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TCW: The New Generation

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November 3rd, 2021
In November of 2021, TCW stalwart and head booker Brent Hill was called into a meeting with his boss - Kyle Rhodes - at their headquarters in Texas. The two men had worked together for the best part of two decades, which made what would follow particularly unpleasant for both of them...


BriCo HQ, San Antonio



Brent... sit down. I'm just gonna cut right to the chase: folks on the 5th floor think we need a change. They're worried that the boys are getting older and we're losing the battle for the 18-to-36 demo by putting a bunch of 40 year olds on our show. People want energy and spectacle in their combat sports these days.


And let me guess: they want someone with a bit more pizzazz as the face of what goes out to ACE. Some name recognition. Guess The Machines weren't famous enough.



He chuckles humourlessly

I guess not, though John's still working so maybe there's time for him yet. Matter of fact I want to be clear here: you're still working too - if you want to. There's always a place here for you, Brent. You just don't have the book anymore.


I figured. And which boy genius is replacing me?





Well shit, hard to argue with that. Though, last I heared he was completely out of the game?



Got the seven year itch, I think. Would you believe that he called me? And, for what my word is worth, I swear he didn't ask for the book. That was BriCo's call once they found out he was interested. Both he and I hope you two can work together, though I understand if you can't.



I put that man over more times than I care to count. Can't say it doesn't sting, Kyle, but I'll do what the company wants. Always have.





Ricky Dale Johnson

Age: 52
Billed From: Texas
Years In The Business: 22
Years Out Of The Business: 5
Likes: Jimmy Buffet, Skateboarding, The San Antonio Spurs
Dislikes: Stress, Mexican Food

Return date to Total Championship Wrestling: 01/01/2022




p9jWhst.png Total Championship Wrestling finds itself top-heavy and in need of a roster refresh. With Greg Gauge's assent to the main event scene and the immediate futures of Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins largely secure, RDJ's first order of business is to rejuvenate the ageing and depleted midcard.

Far too many of the TCW stalwarts are now the wrong side of 40.
hSkbZyD.png The likes of Quentin Queen, Flint Slater, Mighty Mo and T-Bone Bright all have the potential to become huge stars under the work-rate-first philosophy of the company. Meanwhile Kyle Rhodes has spent the past few years recruiting a slieu of talented youngsters, many of whom could prove of value on the main roster should they be able to connect with the fans.
D9Uaz05.jpg TCW find themselves third in what was always supposed to be a two-horse race. The Supreme Wrestling Federation - the old enemy - remains frustratingly out of reach while USPW's Allen Packer-led dominance has only expanded the gap between first place and everyone else in recent years. While becoming a truly global entity must be their end goal, they must first secure their position in the American market.







































































New Signings











Devine Fortune





The Elite










American Cobras





The Button Men







Quick note here to say that this is my first return to diary writing since Gathering Storm, which was a COVID project that ran from Jan to May in TEW 2020 and had to end somewhat abruptly after Total Mayhem of that year due to work and whatever else I had going on in the far-flung past of 2020. That diary probably still exists in the depths of the forums somewhere, though with the changeover to the new forum style having occurred since then it would not surprise me if the formatting was totally borked.

That diary ended with Jay Chord on top of TCW following Total Mayhem XXIV as part of a stable called "The Heritage" with Greg Gauge and Edd Stone. Continuing with this stable obviously isn't really possible in TEWIX with Gauge a good guy and Stone in CWA. This, combined with the aforementioned fact that reading my previous diary is quite difficult now has led me to decide that a fresh start is called for. As such, while I may expand on some ideas I had in the previous diary (keep an eye out for Mighty Mo, who somehow STILL isn't in TCW's main event), this is intended as a new beginning.

Also: shout out to CactusHack's amazingly presented WCW diary from TEW 2020. I would be lying if I said I didn't take a huge amount of inspiration (read: stole a bunch of their ideas) from that.

Thanks for reading.

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December 18th, 2021
A ranch outside San Antonio


A pair of cowboy boots are kicked up on a fine wooden desk, tapping along to quiet music as their owner twirls a pencil between his fingers and squints out of a window. A pad of lined paper hangs lazily from one hand; between the angle and the quality of the handwriting it's only partially legible, but a few words are clear. Names.


Ricky Dale Johnson purses his lips for a second before straightening his chair and picking his phone up from the desk.


The voice on the other end of the phone is muffled and distant



Got some ideas to run past you. You tell me whether you think we can get these guys, I ain't gonna beat you up if the answer is no. I'm just gonna say the name and you tell me whether I should start planning.




Alright. Youngman?





Ricky makes a mark on the paper in his hand






Another mark



.... ?



RDJ checks his watch, then lifts his eyes to the dappled sunset breaking through the blinds

Couple of hours yet. Got a call with Edmonton in a spell.


.. ?



Ricky rubs his eyes wearily

Just one. In fact: I should go. Call you back once I'm done?








Ricky thumbs to his contacts again and scrolls to a name.


Bryan Vessey


[Fade To Black]
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Booking Prediction Quick Link
Benny Benson vs Wolf Hawkins
Elliot Thomas vs Killer Shark
The Bruisers (Nick Booth, Dominic Rizolli) vs The Demon Lords (Warlord Fear, Warlord Hate)
Devine Fortune (Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine) vs The Elite (Eddie Chandler, Nate Johnson)
Chris Flynn vs Greg Gauge


NOTE: No one should feel under any obligation to do predictions to read this; it's a fun little aside some people enjoy. But every month there will be a score "reset" and the winner can choose to either have a more in-depth Worker Profile, or be privy to a private conversation between RDJ and anyone at TCW.
Also I'm still working on the html and css for the show so it may take me a little while (I would think the 27th) to get the first one up, but the intention is to have shows go up on a Tuesday each week, with the card for the next show announced on Friday.
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Benny Benson vs Wolf Hawkins
Elliot Thomas vs Killer Shark what poor Elliot Thomas did to RDJ to being booked against the behemot? lol
The Bruisers (Nick Booth, Dominic Rizolli) vs The Demon Lords (Warlord Fear, Warlord Hate)
Devine Fortune (Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine) vs The Elite (Eddie Chandler, Nate Johnson)
Chris Flynn vs Greg Gauge

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Benny Benson vs Wolf Hawkins
Elliot Thomas vs Killer Shark 
The Bruisers (Nick Booth, Dominic Rizolli) vs The Demon Lords (Warlord Fear, Warlord Hate)
Devine Fortune (Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine) vs The Elite (Eddie Chandler, Nate Johnson)
Chris Flynn vs Greg Gauge

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Benny Benson vs Wolf Hawkins
Elliot Thomas vs Killer Shark
The Bruisers (Nick Booth, Dominic Rizolli) vs The Demon Lords (Warlord Fear, Warlord Hate)
Devine Fortune (Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine) vs The Elite (Eddie Chandler, Nate Johnson)
Chris Flynn vs Greg Gauge

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Posted (edited)

Live from Irvine Hall in Tulsa
Tuesday 4th January, 2022
Attendance: 5000



Hello folks and welcome to the first Total Wrestling of 2022! In many ways this marks a new beginning for Total Championship Wrestling, but in an equally large and - perhaps - more factually accurate set of ways things remain almost exactly the same as they were a week ago!


The audience at home will of course forgive Mr. Doakes for his verbosity. He is relatively new to this after all, today marking merely his one-hundred-and-twenty-fifth episode as the lead announcer of Total Wrestling!


Congratulations Shawn. Here's hoping you find your feet soon.


I am both honoured and humiliated by this revelation.


And, as if in tactic acknowledgement of tonight's significance, I have in front of me a run sheet that says that our World Champion - Jay Chord - intends to speak in only a few moments.


And that may be auspicious for Greg Gauge - whose match with Chris Flynn opens the show tonight - because - as I am wont to remind people - when Jay Chord talks about people, they win their matches almost every time.


Is this just confirmation bias because the individuals Chord deigns to speak about are normally very good wrestlers, or is he some kind of wrestling sorcerer? We may never know. And alas, the mystery must live on for another night at least because that's Jay's music.





Chord begins his promo by stating that he's here to talk about Greg Gauge and T-Bone Bright, who represent the two biggest threats to his world title presently. Yet, as is typical of the egomaniacal champion, the subject of conversation slowly but inexorably drifts back to his favourite subject - himself. He runs down past accomplishments and weighs his own career against both contemporaries and those who have come before - though notably neglects to mention his own father, Rip...


...and if there's one thing that my combined 415 days - and counting - as champion have taught me, it's how to recognise championship material. And Greg: you aren't it. Cut from fine cloth, I grant you, but sadly disappointing within the awfully big Sam-Keith-shaped shadow behind you.



The crowd bay for someone, anyone, to shut the champion up

And the less said about T-Bone the better. A jumped up waste of space who doesn't have the pedigree or skill to exist in my rarified company. I hate to say this, but it's embarassing having him even spoken of in the same breath as me.


It seems as though Chord might be preparing to launch into another long-winded, self-agrandising monologue before he is - blessedly - cut short by the theme music of Greg Gauge, who has heard enough and wants to get to his match.




As they pass each other on the ramp the pair exchange frosty glances and a few choice words which the microphones fail to pick up, but whose general intent is clear enough.





Gauge and Flynn meet for their first clash in singles competition in several years, with Gauge having gotten the better of the former Syndicate enforcer that time.

Physically the pair are relatively evenly matched, although it's clear that Gauge intends to use his technical know-how to break down Flynn's ability to deliver power moves, and he manages this relatively successfully.

The commentary team choose to speculate on Gauge's thought process going into the match, which is to say that - having a secured a title shot against (presumably) Jay Chord at Malice In Wonderland - he must now navigate his scheduled TV matches in such a way as to maintain his good form going into the new year while minimising his risk of injury.

As if on cue, Flynn is able to capitalise on a moment of overly cautious offence from his opponent to hit a nasty chop block and apply pressure to Gauge's lower-half in preparation for the Flynn Lock. However in seeking to compete with Gauge technically he opens himself up to some superlative chain wrestling and is ultimately submitted via Gauge's Proton Lock.


Winner: Greg Gauge
Method: Submission
Time: 13:18





Following his victory Greg Gauge celebrates enthusiastically - if briefly - with the crowd before heading backstage.


It seems as though the broadcast is going to cut back to the commentary team when news breaks that Gauge has encountered Chord backstage and things are becoming heated.




However, by the time cameras arrive the situation has descended into a din of shouted words back and forth, with both men separated by a team of security guards as they hurl insults over the mass of humanity between them. As title holder and challenger are pulled apart, we cut back to the broadcast desk.


We cut back to a commentary team who are struggling to maintain their excitement following the conflict we have just seen. Shawn Doakes in particular can barely sit still.


Chord vs Gauge is a dream match anywhere in the world and I know I speak for all of our fans, both here in the arena and at home, when I say that I cannot wait for those two to meet at Malice In Wonderland.


This will be the first time these two have ever faced one another in singles competition, having been kept apart by... let's say they had similar world views up until Gauge's surprising change of heart in 2021.


A change of heart which infuriated Chord.
Gauge is - of course - the son of Sam Keith and - regardless of what Jay might say - we know that the presence of another Hall of Fame level legacy athlete in TCW plays on his insecurities.


And understandably so. Chord bases his self-image on his so-called pedigree, but if anyone can challenge the notion that pedigree alone maketh the man, then it's one of Sam Keith's boys.


I simply cannot contain my excitement! It is literally oozing out of me.




My bad! Moving swiftly on then: our tag team champions - "H"2-Woah" - are confirmed to be in the building tonight, and I'm sure they will be paying keen attention to the next match as their nearest challengers - the veteran team of Devine Fortune - take on the even MORE veteran team of The Elite.


The Elite are two-time tag champions themselves; this won't be an easy match for Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune as they seek a return to gold for the first time since 2017.





In a relatively short match, Devine Fortune come out of the blocks fast, showcasing a combination of athletic skill and veteran ring presence.


The Elite are up to their old tricks, cheating and attempting to slow down the pace of the action to suit their more methodical approach, but Devine Fortune rally behind the TCW fans - always in their corner - to overcome the odds and finish strongly with Darryl Devine hitting his Devine Dream Drop face crusher for the victory.


Winner: Devine Fortune
Method: Pinfall
Time: 8:05


Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple



We cut to a locker room backstage. At least, it seems like it probably was a locker room once, before The Main Event arrived and filled it with silk curtains, decorative lamps and what seems like a dry ice machine.


The promo begins with them discussing how fantastic they are - typical arrogant heel schtick - before addressing the camera directly to dress down their #1 contenders.


There are exactly two kinds of people in this world, hermanos. The haves and the have-nots. And we - The Main Event - have. We have: the money. We have: the fame. We have: the gold. We have: the focus to make our dreams come true.




And we know what you're thinking. We're going to say you're have-nots. But that's where you're wrong. You have lots of stuff.




You have: a great relationship with your mothers. You have: a profound sense that you do your best every single day. You have - and this one's cute - an unshakeable confidence that - no matter how many times you fail - you can be proud of yourselves. And honestly: The Main Event are kinda jealous of you guys.


Y-... yeah?


But you don't have these titles.

Huggins holds up his World Tag Team title belt.

And as much as you may wish it were otherwise, you also don't have a chance against The Main Event at Malice.


At the commentary booth, the team seem perturbed.


Well, that's certainly fighting talk from The Main Event. I can't imagine Devine Fortune will take that lying down.


Darryl Devine has been accused of hot-headedness in the past; he's made some rash choices that have cost him. And it looks to me like The Main Event are already trying to exploit that weakness.


Right you are, Jasmine. It has been almost five years since Darryl Devine last held a title in TCW and a big part of this has been his inability to focus at crunch moments. This could be bad for Devine Fortune if Chance can't keep his partner in check.


We've got some more tag action for you a little later, but first are a series of undercard bouts showcasing some of our most promising singles stars. Flint Slater set the world of MMA alight when he announced he was leaving GAMMA to join TCW and has since proven himself as one of the most dangerous men on this company's roster. He's up next against an unfortunate youngster who - frankly - I don't envy.
And following that we'll see the highly-strung Quentin Queen take on the wiley Bart Biggins, who may just have the ring knowledge to halt Queen's momentum.





Flint Slater's opponent is revealed to be a young worker from the local independant scene known as the Texas Hangman, though he is billed as Martin Bowmeister for this bout.


Unsurprisingly, Flint makes short work of the rookie, hitting him with a series of snug looking strikes before finishing him off with a cross arm-breaker that leaves him writhing on the mat.


Winner: Flint Slater
Method: Submission
Time: 6:29





Quentin Queen finished 2021 strongly, racking up an impressive 5-1 win/loss record in the final 3 months of the year. And he begins 2022 in similar fashion.


While no one would ever call the waifish scoundrel's in-ring style "honourable", it is effective, and smart. He takes every opportunity to push, and then outright break the rules and the end result is an exhausting offense that Biggins is only briefly able to penetrate with a couple of his own hope spots.


In the end there's little he can do to perserve against such a withering onslaught of rule breaking and Queen is able to land the hyper-protected Q-Ball to finish him in short order.


Winner: Quentin Queen
Method: Pinfall
Time: 7:43





In the second squash match of the night, The Bruisers face off against a team who fans of MAW will recognise as The Demon Lords, but who appear tonight without face paint and with no reference to their demonic heritage.


The street thug style of Nick Booth and Dom Rizzoli is more than a match for the unnamed youngsters - physically impressive though they are - and it's only a few minutes before Warlord Fear is counting the lights following a Lake Michigan Plunge.


Winner: The Bruisers (Nick Booth)
Method: Pinfall
Time: 4:49





As the last of the (unnamed) Demon Lords are scraped from the ring, we go backstage where Troy Tornado is ready to give his thoughts to the commentary team on a new year in TCW, and what that means for veterans such as himself.


Despite his advancing years and bad track record with injury, Troy remains popular with the TCW faithful and is seen as a stalwart who represents the best of what TCW offers. A no-nonsense approach and putting on the best wrestling possible. However, he is interrupted mid-flow by a face that some of the more clued-in fans in the audience seem to recognise, based on their responses...




The man known as "The Assassin" - Ernest Youngman - steps into shot in a black suit, his long hair slicked back behind his trademark wide reflecting shades.


Youngman appears to be staring at a monitor beside Troy which the camera needs to pull back to get in shot, in the ultimate display of disrespect.


Something I can do for you friend?




Or are we just going to stand here enjoying a romantic silence?


His voice is quiet, yet commanding

You can get out of my way, Troy.


The pair smile humourlessly at one another, then Youngman - metaphorically - blinks first, moving to walk past Troy and towards the mens locker room. Without moving his head, Troy steps to his side so his and Youngman's shoulders bump into each other.


Round here, we introduce ourselves properly.


A laugh

Oh you don't have to worry about that. May I?


Youngman gestures to his left and Troy obliges, letting him pass, before turning his eyes to the camera and shaking his head.


Back with our commentary team, things are uncertain following the on-screen debut of Ernest Youngman.


Let me be the first to welcome Ernest Youngman to TCW. A technical prodigy, a former Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling champion and one of the most highly sought-after wrestlers in America. I don't think I'm being hyperbolic when I say that the fact he's here is both a sign of the momentum that TCW has and a warning shot for everyone in the locker rooms backstage.


There's not really any sugar-coating this. It's a huge signing for TCW, but there are serious question marks around the man's character. Isn't he supposed to be linked to the Chicago mob in some way?


Right again, Jasmine.






He's allegedly linked to them. I'm not trying to get sued. Or assassinated for that matter.


Oh, of course. Well he is ALLEGEDLY closely tied to several high profile crime syndicates, which is - ALLEGEDLY - where he learned to fight. We don't know the truth, but we do know that these rumours have followed him everywhere he has worked and he has never once said anything to dispute them. So, make of that what you will.


We're going to have to leave discussions about this "Assassin" character for another time, because we are barrelling towards our main event at terminal velocity. First: the Killer Shark will be in action against Elliot Thomas, a mis-match if ever there was one.





How the 210lbs Elliot Thomas wound up in competition with Killer Shark - a man almost double his size - is anyone's guess. But the end result of this relatively quick match leaves little to the imagination as Thomas is effectively squashed.


There are one or two hope spots for the perenial underdog, including a moment where he strikes Shark across the face with everything he has, but that seems to only anger the big man further. Thomas is summarily hoisted up for the Big Bite and planted almost through the mat.


Winner: Killer Shark
Method: Pinfall
Time: 4:11






King of Kings 2021 winner and beloved rising star T-Bone Bright heads down to the ring in a short-sleeved shirt that barely fits his muscular torso, waving to the fans as he goes. He wears his instantly recognisable chain necklace, made of heavy steel links, which is visible through the open collar.


As he reaches the ring he is handed a microphone with which to address the crowd in Tulsa. He begins with the usual heat-generating techniques, shouting out where he is, getting whatever cheap pop feels like it'll work. But soon he shifts to Wolf Hawkins - a man who has been a thorn in Bright's side since he defeated him in the King Of Kings final, and whose name triggers a shower of boos from the crowd.


I'm gonna be honest now, Wolf hating me as much as he does kinda hurts. He's who I idolised when I started training 9 years ago. He's Mr. TCW in a lot of ways. And for someone who has had to scrape his way up the mountain...



He pauses and looks around at the fans, an emotion somewhere between sadness and anger written across his face.

I thought that when I pinned him in LA last November that that was it for me. I'd get a handshake, a slap on the back, a "You did it, kid" and finally some respect from him.
But the reality is that from the top of that mountain all I could see was another, even bigger one right next to me.



The crowd murmur in excitement, knowing where he is going.

The TCW World Heavyweight title. Which I WILL be challenging for at The War To Settle The Score.




So Wolf; what you've helped me realise is that respect is taken, not earned. And at Malice In Wonderland, I'm gonna beat that respect out of you.


T-Bone raises his hand above his head and the crowd responds with cheers before he goes to sit at the announce desk to watch Wolf's main event with Benny Benson.







The commentary team make sure to note that - while Benson is no stranger to singles competition - he has primarily competed in the Tag Division with Flying Jimmy Foxx for the past few years. As such, this represents a shift in styles for him and the fact he is able to keep up with the Alpha Wolf at all is impressive.


Wolf appears to be slightly distracted by the presence of T-Bone at ringside and this allows Benson to get perhaps more offence in than he otherwise would, much to the crowd's delight. Including a moment where Wolf reverses an irish whip by holding the rope, takes a moment to jaw with Bright and eats a dropkick from Benson that sends him tumbling out of the ring.


Still though, Wolf is inarguably a class above Benson and it was always going to take a miracle for the latter to score an upset here. Despite a late rally that sees Benson hit a series of springboard and turnbuckle moves in quick succession, setting up a high tempo finish, it is Wolf who lands two Full Moon Risings in a short stretch to score the victory.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins
Method: Pinfall
Time: 15:19


Pineapple Pineapple




In the ring, Wolf's hand is raised in victory and he immediately snatches it back to go and lean on the ropes, barking something - presumably insults - at Bright.


In response, Bright stands from the commentary booth, straightens his shirt and barks right back. The security around the ring nervously close in on the confrontation but don't explicitly act as the voices of the commentary team deliver some closing remarks...




The camera stays focused on Wolf and T-Bone, but our announcers cut through the noise...


Unbelievable to think we've got to somehow control things here for three more weeks before these scores can be settled.


Gauge and Chord. Bright and Wolf. The Main Event and Devine Fortune. And that's just the start!


Join us next week, where Ernest Youngman will make his in-ring debut and the undeniable Aaron "Ace" Andrews will be in action.


From myself - Shawn Doakes - and my broadcast colleagues: Jason Azaria and Jasmine Saunders, good night and don't you dare miss us next Tuesday!


Show Rating:
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Posted (edited)


Another quick note to say a couple of things.


First off: thank you so much to anyone who has taken the time to read and respond. I'd be lying if I said that hearing what people think of my writing and presentation (good or bad, for that matter) wasn't very gratifying. So thank you to all readers, returning and new alike. I hope I can keep you entertained for a bit.


Second: some lore stuff. In-game the King of Kings title is defined - rather vaguely - as a tournament designed to start a big push for someone who will be a significant part of next year's Total Mayhem. I don't like this. I treat the King of Kings like a mini G1, where the workers with the best singles records compete to crown a winner, and that winner goes on to get a title shot. But not at Total Mayhem; at The War To Settle The Score, two months before Total Mayhem. I do this for two reasons: because it introduces a big match event to the lull between November and May in TCW's PPV calendar and it means that the main event of Total Mayhem is less easy to predict. So in this game world, T-Bone Bright is headed to a title shot in February.


Third: I got this up far earlier than I intended. I'll sort through the prediction scores tomorrow but we should be good for a weekly release schedule now.

Lastly: I'm still playing around with formatting so I'm all ears to any feedback on how it looks, how it displays on different devices (I'm only testing this on my monitor so don't know how it looks on a phone, for instance). But regardless, I hope it's legible and please let me know if it isn't!

Thanks again,

- Devilb0y

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Great starting show. Format looks great, the little touches like the editing/filter or whatever you do for the match graphics making them stand out against the standard clearer pictures. It's clear a lot of work has gone into the presentation. 

I enjoyed all the backstage segments. It's interesting to see a unique take on Youngman too. I remember loving your take on Blackfriar in your previous diary. 

And I liked the use of squash matches with local talent, I feel like that fits the traditional vibe of TCW. 

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6 minutes ago, christmas_ape said:

Great starting show. Format looks great, the little touches like the editing/filter or whatever you do for the match graphics making them stand out against the standard clearer pictures. It's clear a lot of work has gone into the presentation. 

I enjoyed all the backstage segments. It's interesting to see a unique take on Youngman too. I remember loving your take on Blackfriar in your previous diary. 

And I liked the use of squash matches with local talent, I feel like that fits the traditional vibe of TCW. 

Ah that means the world to me, thank you. And thanks for returning for this one! I'm saying nothing, but Aldous Blackfriar IS still working the indies on a handshake deal in 2022... 👀

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Alright, predictions time. And right off the bat I realised I made a mistake and only put 5 matches in the quick reference when there were 6 on the card. So I think the fairest way to make up for that is just to give everyone a point for the match I missed.


So, without further ado, here are our scores after week one:


Wrestling Machine:

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On 8/19/2024 at 12:13 PM, christmas_ape said:

Regarding the format. I just read it on my phone and all looked good. I had to zoom out as by default it's too big to read/fit in. For me it worked perfectly well but can't speak for all phones I guess.

It's about three times the width of the screen on my Google Pixel using Firefox. Unfortunately illegible.

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On 8/20/2024 at 8:53 PM, Doctor Crunch said:

It's about three times the width of the screen on my Google Pixel using Firefox. Unfortunately illegible.

Ah that sucks to hear, thank you for letting me know. I'll see if I can figure out how to make it more scalable for smaller screens with my - admittedly remedial - html skills!

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Also, was sitting on this until Friday but there's no real sense in waiting around. So this is the card for show 2. Get your predictions in, should you be so inclined!

Booking Prediction Quick Link
Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn
Doc Hammond & Flint Slater vs T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo
Elliot Thomas vs Ernest Youngman
Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Quentin Queen
Devine Fortune vs Big Boss Emperor, Goya & Kamimura
Bradley Blaze vs Joshua Taylor
Killer Shark vs Fearless Blue
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Love the posters! 


Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn
can't bet against the "ACE"
Doc Hammond & Flint Slater vs T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo
Mighty Steak takes this one, they will be too powerful. Except shenanigans from the Syndicate. 
Elliot Thomas vs Ernest Youngman
I don't see Youngman losing his debut, Thomas will take "The Hit"
Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Quentin Queen
Queen will take out the grizzled old vet 
Devine Fortune vs Big Boss Emperor, Goya & Kamimura
Don't see Devine Fortune losing to the two young boys. 
Bradley Blaze vs Joshua Taylor
Taylor impactful strikes and suplexes will take down the cowboy. 
Killer Shark vs Fearless Blue
The Shark will be smelling blood and Blue will be the victim.. 
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Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn
Doc Hammond & Flint Slater vs T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo
Elliot Thomas vs Ernest Youngman
Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Quentin Queen
Devine Fortune vs Big Boss Emperor, Goya & Kamimura
Bradley Blaze vs Joshua Taylor
Killer Shark vs Fearless Blue
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I'm just now getting back into the whole world of wrestling after something like a 12 year hiatus. (I've actually found a file on reddit that has every episode of WWE on Peacock and I'm now watching every episode since 2001 - I've made it to Late 2007 thus far).

Setting that aside, I remember back in the day (circa 2011?) I used to have a lot of fun writing segments and helping run a federation on TheWrestlingGame, and this just brought me ALL the way back to that time in my life. Extremely well written and engaging - the presentation was both pleasing to look at and super well thought out! I certainly appreciate all of the work you put in, and can't wait to read the next one! This is absolutely FANTASTIC!

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Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn
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8 hours ago, Dawn said:

What are you using to format the diary? This reminds me of a tool from crayon (board member, Idk if I spelled it correctly) that was really fun to use but unfortunately it died.

Just HTML and CSS, written in VS Code and then pasted into a post. Took a bit of messing around to get it looking the way I wanted and it's still not properly scalable for different screen sizes (as others have pointed out) which I need to work on, but I think it makes it more eye-catching and readable than a standard forum post :) .


And thank you @ReedTyler and @MiykaelP, it's a fair bit of work but hopefully it helps with readability and engagement!

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Right, made some changes to the scalability which should hopefully improve readability on phones. Just tested it on my Pixel and - while it's definitely still not perfect - I think it's a bit better. If anyone has any issues with it though please do let me know, don't want people to take the time to read this and have to spend it struggling with formatting.

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