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WWF: 1983 - Death of the Territories

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Singles Match [B]Bruno Sammartino[/B] takes on The Masked Superstar: This is as solid a match as they come! Tag Team Action [B]Dick Murdoch & Don Muraco[/B] face the team of Tito Santana & Ivan Putski: Santana and Putski are great competitors but in this case, they are terribly outclassed. Singles Match Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Rick Martel: ??? Great match here. I can't call it but I'd pay to see it for sure! WWF World Heavyweight Championship Re-Match Jimmy Snuka & Captain Lou Albano are Banned from Ringside [B]Bob Backlund[/B] defends his Championship against "The Cripper" Ray Stevens: Just don't see Bob dropping the strap to the Crippler at all. Good diary here! Keep it up! I love this DOTT stuff.
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Singles Match [B]Bruno Sammartino[/B] takes on The Masked Superstar: This is as solid a match as they come! Tag Team Action [B]Dick Murdoch & Don Muraco[/B] face the team of Tito Santana & Ivan Putski: Santana and Putski are great competitors but in this case, they are terribly outclassed. Singles Match Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Rick Martel: ??? Great match here. I can't call it but I'd pay to see it for sure! WWF World Heavyweight Championship Re-Match Jimmy Snuka & Captain Lou Albano are Banned from Ringside [B]Bob Backlund[/B] defends his Championship against "The Cripper" Ray Stevens: Just don't see Bob dropping the strap to the Crippler at all. Good diary here! Keep it up! I love this DOTT stuff.
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Singles Match Bruno Sammartino vs. [B]The Masked Superstar[/B] Tag Team Action [B]Dick Murdoch & Don Muraco [/B] vs. Tito Santana & Ivan Putski Singles Match [B]Greg "The Hammer" Valentine[/B] vs. Rick Martel WWF World Heavyweight Championship Re-Match Jimmy Snuka & Captain Lou Albano are Banned from Ringside [B]Bob Backlund[/B] vs. Ray Stevens I'm a big fan of this diary, and of you, TOOL. I liked the CZW, and I have enjoyed this quite a bit so far. I hope I can make my WWF 1993 as good as your '83.
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Singles Match Bruno Sammartino vs. [B]The Masked Superstar[/B] Tag Team Action [B]Dick Murdoch & Don Muraco [/B] vs. Tito Santana & Ivan Putski Singles Match [B]Greg "The Hammer" Valentine[/B] vs. Rick Martel WWF World Heavyweight Championship Re-Match Jimmy Snuka & Captain Lou Albano are Banned from Ringside [B]Bob Backlund[/B] vs. Ray Stevens I'm a big fan of this diary, and of you, TOOL. I liked the CZW, and I have enjoyed this quite a bit so far. I hope I can make my WWF 1993 as good as your '83.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]WWF In Your Neighborhood live at the Asbury Park Convention Hall infront of 3,491 people[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/BrunoSammartino3.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/MaskedSuperstar.jpg[/IMG] [I]Bruno Sammartino vs Masked Superstar[/SIZE][/B] Sammartino dominates at first but loses momentum after getting caught with a Knee to the mid-section. Bruno Sammartino starts fighting back and locks his opponent in a Bearhug. The Masked Superstar has no other option but to Submit. [/I] [B]Bruno Sammartino defeated Masked Superstar in 7:41 by submission with a Bearhug. B[/B] [B][U]In-ring Interview with Billy Graham[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Billy Graham walks out to a sea of boos. He walks down towards ringside and steps inside of the ring where Lord Alfred Hayes is waiting.[/COLOR] [B]Lord Alfred Hayes[/B]: Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't know if it's a pleasure or a curse but I've been joined by "Superstar" Billy Graham, who is scheduled to compete in a Arm Wrestling Contest next week. Mr. Graham, do you have anything to share with us before you go into the much anticipated Arm Wrestling Contest? [B]Billy Graham[/B]: You know Graham, I've had a long time to think. Maybe I shouldn't have challenged Tony Atlas to an Arm Wrestling Contest, I mean there's so many other ways I can embarrass him that are less harsh!! Hahaha!! We're barely a week away and I can't wait to rip "Mr. USA"'s shoulder out of his shocket. It's going to feel better than the time I Piledrover him through this very mat. HAHAHA!! [COLOR="blue"]Suddenly, Tony Atlas runs out and slides into the ring. Luckily, Billy Graham manages to escape before Atlas could get his hands on him. The crowd errupts as Tony Atlas celebrates inside of the ring. A giant sea of "U.S.A." chants flood the arena. [/COLOR] [B]Segment Rating: A+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/DickMurdoch2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/DonMuraco4.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/TitoSantana1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/IvanPutski2.jpg[/IMG] Dick Murdoch & Don Muraco vs Tito Santana & Ivan Putski[/SIZE][/B] [I]Murdoch and Muraco dominate Tito Santana and isolate him away from his tag team partner. Santana takes a lot of damage and near falls. Don Muraco attempts to Piledrive Tito but he blocks it and Backdrops him across the ring. Tito Santana makes the tag to Ivan Putski. The Polish Hammer comes into the ring with a house of fire cleaning the ring. Muraco and Santana brawl on the outside while Ivan Putski stalks Dick Murdoch for his Polish Hammer. Suddenly, Adrian Adonis runs out and slides a chair inside of the ring then distracts the referee. Murdoch grabs the chair and nails Putski's arms while he attempted his Polish Hammer. Murdoch covers him for the 3 count. [/I] [B]Dick Murdoch and Don Muraco defeated Tito Santana and Ivan Putski in 8:01 when Adrian Adonis interfered. B+[/B] [B][U]The Fight Continues[/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"]Don Muraco and Tito Santana continue brawling all the way to the back. These two seem as if they're ready to tear each other apart.[/COLOR] [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/GregValentine2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/RickMartel2.jpg[/IMG] Greg Valentine vs Rick Martel[/SIZE][/B] [I]Valentine dominated Rick Martel throughout the entire match, focusing his attack on his legs. After taking tons of damage, Rick Martel gets caught in the Figurefour Leglock. Rick Martel tries to fight off the hold but eventualy taps out from the pain.[/I] [B]Greg Valentine defeated Rick Martel in 6:49 by submission with the Figurefour Leglock. A+[/B] [B][U]Main Event Stipulation[/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"]A dozen of security guards walk out and surrond the ring. Howard Finkle announces that if Jimmy Snuka or Captian Lou Albano interfere in the main event then they'll be suspended and finned without pay from the World Wrestling Federation. [/COLOR] [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/BobBacklund3.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/RayStevens2.jpg[/IMG] WWF World Heavyweight Championship Bob Backlund(c) vs Ray Stevens[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great back and forth wrestling with both wrestlers getting in some great offense. Stevens catches Backlund during one of his offensive moves and Hotshots him across the Top Rope. The Crippler takes advantage of Backlund's disadvantage and starts choking him. He keeps the Champion down by pounding him into the mat. Backlund starts fighting back and nails Stevens with some strong Clotheslines. Bob Backlund lifts Stevens up for a Bodyslam but accidentaly hits the referee. The referee is knocked out. Backlund drops Stevens and checks on the ref while The Crippler reaches into his tights and punches the Champion with a Foriegn Object. Ray Stevens covers Backlund while the referee counts the 3.[/I] [B]Ray Stevens defeated Bob Backlund in 8:52 by pinfall after nailing Bob Backlund with a Foriegn Object. Ray Stevens is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. [/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ray Stevens celebrates with the Heavyweight Championship when another referee runs out from the back and slides into the ring. The new referee explains how Stevens cheated to the original ref. They decided to re-start the match. Ray Steven's looks pissed off. The bell sounds to officaly re-start the match.[/COLOR] [I]Ray Stevens swings the Foriegn Object at Bob Backlund but he ducks and applies the Crossface Chicken Wing. The challenger tries to fight off the submission but Backlund grapevines his legs around his opponents waist and takes him down. It isn't long untill Stevens is forced to Tap-Out.[/I] [B]Bob Backlund defeated Ray Stevens in 9:03 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing. Bob Backlund retains the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. A[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating: A[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]WWF In Your Neighborhood live at the Asbury Park Convention Hall infront of 3,491 people[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/BrunoSammartino3.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/MaskedSuperstar.jpg[/IMG] [I]Bruno Sammartino vs Masked Superstar[/SIZE][/B] Sammartino dominates at first but loses momentum after getting caught with a Knee to the mid-section. Bruno Sammartino starts fighting back and locks his opponent in a Bearhug. The Masked Superstar has no other option but to Submit. [/I] [B]Bruno Sammartino defeated Masked Superstar in 7:41 by submission with a Bearhug. B[/B] [B][U]In-ring Interview with Billy Graham[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Billy Graham walks out to a sea of boos. He walks down towards ringside and steps inside of the ring where Lord Alfred Hayes is waiting.[/COLOR] [B]Lord Alfred Hayes[/B]: Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't know if it's a pleasure or a curse but I've been joined by "Superstar" Billy Graham, who is scheduled to compete in a Arm Wrestling Contest next week. Mr. Graham, do you have anything to share with us before you go into the much anticipated Arm Wrestling Contest? [B]Billy Graham[/B]: You know Graham, I've had a long time to think. Maybe I shouldn't have challenged Tony Atlas to an Arm Wrestling Contest, I mean there's so many other ways I can embarrass him that are less harsh!! Hahaha!! We're barely a week away and I can't wait to rip "Mr. USA"'s shoulder out of his shocket. It's going to feel better than the time I Piledrover him through this very mat. HAHAHA!! [COLOR="blue"]Suddenly, Tony Atlas runs out and slides into the ring. Luckily, Billy Graham manages to escape before Atlas could get his hands on him. The crowd errupts as Tony Atlas celebrates inside of the ring. A giant sea of "U.S.A." chants flood the arena. [/COLOR] [B]Segment Rating: A+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/DickMurdoch2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/DonMuraco4.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/TitoSantana1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/IvanPutski2.jpg[/IMG] Dick Murdoch & Don Muraco vs Tito Santana & Ivan Putski[/SIZE][/B] [I]Murdoch and Muraco dominate Tito Santana and isolate him away from his tag team partner. Santana takes a lot of damage and near falls. Don Muraco attempts to Piledrive Tito but he blocks it and Backdrops him across the ring. Tito Santana makes the tag to Ivan Putski. The Polish Hammer comes into the ring with a house of fire cleaning the ring. Muraco and Santana brawl on the outside while Ivan Putski stalks Dick Murdoch for his Polish Hammer. Suddenly, Adrian Adonis runs out and slides a chair inside of the ring then distracts the referee. Murdoch grabs the chair and nails Putski's arms while he attempted his Polish Hammer. Murdoch covers him for the 3 count. [/I] [B]Dick Murdoch and Don Muraco defeated Tito Santana and Ivan Putski in 8:01 when Adrian Adonis interfered. B+[/B] [B][U]The Fight Continues[/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"]Don Muraco and Tito Santana continue brawling all the way to the back. These two seem as if they're ready to tear each other apart.[/COLOR] [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/GregValentine2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/RickMartel2.jpg[/IMG] Greg Valentine vs Rick Martel[/SIZE][/B] [I]Valentine dominated Rick Martel throughout the entire match, focusing his attack on his legs. After taking tons of damage, Rick Martel gets caught in the Figurefour Leglock. Rick Martel tries to fight off the hold but eventualy taps out from the pain.[/I] [B]Greg Valentine defeated Rick Martel in 6:49 by submission with the Figurefour Leglock. A+[/B] [B][U]Main Event Stipulation[/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"]A dozen of security guards walk out and surrond the ring. Howard Finkle announces that if Jimmy Snuka or Captian Lou Albano interfere in the main event then they'll be suspended and finned without pay from the World Wrestling Federation. [/COLOR] [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/BobBacklund3.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o218/DOTTW1983/RayStevens2.jpg[/IMG] WWF World Heavyweight Championship Bob Backlund(c) vs Ray Stevens[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great back and forth wrestling with both wrestlers getting in some great offense. Stevens catches Backlund during one of his offensive moves and Hotshots him across the Top Rope. The Crippler takes advantage of Backlund's disadvantage and starts choking him. He keeps the Champion down by pounding him into the mat. Backlund starts fighting back and nails Stevens with some strong Clotheslines. Bob Backlund lifts Stevens up for a Bodyslam but accidentaly hits the referee. The referee is knocked out. Backlund drops Stevens and checks on the ref while The Crippler reaches into his tights and punches the Champion with a Foriegn Object. Ray Stevens covers Backlund while the referee counts the 3.[/I] [B]Ray Stevens defeated Bob Backlund in 8:52 by pinfall after nailing Bob Backlund with a Foriegn Object. Ray Stevens is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. [/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ray Stevens celebrates with the Heavyweight Championship when another referee runs out from the back and slides into the ring. The new referee explains how Stevens cheated to the original ref. They decided to re-start the match. Ray Steven's looks pissed off. The bell sounds to officaly re-start the match.[/COLOR] [I]Ray Stevens swings the Foriegn Object at Bob Backlund but he ducks and applies the Crossface Chicken Wing. The challenger tries to fight off the submission but Backlund grapevines his legs around his opponents waist and takes him down. It isn't long untill Stevens is forced to Tap-Out.[/I] [B]Bob Backlund defeated Ray Stevens in 9:03 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing. Bob Backlund retains the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. A[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating: A[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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Nice card...I said WOW when I saw Stevens won, and then continued to read and see the ole ref run out restart match angle...You pulled it off well and I agree with D. Boon's Ghost about the ending I like the pairing of Murdoch and Muraco, but I guess its not as good as Adonis and Murdoch...Anyways the rivalry is building between Muraco and Chico Santana... I like seeing the Hammer winning in dominating fashion as well.
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[CENTER][B][U]Thursday, Week 2, January 1983(Signings)[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]-World Wrestling Federation has just signed Srgt. Slaughter to the roster. He will be appearing on WWF television in the near future.[/COLOR] [B][U]Thursday, Week 2, January 1983(Worldwide Results)[/U] New Japan Pro Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="Red"]-NJPW held "World Pro Wrestling" at the Takamatsu Bunka Gym, infront of 2,000 people. Here are the results... Kurisu, Takada & Hamada defeated Yamazaki, Black Tiger & Go C Isamu Teranishi defeated Davey Boy Smith C Tiger Mask defeated Dynamite Kid to retain the WWF JR. Heavyweight Title B Riki Choshu went to a time limit draw with Antonio Inoki B[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]Saturday, Week 2, January 1983(Worldwide Results)[/U][/B] [B]AWA All-Star Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="Red"]-AWA held "AWA All-Star Wrestling" at the Croy Gym, infront of 2,000 people. Here are the results... Buck Zumhofe defeated Steve Regal C- Curt Henning defeated Big Scott Hall C- Rick Martel defeated David Schultz to retain the AWA TV Title C+ Wahoo McDaniels defeated Ken Pantera C+[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: C+[/B] [B]Southwest Championship Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="red"]-SCW held an event at the Mayan Theater, infront of 2,000 people. Here are the results... Al Madril defeated Tiger Conway Jr. C Eric Embry defeated Hector Guerrero B- Dick Slater & Manny Fernandez defeated Grappler #2 & The Hangman C+ Tully Blanchard defeated Gino Hernandez to retain the Southwest Heavyweight Title C+[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]Sunday, Week 2, January 1983(Worldwide Results)[/U][/B] [B]Georgia Championship Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="Red"]-GCW held an event at the Student Developmental Center, infront of 2,000 people. Here are the results... Ronnie Garvin defeated Pez Whatley to retain the National Television Title C Les Thorton defeated Johnny Rich D Bob Armstrong defeated Roadwarrior Animal C- Larry Zbyszko defeated Tommy Rich for the National Heavyweight Title B-[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: C+[/B] [B]Championship Wrestling Association[/B] [COLOR="red"]-CWA held a event at the Sanforn Civic Center, infront of 1,000 people. Here are the results... Coca Samoa defeated Adrian Street C- Phil Hickerson defeated Koko B. Ware C Jerry Lawler defeated Dutch Mantell to retain the AWA Southern Heavyweight Title C+ Austin Idol defeated Stan Lane C+[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: C+[/B] [B]Central States Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="red"]-CSW held "Wrestling at the Chase"" at the Lysaker Gym, infront of 2,000 people. Here are the results... Jerry Oates defeated Ted Oates C+ Buzz Taylor defeated Porkchop Cash C+ Killer Karl Kox defeated Moondog Rex C Dick Slater defeated Ricky Steamboat B[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]Monday, Week 3, January 1983(Worldwide Results)[/U][/B] [B]World Class Championship Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="Red"]-WCCW held "World ClassWrestling" at the Will Rogers Colliseum, infront of 5,000 people. Here are the results... Ken Mantell defeated John Tatum C- David Von Erich defeated One Man Gang to retain the WCCW Texas Heavyweight Title C Terry Gordy defeated Jose Lothario C+ Kamala & The Missing Link defeated Kerry & Mike Von Erich C[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: C[/B] [B]Championship Wrestling Florida [/B] [COLOR="red"]-CWF held "Wrestling from Florida" at the Puerto Rico Arena, infront of 300 people. Here are the results... The Purple Haze & Maha Singh defeated Barry Windham & Scott McGee C Black Bart defeated Kevin Sullivan C- Ron Bass defeated Bon Orton Jr. to retain the CWF Television Title C+ Jose Leduc defeated Blackjack Mulligan to retain the Florida Heavyweight Championship B- [/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: C+[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]Tuesday, Week 3, January 1983(Worldwide Results)[/U][/B] [B]All Japan Pro Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="Red"]-AJPW held "Kings Road" at the Nomura Town Gym, infront of 1,000 people. Here are the results... Goro Tsurumi defeated Mitsuharu Misawa C Atsushi Onita defeated Mitsuo Momota to retain the NWA International Jr. Heavyweight Title C Giant Baba & Genichiro Tenryu defeated Dory Funk & Ueda C+ Mighty Men of 1,000 Masks defeated Kabuki & Rocky C+ Motoshi Okuma defeated Ashura Hara C- Chavo & Fuchi defeated Takashi Ishikawa & Akio Sato for the All Asia Tag Titles C Bruiser Brody defeated Terry Funk B Jumbo Tsuruta went to a Time Limit Draw with Stan Hansen B[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: B[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]Wednesday, Week 3, January 1983[/U][/B] [B]WWF Championship Wrestling Television[/B] [COLOR="Red"]-World Wrestling Federation presents "Championship Wrestling" live on Cable TV East. [B]Pipers Pitt feat. Bruno Sammartino[/B] The most controversial man in Professional Wrestling, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, debuts in the WWF with his Talk Show "Pipers Pitt". Appearing as the first guest of the show will be the legendary Bruno Sammartino. [B]$5,000 Body Slam Challenge[/B] Freddie Blassie & Big John Studd will be on hand to take on any challengers in the $5,000 Body Slam Challenge [B]WWF Tag Team Championship Re-Match[/B] The WWF Tag Team Champions, The Strongbows, defend their championships against the Wild Samoans [B]Arm Wrestling Contest[/B] "Superstar" Billy Graham takes on "Mr. USA" Tony Atlas in an Arm Wrestling Contest [B]Grudge Match[/B] Don Muraco goes one-on-one with Tito Santana [B]The Champion Responds[/B] WWF Heavyweight Champion, Bob Backlund, responds to Jimmy Snuka's actions from last weeks event. [/COLOR][/CENTER]
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