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MAW: Back to Basics (A C-Verse '07 Diary)

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"So, you wanna give it one more go?" the gruff voice on the other end of the phone chuckled. It was 8am on a Sunday, way to early to think about anything other than getting my first cup of coffee into me...but I knew better than to turn down an offer from Rip Chord. "Come on, we had a hell of a run last time you were down here and I could use the help. Karen had to give up the gig and as much as I loved her, she ain't got the booking chops I need." The last time Chord was referring to was my previous stint helping him book his Mid Atlantic Wrestling territory. My own stint was cut short when I took off for dreams of glitz and glamour in Hollywood...dreams that turned out not to be what they were all cracked up to be. Chord knew my Achilles Heel though...pro wrestling. It was my true passion and the thrill of working with his group, taking his misfit island of toys and churning out storylines and trying to make stars was too much to resist. "You've got the Rip Chord Invitational coming up in January, right?" "Uh, huh" (I could hear the smile in his voice) "Oh, what the hell...I'll be out there next week. Email me the roster and lets kick this thing in the ass"
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Really looking forward to what you'll make of MAW this time. I hope it's going to be as realistic as last time. As that was the coolest thing about your diary in my opinion. I think it'll be even better in 2007, with the short term contracts and all. I'm also curious what you'll do with Steven Parker as champion. Anyway, good luck!
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[B][SIZE="4"]From the desk of Rip Chord...[/SIZE][/B] TO: Jonny Pants FROM: Rip Chord SUBJECT: Mid Atlantic Wrestling Roster Hey JP, There's really not much to tell. You were here when I was pushing Mean Jean Cattley as Mid Atlantic Champion and I had Mainstream chasing him I went with Steven "the Future" Parker as champ in November and that brings us up to now. The next show is the Rip Chord Invitiational and I'm looking at bringing in a couple of outside names, maybe 2 or so. We can discuss when you get to the Carolinas. This is who I'm working with now. The heels are in red...I had Karen show me how to work this dang computer before she left! I don't do any of those stupid smiley faces, tho: Main Event ********** [COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker (c) Mean Jean Cattley [/COLOR]Des Davids Mainstream Hernandez Eddie Howard (tag champ) Upper-Midcard *********** Erik Strong DC Rayne (tag champ) Antonio [COLOR="Red"]Ricky Douglas Flash Savage Oscar Golden (the Blondes have been working out ok as heels for me) [/COLOR] Midcard *********** [COLOR="Red"]Stan Manna Curtis Jenkins Max Mayhem [/COLOR] Lower card *********** [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Turner Huey Cannonball [/COLOR] I've got Nicole Kiss working with Natural Storm as their mouthpiece. Jay Fair is reffing, although I may look for a cheaper option. Marv Earnest is back doing announcing. I sit in on color from time to time and still agent the shows. I may use you in color commentary since you think you are some sort of a funny guy or something. That's the rundown, kid. I expect you to have some ideas when we meet up next week. I want to get posters and advertising underway soon as possible. Later, Rip
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[B]The Reunion...[/B] "Well, look what the cat drugged in", Rip exclaimed as he put down his coffee and grabbed me in a tight bear hug...a little too tight. "Thanks, Rip. I'm actually really excited to be back in the Carolinas. I think we're going to do some great things." "Me too, kid, me too. Did you get my email?" "Yeah," I replied. "I already have some ideas on what to do with Des Davids as well as Hernandez, Natural Storm, Parker and the rest. Not to mention Jean. I think he's finally going to get the recognition he deserves. You mentioned about bringing some names in for the tournament?" "I did. I've got a working agreement with USPW as well as Nero's RIPW over in Rhode Island. Did you know that whole state is run by the Mob? I heard that somewhere. Anyways, I traded 3 dates on Jean to USPW for the use of Darryl Devine for 3 shows. Nero and I also swapped Mikey James and Eddie Howard for a show. The only stip is that the SWF wants James to work the opening round with Devine because he's on a development contract with them...they are picky about how we use him. That's why I only took him for one date...I don't want the headaches." And with that, he brought out the poster for our first show back together....
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I was going for that old fight card poster look and feel for this. If anyone knows what the name of the font that's used on those type of posters, please PM me!!! I'd like to make a really accurate looking one. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.johnkeating.biz/TEW/Chord_Invitational_Poster.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] HUGE thanks to Trypio and especially J Silver for help with the look of the poster!! Great stuff guys!!
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Thanks guys, I hope I can live up to the overly generous praise!! lol Maxx, I actually just used Photoshop to create the poster and laid it out layer by layer. I Googled old wrestling posters to get the look of it. I figured for MAW, an old school feel promotion, that it deserved an old school fight card poster to promote it :) Can't you just see that hanging on a telephone pole outside the YMCA? :)
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;171205]Thanks guys, I hope I can live up to the overly generous praise!! lol Maxx, I actually just used Photoshop to create the poster and laid it out layer by layer. I Googled old wrestling posters to get the look of it. I figured for MAW, an old school feel promotion, that it deserved an old school fight card poster to promote it :) Can't you just see that hanging on a telephone pole outside the YMCA? :)[/QUOTE] I like the poster, but I think it would look better if the color of the photos matched the rest of the poster. Colorize FTW! Oh and push the hell out of Devine.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;171208]I like the poster, but I think it would look better if the color of the photos matched the rest of the poster. Colorize FTW! Oh and push the hell out of Devine.[/QUOTE] Well Rip doesn't allow me much cash for posters, so I had to go with the black and white repros at Kinkos....much cheaper. And thank you GDE....I can't believe I messed up the date. It'll be fixed in minutes :)
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I really enjoy reading what you do with MAW. Are you going to play the first month and then continue when the game releases or have you just done a few days so far? I'm working on my backstory for my diary that I hope to be doing. I've done a lot of testing to find a wrestling style that fits my booking style. I just have to do a LOT of pre-planning or there won't be anything to my diary other than match results. Anyways... keep up the good work.
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Yeah I'm going to be booking MAW on a monthly show basis so I'll do one show (the tournament) with the demo and then continue on when the actual game is released. Since they start out with more money than in '06 I may increase the number of shows, but I'll start off slowly. That's how I roll :)
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