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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Wow. Great to see this again. [QUOTE=Astil;268797]Jumping back in without the desire to read back 157,000 pages (slight exageration possible) [/QUOTE] C'mon, it's fun! I did it. :) [QUOTE]Annnd Ash 'Nemesis' Campbell defeated Remmy Skye in their rematch to regain the DAVE Unified Title. Gee, didn't see that one coming... that'll fix the mistake they made of putting their title on someone who was leaving the company. Or could it be that DAVE was doing the classy thing and paying tribute to Remmy before he left?[/QUOTE] Remember when Punk won the ROH World title right after he announced his developmental deal with WWE? Maybe this was a really, [I]really[/I] abbreviated version of that. ;)
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Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash! Records of people at Spring Break Bash: Rod Remus (3-3), Fearless Blue (1-2), Marc Speed (1-1), Alicia Strong (2-2), Amazing FireFly(3-0), Spanish Superfly (0-1). Past years have featured Rod Remus winning and losing the Coastal Zone Title, winning the Tidal Tag Titles, Alicia winning and losing the Coastal Zone Title (once on the same night), and Amazing FireFly stealing the title from Alicia. Trivia bit: Rod Remus is the only active Zoner to have been part of all seven Spring Break Bashes in this dynasty. The only other active Zoner who was a part of the 2007 show? Cal Sanders. Everyone else from that show has moved on. CZCW Spring Break Bash April 2013, week 1, Wednesday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA Opening Triple Threat Match EL Beastia Purpura def. Cal Sanders and Dolphino in seven minutes of surprisingly acceptable wrestling (D) Josh Jones goes off on a rant about how Rod Remus may have replaced the Zone of old, but now, it's Josh's turn to replace Remus (C+) Filler Match Harry Wilson def. Geoff Borne in a poor eight-minute match (E+) Rod Remus responds to Josh's promo, saying that he's the king of the mountain now, he's worked hard to get there, and he's gonna make sure he stays there (C+) Tidal Tag Titles Blue Shift def. The Gilberts(c) in eleven minutes of better than we'd hoped for (D+) Alicia comes out and says she's tired of waiting. She wants Raku to show herself. Now. (C+) Out comes Raku, and the two battle all over the arena... a brawl the likes the Zone hasn't seen since the days of Primal Rage. In the end, Raku wraps a pair of knunchucks around Alicia's throat and chokes her out, leaving her lying by the entryway (C-) Lucha Libre Match Amazing FireFly and Spanish Superfly fight to the standard twenty-minute time-limit draw in an excellent match (C+) Hype video for the main event (B+) Main Event Championship Match Josh Jones def. Rod Remus(c) by DQ after twenty-two minutes, when Remus cracks Josh's head open with a chair... then delivers a couple more shots after the bell rings (C+) Show rating: C+ We had set a new attendance record for the Zone, with 3,746. On the next Coastal Zone: No clue. honestly. Still trying to get the laptop to charge. And then I got distracted by Mafia, and Harry Potter, and Guitar Hero II... maybe this weekend we'll do some stuff. Alicia seeks aid in her struggle against Raku. Josh Jones is out for revenge. And can Harry Wilson and Geoff borne be redeemed?
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Where we're slightly charged and ready for action! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! April 2013, Week 1, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Puerto Rico Opening Match Amazing FireFly & Spanish SuperFly deliver another 20-minute time limit special (C) Afterwards, Geoff Borne and Harry Wilson come out to complain that the Flies are taking up all the time on the show. We get a loooooong segment as everyone argues and tries to show some charisma before settling on a tag match (E). Main Event Tag FireFly & Borne def. Superfly & Wilson in 19 minutes when FireFly pins Wilson (D+) Show rating: D+ Much better than the usual crop of Puerto Rican shows. Now if we can just keep it up... Next time on the Coastal Zone: Okay, enough stalling. Let's decide what we're doing...
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When it rains, it pours... and baby, it's pourin' now. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We had found a nice, happy place with Spanish SuperFly and his 20-minute time limit matches. Unfortunately, OLLIE had just hit NAtional size, and they wanted him... and we had a feeling it wasn't for a pay-per-appearance contract. D'oh. A couple days later, Superfly went with OLLIE... costing us a major talent just as it was time to resign him. OLLIE also grabbed up Greg Gauge, Rafael Ruiz, and Crazy Miguel. April 2013, week 2, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Southwest USA We open with Spanish Superfly saying he's leaving, but he wants to leave with a title... so since Remus isn't here, he wants Josh Jones. Josh is happy to oblige, but since it's an Xtreme title, it'll be an Xtreme ladder match (D+) Opening Match Raku Makuda def. Extreme Deluxe in nine minutes via submission (E). These two don't click... who'd've thunk it? Hype video from Raku (subtitles) promising to go through whoever she has to to get revenge on Alicia (D+) Main Event Xtreme Ladder Match Josh Jones(c) def. Spanish Superfly in twenty-eight minutes of non-clicking and Josh phoning it in tonight. Still a decent match tho (C-) Josh then calls out Remus, demanding a rematch (C-) Show rating: D+. Whoops. So, after losing popularity in our home territory off a good-but-not-amazing show, what will do go on to do next week? Apply the new temporary patch. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Which Zoner decides to retire? And even worse, what former Zoner we were hoping to lure back someday goes and signs a written deal with OLLIE?
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Great Spring break bash, sorry for the lumps. but if you ever hit it big would it be the same CZCW? i mean living life on the razor's edge is what keeps your programs from ever having to push the envelope because there is always some one new to throw into the same old same old :). this diary never fails to impress even in the middle of the summer!!
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[QUOTE]Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Which Zoner decides to retire? And even worse, what former Zoner we were hoping to lure back someday goes and signs a written deal with OLLIE?[/QUOTE] Retiree: Alicia Strong [I]After the beatings you, J Silver and Scapino put her through, I figure she is about ready to hang it up.[/I] ;) Former Zoner: Ultimo Phoenix
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;270906]Seriously. Did she lose the C-Verse Dynastic lottery or something? I want to hire her just to let Peak have at her.[/QUOTE] Damn you 'pox, I'm into some kinky **** but not even I would hook Peak up with Alicia. Man infinity, it sounds horrid but I love it when things go badly for you. That's what this diary/dynasty is based around. Retiring? I hope for Cliff.
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Where we've made a reputation out of being destiny's whipping boy: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! More people signed to OLLIE: El Critico and Super Apprenticia. Right about now, we're glad we don't have another major event until June. Gives us time to build up. Uh-oh... PATCHQUAKE! We threw on the new temporary patch 1.5... and kaboom. Bryan Vessey, Darryl Devine, Mario Heroic, and... Geoff Borne all retired. We were getting dangerously close to not having a large roster anymore... it was time to consider recruiting a few more people... the problem was, the only high-fliers available right now who fit Cliff's criteria were either working for two other companies, too big for us, or girls who hadn't worked since 5SSW collapsed. Hard to build a roster from that. And since Geoff didn't bring anything to the table besides being a high-flier... we cut him loose. He wasn't performing up to expectations anyway. Even worse, OLLIE's newest member? Plague. Dangit. We were hoping we'd be able to sign him again, but if he's taken a written contract... April 2013, week 3, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Puerto Rico Opening Xtreme Title Match Alicia Strong draws Josh Jones(c) in fifteen minutes due to Raku Makuda showing up and fighting through Josh to get to Alicia (C-) We get a long segment involving brawling and mic time between those three and Harry Wilson, who was supposed to have an Xtreme Contendership match tonight. Things boil down to a tag match, with Wilson getting a title shot if his side wins (E) Main Event Tag Strong & Jones def. Raku & Wilson in twenty-three minutes when Jones pins Wilson. It turns out Strong and Jones have excellent che... I've said that before, haven't I? (C-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: We've simmed up to Surf Slam. What's coming up? A title change, a shocking return to the Zone, Lucha-riffic action, and a surprise appearance that nobody saw coming...
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Well, we may have lost Geoff Borne, but we just signed a replacement... one familiar to the Zone, and would spice things up a bit in case contract renegotiation time didn't go well... we had nine contracts coming up for talks over the next few weeks. April 2013, week 4, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Southeast Mexico We open with El Beastia Purpura saying he's tired of the women getting so much attention around here. He doesn't see why 'the assassin' is so hot. So he wants a match, tonight... and out comes Raku who, translated from Japanese to English to Spanish, says she doesn't want to lie down with Purpura any more than she does Alicia. It lost something in the translation (E-) Opening Match Fearless Blue def. Ultimo Soetsu in six minutes (E+) Video recapping the Raku/Alicia stuff (D) Filler Match Raku def. Purpura in eleven minutes of surprisingly passable match (D) Raku then cuts a promo on Alicia, which gets her point across via body language, as her Spanish is nonexistant (D) We announce a return to the Zone: Angel de Mexico returns for a crack at Josh Jones' Xtreme Title next week! But first, he gets a warm-up match (C-) Main Event Lucha Libre Match Angel de Mexico draws Amazing FireFly due to the twenty minute time limit, and dayum if he doesn't look good doing it (C+) Show rating: D+ That should keep Mexico from being unhappy we haven't visited lately... now, what's on our plate for May???
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Time for a double-shot before I get sucked back to Guitar Hero and Civ4. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We've decided that we weren't going to renew a couple of the numerous contracts that had just come up for renewal. Guess which ones? And one of them decided he didn't want tow ork for us anymore... ungrateful... May 2013, week 1, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Southwest USA In a dark match, Raku defeats Extreme Deluxe (D-) Opening Xtreme Ladder Match Angel de Mexico def Josh Jones(c) in twenty-three minutes after a good match which ended when Rod Remus came down to attack Josh Jones, then taunted him after he lost the Xtreme Title (C) Javier Brook then told Remus not to leave yet. He held a short conference with Jones, and announced that Jones is getting a title shot at Surf Slam. But it might not be against Remus, because after that stunt, tonight, Rod has to defend the title against Alicia Strong (D) Main Event Title Match Rod Remus def. Alicia Strong in eighteen minutes with help from Raku, who shouted (in Japanese) that Alicia would never again have anything valuable (C) Hype video for Remus v Jones (B) Show rating: C Ah, that was nice. The problem is... Cs weren't getting us any more popular in the Southwest. We had basicly hit a barrier there... however, we had just signed a secret weapon... May 2013, week 2, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Puerto Rico Opening Handicap Match [b]BURNING EXILE[/b] def The Gilbert Brothers in eighteen minutes, starting his Zone short-term contract with a bang (D+) We announce Exile will compete in a Styles Clash Match against the Zone's luchadore phenom, Amazing FireFly, at Surf Slam (D-) Angel de Mexico comes out, saying he intends to be a fighting champion, and will accept any challenge tonight. Out comes Soul Taker... long entry... long entry... okay, he's in the ring. He's accepting the challenge. He's turning to leave... Angel tells him to stay put, the ring's only rented until midnight (D) Main Event Xtreme Ladder Match Angel de Mexico def. Soul Taker in twenty-five minutes of luchariffic action (C) Show rating: C-. Not only is that the first C- in Puerto Rico in a while, we sold out Puerto Rican Power's gym. Might be time to move to a new venue there... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Another debut, and it's two weeks to Surf Slam! Another match announced, and we build the Remus/Jones feud some more... but will Surf Slam rock, or whimper?
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Where having a busted computer means digging into the pre-simmed archives. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... May 2013, week 3, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday Northern Mexico Opening Match The debuting Too Hot def. Extreme Deluxe in four minutes via submission (E). Well, that's... ominous. Hype video for the CZCW Title Match at Surf Slam (C) and for the newly-added Raku vs Alicia Strong Cage Match (D) 10-Man Battle Royale Harry Wilson def. everyone who's been complaining about not being used lately in twelve minutes (D-) Hype video for Burning Exile vs Amazing FireFly (D+) Main Event Lucha Match Burning Exile def. Soul Taker in seventeen minutes, showing he's got a full grasp of Lucha Libre (D+) Show rating: D. Another worse-than-expected show... but we've got to introduce Exile to the audience... Begining his third TCW All Action title reign, taking the title from Hugh De Aske? Fox Mask. Nice to see he's making something of himself. We still miss him, though. May 2013, week 4, Thursday CZCW All Action Thursday -- Last call before Surf Slam! Puerto Rico Opening Xtreme Contendership Match Harry Wilson def. Jeremiah Moose in twelve minutes of Moose phoning it it... probably because it's his last day (E+). Harry then tries to hype his match, but doesn't do very well (E+) Main Event Tag Burning Exile & Raku def. Amazing FireFly & Alicia Strong in twenty-nine minutes of... of... well, it was decent, not good, not poor, but Strong and FireFly have -no- team chemistry, Raku was exhausted... and Exile got the pin on FireFly for the win (D+) Finish things off with a Remus/Jones hype video (D+) Show rating: D And that's that... time for the big show... but first, we say goodby to the Gilberts, and get reminded that we have tag titles floating around somewhere... and the roster was now scarily close to what we should have, where we like to have an extra main eventer or upper midcarder hanging around. *sigh* Decisions. On the bright side, we were making an average of fifty grand a month since we stopped with the TV shows... or over ten grand a show. And suddenly, there was hope for us in the great Lucha Wars. OLLIE had fallen back to Cult level. We didn't know why; they were averaging B- shows and had a huge roster. Well... we wouldn't look it in the mouth. Pity they had so much talent locked up in written contracts now... It's a sad, sad day for Marvel Comics fans. Both Black Widow and The Wolverine have retired. Yeah, I'm a geek. On the next Coastal Zone: Surf Slam! Alicia v Raku, Jones v Remus, Angel v Wilson, Backyarders v Blue Shift, and Exile v FireFly! Which match won't happen?
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..... AW, CRUD! I forgot to check if any of the Japanese promotions were working the night of Surf Slam... time to re-book... Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam! June 2013, week 1, Thursday Southwest USA Opening Hastily Rebooked Lucha Libre Match Amazing FireFly def. Soul Taker in nineteen minutes of showing what great chemistry can do between two good workers (C+) Hype for Alicia vs Raku (C-) Tidal Tag Title Match Backyarders def. Blue Shift(c) in eight minutes. In the middle, Marc Speed needed to make the tag and Blue was distracted. At the end, Blue needed a tag, and Speed spit in his face. (D) Afterwards, Speed cuts a promo backstage telling Blue that he's tired of hanging around the kiddie table... it's time for him to make a statement, and he'll see Blue at Battle at the Beach... for the last time. (D-) Harry Wilson cuts a promo on Angel de Mexico (C) Xtreme Ladder Match Angel de Mexico def. Harry Wilson in thirteen minutes of standard Zone high-flying stuff (C) Josh Jones cuts a promo on Remus. "Rod, you cost me my title. Tonight, I take yours in exchange." (C+) Alicia cuts a promo on Raku. "Tonight, there's noplace for me to run. You think that's cute? You think the steel cage is a metaphore? It's just something I can use to keep you away from me." (C-) Steel Cage Match Alicia Strong def. Raku in fourteen minutes via escaping the cage and getting the heck out of there after a Strong Takedown (C) Rod Remus cuts down Josh Jones. "You're good, kid. If anyone else was the champ? You'd be taking the title tonight. But you're not on my level." (B-) Main Event Title Match Josh Jones draws Rod Remus due to the twenty minute time limit. Despite crowd chants for five more minutes, Remus waves it off, and ref/owner Javier Brooke says he can't force Remus to compete longer... at least, not tonight. (C+) Show rating: C. Again, not enough for what we needed. The Tidal Tag Title match dragged the show down from a C+, I think. But except for that, even our angles were at C- or higher levels. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: No idea. Honestly. My desktop is dead, my laptop is dying, and I'm just in a bad mood.
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Okay, time for some reader interaction! What's the next big focus for the Zone? A) Continue the Remus/Jones feud B) Burning Exile goes after Remus C) Alicia puts Raku behind her and goes after Remus D) The Luchadores (FireFly, Soul Taker, Angel de Mexico) form a high-powered version of The New Mexican Revolution and take over. E) Exile brings in more Japanese-style workers as his New Yakuza. F) The Jobbers form a union to try to and get ahead in the Zone. G) Other (Explain)
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;274998]Okay, time for some reader interaction! What's the next big focus for the Zone? A) Continue the Remus/Jones feud B) Burning Exile goes after Remus C) Alicia puts Raku behind her and goes after Remus D) The Luchadores (FireFly, Soul Taker, Angel de Mexico) form a high-powered version of The New Mexican Revolution and take over. E) Exile brings in more Japanese-style workers as his New Yakuza. F) The Jobbers form a union to try to and get ahead in the Zone. G) Other (Explain)[/QUOTE] C) Alicia puts Raku behind her and goes after Remus Remus seems to have developed nicely and every knows how awesome Alicia is. This would seem to be the moneymaker feud.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;274998]Okay, time for some reader interaction! What's the next big focus for the Zone? A) Continue the Remus/Jones feud B) Burning Exile goes after Remus C) Alicia puts Raku behind her and goes after Remus D) The Luchadores (FireFly, Soul Taker, Angel de Mexico) form a high-powered version of The New Mexican Revolution and take over. E) Exile brings in more Japanese-style workers as his New Yakuza. F) The Jobbers form a union to try to and get ahead in the Zone. G) Other (Explain)[/QUOTE] In order: B, C, F, A, D, E Jones doesn't seem like he's quite ready to beat Remus for the belt, and Alicia needs to man (woman?) up and face Raku head-on instead of running and hiding. That leaves EXILE. J.O.B. Squad Coastal Zone-style could be a comedy goldmine.
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