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lashley mic skills....


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anyone see lashleys opening promo from ecw last night? oh my god, he has to have the WORST mic skills ive seen. he kept stopping mid sentence as if he forgot what he was trting to say, and it lacked any type of emotion...... he needs a good mouth piece manager bad. and on another note, its damn obvious that the most over guy in ecw is RVD, he needs the strap back. hes the only one that really gets any true pop along with cm punk.
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Monty Brown is entertaining, but for different and much more hilariously bad reasons. I know he was in the NFL, but what the hell team did he play for, and was he a starter? Oh, and if the WWE actually cared about ECW succeeding they'd turn either RVD or CM Punk heel and let them feud over the belt. It's all about making money in pro wrestling, and that program would be pure gold.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;169086]At least Monty Brown is fun sometimes, and actually sounds like a man. Lashley sounds like my 7 year old sister.[/QUOTE] oh, I agree, I was stating that a lot of his interviews or rants in the ring, had a lot of pauses and shaking of the head like what the hell do I say now...lol.. but he was good at times..
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[QUOTE=Franchise22;168921]anyone see lashleys opening promo from ecw last night? oh my god, he has to have the WORST mic skills ive seen. he kept stopping mid sentence as if he forgot what he was trting to say, and it lacked any type of emotion...... he needs a good mouth piece manager bad. and on another note, its damn obvious that the most over guy in ecw is RVD, he needs the strap back. hes the only one that really gets any true pop along with cm punk.[/QUOTE] I don't know... Lashley for some reason gets quite a bit of "pop", RVD seems skiddish at times... Some place's he's HUGE, others, seems like only a 50/50 thing going on. Lashley seems to get a good reaction no matter where he goes. I think it's just his look, since I have not seen a ton of skill from him yet... Although you can really see he probably is able to do alot better then what he's doing.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;169555]Marginally worse than Melina!!! That promo she gave after Foley was sacked sucked balls and went something like this "Mick Foley, ewww, is a dirty, ewww, old, ewwww, man, ewwww" Couldn't bare to watch the rest of Raw after that.[/QUOTE] But Melina has sucked on the mic since she started. Even as Kyra she was the perfect cure for insomnia. She probably has 30 words in her vocabulary when on the mic and 'ewww' and 'ugh' and 'like' are staples. About the most entertaining things she does are her ring entrance and screaming at ringside. Putting her with Mr Boring, Johnny Nitro, just gives the 'E a combo that could probably kill a meth buzz. Pretty sure speed rehab centers across the US use 'highlight' packages of Nitro & Melina for detox purposes. Lashley's problem is his tone of voice and the fact that he seems absolutely incapable of creative thought. But that's easily remedied if they have writers worth a quarter (and I have my doubts, given their recent shows). I hope they don't turn Punk though. He's definitely got the best shot of approaching the Rock's level of charisma and connection with the fans.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;170186] Lashley's problem is his tone of voice and the fact that he seems absolutely incapable of creative thought. But that's easily remedied if they have writers worth a quarter (and I have my doubts, given [B] THE PAST 5 YEARS[/B]) [/QUOTE] Fixed it for you.
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RVD would most likely still hold the strap right now. He was given the ECW ball, and he dropped it. When he was caught for possesion of Marijuana that was the end of his run. Since Eddies death, the WWE has cracked down on drug use and RVD better thank his lucky stars he still has a job. Perhaps int he future. He will be given the ball back. (in fact, I can almost guarantee it)
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;174959]Nah. Unless they give it too him and give him a million a year. He will probly go to TNA or the Indies. He can easily make more than a mil a year on the indies.[/QUOTE] He would lack the luxories and the job security he would have from the WWE. He is happy their and leaving the WWE for TNA would be like leaving a mansion to go live in Harlem.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;174984]Im not disputing that he dropped the ball. but since the dismissal of Heyman. RVD and Sabu arent happy.[/QUOTE] Well thats understandable. Hell, I was furious when I heard Heyman was let go of HIS OWN COMPANY. It just made no sense to me. it was his child. Well, as long as the matches are better than Raw's and Smackdowns... I guess i'll watch.
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ya man I was like WTF? Heyman let go because of poor ratings and a bad PPV? he didnt even write them. I think that if Vince wanted ECW to prosper. he should have been like "Paul, I am giving you what I can of the original ECW roster. Here's a million dollars. Go and Prosper." That would have kicked ASS.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;175000]ya man I was like WTF? Heyman let go because of poor ratings and a bad PPV? he didnt even write them. I think that if Vince wanted ECW to prosper. he should have been like "Paul, I am giving you what I can of the original ECW roster. Here's a million dollars. Go and Prosper." That would have kicked ASS.[/QUOTE] And even to this day Ratings arent bad a 1.6 every week in a bad network, in a bad timeslot is GREAT! Vince was just too eager to press the red button. I was really beggining to like the style he was putting out their (unfortunatly I never really saw the original growing up)
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same here. The only ORIGINAL stuff i saw was on the Rise and Fall of ECW. With Heyman, supposedly, writing it. they were getting 2.6-3.0 ratings. that aint bad. Now I want Heyman to come back and Kill Vinces baby. even though its mostly a "I will pay you to sit on your ass" agreement.
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