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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[QUOTE=Nevermore;319182]Haha, great job on the "Ross Report". You have his mannerisms down hook-line. I could actually hear him saying that. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Thanks matey, glad you could liked it. Everyone knows JR's mannerisms so I had to make sure I nailed them or everyone could tell I didn't. So thanks very much, I appreciate it. I'm actually thinking about furthering the "mannerism" colomns (done so well by my man Tristram). So we may see "Schiavone's WCW Recap" fairly soon... [QUOTE=tristram;319229]keefy, I nearly had to shed a tear there mate... FINALLY Owen Hart got what he deserved. God bless Owen, and god bless you for sharing that tale. I loved every second of that ride, I said to you before I would have gone for Owen earlier, but I'm glad you didn't listen to me because holding off on it and building it the way you have has made this a far more special moment. Mate, you are a credit to booking worldwide. You are a precocious talent, I'm glad to have shared with you ideas on this forum thing for a while, it is interesting to hear a true booking craftsman and his ideas. Cudos to you.[/QUOTE] Wow, that's some high praise right there. Thank you. I'm glad you liked the way Owen was handled, I wanted to give him that career defining moment that he truly deserved. He was an amzing talent and one of my favourite wrestlers ever. If only he could have been the champion in real life, it was no more than he deserved. Thanks again for the wonderful feedback. [QUOTE=jonny_CKY;319233]Im a Huge Owen Hart fan and that last match,,,,,,,,WOW, it nearly braught me to tears man, would have been truley amazing if that would have ben the real life case, if only the tragedy of what hapned never had maybe Owen would still be making moments like that a reality, and to be hounes you do his memory credit, and i know its only a game but it was wrote that well it made me get all hyper and i had to post lol. Great stuff KUTGW[/QUOTE] Thank you. As an Owen fan myself, it is an incredible feling to have you say I do his memory credit. As I said, I wish he would have had an opportunity like this in real life. But I guess that's the beauty of "historical mods". You really can reshape history, and give guys who deserve it their due. Thanks for the feedback, it means a lot. [QUOTE=ColtCabana;319260]I agree, I could hear his voice reading the lines, it also made me think of his Rap song! :D[/QUOTE] I'm glad you could hear his voice too. I should have listened to the rap again as research, will have to do that for next months Ross Report. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;319263]Love the Ross report Mate. I too, can hear ol'JR.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, much appreciated. In a way, as I can't really build people through commentary like they do in real life, the Ross Report may become my way of doing that. [QUOTE=sebsy;319335]OWEN \O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/ What with this and Y2J returning last night, not sure how much more I can take tbf. Superbly written Main Event as usual, delighted Owen won, and once again you have shown your true writing class.[/QUOTE] Thanks man, I really appreciate that. I'm very grateful you like my writing style and that so many people are glad Owen won! It was a risk, that's for sure, so I'm glad it has paid off. Thanks again to everyone for your feedback, it really means a lot to me.
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[SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/U][/B] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] "Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H [I]Following Kane & Undertaker's brutal assault on "The Game" last week, and with all four men with a legitimate claim to be the Number One Contender, tw of the greatest teams go head to head in a battle for supremacy![/I] [B]Single Match[/B] Finlay vs Mankind [I]As punishment for his unrelenting attempts at proving his worth to Mr McMahon, the masked madman has now been forced to prove his worth against the undefeated Fighting Irishman![/I] [B]12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title[/B] Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer [I]12 of the hottest stars in the world right now battle it out to become the number one contender of Ken Shamrock's Intercontinental Title at Judgment Day![/I] [B]Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis (c) [I]After his win last week, Psicosis selected his title defence to be in a traditionally Mexican match up- Two Out Of Three Falls. Will Chavo Guerrero be able to not only score his first victory over the champ, but his second too?[/I] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] [I]Acolytes vs Hardy BoyzAfter earning the right to be the number one contenders to the Tag Team Titles, Mr McMahon has decided to prove their ability against The Alliance's Acolytes![/I] [B]6 Man Tag Match[/B] Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki) vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn [I]After months of speculating, Zukaya finally revealed themselves last week after dismantling Taka Michinoku. This week we see them in their first ever match against 3 of the more established members of the roster, the Headbangers and Bart Gunn![/I] [B]PLUS...[/B] Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [B]AND...[/B] We'll hear from the new World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, Owen Hart! All this and more on MONDAY NIGHT RAW![/CENTER][/SIZE]
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Pfft, I tried a new Raw Preview style, but I don't really like it. It doesn't give anyone the chance to predict, so here's the list of matches so you can predict to your hearts content. [B][U]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/U][/B] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] "Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H [B]Single Match[/B] Finlay vs Mankind [B]12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title[/B] Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer [B]Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis (c) [B]Tag Team Match[/B] Acolytes vs Hardy Boyz [B]6 Man Tag Match[/B] Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki) vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn [B] PLUS...[/B] Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?!
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Tag Team Match "[B]Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker [/B]vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Lance Storm [/B]vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] Tag Team Match [B]Acolytes [/B]vs Hardy Boyz 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [B]Sabu[/B]
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[B][U]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/U][/B] Tag Team Match [B]"Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis (c) Tag Team Match Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [B]SABU!!!!![/B]
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Tag Team Match [B]"Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs [B]The Bagwell [/B]vs Tommy Dreamer Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c) [/B] Tag Team Match Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [B]Sabu[/B]
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Tag Team Match "Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker vs [B]"D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H[/B] Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] Tag Team Match [B]Acolytes [/B]vs Hardy Boyz 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [B]Double J![/B]
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Tag Team Match [B]"Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis (c) Tag Team Match Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [B]Sabu[/B]
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Tag Team Match "Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker vs [B]"D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H[/B] Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs [B]The Bagwell[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] Tag Team Match [B]Acolytes[/B] vs Hardy Boyz 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [B]Finlay[/B]
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Long time reader, though I don't think I've ever left a comment. So to compensate for my lack of commenting, and because you just made Owen Hart the new champion, I thought I'd make you a new RAW header. If you don't use it, I won't be offended but I thought I'd throw it out there just in case: [img]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/img] If you like it generally but there's something you'd like changed or tweaked, just let me know. Same for when Owen drops the title, I can whip up a new header but I don't see that happening for a while. I think the way you made Owen the champion was incredibly well done, to the point where I was ridiculously enveloped in the whole story. I especially liked that it was done on a regular TV show, and in Montreal no less. Honestly, I never saw him as World Champion material in real life [not in WWF anyway] because he didn't have the "entertainment skills" as TEW would say, but you made it believable to me and the way you did it was a true testament to the man. [B][U]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/U][/B] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] [B]"Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H [B]Single Match[/B] Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] [B]12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title[/B] Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer [B]Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz [/B] [B]6 Man Tag Match[/B] [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn [B] PLUS...[/B] Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [b]Sabu[/b]
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[QUOTE=Slim Jim;320702]Long time reader, though I don't think I've ever left a comment. So to compensate for my lack of commenting, and because you just made Owen Hart the new champion, I thought I'd make you a new RAW header. If you don't use it, I won't be offended but I thought I'd throw it out there just in case: [img]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/img] If you like it generally but there's something you'd like changed or tweaked, just let me know. Same for when Owen drops the title, I can whip up a new header but I don't see that happening for a while. I think the way you made Owen the champion was incredibly well done, to the point where I was ridiculously enveloped in the whole story. I especially liked that it was done on a regular TV show, and in Montreal no less. Honestly, I never saw him as World Champion material in real life [not in WWF anyway] because he didn't have the "entertainment skills" as TEW would say, but you made it believable to me and the way you did it was a true testament to the man.[/QUOTE] Love the picture, I'm definitely going to use it! I'm still using one I put together (badly) when bored in about half a minute, so yeah, definitely gonna use it, thanks! Thanks for the feedback on the Owen title win. Personally as a huge fan of his I alsways wanted to give him that extra push, which his in-ring abilities deserved. Whilst somewhat short on mic skills, by surrounding him in stables and feuds with guys like Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin, I think it wouldn't be too much of an issue. I'm also pleased you liked the manner in which he won the title (Raw Is Montreal), a sit was a bit of a risk to do it there and not in the Iron Man match the night before on PPV. I'm glad that, despite your real life opinions, you could believe the title win, and especially for the "true testament to the man" bit. The stories you hear about him form the boys are great and he was a magnificant wrestler (when allowed to work his own style) so that's super nice of you, thanks. And thanks to everyone else who has left feedback, muchios appreciated.
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Pfft, I tried a new Raw Preview style, but I don't really like it. It doesn't give anyone the chance to predict, so here's the list of matches so you can predict to your hearts content. - [COLOR="red"]the only qualm I have about your previews or kayfabe moments is it needs more doggy style, otherwise there's not a lot of improvements a human being could make [/COLOR] [B][U]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/U][/B] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] "Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H - [COLOR="Red"]Wow... just.... Wow. Brothers of Destruction.[/COLOR] [B]Single Match[/B] Finlay vs Mankind [COLOR="red"]- Mankind, he was the man at this stage fo shore fo real fo shizzle.[/COLOR] [B]12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title[/B] Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer [COLOR="red"]- Rob Van Dam[/COLOR] [B]Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis (c) [COLOR="red"]- Psicosis[/COLOR] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] Acolytes vs Hardy Boyz [COLOR="red"]- Acolytes[/COLOR] [B]6 Man Tag Match[/B] Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki) vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn - [COLOR="red"]What does Zukaya man? Headbangers and bang bang Bart Gunn[/COLOR] [B] PLUS...[/B] Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?![COLOR="red"]- Is it my dad? Cos if it is, that'd explain a few things, and also I could keep it a secret just so you know, and seriously, that'd be a big mark out moment for everyone fo shore that's bound to win you every GDS Diary award under the sun... :D I tell you what, you let the old fella win and I stop sitting around drinking pennyroyal tea[/COLOR]
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Tag Team Match [B]"Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs [B]Edge[/B] vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] Tag Team Match [B]Acolytes[/B] vs Hardy Boyz 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?!-----------------Mae Young
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IM BACK Tag Team Match "Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker vs [B]"D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H[/B] No idea how but i have the feeling Single Match [B]Finlay [/B]vs Mankind same as above 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs Edge vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] No IDEA where this is going Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs[B] Psicosis (c)[/B] ENTERTAINING Tag Team Match [B]Acolytes [/B]vs Hardy Boyz 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?!-----------------Dr. Death Steve Williams :D
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Good to have you back rjhabeeb. And thanks for the feedback everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I have not given up on this or anything, I'm just pretty busy at the moment and I'm more interested in what's going to happen in this diary in two/three months time than what's happening now, so I can't be bothered to do show write ups! But as always it'll pop up again in no time at all. Thanks to everyone for your patience with what has to be the most slow moving diary on here! :)
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I don't mean to keep on with the random, non-in-character posts but I just reached 20,000 views! Wooo! When I decided to do a diary I set myself a bit of a target to reach 20,000 views. I didn't really think I'd get there, but only the best diaries beat the 20k mark so I really wanted to get there. So needless to say I'm really pleased I've managed to reach it. Thanks everyone who has ever had a look at this, and especially to the regulars who have often kept me going with their great support and feedback. Thanks!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;326099]I don't mean to keep on with the random, non-in-character posts but I just reached 20,000 views! Wooo! When I decided to do a diary I set myself a bit of a target to reach 20,000 views. I didn't really think I'd get there, but only the best diaries beat the 20k mark so I really wanted to get there. So needless to say I'm really pleased I've managed to reach it. Thanks everyone who has ever had a look at this, and especially to the regulars who have often kept me going with their great support and feedback. Thanks![/QUOTE] Well done mate, 20,000 is a huge milestone... Can't wait to reach it myself... Only 1000 views to go :D
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20,000? Bah, humbug... I remember when 'Worldwide was in a similarl fledgling state :p. Kidding, son. Great work. What I have read of this has been a damn good read and you thoroughly deserve the milestone and the acclaim associated therein. Top work, bud. You'll be snapping at my heels before long, I'm sure ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Congrats on 20000! Glad to see this rolling again. Well continuing anyway, jk. Tag Team Match [B]"Brothers Of Destruction" Kane & The Undertaker [/B]vs "D-Generation X" Shawn Michaels & Triple H [B]Only way I see them losing here is by DQ.[/B] Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] [B]I always liked Mankind.[/B] 12 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow vs Christian vs D'Lo Brown vs [B]Edge[/B] vs Godfather vs Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm vs Mabel vs Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs The Bagwell vs Tommy Dreamer [B]Is it too early for him to have a run? [/B] Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] [B]Reign continues.[/B] Tag Team Match [B]Acolytes[/B] vs Hardy Boyz [B]Damn! This shouldn't be pretty![/B] 6 Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya (Togo, Hayashi & Funaki)[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn [B]I need to go back and read up on them, but anything I can't pronounce should win![/B] PLUS... Who will walk out of RAW as the Hardcore Champion when the 24/7 rule ends tonight?! [B]RVD[/B] [B]Purely a guess.[/B]
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