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T-Zone 2007

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Right, the long and short of it is this is about 88-90% done, now that doesnt means the data will be released today or nothing. What is left to do:- Sort gimmick rating on all the contracts since it messed up on conversion Update all Rosters,champions etc. Do Alter Egos Add Some Arenas i have wrote down (anyone wants to do this for me to import they can just offer :))
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Neato. Soon I'll finally be able to play the game through without getting bored at the characters. Oddly enough, I just can't play in the C-Verse... the characters don't sit well with me, and a LOT of them just plain out suck... Can't wait for real people. Really. :)
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Can I just quickly say, don't just release it straight after you've "finished". You should do some proper, utterly painstaking, testing. I know for a fact that the DOTT crew are testing away like lab techs in white coats...although, it's probably more fun than working with mice. It'll probably be hard to test it for too long though as everyone will be a: asking for it to be released and b: pm'ing you asking to be part of the testing team.
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Hey, just wanted to say that I am sorry for starting this crazy off the wall debat about the "war". My intention was NOT to start anything with anybody, I have my own reasons for not supporting the war and I dont have to explain myself to anybody. All I wanted was to respond to Cyberkitten and let that be that. Back on topic, Its good to hear that you are almost done with the mod Forlan, you are one of the best mod makers on the boards and one that I truly respect for the time and dedication you put into the mod. I agree that you should do some good testing after it is complete just to see if things run smoothly and what not. Again sorry for spurring a huge debat about something that has no place in this thread.
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Testing already gets done as i go along, i often test various things. And its all well and good for something like DOTT but if i were to "finish" everything then do weeks of testing, loads of rosters and such would need updating then testing and thing would never ever come out
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[QUOTE=forlan;177461]Testing already gets done as i go along, i often test various things. And its all well and good for something like DOTT but if i were to "finish" everything then do weeks of testing, loads of rosters and such would need updating then testing and thing would never ever come out[/QUOTE] You've got a VERY VALID point. D.O.T.T needs testing for various historical reason's, if nothing else. Pluss, the roster's are historic, so set in stone so to speak. Your's is the here and now, and what happens next is not known, so how would you test that aspect of it anyways? Should certain promotions start to expand or decline, etc... We don't know that yet. Pluss, as you said, alot of promotions change up on you in a few days time, let alone weeks going by. You would have to change the roster's, and possibly test again. The things that matter (like Storylines having angle's to support them, etc.) can be done by one or two people without much trouble I imagine. I'm a fan of both, historic and modern. I'm just here for the fun, lol.
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Cool, maybe i should explain, ubernoob took on the task of making the arenas i had wrote down to make. Im currently going through promotion by promotion and checking stats and such and for some of the promotions i know most about, writing better bios, an example of such bios is "The Haze" Daizee Haze is an accomplished female worker trained out in St. Louis at the Gateway Championship Wrestling Dojo and one of the modern day pioneers for the promotion of women's wrestling in the United States. With tours of Mexico under her belt she can be seen around various promotions although she seems to call SHIMMER her home. She employs a very hard hitting style considering her gender including the utilisation of the Heart Punch and a vicious straight kick to the head.
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[QUOTE=pete;178362]Daizee Haze is a sh*t wrestler.[/QUOTE] So ?????, So are 80 percent of both TNA and WWE but you still want every one in the game regardless of how excellent or **** they are....Daizee deserves to be in just as much as the pensioner Ric Flair. Because unlike you assume she is not sh ite....enuff said.
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Forlan's right. There are some women who aren't afraid of their makeup or hair, who actually get in there and mix it up. Even WWE's female stars who do wrestle can't hold a flame to indy women. WWE protected their women and forced them to wrestle safe matches, so that they could still be around to do sexist backstage segments and photo shoots, things that seem to make wrestling the afterthought. You are very wrong in your assumption.
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