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Hello all! Apologies, I had kind of a start/stop a little bit ago, but I fixed things up and I think I really improved my formatting for shows. I've got a couple in the bag and I'm ready to actually give this a go. (Though I'm still waiting for HTML access! 😅)

I love USPW, have since I started playing on TEW 2010. They were the little engine that could, and now they're on their way to being a juggernaut! I've got my sights set on Titanic! Bruce the Giant, Enygma, Tyson Baine and James Justice built this company up, handed Nicky Champion the ball. Now USPW is taking over the world!

My user character is Robbie Sanchez. I think he did get treated unfairly in 2018, when he lost the book and it's time to come back. Money has kept the business afloat, and is a decent booker, but he's in a bit over his head as head of USPW creative. 

Special thanks to @angeldelayette, @christmas_ape, @Eisen-verse and others for inspiring me to write, and try to make the best presentation possible. I may not be an art expert, but teaching taught me a little about how to use Google Slides 😂.


I don't know as though I have a strict set of rules for this dynasty but I do want to be as true to USPW as possible. I plan to keep the product family friendly and that extends to signings. I won't hire drug users or locker room problems. I'll only hire guys I think work well for the USPW style. (Death Row might work as a tag team, but their image isn't keeping with the product. Joanna Silver is a solid young worker, but "The pirate of men's pants" isn't gonna fly when grandpa is taking his grandson to a USPW show!) I also don't want to hire anyone who would overshadow Nicky Champion. He's the Figurehead and I need to protect him. Frehley was the perfect addition because he's equal in star quality but not as charismatic or as good a worker. Money too because he's lower in SQ and is older. Four FA signings changed the course of USPW forever, so I shouldn't be too quick to go out and make a ton of signings. I want to build up who I have and who I get from my new performance center!

First prediction card will post soon! 

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Posted (edited)

Major Stars:
Nicky Champion - Hawkeye Hammer (Double Underhook Facebuster - Pedigree)
Steve Frehley - Frehley's Comet (Tornado Face Slam - F5)

Casey Valentine - Deep Impact (Double Arm DDT)
Julius Moor - Charging Tackle
Rich Money - Bank Roll (Side Belly to Belly Suplex)
                      Money in the Bank (High Angle German Suplex with Bridging Pin)
                      Dollars from Heaven (Frog Splash)
Rick Law - Long Arm of the Law (Lariat - Clothesline from Hell)
Running Wolf - Wolf Tamer (Fireman's Carry Slam - Attitude Adjustment)

Well Known:
"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith - Backdrop Driver
                                              Inverted Piledriver
Eddie Howard - Crash and Burn (Twisting Snap Powerslam)
Enygma - Enygma Variation (Scissored Ankle Lock)
Funky Fedora - Slingshot Back Suplex
                         Top Rope Knee Drop
Jack Jackson - Implant DDT
Joss Thompson - Clean Cutter (Spinning Back Suplex Bomb)
Sterling Whitlock - Whitlock's End (Leaping Piledriver)
Trent Shaffer - Heart Burn (Lungblower)

Anthony Trask - Texas Cloverleaf
Atlas - Kronus Bomb (Released Powerbomb)
Bash Street - Crucifix Powerbomb
Cooper Christie - Top Rope Elbow Drop
DC Rayne - Storm Damage (high velocity Swinging Neckbreaker)
Dusty Ducont - Thrown Powerbomb
Grandmaster Phunk - Phunkensteiner (Hurricanrana) 
Greg Black - Fade to Black (Reverse Underhook Driver)
Jacob Jett - Emergency Landing (Top rope legdrop bulldog)
                   Jett Takeoff (Powerbomb with rollthrough bridging pin) 
                  Jett Engine (Stretch Muffler)
Jimmy Chipolata - Flying Body Press
Kirk Jameson - Kirk-Hold (Elevated Leg Lock)
                        The Bullseye (Sit out double underhook facebuster)
Maliek Chamberlain - Gordbuster
                                  Rolling DDT
 Marcus English - Tornado DDT
Morgan Malone - Malone In The Dark (Sleeperhold neck breaker)
Outlaw Wes Revell -  Release Powerbomb
Roger Cage - Cage Rage (Diving Reverse DDT)
Siale Valhalla - Full Nelson Bomb




Edited by DirigoJoe
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Outlaw Wes Revell vs. Julius Moor

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine

American Gold vs. Hot Stuff

Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah

Kirk Jameson vs. Joss Thompson

The Business (Rich Money and Sterling Whitlock) vs. Nicky Champion and Rick Law


Favorite USPW Worker of All Time?

What do you think so far?

What do you want to see in this dynasty?

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Outlaw Wes Revell vs. Julius Moor way higher in the card

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine

American Gold vs. Hot Stuff

Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah

Kirk Jameson vs. Joss Thompson

The Business (Rich Money and Sterling Whitlock) vs. Nicky Champion and Rick Law challengers need a W more, maybe?

What do you want to see in this dynasty? I'm curious to see your booking, good luck with this diary!

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Outlaw Wes Revell vs. Julius Moor

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine

American Gold vs. Hot Stuff

Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah

Kirk Jameson vs. Joss Thompson

The Business (Rich Money and Sterling Whitlock) vs. Nicky Champion and Rick Law


Favorite USPW Worker of All Time?  I've basically never played as USPW and so plenty of my favourites (Rich Money, Rick Law for example) I know from their time in other promotions. Maybe Alicia Strong

What do you think so far? Looking good, layout is easy to read. I liked the first post about the product, I think often people view family friendly or in general sports entertainment style products to be less exciting but there's a reason USPW are on top and I think that post explained their strengths well.

What do you want to see in this dynasty? I really don't know, whatever you find interesting I suppose! Good luck with it

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2 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

I liked the first post about the product, I think often people view family friendly or in general sports entertainment style products to be less exciting but there's a reason USPW are on top and I think that post explained their strengths well.

Thanks! I'd originally written a dialog between Packer and Sanchez, and it kind of sucked. 😂

I decided instead to write my thoughts from Robbie's POV. One of my big problems with modern wrestling is how it can be a spot fest. I hate Strong Style. I don't need to see a guy get kicked in the head for real. It's pro wrestling! Suicide dives never look like they hurt the guy taking it and a not insignificant number of times, the diver's foot catches the ropes and they eat it anyway. A body slam in USPW is a high spot. When Nicky Champion slams you, it drives the air out of your lungs and de-aligns your spine. When Ace Andrews slams you, it is a temporary inconvenience. 

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Outlaw Wes Revell vs. Julius Moor
The Wild One gets the first victory of 2022.  The Outlaw still needs some build.

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine
This one could go either way depending on if you're going with the starting storylines or not.  I got to go with the Cool Hand.

American Gold vs. Hot Stuff
American Gold are tabbed to win several USPW World Tag Team titles.  They get the win here against the guys from 21CW.

Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah
Pariah may not have friends, but she has wins.

Kirk Jameson vs. Joss Thompson
Again, this could go either way depending on if you're going with the starting storylines.  But The Complete Package is higher up on the card.

The Business (Rich Money and Sterling Whitlock) vs. Nicky Champion and Rick Law
Either Whitlock or Law takes the fall.  I am guessing Law after interference from Anthony Trask.


Favorite USPW Worker of All Time?  This is a tough one as USPW has been my baby.  It's like choosing between my children.  Maybe The Force or Bruce The Giant or James Justice?

What do you think so far? I think you're doing an excellent job so far.  The graphics are better than anything I've ever done.  I've never been a huge fan of the whole flipbook thing.  But it can be done really well, just like what you're doing.

What do you want to see in this dynasty?  Rocky Golden signing at the end of the year?  Some more tag teams, as USPW doesn't have many tag teams right now, especially in the men's division.  I can say that I've looked around the world for more tag teams for USPW.  Not a lot of them have popularity in the USA.

By the way, thanks for the shoutout.  I appreciate it!

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14 minutes ago, angeldelayette said:

 Rocky Golden signing at the end of the year?  Some more tag teams, as USPW doesn't have many tag teams right now, especially in the men's division.  I can say that I've looked around the world for more tag teams for USPW.  Not a lot of them have popularity in the USA.

By the way, thanks for the shoutout.  I appreciate it!

You can't do a USPW dynasty without shouting you out. It's illegal. 

Also, I will never sign Rocky Golden. (At least I'm pretty sure.) I am going to be careful not to overshadow Nicky Champion, and Golden has more SQ and charisma. Astute on the tag teams. I have a developmental territory with some, but yes, there need to be more. One will be introduced soon. I'll be on the lookout for more. I will say, The Ring Generals are my favorite non USPW team and they're signed for a while! 

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8 minutes ago, DirigoJoe said:

You can't do a USPW dynasty without shouting you out. It's illegal. 

Also, I will never sign Rocky Golden. (At least I'm pretty sure.) I am going to be careful not to overshadow Nicky Champion, and Golden has more SQ and charisma. Astute on the tag teams. I have a developmental territory with some, but yes, there need to be more. One will be introduced soon. I'll be on the lookout for more. I will say, The Ring Generals are my favorite non USPW team and they're signed for a while! 

I can understand not wanting to sign Golden.  But his style fits so perfectly with USPW.  But I can understand not wanting to overshadow Nicky Champion.  Though, who knows where he will be at the end of the year.  You just never know, right?  And I can understand liking the Ring Generals.  They are a good, solid tag team.  I will give you one tag team I looked at throughout the world.  That's the team known as the Nigerian Hit Squad.  They're a Permanent Unit and 100 experience.

Another signing you might look at would be Antonio Del Veccio.  He would be a great addition to the booking team, considering his booking skill is 91.  He is who I use as my user character.

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Outlaw Wes Revell vs. Julius Moor
- I think Julius is the bigger name at this point

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine
- AI USPW has given Casey the world title in April of 2022 in my SWF save so I'll back him to have a similar trajectory here

American Gold vs. Hot Stuff
- Their bio suggests big things are in store for them

Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah
- I'll go with the bigger name

Kirk Jameson vs. Joss Thompson
- I'll do the same here

The Business (Rich Money and Sterling Whitlock) vs. Nicky Champion and Rick Law
- Really could go either way here but I'll go with Champion pinning Whitlock 


Favorite USPW Worker of All Time?
- I'm very new to the C-Verse so I don't have one yet but looking forward to discovering my favourite through this diary!

What do you think so far?
- Liked the opener and just about to check out the starting storylines

What do you want to see in this dynasty?
- I can't really pinpoint a specific thing but looking forward to seeing how things play out!

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Strong first show, I liked you setting up Frehley as a future threat without having him involved in Nicky's ongoing storyline. Keeping Champion interesting/his threats believable will be the biggest challenge I imagine. I don't know how long his reign has been so far?



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4 minutes ago, christmas_ape said:

Strong first show, I liked you setting up Frehley as a future threat without having him involved in Nicky's ongoing storyline. Keeping Champion interesting/his threats believable will be the biggest challenge I imagine. I don't know how long his reign has been so far?



He beat Frehley for the belt in September, and The Dark Destroyer got sidetracked on chasing it back down in November. USPW's roster is a little thin with Champion and Frehley and then a bunch of upper midcarders. I guess it's like when Randy Orton and John Cena were the only top guys for a while. 

The good news is, hungry guys like Running Wolf, Julius Moor, Casey Valentine etc are close and Jack Jackson, Roger Cage and maybe a couple others could be built up quick if you wanted to. Maybe some others, but they'd need a lot longer. Plus Joss Thompson and Rich Money are always threats to be title contenders. 

I want to avoid a "SuperCena" type of deal with Champion, but he's the undisputed top guy right now. It'll be fun to book some chases for the belt. 

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Cheat Sheet:
Regular Joe vs. Steve Frehley

Olympus Order vs. Moor, Jett and Rayne

USPW National Championship Match
Funky Fedora vs. Rick Law (C)

USPW Women's Championship Match
Jaime Quine vs. Alinia America (C)

Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

The Business (Texas Express and Rich Money) vs. Nicky Champion and American Gold


Thoughts on the presentation?


Prediction contest standings: 
@angeldelayette - 8-1
@CharDeeMacDennis- 8-1
@Wrestling Machine - 6-1
@christmas_ape - 6-3


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Cheat Sheet:
Regular Joe vs. Steve Frehley

Olympus Order vs. Moor, Jett and Rayne

USPW National Championship Match
Funky Fedora vs. Rick Law (C)

USPW Women's Championship Match
Jaime Quine vs. Alinia America (C)

Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

The Business (Texas Express and Rich Money) vs. Nicky Champion and American Gold


Thoughts on the presentation?

Just checked this project out for the first time. I love the presentation and cycling through the slides kinda made it feel like a TV show. Good visuals and just amount of detail to get a clear picture but not be overwhelmed. Nice work!

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Cheat Sheet:
Regular Joe vs. Steve Frehley

Olympus Order vs. Moor, Jett and Rayne

USPW National Championship Match
Funky Fedora vs. Rick Law (C)

USPW Women's Championship Match
Jaime Quine vs. Alinia America (C)

Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

The Business (Texas Express and Rich Money) vs. Nicky Champion and American Gold


Thoughts on the presentation? Terrific presentation. Very clean and relatively simple, some of my favorite on the board. Really enjoy your writing style too.

Great to see another USPW dynasty, despite being the biggest company in the C-Verse it doesn't get a lot of attention.

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Regular Joe vs. Steve Frehley

Olympus Order vs. Moor, Jett and Rayne

USPW National Championship Match
Funky Fedora vs. Rick Law (C)

USPW Women's Championship Match
Jaime Quine vs. Alinia America (C)

Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

The Business (Texas Express and Rich Money) vs. Nicky Champion and American Gold

Some big matches! 

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Regular Joe vs. Steve Frehley

Olympus Order vs. Moor, Jett and Rayne

USPW National Championship Match
Funky Fedora vs. Rick Law (C)

USPW Women's Championship Match
Jaime Quine vs. Alinia America (C)

Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

The Business (Texas Express and Rich Money) vs. Nicky Champion and American Gold


Thoughts on the presentation? The presentation is clean, easy to read, and enjoyable, great job.

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Cheat Sheet:
Regular Joe vs. Steve Frehley

Olympus Order vs. Moor, Jett and Rayne

USPW National Championship Match
Funky Fedora vs. Rick Law (C)

USPW Women's Championship Match
Jaime Quine vs. Alinia America (C)

Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine

The Business (Texas Express and Rich Money) vs. Nicky Champion and American Gold


Thoughts on the presentation? Fantastic, really easy to read

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Thanks for the kind words about my slideshow format everyone! Also, did anyone follow the hyperlink to American Wrestling's theme song? I'm a sucker for these rock versions of classic patriotic songs 😅

I imagine every PLE (ew, I hate that term, but what else do I call them, they're not PPVs!) has one. Stars, Stripes and Slams has Stars and Stripes Forever etc. 

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Cheat Sheet:
Regular Joe vs. Steve Frehley
The Dark Destroyer rolls over Joe.

Olympus Order vs. Moor, Jett and Rayne
Moor's team is the easy choice.  I am going with the non-easy choice.  The Olympus Order picks up a cheating win and Zeus makes Moor bend the knee.

USPW National Championship Match
Funky Fedora vs. Rick Law (C)
This one could go either way, but the champ retains.

USPW Women's Championship Match
Jaime Quine vs. Alina America (C)
Another one that could go either way.  The Triumverate, though, gets involved and accidentally distracts Quine to give America the victory.

Anthony Trask vs. Casey Valentine
This one could go either way.  Both men are looking for a shot at the USPW National title.  I am going with the draw here.

The Business (Texas Express and Rich Money) vs. Nicky Champion and American Gold
Champion and Gold get the win by disqualification.  The Business stand tall at the end of the show.


Thoughts on the presentation?
If I am being honest, I've never been a fan of the flipbook presentation.  I will continue reading, of course, as you are a great writer.  The presentation, overall, though, is excellent and much better than what my own will be.

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