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BCF - Brisbane Championship Federation [CVerse]

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I really liked the Darling-Taylor angle as a smart way to set up a mystery partner story. It's not just there for the sake of intrigue, he explained a logical reason to keep it quiet.

I'm getting ominous vibes again from Dutch DeRue. I think it will be a fun story however it plays out, and the presence and potential involvement of Crime Wave possibly gives the Hammer-Grace loser an immediate story to occupy them on the other side of their match.

Interesting card composition as well in giving some different guys the main event spotlight as a way of showcasing the roster depth and training fans to treat more people as a big deal, especially as they're not booked for the big show yet.

And the behind the scenes stuff with Louie Louis sounded fantastically chaotic too.

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BCF Main Event #9



Nigel Darling – Rod Sullivan

Nigel Darling opened the show and in the centre of the ring on a podium was a clear outline of the BCF Grand Championship. Rod Sullivan proceeded to come out joining the Commissioner of BCF.

Nigel Darling:

“While I wanted to do this with both men competing for the title in the ring Monday Next has other commitments, but that isn’t going to stop me from unveiling the title to Rod Sullivan and all of you fans. Without further ado.”

Nigel Darling pulled the black cloth from the title unveiling it to the cheers of the audience before Rod Sullivan requested the microphone from Nigel Darling.

Rod Sullivan:

“That right there is my championship. I will embody the title more than anyone in this company. Monday Next where are you? Monday Next, having other commitments is no surprise, he is looking beyond me. He thinks he can go globe trotting without a care in the world. He thinks our match is a done deal. I am BCF! I am your future BCF Grand Champion! I am here every single night! At BCF Clash at the Coast, I will be crowned the first BCF Grand Champion and I will do it for each, and every one of you.”

Rod Sullivan points out to the crowd who cheer for him, before across the large stage monitor appears Monday Next who is seated inside a Japanese restaurant.


Monday Next

“Roddy, I heard you were going to get to see the title unveiling live. That’s great, that’s the closest you are ever getting to my title. Hold on Roddy, I know what you’re going to say. “But where are you Monday?” I am MAIN EVENTING ACROSS THE GLOBE! You could only hope to be performing across the world like I am. I am the Main Event for a reason. I am going to showcase the BCF Grand Championship globally. Imagine me walking out to events in Japan with that title on my waist. Imagine me taking it to the UK. I may not be there tonight, but in five days I will certainly be the Main Event in Brisbane. I will be beating you from bell to bell.”

“Roddy, I am sure you have got some wise comment, or crack about facing me, but guess what I can’t hear you and don’t care to either. That is the last time you get to see that title not strapped around Main Event Monday Next’s waist.”



Reggie Hammer vs Craig Pheonix

Following on from that amazing promo was a man who in five days would be finding out if he has a chance to face the winner of the BCF Grand Championship match. This was a hotly contested contest between Craig Pheonix who is a tag-team guy and Reggie Hammer who delivered a shattering VB Hammer to secure the win with Dutch DeRue ringside.

Winner: Reggie Hammer

Rating: 34



Reggie Hammer, Crime Wave & Dutch DeRue

Reggie Hammer celebrated at ringside with the fans while Dutch DeRue announced Crime Wave out to the ring. The pair of men came down, with Switchblade having chain wrapped around one of his fists, showing off his prized possession from his match last week.

Dutch DeRue:

“Welcome boys, welcome to the ring, come join the future BCF Grand Champion manager.”


“Thank you, Dutch we appreciate your guidance and assistance last week.”


“And our newest gift, and Reggie buddy thank you for accepting us as well.”

Reggie Hammer climbed back through the ropes and took the mic from D.O.A.

Reggie Hammer:

“Look boys, no offence but all I need is a beer and this right here!”

Reggie slaps his right elbow that he uses to deliver the VB Hammer. An action which the fans proceed to cheer.

Dutch DeRue:

“Don’t be like that Reggie, my boys right here are going to ensure the winner of your match with Gregory Grace. They are the “insurance” to make sure the right man wins.

Reggie Hammer:

“Dutch, and I don’t mean any offence, but I have got this. No one has kicked out of the VB Hammer yet, and no one ever will kick out of it. I am happy for you to represent these guys and me, but at BCF Clash at the Coast. You’re looking at everything needed to beat Gregory Grace.”

Reggie Hammer climbs out of the ring, leaving Dutch DeRue and Crime Wave together to prepare for the next match.



Crime Wave vs The Buchanans

Out came the fire plugs The Buchanans taking on Dutch’s clients. The Buchanans were able to put on some offense in this match considering they were facing a duo similar sized to them. The addition of Dutch DeRue at ringside and underhanded tactics still proved too much for the Buchanans to overcome as they eventually were beaten when Dutch wrapped a chain around the barricade and Flips arm, to keep him out of the contest. Flip & Bounce actually performed really well in this match.

Winners: Crime Wave

Rating:  39



Crazy Train

Crazy Train made his way to the ring not being seen since his loss against Chopper Rourke. Crazy Train rapped mentioning that loss but finding out it is a friend of his taking on Chopper at BCF Clash at the Coast, and he was excited as he would be the personal ring announcer for his friend. Crazy Train did well not to mention his name, even teasing the crowd that his friend was a even taller than he was, but not quite as robust, and rotund.


Chopper Rourke

Chopper Rourke came out from the crowd and Crazy Train and Rourke stood face to face with one another before they began to exchange blows with each other. Rourke eventually getting the better of Crazy Train and tossing him out of the ring standing tall.

“Tell your friend he is in line for the same punishment.”



Isaac Taylor vs Quick Silver

Isaac Taylor was in action against a fellow high-flier. Both men showed off impressive speed and pace in the ring as they bound around the ring. Isaac Taylor seemed a step ahead and was quite focused during the contest, his eyes obviously set on his upcoming match against Swish. Isaac Taylor ended the match quickly, and although his opponents weren’t here tonight, he didn’t stick around to celebrate the victory. This was a solid match.

Winner: Isaac Taylor

Rating: 43



Gregory Grace – Mortimer & Spin Doctor

Gregory Grace came out to talk about how he was in a tag-team match only five days away from his match against Reggie Hammer. He didn’t really care who his partner was as he could probably beat his opponents by himself. Mortimer & Spin Doctor came out quickly with Spin Doctor offering his services to Gregory Grace, saying that he arranged this match to show just how good of a team Mortimer and Grace could be with one another. Mortimer mentions how he teamed up with Monday Next and beat Rod Sullivan and some other guy.

Gregory Grace let’s Spin Doctor know in not so uncertain terms that he doesn’t need a manager. He doesn’t need Mortimer, he only needs himself and if they ever book his match for him. He will book them a date with a beating, courtesy of “God’s Gift to Women”. 


Air & Honour

The two men stand on the entrance ramp interrupting the bickering.

Trey Tallman:

“You guys had enough complaining at each other? Both of you afraid to face us? Let’s get to our match and see if you can beat us even with a partner Grace. After we beat you tonight, you can complain about that instead of the fact that you had a tag-team partner.”

Wes Schnorfestt:

“That’s right.”

Before Air & Honour make their way down to the ring ready for their match.



Gregory Grace & Mortimer vs Air & Honour

Air & Honour opened the match hot, capitalising against the bickering from Grace and Mortimer. The two men showing tag-team synergy with one another. That momentum ended up not being enough to carry the men to victory as when Grace got rolling inside and choosing not to tag Mortimer was able to put an end to the match with the Graceful Exit. This was another solid match.

Winners: Gregory Grace & Mortimer

Rating: 45



Black Flash

Black Flash came out to the ring first for his match tonight.

“I may have a big match against Mortimer in five days. But tonight is bigger.”

The mask man only getting a few words in while his entrance to the ring lasted longer than his time on the microphone. He certainly isn’t being paid by the minute.



Black Flash vs Rod Sullivan

This was certainly a big match for Black Flash as he faced off against Rod Sullivan for the very first time. Excited by the idea of the match the two men got a solid 18 minutes to go out their and put on a performance to steal the night. I expected more from this match, so was disappointed with Rod’s performance and Black Flash wasn’t that far off the pace, of a guy competing for the BCF Grand Championship. Rod Sullivan was able to pick up a solid win on his road to BCF Clash at the Coast.

Winner: Rod Sullivan

Rating: 41


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This was it. Sure I had put on a slap dash event a few months ago but seeing the TV Execs from The Bloke Channel come out again, Horrie Fowler inviting even more of his frankly E-List celebrities. Like I knew their names, I just wish I didn't know the names. I felt like I was on show, and I wasn't even on the show. Backstage we had a few guys want to come watch from the back, most of them had done the job for us in the past so I was more than happy to have them about. Another guy who had done the job wanted to get on the show, He did impress me last time out, so I said I would find him a spot. Another impressive performance and we can talk about making it a regular occurrence. 

Otherwise the rest of the show seemed to be in place, from the whiteboard that sat in the training facility for the past few months, until now the card was finally finalised. We were putting on more matches than we ever had intended. Including a way to get a lot of our tag-team division onto the card. 


BCF Clash at the Coast



BCF Grand Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer


Black Flash vs Mortimer


Chopper Rourke vs ???? (Accompanied by Crazy Train)


Kane Wilde vs ???? & ????


Swish vs Isaac Taylor & ???? 


The Brat Pack and The Affliction vs Air & Honour and Tranquil Warriors


BCF Grand Championship

Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next


Bonus Questions:

Who is Chopper Rourke's opponent?

Who is Isaac Taylors partner?

Which tag-team faces Kane Wilde?

Top 3 Matches of the Night?

Who has the promo of the night?

Edited by HiPlus
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BCF Grand Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer


Black Flash vs Mortimer


Chopper Rourke vs ???? (Accompanied by Crazy Train)


Kane Wilde vs ???? & ????


Swish vs Isaac Taylor & ???? 


The Brat Pack and The Affliction vs Air & Honour and Tranquil Warriors


BCF Grand Championship

Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next


Bonus Questions:

Who is Chopper Rourke's opponent? Big Harv who proceeds to be squashed and never seen again or becomes Crazy Train's even more awful offsider

Who is Isaac Taylors partner?  Surfer Dude Lucas who is very much the opposite of Big Harv

Which tag-team faces Kane Wilde?  The Buchanans

Top 3 Matches of the Night? Main Event - Swish v Issac & SDL, Grace v Hammer

Who has the promo of the night? Monday Next

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@John Lions - Yeah the ex-RAW guys really aren't willing to eat pins to the guys who are still Unrecognisable in the company. (I may have started the company at too large a size for them, even though the RAW guys have been able to grow the company. That is definitely my fault there. I am hoping I can grow it organically but another part of me wants to pull the trigger and sign a decent face team from APW/DIW that has just enough name value to become a focal point in the divison. Louis Louis is so disappointing. The moment I signed him I started brainstorming. I wasn't even going to have him appear until BCF Clash at the Coast but he was demanding more money. I had his whole first promo planned, his first storyline. He was going to get into a run against Rob Edwards and with the help of The Brat Pack end up winning that feud. Molokai Milk is a guy I love and I have used in the past to carry smaller companies. 


@Tiberious I mean Crazy Train is unveiling someone tonight. 


@619 You have no idea how upsetting it was, that Vaughan prompt I had already written up but left the name blank as he was going to be performing in his own angle, so I hyped him up and kept it very vague, and then when he quit I had to re-write everything again. 

@alpha2117 Both men have their positives and their negatives that is for sure. Monday Next has performed better in Main Events when giving the chance to carry the company. However he is prone to going overseas for tours. His last tour wrapping up just days before BCF Clash at the Coast. Make sure to get your predictions in. :)


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BCF Grand Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer

Maybe Reggie should have listened to Dutch.

Black Flash vs Mortimer

I'm predicting a Monday Next win in the main, so I need some faces who'll be in a position to challenge him.

Chopper Rourke vs ???? (Accompanied by Crazy Train)

Rourke isn't super talented, and Crazy Train's prescence may be a distraction to allow the mystery man to get a win. 

Kane Wilde vs ???? & ????

I suspect this match may not go over well with the fans, but we'll see. It is cool to see Kane Wild getting a push since he's not an obvious signing or someone I've really seen get pushed/used in any other games.

Swish vs Isaac Taylor & ???? 

Swish get a big win.

The Brat Pack and The Affliction vs Air & Honour and Tranquil Warriors

I would love to see an upset here, but realistically there's only one way this match plays out.

BCF Grand Championship

Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next

Tough call here because Monday Next has frankly been delivering better performances from what I can tell, but at the same time I can't help but feel you have a greater array of top level heel challengers than you do face ones. I'll go with Main Event Monday because I just think he deserves it more with what he's done.

Bonus Questions:

Who is Chopper Rourke's opponent? Hack the Hunter

Who is Isaac Taylors partner? Quicksilver

Which tag-team faces Kane Wilde? The Buchannons

Top 3 Matches of the Night? Sullivan/Monday, Eight Man Tag, Grace/Hammer

Who has the promo of the night? Main Event Monday Next.

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I'm waiting for you to get sued for calling yourself BCF in Australia 😄


BCF Clash at the Coast



BCF Grand Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer


Black Flash vs Mortimer


Chopper Rourke vs ???? (Accompanied by Crazy Train)


Kane Wilde vs ???? & ????


Swish vs Isaac Taylor & ???? 


The Brat Pack and The Affliction vs Air & Honour and Tranquil Warriors


BCF Grand Championship

Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next


Bonus Questions:

Who is Chopper Rourke's opponent? Rob Edwards

Who is Isaac Taylors partner? Hack The Hunter

Which tag-team faces Kane Wilde? The Buchanan Boys

Top 3 Matches of the Night? Rod vs Next, Swish vs Isaac & Grace vs Hammer

Who has the promo of the night?


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BCF Grand Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer


Black Flash vs Mortimer


Chopper Rourke vs ???? (Accompanied by Crazy Train)


Kane Wilde vs ???? & ????


Swish vs Isaac Taylor & ???? 


The Brat Pack and The Affliction vs Air & Honour and Tranquil Warriors


BCF Grand Championship

Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next


Bonus Questions:

Who is Chopper Rourke's opponent? Hack The Hunter

Who is Isaac Taylors partner?  Rob Edwards

Which tag-team faces Kane Wilde?  Buchanons

Top 3 Matches of the Night?    The last 3 actually

Who has the promo of the night? KANE WIL- no I guess I'll go Rod. 

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Really looking forward to Clash at the Coast. I think Gregory Grace v Reggie Hammer has been my favourite build and is what I'm most intrigued by. I'm expecting Grace to win and Dutch DeRue has definitely foreshadowed up a storm, but I liked Grace making a point of saying he doesn't need anyone else to add doubt. But right after that he won a tag match, so it can be classic heel disconnect between words and actions.

And if Grace wins, does that put Rod Sullivan in line for the title? That pairing feels more natural, but it seems like Monday Next has outperformed Sullivan so far, and the touring angle feeds quite nicely into his character: the heel champion who thinks he's bigger than the company he's working in. So you've built yourself lots of plausible and interesting options, and I look forward to seeing how you execute them, as well as who the mystery guests are.

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BCF Grand Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer


Black Flash vs Mortimer


Chopper Rourke vs ???? (Accompanied by Crazy Train)


Kane Wilde vs ???? & ????


Swish vs Isaac Taylor & ???? 


The Brat Pack and The Affliction vs Air & Honour and Tranquil Warriors


BCF Grand Championship

Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next


Bonus Questions:

Who is Chopper Rourke's opponent? Hack the Hunter

Who is Isaac Taylors partner? Surfer Dude Lucas

Which tag-team faces Kane Wilde? The Buchanans

Top 3 Matches of the Night? 1. Rod Sullivan vs Monday Next 2. Gregory Grace vs Reggie Hammer 3. Black Flash vs Mortimer

Who has the promo of the night? Monday Next

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