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C-Verse Women's Revolution IX Edition - The OG Women's Expansion Mod

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Back and updated for IX, it's the C-Verse Women's Revolution mod. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know @Historian released an updated version of this earlier, and I am very thankful for his help with that, especially considering he got it released so fast. If you follow me on the boards you know it takes me forever to release a project. So you're asking yourself, why should I bother with this version? Well, it's been completely updated. New graphics, updated stats, updated team chemistry, finishing move descriptions...you get the point. Basically almost everything has been updated. Since I've been really into the comic book versions of the CV characters I have continued this style with the mod. I know most of you probably hate them but I love them so it is what it is. I will however somehow release more standard versions of the worker renders at a later date. In the meantime if you don't like the comic style use the old Daz renders I did. As always I must thank everyone who helped out with the original mod, and especially my co-creator, @The Swanton825 for his massive contributions.


What's New:


Worker Pics

Every yet to open company has a TV show

Every yet to open company has events, & touring companies have tour schedules

Relationships have been updated to reflect the new system

Heights, & weights have been updated

Some stats have been adjusted & tweaked

Finisher descriptions added

Paulie The Platypus worker bio has been added (RIP Paulie)

The Paulie The Platypus Memorial Trophy has been added

Five Woman Love Hotel Deathmatch has been added

The evil Taxidermist that stuffed poor Paulie has been added as well


What's Coming At A Later Date:

Event Logos (I'm working on them but man these take forever)

Different Style AI Renders




Download Links:


Data - https://www.mediafire.com/file/r48byaq53fu37m3/TEW9.mdb/file (don't click me, I'm a dead link 😃)

Graphics - https://www.mediafire.com/file/4x2a9rvxn2fhefj/Graphics.zip/file

Orginal Daz Renders - https://www.mediafire.com/file/pq19350yt6cufl8/Daz+Graphics.zip/file


DB 2.0 Link 


- Tim The Terrible Taxidermist added

- Relationship errors fixed

- Attribute errors fixed

- Five Woman Love Hotel Deathmatch match type added


DB 3.0 Link

Data - https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1q6yrqxrnoom3y/TEW9.mdb/file

Graphics - https://www.mediafire.com/file/bfojj396xqyjx2e/Graphics_2.0.zip/file

- Stable logos added

- Some other stuff that I don't remember honestly


DB 4.0 Link


Data - https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1q6yrqxrnoom3y/TEW9.mdb/file

Graphics - https://www.mediafire.com/file/rrpyx01e6mcorvc/Graphics+3.0.zip/file

- a few new characters added

- some minor typos and errors fixed



Import the data in this order (I think):













Edited by willr0ck
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I am definitely going to have to get this going for the renders, let alone all the updates which are definitely a plus also, I love the comicbook style and Eve, NeoTokyo and Wild Lotus are three of my favourite feds as startups.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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2 hours ago, willr0ck said:

Please let me know if you come across any errors, spelling mistakes, etc. so that I can get those corrected.

I've been doing scouting reports for 4 of the other packs released so far so I will definitely do that for this.  Part of that involves really looking at the Workers so if I spot anything I will post Notes in this thread.  Halfway through the 3rd pack now (Martels FWP) and that and Grindhousearts Women & Central Asia are larger packs so it might not be for a bit over a week.  I'm super excited to see all these in the new updated TEWIX though ... Love it Love it Love it!!!

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Found a couple of errors when loading up

Error: Fujiko Mushashibo has more than one clashing attribute regarding crazy bumps
Error: Harper Reid has more than one clashing attribute regarding crazy bumps
Error: Nocturna has more than one clashing attribute regarding crazy bumps
Warning: Dr. Yumaniac has an external relationship and at least one with someone in the database
Warning: Iryna Motyl has an external relationship and at least one with someone in the database
Warning: Rayisa Volkova has an external relationship and at least one with someone in the database

First three are because they have stuff like stuntman and fearless or daredevil.  Bottom three are because they have a relationship set on their profile while also having a relationship with a worker.

edit: Changing it so that Chernobyl Generation don't have married set on their profile fixes it for them so single/dating/married on the profile is just for people out of the industry.

Edited by Untouchable
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14 hours ago, Teasenitryn said:

I am definitely going to have to get this going for the renders, let alone all the updates which are definitely a plus also, I love the comicbook style and Eve, NeoTokyo and Wild Lotus are three of my favourite feds as startups.

Awesome, please give it a go. I appreciate any feedback once you take a dive through it.

13 hours ago, Pteroid said:

A platypus?

*sees tombstone*


Paulie will never be forgotten! Always remember who is to blame for this monumental loss - the evil bastard below!


12 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

And with that, I can die happy.

Joy from losing Paulie!?! How dare you!

12 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

I've been doing scouting reports for 4 of the other packs released so far so I will definitely do that for this.  Part of that involves really looking at the Workers so if I spot anything I will post Notes in this thread.  Halfway through the 3rd pack now (Martels FWP) and that and Grindhousearts Women & Central Asia are larger packs so it might not be for a bit over a week.  I'm super excited to see all these in the new updated TEWIX though ... Love it Love it Love it!!!

Sweet, please feel free to scout away. I look forward to reading the report.

7 hours ago, Untouchable said:

Found a couple of errors when loading up

Error: Fujiko Mushashibo has more than one clashing attribute regarding crazy bumps
Error: Harper Reid has more than one clashing attribute regarding crazy bumps
Error: Nocturna has more than one clashing attribute regarding crazy bumps
Warning: Dr. Yumaniac has an external relationship and at least one with someone in the database
Warning: Iryna Motyl has an external relationship and at least one with someone in the database
Warning: Rayisa Volkova has an external relationship and at least one with someone in the database

First three are because they have stuff like stuntman and fearless or daredevil.  Bottom three are because they have a relationship set on their profile while also having a relationship with a worker.

edit: Changing it so that Chernobyl Generation don't have married set on their profile fixes it for them so single/dating/married on the profile is just for people out of the industry.

Yeah, that's on me. In the original mod the relationships weren't set in their profiles, I thought it looked weird so I changed them. The fact that it triggers an error is kind of stupid honestly. I'll switch them back & release an updated db in a few days with any other corrections that need to be made. 

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51 minutes ago, Altgov said:

It could be funny if a wrestler, male or female, decided to take over Paulie's legacy by proclaiming themselves as "Paulie the Platypus II" (but that's just a wrestler in a platypus costume).

Perhaps I'll have to add a Platypus Mask wrestler in a future expansion.

42 minutes ago, henryhsh said:

I don't mind the comic book style. Is there a matching set for the main roster in that style?

I am actually working on that as well. I'm not finished yet, not ever close, but here's what I have done so far:



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Just went through the 2020 and IX threads. They look great. Will definitely consider using when the set is complete.

If this is something I can help with using A1111 or comfy, I'd be more than happy to put my 3090 to work to help you out.

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20 hours ago, henryhsh said:

Just went through the 2020 and IX threads. They look great. Will definitely consider using when the set is complete.

If this is something I can help with using A1111 or comfy, I'd be more than happy to put my 3090 to work to help you out.

Thanks! And I appreciate the offer. I am mostly finished with the graphics for now but if I decide to do any expansions I will definitely reach out. It's not too terribly difficult to replicate honestly. 

19 hours ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

something quick

the miwa family doesn't have any relationship between them

Noted, and fixed. I'll release an updated DB in a bit. Just waiting to see if there are any other errors that need correcting.

2 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Platypus Mask would make a PERFECT tag team partner for Koala Mask.....

Meh, why the heck not (she will be in the next updated DB):





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On 8/20/2024 at 6:23 PM, willr0ck said:

What's Coming At A Later Date:

Event Logos (I'm working on them but man these take forever)

I'm working on event logos for Project: EVE in my own save if you'd be interested in those renders.  I've made a couple different TV shows and I have two event logos so far, so if you're interested here's a couple previews of what I have so far

p-eve eve forever.png

p-eve fan festival.png

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3 hours ago, tcjohnsonx said:

I'm working on event logos for Project: EVE in my own save if you'd be interested in those renders.  I've made a couple different TV shows and I have two event logos so far, so if you're interested here's a couple previews of what I have so far

Thanks, those look great. I actually have already done the events for EVE as well as a TV show but post them up in here anyway. It's always great to have options to choose from. The more, the merrier!


If anyone doesn't feel like waiting for the updated graphics pack - here's all the events I have done so far (I'm about halfway through the events):




















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Three critical errors trigger when attempting to start the game, Fujiko, Harper Reid and Nocturna. Fujiko because she has both daredevil and fearless, Harper Reid due to fearless and stuntman, Nocturna due to fearless, daredevil and risk taker. There's also a few relationship errors but...eh lol.

They all modify, and so clash, in terms of crazy stunt bumps.

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21 minutes ago, Teasenitryn said:

Three critical errors trigger when attempting to start the game, Fujiko, Harper Reid and Nocturna. Fujiko because she has both daredevil and fearless, Harper Reid due to fearless and stuntman, Nocturna due to fearless, daredevil and risk taker. There's also a few relationship errors but...eh lol.

They all modify, and so clash, in terms of crazy stunt bumps.

Thanks, that was mentioned by another user as well. They have been fixed and will be reflected in the next DB update.

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On 8/21/2024 at 3:23 AM, willr0ck said:

Since I've been really into the comic book versions of the CV characters I have continued this style with the mod. I know most of you probably hate them but I love them so it is what it is.

Quite the opposite, I love them. If I could magically get a full set for all the CVerse characters, it would be my default universal style.


On 8/23/2024 at 5:37 AM, willr0ck said:

in the next DB update.

Guess I'll wait for that instead of importing the one that's out already.

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5 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Quite the opposite, I love them. If I could magically get a full set for all the CVerse characters, it would be my default universal style.


Guess I'll wait for that instead of importing the one that's out already.

I should have the updated file uploaded today at some point.

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2 hours ago, alpha2117 said:


Who doesn't want this in their company?

Seriously, I wish I had these portraits when I did WQ2020. And the event graphics above have me wanting to play as every single company on this mod. That's on top of liking this portrait style and holding back on several CVerse ideas till I have the full set of portraits in this style.

Which reminds me, I could never get into DAZ and proper graphic design to do my own portraits and logos, but these seem to be utilizing AI for their generation, yes? If so, could we get a little tutorial in hopes of maybe trying our own interpretations?

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Excellent I will start doing that scouting report on the in-ring workers when that drops.  


Who doesn't want this in their company?


3 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Seriously, I wish I had these portraits when I did WQ2020. And the event graphics above have me wanting to play as every single company on this mod. That's on top of liking this portrait style and holding back on several CVerse ideas till I have the full set of portraits in this style.

Which reminds me, I could never get into DAZ and proper graphic design to do my own portraits and logos, but these seem to be utilizing AI for their generation, yes? If so, could we get a little tutorial in hopes of maybe trying our own interpretations?

My bad, I'll get the DB file posted to mediafire at some point today. I had to take my daughter to practice yesterday, then we watched All In, BD's been her favorite wrestler since she was old enough to understand what's actually going on, so I got caught up in all of her joy yesterday and it kind of slipped my mind. 


As far as a tutorial, sure. It's very similar to creating the other types of AI wrestler images but you just use "comic book art style" in the prompt instead of Daz style render, or ugh, vomit emoji - realistic style. (Sorry, vehemently hate the realistic style images with every ounce of my soul) Here's an example below:


create a high resolution image, comic book art style, on a solid white background, of a Australian, female, pro wrestler, w/long, flowing blonde hair, heart shaped, long, attractive (or unattractive, or chubby or whatever) facial features, w/a toned physique, w/a confident, smiling facial expression, wearing a light blue sports bra w/silver trim, & a sequined. decorative blue entrance robe

just use that as a base and switch out whatever features, body type, outfits, expressions etc.

Edited by willr0ck
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