what it says. For those that seem complicated, here's what I assume they are although, I could be wrong.

Dramatic Acting are Backstage Skits, Working the Crowd is whenever wrestlers are in the arena but don't actually cut a promo but still " act " in a way that gets the crowd going while Character Development are Video Packages where the wrestler talks and act to get their point across.



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I'm with others, if you elaborate a bit more on what you're struggling with it might help. To me, it's confusing cause of the layout of the screen but it's fairly self-explanatory. You have parts now, so you don't have to manually do multiple angles to simulate a series of them. When you finish with the parts and run the show, it averages the ratings of all the parts to give you a final score.

You add people to the angles based on what they're doing. Say someone is cutting a promo, you set them as cutting a promo for part one. Then someone interrupts, you set it to the new person cutting a promo while the original person watches/stands by, or you set them also to cutting a promo to simulate a back and forth for part two. Then for the third part you set them both to fighting because they naturally came to blows from the two promos. The game will run all three parts with individual ratings and then give you an average of the total "scene". 

It might require more "imagination" then in past angle makers, but the tools are there. It just takes some work to get a basic understanding going. 

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In my diary games, I think I'm going to enjoy this system. In private games, I don't have much patience for it right now. When I want something quick (Main Event heel cuts a promo on the crowd and his opponent) it takes more time than previously. Quick add helps, but it still takes longer to get there and feels sluggish compared to 2020.

My silliest complaint is that I personally hate having to type names for segments. Unless I'm being blind, there's no Auto Name button. I'd love it if Quick Add had a button just to fill in "Cutting a Promo" or "Beatdown" or "Angle 1" into the text box for me. I'm not fancy. I'm not writing a story book. I got very used to using that in 2020. 

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18 minutes ago, Self said:

In my diary games, I think I'm going to enjoy this system. In private games, I don't have much patience for it right now. When I want something quick (Main Event heel cuts a promo on the crowd and his opponent) it takes more time than previously. Quick add helps, but it still takes longer to get there and feels sluggish compared to 2020.

My silliest complaint is that I personally hate having to type names for segments. Unless I'm being blind, there's no Auto Name button. I'd love it if Quick Add had a button just to fill in "Cutting a Promo" or "Beatdown" or "Angle 1" into the text box for me. I'm not fancy. I'm not writing a story book. I got very used to using that in 2020. 

There's an Auto Name button next to the book segment button, you don't need to add a segment name when you do the quick add angle so just use quick add angle and then press auto name before book segment.

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20 minutes ago, Self said:

In my diary games, I think I'm going to enjoy this system. In private games, I don't have much patience for it right now. When I want something quick (Main Event heel cuts a promo on the crowd and his opponent) it takes more time than previously. Quick add helps, but it still takes longer to get there and feels sluggish compared to 2020.

My silliest complaint is that I personally hate having to type names for segments. Unless I'm being blind, there's no Auto Name button. I'd love it if Quick Add had a button just to fill in "Cutting a Promo" or "Beatdown" or "Angle 1" into the text box for me. I'm not fancy. I'm not writing a story book. I got very used to using that in 2020. 

You dont need to type anything in the quick add box and there is an autoname in the angle screen next to book segment




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Since 2010 I've always created my own custom angles and had them saved so I wouldn't have to use the default, so I personally loved 2020's system where I could just quickly make each freestyle angle. I wasn't a fan of the new angle system at first, but once I discovered the quick angle system I got it. Now, I'm finding use for the more complex system, too. Previously if I ran an angle that was two guys cutting promos and then brawling, it would just be 5 minutes rated on entertainment or charisma or whatever they were strongest in, but now I can also tack on a 2-minute second part where I rate them on their fighting skills, and I think I can have more control over the angle rating that way, especially if one of the guys I'm using isn't the greatest talker I can try and boost the rating using his brawling abilities.

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My biggest complaint now (I hated the system day 1 and 2, but onboard now) is the layout.  The layout needs work.  Enjoying the new system.  I wish I could drag the skills or something.  

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I've gotten used to it by now (the Quick Angle system helps), but my issues with it remain. It's still functionally the same; it doesn't really add anything except tedium. Of course you can make the argument that building an angle with multiple parts helps with immersion, but you were always able to do the same in previous games using seperate angles, with the added bonus of those actually showing up on the card. As it stands now, I just don't think it does anything except make booking a show take longer, without adding any gratification. To me, it just feels like a hollow gimmick.

It's not a dealbreaker or anything like that, but I must say I vastly preferred the old system, and this has nothing to do with trying to "game" the system or anything like that. It was just more convenient to use.

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The angle system is much more complex and a lot deeper, which will allow for much more detail and nuance. 


Quick angle allows for a more streamlined approach. 


Basically it allows you to approach angles as deep or as shallow as you want, which I think is an approach that is trying to appeal to everyone. 


Since angles are the main way to build storylines I welcome this addition. It's my favorite additions.

As for the time sink, when I consider how much time I would spend looking for the right pre-written angle, or the time filling out freestyle angles, it's about the same as a quick angle button.

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Character Development or Dramatic Acting for the funeral. Working the crowd, Intimidation or Character Development for the post match celebration depending on what the character is doing.

And for the funeral Bodyguard and Background Player for people just there to make it look full.

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14 minutes ago, shaw88 said:

How would you do things like 'new champion celebration' or 'mock funeral' for example?

For a new champion celebration (if it's just them celebrating) I'd go Content type: Generic or Character Development, Worker Dramatic Acting, Character Development, Working The Crowd or Selling An Injury. If you want to speed it up you could use the quick angle contract signing and then just tweak the output since it essentially just says 'one person in the ring with whatever role you assign.

A mock funeral there's endless different ways that could go, and you could split it into lots of different parts (a fake eulogy that's cuttting a promo, a memorial 'subject of a video' video, some 'dramatic acting' fake grieving, a brawl to close), the system lets you split out what would be one 10 minute mock funeral freestyle angle into your exact vision of how it plays out chunk by chunk.

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Shockingly Mark answered what I was going to. Glad I waited 5 lol.


Also to be clear content type per the manual is not needed to change and only gives a bonus if a variety is used so if you want to ignore it feel free

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18 minutes ago, Markw said:

For a new champion celebration (if it's just them celebrating) I'd go Content type: Generic or Character Development, Worker Dramatic Acting, Character Development, Working The Crowd or Selling An Injury. If you want to speed it up you could use the quick angle contract signing and then just tweak the output since it essentially just says 'one person in the ring with whatever role you assign.

A mock funeral there's endless different ways that could go, and you could split it into lots of different parts (a fake eulogy that's cuttting a promo, a memorial 'subject of a video' video, some 'dramatic acting' fake grieving, a brawl to close), the system lets you split out what would be one 10 minute mock funeral freestyle angle into your exact vision of how it plays out chunk by chunk.

Thanks for clarifying. That makes sense

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The quick add angle option makes the new system move so quick, and if you really want to dig in and make a more complex, layered angle you can. The new system literally allows you to book whatever angle you want without the insane, endless list. I have no idea why people are bent out of shape on this one. The new angle system is my number one upgrade this go-round.

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34 minutes ago, Ping von Erich said:

The quick add angle option makes the new system move so quick, and if you really want to dig in and make a more complex, layered angle you can. The new system literally allows you to book whatever angle you want without the insane, endless list. I have no idea why people are bent out of shape on this one. The new angle system is my number one upgrade this go-round.

Most were using freestyle angles to zip through booking weekly shows. Now, it's a new system with more clicks, hence people are having issues.

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28 minutes ago, SanX said:

Most were using freestyle angles to zip through booking weekly shows. Now, it's a new system with more clicks, hence people are having issues.

It's only more clicks (and even then one more) if you want an exactly 3 minute angle.

Add Angle +1
Particpant +1(or more)
Rated On +1(or more)
Auto Name +1
Book Segment +1
+ if the minutes aren't three a click for every change in minute

Add Angle +1
Quick Add Angle +1
Participant +1 (or more)
'Rated On' +1 (or more)
Auto Name +1
Book Segment +1
+ a maximum of 1 click for minutes if it isn't the default 5

TEW20 = 5 clicks + however many required to get to the desired length
TWIX = 6 clicks for the most basic angle + a maximum of 1 to change length

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7 minutes ago, Markw said:

It's only more clicks (and even then one more) if you don't want an exactly 3 minute angle.


Of course, but then you add up another extra click per profile if you want to see skills of the wrestlers (new tabs feature on the profile)

Since it used to be roster - check the skills, now there is an added click per profile.

Then there is the selection of the type of the angle in the quick angle part (another click)

And by using Quick add style, you can't take advantage of the newer complex angle system, since everytime you use it, it is overwriting everything, not just part1/part 2 but everything. 

That's a tradeoff as well, either you meticulously write complex angles or just don't use newer system.

I am not against the system, I am slowly adapting to it. In my experience,  number of clicks and overall booking time has increased per show. 


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Just now, SanX said:

Of course, but then you add up another extra click per profile if you want to see skills of the wrestlers (new tabs feature on the profile)

Since it used to be roster - check the skills, now there is an added click per profile.

Then there is the selection of the type of the angle in the quick angle part (another click)

And by using Quick add style, you can't take advantage of the newer complex angle system, since everytime you use it, it is overwriting everything, not just part1/part 2 but everything. 

That's a tradeoff as well, either you meticulously write complex angles or just don't use newer system.

I am not against the system, I am slowly adapting to it. In my experience,  number of clicks and overall booking time has increased per show.

I mean generally people were booking 6 minute angles in TEW20, that's 3 clicks versus 1 in TWIX straight away.

If you don't know about the skills of your workers one of those clicks is lost to checking skills, appreciate that. It's an early game issue when getting used to a roster that doesn't impact much later on I'd argue.

The one click to change angle type (which you don't have to do) is surely made up for by the fact that it auto selects the appropriate 'rated on/type' for you when you select the new angle type, which would have been a click in TEW20?

Think it's every bit as fast as TEW20 to quickly throw an angle in personally, with the added bonus that you can build out those more detailed angles if you want to.

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3 hours ago, SanX said:

Of course, but then you add up another extra click per profile if you want to see skills of the wrestlers (new tabs feature on the profile)

Since it used to be roster - check the skills, now there is an added click per profile.

Then there is the selection of the type of the angle in the quick angle part (another click)

And by using Quick add style, you can't take advantage of the newer complex angle system, since everytime you use it, it is overwriting everything, not just part1/part 2 but everything. 

That's a tradeoff as well, either you meticulously write complex angles or just don't use newer system.

I am not against the system, I am slowly adapting to it. In my experience,  number of clicks and overall booking time has increased per show. 




its not one extra click per profile it sticks to the tab you were on if you change a profile.

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