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WCW: A New Begnining? Or an old end?

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"Hey Steph you coming or what? The movie starts in 30 minutes." I said with the most devlish grin. Stephanie was personal secratery of my boss, a man I think many of you know all to well. We were suppose to go see the opening of some cheesy chick flick that had just came out in theaters. I didn't actually want to go, but I'd been flirting with Stephanie a lot as of late and she had finally given me the time of day. "Yeah I know but the boss is in a meeting and you know he doesn't like me leaving until those things are over." I sat on the edge of her desk and admired those beautiful blue eyes for a minute. "Who's he got in there at this hour? Surely he doesn't still have Chris back there does he?" "No, actually this is a top secret meeting?" She said giggling a little. "Oh now you have my attention, please do tell?" "Sorry Clayton, but I was given strick orders not to leak this to anyome or it could have disasterous effects." "Oh come on. You owe me for standing me up, since appearantly we aren't going to make the movies." "Ok but you have to swear to me that you won't say a word of this to anyone." "Scouts honor." I said with a grn holding up to fingers. "Alright well..." She leaned closer as if the walls themselves had ears. "Vinc is in a meeting right now with Ted Turner. Appearantly Ted has been looking to sell WCW and vince is more than interested in it. It looks like the deal should go through in weeks." I was shocked. Vince Mcmahon was going to buy WCW and in doing so probably kill pro wrestling as we know it. I had to do something...but what?
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Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Clayton Adams and I got involved in the wrestling industry ten years ago at the age of 16. Then my father was the right hand man to Vince Mcmahon a man with a mission. Together Vince and my father were able to seemingly rule the wrestling world. This was a dream come true for me being such a hardcore fan I would following my father to work and sitting in while him and Vince talked about new angles and ideas. On my 18th birthday my dad got Vince to agree to give me a spot on the creative team, he said I would represent Generation X and what they wanted to see. Of course no one on the board wanted to listen to what some punk 18 year old kid had to say, especially because the only reason he got the job was because his old man was the best friend of the boss. A few years later at the age of 23 my father suddenly died of a heart attack. Everyone from the WWF came to pay their respects to me and my family, it was a great loss for the wresting world. Vince agreed to keep me on board mainly as a favor for my father. soon Vince would become very bitter and blinded by his own greed. We would remind me on a daily basis that the only reason I was still around was because of the respect he had for my father, but I would never be half the man he was in this business. Now here we are present day, I'm 26 years old and still the lowest man on the todem poll on the creative team. I guess I should be thankful I have such a great job in the business that I love right? I should probably just sit by and let Vince buy out WCW and pray he didn't kill the wrestling industry in the process. Who was I kidding? Of course this would kill wrestling, with no real competiton the WWF writers would have no reason to be creative. What would my father do?
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]"I need to talk to Eric Bischoff"[/COLOR] I said to the recepionist on the other line. [COLOR="Red"]"And who should I say is calling?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"My name is Clayton Adams and I'm on the creative team with the WWF."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"I see... Mr. Bischoff is in a meeting right now If you'd like I can have him call you ba...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Listen lady I don't have time for your lies. Tell Eric that I know a way to really hurt Vince Mcmahon and if he doesn't talk to me now he'll never have the chance again.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Hold please"[/COLOR] There was a long pause and I noticed then that my hands were shaking. My father had once told me to live my own life and not let what other people thought of you dictate the man you would become. I really hoped this is what he was talking about, and he wasn't rolling over in hbis grave right now. [COLOR="Green"]"This is Eric Bischoff who the hell is this?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"My name is Clayton Adams Mr. Bischoff, I'm on the creative team with the WWF.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Adams? Adams? Right the old man was a big shot at WWF right? I saw in the paper he paseed very tragic. I send my condolences."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Thank you that means alot."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Anyway my receptionist says you mentoned something about taking down Vince? Are you planning on staging a Coup?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Not quite. See I have it under good authority that Vince is attempting a buy out of WCW. A move that, as I'm sure you know, could potentually end wrestling for good."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"I see... And what is it you're proposing excatly?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"We need to beat him to the punch. As far as he knows the only people that know about this buy out are him and Ted Turner. So if we could some how buy into it before Vince then there might still be a chance.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"I like the way you think kid. I'll tell you what. I'm going to make some phone calls. Why don't you meet me for dinner tomorrow around 8 so we can talk about this more in person.[/COLOR] Soon after that we hung up and I ran to the bathroom to vomit. This was it no turning back now. If we don't find a way to make this deal happen Vince will surely find out what I did and fire me and Stephanie both. I can't let that happen, wrestling is all I've known since I was a kid. God Eric better not let me down.[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]The meeting was held in a banquet hall just north of Atlanta. As I walked in I saw Eric and another man I didn't recognize in the middle of the room. As I approached them I realized my hands were sweating. I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling of dread I had in the pit of my stomach. [COLOR="Blue"]Mr. Bischoff, I'm Clayton Adams. It's a pleasure to fianlly meet you."[/COLOR] Eric stood up and gave one of those toothy grins he always gives on tv. [COLOR="Green"]Yes Clayton, how are you? The gentleman next to me is Brian Bedol, CEO of Fusient Media Ventures. And hopefully the future owner of the new WCW."[/COLOR] I offered Brian a smile then took my seat across from the two of them. [COLOR="green"]Let's get started shall we gentleman. Clayton you've told me that you're on the creative team of the WWF. Now I've got to wonder what you're role is going to be in this buyout. Surely you haven't saved enough money to be one of the owners?"[/COLOR] I was waiting for this question, but I was shocked it was the first thing thrown out their. One thing's for sure people like Eric Bischoff are all the same. They don't believe it can be possible for man to do something for the better of everyone without having some alternate motive. [COLOR="Blue"]"Well Eric like I said before I think that if Vince buys WCW it will completly destroy the wrestling industry. And in 10 years professional wrestling will be all but extinct. Now you're right I can't offer any money in this buy out. But I would like to come on as part of the creative team I really think I have some great ideas if I can get heard."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"You know, you remind me alot of my former self. So I'm going to cut to the chase. If we proceed with this buy out. WCW will literally be on its last leg. We can't afford to make any mistakes, we need fresh ideas and small contracts. Now with that being said since you are the one that brought this proposal to me. I'll allow to to come on not only as a member of the creative team, but as the head booker.[/COLOR] I think he saw all the color rush from my face, because he shot me one of those toothy grins then continued. [COLOR="green"]"Now what that means for you is you won't be getting paid like a head booker, hell you'll be lucky to be making close to what you made at the WWF. But if this goes through then we need fresh mind. Someone with new ideas who is willing to work more so for the love of it than the paycheck it brings, and it saddens me to say you're one of a few people who would be willing to do that."[/COLOR] Hmm perhaps this Bischoff guy wasn't so bad after all. [COLOR="Red"]"Let's not get ahead of ourselves gentlmen. First let me point our the obvious. Mr. Adams are you aware that WCW is currently loseing in excess of 10 million dollars a year, why would anyone want to invest in a company like that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Well sir yes I was aware of the significant losses the company is taking.[/COLOR] This was a lie I had no clue anyone could lose that much money, but hey they didn't know that. [COLOR="blue"]"And my solution for that is this. As soon as we take over we renegociate everyone's contracts. If they don't want to negociate then we cut them loose. The way I see it sir if we tell them about the dire state wrestling is in, and will be in if Vince succeeds with this buy out then most of them will see the light and agree to the paycut."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Alright gentlemen I have places to be. Eric I need you to meet me in Mr. Turner's office tomorrow at noon, to discuss this investment further. Mr. Adams you'll be hearing from us very soon.[/COLOR] The three of us shoke hands then went our seperate ways. Mine being towards the mens room for another vomitting session.[/B][/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER]1 APRIL 2001 FROM THE FRONT PAGE OF THE NEW YORK TIMES [/CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][B]WCW sold to Fusient Media Ventures Eric Bischoff firmly in charge again [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] Meet Fusient Media Ventures, the proud new owners of WCW. The new boss? Same as the old boss, Eric Bischoff. Upon his return Bischoff is also bringing back television writer Vince Russo to put together the angles / scripts for WCW. According to the press release, Fusient has entered into an agreement with Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. to acquire WCW. TBS, Inc. will retain a minority interest in the company and retain the rights to the broadcasts. Classic Sports Network founders Brian Bedol and Stephen Greenberg are behind Fusient Media Ventures. ESPN acquired Classic Sports Network a while back. Bedol will be the new CEO of WCW. Bischoff will assume the role of president. The partnership of Bedol, Greenberg and Bischoff brings together more than 50 years of combined experience in the entertainment, television and sports industries. "We're going to reestablish the WCW as the champion of professional wrestling entertainment," said Brian Bedol in the release. "There is huge untapped potential for the franchise and with Eric Bischoff on board we will crank everything up to make the WCW franchise even bigger, better, stronger and more entertaining than anything wrestling fans have ever experienced before." "We are pleased to have reached an agreement with Fusient Media Ventures that truly represents a win for all parties," said Bradley J. Siegel, president of general entertainment networks, TBS, Inc. "The Fusient management team's experience in programming, production and marketing at Classic Sports Network lends itself perfectly to the WCW business. Their entrepreneurial business-building expertise, combined with the powerhouse brands and distribution that TBS Superstation and TNT provide, will be a winning combination." "Wrestling fans can rest assured that we will give the WCW the adrenaline shot it needs to once again become the most exciting brand of wrestling in the world," said Eric Bischoff. Fusient Media Ventures is focused on identifying, funding, developing and distributing next generation content and converged media brands. The company is headquartered in New York, with offices in Los Angeles. [/QUOTE][/B]
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[CENTER][B]15 April 2007[/B][/CENTER] It's been 2 weeks since the announcement about Fusient buying WCW. My name wasn't mentioned at all which was great. I've had several conversations with Eric over the past couple of weeks. He said he's begun restructuring the current contracts of everyone and for the most part everyone seems to be ok with what's going on. Appearantly everyone has sided with me on how bad it would've been for business had Vince been allowed to buy out WCW. I asked him how soon we should be able to start and he said everything should go into effect on the first. That gives him 2 weeks to finalize the roster and get it sent to me so I know what I'm working with for the first Nitro. It looked like every thing was going perfectly, then the phone rang. [CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]ME- "Hello?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]VINCE: "You Slimmy son-of-a-bi***!" Who the He** do you think you are?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Vince hey, guess you heard about the new competiton huh?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Is that what you think you are compititon? I've been destroying WCW now for months on end, surely you don't think you stand a chase of making money."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Not only do I think we'll make money. Soon WCW will be buying the WWF."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"HA! Please. Let me tell you something son. I made wrestling hwat it is today. I gave bums like your father a place to work, then I continued my good deeds my keeping dead weight like you and him around so you wouldn't be a burden to the economy."[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] I hung up after that. I was hoping things wouldn't get personal with Vince, at least not at first anyway; guess that was just wishful thinking though. No more than a minute later the fax machine beeped, and I walked over and saw Eric had faxed me the new roster.
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[CENTER][B]Note: [COLOR="Blue"]Blue= FACE [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Red= HEEL[/COLOR] MAIN EVENT: [COLOR="Red"]Buff Bagwell Chris Kanyon Jeff Jarrett Scott Steiner Shane Douglas[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Bill Goldberg Booker T Diamond Dallas Page Sting Dustin Rhodes [/COLOR] UPPER MIDCARD: [COLOR="Red"]Disqo Mike Awesome Mike Sanders Rick Steiner Sean O’Haire[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Bam Bam Bigelow Ernest Miller Hugh Morris Konnan Rey Mysterio Jr. [/COLOR] MIDCARD: [COLOR="Red"]Brian Adams Bryan Clark Chavo Guerrero Jr. Chuck Pulumbo Lance Storm Mark Jindrak Shannon Moore Shawn Stasiak [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Alex Wright Big Vito Billy Kidman Johnny The Bull Lash LeRoux Norman Smiley Shane Helms The Wall [/COLOR] LOWER MIDCARD: [COLOR="Red"]Elix Skipper Evan Karagias Kwee-Wee Reno [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jimmy Yang Kaz Hayashi [/COLOR] OPENER: [COLOR="Red"]Kid Romeo[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jamie Knoble Jason Jett Christopher Daniels M.I. Smooth[/COLOR] Enhancement Talent: [COLOR="Red"]Michael Modest [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]A.J. Styles Air Paris [/COLOR] Occasional Wrestlers: [COLOR="red"]Lex Lugar Road Warrior Animal Tank Abbott[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Ed Ferrara Hulk Hogan Jim Duggan Kevin Nash [/COLOR] MANAGER: [COLOR="Red"]Jimmy Hart Midajah[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Paisley Ric Flair [/COLOR] ANNOUNCER: [COLOR="blue"]Mike Tenay Scott Hudson Tony Schiavone [/COLOR] COLOR COMMENTATOR: [COLOR="blue"]Larry Zbyszko Stevie Ray [/COLOR] REFEREE: [COLOR="red"]Nick Patrick[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Charles Robinson Billy Silverman [COLOR="Red"][/COLOR][/COLOR] AUTHORITY FIGURE: [COLOR="red"]Eric Bischoff[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Dusty Rhodes Gene Okerlund Pamela Paulshock[/COLOR] ROAD AGENT: [COLOR="blue"]Fit Finlay Arn Anderson John Laurinaitis[/COLOR] PERSONALITY: [COLOR="Red"]Kevin Sullivan[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Brian Bedol Major Gunns Paul Orndorff Scott Armstrong Stacy Keibler Terry Taylor Torry Wilson[/COLOR] INJURED: [COLOR="red"]Vampiro[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Sid Viscous[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Looking over the roster I didn’t like what I saw at all. Our roster was filled with guys way past their prime, meanwhile all the younger guys were stuck bottom feeding. I made a mental note to try to soften the cushion between these two as much as possible in the weeks to come. Eric looked like a man who was in complete bliss he had now fulfilled one of his life long goals, owning WCW. It didn’t take him long to get power crazy either the first thing he did as the new boss was strip the gold off of all the champions he said this was a new era and you can’t start a new era with old champions. He then ordered me to start a tournament immiditaly for the WCW title that will end at our first PPV Big Band. The next thing he did was reinstate the Television title. He said it had a long prestige’s history of building up the future of this company and that’s exactly what he wanted to use it for; to build up the future. He then retired the Cruiserweight Tag Titles. He said while he loved the crusierweight division the tag titles seemed a little excessive; I found it hard not to agree with him. The first thing on my agenda however was to begin booking for the coming Nitro, I knew it had to be huge because it was the one that was going to make the biggest impact in our new life. Eric came into my office however and quickly change my priorities. [COLOR="Red"]Eric: “Hey Clayton you busy?” [/COLOR][COLOR="blue"]Me: “Yeah I’m going through this roster trying to figure out who should be in our first ever main event. What do you think of Sting Vs. Jarrett?” [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Eric: “Sure whatever. Look I need you to start hitting the free agent market. We have a lot of great talent here and I realize that but we need to make a splash here soon. We need a big signing, or better yet a big angle where a group comes in and takes over, how’s that sound?” [/COLOR][COLOR="blue"]Me: “Um great if you’re looking to turn the fans on us from the beginning. Not to mention I thought we were tight on cash?" [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Eric:"What are you talking about, the fans will love it. And don't worry about the money, it's been decided that we need to make a couple big signins so people gain intrest in our product again."[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Me: “No they’ll hate it. They will view it as yet another reject N.W.O. angle and turn against just like they did the other 50 times you guys tried a reject N.W.O. angle. [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Eric: “What are you saying?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Me: “I’m saying yes you’re right we need a big signing that will make waves. But we need to construct it so people know it’s not just the N.W.O. round 17! Look I have a few ideas I’ll run by you later on let me see if I can make some phone calls.” [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Eric: Alright sounds good. Man I bet Vince is steaming right now, did you see the look on his face when Ted told him he wouldn’t be getting the company?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Me: “No I was being escorted out of the building in hand cuffs and I’m pretty sure my father my have been turning over in his grave.” [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Eric: “Oh man I would’ve killed to see his face.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Me: “Eric, we can’t think about that right now. This isn’t about you and Vince not yet anyways. It’s about us trying to turn this dying company around so we don’t both find ourselves homeless.” [/COLOR] Eric shot me a stern look like I just committed the ultimate sin. And maybe I did, I knew it was bad luck especially in this business to talk about not cutting it. But someone had to bring him down to Earth hopefully that did the trick. Well looks like I need to find some more workers to add to our already inflated roster. My next order of business after finally piecing together what I viewed as a great Nitro, and calling up some new workers was to tweak our current PPV schedule. The first thing I wanted to do was bring back War Games. I remember watching War Games growing up and being amazed at the 5 on 5 carnage that took place in the ring. It also seemed like a perfect event to lead into Starcade our money maker show. Speaking of Starcade I decided to take a page out of the WWF playbook and put together a tournament where the winner would compete at Starcade for the title. After talking it over with Eric it was decided that we would change the current August PPV from Road Wild to the King of Kings tournament. The winner would then face whom ever the current champion was going into Starcade. Eric also mentioned making our PPV events 4 hours long instead of three. While this may seem overkill it’s a good way to use some of our inflated roster of highly sought out events. With the day slowly coming to a close all that’s left for me to do is sit back and hope that my first show as the new WCW head booker isn’t a complete bust.[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]WCW MONDAY NIGHT[/COLOR][/SIZE] LIVE 1 MAY 2001 AT THE ALEXANDER MEMORIAL CLOLISIUM IN ATLANTA, GA[/B] [B]OPENING ROUND FOR THE WCW TITLE: JEFF JARRETT VS DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE STING VS SCOTT STEINER BILL GOLDBERG VS SHANE DOUGLAS BOOKER T VS BUFF BAGWELL DUSTIN RHODES VS CHIRS KANYON MICHAEL MODEST VS JASON JETT[/B] O.O.C. Predictions and comments are always welcome. It always makes it easier to write when you feel like you have an audiance =) Also I just realized I haven't done this yet so I just wanted to take the time and say thanks to [B]Tommy and D16NJD16.[/B] For those of you who don't realize it, I'm using the [B]Rebirth database [/B]these guys put together. It's my personal favorite database and comes highly recommended from me.[/CENTER] [QUOTE] QUICKPICK Jeff Jarrett Vs DDP Sting Vs Scott Steiner Bill Goldberg Vs Shane Douglas Booker T Vs. Buff Bagwell Dustin Rhodes Vs Chris Kanyon Michael Modest Vs Jason Jett [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B] WCW MONDAY NITRO 1 MAY 2007 LIVE from the Alexander Memorial Coliseum in Atlanta, GA on TNT 7,947 in attendance The show opens with Michael Modest giving an interview about his upcoming match with Jason Jett. He tells the world he’s the next big thing in pro wrestling and he’s going to prove it here tonight. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D Michael Modest is still unknown to many people and most of them didn’t feel like sitting through a promo of a guy they never heard of.[/COLOR] Michael Modest defeated Jason Jett in 7:45 by pinfall with a reality check. [COLOR="red"]Notes; C- This two don’t click I’ll have to remember that in the future. Not a bad first match though for the new WCW or for Michael Modest. Jason Jett is improving in Technical Skills, and Performance Skills. [/COLOR] Dustin Rhodes defeated Chris Kanyon in 12:55 by pinfall with a bulldog. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B Dustin was accompanied to the ring by his father Dusty Rhodes, and the two play off each other nicely. This match did what I expected of it in terms of ratings. Chris Kanyon is improving in Performance Skills. [/COLOR] Eric Bischoff comes to the ring next: [COLOR="red"]ERIC: “Hello Atlanta Georgia and welcome to the new WCW! [/COLOR] This is a mixture of cheers and boos; to this Eric just gives his cheesy smile and continues. [COLOR="red"]ERIC: “yes yes I know I’m excited about being the man with all the power also. And as many of you already know I marked this special day in history by vacating all the current titles. Now we have a tournament in place to name the first ever WCW champion under the new Bischoff reign, but I’m still not quite sure what to do with the U.S. title. [/COLOR] As soon as he says this Disqo’s music hits and he makes his way down to ring side. [COLOR="Green"]DISQO: Eric baby, I think the obvious answer to this dilemma is to make someone with a proven track record the champion. Someone who has been with this company through all the good times and all the bad. Someone who supported you while you were the head booker and who still supports you today. Someone like… well me.[/COLOR] Bischoff begins nodding like he agrees with everything Disqo is saying, but just as he’s about to speak Rey Mysterio Jr.’s music hits. [COLOR="Blue"]Rey: “ Wait just a minute. You’re not the only one with a track record at WCW. In fact you’ve never amounted to much at all in your entire career here at WCW. We need someone who can bring prestige to the belt, someone who has the fans on their side. Someone like me.[/COLOR] Disqo and Rey begin shoving one another, and tossing out verbal insults. [COLOR="Red"]ERIC: “Alright alright take it easy you two. Now because I’m a fair and impartial owner here’s what I’m going to do. This Wednesday at Thunder the two of you will go head to head and the winner will be crowned the new U.S. champion!”[/COLOR] The fans cheer and Disqo and Rey seem to be happy as well. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B This was a great segment and will hopefully lead to a very good match at Thunder.[/COLOR] Booker T defeated buff Bagwell in 13:09 with a Scissor kick [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ This was another great match but two of my best wrestlers. So far this show is going exactly as planned. Buff Bagwell is improving in Rumble Skills.[/COLOR] Jeff Jarrett defeated Diamond Dallas Page in 12:50 by pinfall after The Stroke. With this win JJ advanced to the Semi Finals of the WCW Title Tournament. [COLOR="red"]Notes: A* couldn’t ask for a better performance by these two great wrestlers. They proved why they were chosen for this tournament. Jeff Jarrett is improving in Rumble Skills. Diamond Dallas Page is improving in Performance skills.[/COLOR] After the match Gene Okerlund caught up with Jeff Jarrett to get his thoughts on the win. [COLOR="Blue"]GENE: “Congratulations on you’re win Jeff. And as you know this puts you one step closer to the WCW title. What were you’re thoughts going into the match?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]JARRETT:” My thoughts? Hell Gene I don’t know my thoughts were I was going to beat the hell out of slap nuts tonight and that’s exactly what I did. Tell me slap nuts, do people actually pay you to ask that ridiculous question?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]GENE: “Well ladies and gentleman that’s all we have for now to hear the full interview just dial 1-900-ripoff and for only 100 dollars a minute you can hear my response to this plus much much more.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B This was a decent segment that kept the fans entertained. [/COLOR] Bill Goldberg defeated Shane Douglas in 12:31 by pinfall with a Spear. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ this wasn’t a bad match at all. It lacked a little in the selling department but other than that it wasn’t bad. Goldberg is improving in Technical Skills.[/COLOR] Scott Steiner defeated Sting in 17:32 by submission with the Steiner Recliner. [COLOR="red"]Notes: A This was a good way to send off the show. This match also suffered from lack of selling but it still did more than good. Scott Steiner is improving in Performance Skills.[/COLOR] Final Notes: B I was hoping for a bit better, but I’ll take it. I should’ve made the tournament match the main event, that’s a problem I won’t make again in the future. The Road Agents say I used Michael Modest to much I’ll have to keep that in mind. Stats: Attendance: [COLOR="Red"]WCW: 7;947[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]WWF: 25,144[/COLOR] Ratings: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 18.10[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: 30.11[/COLOR] Grade: [COLOR="red"]WCW: B[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: B-[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER]
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After the show Eric came in to congratulate me. He said it was a largely popular show, and from the looks of things we may end up saving this company after all. Needless to say I breathed a breath of fresh air after hearing that, but then Eric got a stern look on his face. He said that while he thought I was doing a great job I need to realize that this was only day one and the more success we have the more heat Vince is going to bring. He then asked me if I had made the signings like he had asked. I told him that I had spent most of the day on the phone and expected to hear back from a few very prestigous wrestlers very soon. He seemed to like the sound of that then he told me that the board of directors sent down a memo today of goals they had for us. They informed him that if these goals were not met is was more than likely WCW would be closing their doors forever. I drew a deep breath as he handed me the list of goals, I couldn’t help but notice my hands were being to shake. [B][CENTER]Goal number 1: The promotion must not have less than $10,149,925 left in it’s account at the end of 2 years.[/CENTER][/B] I looked at Eric and asked him how much was currently in the account. He flipped through some papers then grinned. After the performance tonight we had $8,119,940. So basically we had two years to make about 2 million. While this seemed easy at first Eric reminded me that the main reason Ted Turner lost the company was because they were losing around 10 million per year, I nearly fainted when I heard that. We laughed and told me not to worry though since we bought WCW out and he had a good relationship with most the guys he restructured most the contracts and that shouldn’t be happening this time around. (Thank you Eric Bischoff.) [B][CENTER]Goal number 2: The company must be more prestigious at the end of 2 years.[/CENTER][/B] This didn’t seem to hard to do either. In fact I was sure I could do this. [B][CENTER]Goal Number 3: America and the rest of the world is keeping a close eye on this new WCW. Because of that we have to look as professional as possible. That means no hiring under trained workers. The company has a scout who grades each wrestler in a number of categories. Before each signing they must report to these scouts to get evaluated if they are deemed to be below a D in basics on the scouts scale then you are prohibited from signing them.[/CENTER][/B] While this goal was ok with me, I wasn’t looking to hire anyone who couldn’t wrestle, it still rubbed me the wrong way. The first two goals were about finances and I understand the board getting involved in them; but this one was about who I can and can’t hire that should be a decision made by only me the head booker. Eric seemed to read my mind because he just kind of shrugged like "Sorry kid there's nothing I can do." [CENTER][B]Goal Number 4 Constant injuries waste money and time. Therefore you can’t sign anyone with less than a B- in resilience determined by our scout.[/B][/CENTER] I shook my head and reread the goals one more time before handing the paper back to Eric. Just another day at the office.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WCW THUNDER[/COLOR][/SIZE] 3 MAY 2001 Live from the Cintas Center in Cincinnati, Ohio on TBS. 7,900 in attendance PRESHOW: [COLOR="Red"]Notes: C+ this was a very good match with some of my younger talent. [/COLOR] MAIN SHOW: Michael Modest defeated Jamie Noble in 7:31 by pinfall with a reality check. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C This is an improvement from Monday’s show for Modest. Let’s hope he continues to improve.[/COLOR] After the match Michael Modest grabbed a microphone [COLOR="red"]MODEST: “You know I came to WCW for a challenge. I thought this would be the peak of my career would I could wrestle some true stars. Apparently I was wrong. I’ve came here and walked over everyone I’ve encountered. WCW really is washed up. I would’ve had better luck going to the WWF. Is their anyone in the back who really thinks they stand a chance against me?”[/COLOR] As soon as Michael Modest finished talking Bam Bam Bigalow’s music hit. [COLOR="Blue"]BIGALOW: “You’ve got to be kidding me! You’ve won two matches against a couple of youngsters now you think you can handle the big boys? Well then it’s a match Modest next Monday on Nitro you’ll discover why they call me The Beast From the East!”[/COLOR] Bam Bam throws his mic to the ground and leaves a very concerned looking Modest standing in the ring. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- for the Modest promo. The kid still has a lot to learn about cutting a good promo. C- for the Bam Bam promo. He’s been around for a long time and is at least decent on the mic.[/COLOR] Eric Bischoff comes to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]ERIC: “So far I think we are off to a pretty good start. Let’s see tournament for the WCW champion. Check. Match for the U.S. title; check. Now what’s next? Oh right the television title. Well fans don’t worry cause you’re in for a treat see I’ve decided to have a 15 man Battle Royal and the last four mean left in the ring will get to compete Monday Night on Nitro for the television title! Now my trusty assistant and myself have already taken the liberty to decided who those 15 lucky men are. They are… Alex Wright, Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, Jason Jett, Jimmy Yang, Kaz Hayashi, Kid Romeo, Kwee-Wee, Lance Storm, Lash LeRoux, Mark Jindrak, Norman Smiley, and Shawn Stasiak. Let the fun begin!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B The fans seemed very excited about this announcement, plus Bischoff is great on a mic.[/COLOR] 15 MAN BATTLE ROYAL: Lance Storm was the winner at 14:44. The final four who will be competing on Nitro are Lance Storm, Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero, and Shawn Stasiak. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B This was a great match and the fans really enjoyed the stipulation. Alex Wright is improving in Rumble, Technical, and Performance skills. Billy Kidman is improving in Performance skills.[/COLOR] Rick Steiner defeated Hugh Morris in 10:32 by pinfall after a Top Rope Bulldog. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ These two have great chemistry. It did however have a lack of selling. Still a great match by these two.[/COLOR] Disqo and Rey Mysterio Jr. came to a draw after Mike Sanders ran in and attacked them both. [COLOR="red"]Notes: A These two have pretty good chemistry. And wow what a match. Mike Sanders ran off before he could explain why he acted both these men, but because of the draw we still don’t have an U.S. champion. Disqo is improving in Rumble, Technical, and Performance Skills. Rey is improving in Rumble skills.[/COLOR] Chris Kanyon defeated Dustin Rhodes in 15:06 by pinfall after a Flatliner. With the win Kanyon moves to the next round of the tournament. [COLOR="red"]Notes: A* And again I didn’t make this the main event because of it being a rematch. Guess I never learn.[/COLOR] Hulk Hogan defeated Shane Douglas in 17:37 by pinfall after a Big Boot. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ Shane Douglas was tired at the end of this one. I’ll have to remember to keep him in shorter segments. Shane is improving in Performance Skills. Hogan is improving in technical skills.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: C+ Michael Modest was used too much, I figured he would be. The fans also expected to see more angles and storylines. Guess adding in the extra pre show match killed the balance. Well live and learn right… Let’s just hope I live.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 7,900[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]WWF: 25,700[/COLOR] T.V. Rating: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 26.08[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: 17.32[/COLOR] Grade: [COLOR="red"]WCW: C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: B[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Friday 5 May 2001[/B][/CENTER] The meeting with Eric and the rest of the board didn’t go to well for me at all. They were very unhappy with the way Thunder went down, and I can’t really blame them. They said the news that WCW is staying open is dying down quickly and we need to make a huge signing before we lose everyone’s interest. I assured them that I had that covered I think I just pissed them off more however because when they asked who I had lined up I told them I wasn’t going to reveal it until everything was finalized. I got some very stern looks, but lucky for me Eric actually backed me on this. He said that he has had problems in the past with these things some how leaking then the WWF signing away the talent before we ever got the chance. This didn’t sit to well with the board but Eric assured them we had everything under control, and they seemed to let it go after awhile, but said they wanted a big name star to make an appearance this week or else! I didn't like the "or else" part of that statement, and while it was true I was on the verge of signing some very big talent I wasn't sure if they would be ready to debut in the next 7 days; now I guess they didn't have a choice. They then asked how my search for young talent had gone and I informed them of the 4 prospects I signed just this morning to developmental deals. They looked over the profile of each wrestler rather quickly then seemed to be generally satisfied with what we had planned for the future. We ended the meeting with me getting a very stern warning about not having another show like Thunder, and before I had time to defend myself everyone was out of the office. Well let’s hope we can rebound. After the meeting Eric stopped me in the hallways. [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]"Hey Clayton can I talk to you a second?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Sure Eric what's up?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Well before the show I had a meeting with Hogan. He wasn't very happy with not being in the tournament. He doesn't think you know what you're doing and starting to say some things in the locker room."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Really... Well tell Hogan that there's a reason he's listed as an occasional wrestler, and if he doesn't like it there's the door."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"You can't be serious? Hulk's one of the best draws we have you can't just throw him out and let him jump ship to the WWF that would kill us."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Would it? Look Eric I respect what Hogan has done with his career I really do. But the fact of the matter is I don't play politics. That's one thing my father taught me at a very young age. You don't play politics with you're wrestlers because in the end you never win.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"He's the biggest draw we have."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, and also the biggest waste of money. Look tell Hogan I'll see what I can do about fitting him into a storyline. But I swear to God Eric if he tries just one time to pull that creative control crap he's gone.[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Eric and I just stared at each other for a very long time, and I could tell his bond with Hogan was way more than just on a professional level. Finally he just nodded and walked off. And this is just week 1!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WCW MONDAY NITRO[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from the Civic Center in Asheville, NC on TNT Attendance 8,358 PRESHOW: [COLOR="red"]Notes: C [/COLOR] MAIN SHOW: Christopher Daniels defeated Elix Skipper in 7:52 by pinfall with a Last Rites. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ these two youngsters don’t click in the ring. I’ll have to find them some new opponents.[/COLOR] Rey Mysterio and Disqo burst into Eric Bischoff’s office and demand they get a rematch for the U.S. title. Eric says he’s much to busy right now with the Television titles to worry about them right now. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B Eric sold this segment nicely. In the mean time we are left to wonder about the U.S. title.[/COLOR] Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Michael Modest in 8:07 by pinfall after a Diving Headbutt. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- These two don’t click either. With that loss it seems Michael Modest has been put in his place about where he stands in this company. Bam Bam is improving in Performance skills.[/COLOR] Konnan defeated Mark Jindrak in 12:33 by pinfall with a 187 [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ These two looked really good out there. The crowd seemed to love it. Konnan is improving in Performance Skills.[/COLOR] Eric Bischoff comes to the ring with a mic. [COLOR="Blue"]ERIC: “You know I was thinking about this next match, and well it just isn’t right at all. You see today we are bringing the WCW television title out of retirement. It should be explosive. It should be more than just your ordinary 4way match. So I’ve decided to add just a little stipulation to it. Instead of an ordinary match this match will be a 4way Overhead Wires match!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: A* The fans loved the announcement of the added stipulation. And Bischoff comes off looking like a genius.[/COLOR] Shane Helms defeated Kwee-Wee in 12:46 by pinfall after a Vertebraker. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ This was a match that I was worried about at first, I just didn’t know if it had what it took to be so high up on the card. I’m glad these two didn’t disappoint me.[/COLOR] The cameras go backstage where a brawl has broken out between Lance Storm, Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero, and Shawn Stasiak. It’s complete carnage and they are headed for the ring! [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- This was a good segment and seemed to get the fans ready for the next match.[/COLOR] Lance Storm defeated Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero, and Shawn Stasiak in 15:05 by retrieving the WCW Television Title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ This was an incredible match that I’m sure all four competitors will be feeling for a long time to come. Lance Storm wins the TV title! [/COLOR] Sting defeated Booker T in 17:54 by pinfall with a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting advances to the next round. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ Not the main event I was hoping for, but still a great match. And the Tournament is really starting to take shape now.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: B The road agents said I used Bischoff to much. They better keep that to themselves or they may end up fired. Overall this was a good show, and a great rebound from Thunder.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 8,358[/COLOR][COLOR="blue"] WWF: 15,000[/COLOR] TV Rating: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 18.07[/COLOR][COLOR="blue"] WWF: 30.54[/COLOR] Grade: [COLOR="red"]WCW: B[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] WWF: B-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Tuesday 9 May 2001[/B][/CENTER] The day after a successful show is always better than after a bad one. Don't get me wrong, WWF still blew us out of the water in terms of ratings and attendance, but we keep putting on shows like last night and it won't be long until we challenage them again. The office was basiclly deserted today which was nice because today was the day one of my big signings were coming in. I've tried everything possible to keep this under wraps because the last thing I needed was Vince getting word of it before any papers were signed. I spent the day going through possible ways of introducing him to the crowd when there was a knock on the door. [CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]"It's open!"[/COLOR] I checked my clock and realized he was about 30 minutes early, off to a good start I guess. [COLOR="Red"]"Mr. Adams, it's a pleasure to finally meet you I'm @#$%^ I really look foward to working with you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Alright then let's get right down to business shall we? As you know my company is pretty tied up with money so we can't offer you a lot. What we can offer though is a chance to make a differance. I want to bring back wrestling the way it's suppose to be not some 2 bit soap oprah like they have over in WWF."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"That's fair enough. I want some stability so I would like a 2 year deal, I'm thinking around 15,000 a month, plus travel of course."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Right, perhaps you didn't understand what I meant by having money issues. See we bought WCW out from under Vince McMahon, so really we are on our last leg. There's no way I can offer you that much. What I can do is offer you 12000 with travel."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"He stared at me a very long time chewing on his bottom lip. Alright tell ya what. I'll take that offer but only if you give me creative control."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Sorry I don't offer creative control to any of my wrestlers. There are a few on the books now who have it but only because it was with their old contracts and they have already been warned if they try to use it I won't be to pleased at all. You can't run a successful business when everyone expects to get what they want. 13500 with travel and an immediate storyline, that's the best I can do."[/COLOR] He stared at me again for what must have been 5 solid minutes. Then he broke into a grin. [COLOR="Red"]"You know what, I like you. You have guts, and more importantly you have guidelines those are important if you're going to take a company somewhere. Alright I'm in and in case you're interested I already have a little something drawn up for my debut.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Good just sign here, then let me here what you got."[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Alright guys there will be a new superstar debuting at Thunder care to make predictions on who it will be?
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Thunder[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from the A.J. Palumbo Center in Pittsburgh, PA on TBS Attendance 5,000 (Sold out) PRESHOW: [COLOR="Red"]Notes: C+ [/COLOR] MAIN SHOW: Kid Romeo defeated Reno in 7:52 by pinfall with a Last Kiss. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ This match didn’t go down at all the way I had hoped. Maybe these two need some more time in dark matches before being put on TV.[/COLOR] Michael Modest comes to the ring with a microphone and says that Bam Bam cheated Monday night to win. Because of this he is demanding a rematch on Nitro, to prove how great he really is. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- Michael Modest was very underwhelming in this segment. However the rematch has been set for Nitro.[/COLOR] Kronik defeated The Jung Dragons in 11:24 by pinfall when Bryan Clark pinned Kaz Hayashi. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ This was an expected outcome from these two teams. The Jung Dragons are young and are continuing to improve with every match they are in.[/COLOR] Gene Okerlund is backstage with Mike Sanders [COLOR="Blue"]Gene: “Hello ladies and gentleman I’m Gene Okerlund, and I’m joined here with Mike Sanders. Mike let me ask you the question everyone is asking. Why did you interfere in the U.S. title match last week?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Mike: “Let me tell you something Gene. For to long now I’ve sat back and waited. I’ve waited for my chance to join a major federation. I waited to long Gene. And now I’ve waited patiently for my shot at a title. And what have I got for my patience Gene? Nothing! Not one damn thing has come Mike Sanders’ way. Well I’m tired of waiting for my shot, and watch every undeserving piece of crap that comes along get what I deserve. So I put a stop to it last week. I deserve a chance to be the United States Champion. And I’ll prove it here tonight!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Notes: B This was a decent angle and cleared up a lot of questions many fans had about Mike Sanders.[/COLOR] Lance Storm defeated Lash LeRoux in 12:53 by submission with a Strightshooter. Storm makes his 1st title defense. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ This was a great much needed match. Lance Storm continues to impress me with his work ethic.[/COLOR] Ernest Miller defeated Mike Sanders in 12:46 by pinfall with a Thrust Kick. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B This match looked like it was going to be won by Mike Sanders, but Disqo came down onto the ramp and distracted Sanders long enough for Miller to get a Thrust Kick.[/COLOR] After the match Disqo and Rey Mysterio Jr. stormed the ring and assaulted Mike Sanders. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- There is a lot of bad blood here, and we still don’t have a U.S. champion.[/COLOR] Bill Goldberg defeated Mike Awesome in 12:37 with a Jackhammer. [COLOR="red"]Notes: A And surprisingly enough these two don’t click. Still this was a great match, and the fans couldn’t get enough of it.[/COLOR] Scott Steiner is shown making his way down to the ring. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B[/COLOR] Scott Steiner defeated Shane Douglas in 17:39 by pinfall after ROB VAN DAM rushed the ring while the ref was down and assaulted Shane Douglas. [COLOR="red"]Notes: A the fans went nuts when Rob Van Dam ran out. Shane Douglas was tired towards the end of the match. Scott Steiner is improving in Performance skills. Shane Douglas is improving in Rumble skills. The show ended with Rob Van Dam assaulting Shane Douglas.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: B I was hoping for a little better but this will still work. This show was a success. There are still a lot of unanswered questions though. Like why did Rob Van Dam cost Shane Douglas the match? What’s going to happen with the U.S. title? And when will the other titles even be mentioned.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 5,000 [/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]WWF: 15,000[/COLOR] TV Ratings: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 30.22 [/COLOR][COLOR="blue"]WWF: 17.25[/COLOR] Grade:[COLOR="red"] WCW: B[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: B-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]14 May 07[/B][/CENTER] Thunder was an overwhelming success on my eyes. The crowd really lost it when RVD showed up and a feud between him and Shane Douglas could be excatly what this federation needed to get back on track. I was also amazed with how good our rating are when we aren't going head to head with the WWF. Lance Storm is continuing to impress the people backstage and may continue to see more camera time. Someone who isn't impressing people however in Reno. Eric and I have struggled to find anything marketable with him, and unless something drastic changes he may find himself out of a job before long. In other news the WWF held their monthly show today called WWF Judgment Day. It was held at the Bank one ballpark. Here are the stats: Attendance 50,000 Show Rating B Buy Rate 9.40 Main Event: Steve Austin defeated Chris Jericho to retain the WWF title B+ Not a bad show at all from them, hopefully we can top it in 2 weeks.
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