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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[FONT=”Century Gothic”][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B]Undertaker, Kane, Edge & Christian vs Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hardy Boyz[/B] Judgment Day will see these 4 teams split in to twos; who can gain the momentum ahead of their huge pay-per-view matches? [B]D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer vs Mabel, Ken Shamrock & The Bagwell[/B] For the most part a strange bedfellows match, with all 6 participating at Judgment Day you have to think they will all go hell for leather to gain the upper hand. [B]Sabu vs Godfather[/B] A preview of the European Title tournament next month as two of the competitors face off in a one on one match. But Jeff Jarrett is sure to be lurking somewhere. [B]Togo vs Mike Quackenbush[/B] The Quack Attack got his first WWF win last week and delivered Zukaya their first loss. This week Togo has been given the job of revenge against the “Nameless Jobber” Plus more matches to be announced, the backlash from last weeks Rock Concert and the conditions of Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross and Stone Cold Steve Austin after last weeks main event! [B][U]Predictions[/U][/B] Undertaker, Kane, Edge & Christian vs Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hardy Boyz D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer vs Mabel, Ken Shamrock & The Bagwell Sabu vs Godfather Togo vs Mike Quackenbush[/CENTER][/FONT]
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Hey. I just came down to Atlanta for the summer and I haven't been able to catch up on this but what a show. I'm so glad you got rid of Bart Gunn. However I do think that The Hardy Boyz need a manager because they are really bland. I'm intrigued by everything else and can't wait untill Judgement Day Undertaker, Kane, Edge & Christian vs Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hardy Boyz I see a No Constest due to the fact than Owen Hart interfers to prove that he's about himself D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Mabel, Ken Shamrock & The Bagwell[/B] This can go either way. But the tensions between RVD and dreamer will cost them the match. Sabu vs [B]Godfather[/B] I only see Sabu winning by DQ. [B]Togo[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush Togo will get avenge Zukaya KUTGW
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Undertaker, Kane, Edge & Christian vs Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hardy Boyz [I]No contest[/I] [B]D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer[/B] vs Mabel, Ken Shamrock & The Bagwell [I]Just 'cos I think it will open up more creative opportunities, particularly with the RVD/Dreamer sitch.[/I] [B]Sabu[/B] vs Godfather [I]I'm biased :D[/I]. [B]Togo[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush [I]I feel pretty confident in this one.[/I] Nice card, chico. Quote The Razor Nevermore
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Undertaker, Kane, Edge & Christian vs Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hardy Boyz [I]I gotta go with trend here, and say no contest. So many volatile personalities here, there's no way one referee can keep control.[/I] D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Mabel, Ken Shamrock & The Bagwell[/B] [I]Mabel chases D'lo to the locker room, Shamrock and The Stuff get the win over the distrusting RVD and Dreamer, and after the match, the Bagwell lowers the boom on an unsuspecting IC champion.[/I] [B]Sabu[/B] vs Godfather [I]Dubba J gotsta take care o' dis one on his own, babeh. Da dweam's buseh. (Double J costs the Godfather the match, Dusty gets lost in the ho's lockerroom.)[/I] Togo vs [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] [I]I'm not falling for that again. Quackenbush keeps the momentum on his side.[/I] I gotta agree with Nevermore, `tis a good card. :D
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Undertaker, Kane, Edge & Christian vs Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hardy Boyz - No contest seems pretty likely with Owen Hart interfering. D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Mabel, Ken Shamrock & The Bagwell [/B]- Dreamer or RVD costing the match for one or the other, I think Shamrock and Bagwell need to be kept strong at the moment. [B]Sabu[/B] vs Godfather - I'm hoping it's time for a big Sabu push. Togo vs [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] - Quackenbush to be a thorn in Zukaya's side.
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[QUOTE=totti;470366]Another top notch show mate. The Rock Concert was a good unique feature to have. I enjoyed it. I can't believe Quackenbush won! Friction in The Alliance and now DX? Looking forward to what happens next. Those 'The Future is Coming' pics have intrigued me mate.[/QUOTE] Glad you liked the show buddy. I want Rocky and Mankind to offer something a bit different this month to the rest of the roster, but ultimately as I have already said I want this feud to be the one that sets these guys up for the next year. Neither man has the gimmick or attitute I'm looking for just yet. Quack had to win at some point, the guys too talented for just being a jobber. But I quite like the idea of him sticking with the "jobber" gimmick even though he's not actually a jobber. It's weird, and I like weird... Thanks for your continued support. [QUOTE=Sarcasm;471202]Hey. I just came down to Atlanta for the summer and I haven't been able to catch up on this but what a show. I'm so glad you got rid of Bart Gunn. However I do think that The Hardy Boyz need a manager because they are really bland. I'm intrigued by everything else and can't wait untill Judgement Day[/QUOTE] Hey buddy, thanks very much for the feedback. The prospect of the Hardyz having a manager is interesting and one I've considered. On one hand, they are bland and their promos and out of ring stuff has them being dragged through it by whoever they're with, even in this where I could pretend they have charisma, but on the other hand I can't envision the Hardyz with a manager. I never dug their relationship with Hayes or Gangrel and I don't know who would really suit their style. Any opinions would be appreciated! Thanks to everyone for predicting, you support is what makes me really wanna push on (that and I'm already excited about the prospect of writing up for the Wrestlemania I have planned!) Cheers! :D
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[QUOTE=Mtm2k6;471418]Lita's quite obvious for the manager role of The Hardyz. Not sure what her avaliability/skills are though at this point.[/QUOTE] I don't think she's be quite ready yet. I think the earliest she could do a job on something the scale of WWF and not look amateurish would be late 99. Even though she could come out and stand by ringside and do nothing else around this time, it doesn't really solve the "bland" issue. Thanks for the suggestion though. :)
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Ahhh my good friend, FMTA is like going to Pablos Chicken and Cacciatore... come for the chicken, stay for the hootch. Come for the promise of an Owen Hart push, stay for the E&C Connection. It's like ten thousand spoons, when all you needed is a knife. My only criticism so far again mate is it needs more Goobledy Gocker. Predictions [B]Undertaker, Kane, Edge & Christian[/B] vs Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hardy Boyz D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Mabel, Ken Shamrock & The Bagwell[/B] [B]Sabu[/B] vs Godfather [B]Togo[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush The only thing better than this is the sweet scent of Primrose on an mid-Autumn afternoon followed by a dance recital club's version of Abba's timeless classic Ring Ring. Not to be confused with Drawn Together's Ring Ring.
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[QUOTE=tristram;471559]The only thing better than this is the sweet scent of Primrose on an mid-Autumn afternoon followed by a dance recital club's version of Abba's timeless classic Ring Ring. Not to be confused with Drawn Together's Ring Ring.[/QUOTE] I was in tears :D. That was some sweet music, chico. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B]DISNEY[/B] [I]Reading this advert makes your child property of the Disney Corporation[/I] Monday 21st September 1998 [/CENTER] The show opens with the usual barrage of pyrotechnics and loud music as the camera pans the crowd, settling on the announce team for tonight, Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler [B]Cole: [/B]Hi folks, I’m Michael Cole sitting in for Jim Ross who’s recovering from last weeks attack, and I’m sitting alongside the legendary Jerry “The King” Lawler. [B]King:[/B] JR, I know you’ll be watching this at home in Oklahoma, I just want to say hope you feel better soon buddy… The King is interrupted by the familiar music of the chairman, Vince McMahon, who Power Walks™ to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]McMahon:[/B] You know, sometimes I even shock myself. I am a conqueror of other promotions. I am a conqueror of businesses. And now I am conqueror of the ring. I showed incredible savvy to enlist the help of the single most exciting prospect in wrestling today- Finlay! Mr Finlay, I have been overwhelmed by your abilities over the last couple of months and your ruthless aggression is very impressive. However, there is another man who has impressed me lately. That’s you… Jerry Lawler! The camera cuts to Lawler who looks shocked, as he interfered in last weeks match to help out Vince’s opponent. [B]McMahon: [/B]You’ve got guts, King, that’s for sure. Not many people dare cross the boss, and you tried it. So I’d like to reward you. Tonight, in this very ring, I am giving you the opportunity to break the longest running undefeated streak in the company… tonight, Mr Lawler, you will go one on one with Finlay! Vince and Finlay smile at each other when the glass shatters and Stone Cold walks down to the ring, albeit it on crutches. [B]Austin:[/B] What the hell you lookin’ at, Vince? You seem surprised I’m on crutches. Well you know what, you got what you wanted. After last weeks beatdown I’ve received a total cruciate ligament tear. So you can smile all you want, but that’s it for me. I’m out here to apologise to each and every one of the fans, to say sorry that for all their support over the years, I’ve gotta give up what I do, the only thing I’ve ever known what to do, because I refused to go by McMahon law. You can lock your beady little eyes on me, you can smile like the total jackass you are as much as you want, but the career of Stone Cold Steve Austin is over. [B]Vince: [/B]I’m not happy about this Steve, I’m really not. I just wish you’d learn to play by the rules, ‘‘cause if you had this wouldn’t have had to happen. Suddenly the familiar face of Linda McMahon appears on the Titantron. [B]Linda:[/B] Hello, Vince. [B]Vince:[/B] Linda?! What the hell do you want? [B]Linda:[/B] I want to congratulate you. I’m so proud that my husband is not only a great businessman but a world class athlete too. And lets face it, you are that, as you have to be to beat Steve Austin. [I]The crowd boo[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] That’s true. Thank you, Linda. [B]Linda:[/B] No problem, darling. In fact, it actually hits me in that funny little place to see you as the alpha male, having destroyed and injured a competitor. It definitely makes for an interesting match at Judgment Day. [B]Vince:[/B] What do you mean? Austin’s injured. His career is over thanks to me, so the match is off. [B]Linda: [/B]Oh, to the contrary, Vince. I’ve decided that in the light of your recent attempts to include every Alliance member in all matches, that your match with Mr Austin will be a Steel Cage Match! [B]Vince: [/B]What?! That’s ludicrous! Austin can’t even walk! [B]Linda: [/B]Something tells me he’s not quite as injured as he is saying… Confused, Vince turns around to a now crutchless Austin, who hits him with a firm right hand. Finlay charges but is met with a Lou Thesz Press, and is then chucked from the ring like a piece of garbage. He then stalks McMahon, waiting behind him until BAM! Stone Cold Stunner! [B]Austin: [/B]If you can’t wait to see Austin kick Vince McMahon’s ass all over Judgment Day this Sunday, gimmie a hell yeah! [B]Crowd:[/B] Hell yeah! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Godfather1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu vs The Godfather[/SIZE][/B] The lifetime supply of ho’s that escort Godfather to the ring guarantee the fans are on his side in this brutal match against the hard hitting, psychotic extremist. Sabu is the quickest out of the blocks, doing whatever it takes to get ahead by constantly living on the edge of the referees patience. However, The Godfather is as resilient as they come and refuses to stay down, battling his way back into the match. Neither man leaves anything in the locker room as they hit fast and hit hard, up until Godfather gets the upper hand. He attempts a Ho Train, but Sabu catches him with a Drop Toe Hold, hanging Godfather up on the bottom rope. Suddenly, Jeff Jarrett jumps over the barrier, grabs Godfather’s cane and smacks it across his head, snapping the cane in half. The referee, distracted by Sabu, turns to see Godfather out cold while Sabu climbs to the top rope and nails a beautiful Triple Jump Moonsault. [B]Winner: Sabu in 7:32[/B][/CENTER] No sooner has the bell rung when Jarrett jumps on Godfather, punching him over and over again. The ho’s look on in shock as Jarrett pounds the Pimp Daddy, before grabbing a microphone. [B]Jarrett:[/B] How do you like that, slapnut? You can try and mess with me as much as you want, but there’s nothing like a good beating to prove a point. That point? You’re nothing but a morally deficient slapnut that gives this industry a bad name. You wanna know the difference between you and me? I’ve got all the stroke… and you’re nothing but a joke. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After calling the whole match on his own when The King went to prepare for his match, Michael Cole gets word the Colour Commentator for the night is about to make himself known… Bobby “The Brain” Heenan! The crowd pop at the sight of the living legend, who high fives his way down to the ring, clearly enjoying the adoration. [B]Cole: [/B]Oh wow, what an incredible honour, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, welcome to Raw Is War! [B]Heenan: [/B]Jeez, you lost weight, JR. [B]Cole:[/B] JR is injured, I’m Mic… [B]Heenan:[/B] Not a fan of the highlights though. And what’s with the fluff under your bottom lip. Did you draw on yourself by mistake before the show opened? [B]Cole: [/B]It’s actually facia… [B]Heenan: [/B]So what’s up next, JR? [B]Cole:[/B] I miss The King… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lance Storm is stretching in his locker room when Sable walks in. [B]Storm: [/B]Sable, wow, hi. I haven’t seen you for weeks. [B]Sable: [/B]I had things to sort out. Look, Lance, I want to apologise for having a go at you when you came to my defence against Marc. I know you were just trying to help. [B]Storm:[/B] Don’t worry, it’s all forgotten about. [B]Sable:[/B] And for what it’s worth, you did the right thing. Marc can be such a jerk sometimes. But I’ve left him now, and I’m ready to focus on my managerial career. [B]Storm: [/B]Good for you. [B]Sable:[/B] And, after everything you’ve done for me, I’d like to offer you my managerial services. [B]Storm: [/B]Jeez, wow, erm… of course, yeah. It would be my honour. [B]Sable:[/B] Great, because I’ve already got you a match. [B]Storm:[/B] Against who? [B]Sable: [/B]It’s tonight, against Owen Hart… for the WWF Title! [B]Storm:[/B] Oh man, I’ve been trying to get a shot for months. Thanks. [B]Sable: [/B]Don’t thank me, it’s my job. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The McMahon’s are in their executive suite. [B]Vince:[/B] That bitch! That absolute… bitch. [B]Shane:[/B] Pops, I know, Mom is a bitch, but we don’t need this right now. We need solutions. [B]Vince: [/B]How the hell can I face Stone Cold in a steel cage match? I’ll get killed. [B]Shane:[/B] Look, I know this won’t help enough, but maybe it’ll go someway. I saw a gym around the corner. What do you say; we get the chauffeur to drive us there? [B]Vince[/B]: Fine… but unless there’s an instruction manual in there on how to beat professionally trained wrestler in steel cage matches… I’m worried that… you know… [B]Shane: [/B]I know, Dad. I know. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Togo w/Zukaya vs “Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush[/SIZE][/B] A great match to demonstrate the ability of the ever expanding Light-Heavyweight division. Togo looks strong in his debut singles match, and dominates much of the match, but Quackenbush has a lot of momentum after his first ever win last week and manages to take Togo down, climb to the top rope and… BAM! Chair shot from Hayashi right to the knee. [B]Winner by disqualification: Mike Quackenbush in 8:31[/B][/CENTER] Quackenbush has no opportunity to celebrate his win, as Zukaya storm the ring straight away. Hayashi and Funaki prop him up as Tajiri steps back, takes a deep breath and gets ready for the Green Mist, only for Quackenbush to duck and push Hayashi into the line of the mist! Zukaya look on shocked as the Nameless Jobber dropkicks Togo into Funaki, and exits the ring as Zukaya go mad in the ring having been outdone by Mike Quackenbush yet again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tommy Dreamer is backstage when Rob Van Dam walks over. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Hey man. [B]RVD: [/B]Yeah. Hi. [B]Dreamer:[/B] What? [B]RVD:[/B] What the hell is your problem at the moment? [B]Dreamer:[/B] Nothing’s wrong with me. [B]RVD:[/B] Then why’ve you not got my back? You know the hardcore honour. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Screw honour, Rob, we’re talking about your title. I love you to bits man, and I respect the hell out of you, but I’ll do whatever the hell it takes to be hardcore champion. That is the true nature of hardcore wrestling and you know it. Nothing will come between me and winning that belt, and if I have to beat you in a depleted state then your damn right I’ll take that chance. [B]RVD:[/B] Fine. But you better beware that you are getting 100% Whole Dam Show. [B]Dreamer:[/B] I don’t doubt it for a second. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chavo Guerrero Jr is backstage, stroking the Light-Heavyweight Title he stole off Psicosis a couple of weeks back. Suddenly, Psicosis attacks, but Chavo was seemingly prepared by squirming away from him, never letting him get a clean punch in. [B]Chavo:[/B] Now, vato loco’s! All of a sudden two men come out and start beating on Psicosis as Chavo Guerrero looks on approvingly. Eventually, with Psicosis in a crumpled heap on the floor, Chavo leans over him. [B]Chavo:[/B] Oh, I’m sorry homes, did I not introduce you to my boys? These are my vato loco’s, assez, and they have my back. You want this title back? You gotta earn it homes, one on one with me at Judgment Day in the only match you can’t beat me in… in a Submission Only match. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Six Man Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mabel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefRvd.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TommyDreamer-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Mabel, Ken Shamrock & Bagwell vs D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer[/SIZE][/B] With both teams having a trust issue this certainly wasn’t the most conventional of tag team matches, with Shamrock refusing to believe in Bagwell’s pleas to be trusted and Van Dam always half expected Dreamer to cheap shot him. The only certainty was Mabel’s hatred for D’Lo after his former partner turned his back on him last week. The match was very even when Rob Van Dam found Bagwell down on the mat. He climbed to the top rope; ready for the Frog Splash, when suddenly Dreamer pushed him off, sending him flying into the announcers table. D’Lo looked on in shock, until turning into the arms of Shamrock for a Belly To Back Suplex. Next came the trademark roar as the crowd get to their feet, awaiting an Anklelock, when from nowhere The Bagwell hits him with the Intercontinental Title! He drags D’Lo over the World’s Most Dangerous Man for the one… two… three! [B]Winners: D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer in 9:21[/B][/CENTER] Bagwell laughs as he stands over Shamrock, grabs the title and holds it over his head as the crowd go wild with booing, until Mabel re-enters the ring and clotheslines Bagwell into next week. Mabel looks at the Intercontinental Title, looks at Shamrock, then looks at the title again. He walks over and bends over to pick it up, only for a resurgent D’Lo to kick him the face, sending the big man reeling. Brown hits his former partner with the belt, forcing him to one knee. D’Lo looks a bit perturbed he wasn’t knocked down, but nonetheless tries again, once again knocking the big man funny but not down. This time D’Lo tries a running start, but still Mabel won’t go down. D’Lo climbs to the second rope and jumps off title first only to be caught by the former King Of The Ring who slams him to the mat. Mabel bounces off the ropes and attempts a Big Splash, but D’Lo rolls out of the ring, shocked at his ex-partners resilience. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edge & Christian come down to the ring, complete with a more satanic entrance, and start to cut a promo on the Hardyz when Michael Hayes comes down to the ring. [B]Hayes:[/B] Hey, boys, what’s going on? One minute I’m mentoring you and the next you’re soaking people in blood and, I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, hanging out with a vampire. [B]Edge:[/B] We saw the error of our ways. We left the life of mortals and turn our backs on the sinful life we lived under you. [B]Christian:[/B] We made a mistake. A mentor who lives such an immoral life is no mentor of ours. We now take orders from Gangrel only and we will attempt to cleanse the WWF of all that is wrong. [B]Edge: [/B]We will clean the poison… poison… like you. Christian cheap shots Hayes as Edge lays in the boots, while Gangrel walks down to the ring and starts barking orders. Christian undoes the turnbuckle padding as Edge lifts him up and drives him head first in to it. When Hayes slumps to the ground Gangrel mounts him and starts punching the veteran over and over again while his minions grab a steel chair each. Gangrel lifts Hayes and props him up as the Canadians swing their chairs in tandem, squashing his head between. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a short break, while Hayes gets loaded on a stretcher and wheeled away from the ring, Mankind makes his way down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Mankind: [/B]I can’t help but find the amusement in this whole situation. My whole life I’ve been treated as an outcast, even from an early age. The popular kids at school would pick on me because of my weight, or my looks, or my inability to talk to girls, and it made me a crippled, broken man inside. But now, how the tides have turned. Last week during the “Rock Concert”… [B]DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN’?[/B] Snarling and spitting, The Rock walks down to the ring accompanied by Chyna and grabs a microphone. [B]Rock:[/B] Finally… The Rock… has come back… to tell Mankind to know your role and shut your mouth! Do you think the millions… and millions… of The Rock’s fans want to hear another blubbering monologue (starts to fake cry) of… how *sniff* you were just treated so badly when you *sniff* were a child and blah… blah… blah. The Rock couldn’t give a candy ass about what this roody poo Jabroni’s childhood was like. [B]Mankind: [/B]Erm… it looks like Chyna wants to tell you something, Rocky. The Rock looks at Chyna, who is beckoning for a microphone at ringside. [B]Chyna:[/B] Rocky, before you go on, I just want to tell you something. I don’t know how to say this exactly but… I’m not going to be your manager anymore. [B]Rock:[/B] What?! Do you know how privileged you are to stand this close to The Great One week after week? [B]Chyna:[/B] The problem is, Rocky, I only associate with winners. But you lost to Triple H, and you’re getting out entertained by Mankind, which doesn’t smell of a winner. It smells of… a loser. [B]Mankind: [/B]Oh yeah! (Breaks into song) Rocky is a loser! Rocky is a loser! Rocky is a loser! [B]Rock:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it just one minute there Michelin Man; you’re saying The Rock isn’t entertaining? You’re saying The Rock is a loser? What makes you think this? [B]Chyna: [/B]It’s bec… [B]Rock:[/B] IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK! All that matters to The Rock is that finally The Rock has got shot of you. The reason The Rock has become “a loser” is because he can’t concentrate on his matches with a real life freak show at ringside! [B]Mankind:[/B] (singing again) Rocky got dumped by a freak show. [B]Rock:[/B] Oh no, no, no, no! The Rock was never going out with Chyna, lets make that clear. The Rock likes his women effeminate. He likes them gentle. But The Rock does not like them... with a penis! Sorry, Chyna, that rules you out... [B]Chyna: [/B]Listen here… [B]Rock: [/B]Know your role and shut your mouth, Mr Muscle, there’s less testosterone in the needle sticking out of Hulk Hogan’s arm than in you. [B]Chyna:[/B] Ha ha, my sides are splitting. [B]Rock:[/B] Makes a change from your legs. With that, Chyna punches The Rock square in the face, knocking him backwards and right into the waiting Mr Socko! Mankind chokes The Rock to the ground, grabs a microphone and starts yet another chant… [B]Mankind:[/B] Rocky got the Socko! Rocky got the socko! The crowd join in chanting while Mankind leans over the fallen Electrifying One. [B]Mankind:[/B] Have a nice day! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Owen Hart © def Lance Storm w/Sable[/SIZE][/B] As if anyone needed it, this match served as perfect evidence as why Storm is thought of so highly amongst the WWF management, and meanwhile gave Owen a chance to show off his skills against a similarly technically minded individual. Owen dominated the early proceedings, mainly due to his experience advantage in a big match environment, but Storm showed great willpower to battle through and get a good run on Owen. After ten minutes of top notch technical wrestling, and with Lance growing in stature Owen nailed a beautiful leg trip and locked in the Sharpshooter. With her client with seemingly nowhere to go, Sable climbed on to the apron and distracted the referee as Storm tapped out. Owen pulled away in celebration without realising the referee didn’t seeing it to count it. When he does notice it Vince is pounding down the aisleway, grabs Sable’s leg and yanks her off with aplomb. Owen smiles and turns around in to Storm who rolls him up, stands up and locks in the Single Legged Boston Crab! [B]Cole: [/B]Storm’s got it in! Owen’s got nowhere to turn! [B]Heenan:[/B] No, Owen, no! Please don’t tap! With Owen’s hand hovering above the mat Vince McMahon slides in to the ring with steel chair in hand and clocks the challenger with it. He stares straight at the referee and bellows “if you disqualify him, you’re fired” as Owen gets to his feet and locks in the Sharpshooter again. Storm is left with no option but to tap out. [B]Winner: Owen Hart 12:32[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Damn it! How is anyone going to take the belt off Owen if Vince can throw his power around like that? [B]Heenan:[/B] Did you see that?! Incredible resilience by Owen Hart to power out of the submission hold and lock in his own! [B]Cole:[/B] What are you talking about?! McMahon just handed Owen the win! [B]Heenan:[/B] I think maybe it’s time you invested in new glasses, JR. [B]Cole:[/B] For the last damn time, I’m Michael Cole! [B]Heenan:[/B] Shut up, JR. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to see The Bagwell sprinting through the corridors with Ken Shamrock in hot pursuit. Shamrock seems to be getting closer to him but Bagwell dives into a car that speeds off into the night, leaving Shamrock fuming just 6 days before his title defence. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MorganVideo.jpg[/IMG] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DaveFinlay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs Jerry “The King” Lawler[/SIZE][/B] Lawler isn’t a legend for nothing, but he was brutalised in this match. Finlay was as stiff and crisp as ever, causing The King to bleed within the first couple of minutes with a sharp punch to the eye. Lawler battled into the match, even managing to do his flying punch, strap down, attempted piledriver routine but was reversed out of it, and The Fighting Irishman lifted him up to hit the Celtic Cross. [B]Winner: Finlay in 6:21[/B][/CENTER] Straight after the match The Acolytes get in to the ring and start beating down on The King as Michael Cole bemoans the gang rules culture on Raw at the moment. Bradshaw picks him up and turns him upside down while Finlay places a steel chair under Lawler’s head as Faarooq climbs to the second rope and jumps off, crushing Lawler’s skull with a Spike Piledriver. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Shamrock is backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Mantell: [/B]So, Ken, it turns out Bagwell was playing you all along… [B]Shamrock:[/B] I never doubted it for a second. But rest assure at Judgement Day, when I finally get my hands around his leg, I swear I will snap his ankle in two. Suddenly, Bagwell attacks from nowhere and takes the Intercontinental Champion down with a 2 by 4. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Holy Mary, mother of Jesus, Kenny! It was easier getting in to your head than it is for me to get into girls panties and lord knows I find that easy. This Sunday at Judgment Day I’ll take your title away simply because I could get in your head. What does that say about you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]8 Man Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefMatt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefjeff.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"] Kane, “The Phenom” The Undertaker, Edge & Christian w/Paul Bearer & Gangrel vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, “The Game” Triple H & The Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] Edge, Christian and the Hardyz clearly love being in the spotlight of the main event of Raw and both teams try to get as much in ring action as possible from the get go. The pure strength of Kane & The Undertaker means the heels dominate most of the match, but DX and the Hardyz have resilience in abundance. After ten minutes of action and with both sides exhausted, Owen Hart runs to the ring with his WWF Title, takes aim, swings and hits… The Undertaker! Taker falls out of the ring from the impact, and while the Hardyz distract Kane on the outside Shawn Michaels hits his Sweet Chin Music on Edge for the three. [B] Winners: D-Generation X and the Hardy Boyz in 12:38[/B][/CENTER] HBK begins to celebrate the win but is nailed by a Spear from Christian, taking him down. Christian tries to lay in the fists but gets nailed by a Pedigree from Triple H who in turn gets assaulted by Kane who has just decimated the Hardy Boyz on the outside. Triple H manages to reverse a Powerslam into a Neckbreaker, and with both teams down Owen Hart grabs a steel chair and slides in the ring. Kane, Undertaker, Michaels and Triple H all very gradually stir, getting to their knees completely unaware of Owen’s presence. Owen looks at DX, then his Alliance teammates, pulls the chair back ready to strike, looks at DX again, then the Brothers Of Destruction. He steps towards Kane, then towards Michaels, before dropping the chair and backing away from the ring. [B]JR: [/B]Which side is Owen Hart on? Is it The Alliance or DX? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts to outside a gym as Vince & Shane McMahon are exiting, Vince basked in sweat. [B]Vince:[/B] Good work out. [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah, tota… hang on. [B]Vince:[/B] What? [B]Shane: [/B]The limo. Where is it? Hey, chauffeur, what happened to the limo? [B]Chauffeur:[/B] That guy took it. He points to the other side of the road, where Steve Austin is sitting in a crane. Vince and Shane look on in disgust as Austin lifts the limo up high above the street and lets it go. The limo explodes as it comes in contact with the sidewalk from a height of 40 feet. [B]Austin:[/B] This Sunday I’m gonna kick your ass and walk it dry, McMahon, and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me… AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE… ‘‘CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Sabu def Godfather Mike Quackenbush def Togo by DQ D'Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer def Mabel, Bagwell & Ken Shamrock Owen Hart def Lance Storm to retain the WWF Title Finlay def Jerry Lawler Shawn Michaels, Triple H & Hardy Boyz def Kane, Undertaker, Edge & Christian
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JR, you've lost weight lol Heenan at his best. Good build in particular for VKM and Austin. And of course, the leg spitting penis rip on Chyna was funny. Now I know you've seen One Night in Chyna, but I didn't need you to confirm what we all thought about the penis. That was another great show, it reminded me of the time I first urinated on a live electric fence. Really invigorating and startling. I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time, watching the tides roll away, just sitting on the dock of the bay waiting for more of your shows.
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[QUOTE=Duffman;471769]I could actually hear Heenan say those words.[/QUOTE] Thank God. Heenan is an absolute legend and the funniest guy in wrestling. It was a bit of a worry having to try and get him to sound realistic because if it didn't everyone would know. [QUOTE=tristram;472156]JR, you've lost weight lol Heenan at his best. Good build in particular for VKM and Austin. And of course, the leg spitting penis rip on Chyna was funny. Now I know you've seen One Night in Chyna, but I didn't need you to confirm what we all thought about the penis. .[/QUOTE] Again, glad Heenan worked. I love the guy so if people think I'm doing him justice it's all good in the hood. Just like with Owen. Glad you liked the McMahon - Austin build and I'm glad the Rock gags didn't bomb. [QUOTE=tristram;472156]That was another great show, it reminded me of the time I first urinated on a live electric fence. Really invigorating and startling. I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time, watching the tides roll away, just sitting on the dock of the bay waiting for more of your shows.[/QUOTE] You're an idiot. I love you, but you're an idiot. [QUOTE=totti;472180]The Rock and Mankind segments are very good mate. This one in particular made me laugh with the Chyna/penis joke. The got Heenan spot on. I hope you make him a permanent part of the announcing team.[/QUOTE] Pleased to hear you still like the Mankind - Rock segments, needless to say this one isn't over and it will take a different turn soon enough, let me tells ye. And once again, it's realyl pleasing to know Heenan worked out. I doubt he'll be a permanent fixture as trying to keep him sounding funny and witty is difficult, but he'll be there for a while after the Kings injury. So, next up is Judgment Day, the first PPV since the return. The predicitions will probably be up just before I go to work 8am GMTish, but unfortuantely I'm just too drunk to do it tonight. Cheers for the feedback boys, and thanks to any lurkers/readers who haven't posted.
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[CENTER]Thanks to gazwefc83 for the awesome poster… [QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/judgementday22aj2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Winners Progress To WWF Title Match- Owen Hart Special Referee Brothers Of Destruction vs D-Generation X[/B] This feud has been heating up over several months, and is preparing to boil over at Judgment Day with a shot at the WWF Title at stake. Since the brothers put their differences aside to unite and join The Alliance, they have been described as the most dominant team in the history of the WWF. After all their efforts to keep DX at bay, Shawn Michaels and Triple H took it upon themselves to cost the Brothers Of Destruction their Tag Team Titles. Will Kane & Undertaker gain revenge for this loss to earn the title shot they think they deserve, or will DX overcome the odds yet again to face Owen Hart later that night? [B]Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Match Owen Hart (c) vs the number one contenders[/B] After counting the fall to determine his own number one contenders, Hart will then be forced to defend his title against them. Whether it be his team mates in the Alliance or two men he’s been feuding with for the last year, Hart couldn’t have asked for a tougher challenge in his first PPV WWF Title defence. [B]Cage Match Vince McMahon vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] This match has been almost a year in the making. With Steve Austin refusing to abide by Vince McMahon’s laws and with the Chairman refusing to budge on his totalitarian views, these two were a car crash waiting to happen. McMahon even went as far as firing Austin and having him beaten up in a gang assault, only for Stone Cold to destroy his limo. With a cage engulfing the ring it will be down to who can go the distance- the Rattlesnake or the Chairman. [B]The Rock vs Mankind[/B] Whether he wanted to or not, The Rock has found himself well and truly in a rivalry with Mankind. This one started when Mankind offered The Great One help with his apparent slump as of late, which The Rock took exception to. Yet despite his best attempts as of late, The Rock still hasn’t been able to get one over on Mankind. Will Judgment Day be The Rock’s chance to do just that? [B]WWF Intercontinental Title Match The Bagwell s Ken Shamrock (c)[/B] The Bagwell has spent the last month trying to prove he is trustworthy to the Intercontinental Champion. Despite Shamrock’s earlier reservations, the two formed an impressive team on the basis of respect, only for Bagwell to turn on the champion last week ahead of the title shot. With Shamrock irate and gunning for vengeance, has Bagwell got far enough in Shamrock’s head to take the Intercontinental Title from him? [B]WWF Hardcore Title Tommy Dreamer vs Rob Van Dam ©[/B] For months these two men have been the epitome of what wrestling should be about. They have left the shenanigans at the door and put on some great wrestling matches whilst still showing respect for their opponents. However, as soon as Dreamer got an opportunity at RVD’s Hardcore Title, respect and friendship have gone out of the window in pursuit of the gold. Dreamer believes it is his destiny to be Hardcore Champion, but he’s up against one of the very best in Rob Van Dam. [B]WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz (c)[/B] After debuting around the same time earlier this year, both teams have found themselves growing in stature as the weeks progress. Whilst choosing different paths to stardom, both teams are now firmly established in their importance to the World Wrestling Federation, without ever losing the hatred between them. [B]D’Lo Brown vs Mabel[/B] Despite being former Tag Team Champions, D’Lo Brown felt he was being held back by his partner in his pursuit to fulfil his potential and become WWF Champion. After brutally discarding his former friend, will D’Lo continue his climb or has he bitten off more than he can chew against the monster Mabel? [B]Submission Only Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Chavo Guerrero vs Psicosis (c)[/B] It doesn’t matter what lengths he goes to- Chavo still has not beaten Psicosis. The former Light-Heavyweight Champion has tried every trick in the book, even stealing his nemeses belt, to get in the head of Psicosis in his hunt to get his first win and win back the Light-Heavyweight Championship. Chavo chose the match himself knowing Psicosis’ lack of submission experience, does that mean this is now the match that Psicosis cannot win? [B]Kaz Hayashi vs Mike Quackenbush[/B] Since Zukaya debuted, wrecking havoc on the World Wrestling Federation, the one thorn in their side as been the perennial jobber Mike Quackenbush. Formerly without a win to his name, Quack Attack upset Hayashi and has embarrassed the Japanese thugs ever since.[/QUOTE] [B][U]Predictions[/U][/B] [B]Winners Progress To WWF Title Match- Owen Hart Special Referee[/B] Brothers Of Destruction vs D-Generation X [B]Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Match[/B] Owen Hart (c) vs Kane vs Undertaker [I]or…[/I]Owen Hart (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H [B]Cage Match[/B] Vince McMahon vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [B]Single Match[/B] The Rock vs Mankind [B]WWF Intercontinental Title Match[/B] The Bagwell vs Ken Shamrock (c) [B]WWF Hardcore Title[/B] Tommy Dreamer vs Rob Van Dam (c) [B]WWF Tag Team Titles[/B] Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz (c) [B]Single Match[/B] D’Lo Brown vs Mabel [B]Submission Only Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship[/B] Chavo Guerrero vs Psicosis (c) [B]Single Match[/B] Hayashi vs Mike Quackenbush[/CENTER]
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Predictions Winners Progress To WWF Title Match- Owen Hart Special Referee Brothers Of Destruction vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Match Owen Hart (c) vs Kane vs Undertaker or…[B]Owen Hart[/B] (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H Cage Match Vince McMahon vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] Single Match The Rock vs [B]Mankind[/B] WWF Intercontinental Title Match The Bagwell vs [B]Ken Shamrock (c)[/B] WWF Hardcore Title [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] vs Rob Van Dam (c) WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs [B]Hardy Boyz (c)[/B] Single Match [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] vs Mabel Submission Only Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Chavo Guerrero vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] Single Match [B]Hayashi[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush
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[QUOTE]Predictions Winners Progress To WWF Title Match- Owen Hart Special Referee Brothers Of Destruction vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] [I]Enough friction in the Alliance to cause a brushfire.[/I] Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Match Owen Hart (c) vs Kane vs Undertaker or…[B]Owen Hart[/B] (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H [I]HBK and HHH fall out, Kane and Undertaker looking for revenge on Hart ... total chaos! And Owen Hart sneaks out with the gold around his waist.[/I] Cage Match Vince McMahon vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]Stone Cold retribution which includes a stunner on Shane O'Mac, the Acolytes, and possibly, Finlay.[/I] Single Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Mankind [I]Judgement Day, the night The Rock became a mainstay in the main event.[/I] WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]The Bagwell[/B] vs Ken Shamrock (c) [I]He's in Shamrock's head, and Shamrock snaps, damn near killing the Bagwell, and gets himself DQed.[/I] WWF Hardcore Title Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Rob Van Dam [/B](c) [I]Could go either way, but I have a feeling RVD triumps in the mayhem.[/I] WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs [B]Hardy Boyz [/B](c) [I]I don't see this one ending cleanly, allowing another month of feuding, as E&C build up their Broodishness.[/I] Single Match [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] vs Mabel [I]D'Lo is on to bigger and better things.[/I] Submission Only Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] vs Psicosis (c) [I]Chavo wins back the belt he rightfully stole. And if I remember correctly, he has a new heavy to help turn the tide in his favor.[/I] Single Match Hayashi vs [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] [I]Quackenbush is on a roll that rivals The Streak (TM)![/I]
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;472839]Aaaargh... I still haven't caught up! Tell ya what, if you can afford me just a couple opf hours, I'll be able to catch-up, critique and smoke these other kippers in the prediction stakes. Looking forward to the read. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] The show won't be up for several days, so don't worry, you'll have the time. I love your honest feedback so I look forward to it. Thanks to the guys who have predicted so far, interesting to see what you guys think so far. :)
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[B][U]Winners Progress To WWF Title Match- Owen Hart Special Referee[/U][/B] Brothers Of Destruction vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] [I]Hart's interference to decide this match.[/I] [B][U]Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Match[/U][/B] Owen Hart (c) vs Kane vs Undertaker or…[B]Owen Hart (c)[/B] vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H [I]I don't think Hart will drop it yet. I'm enjoying him as champion.[/I] [B][U]Cage Match[/U][/B] Vince McMahon vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]Austin has him in a cage, he's gonna destroy Vince.[/I] [B][U]Single Match[/U][/B] The Rock vs [B]Mankind[/B] [I]Mankind to piss The Rock off further.[/I] [B][U]WWF Intercontinental Title Match[/U][/B] The Bagwell vs [B]Ken Shamrock (c)[/B] I really have no idea. [B][U]WWF Hardcore Title[/U][/B] Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Rob Van Dam (c)[/B] [I]RVD to keep the title for now, but it's a tough one.[/I] [B][U]WWF Tag Team Titles[/U][/B] Edge & Christian vs [B]Hardy Boyz (c)[/B] [I]The Hardy's only just won the titles so I can't see E and C winning quite yet.[/I] [B][U]Single Match[/U][/B] [B]D’Lo Brown [/B]vs Mabel [I]I think he has more potential than Mabel.[/I] [B][U]Submission Only Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship[/U][/B] [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] vs Psicosis (c) Chavo cheats to finally beat Psicosis. [B][U]Single Match[/U][/B] Hayashi vs [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] He's on a roll at the moment.
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Winners Progress To WWF Title Match- Owen Hart Special Referee Brothers Of Destruction vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] Makes the BoD very angry panda's Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Match [B]Owen Hart (c)[/B] vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H By DQ due to the BoD's unmangable fury! Cage Match Vince McMahon vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] Austin murders McMahon in the cage Single Match The Rock vs [B]Mankind[/B] I Mark for Mankind! WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]The Bagwell[/B] vs Ken Shamrock (c) Not really interested in Shamrock as champion. The Bagwell will be such a better entertaining fit. WWF Hardcore Title Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Rob Van Dam (c)[/B] I can see a Dreamer turn after the match. WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs [B]Hardy Boyz (c)[/B] Although E&C are more entertaining, The Hardyz are not losing the titles that quickly Single Match [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] vs Mabel I like D'Lo much better as he can go far in your diary. Submission Only Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Chavo Guerrero vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] Coin toss on this on as it can go either way. Single Match [B]Hayashi[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush Quack's momentum gets killed tonight. Wow this is one of my favorite diarys on the board. KUTGW!
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Winners Progress To WWF Title Match- Owen Hart Special Referee Brothers Of Destruction vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Match Owen Hart (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs [B]Triple H[/B] Gets his legacy started Cage Match Vince McMahon vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] Single Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Mankind WWF Intercontinental Title Match The Bagwell vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] WWF Hardcore Title [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] vs Rob Van Dam WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs [B]Hardy Boyz [/B] Single Match D’Lo Brown vs [B]Mabel[/B] Submission Only Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] vs Psicosis Single Match [B]Hayashi[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush
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