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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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London Dungeon Match for the WWF Championship Owen Hart (c) vs Undertaker vs Kane vs Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels vs [B]Triple H[/B] [I]I don't know why, I just think it's his turn...[/I] Street Fight- Gerald Brisco Special Referee, Timekeeper Vince McMahon, Ring Announcer Pat Patterson, Special Enforcers The Acolytes If Austin wins he gets a title shot, if he loses he never gets a shot again Shane McMahon vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]To coin a phrase: Because Stone Cold Said So.[/I] I Quit The Rock vs [B]Mankind[/B] [I]Mankind doesn't quit.[/I] WWF Intercontinental Title Match Finlay vs [B]Ken Shamrock (c)[/B] [I]Finlay has the home field advantage, but I'm not sure he's been with the company long enough to get the title.[/I] First Ever Tag Team Ladder Match for the WWF Tag Team Titles [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Hardy Boyz (c) [I]I just like them better, that's all.[/I] Tag Team Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Hayashi (c) & [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Taka Michinoku & Psicosis [I]With interference, of course.[/I] Single Match Taz vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]The Golden One gets involved to help out RVD.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Final Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq vs [B]Lance Storm [/B][I]I'm a Lance Storm mark, what can I say?[/I] Mystery Signing Makes His Debut Tajiri vs [B]???[/B] [I]World class technician? My guess is Angle or Benoit.[/I]
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Thanks for the predictions guys, I really appreciate the support as much as always. As anyone who writes diaries will tell you (I know most of you guys have done some before) feedback really helps you find the motivviation. I'm going to post the show in the next couple of days but I want to give people a chance to predict to see if I can get a bit more interest in my first show back. But yeah, thanks all for your predictions, and especially big thanks for you all giving reasons behind the predictions. It's nice to see where people think I'm going, even if I am seemingly a bit predictable even in my first show back! ;)
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PREDICTIONS London Dungeon Match for the WWF Championship [B]Owen Hart (c)[/B] vs Undertaker vs Kane vs Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H [I]I don't think any of the others are ready to go with the belt yet. Outside shot of Jarrett maybe winning.[/I] Street Fight- Gerald Brisco Special Referee, Timekeeper Vince McMahon, Ring Announcer Pat Patterson, Special Enforcers The Acolytes If Austin wins he gets a title shot, if he loses he never gets a shot again Shane McMahon vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]He'll find a way to make it happen. Vince to somehow discover the ability to walk again.[/I] I Quit [B]The Rock[/B] vs Mankind [I]But I call shenanigans[/I] WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay[/B] vs Ken Shamrock (c) [I]He's been pretty unstopable so far[/I] First Ever Tag Team Ladder Match for the WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs [B]Hardy Boyz (c)[/B] [I]Could go either way really[/I] Tag Team Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship [B]Hayashi (c) & Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Taka Michinoku & Psicosis [I]Not really sure with this one. [/I] Single Match Taz vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]The golden one will make his presence felt... and it won't be pretty[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Final [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq[/B] vs Lance Storm [I]He must win... he has to win. If Brownington loses we riot UK style[/I] Mystery Signing Makes His Debut Tajiri vs [B]???[/B] [I]I always go for ???[/I]
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;538886]Sh*t! Don't post until I get my predictions in tomorrow. Please...............[/QUOTE] No worries, Nevvy. Tomorrow night posting it is. If I'm in. And thanks iMac for the predictions. Lets hope I actually get a bunch of shows together this time and make it worthwhile for y'all ;)
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;538968]No worries, Nevvy. Tomorrow night posting it is. If I'm in. And thanks iMac for the predictions. Lets hope I actually get a bunch of shows together this time and make it worthwhile for y'all ;)[/QUOTE] Thank you! Sorry, have an essay in for tommorrow on a ridiculously broad topic. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Okay, first, somehow I missed the Schia-wrongies first time around. Brilliance; genuine brilliance. I actually laughed out loud... several times :D. This is why I mentioned you writing a feature in Worldwide. Now, then: Capital Carnage... London Dungeon Match for the WWF Championship [B]Owen Hart (c)[/B] vs Undertaker vs Kane vs Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H [I]Prophet may be right, it's a longshot but, indeed that is what kayfabe is for :p. My thoughts are as follows. It took Owen ages to gain the strap and he's not ready to give it up yet. Kane is the one person in this picture I just could not buy as champion, not dominant enough in his own right yet. Jarrett is more than capable of the win but I don't see any point in giving the strap to someone with so much heat that he simply doesn't need it. Michaels and Trips are both out for two reasons: first, it leaves them as the chasing faces which keeps us all entralled and, second, this whole situation with Van Dam is gonna progress into some nice oldschool tension... you tag team nicking bastard, ye :D. That just leaves 'Taker who, in staying without the belt, remains a legitimate heel threat to Hart, keeping a degree of uncertainty in The Alliance so, in fact, any team/stable is capable of imploding at any given moment... just the way I like it.[/I] Street Fight- Gerald Brisco Special Referee, Timekeeper Vince McMahon, Ring Announcer Pat Patterson, Special Enforcers The Acolytes If Austin wins he gets a title shot, if he loses he never gets a shot again [B]Shane McMahon[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [I]I won't lie, I'm doing this partly to differ from everyone else. However, I think it's well within your style/abilities to deny Austin here and still have him return to prominence at a later date. This is certainly a big enough stage for Austin to score a mark-out, upset victory but, I figure, that's exactly what you're trying to spoon feed us. Bluff? Double Bluff? Triple bluff? I smell a new Ben & Jerry's flavour consisting of brightly coloured yet bland ingredients...[/I] I Quit [B]The Rock [/B]vs Mankind [I]Interesting... difficult to pick but, in view of how well you write for Rock, I'm going with him. I reckon it will be in controversial fashion, though, allowing a Survivor Series rematch in which Funk returns, giving 'Kind the vitcory and, as such, I will mark like a Republican in Illinois... what? Too soon?[/I] WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay[/B] vs Ken Shamrock (c) [I]No idea frankly; call it gut feeling. Finlay's been on a roll and the IC belt changing can serve as a contrast to the world belt... yeah, so it's crappy reasoning.[/I] First Ever Tag Team Ladder Match for the WWF Tag Team Titles [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Hardy Boyz (c) [I]Firstly, Gangrel. Secondly, heel champions rock my socks. Thirdly, I think you could have more fun/opportunities writing for them regularly than the Hardyz.[/I] Tag Team Match for the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Hayashi (c) & Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Taka Michinoku & Psicosis[/B] [I]An undercard face win so that the fans don't suspect my predicted heel sweep.[/I] Single Match Taz vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]Frankly, I don't care; either could win and I'd still be marking like a Republican... wait, done that one! Taz is a steamroller at the minute but RVD's got his Michaels gig going on (see notes on Main Event). A push up the card would certainly aid that storyline, possibly paving the way for a new member of D-X (he'd fit in like Tony Blair in a small sized johnny)... and what better than beating "The Human Wrecking Machine" for a push? No, go on, answer... I dare you.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Final Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] [I]Just because I love male wrestler/female valet partnerships. The dynamics, if properly explored, provide endless opportunites. Much love to Esquire, though.[/I] Mystery Signing Makes His Debut Tajiri vs [B]???[/B] [I]Paul Burchill FTW! Nah, seriously, I think this is "The Future" and I think I know who it is. ...Paul Burchill! I need sleep...[/I] Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][I][SIZE="4"]The London Dungeons- For centuries regarded as the most vile and inhospitable prison in the world. The bottom rung of society forced to spend their days captive in this cold, damp hell… Today the city of London is a cosmopolitan hotbed and one of the ultimate cities in the world, flooded with thousands of tourists every day. But for six men, all with the same goal, they must return to this hell, this place where no man would volunteer as their souls get sapped by the lack of humanity. These six men will put their bodies on the line, they will risk their lives as they sweat, bleed, cry, all in the name of the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship. The Carnage… is only just beginning…[/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj60/gazwefc83/CC-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]SPONSERED BY…[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]CRICKET[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]As much fun as cutting off your own testicles… and eating them[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="5"]Sunday 25th October 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Live from Wembley Arena in London, England in front of a crowd of 15,121[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Pyrotechnics fill the world famous Wembley Arena in London, England as over 15,000 fans jump to their feet in anticipation for one of the hottest nights in WWF history. The camera pans the crowd before settling on Jim Ross, who is alone behind the announce table. [B]JR:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you on pay-per-view to England for the first time in 6 years. This crowd in Wembley Arena is alive and rocking tonight and we have a huge night planned for you. 9 matches, 5 titles on the line, but none bigger than the London Dungeon match for the World Wresting Federation Heavyweight Title. [B]JR:[/B] Bah God! It’s the King! The King is back! Jerry “The King” Lawler steps through the curtain to a rapturous reception, high fiving the crowd on his way down to the announce table where he grabs a headset. [B]JR:[/B] Jerry “The King” Lawler, I speak on behalf of everyone involved in the WWF- it’s good to have you back. [B]King:[/B] It’s good to be back, JR! Especially here in the United Kingdom, the only place fit for a King! [B]JR:[/B] Exactly how psyched are you about tonight’s bumper event? [B]King:[/B] I can’t wait! I don’t know if I'm most excited about crowning a new European Champion, the I Quit Match, the Ladder match… or maybe the London Dungeon match! This is huge! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The generically Oriental music of Zukaya plays throughout the arena Tajiri comes down to the ring to a chorus of boos, escorted by the rest of Zukaya ahead of his match against a mystery opponent. After several moments of anticipation a song starts over the sound system beginning with bagpipes, but suddenly bursting in to “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by the Proclaimers! Eventually Doug Williams bursts through the curtain, dressed in a kilt and with navy face paint as the crowd rise to their feet at the sign of a British hero. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DougWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Tajiri w/Zukaya vs “Braveheart” Dougie Williams[/SIZE][/B] Thankfully, Williams loses the kilt for the match and stays with the more traditional trunks, and looks mighty fine in his WWF debut. Apparently hailing form Aberdeen, Scotland, Williams dominates the early going, out manoeuvring the young Japanese star. They trade some top quality wrestling moves that would put many “wrestlers” to shame and get a decent reception from the crowd. Zukaya try to interfere but Williams is having none of it, and puts Tajiri away with the Chaos Theory. [B]Winner: Dougie Williams in 8:21[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to the parking lot where a lot of backstage workers are gathered. Suddenly, a truck screeches around the corner and pulls up right by the door. The door flies open and Stone Cold Steve Austin walks out! The crowd explodes at the sight of Texas Rattlesnake, here in London and ready for action! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Kelly is standing backstage with Finlay and Paul Bearer. [B]Kevin Kelly:[/B] Finlay, you are just moments away form your first opportunity at WWF gold. [B]Finlay:[/B] This is my time, Kevin Kelly. This is my opportunity to go out there and prove to the world that just because I’m not from the United States doesn’t mean I can’t still destroy any person on that roster. [B]Kelly: [/B]And of course, Shamrock will be without his Anklelock submission hold, which has been outlawed by Shane McMahon. [B]Finlay: [/B]I couldn’t give a monkeys whether Shamrock can use his Anklelock or not. All I know is I will go out there and win the Intercontinental Title tonight and I might even snap his ankle for good measure. Now excuse me, I’ve got some bones to break. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DaveFinlay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKen.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Fighting Irishman” Finlay w/Paul Bearer vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock ©[/SIZE][/B] Those who accidentally tuned in hoping to see America’s Fattest Fatty best look away now- this is not one for the feint of heart. Finlay & Shamrock spent almost 10 minutes beating the bejesus out of each other. Had it lasted any longer parts of their body may have actually begun to fall off. Shamrock seemed put out from the off at his inability to resort to his Anklelock; reverting to type so often throughout the match by targeting the Fighting Irishman’s ankle, but Finlay was in the zone from the opening bell and didn’t leave anything in the locker room as he stiffly punched away at Shamrock’s face, busting his eyebrow open after mere minutes. Shamrock isn’t considered one of the best in the world for nothing though and held his own, he too brutalising his opponent in the hopes of hanging on to his Intercontinental gold. Eventually, with Finlay down, Shamrock begun to scream for the Anklelock before realising Shane McMahon’s ridiculous rule. This gave Paul Bearer the opportunity to slide in the ring (albeit somewhat slowly) with the title belt and ran at Shamrock. Shamrock telegraphed it and nailed him with a huge Belly To Belly, but as he turned around he was met by Finlay who hit the Celtic Cross for the ONE… TWO… THREE! A new champion has been crowned already! [B]Winner and the NEW Intercontinental Champion: Finlay in 9:58[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with Mankind. [B]Cole: [/B]Mankind, tonight you get the opportunity at gaining a measure of retribution on The Rock for his recent actions. [B]Mankind:[/B] You know, Michael, life is a funny entity. Someone like me can stumble through life being humiliated along the way. I’ve got 3 quarters of an ear; I’m a couple of teeth short, stitches in every part of my body- and I do mean every part- and yet I wind up here. On the other side is The Rock. Third generation star, million dollar smile, perfect skin, not an imperfection on his body, probably the sort of guy that makes guys like you feel a bit “funny”, huh Michael? And yet he too winds up here. And “here” would be a place where the bright lights, the glamour, the money, it doesn’t mean anything. This is the deepest and darkest place in our industry. It is from here you can look into the eyes of the fans and realise all they want is blood. All they want is gore. They want to see injuries; they want to see you fall 20 feet through a table. I promised myself I would never go back to that place. That place is cold, Michael, and it’s lonely. It is full of fear, and it’s full of dread. You’ve dragged me back here, Rocky. By attacking Terry Funk, a legend in this business, a man who has offered more to this industry than you ever will, a man whose soul and passion for this business is the reason you even get to stand here, by attacking him just because you felt embarrassed that you lost to a fellow professional athlete is like spitting in the face of everyone who went before you. I pity you, Rock. I pity you for having to go to those levels because you are so damn insecure that everyone looks at you as the so called “Great One”. But you know what? I pity myself even more. Because I’ve taken your bait and I’m here, ready for the opportunity to beat a little respect in to you. So I just hope that your wife and your child, and that my wife and children can one day look at me and forgive me for what I am about to do. I wish I didn’t have to be this man, Rocky, I wish I didn’t, but you’ve left me with no choice. I will not quit tonight. I will never utter the words “I Quit” to you; I will pass out through the pain before I ever submit to you and whatever you throw at me. There will be blood and there will be pain, but as long as I can walk out of here safe in the knowledge that some of it was inflicted on you, I will sleep well tonight, even if it’s in a hospital bed. People may say you are a future WWF Champion, but tonight is the night that you earn the privilege to be called that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Mantell is backstage with Paul Bearer, who is flanked on either side by Kane & The Undertaker. [B]Dutch:[/B] Paul, you’ve had quite the journey with these two men, but after seeing your other client Finlay win the Intercontinental Title tonight, how confident are in seeing one of these two monsters being crowned WWF Champion? [B]Paul: [/B]Well you seeeeeee…. Kane and The Undertaker have been through so much in the past. But all of that is long gone and now and all that matters to them is being the best. This sort of match plays perfectly into their hands, it will be evil, it will be satanic, it will be monstrous, and that’s exactly what these two men are. They will destroy the other four men and one or the other will be champion. [B]Dutch:[/B] But can they co-exist? [I]The Undertaker snatches the microphone out of Dutch’s hand and gets in his face.[/I] [B]Undertaker:[/B] I’ll take this, Paul. Whether me and Kane can co-exist matters not. One of us will be the champion by the end of the night, and what goes on in the Dungeon stays in the Dungeon. (he turns to the camera) Owen Hart… Jeff Jarrett… Shawn Michaels… Triple H… me and Kane have bought a one way ticket to hell. We wanna know… who’s coming with us? The Undertaker shoves the microphone in to Dutch’s chest, knocking him backwards. He walks away with Bearer following behind, cackling, as Kane walks up to Dutch and intimidatingly gets in his face, breathing loudly. Eventually he backs off and walks away, leaving Dutch a bit pale in the face and brown in the pants. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Tag Team Mach for the Light-Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKaz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TakaMichinoku3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Hayashi © w/Zukaya & Chavito’s Vato Loco’s vs Taka Michinoku & Psicosis[/SIZE][/B] The interesting set up of this match meant that even though the partners on each team had been getting along as of late, they still can’t entirely trust one another as it’s one fall to a finish, the winner becoming the champion. The army of people at ringside originally kept out of the match, but as the dream team of Taka and Psicosis grew in confidence the Zukaya and Vato Loco boys deemed it necessary to intervene, resulting in all 6 of them being sent back to the locker room. This distracted Chavo, allowing Taka to spin him ‘round and nail him with the Michinoku Driver, only for the legal man Hayashi to roll him up just before Psicosis could make it to the ring to stop the pin. [B]Winner and STILL Light-Heavyweight Champion: Hayashi in 8:41[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Kelly is backstage with The Rock ahead of his I Quit match with Mankind. [B]Kelly:[/B] Rock, we’ve already heard from Mankind; and he’s promised pai… [B]Rock:[/B] IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT MANKIND SAID! Don’t you see Kevin Kelly that tonight isn’t about Mankind? It isn’t about Mankind’s wife, or his kids, or The Rock’s wife, or his kid, or Terry Funk, or Headbanger Mosh, or Togo from Zukaya; tonight is about one person and that is The Rock. Mankind was right that it is a privilege to be called a future WWF Champion and a privilege The Rock takes very seriously, and if Mankind says tonight is the night he earns it then The Rock says JUST BRING IT! The Rock isn’t afraid of Mankind, he isn’t scared of Mankind, and once the smoke has cleared, aaaaalllll the dust has settled, The Rock will stand before you and in front of the millions… AND MILLIONS… of The Rock’s fans and say he has proven once and for all that he IS the people’s champion, he IS the people’s choice and he IS ready to become the next WWF Champion. IF YA SMMMMMEEEEEEELLLLLLLL….. WHAT THE ROCK….. IS COOKIN’! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Alliance are in their dressing room, barring Owen, ‘Taker and Kane. [B]Vince:[/B] Thank you everyone for gathering tonight. [B]Brisco:[/B] Excuuuuse me, Mr MackMan, but where are Owen, Kane and ‘Taker? [B]Vince:[/B] They’re getting ready, Brisco, but that doesn’t matter. I’ve brought you all here to firstly say- congratulations, Finlay. You’ve made us all very proud indeed. [B]Finlay:[/B] Thank you. [B]Vince:[/B] Secondly, mind you, I want to make sure we are all in the zone tonight. Whatever it takes, we must make sure Shane here defeats Austin. In the interest of fairness, there are no limits to what I will allow, as long as that son of a bitch gets what’s coming to him in the centre of that very ring. Shane, are you ready? [B]Shane: [/B](bouncing around the room) Oh I tell you pop, I’ve never been more ready in all my life. [B]Vince: [/B]That’s my boy. And you, Brisco and Patterson? [B]Brisco and Patterson: [/B]We’re ready, sir. [B]Vince:[/B] Then it’s set. We must, no, we will tonight bring an end to the reign of terror that is the Stone Cold era. Not only will he lose his opportunity to fight for the WWF Title, tonight we will lose him his career. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]I Quit Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] Probably not one for the faint of heart, I suspect. Foley clearly was simmering form the start, eager to teach The Rock a lesson by taking him to the only school he knows- the school of hard knocks. Despite obviously being a future legend, let alone future WWF Champion, Rocky seemed shocked by the quick and brutal start of the man from the boiler room. It took a snidey low blow to give him any sort of a respite as Mankind dominated the early goings. Once he was back on track, The Rock wasted no time in trying to get Mankind to quit to him, grabbing the microphone at every opportunity, smack talking, even singing, but still trying to brutalise the maskedman as he went. No weapon was sacred as he beat on Mankind, but Mankind’s durability is famous throughout the world and he refused to stay down to whatever The People’s Champion threw at him. This titanic battle wasn’t constrained to the ring as they battled in to the crowd, out to the rampway and even above the sound system, of which Rocky threw Mankind onto to a huge explosion and the lights temporarily going out! With Mankind obviously injured but The Rock refusing to allow him any medical treatment, he chucked Mankind back in the ring and set up a table. He struggled to drag the madman to the top rope, then held him up, surely about to Rock Bottom him, when Terry Funk limped down! The crowd cheered for the legend who low blowed Rocky and threw him through the table! With the Great One down, Mankind reached down in to his pants and pulled out Mr Socko. The crowd were on their feet in anticipation when Mankind suddenly stopped and began talking to Socko, who was seemingly talking back. Foley then walked over to the side of the ring and barked orders to Terry Funk. Mankind took Socko off as Funk grabbed a bag from the announcers table, put on an arm length protective glove of sorts, and put Socko back on. The crowd hushed as Mankind ripped open the bag and pulled out a lighter… [B]King:[/B] Oh my God. [B]JR:[/B] Mick, I know you’re angry and want revenge, but please, don’t do this! The lighter touched the sock and erupted into flames to the delight of the crowd. The Rock came to and, seeing the flaming Mr Socko coming towards him, panicked and tried to hightail from the ring. Mankind followed, but was eventually met by Rocky who had grabbed a fire extinguisher who thrust it in to his face. Foley dropped like a sack of potatoes as Rocky extinguished the fire, much to the distain of the crowd, before turning around and nailing Terry Funk in the face with it! With Foley down, The Rock grabbed the bag and pulled out of it a pair of handcuffs. He grasped Foley’s arm and cuffed it to the top rope, leaving the maskedman with nowhere to turn. The Rock then grabbed a steel chair and hit him around the head once, twice, thrice and four, taking Foley down to his knees. He tried to turn away but Rocky was having none of it, running around and hitting him again, then again, before grabbing the microphone and forcing it in his face. [B]Rock:[/B] Say you quit you fat sack of sh*t! [B]Mankind:[/B] Go to hell… He is cut off by another vile chair shot, when Rocky uncuffs him from the rope. However, rather than allowing a respite, he hooks his hands behind his back and leaves him to stagger groggily around the ring, right in to another chair shot, then the tenth, with the eleventh knocking him down to the mat when suddenly a towel flies in to the ring leaving the referee no choice but to ring the bell. [B]Winners: The Rock in 17:42[/B][/CENTER] The Rock turns to the outside of the ring where Terry Funk stands, almost passed out himself, having just thrown the towel in. The Rock is irate, clearly not satisfied at having someone quit on his behalf, rolls to the outside and Rock Bottom’s a frail Funker to the barely padded floor. He rises up and looks out to the crowd as most boo, although some cheer the ruthless streak of the Great One who finally proved tonight he is championship material. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with Triple H. [B]Cole: [/B]Hunter, tonight you enter the Dungeon against five other men and hope to bring home the WWF Title back to the DX camp. [B]Triple H:[/B] There’s no hope about it, Cole, there may have been once, but it’s beyond wanting to win the title now. I need to win that title, I need it like I need oxygen, or like Owen Hart needs a diaper. I can’t lose tonight, it’s not an option. I may enter 3rd, it may be 5th, frankly, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is the person who will be walking out of Carnage with the WWF Title around his waist will be Triple H. [B]Cole: [/B]With that said, how will you be able to compete in what should be such a violent match with your best friend going for the same thing as you? [B]Triple H:[/B] The rules are the same in this match as they are in any other- you do what it takes to win the title and you ask questions later. Clearly Shawn knows that better than anyone, hell, he taught me that damn rule the hard way. If I have to go through Shawn to be the WWF Champion you can bet your ass I’ll do it. Blood will be spilt in this match and bones are gonna be broken. But all of that, even this interview, it doesn’t mean jack. What matters is I’m ready to play the game, but for everyone else it’s about to be… game…over. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is shown demonstrating the unparrelled intensity and stiffness or the Human Wrecking Machine Tazz. He is shown taking opponents apart with his wide range of Suplexes and of course his deadly Tazzmission finisher. The video finishes with footage of the devastating Piledriver to Goldust and his vicious assaults of members of the hardcore division. We then see Tazz standing by with Kevin Kelly. [B]Kelly:[/B] Tazz, after returning from your suspension you have made a point of making yourself seen, but that seems to have got to the fastest rising star in wrestling, Rob Van Dam. [B]Tazz:[/B] You think I give a crap about Rob Van Dam? I know Rob from our time in Philly and you know what I did to him there? I kicked his ass. I punked him out, I grabbed his throat and choked the life out of him. What you and all these other morons in the WWF seem to be forgetting is I am the most intense wrestler, note “wrestler” not “sports entertainer”, in the WWF, and I can take out whoever I want, wherever I want. I am taking this God damn company down, and I’m going to do it my way. Thug life born… thug life bred… and when the time comes… I’ll be thug life dead. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RVD came down to the ring to a rapturous reception, the fans clearly digging the man now known as the fastest rising star in the WWF. Apart from the odd cheer, Tazz’s entrance was on the complete other end of the scale, downbeat, hate filled, the crowd booing at his previous actions. As Tazz was approaching the ring Van Dam took a step back and ran at the ropes, flipping over the top and taking Tazz out with a Suicide Senton! The crowd immediately started chanting his name as RVD left no time to recover, punching the Human Wrecking Machine over and over again on the outside. Tazz managed to push him off, stood up and attempted a Clothesline, but RVD ducked and nailed him with a Spinning Heel Kick. He threw him in the ring and this match is ready to go! [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]“Human Wrecking Machine” Tazz vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B][/SIZE] Van Dam had the early advantage thanks to his pre-match stunt, but Tazz has a reputation for not being kept down and used his low centre of gravity to knock Van Dam about. RVD tried to utilise his speed advantage but this didn’t last long as Tazz nailed Van Dam with a stiff kick to the knee, causing the high flier to fall to the mat with a thump. Tazz then dominated the contest, largely working on the knee of RVD, and much to the displeasure of some of the crowd slowing the contest down. Tazz doesn’t make many mistakes, but when he attempted a Flip from the top rope of his own it allowed Rob Van Dam to nail a couple of kicks. He slammed Tazz to the mat, ran off the ropes and hit him with a Rolling Thunder, only to instantly grab his knee in pain. Nonetheless, this didn’t stop the Whole Dam Show as he hobbled about the ring trying to keep the Brooklyn native down with his vast arrays of kicks and top rope manoeuvres. With Tazz groggy from a stinging kick, RVD leapt to the top rope and flew across the kick with a flying super kick, only to be caught by Tazz. Tying RVD’s leg under his chin, Tazz threw him across the ring in a Capture Belly To Belly Suplex. Not content with that, he grabbed his leg and threw him not once but three more times. He then crouched down behind him, probably awaiting a Tazzmission, when suddenly the lights dimmed and gold glitter shot out each of the four turnbuckles, briefly confusing the Human Wrecking Machine. The glitter formed four huge golden fountains as Tazz stared at them confused, only for them to suddenly stop. He turned around where Van Dam had sprung to his feet and nailed him with Sweet Chin Music! He then leapt to the top rope, flew off and bang! Five Star Frog Splash for the three count! [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam in 9:42[/B][/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] What the hell was that?! [B]JR:[/B] I don’t know, but RVD picked up the victory and he did it borrowing his idols move, the Sweet Chin Music! [B]King:[/B] He didn’t win because of the move, he did it because of the glitter thing! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is standing by with Jeff Jarrett. [B]Cole:[/B] Jeff, tonight you have the opportunity to win your first WWF Title and you get to do it as the last entrance in what may be the most violent and body-testing match in history. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Well that’s just it, isn’t it, Michael? What I have is an opportunity, but an opportunity ultimately equates to nothing. If you don’t take that opportunity then no-one could give two strokes about you- no-one remembers the runner up. The important thing is that when opportunity comes knocking you grab it with both hands and you show the world that you are ready to be the next big thing in this industry. I got an opportunity to be here and I took it by beating The Rock, Mankind, Shamrock and even Stone Cold Steve Austin. I then got an opportunity to prove myself against Shawn Michaels, and I took it. I got an opportunity to get the final entrance spot and I took that too. You see, tonight I get the opportunity to face 5 slapnuts and walk out of London as the WWF Champion. I took my past opportunities… I won’t fail when it comes to this one. The time has come for the Man With All The Stroke, the man who has been trusted with the name of the New American Dream, to prove to the audience, to the McMahon’s, to the Alliance, to the fans, to the world and most importantly to myself that I am good enough to be WWF Champion. Choke on that…. Slapnut. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A brief video is aired showing the Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian at their best, flying about the ring and showing themselves to be the fastest rising teams in WWF history. However, the mood of the video changes drastically as Gangrel is introduced, showing the strange and downright crazy actions he has led the youngsters from Canada in to, including some brutal assaults and of course, the blood baths. [B]JR: [/B]Well, King, up next will be the first ever Tag Team Ladder Match in WWF history and it’s for the Tag Team Titles. [B]King:[/B] It may be for the belts JR but it is about a lot more than that now. These two teams entered the WWF around the same time, they’ve never really managed to prove which team is better. With Gangrel added to the mix and some of the crazy stuff he’s pulled on the Hardy Boyz, this one is all about pride. [B]JR:[/B] Lets take it up to The Fink. [B]Fink:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen… the following match up is the TAG TEAM LADDER MATCH FOR THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION TAG TEAM TITLES! The first team to climb the ladder and retrieve the tag team gold hanging above the ring will be declared the winners and the new Tag Team Champions! [B]King:[/B] Thank you, Einstein. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Ladder Match for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefjeff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefMatt.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Brood” Edge & Christian w/Gangrel vs Hardy Boyz ©[/SIZE][/B] The Hardy Boyz waste no time in this one, sprinting straight to the ring to go for E&C. The two young teams try to battle it out with fists but within seconds the first ladder has been brought in to play, Matt using it to work on the midsection of Edge. He then threw Edge in to the corner, rested a ladder against him and knelt down as Jeff left Christian to jump off his brothers back and into the ladder for Poetry In Motion! Meanwhile Matt starts hitting Christian in the corner, sets the ladder up again and kneels down as Jeff runs… but Christian throws the ladder back in his face! Christian then starts attacking Matt, moving the ladder out of the way between the ring ropes and punches Matt nearby. With both men not looking Jeff groggily got to his feet and jumped over the top rope onto the ladder, sending it to catapult up in to their faces. A small “Holy Sh*t!” chant starts up as Edge begins to attack young Jeff. With Jeff doubled up Edge goes to the outside and grabs a couple of chairs. He sets them up quite far apart, balances a ladder between them, grabs Jeff and Suplexes him onto it! The screams of Jeff Hardy can be heard for miles as Edge looks to Gangrel who is nodding in approval. The incredible, breathtaking display of all four men continues for several more moments, when with Christian climbing the ladder, Matt pulls him off with a thud while Jeff grabs another ladder. Both Hardyz climb up, look at each other and dive off for the tandem offence they call the Team OMEGA! To the delight of the girls in the audience they rip their shirts off, but this allows Gangrel to enter the ring and take them both out with a ladder! The crowd boo incessantly until the referees get in the ring and tell Gangrel his presence is no longer need and he is to be sent to the back! With neither team able to gain a solid advantage and with the sick bumps coming quick and fast, Matt DDT’s Edge to the mat while Jeff climbs a ladder. Looking almost 15 feet below him, Jeff does the two finger salute and dives off for a Swanton, only for Edge to roll out of the way! Jeff lands with a thud as Edge & Christian then begin to double team Matt. They whip him in to the ropes but he takes them both out with a clothesline, grabs the ladder and starts to climb. The fans are willing him on as he gets to the top and grabs the wire the titles are suspended on, only for Christian to move the ladder from underneath him. Matt dangles precariously as Christian repositions the ladder a little way away and climbs up, grabs Matt by the neck, bends him backwards whilst still hanging on to the wire and jumps off, crushing him with a Reverse DDT! Edge begins to climb the ladder with every single member of the crowd on their feet, edging closer and closer to the titles, just fingertips away when Michael Hayes storms the ring! We haven’t seen him since Edge & Christian brutalised him over a month ago! He shoves the ladder and sends Edge flying crotch first on to the top rope! All four men appear to be down, until Jeff slowly gets to his feet and tries to climb up the ladder. He gradually gets closer, only for Edge & Christian to start climbing too, and with steel chairs! With all three at the top, and with Jeff trying to reach the belts, Edge & Christian swing their chairs and crush Jeff’s skull in between, leaving him to fall from the ladder to the mat below. The Canadians drop their chairs and reach up to retrieve the Tag Team Titles! [B]Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions: Edge & Christian in 14:22[/B][/CENTER] The new champions flop to the mat in exhaustion as the crowd remain on their feet. A “That Was Awesome!” chant begins as people applaud the efforts of all four men who truly put their heart and soul in to entertaining the fans. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alliance and Acolyte member Bradshaw is standing by with Kevin Kelly. [B]Kelly:[/B] Bradshaw, tonight will it be your sole role at the event is to ensure that Shane McMahon wins… or merely survives against Stone Cold? [I]Bradshaw aggressively pins Kelly up against the wall by his throat.[/I] [B]Bradshaw:[/B] You listen here you disrespectful piece of crap… Shane McMahon could beat Steve Austin any day of the week, everybody knows that. But tonight isn’t about the match, it is about taking Austin out and ensuring he will never, ever be able to ruin the WWF aga… Suddenly, as Bradshaw is talking, a chair swings from nowhere and crashes against his back! The camera zooms out to see Steve Austin standing there, waiting as Bradshaw painfully turns around and is met by a vile chair shot to the head, knocking him down in a heap. [B]Austin:[/B] Two down… four to go. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Wembley Icons Number One[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Bobby Moore[/SIZE][/B] He was capped 108 times by his country and was the youngest ever captain of England at just 22 years of age. He won the FA Cup with West Ham at Wembley Stadium and was described by Pele as the best centre back he ever played against. But it was under the glorious Twin Towers of Wembley Stadium, after setting up two goals from centre back in a 4-2 win over West Germany that this legend achieved what all England captains have attempted for the last 30 years and lifted the Jules Rimet trophy to crown England the World Cup winners in the most iconic moment not only of his career, but in the history of the amazing stadium.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Van Dam is backstage when Shawn Michaels runs over. [B]Shawn: [/B]Hey, Rob. [B]RVD: [/B]Hey man, what’s up? [B]Shawn:[/B] Just wanted to let you know that I saw your match and I was impressed, brother. [B]RVD:[/B] You didn’t mind about the Sweet Chin Music thing? It was sort of a recognition thing for all the help you’ve given me over the few weeks. [B]Shawn:[/B] Dude, it’s cool. In fact, I really dug it. It wasn’t as good as mine, but it didn’t look half bad. [B]RVD:[/B] Besides, you’ve been doing that move for, what? 40-odd years?! [B]Shawn: [/B]Hey… watch your lip, young man. [B]RVD:[/B] Sorry, Granddad. [B]Shawn: [/B]You want me to smack you around? [B]RVD:[/B] What you do in your spare time is cool, dude, but leave me out of it… [I]Shawn laughs and high fives Van Dam[/I] [B]Shawn:[/B] I gotta be going, I’ve got a match to prepare for. [B]RVD: [/B]Sure. But Shawn, remember, you need any help against The Alliance or whatever you could do a lot worse than R…. V…..D! [B]Shawn: [/B]I will remember it. Now pull up a seat and get ready for the Dungeon match, ‘cos you’re gonna see why they call me the Showstoppa! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq makes his way down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Brownington: [/B]Hello, fellow countrymen! It’s bloody well jolly to be here in London with the chance to be your representative in the World Wrestling Federation! So this is an open invitation for you all to join me in my wild British celebration party after I win the European Title! We will do all the things us Brits love to do… like drink tea and eat crumpets… or avoid brushing our teeth… or queuing… or complain about the unpredictability of the weather even though it’s only ever sunny, drizzly or windy… or maybe we can say golly gosh to all that and just go ahead and spoon each other. Either way, we’ll have a downright piss up to celebrate the fact that I, Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington II Esq, 18th in line to the throne, finally have the solo title I so bloody well deserve! God Save The Queen! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Finals of the World Wrestling Federation European Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq. vs Lance Storm[/SIZE][/B] Storm sure seemed hungry for this right form the off, but after Brownington’s cheap shot on Raw Storm didn’t seem to be completely 100%, which played in to the hands of the mock Englishman. Both men are very highly rated by the WWF management and it’s clear why when they look that smooth in the ring, Storm tying D’Lo in knots and Brown nailing some pretty tough, hard-hitting moves. Storm tries to take Brown down with a Dragon Screw but D’Lo stands firm, instead kneeing him in the gut and lifting him up for a Running Powerbomb. Storm came down with a sick thud, but rather than going for the cover he climbed up to the tope rope and majestically dived off for the Lo-Down… but missed! Storm rolled out of the way, grabbed his leg and locked in the Single Leg Boston Crab bang in the centre of the ring. D’Lo had nowhere to go so he was left with no choice but to tap out! [B]Winner and NEW European Champion: Lance Storm in 9:40[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lights in the arena dim as a video starts to roll on the Titantron. The camera is following a vehicle through a long, dark tunnel, with the tiny dot of light gradually getting closer and closer. Eventually, the vehicle reaches the light and it overbearingly and blindingly shines into the camera, but when it refocus’ Sean Morgan is standing there alone, shirt undone revealing a tremendous 8 pack, arrogantly looking down on the camera with the slogan below.... [B][SIZE="4"]THE FUTURE: SEAN MORGAN[/SIZE][/B] [I]The light at the end of the tunnel…[/I] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ValVenis1998.jpg[/IMG] [B]Morgan: [/B]Hi everyone, I’m Sean Morgan, the future of the World Wrestling Federation. You all know of me by now thanks to the ridiculously expensive video packages that have been hyping my debut, all paid for by yours truly. I just want to let you all know how excited I am about my debut. I can’t wait to go out there and change each and every one of your views about wrestling. You’ll look at me and say “Good God, that’s what this business should be about.” Look at me, I’m stunningly handsome, I’m funny, I’m entertaining and I’m easily the best natural born athlete this company has ever seen. With greatness comes responsibility, and I am ready to accept my responsibility to give each and every one of you the show you deserve. Courtesy of… The Future: Sean Morgan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Austin is walking backstage, ready for his match, when he is stopped by Michael Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Steve, Steve, can I have a word? You’re about to face Shane McMahon in a match you surely can’t win. What are your tactics? [B]Austin:[/B] My tactics? What I’m gonna do is I’m gonna walk down to the ring, bring a beer, drink another beer, look into the eyes of Shane McMahon and watch him crap himself and run home to his daddy. [B]Cole: [/B]With all due respect, aren’t you taking this situation a bit lightly? [B]Austin: [/B]You’re saying I need a plan B? Okay, well, I’ve already opened a can of whoop ass on Faarooq, I’ve already opened a can of whoop ass on Bradshaw, I’ll open a can on Brisco, then on Patterson, then on Shane and put all those cans together to stomp the mudhole of all mudholes in Vince McMahon AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE… ‘COS STONE COLD SAID SO! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pat Patterson comes down to the ring, shoves Howard Finkel from it and grabs a microphone. [B]Pat: [/B]It’s now time for the title opportunities of Stone Cold to end forever. Firstly, allow me to introduce one half of one of the greatest tag teams ever, a legend in the business and a man who makes a mean chicken casserole. He is the most loyal, hardcore, psychotic son of a gun in wrestling history, tonights Special Referee… Gerald Brisco! Brisco comes down to the ring in a referee’s shirt and hugs Patterson. [B]Pat:[/B] And now… please welcome the owner of the WWF. He is a billionaire, shrewd businessman, intense in ring competitor and a God amongst men. Please welcome, the ever handsome, Timekeeper for the upcoming match… Mr McMahon! Vince McMahon is wheeled down to the ring by an unknown associate who is shoved aside by Brisco who wants to take him the rest of the way. Brisco punches the timekeeper in the face and throws him to the side, and places McMahon in the gap before offering a particularly cheesy grin and climbing back in the ring. [B]Pat: [/B]And now… the Boy Wonder… the man who will one day inherit the WWF. He is a phenom in the ring, a high flying miracle. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, the man who will rid the WWF of all its problems and stop Stone Cold from getting near the title again… Shane McMahon! Shane jumps and dances his way to the ring, embracing Patterson and Brisco as he goes. The glass then shatters and the crowd erupt, lifting the roof off the building. Steve Austin bursts through the curtain and storms in to the ring. Before Patterson even has a chance to introduce him Austin kicks him in the gut and Stunners him! The crowd explodes with cheers as Austin turns to Shane McMahon, lifts 6 fingers at him, and gradually takes 3 down. The message is clear… “Three down, three to go”. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Street Fight[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Shane McMahon vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] Austin dominates the early proceedings, generally having his way with the Boy Wonder who seems to be nothing more than a punching bag to the Rattlesnake. Of course, JR reminds us Shane is a terrific athlete, and he is, but it doesn’t get him anywhere with a bad ass the calibre of Stone Cold. Despite the early domination, Austin shows no signs of wanting to finish the match early, which allows Shane a way back in to the match when Brisco, who is supposed to be the impartial referee, attacks Austin behind, giving Shane a chance to get the ring bell and clock Austin in the head with it. With Austin down and bloody, Shane starts having fun with the former champion, trying to humiliate him as he beats him. Austin doesn’t stay down for long but the impact of the bell shot clearly leaves him a bit rattled, even without the constant meddling and interference from Gerald Brisco. With Austin punching Shane-O on the outside, Vince McMahon passes a steel chair to Brisco who uses to clock Austin in the head with it! With Austin down, Brisco positions Austin on the table as Shane climbs the top rope… surely not… Mac Daddy Elbow! Shane flew through the air to take Stone Cold through the table to a hearty and lengthy “HOLY SH*T!” chant from the crowd. Brisco helps Shane to his feet and helps him in to the ring, and grabs Austin aggressively. He slaps him around the face a couple of times and Vince smiles nearby, eventually throwing the lifeless Rattlesnake in to the ring too. With Austin down, McMahon climbs up to the top rope and dives off looking for the Flying Elbow Drop, but Austin rolls out of the way! Shane gets to his feet…. Stunner! Austin makes the cover but, what the hell? Brisco is refusing to count the fall! Austin looks furious as he gets to his feet, flips Good Ol’ Jerry the bird and Stunners him too! Austin gets in his face smack talking completely oblivious to the fact that the Acolytes are limping down to the ring. They get in and start beating on Austin, but the fact that they are injured makes them easy pickings for Austin and his throws Faarooq out of the ring like garbage and Stunners Bradshaw. With everyone down, Austin turns to Vince McMahon, sitting in his wheelchair at ringside and shows him the middle finger as he goes over to Shane and picks him up. Shane stands groggily in front of him as Austin emphatically flips him the bird, ready to finish him off with one almighty Stunner when suddenly he’s hit with a chairshot from… Vince McMahon?! [B]JR:[/B] What the hell?! I thought he was supposed to be injured damn it! [B]King:[/B] Ha, I love it! Vince screwed Stone Cold! [B]JR: [/B]I don’t by God believe this! The crowd boo deafeningly as McMahon stands over Austin, grinning like an idiot. He rips the shirt off of Brisco’s back and puts it over his own shirt, apparently declaring himself as the referee. He puts his son on top and makes the count… ONE… TWO… TH… NO! [B]JR: [/B]Austin kicked out! Austin kicked out! Clearly frustrated, Vince mounts Austin and starts wearing him out with the stiff lefts and rights, battering Austin’s head in. He grabs the steel chair and hits Austin across the shoulder with it a few times, before shouting at Shane to get to his feet. Shane picks Austin up and props him up as Vince steps back, holds the chair back and charges and swings and hits… Shane! Austin ducked! Vince looks on shocked as Austin kicks him in the midsection… Stunner! He covers Shane as Earl Hebner sprints to the ring… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin in 13:16[/B][/CENTER] Hebner lifts Austin’s arm in victory, but Austin doesn’t care. Holding his battered head he summons for a few of Steveweisers, catches them and offers a couple to Earl Hebner. Each man stands on the opposite turnbuckles and douses themselves in beer as the flashbulbs illuminate the Arena of cheering fans. [B]JR: [/B]Bah God! Austin did it! Austin beat Shane! That means he gets a title shot at a time of his choosing! [B]King:[/B] No! Don’t say that, that’s horrible! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Kelly is standing backstage with the WWF Champion Owen Hart who is primed and ready for action. [B]Kelly:[/B] Owen, you’ve been through so much in the last year, now you have to defend your WWF Title in the London Dungeon match starting at number one. Who confident are you? [B]Owen:[/B] Kelly… isn’t that a girls name? [B]Kelly: [/B]It’s my surname. [B]Owen:[/B] Shut up, I don’t care. You wanna know if I’m feeling confident? Please, I’ve never been anything other than confident in my own abilities. No matter what that scheming little bitch Linda McMahon tries to do to stop me, I am still the WWF Champion and I will do whatever it takes it ensure I still have this belt at the end of the night. [B]Kelly: [/B]How do you feel about your old arch-nemesis Shawn Michaels starting the match with you? [B]Owen:[/B] I don’t give a crap about Shawn Michaels. It could be anyone starting the match with me, it doesn’t matter. You see this belt? This says I’m the very best there is in this business, and tonight I prove to you and all the other jackasses exactly why that is. All I have to do is whatever it takes, and let me tell you, I’m pretty damn good at doing whatever it takes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]London Dungeon Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“King Of Harts” Owen Hart © vs The Undertaker vs Kane vs “The New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett vs “The Game” Triple H vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] [B]ENTRANT NUMBERS 1 & 2: OWEN HART & SHAWN MICHAELS[/B] Had it been any other two competitors, they probably would have taken it easy to last for the long haul, but such is the hatred between these two men they tore in to each other before the bell had even started! The constant one-upmanship was plain for all to see as they wanted to finally lay to rest who is the better man- Shawn Michaels or Owen Hart. Michaels tried to take Owen down but he was having none of it- no clever reversals, no intelligent holds, he just punched him square in the mouth and threw him from the ring. However, before he could get there Shawn sprang to his feet, grabbed Owen and launched him in to the unforgiving steel. He raked his head constantly, splitting his forehead wide open after mere minutes of action. The two continued to brawl until the count down began at ten, rolling down to nothing. As the dial hit naught the lights went out and the famous “Bong” reverberated around the arena as The Deadman slowly walked down to the ring. [B]ENTRANT NUMBER 3: THE UNDERTAKER (5 minutes)[/B] ‘Taker eventually came in through the front door and immediately peeled Owen away form Shawn and started beating down on the Heartbreak Kid! Owen’s instincts were to get involved, but instead he stood back and watched as the Phenom threw HBK from pillar to post. Despite only being in the ring for five extra minutes and the fact that they’ve had some legendary matches in the past, ‘Taker dominated Michaels who couldn’t even lay a punch on the 6’10 monster. Sensing an opportunity, Owen sneaked up behind ‘Taker, grabbed his tights and rolled him up… ONE… TWO…. NO! ‘Taker kicked out… and man does he look p*ssed! Owen stepped backwards and tried to plead but Owen, Owen, Owen, you know The Undertaker won’t forgive… BANG! ‘Taker nails Owen with a right hook and sends him across the ring. Owen tries to get to his feet but ‘Taker just chases him, continuing to pummel him as he goes. Owen crudely kicks ‘Taker between the legs, climbs to the top rope and tries a flying cross body, but is caught in mid air. ‘Taker spins him around for a Tombstone and drops the champion on his head! However, before ‘Taker can capitalise Shawn runs over and starts pummelling him, seemingly in mid-second wind, knocking the Phenom off his game! He takes him down once, twice, climbs to the top rope for a Flying Elbow… but misses! ‘Taker just sits up and starts punching Shawn in the corner over and over, lifts him up and grabs him by the throat as the timer begins at ten, down to five, three, two, one… [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]BREAK IT DOWN![/COLOR][/B] [B]ENTRANT NUMBER 4: TRIPLE H (10 minutes)[/B] The Game sprints to the ring to intercept the attempted Chokeslam on his friend and partner. He starts punching at Undertaker, whips him off the rope but is met with a solid clothesline. Triple H is groggy as Undertaker turns around… Sweet Chin Music! Undertaker is knocked senseless, he doesn’t know where he is and walks straight in to Triple H… kick in the gut… Pedigree! ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]ELIMINATION NUMBER 1: THE UNDERTAKER BY TRIPLE H (12 minutes)[/B] [B]JR: [/B]Bah Gawd do you believe it?! The Undertaker is the first man eliminated! King: What?! This can’t be happening! D-Generation X have no time to celebrate as they are immediately taken down by Owen Hart who tries to stay on top of them both, but of course, this doesn’t last long. DX try to have their own way with Owen, but the competitive nature of the duo which has threatened to tear them apart as of late rears its ugly head again, causing them to start fighting amongst each other rather than with Owen. Owen rolls away from the ring as Shawn and Hunter bash away at each other, each man probably knowing what move the other will do even before they do. With both DX men focusing on each other, the ever-opportunistic Owen Hart eventually sees the opportunity he needs, grabbing a lead pipe from the weapon storage and taking both of them out with it. Quick as a flash, he is back outside in the storage, pulling out a table and a few steel chairs. He grabs one chair and starts wailing on them, stops and sets up a table.He drags Triple H by the hair, lifts him up for a Powerbomb, and gradually walks towards the table where Shawn Michaels intercepts him. He punches him a few times, back body drops him and slams him, before placing him on a table. He climbs up to the top rope, but Triple H stops him, informing him he has an idea. Hunter rolls out of the ring and grabs a Ladder. Shawn smiles as he dismounts the turnbuckle, helps Hunter set it up and climbs up. The crowd rise in anticipation as Shawn looks down, cross chops Owen and goes to dive off… but no! Triple H shoved the Ladder over, causing Michaels to go flying in to the steel mesh on the outside! Triple H grabs Owen, shoves him between his legs for the Pedigree…. But Owen drops to his knees, trips him and locks in the Sharpshooter! Triple H has nowhere to go! Will he tap? His hand is hovering… Sweet Chin Music! Where did Michaels come from?! All three men slump to the mat as the count down begins yet again, the crowd knowing who is next. [B]ENTRANT NUMBER 5: KANE (15 minutes)[/B] JR & King ask who is going to stop Kane who walks down to the ring, steps in and throws Owen from the ring like a piece of garbage, instead choosing to focus on DX. He’s as intense as he is huge, wearing out HHH and the exhausted Michaels slowly but surely, occasionally leaving his game plan to make sure Owen won’t bother him. These brief stops allow DX to finally start getting in some offence on Kane, but this guy isn’t human, surely? I mean, you just can’t keep him down. Owen puts aside his hatred for DX, knowing full well without their help he may not be able to beat Kane. Three men, none of whom trust the other, all try to keep Kane down, but it’s no use. He powers away from all three of them with ease and single handedly slams them one at a time, before grabbing a tool box from the weapons storage. From the box he grabs a screwdriver and immediately targets Michaels, ripping the flesh on his face wide open so the blood pours everywhere. His face is the proverbial crimson mask in seconds and pretty soon the mat is covered in Shawn’s blood. Seeing his attention diverted elsewhere, Triple H low blows the Big Red Monster, whips him in to the ropes and nails him with a Knee Smash. He turns away to bounce off the rope, maybe for a Running Knee Drop where he is met by the foot of Shaw Michaels serving up Sweet Chin Music on his best friend! Shawn covers him… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]ELIMINATION NUMBER TWO: TRIPLE H BY SHAWN MICHAELS (19 minutes)[/B] All three remaining men are exhausted in the ring, laying on the mat unable to move. Triple H gradually comes to and realises what his so called best friend had done, but was helped out of the ring by the guards, much to his displeasure as the countdown begins for one last time, about to introduce the luckiest man in the building… [B]ENTRANT NUMBER 6: JEFF JARRETT (20 minutes)[/B] Fresh and unharmed, Jarrett very slowly walks down to the ring, knowing full well there is no need to rush. When he gets there he immediately tries to cover Kane, perhaps thinking he is the greatest threat, but is pushed away and starts being attacked himself. Jarrett tries to block but cannot, the Big Red Machine very much having his own way with him, but eventually Michaels gets the energy to get involved, trying to take Kane down with a chopblock. Shockingly, it is then he and Owen Hart who double team the monster, until it occurs to them thay they do in fact hate each other and start brawling again. Within this Owen Hart grabs a Steel Chair and swings for Michaels, but instead accidentily catches Kane! It knocks the monster a bit groggy, but he suddenly snaps out of it and starts going for Owen! The Champion looks like he's seen a ghost and tries to run but the truth he is stuck. Kane follows him around the ring, but with his back turned, Jarrett grabs the Big Red Monster and rolls him up in a school boy… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]ELIMINATION NUMBER 3: KANE BY JEFF JARRETT (24 minutes)[/B] As soon as Mike Chioda’s hand hits the mat for the third time Jarrett pulls back on his knees, celebrating, as though he has finally proven he is worth his place in the match. However, whilst clenching his face with his hands Kane gets to his feet towers over the New American Dream, before grabbing him by the throat and Chokeslamming him half the way to hell. Not happy with that, he then grabs HBK and plants him with a Chokeslam, before turning to Owen Hart. The guards rush in to the ring to stop him, but they too are taken out by the wrath of the Big Red Monster, who eventually get his hand around Owen Hart’s throat and throws him to the mat with a devastating Chokeslam. The devastation seems to be over as Kane attempts to exit the ring, but before he does he turns back to the ring and decides to give the man who pinned him one final reminder as he turns Jarrett upside down… Tombstone! Kane leaves the Dungeon as Owen comes to. Seeing Jeffery down he crawls over and lays a hand on him… ONE… TWO… TH… NO! Jarrett kicked out! It may be his desire to be the champion that’s doing it but by God he kicked out. The three remaining men all gradually get to their feet, exchanging blows without really managing to get anywhere on each other. Eventually Owen tries to take Jarrett down, but Jeff reverses it and has Owen on his back with a leg in the air, so he shouts for the Figure Four. He wraps one leg around, spins and BAM! Sweet Chin Music! Owen grabs him as he falls in to a pinning predicament… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]ELIMINATION NUMBER 4: JEFF JARRETT BY OWEN HART (28 minutes)[/B] With Jarrett gone, Owen and Shawn both sliver over to a turnbuckle and try to pull themselves up, resting heavily on the ropes for support. They look across the ring and see that it’s just those two now- they started the match and they’ll damn sure finish it. There must be a winner and one man must be proven to be the best inside the Dungeon. They dart for each other, pulling out energy from anywhere they can, throwing punches left and right at each other, forgetting about finesse or beauty in favour of trying to gain an advantage, any advantage, over the other. Owen runs off the ropes but is back dropped form the ring, Michaels wasting no time in walking up to the ropes and catapulting himself over, right into the Champion. Neither man can get up quickly, instead trading blows on their knees on the outside, Owen seemingly getting the better of it as blood continues to flow freely from Michaels head thanks to Kane earlier. Sensing an opportunity, Owen throws HBK into the side of the Dungeon, knocking Michaels down, and reaches inside the storage facility to grab a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. He charges for Michaels but is met with a right fist, sending the bat flying in to the ring and away from danger. Shawn throws Hart into the steel mesh, causing blood to start falling from his head again, and throws him back in the ring. Michaels starts to bounce on his toes, seemingly gaining his infamous second wind that usually precursors his 5 moves of doom. He nails a couple of punches, whips him off the ropes, takes him down, lifts him up, scoop slam, goes to step away… but no! Owen caught his leg as he walked away and tripped him! Quick as a flash Owen is on his feet, locking in the Sharpshooter! HBK looks to either side but sees he is too far away from the ropes- he is trapped. He tries to wriggle free but his energy deserts him. He drags himself from one side to the other but he can’t get to the ropes. Apparently prepared to give up, his hand hovers above the mat…. Ready to quit on the chance to become champion again… [B]King: [/B]Tap! Tap! Come on, Michaels just tap! [B]JR:[/B] How long can anyone hold out for in this move! These guys have been going for over half an hour! Michaels tries to fight one last time but he can’t, sinking his head in to the mat as he clenches his fists, about to tap… but no! He uses his final bit of strength to power out! Owen, weak as well from the brutal match, merely flops to the mat as HBK gets to his feet, grabbing the barbed wire wrapped baseball bat and connects with the Champion’s forehead! The blood teems down his face, much like Michaels, as the former champ slams him to the mat. He climbs to the top rope, looks out and dives across… Flying Elbow Drop! This must be it if he covers… but where’s Shawn going? He’s on his feet and stumbles to the corner, propping himself up on the ropes, before gradually lifting his leg up and stomping down on the mat. [B]JR:[/B] I don’t by Gawd believe it, Michaels is tuning up the band! He stomps again, then again, as Owen gets to his feet. The crowd have been on their feet for a long time now, cameras poised for the impact, as HBK stomps for the last time and darts across the ring… Sweet Chin Mu… NO! Owen caught the leg, sweeps the other and locks in the Sharpshooter! Bang in the middle of the ring, Owen leans back and screams as Michaels body is bent in half. The energy and the pain threshold as he can’t fight it anymore, the pain excruciating… his hand hovers above the mat, trying to fight it one last time… but it’s to no avail! [B]JR:[/B] Michaels taps! Michaels taps! [B]Here is your winner… and STILL WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION… OWEN HART! (36:17)[/B][/CENTER] The cell is lifted as referees and EMT’s rush to the ring to consult the two fatigued warriors, neither of whom has the energy to move. They try to hand Owen the title but he can’t react having been pushed beyond the limit in the most physically demanding of matches in either mans career. The crowd look on, wanting to boo Owen retaining the title but not out of respect for their efforts, instead watching as both men try to make it to their feet after the most titanic of battles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Doug Williams def Tajiri Finlay def Ken Shamrock to become the new WWF Intercontinental Champion Hayashi & Chavo Guerrero Jr def Taka Michinoku & Psicosis. Hayashi retains the WWF Light-Heavyweight Title The Rock def Mankind in an I Quit Match Rob Van Dam def Tazz Edge & Christian def Hardy Boyz in a Ladder Match to become the new WWF Tag Team Champions Lance Storm def Desmond Lowford Brownington to become the new WWF European Champion Steve Austin def Shane McMahon in a Street Fight Owen Hart def Shawn Michaels, Jeff Jarrett, Kane, Triple H & The Undertaker in the London Dungeon Match to retain the WWF Title
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Great show! Right... from the start. King is back; good news. Anyone else still think hearing Cole and King / JR and Tazz in real life isn't right? Anyway, point is, I like JR and King. Doug Williams? Hmm. Okay, I was kind of hoping for a bigger name but that was probably a little hopeful. Anything that gets The Proclaimers played on the show is a positive for me :D Austin in the building, ready to kick ass. Irishman fighting someone called Shamrock? Coincedence or deliberately booked? :p Either way, glad Finlay is making waves and continues to be unbeaten. Not sure how much higher you'll take him, considering who else is above him. Loved, loved, loved the Mankind promo. Foley is God; give him all the titles and run two hours of Monday Night Foley every week and I'll eat it up. Undertaker needs to take out the Alliance soon, with Kane or not, either works for me. But yeah, when he snaps and cuts through everyone I'll be happy. And have Kane toss someone in a burning dumpster for good measure. Light-heavyweight match was good, especially the ending. I expect an angry Chavito on Raw, complaining about it not being fair that he was attacked when he wasn't the legal man, his back was turned, and so on. The Rock for Royal Rumble winner. I'm calling it now. Alliance need taking apart by Austin... and then at some point 'Taker, too. Yes, I'm a mark, live with it :p Damn you Terry Funk, Mick was just about to get up and win the match... honest! One more notch on Rock's belt as he races towards that Wrestlemania victory. Oh yeah, I'm stepping up from the Rumble win to Mania title win as well. What? Wishful thinking? DX implosion, Alliance implosion, something has to give soon. Great Tazz promo, stupid Goldust costing him the match though. Always preferred Tazz to RVD but both are fine on the whole. I love to hate Jarrett, so that's good heel booking. Edge and Christian new tag team champions... so when do we get to add tables and chairs to the mix? Either pairing as champs is good, just as long as they keep up the awesomeness. Austin is full of win. Shawn and RVD... how long until Triple H gets an apprentice of his own? Then DX start to splinter into two teams. That's what they'll be doing at Mania. Right. Here's where we have a problem. Lance Storm is great, he's a top worker but Sir Desmond is too damn good to be losing... ever. He is just a brilliant character to have on the undercard. Please have someone walk up to Sean Morgan during a backstage interview and ask "Didn't you used to be in porn?". Another good addition to the show, and perhaps a well-deserved push for him is on the cards? Great Austin promo, and then the most predictable result on the card [not a bad thing]. As I said before, I'm a mark and I love moments like that when they are done right. The McMahons aren't wrestlers, Brisco and Patterson are old, and The Acolytes were injured, so it was definitely believable that a badass like Stone Cold could take them all out, get the three count and then drink some beer. Bring on the title win and Mania match against The Rock. "[B]Owen:[/B] Kelly… isn’t that a girls name?" - quote of the night! :D Owen has been growing on me steadily through the diary, and while I'd go nuts for Austin, Rock or Mankind as the champ, I can dig Owen as the top dog. Incredible Main Event too, and I'm glad it came down to Hart and Michaels as the final two; that was very fitting. They outlast everyone else and still provide an epic battle despite having entered first. All in all, a terrific show. Roll on Survivor Series!
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Mate, the Mankind Foley promo was outstanding. That part in particular deserves special mention. Another grueling show, you're definitely bringing the WWF roster to life for me... wish Psicosis had have gone over only for the very selfish reason that he is one of my favourite all time wrestlers BAH GOD! Great stuff.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;539894]Great show, from start to finish. Not sure on Sean Morgan. I'm a huge mark for him, but usually your promos are so much better than that. I guess we'll just have to wait for you to get into the character.[/QUOTE] I disagree on the promo issue. A promo's design is to build a character or tell a story, of course we go the cliche course in promos nowadays because it buys consistency because fans know what to expect. But it all starts somewhere, and I believe Sean Morgan's promo delivered the type of character I think keef will develop with him. I'll go out on a stretch to see much like everything else in his storylines, he'll develop Morgan better than the "F" ever did. I think also we can get caught up in 'comparing'. Early in the show keef drops a Mankind-Foley masterpiece. Unfortunately for him, anything that follows I believe is subjected to mental comparisons and nothing and I mean nothing compares to that promo. Outstanding show yet again. Yourself, nevermore and iMac are in an absolute world of your own as far as real world diaries go.
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Finally I have time to sit down and give you a review! I liked the whole Ankle lock stip in the IC match, especially when Ken had it locked on and had to let go. Flaming Mr Socko was another highlight. And I knew Vinny Mac would be back on his feet tonight! I was surprised that D'Lo lost, I really thought he had something with the whole Englishman character. As for the Morgan thing, I guess since he is making his debut tonight, his character is completely in your hands, therefore I will try not make the comparisons to Val (well maybe just a little :o). Anyway, real good show, Austin v Owen somewhere down the road will happen... and maybe a triple threat with Rocky is on the cards?
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[QUOTE=tristram;540248]I disagree on the promo issue. A promo's design is to build a character or tell a story, of course we go the cliche course in promos nowadays because it buys consistency because fans know what to expect. But it all starts somewhere, and I believe Sean Morgan's promo delivered the type of character I think keef will develop with him. I'll go out on a stretch to see much like everything else in his storylines, he'll develop Morgan better than the "F" ever did. I think also we can get caught up in 'comparing'. Early in the show keef drops a Mankind-Foley masterpiece. Unfortunately for him, anything that follows I believe is subjected to mental comparisons and nothing and I mean nothing compares to that promo. [/QUOTE] I'm well aware that keefy will build Morgan much better than WWE ever did, just that his promo was a little... Blah by keefy's standards.
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Thanks to everyone who has left feedback, I really appreciate you taking time to let me know what you thought of the show. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;539613]Doug Williams? Hmm. Okay, I was kind of hoping for a bigger name but that was probably a little hopeful. Anything that gets The Proclaimers played on the show is a positive for me :D[/QUOTE] At the moment, I don't feel like I need all that many big names. I'm pleased with the balance of the roster and most people have a role or storyline. I'm realyl trying to improve the Light-Heavyweight division and with a few youngsters I thought Doug Williams would be a solid hand to stop it becoming too spot monkeyish, and his name leads itself to a Scottish character, so I had to sign him purely for Wrestlecrap reasons! [QUOTE=Slim Jim;539613]Loved, loved, loved the Mankind promo. Foley is God; give him all the titles and run two hours of Monday Night Foley every week and I'll eat it up.[/QUOTE] Pleased people appreciated the Mankind promo. There will be a period of goofy Mankind coming up, I warn you of that, but its all bigger picture. I loved writing for Foley because he is actually one of those people, when you look at his old WWF and ECW promos who took the time to get across his point. He didn't have to yell or sprout catchphrases, but with one well spoken promo he could make a match seem so important. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;539613]Undertaker needs to take out the Alliance soon, with Kane or not, either works for me. But yeah, when he snaps and cuts through everyone I'll be happy. And have Kane toss someone in a burning dumpster for good measure.[/QUOTE] We'll see... we'll see. I like evil Undertaker, I think he works well as a heel but of course, he is too damn good to just be an upper midcarder, which he is at the moment really, but as with Foley it's all part of the bigger picture. That last comment, however, is a bit spooky you thought of that... [QUOTE=Slim Jim;539613]Damn you Terry Funk, Mick was just about to get up and win the match... honest! One more notch on Rock's belt as he races towards that Wrestlemania victory. Oh yeah, I'm stepping up from the Rumble win to Mania title win as well. What? Wishful thinking? [/QUOTE] Glad you are seeing Rocky as a bonafide main eventer, that was what I wanted to get across in this feud with Mankind. As for Terry Funk, I guess he couldn't watch his buddy just keep getting pounded, knowing that Mankind would never give up. Or is there a twist a-brewing? [QUOTE=Slim Jim;539613]DX implosion, Alliance implosion, something has to give soon.[/QUOTE] Very much what I was going for, so thanks! I want to create the sense that, what with all the inside tensions, it may not necessarily be the other group that finishes them, it cold be in the in-fighting or someone breaking out. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;539613]I love to hate Jarrett, so that's good heel booking.[/QUOTE] That's the beauty of Jarrett. He's so easy to book as a heel because people really aren't a fan of him. He is pretty annoying in this diary, he gets wins he doesn't deserve and has this attitude of being one of the very best in the business based on undeserved wins, but of course there is always a risk that people just won't like him because they don't like him in real life. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;539613]Right. Here's where we have a problem. Lance Storm is great, he's a top worker but Sir Desmond is too damn good to be losing... ever. He is just a brilliant character to have on the undercard.[/QUOTE] Interesting. Truthfully, don't really know what to do with D'Lo. Storm has a whole bunch of storylines leading up to something I've wanted to do all along, and what with having Sable by his side, he's dandy. But Sir Desmond? He's the one guy on the roster I don't really know what to do with and the one person I wish I did. He may actually go through a period of not really getting used, which sucks for someone I like as much as D'Lo. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;539613]Great Austin promo, and then the most predictable result on the card [not a bad thing]. As I said before, I'm a mark and I love moments like that when they are done right. The McMahons aren't wrestlers, Brisco and Patterson are old, and The Acolytes were injured, so it was definitely believable that a badass like Stone Cold could take them all out, get the three count and then drink some beer. Bring on the title win and Mania match against The Rock.[/QUOTE] Glad you got the booking too. Austin was so huge around this time, he couldn't lose to a non-wrestler, however, feuding with them does make sense. He was doing the whole Superman thing years ago and truthfully I've not booked him to be as dominant as I could have. This way, he opens a can of whoop ass, the fans would enjoy it but no-one has really been buried because of it. Like you say, overcoming, Vince, Shane, Brisco and Patterson is difficult but not ridiculous. I personally think in real life that Kane lost his touch because of his feud with Austin. Kane wa sa dominant monster, became Austin's bitch for a couple of months and lost all momentum. [QUOTE=G-Prime;539894]Great show, from start to finish. Not sure on Sean Morgan. I'm a huge mark for him, but usually your promos are so much better than that. I guess we'll just have to wait for you to get into the character.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback. To a degree, I agree. But bare in mind he is a new debutant that hasn't dealt with any other wrestlers. So he's just promoing to build himself up. I'll get in to the character more as time goes by and it won't be the generic heel stuff, but I want him to be a bit focal for a while either way. Besides, I wanted an element of annoyingness to his character, this sense of grandieur without any real justification. But thanks for the feedback. [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;539912]as always keefy great show[/QUOTE] Thanks dude, glad to know you enjoyed it. [QUOTE=sebsy;539987]Great show Keefy. The main event was just superb and the whole thing was brilliantly written. The Mankind promo early on in the PPV was absolutely spot on too.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate. I wanted the main event to have an epic feel to it so hopefully that came across. And again, glad the Mankind promo worked. I watched a lot of his old promos for a while to get in the mindset, but it's still a worry because I didn't want to take any of his old lines or anything, so I just wanted it to sound like what I think he'd sound like. [QUOTE=tristram;540248]I disagree on the promo issue. A promo's design is to build a character or tell a story, of course we go the cliche course in promos nowadays because it buys consistency because fans know what to expect. But it all starts somewhere, and I believe Sean Morgan's promo delivered the type of character I think keef will develop with him. I'll go out on a stretch to see much like everything else in his storylines, he'll develop Morgan better than the "F" ever did. I think also we can get caught up in 'comparing'. Early in the show keef drops a Mankind-Foley masterpiece. Unfortunately for him, anything that follows I believe is subjected to mental comparisons and nothing and I mean nothing compares to that promo. Outstanding show yet again. Yourself, nevermore and iMac are in an absolute world of your own as far as real world diaries go.[/QUOTE] Thanks for this extra bit of support. Like I said, I am still developing the character. He has nothing to play off, and I can't even really use his real life character as a basis. He is a whole new character, and he needs time to develop, like anyone would. All I know is if you watch Val Venis in 98/99, he deserves so much more than a porn star gimmick. It worked for him, but it was so midcard. I wanted to give him a gimmick that would allow him to stand out on his own for a while, to look like the real deal. And thanks for that bit at the end, much appreciated. Of course, you are in that list as well, but I understand you didn't want to mention yourslef. But you're there... :p [QUOTE=iMac;540298]Finally I have time to sit down and give you a review! I liked the whole Ankle lock stip in the IC match, especially when Ken had it locked on and had to let go. Flaming Mr Socko was another highlight. And I knew Vinny Mac would be back on his feet tonight! I was surprised that D'Lo lost, I really thought he had something with the whole Englishman character. As for the Morgan thing, I guess since he is making his debut tonight, his character is completely in your hands, therefore I will try not make the comparisons to Val (well maybe just a little :o). Anyway, real good show, Austin v Owen somewhere down the road will happen... and maybe a triple threat with Rocky is on the cards?[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback buddy. I liked the idea of the Anklelock ban. I've been pushing Shamrock pretty hard and I want The Alliance to seem like they'd do anything, so I wanted the handicap to be there when Finlay won the title. But it's not a long term thing, believe me. And back to D'Lo, hmm... I didn't expect him to be popular. Nevvy wasn't a fan right away and I was just sort of giving him something different to do, so I didn't think people would be so in to him. I want him to break out a bit in 99, but I've not got muched planned for him before then! As for Austin vs Owen/ vs Rock... stop reading my plans! [QUOTE=G-Prime;540631]I'm well aware that keefy will build Morgan much better than WWE ever did, just that his promo was a little... Blah by keefy's standards.[/QUOTE] I think there's a compliment in there if I look hard enough... anyway, I hope to bring you around on him. Like I say I'm developing a new character as I wanted Morley to have more than just the Val Venis character, and besides, I think once he actually enters a feud he'll start to come in to his own. Thanks everyone for the feedback, it really is appreciated. I'm almost embarassed that my next show will be so farcical! But it builds up stuff, and hopefully will be a bit of fun. I'll put the Preview up shortly. Cheers guys.
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from wwf.com... [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 26th October 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]Owen Hart Appreciation Night[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]So Owen Hart entered the Dungeon and, as guaranteed, left with the WWF Title still firmly around his waist. So as a celebration at the end of the UK Tour, The Alliance is proud to announce the first ever Owen Hart Appreciation Night! We’ll hear from past and present superstars about their opinions on the WWF Champion, see classic footage of the King Of Harts in action and of course, we will hear from the man himself![/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]Kane & The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H[/B] [I]The fallout from the Dungeon begins tonight on Raw as four of the competitors look up for a PPV quality main event. However, after the events of last night, how will DX be able to stay on the same page?[/I] [B]WWF Intercontinental Title Match[/B] [B]Finlay © vs Jeff Hardy[/B] [I]Finlay may have only won the title last night but he is already forced to defend the belt, his first defence being against the young daredevil from Cameron, North Carolina! Jeff will be looking for his first singles gold in the WWF and having lost the Tag Titles last night he will be fired up, but they don’t come much tougher than Finlay![/I] [B]WWF European Title Match Sir Desmond Lowford Brownignton III vs Lance Storm ©[/B] [I]These two proved why they are so highly regarded for the future by the WWF by putting on a classic over the newly reinstated European Title last night, and the Artist Formerly Known As D’Lo has wasted no time in getting himself a rematch![/I] [B]Cage Match Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis[/B] [I]Last night Chavo tried again to defeat Psicosis and again he failed. In the months since Psicosis shocked the world by debuting on Raw and winning the Light-Heavyweight Title from Chavito Heat he has an unblemished record against the youngster, and now their feud has escalated to unprecedented heights the solution is Cage Match Mania![/I] [B]Tazz vs Matt Hardy[/B] [I]It was not how it was supposed to go down. Tazz made his PPV return against Rob Van Dam with a world of momentum and yet found himself on the losing side due to out of ring shenanigans. No doubt Tazz has an idea who was behind the distraction, but will Matt Hardy be able to survive the wrath of Tazz scorned?[/I] [B]Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs Taka Michinoku & Dougie Williams[/B] [I]Last night saw the debut of British superstar “Braveheart” Dougie Williams who came, saw and conquered in his debut against Funaki. Fans in Birmingham will get a chance to see the technician in action again tonight as he teams with the exciting Taka Michinoku against two thirds of the Vato Loco’s- Aguila & Rodrigues![/I] Plus we’ll start a new countdown- Survivor Series Moments- and we’ll get opinions from those who were involved in Capital Carnage last night, including The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the new Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian plus we’ll get an update on the condition of Mankind! Be sure to catch all this and more, only on WWF Raw Is War![/size] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Predictions[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Kane & The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H[/B] [B]WWF Intercontinental Title Match[/B] [B]Finlay © vs Jeff Hardy[/B] [B]WWF European Title Match Sir Desmond Lowford Brownignton III vs Lance Storm ©[/B] [B]Cage Match Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis[/B] [B]Tazz vs Matt Hardy[/B] [B]Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs Taka Michinoku & Dougie Williams[/B][/size] [/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Good to see that this is back agayn. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for RAW. [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H Adds more tension to DX and its only a matter of time until we see "The Game" debut. As a matter of fact, I call heel turn tonight. It's time to end DX! WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay ©[/B] vs Jeff Hardy No way in hell is Finlay losing his streak or title to Jeff Harvey. WWF European Title Match Sir Desmond Lowford Brownignton III vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] As much as I'm a huge fan of D'Lo, I like Storm much better plus I don't see Storm losing his title yet. Cage Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis Chavito finally gets the win just like how Uncle Eddie did with Rey IRL. [B]Tazz [/B]vs Matt Hardy No way in hell Taz is losing to Matt Harvey unless a Goldust apperance occurs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs [B]Taka Michinoku & Dougie Williams[/B] Flipped a coin as I have no idea who that Triple R guy is. KUTGW and as always I'll be reading
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[B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H [I]They'll be out for revenge and something could happen between DX that costs them the match[/I] WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay ©[/B] vs Jeff Hardy [I]Finlay won't lose the title this quickly [/I] WWF European Title Match Sir Desmond Lowford Brownignton III vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] [I]Same point as Finlay[/I] Cage Match Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis[/B] [I]Chavo will finally get the win he seeks on PPV not here on RAW[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] vs Matt Hardy [I]Matt to tap out[/I] Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs [B]Taka Michinoku & Dougie Williams[/B] [I]British lad to win :cool:[/I]
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[B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H What can I say, I'm a Kananite! WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay ©[/B] vs Jeff Hardy The champ retains WWF European Title Match Sir Desmond Lowford Brownignton III vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] Purely based on your recent comments, unless you were playing us all you Vince Russo you! Cage Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr [/B]vs Psicosis Chavito any day of the week Tazz vs [B]Matt Hardy[/B] The world would spin off its axis if both Hardy's lose on the same night. Dark Hardy is greater than the multi-coloured one Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs [B]Taka Michinoku & Dougie Williams[/B] I'd actually love to see these two team up.
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[B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H Undertaker was eliminated first, HBK eliminated last... so you'd think fatigue-wise, 'Taker is in the best condition and HBK the worst. Oh and Triple H is going to Pedigree HBK :cool: WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay ©[/B] vs Jeff Hardy You can colour me shocked if this goes the other way. Finlay'll either win clean or via DQ when Shamrock interferes, but Jeff isn't getting the belt. WWF European Title Match Sir Desmond Lowford Brownignton III vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] As much as I'd like to believe you've done a U-turn on D'Lo after C-Carnage, I have to go with Storm. European title needs a strong start to get some prestige going so I don't see Storm dropping the belt almost immediately. Cage Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis He's got to beat him sooner or later, hasn't he? [B] Tazz[/B] vs Matt Hardy There will probably be some Goldust shenanigans but I don't see Tazz losing two on the spin. Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs [B]Taka Michinoku & Dougie Williams[/B] Coming off a strong debut, Williams is going to win here, even if it's only by virtue of being Taka's partner.
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Oooh, aftermath card. Awesome. *Waves his miniature Canadian flag for Owen Hart appreciation night.* :D Predictions [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H [I]I don't believe we've hit full on implosion yet, but I do think that DX will cost themselves the match.[/I] WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay ©[/B] vs Jeff Hardy [I]Jeff Hardy is an amazing up and comer, but the fighting Irishman has been unstoppable, even dismantling the over-intense Shamrock. Jeff'll put on a show, but he'll fall to Finlay.[/I] WWF European Title Match Sir Desmond Lowford Brownignton III vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] [I]Unless this ends in some fluke DQ or something, Storm will continue his rise up the card, while D'Lo contemplates whether a kilt accentuates his legs or not.[/I] Cage Match Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis[/B] [I]Chavo helped retain the cruiser title the previous night, so Psicosis gets his revenge, especially with the amigos kept at bay by the cage.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] vs Matt Hardy [I]The Human Suplex machine will regain his footing, after being screwed by the Golden One, by choking Matt Hardy out. That, and it's Tazz, and everytime I pick against him, a small part of me cries.[/I] Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs [B]Taka Michinoku & Dougie Williams[/B] [I]I think Dougie will keep the momentum of his debut going, picking up another victory, and slowly cement himself as a viable contender for the cruiserweight title.[/I]
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Thanks for the predictions guys. Not all that surprised so many of you expect DX to split after HBK eliminated Triple H last night, so I'll tell you this much- the issue will be brought up... ;) Just to cover an issue brought up briefly... [QUOTE=Sarcasm;540884]Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs [B]Taka Michinoku & Dougie Williams[/B] Flipped a coin as I have no idea who that Triple R guy is.[/QUOTE] Reyes Rios Rodrigues is Super Crazy, but with a name that fits his character of being in a Latino gang better than Super Crazy. I wanted to him to have a genuine name to fit with Chavo Guerrero Jr and Essa Aguila (Mr Aguila, known in the WWF as Essa Rios) in the Vato Loco's. Thanks again for all predictions, feedback really does help me want to keep on with this bad boy.
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