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BCF - Brisbane Championship Federation [CVerse]

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20 hours ago, HiPlus said:

@John Lions Sorry you missed the predictions. I am definitely stealing the Main Event Monday Next moniker for him as it is so good, and the name of the show. One thing you note is the gulf in popularity and you are 100% right, I don't know if I will ever have people close enough to actually compete for the main title outside of other RAW Alumni or APW cast aways in the future. I think if RAW comes calling for my talent it will hurt dramatically. 

I think with clever booking you can hopefully get some of your more talented unknowns up there - Reggie Hammer seems pretty solid in 2022 and with the focus you've given him he might be able to climb up the ladder. If you are willing to sacrifice their "aura", I think The Affliction guys could do you well to help guys get closer to the bigger RAW stars if you have them put over your non-RAW guys on the way up the ladder. I could also see D-Pod and especially Fast Eddie rising just from being associated with Isaac Taylor and D-Pod's outrageous entertainment skills.

Maybe more of a question for Vaughan but who would you say are the top "non-RAW" wrestlers you want to focus on and bring up the ranks in the next 6 months to a year?

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Kane's segments have reminded me actually, then when I did hype vignettes for Tennessee William debuted they all bombed in game and led to him debuted with bad momentum. I don't know whether that's just us not doing something right in game or whether the game just doesn't manage hype videos well.

I liked Monday Next turning down Crazy Trains offer. Although I wonder if that's the seed for something... 

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Reggie Hammer is definitely an early favourite in this dynasty for me. I like the fact his relationship with Dutch DeRue is unconventional, though that line "I will manage the man who will be winning at BCF Clash at the Coast" has me fearing a Dutch double cross. I'm confident whatever direction you go down with these characters will be interesting.

Everything is building nicely towards the next big show and the crowning of the first champion, with the Next-Train segment a nice way of getting two key figures onto the show without yet committing to giving away that match.

Rough break with the Kane Wilde segments. Hopefully he's like RealVerse Kane (for the first decade of his run at least) for you and can shake off the occasional dud segment to continue being over.

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BCF Main Event #3




Rod Sullivan

Rod Sullivan comes out to deliver an opening promo for the fans. He takes a second to congratulate himself on his victory last week against Artemis Eyre-Rochester. Before hyping up his upcoming match at BCF Clash at the Coast against Monday Next. He finishes by letting the fans know while he isn’t booked a match tonight, he will be watching from the back and will be sure to come out and see the fans after the show to sign autographs at the end of the night.




The Brat Pack vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt

Trey Tallman was back yet again, this time with his initial tag-team partner Wes Schnorfestt.  The duo that looks like they may be sticking around. This was a good match with The Brat Pack showing just how great the two men are in the ring as a tag-team being able to carry the two unknown quantities in Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt. To no ones surprise The Brat Pack came away with the win.

Winners: The Brat Pack

Rating: 50



The Brat Pack

After a successful outing as a duo the two men took up the microphones to talk about how Rod Sullivan had bested both men in one-on-one competition. That wasn’t on they were winners. Just like their families. They were born winners, something Rod Sullivan never has been. They will prove that next week if Rod Sullivan can even find a tag-team partner they will face him, and even if he can’t find one they will. The two of them didn’t care and would gladly face Rod Sullivan in a handicap match. Each man congratulating themselves on what is sure to be an amazing Main Event match next week. 



Chopper Rourke vs Black Flash

This match was a lot better than I was expecting it to be, heavily down to the impact from Black Flash who really impressed my in his showing in the ring. Chopper Rourke struggled which is something I definitely expected. Black Flash had a show stealing performance as he came away with the win against Chopper Rourke. This ended up being a match of the night performance by Black Flash and an impressive one considering his opponent. 

Winner: Black Flash

Rating: 46



Crazy Train – Nigel Darling

The Phat Man Crazy Train talks about how he hasn’t got a match tonight and would like one next week. In fact, he wants a match at BCF Clash at the Coast after being rejected by Monday Next last week. Of course, he delivers his entire request in the form of a rap. A slightly confused looking Nigel Darling says Crazy Train can have a match next week. He can go up against a man who just lost his match Chopper Rourke. The winner of their match next week will get a guaranteed match at BCF Clash at the Coast.



Azazel vs Caleb

This was a definite throw away match, in fact I didn’t even decide who was going to win in the end. I let Owen Oldacare take the reigns, and the guys could just go out there and showcase their talent. Deciding with Owen who will go over in the end. Caleb ended up winning the match, and considering Azazel was off his game. The right person ended up with the win.

Winner: Caleb

Rating: 39



Dutch DeRue & Reggie Hammer – Swish

Dutch DeRue and Reggie Hammer come out to talk up the fact Reggie Hammer is one match away from contending for the BCF Grand Championship. Swish come out to interrupt the promo saying they are doing it on behalf of Isaac Taylor. They want Reggie Hammer to put his Number One Contender match against Gregory Grace on the line. If Fast Eddie can beat Reggie Hammer, then Isaac Taylor will take his spot. Dutch tries to convince his client to not take the offer, but Reggie accepts the challenge to the match


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Reggie Hammer vs Fast Eddie

This was another not so great match, but more middling because both guys are still not at the point either man can carry a match. Fast Eddie did impress and look better in the ring overall. While Dutch DeRue performed well on the outside. Dutch DeRue distracted Fast Eddie allowing Reggie Hammer to hit Hammer Jammer against him. An act that bothered the fans, but Reggie Hammer seemed unaware of. as he climbed the turnbuckle in celebration

Winner: Reggie Hammer

Rating: 38



Monday Next

Monday Next gets on the microphone delivering a small promo to rile the crowd up and discuss just how great his matches here have been. He touches on his future match with Rod Sullivan and even mentions The Brat Pack. Saying he would love the chance to join them in a handicap match against Rod Sullivan. He continues on by saying he is undefeated in the company and will continue to be that way until his match at BCF Clash at the Beach. He doesn’t want to face losers however. He wants to face only other undefeated wrestlers. Tonight, he will face any undefeated wrestler in the back. 


The Affliction

Out come the Affliction with Anguish size being noticeable aside his tag-team partner Misery. Misery leads the talking pointing out they are both undefeated. The much larger Anguish says he would love to step into the ring with Monday Next.

Monday Next accepts the challenge and Anguish takes a step forward before Monday stops him. He accepts the challenge from Misery, for a match tonight and Anguish can head to the back to watch. A disgruntled Anguish looks annoyed and heads to the back before Misery looks eager to accept the opportunity.



Monday Next vs Misery

This wasn’t the match of the night, which is very surprising considering Monday Next is involved. His opponent Misery was the issue, in what was a slow built match Monday Next didn’t have enough psychology to carry his much more bruising opponent. It didn’t help that the fans didn’t necessarily have a clear fan favourite to cheer for in such a long match. Monday Next prevailed in the end.

Winner: Monday Next

Rating: 42



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With the addition of a television show we had to grow the roster. Of course, Horrie Fowler wanted to see more former RAW guys join the roster. Initially we spoke about signing Echo who was making quite the name for himself over in APW. After discussions though, we didn’t want to rub them the wrong way and have them start pulling shows north of the border. That left an extremely small pool of guys, so I signed one former RAW guy and then he allowed me to sign a few other names on deals to just fill out the lower ranks. No one I necessarily thought would be making a splash, but it blows out our roster by almost another 10 guys. Exciting times.


We also had to sit Caleb down. He had been doing a good job as a trainer, but Artemis Eyre-Rochester was impressing me and wanted to take over permanently after helping. Initially he didn’t want the role but seeing we secured a tv deal and weren’t kicked off the air the first few weeks. He wants to take more responsibility in the company. Caleb took it in good stead at least so far he has, but honestly he knows his place on the roster. Isaac Taylor helped me in talking to Caleb about the issue. He has been so helpful backstage.


Luke Pope (Surfer Dude Lucas) also wanted to pop by backstage to watch the show and hang out, he didn’t come empty handed as he made a decent impression setting up a game for the guys backstage. One to keep an eye on. Elsewhere I forgot that Reggie Hammer and Rod Sullivan aren’t effective as a tag-team, so that ruined my Main Event plans for the upcoming show as he was meant to team with Rod to face The Brat Pack.

@John Lions Then I also got this message about a small article in the local paper. Of course they knew all the big names like Rod Sullivan, Monday Next and the like, but they also let me plug a few guys who are relatively unknown. Getting to talk about Reggie Hammer, D-Pod, Moonchild and the yet to debut Kane Wilde. Of course they are going to be highlights in the show going forward. Whether any of them win anything major, or make a significant impact remains to be seen. There are also a couple of extra guys coming in I am hoping leave their mark in the company as well. 



@John Lions The fact you mention Reggie Hammer being solid in 2022 is true. He definitely changed his fortunes for mine, whether it is his new look (The Moustache) or just in general he is one of the guys that developed well in the span of two years. Creatively D-Pod is the best guy on the microphone in the company so hopefully he shoots up in popularity so I can make decent use of him. 


@christmas_apeI don't know what it is but the crowd just hate Kane Wilde. The packages sucked, hell the first time he comes out the fans hate it, which is still a couple weeks away. 


@619 Certainly could be a line by Dutch, that isn't just a throw away. I just hope Kane can do anything at this point. 

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Hopefully everyone at BCF shows will be going Kane Wilde soon enough. It will be interesting to see who gets the tag main event nod for the next show after Reggie Hammer's chemistry with Rod Sullivan cost him the chance. I enjoyed Hammer again on the latest show, going against his manager's advice but being vindicated. Looking forward to seeing who gets added to the roster.

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BCF Main Event #4




Gregory Grace

Gregory Grace came out to the ring to talk about BCF Clash at the Coast and how he needs a tune up match tonight. He will face someone extremely talented tonight and demands the fans respect the display of talent they are about to see. He finishes by delivering some remarks for Reggie Hammer. Gregory Grace is the future BCF Grand Champion, and it will take a lot more than a damn hammer to put him down.



Gregory Grace vs Flip Buchanan

Gregory Grace got straight into the action calling out his opponent. It certainly wasn’t a talented wrestler by any stretch but the debuting Flip Buchanan ran down to the ring and tried to make an impact. He did a decent job in his first outing but wasn’t enough to beat God’s Gift to Women Gregory Grace who hit a Graceful Exit for the win.

Winner: Gregory Grace

Rating: 45



Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt

Trey Tallman and Wes Schnorfestt came out to the ring with microphones in hands.

Trey Tallman:

“Now the BCF crowd should be very familiar with me. You guys have seen me compete with several people before in tag-teams. Throughout those matches I found a kindred spirit. A wrestler that is extremely talented Wes Schnorfestt.

Wes Schnorfestt:

“That’s right.”

Trey Tallman:

“Wes likes to fly, I like to dominate the ground, because I am one of the bigger guys here.”

Wes Schnorfestt:

“That’s right.”

Trey takes a moment to flex his size, which along side his tag-team partner is impressive.

Trey Tallman:

 “We complement each other’s styles so well.”

Wes Schnorfestt:

“That’s right.”

Trey Tallman:

“We are your newest tag-team. We are “Air & Honour!”

Wes Schnorfestt:

“That’s right.”


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Air & Honour vs The Affliction

Air & Honour put on an abysmal segment together, that even with only one set of lines Wes Schnorfestt still looked out of his depth on the microphone. The pair were able to turn it into an okay match, but they were completely overpowered and out muscled as Anguish dominated the later portions of the match allowing The Affliction to continue their tag-team dominance.

Winner: The Affliction

Rating: 43



Swish – Isaac Taylor

Backstage yet again Swish are hounding Isaac Taylor to officially join them. This time in perhaps the sternest way possible, Isaac makes it very clear that he won’t be joining the duo. Upset that they dropped his name and were competing for “him” so to speak. Isaac threatens the two men if they try and get involved in his career any longer. He will gladly show them how hard he can hit. Fast Eddie looks ready for a fight right there and then, D-Pod intervenes to simmer the tension down. Focusing more on calming Fast Eddie, as Isaac leaves D-Pod can be heard saying that Isaac Taylor will get his.



Chopper Rourke vs Crazy Train

As promised from last week, this was a chance for two guys who hadn’t been able to accomplish much as of late to get some much-needed momentum and a match at BCF Clash at the Coast. The two men didn’t inspire confidence in what was a terrible match between them both Chopper Rourke securing the win in the end.

Winner: Chopper Rourke

Rating: 29



Reggie Hammer – Dutch DeRue

Reggie Hammer is backstage talking to his manager Dutch DeRue.

Reggie Hammer:

“Dutch this is my opportunity, I can be in the main event tonight. I can team with Rod Sullivan and send the Brat Pack, packing. “

Dutch DeRue:

“No, your opportunity is at BCF Clash at the Coast. You don’t need to team with a future opponent tonight.”

Reggie Hammer:

“If I don’t help him, he has a handicap match.”

Dutch DeRue:

“Not our problem. We are getting you ready to take on Gregory Grace. You made me your manager finally, and I have already told Nigel Darling you won’t be competing tonight.”

The segment closes with them arguing a little more before Dutch shuts the conversation down telling Reggie they are leaving the arena for the night.



Isaac Taylor vs Caleb

This was not the great match I expected it to be, and primarily I think it was due to Jensen Belvedere struggling as a road agent as both guys are solid in the ring. Isaac Taylor showed why he belongs at the top of the card in what was a dominant display from him as he came away with the win. The overall rating hurt at the end though.

Winner: Isaac Taylor

Rating: 35



The Brat Pack - Rod Sullivan

The Brat Pack made their appearance at the entrance ramp. Both talking about how surprising it is that people didn’t want to team up with Rod Sullivan. Listing several names of wrestlers that we wouldn’t be seeing tonight. Isaac Taylor already wrestled tonight, Crazy Train would not be able to back up in a second match, and Dutch DeRue wouldn’t let Reggie Hammer in the match.

Rod Sullivan hit the entrance ramp and did agree that none of those men would be out here tonight having his back. He had to go outside the box, someone who hasn’t wrestled in BCF yet he is new to the company, and one who is talented and the fans will enjoy watching.


Rob Edwards

Out came the man introduced as Rob Edwards, apparently one of the newest signings in the company. Rob Stewart took his time in his entrance to allow the fans to see him and establish himself as a star in the company. At least trying too.


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The Brat Pack vs Rod Sullivan & Rob Edwards

This was a good match, considering ¾ of it were made up of guys who were at the top of the company it was to be expected. Rob Edwards did show he was no slouch though and could go, although a step behind the other three men who had shared the ring before he didn’t flop when out on that stage. Rod Sullivan showed why he is in contention for the BCF Grand Championship as he won the match for his team.

Winners: Rod Sullivan & Rob Edwards

Rating: 57


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LETS GO ROB! Always a favorite of mine, glad to see him get a huge win in his debut and I can see him rocketing up the card for you. I find it really funny that my 2020 game was a larger company relying on RAW guys (Monday Next, Echo, The Brat Pack, and The A-Listers so a lot of the same names) while you did the small company start up, and in TEWIX we swapped places. In my 2020 game I had Rob come in hot with an undefeated streak and it didn't take him long to start mixing it up with the former RAW guys, so I'm glad to see you drop him right in the deep end. He'll be kicking their heads in in no time.

I always love The Buchanans as fall guys, they have great selling and they are capable enough in the ring to make whoever they fight look good. Even though their segment might have bombed I'm rooting for Air & Honour.

I'm surprised to see Crazy Train take the L to Chopper Rourke but I guess he is your old stomping mate. I am surprised you didn't pull the trigger and try and take Blitz from DIW yet, but I figure that has to be inevitable at some point.

Reggie Hammer and Swish have definitely been the stand outs of your first group of rookies, and I'm curious to see how much you give Hammer and how "even" you make him look against the RAW guys. Edwards is obviously one of the stand outs in the new hires, and I'm sure you have some more up your sleeves.

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I loved the Trey Tallman and Wes Schnorrfest Promo even if the fans hated it. Big Jumping Jeff Farmer energy in those two.

Jensen Belvedere being a terrible road agent is one of those things I found out the hard way as well since Road Agents without max experience just get dinged on everything, and since his in ring career ended early he (and Markus Rush) are pretty useless as a result. You'd think he might have gained some experience in the many years he's been agenting, or at least figured out the job wasn't for him, but that's persistance for you I guess.

Edited by Tiberious
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Probably my favourite episode so far. Classic heel schtick from Gregory Grace at the start overhyping an easy opponent, giving Wes Schnorfestt one line and the segment still bombing (that's not right), a major development between Swish and Isaac Taylor, an unexpected win for Chopper Rourke, creating a storyline reason for Reggie Hammer not contesting the main event that furthered his story and then a winning surprise main event debut for The Human Weapon. You couldn't have booked it better, regardless of the game disrespecting the Schnorfestt segment.

Also seconding @John Lions' love for The Buchanans. @Tiberious recommended them for my dynasty and I was impressed when I tried them. Not familiar with Jensen Belvedere as an agent but I've definitely had the experience @Tiberious mentioned when using Markus Rush.

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BCF Main Event #5



Gregory Grace

Gregory Grace opened up the show having already made his entrance down, much to the dismay of all the fans. Gregory got to cut a promo about his upcoming contest with Reggie Hammer, saying the young upstart has improved and impressed him but is still no where near ready to be fighting for the BCF Grand Championship. Gregory was feeling generous though and wanted to have a match tonight against another wrestler who has been improving. Although this opponent was even less deserving from sharing the ring with him than Reggie Hammer. Gregory Grace finished by yelling at the idiot backstage to get out here.


Wes Schnorfestt

That’s right.”

Despite just being insulted he delivered his signature line as he made his way out to the ring.



Gregory Grace vs Wes Schnorfestt

There wasn’t going to be much to say about the opening contest tonight. The result was written pretty much from the outset with Gregory Grace being the bigger and better guy in the ring while Wes tried his best to impress in his first solo outing. Gregory Grace eventually winning the match.

Winner: Gregory Grace

Rating: 44



Black Flash

Black Flash made his way out to his ring music running down to the ring full of energy. Appearing to be his typical self before the match. He jumps out of the ring to retrieve a microphone before standing climbing back between the ropes to deliver his first promo. 

“I am not one for the spotlight, unless it is in this ring.”

“I am not here to be a voice for a story.”

“I am here to be the main part.” 



Caleb vs Black Flash

Both guys in this match performed admirably and were able to put on a decent showing together. Neither man outshining the other, it allowed for an equal flow of offense from one another as well. Black Flash eventually picked up momentum and speed towards the end of the match to secure his victory against Caleb.

Winner: Black Flash

Rating: 47




An incredibly small man dressed in a colourful suit. A suit that would be fitting of someone who is a ring master in a circus, but it was faded and worn. With messy, unkempt orange hair, and orange glasses he awkwardly climbed into the ring. With microphone in hand his unsettling high-pitched voice filled the arena.

“Wec’lome she’ap.”

“I find it. T’ monsta.. thet stalks t’ wild.”

He lets out a cackle as he walks around the ring almost cheering and hyping himself up.

“He just wants to feast. I arrange t’ feast for him and now the wild belong with me.”

“He is a wild, t’ untamed man. He makes impressive debut he will.”

“Not t’ one, but t’ men. Clash at the Coast, my beast will fight.”

“He will fight too.”

“She’ap wec’lome my Wild.”

The arena darkens on the entrance ramp and a man the crowd have seen on several occasions in backstage vignettes steps out. Not the largest man on the roster but certainly the wildest looking man with dreadlocks and painted face yells raising his hands on the entrance way.


Kane Wilde

The small little man climbed out of the ring and made his way up to the monster clapping on his approach. Reaching the top of the ramp the little man yelled at the wild beast and ordered it backstage, as it followed his commands.



D-Pod vs Reggie Hammer

This was the worst match of the night, which to some degree made sense but was hampered even more by the fact D-Pod and Reggie Hammer just didn’t seem to mesh well with one another. Dutch did well at ringside though, and proved to be the deciding factor when he distracted D-Pod from sealing victory and allowing Reggie Hammer to recover. A fact that Reggie Hammer didn’t notice before hitting the VB Hammer. 

Winner: Reggie Hammer

Rating: 36



Mortimer – Spin Doctor

The newest former RAW signings involved a pair of men. Mortimer, formerly Mortimer Pyle. Spin Doctor delivered most of the hype before the match talking about how Mortimer has always been undervalued but now, he has learned from his time at RAW. Learned from his time away from RAW. He is now the ultimate opportunist. He is ready to take advantage of every situation he can, to control and manipulate any set back that occurs. He is born again not Mortimer Pyle, but bigger like Cher, Madonna, like Azazel. He is Mortimer!



Isaac Taylor vs Mortimer

This was a decent match for the debut of Mortimer, while Isaac Taylor was really off of his game. Even with that said he was the standout performer. Spin Doctor as well did some good work at ringside. The match came to a head when both members of Swish; D-Pod and Fast Eddie came out to the ring. D-Pod was able to distract Isaac Taylor while Fast Eddie climbed through the ropes and attacked Taylor from behind. All the while Spin Doctor was distracting the referee just long enough for Swish to clear the ring and Mortimer to hit the Pyle Driver.

Winner: Mortimer

Rating: 40



Swish – Isaac Taylor

After the match Swish drag Isaac Taylor out with a hard thud onto the ringside area before laying in boots against the man they were trying to have join them. Both D-Pod and Fast Eddie delivering a multitude of strikes before each man taking the chance to hit their finishers. The damage isn’t done as the ruined body of Isaac Taylor is taken back into the ring and they hit their tag-team finisher Street Sweep on the Jamaican star.



Standing over the body of the beaten Isaac Taylor D-Pod and Fast Eddie proceed to cut a promo. They make it clear that Isaac Taylor is to blame for all of this. All he had to do was say yes to their offer of him joining them. Instead, he rejected them, and this was the result and would be the result after every single appearance Isaac Taylor would make from now on.



Monday Next vs Moonchild

Monday Next proved once again that he is just on another level as he put on the performance of the night and while Moonchild wasn’t the worst performer of the night he was certainly carried by Next. Monday Next controlled a lot of the match until he finally hit the Flash Forward against Moonchild for the win.

Winner: Monday Next

Rating: 57



Monday Next

Monday Next got on the microphone to deliver a short promo. Starting off by reminding fans yet again he was the Main Event of the night, and yet again he was the winner of the Main Event.

He then transitioned the topic to the future. To his future match at Clash at the Coast. Talking up how Rod was able to beat The Brat Pack last week with the help of some new guy Rob Edwards. Rod wouldn’t be so lucky to have help at Clash at the Coast. It will be Rod Sullivan facing off against Main Event Monday Next for the BCF Grand Championship!”



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No Vaughan segment this week. 

@John Lions I knew you would be excited by the Rob Edwards signing. To be honest, this will be probably the biggest time I have ever signed him and utilised him extensively, or at least I am aiming to do that. That is certainly a strong list and very similar list in terms of our companies. Crazy that the only person I am missing is Echo, who is now over in APW and certainly someone I could bring across to my team. The Buchanan's have certainly come in to be pin eaters but hopefully they have a fun time doing so. I have flip flopped on Crazy Train a few times in the opening couple months but I feel like I have found what I want to do with him, which will be revealed at BCF Clash at the Coast. Talking about new hires, I definitely wanted to try and highlight some talent against the former RAW guys as I didn't want it to just be RAW guys and then others. It is so damn hard to do with the RAW guys being better in every single facet however and just being way more over. 


@alpha2117 I mean I don't know they're both big lumbering units who don't offer much in the ring. 


@Tiberious I didn't know who that was but after watching a few of his promo's it is definitely the case that Wes Schnorfestt will be taking some creative ideas from Jumpin Jeff Farmer. The guy just ooze's charisma. Yup! I agree Jansen has been such a left down, and quietly I have removed him from the company. It is frustrating as three months in his experience hasn't moved and while I would have loved to use him I just can't I am planning to sign someone from overseas to fill the role, but it isn't enough to be highlighted in the shows. 


@619 I am glad you enjoyed the episode, I feel like my rhythm certainly picks up as I build towards Clash at the Coast that is for sure. I also agree Wes segments shouldn't blow up in his face, he is saying one word. Your insight into Rush being a liability is one of the reasons I just decided to sign an international road agent as I don't want that hindering the company. I mean it costs more, but who cares. I love Flip and Bounce as people to be beat up on, sadly for them. 

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Loved the turn - Taylor's issues in ring make pushing him in the Main Event a bit too difficult but in an upper mid-card feud he's great and this will elevate the other two guys.  

Troll with Kane Wilde makes perfect wrestling sense. Troll is Paul Bearer and Wilde is BCF's low budget Undertaker. 

It's starting to morph further away from Vaughan's traditional edgy hardcore leanings towards pure Sports Entertainment which makes sense because that's what works and DIW already has the darker hardcore market.  Vaughan reminds me of Kevin Sullivan now, a guy who probably prefers darker hardcore stuff personally but knows that isn't mainstream and is smart enough to book accordingly.  

I love that Vaughan knows his old mate is useless.



Edited by alpha2117
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I like the fact that the bad rating rightly didn't derail Schnorfestt's catchphrase. It was an interesting development with Kane Wilde to not only take his latest hype segment in a different direction but pair him with another unique character. Mortimer being like Cher, Madonna and Azazel was one of the lines of the dynasty so far. Again, you're doing a great job pacing these debuts so we have time to get used to everyone rather than feeling overwhelmed, and it was a smart move to have those that couldn't fit onto this show like Rod Sullivan and Rob Edwards still namechecked to keep them front of mind rather than trying to force them into a segment. Good escalation of the Swish-Taylor angle too.

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BCF Main Event #6



Nigel Darling

Nigel Darling comes out to open the show and address the attack that we saw last month by Swish on Isaac Taylor. Quickly declaring that Isaac Taylor won’t be in action for tonight shows, and both members of Swish; D-Pod and Fast Eddie have been suspended for tonight. He quickly adds that he knows this is a combat sport, and fights will break out when not intended and the general repercussion will be to have a week off. Additionally, Swish will face Isaac Taylor at BCF Clash at the Coast with Isaac Taylor being able to select a tag-team partner. Isaac Taylor has not made a formal announcement or decision on his tag-team partner, but he has asked to do so next week when they take on The Affliction in tag-team action.




Rob Edwards vs Lloyd Banks

Local Talent Lloyd Banks asked for a spot on the show, while the man who debuted alongside Rod Sullivan was seen for the second time, this time in action against Lloyd. Rob Edwards right away showed he belonged near the top as he put in a great performance to lead to a decent match.

Winner: Rob Edwards

Rating: 45




Rod Sullivan – Rob Edwards

BCF Grand Championship contender Rod Sullivan makes his way out after the match to meet Rob Edwards in the ring. The two men shaking hands, and Rod Sullivan raising the hand of Rob Edwards to celebrate the win over the unknown Lloyd Banks.

Rod Sullivan:

“Rob congratulations on your win tonight and I wanted to thank you for the assist two weeks ago.”

Rob Edwards:

“Hey, any reason to beat the Brat Pack at their own game, is good enough for me.”

Rob Sullivan:

“I owe you one.”

Rob Edwards:

“Well, I know just the way you can repay me.”

Rob gestures to his own waist referencing the belt.

Rod Sullivan:

“When I win the BCF Grand Championship against Monday Next, I already have a match against Gregory Grace or Reggie Hammer.”

Rob Edwards:

“No, they get a shot at the title. It doesn’t have to be a one-on-one match.”

Rod Sullivan takes a moment to think about the suggestion before extending a hand to Rob Edwards, accepting his offer. The two men leaving the ring side by side.




The Brat Pack vs Air & Honour

The Brat Pack came out on a mission. Although they had defeated Air & Honour before, they had yet to do so while under the new tag-team name. Unfortunately for Trey Tallman and Wes Schnorfestt the name wasn’t enough to turn the fortunes for the two men. Thurston Darcy III was able to finish Trey Tallman in the ring for the win in a strong match.

Winners: The Brat Pack

Rating: 50



The Brat Pack

The Brat Pack got on the microphone and were upset at the fact that Rob Edwards was going to put himself in line for a title shot against Rod Sullivan. They explained that they are the best tag-team on the roster, as a duo they are unmatched. They want to offer the same deal to Monday Next. If he wins the BCF Grand Championship at BCF Clash at the Coast. They want him to make it a Fatal-Four-Way match when he defends his title. The two members of The Brat Pack think it is an excellent idea, both men shaking on it and congratulating themselves. The pair delivered an amazing promo with one another.



Quicksilver vs Anguish

Continuing with the theme of tag-team wrestlers on the show Anguish was joined by his tag-team partner Misery. Not that it looked like he needed the help as he stood a clear foot higher than his diminutive opponent. It showed as well as he dominated the match. This was another decent match for the night continuing the good showing for tonight.

Winner: Anguish

Rating: 40



Mortimer & Spin Doctor

Mortimer was joined by Spin Doctor. This time not dressed to compete for action like he was last week. Spin Doctor announced that they were on a scouting mission tonight, to plan the next big win for Mortimer. The enigma that is Black Flash would be up against it tonight in a match against another man that the fans seem to love Craig Phoenix. Spin Doctor then leads to why it is so important to see Black Flash in action. Mortimer will be taking on Black Flash at BCF Clash at the Coast.



Black Flash vs Craig Phoenix

This match was all about Mortimer at ringside. Doing everything, he could try and get under the skin or Black Flash he distracted him at every opportunity. He even pulled Phoenix to the outside of the ring when Black Flash went to the top rope, before subsequently through Phoenix into the barricade as the referee became distracted with Flash in the ring. All of that was not enough to distract Black Flash from victory in a decent match.

Winner: Black Flash

Rating: 41



Gregory Grace – Dutch DeRue – Reggie Hammer

The camera followed Reggie Hammer and Dutch DeRue who were making their way through the backstage area as Dutch DeRue tells Reggie he doesn’t need a match tonight. That next week he has a perfect tune up match planned for him. Reggie tries to protest saying he should be fighting every week but is cut off as Dutch reminds him that he is the manager. Gregory Grace stumbles upon the pair and lets Reggie know he would be wise to follow his managers advice. After all his tune up match for the BCF Grand Championship is going to be against Reggie Hammer, as it would be a nice and easy warm up match. Causing the two men to get into a verbal argument slinging insults back and forth. This was sadly the lowlight of the night.



Rod Sullivan vs Azazel

It has been a few weeks since Azazel had a match on the main card and he came out firing. Rod Sullivan meanwhile looked to put on an impressive match and shows he is willing to fight anyone on the roster. To no ones surprise it was Rod Sullivan who would come out with the better performance and win the match. Unfortunately for Rod he wasn’t able to elevate the match to the standards we saw earlier in the night, struggling to carry his opponent to a Match of the Night performance.

Winner: Rod Sullivan

Rating:  44




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I enjoyed the Nigel Darling intro, which reminded me from your previous dynasty that you're very disciplined in terms of not overdoing the non-match violence, and the suspension angle reinforced that it's a big deal when it happens. A tag match makes sense as the payoff, and that division is building up nicely.

Rob Edwards v Lloyd Banks as the show opener moved me: those two magnificent men got to 51 NSW popularity in my TEW20 save. Banks was a fitting candidate to help Edwards continue his momentum. Nice logic from Edwards in the post-match too not just assuming he'd have to wait in line for his shot but proposing a triple threat, and a good follow-up for the Brat Pack to bargain for a similar deal. So many credible contenders already.

Gregory Grace referring to Reggie Hammer as a tune-up match was a nice heel line, even if the new angle system didn't do it justice.

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On 9/9/2024 at 1:39 AM, HiPlus said:




I also agree Wes segments shouldn't blow up in his face, he is saying one word.


Come on now I think you're being unfair on the poor guy. It's TWO words. Twice the opportunity to mess up. 

Highlight for the last show was Brat Pack shaking on their own deal. 

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BCF Main Event #7




Nigel Darling – Monday Next – Rod Sullivan

Nigel Darling is in the ring to talk about tonight’s show. Unveiling that tonight is a special night, with four out of five matches tonight being tag-team contests. The first match will see Swish take on the Tranquil Warriors, the second match being Isaac Taylor and his new tag-team partner take on The Affliction, later on The Brat Pack face the newest tag-team The Buchanans.

Before he can get to the Main Event, Monday Next interrupts making his way out to the ring to talk about him being in the Main Event tonight. Monday Next doesn’t get far into his promo before he is interrupted by Rod Sullivan. The two men don’t get far into arguing before Nigel Darling makes the announcement that both men will be in tag-team action against each other tonight. They just both need to go find themselves a partner. Monday Next tries to protest saying he doesn’t do partners, to which Rod Sullivan says he will have a hard time picking between everyone that wants to shut Monday Next up, with a punch to the face.



Swish vs Tranquil Warriors

The first match of the night and one of four tag-team contests featured two teams lower on the totem pole. This was better than I expected in terms of a match. Swish came out aggressively as they mounted a rapid-fire offence.  Moonchild put in a good amount of work that impressed me. Swish were too aggressive for their opponents as they secured an impressive victory.

Winners: Swish

Rating: 42



Monday Next – Spin Doctor – Mortimer

A small segment backstage with Monday Next being approached by Spin Doctor and Mortimer. The two wanting to offer the services of Mortimer to team up with Monday Next in the Main Event. Monday Next says he doesn’t really care who is partner is tonight, tonight is about proving he can beat down Rod Sullivan in a Main Event. Spin Doctor tells Mortimer this is a great opportunity to warm him up for his match against Black Flash. Creating the rumour it may be Black Flash teaming up with Rod Sullivan, a win which will certainly put Mortimer in a prime chance to take on whoever wins the BCF Grand Championship. Monday Next looks over his future tag-team partner and adds there is no chance that will happen.



Isaac Taylor & Luke Pope vs The Affliction

Isaac Taylor was out in the ring with his new opponent, a new face Luke Pope (fka. Surfer Dude Lucas). The Affliction were on a mission in this match facing off against Isaac Taylor. Isaac does his best to try and carry his team but when he is out on the apron D-Pod comes down to ringside. Isaac getting distracted chases D-Pod to the backstage area leaving Luke Pope on his own. Two on one advantage and the impressive size of Anguish is too much for Luke Pope. This ended up as a nother good match, and Luke Pope outperformed everyone involved in the contest.

Winner: The Affliction

Rating: 46



Swish – Luke Pope – Isaac Taylor

The Affliction celebrate in the ring, but the real event is ringside as Fast Eddie pulls out Luke Pope throwing him into the barricade and performs a heavy sidewalk slam into the ringside stairs. D-Pod comes out to help direct traffic kicking the head off of Luke Pope before pulling him against the stairs. He directs Fast Eddie and Eddie delivers a knee straight into the head of Luke Pope against the steel stairs. The attack isn’t ending there as D-Pod looks to have more in mind before Isaac Taylor sprints down to the ringside area. Clearing out Swish from the ringside area. Isaac Taylor now more focused on his partner calls out for help from the back as the medical team responds to ringside.



Chopper Rourke vs Reggie Hammer

Chopper Rourke looked to use his size advantage of 20 more kilos of weight to try and dominate the 21 year old in the ring. It is successful in the early goings, but it isn’t long before Reggie Hammer is able to power out of a hold and deliver strong straight rights to build momentum. Reggie Hammer eventually puts away Chopper Rourke with his signature VB Hammer, a move no one has been able to kick out of yet. This was the worst match of the night by a decent margin mainly down to Chopper Rourke, and Reggie Hammer not yet being able to carry matches himself.

Winner: Reggie Hammer

Rating: 37



Dutch DeRue – Reggie Hammer

Dutch climbs into the ring to congratulate his client on yet another successful victory pointing out how this was one of the biggest matches Reggie Hammer has ever had. In 3 weeks he will be facing off in his biggest match ever against Gregory Grace with the winner going on to face the BCF Grand Champion. Dutch has a surprise  for Reggie. It is his newest insurance policy to ensure his client wins at BCF Clash at the Coast. It is a tag-team who have been particularly well on the independent scene. Reggie interjects, saying as long as he has a cold beer waiting for him, that’s all he needs for victory. Dutch DeRue reminds Reggie that he is the manager, and he already has signed the new team.



Crime Wave

Two smaller men sporting a rather mean look make their way out to the crowd. The two men don’t cut a promo instead letting Dutch talk them up before they climb into the ring to shake the hand of Reggie Hammer who seems none too thrilled about the events.



The Brat Pack vs The Buchanans

The Brat Pack put on an exciting contest and Artemis Eyre Rochester came up with an interesting end to the match. Even though they were handedly beating The Buchanan brothers Artemis and Thurston Darcey pulled out money from the ringside area offering to pay the duo to lay down and lose the match. The Buchanans look almost ready to take them up on the deal before Artemis throws the money in Flips face before using the distraction to their advantage to put The Buchanan brothers away. This was a really impressive match and the creative finished worked amazingly well with the crowd buying into it and chanting for Flip not to trust The Brat Pack.

Winners: The Brat Pack

Rating: 55



Rod Sullivan – Rob Edwards

Rod Sullivan is in the ring with his partner for the night Rob Edwards. The two men teaming up again after their recent victory against The Brat Pack. Rob Edwards reminds Rod Sullivan of the deal that the two men made last week pointing out that his favours of helping Rod aren’t for free. Rod can only laugh and says he has already accepted the deal from Rob Edwards. Rob Edwards and Rod Sullivan worked really well together in the segment and put on a strong showing on the microphone before the Main Event.



Monday Next & Mortimer vs Rod Sullivan & Rob Edwards

A lot of talent in this match, with Monday Next and Rod Sullivan with a decent supporting cast behind them. During the match there was a build up with both Rod Sullivan and Monday Next not getting a chance to exchange blows with one another until towards the end of the match. This was another really good match between the pairs.

Winners: Monday Next & Mortimer

Rating: 55



Gregory Grace

Monday Next and Mortimer were in the ring, celebrating the impressive victory but Gregory Grace came out putting an end to all of that. Gregory Grace delivered a promo on both the defeated Rod Sullivan and the victorious Monday Next. Telling them both it doesn’t matter who wins the BCF Grand Championship. Their victories will be short lived, and reigns forgotten as Grace will be taking the Championship from them at BCF Sun Never Sweats. Gregory then closes out the segment by telling Reggie Hammer it doesn’t matter who is in his corner at BCF Clash at the Coast, Gregory Grace will be victorious no matter what.




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Well, some bitter news and some decent news. Monday Next accomplished one of his dreams when he signed with WLW a few days before our show this week. Luckily the guy said he would still be happy to work with BCF, but his time in Japan is his priority. I appreciate the honesty; he also came out with a bit of behind-the-scenes information with dates of their events. He was going to be missing some shows, but the tour overseas should be done before BCF Clash at the Coast. He was just going to be messing up the buildup and could potentially sign for WLW in the future.  


Elsewhere Misery had a creative finish to a match he wanted to plug which was nice to see. Switchblade had one as well, one of the new signings. Which is why they debuted last week with Dutch DeRue, otherwise the plan was for them to debut at BCF Clash at the Coast.


@619 I am glad you enjoyed Nigel. I feel like I flip between him not being seen to then being used too much. It seems Swish didn't believe that the punishment was enough with them getting right back at it once again. The new angle system I am still coming to grips with, sometimes I get gold and sometimes I get Kane Wilde. 

@christmas_ape Oh boy does he often mess up those two words, just a real flat delivery.


I have written up the show for BCF Clash at the Coast, so expect me to post the next two shows before finally posting up the predictions for the Premium Event. I may take a small haitus after before I swing into the next few months and event. 

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I need lessons from you in building up tag divisions. I recall you starting with almost nothing and now you've managed to put together a four tag match card this early in the save. Impressive.

I was intrigued how you'd play The Affliction's match as I figured you wouldn't want Isaac Taylor losing but wouldn't want one of your founding teams losing to a new pairing either, and you found the ideal solution with Taylor getting caught out. Great post-match too to really build anticipation for that match.

I know it didn't get the rating you wanted, but I agree with Dutch DeRue that Reggie Hammer beating Chopper Rourke did some good in building him up for the match with Grace, especially as the only solo winner on this card. Interesting post-match development too, and my first sighting of D.O.A. and Switchblade's new renders. That tag division really is building nicely.

I thought Rod and Rob's prior success might give them the edge in the main event, but Spin Doctor did signal that Mortimer needed the win most to show his title credentials. Did Next cover Edwards or were either of the others involved in the fall?

I definitely feel your pain with the angle system. I've struggled with angle and match ratings so far compared to TEW20, but luckily DIW are in a position where low scores aren't too costly.

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BCF Main Event #8


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The Brat Pack – Mortimer & Spin Doctor

The Brat pack made their way out to the ring to talk about how they don’t have a match in 12 days weeks at BCF Clash at the Coast. They proceed to talk about all the success they’ve had as a tag-team, and that both men deserve a shot in the spotlight. Mortimer and Spin Doctor come out and Spin Doctor talks about how his client Mortimer has a match at BCF Clash at the Coast and with his services he could make The Brat Pack actual stars. The Brat Pack take offence to not being actual stars and the Spin Doctor back tracks and points out with the right investment they could have a very beneficial relationship. The Brat Pack leave to ponder the question as Mortimer and Spin Doctor sit down at ringside to watch the upcoming match. This was a strong and fun segment although it showed Mortimer was no where near as good on the microphone as everyone else involved.



Azazel vs Black Flash vs Quick Silver

This match featured Black Flash who would be facing off against Mortimer at BCF Clash at the Coast. The other two men had been kicking about and were looking to make an impact on the roster being only two shows away from the Premium Event. Black Flash showed why he was in the spot he was, outperforming the others handedly and creating a good match.

Winner: Black Flash

Rating: 47



Gregory Grace – Reggie Hammer & Dutch DeRue

Reggie Hammer makes his way out with his manager alongside him and a microphone in hand. He wastes no time in calling out Gregory Grace demanding his opponent in 12 days gets the hell out here. Gregory Grace stands at the top of the entrance ramp looking none to amused. Reggie Hammer talks briefly about how Gregory Grace is looking past him, like it’s a done deal. The only done deal in this business is the VB Hammer. No man has been able to kick out of it and next week on Main Event he will prove that when he takes on Misery. Gregory Grace goes on the microphone to talk down Reggie Hammer, but eventually gets cut off by Dutch DeRue.


Gregory Grace – Reggie Hammer, Dutch DeRue & Crime Wave

Dutch says that the winner at BCF Clash at the Coast is already decided. He has chosen the winner and with the help of these two men it is in the bag. Both members of Crime Wave come out flanking Gregory Grace giving a shot of them standing either side of him for a moment before they walk past him and down to the ring. Dutch announcing that their debut is going to happen right now.



Crime Wave vs Air & Honour

This is a good back and forth contest between the two teams and allows Trey Tallman to show off his size compared to the two smaller wrestlers. As the match reaches it’s climax with Air & Honour finally in control. Switchblade retrieves a chain from under the ring and with Dutch DeRue distracting the referee. Switchblade wraps the chain around his fist and delivers a hard right to the jaw of Wes Schnorfestt. The creative finish suggested by Crime Wave seemed to be a hit.

Winners: Crime Wave

Rating: 41



Troll & Kane Wilde

Troll leads out Kane Wilde to the ring showing him off, excitedly jumping about and pointing at how big his monster man is compared to him. In his squeaky high-pitched voice. He begins to deliver a promo on the match.

“Wec’lome she’ap.”

My wild ‘e is he ‘er”

“12 more spins and he compete.”

“My monsta’ face men larger than I.”

“He face’s t’oo, t’oo men not one.”

Troll holds up his fingers in the peace sign to signify that he will be facing two men.

“He trem’bel in excit’ment”

The large Kane Wilde steps forward taking center stage and yells loudly flexing his bulky body.

“We see then. We see you all then.”

Troll finishes the short segment before guiding his Wild man to the back once more.



Thurston Darcy III vs Bounce Buchanan

Thurston Darcy III came out with a point to prove after popularity polls on the BCF website showed that he had slid a little in comparison to his tag-team partner. He was more aggressive in the ring against an opponent that was smaller than him. Providing another strong match for the show.

Winner: Thurston Darcy III

Rating: 46



Rod Sullivan – Rob Edwards

Rod Sullivan and Rob Edwards were in the ring talking about the unfortunate loss last week. Rob Edwards was putting the loss on himself and said that he is done losing for now. Rod Sullivan jokingly agrees that it was Robs fault, causing both men to laugh. Rod says he came out with Rob Edwards tonight to see his match and watch him start his winning streak again. Rod then compliments Caleb his opponent tonight, saying he doesn’t have the best win/loss record, but that isn’t a slight on how talented Caleb. Rob Edwards comments he doesn’t underestimate any of his opponents. They always get the full force of the “Complete Weapon” that is Rob Edwards every single match he is in.



Caleb vs Rob Edwards

This was a long match with both guys getting a decent amount of offence in but Rob Edwards being able to shrug off the attacks of Caleb much more, while Rob Edwards took time to put away Caleb who utilized the ropes, and the ringside area to help prolong the match. Though the winner of the match was never in doubt. This was a disappointing affair as both men didn’t perform nearly at their best tonight.

Winner: Rob Edwards

Rating: 36



Nigel Darling – Isaac Taylor

Nigel Darling was in the ring after the match and wanted to address the actions of Swish last week. Isaac Taylor was bought out before Nigel Darling talked about the tag-team Swish. Because of the attack and interference by the duo, both men were yet again not appearing tonight, nor would they be appearing next week. Isaac Taylor broke the unfortunate news that his tag-team partner from last week Luke Pope would not be medically cleared to compete at BCF Clash at the Coast. Which Nigel quickly reminds the fans is in twelve days. Isaac Taylor says that gives him twelve days to find a tag-team partner. If anyone is willing to team up with him, considering it puts a target on their backs with Swish. He continues by adding that if he does find a tag-team partner they will not be announced until their entrance for the match at BCF Clash at the Coast. Swish have done enough damage, and he is going to put an end to them, alone if he has to.



The Affliction vs Tranquil Warriors

This is sadly a dismantling for Craig Pheonix and Moonchild who struggle to get any momentum going during the match. The Affliction, a team without a match at BCF Clash at the Coast, are making the most of their spot in the Main Event tonight. The finish coming when both members of Tranquil Warriors are laid out in the ring, Misery drags them across the apron as the big man Anguish climbs to the top rope, delivering the biggest leg drop ever seen across the chest/neck area of the two opponents and the edge of the apron. Both men are nearly decapitated as Misery pulls the legal man Craig Pheonix back into the ring and delivers a clothesline attempting to truly tear his head off his shoulders. It was the match of the night in a solid contest between the two teams.

Winners: The Affliction

Rating: 48



Edited by HiPlus
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That night my phone was blowing up from the previous show. Horrie Fowler said he made a big move, a big move. It wasn’t as big as he was making it out to be. As the other reason my phone was blowing up was Louie Louis had seemingly walked out on the RAW management team. Rumours were already circulating about a backstage brawl, to not being paid. Most of which I doubted, well except for the brawl, but it wasn’t like he even made the main card this year. Horrie seemed super excited for me to meet his newest signing, so that is on the cards for later this week. Hey new talent is new talent though, and even though he doesn’t have the biggest name value he still is over as much as the rest of our main ex-RAW guys. Though I think I like his APW name better.


 Although that all went out the window. He agreed to being paid the same as The Brat Pack and two days later he came in backstage demanding more money. He hasn’t even made an appearance yet but was wanting to be paid as much as Monday Next and Rod Sullivan. I compromised and offered him half the money he wanted. He then just walked out. I know he sees himself as a big man backstage but in that moment, I could have throttled the kid. Probably a good thing though as Horrie Fowler immediately started spreading rumours backstage about him leaving. This was annoying as I already had an initial promo idea set out for him at BCF Clash at the Coast, and was ready to throw him into a storyline alongside one of the new guys I had. F*$# him!


Monday Next and Captain Wrestling got into a heated argument as both men had an idea on how to unveil to BCF Grand Championship. One wanting it to show tonight, the other wanting to save it for BCF Clash at the Coast. Eventually I relented and Monday Next got his way, as it just made more sense. The title would be unveiled tonight, even if Monday Next would be appearing by satellite.


@619 I dunno, I feel like the division is lopsided with The Affliction and Brat Pack both being far too high up in the pecking order and no real face tag-teams to be a potential threat at this stage. Next got the cover on Edwards in the prior show to end it, something I forgot to omit. 

Edited by HiPlus
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Even with it being a bit lopsided, I think the tag division is working to start getting some of your guys over. If the ex-RAW guys aren't willing to take singles losses, a tag match is the best way to get your undercard over without having to sacrifice the popularity of the guys with name value on TV.

Not surprised to see Louis Louis yap his way out of a job, he seems to do that every game I play. Happy to see Crime Wave getting a decent push, I always use them in bit parts and they always perform but I never find a use for them long-term. Excited for Clash At The Coast, since I have a much better feel for the BCF roster I think things will really start picking up after the champ is crowned. No idea who Isaac Taylor's replacement partner could be, but one guy who I think could be valuable to you is Molokai Milk. I think he's just chillin in Hawaii but he's still pretty over in Australia from his RAW days and I think he's pretty laid back when it comes to putting guys over, which could be really helpful when a lot of your ex-RAW guys seem less likely to lay down for your future stars.

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16 hours ago, HiPlus said:

@619 I dunno, I feel like the division is lopsided with The Affliction and Brat Pack both being far too high up in the pecking order and no real face tag-teams to be a potential threat at this stage. Next got the cover on Edwards in the prior show to end it, something I forgot to omit. 

Hear me out...Luke Pope and Crazy Train, aka The Holy Rollers.

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