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WCW: A New Begnining? Or an old end?

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]WCW BATTLEBRAWL[/COLOR][/SIZE] LIVE FROM THE BANK ATLANTIC CENTER IN SUNRISE, FL Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out) Pre Show: [COLOR="Red"]Notes: C Nothing to significant to report here, just testing out the chemistry between a couple of people.[/COLOR] Main Show: Billy Kidman vs. Shark Boy [COLOR="Green"]This was a match that allowed Kidman to start his revenge after Super Crazy cost him his Cruiserweight Title. Kidman came to the ring with Shane Helms and Ernest Miller to ensure that Super Crazy and CM Punk didn’t interfere with the match. Kidman put on a clinic during the match, showing the young Shark Boy how fierce the cruiserweight division is in WCW. He dominated the match that lasted just over 5 minutes. At the end of the segment he pointed to Punk and mouthed “You’re Next”[/COLOR] Billy Kidman defeated Shark Boy in 6:03 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D+ Billy Kidman got his revenge against one of the three people who helped set a losing streak in motion for him.[/COLOR] WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Elix Skipper vs. Christopher Daniels [COLOR="Green"]This was Skipper’s third title defense since becoming the champion last month and you could tell he was much more experienced in the ring. His movements were much more crisp than last month and he had the presence of a champion. Not to be outdone however Daniels battled back with an impressive array of Moonsaults and other high risk moves. He looked like he was going to end it later in the match as he climbed the top rope looking to put his opponent out of commission. However Lance Storm ran down to the ring and shoved Daniels off the top rope making him land awkwardly on his neck and Skipper was able to get an arm across him for the three count.[/COLOR] Elix Skipper defeated Christopher Daniels in 12:58 by pinfall [COLOR="Red"]Notes: C Skipper barely hangs on thanks to having friends in high places.[/COLOR] After the match Storm and Skipper continued laying the boots to Daniels then after they were finished they draped the Canadian flag over his fallen body and just laughed. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- Storm who hasn’t been seen with any of them members from Team Canada in quite some time. Just showed Christopher Daniels that they were still very much together.[/COLOR] WCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Air Raid vs. Kronik [COLOR="Green"]This was a good match-up between speed and power. Kronik looked to over power Air Raid early by driving them to the mat and not letting them get up. AJ Styles eventually found some momentum behind the fans however and once Air Raid got rolling their was no looking back.[/COLOR] Air Raid defeated KroniK in 7:38 when Air Paris defeated Brian Adams by pinfall with a Tiger Driver. Air Raid make defence number 3 of their WCW World Tag Team titles. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: C+ Not the grade I was hoping for. Air Raid continues to look impressive though.[/COLOR] Diamond Dallas Page vs. Chris Kanyon in a Cell [COLOR="Green"]These two superstars have hated each other for a long time now. As soon as both of them were locked away in the cage they wasted no time trading blows. Kanyon got an early advantage using the Cell around him as a weapon as it wasn’t long before he had DDP busted wide open. Page battled back though And after finding some much needed momentum he went to end it all with a Diamond Cutter, but Kanyon slipped out of it and sent Page into the ropes where he connected with a vicious Flatliner.[/COLOR] Chris Kanyon defeated Diamond Dallas Page in 15:18 by pinfall with a Flatliner. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B+ These two lost a ton of blood between them. And Kanyon limps away the winner.[/COLOR] Eric Bischoff comes to the ring looking furious. Eric: [COLOR="Green"]“Wednesday night Scott Hall thought he got over on me by assaulting Shane Helms so he could take his place in the battle royal. Well I’ve got news for you Scott it isn’t going to work. You see since you impersonated another wrestler the wrestler that you alleged to be will be the one reaping the rewards. That’s right tonight Shane Helms will be in the Battle Royal.”[/COLOR] New New New New New World Order… Scott Hall makes his way to the ramp looking very ****y and holding a book. Hall: [COLOR="Red"]“You know something Chico, you’re to predictable. You see I knew you would look for some type of loop hole, so the bad guy couldn’t get what he wanted. But I’ve got news for you Essay that’s not going to work. See I went and picked up one of these little rule books that you created when you took over this rat hole of a company. And well Chico it says right here on page 117 that in the event a wrestler is unable to perform. Then should he find a replacement that replacement will then be the official competitor of the match up and shall receive any incentives that come with it. So you see Essay this time I have you by the Balls!”[/COLOR] Eric: [COLOR="Green"]“I don’t give a damn what some stupid books says. I’m the president of this company and I can over ride any rule that I see fit, and damn it I see fit to over rule this!”[/COLOR] Hall: [COLOR="Red"]“Well actually Chico it says right here on page 156 that the only a a rule laid out in this book can be broken is by a two thirds vote by the committee of WCW. And last time I checked Chico the committee isn’t here, which means tonight the bad guy gets a chance to win the battle royal!”[/COLOR] Eric Bischoff goes berserk in the ring acting like a five year old kicking at the air and tossing his mic. [COLOR="red"]Notes: A Well it seems that at least for the moment Scott Hall has the upper hand on Bischoff[/COLOR] ECW RULZ Shane Douglas vs. Rob Van Dam [COLOR="Green"]This two picked up right where they left off last month not even waiting until they got into the ring to start slugging it out. The battle made its way up to the balcony where Douglas nearly killed Van Dam by tossing him off the balcony and threw a table. Amazingly however by the time Douglas made it downstairs for the cover RVD somehow managed to kick out. These two continued to battle through the crowd and into the lobby before RVD literally threw Douglas right through the glass front door. With both men losing a ton of blood RVD tried to end it much like last month going for a Frog Splash onto the hood of a car. Douglas again was expecting it however and moved out of the way causing RVD to probably break at least 2 of his ribs. Instead of going of the pin however Douglas was looking to teach RVD a lesson and threw his head through all 4 car windows. The two battled back inside however and back up to the balcony where this time Douglas was the one thrown off through a table. RVD didn’t want to waste time taking the stairs however, instead he went for a Frog Splash from the balcony that could’ve killed both of them.[/COLOR] Rob Van Dam defeated Shane Douglas in 18:09 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B+ At the conclusion of the match both of these men had to be stretchered out, and were given a standing ovation. [/COLOR] Disqo makes his way to the ring next wearing his now trademark Sombrero and retro fitted WCW United States Championship. He looked like he was doing a mix between salsa dancing and Disco. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B This guy is an absolute clown, and perhaps my new favorite wrestler.[/COLOR] WCW UNTIED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP VS CAREER MATCH: Disqo vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. [COLOR="Green"]Rey had the most to lose in this match and came out explosive. He tried ending the match early but Disqo was to smart for that. Rey continued to work on Disqo with a series of Hurricanranas and Moonsaults. He could never get the pin though. Eventually Disqo would battle back with stiff right hands and some impressive technical wrestling. At about the 10 minute mark the referee was knocked out after Rey went for a Moonsault and Disqo threw the ref in the way so not to get hit. With the ref out Disqo quickly went for his underhand tactics. He sent Rey off the ropes and tried to nail him with the US title. However Rey ducked and landed a second rope Moonsault. The ref came to just as he was going for the cover 1...2...3 WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION![/COLOR] Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Disqo in 14:50 by pinfall with a second rope Moonsault. Rey Mysterio Jr. wins the WCW United States title. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: A Another classic match between these two superstars. Disqo looked to have the match in hand but then Rey did what he’s always done and dug down deep for the victory.[/COLOR] After the match Rey celebrates with the crowd. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B They love Rey Mysterio.[/COLOR] Backstage now Eric Bischoff is seen on the phone. Eric: [COLOR="Green"]“I need to have an emergency board meeting... What do you Mr. Bedol is unavailable?... I don’t care who he’s with you tell him he have a situation!... That’s right it’s urgent... Yes, see Scott Hall has found a way to enter the battle royal tonight, and... Hello? Hello?[/COLOR] Bischoff throws his phone against the wall and it breaks into a million different pieces. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B It looks like not everyone sees this Scott Hall thing as being bad business.[/COLOR] THREE STAGES OF HELL MATCH The Night Stalker vs. Booker T [COLOR="Green"]The Night Stalker makes his way to the ring first with Paisley draped over his shoulder (Paisley looks like she’s lost about 50 pounds.) He then walks into the bottom cage and secures her with a rope as she gets raised above the ring. The Night Stalker then proceeds to the top of the third cage and awaits his opponent. Booker T is introduced next and goes through the same procedures with James Mitchell. He then makes his way to the top cage. The bell rings and we start the action with Night Stalker hammering away at Booker T. He then goes to send Booker into the barbed wire ropes but Booker reverses it and The Night Stalker hit’s the barbed wire full force and instantly bleeds across his stomach and chest. This is the first time we’ve ever seen Night Stalker show any type of real pain and Booker goes right to work at the exposed wounds. Night Stalker son battles back however and after only 5 minutes into the match both men are busted wide open. The Night Stalker then hit’s a huge power bomb on Booker and sends him right through the first cage and onto the second layer. Here weapons are scattered everywhere and The Night Stalker picks up a sledge hammer and begins assaulting Booker T. In the corner and dazed now The Night Stalker runs full force at Booker with the sledge hammer in hand, he swings for the fences at Booker’s head but Booker threw what looked like shreds of glass right into the Night Stalkers eyes and blinded him. Booker then goes to work on The Night Stalker and finds a piece of loose razor wire and wraps it around The Night Stalkers neck. Blood spews everywhere and it’s a really horrific scene. Booker then makes his way to the trap door at the edge of the cage and lowers himself to the bottom and final cage as fire blazes from all sides of it. The Night Stalker soon makes his way down after Booker and the two battle it out. Booker T soon had The Night Stalker on the ropes and looked to send him over into the fire. But as he came running towards his opponent, The Night Stalker blew some type of weird mist in his face then sent Booker T into the fire face first![/COLOR] The Night Stalker defeated Booker T in 19:49 when Booker T was set on fire. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B+ Turns out these two don’t click or it could’ve been an even better grade. As it turns out though the first ever (and perhaps only) Three Stages of Hell match was a huge success.[/COLOR] After the Match both Paisley and James Mitchell were lowered from the ceiling. The Night Stalker picked Paisley up by the hair then licked her face and…THREW HER INTO THE FIRS WITH BOOKER T!! Booker T and Paisley are both in flames and officials scramble to extinguish them. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ what the Night Stalker did was just sick. However him and James Mitchell left after that apparently done with Paisley.[/COLOR] 16 MAN BATTLE ROYAL The Participates in this order were: Alex Wright, Bam Bam Bigelow, Buff Bagwell, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Sean O’Haire, Rick Steiner, Bill Goldberg, Sting, Ric Flair, Hugh Morris, Jeff Jarrett, Bret Hart, Scott Hall, Vampiro, Lance Storm, Rob Van Dam [COLOR="Green"]The match started with Alex Wright and Bam Bam Bigelow in the ring first and an additional wrestler coming in ever 60 seconds after. Our first elimination came at the 5:23 mark when Sean O’Haire tossed out Alex Wright. Bill Goldberg then made his presence felt eliminating Chavo and Bigelow one after the other. The ring continued to fill up and the next memorable event happened at the 9 minute mark when Jeff Jarrett hit the ring. Hugh Morris made a bee line for him and the two eliminated each other at 10:15. They continued to brawl outside the ring for several minutes until officials were able to break it up. At the 22 minute mark their were only four people left. Goldberg, Scott Hall, Sting, and Vampiro. Hall and Vampiro decided to team up against Goldberg while Sting was incapacitated in the corner and they soon had the big man reeling on the ropes. Hall saw this as a perfect opportunity to turn on Vampiro and hit him with a huge clothesline knocking him to the outside but not the floor. Vampiro battled Hall from the other side of the ropes. And looked to suplex him out of the ring. Hall reversed it however and sent Vampiro crashing back down inside the ring. Sting used this time to recover and sent Vampiro into the corner setting him up for a Stinger Splash, Vampiro lowered his shoulder however and sent Sting flying over the top rope. Vampiro celebrated a bit to prematurely however as Sting managed to land on the apron. He then grabbed Vampiro and hit him with a huge reverse DDT that sent him over the top and onto the floor. Sting however and lost his balance executing the move and hit the ground as well. Leaving just Scott Hall and Goldberg in the ring. As the two battled it out in the center of the ring Goldberg hit Hall with a Jack Hammer. He then went to dump him over the top rope for the win, but Hall held onto Goldberg sending them both over the top rope and hitting the ground at the exact same time! Officials scattered to view the replay to see who hit first. It was then decided that only one of Hall’s feet ever hit the ground making him the winner and new number one contender.[/COLOR] Scott Hall won a battle royal in 29:45. The final four competitors also included Bill Goldberg, Sting and Vampiro, with Bill Goldberg being the final elimination. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B+ What a phenomenal match. Hall some how managed to hang on for the win, but what will Bischoff have to say about it tomorrow.[/COLOR] After the match Hall celebrated in the ring as Sting looked on from the floor shocked. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- Should be an awesome Nitro tomorrow.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: B While not the best grade I’m more than happy with the out come of the PPV. At first I had my doubts by as the matches progressed throughout the night they only got better.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 15,000[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]WWF: 32,868[/COLOR] Buy Rate: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 5.56[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: 8.59[/COLOR] Grade: [COLOR="red"]WCW: B[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: B[/COLOR] The WWF held Fully Loaded on the same day as Battlebrawl and the main event was The Hardy Boyz defeating Regal and The Rock. Steve Austin defended his title successfully against Rikishi [/B][/CENTER]
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Another 7 am meeting, and believe me I was not getting used to it. It all seemed pretty pointless to me really. Everyone just sat around half asleep waiting to hear some damn accoutant say how much money was made for the month. It was no secret that we were once again making money, granted it wasn't anywhere close to the hay days when we were the number one watch show in the world, but it wasn't chump change either. As I sat there drinking my coffee and waiting from Brian, who once again was late for his own meeting, I wonder where I would be if Vince had bought out WCW. It wasn't much to think about really I would still be the lowest man on his booking team where everyone was laughing off my ideas. The thought was short lived as Brian came in the door. Brian: [COLOR="green"]"Thank you everyone for coming. Today we start off with a little bit of differant news. As some people have noticed myself and Rob Black from XPW have been in constant communication since we bought WCW. We have been the undisputed number 2 promotion in the world for awhile now, and I think it's safe to say XPW is a distant third. So after much dilliberation him and I have come to an agreement."[/COLOR] At first I thought the wrestling dirtsheets were right again, WCW had bought out XPW and some how those guys knew about it even before me, the head booker. Brian: [COLOR="Green"]"I have agreed with Rob to have more of a working agreement with him and use a few of his talent in some of our shows. The benefits for this is two fold, first the obvious his wrestlers get valuable world exposure and the XPW brand becomes more renown throughout the world. This benefits us because it worseness the chances of his wrestlers jumping ship to WWF if they are getting global attention where they are at. The second reason for this is because I feel like some of our guys are becoming a little stale with the fans and it will be a good way to freshen everything up with the fans."[/COLOR] At this point I opened my mouth to speak but Eric beat me to it. Eric: [COLOR="Red"]"Sir there's no reason for us to do this. First all it's ultimately going to do is close the gap between them and us, Vince and the WWF won't feel the pressure at all. Secondly it's going to piss off a lot of the guys in the back. Our card it filled with qualified workers who aren't happy with their TV exposure. It makes more sense to let those guys have more time other than pushing another companies performers."[/COLOR] I nodded at Eric who seemed to be thinking the same thing as me. Brian:[COLOR="Green"] "The Champion of Champions tournament is this month. That's perfect timing to use some of their more popular talent to push some of our lower talent."[/COLOR] This time I beat Eric to the punch, I felt like I was going t burst. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"With all due respect sir. Eric and myself have been around this business for quite some time. I think we are more than qualified to decide who competes in this tournament and who doesn't. To be frank if any of the talent at XPW was any good then I would have them on our roster."[/COLOR] There were a few gasps around the room and Brian shot me that look that your father gives you when you come in drunk for the first time in High School. Brian: [COLOR="Green"]This isn't open for discussion gentlemen. You two have done a great job so far with this company, but given both of your shakey pasts I refuse to give you enough rope to hang yourselves with. Neither of you liked the idea for Battlebrawl but I think it's safe to say that was a great event. You'll just have to make this work like you made that. Now moving on to our next topic of discussion, Sophie, would you mind reading off the numbers for last month?"[/COLOR] I traded another look with Eric and he jsut nodded at me. One thing I've learned since working with him is he's exellent at calming you down. I wanted to burst with rage but he some how mangaed to convince me that everything was going to work out and he haden't said a word. Sophie: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Well sir, I'm pleased to announce that the total revenue from our gate was $1,243,565. That's $158,200 more than June's total ticket sales. Out total net earning for the month was $3,897,688 which is an impressive $423,751 more than June."[/COLOR] I knew we had made money long before I had even rolled out of bed this morning, but for some reason hearing her say it made me feel a lot better. Unfortunatly for me that good feeling didn't last long. As the meeting room cleared out I realized that I had to find a way to intregrate a whole new set of workers into my shows. And on top of that I had to keep a happy locker room which was already starting to get anxious with the amount of people who felt liek they weren't on TV enough. As I walked into my office I saw someone sitting in my chair...Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett: [COLOR="red"]"It's a nice view you have here. Must have had to kiss a lot of ass to get an office like this at such a young age.[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="blue"]"Is there something that you wanted Jeff?"[/COLOR] Jarrett: [COLOR="red"]"Look I've been pacient. I haven't complained about jobbing to lesser talent, haven't complained about not holding any championship belts under your tenor, but something's got to give."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="blue"]"It's been two months not two years. I told you I have a plan for you, your currently involved in a developing feud aren't you?"[/COLOR] Jarrett: [COLOR="red"]"You can't be serious. Everyone knows Hugh Morris isn't on the same level as Jeff Jarrett, the fans aren't buying that crap. Look, I like you kid. I remember when I was in the WWF there was a guy just like you who used to be the head booker. He was a moron had me doing some country western crap no one bought it."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="blue"]"That moron was my father, and he happens to be dead!"[/COLOR] Jarrett: [COLOR="red"]"Look all I'm saying is I don't want to be misused again. Now either get it right, or don't expect me to sign another contract when this one is up.[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Right and what are you going to do, go back to the WWF? Vince isn't going to take you back after that crap you pulled last time you were there."[/COLOR] Jarrett:[COLOR="Red"] "Who knows what I'll do. Hell maybe I'll get with my father and we'll form a company of our own that will go on to compete with the WWF."[/COLOR] With that comment Jeff stormed out of my office. The truth was I liked Jeff, I thought he'd done some great things with WCW. And I did have some big plans for him I just needed him to be patient. One thing was for sure though, I could expect a lot more visits like this if I didn't start improving the moral in the locker room. A wrestling company owned by the Jarrett's that would be the day...
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]WCW NITRO[/COLOR][/SIZE] LIVE FROM DETRICK GYM IN NEW BRITAIN, CT Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out) Pre Show: Notes: C nothing to special happened just trying to give some people more ring time. Main Show: Reno Vs. Shawn Stasiak: [QUOTE] Reno is introduced first and I think you can hear a pin drop as he makes his entrance. Seriously no pop, no heat, nothing. Stasiak is introduced next and he gets a bit more heat especially since he comes out mummbling to himself. Stasiak and Reno begin to brawl with Stasiak getting the upperhand The match gets taken outside and Stasiak is sent into the guard rail Reno gets about 30 seconds of offense before Stasiak decideds to stop taking it easy on him [/QUOTE] Shawn Stasiak defeated Reno in 5:41 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D+ I’m not really sure why I still have Reno on the roster.[/COLOR] CM Punk vs Norman Smiley [QUOTE] Punk comes to the ring with Super Crazy and the ref warns Crazy not to get involved...right Punk uses his speed to his advantage and sends Smiley outside Punk argues with the ref as Super Crazy assaults Norman Smiley Smiley mounts a comeback but it ends abruptly when he bounces off the ropes only to get tripped by Super Crazy. [/QUOTE] CM Punk defeated Norman Smiley in 8:07 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C CM Punk wins but Smiley should get some credit for basicly fighting a handicap match.[/COLOR] Backstage now Jeff Jarrett has the other members of The Chosen Few huddled together. Jeff: [COLOR="red"]“What we allowed that jobber Hugh Morris to do last night was embarrassing! Because of him I’m not going to get the title shot I deserve. But that’s ok I have a plan for that slapnut listen up…”[/COLOR] The three huddle tighter together so the camera can’t make out what they are saying. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- Sounds like Jarrett has something up his sleeve, but what?[/COLOR] The Mamalukes vs Karagias and Moore [QUOTE] Great display of team work by the Mamalukes as they keep Karagias in their corner and tag often. Midway through the match Karagias finally makes the hot tag to Moore and Shannon Moore assaults Big Vito with a series of dropkicks and arm drags Shannon Moore to the top rope...MOONSAULT The cover 1....2...Johnny the Bull makes the save All four men are in the ring now Johnny the Bull hits a hard running clothesline on Shannon Moore sending him outside. 2 on 1 now inside the ring....Even Karagias never had a real chance. [/QUOTE] The Mamalukes defeated Karagias and Moore in 12:48 when Johnny The Bull defeated Evan Karagias by pinfall with a Forget About It. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- Not to great of a match up. These four have seen better days.[/COLOR] Konnan Vs Mike Sanders [QUOTE] Konnan comes out to a hugh pop Mike Sanders is a very hated man The two lock up in the middle of the ring and Konnan gets the early advantage with a sidehead lock Konnan now thrown off the ropes...hard clothesline by Mike Sanders Sanders decides to take this time to let the fans know just how smart he is Sanders now turns his attention back to Konnan who is on his feet and takes "Mr Above Average" by surprise. Konnan is just 2...SWEEE...Oh low blow by Sanders This could be it...3.0 the cover 1....2....3 [/QUOTE] Mike Sanders defeated Konnan in 12:37 by pinfall with a 3.0. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B- Mike Sanders has been off screen for awhile, but he comes back with an impressive win over Konnan.[/COLOR] Christopher Daniels makes his way to the ring next. Daniels: [COLOR="Blue"]“Lance Storm, last night at Battlebrawl you cost me a shot at my first ever WCW title! But I’m not going to make excuses for myself, I’m just going to get even. That’s right Storm I’m coming after you and your Television Title.”[/COLOR] Lance Storm soon makes his way out to the ramp Storm: [COLOR="Red"]“Alright seriously though seriously. Do you really think you are worthy of my Television Title? I mean last night you proved you couldn’t even beat a competitor half my size. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not knocking Elix he’s another fine example of what Canada has to offer. But if you really want your ass kicked that’s fine. Wednesday on Thunder in the great country of Canada I’ll give you the ass kicking of your life, but I’ll be leaving my title at home, you haven’t earned the right to fight for that yet.”[/COLOR] Daniels stands in the ring fuming, this could be a decent match up on Thunder. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C Looks like Storm may have struck a nerve last night.[/COLOR] WCW UNITED STATES TITLE MATCH: Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs Disqo [Quote] Disco Fever...Disco Fever...Ya Ya Ya Ya.... Disqo comes out like a dancing fool and has on the silly little Sombraro to boot. Rey comes out to a huge pop with the US title...apperantly he spent all of last night getting the sequence and bizzare colors off the title...shame Disqo shows why he wanted the rematch so soon as he mounts the smaller Mysterio and continues to pound into his face. Mysterio now thrown off the ropes...quick Disco jive by Disqo then.... Oh powerful drop kick Mysterio into the corner...and here comes Disqo...but Rey moved and Disqo is dazed Scoolboy roll up 1...2... Disqo kicks out Rey now gaining momentum and really relying on his speed. These two are really putting on a show for us tonight Disqo tries despratelt to put an end to Rey's fury but he can't seem to do anything right. Rey up top now...could it be...yes HURRICANRANA...the cover...1...2....3 Rey retains. [/QUOTE] Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Disqo in 14:37 by pinfall with a Top-Rope Hurricanrana. Rey Mysterio Jr. makes defence number 1 of his WCW United States title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ Disqo had a rematch clause in his contract and he used it tonight thinking Rey would be off his game, he was wrong.[/COLOR] Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring next. Eric: [COLOR="Green"]“You know I’m impressed I am. See I didn’t think someone as dim witted as Scott Hall could tell the difference between a rule book and a bottle of Jack. But apparently I was wrong, not only did he know the difference but he was actually able to read the damn thing! No matter, Scott I’m a man of my word and at the King of Kings Tournament you can have your title shot against Sting. But after you fail like you always do that will be the last shot you ever get![/COLOR] Scott Hall makes his way to ring side. Hall: [COLOR="Red"]“Hey yo. You think you’re funny Chico? I bet you won’t be laughing if I come down there and kick your teeth down your throat will you essay. When are you going to learn Mr. Big Man, you go to war with Scott Hall, you better bring an army!”[/COLOR] Eric: [COLOR="Green"]funny you should mention actually Scott. You see I’m tired of your threats. And since I can’t take you out of the Main Event of the tournament, well let’s just say I can make sure your not 100 percent for it.”[/COLOR] Hall: [COLOR="Red"]“What the hell are you talking about Chico? Yo you want me to come up there and kick your ass or something?”[/COLOR] Eric: [COLOR="Green"]“No Scott not at all, however to make sure you’re “prepared” for your title shot and The King of Kings Tournament I’ve scheduled you for the Main Event on next weeks Nitro.”[/COLOR] Hall: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s fine Chico I can take anybody this pathic company has to offer.”[/COLOR] Eric:[COLOR="Green"] “You know I thought you might say that. That’s why the Main Event next week will be a gauntlet match. Oh and Scott expect the unexpected!”[/COLOR] Hall sees red and immediately rushes the ring. Bischoff smartly high tales it out of there. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: A So it looks like we will see a Gauntlet match next week, and there may just be a surprise in store for us then as well.[/COLOR] Bill Goldberg vs Buff Bagwell [QUOTE] GOLDBERG... GOLDBERG... GOLDBERG... Oh yeah and Buff Bagwell was also in the match Buff controlled the tempo early on and used this time to flex for the crowd The former porn star...er...I mean Buff stats working on the leg of Goldberg trying to keep the big man down. But Goldberg is to powerful and tosses Buff into the corner Goldberg setting up for the spear Buff moves...but Goldberg was expecting it and send Bagwell out of the ring Goldberg plays the crowd a little and of course they love it Back inside the ring now Goldberg sets Buff up for the Jack Hammer... Buff tries to fight back pounding on Goldbergs head... Goldberg is teetering... no Goldberg rights himself and sends Buff crashing down to the canvas. The cover....the count...the winner....GOLDBERG [/QUOTE] Bill Goldberg defeated Buff Bagwell in 17:34 by pinfall with a Jackhammer. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B Bill Goldberg wins this one with relative ease as he looks to take on a bigger role soon.[/COLOR] After the match as Goldberg celebrated Rick Steiner rushed the ring and attacked Goldberg from behind. Soon Buff recovered and joined in on the assault. As Goldberg laid helpless in the middle of the ring Rick Steiner grabbed a chair from outside and wedge Goldberg’s ankle between it. Then much to the horror of everyone in the arena Rick climbed the top rope and brought the full weight of his body down on Goldberg’s ankle snapping it. Him and Buff continued to assault his ankle until Rob Van Dam ran in from the crowd and chased them out of the ring so medical personal could attend to him. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B+ This was a sick and viscous attack. Goldberg looks to be in serious pain.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: B- I’m getting back into this B- funk and I don’t like it. Hopefully the matches that are set up for the near future can help break the monotony.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: [COLOR="Red"]WCW: 5,000[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: 10,000[/COLOR] TV Ratings: [COLOR="red"]WCW: 18.94[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWF: 5.21[/COLOR] Grade: [COLOR="red"]WCW: B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]WWF: B-[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] O.O.C Alright I've decided to go with Stright Up Crazy as the new Stable name for Super, Punk, and Shark. Which means that [B]Bye1918[/B] is entitled to full royalties. There for when ever I use the name Stright Up Crazy you Bye will be getting a 10 cent royalty...don't worry my friend all those dimes will soon add up :D Also you may have noticed I've gone with a differant writing style. My original idea was to keep this for only PPV's to add something "special" to the monthly shows. However I feel like a write up for each match will help tell the story better. (I know three months into it and I'm just now figuring it out, I'm a low learner lol) If anyone can think of another way to make the PPV's more unique please let me know I'm always open to ideas. Also I would like to take this time to give [B]Tristram [/B]and his Death of WCW diary complete props on this writing style, I completly "borrowed" it from him...here's trying to start my own "Monday Night Wars" with you buddy ;)
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