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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Predictions Single Match [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Shawn Michaels [I]Dusteh's goonna be da diff'rence, babeh![/I] 3 on 4 Handicap Match Finlay, The Acolytes & Owen Hart vs [B]Ken Shamrock, Triple H & Steve Austin[/B] [I]Finlay cancels out Austin, The Acolytes dismantle Shamrock outside the ring, and one false move causes Owen Hart to fall victim to the Pedigree.[/I] No Disqualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Terry Funk [I]I see Mankind interfering, trying to help his dear friend, but the Rock will be too much for the old Funkster.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq.[/B] vs Mabel [I]Sir Desmond should inquire the services of one Clarence Mason.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Lance Storm[/B] vs Godfather [I]Godfather's good, but not Lance Storm good.[/I] Single Match [B]Taz[/B] vs Al Snow [I]Taz keeps the momentum of his return going into Capital Carnage, and Al Snow is ... just ... another ... victim. :D[/I]
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Single Match [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Shawn Michaels [I]I love the way you've been pushing him and I hope it carries on here, I agree with Prophet that Dusty will interfere.[/I] 3 on 4 Handicap Match Finlay, The Acolytes & Owen Hart vs [B]Ken Shamrock, Triple H & Steve Austin[/B] [I]Too much star power.[/I] No Disqualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Terry Funk [I]Mankind to be involved in some way, but The Rock takes both out.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq.[/B] vs Mabel [I]Desmond to get one up on his old friend again.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final Lance Storm vs [B]Godfather[/B] [I]Just because I really like him in this diary.[/I] Single Match [B]Taz[/B] vs Al Snow [I]It's too easy for Taz.[/I]
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I is'a rella diggun RAW! KUTGW Predictions Single Match [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Shawn Michaels Tough one, but Jarrett's momentum is on fire. Literaly. 3 on 4 Handicap Match Finlay, The Acolytes & Owen Hart vs [B]Ken Shamrock, Triple H & Steve Austin[/B] A lack of trust betweeen the Corparation and Owen costs them the match. No Disqualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Terry Funk Terry Funk cannot keep up with The Brama Bull. Plus Funk won't smellla (watch the tounge) what The Rock is cookin! WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq.[/B] vs Mabel [B]Mabel < The World[/B] WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Lance Storm[/B] vs Godfather Lance Storm is one of my favorite wrestlers and Godfather is a pimp. Single Match [B]Taz[/B] vs Al Snow I am a fan of both but Taz will pick up the reltively easy win. The only way I see Al Snow winning is if Goldust distracts Taz. This diary is one of the best I've read. KUTGW.
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Single Match Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]Jarrett suks balls. Simple as, babeh.[/I] 3 on 4 Handicap Match Finlay, The Acolytes & Owen Hart vs [B]Ken Shamrock, Triple H & Steve Austin[/B] [I]Could go either way. I just get the impression that you'll give the faces some momentum and, in so doing, increase the tension in The Alliance ranks.[/I] No Disqualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Terry Funk [I]Seems obvious but so, so wrong :mad: :D.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq.[/B] vs Mabel [I]He needs the grossly oversized rub to establish the new gimmick, I reckon.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Lance Storm[/B] vs Godfather [I]Both guys have a reasonable shout; I just think there is more mileage in a push for Storm at this stage.[/I] Single Match [B]Taz[/B] vs Al Snow [I]He's gonna be the resident streak.[/I] Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Sarcasm;484567]This diary is one of the best I've read. KUTGW.[/QUOTE] Thank you. I fee like I've got through the stage that I wanted to skip and I'm quite looking forward to what's coming up between now and Wrestlemania. And yes, I have pretty much got it all mapped out until then (and beyond! in fact, I actually have an idea for a storyline in 2001 that will start in late '99 and I'm only in '98!) [QUOTE=Nevermore;484805]No Disqualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Terry Funk [I]Seems obvious but so, so wrong :mad: :D.[/I][/QUOTE] You know me, Nevvy. This isn't just a one off match. It is this that sets up about 6 months of storylines and complete gimmick switches. I would never just job out either The Rock or Terry Funk for no reason, I love them both too much for that (although I know you don't like The Rock, for reasons I don't think you've ever told me?) Show will be up within the next couple of years I think, just having a really busy time of it at the moment. Thanks for being patient and thank you all for your predictions and feedback :)
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[QUOTE]Sorry for the delay, Hall Of Fame sorting and all that. But I thought best I posted this before it drags on any longer...[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]SPONSERED BY…[/B] [B]GUCCI[/B] [I]If you’re not size 4, you’re not worth knowing[/I][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 12th October 1998[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation European Title Semi-Final[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Godfather1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Godfather w/The Ho’s vs Lance Storm w/Sable[/SIZE][/B] The crowd were split right down the middle for this one, not even able to support the one with the beautiful women as both men had them! Lance Storm proved what an exciting prospect he is by putting on a technical masterpiece before wrapping Godfather up in a Single Leg Boston Crab for the submission win. [B]Winner: Lance Storm in 9:10 by submission.[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stereotypical Oriental music blares out of the speakers as the Japanese thugs Zukaya walk to the ring with Chavo Guerrero Jr and his Vato Loco’s. Togo is waving a huge Japanese flag above his head as Hayashi proudly showing off his newly won Light-Heavyweight Title. Yamaguchi-San grabs a microphone. [B]Yamaguchi-San:[/B] It just goes to show that what I have said all along is true. I told you all that these four men behind me are the very best not only Japanese wrestling has to offer, but the whole world. To think that they have come to America, a place completely unknown to them, and have already managed to win a title is incredible. Hayashi has conquered the Light-Heavyweight Title. Next, who knows? The Tag Titles? The Intercontinental Title? The Heavyweight Title? Anything could happen. Of course, I would like to thank our friend Chavo Guerrero for his role in proceedings, and needless to say he was fairly rewarded. As for you Psicosis, the dream is over. Climb back over the border before immigration finds you and stay in Mexico, you are no longer wanted here! No offence, Chavo. [B]Chavo: [/B]None taken. As Yamaguchi-San is about to carry on this pointless tripe, Psicosis runs through the crowd, unbeknownst to Zukaya and the Vato Loco’s, and springboard dropkicks Togo and Funaki, knocking them from the ring. Everyone tries to get a hold of Psicosis but he is just too quick, jumping, running and climbing in every direction and taking out his adversaries one by one. With just Hayashi, Chavo and Yamaguchi-San remaining, Psicosis runs at them, only for them to bail out of the ring. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MorganVideo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation European Title Tournament Semi-Final[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mabel.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq. vs Mabel[/SIZE][/B] Two former Nation members and former best friends tied it up in a vicious, brutal brawl. The overtly fake Brit of course struggled to begin against a 450lbs monster with bigger boobs than most current day divas , but this was all about the opportunity to appear at Capital Carnage to fight for the belt, and the lure of wrestling in his “home country” seemed to be enough to get D’Lo through as he put away Mabel with what he now calls the “Ever So Polite I Don’t Mean To Hurt You But, After All, This Is Wrestling And Someone Has To Win So It’s Jolly Nice If It’s Me After I Perform This Move” Splash. I think I’ll stick with the Lo Down. [B]Winner: Sir Desmond Brownington in 5:49[/B][/CENTER] With Mabel down, Brownington goes to the outside of the ring and grabs his golf bag and slides in the ring. He roots through it, firstly looking at a Sand Wedge, the tried a practise shot with a putter, but eventually settles on a 9 Iron and turns back to Mabel as the giant is on his knees, pulls the golf club above his head and snaps it across his former partners back! Mabel goes down again as the Brit straddles him from behind and forces one of the halves of the club against Mabel’s throat, pulling back, choking the life out of him. He eventually relinquishes with the big man out cold, surveys the damage, and coolly walks back to the locker room with his golf bag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terry Funk and Mankind are backstage ahead of Terry Funk’s big match with The Rock. [B]Funk:[/B] Mick, I’m worried for you. You’ve incited this guy, you’ve tried to piss him off left, right and centre and now he’s mad. [B]Mankind: [/B]Come on, Funker, you know as well as I do that I’ve taken more injuries and falls than any sane man ever would. [B]Funk:[/B] That’s my point- don’t underestimate him. I look in his eyes and it’s the same as those guys we used to fight in Japanese Death Matches. There’s no remorse. There are no lengths he won’t go to in order to make you suffer. [B]Mankind: [/B]Then I guess… With that, The Rock comes out of nowhere and takes Mankind out with a steel chair. The metal thuds as it hits his head, causing Mankind to slump to the floor. [B]Rock: [/B]It’s just you and The Rock now, Grandad. IF YA SMMMEEEELLLLLLL… you know the rest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]3 on 4 Handicap Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DaveFinlay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Fighting Irishman” Finlay, Bradshaw, Faarooq & WWF Champion “King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs WWF Intercontinental Champion “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock, Stone Cold Steve Austin & Triple H[/SIZE][/B] If it were any other three competitors the numbers game may have been a huge influence, but you’ll struggle to find 3 men as capable in the ring as Austin, Triple H and Shamrock. The brutality of Finlay & The Acolytes meant they could keep their opponents down a lot, and the technical brilliance of Owen was of course also helpful, but the face team looked red hot, and had the full 100% support of the crowd. Eventually the fight spilled to the outside, where Finlay and Shamrock and Triple H and Owen split into individual fights, leaving the Acolytes alone with Stone Cold. Austin gets whipped into the ropes and Bradshaw charges for the Clothesline From Hell… but gets Faarooq! Bradshaw looks shocked as Stone Cold spins him around and nails him with the Stunner! [B]Winners: Steve Austin, Triple H & Ken Shamrock in 12:22[/B][/CENTER] Meanwhile, outside of the ring, Shamrock tackles Finlay to the ground and locks in the Anklelock. Finlay starts tapping furiously, although of course it doesn’t count officially. Austin, in the ring, asks to be thrown some Steveweiser’s as a celebration when Shane McMahon pops out of nowhere and slams the chair across his head! McMahon picks the beer cans up, climbs to the top rope and downs them both a la Stone Cold style as the crowd boo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Wembley Icons Number Three[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Stanley Matthews[/SIZE][/B] There has only ever been one Stanley Matthews. A gentleman off the pitch, a genius on it, Sir Stanley will be remembered long after the stadium is torn down. His finest moment came in the 1938 FA Cup Final, where despite Stan Mortensen scoring the first ever FA Cup Final hat-trick, the final has since been renamed “The Stanley Matthews Final”, such was his performance. Blackpool were 3-1 down, but thanks to the wizardry of Matthews Blackpool fought back to win 4-3.[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to see Shane McMahon returning to his office, slightly out of breath, as Yamaguchi-San bursts in. [B]Shane:[/B] Haven’t you ever heard of knocking? [B]Yamaguchi-San: [/B]My deepest apologies, Meester McMahon, but it is a matter of the gravest importance. Something must be done to Psicosis to avenge the humiliation. I never want him to have a chance at the Light-Heavyweight Title again! [B]Shane:[/B] Well, Mr San, technically as he is the former champion he is entitled to a rematch. [B]Yamaguchi-San:[/B] Okay, fine… I shall allow this under one condition. He has to earn it in a match; a match of my choosing. Would that be most acceptable to you, Meester McMahon? [B]Shane:[/B] I can’t see why that would be a problem. The match is all yours, next week live on Raw Is War! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]No Disqualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TerryFunk-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs Terry Funk[/SIZE][/B] Brutality personified. The Funker had a huge reception going in to this match but The Rock isn’t a man of sentiment. He knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. Even though the legend was able to use his veteran wiles to stay in the match, Rocky was just simply too much for him. The first ever Hardcore Champion put up a fight but The Rock would not be denied. After a period of dominance, as Funk sucked so much air the front two rows fainted from oxygen depravation, The Rock nailed not one, not two, not three but four Rock Bottom’s. The Funker was out, but The Rock didn’t care. He grabbed a steel chair, laid it out and hit another Rock Bottom, this time on to the chair. He then grabbed the chair and started swinging haphazardly, brutalising the whole of the legends body. Funk screamed in pain with each crash of steel on bone, until eventually the referee saw the good sense to put this one to bed. [B]Winner: The Rock by Stoppage after 7:21[/B][/CENTER] The bell rang, but The Rock didn’t stop. The chairs kept coming down, over and over again, against his back, his knees, his head. He then threw the chair away as referees and officials tried to drag him away and grabbed the Funkers legs, tied him up in a Sharpshooter and leant back. Funk was now out cold but The Rock didn’t care, he just leant further and further back until the referees forcibly dragged him off of the hardcore legend. The Rock then looked deep in to the camera and yelled to Mankind; [B]Rock:[/B] You’re gonna get all this and more at Capital Carnage, you fat sack of sh*t. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes are backstage again. [B]Jeff:[/B] Headlining Raw, Dee, this is just the start, I promise ya. [B]Dusty:[/B] Woo yeah, babah, no doubt, no doubt. You beat dat Hip Break Kid tonight and, babah, the stroke is all yours. [B]Jeff: [/B]I’m ready to make a statement. I’m not there to make up the damn numbers, I’m going to Carnage to win the WWF Title, and I’m gonna prove it by slapping the face right off that damn slapnut! [B]Dusty:[/B] But before you do, babah, I gots you a little surprise. [B]Jeff: [/B]Another one? [B]Dusty:[/B] Another one, babah. Would yo get yo fine self in here? Jarrett looks towards the doorway as Terri Runnels seductively walks in. [B]Jeff: [/B]Yeehaw, babay! I got my Terri back! [B]Terri:[/B] Damn straight you do. I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long sweetheart, but I’m back now and ready to help you win the WWF Title. Jarrett and Terri start kissing quite excessively. [B]Dusty: [/B]Aww… ‘aint they gorgeous? Babah, focus on the match, then get a damn room, babah! [B]Terri:[/B] Oh we will, believe you me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The time has come for the sit down interview between Michael Cole and Vince McMahon. [B]Cole: [/B]Mr McMahon, firstly, thank you for this time to interview you. McMahon: It’s my pleasure, Michael, now what can I do for you? [B]Cole: [/B]I’m sure the fans are dying to know; what is your current physical condition? [B]McMahon:[/B] Well, I’m not sitting in a wheelchair because I like it, lets put it that way. [B]Cole: [/B]So you are… permanently disabled? [B]McMahon: [/B]No, not quite. I’ve paid for the very best doctors ever to study medicine and only the very best physiotherapists in the world to help me recuperate so one day soon I will again be able to walk. [B]Cole: [/B]In terms of a timescale, what are we looking at? [B]McMahon:[/B] My doctors have told me that between 5 and 7 years is the estimate for a normal person, but, as I’m sure you’ll agree Michael, I’m not normal. I demand the best from everyone, from my son, daughter, employees, and yes, even myself. I will push myself harder than any man can to ensure I will once again be on my feet in just over 3 years time. [B]Cole: [/B]Do you resent Stone Cold Steve Austin. [B]McMahon: [/B]I don’t use the word resent. I may have done a year ago, or even several months ago, but it’s beyond that now. What he has done to me… it’s indescribable. Do you have any idea what it’s like to consider not being able to walk your daughter down the aisle on her wedding day? Because I have to accept that possibility, Michael, I have to accept that possibility because of what Stone Cold has done to me. So no, I do not resent him. I hate him, I loathe him, and will make sure, if it’s the last thing I do, that he will pay for what he has done. Just because I’m in this damned chair doesn’t mean my time in the World Wrestling Federation is over. In whatever way I can I will make sure Steve Austin never forgets the hell he has put me through. The mental pain of his torments months ago were hard enough, and he may have ripped my marriage apart at the seams, due to the way it simply tore me up, but now… now he has left me physically scarred as well. You mark my words, Michael, Steve Austin will pay. I promise you that, Stone Cold Steve Austin will pay… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Human Wrecking Machine” Tazz vs Al Snow w/Head[/SIZE][/B] Al Snow went in to this one as the overwhelming fans favourite, but he never really stood a chance. Don’t get me wrong, Snow is a great competitor, but there is something else about Tazz. He Suplexed Al Snow from one side of the ring to the other as if he were a rag doll, and despite periods of Snow offence, he finally had the decency to put it to bed with a Tazzmission [B]Winner: Tazz in 5:21[/B][/CENTER] The match was over, but that didn’t bother Tazz. He grabbed Snow again and locked in the Tazzmission until he was passed out, then went to the outside of the ring. He grabbed a steel chair, but instead of hitting Snow with it, he placed his neck in between the gap and climbed to the top rope. He was about to jump off, surely breaking Snow’s neck in the process, when Rob Van Dam ran down to a huge reception. He and Tazz traded fists for a couple of moments, until RVD kicked him straight in the mouth. The velocity of the kick sent the Human Wrecking Machine to the outside, as Van Dam posed for the crowd. Tazz grudgingly went back to the locker room, cursing RVD as he went. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is in his office when Ken Shamrock bursts in. [B]Ken: [/B]What the hell do you want now, Shane? [B]Shane:[/B] Kenny, calm down. You’re not gonna like this, but I’ve been left with choice. I told you to be careful with your Anklelock move, and you ignored me. I have now had the third complaint so I am hereby declaring your Anklelock submission manoeuvre banned. [I]Shamrock pins Shane against the wall.[/I] [B]Ken:[/B] ARRGGGHHH! What the hell are you talking about? Who complained? [B]Shane: [/B]I can’t reall… [B]Ken: [/B]TELL ME! [B]Shane:[/B] It was Finlay, okay… Finlay complained. [B]Ken: [/B]So now my Anklelock is banned for my title defence against him at Carnage? [B]Shane:[/B] Yes. Shamrock loses control and throws Shane across the room. He grabs his leg, apparently to lock in his now illegal Anklelock, when suddenly Finlay bursts in the room with his Shillelagh and knocks Shamrock out in one. He continues to beat down on him for a bit, before finally relinquishing and helping Shane to his feet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Michael Cole:[/B] I’m backstage with the “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels. Shawn, tonight you face one of the fellow participants in the London Dungeon match, Jeff Jarrett. Your thoughts? [B]Michaels:[/B] Well you see Mitchell, Jeff Jarrett is a great competitor, of that I’m certain. I’ve seen Jeff Jarrett in the ring and he truly can go with the best of them. But frankly, my dear, that doesn’t mean jack. He’s never been to the top of the mountain. He’s never been at the top and reached for the sky. You can ask anyone- be it Hunter, Owen, anyone, that you don’t win the WWF Title at the first go at asking. No-one does. It is one of those things that takes months, even years to get there. It’s why I still am the crème de la crème in the WWF, why I am the measuring stick, why I am the main event, the icon, the showstoppa… and tonight I will prove that Jeff Jarrett ‘aint Shawn Michaels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett w/Dusty Rhodes & Terri Runnells vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Jarrett seemed to take Michaels words to heart and as such started aggressively against the former champion. There didn’t seem to be any time for sentiment as Jarrett bashed HBK around from one side of the ring to the other, perhaps trying to prove that he really does deserve this shot. The fans were on his back throughout but he seemed to just use the hatred to take it to the next level. Michaels, with the fans pouring heart and soul in to trying to help him through, battled back with some stinging rights and built up some serious momentum until he leapt off the top rope for a beautiful flying elbow. He began to tune up the band, leapt across the ring… but was caught by Jarrett! The New American Dream tackled him to the mat and rolled around his leg, locking in the Figure Four Leg Lock! Sensing an opportunity like never before, Jarrett started bouncing up and down, trying to torque the knee of HBK who screamed in agony. Michaels tried to turn, slowly, slowly, Jarrett tried to fight it with all his will, but Michaels turned him! Positioned closely enough to the ropes, Jarrett could break the hold, but the damage had been done to both men. They both limped to their feet, trading blows, neither capable of beating the other. A shot to the knee took Shawn down, and Jarrett tried to focus on it, but rather than going for the Figure Four again he stepped in to the corner and stamped his foot to the mat once, then again, and again, rubbing it in by tuning up the band! He waited for Michaels to get to his feet and went for it… but Michaels ducked and Double J hit the referee! With Hebner down, and Jarrett shocked, Michaels slammed the New American Dream again, but didn’t see Dusty Rhodes enter the rig with the guitar… Dustah swings… but misses! Michaels nails the Sweet Chin Music on Rhodes! HBK gives him a crotch chop, but doesn’t notice Jarrett grabbing the guitar! Michaels turns around and is met with the instrument as shards of wood splinter across the ring! Jarrett makes the pin as Hebner comes to… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: Jeff Jarrett in 14:01[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR[/B]: Bah Gawd, Jarrett’s caused the upset again! [B]Heenan:[/B] Way to go Double Jay! Jarrett celebrated once again like he’d won the lottery, but after seeing his mentor Dusty down he decided to rub some salt in the wounds by mounting HBK and continuing the assault, only for Triple H to spring to the ring and start beating on him… [B]DONG![/B] [B]JR:[/B] Good Gawd, what on Earth’s gonna happen now?! Everybody, apart from JR apparently, knew what this meant. Kane & The Undertaker gradually started walking down to the ring, slowly stepping forward as Hunter beckoned for them to get in the ring, only for Owen Hart to sneak in the back door and nail Helmsley with a steel chair! The Brothers Of Destruction then got in the ring and started attacking Michaels and Jarrett, seemingly putting aside their issue with Owen as all three Alliance members tried to beat down on the pair. Jarrett nailed Owen with a low blow while Hunter tried to battle back against The Undertaker, but the numbers were just too significant. Shawn Michaels gradually came to in the corner of the ring and noticed his buddy getting beaten on, so he gradually worked his way back to his feet, clearly groggy and probably not even able to see straight, leapt across the ring to hit Owen with Sweet Chin Music… but hit Triple H! The Game crumpled to the mat under the intensity of the kick as Michaels looked on shocked, before turning in to a Double Chokeslam from the Brothers Of Destruction! Owen, Kane and The Undertaker then joined hands and raised them in unison above their befallen opponents ahead of the Dungeon. [B]JR:[/B] Now what?! Are DX crumbling too, now?! I don’t by God believe this! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Lance Storm def Godfather to progress to the European Title Tournament Final Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq def Mabel to progress to the European Title Tournament Final Triple H, Ken Shamrock and Stone Cold Steve Austin def Owen Hart, Finlay & The Acolytes The Rock def Terry Funk Tazz def Al Snow Jeff Jarrett def Shawn Michaels
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Loved the sponsorship line as always :D. Nice steady building process. Most of the matches were pretty predictable but with good reason... I'm now ample amped for Capital Carnage. Oh, and I'm loving the Taz push. But now it's my turn: BOOOOOO! Michaels jobbed to Jarrett. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ;) Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;487175]Loved the sponsorship line as always :D. Nice steady building process. Most of the matches were pretty predictable but with good reason... I'm now ample amped for Capital Carnage. Oh, and I'm loving the Taz push. But now it's my turn: BOOOOOO! Michaels jobbed to Jarrett. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ;) Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Thanks buddy. That's what this month is all about unfortunately, it's slow build to the PPV. I know it's not the most exciting of methods but things will get turned up a notch from Carnage onwards. Consider this the "calm before the storm"!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;487411]Thanks buddy. That's what this month is all about unfortunately, it's slow build to the PPV. I know it's not the most exciting of methods but things will get turned up a notch from Carnage onwards. Consider this the "calm before the storm"![/QUOTE] Aah, s'all good. I often feel the same when writing myself. A constant mark-out session would burn-out pretty quick. Managing one or two per show as you are is spot on. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Another great show. Still super psyched to see Taz climbing the card, and starting a feud with RVD can only do wonders for his stock. And I have to admit ... Dubba Jay's growing on me by leaps and bounds. Others may boo him scoring a win over HBK, but I cheered. Double J for world champ! :D
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="6"]Schiavonne’s Schia-Wrongies[/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/09.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Howdy mother-f*ckin’ partners! Tony Schiavonne here giving you the low down on what is good and better about WCW these days. Read on… if you dare…[/B] Huge news for the company this month as Goldberg finally won the WCW Title and did it on Nitro. From the moment the “GOLDBERG!” chant was pumped through the sound system I knew we were in for something historic and he just walked in, shouted “you’re next!” at no-one in particular, walked backstage, walked a little more, walked a little more still, and eventually got to the ring and kicked ass! Even though his entrance was 14 times the length of the match itself, the fans were eating it up. And I’m just glad such a huge moment was broadcast live on Nitro, so it didn’t affect the buy-rate on PPVs. Unfortunately for Goldberg he lost the title just 32 minutes later when the nWo wrapped him in electrified barbed wire and urinated on him. Our hero Hollywood Hogan was then carried to the ring on a throne by nobodies like Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Curt Hennig, Steven Regal etc and laid a finger on Goldberg to become the WCW Champion for the 8th time this month. Of course, the fun and games around the Big Gold Storyline-Enhancer didn’t stop there, as J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J Dillon stripped Hogan of the belt and awarded it to David Arquette. Even by WCW standards this was a strange decision given that not only was Arquette not in the same building at the time, he was even in the same state. Thankfully Hogan cheap shotted Arquette as he arrived at the arena and beat him in a 0.2 second squash match in the parking lot that wasn’t even filmed. So I hear the WWF is going to the UK for a pay-per-view. Ha, that’ll put European butts in seats. Everyone knows that as far as wrestling goes, the world starts and ends between Canada, Mexico, the Pacific and the Atlantic. Besides, the only good thing to come from the UK is Konnan. (Ed note- Konnan is actually Mexican) (Schiavonne note- Well… I knew he wasn’t American…) Who the f*ck is Ric Flair?! There was a midget-sized Triple Threat Cruiserweight match this month on Nitro where three of the most punctual wrestlers in the world put the thing they hold dearest on the line for a match. Ultimo Dragon said he would lose his mask if he lost, Rey Mysterio his heritage and Jericho his dignity. Unfortunately Rey lost and was stripped of his Mexican heritage, but you got the feeling Jericho had lost his dignity too. If only he was a foot taller and had a bald head with a blonde goatee… WCW advertised and then changed the main event of Nitro 26 times this week. It was originally billed as Ric Flair vs. Sting in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match but ended up as Stephen Hawking vs Ringo Starr in a Tapei Death Match, which ended when Hollywood Hogan ran in and pinned them both. It’s that sort of celebrity involvement that will make WCW the most watched program in TV history, guaranteed. Rey Mysterio’s new non-masked look is fantastic if you ask me. He looks like a 12 year old and I say that is just pure money. Who wouldn’t pay to see a pre-teen child get beaten up by a 300lbs 6’7 grown man? I have before and I would again. I really liked the concept of the latest War Games match at Fall Brawl. It was billed as nWo vs WCW, but by the time it came around everyone on the roster had joined the nWo so it was just 60 guys standing in the ring for an hour. Needless to say, it was the greatest waste of an hour I’ve ever seen. That’s all for this month. I hope y’all enjoyed it and I’ll see you again next month. And oh, don’t forget to buy the latest WCW VHS, Christmas Clusterf*ck, out now in all good video stores and some bad ones too.[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;487737]Sweet christ, man. That was awesome. If Tony had a drunken hotline back in the day that was half that funny, I'd just now be getting out from under the 900 number debt. :D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=G-Prime;487871]I lol'ed[/QUOTE] Glad you guys liked it. I don't know how many more I can do, after all, I've pretty much covered WCW history in 2 Schiavonne posts, but like I say I'm glad people got it and enjoyed it.
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[CENTER][QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]PREVIEW[/B][/SIZE] [B]Loser Enters 1st in the London Dungeon, Winner Enters 6th Kane vs Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]Three of the participants in the Dungeon square off in this Triple Threat Match to discover who will enter at number one and who will enter as number six. With so much on the line, who will have enough to give just days before Capital Carnage?[/I] [B]European Title Final Warm-Up Match Essa Aguila vs Lance Storm[/B][I]With the Final of the European Title Tournament in 6 days, Lance Storm has the opportunity to prepare by facing one of the newest and downright exciting prospects in wrestling. Will the youngster from Mexico upset Storm or will the Canadian gain momentum ahead of Carnage?[/I] [B]European Title Final Warm-Up Match Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq vs Mosh[/B] [I]Whilst his attitude has changed, the results haven’t for D’Lo as he keeps on winning on his way to the final. Whilst also still relatively young the Headbanger Mosh won’t be a pushover and will be looking to gain a little momentum of his own.[/I] [B]3 on 1 No Disqualification Handicap Match “Zukaya” Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs Psicosis[/B] [I]This really is a must win for Psicosis in the most impossible of matches. The concept of Yamaguchi-San, Psicosis has to go through three Zukaya members just to get another shot at reclaiming the Light-Heavyweight Title[/I]. [B]WWF Hardcore Title Match Tommy Dreamer © vs Al Snow[/B] [I]A rematch from a couple of weeks ago when Tazz ruined the scheduled title defence for Dreamer against Snow. Dreamer has been the champion for almost a month now but Al Snow is sure to be as dangerous and unpredictable as always.[/I] [B]Single Match Gangrel vs Matt Hardy[/B] [I]The stakes couldn’t be higher in London when Matt and his brother Jeff have to face the best friends from Toronto Edge & Christian with their belts suspended above the ring. Obviously with a vested interest in Matt Hardy’s well-being, Gangrel is as strange as they come but when it comes to the ring he can sure put the hurting on.[/I] [I]Plus…[/I]We will hear from Shane McMahon, Mankind, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin and of course we will reveal number two on the list of Wembley Icons[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]PREDICTIONS[/B] [B]Loser Enters 1st in the London Dungeon, Winner Enters 6th[/B] Kane vs Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels [B]European Title Final Warm-Up Match[/B] Essa Aguila vs Lance Storm [B]European Title Final Warm-Up Match[/B] Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq vs Mosh [B]3 on 1 No Disqualification Handicap Match[/B] “Zukaya” Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs Psicosis [B]WWF Hardcore Title Match[/B] Tommy Dreamer © vs Al Snow [B]Single Match[/B] Gangrel vs Matt Hardy[/CENTER].
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Loser Enters 1st in the London Dungeon, Winner Enters 6th Kane vs Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] European Title Final Warm-Up Match Essa Aguila vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] European Title Final Warm-Up Match [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq[/B] vs Mosh 3 on 1 No Disqualification Handicap Match [B]“Zukaya” Togo, Tajiri & Funaki[/B] vs Psicosis WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] vs Al Snow Single Match Gangrel vs [B]Matt Hardy[/B]
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Loser Enters 1st in the London Dungeon, Winner Enters 6th Kane vs [B]Jeff Jarrett [/B]vs Shawn Michaels [I]The New American Dream is the hottest hand in this match, and after letting Michaels do the dirty work, JJ sneaks the win over Kane, giving him the best shot in the Dungeon.[/I] European Title Final Warm-Up Match Essa Aguila vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] [I]Storm is on the verge of his first title, momentum pulls him through.[/I] European Title Final Warm-Up Match [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq[/B] vs Mosh [I]I gotta be honest, I forgot the Headbangers were part of the roster. lol[/I] 3 on 1 No Disqualification Handicap Match “Zukaya” Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs [B]Psicosis[/B] [I]With no dq rules, anything is possible, and the young lucha defies the odds to secure a shot at the cruiserweight title.[/I] WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] vs Al Snow [I]Al Snow falls, still suffering the effects of the beatdown by Taz.[/I] Single Match Gangrel vs [B]Matt Hardy[/B] [I]I have a feeling this match may involve more than these two, but Hardy eeks out the win.[/I]
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Loser Enters 1st in the London Dungeon, Winner Enters 6th Kane vs [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Shawn Michaels [I]I think it's safe to go with Jarrett here. I don't think it'd be that believable if he entered first and survived all five men to get the title so I think he'll sneakily gets the sixth spot to keep the possibility alive of him getting the title. I kinda hope he gets it.[/I] European Title Final Warm-Up Match Essa Aguila vs[B] Lance Storm[/B] [I]Storm is hugely talented and should do well with a strap.[/I] European Title Final Warm-Up Match [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq[/B] vs Mosh [I]Mosh has no chance.[/I] 3 on 1 No Disqualification Handicap Match “Zukaya” Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs[B] Psicosis[/B] [I]Psicosis gets one hell of a beating, but I have a feeling someone comes to his rescue taking out Zukaya for Psicosis to capitalize.[/I] WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] vs Al Snow [I]I don't think Snow is the man to take Dreamers Title.[/I] Single Match Gangrel vs [B]Matt Hardy[/B] [I]Gangrel isn't really wrestling at the moment and Hardy's involved in the tag team saga.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sponsered By...[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]FEMINISM[/SIZE][/B] [I]Of course it’s not our fault [/I] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 19th October 1998[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Raw opens with Shane McMahon walking down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Shane:[/B] I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been absolutely buzzing this week. The idea that I get to gain a measure of revenge over that son of a bitch Steve Austin is almost too much to take. But it occurred to me- I don’ need to have this match. Once the match is over, after I’ve had my hand raised in victory… that’s it. When you consider what Stone Cold has put my father through both physically and mentally, that can’t be enough. That leaves me only one option, Steve; I want to raise the stakes. I want to put something on the line. So get yourself out here and face me man to man so I can tell you exactly what I will put on the line to ruin your pathetic little life. After a few moments Steve Austin comes down to the ring to an unreal reception form the fans. [B]Shane:[/B] I’ll kee… [B]Austin: [/B]Shut your mouth you mealy mouth son of a bitch, now Stone Cold’s out here you’re gonna talk when he tells you to. You see, Stone Cold was backstage drinking one beer… two beers… three beers… four beers… a glass of whiskey… a shot of vodka… a shot of tequila… a shot of Sambuca… another beer… and another beer… only for you to ask me to get out of my chair and speak to you. This proposition better be good. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh it really is, Steve, it really is. [B]Austin:[/B] Then don’t waste any more of my time, what the hell do you want? [B]Shane:[/B] As I said, just beating you doesn’t seem like enough. That’s why I am willing to make you an offer. Raise the stakes a little. I can tell you that as long as there is a breath in my body you will never, ever get another shot at the WWF Title. Ever. But that’s not good enough for me. Say something happens and suddenly I’m not calling the shots. It would rip me apart knowing you could have a shot at the title, the thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. You took away the thing that means most to me, my father, so I want to take away your important thing. Steve Austin, if you lose to me at Capital Carnage then you will NEVER get another shot of the WWF Championship again. Guaranteed. [B]Austin:[/B] It’s a good thing I started listening towards the end there because it sounded like you were telling me I wasn’t going to get another title shot again if I lose to you. [B]Shane:[/B] That’s absolutely correct. [B]Austin: [/B]So what’s in it for Stone Cold then? [B]Shane: [/B]If you by some miracle manage to beat me then I will guarantee you a title shot whenever you want. [B]Austin: [/B]Right, I get ya, I get ya. So what your saying is if I lose I am guaranteed never to get another shot at the title, but if I win it is guaranteed I will. [B]Shane:[/B] Exactly. [B]Austin:[/B] I think I better put this out to the public vote… if you want Stone Cold to accept the new conditions, give me a hell yeah… [B]Crowd:[/B] Hell yeah! [B]Shane:[/B] I think you have their answer. [B]Austin: [/B]Give old Stone Cold a chance to mull it over. Austin steps back, looks down and starts stroking his goatee thoughtfully. He then starts stroking the top of his head and looks up to the crowd, who start screaming encouragement to him. He nods, then shakes his head, then nods again, and moves back to Shane McMahon, motioning for the microphone. Shane extends his arm with the microphone; Austin goes to take it… but no! Kick in the gut… Stunner! Shane is down! Shane is down! [B]Austin:[/B] If you want Stone Cold’s answer, if you want to know if Stone Cold is willing to put it all on the line for another chance at the WWF Championship then you can bet your bottom dollar the answer is and always will be oh hell yeah… AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE… ‘COS STONE COLD SAID SO! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WWF European Title Tournament Final Warm-Up Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MrAguila.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Essa Aguila w/Chavo Guerrero & Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs Lance Storm w/Sable[/SIZE][/B] The exciting high flying prospect of Essa Aguila and the more grounded, technical based arsenal of Lane Storm made for an interesting match up between two of the hottest young talents in wrestling. Aguila was keen to impress but it was Storm who was in need of a win heading in to Capital Carnage and he picked it up following a Single Leg Boston Crab. [B]Winner: Lance Storm in 8:22[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Van Dam is walking backstage, as they always are, when Tazz suddenly attacks and starts punching RVD in the ribs. Van Dam immediately doubles over in pain as The Human Wrecking Machine throws everything he has into destroying the Whole Dams Shows midsection trying to prove a point this week as he has done every week since he returned. With Van Dam down on the floor, Tazz grabs a door and throws it shut with RVD in the middle. The door flies on to RVD’s ribs, causing him to scream in the process as Tazz overlooks, laughing at his destruction of the hottest property in wrestling today. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kane, The Undertaker & WWF Champion Owen Hart are all backstage with Michael Cole just six days before Owen defends the title against them and 3 other men. [B]Cole:[/B] Kane, ‘Taker, Owen, it seemed for weeks that The Alliance was falling apart and DX was getting stronger, but last week it seemed the tide had turned. [B]Owen:[/B] Mitch, you truly are an idiot. You represent all the idiots in the crowd. You represent that idiot JR. Everybody thought me and the boys were falling apart, but none of you get it. There’s nothing to fall apart here; we ‘aint buddies, we ‘aint chums, we don’t hang out outside of shows. This is all business, we are here working together for the benefit of each of our own careers. I couldn’t care less whether Kane breaks his leg or ‘Taker breaks his neck tomorrow, unless I think it’ll affect me. We knew DX was there for the taking, but boy, we didn’t think they’d help us out by beating each other up. [B]Taker:[/B] Owen Hart understands our arrangement better than anyone. I hate DX, he hates DX, Kane hates DX. Owen wants to remain WWF Champion, Kane wants to be champion, and rest assure I want to be WWF Champion. Hell will freeze over before either DX or Jeff Jarrett win the WWF Title, but one of us will win. And that one… will be… [I]‘Taker is interrupted as Kane walks in front of him and points to himself, saying he will be the one to be champion.[/I] [B]Taker:[/B] No, Kane, it will not be you. It will not be Owen. I will be WWF Champion, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure of that, but until that day, I’ll continue to work alongside these two to make sure I get there. [B]Owen:[/B] You saw great cohesiveness last week, Mitch, but eventually… one day… I’ll kick both of these guys asses. But priority number two, after me keeping this title, is to make sure DX don’t even get close. You’ll see what I mean later. [I]They walk away, all three in a different direction, as Owen laughs almost manically.[/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gangrel, Edge and Christian are standing by with Kevin Kelly. Gangrel stands in the middle with the friends from Canada either side, head bowed, only raised when they add to the Vampiric One. [B]Kelly: [/B]Edge, Christian; this Sunday the WWF goes to England and you get the chance to win the Tag Team Titles for the first time. [B]Gangrel: [/B]Edge & Christian are the best tag team in the industry, that goes without saying. But unfortunately due to circumstances out of their control they have been given no recognition as such. Those circumstances are what we know as “fate”. Well, fate changed the day they joined me. Those who battle on the other side of the brightness, on the other side of the light battle by their own rules- our rules include deciding our own fate. [B]Christian: [/B]People seem to think that the Ladder Match stipulation will in some way harm us. This is not true. The Hardy Boyz are risk takers but sometimes risks fail. The Ladder Match stipulation will just make those risks the Hardyz take that much higher and we’ll take great pleasure in watching them crash and burn. The advantage is firmly on our side. [B]Edge:[/B] We accepted the wrong lifestyle when we joined the WWF. We followed Michael Hayes and his sinful ways for months and it got us nowhere. Once we accepted the dark lord as our saviour, cut out the BS we realised that when it comes to two on two in the ring, there is no team that is better than us in the world. [B]Gangrel: [/B]A new era is about to be bestowed upon us. Ladies and Gentlemen, after Capital Carnage, I shall present to you the Edge & Christian era. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WWF European Title Tournament Final Warm-Up Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mosh.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq. vs Mosh[/SIZE][/B] The Artist Formerly Known As D’Lo faced up against the Headbanger in this match with D’Lo dominating muchios of the proceedings. He had a point to prove and despite Mosh putting up the best fight he could, he was eventually put away with a Down Low In Dorset. [B]Winner: Sir Desmond Brownington Esq. in 6:12[/B][/CENTER] Once again, with the match over D’Lo grabbed his golf bag and got back in the ring. He is going through his clubs when Thrasher sprints to the ring to help his buddy, but is met with a Putter to the face! Thrasher falls to the mat clutching his face, screaming deafeningly as Brownington mounts Mosh and starts choking him out with the club. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]Wembley Icons Number Two[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Queen[/SIZE][/B] Whilst the event itself will be remembered perhaps forever, Queen’s performance at Live Aid is one of those that every artist has aimed for since. Dazzling the thousands in attendance, the Freddie Mercury led band took themselves from one of the biggest bands in the country to one of the biggest ever, a feat that might well epitomise the magnificent stadium in itself. In a set that included Bohemian Rhapsody, Crazy Little Thing Called Love and We Will Rock You, this has often been called the greatest live performance ever.[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finlay is in the locker room, watching over and over again a tape of Shamrock making him tap to the Anklelock with the Acolytes when Shane O enters the room. [B]Shane:[/B] Hey guys, look, I just wanna check with you everything’s cool after last week. [B]Faarooq:[/B] What, you mean when Bradshaw hit me during a match? [B]Bradshaw: [/B]I told you earlier, Ron, if you want some I’ll be more than happy to kick your ass again. [B]Faarooq:[/B] Any time. [B]Bradshaw:[/B] And Finlay, you make sure you’re there too, I wanna know where you were when we were kicking Austin’s ass. [B]Shane:[/B] This is exactly what I’m talking about. Guys, last week was a disaster. But lets move on, we can’t afford to give Austin, DX, Mankind, Jarrett, Shamrock, anyone an opportunity to tear us apart. We have to stay strong if we want to stay at the top of the company. And I will need each and every one of you at Capital Carnage if I am to enact revenge on Steve Austin for what he did to my father and your leader, Vince McMahon. Agreed? Reluctantly, all three agree and shake each others hands as Kevin Kelly wanders in. [B]Kelly:[/B] Finlay, I’m sorry to interrupt, but how are you feeling in regards to your match before Capital Carnage after you tapped to the Anklelock finisher? [B]Finlay: [/B]Shut your mouth, idiot, do you know nothing? I didn’t tap, Shamrock has never beaten me and hell, I’ve never been beaten full stop. I’m not afraid of Shamrock and now he can’t use his Anklelock there is no way I won’t walk out of London with the WWF Intercontinental Title around my waist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]3 on 1 No Disqualification Handicap Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Funaki, Tajiri & Togo w/Light Heavyweight Champion Hayashi & Yamaguchi-San vs Psicosis[/SIZE][/B] Surely not much can be expected of Psicosis in this one, can it? He tried his best, hell, he put in one hell of an effort against three of the most talented young wrestlers in the world, but it’s a 3 on 1 for God’s sake! Psicosis huffed and he puffed but the numbers advantage was just too much for him as Tajiri weights up a snap kick to the head… but no… wait… Taka Michinoku stormed the ring! We haven’t seen Taka since Zukaya brutalised him and threw him in the back of a car! Member after member of Zukaya ran at Taka but he wouldn’t be held down! We’ve never seen Taka like this before! Togo, Tajiri, Funaki, Hayashi, even Yamaguchi-San all fell pray to his dreaded Michinoku Driver as Psicosis climbed to the top rope… 450 Splash on Togo! The referee made the count… ONE… TWO…THREE! Psicosis gets his rematch! [B]Winner: Psicosis in 8:21[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DX are in their locker room. [B]Triple H:[/B] So… last week. You think we don’t have enough on our plate facing all of The Alliance, you thought you’d help them out? [B]Shawn:[/B] Yeah, funny guy, you know that was an accident. I was trying to help you by taking out Owen and I don’t know if sweat got in my eye or if I was a bit groggy or what or what, but I was a little out. I am sorry for that. [B]Triple H:[/B] I know it was a mistake, which is why I haven’t crippled you already, but I’m getting a little sick of all this, Shawn. It’s always you who hits me first, who “accidentally” kicks me in the face. A time is gonna come where I’m gonna say “enough is enough; it’s time to Pedigree his ass.” [B]Shawn:[/B] Whatever man, it won’t happen again. But just know, if you did decide to take matters in to your own hands, I won’t stand here and take it like a little b*tch. There’ll be hell to pay, just like there’s gonna be for you and 4 other guys in the Dungeon. [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah. Now, you know my deal, best man wins and all, but I will be WWF Champion at Capital Carnage and I[I] will[/I] go through you if I have to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lance Storm is in his locker room with an ice pack on his knee when suddenly Desmond Lowford Brownington storms the room and starts wailing on the Canadian. Storm doesn’t get a chance to protect himself as the Artist Formerly Known As D’Lo snaps out of his polite British character long enough to leave his opponent for Sunday in a heap on the floor. He then grabs the golf bag and bowler hat he dropped when he entered the room and reverts to his character and the posh British accent… [B]Brownington:[/B] Well, it would be awfully naïve of one not to try to gain an advantage before the Carnage in my nations great capital, now wouldn’t it. (He walks away, but not before breaking in to song) Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the waves! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mankind is backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch: [/B]Mankind, this Sunday you get the opportunity to avenge the injuries to your friend Terry Funk at the hands of The Rock. [B]Mankind: [/B]Problem is, Dutch; I have been blaming myself for everything that has happened. I may have underestimated how damn proud The Rock is. I may have made fun of him a little too much; I may have driven him over the edge. Now I have to live with the knowledge that my best friend is in a hospital room somewhere because I p*ssed the Rock off. But then it occurred to me, when he tried to cheap shot me, when he made fun of me, when he embarrassed me on a show he knows my children watch, I didn’t turn around and attack his friends. I didn’t go for his family or anything like that. Because there’s an unwritten rule, Rock. What is between two wrestlers stays between two wrestlers. You don’t drag loved ones in to it. But you have gotten your way. You wanted me in a match, you wanted my full attention, you’ve got it. I will go to London on Sunday and I will face you in an I Quit Match. But it’s just between me and you now, Rocky. You can’t blame Chyna, you can’t blame the Funker, you can’t even blame me for what’s about to happen. Because everything you are about to get is your own damn fault. You may have awoken a sleeping giant, Rocky. I’ve been having fun, I’ve been enjoying myself, even with you, a world class athlete, I was messing with you, having fun. I pretty much put aside all the pain and frustration that comes with being me and enjoyed my life. (He starts hitting himself in the head) Well damn you, Mick, damn you straight to hell. How God damn dare you for enjoying your life! You weren’t raised to be a happy person, or a thoughtful person, or a funny person. A quarter of an ear, hundreds of stitches, two missing teeth… DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO SHOULD BE HAPPY?! [B]Dutch:[/B] Even so, Mankind, surely you must be worried about The Rock could do to you after you saw what lengths he would go to just to get the match? [B]Mankind:[/B] I should be worried? You think I’ve never tasted my own blood before? You think I don’t know what it’s like waking up in a hospital bed having to idea of how you got there? Oh no, Dutch, it’s not me who should be worried. The Rock may want to make me quit, but what he forgets is an I Quit match is no holds barred, I can do whatever I want to him. Rocky, I will rip your God dam head off. Every night for a week I have woken up in a cold sweat, Terry Funk’s face on my conscience, a man of integrity, a man who would do anything for this business. A man who is in hospital because of you, Rock. I promise you this Rocky… as I walk in to that hospital the day after Capital Carnage, as I go to see my friend, to see if he has recovered from the unnecessary and uncalled for attack you gave him, I will walk past your bed, the hospital bed YOU are in because I put YOU there, and I will spit on you. I will spit on you because you have spat in the face of Terry Funk, of Harley Race, of Dusty Rhodes, of Lou Thesz, of Bruno Sammartino, all these men who gave their all to be wrestlers, to give people like you a chance of being someone. You even spat in the face of your own father, Rocky Johnson, when you disrespected Terry Funk and all he stands for. This Sunday at Carnage will not be a nice day, Rocky; it will not be a painfree day for me and certainly not for you. All I can do is beg for forgiveness from the people who watch the match, for I will do things I am not proud of and I am not happy with. They are just things I have to do out of respect for what has come before me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wresting Federation Hardcore Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefTommy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer © vs Al Snow w/Head[/SIZE][/B] These two former extremists finally get to have the match that was ruined by Tazz a couple of weeks back. These men provided a different type of hardcore to the other, Dreamer a hard hitting innovator and Snow a man who just loves his hardcore toys. Snow gave it a good shot but Dreamer has worked too damn hard for too damn long to give the belt up just yet. [B]Winner, and still WWF Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer in 8:32[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tazz is standing by with Michael Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Tazz, you returned to the WWF from suspension just three weeks ago and have already made your presence known. [B]Tazz:[/B] What sort of a dumb-ass question is that? Of course I have, you little b*tch. I didn’t join the WWF kiss babies and make friends; I came here to take names and make an impact. I do what I want, when I want and I don’t care for nobody. You see that piece of gold flung over the shoulder of Owen Hart? That’s what I want. I didn’t fight my way out of Brooklyn, fight my way through my whole thug life to sit back and be everybody’s friend. I didn’t com… Suddenly Rob Van Dam charges at Tazz and tackles him into a wall, punching him over and over again. His ribs are heavily bandaged and Tazz takes advantage by punching them repeatedly to avoid getting beaten up himself. The two trade punches over and over until dozens of referees and backstage workers flood the area, dragging them apart. [B]Tazz: [/B]You’re mine, Van Dam! I’ll get you, you son of a b*tch, I’ll get you! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The black screen of the future is again shown, but rather than the classic “The Future Is Coming video, it simply says… [I][SIZE="4"]“You will hear from The Future… at Capital Carnage!”[/SIZE][/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is standing by with Kevin Kelly, whilst flanked by The Acolytes. [B]Kelly: [/B]Shane, tell me, what possessed you to raise the stakes so considerably in what will be only your 3rd actual match when you’re facing a former WWF Champion? [B]Shane:[/B] Look, I don’t know who the hell you are, interviewer, but you better get good at your job quick. You think I’m stupid? You think I’m an idiot? [B]Kelly: [/B]Of cour… [B]Shane:[/B] Shut up. I would never have challenged Austin to this match if I couldn’t be certain I was going to win it. [B]Kelly:[/B] But how can you be certain? [B]Shane:[/B] Because it is in my speciality match… a Street Fight! [B]JR:[/B] Wow! [B]Heenan:[/B] Be careful, Shane… [B]Shane: [/B]But not any Street Fight, God, anybody could interfere in that. Oh no, this match will need special enforcers. That’s where The Acolytes come in to it. [B]JR: [/B]Oh come on… [B]Heenan:[/B] Brilliant! McMahon’s always have a plan! [B]Shane:[/B] Not only that, but we will need a Special Referee for the match. Someone who is a legend in the business, who has been to the top and knows what is needed to officiate a good match. I give you, a very close friend to the McMahon family… Gerald Brisco! [B]Heenan: [/B]Yes! Yes! Yes! [B]Shane: [/B]And of course, we can’t have a lightweight like Howard Finkel as the ring announcer, he’ll get injured if the action spills to the outside. No, we need someone butch. Someone manly. Someone who knows what it takes to get on top, who isn’t afraid to mix it up with the boys. The Special Ring Announcer will be… Pat Patterson! [B]JR: [/B]Oh for the love of God, why do we need a special ring announcer? [B]Shane: [/B]And now, the crème de la crème. The timekeeper. We can’t have someone not keeping the time properly, now can we? That would be dreadful; it would ruin a match of that magnitude. No, we need someone with a history of keeping time well, ladies and gentleman, I give you the Special Timekeeper… Vince McMahon! [B]JR: [/B]Well look whose back… [B]Heenan:[/B] Mr McMahon?! Thank God, he’s back! Patterson and Brisco wheel in Mr McMahon, sitting in his wheelchair grinning like an idiot. [B]Vince:[/B] McMahon’s always, always get their way. I may not be able to walk, but like I said last week, it will not stop me from affecting what goes on in that very ring. And what that means for Stone Cold Steve Austin is there is no chance in hell of him becoming WWF Champion ever again! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Gangrel2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefMatt.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Gangrel w/Edge & Christian vs WWF Tag Team Champion Matt Hardy w/Jeff Hardy[/SIZE][/B] Matt Hardy seemed as motivated as ever from the opening bell, but possibly seemed slightly over eager to enact revenge on the man who made he and his brothers lives hell for the last few weeks. He may be crazy but Gangrel knows his stuff and used his superior experience to stop Matt from hitting any of his big moves, and got what may be considered an upset when, with Edge distracting the referee, Christian clocked Matt with his own title belt and held Jeff back to stop him interrupting the pinfall. [B]Winner: Gangrel in 7:57[/B][/CENTER] Despite momentarily being held back, Jeff fought back against Christian and jumped in the ring to attack Gangrel. He only managed a few punches when Edge got in the ring, but luckily Matt had come to and, with a small trickle of blood running down his forehead, helped his brother take it to the weird threesome. With intensity perhaps like we’ve never seen from the youngsters from North Carolina, Edge, Christian and Gangrel exited the ring to leave the brothers shouting a fairly clear message to the Canadians- “It don’t matter what you throw at us… we’ll just get right back up!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with The Rock [B]Cole: [/B]Rock, we heard earlier from Mankind regarding what he thought of your actions last week. [B]Rock:[/B] We did? Oh. You see, The Rock fell asleep after the first 40 minutes of his interview because The Rock didn’t think Mankind actually had anything to say. He wants to stand there with his stories of losing an ear, losing a tooth; the only thing The Rock ever lost was his virginity. The Rock and Mankind may be totally different people, we may both come from different backgrounds, but when the dust has cleared, all the smoke has settled, it comes down to the same thing- we can not lose. The Rock admires that trait in anyone but he damn sure doesn’t respect Mankind. You see, Mankind, The Rock is not afraid of you. The Rock knows what this means to you, he knows what Terry Funk means to you, but you can take all that and multiply that by a hundred and add two if you want to know what it means to The Rock. The Rock must win and The Rock will win come Capital Carnage. That is the exact reason why The Rock hasn’t come for you tonight, the exact reason why The Rock hasn’t beaten the snot out of you already. The Rock can not wait for Capital Carnage, but he will. And when he is there, Mankind, you will realise that no matter how sick and twisted you think you may be, when it comes to winning a match I am that much more sick and twisted than you can even comprehend. Smell that, Mitch. [B]Cole: [/B]It’s Michael, actually. [B]Rock: [/B]The Rock wasn’t talking to you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Kelly is backstage with Jeff Jarrett, who is standing by with Dusty Rhodes, who is in a neck brace after last weeks Sweet Chin Music. [B]Kelly:[/B] Jeff, you are just moments away from facing Kan and Shawn Michaels with the opportunity to enter the Dungeon at number six, but of course you’ll have to do it in the Dungeon without Dusty Rhodes, who you might say handed you the victory last week. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Shut it slapnut, I’d have won either way. Now, don’t you worry me, after all, I do have all the stroke, but I will punish HBK for his actions against Dee here. But the important thing is that when I’m fighting for the WWF Title, with or without Dustah’s interference, one thing will remain the same… [I]He turns towards the camera and puts on his best Doc Brown from Back To The Future impression[/I] [B]Jarrett:[/B] Rhodes? Where we’re going, we don’t need… Rhodes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Mantell is backstage with Steve Austin. [B]Dutch: [/B]Steve, just moments ago we heard about the posts being moved for your match with Shane at Capital Carnage. How do you feel about that? [B]Austin:[/B] How the hell do you think I feel about that? If Shane McMahon is too much of a b*tch to face me like a man one on one then that’s too bad. Everyone knows Brisco and Patterson are the biggest kiss asses in the history of the company and Vince will continue to do whatever he can to stop me getting the title. Does it make it harder for me to win? Damn right it does. Does it mean I can’t win it? Absolutely not. I’ve beaten the odds before, hell; I've beaten Vince McMahon’s odds before. The simple fact of it is the McMahon’s can keep lining them up, and I’ll keep knocking them down. If Stone Cold has to go through 6 men to get his title shot then Stone Cold WILL go through 6 men to get his title shot… Suddenly, The Acolytes attack from nowhere, beating on Austin quite viciously. Bradshaw goes away to get a 2 by 4, but without the numbers advantage Austin powers out of Faarooq’s punches and lays in a few of his own. Bradshaw runs over and tries to attack but Austin ducks and beats on him too, throwing him into a wall and knocking him out. Faarooq jumps him from behind, and the two start trading punches over and over, until Stone Cold throws him through a door to the outside. With Faarooq dazed, Austin grabs him and hurtles him off a ledge to the concrete below. The Acolyte lands awkwardly and lays still, not moving an inch as Austin looks down on him. [B]Austin: [/B]One down… five to go. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Loser Enters 1st in the London Dungeon, Winner Enters 6th[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Knowing how the Dungeon match works, all three men went hell for leather to ensure they were awarded the 6th entrant spot, trying ensure that they don’t end up with the spot that has 20 minutes more work involved. Kane was obviously dominant, but found himself mainly against Michaels and Jarrett tried every trick in the book to stay out of the match, be it faking injury or simply running away. Michaels eventually managed to subdue Kane with a little dose of Sweet Chin Music, but Owen Hart crept in through the crowd to trip HBK up, causing him to fall right into a Stroke from Jeff Jarrett! [B]Winner: Jeff Jarrett in 15:12[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR: [/B]What the hell?! If it wasn’t bad enough he's in the match in the first place he’s stolen 6th entrance! [B]Heenan: [/B]And Owen screwed HBK! I love it! Jarrett’s hand is raised in victory as he grabs his face with the other, realising that he has won the most coveted spot in the Dungeon match, giving himself the best chance of winning the WWF Title he could get. As Michaels comes to he looks at Owen Hart, realising his old nemesis is the reason he will start the match as the first entrant while Owen Hart begins to cry with laughter, pointing at HBK and his misfortune. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LindaMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Linda:[/B] Oh Owen, Owen, Owen… Hart turns around to see Linda McMahon’s face on the huge Titantron [B]Linda: [/B]You just had to get involved, didn’t you? I know you and Mr Michaels have a lot of history and I know you must love to see him in the number one position in the Dungeon. However, as it was your fault he lost, I think it’s only fair that the other starting participant is… you! Owen stops laughing immediately and starts screaming at the screen, but as he turns around Shawn has climbed to the second rope doing the DX crotch chop whilst shouting “me and you, baby, me and you. Welcome to hell!” [B]JR: [/B]Bah God! It’ll be Michaels & Owen opening the London Dungeon! Can you by God believe it?! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Lance Storm def Essa Aguila Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq def Mosh Psicosis def Togo, Funaki & Tajiri to remain in the hunt for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Title hunt Tommy Dreamer def Al Snow to retain the WWF Hardcore Title Gangrel def Matt Hardy Jeff Jarrett def Shawn Michaels & Kane to enter the London Dungeon at Number Six
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[QUOTE=Scotland;490257]Also another main event victory for Jeff Jarrett you are really high on Jarrett at the minute ain't ya.[/QUOTE] The problem is I've had to take him from facing a Pimp one month to genuine contender the next. He hasn't won any of these matches particularly cleanly so he still has to earn his place there in many peoples eyes I'm sure, but I like the dynamic between Dustah and Jeffrah. And besides, there are plenty more twists and turns coming up. ;) Cheers for the feedback.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi everyone Sorry to bump the thread, just wanted to leave a message here as it's easier than loads of PMs or replying to the all the messages in my PM. It's just a quickie in case anyone is interested to say that this bad boy isn't finished, I'm just without internet at the moment or time to post as I've just restarted at uni. However, I have shows written up past Survivor Series which are ready to go, and I definitely am not finished with it cos I'm quite liking some of my ideas I have planned. But anyway, just wanted to leave a message as I haven't posted for a while to let everoyne know I am still alive and I am going to start posting again hopefully sometime soon. As for reading other peoples diaries, I have to say I haven't read any in a month, but I am definitely going to read to catch up as soon as I have the net and the time. Cheers, hope you're all well. Keefy
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