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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[QUOTE=Josh;566111]Finally! I felt like I should post something in here... Keef, I'm still new to this forum, but as I was waiting for my account to be activated, this was the only diary I read, and I loved it. From start to finish(which, yes, I did read), there were hardly any dull moments. My biggest disappointment was finding out the WCW results wouldn't continue, but it happens. I also love the way you portray Goldust, it made me laugh on more then one occasion! Please keep this up, it makes me want to start my own diary(Which I may start soon). Edit: I see James Casey missed WCW updates, too. Didn't mean to parrot him![/QUOTE] Thanks man, glad to know you've been reading from the start and are still enjoying it. That's some great feedback there and it's people like you that have made me wanna keep on with it for so long (it's 2 years since this began this month, I believe?) so thank you. [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;566276]post your WCW game if your bored with this. I for one would like to see that... hell you may give tristram a hard time :p[/QUOTE] I'm not bored with this, I just prefer my WCW game! If I had time for both I would. I still like this diary and I like the plans for the build up to Mania and the beyond, but for the time being while I can only do one between FMTA and WCW on TEW I'm going to do WCW. Cheers for the feedback guys, much appreciated.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;566854] I'm not bored with this, I just prefer my WCW game! If I had time for both I would. I still like this diary and I like the plans for the build up to Mania and the beyond, but for the time being while I can only do one between FMTA and WCW on TEW I'm going to do WCW.[/QUOTE] I know the feeling. Between WWE Rebirth and my TCW game, I've been motoring along in TCW. I've got plans to finish out the year in Rebirth, but I'm just having too much fun pushing Joey Minnesota and Primus Allen to the moon.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;566871]I know the feeling. Between WWE Rebirth and my TCW game, I've been motoring along in TCW. I've got plans to finish out the year in Rebirth, but I'm just having too much fun pushing Joey Minnesota and Primus Allen to the moon.[/QUOTE] Exactly, I still like this but I'm just enjoying this WCW game too much, especially as this isn't on TEW anymore. I signed Owen and had him job to Luger in his second match and the match was so good Owen jumped from a D to a C even though he lost. The guy is absolutely on fire and possibly the top guy behind Vader, Sting and Flair, and is having a storming rivalry with Brian Pillman who he has great chemistry with. I don't get that sort of thing from FMTA but don't have the time to convert it to a TEW game again at the moment. Anyway, I'll stop rambling. Point is, this isn't dead and as soon as I get more time in between studies and girlfriend it will carry on, and maybe one day accompanied by this WCW 91 game.
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[QUOTE=tristram;568581]keef, I'd love to see your take on WCW broheim :p But that goes without saying, your work is good all the way. The only other two IMO that match your brilliant levels are nevermore and G-Prime. You stay classy San Diego.[/QUOTE] And, ya know, you. But, on topic, I'd LOVE to see a WCW 91, and done by Keef would make it all the better.
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Cheers boys, everyone's feedback is always appreciated but it wasn't means a lot from such respected guys as yourselves. I'm not sure about this WCW game/diary situation. I want to make it a diary but I worry if I turn it in to diary form it may take away from my passion from it. Maybe it will be better off has my little hobby rather than a diary. Things are slowing somewhat so I'm gonna try and get the posts running again asap. Peace out. :D
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from wwf.com... [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 9th November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][B]The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]This match just goes to prove if you want the very best in American wrestling then there is no place better than Raw Is War! Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker have one of the greatest rivalries in wrestling history, including facing off in the first ever Hell in a Cell match, and tonight they try to help their respective stables gain the upper hand ahead of Survivor Series[/I] [B]Owen Hart & Kane vs Mankind & Steve Austin[/B] [I]With just weeks until Survivor Series, two of the main matches of that event are represented in this tag team affair between four of the biggest names in wrestling today. Will Owen & Kane keep the momentum running for The Alliance, or will the odd couple pairing of Mankind and Steve Austin derail the McMahon stable?[/I] [B]Jeff Jarrett vs Triple H[/B] [I]Two of the participants in the London Dungeon square up in another battle of the future. Triple H seems to have been swerved in the last few weeks with the simmering tension between himself and best friend Shawn Michaels, whereas Jeff Jarrett is in a position very few men get an opportunity for at the top of the card.[/I] [B]Road Dogg vs Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]Road Dogg may have delivered a metaphorical low blow to D-Generation X when he and Billy Gunn turned their backs on their long term friends, but DX also gained with the inclusion of the fastest rising star in WWF today, Rob Van Dam. The Whole Dam Show has wowed fans for months and tonight he gets the opportunity to give DX an advantage with Survivor Series just around the corner.[/I] [B]If RRR wins, Psicosis joins Vato Loco’s, if he loses the Loco’s leave Psicosis alone forever! Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs Psicosis[/B] [I]For months Chavo Guerrero Jr has tried all he can to get one over on Psicosis but to little avail. Despite 2 Out Of 3 Falls matches, cage matches, nothing has brought the Luchadore from Tijuana down so far. Chavito’s latest attempts involves using his fellow Loco member Rodrigues to face Psicosis with a lot on stake- if Psicosis wins he will be left to continue his life as normal, but if he loses he joins the Vato Loco’s[/I] [B]Funaki vs Mike Quackenbush[/B] [I]After last weeks brutal assault on the light-heavyweights the Quack is out for revenge like never before. Quackenbush has been a thorn in the side of Zukaya for months now, will he continue his run against Zukaya tonight?[/I] In addition to this we have the continuation of the Survivor Series Moments, we’ll get an update of the title situation following The Alliance’s trick on Steve Austin, but has The Rock decided on what team to join at Survivor Series? Be sure to catch all this and more, only on WWF Raw Is War![/size] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Predictions[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Owen Hart & Kane vs Mankind & Steve Austin[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett vs Triple H[/B] [B]Road Dogg vs Rob Van Dam[/B] [B] If RRR wins, Psicosis joins Vato Loco’s, if he loses the Loco’s leave Psicosis alone forever! Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs Psicosis[/B] [B]Funaki vs Mike Quackenbush[/B][/size] PLUS… Who has The Rock chosen? The Alliance or D-Generation X? [/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Predictions The Undertaker vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Owen Hart & Kane[/B] vs Mankind & Steve Austin [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Triple H Road Dogg vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] If RRR wins, Psicosis joins Vato Loco’s, if he loses the Loco’s leave Psicosis alone forever! [B]Reyes Rios Rodrigues[/B] vs Psicosis [B]Funaki [/B]vs Mike Quackenbush PLUS… Who has The Rock chosen? [B]The Alliance [/B]or D-Generation X?
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The Undertaker vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Owen Hart & Kane vs [B]Mankind & Steve Austin[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Triple H[/B] Road Dogg vs[B] Rob Van Dam[/B] If RRR wins, Psicosis joins Vato Loco’s, if he loses the Loco’s leave Psicosis alone forever! [B]Reyes Rios Rodrigues[/B] vs Psicosis Funaki vs [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] Note: Actually listening to Quack's entrance theme right now! :) PLUS… Who has The Rock chosen?[B] The Alliance[/B] or D-Generation X?
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The Undertaker vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Owen Hart & Kane vs [B]Mankind & Steve Austin[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Triple H Road Dogg vs Rob Van Dam If RRR wins, Psicosis joins Vato Loco’s, if he loses the Loco’s leave Psicosis alone forever! [B]Reyes Rios Rodrigues[/B] vs Psicosis [B]Funaki[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush PLUS… Who has The Rock chosen? The Alliance or D-Generation X? = Nethier The Rock is gangster :cool:
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[B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Shawn Michaels Owen Hart & Kane vs [B]Mankind & Steve Austin[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Triple H Road Dogg vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] If RRR wins, Psicosis joins Vato Loco’s, if he loses the Loco’s leave Psicosis alone forever! [B]Reyes Rios Rodrigues[/B] vs Psicosis - for the purpose of the storyline alone, but know it killed me to tip against Psicosis :-( Funaki vs Mike [B]Quackenbush[/B] PLUS… Who has The Rock chosen? The Alliance or D-Generation X? [B]No-one. The Rock is his own man.[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 9th November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Detroit, Michigan[/SIZE][/B] [B]SPONSERED BY…[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]THE SUN NEWSPAPER[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]Because staring at naked women in a “newspaper” is more socially acceptable than a porno[/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JesseJames1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Road Dogg w/Billy Gunn vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam w/Mankind[/SIZE][/B] It’s clear in this match why Van Dam was chosen to represent Team DX at Survivor Series if only by listening to the electrifying crowd reaction towards him. Road Dogg is a different creature since his injury, more intense, more susceptible to ignoring the rules for personal gain, but RVD was on top of it, and even when James dominated him you felt Van Dam had the strength of character to stay in it. Eventually, with Mankind nullifying the threat of Billy Gunn when he interfered, Van Dam took Road Dogg down with a Spinning Back Kick and put him away with a stunning 5 Star Frog Splash [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam in 8:51[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A limousine pulls up to the arena and once again, just like last week, The Rock steps out and to a brilliant crowd reaction. He clutches his ribs as he walks, of course the victim of a sneak attack last week on Raw, when Vince and Shane McMahon walk over. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh dear, Rocky, do your little ribbies hurt? [B]Rock:[/B] What in the blue hell do you want? [B]Vince:[/B] We’re her… [B]Rock:[/B] IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU WANT! All that matters is as far as The Rock is concerned if you ever… and The Rock means… ever… lay a hand on him again he will proceed in laying the smacketh down on aaaaaaaaaaall the Alliance’s candy asses! [B]Vince: [/B]Last week was a warning, Rocky. You are either with us or against us, and you don’t want to be against us. [B]Rock:[/B] And let The Rock assure you that you do not want to be on the wrong side of The Rock. Because The Rock guaran-damn-tees that if you find yourself there you will smell… what The Rock… is cookin’. The Rock walks on, but when he is out of sight the McMahon’s look at each other and nod approvingly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels and Triple H are in the DX locker room when RVD and Mankind walk in somewhat tired after the earlier match, and congratulations are passed around. [B]Shawn:[/B] You see, no matter how well you did earlier, Rob, we still have a problem. We might be working well as a team, but we’re one man short. [B]Mankind:[/B] Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that, and I think I know just the man. [B]RVD:[/B] The guy you mentioned just before my match? Dude, that would be sweet. We could totally do with him on our team. [B]Shawn:[/B] Who are you talking about? [B]Triple H: [/B]Actually, I think I know. [B]Shawn: [/B]Who? [B]Mankind:[/B] How? [B]Triple H:[/B] Because I’ve been thinking of the exact same guy. [B]Shawn:[/B] What guy? [B]Triple H:[/B] We’ll go find him and ask him. [B]Shawn:[/B] Does someone wanna tell me what in the hell’s going on?! Mankind and Shawn Michaels leave first, and Triple H holds Van Dam back to have a word in private. [B]Triple H: [/B]Dude, I wanna say how impressed I have been with you; you’re looking like you’ve got a whole load of potential. [B]RVD: [/B]Thanks, man. [B]Triple H:[/B] And don’t get me wrong, I appreciate you helping us, but let’s get one thing straight. Just because you’re Shawn’s favourite guy right now doesn’t mean you’re an automatic full time member of D-Generation X, okay? It takes a while for someone to get integrated. [B]RVD: [/B]Didn’t you, like, just let the Outlaws straight in? [B]Triple H: [/B]And look where it got us. I’m just warning you ‘cause you’re a good kid and I don’t wanna see you get let down, but we don’t just let any old jack off in. [B]RVD:[/B] But they let you in? [I]Trips gets angry[/I] [B]RVD: [/B]Dude, just kiddin’! You gotta relax more, all that pent up aggression and hatred, it’s not good for you man. [B]Triple H:[/B] You better hope to hell you were joking, because if you’re not you are in for your own personal hell, I guarantee you that. The only reason you’re with us now is Shawn wanted you there and if you do one more thing to p*ss me off I’ll kick your ass so hard you won’t have time to cry for big poppa Shawn to help you. Watch your back. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Funaki w/Tajiri, Togo, Yamaguchi-San & WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Hayashi vs “Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush[/SIZE][/B] Yet another week with fast paced, innovative Light-Heavyweight action here on Raw Is War! The Quack Attack isn’t quite the jobber he used to be but he’s still got a lot of work to do to be able to outdo Zukaya, but dagnamit, he certainly tries against one of Japan’s finest young talents. At one point he even seems to have Funaki beat, but a timely interception from Hayashi means Funaki can put the Nameless One away with a Missile Dropkick [B]Winner: Funaki in 7:31[/B][/CENTER] Once again, with their foe down in the ring, the other four members of Zukaya climb in to the ring, preparing for the dreaded mist. However, before they get a chance to attack the Quack DOUGIE WILLIAMS and TAKA MICHINOKU storm the ring and start a huge brawl. Yamaguchi-San flees from the scene immediately, and it’s only interception from security personnel that eventually keeps Dougie, Taka and Quackenbush apart from Zukaya. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Survivor Series Moments #3[/SIZE][/B] The 1990 Survivor Series saw a technique used in the event that meant all the winners of the earlier matches would claim a place in the Survivor Series match for later that night. After an event full of twists and turns, the surviving duo from the main event were Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior, just months after their infamous match at Wrestlemania. There has perhaps and maybe never will be such a popular winning duo at the Survivor Series.[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is in his office, surrounded by security when Ken Shamrock walks in. [B]Vince:[/B] Ah, Mr Shamrock, thank you for seeing me. [B]Shamrock:[/B] What the hell do you want, Vince? [B]Vince:[/B] I asked you in here to let you know that due to you having your Anklelock manoeuvre reinstated, in the interest of fairness, your match against Finlay for the Intercontinental Title at Survivor Series will be a Belfast Brawl match. [B]Shamrock:[/B] What the hell is a Belfast Brawl match? [B]Vince: [/B]That would be Finlay’s speciality. No holds barred, anything goes, just straight up, pure, no shackles brutality. [B]Shamrock:[/B] Well you better tell Finlay that brutality is right in the middle OF MY ZONE! [B]Vince: [/B]Why don’t you tell him yourself? Suddenly, Finlay attacks and takes Shamrock down to the floor and starts pummelling him, once again resorting to sneak attacks against his nemesis. However, Shamrock actually manages to roll through and lays in some punches of his own, only for the security to then get involved and start attacking him themselves as Vince helps Finlay to his feet, laughing at how Shamrock has once again been taught a lesson by the power and influence of The Alliance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts to the gym within the building (why?!) and pans around to see Chyna working out when Bagwell walks in. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Whoa, babe, love that. Look at you pumping iron, that’s hot. You can pick up more weights than I can hot chicks. [B]Chyna:[/B] What do you want, Bagwell? [B]Bagwell: [/B]I was wondering if you wanted to pump a little more than iron back in my dressing room? [B]Chyna: [/B](at first confused, but eventually comes around) Sure, why not? Bagwell helps her up and they go to walk out of the room when Chyna suddenly shoves him in to the wall face first, then punches him to the ground. [B]Chyna:[/B] Actually, I changed my mind. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]If Rodrigues Wins, Psicosis Joins The Vato Loco’s, If Psicosis Wins The Loco's Leave Him Alone[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Reyes Rios Rodrigues w/Essa Aguila & Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis[/SIZE][/B] Some top notch, high flying Mexicano wrestling right here, the globally renowned Psicosis going up against a man many would know better as Super Crazy, tearing it up on Raw proving that the smaller wrestlers do have a place on big time US wrestling. After a selection of holds and counter holds, both men take to the air to the delight of the fans to try to one up each other, but eventually RRR manages to duck a 450 Splash attempt and rolls Psicosis up into a package to cause what may well be considered an upset. [B]Winner: Reyes Rios Rodrigues in 9:11[/B][/CENTER] After referee Jim Korderas counts the three Psicosis immediately looks up and realises one costly mistake has forced him to join his mortal enemies. He puts his head in his hands when Chavo and Aguila come up from behind and blindside him, then drag him backstage as Rodrigues celebrates behind them. [B]JR:[/B] Can you believe it? Rodrigues did what his buddy Chavo hasn’t been able to do in months in beating Psicosis and now Psicosis is a slave to the Vato Loco’s! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone Cold is backstage, readjusting his knee braces when Mankind walks in, completely kitted out in DX merchandise from head to toe. [B]Mankind:[/B] Hey Steve. [B]Austin: [/B]Mick. [B]Mankind: [/B]Look, I’ve had an idea. What with me and you teaming up tonight and all, and you hating the Alliance… why don’t you join us at Survivor Series? You’ll get another title shot, and that way you’ll have a chance, as S.C.S.A to team up with R.V.D… H.B.K… H.H.H… and M.A.N…. K.I… N…D. What d’ya say, Stevey boy? [B]Austin:[/B] I say I oughtta Stunner your ass just for suggesting it. [B]Mankind:[/B] I’ll take that as a maybe… see you out there… have a nice day! [B]Austin: [/B]Just make sure you hold up your end, ‘cos I might just go ahead and Stunner your ass anyway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gangrel and his two new lackeys walk to the ring, and Gangrel grabs a microphone. [B]Gangrel: [/B]I warned Edge & Christian not to play with the devil, not to try me… ha ha ha ha ha! They thought they had played me, but no, I played them. All along I had these men waiting in the wings, waiting for their chance to rise up from the darkness and take what is rightfully theirs! So, allow me to introduce to you, the most dominant team ever seen in the World Wrestling Federation… [B]Christopher Daniels![/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristopherDaniels2.jpg[/IMG] [B]And Devon Covell![/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG] Between us we are known as The Brood, and we will… Before Gangrel can finish the Tag Team Champions run down from the back for a fight, trading blows with the Brood as soon as they enter. However, the pure numbers game works against them as the Brood dominate, finally having the opportunity to once again nail the Spike Brainbuster and Last Rites. Gangrel hands them the Tag Team titles as the three men raise their arms in tandem standing over Edge & Christian as they do so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keeflance.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sable.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq & “Marvellous” Marc Mero vs WWF European Champion Lance Storm & Sable[/SIZE][/B] This match has sadistic McMahon booking all over it. Sable may be quite an athlete as well as being jaw droppingly beautiful, but it is asking a lot of Storm to team with her against two incredibly impressive wrestlers. Naturally, Lance Storm spends most of the match as the legal man, and of course struggles against the fluid teamwork and rule bending approach of the heels. With all three men down, Sable manages to reach over and get the blind tag in with her ex-husband as the opposition’s legal man, and the crowd pop as she beats him down. Unfortunately, this advantage is short lived as Brownington takes out Storm leaving Mero alone with Sable. He eventually slams her to the mat aggressively, then grabs her leg and locks her in Storm’s trademark submission, the Maple Leaf Crab for the submission. [B]Winners: Desmond Lowford Brownington & Marc Mero in 6:14[/B][/CENTER] With Storm out cold on the outside on the ring and Sable down, Brownington goes to leave but Mero grabs his arm, virtually begging him to grab his golf bag. D’Lo goes to the outside, grabs the bag and re-enters, and stands behind Sable, ready to pounce and attack the defenceless woman. [B]JR: [/B]Oh, dear God no, don’t do this! Please, D’Lo, think this through… D’Lo swings back the golf club, but it is caught by Lance Storm who has sneaked back in to the ring! He snatches the club away and smashes D’Lo in the stomach with it, sidesteps the on charging Marc Mero and snaps the club in two over his head! The Champ walks over to Sable, who is clearly a bit traumatised by the events, who grabs him and hugs him for his help. Storm naturally looks a bit taken back by it, but once he sets his sights on Mero again his eyes are a picture of anger and intensity. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michaels, Helmsley, Mankind and Van Dam are walking backstage when they finally come to a door. [B]Helmsley: [/B]This is the one. All of them walk in, the camera staying on Team DX as they all look across the ring, Trips, Mankind and RVD smiling, Michaels looking absolutely disgusted. [B]Michaels: [/B]Him?! I thought you all hated him? [B]Mankind: [/B]Maybe, but he is one of the best in the world, and that’s more important than whether we actually like him or not. [B]Michaels: [/B]I know… but him?! The camera turns around to reveal The Rock getting up from his seat. [B]Rock:[/B] So… you want The Rock’s help, huh? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Sean Morgan:[/B] Since I came forth on to your television screens, rising like a phoenix from the flames that is the WWF developmental territory, I have often been asked one very simple question. “Do I think I have the tools to become the greatest of all time?” To this, my answer is always the same. I laugh, I scoff, I spit in the persons face and I slap them so hard they fall to the ground. I then say “no, I don’t think I will [i]become[/i] the greatest of all time… I already am.” And you’ll see exactly why that is, courtesy of… The Future: Sean Morgan [B]JR:[/B] What an absolute ass. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]JR:[/B] Well now folks, we have a treat for you. Earlier this week I sat down with the challenger to the WWF Title at Survivor Series Stone Cold Steve Austin to get his thoughts on his chances and feelings about his match in 13 days time. [B]JR:[/B] Steve, thanks for joining me. In little under 2 weeks time you finally get the shot at the title that you believe you deserve. What are your thoughts? [B]Austin:[/B] My thoughts are that it can’t come quick enough. There is no “believing” I deserve the title shot, I absolutely stone cold fact do. I lost the title months ago and never got a rematch, Vince kept lining people up and I kept knocking them down. I knocked them down so hard, including both McMahon’s, that the only person left now is Owen Hart, and when it’s all said and done he’ll be knocked down like all the others and I’ll be the WWF Champion. [B]JR:[/B] Now I like to think of myself as one of your good friends, so I know how much it hurt when you lost the WWF Title. That said, I also know how much it hurt when Owen Hart not only broke your neck just over a year ago and rather than showing remorse, played it up and tried to humiliate you. Will these be factors in your match? [B]Austin: [/B]You’re damn right they will. If you think I have either forgiven or forgotten what Owen Hart has done to me you couldn’t be more wrong. He tried to end my career. This is the only thing I’ve ever been able to do, this job is my life. I don’t know what I’d do without it, and Owen knew that. But there was no apology, on or off camera. Instead he just chose to take the p*ss like the little jack*ss that he is and think that’s the end of that. Well uh-uh, it just don’t work like that. He can laugh as much as he wants about breaking my God damn neck, but next Sunday, when I have the chance to once again win the WWF Title, he will find out the true definition of Stone Cold Justice as I kick his little ass and walk it dry. The bottom line is at the Survivor Series the ol’ Texas Rattlesnake will avenge Owen for everything he has done and I will walk out of the event as the WWF Champion once again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett w/Dusty Rhodes vs Triple H[/SIZE][/B] Both men have been often referred as the potentially next big things in the WWF, and both were participants in the recent London Dungeon match. Hunter seems to have something to prove these days, and perhaps predictably took control in the early part of the match, but Dusty Rhodes’ timely interference put paid to that as Double Jay held the advantage for long periods in the match. After almost ten minutes, Triple H began to mount an offence that seemed too much for Jarrett. He took him down with a Suplex, nailed him with a Knee Drop then splattered him with a Spinebuster. However, instead of going for a pin or attempting a Pedigree, he walked to the corner of the ring… and started tuning up the band! Jarrett gradually got to his feet as Trips stomped again and again, until he darted across the ring for Sweet Chi… No! Jarrett ducked and rolled Triple H up… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: Jeff Jarrett in 9:32[/B][/CENTER] Once again Jarrett celebrated an admittedly big scalp by celebrating like he’d won the WWF Title as Triple H looked up, realising his preoccupation with his buddy Shawn Michaels had just cost him the match. The New American seemed oblivious as Triple H got to his feet and looked down on the tearful Jarrett who was on his knees celebrating. Hunter kicked Jarrett in the head, before punching him over and over and over again in the corner until a trickle o blood became apparent from Jarrett’s eyebrow. Trips then dragged him to the centre of the ring and nailed him with an almighty Pedigree. However, not content with this destruction, he rolls out of the ring and grabs a sledgehammer… [B]JR:[/B] Oh, come on Hunter. I get that your frustrated but don’t do anything you’re gonna regret. Trips rolls back in the ring and stands over Jarrett, however, sensing his buddy is in danger Dusty runs in to stop it, only for Triple H to hit him in the midsection. He then looks down on the chaos he has caused, no celebration, no signalling to the fans, just breathing heavily as he checks on the carnage he has brought. [B]JR:[/B] Good Gawd, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Triple H that intense. [B]King: [/B]Triple H has lost control; will someone please get him the hell out of here?! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kane, The Undertaker and Paul Bearer are in their locker room when Shane McMahon walks in. [B]Shane: [/B]Oh man, what a huge main event! It was just a year ago that you, ‘Taker, were taking on Michaels in a Hell In A Cell match at Badd Blood and now you’re fighting him on Free TV, it just doesn’t get better than this for the viewers. But don’t forget, buddy, Michaels beat you in the Cell. He also beat you at the Rumble in a Casket match. Since you were champion, Michaels has held the belt twice. [B]Undertaker: [/B]You better get to the point real fast, boy. [B]Shane:[/B] Avenge the loss! Use your anger, use the hatred and destroy Shawn Michaels! In the Cell you would have had him beat if it weren’t for Kane, now the two of you can combine to end the career of Shawn Michaels! [B]Undertaker:[/B] You picked the wrong Deadman to motivate, McMahon. I already intend on open the gates of hell on that degenerate tonight. [B]Shane: [/B]With all due respect, you have kinda sucked recently, man. I mean, if it weren’t for your past you wouldn’t be a part of The Alliance anymore, and it’s only The Alliance that has got you in to main eve… Suddenly, Kane grabs Shane by the throat and presses him against a wall as he stares in to his eyes, breathing heavily [B]Shane:[/B] What the hell, Kane?! I was talking ‘bout ‘Taker, not you! [B]Bearer:[/B] Shaaaaaaane! The Undertaker is the only man to ever accept Kane! He is the only man to accept him as a human being, to not treat him like a freak, and as such Kane will put himself on the line for his brother. Maybe it’s about time you accepted the Brothers Of Destruction for who they are, or will risk the wrath of these two monsters and they will make you… [B]Undertaker:[/B] Rest… In… Peace. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tazz comes down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Tazz: [/B]Okay, that’s it you freak, get yourself out here. No more games, no more playin’, this time it’s real. Leave the BS in the back and face me like a man you son of a b*tch. After a while the arena lights turn a distinctive golden colour, but as he fans expectantly await Shattered Dreams Productions, not one, not two, not even three but at least twelve Goldust’s walk out from the back! Tazz loses his rag as all 12 make their way down to the ring, completely identical in appearance, and starts attacking them at random, however, as he is attacking one another kicks him in the nether regions! Tazz rolls around the mat as what appears to be the real Goldust picks him up and places him in the corner, lifts both legs up, runs forward and Shattered Dreams Tazz’s golden globes! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with Owen Hart. [B]Cole:[/B] Owen, your tag team match is up next, and you will finally be in the ring with Steve Austin. Last week you attacked him and got him arrested. I have to ask, are you taking these precautions because you don’t think you can beat him? [B]Owen:[/B] Good grief, how have you not been fired yet? Seriously, could you be any dumber? Of course I can beat Austin, I know that, you know that, the fans know it, hell, even Austin knows it. All I’m doing is I’m ensuring that no great tragedy and no act of God can stop me from retaining this title. This title is everything to me, and I will not let that cheating, vile, disgusting human being take my title away. [B]Cole: [/B]That said; Austin does seem to be pretty intent on not only regaining the title, but causing you physical pain. [B]Owen:[/B] You just don’t get it, do you? Okay, allow me to tell you a story. A couple of weeks back I was walking down the street when I saw a homeless guy. Now, apart form being a world class wrestler I’m also a very nice guy, so a thought I’d help the tax-dodging freeloader out. I checked my wallet, but I had no change. I’d probably given it to charity or something. I had a sandwich which I was lusting after so much, I was really hungry, but figured this little hobo probably needed it more, so I gave him it. [B]Cole:[/B] Right… I don’t see how this affects the title match though? [B]Owen:[/B] You know what the homeless guy did? He scoffed, he threw the sandwich back in my face and gave me the middle finger as he walked in to a liquor store and necked a can of beer. And I got déjà vu. I got déjà vu from when Austin had middle fingered me and downed a beer and it was then that I realised that this tramp and Steve Austin are basically the same guy. They are both dregs of society, both bringing everyone else down for their own good, taking no responsibility for the greater good or what is best for society as a whole. Those two men are what is wrong with the world today, and especially what is wrong with America. And just like I proceeded in beating the living crap out of that hobo, I will destroy Steve Austin at Survivor Series. I was proud to break his neck last time around, only this time I’m going to make it worse. I will end his God damn career right in front of everyone by snapping his spine flat bang in half, and I will damn sure enjoy it. And I will do it not for me, but for all the fans of the WWF and the rest of society. Because the world will be a better place without Stone Cold Steve Austin. I’m doing it… for your own good. [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Big Red Monster” Kane & WWF Champion “King Of Harts” Owen Hart w/Paul Bearer & The Acolytes” vs Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] The crowd are all over Owen from the start, but his reaction can't even compare to the incredible adulation for the Rattlesnake. All four men give their all to prove why Raw is so popular right now- huge matches with huge names putting in huge performances. Kane is of course dominant, but as the match comes to a close he and the Rattlesnake battle down the aisleway leaving Owen and Mankind in the ring. Mrs Foleys Baby Boy calls upon the help of his trusty Mr Socko, but as he goes for it Owen rolls him up and grabs on to the 2nd rope for leverage! [B]Winners: Owen Hart & Kane in 12:24[/B][/CENTER] Realising that Owen had cheated to win, Austin sprinted back down to the ring as Owen saluted the fans, unaware that Austin was behind him. As Owen turned around Stone Cold kicked him in the gut and Stunnered the bejesus out of him! Kane then stormed the ring, but missed his clothesline and too was nailed with a Stunner! Austin then demanded a few of beers as Mankind gradually made it to his feet. The Ratttlesnake handed a couple over to the befallen masked man. They toasted and began downing the drinks, but suddenly Austin stopped and just stared at Mankind who was completely oblivious as beer gushed down his mask and down his shirt until… Stunner to Mankind! He Stunnered his own partner! The crowd cheered as Austin saluted them all with beer, rolling out of the ring and walking backstage, only to catch a glimpse on the Titantron of Owen groggily making his way to his feet. Austin turned around and ran back down to the ring to give Owen Hart the Stunner one more time! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels was stretching in his locker room when Triple H walked in. [B]Michaels:[/B] Hey, dude, you okay? You looked pretty intense out there earlier. [B]Hunter:[/B] Yeah, man, just got a bit angry. [B]Michaels: [/B]It’s all good in the DX hood, bro, as long as you use that sort of anger at the Series. [B]Hunter:[/B] Oh hell yeah, you can count of it. However, as I lost tonight, it means DX are one down at the moment. You really [I]have[/I] to win tonight. [B]Shawn:[/B] Oh yeah, definitely, although… Rob won earlier, so technically we’re at 1 win, 1 loss. [B]Hunter:[/B] Van Dam? Well, he’s not really a proper DX member, is he? It’s for one match only. [B]Shawn:[/B] Maybe, although the guy really is impressing me and he’s fitting in to the whole thing pretty damn well. [B]Hunter: [/B]Shawn, buddy, I know he’s your pal and all, but we’ve gotta be more careful. He’s not DX through and through like us, he’s not the real deal. After what happened with the Outlaws can you honestly tell me that we shouldn’t be more careful with who we let in and everything? [B]Shawn:[/B] I suppose you’re right. I just thought he had that “it” factor that we need. But you’re right, we can’t be too careful these days, especially with The Alliance trying to tear us apart. Come on, I’ve got a match to go to. Somewhat disappointed, Shawn vacates the room, leaving Triple H alone. As soon as the door closes Hunter breaks out in a sly smile, seemingly pleased with what he has done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is aired showing the conclusion of last weeks contract signing… [QUOTE] The crowd crap all over this as the policemen go to Austin, who at first resists a little, but then allows the coppers to handcuff both his hands behind his back. Austin mouths profanities at McMahon as he is escorted from the ring, only for Owen Hart to hit him on the back of the head with the title belt! Owen starts laying the boots in on the former champion, only for the police officers to join in! They peel off their protective clothing to reveal themselves as the Acolytes as the rest of The Alliance pour in to the ring, beating down on Austin as he lies on the mat. Even Shane McMahon nails him a few times with some stiff shots to the head! Eventually the Outlaws drag him off the mat and throw him to the Kane and Undertaker, who lift him up high above the ring while Owen climbs to the top rope. The Acolytes and Finlay reposition the table so Kane, ‘Taker and Owen combine to send the still handcuffed Rattlesnake through the contract table! With Austin out, Owen grabs a microphone and lies right by him, right in his face with a microphone.[/QUOTE] The camera then cuts to Shane, Vince and the rest of The Alliance standing backstage laughing. [B]Vince:[/B] Let me tell you, Shane, if you learn nothing else from me it should be that there’s nothing like a good plan. That waste of oxygen Steve Austin never saw it coming. [B]Shane:[/B] Aw, pops, it was sweet. There really is nothing as good as seeing someone get what they deserve because they don’t have the intellectual capacity to compete. There is a knock on the door as 6 police officers walk in to the Alliance locker room. [B]Officer #1:[/B] Is Mr Shane McMahon here, please? [B]Shane:[/B] Uh… yeah, that’s me. What can I do for you, officer? [B]Officer #1:[/B] I am arresting you for assault on Monday the 2nd November 1998. [B]Vince: [/B]WHAT?! Do you know just who in the hell I am? I’m Vince McMahon, dam it, and this is my son! [B]Officer #1:[/B] You may well be Vince McMahon, sir, but I am the law and your son broke it last week. [B]Owen:[/B] What the hell is this? Shane didn’t assault anyone, but even if he did, this is a wrestling company, we’re all fighting, it’s our jobs! [B]Officer #1:[/B] With all due respect, while you are correct this assault was outside of a match scenario and Mr Austin decided to press charges... The Alliance lose the plot at the realisation that it was Stone Cold who had gotten Shane arrested, but the officers try to calm them down as Shane is escorted out of the room, past all the WWF Superstars and to a cop car. He is bundled in the back as The Alliance argue with the officers, many more of whom have turned up to help with the fracas. However, as Shane sits in the back seat there is a knock on the window as Austin stands there, showing him the middle fingers! He then proudly walks off with The Alliance oblivious in the middle of their argument until the police car screeches off in to the night! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Undertaker vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] These two have had some hellacious battles in the past, and now they are doing battle on free TV to gain their team momentum ahead of Survivor Series, much to the delight of this sold out crowd. Michaels, as always, is the hot fans favourite, but The Undertaker dominates as usual, slowing the contest down to start but then switching it to a brawl when Michaels starts to gain momentum. They go at it hammer and tong for over quarter of an hour, neither leaving anything behind, but eventually the pure brutality of the monster wins over as he catches a Sweet Chin Music attempt, spins HBK around and picks him to nail the Tombstone Piledriver. [B]Winner: The Undertaker in 16:10[/B][/CENTER] The Undertaker has barely gotten to his feet as Team DX run to the ring; Triple H, Mankind and Rob Van Dam taking turns to take out The Undertaker, beating him down quite viciously. Eventually, Mankind knocks him out with his Socko Claw, Triple H nails him with a Pedigree and Rob Van Dam majestically flies to hit the Five Star Frog Splash. They help Michaels to his feet, who then decides to start tuning up the band, only for Kane to run to the ring! Despite the insane numbers advantage, Kane dominates DX with fire in his eyes, taking them out left right and centre as revenge for his brother. He Chokeslams all four straight to hell, before dropping to his knees by his brother and lets out an anguished scream that reverberates throughout the arena. Kane drags his brother to the side of the ring, gets out and slings him over his shoulder, before walking backstage carrying his 300lbs brother back with him. [B]JR:[/B] What the hell are we seeing? Could it be that Kane is a human being after all? [B]King: [/B]I don’t understand, JR, did you hear that scream? He genuinely has feelings towards his brother. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone take out a group of 4 men like Kane just did. [B]JR:[/B] I… I… I’m speechless… is Kane by Gawd human after all? Suddenly, Vince McMahon emerges from the back, a huge scowl on his face as he Power Walks™ down to the ring, on the way stopping off to grab a steel chair. He gets in the ring, offers a huge, maniacal, evil smile as he lifts the chair above his head, over Triple H when… [I][CENTER][SIZE="4"]DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN’?[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I] The crowd pop for the sight of The Great One who walks down to the ring, only stopping to offer what appears to be becoming his trademark eyebrow lift, grabs a microphone and turns to Vince McMahon. [B]Rock:[/B] Last week you left The Rock with a choice. The Rock’s way… or your way. And honestly, there was only one decision. The Rock doesn’t want to see his career go down the pan because he’s being singled out by you. He wants to see success, like Owen Hart has got since he joined The Alliance. Let The Rock put it to you this way. The Rock moves towards Vince, who instinctively backs away through fear, but looks up to see The Rock has extended his hand. The Rock is offering his million dollar smile, one which is met by McMahon’s billion dollar smile. McMahon grabs his hand and shakes it firmly, as the crowd boo while they pose for the crowd. [B]Rock:[/B] You see; deep down The Rock has always been on one team, and that is his own. But when it comes to Survivor Series, 5 on 5, The Rock has to say whether he is DX… or whether he is Alliance. After everything we’ve been through, the time has come for The Rock to say he forgives and forgets. So here goes… The crowd boo again as Vince McMahon smiles even more broadly. [B]Rock:[/B] Mr McMahon… Vince… The Rock will never, ever… forget. The Rock pulls McMahon in with his shaking arm and nails him with a Rock Bottom in one fluid movement as the crowd explodes! Rock once again and holds the microphone to his mouth, his head tilted backwards as the crowd begin to quiet…. [B]Rock: [/B]FINALLY… THE ROCK… HAS COME BACK… [SIZE="4"][B]TO D-GENERATION X![/B][/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Rob Van Dam def Road Dogg Funaki def Mike Quackenbush Reyes Rios Rodrigues def Psicosis Jeff Jarrett def Triple H Owen Hart & Kane def Mankind & Steve Austin The Undertaker def Shawn Michaels
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No feedback for the show? Okay, moving on to the next I guess... from wwf.com... [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 16th November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]The WWF rolls in to Chicago for the final show before the 12th annual Survivor Series and The Alliance are primed and ready to make sure Team D-Generation X have “no chance in hell” of winning by putting them in matches against each other![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Ladder Match to gain a title match at any time Rob Van Dam vs Triple H[/B] [I]The tension between these two has already been of the chart as they have competed for Shawn Michaels attention, but now you can throw a shot at the WWF Champion in to the mix. The winner will claim that shot by collecting the briefcase above the ring and can use the shot whenever they please, be it next week on Raw, Armageddon, Wrestlemania XV… whenever! What will these two do to each other to get that shot?[/I] [B]Street Fight Mankind vs Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]In another Alliance punishing DX match, two partners for Sunday have been thrown together in Street Fight rules with both men under specific rules that they have to compete at 100% or they are fired! Add to that the loser will have to compete in the pre-show for Survivor Series as well against the giant Mabel and we’ve got a slobber knocker on our hands![/I] [B]Handicap Match New Corporate Outlaws vs The Rock[/B] [I]The Rock has risked the wrath of the McMahon’s by associating himself with DX over The Alliance and he is already beginning to be punished. The Outlaws are one of the greatest teams in history and surely The Rock doesn’t stand a chance in a 2 on 1 scenario, does he?[/I] [B]Tazz & The Brood vs Goldust, Edge & Christian[/B] [I]Goldust finally showed his face on Raw after months on the shelf and Tazz wants revenge! The mindgames may not have stopped just yet but the brutality is about to start up again! Add to this mix half of the competitors from Sunday’s Classic Survivor Series match (Hardy Boyz & E&C vs Acolytes & The Brood) and we’ve got another humdinger with consequences for Sunday![/I] [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow[/B] [I]Last week saw Psicosis be forcibly entered into the group of Vato Loco’s. We have been told he is guaranteed to be at ringside as his new partners do battle with two of the most extreme athletes in history![/I] [B]Marc Mero vs Sable[/B] [I]Talking about domestic abuse! In the first ever Ex-Husband vs Ex-Wife match in Raw history we will see the luscious Sale go against the opponent of her client for this Sunday, Marc Mero! Mero has guaranteed he will not only take the title but humiliate his former spouse, how will Sable be able to cope?[/I] [B]Zukaya vs Too Cool[/B] [I]The World Wrestling Federation is proud to announce the signings of a new tag team! “Too Sexy” Brian Christopher and “Too Hot” Scott Taylor, together known as Too Cool, are just the latest in a long line of exciting young talent to grace the WWF but they’re in for a baptism of fire against the thugs from Japan![/I] In addition to this, with Survivor Series just six days away we will surely tonight discover who the 5th member of Team Alliance will be, and no doubt the backlash from Stone Cold getting Shane McMahon arrested is something you won’t want to miss! Be sure to catch all this and more, only on WWF Raw Is War![/size] [B][U]Predictions[/U][/B] [B]Ladder Match to gain a title match at any time Rob Van Dam vs Triple H[/B] [B]Street Fight Mankind vs Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Handicap Match New Corporate Outlaws vs The Rock[/B] [B]Tazz & The Brood vs Goldust, Edge & Christian[/B] [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow[/B] [B]Marc Mero vs Sable[/B] [B]Zukaya vs Too Cool[/B][/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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The Last show was great by the way! Loved the Kane/Owen vs Austin/Mankind match Ladder Match to gain a title match at any time [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Triple H The match type suites Rob and a victory here does more for the story than a Hunter win. Street Fight Mankind vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] I see Mankind dominating but HBK getting a superkick outa nowhere Handicap Match New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]The Rock[/B] When does the team with the advantage ever win a handicap match?? Tazz & Fallen Angels vs[B] Goldust, Edge & Christian[/B] The Gold One continues to pee off Tazz [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow Just because Marc Mero vs[B] Sable[/B] Sable wins by outside interference [B] Zukaya[/B] vs Too Cool Gotta love Zukuya! I look forward to this show more than any other on the board.
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I don't mean for this to come accross as whining, I just want to check. I got no responses for the show and one prediction for the next. Is this another case of people not posting on diaries on here or is there something I'm doing that people aren't liking? Are there ways that this needs to be changed? This is a genuine straight up question just to see what I can do to keep people reading.
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I'm not gonna lie to you buddy, but I didn't even know that show was posted! :o Anyway, things are shaping up nicely for SS. I can't help but feel we'll see an Attitude-era double swerve with Rocky and the Outlaws, but after the way Triple H reacted, I could see him turning as well, which means I don't really know how it's all gonna wind up, which is always a good thing. Daniels in the Brood is a solid choice, and other highlights for me were the multiple Goldusts, Trips going for SCM and Austin turning the tables and pressing charges on Shane. Plus tickle me intrigued by the Kane bit at the end. Ladder Match to gain a title match at any time Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] [I]It's like Money in the Bank lite, which is awesome! Trips to take this I reckon[/I] Street Fight Mankind vs Shawn Michaels [I]I'm going for a no contest due to Alliance shenanigans[/I] Handicap Match New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]The Rock[/B] [I]He has all the momentum right now.[/I] Tazz & Fallen Angels vs [B]Goldust, Edge & Christian[/B] [I]Goldust will continue to get the better of Tazz, but who are the fallen angels? Is this the name of Gangrels new team (due to Daniels being in it) and you called them the Brood last show by accident, or have I completely missed a tag team along the way? I mean, I assume it's Daniels and Devon due to them feuding with E&C, but the names don't match. Fill me in here buddy?[/I] [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow [I]Be interesting to see what role Psicosis plays in all this[/I] Marc Mero vs [B]Sable[/B] [I]She'll need some help to do it, but Sable FTW[/I] [B]Zukaya[/B] vs Too Cool [I]They will win, but I see Taka and Dougie getting invovled again.[/I]
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[QUOTE=iMac;574222]I'm not gonna lie to you buddy, but I didn't even know that show was posted! :o Anyway, things are shaping up nicely for SS. I can't help but feel we'll see an Attitude-era double swerve with Rocky and the Outlaws, but after the way Triple H reacted, I could see him turning as well, which means I don't really know how it's all gonna wind up, which is always a good thing. Daniels in the Brood is a solid choice, and other highlights for me were the multiple Goldusts, Trips going for SCM and Austin turning the tables and pressing charges on Shane. Plus tickle me intrigued by the Kane bit at the end.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback man, and no worries but not realising it had been posted. I'm not one to want to constantly bump my diary to the top so occassionally it will sink out of view I know. I just wanted to make sure I was doing all I can to keep people interested. Glad you liked Daniels coming in. I want to keep adding to the tag team division because I think it's vital to a company like the WWF, and I wanted Daniels to join the roster, so it made sense. As "Crowbar" wouldn't have debuted in WCW yet (I believe) I figured it wouldn't be too hard to make Devon Storm into quite a dark character as he certainly has the look for it. As for their name... my mistake. I never really settled on a name so I've wound up using both quite a lot! I'll leave it at the Brood for now. I'm also glad you liked the Goldust thing (I'm eager to keep him ahead on the mindgames as I want Tazz to be dominant in the ring) and Triple H going for Sweet Chin Music. I want to tease the split of DX and have laid down a few red herrings and clues here and there, glad you liked that one. And as for Kane, it's going somewhere. Truth be told, it's just the start of what I hope will be an angle of sorts that will last for years. Anyway, thanks for the feedback and the predictions, it's always nice to see feedback from such talented writers such as yourself and Boom.
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Good evening Thought I'd throw my t'pence in. You know by now that I think this is the best diary here, and whilst I try and comment after every show, sometimes I think: "Everybody else is going to comment, he's not going to care what I say." So sometimes I don't comment on the diaries I think are going to get the most feedback and try and share the love with some of the new diaries and the lesser known... but then nobody comments and I wish I got in first! I know how much I appreciate feedback as a new diary writer, including your own, as it keeps you wanting to come back and write more. If, now and again, you don't get as much feedback as you would like, take solace in the fact that there is at least one writer here who only started doing this because he read your work and thought, "If I could write something half as good as this, I'll be happy!"
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;574439]Good evening Thought I'd throw my t'pence in. You know by now that I think this is the best diary here, and whilst I try and comment after every show, sometimes I think: "Everybody else is going to comment, he's not going to care what I say." So sometimes I don't comment on the diaries I think are going to get the most feedback and try and share the love with some of the new diaries and the lesser known... but then nobody comments and I wish I got in first! I know how much I appreciate feedback as a new diary writer, including your own, as it keeps you wanting to come back and write more. If, now and again, you don't get as much feedback as you would like, take solace in the fact that there is at least one writer here who only started doing this because he read your work and thought, "If I could write something half as good as this, I'll be happy!"[/QUOTE] Make it two writers :) Nice move on Getting the Rock on Mankinds team there :D
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;570722] [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock will never, ever… forget. [/QUOTE] From one of my favourite Rock promos. Mostly for the singing with Austin but that line at the end was great. As always, a stellar show. Not completely sold on Austin getting Shane arrested just yet; didn't see Stone Cold as someone that would be a huge fan of the police, even if he could use them to his advantage. Ladder Match to gain a title match at any time Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] [i]RVD going over Triple H at this stage? Not going to happen cleanly if it does, but really Triple H winning makes more sense and he's ready to have that "any time, anywhere" thing going on with a title shot. Van Dam just wouldn't be believable as a challenger yet so unless you plan on really dragging it out so there's enough time to build him up... Triple H wins here.[/i] Street Fight [B]Mankind[/B] vs Shawn Michaels [i]He's Mankind. He likes pain. Thus, he beats HBK in a Street Fight. And of course, Foley is God[/i] Handicap Match New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]The Rock[/B] [i]Surely?[/i] [B]Tazz & The Brood[/B] vs Goldust, Edge & Christian [i]Hmm. Brood might not go over so soon but with Tazz on their side and Raw being unpredictable and such, I think they can sneak it.[/i] [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow [i]*shrug* They're just much more likely, IMO[/i] Marc Mero vs [B]Sable[/B] [i]She won't do it herself, but I can see her getting the official win.[/i] Zukaya vs [B]Too Cool[/B] [i]Just because I want them to dance[/i] :o
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I almost cried when Rock joined D-X, but then i remembered it's just a story but a really good one at that Ladder Match to gain a title match at any time Rob Van Dam vs Triple H Street Fight Mankind vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] always been a fan of both but Shawn is the show stopper Handicap Match New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]The Rock[/B] Rock wont lose with D-X [B]Tazz & The Brood[/B] vs Goldust, Edge & Christian; Big Tazz fan from ECW [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow [B]Marc Mero[/B] vs Sable; don't know why [B]Zukaya[/B] vs Too Cool; only for the name
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;574439]Good evening Thought I'd throw my t'pence in. You know by now that I think this is the best diary here, and whilst I try and comment after every show, sometimes I think: "Everybody else is going to comment, he's not going to care what I say." So sometimes I don't comment on the diaries I think are going to get the most feedback and try and share the love with some of the new diaries and the lesser known... but then nobody comments and I wish I got in first! I know how much I appreciate feedback as a new diary writer, including your own, as it keeps you wanting to come back and write more. If, now and again, you don't get as much feedback as you would like, take solace in the fact that there is at least one writer here who only started doing this because he read your work and thought, "If I could write something half as good as this, I'll be happy!"[/QUOTE] Wow, thank you. That is some mighty high praise there. It gives me such a warm feeling knowing that I inspired you write a diary, especially as I'm such a fan of yours. And trust me, yours is more than half as good as this. I think it's better because you've actually nailed something I didn't even consider as a viable option. My character in this is somewhat self-righteous and almost perfect. Yours isn't. And it makes a great read. As for the feedback thing, I understand. I've had a few achievements on here and they're great, don't get me wrong, but the most exciting thing for me on here always has been feedback. The majority of the people on here and mature, intelligent people who get the game and somehow challenge me to better myself. It's feedback like what you just offered that makes me want to keep this going indefinitely. It's such a pick-me-up. So thanks you, I really mean it. [QUOTE=Astil;574465]Make it two writers :) Nice move on Getting the Rock on Mankinds team there :D[/QUOTE] Wow, really? I didn't realise... Thanks for the feedback man, really appreciate it. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;574531]From one of my favourite Rock promos. Mostly for the singing with Austin but that line at the end was great. As always, a stellar show. Not completely sold on Austin getting Shane arrested just yet; didn't see Stone Cold as someone that would be a huge fan of the police, even if he could use them to his advantage.[/QUOTE] Thanks man, glad you're still reading. I too love that Rock promo, I had to incorporate it. And as I'm a few shows ahead at the moment, you may find that singing segment pops up too. I know it's copying, but that whoel thing was so good I couldn't not include it. Especially as in 98 it would have helped cement Rocky as one of the top guys. As for the police thing, I agree. I was torn on whether to do it as it's not really in line with Austin's attitude to go crying to the police. But I figured I'd do it as I really want him to get under the Alliance's skin. There are only so many fights and ass kicking people can do before it starts burying people. And I defend the arrest thing on the premise that Austin is willing to do whatever it takes to piss Vince McMahon off, even if it is doing something he wouldn't usually agree with. And what is more likely to piss him off than getting his own son arrested? Thank you for the feedback dude, I always find it really useful in terms of where I'm going and where I should be going. [QUOTE=GatorBait19;574899]I almost cried when Rock joined D-X, but then i remembered it's just a story but a really good one at that[/QUOTE] Haha, thanks mate! It will be a short term deal as Rock doesn't need DX and DX don't need The Rock, but for Survivor series it made sense, especially as I wanted Rock to make good on his turn as around this sort of time fans couldn't get enough of him. He really is the next big thing and it made sense to turn him face in what is such a big feud. An overall thanks to everyone who has left feedback and also to all those who are reading. I hope you are all enjoying. :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 16th November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Chicago, Illinois[/SIZE][/B] [B]SPONSERED BY…[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]SEGA DREAMCAST[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]Because you are too tight to buy a PlayStation[/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The show opens with Vince and Shane backstage. [B]Vince:[/B] Last week was a travesty, Shane. Do you have any idea what that will have done to my reputation? I’m a businessman, damn it, and I’m Vincent Kennedy McMahon. I had to stand there and watch my own son by carted away in a police car. [B]Shane: [/B]Sorry, pop. [B]Vince:[/B] I’m not angry at you, damn it, I’m angry at Steve Austin. How the hell am I supposed to run a company with that sort of distraction? I’m telling you, Owen Hart better rip him a new one this Sunday. [B]Shane:[/B] Don’t you worry about that, pop. I know for a fact that there is nothing Owen would like more than to end the career of Steve Austin. [B]Vince:[/B] That’s exactly what I… hang on… [I]There is a knock at the door which Vince goes to investigate.[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] What the hell do you want? [I]The camera pans back to reveal Linda McMahon here, live![/I] [B]Linda:[/B] Hello, Vince, Shane. [B]Shane: [/B]Mom. [I]Vince shoots Shane a displeased look.[/I] [B]Vince: [/B]I’ll start again. What the hell do you want? [B]Linda:[/B] Vince, I’m here to make sure things are being done properly around here. The Board of Directors are a bit worried that your involvement with The Alliance is clouding your judgment and have you act in a manner which is not fair to all the superstars. [B]Vince: [/B]You want to know what, Linda, I don’t give a crap what you think. I cared what you think when I was waiting to hear if you’d say “I do” 25 years ago, but now, I don’t care. [B]Linda:[/B] Well then we don’t have a problem. I am just here to make sure everything goes by without a hitch tonight and completely fairly. Which is why I am making this Sunday’s WWF Title match between Owen Hart and Steve Austin a No Interference match. And what’s more, if anyone does interfere, they’ll be fired on the spot. Including you, Vince. Have a good night. [B]Vince: [/B]Why you little bitch, come back here! Nobody does that to Vince McMahon! Nobody! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]King: [/B]Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure in introducing to you for the first time on Raw, former OVW Tag Team Champions and recent mainstays on Heat, making their debut on Monday Night Raw… “Too Sexy” Brian Christopher and “Too Hot” Scott Taylor… Too Cool! [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BrianChristopher.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ScottTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Zukaya (Togo & Funaki) w/Yamaguschi-San, Tajiri & WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Hayashi vs Too Cool[/SIZE][/B] The crowd aren’t sure what to make of Too Cool to begin with, although their infectious good nature soon catches on and even the hardest critic can’t help at laugh at their inability to concentrate on the match in favour of humiliating Zukaya by literally dancing circles around them. However, with that said, when it cuts to the business Too Cool can go in the ring and hang tough with the Oriental thugs, even scoring an upset when Grandmaster Sexay Missile Dropkicks Togo in to a roll up from Scotty Too Hotty! [B]Winners: Too Cool in 8:48[/B][/CENTER] As soon as the final bell rings Tajiri and Hayashi storm the ring and start beating on both members of Too Cool. Yamaguchi-San, as always with these heinous attacks, yells instructions in Japanese as Funaki and Togo join in too, each taking it in turns to kick, stomp or punch their adversaries. After each taking a turn to DDT one of their opponents until Togo grabs Scotty Too Hotty and forces him in a Chickenwing while Hayashi and Funaki hold Grandmaster Sexay up. Being choked, Scotty can do nothing as he watches Tajiri step forward and blast the dreaded green mist in the face of his partner and friend. Sexay falls to the floor, grabbing his face in agony, as Hayashi backs off the ropes and dropkicks Scotty in the face for good measure, before the thugs get to their feet and prudly look at the destruction they have caused. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team DX are in their locker room ahead of their respective matches. [B]Shawn: [/B]Tonight, The Alliance have really stuck it to us. Trips, Rob, you’ve been put against each other in a Ladder Match. Rocky, you’ve been put against both the Outlaws. And me and Manky have been put in a Street Fight. But whatever happens tonight, we have to promise that this will not cause a wedge between Team DX at Survivor Series. Agreed? [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock realises what are you are saying, Shawn Michaels, and you are right. Now Team DX has The Great One on their team they cannot fail but to win. But DX gets nothing… and The Rock means nothing… by letting something get between them. [B]RVD: [/B]Yeah man, for sure. I mean, Hunter, me and you are gonna go out there and have a pretty brutal match. But I want you to know that, regardless of who wins, tonight is tonight, and as soon as the final bell rings it’s like nothing ever happened for me. [B]Triple H:[/B] Good. We can’t have you getting annoyed when I beat you, can we? [B]Shawn:[/B] Shut up, Hunter. No rifts, okay? Tonight will be tough but when we get to Survivor Series we have to be together to defeat The Alliance. There’s no turning back now, we’re all in this together. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A green lo-rider enters the arena and out steps the Vato Loco’s. Of course, Chavito is at the front of the group, proudly walking ahead as Reyes Rios Rodrigues and Essa Aguila follow behind. Eventually, Psicosis walks behind them too, carrying all of the others threes bags as he goes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Shamrock makes his way to the ring to a great reception from the crowd, even though they probably realise he’s going to cut a promo. [B]Shamrock:[/B] You know what? I’m sick of all this BS, I’m sick of the sneak attacks, I’m sick of the cheating. Finlay, you took my Intercontinental Title. Fair play, but the BS ends right now. At Survivor Series I get to fight you in a no holds barred, anything goes environment and now I have my Anklelock back, I swear to God I’m gonna break your damn ankle. Only problem is… I don’t wanna wait ‘til Survivor Series. Get out here NOW! After a brief moment Finlay’s music plays, however, rather than Finlay we get his manager Paul Bearer, which clearly just serves in infuriating Shamrock even further. [B]Paul:[/B] Kenny… Finlay isn’t coming out. He has no need to. He is now the Intercontinental Champion of the world, and he is just six days from a big title defence. And while there is nothing he likes better than fighting, and while he is the fightingest champion in history, he will not be making himself known tonight. I’m sorry, and good day to you, Shamrock. Bearer turns his back to vacate the ring but is suddenly attacked by the Worlds Most Dangerous Man! Shamrock rips his shirt off in a fit of fury, screams himself in to the zone and starts tearing at Bearer’s ankle. Bearer obviously tries tapping straight away but Shamrock doesn’t care, until the lights go out and chilling organ music fills the arena. [B]JR: [/B]Oh God, no. [B]King: [/B]This isn’t good JR. Kane & The Undertaker make their way down to the ring, and as soon as they enter they are cut off by Shamrock, but that means little. They easily overwhelm him and start beating down on him, until they both eventually grab him by the throat… [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]BREAK IT DOWN![/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Rob Van Dam, Mankind, Shawn Michaels and Triple H sprint down to the ring and engage the Brothers Of Destruction in an almighty clusterf*ck scrap, all wildly throwing punches at each other until a whole host of referees, EMT’s, backstage workers and even a few wrestlers run down to pull them apart. Both sides are on the outside of the ring, trying to desperately to get at each other as Ken Shamrock gets to his feet, obviously dazed, in the middle of the ring. He looks out at the carnage when Finlay suddenly slides in to the ring from the crowd to meet Shamrock as he turns around and snaps his shillelagh on his head! Shamrock collapses to the mat in a heap as Finlay and Bearer exit via the crowd. [B]JR: [/B]I don’t by God believe this! It’s damn well gang warfare out here and Finlay just cheap shotted Shamrock again! [B]King: [/B]I love it! This was clearly a plan, and you know who the kings of plans are, don’t you? [B]JR: [/B]This has got an Alliance stitch up written all over it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sable.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Marvellous” Marc Mero vs Sable[/SIZE][/B] As expected, this isn’t a particularly even showing. Mero toyed with his ex-wife, shoving her, forcing the sole of his show in her face, anything he could to humiliate her. Sable tried to put in a good fight, and there were periods of brief offence on her behalf, but basically Mero dominated her, even resorting in Clotheslining and Scoop Slamming her at point. Eventually, seemingly with Mero ready to put Sable away with a Powerbomb, Sable dropped to her knees and low blowed him, causing the Marvellous One to writhe around in agony. Referee Jack Doan checked on Sable in the corner as Lance Storm sprinted to the ring, nailed Mero with a Superkick and slid out of the ring, allowing Sable to crawl on top for the 3 count! [B]Winner: Sable in 5:12[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with the Vato Loco’s, including their newest member, Psicosis. [B]Cole: [/B]Chavo, tonight you team with one of your “Loco’s” to face the extreme team of Al Snow and Tommy Dreamer. [B]Chavo:[/B] What was that, vato? “Extreme team”? The only thing extreme about them is their breath. You see homie, I’m teaming up with Essa Aguila tonight, one of the hottest young luchadores Mexico has ever seen assez, and when me and him bring a little Chavito Heat action to those worn down nobodies from a bingo hall, you’re all gonna see why the WWF is all about the Vato Loco’s assez. It’s exactly why we now got Psicosis to help us out, isn’t that right, vato’s? [B]Cole:[/B] With that said, are you not a little embarrassed that after months upon month of unsuccessfully trying to defeat Psicosis, your young protégé did it with his first attempt? [B]Chavo:[/B] Excuse me, assez, I think my hearing is not working so good these days? Am I embarrassed, assez? Do you know who you’re talking to, homes? You’re talking to Chavito Heat now, boy, and you don’t talk like that. Loco’s! Suddenly, Aguila and Rodrigues attack Michael Cole, beating him to the ground as Chavo looks on approvingly, until he angrily stares at Psicosis, who has his head held in shame. Chavo grabs him by the hair and throws him to the concrete where Cole is lying, screaming in Spanish for him to join in. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon comes down to the ring. [B]Vince:[/B] Okay, so I’ll be the first to admit last week didn’t exactly go according to plan. But do you think that bothers me? Do you think the first time a problem came along when I was single handedly building the empire you see before you today I decided to give up? What I’ve learnt from my time building a multi-million dollar empire is that with every loss is opportunity. Last week my son was arrested and The Rock made the career ending decision to join D-Generation X at Survivor Series. But do you think that bothers me? The Rock is a mere dot on the radar and with him joining DX; a place is open for Team Alliance. This is why I’m giving the spot to a real wildcard, an unknown quantity; a real maverick… the 5th member of Team Alliance will be… Shane McMahon! [B]King: [/B]Wow! [B]JR:[/B] Shane McMahon?! Don’t get me wrong, he’s one hell of an athlete… but this isn’t just any match. [SIZE="4"][CENTER][I]DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN’?[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE] The crowd explodes at the sounds of The Rock’s entrance theme as he snarls and spits his way down to the ring. [B]Rock: [/B]Finally… The Rock… has come back… to Chicago! So the time has come, the time is now, The Alliance decide upon who is the man who will counter the biggest announcement in WWF history, The Rock joining DX… and you chose… Shane McMahon? Tell The Rock, why would you chose him? [B]Vince: [/B]Simply, becau… [B]Rock[/B]: It doesn’t matter why you chose him! All that matters, Vince McMahon, is this Sunday in front of the millions… and millions… of The Rock’s fans, The Rock will walk in to the People’s Arena, walk down the People’s Ramp, in to the people’s Ring and lay the Smackdown on all five Alliance candy asses! So whether they be The Undertaker, whether they be Kane, whether they be Billy Gunn, whether they be Road Dogg or whether they be Shane McMahon himself The Rock will waste no time in taking the offer from The Alliance, shining it up real good and sticking it straight up your candy ass! [B]Vince:[/B] Very cute, Rocky, very cute. But don’t think I’ve forgotten what you did last week. Tonight you will face the New Corporate Outlaws in a Handicap Match and believe you me, Mr Rock, you will pay for what you have done and the days of you mocking The Alliance’s 5th member are soon to end. I promise you that much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to where Goldust is alone his locker room, doing strangely erotic push ups when Edge & Christian walk in. [B]Edge: [/B]Dude, what the hell? [B]Christian:[/B] Holy macaroni, are you, like, totally dry humping the floor? [B]Goldust:[/B] Ssssssss…. We all have our ways of preparing for a match…. I find push ups stimulate the mind and the body… [B]Edge:[/B] Holy crap! [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah man, that totally reeks of sucktitude. [B]Goldust:[/B] So I hear we get to be partners tonight? [B]Christian:[/B] … Tag partners… yeah. [B]Goldust:[/B] If that’s all you want. [B]Christian:[/B] Oh come on, man, that’s not cool! [B]Edge: [/B]Come on, dude, we came here to bond with him before the match. [B]Christian: [/B]I know, but the guy’s a total gearbox! [B]Goldust:[/B] We may not be as different as you first think… for instance, we both have a lust for … ssssssss… gooollllld. [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah, get the feeling your affiliation for gold is, like, totally different to ours… [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah, chumpstain, I think you’ll find the only lust we have is for crazy big ass sunglasses! [B]Edge: [/B]Big ass crazy sunglasses rule! [I]They high five[/I] [B]Goldust: [/B]Tonight is the first stage of revenge… and when we win, the after party will be right here. [B]Edge:[/B] Awesome! I love a party, I’ll bring the tiny umbrellas for the sodas, Christian, you bring the cake. [B]Goldust:[/B] I’ll bring the… sssss…. Whhhhiiiiipped cream. [B]Christian:[/B] Oh, I just realised, we have that thing after the match. [B]Edge:[/B] Very busy. [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah, see you out there. Edge & Christian cautiously exit the room. [B]Goldust:[/B] Sssssss…. Total… Chumpstains… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MrAguila.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefTommy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila w/Rios Reyes Rodrigues & Psicosis vs “Innovator Of Hardcore” Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow w/Head[/SIZE][/B] The fans are well and truly behind the extremists in this one, but the fast paced styling’s of the Vato Loco’s means they dominate a lot of the match. Al Snow looks particularly impressive, and at one point seems to have the match won thanks to his trusty Head, but a reluctant Psicosis intereferes to hand the vicroty to his new teammates, whether he likes it or not. [B]Winners: Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila in 8:12[/B][/CENTER] As soon as the bell rings at the end of the match Reyes Rios Rodrigues storms the ring and starts attacking the Extremists until Chavo and Essa are ready to join in. Looknig somewhat conflicted, Psicosis stands by, not entirely sure what to do until Chavo begins berating him when Psicosis, traumatised from the whole situation, has to join in the attack and even is forced to add the exclamation mark with a 450˚ splash on Tommy Dreamer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart, Vince McMahon and Linda McMahon are backstage. [B]Vince:[/B] I told you, Owen, she won’t listen. [B]Owen:[/B] To hell you won’t, Linda. You listen here, okay, ‘cos I think your menopause might be ruining your chain of thought. Now you might not understand this as everything you have achieved is because of your great husband, but I worked too damn hard and too damn long to have my title taken away by a little bitch like yourself. I demand you reverse this No Interference ruling. [B]Linda:[/B] I’m sorry Owen, but the ruling stands. And if you continue to speak to me in this manner I will have no choice but to strip you of your WWF Title. [I]There is a knock on the door and Bagwell walks in.[/I] [B]Bagwell:[/B] Holla, holla, holla, it’s Bagwell time! O-Dawg, V-Dawg… and L-Dawg… my, my, my are you looking mighty fine tonight Mrs Mac. Oh, no offence, Mr Mac. [B]Vince:[/B] Honestly, I hope you do sleep with her, Bagwell. Because if she commits adultery I’ve got a reason to divorce her ass and not have her walk away with half the empire I built with my own two hands. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Bagwell is sensing some friction, and he’ll get back to that later. But firstly, Mr Mac, I want something done about Chyna. She embarrassed me last week, and I won’t stand for it. What’s to be done? [B]Vince: [/B]Bagwell, I don’t care. I’ll book a match for next week on Raw and be done with it. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Oh no, Mr Mac, I don’t want a match. I want a chance to prove that when it comes to Buff, there’s only one in the WWF. I want to face Chyna… in a Strongman Competition! [B]Vince:[/B] Bagwell! I don’t care! Whatever. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Sweet. Now then, this friction. You know how friction is caused? By two elements rubbing up against each other. So whadya say, Mrs Mac, me and you cause a little more friction? I mean, I don’t like seeing a couple have problems, but L-Dawg, I do wanna see one thing split in this room, and that’s your legs. [B]Linda:[/B] Get out, Bagwell. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Understood. Bagwell vacates the room as Vince just stands in front of Linda, mouthing “I hate you” to her over and over again. Eventually Owen gets up from his sulking position in a chair in an aggressive manner, flipping the chair as he does so and yells as he storms out of the door… [B]Owen: [/B]If I can’t get an advantage during the match I’ll get one before… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again we get the thoughts from The Future, as if anyone in the crowd actually cares. [B]Sean Morgan:[/B] So the time has come. The most anticipated debut since the birth of Christ is upon us as I, Sean Morgan, am about to wrestle for the very first time at Survivor Series. I’m sure all of you, my loyal fans, are just dying to know if I’m nervous. The truth of it is I’m not at all. Nerves are related to worry, and I’ve got nothing to worry about. I’m the best in the world today, and I can’t wait to get out there in front of my thousands upon thousands of screaming fans, all excited at the prospect of finally seeing the greatest of all time in the ring. This Sunday at the Survivor Series, the future is now, courtesy of… The Future: Sean Morgan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]JR: [/B]And now we’ve got the first of these ridiculous “DX vs DX” matches intended to solely wear out DX ahead of Survivor Series. [B]King:[/B] No it’s not, JR, it’s to determine who will have a match in the pre-show for Survivor Series as well as working the 5 vs 5. [B]JR:[/B] It’s all designed to put DX at a disadvantage, King, and I hate it. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Street Fight, Loser Does “Double Time” at Survivor Series[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Mankind vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] These two had a classic in ’96 and there was much of the same in the early going here. While Mankind is not in the same shape he was he was contented trying to keep up with the “Showstoppa” for much of the match, until Michaels obvious fitness edge took hold and Mankind began doing what he does best, and that’s brawling. The weapons were, for the most part, kept out of it, but once they started they came thick and fast. Not ones to miss an opportunity in a no-DQ environment, The Alliance made themselves known but are quickly subdued as The Rock, Triple H and Rob Van Dam sprint down to offer their support. The clusterf*ck in the ring is hard to report on as all 10 men go all for it, but as the ring gradually gets emptier, Triple H grabs a steel chair that had been left in the ring and swings for Road Dogg, who was tied up with Michaels. However, moments before impact Billy Gunn tackles Road Dogg to the floor, causing Trips to nail HBK in the face with the chair! The ring is then cleared out as Mankind drags an arm across Michaels… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: Mankind in 8:32[/B][/CENTER] When Shawn comes to he realises that Triple H had cost him the match, inadvertently or not, and gets up in his “best friends” face. The Alliance retreat to the back, happy at the destruction they had caused as Michaels and Hunter start yelling in each others faces. Rob Van Dam walks over to calm them down, before leading Michaels away from the confrontation leaving Triple H looking frustrated and alone in the ring. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts back to the parking lot after the match where we see Owen Hart pacing back and forth with a baseball bat in hand, apparently waiting for Austin to arrive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We then see the Acolytes in their locker room when the Fallen Angles walk in, each with a red substance dripping from their mouth as they smile evilly. [B]Gangrel: [/B]Brother Bradshaw, Brother Faarooq, mmmmm… do you feel it. [B]Faarooq: [/B]Feel what? [B]Gangrel:[/B] This Sunday you and my boys will team up to cleanse the WWF of all that is wrong. You will get together and take out the Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian once and for all. [B]Bradshaw: [/B]If you’re asking if we’re ready to kick some ass at Survivor Series, you better believe we’re more ready than ever. [B]Faarooq:[/B] We’re supported by our higher power which tells us that everything will be just fine at the Series. [B]Gangrel:[/B] Then we’re agreed. You have your higher power… mmmm…. We have ours… and we will destroy those that have sinned in the WWF once and for all. Ha… ha… ha ha ha ha ha! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sable is in the medical room being checked up on when Lance Storm walks in. [B]Sable:[/B] Lance, thank you so much for that earlier. [B]Lance: [/B]A plan is a plan. I wasn’t gonna stand by and watch that guy push you around, I’m just glad I could be of service for you. And after we humiliated him tonight, I get the chance this Sunday to really put the hurt on him and make sure he leaves us… sorry… I mean you… alone forever. [B]Sable: [/B]Sorry, Lance, what did you mean by “us”? [B]Lance: [/B]I’m sorr… Before Storm can continue Marc Mero bursts in to the room and starts flailing his arms around wildly at Storm, who in turn begins to fight back. The two start swinging wildly for each other until the room is floodied with referees and EMT’s who drag them apart. [B]Mero: [/B]This Sunday, Storm, this Sunday! That title belt is mine! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Six Man tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristopherDaniels2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Goldust-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Edgechamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/christianchamp.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Human Wrecking Machine” Tazz & The Brood w/Gangrel vs Goldust, Edge & Christian[/SIZE][/B] Tazz is too concerned taking Edge out he doesn’t notice Goldust come up from behind and nail him with a reverse DDT while Christian gets beaten up by all 3 of Fallen Angles [B]Winners: Goldust, Edge & Christian in 7:59[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zukaya are walking backstage as a group, laughing and joking, when out of nowhere Scotty Too Hotty attacks with a Steel Chair! He swings wildly, knocking them all down as he goes, and eventually gets back up from Dougie Williams, Taka Michinoku & Mike Quackenbush as soon as Zukaya look like the numbers might swing things. Eventually Zukaya limp away with their tails between their legs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is still backstage, baseball bat in hand, pacing up and down furiously. He mutters angrily about Austin not being there, before storming through the door back in to the arena yelling “I’m gonna find that son of a bitch”. But as soon as he’s out of sight, a truck screeches in to the arena and Steve Austin gets out to the biggest pop of the night! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Handicap Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BillyGunn1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JesseJames1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]New Corporate Outlaws vs The Rock[/SIZE][/B] It doesn’t matter how good The Rock is, this match is basically a mugging. The Rock does well but ultimately the fact that the Outlaws can double team and have refuge in the form of a tag when Rock gets momentum means they dominate the match. The crowd will The Rock on, trying desperately to get a second wind, which The Rock does, only to be nailed from behind by Road Dogg, allowing Billy Gunn to nail the Fame-Asser. However, rather than making the pin, Shane comes out and bellows to them about “finishing him off”. He throws them a chair and warns referee Earl Hebner if he disqualifies them he is fired as Road Dogg holds him up and Gunn grabs the chair. He swings for the people’s Champ… but The Rock ducks as Road Dogg is taken out! Billy Gunn look shocked, but turns to run at The Rock who meets him half way… Rock Bottom! ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: The Rock in 9:13[/B][/CENTER] Immediately after the match, having shockingly beaten two men, The Rock looks up and sees Shane McMahon on the end, who looks back like a deer caught in the headlights. He tries to run away but the Great One gives chase, running around the ring, back in, until Rocky is met with a Clothesline from… Jeff Jarrett?! What is he doing out there?! Jarrett and Shane then begin laying the boots in on the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, right up until Jarrett locks in an excruciating Figure Four Leg Lock. The Rock screams in agony as Shane grabs a microphone with the Figure Four still held in. [B]Shane: [/B]How do you like that, you stupid son of a bitch? I never was the 5th man. But I’d like to introduce you to the real 5th member of Team Alliance… “New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]JR:[/B] Well I don’t believe it, King. [B]King: [/B]Start believing it, JR, Team Alliance is complete with the 5th member Jeff Jarrett! [B]JR:[/B] Well, whether I like it or not it is what it is. This Sunday at the 12th annual Survivor Series we will see Team DX vs Team Alliance [CENTER][b]Classic Survivor Series Match[/b] The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett and New Corporate Outlaws vs Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock[/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] I tell you what, JR, The Rock may have dealt a heavy blow to The Alliance by stupidly choosing Team DX but have you ever seen a stronger, more cohesive unit than Team Alliance? [B]JR:[/B] Very true, but look at the star power on Team DX! What they don’t have in experience teaming they certainly have in pure ability. Either way it promises to be the biggest Survivor Series Match that I can remember! [CENTER][b]Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title[/b] Finlay © vs Ken Shamrock[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Just last month at Capital Carnage we saw Finlay realise his dream and become the Intercontinental Title from Ken Shamrock but this one hasn’t ended there. [B]King:[/B] Too right it hasn’t, JR, this one is gonna be off the chart. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more intense opponents than these and at Survivor Series they’re basically fighting with no rules! [CENTER][b]The Future: Sean Morgan Debuts [/b][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] We’ve all seen the videos and interviews and finally we get to see this so called “Future” in action. [B]King:[/B] I think this is the match I’m most looking forward to. I’m sure a man with integrity like Sean Morgan would never lie so we’re about to see the debut of a future legend! I can’t wait! [CENTER][b]Classic Survivor Series Match[/b] Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and the WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian[/CENTER] [B]JR: [/B]I can’t ever remember the tag team division being hotter and we get proof of that in 6 days time where four of the biggest teams in the world today get together in one ring. [B]King: [/B]Don’t get me wrong, the Hardyz and Edge & Christian are exciting and all, but I can’t wait to see The Brood make their PPV debut. I’ve got a feeling that their team with the Acolytes will be the most dominant team in Survivor Series history! [CENTER][b]Classic Survivor Series Match[/b] Tajiri, Togo, Funaki & WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Hayashi vs Dougie Williams, Taka Michinoku, Scotty Too Hotty & Mike Quackenbush[/CENTER] [B]JR: [/B]This one just announced folks! After the heinous attack on the debuting Too Cool earlier tonight, which included Grand Master Sexay being moved to a medical unit, the evil Japanese thugs Zukaya will face off against four of the brightest young Light-Heavyweights in the world. [B]King:[/B] I like their in ring work, obviously, but you just can’t condone what Zukaya do post-match. I really hope these “vanilla midgets” teach them a lesson. [CENTER][b]WWF European Title Match[/b] Marc Mero vs Lance Storm ©[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Marc Mero returned earlier this month and he’s had his eyes set on the European Title ever since. [B]King:[/B] You forgot the most important bit, JR… Sable will be at ringside! I don’t think this is as much about the title as it is two men trying to show off to Sable and who can blame them?! [CENTER][b]Classic Survivor Series Match[/b] Chavo Guerrero Jr, Psicosis, Essa Aguila & Reyes, Rios Rodrigues vs Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Another one just announced following actions earlier tonight. The Vato Loco’s took it upon themselves to take out half the hardcore division and this is the backlash. [B]King:[/B] Hang on, who’s the fourth member of Team Hardcore? [B]JR:[/B] I guess we’ll find that one out at Survivor Series, King! [CENTER][b]Singles Match[/b] Tazz vs Goldust[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] This one has been literally months in the making, folks. They were tag champions until Tazz tried to end Goldust’s career with a sickening Piledriver on the concrete and it’s all been about mind games since then. It’s been three months since they had a one on one encounter but this Sunday they go at it again. [B]King: [/B]Tazz is a bad apple, JR, and there’s nothing he’d like to do more than finish this rivalry with Goldust once and for all in 6 days time by finishing Goldust’s career. [CENTER][b]WWF Championship Match[/b] Owen Hart © vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] And now, King, the big one. Austin has been butting his head against the wall for months but finally he gets his chance at the WWF Title he rightfully deserves. [B]King: [/B]Even I have to admit that Austin has done well to get this far but there is no chance in hell that Owen Hart will not be WWF Champion when Survivor Series finishes! [B]JR: [/B]Well folks, that’s the card for you, stacked from top to bottom. Don’t forget to tune in this Sunday live on pay-per-view, 22nd November 1998, for the Survivor Series! [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ssfinalza9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Survivor Series Moment #2[/SIZE][/B] It was at the Survivor Series in 1991 that many would argue began to usher in a new era. The main event, the match for the World Wrestling Federation Champion, saw an unusual event occur. The champion, beloved hero Hulk Hogan, was facing the young monster from Death Valley The Undertaker. Hogan had faced many men and won, yet even though he had not lost in the previous three Wrestlemania’s he was pinned by the Phenom. Perhaps most shocking was the positive reaction towards ‘Taker and the hostile one towards Hogan, of which some people say started the move away from larger than life cartoon characters and in to the darker, more controversial era in which The Undertaker would be the focal point.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock is in the medical area being treated by EMT’s when Kevin Kelly wanders in. [B]Kelly:[/B] Rocky, if I may, how are you feeling ahead of the huge Survivor Series match in 6 days time. [B]Rock: [/B]How does The Rock feel? Are you seriously asking The Rock how he’s feeling without even having the common decency to introduce yourself? [B]Kelly:[/B] Rocky, we’ve bee… [B]Rock: [/B]It doesn’t matter what your name is! All that matters is this Sunday, 22nd November, in front of the millions… and millions… of The Rock’s fans The Rock now enters the People’s Ring not looking for the chance to shine, not looking to prove he is the very best in the World Wrestling Federation, The Rock goes in to Survivor Series looking for retribution. Jeff Jarrett… prepare to the single biggest ass whoopin’ of a lifetime. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]King:[/B] Up next, folks, is one hell of a gift for you. [B]JR:[/B] What the hell does that mean? This is about to be the McMahon’s way of ensuring they win at Survivor Series and you know it. [B]King:[/B] Don’t be so up tight, JR, everybody wins in this scenario. The fans get a huge match between two of the biggest stars in the world, they get a chance at being the Number One Contender whenever they want and… [B]JR:[/B] The Alliance tire out their opponents for Sunday. Yet somehow I get the feeling this is more about the latter than the other two. And do you not think there is a slit chance this will draw an even bigger wedge between Hunter and Van Dam? [B]King:[/B] I sure hope so! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Ladder Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Title after Survivor Series[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Game” Triple H vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/SIZE][/B] The match kicks off with neither man seeming too excited at the prospect of beating each other up ahead of Sunday, although somewhat inevitably it is Triple H that is first to up the physical nature of the match. Very sure he doesn’t want to be embarrassed, he dominates much of the early going and uses a technical, submission style that JR rightly points out “if Van Dam can’t walk, he can’t climb the ladder” but this doesn’t last two long as the high flying nature of RVD drags him in to contention, leaving Triple H no choice but to resort to dirty tactics when the ladder is first introduced, and especially so when a table is introduced as both men try desperately to put each other through the table. These two fantastic athletes soon go at it hammer and tong, seemingly forgetting about partnering at Survivor Series, seemingly beginning when Triple H Suplexed RVD on to the ladder. RVD is writhing around in agony, but it doesn’t stop Hunter from grabbing the ladder and proceeding in Suplexing the ladder on to Rob Van Dam for the nights first “Holy Sh*t!” chant! Rather than climb the ladder, The Game rolled to the outside and grabbed a couple of steel chairs which he set up at the side of the ring. He then balanced the ladder ever so carefully between the two and lifted RVD up for a Suplex… but Van Dam countered it and kicked Hunter on to the ladder! In a swift movement he ran off the ropes and nailed Triple H with Rolling Thunder on to the ladder! [B]JR:[/B] I don’t believe what we’re seeing! [B]King:[/B] I don’t know what’s more important to them- the title shot or pride. [B]JR: [/B]How in the hell are they supposed to co-exist on Sunday?! Van Dam grabs the Ladder and sets it up the middle of the ring, groggily climbing, clearly in pain, closer and closer to the briefcase… WHACK! Triple H just nailed Van Dam with a steel chair with such velocity it sent Van Dam out of the ring! Both men collapsed to the mat, although naturally Hunter got to his feet first and began climbing, slowly, closer and closer to the top, until Van Dam climbed to the top rope, chair in hand… and Van Terminator’d Triple H half way up the ladder! [B]HOLY SH*T! HOLY SH*T![/B] With Triple H completely unconscious, Van Dam once again begins to climb the ladder, reaches the top, directly below the briefcase, but briefly looks down and sees Triple H lying below him. Van Dam looks at The Game, then the briefcase, then the Game again, then the briefcase… then Five Star Frog Splashes Triple H from the top of the ladder! The crowd show their appreciation once again, this time with a “this is awesome!” chant, but it seems an unwise move as the air has completely been knocked out of the Whole Dam Show. Van Dam writhes around next to the table which has somehow still managed to stay erect as Triple H comes to, with both men now stuck in a race to the top. Both men are obviously struggling, but the will to win drags them to the top of the ladder where they begin exchanging punches. Van Dam seems to have got the better of it and reaches for the briefcase… but Triple H low blows him! With RVD doubled over, Triple H takes another step, shoves Van Dam’s head between his legs and holds his arms up behind his back… [B]King: [/B]Oh my… [B]JR:[/B] Tell me The Game isn’t about to Pedigree Van Dam off the top of the ladder… Triple H is about to lift when Van Dam suddenly gets a wave of strength… and back body drops Triple H off the top of the ladder through the table! The crowd begin the “holy sh*t” chant again as Van Dam looks down at the devastation, but then reaches up and grabs the briefcase! [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam in 24:22[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Oh my God! Rob Van Dam has a title shot after Survivor Series at any time of his choosing but he’s by God destroyed Triple H in the process! Van Dam collapses to the mat, obviously exhausted and in a lot of pain, but he looks over to Triple H who is coming too in the surroundings of broken wood. EMT’s begin to check on The Game as he looks up at Van Dam, who has now been helped to his feet by Mike Chioda and Earl Hebner who raise “Shawn’s New Favourite’s” hand in victory. Triple H, despite the overwhelming pain shooting through his body, gets the EMT’s to help him to his feet as he limps over to Van Dam and starts shoving him, yelling at him mercilessly. Van Dam of course doesn’t just accept this and begins shoving back, pointing out the brutality was a two way street. They get right up in each others faces until The Rock, Mankind and Shawn Michaels run down to the ring to separate them ahead of the huge match in 6 days time. [B]King:[/B] Van Dam may have won but I think we’ve just seen irreversible damage to the morale of Team DX! The Alliance’s plan worked! [B]JR: [/B]If tensions weren’t high enough between Van Dam and The Game they now have to be physically restrained after a hellacious match! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="4"][CENTER][I]ENOUGH IS ENOUGH… AND IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE![/I][/CENTER][/SIZE] Owen Hart comes down to the ring, flanked by The Acolytes. [B]Owen:[/B] Damn it, Austin! I don’t know if you intentionally got that sack of crap Mankind to divert my attention or what, but it happened. But now I want you to come out here and face me like a man. You wanna be a snidey little bitch, huh? You wanna get a personal friend of mine arrested? Not on my watch, not while I’m champion. Come out here and face up to your actions. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][I]YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] The crowd pop for the Tag Team Champions, although you suspect everyone is confused as Owen at their appearance. [B]Owen:[/B] What the hell are you two doing out here? [B]Edge: [/B]Well, you see, we’ve got those two hippos as part of our match at the Series, so we thought we’d say hey. [B]Christian: [/B]And oh yeah, we also came here to distract you. [B]Owen: [/B]Distract me from what? Suddenly, Austin slides in the ring as if from nowhere with a steel chair and starts swinging wildly, taking out The Acolytes and Owen Hart in the process. Edge & Christian then sprint to the ring to join in the beat down on the Acolytes as Austin stomps a mudhole in Owen Hart and walks him dry. Austin then turns around from the corner and seeing Edge & Christian in the ring wanders straight over to Christian, kicks him in the gut and Stunners him! Edge looks on angrily, asking why he’d do that after they helped him only to receive a Stunner of his own! Bradshaw groggily gets back to his feet after the assault where he too is met with a Stunner, but his partner Faarooq attacks Austin from behind and hits him a couple of times… no! Stunner to Faarooq! With four men already down in the ring Austin turns to Owen Hart who is just coming to in the corner. The Rattlesnake grabs him by the shirt and lifts him to the feet, kick in the gut… no! Owen shoves Austin away and hightails from the ring! He backs up the aisleway looking somewhat scared as Austin leans through the ropes, offering a couple of middle fingers for his effort. Steve Austin then turns around and walks over to the WWF Title belt which is sat in the middle of the ring, climbs to the top rope in full view of Owen Hart and lofts the title high above his head. [B]JR: [/B]Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! [B]King:[/B] What the hell is going on?! That man in the ring is a criminal! Get him out of the ring! [B]JR:[/B] In six days time Austin gets the chance to win his belt back and by God is he ready! Owen Hart looks like he’s seen a by God ghost! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Too Cool def Zukaya Sable def Marc Mero Chavo Guerrero Jr & Essa Aguila def Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow Mankind def Shawn Michaels Goldust, Edge & Christian def Tazz & The Brood The Rock def New Corporate Outlaws in a Handicap Match Rob Van Dam def Triple H in a Ladder Match to become the Number One contender to the WWF Title after Survivor Series- He can claim the shot at any time
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Good stuff again buddy. Edge and Christian were reeking of awesomeness, and I loved the blatant "We're here to distract you" line. Personal highlights included Michael Cole taking a beatdown, RVD beating the Game and Sable pinning Mero. Can't wait for Survior Series. Somebody has to turn somewhere surely?
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