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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Congrats on winning the [COLOR="Blue"][B]GDS Diary Award for 2007[/B][/COLOR] for [B][COLOR="blue"]Best Utilization of a Roster[/COLOR][/B]! And also for recognition in the categories of [B][COLOR="blue"]Stable of the Year[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="blue"][B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B][/COLOR]! Keep up the great work!
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Thanks for the support guys, even sebsy with your tone-lowering ways... [QUOTE=panix04;382363]There's only one KEEF MOON!!!! Ok there's two, but on the GDS forums, there's only one KEEF MOON![/QUOTE] Ha! That cracked me up. Good to have you on here panix if this starts up again (which I'm possibly thinking about maybe considering the option of maybe returning it) it will nice to get you & Nevermore's opinions on it as I always thought with Titans you were great at thinking differently to me.
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  • 4 months later...
[B]WWF Headquarters, Stamford, Connecticut 9:03am Monday 31st August 1998[/B] I sheepishly walked down the ridiculously oversized corridor in the WWF Headquarters towards Mr McMahon’s office. I knew I was in for it, so I gave a firm knock and bursted through the double doors and in; Vince’s head shot up at once and stared intently on me. He could be quite intimidating when he wanted to be. [B]Vince:[/B] Just where in the hell do you think you’ve been? [B]Keefy: [/B]Sorry, I’ve been really busy. [B]Vince: [/B]Busy? You think busy s gonna cut it? We’re all busy, damn it! I expect regular updates! [B]Keefy: [/B]I know, I know, I just didn’t want to say something completely pointless. I wanted to update you when I had something to say. Not just for today, but the future too. [B]Vince: [/B]I want instant results! [B]Keefy:[/B] You’ll get them, I promise. I’m doing everything I can to entertain you and all the people, and I’ll try to keep the updates coming thick and fast from now on in. I’ve got a load of huge plans and I have every intention of making this diary better than it’s ever been. [B]Vince:[/B] What the hell does your diary have to do with this? [B]Keefy: [/B]Sorry, I had a liquid breakfast. [B]Vince:[/B] So what have you got planned for me then? [B]Keefy:[/B] I don’t want to let you in on too much yet, but needless to say the Owen Hart era is just beginning. Austin is hotter than ever, the 24/7 rule has bore new stars, we go live on PPV from the UK for the first time in 6 years, and I have every intention of making stars out of every single person on the roster; lightweights, heavyweights; men, women. Everyone. [B]Vince:[/B] You really think you’re up to the task? [B]Keefy: [/B]Well, I didn’t win Best Utilised Roster at the Diary Of The Year Awards for nothing. [B]Vince:[/B] What is it with you and your diary? Are you feeling alright? [B]Keefy:[/B] Dagnamit, skip, I feel great! I feel better than ever, and I’m ready to prove it! [B]Vince: [/B]Then go out there and show everyone what you’re made of, damn it! And this better be good… no… this better be the best damn thing you’ve ever put together around here. The people demand it. Now go out there and give the people what they want! [B]Keefy:[/B] Aye, aye, captain. I wouldn’t have it any other way. From Montreal To Attitude is back… and it’s better than ever!
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Spooge factor 97%.... The world's are alligned, things are great again in real world diaries... I have keefmoon back for the F, nevermore to continuously read with the word 'genius' revolving constantly in my head for the ECdubbya, and mikeyg is where it's at for WCW. All we need now is my good man outlaw to come back with a bit of n dubbyaA if you don't mind. Welcome back my good friend, I'm bloody thrilled to see you get the urge back. One of the masters is back in action, PS keefy, when are you going to Canada?
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;463297]Welcome back keefy, it's about time :P[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Nevermore;462895]Best post ever :D. Oh, and about damn time ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] I know, I know, it took a while. But I've written up a couple of months of shows so even with my busy life and work schedule I should at least get up to Capital Carnage, and probably a lot further. In fact I have at least one thing planned for every show from now til Mania. [QUOTE=totti;462896]I'm glad this is back mate, it was a great diary and I'm sure it will soon become one of the best on here again.[/QUOTE] Thank you, it's hearing stuff like that which is just such a huge pick-me-up I dunno why I didn't do this sooner! [QUOTE=Sarcasm;462993]Marks out faster than a nerd for math homework or Perry Saturn over mops[/QUOTE] Oh, not again! Pleased that you're pleased, though! [QUOTE=tristram;463391]Spooge factor 97%.... The world's are alligned, things are great again in real world diaries... I have keefmoon back for the F, nevermore to continuously read with the word 'genius' revolving constantly in my head for the ECdubbya, and mikeyg is where it's at for WCW. All we need now is my good man outlaw to come back with a bit of n dubbyaA if you don't mind.[/QUOTE] Absolutely, I really hope Outlaw comes back soon too. [QUOTE=tristram;463391]Welcome back my good friend, I'm bloody thrilled to see you get the urge back. One of the masters is back in action, PS keefy, when are you going to Canada?[/QUOTE] Thank you, thank you. Hopefully I can get in to the swing of things quick as possible. As for Canada, I've been and come back. Wasonly away for just under 3 weeks. Loved it. Beautiful country and genuinely nice people. Highly recommend the place as a holiday destination for anyone who's interested. But hey, had to come back at some point and get this going, aye? I'm going to do a few recap posts for anyone who's a bit out of it, which is understandable given that fact that it's been years since I posted a show then get straight back on with me. Thank you to everyone who has posted so far, I hope I can keep your interest as the shows start coming.
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[B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Montreal And Beyond The Backstory To FMTA Part One[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Our story begins with Kiefer J Moon, a loyal servant to the WWF. After a relatively non-descript in ring career, Moon wound up as a road agent and part of the booking team of the World Wrestling Federation after years of hard work. Eventually, after having gradually become one of the few people allowed within Vince McMahon’s inner circle, he was somewhat surprisingly appointed as Head Booker, doing away with McMahon’s old style of having him as creative head with a booking team behind. Although he was appointed in early November, he wasn’t to start until 1st December 1997. What happened after that is well known. WWF Champion and personal friend of Moon, Bret Hart, was screwed out of the World Wrestling Federation Championship in his home country of Canada at the Survivor Series. Now in charge of the most hated company on the planet, Moon’s job was somewhat less appealing than it was a month earlier. Appalled by his boss’s decision, Kiefer turned from McMahon kiss ass to leader of a revolution over night. Moon decided that the old school thought of “bigger is better” and slow, boring matches between cartoon characters were out-dated and the new era of fast moving, controversial action with great wrestling was the way forward, but even so, the job would not be easy. Things weren’t helped by the subsequent resignations of Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart, but nonetheless December was a relatively successful month for the WWF. Shawn Michaels, one of the main protagonists in the Montreal Screwjob, entered a feud with Ken Shamrock, which culminated at In Your House: D-Generation X with HBK retaining his title. However, the main feuds in this period were the growing tension between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon, and Owen Hart’s gradual backlash against DX. Also in December, Jeff Jarrett on the Intercontinental Title, Kane tore the roster apart and Jerry “The King” Lawler returned to the ring to open up the King Of The Court Open Challenge, of which he remained undefeated for the remainder of 1997. However, the story of From Montreal To Attitude had only just begun…
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[B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]The Road To Wrestlemania The Backstory To FMTA Part Two[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] The Road To Wrestlemania starts at the Royal Rumble, and the Rumble belonged to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Outlasting 29 other men, the Texas Rattlesnake won the Rumble itself and in turn the opportunity to face the WWF Champion at Wrestlemania. Vince McMahon did everything he could to prevent this while Shawn Michaels faced a series of difficult challenges to retain his title. At the Royal Rumble he bested The Undertaker in a Casket Match with help from Kane (who proceeded in setting the Casket on fire) and at No Way Out cheated to edge past Owen Hart in an early match of the year candidate. Obviously frustrated at being “screwed”, Hart took matters into his own hands and signed the contract to the main event ahead of Austin, resulting in a Triple Threat match. In perhaps the best Wrestlemania main event in history, Austin pinned HBK and the Austin era began. Following Kane burning a casket with The Undertaker inside, ‘Taker made his return shortly before Wrestlemania, and bested his younger brother at the April extravaganza to extend his ‘Mania streak to 7-0. Wrestlemania also saw Triple H beating Mankind in a Street Fight, Ken Shamrock beating The Rock, the New Age Outlaws continue their stranglehold on the Tag Team division and Chavo Guerrero Jr winning the Light-Heavyweight Title from Taka Michinoku. Shortly after the Rumble, Goldust upset Jarrett by pinning him on Raw to win the Intercontinental Title, and found himself being targeted by the now slightly unstable Double J. This feud went right to Wrestlemania where Marlena, The Bizarre One’s manager, turned on him and in the process handed the belt back to Jarrett. The ECW contingent begun to flood the WWF roster as the likes of Taz, Tommy Dreamer and Sabu debuted. While Taz went on a winning streak, winning the King Of The Court Open Challenge at Wrestlemania along the way, Dreamer and Sabu participated in a Triple Threat match for the newly created Hardcore Title, won by Terry Funk.
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