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WWF 1997: War Zone

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6 hours ago, blaustein said:

You’ve already met the WWF World Tag Team Champions, Owen Hart and the British Bulldog. This entry covers the other top teams on the WWF roster seeking to pry the gold from their hands.

V: Top Tandems of the WWF



THE CAN-AM EXPRESS Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon
Furnas: 35yrs old, 5ft 11in, 243lbs - Commerce, OK
LaFon: 35yrs old, 5ft 11in, 243lbs - Montreal, QC

This dynamic duo has built a solid reputation across the world, winning tag team championships in Japanese and Mexican rings over the last seven years. Though neither Furnas nor LaFon are what you would call larger than life personalities, their exceptional chemistry and innovative double-team maneuvers have earned respect from fans and peers alike.

 It seemed only a matter of time that this world-traveled pairing would find their way to the WWF, where they quickly put the tag division on notice by eliminating Champions Owen Hart & British Bulldog from the Survivor Series match in 1996. Heading into the new year, the Can-Am Express are set on climbing the ranks and winning their first WWF World Tag Team Championships.



THE GODWINNS Henry O. Godwinn & Phineas I. Godwinn
Henry: 32yrs old, 6ft 4in, 293lbs - Bitters, AR
Phineas: 28yrs old, 6ft 3in, 288lbs - Bitters, AR

Don’t go messing with these country boys. Accompanied by their jovial manager Hillbilly Jim, the down-home charm of the boys from Bitters Arkansas have won over WWF fans from the deep south all the way to Yankee country. A typical Godwinns tag team bout may not feature any scientific wrestling, but it’ll still be a romping stomping good time. After all, the Godwinn Boys are never afraid to get their hands dirty - sometimes literally, when they douse their opponents with some country justice from their infamous buckets of pig slop.

Henry Godwinn first arrived in WWF rings in late 1994, the hog farmer tangling with Sycho Sid, HHH and more in slop-filled brawls. Cousin Phineas and Hillbilly Jim joined the jamboree in 1996, and the blue-collar brawlers soon beat the Bodydonnas for the WWF World Tag Team Championships, also stealing their manager Sunny after a fling with Phineas. Yet the tempestuous blonde would soon desert the Godwinns, costing them their titles as she defected to the Smoking Gunns. In 1997, the Godwinns look to put “hogs before hoes” and climb back to the top of the tag division.



THE SMOKING GUNNS Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn
Bart: 31yrs old, 6ft 5in, 260lbs - Austin, TX
Billy: 33yrs old, 6ft 5in, 268lbs - Austin, TX

Sunny has a lot to answer for. After ditching the Godwinns for the Smoking Gunns, the blonde bombshell soon started to manipulate brothers Billy and Bart. The handsome cowboy brothers had been an indivisible and honorable unit since they saddled up and rode into WWF rings in 1993, winning three WWF World Tag Team Championships and a Raw Bowl. Yet under Sunny’s direction, her Gunns started to show an aggressive and arrogant side.

It all came to a head in October 1996 when the Gunns lost their WWF World Tag Team titles to Owen Hart and the British Bulldog, and Sunny promptly dropped them cold - the conniving temptress only wanting to manage champions. A frustrated Billy soon walked out on Bart, and tensions grew until a pivotal mid-December Raw match between the brothers ended prematurely with a devastating neck injury to Billy. The older Gunn brother now sits on the sidelines plotting his revenge, while Bart begins to chart a solo course for the first time in his career.



Diesel: 29yrs old, 7ft 0in, 320lbs - Detroit, MI
Razor: 26yrs old, 6ft 6in, 271lbs - Miami, FL

The towering Diesel joined the WWF in 1993 as Shawn Michaels’ bodyguard, soon striking out on his own and winning a triple crown of WWF championships capped with an almost year-long WWF World Heavyweight Championship. At the same time, the cooler than cool “Bad Guy” Razor Ramon amassed a record-breaking four WWF Intercontinental Championships. Both men became household names to the WWF fanbase - and then in 1996, both left for another wrestling organisation.

Imagine the surprise of fans when a bitter Jim Ross claimed to have put one over on the WWF front office and President Gorilla Monsoon, striking a deal to bring the beloved Bad Guy and Big Daddy Cool back to the WWF! And return they did. Some conspiracy theorists have claimed these are not the real Diesel and Razor but actually cheap imposters, but both men are clearly wearing their attire, doing their trademark mannerisms and finishing moves, and the WWF would never lie to us. Checkmate, naysayers.



PG-13 Wolfie D & J.C. Ice
Wolfie: 23yrs old, 6ft 1in, 220lbs - Nashville, TN
Ice: 25yrs old, 5ft 8in, 196lbs - Nashville, TN

They are PG-13, coming live and in color
Don't diss the man or they'll bum rush your mother
Listen what they’re saying, it's for real not playin'
They’re the OGs of wrestling, hit your knees and start prayin'

The boys from the hood are on the M-I-C
Spitting out the rhymes it's J.C. Ice and Wolfie D
Wolfie’s got power and Ice is quick like the cat
Put two and two together and feel your face on the mat

They’re in the Nation of Domination and they can't be stopped
You suckas step to the side unless you want to get dropped!

Yeah this tag division is gonna get gutted. Pg-13 can be good for the light Heavyweight division. Diesel becomes kane while the bad guy goes to ecw. Billy becomes an outlaw with Road Dogg and Bart instead of being fed to Butterbean could be a staple of hardcore division or maybe form a boxing theme tag team with marc mero, they could come down with boxing robes and grappler gloves sense their still wrestlers after all and an entourage of cornermen consister of jobbers or indie talents.

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Posted (edited)

This entry covers a cadre of colorful characters who may not be WWF headliners but who are still an unforgettable part of the roster.

VI: Larger Than Life Gimmicks of the WWF



33yrs old, 6ft 1in, 231lbs - Mobile, AL

Leave it to a NASCAR driver to always go the extra mile - this relentless and straightlaced wrestler is no stranger to high-octane action, approaching every match-up with a hard-hitting style and sheer dedication to his craft. Spark Plugg took a victory lap in 1995, winning the WWF World Tag Team titles alongside the 1-2-3 Kid, then beating Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Championship in a contested match-up that saw his title win erased from the records. 1996 was a pit stop for Holly, as the driver saw little success, but he promises to be in the driver’s seat heading into a new year. Will 1997 see Spark Plugg on the fast track to success or will he crash and burn?



34yrs old, 6ft 1in, 235lbs - Bowlegs, OK

Yeehaw! The heartfelt charm and homespun humor of the man from Bowlegs, Oklahoma has made him a popular and easily relatable fan favorite in WWF rings ever since his arrival in June 1996. Floyd soon racked up momentum with wins over Justin “Hawk” Bradshaw, Uncle Zebekiah and even a count-out victory over Hunter Hearst Helmsley - but he’s yet to channel these successes into quantifiable title success. As 1997 dawns, whether he’s on the winning or losing end of a particular match-up, you can expect a big smile and a humble bonhomie from Freddie Joe Floyd.



23yrs old, 6ft 0in, 225lbs - Lousã, Portugal

Much like a jockstrap (which Aldo’s mask definitely doesn’t resemble), the Man-O-War is an unsung hero who always gets the job done. This plucky Portuguese performer debuted in late 1994, and has delighted WWF fans ever since with his infectious enthusiasm, high-energy offence and brightly-colored mask (that most certainly doesn’t resemble a banana hammock). A reliable presence on Superstars and Raw if not a PPV regular, Montoya’s career highlights include a non-title victory over then Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett, and a 1996 defeat of Jerry Lawler. Heading into 1997, Montoya hopes to prove that when it comes to courage and excitement, the WWF roster can’t hold his jock.



THE STAR OF DAVID Barry Horowitz
36yrs old, 6ft 0in, 231lbs - St. Petersburg, FL

Give yourself a pat on the back: this perennial underdog has carved out an enduring and endearing legacy since his first appearance in WWF rings in 1987. Horowitz has went toe to toe with a who’s who of WWF stars in the intervening decade, and though his win-loss record was hardly something to be proud of, this persistent competitor kept on trying. His efforts at last paid off in 1995 when he achieved a shocking upset over Skip, followed by a second victory on the grand stage of Summerslam. Horowitz’ newfound confidence led to a fleshed-out persona incorporating his proud Jewish heritage, and although he’s yet to match his career high since, in 1997 we might hear once again: “HOROWITZ WINS! HOROWITZ WINS!” 



Alex THE PUG Porteau
27yrs old, 5ft 11in, 227lbs - Bossier City, LA

This pugnacious and tenacious amateur wrestler may not be the flashiest or most charismatic man on the WWF roster, but he’s certainly one of the toughest and most technically-sound. Debuting in July 1996, this snout-nosed singlet-wearer made an immediate mark by finishing Barry Horowitz off with an impressive pinning combination - before offering his opponent a sportsmanlike handshake and hug. The Pug achieved his career highpoint thus far teaming with Bob Holly to defeat WWF World Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns in a non-title match, though the pair wouldn’t win a rematch with the titles on the line. Heading into 1997, this tough-as-nails technician will look to rise to the top of the card with finesse and determination.



30yrs old, 6ft 1in, 425lbs - Tehran, Iran

An air of imposing intrigue has surrounded this monstrous masked man ever since he came to WWF rings in August 1996. Utterly silent, some say that the Sultan’s tongue has been removed - whether punishment for some past crime or perhaps a ritual gesture is unknown. Yet the Sultan lets two former WWF World Heavyweight Champions do his talking - he is coached by the legendary Bob Backlund and Iron Sheik, who direct his sheer brutality into a more targeted demolition of opponents. When all is said and done, the Sultan caps off his destruction with the Sheik’s Camel Clutch, breaking his opponents’ backs and making them humble.



35yrs old, 6ft 5in, 297lbs - Parts Unknown

Paul Bearer’s mysterious masked enforcer cuts a terrifying profile as he marches to the ring with a headsman’s axe. The Executioner is not a man of many words - instead, he lets his actions in the ring speak, delivering punishment and pain with clobbering blows and thunderous slams. This hired gun made his debut at In Your House: Buried Alive, hitting the Undertaker with a shovel and assisting Mankind in putting the Dead Man six feet under. Though the Executioner would eventually fall to the Phenom in a brutal “Armageddon Rules” match in December, he remains a dark and dangerous threat to any of the WWF roster.



36yrs old, 6ft 0in, 299lbs - Bucksnort, TN

This plumber-turned-wrestler has followed his pipe dream all the way from the U-bend under your sink to the squared circle. Clad in a sweaty tanktop and showing more butt-crack than Sunny, whether the man from Bucksnort, Tennessee goes to work in the restroom or the wrestling ring, he’s never seen without his trusty plunger Betsy. Hopper’s notable achievements include defeating wrestling garbageman Duke “the Dumpster” Droese in a Home Improvement match, and investigating supposed feces in a swimming pool during the Summerslam 1996 Free For All. When you’re across the ring from this plumber, your chances of winning go straight down the drain.



SINCERELY YOURS Salvatore Sincere
30yrs old, 6ft 0in, 250lbs - Lower Bronx, NY

“I-a like-a to tell all the beautiful people, in this-a building, that I love you, oh so much. I really mean that, from the bottom of-a my heart. Sincerely.” Somehow the WWF fans are always left doubting Salvatore’s sincerity, as the smarmy Italian clad in flashy white and pink positively drips with exaggerated courtesy. Between the ropes, Sincere proves his true nature as a conniving rulebreaker who will use any underhanded tactic to gain the advantage in a contest. Sincere hopes to be on the ascent in 1997, while his opponents sleep with the fishes.



42yrs old, 6ft 1in, 275lbs - Duluth, MN

Kicked out of every hockey rink in America for unsportsmanlike conduct, this rough-and-tumble resident of the sin bin has brought his penchant for gloves-off brawling to the WWF rings in 1996. Rather than scoring from the penalty box, this jersey-clad motherpucker has instead spent much of the last season on his back counting the lights. Could 1997 be the year that the Goon wins the Royal Rumble and headlines Wrestlemania, or will his waning career be put on ice?

Edited by blaustein
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I legit just wanted to write the exact same thing - great presentation, nice graphics, everything really neatly structured. I'll be sure to follow this. If you're putting that much effort into the whole buildup, then I can't wait to read your first show. Also the Pick em Competition is a great idea.

How is Terry Gordy in that database? I'm mostly curious right now what you're gonna do with him, Sid and Vader.

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1 hour ago, blaustein said:



42yrs old, 6ft 1in, 275lbs - Duluth, MN

Kicked out of every hockey rink in America for unsportsmanlike conduct, this rough-and-tumble resident of the sin bin has brought his penchant for gloves-off brawling to the WWF rings in 1996. Rather than scoring from the penalty box, this jersey-clad motherpucker has instead spent much of the last season on his back counting the lights. Could 1997 be the year that the Goon wins the Royal Rumble and headlines Wrestlemania, or will his waning career be put on ice?

Rooting for my boy The Goon, he's gonna be the Wayne Gretzky of the World Wrestling Federation. It's gonna be Goon vs. Austin at Wrestlemania

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Posted (edited)

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the feedback, I usually do keep diaries for my own personal games of TEW 2020 (WWF 1991, ECW 1992-95 and WCCW 1983-4) but never posted them so I'm really glad people are enjoying this one.

I usually set myself challenges involving low roster turnover so although I will eventually cycle people out and bring in new hires, I also do want to make the most of the starting roster even where it's a little deficient. Most of the guys in the last entry are solid workers after all, they were just saddled with bad gimmicks.

1 hour ago, arlovski said:

How is Terry Gordy in that database? I'm mostly curious right now what you're gonna do with him, Sid and Vader.

I'd call his stats pretty realistic, he has a strong brawling primary stat and great psychology, but is otherwise cooked with poor selling, consistency and safety, and bad stamina, athleticism and resilience, and has heavy pain-killer issues. Which is exactly where Gordy was in '96, given they brought him in under a hood to protect his legacy and he was soon let go. I do think I can do something with Gordy, but he needs to be surrounded with better workers.

I definitely want to utilise Sid and Vader better than they were used in 1997 - Sid seemed to have nowhere to go after dropping the title to Undertaker, and despite his limitations was still a compelling character; Vader was just never allowed to regain his aura or get a signature victory.

59 minutes ago, TheAwesomeZero101 said:

Rooting for my boy The Goon, he's gonna be the Wayne Gretzky of the World Wrestling Federation. It's gonna be Goon vs. Austin at Wrestlemania



Edited by blaustein
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12 hours ago, blaustein said:

This entry covers a cadre of colorful characters who may not be WWF headliners but who are still an unforgettable part of the roster.

VI: Larger Than Life Gimmicks of the WWF



33yrs old, 6ft 1in, 231lbs - Mobile, AL

Leave it to a NASCAR driver to always go the extra mile - this relentless and straightlaced wrestler is no stranger to high-octane action, approaching every match-up with a hard-hitting style and sheer dedication to his craft. Spark Plugg took a victory lap in 1995, winning the WWF World Tag Team titles alongside the 1-2-3 Kid, then beating Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Championship in a contested match-up that saw his title win erased from the records. 1996 was a pit stop for Holly, as the driver saw little success, but he promises to be in the driver’s seat heading into a new year. Will 1997 see Spark Plugg on the fast track to success or will he crash and burn?



34yrs old, 6ft 1in, 235lbs - Bowlegs, OK

Yeehaw! The heartfelt charm and homespun humor of the man from Bowlegs, Oklahoma has made him a popular and easily relatable fan favorite in WWF rings ever since his arrival in June 1996. Floyd soon racked up momentum with wins over Justin “Hawk” Bradshaw, Uncle Zebekiah and even a count-out victory over Hunter Hearst Helmsley - but he’s yet to channel these successes into quantifiable title success. As 1997 dawns, whether he’s on the winning or losing end of a particular match-up, you can expect a big smile and a humble bonhomie from Freddie Joe Floyd.



23yrs old, 6ft 0in, 225lbs - Lousã, Portugal

Much like a jockstrap (which Aldo’s mask definitely doesn’t resemble), the Man-O-War is an unsung hero who always gets the job done. This plucky Portuguese performer debuted in late 1994, and has delighted WWF fans ever since with his infectious enthusiasm, high-energy offence and brightly-colored mask (that most certainly doesn’t resemble a banana hammock). A reliable presence on Superstars and Raw if not a PPV regular, Montoya’s career highlights include a non-title victory over then Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett, and a 1996 defeat of Jerry Lawler. Heading into 1997, Montoya hopes to prove that when it comes to courage and excitement, the WWF roster can’t hold his jock.



THE STAR OF DAVID Barry Horowitz
36yrs old, 6ft 0in, 231lbs - St. Petersburg, FL

Give yourself a pat on the back: this perennial underdog has carved out an enduring and endearing legacy since his first appearance in WWF rings in 1987. Horowitz has went toe to toe with a who’s who of WWF stars in the intervening decade, and though his win-loss record was hardly something to be proud of, this persistent competitor kept on trying. His efforts at last paid off in 1995 when he achieved a shocking upset over Skip, followed by a second victory on the grand stage of Summerslam. Horowitz’ newfound confidence led to a fleshed-out persona incorporating his proud Jewish heritage, and although he’s yet to match his career high since, in 1997 we might hear once again: “HOROWITZ WINS! HOROWITZ WINS!” 



Alex THE PUG Porteau
27yrs old, 5ft 11in, 227lbs - Bossier City, LA

This pugnacious and tenacious amateur wrestler may not be the flashiest or most charismatic man on the WWF roster, but he’s certainly one of the toughest and most technically-sound. Debuting in July 1996, this snout-nosed singlet-wearer made an immediate mark by finishing Barry Horowitz off with an impressive pinning combination - before offering his opponent a sportsmanlike handshake and hug. The Pug achieved his career highpoint thus far teaming with Bob Holly to defeat WWF World Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns in a non-title match, though the pair wouldn’t win a rematch with the titles on the line. Heading into 1997, this tough-as-nails technician will look to rise to the top of the card with finesse and determination.



30yrs old, 6ft 1in, 425lbs - Tehran, Iran

An air of imposing intrigue has surrounded this monstrous masked man ever since he came to WWF rings in August 1996. Utterly silent, some say that the Sultan’s tongue has been removed - whether punishment for some past crime or perhaps a ritual gesture is unknown. Yet the Sultan lets two former WWF World Heavyweight Champions do his talking - he is coached by the legendary Bob Backlund and Iron Sheik, who direct his sheer brutality into a more targeted demolition of opponents. When all is said and done, the Sultan caps off his destruction with the Sheik’s Camel Clutch, breaking his opponents’ backs and making them humble.



35yrs old, 6ft 5in, 297lbs - Parts Unknown

Paul Bearer’s mysterious masked enforcer cuts a terrifying profile as he marches to the ring with a headsman’s axe. The Executioner is not a man of many words - instead, he lets his actions in the ring speak, delivering punishment and pain with clobbering blows and thunderous slams. This hired gun made his debut at In Your House: Buried Alive, hitting the Undertaker with a shovel and assisting Mankind in putting the Dead Man six feet under. Though the Executioner would eventually fall to the Phenom in a brutal “Armageddon Rules” match in December, he remains a dark and dangerous threat to any of the WWF roster.



36yrs old, 6ft 0in, 299lbs - Bucksnort, TN

This plumber-turned-wrestler has followed his pipe dream all the way from the U-bend under your sink to the squared circle. Clad in a sweaty tanktop and showing more butt-crack than Sunny, whether the man from Bucksnort, Tennessee goes to work in the restroom or the wrestling ring, he’s never seen without his trusty plunger Betsy. Hopper’s notable achievements include defeating wrestling garbageman Duke “the Dumpster” Droese in a Home Improvement match, and investigating supposed feces in a swimming pool during the Summerslam 1996 Free For All. When you’re across the ring from this plumber, your chances of winning go straight down the drain.



SINCERELY YOURS Salvatore Sincere
30yrs old, 6ft 0in, 250lbs - Lower Bronx, NY

“I-a like-a to tell all the beautiful people, in this-a building, that I love you, oh so much. I really mean that, from the bottom of-a my heart. Sincerely.” Somehow the WWF fans are always left doubting Salvatore’s sincerity, as the smarmy Italian clad in flashy white and pink positively drips with exaggerated courtesy. Between the ropes, Sincere proves his true nature as a conniving rulebreaker who will use any underhanded tactic to gain the advantage in a contest. Sincere hopes to be on the ascent in 1997, while his opponents sleep with the fishes.



42yrs old, 6ft 1in, 275lbs - Duluth, MN

Kicked out of every hockey rink in America for unsportsmanlike conduct, this rough-and-tumble resident of the sin bin has brought his penchant for gloves-off brawling to the WWF rings in 1996. Rather than scoring from the penalty box, this jersey-clad motherpucker has instead spent much of the last season on his back counting the lights. Could 1997 be the year that the Goon wins the Royal Rumble and headlines Wrestlemania, or will his waning career be put on ice?

Holly goes hardcore in both name and division, never heard of this Floyd guy before so job em and dump em, aldo becomes becomes Justin credible and starts out as the young boy for dx sense he actually was a member of the kliq for a while at least according to Wikipedia then he could either act as a rival to Jerry lynn for the lightweight title or form the impact players with lance storm.

Barry Horowitz could be build as a underdog Mikey Whipwreck character, never heard of the Pug either so dump him too, Sultan become rikishi or forms a tag team with Yokozuna, executioner becomes Terry gordy and goes down to ecw to bring name recognition to the promotion, t.l. Hopper become uncle cletus and manages the heel godwinns, not sure about Salvatore Sincere other then we share the same first name so dump and have the Goon go back to being one of the Irwin or Irvin brothers Bill I think?

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13 hours ago, blaustein said:

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the feedback, I usually do keep diaries for my own personal games of TEW 2020 (WWF 1991, ECW 1992-95 and WCCW 1983-4) but never posted them so I'm really glad people are enjoying this one.

I usually set myself challenges involving low roster turnover so although I will eventually cycle people out and bring in new hires, I also do want to make the most of the starting roster even where it's a little deficient. Most of the guys in the last entry are solid workers after all, they were just saddled with bad gimmicks.

I'd call his stats pretty realistic, he has a strong brawling primary stat and great psychology, but is otherwise cooked with poor selling, consistency and safety, and bad stamina, athleticism and resilience, and has heavy pain-killer issues. Which is exactly where Gordy was in '96, given they brought him in under a hood to protect his legacy and he was soon let go. I do think I can do something with Gordy, but he needs to be surrounded with better workers.

I definitely want to utilise Sid and Vader better than they were used in 1997 - Sid seemed to have nowhere to go after dropping the title to Undertaker, and despite his limitations was still a compelling character; Vader was just never allowed to regain his aura or get a signature victory.



Little did people realise that Sparky Plug was legit a Goon.  It's funny how now he looks back at what he was like and calls himself a complete jerk (actually he uses stronger language).

I had forgotten the Sultan gimmick - wonder if you can get him over because that guy is legit talented.  Funny thing with that gimmick is it was originally intended for Sabu but he didn't want to be managed by the Iron Shiek he wanted his uncle the Original Shiek.  

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Love these bible entries. They’ve gotten me deeply invested, not just with the info but your writing style as well! Amazing lore building so far, this already had caught my eye graphically but now I’m deeply invested to see where you take some of these characters. So much talent here from the top to the bottom. Intrigues me heavily on what diamonds in the rough you might go with to develop and build up the ladder. Great work as always!

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Posted (edited)

In this section, we cover the promising future superstars who are coming out of impressive rookie years in 1996.

VII: Up and Coming Prospects of the WWF



31yrs old, 5ft 11in, 222lbs - Denver, CO

Flash Funk isn’t what you would call subtle - clad in a sparkly zoot suit, fur coat and big hat, everything that the Funkmaster does is designed to get and keep your attention. This exciting newcomer strut onto the big stage at Survivor Series 1996, accompanied by the glamorous Funkettes and some seriously flashy offence. Convincing wins over the likes of the Goon, Leif Cassidy and Salvatore Sincere led to an Intercontinental title match on the last Raw of 1996, with HHH resorting to underhanded tactics to win this battle of alliterative athletes. Will Flash move and groove through 1997 or will he be stuck in a funk?



24yrs old, 6ft 5in, 260lbs - Miami, FL

The title of Rocky’s theme song says it all - there is a sense of “Destiny” about the WWF’s first-ever third generation superstar. As the son of former WWF World Tag Team Champion Rocky Johnson and the grandson of the legendary “High Chief” Peter Maivia, Rocky has shouldered the weight of immense expectations throughout his life. Yet when the blue chip prospect made his highly-anticipated debut at Survivor Series 1996, there was no sign of pressure as the clean-cut and humble Rocky slapped hands on the way to the ring then showcased some seriously impressive athleticism between the ropes. The future is bright for Rocky Maivia - just as bright as his ever-present smile.



27yrs old, 6ft 1in, 241lbs - Marietta, GA

“J-E-Double S-E, J-A-Double M-E-S!” Stepping out of the shadow of his former employer Jeff Jarrett, the Roadie took on the moniker of the Real Double J in October 1996 in a bid to show he is the genuine article - the real voice behind Jarrett’s hit single “With My Baby Tonight” and the real force that kept the Intercontinental title in Jarrett’s grasp across three reigns. This down-to-earth country singer has displayed a natural charisma and a knack for wrestling, most recently coming up short alongside Savio Vega in a WWF World Tag Team Championship opportunity against Owen Hart & the British Bulldog. Turn the lights off, bar the doors - the Real Double J is one to watch in 1997.



25yrs old, 6ft 4in, 412lbs - Silsbee, TX

The World’s Strongest Man breaks records wherever he goes - the first two-time Olympian in WWF history holds the world record total in powerlifting with a combined lift of 2,337lbs across the squat, bench press and deadlift. Already weighing 225lbs in the fourth grade, it’s clear that Henry is just built different from any other human being on the planet - a fact that has landed him guest slots on Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien and the Oprah Winfrey Show. It came as no surprise when the WWF signed the giant to an exclusive ten year deal, and Henry soon made an impact by defeating the legendary Jerry Lawler in his debut match in September 1996. Nagging injuries have stalled Henry’s momentum and he is expected to be out of action for almost all of 1997 - but as soon as the World’s Strongest Man is cleared, records and bodies alike are going to be broken.



THE HARDY BOYS Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy
Jeff: 19yrs old, 6ft 1in, 218lbs - Raleigh, NC
Matt: 22yrs old, 6ft 1in, 220lbs - Raleigh, NC

These fearless high-flyers first got their taste for the daredevil lifestyle racing motocross bikes in their childhood. Jeff and Matt broke into the business at 16 and 18 years old respectively, transitioning from wrestling on trampolines to rundown county fair rings, before becoming fixtures of the independent circuit up and down the East Coast. Word of mouth quickly spread, and both youths have had WWF try-out matches since 1994. A count-out victory for Jeff over Razor Ramon in 1996 made many long-time fans sit up and pay attention, and the tandem since impressed in outings against the Smoking Gunns, New Rockers and Grimm Twins. Could 1997 be the year these young and hungry athletes break out?



Justin HAWK Bradshaw
30yrs old, 6ft 6in, 290lbs - Sweetwater, TX

This rough-and-tumble Texan embodies the spirit of the Old West, complete with cowboy hat, leather chaps, bull rope and a branding iron, leaving the initials “JB” on the side of his defeated opponents. In his rookie year of 1996, Hawk went undefeated for three months before his streak was snapped with a disqualification loss to the Undertaker. Under the guidance of veteran Uncle Zebekiah, Bradshaw entered a slump when he consistently failed to get the better of Savio Vega and Jesse Jammes - an issue the Texan resolved with a stiff lariat that almost decapitated his manager. Like a bucking bull, Bradshaw is utterly out of control as he flies solo into 1997 - a fact that should send a chill down his opponents’ spines.



33yrs old, 5ft 11in, 231lbs - Lima, OH

This quirky character has had a deceptively long professional career, debuting in 1982 and considered to be “wrestling’s best kept secret” as he bounced around every federation of note under a variety of monikers, costumes and masks. His latest incarnation came to WWF rings in February 1996, helping to resurrect the iconic Rockers tag team alongside original member Marty Jannetty. Yet the New Rockers never quite reached the heights of the Michaels/Jannetty pairing of old, the team succeeding more in coming across as goofy and obnoxious than as genuine teen heart-throbs. Cassidy seems to have cracked under the pressure, alternately scowling and grinning - a fact that has led Jannetty to desert his volatile partner and the WWF altogether last month. In the coming year, will rocker Cassidy strike a chord with fans or end up a one-hit wonder?



Mosh: 25yrs old, 6ft 0in, 243lbs - Cherry Hill, NJ
Thrasher: 30yrs old, 6ft 2in, 242lbs - Camden, NJ

These two fun-loving freaks dressed in shredded T-shirts, combat boots and plaid skirts are truly a sight to behold - spitting, stage-diving and turning the volume on their punk rock boombox all the way up to 11. With matching shaved heads and tattoos, these grungy brothers from another mother have proven just as likely to beat the tar out of one another - whether it’s Thrasher bodyslamming Mosh onto an opponent, or the pair wildly colliding with each other like they’re in the middle of a mosh pit. With only two anarchic Superstars outings in late 1996 as an indicator, the Headbangers’ wild ride could lead absolutely anywhere in 1997.



34yrs old, 5ft 11in, 303lbs - Munster, Germany

This monster from Munster seems to be carved out of granite - a bodybuilding prodigy and former “Mr. Universe” winner, he can claim to boast the WWF’s most impressive physique and perhaps most dominant physicality. Signed in September 1996 as a star prospect, the ginormous German has trained alongside Mark Henry and Rocky Maivia, and cut his teeth in various non-televised exhibitions. Yet to make his mark on WWF programming, it’s clear that Brakus is simply biding his time - and when he finally emerges to do battle, it won’t be pretty.



25yrs old, 6ft 4in, 273lbs - Carthage, NC

Though hardly a household name in the WWF, Jason Arnhdt is nonetheless a familiar face to regular WWF viewers - he has amassed a respectable 27 matches since 1994, going toe to toe with everyone from Owen Hart and the British Bulldog to Ahmed Johnson and Faarooq. Though seemingly content to earn a living as a stepping stone for other rising stars, a sensational upset would occur on the last Superstars of 1996 when Arnhdt scored a pinfall win over Stone Cold Steve Austin thanks to interference from the British Bulldog. The unlikely victory seems to have gone to Arnhdt’s head, as he is supposedly telling friends he is now the “Meanest Street Thug in the WWF”.

Edited by blaustein
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I agree with the sentiments of the comments above, all looking great. It's a couple of years away from where I have any real recollection of real world so some of this is new to me. In particular the gimmicks, I always knew the 80s, early 90s were full of some of the sillier gimmicks, and I know in general it was only when the attitude era really got going that this changed. But I still didn't think 1997 WWF had so many wacky characters. It makes the contrast with WCW at the time make a lot more sense, taking into account the mid/lower card, WCW roster is so much better at this time. 

One of my main takeaways from all the above though was how young Yokozuna still was! It's interesting because whilst you want the mod to be realistic, you also want your future to divert from history in interesting ways, and Yokozuna successfully losing weight and living longer would be fun. The fact that he's younger than Rikishi, and so it's plausible he would stay relevant just as long is wild to me. Perhaps it's too late for him, but he's a good example. Obviously Owen being another one. 


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3 hours ago, blaustein said:

In this section, we cover the promising future superstars who are coming out of impressive rookie years in 1996.

VII: Up and Coming Prospects of the WWF



31yrs old, 5ft 11in, 222lbs - Denver, CO

Flash Funk isn’t what you would call subtle - clad in a sparkly zoot suit, fur coat and big hat, everything that the Funkmaster does is designed to get and keep your attention. This exciting newcomer strut onto the big stage at Survivor Series 1996, accompanied by the glamorous Funkettes and some seriously flashy offence. Convincing wins over the likes of the Goon, Leif Cassidy and Salvatore Sincere led to an Intercontinental title match on the last Raw of 1996, with HHH resorting to underhanded tactics to win this battle of alliterative athletes. Will Flash move and groove through 1997 or will he be stuck in a funk?



24yrs old, 6ft 5in, 260lbs - Miami, FL

The title of Rocky’s theme song says it all - there is a sense of “Destiny” about the WWF’s first-ever third generation superstar. As the son of former WWF World Tag Team Champion Rocky Johnson and the grandson of the legendary “High Chief” Peter Maivia, Rocky has shouldered the weight of immense expectations throughout his life. Yet when the blue chip prospect made his highly-anticipated debut at Survivor Series 1996, there was no sign of pressure as the clean-cut and humble Rocky slapped hands on the way to the ring then showcased some seriously impressive athleticism between the ropes. The future is bright for Rocky Maivia - just as bright as his ever-present smile.



27yrs old, 6ft 1in, 241lbs - Marietta, GA

“J-E-Double S-E, J-A-Double M-E-S!” Stepping out of the shadow of his former employer Jeff Jarrett, the Roadie took on the moniker of the Real Double J in October 1996 in a bid to show he is the genuine article - the real voice behind Jarrett’s hit single “With My Baby Tonight” and the real force that kept the Intercontinental title in Jarrett’s grasp across three reigns. This down-to-earth country singer has displayed a natural charisma and a knack for wrestling, most recently coming up short alongside Savio Vega in a WWF World Tag Team Championship opportunity against Owen Hart & the British Bulldog. Turn the lights off, bar the doors - the Real Double J is one to watch in 1997.



25yrs old, 6ft 4in, 412lbs - Silsbee, TX

The World’s Strongest Man breaks records wherever he goes - the first two-time Olympian in WWF history holds the world record total in powerlifting with a combined lift of 2,337lbs across the squat, bench press and deadlift. Already weighing 225lbs in the fourth grade, it’s clear that Henry is just built different from any other human being on the planet - a fact that has landed him guest slots on Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien and the Oprah Winfrey Show. It came as no surprise when the WWF signed the giant to an exclusive ten year deal, and Henry soon made an impact by defeating the legendary Jerry Lawler in his debut match in September 1996. Nagging injuries have stalled Henry’s momentum and he is expected to be out of action for almost all of 1997 - but as soon as the World’s Strongest Man is cleared, records and bodies alike are going to be broken.



THE HARDY BOYS Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy
Jeff: 19yrs old, 6ft 1in, 218lbs - Raleigh, NC
Matt: 22yrs old, 6ft 1in, 220lbs - Raleigh, NC

These fearless high-flyers first got their taste for the daredevil lifestyle racing motocross bikes in their childhood. Jeff and Matt broke into the business at 16 and 18 years old respectively, transitioning from wrestling on trampolines to rundown county fair rings, before becoming fixtures of the independent circuit up and down the East Coast. Word of mouth quickly spread, and both youths have had WWF try-out matches since 1994. A count-out victory for Jeff over Razor Ramon in 1996 made many long-time fans sit up and pay attention, and the tandem since impressed in outings against the Smoking Gunns, New Rockers and Grimm Twins. Could 1997 be the year these young and hungry athletes break out?



Justin HAWK Bradshaw
30yrs old, 6ft 6in, 290lbs - Sweetwater, TX

This rough-and-tumble Texan embodies the spirit of the Old West, complete with cowboy hat, leather chaps, bull rope and a branding iron, leaving the initials “JB” on the side of his defeated opponents. In his rookie year of 1996, Hawk went undefeated for three months before his streak was snapped with a disqualification loss to the Undertaker. Under the guidance of veteran Uncle Zebekiah, Bradshaw entered a slump when he consistently failed to get the better of Savio Vega and Jesse Jammes - an issue the Texan resolved with a stiff lariat that almost decapitated his manager. Like a bucking bull, Bradshaw is utterly out of control as he flies solo into 1997 - a fact that should send a chill down his opponents’ spines.



33yrs old, 5ft 11in, 231lbs - Lima, OH

This quirky character has had a deceptively long professional career, debuting in 1982 and considered to be “wrestling’s best kept secret” as he bounced around every federation of note under a variety of monikers, costumes and masks. His latest incarnation came to WWF rings in February 1996, helping to resurrect the iconic Rockers tag team alongside original member Marty Jannetty. Yet the New Rockers never quite reached the heights of the Michaels/Jannetty pairing of old, the team succeeding more in coming across as goofy and obnoxious than as genuine teen heart-throbs. Cassidy seems to have cracked under the pressure, alternately scowling and grinning - a fact that has led Jannetty to desert his volatile partner and the WWF altogether last month. In the coming year, will rocker Cassidy strike a chord with fans or end up a one-hit wonder?



Mosh: 25yrs old, 6ft 0in, 243lbs - Cherry Hill, NJ
Thrasher: 30yrs old, 6ft 2in, 242lbs - Camden, NJ

These two fun-loving freaks dressed in shredded T-shirts, combat boots and plaid skirts are truly a sight to behold - spitting, stage-diving and turning the volume on their punk rock boombox all the way up to 11. With matching shaved heads and tattoos, these grungy brothers from another mother have proven just as likely to beat the tar out of one another - whether it’s Thrasher bodyslamming Mosh onto an opponent, or the pair wildly colliding with each other like they’re in the middle of a mosh pit. With only two anarchic Superstars outings in late 1996 as an indicator, the Headbangers’ wild ride could lead absolutely anywhere in 1997.



34yrs old, 5ft 11in, 303lbs - Munster, Germany

This monster from Munster seems to be carved out of granite - a bodybuilding prodigy and former “Mr. Universe” winner, he can claim to boast the WWF’s most impressive physique and perhaps most dominant physicality. Signed in September 1996 as a star prospect, the ginormous German has trained alongside Mark Henry and Rocky Maivia, and cut his teeth in various non-televised exhibitions. Yet to make his mark on WWF programming, it’s clear that Brakus is simply biding his time - and when he finally emerges to do battle, it won’t be pretty.



25yrs old, 6ft 4in, 273lbs - Carthage, NC

Though hardly a household name in the WWF, Jason Arnhdt is nonetheless a familiar face to regular WWF viewers - he has amassed a respectable 27 matches since 1994, going toe to toe with everyone from Owen Hart and the British Bulldog to Ahmed Johnson and Faarooq. Though seemingly content to earn a living as a stepping stone for other rising stars, a sensational upset would occur on the last Superstars of 1996 when Arnhdt scored a pinfall win over Stone Cold Steve Austin thanks to interference from the British Bulldog. The unlikely victory seems to have gone to Arnhdt’s head, as he is supposedly telling friends he is now the “Meanest Street Thug in the WWF”.

Flash Funk becomes Scorpio and joins the Nation as their light Heavyweight representative, Rocky becomes the rock, Jesse James becomes the road Dogg and forms the new age outlaws with Billy Gunn and later joins dx, Henry joins the Nation too, Hardy boys stay the course, Bradshaw teams with Windham and Duncan jr to form a stable that's a mix between the new blackjacks, the apa and west Texas rednecks, lief Cassidy becomes al snow, headbangers stay the course and i never heard of Brakus or Jason Arnhdt before so cut them.

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Rosters need reliable and experienced lower card guys who have a positive effect on backstage morale (especially in this era), that can work a good match, and have little issue putting other workers over. 

Freddie Joe Floyd, Alex Pourteau and Salvatore Sincere fit this requirement well, especially Floyd. 

Jason Arhndt was in the Mean Street Possee, and thus presumably a friend of Shane McMahon. Brakus has recently been signed and hasn't even debuted yet.

It's one thing giving people ideas, if they ask for them. But repeatedly telling someone to get rid of people because you've never heard of them is just too much. 


@blaustein I think you've done a great job with the graphics and backstory to this, very well written. The addition of the theme snippets is a nice touch too (but I won't be pressing play on them all simultaneously, again 😂)

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This is an incredible set up and so detailed. An amazing era for wrestling that we all remember fondly for a reason.

Personally the big what ifs for this era, while a bit down the line, would be - what if the Survivor Series screw job never happened and what if Shawn never got injured in 98? 

Look forward to seeing where you go with it.

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1 hour ago, alpha2117 said:

No E & C on the young talent hmmmm interesting.

If e & c are edge and Christian I actually have an idea for them. Instead of forming the brood with gangrel, they bring rhyno along with them and form an early version of the Shield. Rhyno would be the Roman reigns of the group, edge is Seth Rollins and christan would be Dean Ambrose. They'd basically be mcmahon's enforcers attacking anyone on his behalf and maybe e&c feud with the outlaws while rhyno gorse his way to the European or Intercontinental title.

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Thanks to a working agreement signed between WWF and AAA, top lucha libre stars will be appearing in the lead-up to San Antonio's Royal Rumble. Less familiar to the casual fan outside of their native Mexico, this entry will tell you everything you need to know about this exciting line-up of luchadors coming to the WWF.

NB: As AAA stars usually use licensed music for their themes, I've repurposed some suitable WWF themes or used some Jim Johnston-sounding '90s production tracks for their themes.

VIII: Espectaculares Luchadores de la AAA



54yrs old, 5ft 11in, 231lbs - San Luis Potosi, Mexico

One of the most iconic and influential figures in lucha libre history, the Man of a Thousand Masks rose to fame in the 60s thanks to his pioneering high-flying style and a self-titled film telling his origin story: a European orphan plucked from the dead arms of his mother during World War 2 and subjected to physical and mental tests by a team of scientists until he gains superhuman powers and fights crime. Mil remained famous in Mexico for films depicting him fighting Nazi clowns, vampires and Aztec mummies.

Mascaras soon achieved international superstardom throughout Japan and the USA, arriving in WWF rings in 1972, becoming the first masked man to appear in Madison Square Garden after the lifting of a mask ban. Dazzling fans with his colorful masks and signature planchas and tope suicidas, Mascaras tangled with Superstar Billy Graham over the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. Mascaras appeared occasionally for the WWF until 1987, and now returns ten years later to compete in the Royal Rumble - as the heaviest and most experienced of the AAA luchadors, he has to be considered a dark horse in the Rumble itself.



50yrs old, 5ft 10in, 209lbs - Nochistlan de Mejia, Mexico

One of the all-time lucha libre greats, Aguayo made his debut in 1968 and quickly gained a reputation as a truly vicious rudo known for bloody brawls with the likes of El Santo, Fishman and Gran Hamada. In 1981 he became the inaugural WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, a title he would hold seven times over the next eight years.

Moving across to AAA in 1992, Aguayo was involved in a bitter and high-drawing triangle feud with top stars Konnan and Cien Caras - after which the seasoned veteran would start to team with tecnicos alongside his son, Perro Aguayo Jr. Much of 1995 and 1996 has seen El Can de Nochistlan clash with rudo Cibernetico over the WWA World Heavyweight Championship, and now both men will bring this rivalry to WWF rings



35yrs old, 5ft 8in, 189lbs - Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico

A legitimate karate black-belt, this exciting masked martial artist has stood for honor, discipline and justice since his debut in 1988. Known as “El Idolo de Los Ninos” (idol of the kids), Octagon’s commitment to charity and other childrens’ benefits have helped make him one of the hottest stars in lucha libre, though his small stature has drawn derision from veterans like Mil Mascaras, who has called him “muchachito” (little boy).

Octagon has been one of AAA’s top tecnicos since day one, teaming with El Hijo Del Santo in a long-running rivalry with Los Gringos Locos, culminating in a high-stakes lucha de apuesta at When Worlds Collide in 1994, with Octagon and Santo betting their masks versus Eddy Guerrero and Art Barr’s hair and coming out on top. 1995 and 1996 have seen Octagon feud with his evil counterpart Pentagon, but it appears that while Octagon is scheduled for the Royal Rumble, his mortal enemy is not.



EL QUERUBIN Hector Garza
27yrs old, 5ft 10in, 209lbs - Monterrey, Mexico

A second generation luchador, the so-called cherub carries the legacy of father Humberto Garza proudly forward and is beloved by Mexican fans for his easy charm, flamboyant persona and spectacular aerial offense. Garza has eyes on international stardom, and the WWF’s new working agreement with AAA has recently lured El Querubin across from his previous home of CMLL. Alongside Latin Lover, Hector has formed the fan favorite tag team of La Maquina Del Amor (Love Machine), and the upcoming Royal Rumble has brought both to WWF rings at last as 1997 dawns.



29yrs old, 6ft 1in, 216lbs - Monterrey, Mexico

With statuesque good looks, suave charisma and flirtatious dance moves, the Latin Lover is undoubtedly an icon to Mexico’s female fanbase. Debuting in 1992 and losing his mask that same year in a lucha de apuesta, the dashing ladies’ man joined AAA in 1994 and formed a successful tag team with fellow young prospect Heavy Metal. The pair have split, reconciled and split again over the last few years, and Lover has now become the regular tag partner of Hector Garza. As the tallest and most muscular of the AAA contingent announced for the Royal Rumble, the Latin Lover will stand toe to toe with 29 other men in a bid to bring glory to Mexico and of course himself.



38yrs old, 5ft 10in, 213lbs - San Juan, PR

Known as “El Comandante”, this stern and aggressive veteran from Puerto Rico captains the rudo contingent of AAA. Pierroth racked up championships in CMLL until he defected to AAA in late 1995, embarking on a blood feud with La Parka and becoming the inaugural and reigning AAA Campeon de Campeones and one quarter of the first ever Mexican National Atomicos Champion. Though he wears the striking black and yellow diamonds of the Commedia dell’Arte’s harlequin, this crafty ring general’s technical prowess is no laughing matter - a fact that the WWF roster will soon learn as Pierroth has been announced for the Royal Rumble match.



21yrs old, 6’0”, 220lbs - Aguascalientes, Mexico

With a muscular bodybuilder’s physique and colorful mask featuring printed circuitry, the electrifying Cibernetico looks every bit like lucha libre’s answer to the Terminator. Debuting in the UWA in 1994 as a tecnico and ally of hero El Canek, the destructive cybernetic warrior soon showed his true colors as a feared rudo. When the UWA closed in 1995, he soon resurfaced in AAA rings and embarked on a bitter and lengthy feud with legendary veteran Perro Aguayo and became Pierroth Jr.’s tag partner of choice. With a heart of cold steel and a chip on his shoulder, expect Cibernetico to make an impact when he enters this year’s Royal Rumble.



EL RUDO DE LOS RUDOS Fuerza Guerrera
43yrs old, 5ft 7in, 181lbs - Mexico City, Mexico

The “Warrior Force” of this seasoned rudo is inspired by the Aztecs of old - much as his trademark black mask is colored red for passion and blue for serenity, he brings  a finely-balanced combination of aerial manuevers and technical wrestling to bear. Fuerza catapulted to the top tier in lucha libre within two years of his 1979 debut, defeating Negro Casas at CMLL’s Anniversary Show and capturing championships in the Lightweight and Welterweight divisions. A long-running rival of Octagon, he followed the ninja across to AAA in 1992 and teamed with son Juventud to win WWA Tag and Trios titles. Always evolving and ever-relevant across three decades of lucha libre, Fuerza’s legacy now continues in the WWF.



26yrs old, 5ft 8in 181lbs - Mexico City, Mexico

This charismatic rock star of the ring has been a star attraction in AAA since his 1992 debut. Like few others in the sport of lucha libre, Heavy Metal has managed to tip-toe the line between tecnico and rudo - after all, his high-energy aerial offence and crowd-pleasing antics make him hard to hate, but his rebellious attitude and big ego have given him common cause with other AAA rulebreakers. Metal has had a successful but intermittent on-and-off tag team with Latin Lover, but as 1997 dawns, he’s for now firmly in the rudo camp captained by Pierroth Jr.



23yrs old, 5ft 11in, 211lbs - Villahermosa, Mexico

With a name translating to “Black Abyss”, this enigmatic and fearsome newcomer to AAA wears a striking visor-like mask with white facepaint and seems to breathe fire upon his entrance to the ring. The theatrics end with when the bell rings however - Abismo moves with an intense aggression, dismantling his opponents with a single-minded focus, not stopping until victory is secured. Abismo’s signature move is the Martinete (piledriver), a maneuver banned in lucha libre but perfectly legal in WWF rings - that means that in the lead-up to the Royal Rumble, this sinister rudo will be more dangerous than ever.

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8 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Lucha Lucha Lucha!!!!

WWF is about to discover the joy that is working with Mil Mascaras.  

Are you being sarcastic? Cause according to Billy Graham, Chris Jericho and mick Foley, mil has a tendency to no sell alot of stuff.

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22 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

Are you being sarcastic? Cause according to Billy Graham, Chris Jericho and mick Foley, mil has a tendency to no sell alot of stuff.

You might want to go check out what Mil actually does at the Rumble - it is hilarious.  No man can eliminate me ... I will now literally eliminate myself rather than have that happen - proceeds to fling himself on a Rudo luchador on the outside in what was admittedly an impressive spot for a 54 yo man.  Everyone else is just kind of ... what? Huh?

So yeah the joy of working with Mil Mascaras a man with an ego so large it can barely be contained by our planets atmosphere.   

Edited by alpha2117
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This is great - the graphics, the character rundowns etc, and im even learning as im today years old finding out Henry and Phinneas Godwinn were HOG and PIG haha, i never even payed that much attention to the random middle initial XD

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