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CWA: A Legacy of Greatness

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Adrian Garcia is the head booker of the Canadian Wrestling Alliance, and user character for this dynasty.


It's been ages since I've done a narrative dynasty, but something about the immersive world Adam has set forth in TEW IX has swayed me into trying it. My life situation has recently changed, and I think I'll have more free time to dedicate to such things anyway-- and I am always looking for a chance to flex my writing muscles and improve those skills, so, here we go!



CWA 2021 Year in Review: A Spectacular Year of Wrestling

by Adrian Garcia, CWA Color Commentator and Former Consultant to the Stars


Ladies and gentlemen, fellow wrestling enthusiasts, and CWA faithful, it's time to look back on the wild ride that was 2021! As the man who’s had the honor (and occasionally the dubious pleasure) of calling the action from ringside, I’m thrilled to recap the year's monumental moments, incredible matches, and unforgettable debuts in the Canadian Wrestling Alliance. So, grab your popcorn, put on your favorite wrestler's merch, and let's dive into the year that was!




The year started with Christian Price and his ELITE stable reigning supreme, with Price holding the CWA World Championship for almost two years. They strutted around like they owned the place—well, they practically did! But every empire falls, and at Ultimate Showdown 2021, the wrestling gods decided it was time for a shake-up. Enter Edd Stone, The Prodigal Son, who made his epic return to Canada and snatched the gold from Price's grasp. It was a moment that shook the wrestling world and sent Price and his motley crew into a tailspin.


Since then, Edd Stone, alongside his nephew David, has fended off every challenge thrown his way by the ELITE. Not only did he retain his championship, but he also solidified his status as a credible and formidable champion. And now, with Cameron Vessey, the self-proclaimed MVP of CWA, breathing down his neck and threatening violence (how original, right?), the stage is set for a colossal clash at Total Elimination 5. The Stone Boys will team up with fan favorite Skip Beau to face Vessey, Shooter Sean Deeley, and “Double J” Jared Johnson. Will the heel alliance finally get what's coming to them? Or will the Stone family continue to reign supreme? Stay tuned, folks—it's going to be a wild ride!


As Christian Price and ELITE lick their wounds, they’ve found a new target: the beloved “A-Game” Aaron Knight. Voted TEW's Wrestler of the Year 2021, Knight has been a thorn in ELITE's side, and they’ve made it their mission to rid CWA of fan favorites. But Knight, alongside CWA legends The DeColt boys, Jack and Ricky, isn’t backing down. The trios clash at Total Elimination 5 promises to be a battle for the ages. ELITE may have the numbers, but Knight has the heart—and the fans are firmly in his corner.




The CWA Television Championship was a hot potato in 2021, with three different champions holding the title. "Double J" Jared Johnson kicked off the year as champ, only to lose to the electrifying Skip Beau. But Beau's reign was cut short by the enigmatic George Wolfe, the mysterious leader of The Wolfe Pack. Wolfe, alongside his cult-like followers The Brothers Cain and Nina the She-Wolf, has brought an eerie sense of danger to CWA. Since capturing the title in October, Wolfe has targeted fan favorite Donte Dunn, who has been valiantly fighting off The Wolfe Pack’s brutal attacks. But Dunn’s not alone—newcomer Andre Jones has stepped up, and they’re looking for a third man to take on The Wolfe Pack at Total Elimination 5. Who will join them? The suspense is killing me!




The Griffin Family shocked the nation when they dethroned ELITE’s The Dynamite Express at CWA Apocalypse 4 in November to become the CWA Tag Team Champions. The brothers, Mark and Robby, have been on a quest to establish themselves as the premier team in Canadian wrestling. But recent strange notes left in their locker room have left them uneasy. Who is this mysterious "friend," and what do they want? The Griffins will have their hands full as they try to cement their legacy while keeping an eye out for potential threats. What a way to end the year!




Marc DuBois, once considered a can’t-miss prospect, has been trying to reclaim his glory days. After some initial rejection, he’s brokered an uneasy alliance with “The Natural” Nelson Callum and Princeton Pryce. With Callum’s cunning manager Allison Addison in their corner, this new trio aims to prove their worth against the hottest trio in Canada, NextWave. The first test comes at Total Elimination 5—will they sink or swim? It's a must-watch, folks!




In the women’s division, “The Queen” Nadia Snow has ruled with an iron fist since defeating Amber Allen in July. Using dubious means to hold onto her title, Snow has cleared out most of the competition. But “Amazing” Amber Allen isn’t going down without a fight. Allen has been relentless in her pursuit of the title, and at Total Elimination 5, she’ll team up with Laura Flame & Lauren Easter to take on The Queen’s Court. Can Snow continue to duck her? Or will Allen finally get the redemption she seeks?


Also making waves in the division is Foxxy LaRue, who made her debut in the summer of 2021. On a collision course with the division’s big fish, Brooke Tyler, LaRue and Tyler have been circling each other for months. The tension finally boils over at Total Elimination 5, where LaRue will team up with Lucy Stone-McFly and Ariel Breaks against Tyler and Violent Attitude (Sabrina Wells & Teresa Perez). It’s a showdown you won’t want to miss!




2021 was a year of impressive debuts in CWA. Not only did Foxxy LaRue make an impact, but we also saw the arrival of the monstrous Dreadnought, the equally intimidating James Diaz, and the exciting young duo of The Heartbreak Express (Jumpin’ Johnny Needham and Ralph Liotta). These fresh faces have brought new energy and excitement to the CWA roster, and we can't wait to see what they accomplish in the coming year.




Let’s not forget the record-breaking attendance at Ultimate Showdown 2021, thanks to the buzz around Christian Price’s mystery opponent. The best-kept secret in wrestling history delivered in spades, making it a night to remember. CWA also won several big bidding wars over talent, including James Diaz, proving once again that Canadian wrestling is at an all-time high.




As we head into 2022, the future looks bright for the Canadian Wrestling Alliance. We’ve seen monumental moments, thrilling matches, and unforgettable characters this past year. Despite the challenges and the ever-changing landscape of wrestling, CWA continues to thrive and deliver top-notch entertainment. So, here’s to another year of incredible action, unforgettable moments, and, of course, the best fans in the world.

Stay tuned, CWA Nation—2022 is going to be one for the history books!


And there you have it, folks! A year of highs, lows, and everything in between, all wrapped up in the unpredictable, high-octane world of CWA. As always, it's been a pleasure to share these moments with you all, and I can't wait to see what 2022 has in store. Until next time, keep cheering, keep loving wrestling, and keep being the amazing fans that you are!

- Adrian Garcia


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LOCATION: Steve DeColt's Office, CWA HQ

DATE: Monday, January 3, 2022

TIME: 10:03AM




"Adrian, I'm not gonna sugarcoat things," the greying blonde man said to me, running his fingers over her brow to massage away some of the stress. "You've had the book here since the beginning, and I intend on things to stay that way, so, ease those shoulders a bit." He was right; I was tense, and I hadn't even realized it. I smile, nod, and let myself at ease. "But, you know as well as I know, things here in Canada ain't what they used to be, economically speaking. All that money I had earmarked for those new talents, like Diaz and even Callum and Campbell... it's not coming in. Gates are down, merch sales are down... about the only thing that hasn't gone into the toilet it the TV rating!



"Now, I'm not putting any of this poor performance on you," he told me, and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding; Steve DeColt was a kind, generous man, but he was an imposing presence when was talking business, to me or to anyone. "It's squarely down to the Canadian economy; it has to be! We're not the only ones suffering... Hell, even that SWF tour last month, they barely broke our numbers and it's usually big business on those Boxing Day sales."


He was right; people weren't coming out for wrestling, or for anything. I had a gut feeling on what he was about to tell me: roster cuts. We could do with trimming the fat a bit, cut maybe six or seven guys loose. Steve leaned back in his chair, took a long breath, then let out a deep sigh.


"I haven't said this since we started, but... we've got to cut some talent loose. I'm giving you ninety days to trim the roster down to fifty..."


"Fifty?!" I couldn't stop myself from blurting out; I could see the hurt in Steve's eyes because I knew he didn't want to fire anyone, let alone nearly twenty people! "I'm sorry, Steve, it's just..."


"I know, Adrian," he told me. "It's a lot, but we've got a bloated roster and depleting coffers. I'm sure it'll help the book, too, not so many talents to juggle and keep happy. You can keep some guys around for a bit, get some use out of them but I also want to see some movement on this before we get to TV this week... I don't want to be a penny-pincher, but, save us on travel by letting some guys know they won't be needed this week or going forward. Anyone gets upset, you tell them to call me; don't let them take it out on you."


I nodded; I was already going over numbers and names in my head... it really was going to be eighteen people getting their walking papers. I knew, deep down, that most guys would understand; heck, Steve would probably even welcome some of them back when the numbers started going up again. At the very least, guys were going to be getting contract buyouts to help them out in this economy.


"Now, of course this means I don't expect to see any new hires for a while, either," Steve told me. "Focus on the talents we've debuted in the last year or so, and get them established on the roster, get the fans familiar. Hopefully, some of them will give the fans reasons to come out and buy merch. We need this, Adrian; I understand the contract buyouts are going to take a chunk of our bankroll, but, I expect you to make us that money back as well."


I nodded again, Steve still talking but this time my mind reeling as I struggled to think of how I'm going to juggle all of this with booking two shows this week as well. I already knew a handful of names to contact about ending their employment, but--


"Adrian?" Steve asked, drawing my attention back to whatever he was saying. "Look, I know it's a lot. I expect you to appoint some members to that booking team, like I've been suggesting for months already. You can't do it all, man... delegate, find people you can trust and bring them into your inner circle. Not only do I expect to see less people flown in for the next show, I expect to see you surrounded by some of the other booking minds I employ here to help you along the way. You're still in charge, you've driven the ship rightly so far and I expect it to continue... just with less tension headaches for you, my friend."


Steve stood up, and extended his hand-- he always did that to signal he was done talking. I stood up and shook his hand, still a bit shocked as I stumbled back to my office. I dug out my talent roster, and started trying to use my brain with my heart pulling a little sidekick action along the way. I started highlighting a few names with a pink highlighter, nodding to myself with a bit of self-assurance that it had to be done. I marked guys who I had trouble writing for, and guys who had perhaps worn out their welcome-- I flashed the list by Steve, who wasn't quite happy to see me back in his office.


"Chucky?" Steve asked, a bit puzzled; he was talking about Chucky Dorrance, who the crowds seemed to react to but, like I explained to Steve, he didn't move much merch or sustain any irreplaceable TV numbers.


"Same with a lot of the, uh, comedy guys, really," I told him. "That's why Joffy and Robbie are on the list, too."


"Robbie? Now wait, I thought--" Steve started, but for the first time in entire relationship, I interrupted him.


"Getting Robbie Retro wasn't the coup that I think you thought it was," I explained. "He was well-received here and got that initial shock reaction, but, in the end? He's still Robbie Retro, and he doesn't really fit in here. I'd like to drop as much comedy from the show as possible, Steve."


Steve nodded. "I do want us to be taken seriously," he admitted.


"Then I think we need to get back the traditions of Canadian wrestling," I told him. "To the legacy of the DeColts, and the Stones."


Steve nodded again, and I noticed his eyes scanning the entire list before he handed it back to me. "Like I said, have anyone who tries to get upset with you call me personally."


"Thanks, boss," I smiled; he hated when I called him 'boss' or even hinted at him being in charge of me or anyone else. But, this time, he just forced a smile, and gave another nod as I headed back to my office and asked my assistant to get Robbie Retro on the phone.



The List

  1. Sally Anne Christianson
  2. Sandra Shine
  3. Joffy Laine & Billie Mackenzie
  4. Jamie Atherton
  5. Chucky Dorrance
  6. The Montreal Mafia (Marc Raisin & Dermott Ayres)
  7. Diablo Duvak
  8. Robbie Retro
  9. Lee Rivera & Jenny Playmate
Edited by falling_star
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Noooooo!!! Not Joffy! Billie fine he's doesn't need her. Everyone else i can see being let go. I wouldn't be surprised if the new booking team maybe suggests Mountie Mann as he fits the comedy reduction. Arguements (personal opinions) for Hank Gunn, Robin DaLay and Solomon Gold, they just seem very...average? Joffy has charisma in spades, between him, Callum and Campbell the future is good, along with DDD, Pryce, and Gen Z those are your real young stars of the future, but those are just opinions from someone outside the booking team.


Looking forward to seeing what you do with CWA. They are a personal favorite and i'm always looking forward to anyone doing a CWA diary

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Wonder if alex decolt and 4c are gonna use any of the guys released. Keep in mind 8 can't actually play tew so I don't know any of the lore besides what diaries are being posted right now and one of them has Alex running 4c to compete with cwa.

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45 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

Wonder if alex decolt and 4c are gonna use any of the guys released. Keep in mind 8 can't actually play tew so I don't know any of the lore besides what diaries are being posted right now and one of them has Alex running 4c to compete with cwa.

That's actually been made for the diary, 4C aren't back in cannon. But it's a good point I do wonder why they will all end up.


My only disagreement with @Shifty425Dan DaLay. I mean I can't defend his stats (although I've not checked if he's improved since 2020 much) but I'm all for keeping people around solely due to their last name. I feel like wherever there is a DeColt there needs to be a DaLay to be his enemy. 


Really enjoyed the start though. Especially the tone shift from the first post to the second. I think getting rid of a bunch on day 1 and then more slowly over the next few months is best. 


I feel like CWA have the best roster in game so it's good to see a diary for them. 

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44 minutes ago, AboardTheArk said:

It's really funny that CWA gives you by far the roster in the game and forces you to cut a ton of them, even if it's the right thing to do. 

Maybe they could create a developmental league with the cut talent.

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Posted (edited)




The first episode of CWA Championship Wrestling in 2022 sees the company picking up momentum as the penultimate show before Total Elimination 5 on Saturday! The self-proclaimed MVP of CWA, Cameron Vessey, has promised to send a message to CWA World Champion "The Prodigal Son" Edd Stone ahead of their teams' clash at Total Elimination-- but what does Vessey mean? And what does his threat mean for Edd Stone's partners at Total Elimination, David Stone and Skip Beau?


Another match previewing Total Elimination 5, ELITE's The Dynamite Express, along with their motormouth promoter Drake Young, will headline this week's show by taking on The DeColt Boys, Jack and Ricky. Of course, ELITE's leader, Christian Price, will captain his team as they head into battle with The DeColt Boys and "A-Game" Aaron Knight this coming Saturday. Surely both teams are looking to pick up some steam headed into the big clash in Toronto at Total Elimination 5!


CWA Television Champion George Wolfe defends against "The Shooting Star" Erik Strong, but what will The Wolfe Pack have to say, or, perhaps, what will they do, about "The Barbadian Barbarian" Donte Dunn and Andre Jones? Dunn and Jones have recently been a thorn in the side of The Wolfe Pack, but they're still a man down for Total Elimination to take on George Wolfe and The Brothers Cain. Even with a third man, it doesn't really give them an equalizer for Nina the She-Wolf; but, still, Dunn and Jones say they are ready for anything in Toronto!


"Amazing" Amber Allen has recruited the team of Red Hot Boss, Laura Flame and Lauren Easter, to help her take on "The Queen" Nadia Snow and her Queen's Court cohorts. This Wednesday, Red Hot Boss takes on the duo of Jessica Conroy and Deborah Young, The Royalists; just like in the main event, both teams will be looking to gain some momentum for their team heading into Total Elimination 5. Who will emerge victorious, and will The Queen's Court play fair?


Robin "The Rock" DaLay has been nothing if not impressive since his CWA debut, but he's been a man without direction for a number of months now. After an impressive win of Leo Rivera last week, "The Rookie Sensation" Hank Gunn laid out an open challenge that was soon answered by DaLay. Gunn may regret his confidence, or overconfidence, when he steps into the ring with The Rock.


The Triple Threat recently announced their formation, putting CWA on notice that they are the hottest thing in the cold, Canadian winter. Marc DuBois, along with "The Natural" Nelson Callum, his manager Allison Addison, and the up-and-comer "Premier" Princeton Pryce have said they're ready to climb to the summit, but standing in their way are a trio the fans might call the real hottest thing going in CWA: NextWave. Ahead of their trios clash at Total Elimination 5, Princeton Pryce steps into the ring with Sonny Wildside!


All of this, plus Foxxy LaRue takes on Zoe Ammis and we hear from "The Queen" Nadia Snow LIVE in the ring, all on CWA Championship Wrestling this Wednesday on CBN!



MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis


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Cut some big names there, Joffy, Atherton and Duvak are talented, and Lee Rivera is a personal favourite of mine, having been mr. consistent in my two NOTBPW vs CGC diaries!! 

If you purely got rid of jobbers / older guys, you'd be left with all people you wanted to 'push', so you've done the right thing I think. I'm finding with TCW that I have a lot of "blimey, he's good isn't he"... but I can't keep them all / use them all every week.


Good luck with this, I'll be following along.


MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)-- No Contest/ screwy finish

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)--the Queen gets involved

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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Wow, I'm flattered by the prediction turnout for the first show! Glad y'all are interested in my little Canadian pro wrestling story.


So, to clear up a few things: not everyone on "The List" is going to be fired outright, there's overness to be leeched! But, they all are on their way out the door in the rounds of cuts to get the roster down to 50. Despite the weak Canadian economy, Steve DeColt also wants to grow the company in size and stock their coffers, so, we're in for an interesting ride. My plan is to write narrative pieces as the world and backstage environment unfolds and to really focus on the relationship between Adrian Garcia and Steve DeColt, as well as Garcia's other dealings with talent along the way.


Championship Wrestling results should be up this weekend, I'm fiddling with the formatting before it goes up. Thanks again for reading!

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)

The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)

CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong

Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn

Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside

Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis

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MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt)


The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter)


CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong


Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn


Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside


Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis


Let's go!

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  • falling_star changed the title to CWA: A Legacy of Greatness
Posted (edited)








ELITE open the show, coming out to the ring to a chorus of boos from the Edmonton crowd; leader Christian Price, along with The Dynamite Express of Cam Jones and Syd Collier, and their muscle, Blockbuster, are among the most hated men in all of Canada after their years atop CWA. The crowd boos the group heavily, but Price just smirks as he raises the microphone to his lips.




"Edmonton, Edmonton, Edmonton... every time I step into this sorry excuse for a city, I can’t help but be reminded why it’s such a joke. Your hockey team hasn’t seen glory in decades, and your so-called 'heroes' aren’t worth the spit on my boots. But hey, at least you've got me gracing you with my presence tonight. I know, I know, it’s the highlight of your miserable lives." The crowd boos even louder as Blockbuster jaws at them to pipe down. "But enough about this wasteland. Let’s talk about these so-called 'fan favorites,' Aaron Knight and the DeColt Boys. Seriously, these are the guys you cheer for? The 'A-Game'? More like the 'B-Squad' if you ask me. And then we’ve got the DeColt Boys, Jack and Ricky, the supposed 'legends' of Canadian wrestling. Legends? Please. The only thing they’re legendary for is riding on their daddy’s coattails. The DeColt name used to mean something, but now it’s just a punchline, a relic of a time long gone."


Price pauses and smirks at his stablemates, clearly pleased with himself this evening.


"You see, when you step into the ring with ELITE, you’re stepping into the ring with the very best. Aaron Knight thinks he can waltz in here and take us down? Please. I’ve seen tougher fights at a kindergarten recess. And Jack, Ricky—don’t even get me started. You two couldn’t cut it when you were in your prime, and now you’re nothing but old dogs trying to play a young man’s game. But this isn’t a game—this is ELITE’s world, and you’re just living in it. You might have your little fan club here in Edmonton, but let’s be real—they’re just as pathetic as you are. They chant your names, but deep down they know the truth. They know that when you step into the ring with us, you’re going to get outclassed, outwrestled, and outgunned. ELITE is untouchable, unstoppable, and undeniable. You want to step to us? Bring it on!"




As if on cue, "A-Game" Aaron Knight's music hits, and he enters the arena to raucous cheers from the Edmonton crowd, flanked by Jack and Ricky DeColt! The trio of fan favorites make their way to the ring, unphased by being slightly outnumbered by ELITE. Knight has a microphone of his own, and the crowd roars with approval as he lifts it to his lips to speak.


"Edmonton, Alberta?" he begins, the crowd popping loudly once again. "Man, it’s good to be back home in the heart of Canada, where the real champions are made! Christian, you’ve got a lot of nerve standing in this ring, running your mouth about the great city of Edmonton, and even more so about the DeColt Boys and me. But then again, I guess that’s all you really do—run your mouth. You stand there with your little entourage, trying to convince yourself that you’re untouchable, but let’s be real, man. The only reason you’re still breathing right now is because we’re showing a little restraint."


The crowd roars in approval, and Knight lets the energy of the arena fuel his words.


"You wanna talk about legends? Jack and Ricky DeColt are the epitome of Canadian wrestling royalty, and every single person in this arena knows it. They were bred for this business while you were still tugging on your mother's skirt, Price, and they’ve proven time and time again that when the chips are down, they don’t just survive—they thrive. And me? I’m not just a fan favorite—I’m a proven champion. I’ve taken on the best of the best and come out on top, time and time again. You can stand there with your smug little grin and your backup, but deep down, you know what’s coming."


Price scoffs confidently and raises his microphone to come back at Knight.


"Oh, I know exactly what’s coming—another case of you biting off more than you can chew, just like the rest of these washed-up DeColts!" Price seethes. "You might have these sheep in Edmonton fooled, but you’re nothing special, Knight. You and these relics are living on borrowed time, and when it’s all said and done, it’ll be ELITE standing tall, just like always!"


Knight chuckles, taking a step forward; Jack and Ricky follow suite.


"Funny you say that, because from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re sweating bullets. And why wouldn’t you be? You’re looking at the real deal, Price. The DeColt Boys and I don’t need to hide behind cheap talk and backup dancers to get the job done. You think you can intimidate us? You think your muscle back there scares me? Bring it on. Because when we step into that ring, we’re not just going to beat you—we’re going to remind you why we’re the ones these people pay to see."


The tension in the ring is palpable as Price and Knight square off, their noses almost touching. The crowd is chanting for a fight, but before the situation can escalate further, security guards rush down to the ring, forming a wall between the two teams. Both sides are trying to get at each other, with The Dynamite Express and Blockbuster yelling insults at The DeColt Boys and Knight. The two teams jaw at each other back-and-forth for a moment, security convincing ELITE to leave the ring. As the commotion in the ring disperses, the camera settles on the ringside announce desk where Davis Ditterich and Samuel Curran are sitting with a familiar face who hasn't been seen at the announce desk for Championship Wrestling in some time: Adrian Garcia!


The announce team talk about how Steve DeColt, the evil CEO of CWA, has been sitting in on commentary for months now but has, seemingly, tired of the job as he has allowed Adrian Garcia to return to the desk! The former "Consultant to the Stars" wishes everyone watching in Canada, and around the world, a happy new year and says it's good to be back in the saddle before pitching to a commercial, saying they'll be right back with Foxxy LaRue taking on Zoe Ammis!




The commentary team spend most of the match talking about how Foxxy LaRue has been on a collision course with "The Franchise" Brooke Tyler for months now, and hype up the fact that they'll be across the ring from one another for the first time this Saturday at Total Elimination 5. LaRue is captaining a team that includes Lucy Stone-McFly and Ariel Breaks to take on Tyler and Violent Attitude, the team of Sabrina Wells and Teresa Perez. Even though Ammis spends a large portion of the match in control, LaRue is victorious in the end with her infamous Flash Head Kick.




Backstage, the recently formed Triple Threat are in their locker room; self-proclaimed leader Marc DuBois is giving a pep talk to Princeton Pryce and "The Natural" Nelson Callum, who has Allison Addison at his side. DuBois calls the three of them "the fastest rising stars in CWA," and says that the idea "those NextWave chumps" can win at Total Elimination 5 is a joke. DuBois says that Pryce is going to prove it to the world tonight on Championship Wrestling, and then the group can really have their coming out party this Saturday when they put away the NextWave and prove that their time is now! The alliance seems uneasy at best, with Callum and Pryce even sharing a few confused looks during DuBois attempt to hype them up. DuBois says that he'll be in Pryce's corner tonight, and that Sonny Wildside won't know what him when Pryce is standing victorious in the middle of the ring.




An exciting match to be sure, the Edmonton crowd loves Sonny Wildside and no one can deny Pryce is a talented up & comer as well; his alliance with DuBois and Callum isn't doing him any favors in the popularity department, though. This match provides the commentary team with another chance to hype this weekend's Total Elimination event, as Wildside's NextWave faction with the Generation Z team of Alyx Winters and Flip Simkins takes on the Triple Threat. Wildside looks to have things almost won when the devious DuBois trips him up from the outside, the ensuing argument allows Pryce to gain the advantage and hit the Pryce Drop for the win thanks to DuBois' distraction.



The commentary team are in the middle of recapping what we just saw when Garcia interrupts Curran.


"Hold on just a moment! Gentlemen, I'm being told there's something happening backstage, do we have a camera back there?" Garcia asks just as the scene heads backstage.




The first thing we see as the scene backstage comes into view is Cameron Vessey, steel chair in hand, a gaggle of referees and road agents yelling at him. He lifts the chair and threatens to swing at referee Alan Gray, which clears the group out of his path revealing a downed and suffering David Stone.




Vessey has clearly already done some damage, but that doesn't stop him from swinging the chair down on Stone's prone body another time. Vessey is ranting and raving the whole time about how Stone "deserves this" and how his uncle, Edd Stone, brought this punishment on his family. The heinous attack doesn't stop there, Vessey assaulting David Stone with the chair. Road agent, and another member of the Stone family, Jeremy Stone breaks through the crowd and tries to pull the chair away, only to get kicked between the legs for his troubles. Vessey drops the chair, hooks Jeremy Stone, and DDTs the road agent straight down on the steel chair! With the elder Stone dispatched, Vessey turns his attention back to David; grabbing the chair once again, he wraps it around David's arm as the referees and road agents beg him to stop. Undeterred, Vessey stomps on the chair, David screaming out in pain as his arm was just potentially broken by Vessey's assault. The commentary team wonders what this means for Saturday's main event, where Edd & David Stone were due to team with Skip "The Flow" Beau to take on the trio of Cameron Vessey, Shooter Sean Deeley, and "Double J" Jared Johnson.


Finally satisfied, the self-proclaimed "MVP of CWA" walks away with a smug grin on his face as officials tend to David Stone and the show goes to commercial.




Hank Gunn has been on a roll ever since debuting in CWA, while Robin "The Rock" DaLay has struggled to get out of the shadow of his famous last name. Gunn is exciting to be sure, but a little off his game tonight against DaLay; for his part, DaLay spends a lot of the match overpowering Gunn and throwing the lighter worker around. Just when all looks lost for Gunn, and DaLay is about to claim victory, Gunn slips out of the setup for Robin's DaLay Down finisher and gets a flash roll-up for the win!


Before referee Eugene Williams can even raise Gunn's hand, DaLay goes on the attack! He takes down Gunn down to the mat and stomps a hole in him before picking him up and hitting DaLay Down in the center of the ring. He taunts Gunn and yells at the crowd while commentary call him a sore loser before sending to a brief video recap of recent events between CWA Television Champion George Wolfe and his Wolfe Pack stable, and "The Barbadian Barbarian" Donte Dunn along with his ally Andre Jones. Following the video recap, The Wolfe Pack make their way into the arena.



The arena is dimly lit as eerie, foreboding music echoes through the speakers. The camera cuts to the entrance ramp, where George Wolfe, flanked by The Brothers Cain and Nina the She-Wolf, slowly makes his way to the ring. Wolfe's eyes are wild and unsettling, his movements deliberate as he steps into the ring. The crowd is uneasy, a mix of boos and silence greeting the eerie faction. Wolfe takes a moment to survey the audience before raising the microphone, his voice low and ominous.


"Can you feel it? The chill in the air... the darkness closing in? It’s not just your imagination—it’s the presence of the Pack. We are always watching, always waiting... for the perfect moment to strike. And strike we shall. Donte Dunn... Andre Jones... you two have been dancing on the edge of the abyss, flirting with forces you do not understand. You think you can fight the Pack? You think you can survive the hunt? Foolish... so very foolish. The Pack is not just a collection of animals—we are a force of nature, a primal hunger that cannot be sated by mere mortals. You, Dunn... you have felt our fangs, haven’t you? And Jones, you’re so eager to follow him into the jaws of the wolf. But let me tell you something, boys... the Pack does not discriminate. We do not care how brave you think you are, how strong you think you can be... all that matters is the hunt."


The Brothers Cain stand menacingly behind Wolfe, while Nina the She-Wolf smirks, her eyes locked on the camera. Wolfe's voice drops even lower, almost a whisper, yet filled with an eerie intensity.


"You see, Dunn and Jones, this is your fate—your destiny. You were never meant to escape the Pack. You were meant to fall, to be devoured, to become a part of something greater... something eternal. And when the Pack has finished with you, there will be nothing left but the echoes of your screams and the satisfaction of our hunger. The Pack always gets what it wants... and we want you."


Wolfe pauses, letting his words sink in before turning his attention to his opponent for the night, Erik Strong.


"And now, the Weak One... Erik Strong. Strong... what a laughable name for someone so weak of spirit, so frail of mind. You stand before me, a lamb to the slaughter, clinging to a name that does not suit you. You see, in the Pack, strength is not a name, it’s a way of life—a way of survival. And you, Weak One, you do not belong. But don’t worry, tonight, we will show you mercy. We will show you the mercy of the hunt, the mercy of the wolves... and when it’s all over, you will understand the true meaning of fear, the true meaning of power. It's time for the pack to hunt!"


Wolfe drops the microphone, and The Brothers Cain and Nina the She-Wolf close in around him, their eyes locked on the entrance ramp, ready to pounce. The crowd is left in an uneasy silence as the eerie faction stands together, awaiting their prey.





Erik Strong is far from an easy challenge for any heel in CWA, which makes George Wolfe's near-effortless win here all the more impressive and surprising. The Pack leader makes short work of "The Shooting Star" and retains his Television Championship.




The arena lights dim as regal music plays, signaling the arrival of the CWA Women’s Champion, "The Queen" Nadia Snow. Snow steps onto the stage, her CWA Women’s Championship draped over her shoulder, flanked by her loyal Queen’s Court allies—Jessica Conroy, Deborah Young, and Claire Winters. The crowd boos loudly, but Snow and her entourage pay no mind, striding confidently to the ring. Once inside, Snow raises a microphone, her voice dripping with arrogance.


"Silence, you peasants! You are in the presence of royalty—your CWA Women’s Champion, the one and only Queen of this division, Nadia Snow."


he crowd continues to boo, but Snow smirks, unfazed.


"Amber Allen... you foolishly believe that you’re destined to reclaim the CWA Women’s Championship. But let me make this crystal clear—your time at the top is over. You may have once been the so-called 'Amazing' Amber Allen, but now, you’re nothing more than a faded memory, a former champion clinging to the past. You will never get close to this championship again, Amber. Not while I reign supreme."


Snow pats the championship on her shoulder, her eyes narrowing as she continues.


"And as for your little friends, Laura Flame and Lauren Easter, they’re about to be extinguished by The Royalists. Jessica Conroy, Deborah Young—the true royalty of the tag team division—are going to topple Red Hot Boss and show everyone why the Queen’s Court rules this entire company. The Queen’s Court is unstoppable, untouchable, and we will continue to dominate every inch of this ring. So, ladies... prepare for disappointment, because The Queen's Court is coming for you... and this reign is far from over!"



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The commentary team talks about the implications of this match in regards to Total Elimination 5, which will see The Queen's Court take on "Amazing" Amber Allen & Red Hot Boss. Surely, the team agrees, that whichever team emerges victorious this evening will have a psychological advantage heading into Saturday. The match is hard fought, Nadia Snow and Claire Winters getting ejected from ringside during the later moments of the encounter; this evening of the playing field allows Laura Flame to eventual level Deborah Young a Flame Fire Kick for her team to pick up the win.





Back from commercial, and the CEO of CWA, Steve DeColt is in the ring addressing the crowd; he feigns concern for David Stone after the "heinous" attack by Cameron Vessey earlier in the evening. Unfortunately, DeColt says, with Total Elimination 5 being only a few days away, there is no time for his team to find a replacement partner for the main event. Therefore, as CEO, he has no choice but to make the main event of Total Elimination 5 a handicap match! Edd Stone and Skip Beau will take on the trio of Cameron Vessey, Shooter Sean Deeley, and Jared Johnson; DeColt even makes sure to add his tagline, "it might not seem fair, but it's the right thing to to do."




The booing crowd are quickly on their feet at the arrival of CWA World Champion, "The Prodigal Son" Edd Stone! Stone practically charges to the ring, saying he was late to the arena because he got a flat tire that he's pretty sure was given to him by "Vessey's cronies." He asks DeColt if this really how he wants to do things, but the CEO stands strong and tells Stone that if he wants to get physical, he can be stripped of his title and suspended until the end of his career. Stone gets in DeColt's face and swears vengeance before pulling away, turning to the camera, and swearing that vengeance on Cameron Vessey. He says that this goes beyond Total Elimination; Vessey made it personal, and now? He's going to take Vessey to Hell, personally.



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The first main event of 2022 is one to remember, Dynamite Express and The DeColt Boys put on a banger for the Edmonton crowd. The end comes with a bit of controversy, Blockbuster getting involved to distract referee Jonathon Taylor and allow The Dynamite Express to hit an illegal double team on Jack DeColt to pick up the win.


The victory celebration doesn't last long, however, as soon enough Aaron Knight has joined The DeColts in the ring, and Christian Price makes his way out to join his ELITE stablemates. The argument that kicked off the show continues and soon boils over, but, this time, there's no amount of security in Canada that will keep these teams apart. A wild brawl breaks out to end the show, utter chaos in the ring as David Ditterich yells, "we're out of time!"

Edited by falling_star
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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

Wait, are the decolts heels now?

Steve DeColt jumped to NOTBPW as an "outsider" heel before CWA formed; Steve is now retired, but still a heel as the evil boss figure of CWA. Jack & Ricky are still face.

Edited by falling_star
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