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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Winners Progress To WWF Title Match- Owen Hart Special Referee Brothers Of Destruction vs [b]D-Generation X[/b] I see Owen screwing Kane and Taker starting a storyline with them and Vince. Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Match Owen Hart (c) vs Kane vs Undertaker or…[b]Owen Hart[/b] (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H I see Owen picking up the win here. Cage Match Vince McMahon vs [b]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/b] Stone Cold would lose cred if he lost to Vince in my mind. Single Match [b]The Rock[/b] vs Mankind This will be close but I say the Rock will win. WWF Intercontinental Title Match The Bagwell vs [b]Ken Shamrock[/b] (c) I do not see Bagwell as an IC champion right now. WWF Hardcore Title [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b] vs Rob Van Dam (c) WWF Tag Team Titles [b]Edge & Christian[/b] vs Hardy Boyz (c) E and C I think will pull this one out. Single Match [b]D’Lo Brown[/b] vs Mabel You betta recognize it! Submission Only Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship [b]Chavo Guerrero[/b] vs Psicosis (c) Seems like Chavos match will be surprised if the champ picks up the win. Single Match [b]Hayashi[/b] vs Mike Quackenbush If it were 2008 I would say Mike but since it is not and it is 1998 here I say Hayashi will win.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/judgementday22aj2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sponsored by…[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]CONSERVATIVE PARTY[/B][/SIZE] [I]If it worked in the 1950’s, it probably still works today[/I] [B][SIZE="4"]Sunday 27th September 1998[/SIZE][/B] [I]The true nature of humanity often rears its ugly head. Man is possessed to act in ways he seldom understands, his primal instincts come to light when opportunity arises. Traits like trust, honesty and friendship are destroyed by the most deadly of the seven sins- greed. Greed over gold… Greed over wealth… Greed over power. Blood, sweat, tears, sleepless nights over the ultimate power, the ultimate reward that says you truly are the best in the world. This reward causes man to turn on his beliefs, his companions, on what he knows as right and turns to the dark side of life. This reward tempts the end, the end of what is good and right about the world. Judgment Day is upon is… God have mercy on our souls.[/I][/CENTER] The Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, Illinois is alight with pyrotechnics as the camera pans the luminous colours of the crowd as signs are held high above the peoples heads, cheering deafeningly until the camera sets on the special, one night only announce team. [B]Michael Cole:[/B] We were here 18 months ago for Wrestlemania 13 and we’re back again with 18,153 people cramming in to the Rosemont Horizon for what promises to be a night that has it all. Hello everybody, I'm Michael Cole, I’m alongside Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and delighted to welcome back behind the table “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross. Brain, JR, it’s good to have you both here. [B]JR: [/B]Thank you Michael, and thanks to all the fans who wished me well over the last couple of weeks. I’d like to extend that good will to King who’s sitting at home recuperating- get well soon King! [B]Cole:[/B] Indeed. It’s absolutely fantastic to be here in Illinois, wouldn’t you agree Brain? [B]Heenan:[/B] (sarcastically) Oh it’s great for sure. You know what they call a good looking person in Rosemont? A tourist. [B]Cole:[/B] Two minutes in and he’s already started. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefjeff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefMatt.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Edge & Christian w/Gangrel vs Hardy Boyz ©[/SIZE][/B] The crowd were primed and ready for this match, and totally got behind the champions in their first ever PPV title defence. Edge & Christian seemed different to usual, gone was the geekiness and messing around; they were all business and with a little help from Gangrel were able to dominate the early part of the match. They specifically tried to slow the tempo of the match but the young champions were having none of it, picking up the tempo by flying off the top rope at every opportunity. With Jeff and Edge fighting on the outside, Gangrel tried to sneak in to hit Matt with a tag belt, only for Matt to duck as Gangrel clocked Christian in the face with it. Matt tackled Gangrel out of the ring, giving Jeff the chance to subdue Edge on the outside, climb to the top rope and hit the Swanton Bomb on Christian for the victory! [B]Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions: The Hardy Boyz in 7:59[/B][/CENTER] As soon as Jeff was handed the tag belts he received a huge boot to the head by Edge. The young Canadian really took it to Jeff, beating him down quite harshly as Gangrel and Christian came too and took out Matt. With both champions worse for wear, Gangrel laid Matt out is a DDT on to the tag belts as Christian hit the Unprettier on Jeff. [B]JR:[/B] Good gawd! The Hardy Boyz may have retained the belts tonight but this one is far from over, let me assure you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Hayashi w/Yamaguchi-San, Tajiri, Togo and Funaki vs “Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush[/SIZE][/B] The Quack as been on quite an impressive and unprecedented run as of late against Zukaya, ruining their debut. Hayashi has often found himself at the brunt of the humiliation, causing Hayashi to take no chances in his PPV debut. He was vicious with the Nameless Jobber, but The Quack has momentum from the last two weeks that meant he wouldn’t just lie down for the Zukaya member. Quackenbush put up good effort but Hayashi managed to nail a Moonsault Press for the pin after five minutes to gain a measure of retribution. [B]Winner: Hayashi in 5:09[/B][/CENTER] Zukaya enter the ring after the match to celebrate the win in their usual manner. Togo and Funaki lift The Quack up as Tajiri steps back, takes a deep breath and sprays Green Mist in to the face of the Nameless Jobber. Quackenbush may have won a couple of battles on Raw, but he certainly didn’t win the war. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Mantell:[/B] Owen, in less than an hour you will be officiating the match between DX and the Brothers Of Destruction to determine the number one contenders to your WWF Title. Can you stay neutral in this match? [B]Owen: [/B]Dutch, it offends me you even ask that question. Throughout my entire career I have been nothing but a man of honour, trust and manners. [B]Dutch: [/B]With all due respect, you’ve relied on The Alliance quite lot these last few weeks. [B]Owen: [/B]With no due respect… you’re an @sshole. I think I have proven that I do not need The Alliance. I am the World Wrestling Federation Champion. I couldn’t give a crap who I face in the main event tonight. Regardless of who is in that match, the only consistent is I will walk out still as the WWF Champion. So for that reason, I promise I will call that match bang down the middle, because even the better men in that match aren’t a touch on Owen Hart. Now if you’ll please, I have to get ready for my refereeing debut. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]JR: [/B]Next up folks, we’ve got the hardcore title match, and this one promises to be the true definition of slobber knocker. Dreamer is one hell of an athlete but people are already calling Van Dam the new Shawn Michaels. [B]Heenan: [/B]The new Shawn Michaels?! Like one isn’t enough?! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TommyDreamer-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefRvd.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam ©[/SIZE][/B] From the opening bell this was a brutal classic with two men determined to prove they are the better man. RVD controlled the first minute or two with Dreamer seemingly losing control at his inability to get any lasting offence on his adversary, but wormed back in to the match by being the first man to introduce weapons. A few stiff cane shots were enough to put Dreamer ahead on points but RVD refused to stay down. Dreamer moved to the outside to collect more weapons, which allowed Van Dam a chance to recuperate as the ring became littered in hardcore toys. Van Dam was able to pick up the pace, using weapons so quickly Dreamer didn’t know how to defend against them. As the match approached the ten minute mark Dreamer took RVD down with a Reverse Russian Legsweep, but as he went for a steel chair RVD bounced to his feet and kicked the chair back into Dreamer’s face. Van Dam ran off the ropes, rolled and nailed a Rolling Thunder, causing Dreamer to instinctively jump to his feet despite the pain. Van Dam threw the chair in Dreamers face, knocking him down, and placed the chair on top of him. RVD bounded to the top rope, dived off majestically for the 5 Star Frog Splash and… no! Dreamer threw the chair in Van Dam’s face! RVD rolled around the ring in pain as Dreamer got to his feet, moved the chair underneath him and DDT’d RVD onto it for the one… two… three! [B]Winner and new WWF Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer in 10:27[/B][/CENTER] Dreamer let out a scream of elation as the final count was made, knowing he had finally done as promised and beaten Rob Van Dam. Blood trickled down his face as he was at last handed the WWF Hardcore Title. He proudly showed it off to the crowd as RVD, also bloody, gets to his feet. Holding his battered rib cage he extends a hand, to which Dreamer looks at it and merely shakes his head. RVD looks on shocked as Dreamer slowly walks towards him, still shaking his head, gets closer, leans in and… hugs him. Van Dam lifts Dreamer’s arm in recognition of his win and the two men celebrate in front of the applauding crowd. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Kelly is backstage with Kane and Undertaker either side of him, looming intimidatingly above him. [B]Kelly:[/B] Kane, ‘Taker, tonight you two get the chance to fight for what you think you’ve earned- the World Wrestling Federation Title. Your thoughts? [B]Undertaker:[/B] Owen Hart… Triple H… Shawn Michaels. Three men that stand between me and that WWF Title. I’ve been here for seven years, busting ass and taking names. When I look at those three men I pity the World Wrestling Federation and the world we live in. The champion is a whiny, self obsessed brat who wouldn’t know a true champion if one punched him the face, and the so called challengers, two swearing, foul, crude South Park wannabies. My brother Kane and I have been to the depths of despair and back. Our family perished in a fire when we were children. This anger, this pain, this hatred, it flows through our veins like blood. And tonight all that anger and all that pain from over the years get channelled into finally destroying D-Generation X once and for all, and when we face Owen Hart for the Title, may the best man win. Whether it be I or Kane who walks away with the championship matters not. What matters is the new era of pain and suffering in the World Wrestling Federation will begin. [B]Heenan:[/B] Hang on- Kane & The Undertaker?! Is that the best names their parents could come up with in nine months of pregnancy? You’d be weird too if you were named Undertaker and Kane. [B]JR:[/B] So are you going to tell them they’re weird, Brain? [B]Heenan:[/B] I’m needed here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Brothers Of Destruction” Kane & The Undertaker vs “D-Generation X” Triple H & Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Special Referee: Owen Hart[/SIZE][/B] Anyone who was hoping for a catch-as-catch-can wrestling clinic should look away now. This was nothing but a full on, drag out brawl. Both teams left nothing to the imagination from the opening bell as they beat seven shades of sh*t out of each other. The overall strength and power of the brothers meant they held the upper hand for long periods in the match, but DX are well renowned for their ability to call on all their resources when it matters the most. There seemed to be a fire lit under Kane, pun intended, as he dismantled his opponents while his brother looked on approvingly. HBK spent the majority of the match as the legal man, relying on his speed as he tried to keep a footing in the match, eventually tagging out to Triple H who tried to clean house, only to be derailed by the dominant brothers. The Undertaker & Kane try to double team HHH, but before they can Michaels flies out of nowhere and takes the Phenom out with Sweet Chin Music, but is immediately taken out with a Chokeslam all the way from hell. Kane then turns to Triple H and grabs him by the throat, only for HHH to kick Kane in the knee forcing him to bend down, shoved his head between his legs in a completely heterosexual way and Pedigree’d him! He made the cover as Owen Hart grudgingly got down to the mat and counted the three to make DX the number one contenders! [B]Winners: D-Generation X in 12:52[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] What a performance from DX! [B]Heenan:[/B] Can we take a moment to stop and applaud the refereeing job done by Owen Hart? Chioda, Hebner, White, expect your pink slips with your next payslip, you’re not needed anymore! [B]JR:[/B] You’re unbelievable! [B]Heenan:[/B] Thank you. I try. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D’Lo Brown is backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Mantell:[/B] D’Lo, please tell the world, why did you turn on your friend and tag team partner Mabel? [B]D’Lo: [/B]You better recognise who you’re talking to, Dutch! Mabel didn’t recognise that I’m the hottest young talent in the WWF today and I should be getting my fine self ready for being the WWF Champion. Instead I was left dragging that fat sack of crap through tag team matches. I won’t be held down no more, Double Dutch. This is the lo-down Dutchess, D’Lo Brown will not be ignored no more, and I’m gonna prove it by ending the career of the biggest embarrassment in the company. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship Submission Fall Only Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefpsy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr w/Chavito’s Vato Loco’s vs Psicosis ©[/SIZE][/B] Chavo Guerrero came to the ring with the Light-Heavyweight Title, despite not being the champion, and was accompanied by his “Vato Loco’s” as Heenan described them. Psicosis had almost all of the fan support in a match that was about so much more than the gold. Chavito’s homies constantly interfered in the match, giving Chavo the chance to finally score a win over his nemesis, only for Essa Aguila to misplace a flying dropkick right into the face of the challenger as Psicosis picked him up and locked him in Chavo’s own Gory Special, leaving him with no choice but to tap out! [B]Winner and STILL WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion: Psicosis in 8:34[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to the parking lot as the screeching of tyres are heard in the distance. Floodlights fill the screen as a pick up truck speeds down the narrow road while people dive out of the way, only to come to a screeching halt mere metres away from the entrance to the arena. Stone Cold Steve Austin pops out of the driver’s seat as the crowd explodes. [B]Kevin Kelly:[/B] Austin, Austin, please, can I have a word? [B]Austin:[/B] You can have seven, you mealy mouth son of a bitch; Stone Cold’s ready to raise some hell! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mabel.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]D’Lo Brown vs Mabel[/SIZE][/B] Despite all of D’Lo Brown’s arrogance in the earlier interview, he is quite clearly afraid of his former partner. The pure strength and power of Mabel means D’Lo struggles to get any form of offence in, but eventually he manages to nail a low blow, scales the ropes and flies off beautifully to nail the Lo-Down. [B]Winner: D’Lo Brown in 4:44[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MorganVideo.jpg[/IMG] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch is backstage with Vince McMahon, who looks scared half to death and with the widest eyes you will ever see. He looks like he’s almost ready to burst in to tears. [B]Dutch:[/B] Mr McMahon, with all due respect… you’ve done everything in your power to make Stone Cold’s life hell. Now he finally gets a chance to fight you man on man in a Steel Cage. How on Earth are you going to survive? [B]Vince:[/B] That’s the thing now. It’s not about winning or losing, or bleeding or sweating or anything else. It’s about survival. Tonight I will stand in the middle of that very ring and stare my fate in the eye before I get the ass kicking of a lifetime. But I won’t die. I swear to you now, Dutch, Austin, anyone who’s watching… I will not die. If anyone knows anything about adversity it’s me. I’ve fought against the odds my entire damn life. Just like my company, the empire that I have built, in the face of adversity, I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon will not die tonight. I will not lose tonight. I’ll be carried out of here on a stretcher before I ever let that son of a bitch defeat me. I will not lose. I can not lose. I will NOT… die… tonight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Cage Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/VinceMcMahon1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Vince McMahon vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] As these two men stand on opposite sides of the ring from one another, the difference could not be more obvious. The crowd screams, baiting for blood as the toned, muscular warrior Stone Cold Steve Austin stares right in to the eyes of the most successful wrestling businessman in history, Vince McMahon. Vince is all alone, no back up, and looks at each side of the cage for solace. He will find none in this… his own personal hell. Right from the opening bell Austin dominates, he toys with McMahon a little, shoving and slapping him around as if he's worthless, giving McMahon what many would argue he has deserved since Montreal. Vince tries to escape but there is nowhere to go, Austin offers to let him go, but drags him away from the cage door as he is about to escape and continues wailing on him. Vince is busted open within minutes as Austin shows he will show the billionaire no mercy. After several minutes of brutality, Austin turns to the crowd and whips them into a frenzy, only for the Acolytes and Shane to rush to the ring to a chorus of boos. The Acolytes subdue the referees on the outside within seconds and rush into the cage to the waiting Stone Cold. Austin gets the first punches in but the pure numbers advantage means they start to beat Austin down with the stiff powerful arsenal they are famed for. Shane throws a chair and a table in to the ring and sets it up; the Acolytes prepare Austin for a Double Spinebuster through the table. They whip him into the ropes, but as he rebounds off Austin takes out Faarooq and Stunners Bradshaw, leaving him alone with Shane, who tries to run away. Austin stops him at the door and pulls him back in, Stunnering him straight to hell and throws him from the ring along with the Acolytes. Austin, obviously pleased with himself turns around where Vince swings the chair right onto the bald head of Austin, busting him open in the process. Vince mocks Austin for several moments, and picks him up. He flips him the bird, kicks him in the gut and goes for the Stunner… no! Austin pushes him away and bam! Stunner of his own! He gradually gets to his feet, checks his bleeding forehead, and leaves the ring through the door, down one step, then the other, and turns to see Vince getting to his feet, trying to climb the cage. Austin just stands and watches as McMahon gradually scales the cage, trying to escape. Stone Cold then re-enters the ring and follows McMahon to the top of the cage, only to be met with punches from the owner. With both men dangerously teetering on top of the steel, McMahon punches Austin over and over again, with Austin looking more dazed with each punch, as McMahon goes to shove him… only for Austin to meet him with a right of his own. Stone Colds punches find the mark so much more effectively as McMahon begins to lose balance… [B]JR: [/B]Bah Gawd, this can not end well! [B]Heenan: [/B]No, McMahon, don’t fall! [B]JR: [/B]One of these men are going to see their life flash before their eyes… Austin keeps punching over and over again, until he grabs McMahon by the shirt, turns towards the ring and throws him 15 foot through the table! [B]JR:[/B] Good God! As God as my witness, Stone Cold just killed Vince McMahon! He just threw him 15 feet from the top of the cage through a damn table! Vince McMahon has to be dead! Austin looks at the destruction below as the crowd are on their feet, chanting “holy sh*t!” over and over again. Eventually, Austin turns the other way and eases himself down the other side of the cage and touches both feet on the mats outside. [B]Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin in 11:18[/B][/CENTER] Austin falls backwards and sits on the ramp, looking at the devastation. Vince hasn’t moved in minutes as the crowd cheer loudly through Austin’s music. [B]JR:[/B] Finally, Vince McMahon got exactly what he had coming to him! Take that, you son of a bitch! [B]Heenan:[/B] Stone Cold Steve Austin is literally out of control. Someone call the police and get him arrested! Screw that; get a damn ambulance for Vince McMahon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Kelly is backstage with the WWF Champion, Owen Hart. [B]Kelly:[/B] Owen, after seeing what has just happened to your friend and the leader of The Alliance; do you still think you can retain your WWF Championship? [B]Owen:[/B] Seeing what just happened to Vince McMahon makes me even more sure, Kelly. I can’t afford to lose now. Just like before, just like it has always been, the hopes of The Alliance rest on the capable shoulders of Owen Hart. You see, DX are a decent team, but I’m not afraid of them. They’re already fatigued, which will slow them down and slim their chances, but their ego’s will crush them. Do you really think Triple H and Shawn Michaels can work on the same team? I sure as hell don’t. Do you think Shawn will want to let his little whipping boy win the title he wants? No. Do you think Triple H will want to see HBK grab the headlines yet again while he sits in the corner crying? No. I might as well not be there, Kelly, because their ego’s will cost them the match. I’m just there for glory, babay. And that means I finally have my chance to prove to the pay-per-view world that there is not a single man or team on the planet that is better than Owen Hart. Suck on that, asswipes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Godfather1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Jeff Jarrett vs Godfather[/SIZE][/B] Jeff Jarrett says he has felt disrespected by Godfather over the last month, and it’s easy to see why. Maybe it stems from an insecurity (after all, Godfather gets escorted to the ring by legions of beautiful women, Jarrett by an overweight middle aged man) but whatever it was it meant Jarrett was in the zone tonight. Godfather put on a pretty solid performance and got in a lot of big moves, but Jarrett was not about to be outdone tonight. He reversed a Pimp Drop attempted into a Stroke, then tied Godfather’s legs up in a ball for a Figure Four Leg Lock to get the submission win. [B]Winner: Jeff Jarrett in 6:24[/B][/CENTER] The bell rang at the end of the match, but Jarrett refused to relinquish the hold. Referees flooded the ring trying to pull Double J away, but it just seemed to incense him more. He used the ropes for leverage as he leant into the move, causing the pimp daddy to scream in agony. Eventually he let go, leaving the ho’s to gather around the befallen Godfather as Jarrett looked on, smirking evilly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Street Fight[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] The chemistry between these two is clearly not confined to out of the ring shenanigans as they put on a brawling classic. Both men are more proud than they will admit; meaning both men probably went further than they would usually. The Rock was his arrogant, pompous self as he taunted his way in-between high impact moves, with Mankind sucking up all the attacks and hitting back with some pretty stiff shots of his own. After several minutes of intense action, in which more than one Steel Chair entered the fray, Mankind called upon the help of his trusted Mr Socko, and shoved it down the gullet of The Rock. Rocky began to wane as the hold went on, only to low blow himself out of trouble and took Mankind down with a Samoan Drop. With the masked psycho down, he removed the sock from his hand and threw it in to the crowd, laughing as he did it, believing he had just taken away Mankind’s secret weapon. The Rock then returned to attacking his nemesis, with Mankind each time refusing to stay down, even mounting a comeback. He attempted a Double Arm DDT, but Rock rolled out of it and nailed him with a Rock Bottom. With his opponent down, he stood over him, removed his elbow pad and began to lay the People’s Elbow on Mankind. The crowd popped for the most electrifying move in Sports-Entertainment, as The Rock crashed off the ropes and went for the elbow… NO! Mankind rolled out of the way! Mankind got to his feet and looked out to the crowd and ventured in to his pants… [B]Heenan:[/B] Oh no… don’t tell me… [B]JR:[/B] It’s Mr C*cko! Mankind pulls out Mr C*cko to the delight of the capacity crowd, and holds it right above his head for all to see. The Rock staggers to his feet as Mankind hits him with the C*cko Claw! The Rock begins to fade… fades… fades… and falls to the mat as the referee counts it… ONE! TWO! THREE! [B]Winner: Mankind in 16:51[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Can you believe it?! Mankind beat The Rock with his present from a few weeks back… Mr C*cko! [B]Heenan:[/B] No, JR, I cannot believe it. In all my years in wrestling I have never seen anything like this, and I saw Damien Demento! [B]Cole: [/B]Mankind wins and he does it with a little help from a little buddy…. And it had The Rock’s face on it! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Generation X are in their locker room. [B]Michaels: [/B]Gotta say, man, that was a mighty fine performance against those two skyscrapers. [B]Triple H: [/B]I just knew it, Shawn, I knew it, I had Kane where I wanted him. I knew I had him beat. It felt electrifying! Tonight is my night, I know it, I can feel it. [B]Michaels: [/B]Yeah… about that. Our match is pretty soon and we’re gonna have to face off at some point. [B]Triple H:[/B] I guess it’s pretty inevitable, yeah. [B]Michaels:[/B] So I just want to say, in the interest of fairness and in the pursuit of the WWF Title, anything goes. We put it all on the line and do whatever it takes to win the gold, and no hard feeling at the end. [B]Triple H: [/B]Absolutely. Whoever wins between us, we shake hands at the end and celebrate as a team, right? [B]Michaels:[/B] Right. [B]Triple H:[/B] But so we’re clear, I’ll be doing WHATEVER it takes to be the WWF Champion. [B]Michaels:[/B] Crystal clear, buddy, right back at ya. [B]Triple H:[/B] Good. Triple H then walks away, with HBK hanging back, out of earshot. [B]Michaels: [/B]Something tells me I’ll do that little more to win the title than you, Hunter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKen.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Stuff” Bagwell vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] Bagwell barely had a chance to participate in his pomp and circumstance entrance as he was attacked on the ramp by an irate Intercontinental Champion. Shamrock wanted to make Bagwell pay for all the mind games of the last few weeks, and immediately went for the ankle, which Bagwell realised and tried to escape. Bagwell spent the entire match playing with Shamrock. Dominating when he could but also staying one step ahead of the rules, cheating, retreating, cheap shotting, whatever it took, even going as far as locking the Champion in an impressive Figure Four around the ringpost to soften him up. However, for all Bagwell’s effort, he couldn’t keep his ego in check and eventually got taken down and was caught in the Anklelock, to which he tapped to almost immediately. [B]Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock in 10:46[/B][/CENTER] Shamrock, having finally got one over on his opponent, relinquished the hold and stood back, looking at Bagwell rolling around on the floor. He ignored the title being handed to him, and instead grabbed a chair from ringside. He folded it up and started thrashing away at Shamrock’s ankle, coming down on it time and time again. He then put Bagwell’s ankle on the gap, climbed to the top rope and jumped off onto it, the audience almost hearing the snap of his ankle as he came down. [B]Cole:[/B] Shamrock has lost it! [B]Heenan:[/B] Come on people, get with it! We need the police for Austin and a straightjacket for Shamrock! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/CapitalCarnage.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR:[/B] Folks, this is a reminder that the World Wrestling Federation will next be coming to you on PPV from London, England next month! No matches are confirmed as of yet but keep checking back for updates on what promises to be a huge occasion in the first event broadcast form the UK in over 6 years at Capital Carnage on the 25th October 1998! [B]Heenan:[/B] The United Kingdom?! Oh, great. My dentist is just going to love that. Have you seen the state of their teeth? [B]JR: [/B]Oh for the love of God… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video aired showing the deep hatred between Owen Hart and DX, stemming back to the Montreal Screwjob 10 months ago. It showed how Owen had fought over and over to try and win the title, until he finally realised his dream in his home country 4 weeks ago on Raw, and subsequent chase by DX which resulted in them defeating Kane & The Undertaker earlier tonight. [B]Cole:[/B] Okay, everyone, up next is the big one, the WWF Title match. [B]JR:[/B] I’ve been looking forward to this all night, but you have to ask- do DX have enough left in the tank after their Titanic battle with the Brothers Of Destruction earlier tonight? [B]Heenan:[/B] Against anyone else I might have said yes, but this is Owen Hart we’re talking about. If anyone can utilise his strengths against someone’s weaknesses it’s Owen Hart, and I think after the earlier match the champ will be just that bit too good. [B]JR:[/B] But don’t rule out DX, there is the two of them and they are perhaps the most exciting people on the roster today. [B]Cole: [/B]One thing that’s for sure, this one is going to be one hell of a match. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The King Of Harts” Owen Hart © vs “The Game” Triple H vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] The opening bell rings and D-Generation X go straight for the Champion, who hightails out of the ring and away from the charging duo. This doesn’t deter Shawn Michaels, who proceeds in chasing Owen around the ring, right into a waiting clothesline from Triple H! They throw him back in the ring and start to take turns on putting Owen Hart through their own version of hell. The D-Generation X plan works perfectly right up until Michaels tries to sneak in a crafty pin after a back body drop, a pin that is broken up by Triple H. The Game doesn’t seem too put out and instead goes to work on Owen himself, throwing him to the outside for a bit of personal brutality. Triple H throws Hart around like a rag doll, but his time of dominance comes to an end when HBK tries to jump the champion, but instead clocks his friend. This allows Owen to take advantage by going for Michaels as Triple H is out on the outside. Owen gets in a few moves on Shawn, but the Heartbreak Kid isn’t one to stay down and picks up the tempo for yet another colossal battle between arguably the best two wrestlers in the company. Such is the familiarity between them that their exchange is full of reverses and counter-reversals, neither man able to keep the other down long enough for the victory. The Game reasserts himself in the contest by nailing Owen with a high impact Spinebuster. He then throws Owen form the ring and motions for HBK to follow him. Together, DX tear the Spanish Announcers table apart and climb on the other with Owen in tow. They stand either side of him, lock him up, lift him high above their heads as the flashes of cameras go off as they Double Suplex him through the table! With Owen down, DX walk in to the ring, stand at opposite sides and look across at each other as if to say “it’s just down to me and you, now”. They try to tie up and attempt classic amateur moves on each other, but when you spend that much time as a team, as Heenan put it, “you almost know what move they are going to pull before they do”. With neither man able to get an advantage HBK resorts to a few cheap shots, which means he gets the momentum, only for HHH to power away from it and start beating Michaels down with his harder hitting, high impact offence. HBK speeds the match up, perhaps realising that Owen won’t be out cold for much longer, and runs through his routine of running forearm, nip up, atomic drop and scoop slam. He looks out to Owen, who is still down, and looks at his partner and climbs to the top rope, and flies off majestically for a Flying Elbow Drop. However, rather than going for the pin, he nips back up again, backs into the corner and stomps…………… Stomps………. Stomps…… Stomps…. Stomps… Stomps.. and dives across the ring for Sweet Ch… no! Hunter grabs the leg, spins him around and kicks him in the gut… PEDIGREE! ONE… TWO… TH… [B]JR: [/B]No! Owen interrupted! Owen interrupted! Where the hell did he come from?! [B]Heenan:[/B] What great presence of mind by Owen to suck up the pain and get into the ring to break up the count! Owen starts to wail on Triple H, forgetting the slick technical manoeuvres he relied upon earlier in the match. He whipped The Game into the ropes, back body drop, grabs him and turned him upside down for a Piledriver! No wait, Triple H wormed out of it, kick and tucks his head between his legs for a Pedigree… but Owen drops to his knees, tackles The Game to the floor and locks in the Sharpshooter! [B]Cole:[/B] He’s got it locked in! Will Triple H tap? [B]Heenan:[/B] Tap, Hunter, tap! Triple H screams in agony, but refuses to be beaten. He grabs at his hair and tries to pull himself towards the ropes, but Owen’s leg strength keeps them in the centre of the ring. The Game’s face is a picture of pain as he gradually raises his arm up above the canvas, ready to tap…. He tries to fight it, but… SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Michaels came out of nowhere and took Owen out! All three men slump to the ground in agony, knowing one last push will give them the gold. Owen seems to be unconscious as the other two slowly get to their feet, clinging on to the ropes for dear life. They too abandon any sort of subtlety or finesse as they start pounding away at each other, regardless of whether their friends or not. With neither man getting anywhere, HBK kicks The Game in the injured knee and… what?! HBK is going to use the Pedigree AGAINST Triple H?! He goes to nail it, no! HHH moved out of it… Knee Smash! HBK is groggy as Triple H hits him, and again, and again, over and over, he slams him to the mat picks him and attempts a Pedigree… but Michaels rolls out of it yet again… SWEET CHIN MUSIC! [B]JR:[/B] That has to be it! Triple H is knocked un-by-God-conscious! [B]Heenan:[/B] But look at that, Michaels doesn’t have the energy to take advantage! Look at that, he’s passed out too! [B]JR:[/B] Oh no, oh for the love of God, Owen Hart is dragging himself towards Triple H! ONE! [B]JR:[/B] Kick out Hunter! TWO! [B]JR:[/B] Not this way! THREE! [B]JR:[/B] Damn it! [B]Winner and STILL Heavyweight Champion: Owen Hart in 24:03[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR: [/B]For the love of God, Triple H and Shawn Michaels gave it everything they by God had, but Owen Hart has stolen it! [B]Heenan:[/B] And that’s what makes him the champion he is. You have to take those chances. [B]JR:[/B] Damn it, I know that, but DX put in an incredible effort and Owen Hart has stolen it right at the end, I don’t like it and I’m sure as hell DX won’t either. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Hardy Boyz def Edge & Christian to retain their WWF Tag Team Titles Hayashi def Mike Quackenbush Tommy Dreamer def Rob Van Dam to win the WWF Hardcore Title Shawn Michaels & Triple H def Kane & The Undertaker to become the number one contenders to the WWF Title Psicosis def Chavo Guerrero Jr in a Submission Fall Only Match to retain his WWF Light-Heavyweight Title D'Lo Brown def Mabel Steve Austin def Vince McMahon in a Cage Match Jeff Jarrett def Godfather Mankind def The Rock in a Street Fight Ken Shamrock def Bagwell to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title Owen Hart def Shawn Michaels & Triple H in a Triple Threat Match to retain the WWF Heavyweight Title
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[QUOTE=Game-Face;474425]YES!!! Owen Is still champion!!! Great show--- Vinny Mac aint coming back anytime soon hu?[/QUOTE] Well, we'll have to see about Vinny, won't we? Glad you liked Owen retaining though, it may not be pretty but he gets the job done! [QUOTE=tristram;474431]I love that ending to a three way. I mean wrestling match of course. It reminds me of the green green grass of home when two men snot the hell out of each other and the other collects the ca$h. Beautiful.[/QUOTE] Dear Martha, I've gotta tell you... you crack me up. I can't wait to hear what kind of goo-goo-gajoob will come out of your mouth next. And to think you came up with that on the spot yesterday. I know I'm hardly a paperback writer but hearing you being so complimentary, I have to say Michelle, I feel fine. But I'll try to keep it going so well, I know things can come down quicker than Maxwell's silver hammer before they can even come together, but I'm determined not to hit the golden slumbers. I've got a feeling there's a bit more growth in this magical mystery tour for the time being, it's certainly getting better, Taxman. And I just know you'll be here, there and everywhere as I go. But as for tomorrow, well, in my life, tomorrow never knows... [QUOTE=G-Prime;474432]I'll be interested to see if HBK and Triple H can really stay friends after this match... I smell a break-up.[/QUOTE] Well, we'll have to see, won't we... :p I like DX together but as both of them go for the same thing there's bound to be a bit of tension, especially as it was Michaels who hit the finisher on Triple H, only for Hunter to get pinned by Owen... Glad you're reading. You know how awfully much I respect your opinion. [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;474541]I'm wondering who this "future" is. great show keefee[/QUOTE] Got the feeling it may be a bit of a let down... :o these videos won't last too much longer, promise. His debut is just around the corner... I think... Thanks all for your feedback. I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think. Next up, before the Raw Preview, should be an announcement in regards to the title situation and the main event at the next PPV, Capital Carnage. Cheers again boys.
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[QUOTE=Sarcasm;474729]8/10 right for me WOOT! Anyways awesome PPV man that cage match was brutal and the spot with RVD and the 5 Star Chair shot. Brutal. :) Can't wait until you post the RAW preview. You've got a reader KUTGW. P.S. Mabel sucks.[/QUOTE] I kniw, I know, he does suck. But I didn't want to job him out or fire him right away. I've tried to keep him active and useful for as long as possible (Nation member, Tag Champion with D'Lo) but even I have to admit he's running out of usefulness now. I'm glad you are enjoying it and liked the show. I haven't liked Austin in this for a while, and without stealing the huge moments that really got him over, like the zamboni or beer truck, it's difficult to make him look good. But what looks better than throwing your boss off a cage through a table?! I do think Austin is starting to get where I want him now (even though it's about 10 months game time)! Thanks for reading, glad you liked it.
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[I]So, with my 1,000th post I give you the update on the Capital Carnage main event from wwf.com...[/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/CapitalCarnage.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="5"]Capital Carnage Main Event Announced![/SIZE][/B] The Board of Directors have decided that, as Judgment Day didn’t really add any clarification on the title situation, that the main event at Capital Carnage will have to be one in which all potential contenders are in the match and ultimately there can only be one winner. They have concluded on the first ever London Dungeon Match. The rules are as follows; [LIST] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]It will be a 6 Person Elimination Match[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]A cage like structure will surround the ring, five foot away form the apron, allowing movement outside of the ring[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Two men will start in the ring, with another added every 5 minutes[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Competitors waiting to be introduced will be kept in their individual locker rooms, which will locked throughout the event to avoid pre-match fighting or outside elements attempting to affect the match before it begins[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Royal Guards have been hired for one night only to guard the locker rooms[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Elimination can occur by pinfall or submission only. There has to be a winner so there will be no disqualifications, count outs or time limits[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Weapons will be stored in the corners of the cage[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]The participants have so far been announced as The Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and the WWF Champion Owen Hart[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]The final entrant will be decided this Monday on Raw Is War in a five man, one fall match between The Rock, Mankind, Ken Shamrock, Jeff Jarrett and Stone Cold Steve Austin[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]The winner is the last man standing after all men have entered and will be announced as the undisputed World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion[/FONT] [/LIST] [/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Great read! The highlight, for me, was the RVD Dreamer segment after the title match but, then, I would say that, wouldn't I? :rolleyes: The other stories/matches were built up very nicely and therew are a few things I'm looking forward to seeing: [LIST=1] [*]How far this new gimmick takes E&C in their Hardyz feud (and beyond) [*]If The Alliance can still function after Judgement Day [*]Likewise for D-X after the main event [/LIST] Great work man. The title picture looks too chaotic for words which is exactly the way I like it :D. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREVIEW![/SIZE][/B] We’re just one night removed from the action packed Judgment Day event but things aren’t slowing down for this weeks RAW IS WAR! As previously announced on wwf.com, the main event at the upcoming Capital Carnage show will be a London Dungeon match. With 5 of the participants entered by default, the final spot is to be filled tonight in a 5 way qualification match. The Rock, Mankind, Ken Shamrock, Jeff Jarrett and Stone Cold Steve Austin will all battle it out for the opportunity to fight for the WWF Title in London on the 25th October. Last night saw Shawn Michaels and Triple H come close to winning the WWF Title after they defeated Kane & The Undertaker in a number one contenders match. The Alliance are said to have been very disappointed at DX’s opportunity in the main event and as such have been booked to face off against the muscle of the Alliance; The Acolytes! Also tonight on Raw, the tournament to crown a new European Champion begins tonight with two Quarter Final Matches, as Sabu takes on Lance Storm and Chavo Guerrero and Godfather face off hoping to progress towards the much coveted title. Speaking of titles, the new Hardcore Champion Tommy Dreamer will be defending his belt against Al Snow, and we’ll also get hot 6 man tag action as the Hardy Boyz and Mike Quackenbush team up to face three members of Zukaya and D’Lo will get a chance to prove he is the “Real Deal” against red hot Mankind! Finally tonight, we expect to hear from Owen Hart on retaining the WWF Title, from Shane McMahon on the apparent in-fighting amongst The Alliance, on Vince McMahon’s condition after he was thrown through a table from the top of the Steel Cage and we will see the beginning of a new feature in which a count down of Top Five issues related to the WWF at the moment. This months feature, ahead of the WWF’s return to London, is the 5 Icons Of Wembley Stadium. To catch this and oh so much more don’t forget to tune in to Raw Is War tonight, same Raw time, same Raw place! [B][U]Predictions[/U][/B] [B]Qualification for the London Dungeon Match[/B] The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs Stone Cold Steve Austin The Acolytes vs D-Generation X D’Lo Brown vs Mankind [B]WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Godfather [B]WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/B] Sabu vs Lance Storm [B]WWF Hardcore Title[/B] Tommy Dreamer © vs Al Snow [B]Six Man Tag Team Match[/B] Zukaya vs Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush[/CENTER][/FONT]
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Still keeping me amped, week in and week out, Keef. Keep up the awesome work! And now, the often wrong predictions ...:D Qualification for the London Dungeon Match The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]He threw McMahon off a steel cage into a table, and still has a job ... there's no stopping this man![/I] [B]The Acolytes[/B] vs D-Generation X [I]Run in's, false finishes, and one step closer to the dissolving of a D-Generation.[/I] D’Lo Brown vs [B]Mankind[/B] [I]D'Lo may be making his way up the card, but he's not yet ready to get one over Mrs. Foley's baby boy.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Godfather[/B] [I]Chavo is too distracted by the ladies.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Sabu vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] [I]Toss up, but I see Lance moving on here.[/I] WWF Hardcore Title [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] © vs Al Snow [I]Can't have the Dream Man be a one and done champion, now can we?[/I] Six Man Tag Team Match [B]Zukaya[/B] vs Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush [I]The lack of E&C on the card makes me think they might make a guest appearance here.[/I]
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Great touch with the dungeon. Love the idea! Just don't think you'll outdo The Baptism Of Fire ;). Qualification for the London Dungeon Match The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]I'm not necessarily sure if I want it since his feud with McMahon has a lot of mileage even without the strap. However, it somehow seems almost innevitable. Anyone but Jarrett![/I] The Acolytes vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] [I]They need the momentum ahead of the dungeon and it will suitably piss off The Alliance.[/I] D’Lo Brown vs [B]Mankind[/B] [I]A very interesting prospect due to D'Lo's push. I reckon it has to be Foley, though. Nevertheless, two matches in one night will severely limit his chances of qualifying for the dungeon.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Godfather[/B] [I]I don't think you can realistically give Chavo the European strap after failing with the Cruiserweight one so often. The only possible circumstance for him winning would be to later unify it with the CW belt, which would be dumb since you've only just brought it back :D. Chavo goes in the first round, therefore.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final [B]Sabu[/B] vs Lance Storm [I]It won't happen. Lance'll win but just you try and stop me from picking Sabu.[/I] WWF Hardcore Title [B]Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] vs Al Snow [I]You can't end a reign so early - even a Hardcore Title reign :p.[/I] Six Man Tag Team Match [B]Zukaya[/B] vs Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush [I]Zukaya need the heat more than Quack. Plus, I get the feeling E&C might make an appearance.[/I] By the way, I was meaning to say how much I like the idea of Sable as Storm's manager. I have this idea of him going to a half-boring-half-cleancut gimmick only for Sable to start stripping and trashing up the TV. The dynamic could be great but I'm probably way off what you have planned :rolleyes:. [QUOTE=Prophet;475544][I]He threw McMahon off a steel cage into a table, and still has a job ... there's no stopping this man![/I][/QUOTE] I don't know about unstoppable but one thing is for certain. He must have top notch negligence cover! Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Just got caught up on all the shows and whatnot since you restarted, and I'm still enjoying reading this. It's brilliantly crafted. Pretty much everything slots together as it should do, and it stays within the bounds of reality. Sorry I can't give more detailed thoughts but my brain isn't quite in gear at the moment :p Qualification for the London Dungeon Match The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] The Acolytes vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] D’Lo Brown vs [B]Mankind[/B] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Godfather[/B] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Sabu vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] WWF Hardcore Title Tommy Dreamer © vs [B]Al Snow[/B] Six Man Tag Team Match Zukaya vs [B]Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush[/B] I could have tried to think about what you were going to do for each match but instead I just went with who I would most like to see win. Apparently I lean heavily to the right; who knew? Anyway, keep up the fantastic work, man, and I'm glad you're still using that header :)
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Qualification for the London Dungeon Match The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [B]The Acolytes[/B] vs D-Generation X [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] vs Mankind WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Godfather[/B] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final [B]Sabu [/B]vs Lance Storm WWF Hardcore Title [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] vs Al Snow Six Man Tag Team Match [B]Zukaya [/B]vs Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush
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Predictions Qualification for the London Dungeon Match The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] Ya know, I honestly did get to the London Dungeons when I was there... So much else to see, it was wild that joint. I'd love to go Kenny Shamrock here, just as a tease because I'd love to see him ace someone elses ankle. The Acolytes vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] Though I sense there's some inbreeding tension going on here. It's like they're caught in a trap, they can't walk out... D’Lo Brown vs [B]Mankind [/B] Mick's doing double time tonight. WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Godfather WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Sabu vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] WWF Hardcore Title [B]Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] vs Al Snow What does everybody want? What does everybody need? Six Man Tag Team Match Zukaya vs [B]Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush [/B]
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[QUOTE=Prophet;475544]Still keeping me amped, week in and week out, Keef. Keep up the awesome work! And now, the often wrong predictions ...:D Qualification for the London Dungeon Match The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]He threw McMahon off a steel cage into a table, and still has a job ... there's no stopping this man![/I][/QUOTE] Thanks for the praise, it is much appreciated. As for Austin, the situation will be addressed on Raw. But after he was fired only (game time) about 2 months ago and reinstated for wrongful dismissal, I don't think even the McMahon's would bother trying to fire him again. But it doesn't mean they have forgotten about him... [QUOTE=Nevermore;475561]Great touch with the dungeon. Love the idea! Just don't think you'll outdo The Baptism Of Fire ;). Qualification for the London Dungeon Match The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]I'm not necessarily sure if I want it since his feud with McMahon has a lot of mileage even without the strap. However, it somehow seems almost innevitable. Anyone but Jarrett![/I][/QUOTE] Thank you, I was hoping it would go down well. For one thing, I wanted something a bit different for a UK PPV, I wanted something where there coulds be no scuminess, just a straight up, undisputed winner and champion, but I don't like the Elimination Chamber. So this is sort of Hell In A Cell meets Elimination Chamber meets War Games... if you like :p Of course, it'll never touch the Baptism Of Fire, but will hopefully shake things up a bit. I love Jarrett's heat on here! If I could get my faces loved as much as people hate him I'd be good to go! As for Austin, with or without the strap, he's not done with the McMahon's yet. [QUOTE=Nevermore;475561]D’Lo Brown vs [B]Mankind[/B] [I]A very interesting prospect due to D'Lo's push. I reckon it has to be Foley, though. Nevertheless, two matches in one night will severely limit his chances of qualifying for the dungeon.[/I][/QUOTE] The two matches in one night Foley situation will indeed be discussed on the show, don't you worry! But basically, you're on the money with your reasoning. [QUOTE]By the way, I was meaning to say how much I like the idea of Sable as Storm's manager. I have this idea of him going to a half-boring-half-cleancut gimmick only for Sable to start stripping and trashing up the TV. The dynamic could be great but I'm probably way off what you have planned :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] It's funny you mention this. It was my exact intention when I first linked them months ago when Sable was feuding with Marc Mero, but as I plan further forward I actually want to escape the clean-cut, boring image. I want him to come across more of a dangerous, clinical, calculating technician. He doesn't buy in to the Sports Entertainment crap (although, he will of course still get sucked in to it) but he just wants to be the best. You'll see what I mean over the next few months. It is of course a long build to get him there. For the time being he's just a great technician, which is a pretty appropriate gimmick for him, I suspect :D [QUOTE=Slim Jim;475573]Just got caught up on all the shows and whatnot since you restarted, and I'm still enjoying reading this. It's brilliantly crafted. Pretty much everything slots together as it should do, and it stays within the bounds of reality. Sorry I can't give more detailed thoughts but my brain isn't quite in gear at the moment :p Anyway, keep up the fantastic work, man, and I'm glad you're still using that header :)[/QUOTE] Thanks for predicting Slim Jim, good to see you on here. I'm glad you think everything slots in well, that's one of the important things to me that you can see things moving along smoothly. I hate it (in both diaries and wrestling) when feuds just spring up from nowhere or have no reason to them. And thanks again for the header. I love it, so of course I'm still going with it. I think eventually (and we're talking way, way in the future here) I might be knocking on your doro for a Smackdown one too... Cheers bud [QUOTE=tristram;475652]Ya know, I honestly did get to the London Dungeons when I was there... So much else to see, it was wild that joint.[/QUOTE] Yeah, that place is brutal. Definitely worth seeing if you're in London. But besides, if you're doing a PPV in London, somehow the Buckingham Palace Ballroom Of Doom match doesn't have quite the same ring... Thanks all for your predicitons. I'm glad you're all reading and I hope you continue to for the forseeable future!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;475657]Of course, it'll never touch the Baptism Of Fire, but will hopefully shake things up a bit.[/QUOTE] I kid; I kid. It should be awesome. [QUOTE]Yeah, that place is brutal. Definitely worth seeing if you're in London. But besides, if you're doing a PPV in London, somehow the Buckingham Palace Ballroom Of Doom match doesn't have quite the same ring..[/QUOTE]. I'd mark for it - Camilla as guest referee! Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;475657]And thanks again for the header. I love it, so of course I'm still going with it. I think eventually (and we're talking way, way in the future here) I might be knocking on your doro for a Smackdown one too... [/QUOTE] When that time comes, just drop me a PM.
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Loved the ppv. Super main event and the ending was great. Can't wait for Capital Carnage! The London Dungeon match has the potential to be one of the best matches on here ever. Just some quick predictions. [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin D-Generation X Mankind Godfather Sabu Tommy Dreamer © Zukaya[/B]
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;475784]I'd mark for it - Camilla as guest referee![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=tristram;476010]You know how you'd turn TNA's Beautiful People babyface? Making Camilla a guest referee, and then them putting their paper bag over her head. She's a Fugly.[/QUOTE] Pug Fugly, you could say. Favourite expression ever. All this Camilla talk reminds me of a certain dirty old man sketch in Harry Enflield's sketch show. Probably shouldn't actually explain it on the forum though, but you can work out how "dirty old men" and "Camilla Parker Bowells" fits in. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;476015]When that time comes, just drop me a PM.[/QUOTE] It won't be for a while, but I will certainly be doing that when it comes to it. Thanks! [QUOTE=totti;476201]Loved the ppv. Super main event and the ending was great. Can't wait for Capital Carnage! The London Dungeon match has the potential to be one of the best matches on here ever. [/QUOTE] Thanks for the support budy. As always, it's realyl appreciated. Glad you liked the ending. I really wanna get Owen over as the champ who'll do whatever it takes to keep the title. A "cerebral assassin" type character, if you will. And I hope the Dungeon works out as planned. I fel it needed something to really different to finally bring an end to this confusing and scattered title scene. Thanks for your support everyone, much appreciated. The show won't be up for a couple of days because I'll be too drunk. Start of the season, see. Can't be sober for that, can we? Up The Blues!
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I've been meaning to comment but forgot all about it. Can't wait for RAW Qualification for the London Dungeon Match The Rock vs Mankind vs Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] Gonna have to go with the Austin trend. The man's momentum is untouchable at this point. The Acolytes vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] The A.P.A. need to learn how to suck it. In an extremely straight way of course. D’Lo Brown vs [B]Mankind[/B] Mankind will win this match but it will definally have an effect on him for the next match he has tonight. WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Godfather Chavo has better luck in this division WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Sabu vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] Don't see Sabu as a European Champion unlike Lance Storm who can make a more believeable champion. WWF Hardcore Title [B]Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] vs Al Snow Mr. Dreamer will not be droping his title yet. Six Man Tag Team Match [B]Zukaya[/B] vs Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush I smell an interferance here. Like I've said before. This diary reeks of coolness. KUTGW.
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